HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190510Application.pdfIY ROCKY MOUNTAIN RECEIVED HSIY,E*R* ?org p6y r o ptt t2r s l ', *'l,T'illujot{Fth"8 t' o* "^-D 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 8416 t May 10,2019 VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re: CASE NO. PAC-E-19-06 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROFESSIONAL WAY - BROADWAY ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT AIID TRANSFER OF SERYICE BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above mentioned matter are seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's and the city of Idaho Fall's Joint Application for approval of the asset purchase agreement and transfer of electric service for customers on Professional Way and Broadway as described in this Application. Very truly yours, J, Vice Enclosures t I Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email: daniel.solander@oacificorp.com Attorneyfor Rocly Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE PROFESSIONAL WAY - BROADWAY ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT AI\TD TRANSFER OT SERVICE BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AI\D THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS CASE NO. PAC-E-19-06 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ) ) ) ) ) ) t Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the 'oCompany"), pursuant to provisions of the Electric Stabilization Act, I.C. $ 6l-332, et. seq., and I.C. $ 6l-328, hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho Falls, ("City"). This Agreement provides for Idaho Falls to purchase certain electric facilities currently owned and utilized by the Company to supply electric service to five customers located on Professional Way, Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, and one customer located on Broadway, Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, as more particularly described in the Agreement. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, whose address is 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 16, is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of ldaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 82,000 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of theI APPLICATTON OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Page I I t Commission. The Company's retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of Fremont, Madison, Teton, Clark, Jefferson, Lemhi, Oneida, Bannock, Franklin, Caribou, Butte, Bingham, Bear Lake and Bonneville counties. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. 2. Idaho Falls, which is located in Bonneville County, owns and operates an electric power system within the municipal boundaries of the city for the convenience of its citizens. The City's municipal service territory is surrounded by Rocky Mountain Power's service territory. The Company currently provides electric service to one or more electric customers located within the boundaries of the City and the City provides service to one or more customers within the Company's seryice territory. I. BACKGROUND 3. On October 9,2017, Rocky Mountain Power and the City entered into a Service Allocation Agreement to reduce duplication of service and promote stability in their respective service areas. The Service Allocation Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 5,2017. 4. The Service Allocation Agreement specifies that existing customers as of the date of the agreement would continue to be served by their current electric supplier irrespective of service territory boundaries. 5. The Service Allocation Agreement provides for the transfer of a customer's electric service from one utility to the other as long as the acquiring utility agrees to pay the utility currently providing service just compensation for lost revenues and the distribution facilities utilized to serve that customer. The Company and the City agreed that just compensation for lost revenues would be an amount equal to 167 percent of the total of the APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER t Page2 I respective customers' electric bills from the prior l2 month period. In addition, the acquiring utility would purchase the poles, wires, cross arns, insulators, guys and other facilities no longer needed or required by the other utility to service that customer. 6. The Company and the City have agreed to transfer service and the City has agreed to purchase the facilities described in Exhibit A to the Asset Purchase Agreement, in addition to paying 167 percent of the customers' previous 12 months electric bills, as shown in Exhibit B to the Asset Purchase Agreement. II. REOUEST FOR SERYICE AREA EXEMPTION 7. Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls hereby jointly petition the Commission for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement, provided as an attachment to this Application, and transfer of electric service, wherein Idaho Falls agrees to serve the load of the customers described in Exhibit B to the Agreement, and pay the Company for the assets transferred, as well as the revenue reimbursement, legal and transaction costs. III. COMMUNICATION 8. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: If to Rocky Mountain Power: Ted Weston Daniel E. Solander 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Emai I : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com daniel. solander@pacifi corp.com I I APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER Page 3 I I If to the City of Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls City Power Bear Prairie 140 South Capital Avenue Box50220 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLTNTATN POWER datareque st@pac ifi corp. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 9. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready for immediate consideration of its Application and will present its testimony to support the Application in such hearing. V. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls respectfully request that the Commission: l) process this Application under Modified Procedure; 2) issue a final order approving the Asset Purchase Agreement; and 3) authorize the transfer of electric service for the customers located on Professional Way and Broadway as described in Exhibit B to the Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls. I Page 4 I \I DATED this l0th day of May,2019. t Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Respectfully submitted, 4,fihBy APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER t Page 5 t ATTACHMENTA I t I I ASSET TRANSMR AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCI(Y MOITNTATT{POWEn AI\Dclrr oF rDAHo FArLq IDAHO Ttis Assct Transf,er furcement (the *Agrccmcnf"), d&d rhis _ day of __, 2019 is betwecn Cityof raalr Falb Idaho, a mmicipal capmioo of frc Sme of rdaho dft/a ldab Fdls Powcr, ("Cityr); md PacifiCory, an Orregon corporation, {/ty'a ia Ideho as Roclry Mormtain Power (Rocky lttomtain Pou,Er'"). Rr&y ttfiormin Powcr md City re sometimes rcferred to colloctivcly as "Parties"and individrultyas ?arty." WHREAS, Roclry Moraain Pover errrdly serves five cusmers locmd on Pnoftssional Way md mc cusimer m Bmadway md muc partioilady fucriboal in Exffiit Ar attach€d b fris Agecmat md inoorpamA hercin; aod WHEREAS, City hE agrcodo trrchasc thc Ass€ts fim Roclry t\ilormtrin Pwer md Rocky Mormin Po*u her6y agocs to sc[ fu Assets to City in amomdmoe wi& aod s$ject to dl ofthe ums and ooditions of sele as erpr€ssed hsrcin, and in mrdre with ttc Scrvice Albcation Agr€Gmcot M im by Roclry llountain Power ed Crty, ddd Octoba 9,nn, &L mmved by trc Idab h$lk] Utilitics Conmissim m Dooember 5, 201; md WHEREAS, City hss ageod to servc tre custom€rs rfter purchasing tte frcilitics crlrrtmy gening 6ese $sbm.crq in acoordmoe wift od sfij€ct b alt oftte terms aod cmditions of salc as cxpesscd hcrcin; md NO% fiIEREFORE" for md in consfrleruim of ttc mfrral pomiscs ud @veoants mdcmditftnr serfrftinftisagrcemem, thc otrcicocyofvtic,hishcr$yrmrtunlly r,hwlodgpdd acocpto( ftePrtics hcrcb agrac aE follows: l. Ddurti,o,lg. Fc pnposcs of tris Agrtcocd, ftc fr[owing t€rn8 uEod brcin ht not otbcrnise dcfinodhemin shdl havcthefolowingEtringu,h€ouco.lwilhinitidcryializatio, whethor sing[lr orplural: 1.01 'Assets" reats ftosc frcilities omeuty owned W nocfy lvioumin Pover, as dmibod inExhibitA l.CZ *Commission" means the Idsbo Public Utilities C;mmissior- l.&l "Trmsf,crrcd Customers" means fte Customers lhtwill bc trmdem€d to ldaho Falls Power ae a rpflrlt of lhir transaction md wbmo mctcr nmbqs uc listod in Exhibit B. l.(X "TrudcrDre"meansthedne rryonnhich allofftcTruffincdCtshGrB rhall bmc ttc custm,crs of rdgrro Falls Povcr. bbFdL@ArfficACIEEIa I d13t I I 2. Sale md PrurciaseofAss. 2.01 Asseb to Be Sold. TtE Asscns frd will be trmsfeu€d to City as a rcsult of trG Trmsfcncd Curmmers being served byCityacdcsctibod inEnhiht A 2.92 Rnrchase Price- Thehrchase Price fortheAsse8 ghalbc: $31 ,751 LU3 Pavneol TtePrrchasc Price shall bepaidb Rockyl!floutainPowerby CIty wi6in fifueo (lO days of fte dde frig Agrcm is crccubd by bonh Partieq such palmeot shdlbebyohcce. 2.U Inrtrmcffi of Cmveruce udTlusfs. Subjd b frc saisfrctkm oftrG cmditions prcoedcd sst ffi in Soctim 8 bcby, and prsm m dl of fu terms and omditims offtisfuieemeot, RockyMounfiainPowcrSall erecub mdddiverb Cityabill ofsaleovegt in City gpod and mrrlffiblc titte to the Assets, $bjfft to tro scanrity futcrc$, lieos or acumbrmc€s, aod srbetmtially in ttc form ofttc rmerecutod bill of sale atachod hcro as BxhibftC- 2.OS Prorfion of PersonalPronertv Taxcs. Pemmlprqertytucs, if E?licsblc, shall bo poruod betn cen Rocky Itilorffiin Pwer and City as of 6e Tfmder Drc basod qm dap of wner$ip in tre ux pc in ufrich fte Trmder lhe occrre. 2.6 Salcs. Traos&r md OthcrTaxcs. Any salcq crcise ffi, grctasq usc,, or similrtu' whichmaybcpayablebyreasonoffre saloof all aaportionoftheAsscts finll be b@c mdpaidbyCity. 3. Ownershio: Scr:rdion d Trmgfcr, Op€ratim md l\raftitsnmce: RiBk o,floss 3.01 Trmrfer ofC\smcrs. Rodr fylomin Power Sall rctinqui$ €fldical svice to fte Trmsfeuarl Clrtomsrs d 11:59 a.m- Idaho Fdb local tim€ m thc Trmsfcr Drtc, s flr,h o&Er drb as drully aSrtod to by thc pctics itr miting. Rocky Ittorffiin Power Sall bc obligatort b oodime to prcvidc acn icc md atifled to rcccfue payneot ftom the salo ild delivery of electric scrvice rry to the Transfer Ddc md City *alt have thc siltority md tte obligatftn to trovide dcctrb ssvice to fu Trmsf€ucd Ctsm€rE Ed shall bc cotilldto reeive pal,mem ftrm any declrb s€ilice tom md afur 12:fl) p-m. Idaho Fals local limo on fte dayafterthsTrmsferDrerrmlossothenriseagrcodbbytekrti€sinwriting; Fromdafu the Trmder Dm, service b ttc TrmsfGu€d C\rffieils qball be provided by City. 4. Reprcsffitim ud Wrrmties of Rrckv lyfior- tain Powcr. Rocky lvlormin Power rtgcscm ud wurd as followE: 4-01 Orumizcion md Powers of Rockr lYfountain Powcr. nocky lvlumainPower is m Oregm oorpodf,oo, drly orgmized md valirily cxistiag rmd€r tLe lryB ofthe Stte of Oregm, md is erly qualified to do hrsiness in lho Stats of ldabo. Rocky Moffiin Power hae dl rcquisiE porrcr od alfuity to Fo,vidc eloctic scn icc to thc Assctr. lhoF.LCtyA-m-AgrmPI!2 of,f3I t t 4.U2 Auftmitv Rc'l,ativc b Aerccmmt: Gov€mcntalAdorizatim- Roe.kyltilomoain Powcrhaslhe powcrmd aftorityo €xeqft md &iverthisAgt@d db corornrm& frctmsectims hcr$y. IhisAgrmemhasbc€odutymdvalidtyflrtomrdmd cm$infes te valid Dd bfuding ohligrtim of Rocly Llmntain Powcr eofrrccSle in mordmoc wiefuBtcrr$crc48o eaforcemdoayblimitedby$icable insolvency, moraMium66similr laws atrestingfte eoforcemcat of creditors' rigfuts gpo€ma[y md Grcglt rl'4 the availability of the equitable remedies of speific porformre ud iujrrctive rdicf rc mrbjct m ftc disclttim of 6c qnt bcfore which any prrooooding my bc bmrght No delaraim, filing orqistrdioawilt, cmice to, a alLorization, c@sd G tpproval o[, ay govermemal s ryulmry body or ufrmity is amsuy for ltc cxmrion od ddiveryofftis Agseloem tV Rodry hfiurmin Pwer u Sc consmdion by Ro*y Momin Power of trc tmsadions oodcryled bV tris ASIEemEot, providod fut Rocly ldnmin Powcr malrcs no rrpcsentdion a warrmy with rqlct to agovals shic,h may be roqtrircd fim'frc Idaho h$lic Utilities ConmissimcthcFoderalfoerffnsgrlrtoryC,:miscim. 4.03 Nm€mEavcntiou Afrpmvals. The exeuim ud deliveryofftis fuieeoem md frs consrnmatim of ttc trmsEctions conteqll#d hercby will not violdq confli;t wifr m resrltinabreacLof myprovisim o{, ccoditute adefrrltunder, orrcsult intbterminatimof ey notG., bm{ mortpge, inderrturg deed of trust, om, lerec q ofter instruncd, ohlig4ion c agrcuncd of my kiirl b whitih Rocky Mordain Power is now a Party or by which my of its assetr may bc bqrnd or affectod- 5. Renrcsentetims md Wrrmies qf Citr. Cityreprcsm mdwarrmts as follows: 5-01 Orsmizdim md Powen ofcitr. City is &rly qoalifiod to do business in &e Snao of Idaho. City hrs all ruquisit power md alhmity providc svicc to ttc Trmsftnod Ctsbmcrs. 5.@, Anlhoritv Rclative b Asrcemen[ Go\rcrmtal Aldhodzdion- Cttyhl rhg powcr md dtrityto crocrb ud delivEr fris AgFe€md d to cmarmmste frc tranractions oonfieqllatrdhs,*y. fhisAgrmeathasbecn&tymdrnlidlyadtorizodaodcmstitutesttc rnlid aod hinding dligatim of City eofureablc in accordre wift ib Emq excq* as euforccmeumay be limitedby rylicabtebelmrytsy, insolvEncy, reorganiznion, mfiafiEim or *irnilr fus6 afretiqg the eofutemcnt of crcditors' dgb gwrally ard Gxccpt thd frc availabilityof6e equitablc rcmodics of epccifioperfrmmoe md iqiunctiverelicf ucarbjeto ttc discretim oftre cort b€fore xrhich ey 1roccedfug may be brougffi. No dmlratim, filing or rqistrdim with, qnoticc b, or rorhorizsrion, cment a Erproval of my gowrmetrhl G regulaorybody or auhmity isnccessaryforfrc execrnion ud deliveryofeig Agreemeatby City. 5.03 Non4onFavedion: Apnrovals. The €xecution md d€tivEry of this furccment md thc omslmndion of &c faosactims cmtemplaod hueby will not violtr, conflict wift u rcsult in a breach of any provision of,, c constitrtc a def;urlt rmder, or reqrlt in the ternindim of acy note, bond' nmtgagc, itrdcffiurq deed of trust, contnad, lease or other instum€of, obligilim !&ohbCh,AlaHcrfjrcuh3c3df3t t I or agrccm€d of my kind 1s urhich City i8 mw a Prt5r or by whic,h my of ib asscts may bc boundoraffccbd. 6.k Rocky Itfiorffiin Power oommts md agrees as follows: 6.0f Conduct ofBrsinee* Rocky ttloumin Powcr shall frcvi& setvbe b tre Trmrkorf Cldmere fu lhc ' - pcriods cct frslL in Sctim 3 of ftis Agrm in aocondacc wilh itspsfi fadiccs md shdl cn'grgo in m m*crhl trmsrctiom rdding b fu Trmcftuad Gufimcrs out of frc crdinry ornrsc ofhsimss, inchding €il€ring im uy contract a fmming smDgcmd thst limiB Rocky Mormain PowEtr's ability to traadcr thc Trmdcuod Ctsbmcrs b City. 6-02 Rcasmable Etrortr. Subjoct b fu lerps 6f rhis lgrmcnt ad fifrrqi"ry obligfionsunderryplicablo law, Roc,kyMoutainPower$allusccmerciallyreasmable GffofiB to eftc0nlc ltc trmsaclims oomqlrcA by ftis AerEEod ed b trlfill all of ftc conditions of ttc Prties' obligations under this Agreemeot ud $hpll do all $rch act ed - 'r'g* as rcasmably may bc rcquired to carry out Roclry Moffinin Powtr's obligations hereunder and to oorylre fu uansactitxt cmtqldoa by this dgrop.lnertr- 6.03 NotiEcdim- RoclrylfiorffiinPowerwill giyc Cltygqtwrithndice ofmy stlcnt, cmditim s mcil arising pior b &c Trmsf€r Ddo tt* wqrld cmsc my of its mdwmaticg ineis Agrmd b bG rffiucinmymaGialrcspect 7. C,oveom of C'itr. Citycorreamts md agrceo as follows: 7.Ol Reamable Efrrts. Subjoct to the teirms ofthis Agrlcmcilt md fidmiary obligilims under rylicable lsw, City shall u* cornmcrciallyreasmablc eftftE to €ffecfilatelhc transartions conqrca by ftls Agrccmd md to fulfiU all of fte conditions of thc Partics' obligtims und€rlhis fureememmd shall do all srche6 Edftingp asrcaronablymryb rcqufud b cuy out City's oblig[ions hcrcundcr md to oomplotc the tranmotirm contmplatcd byfrisAgrm€xrt. 7 .U2 Notificatim- City will givr Roclry Itfioumain Power proqpt writlen notioe of my ev€d, omdition c frct arising pior b frc Tr& f,)re that world crue my of is rqEccnffims and umrdies in this Agt€offil b be rmtru€ in my meial rEeect 7 -O3 Indcmnitv. City sbdl dcAo( oami&, udholdhrmlcss Roc,kyliloumin Power, itsofrcers, Arcctursr erylolreeg md agrms, fiom @dagainstoymdall ffability,loss, dmage, cleirn$ suit or canse of action ciring ort of or rclding to Cit/s s€ffico b &e Trmsfeuod Al*mars. This ohligdim rhall survftrc the teroindim of ftig Agrmd and completim of tre trmsactims cmrymae bV &is egeeom" EiolflCh,ArchnftmaPa!{oft3I I t 7.U Rinfu-of-way. Priorto thc Trusf€rDa$ City shall indrydently obtainat CiVs own expcosc, all cascm€nts or otrcr rcal propcrty rigtfts, liocos€s orpemissions, (lights. of-rvaf) nocessryfor Cltyb laudillyuvc tte Trmsfened Chstmers. 8. Cmditims Precedet Bill ofSale. AII of &e obligatims of Ro*y Itdorffiin Pws under fris fureoent a,o arbjd to fte fttfillmcffi, priu o md qon the Trmder Dde, of eac,h of tb fotlowing conditims: 8.01 Re$sffiati@s. Wmmti€s md Corrcnaffi of Cirf . All rcprescmims od wmdics nEdc in &is Agr€md by City srn[ Ss trrc md cmcct h all mrterial reqem as of tte Trmsfcr Dme as fully es trottgh such rcpnesentaionr md warmties had beea madc on ard as of thc Trmsf,er Datg and as of the Trmsfer Datc, City shall have corylied in all mrtedal rccpects wie all covaants made by it in tris furccmm. 8.02 Iitisstion At tro Tramfer DatE lhcr€ shall not bc in effoct any order, docree, or injnoctim of a corrt of oorqrffit judsdiaion rcsrrainiry; eojoining a pohibiting trE mnsr"'mation of ftc trmsrtiors cmlryUrea by this agrccmd (coc.h Prty h€ilSy a$ceiry to usc itsrcasm$l€ €mor6, includingr€asooable rypcalstohigb€rcourt$ tohave my mch order, docre u iqimction set uide or lifted), md ro rc{im shall havc beea talrco, md m stffite, rule, orrcgulatim shdl [ay6 S6q1 coacteq by any sbb c federal go\rcmm.d tr go\rE(mcofial agwy in fte Unitod StrEs which worH prevent tte cmsrrrmatim of $r,h trasoctims. 9. SurvinalofRcnrc@ons md$larrmies AU rcprcscntatims md wmaties offte Prticc aod dt liability fterEfor, shtl ruvi\re fu aperiod of otrc ],Eu pat thp Tiesftr DaG, at whi& timc fte obligilions und€r ftisagM shatt coase and eryire. Notwfthsmding &e forgoing obligUims undcr Soctim 7-04 offtis Agrccocd shall contimc indofinitety. 10. Tcmminatim. 10.01 Termildion. Ttis Ageememmaybe terminded md abmdmod d anytime prioroftcTrmsferDam if (a) The Parties agroc in writiog b EminaE this Ageement by mtual wnsat or (b) City delir/ers a writen mtice to Rodry Moutrain Power to thc €ftct trd Rocky Umtatain Pow€r has dcGnrltod in a mmiat respect rder ooc or more of its coveamd aer€€m.:nts containedhsein(which shallbe ry@ifid indcf,ail in orchnotice), mdurch oorditim m conditions have Dot been sarisfiad a rllch d€fa'rlt u de,&ults hflrc rd bea muedied (orvaivedbyCity) wieineirty(3O) daf afterthe dae suc.hnotioe ir dclivaodby Cityo RockyMoffiitr Porucr; o (c) Rocty Mountain Poryer ddivqr a writteo notice b City to thc €mEc[ trd Clty has ffiltedin ammcrialrcspcctrmd€rmcormure ofiEcovcnants aodagrEcmcots cmtainod IltrFrtCryAraPrec{ncochF5drsI t I I hcrcir(wtich shallbc ryeifcdindctEilinsuchnoticol d nrcho@ditimorcmditimshalE not bccn ssisficd m ntch defuih c defuils bavc mt ba rcmedicd (orwaived by Rocky lfimmrainPower)wiftin6futy(30) days ffi€rftc datcsnrc.hnoliccis deliveredbyRodcy Ilfomlnin Power to City; on (O ltc Trdrr lhte hrs mt cqmd on m befue Juty 31, 2019 o arh lm dm o wtich fte em of this AglEcmcd Esy bo erhdorl Enard to mutul agltcocd o,ffte Putiqb povidsd that ma ofttc Prties gives mice to &e o&s o terninting eis Agrmem ud th"t tha Paily scc&ing su.htcrmindionhas mtdc&ilt€d in amanncrrcrymsible for dclsying tc Timsfcr Derc past luly 31, 2019- 10.@ Effet ofTeminrim- Er@ vhcre speific ffis md cmditims of ftis egt@tr ptrovide 6at such tams md coditims srvive ffirindim of&is Agretoctr, uy Eminatim pururd to fris Sc'tim l0 &aU rclicrre both Puties hcocfio of &eir ohligdims set foft hcrcfu, and my such l--ningtiom cmstiurbs a frilure of tbo cmditims b thc obligilim of thc Prtic b iryIcmd this egrEGDEilL ercil ed mftiry hsrein will rclieve my Puty ftom liahility frr my hrcac,h of this Agr€rmcd. 11.Assi@. NeifrGr Puty may assig[ its righs unfu this fureeanem to my third paty wilhout trc wdmmdoffrcoherPuty. 12. Iurisdictim of Rcuulerv Aulhmities lnthc qdrhatthe Commissionoranyo&cr sffiq fodcral cmnicipal ardtfiity detemines &at my povisim of thir Agreemd cmflixs wift or is in violdion of ry1ilicoble law, or issres myruleq rqglrti@s, or orders c,bich rcquirc Rocky Muffiio Powcr b alu c @cod any ofths Brsyisi(re of ftis Agrccttr@t q b tcrminalc eie Agrccosnf, or thrt orfrerwise ppclude m mmially iroferc wift c reecid lhe trmder of assens cmlemplatod hcrcin, ftis agrmd rutomrtically shall bc meoded m cqly with snch daerminstiq nrnendment rulq rquldim m udcr; u, if so ordera{ this egr€cmd shall terminate withoff emoding tansfrr of fte Trmdered C\rsbmers to City; md h auy oftte foregoing erffi, Rocky Morrffiin Power shall DotbeliEblcto Cityfrrdn,agcs or loascs of mykindwhdsocrrcr, inchdingoorscqumtiat drr.agps, whichCitymay sstainas aresrltof schdceminaion, meoamemt, rule ryEldioo, or order, or modifcrtlm a terminatim of rhis trmsactitn f3. fvfselanofls. 13.01 Amondment tthis furcemeot nay be rmerdo.l mly by m imtumem in miting crccubd byftcPutias which ecpeesstyrcf€rs to trir Agrccmed ed stEt6 that itir an amcndmenthcr€to. 13.{f,l Sction od Pragr+h Hcadings. Ite Scctim md Sutc€clim hsadiuss G@itrEd in tLie Agrc@cd ue frrrc&reooepurpom oly md shell 61in oy uny aftct $cucming m iffiprctatim of eis Aerccmcot bHLctAsffi{rurt PlgE6dr3 t I 1 3 .03 Waivrr. Any of frc ternr c cooditiore of ftis fureeoem may bc waivod at ary timc md fiw timc b time, in uitin& bythc Prty €atitled to the beaefit of srch ffis or ooditions" 13.04 Jrry Waiver. To the ftlle* cmcm pemimed by law, mh of tte Paties waivEs myrigb itmayhaveo a'tiatty;nry inreryoctof litigttiondirccdyorindircctlyahing outof rmdcr a in connotim withthis furmm. Each pdty fulh waivcs ayrigtro msolidde my actim in uAich a jrry lrial has bcco waived with uy otter action in which ajrry tial cmot bc mhan mt becn wafuod" 13.04 Limimim of Remadies. IIIIIDERNO CIRCI IIdS'TAITICES SIIALL EIIHER PARIY BE LIABLE rOR AIIY CI}}{SEQIJENTIAI, EGMPI-ARY, PUNmIVE, SPECIAIT INDIRECT OR INCIDH{TAL DAII{AGESI OR ECONOMIC IJOSSES ARISING OIJT OF AI,ry cr-AM DEMAND, ORACTION BROUGITT Wm{RESPECTTOfiIIS AGREEMENT. 13.05 Notipcr AU rdiccs, rpque$s, dmmds, md o6cr oommmicdioc glvabyCity or Roc&ytvlorffiin Power shallbe inwdting aod fhatl be deemed to hrrebccn &rly gfucnwhen telcopio( whendcliveredpenmallyinrritingouftcn&eocitd into frcUaibd $fi[6gmril, to 6c folowing ad&rcoseE: Ifto Rocky It ouotain Pow€c noe{ylUomainPower JeftroyBrret 1569 WestNor& Tqlc saltlrkccity,uT 84116 Withacqyto:noclytvlomainPowcn Office ofGencral Corrcel 14(17 N. WGst T€qle Suite 320 Salt lrke City, Ut h t4t 16 Ifto Cit!,:Idaho FdlB CityPower BcarPrairie l,l0 Smft Cqital Avwe Box 50lll0 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 oto srch ofter addr,ess aaCity or RmlryMormtainPowermaydesignate inmiting" 13.(5 Iregmod A,grcano. this Agtmm, yteo ccrcuteE cmsfiuEs &E cdirc agrceoeut bctrveea &c Partics hcacb Yilh lwoct to &s AsBGts defid in this Ageemcm, d sryasdcs edncgdes allgialincextcasionageemcntr mdunderstafllingp, oral md tmifiEn, bctwcca the Puties hercfio with rcepect b the Arscts. S.bFdbCtyf*tkAfmahlpToattI t I t3.t}7 Cudaparts. IhisASfccmcilmaybe cxerbd in oomeryutr, cach ofrrtich Sall frr all purpm be demod o bc m ciginal anl uihich rhall omcfure re md ttc smeinsmd. IN WITNHTS WIIERFOF, &c hrticshar/e signedtrisAgr€clncot asoftrc dde ffiilabonGwrih. IDAHO FAI,LS FOWER.ROCI(T MOI]NTAIN FOWDR. Bf-frLl,*/A:f.'.'/t By Nmc: Rebt(.Sr L,*ffi;;al-Narne: Tony Title IVlayu,IdfuFallE Tftlc OpcrrtimItlmager IflrFdbGi,ArrcfficAeraEDtdr3 7- I I t EXHIEilT A DESCruPTION OT ASSETS SENVING TRANSFENRE) CUSIIOMERI} Pf,oEEssf,xlfl. U Y D.scdption Hanlll_$eotie gqte! Pdsr 5l 388 3?!PffihSenfte lrwneTqc SrbItlc.-Hlthg Araotr frgeosca Seprdon Cocils 12 tfqfie Fsmp @t16nhlegnffrm$cJott CGlsTd$ulc TGl S.L PdG. IdrtoF.lbClyAgmcAfruoE!IOofrt Un<lerglurrd Conductrsild Devbg LheTranfimgr lrrebrs sl,4,:19 S12,52't $12f, $1467E $1,75i1 lrqa35 9,122 s0,184 3a5m tl3,786 o wp1@ t BRC,,,0ilAY Oc.crldon PlanlhSen&e 8dc Prlc. 367 PbfilnSeruio lnoomeTaxes SCePrt -Efifhe Acott Stess Sepafdott Co6ts 12 tlontu Rarilue O 16n5 tqdffrilsac0on CoelsTdgpcmc TotdSd.ftlc. E tohlbCryrlrEaM*A;!d hgDn dl3 Uillcrgmrtd Condu6rt and Devbas v1wl w 3266 fr67 E329 $16E $1265 01.530 I I I t EXHTITB IUctr Nudcrr etd f2 Prier ltflonfrr Floctrlc Hlr ForTnncfEmGd Ctfiucrr Eff.OANAY As imlrdcd unda Efiibit A fc thir sib, 12 rnonrfis of re{,Eouc @ 16'l% = $329. t btdl@AckfrcASrca El:e I dr3 2e433306 GITlc 2t431304 2iltmaEaiBl lunrt I ILta ?r!b.lG.ElXrrf -IF.?g4w:rrlt.l.lf 'B..t!lllrS 1lllt 3!?98Las,aza'6,6 Itta }nltrrlo|l.t WlV-res tB/tr' '2e!t35 1Xr9 ,,i12-6xlfln,p." .r4r9,c.o 23578rn wl, .r+!9r2E!!1q,!LltltS o_-u, 4tr;' T'1 E{9E!3 1++1s5a:l. IL,.Itdml Ul, 17i.z,.{++est.$ aae 2411 f,rrl. \UL l:7-rt1lrjaela ,8.ttr Foxel.rtw.4Etaql{ lQrGrr.rtlllGOiruEq+i/E.trl SaiL !!!x uri, *se ,z_42n4L3 ?',:tu,tr{,,,Al L15l,12 ,5A.t Q7.L'aler-t :ug!.rr lrr{El Ls.a tEL6i,E.A tt3.tx15Tr D#.lml?ndirrlooal I I'.hibit C BILL OT SALE Sellcr:f,oe$MountrL Porrr CttyofiIdahoFdtrBuycr: For valuable ooddcrdlon, of ufiich tte uraersignod actooUoages rccipt, bilaling $31J51, PEcifiCorp, doing busincss as Rocky Motutain Power (C.ompotf), hcr$y grarts, boryins, sclls md &livcrs City AssctTransfa Agrccmpdddod Es of in md to all ofthe AssstslistodmBhibitA PoescssionofCorymy. to said As€t Trmsfer Aer€cmd, md presently in the TIIEASSETSI ARE SOLDATiIDDELIVERM TO BIIYER"AS IS, WHEREIS." t PACIFICORP HEREEY DIIICLAIIVISI AI{D EX(Cl[.IDEft HEREFROTvI: (A) AI\[Y E)(PRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION ORWARRANTY AS TOTHEVALI]q coNDmoN, DESIGN, OPERATION ORQUALITY OF TIIE MATERIAI"S OR WORXMANSHIP IN, OR AIIIY DEFECTS IN TIIE ASSETS; (B) AI{Y E)(PRESS OR IMPUED WARRA}.ITY OF MERCHANTIBILXTY OR FM{ESS F1OR I'SE OR FOR A PARTTCI T.AR PURPOSB OR (C) Ar\rY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESBIIATION, GUARANTEB OBLIGATION, LIABILXTY ORWARRAI{TY OF SEIrm, E)(PRESS OR IMPLtrED, OF ANY KIND, ARXSINGBY I-AWOR@I'RSE OF PERFORMANCE, DEALING, OR USAGE OF TRADE. Dercddt's 7 &yof /n 20t9 PanifiCory By: Itg: I hoEdLCiUAl'aPufr*{r@thar2dlt Dp.to'tinx dd*^'g"'"- R