HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191016Comments.pdfMATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10655 RECEIVED ?019 0[1 l6 [H 9: 30 - *' r-.t lif, r-.. ' l i.. iJLiu , I r'', *;'r;iiltiSstoll Street Address for Express Mail: I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Ste. 201-A BOISE, IDAHO 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THB IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ASSET SALE BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND IDAHO POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-19.11 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Matt Hunter, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August 21,2019, PacifiCorp, doing business as Rocky Mountain Power, filed an Application requesting approval of an asset sale between PacifiCorp and Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power). Rocky Mountain Power submitted its Application for approval under the electric utility asset transfer statute, Idaho Code $ 6l-328. Rocky Mountain Power requested that its Appiication be processed under Modified Procedure, Rule 201 et seq. See IDAPA through.204. With its Application, Rocky Mountain Power asked the Commission to approve its asset sale ("Agreement") to Idaho Power. Under a joint purchase and sale agreement entered into by ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 16,2019 the parties and approved by the Commission in 2)l4,Idaho Power owns a 3.6% undivided ownership interest in a contiguous 29-mile section of the American Falls to Wheelon 138 kV line. See Order No. 33313. Under the Agreement, Idaho Power will purchase from the PacifiCorp a3.6Yo undivided ownership interest in one additional mile, beginning29line miles from the American Falls substation (Latitude 42.467942,Longitude -112.573621) and ending near Church Road in Power County (Latitude 42.452821, Longitude -112.569982). STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed Rocky Mountain Power's s Application to approve the sale of transmission assets, as described above, to Idaho Power Company. Staff believes that the sale should be approved after examining: (l) compliance of the asset transfer with ldaho Code $ 61-328; (2) the value of the assets being transferred; and (3) conformance to joint agreements between the two Companies. Transfer of Assets Idaho Code $ 6l-328 requires that the transaction is consistent with the public interest; that the cost and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of the transaction; and that the applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona-fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. Staff has reviewed the Application and believes this transaction complies with ldaho Code $ 6l-328, subject to the parties updating the sale price and Bill of Sale as discussed in more detail below. The purpose of ldaho Code $ 6l-322 is to promote harmony among and between electric suppliers, prohibit pirating of consumers, discourage duplication of electric facilities, and stabilize the territories and consumer services of electric suppliers. The agreement between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp is intended to meet this purpose. The purchase price compensates PacifiCorp for the net book value of the investment; therefore, neither PacifiCorp nor Idaho Power's customers are harmed. Additionally, Idaho Power can be relied upon to maintain and operate the assets being transferred because it is an electric utility operating for decades under the jurisdiction of the Commission. 2STAFF COMMENTS ocToBER 16,2019 Asset Value The purchase price is $2,330.65 instead of the $3,389.75 as stated in the Application. See Production Requests No. 1 and 2. Rocky Mountain Power provided Staff with the proposed journal entry to record the purchase of one mile of transmission line by Idaho Power that inadvertently included accumulated depreciation in the purchase price. The sale is based on the net book value, representing the gross asset of $3,389.75, less accumulated depreciation of $1,059.10, for a net book value or sales price of $2,330.65. Staff has reviewed the proposed journal entry and the calculation of the net book value and verified that $2,330.65 is the correct sales price. Under ldaho Code $ 6l-328(4), the Commission "may attach to its authorization and order such other terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require." One of the findings the Commission must find with any transaction subject to Idaho Code $ 6l-328 is that "the transaction is consistent with the public interest." It would not be consistent with the public interest for the Commission to approve a transaction for an amount that is not consistent with the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement ("JOOA") and Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement ("JPSA"). Therefore, the Commission has authority to condition its approval on PacifiCorp and Idaho Power correcting their bill of sale. Staff believes that the parties will need to amend the bill of sale with the correct sales price, and the Commission's approval of the transaction should be subject to the parties correcting the bill of sale. Joint Agreements Idaho Power currently owns 3.60% undivided ownership interest in 29 contiguous miles of the American Falls to Wheelon 138 kV line, pursuant to the JPSA approved by this Commission. PacifiCorp and Idaho Power currently own, as tenants in common, the line subject to the terms of the JOOA. Staff has reviewed the Application and believes that it conforms with the JPSA and JOOA, as stipulated in the Bill of Sale. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on its review of the Application and associated documentation, Staff recommends the Commission: JSTAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 16,2019 l. Find the asset transfer conforms to ldaho Code $ 6l-328, subject to submittal of a revised bill of sale as described in recommendation number 2. 2. Approve the asset transfer, on the condition PacifiCorp and Idaho Power correct the purchase price in the bill of sale to the net book value, $2,330.65, and provide the Commission with the corrected, executed bill of sale. Respectfully submitted this l(day of October 2019. Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Michael Eldred Kevin Keyt Kathy Stockton i:umisc/comments/pacel9. I lmhkskmekls comments 4STAFF COMMENTS ocroBER 16,2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 16TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO.PAC-E-Ig-I1, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON DANIEL E SOLANDER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 16 E-MAIL: ted.weston@pacificorp.com daniel.solander@p DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datarequest@pacifi corp. com JULIA HILTON IDAHO POWER COMPANY I22I W IDAHO STREET BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: jhilton@idahopower.com SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE -J-r,42*,