HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190906Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CON{MISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:MATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: SEPTEN{BER 6,2019 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ASSET SALE BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND IDAHO POWER; CASE NO. PAC-E- l9-t l. On August 21, 2019, Rocky Mountain Porver ("Company") filed an Application requesting approval of an asset sale agreement ("Agreement") betrveen the Company and Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"). Under the Agreement, Idaho Power purchased from the Company a 3.6Yo undivided olr.nership interest in one additional mile of the American Falls to Wheelon 138 kV transmission line. The Company submits its Application under ldaho Code $ 6l- 328, '*'hich states that the Commission "shall issue a public notice and shall conduct a pttblic hearing upon the application (emphasis added)." THE APPLICATION Under a joint purchase and sale agreement entered into by the parties and approved by the Commission in 20l4,ldaho Power owns a 3.6% undivided ownership interest in a contiguous 29-mile section of the American Falls to Wheelon 138 kV line. Application at21. See Order No. 33313. Under the Agreement, Idaho Power rvill purchase from the Company a3.60/o undivided ownership interest in one additional mile, beginning 29 line miles from the American Falls substation (Latitude 42.467942, Longitude -112.573621) and ending at structure number 451 (Latitude 42.452821. Longitude -112.569982) near Church Road in Porver County. /d. at 3. This purchase u'ill allorv Idaho Pou'er to have 30 miles of contiguous or.vnership bet*'een American Falls and the Arbon Vallel'. Id. ldaho Por.ver u'ill pa,v $3,389.75 for the or,r'nership interest. Id. The Company requests its Application be processed by Modified Procedure. Id. at 4. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 STAFF RECONINIENDATION Staff recommends the Con-rmission issue a Notice of Application, Notice of N{odified Procedure, and a Notice of Telephonic Public Hearing. Staff recommends an October 16.2019 comment deadline, and by October 23^ 2019 reply comment deadline. Staff recommends the Commission schedule a telephonic public hearing in the same time frame to comply u'ith the public hearing requirementin ldqho Code $ 6l-328. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission u'ish to: L Issue a Notice of Application. Notice of Modified Procedure, and Notice of 'felephonic Public Hearing: and 2. Set an October 16.2019 comment dr.re date and an October 23,2019 reply comment due date? att I'lunter Deputv Attorncl' General I Legal ELECTPJC P'{C-E-19-l L\lemos PA,CEill I dec memo mh doc 2DEC IS ION ivf EN{ORANDUJVI \