HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190204Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN Bgll/,F^n",, ft[CEIVET)1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah &416 : ,,: f il -h f,ll ll: klr February 4,2019 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 Re:CASE NO. PAC-E-I9.02 IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIIE SAI\IDY DOWNS ASSET PT]RCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER AI\ID TIIE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above mentioned matter are seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's and the city of Idaho Fall's Joint Application for approval of the transfer of elecfric service of customers in Sandy Downs as described in this Application. Very tuly yours, G^ $,u,ion "^.^DJ President, Enclosures l Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email : daniel. solander@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Rocley Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMNflSSION IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ) APPLTCATTON FOR APPROVAL OF ) TIIE SAI\IDY DOWNS ASSET ) PT]RCIHSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ) ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWER AI\[D ) TIIE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS ) CASE NO. PAC.E-19.02 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), pursuant to provisions of the Electric Stabilization Act, I.C. $ 6l-332, et. seq., and I.C. $ 6l-328, hereby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho Falls, ("City"). This Agreement provides for the City to purchase certain elecffic facilities currently owned and utilized by the Company to supply electric service to two locations at or near Sandy Downs, Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, as more particularly described in the Agreement. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, m Oregon Corporation, whose address is 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 SaltLake City, Utah 84ll6,is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 75,000 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of the APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI.JNTAIN POWER Page I Commission. The Company's retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of Fremont, Madison, Teton, Clark, Jefferson, Lemhi, Oneida, Bannock, Franklin, Caribou, Butte, Bingham, Bear Lake, and Bonneville counties. Roclry Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. 2. The City of Idaho Falls, which is located in Bonneville County, owns and operates an electric power system within the municipal boundaries of the City for the convenience of its citizens. The City's municipal service territory is surrounded by Rocky Mountain Power's service territory. The Company currently provides electric service to one or more electric customers located within the boundaries of the City and the City provides service to one or more customers within the Company's service territory. I. BACKGROUND 3. On October 9,2017, Rocky Mountain Power and the City entered into a Service Allocation Agreement to reduce duplication of service and promote stability in their respective service areas. The Service Allocation Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 5,2017. 4. The Service Allocation Agreement specifies that existing customers as of the date of the agreement would continue to be served by their current electric supplier irrespective of service territory boundaries. 5. The Service Allocation Agreement provides for the transfer of a customer's electric service from one utility to the other as long as the acquiring utility agrees to pay the utility currently providing service just compensation for lost revenues and the distribution facilities utilized to serve that customer. The Company and the City agreed that just compensation for lost revenues would be an amount equal to 167 percent of the total of the APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER Page2 respective customers' electric bills from the prior 12-month period. In addition, the acquiring utility would purchase the poles, wires, cross arms, insulators, guys, and other facilities no longer needed or required by the other utility to service that customer. 6. As part of the Asset Purchase Agreement provided as an attachment to this Application, the City has agreed to purchase the facilities described in Exhibit A to the Asset Purchase Agreement and the Company has agreed to transfer service of the customers described in Confidential Exhibit B to the City, for which the City has agreed to pay 167 percent of the customers'previous 12 months electric bills, as shown in Confidential Exhibit B to the Asset Purchase Agreement. II. REOUEST FOR SERVICE AREA EXEMPTION 7. Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls hereby jointly petition the Commission for approval of the Asset Purchase Agreement, and transfer of electic service, wherein Idatro Falls agrees to serve the load of the customers described in Confidential Exhibit B to the Asset Purchase Agreement, and pay the Company for the assets transferred, a customer revenue reimbursement, as well as the legal and transaction costs. III. COMMT]NICATION 8. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: If to Rocky Mountain Power: Ted Weston Daniel E. Solander 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 saltLake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : ted.weston@oacifi corp.com daniel. solander@pacifi corp.com APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER Page 3 If to the City of Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls City Power Bear Prairie 140 South Capital Avenue Box 50220 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred) datarequest@oacificorp.com By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDT]RE 9. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq.If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready for immediate consideration of its Application and will present its testimony to support the Application in such hearing. V. REOUEST FOR RELTEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls respectfully requests that the Commission: l) process this Application under Modified Procedure; 2) issue a final order approving the Asset Purchase Agreement; and 3) authorize the transfer of electric service for the customers located in Sandy Downs as described in Confidential Exhibit B to the Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER Page 4 DATED this 4m day of February,2}l9. Respectfully submitted, By Solander Afforney for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 5 IDAHO FALLs FOWEN OFA Oflloe (2O8)612€4ilo Fax(2o8) 5|2-8435 WER MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Counoil FROI* Bear Prairie, Gensral Vtawgq.W DATE: Scptember 24,2018 RE Approve Assot Prrcbnsc Agreement with Rocky Mountain Powu for Sandy Dowus Athchod is m Ass€t Prrchase Agreomemt between Rocky Mountain Powcr and the City of I&ho Falls rclatcd to cusbmer orchange of elecfiical scrvice and asscts at Sandy Dorrns. Itcse prcpertics arc in thc ldaho Falls City limis and have historically boen gcrvcd by Rocky Mormtain Porvtr. Approvd of this agreclncot will utorizo a custmer and asset rursfcr to allow ldaho Falls Powcr to ssrr€ Saody Doums. Rocky Mowrtoin Power is pnparing m application to ttro h$lic Utility Comnission to seek aproval, in aocorrdancc with Sestions 4.2 md 12 of thc agremat. Thc total tansfer and buyout coet is $59,469 dollars. [r acoordarce with Idalro Falls City Code sectiou 8-5-2E, the Property ownetr Pdtrs & Recrcation will poy onc-hdf of the noo-assct frnsftr costs, whicfo witl be $24,241.50. Idaho Fa[s Powsr fys tE otha one.half, and a[ odsting inta$ilcttr€ asssts. The City Anoracy has rcvieurcd the agreemcnl Statrrespecftlly requests City Council approve the Assst Prrchase Agreement and autruizo th Mayorto cxecute lhe documcnt. Attachmcrnt BPN76 C: City Clerk City Attorney File tousuut\rJwrrusq Sftf\EMEt lrtJLoLD ftbPp\rcs BDP.O. Box 30:lil0 ! l4o s. caplt l | ltbho hll$ ldaho 83405-OZIO ,, iI II II I AINETrI'BCEA8E AGNEEMMM BDTWIEN ROCIil MOI'I{TAIN PIOTIIDR AT{I'cuYorIDAm)rArrg rDAEo Thig Aroct Prrfiarc Agncmoot (tlo rfuimcn$), ddod thir _ dry of20_ ir botwoct thc City of ldaho Fallr, Idaho, a municipd corpcrtion of tho StafiE of Idaho d/Ua Eaho Falls Powcr, (IBuytr'); ud PrifiCorp, an Oqon corporatton doing hrsiross in tdaho uRoo&y Momhh Forvc ('RoceyMomfu Povcf). Rocky Mootain Powc md Buys" arc somotimcc nftrrod to ollootirrly ar Tartbr'od idividnlly ar ky.r WHEREAS, Rodcy Moudain Poru owns ootain Arods locstd tn ldaho Falls; rrd IVHEREAS, Buycr hu agud to putchaso ttc Arrd! fiom Roclry MonrtainPowcr aod Rocky Modain Powu ha$y rgru to Ell ltcArectr to Buycr in accorrdmd with md cubjet to dl ofthc torms EDd oolditims of calo ae hcclio, d iu aocordrmc with trc Sorrrioc Allooatio Aglpmd cot!rcdfuobyRo*y MoudrhPoworaodBulrcr,datdOctobcrg, 2017, and ryprowd by the Idrho Public Utilitice Coomisriu o llooombcr 5, 2017; ard }IOW, TIIERBFORE for and in conridordion oftho mutual promlece and covonang and cmditior s€t fodt in this Agl€om€ot, thc eufflclmy of whic,h ic keby mutually ac*uowlodgd md acceptd thc Putic hsrdo agrcc ae bllows: 1. Dofinitiqu. For porpoccr oftbis Agrm@q thc fultorying taru ucrl hctcin hf m othcrwire dc6d bcrdn ehallhawths fofiowfog EGariEg whm used with initiel@talbatim, ufi&dngularor phral: l.l 'Asstts" moaDc thoce assGts ownd by Rocky Mqrntain Powcr, as oct forlh in Bxtdbit A, A map showtng thc loc*im ofthc AraCs is attachod ae Exhihit C. 1,2 'Commissionn mcans tho Idaho hrblic lftilitho CmmisEion. 1.3 iDiooonnoct Coctrn mcant Rooly ffiumtah PowGdE otruSc br diromcciagtbo asscts flom the Rocp Mqutain Porrcr dietributim ftedcr, and my addithnal rclmd ryort rcqucsod byBuytc. 1.4 'lPurphar Pri@" EGm8 thc pricc Buyc will pay to Roctry Momtaia Power in exchugo fc tho AssGb, puxrunt to Soatim 2 lrereiu 1.5 I'TrmrfurDatcil meme lhc &tc upm wtich Rocky Mqrotain Powcr cmvoys to Buyqthe bill ofsalc for6c Asscts. 2. Sale md Purctqso ofAss$, 2.1 Aercns to Be Sold. Subjectto all ofthc tcfltrs and oonditionr ofthis Ag[EctrlGil, Rodcy Mountain Power sgrsEs b soll md Buycr agrccs to buy all ofRodry Moffiain Powcds riglt titlc ad ifrcest intheAesda C\frorr Arch(dnoA8rrmoa PrEo I olla 22 hdl'telieg. ThePlrcharc Prioc fbrtcAsscrs drell $6pnqy4g1qg TIIOLJ$AND FTOIJR HITIIDRD SIXTY aod NINE DOLI,I{RS (t59,,{69). Ll P4mot ThchrchacoPrb shallbcpardtonockyMorutrin PoworbyBufrcr withh fffto@ (15) dap of tho ilmethis Agpommt ir ercqrtod by boft Prtieq erch poyocnt shll bcby chck L4 Indrumcots of Comrcyapo andThnafcc Sr&jotto the.at'"frmion of$c oonditions poocdcnt rct fofth in lhction 8 bdot ad prrmt to all ofthc tcrms aod aondtiong of this Agrcood, Rocky Mumtah Power &all oxcortc rrd ddiwrto B'uyu r bill of cdolo rlst in Buycr good and nrtaabb tida to &o AlsctE albloc to ro surity irtsc*$ licnr or cocumbrmcsr, and mhtacially iD tho fuo ofthc uncrctnrbd Ult of ralc rttadod hscto r E*ibit D. 2"5 Pnoratioo ofPtorronrt kopcrtv Tuo. Pcor@l pmpcrty taxcs, if rylicrbh, lhall bG pnmtod barvm Rooky Mdntain Powcr md Buyo ar oftho Tlrnrfir DaE baod upon dnyr of owncrship h thc E year in which ttG Ttu&r Ihtr oocun. 2.6 Salcs. Trusfor md olhcr Taxce Any ralcs, ciloiso, banlftr, eurchlq u*, ffi almllu'tor whioh may bo pepblo by mn of fto ealc of dl or a podon oftro Areom shell bo bcoc and poid byBuyor. 3. Owrgttio: @ andMafuilmmm Rirk oflors 3.1 Owm*ip. RD*y Molffrh Powr dnll orm thc Arocts uilil tb Tmsfrr llab. 3.2 Olrcratim adMrinffioe: Rirt oflocg. AftcrthcTlun*r&to, Buyr rhallowr ard ba olcly rcryondtlc fotr tto qcntion ud ndntenanc ofths Aroetc and risk of loeg of tho AnGls, kiortothchmsftrdata,RockyMouidnPwrrshsllbGrccpoUUtcforthcoperrthnard ruahtcnanc of thc Arccts, For thc lift oftho A3sd8, Bu5rcr rhalt at ell tlm qcrtc md nriutrin thr AssGtB in aomdanoc with pndcot utilitypraotica. 3.3 llisna*t Coctr. Buyct rball pry Rocky Mmataia Powu all Dhcomt Co*s, including mrtcrhlr, hbtr, atrd applioblc ovqlrcads, ftrtho hltallEtioo, opcratiom, and maintcomcc, of all ficiliticr that RocLy Mounnin Dorrcr dctcuniu sGrGrsoibly rccc$ary m eqarabthe conniltion bfircco 3ho Asscts EDd Rocb MouDtah Pqrcdr ditlNm rysh" Btr!.Er full comdnab opoflonr wtdt Rocky MormtriD Eowcr to thir cod. Buyu nry to$Ht ftar Rocty Moulrain Powcrpcftnn ddid@sl volt ncoaorry to rmret thcAsr€B to Bqrodc owa dlmibutiotrfrodcr,udrnyarch$rtpcrformoa Bhallbcuryooifcallyagruodbythchrtforiaa rcpratowrittGo agrmcnt, udfuchqn fordwolt shdlbcdmodDirc Cocs for putpoooc ofhis Agrcmcot only. 4. Reprtmffml rndlllanantfor of Rmkv ltfioufreinPower. Roolry Morrnffi Bowor rcprcccnb and wauutr as followr: 4.1 Organizatim rnd Fowcn of Rocly Mqn0ain Potvctr Rmlcy Mourtain Powor is m OrcgsD oorporation, duly oryianircd and velidly cxisting undcr thc lawr ofthe $tatc of Oregm, and fucrArclMAgrut ?:$lof 14 18 duly quatitrd to do burinocr in thc Statc sf ldaho. Rooky Mouolain Powor has all rcquisito powor and ailtcity to owuthoAucts. 4,2 Authoritv RdativotoAgIoerilad GovcmrEdil Authoriation. RookyMotuilaitr Pmcr hasttopowr aod autbotity toqoub !d dclhr.rthtr Agpmt od tocouumnilo thc traosactionr mtGupht€dhomby. ThirAgrtcmcut harbocodulyudvalidtyauthmiad rnd martitt$os tbs vllid md Uuliag obliption of Xmky Moein Powor ooforccablc in amduoo with ib tcrur, cxocpt ar cofotwt uy bc linitod by applicablc bolngcy, iuolvlucy, rwguiratim, morrtaium or rimilar lawaffoding tho afucmmt of qtdiorC rig[neg@caly md cxcopt tht lhc ardhbility of thc cquitrUo rtmodics of rpcdfic pcrtrnms, and iqhnotirc rtlid arc ru$oC to thc discmtion ofthc court bofom rhich any proooodiqg may bobrurght. No doclaration, fili'rg u rtgirhtion with, a ndico to, or ar&orlzadon, coomt m appuvrl oq uy goverrrmrtsl mrquhory body or afiority ie mary fortho qxa$id md dclirtry ofthir rlgttcm€ot by Rocky lrountdn Powcr c thc onsn natiolt by Rocky Morntdn Poscr of tho trmssationr contfryldcd by this AgtlctrtGot, prsvidd thatRockyMctnbinhrycf mnlls m rtprwcrrtatim orwmuty wilh rorpoct b aprouls whie;h may bcrcquind frm tlrc ldaho hblh Utilitior Cmmirsim or tho Fodral Enqgy RoSulatory Go,'nmicsio. 43 Non€otrgwotim: AI'DSurals, Th erecutim ud dalirary ofthir Agpcrncnt rnd thoonnrmdioD ofltotouctiml aontqhtd hcr*ywill aot vlolaa, cmrltctwith orrtrult in a kcaoh of ary pmvirion o[, a aonstitrto e dofrult undor, q rperlt in tho lrrninrtion of my notG, bod, nortgpge, indmturc, dood of tnr*, cotracl, lcarc or othor infiuncot, obligrdor or aglffiot of ary Hnd to whic,h Rocky Molffiin Porvor is now a Ihrty o by wbich arny of itt rsds rnry bc boud or affectcd" 4A Tiflab thcAssets, RookyMomtain Powerhas good and markctablo titlototheAssets free aod clcar of all licne, mutgagcs, plodgcs, olaims, clrarges, seorlty interegts or otlrcr encumbmnoes. 4.5 "rditioa ofA$etg. The Arrcte will be oold to Buycr oAS IS, WHERB IS.n Rocky Morntain Power bcreby disclainl and excludes thcrtfrom, (a) any orprcss or irylitd rqreecnhtion or waruty as to thc value, coudition, dosigp, op€rdion, or quality of tho matcrials or urc*marshtp in, c any defests in, thc A.eacts, O) any cxpiress or impliod wEnanty of mcrclrantability or fitncss for usc G for a particnlar pupooe, or (c) any CIryrets c impned rcFocatation, guarantGe, obligptio& Uability orwarmty ofRocky Moutain Power, exprcss orimplie4 of anykind" uisiqgby law or fium corrsc ofperformanoe, corlrtc ofdcaling, or usagp oftado. 5.@ofBuys. BuFr rEprcs€ilts and warrantc as follows: 5.1 Orgoizrfim and Powcm ofDurrcr. Buycr is &rly qualificd b ilo bush€s8 i! ftG Strtcofldrho. Bnrpr hae a[ mquisiE powcr ud authmity to opn thc A$sts. 52 Authority Rohlfue toArlreemal: Govormco,tal AilhqrizBtigl Bufior hacths powcr and urthority to €nocute and dolivcrthb Agrcmnt and to colxnmmate the brneac,tionr contcorplatod hercby. This A$ococot bar bcn &rly and ralidly authodzod md oonrtiilrtcs thc valid and binding obligation ofBuyer enfmeable in accordmce with itrunro, aocpt og cnforpemoot Eay be limitd by applk*le banlnrptcy, inrohwy, rcorganizlEoor tmratrium o simflar lawe alfecting thc cnforcmrt of crcditm' rigtrtr gEocratly and cxocpt thm the availSility hcArchfuoArrct PrgD3 dfa of lhc cqutt$lc rEmcdic of rpaifo pcrfonmuco and iqiuDctirc rcliof arc subjGct b tho dirqdioa oftho oourtbcftr€ whfr:h myproccding my bcbsou$t. No &drrdioo, fifngcrcdstndm 'witn,orndbcto,orarrthuizdio,c6rcdorcppmnloqeygonurE@lorrqutabrybodya ruftoity isnmry ffiltc crcrnil&rn andddiwryofddsAgrqncd tyBu5pr orthc oonsummdor by Bqru oftbo tamctions omcmplaod ty hblgtmcot, troyidd that Buyrr mrkcr no rcptrcdation orrarruty with rcrpocl to apFst/ds which my bo ruqdrcd trm tho Idab Publtc Utilitics Cmmisdon mthoFodcal Encr$t R gulttotry Cmmirsim. 53 ldcCmffi,mtftrn: ApDrouds. Ibcrotnilio and &liruyof&icfurccmcotand tho cmmnrtlon ofthotransaodoor ood@platd hrcby wi[ notviolao, mnflictwilh crqrlt tn a brcae,h of myprovirhn o{, ooonnfuc a dcfrttft udcr, crusu[ intho loroioatitn ofry notc, bood, mtpgc, indonro, dcdoftust, offiact,lo*corothcr inrlnmcnft, obtigdionorrgrmcot ofmytind bwhichBrr,,Gr isnow aParty onby rhich myof iearo6rnybebouad oraftotod 5.4 Cmdidon ofArcar. thc Asr.ilu vill bo purchased by Bufr oAS XS, WHBRB IS.n Bulrr acknowtodgcs lhat Roclry Mountrin Powr dirolaims rnd cxchrdoc thsrfron, (a) auy cxffl or implid rcprc*ntadm 6w.rmty rstothcvrhrc, cotdltim, dcrigl oecrldm, orqualityofthc matorials orwulmmship tn, 6ary &ftsts i!, ths Aoscq Q) aaycxprw cinpliad wmanty of mcrcUntrtemy u fuo frnuac c for aprdouhr puposat or (c) any crftss or irylid nprctcolanoi\ gsdetoc, obligation, liability Bwamdy ofRocky MurdainBow, GxtrEos or inplid, of any kir{ dtrgby law o fi:om cotrs of pcrftrmmoe oourso of doalhg orueago of tn&. 6. Qsrecds.oJ.@ Rocky Mcnrmin Fotrcr covamts rod agrcd ar follwr: 6.1 CooArcil ofBurinca. RodryMamtah Postr$all mmd oprde tboAHr hr tho tim paiods sd forth in Scctim 3 hccin in aooodrncc rlh its part ga0tic6 and rhalt s.gago in no mrtorial tmraaimr dating to thc Atsca out ofth odfoary crlurso of busircss, iDctrding otcing hlo anyaoffiot or finmdng mangmoil that llnitsRoclryMomrrinPowods abik?to rllthcAsrtr bBuyrr. 62 Inmruao. Undl tb Tlaurfo DatE, no*y Momhin Powcr ehall ootiauo to $E- insrroccrrry insuraroc aucdly in offoctdrt6d bfuArscts, adoqntoto iniluEthcAssots egainc losr or damagc by firt md dh6 ritb, od ptblic tirhility onsiffi with md in rsodare with itr pcrt pactioc. 63 Rsaeon$lo Bffo,t*. $nbjoc b 6G tcrmr ofthfu Agrfficnt rnd fifudary oblie[tiru urdcr rylicablc law, Ro*yMofiin Forvorrhdlumoonnmidlyrcarmablccffurh to cftctuabthohaomtimr omtrmplebd bythbAgrlmt aDd!o fulfill all oftbcmditftng of thB Particd obligetior uDdor &is ASrEorct ild lhall do dl suc,h s and thingr ac rcomrbly may bo rcqrirod to crry art Rooky M@ntah Powcdr obligntionr hclt;rrndtr md to oonpldc ftG elmction cmhmPlatod by thit Agrccrmcat. 6.4 lildifaetim. nmky Morullitr Porycr will giw Buf,crpronpt wrttton rntioo of any svcat, oodition or frd ufdng pdrortD 6c Tlurfu D@ hot wqld oaur my of ib rcpicscotados aod vrrmtia in this Ag@t to bc uffiuo in ary mrArlrl rc4d. C\rhrcA*aPudsAgral Xrlrlofl{ 6J AocostoAtscb. Until thc Tlmrfcr DatE, Roclry Mountain Power Ehall eltory Buya ad ib ilrtdad agcnts ud qrtacnhtivts rcasmrblc rpcceo to 60 As!ct!. 7. Corrcnants ofBuvcr. Buyc covcnmtrr and agroee as followe: 7.1 Coduct of Busincso. him to tho Trrosfcr Dato, Buycr elull opuatc thc Amcts fc thc tiDG poriods sct forth in Scctforn 3hcrcin in aoordame with Rmky Mqrntain Powodc ingtsrrctioos, if any, and Rocky Mountoin Powede pod prasticcs. hio to tbe Transfu Dato, Bu,rcr rhaU cagpg! io no rurerhl tua.tims relaling to thc rale ordiryorition of thc Arseb in wbole or in po(. 7.2 Imurmee. Aftor thc Tmnsfa Dab, Buycr rhall sfiry insurre edcquato to inmre tho Asgcts agBinst loss ordamage by fire aod dhcr rists, 6nd public lhbility consisht with md in acoodamc with itspa* praoticos for llhe scse*s. ?.3 Rpaeoosble Efforts. S$jmt to thc tcrms of &ia Agrccnncnt and fiduciary obligationr undcr ap,plieable law, Buyer shall use cmmeroially rcronabb cfiorts to offGctuate the tnnsadions oonttopled by this Agrcmcnt md to fulfitl dl ofths oondrlionr ofthc Barticg obligatimr uodcr this Agpcrrcril and shall do all nrch acts andth"g. arrcrsooably may borcquind to carry out Buycdr obligptiom hcreunder ad to mmplote the tmractioo gontcmplatod by this A8rocdrcnt. 7.4 Notification Bula will gi\rc Roerry Mouotaln Power prrqt writt€tr notioo of any cvent, oondition or fact ariaing prior to thc Trufq IhtG thst would cauec any of its Epres€ntations md warranice inthir Agrcemat to bc unroe in any marcrlal r€spGct. 7.5 Aaocsr to Ass*. Until th Trausfq lhts, Buyor ehall allow Rocky Mouutrin Powor and its autbrizcd agonts aod rcprtcenativts rrasonablc acccss to thc Asstts. 7.6 lodemaitv. Buycr shall dcfto4 itdmnify, and hold harmlcss RochyMountain Powcr, its officcr8, diraotors, mployocg aod eg€rt& from and agpinrt any and dl liability, loss, drmagc, claimc suit or cause of actioo arising out of or rolating to Buyeds ownccship, opcration or maintonanac of the Assols. ThiE obligation shall sunlvo thc tcrminatim ofthis Agrt€meotmd oornpletion of the traosac'tions contcmphtod by tbis Agrearcnt. 7.7 Rights+fi*ur. Priorto lhcThansfGr Date, Buys $all indepcndmtly obain at Buycr'e own cxpcnsc, all oarememte m othor rcal Fop€rty rightr, liceorcr or pcrmirsious, ('rig!ts<f-wayr) Irooc8saD, for Buycr to lrwfully opcato and maintaiu the Acs€ls ao thcy pcrscotly oxist, atrd rpon rcquesl Buycr ehall nrovidc rcalm*ty sati$rctory widcnc. ofhaving dono eoto Rocky Mounlain Pmvcr. 7.8 Opcoation. Meintenrnoe. RErair. mB@. Bupn has onwill anang! for qrulifiod pcffionncl to opcato, Eaintain, md rqsir ttr Assrts, and will in m way rcly on Rocky Mountain Power fc arch gclvices. Buyer has or ic pqarod to looatc and pocura oa itc owtr benalf, rcplacomcat componcots, iuctttding tansformqr, in lho ovcnt of friluro of aoyorall ofthe AssctB at any tima Buyer takes ftll rcrponsibility forthc instE[atiotr of snch rrplacemcut compomts. 8. eotrOdou-s-Preocdcnt Bill of Salc. CuomA*thofrAfnmnt P.gp 5 ofl4 All oftho obligndoos of Roo$ Mormtrin Fowe uodcr dds A{f@d rrc s$jcct !o &c fulfillurent, pnor to eud upon the Tmnefor tHc' of mh oftlc folhrilg conditima: E.t ReprtsmtiliqB. Warrailiol md Covtrrmts ofBu),Er. All rupentrrtions rnd warruticr D.dc in thir Agrcemcnt by Buyrr rhall bo truc ud oonpc{ in atl natcrlal rcrpeto ar of thoTrmsftr Dalo as fully sthotUb mdrtprteentdoe ardwarranticg hd bm madc m md as ofthe Ttansftr Datc, and r ofthc Transfer Drtq nu),or ihrll hyG ooryliod in dl mrtcrial rtrycctr with all corrqrants msdc by it in this Agtqtrmt 82 Litigation. At thc Tiansfbr Dator &crc rhrll not bc in ofrc{ auy odcr, &crco, u iqiuo€tioo of a cann of omfieatjuridictioa Ecrainlng; Gnjo"ir'& orprohibitittg thc omf,rmmation of6a uarnctions omorylard bythir Agrccmcrt (orch Prty My agrcdnglo use ib rcaoqnblc oftrts, inahding rcaroaabb amcab toLighc( courtr, to haw any nrchordct, dcrce or i4iunction eot arido or ltf,cd), md m aotion sto[ hora bm tah, aud rc CdUo, rulo, or rcgulstion ahall havc bctlr coects4 by uv etate or ftalcral gg\/cmslmt or ggtqErdal agoooy in tho Unitd States which would fgvEtrt fts ooosuoosim of $ch Emsactims. AdditiooallS Rocky Mountain Powcds obligation lo hmsfrr title to the rdsscts to Buycr by providing Buycr with thc bitl of rale contcophtcd h€rcin sttall bc cmtingc,nt upon thc fuIlowing: 8.3 Pelmcot of Purclup Prfr:c. Bu),ur shsll hayc paid to Rocky Moutrin Powcr tho Purphaec Prie. 8.4 Righb.of-way. Bulcr ihall hrrrc provirlod to Rmry Modrin Pows tho cvidcnce ofncceoerry rightsof-way prcvidod for iu Soction 7.7 abovc. 8.5 Disconncct Coats. ButrGr rhall havc paid to Itoclsy Morntrin Porer all of thc Discormoct Cocn in acoosd vith this egfo€m€nt md thc rcrms of a scpado agr€qnmt bctwen thc PutioB. No latcr thrn 6irty (30) dayr aftcr tho daE rrym shidr all of &o oonditior in Soctime tJ tbsflgh 8J hav,c bcco ratbfic{ Rocky Mquldr Powcr chrll ccnrcy to Brr)rcr tc bill ofsdcfrrtbohrers. 9. Survival ofRsor€&iltations and W.!r!otica. All rcprceotatiors and wrramioe ofthe Particg and dl llabilt$ lhcrcfor, sball $rvh/e for a pcrid of onc yw paot the Trusfcr Dalc, at whioh titoo thc obligadono unda this agecmcnt shall oeas€ ad cxpin Notwlthetaoding the fcgoing obliglti@s undor Sodion 7.6 Bhll oontiurc iudcfinitcly. lo. Iminn[os. l0.l Tcrmlnatlon. fbis Agtand may b€ tmninatod and abandmed at mytino prior to thc Transftr Dato it (e) TheParties agrco ln writing to tcrminate thil Agecmeirt by munnl cmscnt ot turAraHrtoAfmt Prtp 6 ofla O) Bufrdslivtrr awritla ndiccto Ro*yMombln Po*rrtotb ofrotthrt Roclry Monr,ain Fowct h dcfuiltrd in a mdairl rapoct rmfu oc o morc of ib comm and a8rGcrtrcots oodainod hcrdn (which shall bo opocifiod h&aiil in mch nmioo), rnd urch mdltton a omditiong harrc d ba satfufid q auch dc&ult or dsfaults hsvo not booo rmodiod (orwaivpd by Bufr) withiu thtuty (30) daye aftathe drb suci Doticc is dctirorcd by Buytr to Rool$' }lountain Powor; or (o) Rmky Mqrntrin Powcr dclirqr a*ritteo nodc to Bqmto tho ofrctth.t Bu),Er has dcfaulOd in ammsrial rcrycct undcr oncormue of itr 6lmmb md agrrcarcutr contaitrd lrcmirr(which Bhrllbc ryGdfid indotait insuchuotiao), md suah codithn or oonditlons haw ffi bccn ratirffod orarh dcfrutt q dc,ftttlu bnlc not bocn rcoodlod (r*rirrod by Roclry Murtrtain Porvcr) wilhiD thirty (g)) &yr aftc&cdab aIchrdioc ir dcli./ErEd bynmky MoutrtdnPosctoBu5rcr; a (O Tte Traoofo Data shall not havc occorcd on u bc,forc Dcemben l, Z)18, or Buch laffi dato !o wbich the tarn ofthig Agfomilt EEy be olffiidod pnrutrt to muhul rguemcot of thc Partias, guvidd tha m oftho Partica givcr noticc to tho dhcr m trrminating thts ASIccmGot od thd ttekfiy so*ittg$lshrcrmhdion hacmt dcfaultod ia snran'crmpsasiilg fr ddtying tho Trrasfer Dato prst lolury 2" 1c.l9. lO.2 Efrct ofTcruinatim. eocpt whorc ryaificEu ild oditims ofthbAgrGamt prcvidc thrt nroh tam rnd mudtlome nnrirc tsunination offrfu Agemsotgy hniratim purennt to dfs Soclion 10th.ll ttllcve both Hor hanto oftboir oUigEtim &t ftrth hcrcio, od auy such umimtim oon*fum a frihuo ofthe conditimr to tho ohligation! of tho Prrtico to hplcorntthisAgnocmcd, €f,oqtthdtrothirg hcrcin ylll ftilim anyPrty &mlhbllity fcany brcach ofhis A$ccmcrl. Provldod firrdrcr, cxcspt in 6e csc oftrrnination by Buf,c on soaM of doftuft by no*y Morntain Pwr, Buyu shall pay dl Disoonmct Cocta inormd by Rocky Itlountah Powor, c inumably cmifrod to, m or bofuc thc datc of any urch tcrmin*fon. 11. Asstmt. Neithcr Party mry arsigp itu rights unds this Agrpon€ot to anythird parly withort thc unitton aonsGnt offte o&Fr Paffy. I 2. Juripdir*n -sf-8esu&ry-Au&pdtb' In the wut tbat the Cmisrlm cany othcr Satc, fodcral, or trunldpol au&ority dcHminea that myprovision of this ngroenent con0ictc wi6 or ir in violrtim of ryplilnHo law, or is$rcs uy rulcs, rcguhtiorr, m ordcrt whioh rcquirc Rooey Mototain Po*ret to altc or amcnd rnyofthcpovisione ofthk Atfomaot orto hrminaE tbir Agrccmcnf, orthat otlrcrwfucprocludo o mrterially iilerferc with ormoind tbotaDlftr of asscts contemptatoa hffcin, ttb Agf!@od altmatically dull bo moadod to comply with alc,h rhcrminatim, amodmcnt rulq rcgulatim o omda; or, if uo ordsld, 6is AgFccn€nt shail t€rofutc withqil cffoaing raos&r of tho A$sts to Buycr, orthG Asscta amd thc prrchasc pdcc shdl bo rftuncd iftrarfu has ahady occrrroq and in my ofthe fwsoiog cvouts, Ro*y Momain Power shaU not bc liahlc to Buyu for damages r loeco ofoyHnd whauosriu, including conrc$rcotirl dmagcE, which Buycrmay rufiain as a rsult of sllch dctorminstio& mcndomt, nllcr latul8tioD, trordc, orrnodificafion ortcrsrlnatirm ofthis trosaotioD, md Bulu stnfl psy all Dirconocc Cocts futcumd by Rocky Mountrin Fowcr, u inuwbly cmittod b, otr or bcfdG thc datc of aoy auc& ryilatory a.tioo. @r{ERnftrcAguutt h$?of la 13. Mirca[amus. 13.1 Amcodomt This Agr@cut msy bo @codcd mly by an iastrumcnt in writing cxcqsod by 0ro hrticc whic,h cxprcrsly EfGrs to thfu eglrsmcrt and atatas tfi* it b m mcadmem hcrt*o. 132 Sactio and Parrgraoh Headiilrs. Ths Secdon and Sutsootkm hcadiqgr mtainod in ttir Agrcaacd arc fur rcfcrenoc purpos otrh and shs[ not in any way aftc.t thc mcaning or itrllorprchtion of this Agrc@cd" 13.3 Waivcr. Ary oftho tormr m mrditiong ofthfu agrcomcnl may bo waivod at any Hnc and ftom tirrp to timc, in writing by thc Party €ditld to thc bcocfit of such tcrm or colditims. 13.4 Noticcs. All noticcq reqrcttl, dbmandq aod ofrcr ommrmicationc givcn by Buyrr or Rcty Mountain Powr shall be in writng and rball bo dEGmGd fo hsrc bccn dnly givsr whcn tGlGcoei€d, wh dc[vtrcd pcfiooally inwritlng orwhoa dEpodtd into tbclrilitcd Stmemail, m the following addrssoc: If b Rocky Itirotain Powcr: nocky Moulain PoworAtu Bldnwcoe Rogioral Businose Ittaoagc 1569 Wert No,rft Tooplc SaltLakcCity, UT t4ll6 \f,i&a copy bi nookyfrlominPorcr Atu rtoHcramn C\ubm.cr & Rogulatory Lietom E25 NE Multnmah, Suib 800 PortlaD4 OB,YI?sz If to Buycr:Ideho FallE Powcr Atur: Gancralllflaregc FOBox sfilfr l/m S @ihl Avcouc Idaho Falls, ID 83405 or to uch o&er addrcr as Buyu a Ro*y Moutain Powrr may dorigoato itr vfitting. 13.5 lnugrat d Alrcffircot Thfu Agffit rhca cxoqrf( amtfturce fto ouffrorgomt bcfura tLe Prtlor hctio, ad rycnadcs rd rcge dl pric lhc c*teorim agwmts and ufurrodtng, onl md wrilco, bctwcco thcPrtica hde with rcapcd tothr AslEts. 13.6 Count€rpsilr. lticAgrct may bo G*GqrEd intwo counEpart& oach of vhich shdl for all pupooco bc datrGd to bo u clglrd md bd ofwhlch sha[ oodtrrtc mc nd thc sano irtrumt. bcArtNrrAg@ htptof la IN WITNffiS WHEREC)F, the Partice baw sigrcd this Agtpefircot as oftbc dst€ firct above wdtten BIIYER:ROCKY MOT'I{TAIN PO\TDR By: Namo: Tirlo: By Nmo: Titlc: AITESft By: Nasrc: Title:Cm LtEl*,-C\T\ oP bffr\o f+tl,g Sfutril Prge, of14 ItAlror ArrdPrldtcAglrrtror Dlf,IBITA I}ESCBIITION OT ASEEB Art ProgrilyYrlmlhn Srb ln Plan -Dlatt[on Frrlll0o For: ld.ho Frlla ld.ho . grnd, Dorlt ArtVeluilon Irbrlel lJtrHchulp0m AOOOII|I Ylfi!. ([ntlllrY Seler Pdo PO!.Efifi)OD,t6'Cl3 col{DuT# CABE, t G, fIn/,!Ii0AL4PtJ( XFlrl&FOtE 75,7J xFM&W,ilirv,6011BI.EH xFltil&cr,151o,1*5 xFtt R cr,6qrlm5 Tdd ctuArrlthobAfrm I 3o la, s 3 3 I :84 365w 368 370 !n0 370 1S4 1S4 1S4 ts0 lSB 158 1m 1"3!5 . r87 na 7,m 0 0 39---Er- hltl0dlt Roclg Xountrh Powcr Prcpoecd S.b h Pl*., ldrho Falb, lddto. Slndy Downr Vaho of hvcnbryr 8rlcrPrlceDrslodm Plart h Sr{ceilm#t 908 Plmt h Eenloo lncoleTaxc Srlc Prlcr - Erldng Artr gxpenac SapgUon Oocts 12 Months hgrue @ l8nt Led/Ilmsmton Ooets Tdl Bpunr Tohl trb Prlcr ffiluArclPrrohrAgwrt Fde, Totm ad Fhrhm {.ffirgmnd Oorddt ttn0egrund Ooductm grd DcrlcelJrrTffirmr 11,366 $r07 Vrc $,000 18,880 02,106 $,600 $10,s0 $3,m0 04.3,293 $48,483 $50,t|@ EEElldl4 I t Ea{ $* g R d, Q: Ed g: dJ:,olI' N.d Ig: s: to s:l,l.-tta :Ig .ll Edu.*{ H H H EEHH 6 =ilF{ H o UJFo olrJt t II EXITIBIT C MAPOTFACILITIES o.(oE EaJo t.:a wa@ N o, rclz .- 1O-r€morre Drimorv moterino/ remove cutorits ond disconndct / from ldoho Folts prlmory llno ,/SANDY DOW{S /pHtt.triRv lrrnLTX-?tso3 123 10 A as z ro4lozs oUIIo ;'sRD SOIJTH lr roA w5a2 Note to mopping, remove notes from mop ) (oosF. I i I twir bnr ,$ ttat Ort +\fficc,al l'o,t 006471J45 Fs. o:troto:teo - Cr" O{. .rlloaiBdto Fdla hryout Sondy DormmrmllSZ, ltthbtori H oFrl ?d5 0rtolil O all q |rrr rr lt.-I otlz,.llg I r-to' fuanrr Arrf MAgtocod Prle t3 of ll SEI.R BTIYEK GrbcArCmrAjrmt EXEIBI]I} BILLOTSAI.E ROCKYMOUNTAINFOWER qTY OF IDAHO FALIS, IDAtrO FOR VALUABIB COXSIDERATION hbliry FII,TY-NINB IIIOUSAT{D FOIrR HUNDS,ED SIXTY lod NINE DOLIIRS ($59,469), ficrceipt of*trich iehenby aoknowbdgp4 nodcyMmbinPofftrCgdlEf),hcttbygrmf,bilgdtrr, ldbrtddcttwnb ldaho Falls ('Buyo/), prmuart tornAclEt Purrhrsc &tu.mcut rHa of_alt oftn ri6t. dth. Brd itrlcrc* in adbdlofhcAffillrrcdooBfilbltA.athclrod.tosaidArldlEchrqo Agmanl rnd freemtly in tbcpwlot ofSdlcr. TIIE ASSE'N ARB SOI.D AND DEI.IVERED IOBI'YER TAS IS, WHERB IS." ROCXY MOI,NTAIN FOWER IIBRBBY DISCI,AIMS AIIID EXCT.T,DEII IIEREX'ROT{, (A) ANY EXPRBSS OR IMPTIBD REFRSTETTIATION OR WANNANTY AS r0 TIIE VAIIJ4 @NDtrtON. DBSICN, OPERATION, OR QUALITY OF Tm MAItsRIAI^S OR WORKMAtNtm IN, OR AI{Y DBBBCTS IN, TIrB ASSETS, (B) At{Y EXPRBSS OR IMP[.IE) WARNANTY OF MERCHANTABILXIY OR FITNBTIS FOR T'SB oR FoR A pARrrCrJr.AR prrRBO$B OR (C) AI{y m|PRESS OR IMPLtrE) REFBESETTTATIOI{, GUARAI'IIBB OBtIGATION, LIABITIIY OR W{RRANTY OP SEJAR. EXTBESS OR IMPLID, OP ANT KIND, ARISING BYI,AW OR EROM COI'RTIE OF PBTORMANCB, COT'RSB OF DtsALING, ON I'EAGE OF TRADE DAIBDtHS-dayof- ?tr-. ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWR. By t{@c: fudnAllco fitlc: Mmgsr,Dnildhdm h.laof la