HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190927Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a DlvrsroN oF PActnconP RTC E IV ED 20i9 StP 27 A!{ ll:0 | Joelle R. Steward Vice President, Regulation 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 September 27,2019 VA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,Idaho 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC-E-I9-IA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 4 - SUPPLY AND USE OF SERVICE Dear Ms. Hanian: Please contact Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801) 220-2963 if you have any questions. V truly yours, ., il .;il "^-DJR. Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Enclosed for filing in the above referenced matter are an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's application requesting authority to revise paragraph I of Electric Service Regulation No. 4 - Supply And Use of Service. Daniel E. Solander Senior Attomey 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-401 4 Email: daniel.solander@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TTC EIVED :;il r[P 27 ff{ ll:01 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 4 - SUPPLY AND USE OF SERYICE CASE NO. PAC.E,-Ig.I4 APPLICATION COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, (the "Comp&try"), and hereby respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, (the ooCommission"), for authority to revise paragraph I of Electric Service Regulation No. 4 - Supply of Service, ("Regulation 4"), to add an option for small usage devices whose total connected load does not exceed two kilowatts, ('okW"), per point of connection. Attachment 1 to this Application contains a clean and legislative copy of Regulation No. 4 with the proposed revisions. In support of this Application, the Company states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power is a division of PacifiCo{p, &o Oregon corporation, which provides electric service to retail customers through its Rocky Mountain Power division in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and through its Pacific Power division in the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. 2. Rocky Mountain Power is a regulated public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers in ldaho. ) ) ) ) ) ) I BACKGROUND 3. The use of mobile information devices such as cell phones, tablets, and smart watches continues to expand as the communication industry works to provide networks with sufficient capability to meet the increased demand. 4. Expansion of 4G networks and the addition of 5G networks is necessary to meet this increased communication demand. These networks require the installation of small cell antennas to provide significantly greater information data flow in areas of high density demand. 5. Small cell antennas are typically installed within dense commercial areas with high foot and vehicle traffic, with sidewalks separating buildings from streets. Consequently, there is often liule or no space for meter pedestals or other non-pole mounted equipment. In many cases, additional structures in the sidewalks or parking strips are not permitted, and many local jurisdictions do not allow installation of meters on poles for aesthetic reasons. 6. The Company, on numerous occasions, has heard from cell phone carriers that meter installation is one of the major impediments to their buildout of cell service networks. PROPOSAL 7. To alleviate the constraint caused by inadequate space for metering equipment, the Company proposes to provide flat rate service to small cell antennas and other loads with less than two kW per point of connection, if at its sole discretion, the Company deems metering at those sites to be impractical or unsafe. 2 8. The proposed revisions to Regulation 4 would allow the Company to provide unmetered service where, at the sole discretion of the Company, usage is impractical or unsafe to meter on the following conditions: (1) load does not exceed two kW per point of connection; (2) equipment must meet all of the Company's design and installation requirements; (3) device's capacity requirements will be provided on the customer service application; (4) monthly usage will be calculated as the total capacity requirement of the equipment multiplied by 730 hours; (4) the Company has the right to test the capacity requirements of the small usage devices; and (5) a minimum of a 30 day advanced notice is required prior to making changes to load. 9. If the Company determines that the capacity was under-reported by the customer or that the customer otherwise failed to notifu the Company of an increase in capacity, the Company may back-bill for the incremental kilowatt/hour usage associated with such increased capacity as provided in Electric Service Regulation No. 8, section 6 - Adjustment for Billing Error. This provision protects other customers and ensures that the risks of accepting un-metered service in this limited situation are properly balanced. 10. Customer's changes that render the service ineligible for unmetered service shall result in service being metered. Under such circumstances, Company approved metering point(s) must be installed by the Customer within 30 days following notification or service will be disconnected. 11. Prior to filing this Application, the Company met with different cell phone carriers to share this concept of unmetered service as an option. Feedback from this group was very positive and the carriers strongly supported the Company recorlmending these changes. J 12. Providing unmetered service for small usage devices under two kW will benefit customers and have minimal impact to Company operations. Cell phone service providers and their corresponding customers will benefit from the unmetered option when local ordinances and space requirements do not allow for metered service. 13. Legislative and clean versions of the Company's proposed revisions to Regulation 4 are included in Attachment 1 to this Application. The Company respectfully requests approval of the proposed changes with an eflective date of January 1,2020. COMMUNICATIONS 14. Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power Regulatory Affairs Manager 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 E-mail : ted.weston@.oacifi com. com Daniel E. Solander Senior Attorney Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 E-mail: daniel. solander@fracificorp.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all datarequests regarding this matter be addressed to: By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail: datareq uest@nacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, at (801) 220-2963. 4 MODIFIED PROCEDURE 15. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, RP 201. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present testimony in such hearing. REOUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed under Modified Procedure and approve the addition of a flat rate service option for small cell antennas and other loads with less than two kW per point of connection as described in paragraph 1 of Regulation 4 provided in Attachment I to this Application. DATED this2Th day of September, 2019. Resoectfullv O-,t submitted, I'Irl^ Daniel E. Solander Attomey for PacifiCorp 5 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVIStON OF PACTFTCORP I.P.U.C. No. I +irs+&gond Revision of Sheet No.4R.2 Canceling @Sheet No. 4R.2 1.SUPPLY OF SERVICE (continued) (c) Unmetered Seryice 1) Fixed Loads - Service to fixed loads, with fixed periods of operation, such as street lights, traffic lights and other similar installations may, for the convenience and mutual benefit of the Customer and Company, be unmetered. The average monthly use (one- twelfth of the annual use determined by test or estimated from equipment ratings) shall be billed monthly in accordance with the applicable schedule. (2) Small Usase Devices - Devices whose total connected load does not exceed 2.000 watts per point of connection may be provided unmetered service if. at the sole discretion of the Company. usage is impractical or unsafe to meter. The kWh billed each month shall be determined as the total kW capacitv requirement of the Customer's eouipment multiplied bv 730 hours. The Customer shall soecifu the capacitv requirement on the application for service. Connections will be made by Company. subject to the Customer's installation meeting all of the Company's desien and installation reouirements. The Customer shall not change the capaciW reqlirement or other aspects of their installation without first providins in writine to the Company a minimum of 30 days notice before changes are made. Customer chanses that render the service inelisible for unmetered service shall result in service being metered. Under such circumstances. the Compan], aoproved metering point(s) must be installed by the Customer within 30 days followine notification or service will be disconnected. The Company shall not be required to adjust billines due to failure of the Customer's equipment. The Company shall have the right to test the capacitv requirements of the small usage devices from time to time. If the Companv determines that the capacitv was under- reoorted b), the Customer or that the Customer otherwise failed to notift the Company of an increase in capacitv. the Company may back-bill for the incremental kWh associated with such increased capacitv as nrovided in Reeulation 8. section 6 - Ad.iustment for Billins Error. 7 CUSTOMER'S USE OF SERVICE Electric service will be supplied only to those for whom the Company is the sole source of electric power and energy unless otherwise provided under an appropriate agreement. Services shall be used by Customer only for the purposes specified in the service agreement and applicable electric service schedule or schedules. The Customer shall not extend his electric facilities for service to other customers or premises except where the electricity is purchased from the Company as defined in Section 6l-129, Idaho Code, for electric vehicle battery charging services as provided by order or rule of the Commission. Submitted Under Teriff*dviee Ne' l5 O2Case No. PAC-E-19-14 ISSUED: EFFECTTVE:@ Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. I Fi+s+Second Revision of Sheet No. 4R.2 Canceling @Sheet No. 4R.2 Unless etherrvise speeified in a seryiee agreement; eleetrie serviee is interded te be eer*inueusly ina (a) eauses beyend Ge'npany's reasenable eentrel ineluding; but net linnited te; aeeiCent er €ri €en+inuea) Submitted Under Tariff ,{dviee Ne, l5 O2Case No. PAC-E-19-14 ISSUED:EFFECTIVE:@ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C.No. I @sheetNo.4R.3 Cancetins Oriqinal 3. CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE AND INTERRUPTION (FORCE MAJEURE) Unless otherwise soecified in a service agreement. electric service is intended to be continuousl), available. It is inherent. however. that there will at times be some degree of failure. interruption. suspension" curtailment or fluctuations. Company does not guarantee constant or uninterrupted deliverv of Electric Service and shall have no liabilitv to its Customers or an), other persons for an], interruption. suspension. curtailment or fluctuation in Electric Service or for anv loss or damage caused thereblz if such interruption. suspension. curtailment or fluctuation results from the following: (a) Causes beyond Company's reasonable control includine. but not limited to. accident or casualtv. fire. flood. drought. wind. action of the elements. court orders. litieation. breakdown of or damaee to facilities of Comoany or of third parties. acts of God. strikes or other labor disputes. civil. military or governmental authorilv. electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Compan),'s system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third oarties. @(b) Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement of facilities, or any discontinuance of service which, in Company's judgment, is necessary to permit repairs or changes to be made in Company's generating, transmission or distribution facilities or to eliminate the possibility of damage to Company's property or to the persons or property of others. To the extent practicable, such work, repairs or changes shall be done in a manner which will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work, repairs or changes. (c)Automatic or manual actions taken by Company, which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of Company's electrical system or any electrical system with which it is interconnected. Such actions shall include, but shall not be Iimited to, the operation of automatic or manual protection equipment installed in Company's electrical system, including, without limitation, such equipment as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers and switches. Submitted Under Wase No. PAC-E-19-14 I IssuED: EFFECTTvE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. I Second Revision of Sheet No. 4R.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No.4R.2 1 SUPPLY OF SERVICE (continued) (c) Unmetered Senice 1) Fixed Loads - Service to fixed loads, with fixed periods of operation, such as street lights, traffic lights and other similar installations may, for the convenience and mutual benefit of the Customer and Company, be unmetered. The average monthly use (one- twelfth of the annual use determined by test or estimated from equipment ratings) shall be billed monthly in accordance with the applicable schedule. (2) Small Usage Devices - Devices whose total connected load does not exceed 2,000 watts per point of connection may be provided unmetered service if, at the sole discretion of the Company, usage is impractical or unsafe to meter. The kWh billed each month shall be determined as the total kW capacity requirement of the Customer's equipment multiplied by 730 hours. The Customer shall speciff the capacity requirement on the application for service. Connections will be made by Company, subject to the Customer's installation meeting all of the Company's design and installation requirements. The Customer shall not change the capacity requirement or other aspects of their installation without first providing in writing to the Company a minimum of 30 days notice before changes are made. Customer changes that render the service ineligible for unmetered service shall result in service being metered. Under such circumstances, the Company approved metering point(s) must be installed by the Customer within 30 days following notification or service will be disconnected. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings due to failure of the Customer's equipment. The Company shall have the right to test the capacity requirements of the small usage devices from time to time. If the Company determines that the capacity was under- reported by the Customer or that the Customer otherwise failed to notiff the Company of an increase in capacity, the Company may back-bill for the incremental kWh associated with such increased capacity as provided in Regulation 8, section 6 - Adjustment for Billing Error. CUSTOMER'S USE OF SERVICE Electric service will be supplied only to those for whom the Company is the sole source of electric power and energy unless otherwise provided under an appropriate agreement. Services shall be used by Customer only for the purposes specified in the service agreement and applicable electric service schedule or schedules. The Customer shall not extend his electric facilities for service to other customers or premises except where the electricity is purchased from the Company as defined in Section 6l-129,Idaho Code, for electric vehicle battery charging services as provided by order or rule of the Commission. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-14 2. ISSUED: September 27, 2019 EFFECTM: November 25, 2019 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 4R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 4R.3 3.CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE AND INTERRUPTION (FORCE MAJEURE) Unless otherwise specified in a service agreement, electric service is intended to be continuously available. It is inherent, however, that there will at times be some degree of failure, interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuations. Company does not guarantee constant or uninterrupted delivery of Electric Service and shall have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for any interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuation in Electric Service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuation results from the following: (a) Causes beyond Company's reasonable control including, but not limited to, accident or casualty, fire, flood, drought, wind, action of the elements, court orders, litigation, breakdown of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties, acts of God, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Company's system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties. (b)Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement of facilities, or any discontinuance of service which, in Company's judgment, is necessary to permit repairs or changes to be made in Company's generating, transmission or distribution facilities or to eliminate the possibility of damage to Company's property or to the persons or property of others. To the extent practicable, such work, repairs or changes shall be done in a manner which will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work, repairs or changes. (c)Automatic or manual actions taken by Company, which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of Company's electrical system or any electrical system with which it is interconnected. Such actions shall include, but shall not be limited to, the operation of automatic or manual protection equipment installed in Company's electrical system, including, without limitation, such equipment as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers and switches. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-14 ISSUED: September 27, 2019 EFFECTM: November 25, 2019