HomeMy WebLinkAbout19971117_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING November 17, 1997 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Weldon Stutzman, Tonya Clark, Stephanie Miller, David Scott, Carolee Hall, Wayne Hart, Birdelle Brown, Rick Sterling, Randy Lobb, Bill Eastlake, Syd Lansing and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Jim Wozniak of U S West and Dean J. Miller, Attorney at Law. Items from the Published November 17, 1997 Agenda were considered at this meeting. Commission President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order. First item on the agenda was Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting - Minutes of November 4, 1997 Decision Meeting. Since the Minutes had been previously reviewed the Commissioners and corrections made to them, Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve them as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA Items 2 thru 6 were on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve staff recommendation on all items. Motion carried unanimously. MATTERS IN PROGRESS 7. Scott Woodbury’s November 14, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UWI-W-97-6 Application to Revise and Increase Rates and Charges. Update to the decision memo was the fact that the company has now filed workpapers (on November 14, 1997). Staff did recommend that the time line for processing the filing should start on November 14, rather than November 3 which was when the application was first filed, since it was not complete at that time in accordance with Commission Rules of Procedure. Staff also suggested a December 12 prehearing conference and suspension of the proposed effective date of December 3, 1997. Commissioner Nelson commented that there seemed to be some controversy over dates. Asked Scott if filing of the workpapers on November 14 would delay the case? Scott said it could. Eleven days didn’t seem like much at the start of the case but could be important near the end of the case. Commissioner Nelson asked Scott if he had calculated when the last day to issue an order in this case would be? Scott said he had not. He did indicate that Dean J. Miller, Counsel for United Water had indicated the company would acquiesce to the 14th date.   Commissioner Hansen asked Mr. Miller if he cared to comment? Mr. Miller said the company does believe that the filing was complete when it was filed but in order to eliminate any contention, company would acquiesce to the clock starting to run on November 14, last Friday. It is a difference of opinion of 11 days. Hope the case can be handled without dispute over minor points. In order to avoid disagreement, would give an additional 11 days on the back end. Commissioner Smith reminded staff that the Commission has the ability to take an extra 60 days at the end of a case. Either way, Commission can have all the time it needs. She calculated the final day for issuance of an order as May 14. Also indicated the 12th of December would work for her, for a prehearing conference, after 10:00 a.m. Commissioner Nelson said he would make a motion that it is reasonable to separate the revenue requirement and cost of service portions of the company’s application to increase rates and charges; that the Commission roll water quality issues into this case; that the Commission base its starting time from November 14; that the Commission suspend the requested December 3, 1997 effective date for the rates  and that a December 12, 1997 prehearing conference be scheduled, for after 10:00 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Stephanie Miller’s November 14, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Request to Implement 1996 Triennial Represcription Lives in Northern Idaho Operations. Stephanie reviewed the request. Said staff has recommended approval to allow them to book the depreciation lives but hasn’t approved the lives themselves. Commissioner Nelson asked if they were based on ELG? Stephanie said they are. Commissioner Nelson said this is based on agreement from triennial meeting and using ELG. Commissioner Smith made a motion that the Commission authorize Stephanie to respond since the letter request was addressed to her. Motion carried unanimously. FULLY SUBMITTED MATTERS 9. WWP-E-96-6 Earth Power v. WWP. Commissioner Hansen said since this was a fully submitted matter, it would be discussed in private deliberation. Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 17th day of November, 1997. ______________________________ Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary