HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190913Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP P.ECEIVED !! ii SIP I 3 Pl'l 2: 03 -., I lt ln. ,,.-.i ,.L.-"i.l,_:'r' r, i,-- : rlrli,r,iiSlSlSil Joelle R. Steward Vice President, Regulation 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 September 13,2019 VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise,Idaho, 83702 Re CASE NO. PAC.E-I9.I2 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 6 . COMPAITY'S INSTALLATION Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above referenced matter are an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's application requesting authority to revise paragraph 1 of Electric Service Regulation No. 6 - Company's Installation, to include a new option for customers to receive single phase 2401480 volt secondary service. Please contact Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801) 220-2963 if you have any questions. V truly yours, R. Vice President, Regulation "^-D Enclosures Daniel E. Solander Senior Counsel 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City UT 841l6 Telephone: (801 ) 220-4014 Facsimile No. (801) 220-4615 Email: daniel.solander@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION 11[CEIVED ?fiit SIP I3 PH 2: 0l+ : ," ' r, I il) :, ll,_, . i;',*:.:"!-,,../1r;' ': :') (-ii,Y, I r,-,.',:U,"{ IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 6 . COMPANY'S INSTALLATION CASE NO. PAC.E.I9.I2 APPLICATION COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power (the "Compffiy"), and hereby respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for authority to revise paragraph I of Electric Service Regulation No. 6 - Company's Installation to include a new option for customers to receive single phase 2401480 volt secondary service. Attachment 1 to this application contains a clean and legislative copy of Regulation No. 6 with the proposed revisions. In support of this Application, the Company states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power is a division of PacifiCo{p, ilr Oregon corporation, which provides electric service to retail customers through its Rocky Mountain Power division in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and through its Pacific Power division in the states of Califomia, Oregon, and Washington. ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 2. Rocky Mountain Power is a regulated public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers in Idaho. BACKGROUND 3. Approximately 40 percent of the Company's distribution lines are constructed as single phase power. The lack of three phase supply can create challenges for customers with equipment that requires three phase power. In particular, electric motors that are typically used for irrigation, sewage lift stations, mine ventilation, etc. have limited commercial availability in single phase ratings above 7.5 horsepower. Costs to extend three phase primary lines can range from $60,000-$150,000 per mile. 4. If capacity is available on an existing single phase line, a three phase supply can be derived from a variable frequency drive or rotary phase converter. Allowing the Company to provide single phase 2401480 volt service can reduce customer costs when only single phase is available. On average, 480 volt class phase converters and motors are 10 to 25 percent less expensive than 240 voltclass phase converters, and additional savings can be realized in wiring and conduit costs. 5. For example, single phase 2401480 volt service is the typical voltage for a number of transportation agencies for roadway lighting. As lighting circuits may extend for several miles, single phase 2401480 volt service is used to reduce both wiring costs and voltage drop. Providing 2401480 volt service will reduce transportation agency costs by eliminating the need to install 2:l step-up transformers to obtain 2401480 volt service from the currently available 1201240 volt services. 2 6. Direct current ("DC") fast charging for electric vehicles is an emerging use for 2401480 volt service. At this time all commercially available options for DC fast charging require three phase power. The Company has had discussions with several vendors with single phase solutions under development, in order to enable DC fast charging in areas where only single phase is available. Having 2401480 volt service will reduce service entrance wiring and altemating current rectification stage costs compared to the cost if only 1201240 volt service were available. 7. Accommodating single phase 2401480 volt service will have very little impact to the Company's current construction standards, practices and inventory requirements. Additional inventory will be required to support pad-mount transformer installations but no impact to overheard transformer inventory levels is anticipated. The Company's current standards and equipment support the metering of 2401480 volt single phase services and no impact to system planning is anticipated with the introduction of single phase 2401480 volt service. 8. Providing single phase 2401480 volt service will benefit customers and have minimal impact to the Company's operations or costs. There are a number of commercial applications that will benefit from the 2401480 volt option when selecting equipment, which can help reduce customer costs. COMMUNICATIONS 9. Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power Regulatory Affairs Manager 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 E-mail : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com aJ Daniel E. Solander Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 E-mail : daniel. solander@oacifi corp.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to: By e-mail (prefened): By regular mail: datareq ue st@pacifi com.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah St, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, at (801) 220-2963. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 10. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, RP 201. Il however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present testimony in such hearing. REOUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed under Modified Procedure and approving the addition of 2401480 volt as a secondary service standard voltage option to paragraph 1 of RegulationNo. 6 - Company's Installation as shown in Attachment 1 to this Application. 4 DATED this 13th day of September ,2019 Respectfulb submitted, Or,l 4,fih Daniel E. Solander Attorney for PacifiCorp 5 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTSTON OF PACTFTCORP I.P.U.C. No. I Firs+SeconllRevision of Sheet No. 6R.1 Canceling @Sheet No. 6R.1 l. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 6 STATE OF IDAHO Company's Installation COMPANY'S INSTALLATION Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, an Electric Service Agreement, or the Electric Service Schedules, the Company will install and maintain its lines and equipment on its side of the Point of Delivery, but shall not be required to install or maintain any lines or equipment except meters and accessories beyond that point. Only the Company is authorized to make the connections at the Point of Delivery. Electric service furnished under this tariff will be alternating current, 60 hertz, single or three-phase. Primary service voltage will be at one of the nominal standard voltages available from the Company at or near the Customer's location. Secondary service voltage will be limited to: Single-phase, 120 volts, 2-wire, grounded Single-phase, 1201240 volts, 3-wire, grounded Sinele-phase. 240l480 volts. 3-wire. erounded Three-phase, 208Y / 120 volts, 4-wire, grounded, wye Three-phase, 480Y /277 volts, 4-wire, grounded, wye 2.COMPANY FACILITIES ON CUSTOMER'S PREMISES (a) All materials furnished and installed by the Company on the Customer's premises, shall be, and remain, the properly of the Company. The Customer shall not break the Company's meter seals. In the event of loss or damage to the Company's property, arising from neglect, carelessness, or misuse by the Customer, the cost of necessary repairs or replacement shall be paid by the Customer. (b)Customer without expense to the Company shall make or procure conveyance to the Company of satisfactory Rights-of-Way Easements across the property owned or controlled by the Customer for the Company's lines or extensions thereof necessary or incidental to the furnishing of service to the Customer. (c)The Customer shall permit safe, access to Company's representatives at all hours to maintain the Company's electric distribution facilities. The Customer shall also permit the Company to trim trees and other vegetation to the extent necessary to avoid interference with the Company's lines and to protect public safety. (d)The Customer shall provide safe, unencumbered access to Company's representatives at reasonable times, for the purpose of reading meters, inspecting, repairing or removing metering devices and wiring of the Company. Submitted Under TariffAdviee Ne, l5 O3Case No. PAC-E-19-12 ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|S|ON OF PACTFTCORP I.P.U.C. No. I Second Revision of Sheet No. 6R.1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 6R.1 1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO.6 STATE OF IDAHO Company's Installation COMPANY'S INSTALLATION Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, an Electric Service Agreement, or the Electric Service Schedules, the Company will install and maintain its lines and equipment on its side of the Point of Delivery, but shall not be required to install or maintain any lines or equipment except meters and accessories beyond that point. Only the Company is authorized to make the connections at the Point of Delivery. Electric service furnished under this tariff will be alternating current, 60 hertz, single or three-phase. Primary service voltage will be at one of the nominal standard voltages available from the Company at or near the Customer's location. Secondary service voltage will be limited to: Single-phase, 120 volts, 2-wire, grounded Single-phase, 1201240 volts, 3-wire, grounded Single-phase, 2401480 volts, 3-wire, grounded Three-phase, 208Y I 120 volts, 4-wire, grounded, wye Three-phase, 480Y 1277 volts, 4-wire, grounded, wye COMPANY FACILITIES ON CUSTOMER'S PREMISES(a) All materials furnished and installed by the Company on the Customer's premises, shall be, and remain, the property of the Company. The Customer shall not break the Company's meter seals. In the event of loss or damage to the Company's property, arising from neglect, carelessness, or misuse by the Customer, the cost of necessary repairs or replacement shall be paid by the Customer. (b)Customer without expense to the Company shall make or procure conveyance to the Company of satisfactory Rights-of-Way Easements across the property owned or controlled by the Customer for the Company's lines or extensions thereof necessary or incidental to the furnishing of service to the Customer. (c)The Customer shall permit safe, access to Company's representatives at all hours to maintain the Company's electric distribution facilities. The Customer shall also permit the Company to trim trees and other vegetation to the extent necessary to avoid interference with the Company's lines and to protect public safety. (d)The Customer shall provide safe, unencumbered access to Company's representatives at reasonable times, for the purpose of reading meters, inspecting, repairing or removing metering devices and wiring of the Company. 2. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-12 ISSUED: September 13,2019 EFFECTM: December 12, 2019