HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190717Petition for Extension.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN Bgly,E^"B.",. "^..D RECEIVED i0l9 JUL l7 Pi{ 12: 07 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 July 17,2019 lr.ji:.1'iJ rLli l-iC Jl lLl Ili:S CCi'1ii4lSSl0N VA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re CASE NO. PAC.E-19-01 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S PETITION FOR AI\ EXTENSION TO FILE THE 2Ol9INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAI\ Dear Ms. Hanian: Please find enclosed an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's petition in the above referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, Cc Vice President, Jim Yost, Idaho Govemor's Office (without enclosures) Benjamin Otto, Idaho Conservation League (without enclosures) Mark Stokes, Idaho Power Company (without enclosures) Terri Carlock,Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff Mike Louis,Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff Randall Budge, (Monsanto) (without enclosures) Nancy Kelly, Western Resource Advocates (without enclosures) Yvonne R. Hogle (ISB # 8930) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4050 FAX: (801)220-3299 v vo n ne. ho s le(Eoac ifi com. com Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power IN THE MATTER OF THE FILING OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER OF ITS 2019 ELECTRIC INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E.19.01 PETITION FOR EXTENSION COMES NOW Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company"), pursuant to Rule 53 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("RP"), and hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an extension of the August l, 20191 filing date of the Company's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"). In support of this request Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: I. BACKGROUND On January 28, 2019, Rocky Mountain Power filed a Petition seeking to extend the March 29, 2019 filing date for the Company's 2019 IRP. The Company identified potential reliability challenges that had to be resolved before the Company's coal studies could be completed. In its Petition, the Company indicated that it needed additional time to work through I The IRP is due on the last business day of March which, in this case, was March 29,2019. On March 19,2079,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission granted the Company's request for an extension to file the 2019 IRP by no later than August 1,2019. IPETITION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER the identified challenges. On February 7,2019, the Commission issued a notice for comments and both the Staff of the Commission and the Idaho Conservation League recommended the Commission grant the Petition. The Commission subsequently granted the Petition on March 19, 2019. While the Company continues to actively and diligently work on its 2019 IRP through a robust and transparent public input process with stakeholders that began as early as June 2018 with state-specific meetings followed by all-state public input meetings starting in July 2018, it is unable to file its 2019 IRP in August 2019 as intended due to a modeling issue that was recently discovered by the IRP modeling team, as set forth below. I. IRP MODELING ISSUE In the Company's on-going efforts to review and validate model results, the IRP modeling team discovered that coal-cost assumptions for the Jim Bridger units, which drive variable fuel costs, included forward-looking fixed-cost assumptions required to fund mine reclamation. While costs to fund mine reclamation are included in fuel costs as an element of net power costs in rates, combining these mine-reclamation funding costs in the Jim Bridger coal cost can influence modeled dispatch of the Jim Bridger units. By including a fixed cost (mine-reclamation funding) as a variable cost model input (coal costs), the System Optimizer (SO) and Planning and Risk (PaR) models can avoid the funding cost for mine reclamation by reducing dispatch of the Jim Bridger units even though these costs are realistically unavoidable. Historically, the dispatch cost of the Jim Bridger units has been low enough relative to market prices that the coal-cost adder intended to capture the costs to fund mine reclamation has not significantly altered generation levels and, consequently, has not led to a potential understatement of costs to fund mine reclamation. However, base case assumptions adopted in the PETITION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER 2 2019 IRP for natural gas prices and power prices are relatively low, and the Company confirmed that the Jim Bridger units are reducing dispatch in a manner that understate the cost to fund mine reclamation. Considering that early retirement assumptions for Jim Bridger units vary among cases, mine closure and associated mine reclamation funding assumptions vary by case as well. Consequently, the impact of this issue will vary from one case to the next, which could affect the comparative analysis of the costs and risks of each portfolio that is used to select the preferred portfolio. Plan to Remedy the Modeling Issue The Company will remedy this modeling issue by changing how it applies mine- reclamation costs in the SO and PaR models by removing the costs to fund mine reclamation from Jim Bridger coal costs while concurrently adding these costs as a fixed cost that will be constant for a given case regardless of unit dispatch. Because this remedy will affect Jim Bridger dispatch, it cannot be accurately calculated as an out-of-model adjustment because a change in dispatch can influence the dispatch and associated operating costs at other generating facilities, market purchases and market sales. Most, if not all, cases will need to be re-run through both modeling tools. 2019 IRP Filing Extension The Company has spent the last couple of months developing modeling analysis for over 50 different portfolios. For any given market price and COz price scenario, the development of system cost and risk metrics requires two SO model runs, three one-year deterministic PaR model runs, and one 20-year stochastic PaR model run. Over the past couple of months, the Company has been able to complete approximately l0 to 12 cases per week. Considering the need to re-run at least 50 cases, complete sensitivities, allow time for rescheduled public-input meetings, and PETITION OF ROCKY MOLNTAIN POWER J draft the 2019 IRP document, Rocky Mountain Power is requesting an additional extension, to file the2019IRP by October 18,2019.In the interim, the Company proposes to host additional public- input meetings on September 5-6,2019, to provide stakeholders an update on modeling progress and results completed atthat time and on October 3-4,2019, to present final modeling results, a draft preferred portfolio, and a draft action plan. In the process of re-running and finalizing the modeling analysis for the 2019 IRP, the Company will also incorporate updates consistent with feedback and discussion during the June 2019 public-input meeting. Specifically, the model runs will be updated to enable selection of Energy Gateway South in January 2024 (as a proxy for year-end 2023) with a consistent set of assumptions for cost, interconnection capability, and transfer capability across all cases. The updated model runs will also be configured to enable selection of solar resources in northern Utah. Request to Commission To enable the Company to re-run and finalize its analysis for the 2019 IRP, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests an extension of the filing of its 2019 IRP from August l, 2019 to no later than October 18, 2019. The Company communicated its intent to seek this extension to stakeholders on July 15,2019. The extension will enable the Company to complete its analysis with accurate information. The Company will continue its robust and transparent stakeholder input process by holding two additional public input meetings on September 5-6,2019 and October 3-4,2019. [. COMMUNICATIONS Service of pleadings, exhibits, orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: PETITION OF ROCKY MOTINTATN POWER 4 Yvonne R. Hogle Assistant General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city, Utah 841l6 Yvonne.ho gle@pacifi com.com Ted Weston Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, uT 84116 Ted. Weston@Pacifi Corp.com In addition, it is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staff requests regarding this material be addressed to: By E-mail (preferred): datarequest@oacificorp.com. By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 III. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the Company respectfully requests an extension of the filing of its 201 9 IRP from August I , 2019 to October I 8, 201 9. Respectfully submitted this lTth day of July, 2019. By R. Hogle for Rocky Mountain Power PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER 5