HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191213Final Approved Tariffs.pdfROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Second Revision of Sheet No.4R.2I.P.U.C.No.1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No.4R.2 1.SUPPLY OF SERVICE (continued) (c)Unmetered Service 1)Fixed Loads -Service to fixed loads,with fixed periods of operation,such as streetlights,traffic lights and other similar installations may,for the convenience and mutualbenefitoftheCustomerandCompany,be unmetered.The average monthly use (one-twelfth of the annual use determined by test or estimated from equipment ratings)shall bebilledmonthlyinaccordancewiththeapplicableschedule. (2)Small Usage Devices -Devices whose total connected load does not exceed 2,000 wattsperpointofconnectionmaybeprovidedunmeteredserviceif,at the sole discretion of theCompany,usage is impractical or unsafe to meter.The kWh billed each month shall bedeterminedasthetotalkWcapacityrequirementoftheCustomer's equipment multiplied by730hours.The Customer shall specify the capacity requirement on the application forservice.Connections will be made by Company,subject to the Customer's installationmeetingalloftheCompany's design and installation requirements. The Customer shall not change the capacity requirement or other aspects of their installationwithoutfirstprovidinginwritingtotheCompanyaminimumof30daysnoticebeforechangesaremade.Customer changes that render the service ineligible for unmeteredserviceshallresultinservicebeingmetered.Under such circumstances,the Companyapprovedmeteringpoint(s)must be installed by the Customer within 30 days followingnotificationorservicewillbedisconnected. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings due to failure of the Customer'sequipment.The Company shall havethe right to test the capacity requirements of the smallusagedevicesfromtimetotime.If the Company determinesthat the capacity was under-reported by the Customeror that the Customer otherwise failed to notify the Company of anincreaseincapacity,the Company may back-bill for the incremental kWh associated withsuchincreasedcapacityasprovidedinRegulation8,section 6 -Adjustment for BillingError. 2.CUSTOMER'S USE OF SERVICE Electric service will be supplied only to those for whom the Company is the sole source of electricpowerandenergyunlessotherwiseprovidedunderanappropriateagreement.Services shall be usedbyCustomeronlyforthepurposesspecifiedintheserviceagreementandapplicableelectricservicescheduleorschedules.The Customer shall not extend his electric facilities for service to othercustomersorpremisesexceptwheretheelectricityispurchasedfromtheCompanyasdefinedinSection61-129,Idaho Code,for electric vehicle battery charging services as provided by order orruleoftheCommission. SubmittedUnder Case No.PAC-E-19-14 ISSUED:September27,2019 EFFECTIVE: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2019 Dec. 13, 2019 Per O.N. 34504 Diane M. Hanian Secretary ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DIVISION OE PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No.1 First Revision of Sheet No.4R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No.4R.3 3.CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE AND INTERRUPTION (FORCE MAJEURE) Unless otherwise specified in a service agreement,electric service is intended to be continuouslyavailable.It is inherent,however,that there will at times be some degree of failure,interruption, suspension,curtailment or fluctuations.Company does not guarantee constant or uninterrupteddeliveryofElectricServiceandshallhavenoliabilitytoitsCustomersoranyotherpersonsforanyinterruption,suspension,curtailment or fluctuation in Electric Service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption,suspension,curtailment or fluctuation results from the following: (a)Causes beyond Company's reasonable control including,but not limited to,accident orcasualty,fire,flood,drought,wind,action of the elements,court orders,litigation,breakdown of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties,acts of God,strikes orotherlabordisputes,civil,military or governmental authority,electrical disturbancesoriginatingonortransmittedthroughelectricalsystemswithwhichCompany's system isinterconnectedandactsoromissionsofthirdparties. (b)Repair,maintenance,improvement,renewal or replacement of facilities,or anydiscontinuanceofservicewhich,in Company'sjudgment,is necessary to permit repairs or changes to be made in Company's generating,transmission or distribution facilities or toeliminatethepossibilityofdamagetoCompany's property or to the persons or property ofothers.To the extent practicable,such work,repairs or changes shall be done in a mannerwhichwillminimizeinconveniencetotheCustomerand,whenever practicable,theCustomershallbegivenreasonablenoticeofsuchwork,repairs or changes. (c)Automatic or manual actions taken by Company,which in its sole judgment are necessary orprudenttoprotecttheperformance,integrity,reliability or stability of Company'selectrical system or any electrical system with which it is interconnected.Such actions shall include,but shall not be limited to,the operation of automatic or manual protection equipmentinstalledinCompany's electrical system,including,without limitation,such equipment asautomaticrelays,generatorcontrols,circuit breakers and switches. Submitted Under Case No.PAC-E-19-14 ISSUED:September 27,2019 EFFECTIVE: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2019 Dec. 13, 2019 Per O.N. 34504 Diane M. Hanian Secretary