HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200103First Amendment to Bill of Sale.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN HSIYEA, RECEIVED t820 JAtl -3 Al{ l0: I I Dqniel E. Solander Senior Counsel 1407 Wes, Notth Temple, Saite 320 Selt Lake City, utah 84 I I 6 801-2204014 Direct D a n i e L S o I a rul e t@1t a c ifi c orp, c o m tf- ''.'a l^\'le!'!r! Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Diane M. Hanian, Commission Secretary P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 PacifiCorp Application for Approval of Asset Sale with Idaho Power PAC-E-19-11 Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed please find a copy of the First Amendment to the Bill of Sale in cormection with the above-referenced matter pending before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. An original and seven copies of the First Amendment to the Bill of Sale will filed in accordance with Final Order No. 34485. If you have questions, please contact me Very truly yours, Daniel E Solander cc: Ted Weston Re l. 4$^'\,t FIRSTAMENDMENT TOTHE BILL OF SALE This First Amendment to the Bill of Sale ("First Amendment") is entered into on this _ day of October, 2019 by and between PacifiCorp ("PacifiCorp") and ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") (individually a "Party" and collectively the "Parties"). WHEREAS, PacifiCorp and ldaho Power entcrcd into a Bitl ofSale on August 22, 2019 (the "Agreemenl") for the purchase and sale ofa three and six tenths percentage (3.6%) ownership intercst of one mile of transmission line on the American Falls o Wheelon 138 kV line beginning 29 line:niles from American Falls substation at Latitude 42.16794?, Longitude -l12.573621 and ending at structur€ number 451, two structures south of Church Rd in Power, County ldaho, at Latitude 42.452821, Longitude - l 12.569982 (the "Acquired Assets"); WHEREAS, the Agreement sets forth a Purchase Price forthe Acquircd Assets, which was intended to be based upon the net book value ofthe assets; WHEREAS, upon further review, the Purchase Pricc for the Acquired Assets was calculated incorrectly; and WHEREAS, the Parties agr€e to amend the Agreement in order to amend the Purchase Price so that it is correctly based upon the net book value ofthe Acquircd Ass€ts; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged and intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereto agree as follows: l. Incorporation of Recitals, Thc above-stated rocitals are incorporated into and made a part of this First Amendment by this reference to the same exlent, as ifthese recilals were sct forth in full at this point. 2, Purchase Price. The final recital in the Agreement shall be amended and restated in its entirety as follows: WHf,REAS, consistenl with the methodology of the JPSA and subject to the terms and conditions ofthe JOOA, PacifiCorp desires to transfer to ldaho Power a three and six tenths percentage (3,60/o) undivided ownership intercst in the Acquircd Asset at the PacifiCorp Net Book Value, which will result in a payment by Idaho Power to Pacifi Corp of $2,330.65 (the "Purchase Price'). 3. Elfect of Amendment. Except as expressly amended bythis First Amendment, the Agreement shall remain in full force and eff-ect. 4. Capitalized Terms, All capitalized terms used in this First Amendment and not defined herein shall have the same meaning as used in the Agreement. First Amcndmeot to Bill ofSale Pagc I of2 PACIFICORP IDAHO COMPANY By:Brian Fritz OiCit ly .lgn d b, B.i.n FriE O.b: 2010 10'16 l5:40:21{700'By: Name: Brian Fritz Name:?rn N, A*-,^^u Title: Director. Transm ission Services Title: \P T4Uu*b9r. Ea,<s,n-, + Qr^'J1, First Amcndmc.r to Bill of Ssle PW 2 ol2 5. Scope ofAmendment. This First Amef,dment and all ofthe provisions hereofshall be binding upon and shall inurc to the benefit of PacifiCorp, Ida.ho Power and their rcspective successos and permined assigns. 6, Counterpertr. This First Amendment may be executed in one or morr oounterparts, eaoh of which will be deerned to be an original copy ofthis First Amcodment and all of which, whcn taken together, will be deemed to constitutc one and thc same agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Partics herrto have caused this First Amendmcnt to be duly executed as of the date above written.