HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190624Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP,}Y,E,^.8.",, RECE IVED l0l9 JUllZtr Pll lr 08 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 8416 June24,2019 ri];ti"lC i:TUELIC .[H-lTtE$ COMMTSSTON VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E-19.09 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE SUNNYSIDE ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AI\[D TTTE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above mentioned matter are seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's and the city of Idaho Falls' Joint Application for approval of the asset purchase agreement and transfer of electric service on Sunnyside as described in this Application. Very truly yours, Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Daniel E, Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email: daniel.solander@pacificom.com Attorneyfor Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION R EC E IVED i0lt JUH 2h Pll Zr 3? iU,l.lJi) irUHLlC i i i*i"f ii:ii C0MMISSI0N IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ) SUNNYSUDE ASSET TRANSFER ) AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER AI\D THE CITY ) oF IDAHO FALLS ) CASE NO. PAC-E-19-09 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), pursuant to provisions of the Electric Stabilization Act, I.C. $ 61-332, et. seq., and I.C. $ 6l-328, hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho Falls, ("City"). This Agreement provides for Idaho Falls to purchase certain electric facilities currently owned and utilized by the Company to supply electric service to one customer on Sunnyside Road, Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, as more particularly described in the Agreement. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, oh Oregon Corporation, whose address is 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 SaltLake City, Utah 841 16, is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 80,000 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Company's retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of Fremont, Madison, Teton, Clark, Jefferson, Lemhi, Oneida, Bannock, Franklin, Caribou, APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER Page 1 Butte, Bingham, Bear Lake, and Bonneville counties. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to ldaho Code $ 61-129. 2. Idaho Falls, which is located in Bonneville County, owns and operates an electric power system within the municipal boundaries of the city for the convenience of its citizens. The City's municipal service territory is surrounded by Rocky Mountain Power's service territory. The Company currently provides electric service to one or more electric customers located within the boundaries of the City and the City provides service to one or more customers within the Company's service territory. I. BACKGROUND 3. On October 9,2017, Rocky Mountain Power and the City entered into a Service Allocation Agreement to reduce duplication of service and promote stability in their respective service areas. The Service Allocation Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 5,2017. 4. The Service Allocation Agreement specifies that existing customers as of the date of the agreement would continue to be served by their current electric supplier irrespective of service territory boundaries. 5. The Service Allocation Agreement provides for the transfer of a customer's electric service from one utility to the other as long as the acquiring utility agrees to pay the utility currently providing service just compensation for lost revenues and the distribution facilities utilized to serve that customer. The Company and the City agreed that just compensation for lost revenues would be an amount equal to 167 percent of the total of the respective customers' electric bills from the prior twelve month period. In addition, the acquiring utility would purchase the poles, wires, cross arrns, insulators, guys and other APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER Page2 facilities no longer needed or required by the other utility to service that customer. 6. The Company and the City have agreed to transfer service and the City has agreed to purchase the facilities described in Exhibit A and to pay 167 percent ofthe customers' previous twelve months electric bills, as shown in Exhibit B to the Asset Purchase Agreement. II. REOUEST FOR SERVICE AREA EXEMPTION 7. Rocky Mountain Power and the city of ldaho Falls hereby jointly petition the Commission for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement, provided as an attachment to this Application, and transfer of electric service, wherein Idaho Falls agrees to serve the load of the customer described in Exhibit B to the Agreement, and pay the Company for the assets transferred, as well as the revenue reimbursement, legal and transaction costs. III. COMMUNICATION 8. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: If to Rocky Mountain Power: Ted Weston Daniel E. Solander 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : ted.weston@fracifi corp.com daniel.solander@oacifi corp.com If to the City of Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls City Power Bear Prairie 140 South Capital Avenue Box 50220 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 3 By e-mail (preferred) datarequest@nacificorp.com By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 9. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq.If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready for immediate consideration of its Application and will present its testimony to support the Application in such hearing. V. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls respectfully request that the Commission: 1) process this Application under Modified Procedure; 2) issue a final order approving the Asset Transfer Agreement; and 3) authorize the transfer of electric service for the customer located on Sunnyside Road as described in Exhibit B to the Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls. DATED this 24th day of June,2019. Respectfully submitted, By thh Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 4 ATTACHMENTA ASSET Tf,ANSf,f, AGNEEIIINT BETWEMT ROCXil MOIINTAIN FOTX'f,N AIIIT CTry OT IDAEO trAIIS, IDAK) Ttis &stt Trmtfu Agt!.ilFrt (ttc "Agrmcfl, ded tLil E dal' ofluna, All9 ir bctwa CIty of Idato Fdl+ Idrho, a dcipl ocpafu ofltc $aa of ld*o &Ua Idsho Fdh pffi, (lCittry od Padf0up, a Orcgm'oo6Pdic, d/Ua in trdab er Rocty Mout"in Powrt fRo*y Motffiitr Forcr'). Roc&y l*omh Powcr ud City ua mctimc rtetred to collociirrr*y ar'Tuticf, ad indfryi&nlly as ?utyl WHR,BAS, Ro&ytltroffiin Pwcr cundy tcruo! rqtuGr d TUZB^ Sufddo Rd. odmuoprficlilaty dcscdbcd in BhibitA ffidtorhirAgr@ldd tprpmpA hcda;ad WIilREAq ffiy hrs lgtEod o porrtrs 6c A*E from Ro&yllffiin Pow ud noc&ytrimtrin Powchattyagru b ldl ftc Arrctuto Gtyin acoordmwifr od drootb all of 6c terur od mrtitinr of nlc ar crpluod tillin, ud in aooorduoc wi& tho Scrvie dlootion Agrma cdlrd i6 by Ro*y ltfmdn Powu md Gty, dd Odcr 9, 2017, a4 rypovod by ftG lhho hblic Uflitics Cmirdm m Doocder 5,X)11', d WIIB,BAS, Cltyhrr tgrcd b srrc 6c cpffi! rfufrtrdog fu fuililir ontdly Eyiry frre ffien, in rudom wifr nd leiodb dl offu @ ad coodili(E ofsrb ar ryecod honin; md N0f,t, fiIBEfORE, frr aill in cmidcrdio offu mut prdrcr otlcovffi aod onditime sct ftrfr in frir Agracu, ftc ufidcocy of rhich b tcdy mrlly reoreldged d rcoapla4 trE Patic! hrcb rgrc r frllorx 1.@. Fc prpolcc of eb Agumcm, b trlorying @ rrd Edn hil d &rdr dafinql hcdn rhdl tetrc frG frlhring noming {ft€n ud vi& ioidd cryidfrdio, stdcr singulfiaphntl: l.0l 'Asetf, trrcus thoae foflirficr r"rUV *rrA by Rocky frfmfdn Portr, tt dcscdbcdfuBfiibitA" l.Uz "Cormissim" mems lte rdrhn hrhlic Utilitics Conmission. 1.03 'Trmcerrod (lntmcrr"mlftc Gtuctcfrrtwilt bctu*lrtdb l&ho Falls Posc u a rrrnlt of ftir ruaim od u,tom mobr mrrhcrs E! fisd in Eilhim B. l.(X 'Ttmsftr llilc' ms thc d& qm ufric,h dt d$c Ttm&rod fttmcn &altbcmc fto orsmers oflilab FrIs Pwe. bF.[rCiOrUHoAgGhlEf dU z. Srle,pil@e-qf-As*. 2.Ol AreEtr_tq le_Uo.l4 TtG Als tu will bc mfiutd b city u a rcailt offteTffi @r bciry E rcd by City rc dcrtfred in F$ih A" LV2 Mres ru9o. Tho Pu*ace Price for &o Arosr shall be $9,449 2.(B Prlmcofi. Ihhndere kioc abdl bcpcidbnodryl{odeinDomcrbycity wiltin fiftcca (15) dEF of fu de ftir furacc is excrd by bd Putier; rud pry"rs't thdlbctychcct 2.U ffijcctb6crdiffionoffrc ufifims proedere lot fti6 in Sdim 8 bdow, md pmat b all of tro ttnrrr d oditfuins of&ir Agmd, Xo*y lildain Portr &all crce d ddivrr b Gty e bill of r& b vclt in City good ul m*r*hlc dflc b frG AEts, urt{a o m mity iror*r, licnr r aormtruocs, d sfictdidtyinfu fuo of5r -*rtsilbill ofdc echcdhab as EilhibftC. LOS Proralkm of Perml Prorrcrtv Tucr. Pemal popaty tueq if qmlicdh, SrIl be pmoed b*rrccn Roe;ky Dfmin hrrcr d City r offrs Tffi Ie hrd qo &yr of ormertip in tbc taxyearinuftich ttcTtas&rlldc oerB. L6 $alcr, Thurfiqlnd(kTuEt Any$lct, erdrc, turn+plttoe -,trrinilr ta, ffct mf, bc pfilc by rm of the nle of ell c a pction of tc ArrE &Il bcbmcdpridbyfty. 3. @u$r,; $seroCgE B{TtllqIh A@rsd}&ucom$( Riskofl1qlr 3.01 Llmfr ofCbstmcn. RoctMffiinPm&allrdinqui*eicrlsvicc b thc Trusfttrcd &sbmcrr d I l:59 r'n I&b Fdb local time m ttc Tnrcfu Docr c mch oftcr dde aa nnrrily*pod b bytrc prticg in wdting. Ro*y Iriormtain Poru lhrll bc oblig&d b cmimc topcwidc sclvir md cdltd to ruirc palmd ftrom frc relood ddivcry ofdectic servicc qr b fts Tlu*r & ud City &alt bavc 6o duity Ed lhc obligilhn b fovide dGctic scrvi€ b ltcTrmrftlrtd Ctsbmcrr ed &ll bG cdsd o rcdvtpuym fim uy dcctic scrvioc fim od dEr Ulfl p.m. Idab Fdb locrl limc os &c dry afrrthc Trlo{&rDe, uhso othcnvirc.gltd b bytE futicritr uitiry frmaod !0rr fte Trurfer Due, s€wie b frc Trusftscd C\ffit SaIl be providod bt City. 4. Rerutscdro nd Wuulits of Roctv ltdouatriuPonE no*y Umin Pwtr repaob mrl ar6rrq u follwr: /t 0l BguE. RoeylfiumhPowtris m &qm c1roraim, dnly apizd d vr[dly Gnistiug EdGr ttc laws of fu Srro d Oretm, md ir duly qudifioal b do budnc in fu Stde of ldaho. Roc&y fromin Po*r has a[ rcquisiE polcr od aftmityo povlb dcctric svicc b 6G AIEEI& EbE(x'rabA;d tED2d12 4.W, AgEesly BCdwQAsreemg!:SUrgtrsiltrl"Au&pqie&u Roctyliluudn Pomhas thc powct nd aftuity b cxmilc od ddiwr6ir Agrtcncd d b mar'-rb ftc trmgictions o.lltcllEtltod Hy. ltig Agrmmharba duty aud rnlidly.'lhaizd md codibrcc thc yr[d od bhdiqg obligltiotr of Rocty l*min Porycr cnfupeablc in sdre wilh ib'Em$ q@ ee edroemm mry be li,minit by qplicablo bailrryisy, inmlvw5r, rcorgmlmoo, mmfrrftm m simih lnvr ediry ee ofumcd dcrcdimlrlc'rigtrtr gwally ud uog ftd tte arnaittility of m! Gquidlc rcosdics of rycArc ecremre od injuncfive rrdiefro rubjoct b ftc dirsstin oftrG curt bcfuc wtich uy foccsdinf oay be hmgh. No dodrrlfun, eling c rEig&dioo yilh, a mhc to, c do.irrtino, oonsrt or ryNrral ot uy ggt E-mcffil o rGgddryborty r rueuity ir nmuy frr fre qffiilim d dcliuory of frir Agrum by Rodry Mffiin Porr c ltc @dimt1r nocty }!omu Pomt of fto tsudimr omartptrtod ty eis .lgmd, povilcd ltt Rocty Leundn Powcr rnntrcr m t€trGsdain r ruuty wi& lceGct b Qtlonlc rtic[ urybcrqnirod ftorn trG Id& PuHis Utilitiea Corrniseim s thc Fedcral focr$r nesmry Coomh*n 4.Gl ll6{dtt din: Alnrmls. Ihc crcqmim ud ddiwy of fris Agrmcnt ud &c ooslmdfun of 6s trEacriotra mErytlbd h:!ey will d vid&, mflirt wi& r rcstt in a kradh of any govirim of u mrtfus a dcfuilt rmder, r rcerlt in f vminilim orfayffi, bqd, norBgE, indF.lrurq deed ofturt, ffirct, lcarc s & ictunA, obfigldotr m lgfficnt of my kind b wtich Rocfty Ittordain Powcr ie row a Puty a by whirl my of iu arsd maybcboud r a&ctsd. 5. Reoudrtfou md TldforofCftv. Ci$ttprrs€ds mdvme as bllowti 5.01 Orraizdim ud Porvqs_qf Cttv. City is ftty qu.liffod b do hfu in fu Stac of ldrb. City hE aU rsquiliE portr dl arfrndty guvide rcrvico b fre Tlur&ued Clrmcra 5.@, 4$qo:Bddrjo-&Laacoq ssvsd4rdhes?dos eytu 6c po*rr d nr&o.ity to 6EcG d divu frir furmd ud b omm& 6c Emrdlne oorc@rea h!s6y. Ittu fgM bar ba elyd nlidty dorird od ooffios 6c valid d ffiing *ligdim of C[ty cnfutcaHc in spoudacc wi& itu trna qcqt scnfrrcomonaybclftniudbyrpplicatlo inmtvcy,rcorguidioo,ofiilfiftrn 66 *imilr [y3 lEdhg tb cofrrpeucul of credims' "ig!il" gffie[y d mcpt tCfrc avrilalflity offu cqdnHc rtoodics of aoamecrtmme md inimciverdirfarc djdb tb disdim offu ourt bafuc rtich ov pocoediog mey be tmrgfr. No dodraim, filing a rcgfutrrtimwifr, a mtfue b, tr drqridioq cmffi u ryproval o[, my gmrcmml c rc8daOryUody G mfimityiurc!, frrltc execdim and deflivuyoffrigAgtelledby City. s.Ul NmContavruln Anruvel+ Ttc c*mdim ud ddirqf, offric furao md fu onmalim of fts tusactimr omgtml hfl*y uri[ mt violitq oodiotvift m rcmt ia a krac& of my guvisim o'q a mslitltc r d.ft'rt uodcq crcsut in 6c uuidion of ey DotE bmq lnor|E!g!, ilL.ttEq (bd of tru$, mact brrc r otbcr h*umo, Uigdm bEclvAr*MA;C!{F3dll argmcdofuytind orth,hCityb aw a Patymbywtich myofitr uarraybo bslprorrfroced. 6. CovE_ogEE ofBoc&1 }lormrin PWf. Rocty filmldn Fm ormoll and aglc ar frllorrr: 6.01 CufoCofBuinsg!. RoctylUommPonerSallpovideEr,ftEbttcTlffi friffii fu tc timc Fiodl ret fuh in Scdim 3 ofeir furanm ineoodnc wih itl pc* praiocr od *dl -ttrgc h D ffihl tuiu rddiog b 6cTrdrcd Ctmcrr ot of fto ordinry sp ofhdmr inchfiry @hg b uyorffirtc finrrcinguaryffifu tinitt Rodcy MomdnFourcdt rbitityo tsmrfu&c TtudnodC\lrhcrrb City. 6.@ Bcam1D|eel[$ tubjcctbftEtcrrncof&igAgrtt'rrdnd fid$iry Sligltim rtr rpglicrhlc lrr, Ro*y Mfidlin Fom dratl urc cmcgally rcamrblo cffirtg to cftcluc fto rrmio oodcrupled W eil eStEGnd uat to fiilEtl 8ll ofhs cmdfltims of tbc Pdier' obligdms uldcr tris Afroancm od S.ll do dl nd m md rhingr as rcasmrbly ucy be rcquirod b cuy uil Rocky }hdrin hrudr obliguim haodcr d b oqNrd.ne tc mdim orrrr'Ffi4cd }1l ffit.lf1g66om. 6.(B NoUfortigul no*y l*ormin Pmrr will gire Ctty gpt rvrith ffiico ofoy ficd, mdirin c frct rbing prir t me fturer lhb frd ruff cr'*c ny of itr rGilccatdims md vumicginttds Agadb bG r!iltc h uymauiel tapd. 7. Qsme@,ofCtr. Citycmumtr md agra u fr[orvr: 7.Ol Roqqblc Etrurts. SrftjsCb frGtcroroftisAgrmcdaodfieriry dligdions udcr qlplicrbtrB try, City Sdl uie oo',nilErdrfly rmbh cffirtr o c&cbatc thtusdin oom@tA by ftis AglGaocd ud o fuml dl of & cmditim of tc hhs' ohtiedims rd.rftir Agtmeu ed shdl do rll sd ea md ^' g- rs rcarmffymaybo rcqrdrcd b ccry oil Ct5f,s obligdiom hcreudcr md to coryh ftE trredim cmteopl&d byddsAglad- 7.OZ N@cdOO Cltyvill gircnockyMminPomqt yrithndiooofuy a6, ooditim a fict uidng prin b ftG Trecfu lho ltd wlil cmsc ary ofitr rcpGsddim! ud warrdiss in ftis fumcnt b bc untrue in ayueirl rcrycot 7.(B fd@. Cttyrhdl deftn{ hrd@i&, mdholdhrmlcssRockyMmah PotrEr, iE offiocrr, dfoiEtu4 @o5lec, md ag@, fim md lgdod myaad dl liebitty,lora duap, dtiru, rrit or re ofaction uiring ot of or diling b CltSrr reryioo b fte TtmsftEod Grstultr& Ttir ohligdim shall ntniw 6o lerminatim ofthir Agmt md omfldim of ftc tusedioc conhqil'tod ty lhic Agtffi- HoBCryA-r*Ag@rtlltof 12 7.U &llEgffruy. Pdorto lhc TruetDt" Cttyrlntl Uacfcaatmyftind CiVs 6m orpcosq all eamcatr c dcr rtal DrlpGrty dtb, liocs r pcmirdm, (ti@- oFrayr) recssar,, fu City to lauftlly uvo 6e ltanftllod Cumers. 8. Coodilimr hpodent Billotselo. All dfu obligEims ofRoctyltlmninForrrndcttiregrm m diootb 6o frlfillmcrrr, pric O md qm fto1lulftr Die, of eash ofths fonowiqg mdili@: 8.01 g_fgr'. Allrqrerddmudwudicsqde iotti! egrmc*WCity Sallbctnrcd urtctindlorohlrcqpo rr of ftE Trrocftr Ddo t frlly c ltn4h nd rryremtlom md rmrrntieo hd tmmrdeu md ag oftc Tlaodrr me, and as of ftE Ttu*r Dde, Ctty *oU have omptoil in dl umcrialrcrye wfth rll ovcnmtr -ndc by it in tir Agrffi. t.U2 U=i$g]ig. At 68 Trosfu lhfie, ftcrc Sall nd bc in cffEct my udcr, decre, r iqiuctim ofe mt of oorycmjuisdlcUmrc*tnlng €qioiriug; rpohilidngfromdm of ttc trmsrtions s'{rFmdgtgd tV flfu Agccmcf (cach Party bcrrby rgrEiqg b uso ia rwmrblc cerE, roumgrcsdlc rycrls bhighcrcooftE! to hrvc myerh ufu, dcm c injmrlim g 6fr1 6lilhf,L od no di6 $dl hrre becn treco, md m sffic' rule orcgulilim Soll havebm losoeE by my fibc &dml goverffi c govenrneatal agcncy in thc Irtribd Statrc c,tich wtntld puvct tb cunmmtio of ru& trasactiug. 9- tma ell nprcsc*dnr d rrradic o,fb Prtic* d all titritity6sEfrq frll ruvirc fu a pcriod of,m ycr pa tto Tnu*r Ddo, d wffi tine frc obligai@ rdlr lhir EgrGGrnGd trdl co od Grnfot. No0rithdfiag ec frrepiqe obligrtimr qacr Sdin 7.04 of frir Aertcod Sdl omfuro i*tcrfidy. lolrcuioaipq 10.01 I!]Elingfu! ftis esmdmaytrtrrmin*rd d $odmod etmytimopiqb6eTlul&rhGift (e) Iho Prticr.gra in wdtiqg b @ffs AgrcGDd by ffirl coo4 G @) Clty ddivca a vrith mtfuie b Rocty Moudin Fo*u b tr! &ct th noeey Uamin Fowhas dofulErl is arnrtsrirt rqoct Edc (m (rrurrrr of itr ortaffi ud aglmeo ffi tatit (tttfut ftIl bc ryodfod h d.til in s.t dioG} d Ed mditim a mditlnchn e dbco saidd c sd tlcfurh u dcfutb bvc ut ba rcnodiod (c mfu'ud by ffiy) wihi! frirty O0) dryr rfu ftG date arl rtioc ir ddfttttcd bV Cityb Bockyffiumin Fower, c (o) Rocty !{min }srtcr ddivtrr a*ritEnodcb Cityb 6c c&ctlh City ha dsfuilEd in r omial rqd udcr (re (r ruru of its 6\,ffi od agmrd wrtrinal bEctArtbA;uharJd12 hGftin (shid $all bo TGoificd itrdctlil in flcldioc)i d rucL mditkn orm&limshvE Dot beco satbfid c s& dc&olt u dcfurlu hcvc mt bm raslid (q vrivcd ty Roc&yfilmin nsrrr) wi6iu ltirty (30) dqrs rftcr ftG dde nr& Dodr is ddhrcrcd by noc y MmbiaPortrbCitf,c (O Ttc Trmrer Dde t s d occuril o c bcfu! July 3 \ mlg a d hde b xrtfoh ftc tFm of rt.ir Agrffi Dry bo rntor.dA pel6 b ilurud agmd of$o Prtia, pvidod ftt c ofts Prtis tivc lode b ftc otrr o tFmin'nrng 6it Alrlrud md tril tc Pcty sc*iry ro6 ffiinilio hrr nd dc,ftrfooal ia i mrrra'rtqlqdhlc fo ddsriry ftc TrEfu De pd July 31, 2019. lo.([l Bftcf ofTdminrlim. Boqi wtrc qrodfic ml ul orrdttisrr of lts agfceod FuvidG &d sdi tcrmr md dil&E cmriye Enidlln offris Agra@ myffiim preui o tlrh Sdim l0 il.ll ftficw boft Prticr hcr6 of ftir dligdlns &affihcniq uduyarch@inalim omitu6 r fritrro offumditlu btbobligCirof tu PEtica b irylffi frbeg€cord, tlo# thi diqghcrdr rill rliffi uy Prty tom lirbility frt uytmad ofthtu egmmt ll.Assis@cil. Ncn&cr Pdymay ffiien its rfub EdGr ftis AgI@ b aoy lffi putyr,fltdfrG writhmeotofltcdrrPuty. I 2. lUsrdicdm ef&EulSL 4[eoEid!. I! th. cl,lrt 6c &s Cminim c ay oftcr ffir edi c misipd dfiity dcErirb frFt mypovidonofttir A8tEidoof,ictswih air invbhim ofqflicrblctq cim rnyn{6rrqdatim, c qderr ur&i&rcqdroRocky}Iffiin PorabrlEm rorod aay of fte provicimr offtir egtffi c b tcrmi@ ftis Agrmd, o tbd ottsni* gech& or nroirny iffie vib c tudnd fu t&E*r of rrtcir oo@tacd hctEir, de! eglecmcu lmrdicrlty Srll ba ocndod b or{*y wilt sct daridm, rna.+rrr, rulq rqulmln r oda; c, if rc cdercd, frir eglmd frell Enine0c wlmr eAiag tru& of tte Ttufmed @ss o CItg md in uy of ftc fuqoing et d, Ro*y tfiuffiin Pwu Sdl d bG lirblc to Cfty frr dnntga c berc of ay kiul wtmqtrr, lndutlng mrryafuil or ordcr, or rodificdirm 6 trrninntion of ftir trmrdioor 13.!,fidlllp.u+ 13.01 ArpcdmE! Ihit Agrcmcut nay bc uradcil oly by u iffitM itr uiting erarerl bythc PEtbs which apasty reers b ftis Agmrd od $dos rhrt it is m madmcothrrcb. 13.02 Sedm indPangraohHodiugs. Ito SGcaiG ud Stttsodln hcdingl omiuod in 6is Agmd a! frr rftacae prpou oly mrl fiall not ia uy *ry afrtct XNpnncanlrg ciffiFmimof6bAgld- frb*CttlrbApchD6dl2 13.03 Wafuor. Auy of&c t-mr or mdilin ofthil Aglamnaytc vtivd at uy tirc rnd fiom tims b rime, in rrilirg, by fu Prty dd b fto bcoeft of er& hr cmffiim. 13.04 lun, Waivcr. To ttc fillcrt crm pcuiUod by hw, cad of&c Prricr waivu my righr it may tro to a tsirt by jury in rqccl of litigdim dfudty or indirocty ri+ing oil of,tdrrr in mdioa withfris Agrmcd. EachpertyfirftGrwrivrs oyrigfito cmrolib my aCfun b utticL e juy tial bil bcco wrinod with my 6cr dion in xrti.t a jury thl @t bc orhar ndba rdwd" 13.fi tioitrtim qfRemdi* IIIIDER NO CIRCT MSTAIICES $HAII EIIIIER. PARTY BE LHBLE FOR ANY COIISEQUm{TIAI,, EXGmIARY, puNnrVB, SPECIAT{ INDINECT ORINCXDE}ITALDAMAGES OR.BtrE{OMIC II)SSES AruSING (xJT G ANY CIANA DEildA}TD. M, ACTrcN BROUGIIT WTfiI RETTPBCT TO THISI A(NEEMEI{T. 13.05 &!!A. Afldiocq rcqpcdsr.rm'dq odofrcrmrrfudimogirabyClty c RocLy lrfiorfrin Pom SalI be h udling E l rhdl bG dred b krc bcco ety Sirun $tcn taoospioE ufren ddiverrod pcrudty in wdliag c ufta @ io fu Uribd Sutri ndl, toec ffbvingaddrocrcr: If to Rodry lrdontrin Porvcc RockyMminPo*rr JGGEleyBantt 1569 WcstNc&Tqtc $alt I dre Q!1y,, UT Eil 16 'lVifraooryb:no*yItilmtainPow Offieof Gcosal Omsd l4O7 N. Wert Tqle SuitE 320 Sdt la&e City, Utah 841 t6 Ifto CIt!,:ldahoFaUc CityPmncr BilPtaLb 140 SodhQital Avtuc Bor5(IlA) IdrboFdh' ID E3,f{Xt c to och o&cr ddr€ls u City or Roc&y Itilordain Po*umayda.ignqte in vddDg; 13.6 I&rOd Ar+em. thirAgreilGd, uftcu exme4 offi fu catirc gceocotbCurccn tbc PutiEs M vithrcqeb frEAf,G,s fficdin ttirAgtad, and qlellrdes rnd Drydes dl pior lhc csm{o! egtmcd rd udccfuliqg1 ral d *rifito, bctrecn 6c Prticr brr6 wih rc+cct to thc ArsclT rafrIhLch,ArrreAtGhrTdu l3.(}7 CGodr ltLAgrmanrybetlmtsdiocmnprnf cldofrtiAfl tudl ppclbo hd o bc I s'firt dtr6 irtl offi c dtu uirtmt IN UmlES8 WffiB(F, tc Hicl htlc d3d 0i egE-"rEr l db dI fu-oTc16ih. IIDAfl)TAIJS FOWIN,towB Btr:Br Nm t{G mryxs- Scqr b**rr*.Iila lleSr,IdrbFdb nfls OperfisltdolgEr 5rqrEbrl1El}ldrz I L ATlESf,: CX.BRK ) )r GutydBrerlllo ) ft tL leOry of nfNE,mg,eoOy Smi t&! u Bie L tft-OE, rtcfady fo qnoa{tybra b o d tr @ rm c fud.tl fu i! ir tu XrFof b hlb Cfty d tu dl domn tgnn by tr bt&tf ddd E& Edb Cfty ty eOoftr of ib hur !d A{frn'Ft+ d rdl nis L No& CqlrmgEn b 63 ltrt ;ii! H.ho F.[t Cily ptcntrd fu s IN Wffi{BEE WEEnffi, I hm tlub c tuy H d rffi-ce ry dHrl d fudrfdyrfu-u,!rrlEL I tJoor./ (Scrl) rbEqrr:bA.-IlttdU f. :t4t--.ctl-*Nau'ryPilicofH b 2Fr & Fest UIa|'r L EXUIBXTA DESCnIPIION OT ASSEIB SBVTNG rRANSrmnu) cusmutRs 7U2E St tf,vrSER()AD DEri 0on Pbnt ln Seruloe 364 tdrXdF t5 SEFhntlnSrfte lrrcomeTrc 8{.ltrb-ffif Ar.- EomScprfon Oo!il312lffir RaruucQ 161rllLagdlfrilenC6tlTdgxeorr TdSJ. FTIO SrblttCilIAdbA:relrrcl0d12 ffi, Tryqtand FlGruOsEConfu6ntDaft* LirTrg:funrxe t1.a 0zB 31.5t6 $a98r Jn6 $3,762 $e sEt0 $1.t0!) tq678 s,440 t Enl TB [ftbr Nrdlr rd 12 Prtr ltrttrr Eloctrlc BBFcTnnGrlodCumr 792EWM * Addts:-ffii;is Apr-l8 IteftS Jutr.lE &*18 Alg-1E Setrf8 Oct-lE t{or-l8T,Fl8 Jan-l9 Fsbl9 TUfAI.Sxtcrr 70trE Rdd 2il.D loDs7 &2.712 57.So.m lo4.{g s.7'5*alef.s 905.s 5m.15g.8t2fi,,, $BrG2E bF.Bcry/lEiMrD/$rE h!rdU $a2tofi DTLffiG ilII,OTSAIT Bod5rfficffihurr qofl&lolllt Fc vrhabb csqac*pq ofuftich fu ud.llrittd afuw|sdgst I!ad!t, mling $9,4{O, PilifiCotrp, &iqgtrdrues Rocty tdm0rinPonrcr(.lCorylqn, hardf gpm, buBrin!' sclls ud ddiur to fu CIty of ldaho Fdb CBrrJrEfl) Irurod to uArrcl Tnor&r neracd ded rc of _13 srrcz )e,l7 dI of its ridh+ tiflc ed intcrGsr in ud o dl oftbAS lid m Erffi rt ffi b llll Arct Tffi Agpcud, d prrcdy ia tbPwilnofCryy. TEB AsSEfiT ANB SOI.I) A}iTD DELII'ERED TO BTIYBR, "AS NS, WHBRE XS.' PACIFIO(XP HRBY DXSCX,.IUITilS AITID EXCLITDEII HREROII: (A) AI{Y EXPNESS OR IMPIJBI} RERESE{TATK)T{ OR WARRA}ITY AS TO TEB VAII'B CO{DHIOI{, I'ESIOTI, OPERATIG{, OR QUALITT OP TIIB MAIBIAI.S OR WORXITIANSHIP IN, fr.AI{YDEFECTS INTIIBASTTE'IS; (B) AIIY EIORES$ OR IMPI.IED WAARANTY OF MERCXIANIIBIUTT fi. FTNTESSI FOR T'SE OR FOR A PARIICI r.AR. pt RIOSE (x' (C) AI{Y EE|}RESS On TMPUED RmESBmAnO{, qTAnANTEB, OBLIGATIO}{, TJABILXTY G. WARBANTY OF SEXI.R, E (PRESS OR. IMPLIED. ()F ANT KIIIID, ARIIIINO BY IJ\W (x. OOURSE OF PB,FoBMAilG, DEALING, ORI'SA@ OT IRADB. r,tx,frE i-7 dayof :I-t"lE zo9 no*yl*ountrinPo*tr s& Dqrcr: bEB B',:Srnr LP Is: hrr2d12