HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190925Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN BPXy,E^.n",, REC EIVED lll! $[P ?5 fiH l0: 5t, _. r.r,,a r,5, r .. I rnj --,'', ,,-i -.'i.rltz l.; ; i :.1 t.(,,,,. ,ii;llli;i l 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 8416 September 25,2019 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E.19-13 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE LINCOLN ROAD ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above mentioned matter are seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's and the city of Idaho Fall's Joint Application for approval of the asset purchase agreement and transfer of electric service on Lincoln Road along with a disk containing the supporting work papers for this Application. very y yours, (t,,."^-D Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email : daniel. solander@pacifi corp. com Attorneyfor Roclry Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATTON FOR APPROVAL OF ) THE LINCOLN ROAD ASSET ) PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND ) THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS ) CASE NO. PAC-E.19.13 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), pursuant to provisions of the Electric Stabilization Act, I.C. $ 6I-332, et. seq., and I.C. $ 61-328, hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho Falls, ("Idaho Falls" or "the City"). This Agreement provides for Idaho Falls to purchase certain electric facilities currently owned and utilized by the Company to supply electric service to one customer on East Lincoln Road, Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, as more particularly described in the Agreement. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, Bn Oregon Corporation, whose address is 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 1 6, is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 81,000 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Company's retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 1 Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Oneida, and Teton, counties. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6I-129. 2. Idaho Falls, which is located in Bonneville County, owns and operates an electric power system within the municipal boundaries of the city for the convenience of its citizens. The City's municipal service territory is surrounded by Rocky Mountain Power's service territory. The Company currently provides electric service to one or more electric customers located within the boundaries of the City and the City provides service to one or more customers within the Company's service territory. I. BACKGROUND 3. On October 9,2017 , Rocky Mountain Power and the City entered into a Service Allocation Agreement to reduce duplication of service and promote stability in their respective service areas. The Service Allocation Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 5,2017. 4. The Service Allocation Agreement specifies that existing customers as of the date of the agreement would continue to be served by their current electric supplier irrespective of service territory boundaries. 5. The Service Allocation Agreement provides for the transfer of a customer's electric service from one utility to the other as long as the acquiring utility agrees to pay the utility currently providing service just compensation for lost revenues and the distribution facilities utilized to serve that customer. The Company and the City agreed that just compensation for lost revenues would be an amount equal to 167 percent of the total of the impacted customer's electric bills from the prior twelve month period. In addition, the APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI.INTAIN POWER Page 2 acquiring utility would purchase the poles, wires, cross arrns, insulators, guys and other facilities no longer needed or required by the other utility to serve the customer. 6. The impacted customer, the Company, and the City have agreed to transfer service and the City has agreed to pay 167 percent of the customer's previous twelve months electric bills in addition to purchasing the facilities described in the Asset Purchase Agreement provided as Attachment A to the Application. II. REOUEST FOR SERVICE AREA EXEMPTION 7. Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls hereby jointly petition the Commission for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement and transfer of electric service, wherein Idaho Falls agrees to serve the load of the customer described in Attachment A, and pay the Company for the assets transferred, as well as the revenue reimbursement, legal and transaction costs. III. COMMUNICATION 8. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: If to Rocky Mountain Power: Ted Weston Daniel E. Solander 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : ted.weston@nacifi corp.com daniel. solander@pacifi corp. com If to the City of Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls City Power Bear Prairie 140 South Capital Avenue 8ox50220 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER Page 3 In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER datarequest@pacifi corp. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIF'IED PROCEDURE 9. The Parties believe that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, RP 201. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Parties stand ready to prepare and present testimony in such hearing. V. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls respectfully request that the Commission issue an order: l) authorizing that this matter be processed under Modified Procedure; 2) approving the Asset Transfer Agreement provided as Attachment A; and 3) authorize the transfer of electric service for the customer located on East Lincoln Road as described in the Asset Transfer Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls. DATED this 25ft day of September ,2019. Respectfully submitted, By Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Page 4 4,fih Attachment A AIITID'T IT'NCEASE AGNEIUEIITT BETWEEN ROCKY MOIIIIITAIIII TOIWER ANI)(IIY (E rDAgO TAII.$, IIDAEO 3 2+ 2019 ir bctc,cco oc cfy of noo rdl& Idato, a iunic&o *rp*rc "fin Shtc of Idahod/UardrhoFallsPower, Ctsuyef); odPacitCorp, m&qm ofipcuim doingburincoe in Idaho cRoclcyMoein Pm CRocLyM@inPour€fl). Roc&yM@trtEin Powr edBrrguc nftrnodb olloctirrty ar Trtics" md iulivifrully as kty.' WIIffiEA$ Rocl(yMffiitr Powtt owucatrin Als.ts laded inl&to Falls; md WHBREA$ Buyerhas atFEed toprlase the Assets fiom RoolS, M@tain Powcr md Rodq, Moumin Po*tr hcfiby agrccs to scll fte Ass€ts to Bufr in accordmce wi& md afijet to dl of6c ms ud cmditions of salc r ryregsoa hcrci& aod in acooorlaoce wih fu Scrvice Allcatim Ag1e€od dcrcd im by Rodqy Mouutain Pow rod BuF, dmd Ocdcr 9, 2017, nd rygoved bythe Idaho Pttblic Utilitics Cmissim m Deember 5,?-Ol7; d NOW, fiIRtrORE fc ad in omsfuhtion offrc mtrul prmiscs ad oommts ud cuditi@s gct fcth infrisAgIEceEot, tte s6ciency ofuftich ishcrcLymmnttyrhowlodgpd ud acccilo4 ttcP[tic3 hErsto egrccasfollwr: I. Dctraitims. Fo ppococ offtis agccoeol, ltp foUowing te'rnq uscd hrcin ht Dd dsrrvirs ddtrd h€rcin Ehdlhivethe fo[osingrncuingrctcousoalwith initirl6ryi61i21[q yfficrsingulrc plural: oAls€tir r@8 fto8e asscts woodby no*y Mmt8in Fo*tr, assetffi in Frhtit A tr m+ Sowing thc lcdio ofltc &G6 is mrftgl as Erffiit C. 'Cmicsion! rem8 thc ld&o hblfo tfti[tica Cmirsim- 'irisc@ Costl" mcar Ro*y Motmin Pomort ctgges fu disming thc sEEeilE ftoE ttc Ro*y }domtain Foser dis;tibutim fedetr, and myadditimal.ohted umft rcqrrceed byBu]rcr. t ^ "hurtaro Prioc'reos tbcpricc BuJ,Erq/iIl pay to Roc*y Momnin Power in cxchanp forlhc Assctl, trrsumt to Sectio2hemin 1.5 "Traa&r Dde" rnsrrs the dae qo rtfofi Ro*y Mqnlain Powtr coatclrs b Buyuttetill o'frale falhe Asse 2. Sale and Purlarc ofAsser* 2.t AsseotoBc Sold" tsjcctb allofftccmsmdomditros ofttis.AErEmg gr(ocky M@in Povcr agrccs to sell d Brr),Gr agEas b b,rry all ofRoc&y Mmtain PoryErl ri8ts, titlc edfuEegt itrltsAssct& hArbASC hDldr3 kr*asc Price. The fucbar kicc ftr ftc Asscts shill bc FOURIEEN IIIOUSAI\TD SIX HUIIIDRED 8d EK}HTY SEK DOLT.ARTI. 2.3 Payrmt Thchrchasc ftfu6 *rll lspaid o Rocky ltfio@in PowubyBuycr wiltin fifoco (1, d.ys oflhc alabltis AgIGGocat is cxccffed b, bo,lt Putict; such pryoA shall bGbychccL L4 hrtrumsffi of Cm upe adTrasftr. Suticctto the satkfrctin ofthe cmditioos pooeaent s.t fuh in Scctim t bclow, od 1msunt b all ofltc tGmE d ooditirc of frisAgtccucot, Ro*yllmtain Pwcr shall crmeod ddiwto Buyrr abill of salctovEstitr ertrGr gpod adodctahlc tiflco thcA$ctu, nrbjetb no mrityiro,cgts, licns r Grdruocq od nftcmialty in thc fum o itormeGd bil of salc attr;hcd tscb ar Brtibit D. 2.5 Pruofim ofPcmmd Plo Tucs. P€rEoDd propcrty tmoo, ifrylilicablg SaIl bc truotod bdwoctr Rodry Moumin Power ed Brr1rcr as oftc Trosftr D& brsd qm dayr of orncrOip in thc tax pu in ufti:h &e Traor&r Ib occu!. L6 Ssbs Trrorfu mdOfuTuee. Alysolcsrescise,Euser, 1nrrrnrtc, E!o, 6 BiEifE E vftie.h nay be payablo by rcosm of6e sale of all c alutio offte Asscns "frall bc bmr aodpoidbyfuycr. 3. Ocmcrshi 'Discmst CosB' 'm mdltlain 'Riskoflc OyrErsbip. Rocky Itlonrrin Power rhall o*n6e A$ots dil thc Tra& De. 'o ud MC,t-'ace: Ri* oflm. AfrGr frcTrus&s DE!G, hr,,E Sall own rsd bc rclcly qlmeible fu ltc qt€doo 6fl rrnirtuute ofthoAEsco md risk ofle of ths Asctg" hiqbfre trruftr dsto, Rod$r lfroutain Pova shatl benryoriblc fottcoporaion ul mairrtenrnco of6c A$ct$ For tlc lift ofthc Assets, Brrlltr +halt t all ' opffi md naimin tte Arsds in accudmce wilh trrdeot utility 1racfie 33 Disooret Cost& BrryEr Salt pay Roe.ky MoutrtEitr Pwrr all Dirct Costs, irrcludingrnatcririlE,labc,@dryNcOf ow*cad+ fulteinsdmioa, qlqdio, malrmirrrprrilcci of atr f,silitie &d Ro*y M@tdn Pwer dacoincs aE rcarmtbty trEGsEsy b scpade ltc o@ccrim betnrcea thc AsEcts ud Rocty Mormin PowErt rtirnibUim cystEm" BuJ,Er shdl coodiridcopcr*imswilhRockyMominPowcrtorthireod. BulrcrmeyrcqucstttutRoclry Moumain Powrrperfm dditimrl woft nec.8s[y b rccamcct fr:Arscb toBu5rcds otm di*ibuim fccdcr, ad ary reh wortperfcmod ihdlbe as ryecificalty agl*d bylhc Prtics in a scprde writE sgpem€d, Ed 6G chnfgEs fu sch wft ehell be dmcd Disomoct Coets fc 1nrpos€s ofttfu egeoent only- tati@E ud Slurutics ofRckv M@in Powpr. RodV Mounbin Power relnesenB md wuaats as follmr: 4.1 Or tion andPr,*rels o,fRock Mrqmlnrl Power. RockyMountain Pwcris OlEgm ocporAtn, &ly qgpircd md vrlialty qisting uud€r &e lsEB ofthc S@ of Oregoo, ud hAsbAtra Pt!2drt is &ly Enrroa o dobueiffi itr ftE StaE dldEho. Ro*y lfiormain Pwcr has sll roquisits powtr md auttaity to own ttc Asscts. 4.2 AilhorL Rddirrc to A t' Crorr"nmeffil Anthmizatim- Ro*y M@iD Pwor has&e pm and uffiodty to qe@te Ed dslig tftis Agreement and b mgme thc trmsactirns oodmelrtod tccby. ftis furccmeot has ba &ly ad validty rnfbuiat mdm*ium fu valid Ed bindilg &ligilim of RocLy l[omia Powu cofuceable in acco,rrdaoe with isamq cf,cept ar€ofuD€ln€ot maybe linitodby 4plcablcbmlnuptcy, insolvEocy, rcongmidim, omdriun 6'dnilr lawr aftaing fu eofsmeot of crcdimr'dgb gEGraUy md crocpt thrt tte availability of&e equitablc r@cdi6 of spocific perfornunoe dinjuctiw rcl*tr ae subject to ttc discrqion ofthc ourt bcforc xftich aoy 1roocoding may be brught. No dcchdioo, filing arqistsatim udtt, quotice to, odcidim, oms€ot d qpfirnl o4 uy gewrmcotal crcgulaficy body c afirity is uecoosry frftG erocuion d ddivEry ofthis Agre.,'r€rlt by Rocky Mountain Powcr c fu ormmtitn by RoclEy lilountain Powr of lhe tauactims omternplatcd bythis egcement, povidd ltd Rocky MountatnPowermalrc$ no rc1rcs€otdoD orwunadywithtcspcttorypovalsuihichmaybcrcqufucdftmthcldrhoPubtc Utilities CmmisEim c fu Fodcral E&rgy ncgutamry Com'nissi@. 4.3 Nm4davdion' A rovals" Therecution and &livcryofftisfuneenentmd the cmormation ofthctmsactims cmtcqlabrl hciobywitl nd violaE, couflictyift areslt in ektach of au5rpuvisio of ccosiarc adcfult drr, mrpsuh inftctcminatim ofuy notc, b@4 mortgagp, in0eoturq decd oftrusq cffiact, lcasc c oftcr insnruocd, dligfioo c sgrccmEd of mykind b wbich RocLy Mountrin Poscr isnow aPrty orby whic,h ey of its ammrybeboud orafbc&d. 4.4 TidcbttcAlcct& Roc&yM@in Powertas epod'mdoddablo tidatofuAsseb frcc ed clcr of all licos, moilgrges, plodgss, claims, chlsgss, scurity ingcsts c der Ecunbftrccsr 4 Cmditim of . ThE Asscts'will be sold to Bup ,'AS IS, trIHERB IS." RockyMffiin Powcr hco*y dfuclains ud erchdes tcrctomq (a) uyqpates a iryliodrc1rescddim c vuuty asto O€ rnhrc, md[d@, 4cEgn, opcdm, c qualitr of&o matsials c rro'1"-ostip tq aey &f€cts in,itcAssc0r, O)ay GxfEss cirylied warrotyofuorchambility c fucss fu uEe or faaparticulr pupooe, c (o) any rylcss airyliedrcpcseatrho, gpamEe Otigpdc, liahility usurauty of Roctyfvlouniain Povcr, csprts oqinplioE ofmytin{ uicingby law o frm courc ofpcrfurmmcq ornrBe ofdeEtin& musogsoftrade. Rc rcscntstims and Wmaotics orfBu er. B[j/cr rcpcseats ad wrrus a bllows: Or .'ri'rtim od Povas ofBu . BtrJ,Er is drty qualifisd to do hsineoe in lhe Stsb of Hrrm. Bulrer has all rcquigit€ powcr ad mftGity b own thE A$cts. 5-Z ArnLdi RddircbA ' Gortcrmml Auttorization. ButEtr hssthc powcr md a$cityto ef,G@ md dclivtrr$irAgtcco€nt udbc@me thctrusactims omtqlatod hq*y- ftis AgrccmcDt hs b6 &ly md ralidy afisial md mstitutca fre valid mdtinding oblig$i@ ofBulrcr cuforccablc inrccordance with itskoE, cxoqrt as dorceocat may be liuibd by rypfceb baokuDEy, insofit cosy, rcuguirilion, mc&im c sinilar larrs eftcdng fte cof,uccmeat of crcditcs' dght$ gFocrstry Ed cncstr frs the ovd$ility CtmaAr*Mrefnm h;oldrl of the equitrhlc rcEodios of spcific pcrfrrmuce ud iqiucti\E rclicf ac sbjc to ftc diiscrctim offrE Gouttbefcc vtich my Fooecding nay bc bcugft. No &clrdion, filirrg c regifratim widU ancipeto,cduidim, cmscutcrypornl d,-, ar%i:-;rybodyrdcity icrscessry fG lto crcclrti@ ed ddiuy ofthia Agreeocut tyBuftr a thpmsmdim by hryr of thc trosacti@ co'nEllFled by ltis Agr@d, Foviilod ftd BrrF tr.&!s so rGprcscntrtion Gymrdy wilt rEspect to ryprctnds vhfoh rnrry beroqdred fi@ tre Idaho Pr5lic Utiliticr Cmissim qftc Fodcral Effigr ReguhmyCmiesio. 5.3 NonCmtramtim appovals. Ihc cxccution ad &lirrcry ofihis Agrc€m€nt ad fucmsrmmdi@ ofttctransaAims corcopldod bscbywill notviolatc, c@flictwift aresult iD a breach of my povisim ofi, or co*ihilc a dc&ult uder, or reslt in thc Eniadim of my nme, bon{ morgrgB inacamq dccd of trm, c@tra.t, basq or oltcr inshuncng d[gatim or EgrEcocot of amy kind b wfrich Brryrr ir mw a Puty u by uihich aoy of ir asscts may be bord or aftcrcil 5-4 Cmdition ofAstcts. ThcAsscts will be puchased by Buytr "AS IS, UIHERE IS.' Bu1rcr achowlcdgcs lM Rocty Mouuin Pwcr dfuclaims d qc& tcrcmom, (a) uyerycss u irylied rcer€scoffi,m G vurasty aa to lhc vaUc, oodftbo, d6ig& rymio, m quality of tte matedalg cworhaship in, many dc&cb fu, frG Ass€ti, O) my cryrcss airylicd wrrmy of m€rchaotability c fitcrs fu uac c ftr aputioulr puposc, u (c) uy ryrro c irylied rwclEaffimr ggarutcc, dligltion, liabilitycraraty ofRodgrMoutdnPowu, cf,Irr€sE or t*plicE of mykin4 sisfogb!, law a fim oourtc ofpcrfuance ourtc otaedi"g or usagp of trada 6. Cowouts ofRockv,Mmtoin Pow. Rocky lt[@in Pourcr oopomtr and agla as follm$ 6.1 Cdct ofBusincss. Rodry Moumain Po*tr Sall own aDd o1l€re thcAEsst fc lhctimcpcrio& sctffi in Sedim 3hg€in inaocqdmce wie itspostlra.ticcr md rlrrll -gsgpinm'natcial tranloctiostddiagtolhcAsscilroofiheadtogyomsofhrhesqincluding dGrtng im ayoffiict u fnming Eegclrcnt fint lirits Roc&yt*ominPocds abihtyto scll&eAssca! b Bufr. 6-2 Insrre. Uilil lhc Tm!fu Dde, RocLy Mmtein Power qhrll cdlinr to sclf insurc ,r carry iowre orlrcntty in Gfbct rcled to&e Asscts, adcqBEE to insuc 6c A$.rB .g6inst rrss s d@4e b'y rrrc and d€rdslcr mdF$lic liabiliry cmistent wilt ud in accadeoe wie ftspost pactioes. 6-3 Reasmable Eftrts. Srfij*t totrcEos ofthis Ageemcot ud ftciry obtigatim uodcr rylicable hrr, nocky UouAin Pwer rhall usc conrmscially reasmable etrqo b cffoctuate fte transrtims cmErylatod by eis aglecocot md to frlftr all of6e ooditims of ttc Putics' obliptins 'nda rl'ir agfmt md $ell do dl su.h rcts anil things as rcasmahly may be rcqufuod b cuy d RcJry Mmin Pwqt obligdime hcrc@da adto crylctc tte trmsas:tim cmEoplatod byfrit lgrceoeut 6.4 }htificatio- Rocky frlomtain Poscr will grc Buf,cr Fqlt wdttm dioc of uy sltoft, coodilim circtaisingpiutofuTrmcftr Ih.har would causcmyof itr rGtrGscotai@ ad *mani infrisAgrum bteuotsue in uynmial rapcst. 6re hF{d13 Access to AsscB. Until tte Transf€r Datc, Rod{f M@hin Powrr shall allorr Buyer ed iA ailhorizd EgS mdrcprcscomfttes rcaeombhecssbthcAssrts. 7. C.oveoam ofBu q. Buyer covroob md agracs asfrllows; 7.1 ffirct of Busincss. PriG b frc Tra& Date, BrrF shall qlcrdc frc A$ctE frr ttctinc Dcriods sctfor6 in Sectim 3hcrcin in aeqrdanoe wifr BmlryM@tsin PwEds inrrnctims, if qr, ud Rocky Ittouffiin Powds paEt factioe& Pric o fte Tlusfu Dafiq BEy€r shall .ng4c in no meuiel cogactimr dating blhc sale cdileositi@ oftbe Asscts in rutolo cinput 72 hmrmpa Affcr 6sTrans&rlh, hryEr Sall cmyinarre adsquatetoiuucthe Asscts agdut 1* q dmngc by firc u.t drddB, aod pubfic liabitity cmdsffi wi& ad in acoordmoe witt iEpast pactices fa liLe aEscts. 7.3 Rcasmablc Eftrts Subjet to thc ums of ttis Agt€€@€ot mrl ftbciary dligdim under ryplicable llw, Buy€r Sall usc cmcrclatty rcasmablc futo e&ctuartethe trorrtim conteoplaeil by ftis Agrmcnt md to frltrll dl oflhc ooditions of thc Prties'obligati@s und€r this Agleeo€ot and thax do dl srch acb md rhingr as rcasmably may be requirerl to crry u[ ha6ds obfiptforos hereuods ud to complete the tansoction cotr@lldby this ageeocnt 7.4 Notifrcatim- Buyer wi[ givo Roolry M@h Pom poq6 writh odie of my qrcut, o@diti@ c frct dsiry pifi to 6o Traoeftr Dde rtrt would cause oy orf its ttps€atdiotrE aod vuadics itrlti8 AgrEeDEat b bc uofmc in my natcrial rcspcct 7.5 Apccss toArsoB. Udil tre Thmsftr Dafio, BrEtEr ehdl ellowRocky Mmtein Pwerand its mrtrgird aglG mdrcpescumirts reasm&te wtothoAssct& 7.6 Ind@ity.. BlI,,Er shalld€fEoA indemifr, md ldhrmless Ro*yMoutdn Pwer, itr offoers, d.ircctcs, cmployeeq aod agcots, fto@ md agaiut my and all liability, lms, dqnege, chin$ sit a cause of actim adsing d ofarelaling to Buyrdr wocrship, opcrtion or ngimenane oftrc Ass€ts This &ligatim chell ruwire fre trminrtion ofhis Agrconcat and cmpletio oftte transrtims corerytatoA by ftis egrecmcot 7.7 Ri$trof-way. PrirtotbeTnoserDuc, BUJ,E Sall idepcodeuly dtain d ldnycds orr! cf,Ir€os€, all cascmcnts or o(her rcal popcdy rights, liccoses c permisefuns, ("rigbts.of-wal!) rrccsmy br Buytr to leyfrlly opcratc ed mehtein &c Asscb as@r pcseatty crist, aod ryon rc$cst, Buttr shalltrovidc rEaE@ahty smsfictry eridcooc ofkying dme soto Ro*y Montain Powrr. 7.E O ccari itaimmcc RG dr cRc accmcotoflheAssct& Bufrhasdwill arqgE fc qualified pctrme b opcsde' mainilrin, md rcpoir tb Asct* od vill in no way rcty m RodryMmtrinPoscr.fcsrhccrviccs. BrrJ,ErhBcirprpuedtolocdcmdgocurcmitsqm bcha(, rcplm€mcot omtrn€nts, inftahg trofrmen, in the went of ffiurc of y o all of&e AsscB atmytime. Buprtsh fullrcryomimity fcltcinsta[dim of rehrcplameot cmpoEe" E. Conditims Plooodcot' BiIl of Sale. tu&aHcrigpd hEESdr3 AIl ofec oblig$ims ofRoc&y Mmtain Pwcr under ftic AgIE€ocd ce sutject b frefftmcu, prim o -.d qpon .he Ttar&r Dile, 6f crrr offts fdlowi4g cmditio* 8.1 Re 'trts. Srrmics ud Covtoma ofBu cr. All rcgeremios od wumticg rdc fu ttis AeEEEat byBu5rcr shalt be truc end om€ct inallmreriel rerpocts as of ttcThnrfs Dre as fulty astto4h suchrcprcscatdi@ andwuarir:r had bm .''ile @ ud 8$ offte Thdcr IhE, ud as of6c Trmsftr Datc, BuyEr rhall [grrc oqllid in all rneEial rcspocts wilh dl covenme Dadc by it in fris Agrmcrrt 2 Litiptio. At fu Tresfu Dde, ltcro shall not bo in cfi&st my der, dccrce, c iujuoctio of a cemt of oqmt jurisdictio rcsurffig, €qioiuin& c pohibiting thc cmsmatim ofthc transactims cmterylated by this Agreemeot (each Pfity herr*y agreeing O ure io rcasmablc etrortr including rcasmable rypcals b higho o@ts, b haw uy such ordrr, dmce c i4iuction EGt asiih q liftod), aod no acti@ shalt have [eqr rrke'r, md m stabte, rule, c rpgutatim shrll [avs bccr €oacteq by my rtaE or ftdcral govcmmcnt c gowrmcntal ageocy ia Itctloitod Stateswhioh wuld trrxrEnt fre cmnmmati<n of sucttnrsactim& Additionalln Ro*y Mffiin Poryds obligUio to traodcr tifle to ftc Ascets to BqrtrbyBuf Yift lte bill ofsalecm@lred h€rcin shell be cmtingent qm the blhwing: 8.3 Pl d ofPrrrchoe Pde. BqrEr "hrfl hgvt Fid b Roc&y lfimin Poy31' ltE hr&ore Hie" 8.4 ni$r.of-wav. ButEr shalt haw povirhd b Rocky Morfiai! Pwrr 6c widooo ofoecssrydgbd-eay Fovidod fcin Sctim 7.7abow. 8.5 Diso@cct Coc. Buyer rhnll f,s6 paid b Rocky Mmttin Porcr dl offrGDismst Cods ' @q'd with ltb Agre@d md fte r* ofa scprare agt@cfr bctrca the Parties. No l& fru ftirty (30) daF aftet tte rhb qon f,,frich dl of&s coditire in Soctions t.3 ltmgh 8.5 bfire bm sEti$sq RocIry Moruhin Powrr rh-ll cm\roy to BryE( lhe bill ofsalcfcfrcAsrts. 9. Survival ofRc tdi@s md f,iarrmtics. All rt1rcscxndioDE d wcmtics dthe PutioE, Dd dl [amitr frercfu, SaIl elrvftrc fu a pcriod ofoe yec past lte Tres&r Drtq d ufrich rime lhe dliguims rmdcr thir agrccmeat shall oersc ud ccpire Ncwilhmding ttc fugpin& obligilims under Soctim l.f oholl cmtire inacAruV. l0- Temindion- l0.l Tcoinnim. This Ag@lat may bc umin&d rd Sudd at arytimcpia b ftc Tfusftr DsE ie (a) TbPutics agrccinuidng to Emimb ftirAgcocat bymfid conms c kArblg@ hB6dr3 (b) BrrJ/er &livus awrith ndioe to Roc&yliloutain Power bltc Gfr€ct ftd Rocky Morntain Power has defrulted in a matcrial rEqcd under mc cmr of ib comots and agrecocars co*i-ed hscfo (which rhell [s sp€cifid ind€tail in suchnmicc), ed suchoddition amditions have Dotbm sdisficd c suoh dEfidt adcfultshawnotbcnrmcdioat (cwairrcd by BuJ,Gr) wi&in efuty (30) drys aftcrthc date srh notfuc is delivqed byBuycr b Roc&yIrfffiin Powcc; a (c) Roefry lfiountdn Pmrr dclivcrs awrittcn trdiccto BEJIET b lhc G&ctthd Buyrr tas dcfuitod in aoaEial rcqrctundEr @orrDrtrt of itr ooveoffi ud agr@ts mtaiusd tcrcitr (rytich shalbc cpccificd iD dcail in sochtrdicc), and ructrcmditim c ooditims harc Dotbcen orl csrc&dc&ultqdfulctavcndbcrroodiod (cwaiwdby Ro*y Mormlrio Pwer) rrifrin ftirty (30) &p aftaftcddo guchnoticc ir ddivcrcd byRooky liluntain Power to Buyu; o (O ltcTransfu DrE rlirll Dothavc ocuued o cbefup Dccenbcr 31, 2019, m su.h ldcr darb xrtichttc'e ofmisAgrcemcat Erybc exmded prset tombdagmt ofthcPrties, povidod frat onc of{hcPrtics givcsnoti:cto&cothtr somindingeisfutm ud trot 6€ Paty sc*ing srn Eminatim has not defultGd is gm'nn€rnspcsible fc &layiag ftG TrarEfrr Darc po$ Jonuary l, 2019. L02 E&ct ofTamination" kocpt wtce sp*ifis-u - md conditims ofthisAgrEe@€nt Fovi& that suclhtc@B and oondilims sviw uminatio oftLis Agrccmentgyuoinatim pmsunt 1s rhir Scctio l0 Ehall disrrc bd hic$ bcrcto of tbcir *ligilionE s€t fotrlt hercirL ed any such trrminatim codites a &ihe ofthe cmdirims to thc obligtims of thc ktics to irylemcnt eisAgrmcot, ex@thatnding hercin vill rdicne ayPaty ftomfiability for auy breach ofthis Agretmrnt hovidcd frrthcr, Gf,c€pt inthc car ofteminmim byButru on account of defult by Rocky Moutain Powtr, Buf,er $alt pay aU Disooncct Cosb incunEd by Rocky lflomdn Pow6, m irsvocably c@Eised to, morbcfuethe ddaof mysuc.hEmindim. ll. Assicm€nt Ncilhcr Prty nay udtn its rigtE uodcr this Agccmcat to any ltird puty wiihot the vrifieo conscnt oftteotrcr Puty. Iqn-listioD of R ldo Anthorities, In the e{d rha( fte Cornmission m my o&cr state, fd€ral cmmicipal mthaity rherrincs that ay pcovisim offtis Agrwlt cmflicts with a is itr viohim of mlicable law, c issncs ay nrles, rcguldimr, or mdcrs s,hich rcquirc Rocky Mmtain Powtr to Eltcr or @God my of frc provisims of ihir 6 t6 tarrninete 6is Aglmcof, or that oftorisc pochde cmaterially imerftre with crescind ffetrmsfu of ascc0s cdemplatcd hrr€in, fris Ag[ecmEot artmdcalty shrllbc mendod to ooryIywith rtrh determin*im, arncodntent rule, rcgulatimr sd€r; <n, if so cdcrEq 6is fuiceocat shsll teminate without e,ftcting trm&r ofthe Asscts to Bu5m, o fro Ass€t! ad 6e pxrfrare prie shall be retmcd ifrosfer has arcaey oomrc{ and in aly of tte fuegoiog .vEob, Roc,ky Momtain Power shall rot be tsaDfe to 5*i1' 16 n*rnrges G lcoes ofuytind wtatsocvEr, ioDtuding c@sequcodd dmrge$ sfrich BrryErnay sustsitr as I rcsult of sch aAemlndiom, rrncndmcrrg rule, Eguldion, ororder, ormodificdim cttrrrrinrtion sfrhic tresaoti@, ud Buy€r ehrll pay all Discmrcct Costr inmucdty Roc&y Mmin Power, c incvocably co'*mifred b, m, u bcforo tbe dste of oy mrh regulah,ry actio- ffifsffioAgE PIBTdrt Ltisoellmm. ! 3.1 Ar.nfucut ftis A€rct oay be mcoded oty by &.. 4ttffi in mititrg eromd ty fu Pdtica ilich ryGsty re6g 5 rth AgI@t atrd d'rc.6d ii fu 6rnsrtmcat hcrcb. 132 Soctio aud Prasaph Headiogg. Tb Sodim md Suboctim hcadinF cominod io ftir Agrecocnt ae fr rfertooe 1rrpos @ty ad "hall rd in my cray aftct tbc ncaoirg c fuoEry:tdi@ ofefu AgrEGEd- 13.3 Weivtr. Any offrc trms c ooditlnr ofthis AgM rnayb yaivcd d my tim6 md Aom time to timc, in uititrg; by ftp Prty cotrhd to ths bocfit of sd gms mditios" 13.4 Noticg. Atl mtieqr€quccs, dcmmds, ud o&er cmsnictims git Er byBuyErc Rocky It[omtain Power rhrrl [6 in writiog orl firrl be d€en'ed to her e bocn &ly given when tacopio( uthea deliverod pcrsmatty inuiting qrvtco deoritd itrtottolJnitcdSls6sm*il, to ttc ftlhing ad&rcrs€: If to Rocky Morffiain Power Rocky ItfiolffiEin Power Attn: Ic,ffieyBarrc{t Rfgimd Business ffenegBr 1407 We$Norlh TempbgaftkkeCiy,UTt4f 16 With acopy to:RockyMominPower Attn: Eric Holic Seirftr Busincss Spccialist 4lTlW.I,akcM(Blvd- SatrIrle City, UT t4f 20 IfbDuy :Idrho Fatts Power Altn: CrcncralMana$r FOBor 5U?20 140 S C,apitalAvenue Idaho FaIIs,ID t3,+05 u to.such otrcr sddlcss as iu1,cr m noc&y Mqntain r)orEr ray dcsignarc in writiry; 13.5 Iucerabd A8rc€md. ftis agmcnt, wten ereofd oostims Sc GrtirG egr€cmmt betrvccn fu PEtiEs hc!€b, md supersodce md negrc sllFic line crhsinsgr@tr md untler*ulings, ual ad wri$cu, bdcrEco &c Peties h.r6 wilh rEspoct to ftG Asscas. f3.6 CmE ats. ThisAgr€smcd lnryb exccobd int*o 6rEpulc, ca.hofxfri.hA[ :r dl rcpcGs be dd b be u qiginal o* -- - ..-ln rlretl smstiffic mc ud ftc e-oc imtsmed. hftlffir&E Drrtdf3 trtIElEE! @, iH hE td 3 AgEt r dt& -bft. E.E}C} /i IIrcm 4 h & n. ,rl fluLer lh & .:l:crv P+l rt/lar*:'fu,..rr'.ii /7/4qs7,- Itctil! T*{sufu"bEt! rh & f {/a;*'* 6,u,1'/- hhbat-t tdll qEInilTA I'ESCnIPIION OF ASSf,E PE rr tb{tor3i.L Eo-Uiltlcfdtc f oc ldrb Frrq frlo -Iil C tlmh lo-Artyd.r6ana60utfirBtrgItrUlji rCrc5Dd c rcOqrlr Ulr! . qnf,rv SdGr Prkr C|ISERCTilUTTp$nrilD8t GGl8lE 75rvArm27|l,glrncrs s5'3 ill lEf 1S3 fl$ 't90 30 7,n5 7 3 190 erB 4N a, TGI Roctrytou0-tFosr noecaO $b h PhGc, H.ho ru, 5!ho -490 E Ltroofir Ro.dYilrcdhurnbry OeccrFmn Sahs Prloe Pbnf hScl$ce 365 36iI 358 3m Pbnt f4 Sedce UAryomO Cmilit thdelfomd Conduacs grd tl*:es LipTrmrfoirps Itletgos sl90 slr58 $1,253 ttl2 fr,013 horpTa<es srm S.b Pltce -Extlhg M Egenses Seprdt-trmGosts lzllm$sRmnuee 16i? l-egd/framaain Costs TolE4corcr Toiil Srlc Pdoi s7,1127 11.gl4 81,541 t1.5m 16.s65 l1'1.686 brA*[EAr@ Erjll0of t 7.Ot3- hI- *g iir sQ ^$3 It =s Iaae3t- =IIlEg a El' { -:EH sg (J E FH H- E EE q .HH7a (- E ZfiEEOt.r =Pe -iisO -- *, :lg -=r (- tr l-iI trxrA I 8,cI ;EI a6tr E]XEIBIT C MAP OT trACILITIES -'f al::'\-Brh* let"-Lt J(l: ---€_!S gl! ? :1 ?It, =!) ttr I I I I -L 'r60x rD m rEtEHro f:b b ftu lt-t I ( LtttClbr' a 'a i _.. 996qE99JQl-o5t aol8o qfltrr:SAlE '1r PIjCL 2!9O E LP{GOJrr€!E:rIf UIErlto.otr t Itrrrx J a rr 5rr lf. Or5--tir D"ra SI(DTE tG "rD. r' 'br, rhr ffil[7 hAx -gelrt sd a *'b tra! cJ;! g, 3rlto. ,J.rF- j ;eF- Q lre q a/rt0,# 3aa hArotffioAfU ,d-.CIJu D ;*-..-_-*o,I'r{ 'rir Is I ort?51!e I t. loor ho12dr3 I 6 SEIE: Ellxx: b.Ebtr- uIJ,or8a[,x ITf,TYUf,I$TAII{X)UB c[(EtrINTOFAILTlDArt) Hn, VAIII BIA omBIrEAIIf,lrfiEI{f,IrIE{tlIIB/l]O gHInU[Dd E(I|TYU(51{5!6I I&geCF-=E !l d iElc!_rdbl[g(drffi&h^9, rnsiqon9{r- TI|EASS|'8 AnE gIDAm' DE TVEET TOUTTE .AS IS, UIEE T&. I(XTY XXINAIII I('TE.IIqFT DMIIIE AID reIIMSEmIrc(AlAIwE[rtssE (I.lrf'[DxB[IEssIlxIIlI(nrannAlrrAS ro IE VAIIIBT OnUXIt. Erqil, (EAIrrL (f,' qIAI^EY (r IEr,TTEIi[S (T,X(NNATEtr f,t (N .cNY reIl N[ TflE ASSTq GD ANTf,[lBs$ (n ll![^@ vtfBaNry cr r.x4F|wl'Am.rr (n EilBlE xf,. IIIB c,B(x. attrmurl' nn@ (x, G, aIIr mrGt8 (n rurJDrErBelrrXfng (ilrAXANf! G^ETXfi|,IJAE UY (t'UlnXr$lTr (E &IB,EI[E8S (r rIFLq (r Aily Etq, AIEDI]B?I.Ar (n I8lIoilns (t IEKnLTNB qIEs (f EArnE a.rEAc (r UAB DArEDdfr 3}}.qd xErrxmtxallfxrE *,(*}.Jt-Iktcr*re fhf:gDflh Etltd't3