HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200721Comments.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Hgly,EF.*, F-iC EIVED ?$?0 JtlL 2l Ptt 12: 35 ':r*l i.6 1:1,.a. r: -i.; id Jrti.-rr,r =. t rt iiil.:i"CC:ri$'it:g Sl*H 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Ci$, Utah &4116 July 21,2020 VU ELECTRONIC FILING Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E-T8.08 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CHANGE DERECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC PROPERTY Attention: Ms. Hanian Please find enclosed for filing Rocky Mountain Power's comments provided in support of the Stipulation between the Stipulating Parties in the above-referenced matter. lnformal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very tmly yours, Vice President, Regulation CC: Terri Carlock Dayne Hardie Ben Otto Eric Olsen Randy Budge Ron Williams D. Matthew Moscon Stoel Rives LLP 201 South Main Street, Suite I100 Salt Lake city, utah 841I I Telephone: (801) 578-6985 Facsimile: (801) 578-6999 Email: nlatt.moscon@stoel.com Emily Wegener (pro hac vice) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple #320 Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 Telephone : (80 l) 220 -4 526 Email : Emi ly.We gener@pacifi corp.com Attorneysfor Roclry Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTIIORIZATION TO CHAI\IGE DERECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC PROPERTY CASE NO. PAC.E.18.O8 RMP COMMENTS SUPPORTING THE STIPULATION ON DEPRECIATION RATE CHAI\IGES ) ) ) ) ) ) Pursuant to the Notice of Proposed Settlement, Notice of Modified Procedure, and Notice of Comment Deadlines issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") on June 30, 2020, Rocky Mountain Power a division of PacifiCorp ("RMP" or the "Company") hereby submits comments supporting the Stipulation on Depreciation Rate Changes ("Stipulation") filed on June 15,2020, in the above-captioned matter. L PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND l. On September ll, 2018, Rocky Mountain Power filed an Application requesting authorization to update depreciation rates effective January 1,2021. As part of the Application, Rocky Mountain Power filed direct testimony of Nik'ki Kobliha, Steve I McDougal, John Spanos, Chad Teply, and Tim Hemstreet. 2. A study recommending updates to the depreciation rates ("Depreciation Study") for all depreciable plant accounts was filed as Exhibit No. 2 to Mr. Spanos' testimony. The Depreciation Study as filed would have resulted in an increase in annual depreciation expense of approximately $14.1 million on an Idaho basis, based on projected plant balances as of December 31,2020.In addition, the proposed ending of excess reserve amortizations would have resulted in an increase of approximately $3.2 million on an Idaho basis. Additionally the incremental rate increase from the 2013 depreciation study increases the depreciation expense by approximately $2.0 million on an Idaho basis. Combined, these proposed changes increase Idaho's jurisdictional depreciation expense by approximately $ I 9.3 million. 3. The Company conducted and filed the depreciation study to meet a Commission-ordered requirement, and because it is a prudent accounting practice. Periodically depreciation rates should be updated to recognize additions to investment in plant assets and to reflect changes in asset characteristics, technology, salvage, removal costs, life span estimates, and other factors that impact depreciation rate calculations. 4. The Company's last depreciation study was conducted approximately five years ago. The Commission authorized the Company's current depreciation rates on November 18,2013, with rates effective January 1,2014.1 5. Order 329102 authorized the creation of a regulatory asset for the Company to defer the aggregate net increase in Idaho allocated depreciation expense for the period I In the Matter of the Application of PaciJiCorp DBA RoclE Mountain Power to Change the Depreciation Rates Applicable to lts Electric Property. Case No. PAC-E-I3-02, Order No. 32926. 2 In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, DBA, RoclE Mountain Power to Initiate Discussions With Interested Parties on an Alternative Rate Plan Proposal, PAC-E- I 3-04, Order No. 32910. 2 beginning on January l, 2014, until the date that the depreciation rates were reflected in customer rates. The Company has not had a general rate case since that order to include the incremental depreciation expense in customers' rates. 6. The Company and the Stipulating Parties have jointly engaged in numerous and significant good faith, arms-length negotiations in an effort to resolve the issues raised in this case, including meetings with parties in the depreciation proceedings in Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, and Washington. Several meetings were held between November 2018 and February 2020, which resulted in the Stipulation that was filed with the Commission onJune 15,2020. 7. On January 17, 2020, Rocky Mountain Power filed supplemental information relating to a January 15,2020 Confidential Decommissioning Study that it commissioned. Then on March 16, 2020, Rocky Mountain Power filed supplemental information relating to a March 15,2020 Confidential Colstrip Decommissioning Study (together the " 2020 Decommissioning Studie s"). 8. In June 2020 the Company was able to reach an agreement with all the Parties to this case other than the Sierra Club, and on June 15,2020, the Company filed the Stipulation with the Commission. II. CORRECTION TO STIPULATION 9. While preparing comments the Company identified an error in the Stipulation. The first sentence of Paragraph l7 of the Stipulation states: The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will defer the change in depreciation expense from current rates, a total of $13,940,303, for one year through December 31,2020. 3 That sentence should read: The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will defer the change in depreciation expense from curent rates, a total of $13 ,940,303, for one year through December 31,2021. 10. If the Commission approves the Stipulation the new depreciation rates would not be effective until January 1,2021. During calendar year 2021the incremental depreciation expense from the new depreciation rates will increase expense approximately $13,940,303 on an Idaho allocated basis. This is the depreciation expense Stipulating Parties agreed to support defenal of in the Stipulation. In the haste of all the signing Parties to prepare and file this Stipulation with the Commission no one identified or corrected this typo. I 1. The Company is providing a replacement page as Attachment I that corrects the date in the Stipulation, and respectfully requests that the Commission replace page 7 of the Stipulation with Attachment l. With that correction the Company supports the Stipulation as filed and recommends that the Commission approve the depreciation rates provided with the Stipulation as Attachment 3 - Consolidated Depreciation Rates. III. RECOMMENDAPPROVINGSTIPULATION 12. The Stipulating Parties agree that the Depreciation Study should be approved, subject to the adjustments agreed to by the Parties. These adjustments total approximately $86.6 million on a total Company basis and were summarized in the Stipulation and included in Table l. 4 TABLE 1 13. The largest adjustment was removal of the Cholla plant from the Depreciation Study, resulting in a reduction to the amount requested in the Application of approximately $71.8 million, total Company. The next largest adjustment to the study is attributed to changes to the transmission rates, totaling approximately $12.1 million, total Company, which was driven by the agreement to extend the lives between two to five years for all but two of the transmission FERC accounts along with decreasing the net salvage values for most of the accounts. The Stipulating Parties also recommended changing the Iowa curves for three distribution FERC accounts, resulting in an estimated reduction to Idaho's distribution depreciation expense of approximately $225,000. 14. Minor adjustments were also made to the rate for FERC account 331 - Hydro Structures due to changing the net salvage from negative 30 percent to negative 25 percent which decreased total Company annual depreciation expense by approximately $33,000. The Iowa curve for FERC account 343 - Prime Movers was changed from 50-40 to Rl-50, reducing total Company depreciation expense approximately $71,000. These reductions were partially offset by including the Naughton Unit No. 3 gas conversion in 5 Totrl Comprny Dcptrdruon REl'!SED PROPOSED DIFFERETCE EXISTING PROPOSEO REVISED PROPOSEDDclcrip0on A B c (c-A) 245p23,fil 29,943,661 163,1 12 .102 130,435,713 23,248,951 82,950,370 r 0,153,988 78.491,062 19,414,887 30,467,68r 203,786,985 139.796,277 21,881 ,003 83,@8,150 ,0,163,756 79,683,914 24,0&1,5@ 348,028,372 30,434,825 203.t 15 ,719 127,733,460 21,0't5,097 80,819,816 9,938,755 79,683,914 23,994,765 102, 105,005 491,164 40,603,617 (2,102,253 (2.233.854 (2,130,554 (5r 5,233 1,'t92,852 4,579,879 12,432 Transm rss ion eneral Plant ion - Wyoming ion - Utah ion - ldaho ion - PP Stales Ch.lrom tot 1,012,07t,708 the Depreciation Study, which increased total Company depreciation expense by approximately $748,000. 15. The Stipulating Parties agreed to remove Cholla Unit 4 from electric plant in-service as of December 31, 2020. On July 2,2020 the Company filed an application requesting deferral of the unrecovered plant balances, decommissioning, and other closing costs for parties' review and Commission approval. 3 16. When the Depreciation Study was prepared, the Company hadn't made the decision to convert Naughton Unit 3 from a coal-fired generation unit to a gas-fueled generation unit. After the filing, the Company finalized the decision to proceed with the gas conversion of Naughton Unit 3. The Stipulating Parties agreed to include the costs of the gas conversion in the Depreciation Study, which increases annual depreciation expense by approximately $748,000. 17. The total Company and ldaho jurisdictional impacts of the stipulated changes relative to existing depreciation rates are shown in Attachment 2 filed with the Stipulation and summarized in Table 2 below. TABLE 2 Descrlpdon Allocaton Factor Total Change Allocated 3 In the Matter of the Application of Roclgt Mountain Powerfor Authority to Increases lts Rates and Charges in ldaho and Approval ofProposed Electric Service Schedules and Regulation& Case No. PAC-E- 20-03. 6 UT toWY SG SG SG SG VVY UT ID (71,084,060) (32ass1 (71,265) (12,m,817) (865,906) (2,278,334) (225,0O1) (10,7y,346) (4,e62) (10,762) (1,821,se6) (86s,s06) (4,421 ydo (?2s,N1 Various Various 01 1 (227e,3U) - ldaho (30,924,523) (14,29/.') (31,004) (5,247,827) Other Transmission Distributim - Wyorning Distributim - utah Distribution - PP States General Plant Cha 18. The Depreciation Study included plant-specific estimates of decommissioning costs supported by Mr. Teply's direct testimony. As part of an agreement reached with parties in the 2020 PacifrCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol, the Company committed to have an independent third party complete a decommissioning study by January 15,2020. 19. Pursuant to Section, Decommissioning Studies, of the 2020 PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol, the Company provided the results of the contractor-assisted engineering study of decommissioning costs for the Jim Bridger, Dave Johnston, Hunter, Huntington, Naughton, Wyodak, and Hayden coal plants as a supplemental filing in all states with applicable depreciation dockets. 20. On January 16, 2020, the confidential decommissioning study ("2020 Decommissioning Study"), was filed in all of the pending depreciation dockets in Rocky Mountain Power's jurisdictions. On March 16,2020, the decommissioning cost study for Colstrip was also filed with the same parties. 21. The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission establish Phase II in this proceeding, and establish a scheduling conference to facilitate further review of the regulatory treatment of the 2020 Decommissioning Studies. The Stipulating Parties will make all reasonable efforts to complete Phase II in time to allow the Commission to issue a final order before December 31,2020. 22. The parties have agreed that if terms reached with other parties concerning depreciation rates vary from the terms of the Stipulation, the Stipulating Parties will meet and discuss the different terms and one or more Stipulating Party may request that the 7 Commission revisit the Stipulation to incorporate such term if it is more favorable to customers. rv. REQUEST FOR RELIEF Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving: (l) the terms and conditions of the Stipulation with the correction noted above; (2) the depreciation rates provided as Attachment 3 to the Stipulation; (3) new depreciation ratestobecomeeffectiveJanuary 1,2021;(4)defenalof$l3,940,303duringcalendaryear 2021; and (5) notiffing parties of a scheduling conference for Phase 2 of this proceeding to provide additional time to further review and determine the regulatory treatment of the incremental decommissioning costs included in the 2020 Decommissioning Study. DATED this 2l$ day of JuIy,2020. Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Emily Wegener Qtro hac vice) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 841l6 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 Mobile No. (385) 227-2476 Email: Emily.wegener@pacificorp.com 8 ATTACHMENT 1 Stipulation Replacement Page with those in the Application, excluding the resolution of the Phase II issue identified below. 17. The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will defer the change in depreciation expense from current rates, a total of $13,940,303, for one year through December 31,2021. This amount is comprised of the Idaho jurisdictional allocation of $8.7 million for the Depreciation Study, $3.2 million of excess reserve amortizations in rates that end as of the effective date of the Depreciation Study, and $2.0 million for the incremental increase from the 2013 depreciation study not yet reflected in rates. The Company will defer $1,161,692 ($13,940,303 I 12) each month in a regulatory asset account for recovery to be determined in the Company's next general rate case. No carrying charge will be applied to the regulatory asset during the deferral period until the next general rate case. A carrying charge or rate base treatment and the amortization period will be determined in the Company's next general rate case. The depreciation expense tracked in the RTM will be calculated using the depreciation rates provided in Case No. PAC-E-13-02, Order No.32926, to eliminate any double counting. The Company will stop defening incremental depreciation expense from PAC-E-13-02 currently recovered in the ECAM effective December 31,2020, because this incremental depreciation expense is included in the $13,940,303 referenced above. 18. The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission establish Phase II in this proceeding, and establish a scheduling conference to facilitate further review of the regulatory treatment of the 2020 Decommissioning Studies. The Stipulating Parties will make all reasonable efforts to complete Phase II in time to allow the Commission to issue a final order before December 31,2020. 7