HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190412Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAF'F LEGAL FROM:EDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: APRIL 12,2019 SUBJECT: IN THE MATTER OF UPDATES TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES; CASE NOS. IPC-E-19-13, PAC-E-19-05, AVU-E-19-05. Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") has approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR") methodology for calculating the published avoided cost rate at which PURPA qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities ("QFs") are paid by Idaho Power, Avista, and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy. STAFF'S UPDATES TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES In Order No. 32697, the Commission found that the final release by the U.S. Energy Information Administration ("EIA") of the Annual Energy Otrtlook natural gas price forecast automatically triggers a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32802, the Commission clarified that an update should occur on June 1 or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook natural gas price forecast, whichever is later. The Annual Energt Outlook 2019 was released on January 24,2019. This year, there are additional updates to be made to the published avoided cost rates. The federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 changed the federal corporate tax rate and Idaho House Bill463 changed Idaho's corporate tax rate, both of which impact the published avoided cost rates. Further, the conclusion of Avista's most recent general rate case, AVU-E-17-01, requires an update to Avista's cost of capital input in the avoided cost computation. IDECISION MEMORANDUM Staff sent letters via email to Idaho Power, Rocky Mountain Power, and Avista on April 12,2019. Attached to the letters was an updated version of the published avoided cost model with updated inputs for the natural gas price forecast, tax rates, and, for Avista, cost of capital figures. Staff asked the utilities to each review the model and file comments with the Commission by May 16,2019 regarding whether the inputs were updated and included in the model correctly. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Commission has historically processed updates to natural gas forecasts without a public comment period because it has determined the process to be a "simple arithmetic calculation" and an "administrative and ministerial act." Order Nos. 31025,31057. The same rationale arguably extends to the update to tax rates and Avista's cost of capital. However, the update to natural gas forecasts is a much more regular occurrence, and Commission orders explicitly state that the update shall occur at a specific time each year through a determined methodolo gy. See Order No. 32697 , 32737 . The update to tax rates and Avista's cost of capital is a less regular occurrence and Staff could not find an explicit directive in prior Commission orders mandating the update based on a defined methodology. Additionally, parties have sought to hle comments in previous published avoided cost updates, despite no comment period being established. See IPC-E-18-05. Therefore, Staff recommends the Commission process these cases by modified procedure and set a comment deadline of May 16,2019, and a reply comment deadline of May 23,2019. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure that sets a comment deadline of May 16,2019, and a reply comment deadline of May 23,2019 in each case? >4,*l(ffi Deputy .N,Jrn.y General I \LegaI\ELECTRIC\IPC-E- I 9- I 3VPCE I I I l_dec memo_ej 2DECISION MEMORANDUM