HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190403Application.pdf.Y o ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP"}Y,E,^N",. r]r:nFl\/Frlill*\JLl J !v ;;it [Pii -3 f;ii 9: l5 1407 West North Temple, Suite 5SO Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Re: April 3,2019 VU OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 CASE NO. PAC-E-19.04 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL OF $15 MILLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL Dear Ms. Hanian: Please find enclosed a replacement of the original filing, including an original and nine (9) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above referenced matter, along with direct testimony and exhibits. Enclosed is a CD containing the Application, direct testimony, and exhibits. A second CD with confidential work papers is also provided. The Company requests that interested parties and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission replace in its entirety and discard the original filing the Company made on March 29,2019 (March 29 Filing) because the Load Change Adjustment Rate was not updated to reflect resulting changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that are applicable to the Company's ECAM application changing many of the amounts in the Company's March 29 Filing. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, lce lation Enclosures CC: Ron Williams Eric Olsen Randall C. Budge James R. Smith "^-D o o o Yvonne R. Hogle (lSB# 8930) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city, Utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4050 Facsimile No. (801) 220-4615 E-mail: yvonne.hosle@pacificorp.com ilfiflil,/EI] lii;l $Fil -3 &Fl $: t6 Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rN TIIE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-19-04 oF ROCr(Y MOUNTAIN POWER ) REQUESTTNG APPROVAL OF $15.1 ) APPLICATION OF MILLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Company" or "Rocky Mountain Power"), in accordance with Idaho Code $61-502, $61-503, and RP 052, hereby respectfully submits this application ("Application") to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") pursuant to the Company's approved energy cost adjustment mechanism ("ECAM"). The Company is requesting approval of approximately $15.1 million of defened costs from the deferral period beginning January 1,2018 through December 31, 2018 ("Deferral Period") with 0.4 percent increase to Electric Service Schedule No. 94, Energy CostAdjustment ("Schedule 94"). In support of its Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power is a division of PacifiCorp, &r Oregon corporation, which provides electric service to retail customers through its Rocky Mountain Power division in the states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers in Idaho pursuant to Idaho Code $61-129. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do business in the state of Idaho providing retail electric service to approximately 75,400 customers in the state. Page I t o o BACKGROUND 2. The ECAM became effective July l, 2009 pursuant to an agreement among parties in Case No. PAC-E-08-08, as approved by the Commission September 29,2009, in Order No. 30904. The ECAM allows the Company to collect or credit the difference between the actual net power costs ("Actual NPC") incuned to serve customers in Idaho and the NPC collected from Idaho customers through rates set in general rate cases ("Base NPC"). 3. Included in the ECAM are NPC as defined in the Company's general rate cases and modeled by the Company's Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision ("GRID") production dispatch model. Specifically, NPC include amounts booked to the following FERC accounts: . Account 447 (sales for resale, excluding on-system wholesale sales and other revenues not modeled in GRID), . Account 501 (fuel, steam generation, excluding fuel handling, start-up fuel/gas, diesel fuel, residual disposal and other costs not modeled in GRID), . Account 503 (steam from other sources), . Account 547 (fuel, other generation), . Account 555 (purchased power, excluding BPA residential exchange credit pass- through if applicable), and . Account 565 (transmission of electricity by others). 4. On a monthly basis, the Company compares the ActualNPC to the Base NPC and defers the difference into the ECAM balancing account. This comparison is on a system-wide, dollar per megawatt-hour basis. o Page 2 I 5. In addition to the difference between Actual NPC and Base NPC, the ECAM includes six additional components: the Load Change Adjustment Revenues ("LCAR"), an adjustment for the treatment of coal stripping costs under Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") 04-6, a true-up of 100 percent of the incremental Renewable Energy Credit ("REC") revenues, Production Tax Credits ("PTC"), Deer Creek amortization expensel, and the Lake Side 2 generation resource adder. These components are described in more detail below. 6. Beginning this year, the ECAM also includes three additional components related to tax benefits ("Tax Savings") arising from the federal 'oact to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution of the budget for fiscal year 2018" (the "Tax Reform Act") and the 2013 incremental depreciation regulatory asset that will be described in more detail below. 7. The ECAM includes a symmetrical sharing band of 90 percent (customers) / l0 percent (Company) that shares the differential between Actual NPC and Base NPC, LCAR, and the EITF 04-06 coal stripping costs. The components of the ECAM subject to the sharing band are described in more detail below. 8. Commission Order 334402 authorized 100 percent recovery of the Deer Creek Mine's unrecovered investment by amortizing the investment over its original life with deferral of the amortization expense in the ECAM. The Deferral Period includes $1.1 million of Deer Creek Mine amortization expense which completes the amortization of Deer Creek's unrecovered investment. rAs approved in OrderNo. 33440, page 5, paragraph 6. 2 See ln the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Transaction to Close the Deer Creek Mine and for a Deferred Accounting Order, Case No. PAC-E-14-10, Order No. 33304 (May 27,2015). Page 3 t o o 9. Pursuant to the stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-13-04, which was later approved by Commission Order 32910, the ECAM deferral also includes a resource adder for the Lake Side 2 generation facility that is not subject to the sharing band. This resource adder is to be recovered through the ECAM for the period that the investment in the facility is not reflected in rates as a component of rate base. Inclusion of the Lake Side 2 resource adder in the ECAM began January 1,2015, and is calculated by multiplying the actual megawatt-hours of generation from the Lake Side 2 generation facility by $1.99 per megawatt-hour and is capped at $5.4 million dollars or 2,729,500 megawatt-hours for the calendar year. 10. Through Commission Order No 334403 production tax credits ("PTC") were authorized to be tracked in the ECAM without applying the sharing band. Under the Intemal Revenue Code ("IRC"), a wind facility generates a PTC equal to an inflation-adjusted 1.5 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity produced and sold to a third-party for a period of l0 years beginning on the date the facility is placed in-service for income tax purposes.a In 2018, the inflation-adjusted PTC rate for electricity generated from quali$,ing wind facilities was2.4 cents per kilowatt hour.s PTCs are reflected as a reduction to current income tax expense on the financial statements and for ratemaking purposes. A forecasted level of PTCs are included in base rates benefiting customers; however, the quantity of PTCs received is dependent on the amount of generation at eligible facilities. The generation is highly dependent on weatheq varying from year to year as weather patterns fluctuate. To the extent the actual generation from these plants varies from the level in base rates, the value of the energy is updated in NPC and a corresponding adjustment is made to the amount of PTCs that customers receive. Since the Company began placing wind 3 Case No. PAC-E-15-09. 4 IRC section 45(a). s IRS Notice 2018-50. o o Page 4 o o facilities in service in2006, many have passed their l0-year anniversary and are no longer eligible for PTCs, thereby reducing the actual amount received. I I . In Case No. PAC-E- I 3-04, the Commission authorized, through Order No. 329 I 0, the deferral of incremental depreciation expense associated with the 2013 depreciation study (the "2013 incremental depreciation expense"). 12. In Case No. PAC-E-17-02, the Commission authorized, through Order No 33776, the recovery of the 2013 incremental depreciation expense through the ECAM. 13. Parties to the stipulation in Case No. GNR-U-18-01 ("Tax Stipulation") agreed to the ratemaking treatment for the remaining deferral balances associated with the Tax Savings arising from the Tax ReformAct, which includes refunding certain Tax Savings through the ECAM and offsetting the 2013 incremental depreciation expense with Tax Savings. 14. Specifically, the Thx Stipulation6 provides that the Tax Savings related to the reduction in the federal income tax rate from 35 percent to 2l percent that have not been refunded to retail customers through Schedule 197, approximately $1,141,000, will be tracked and amortized over two years ($570,500 annually) through the ECAM, and are not subject to the sharing band. 15. Additionally, the Tax Stipulation provides that actual annual protected property excess deferred income taxes ("Protected EDIT"), currently estimated in the amount of approximately 52,564,410 for calendar 2018, less the associated rate base offset, will be refunded to retail customers through a cents per kilowatt-hour credit applied to Idaho retail load effective June l, 2019 through May 31,2020 on the ECAM's rate effective date, and not subject to the sharing band.7 6 Case No. GNR-U-18-01. 7 The estimated annual Protected EDIT savings will be updated the following year based on actual tax retum data. Page 5 o o o 16. Lastly, the Tax Stipulation provides that the non-protected and non-property EDIT, amortized over seven years (approximately $2,126,215 annually less the rate base offset) arising from the Tax Reform Act will be used to offset the 2013 incremental depreciation expense through the ECAM, not subject to the sharing band and until the rate effective date in the next general rate case. PROPOSED ECAM RATE 17. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power has filed the testimony and exhibits of Company witnesses Mr. Michael G. Wilding and Robert M. Meredith. Mr. Wilding's testimony describes the Actual NPC incurred by the Company to serve retail load for the Deferral Period, and explains the differences between Actual NPC and Base NPC. Mr. Meredith's testimony describes how the Company's proposed rates to recover the 2018 ECAM deferral balances through Schedule 94 were developed. 18. Exhibit No. 1 to Mr. Wilding's testimony ("Exhibit l") illustrates the detailed calculation of the ECAM deferral. The deferral is calculated on a monthly basis by comparing Idaho-allocated Actual NPC to the NPC collected in rates. For the Deferral Period the NPC differential was approximately $7.2 million before the 90/10 percent sharing band. 19. The LCAR is a symmetrical adjustment to offset over- or under-collection of the Company's energy-related production revenue requirement, excluding NPC, due to variances in Idaho load. The LCAR decreased the deferral balance by approximately $1.5 million before applying the sharing band due to higher usage during the Deferral Period. 20. The difference between including coal stripping costs recorded on the Company's books under the guidance of the accounting pronouncement EITF 04-6, and expensing coal o Page 6 o o stripping costs when the coal was excavated decreased the ECAM deferral by $139,271 before applying the sharing band. 21. The total NPC deferral adjusted for LCAR and EITF 04-6 was $5,490,509 for which customers are responsible 90 percent, and the Company is responsible for the remaining 10 percent. After accounting for the sharing band, the NPC deferral is a 54,941,498. 22. In addition to the components discussed above, the ECAM includes a Lake Side 2 resource adder which is calculated by multiplying the actual megawatt-hours of generation from the Lake Side 2 generation facility by $1.99 per megawatt-hour without application of the sharing band. During the Defenal Period, the Lake Side 2 resource adder increased the ECAM deferral approximately $5.4 million on an Idaho-allocated basis. 23. Pursuant to Commission Order No. 33440, effective January 1,2016, the ECAM began tracking the difference between the PTC customers receive through base rates and actual PTC, without application of the sharing band. During the Defenal Period the PTC differential increased the deferral approximately $3.3 million. 24. The ECAM calculation also includes the Deer Creek mine amortization expense of approximately $l.l million for the Deferral Period associated with the unrecovered mine investment on an Idaho basis, without application of the sharing band. 25. The ECAM also tracks the difference between actual REC revenues during the Deferral Period and the amount of REC revenues credited to customers in base rates. The REC revenue true-up included in the ECAM is symmetrical but no sharing band is applied. During the Deferral Period actual REC revenue was approximately $173 thousand lower than the amount credited to customers in base rates on an Idaho-allocated basis. a Page 7 t 26. Interest is accrued on the uncollected balance at the Commission-approved interest rate for customer deposits. During the Deferral Period the interest rate was I percent, interest of $133 thousand was added to the ECAM balance. 27. Commission Order 340768 directed the Company to include the depreciation regulatory asset, created in Case No. PAC-E-13-02, in future Idaho ECAM filings. The order also authorized use of approximately $3.5 million of Tax Savings arising from the Thx Reform Act to offsetthe depreciation regulatory asset balance as of May 31,2018, and use approximately $1.8 million annually of ECAM revenue collections to offset the monthly incremental depreciation deferral. The depreciation regulatory asset had a credit balance of $86,905 as of the end of the Deferral Period as summarized in Exhibit No. I to Mr. Wilding's testimony. 28. The ECAM balance at the end of the Deferral Period is $17.3 million, this includes $15.1 million from the 2018 ECAM deferral, plus $2.2 million remaining balance from prior ECAM filings, reduced by $0.1 million credit balance in the depreciation regulatory asset. The Company estimates the $17.3 million will be reduced approximately $3.3 million from Schedule 94 revenue collections less interest accrued from January 1 through May 31,2019 resulting with a $13.8 million ECAM balance to be collected. 29. Mr. Meredith's testimony describes how Schedule 94 rates were designed to recover the May 31,2019 estimated ECAM balance of $13.9 million. These rates were then reduced by 0.0957 cents per kWh for the 2018 ECAM tax reform act credit. As a result, the Company proposes Schedule 94 rates of 0.312, 0.299 and 0.288 cents per kWh for secondary primary and transmission delivery service voltages, respectively, for all customers. t t 8 Case No. PAC-E-18-01 Page 8 o o COMMUNICATIONS Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho RegulatoryAffairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l6 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 Emai I : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Yvonne R. Hogle, Assistant General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801 ) 220-4050 Email : wonne.hogle@pacifi corp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By emai I (preferred) : datarequest@frac ifi corp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801)220-2963. REOUEST FOR RELIEF The ECAM allows the Company to collect or credit the difference between the Actual NPC incurred to serve customers in Idaho customers and the Base NPC collected through base rates assuring customers pay the actual NPC after sharing. o Page 9 o o WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order: (l) authorizing that this matter be processed by Modified Procedure; (2) approving approximately $15.1 million ECAM deferral for the Deferral Period; and (3) approving a 0.4 percent increase to Electric Service Schedule No. 94, Energy Cost Adjustment. DATED this 3'd day ofApril,2019 Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER R. Hogle West North Temple, Suite 320 Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone No. (801) 220-4050 Facsimile No. (801) 220-4615 E-mail: yvonne.hoele@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power o Page l0