HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200615Stipulation on Depreciation Rate Changes.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER F.TCiliI,ES t028 JUt 15 Pt{ 2r 15 *,,' i?r*i&Tf'hi$*,** 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 June 15,2020 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIYERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E.18.O8 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CHAI\IGE DERECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC PROPERTY Attention: Ms. Hanian Please find enclosed for filing a Stipulation between the Stipulating Parties in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. truly yours, Vice President, Regulation CC: Terri Carlock Dayne Hardie Ben Otto Eric Olsen Randy Budge Ron Williams D. Matthew Moscon Stoel Rives LLP 201 South Main Street, Suite I100 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l1 Telephone: (801 ) 578-6985 Facsimile: (801) 578-6999 Email : matt. moscon(g2 stoel. com Emily Wegener (pro hac vice) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple #320 Salt Lake ciry, uT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email: Emily.Weeener@pacificorp.com Attorneysfor Rocly Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIIyIISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CHAI\GE DERECIATION RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC PROPERTY ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC.E-1E-08 STIPULATION ON DEPRECIATION RATE CHAI\GES This Stipulation ("Stipulation") is entered into by and among Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company"), Staff for the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), the Idaho Irrigation Fumper Association ("IIPA"), Monsanto Company ("Monsanto")o ond PacifiCorp Idaho lndustrial Customers ("PIIC"),I for purposes of this Stipulation, (the "stipulating Parties"), submit this Stipulation on depreciation rates in resolution of all issues other than decommissioning costs that will be addressed in a proposed Phase II in this Case and request that the ' Idaho Conservation League is not a Stipulating Party but does not oppose the Stipulation. I Commission approve new depreciation rates for Rocky Mountain Power as stipulated herein to become effective January 1,2021. L PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND 1. On September ll, 2018, Rocky Mountain Power filed an Application requesting authorization to update depreciation rates effective January I,2021. As part of the Application, Rocky Mountain Power filed direct testimony of NiL:ki Kobliha, Steve McDougal, John Spanos, Chad Teply, and Tim Hemstreet. 2. A study recommending updates to the depreciation rates ("Depreciation Study") for all depreciable plant accounts was provided as Exhibit No. 2 to Mr. Spanos testimony. The application of the depreciation rate changes based on the Depreciation Study would have resulted in an increase in annual depreciation expense of approximately $14.1 million on an Idaho basis, based on projected plant balances as of December 31, 2020. lnaddition, the proposed ending of excess reserve amortizations would have resulted in an increase of approximately $3.2 million on an ldaho basis. Additionally the incremental rate increase from the 2013 depreciation study increases the depreciation expense by approximately $2.0 million on an Idaho basis. Combined, these proposed changes increase Idaho's jurisdictional depreciation expense by approximately $19.3 million. 3. On April 18, 2018, a technical conference was held in Boise, followed by several meetings and conference calls where settlement discussion were held with the parties. 4. On January 17, 2020, Rocky Mountain Power filed supplemental information relating to a January 15,2020 Confidential Decommissioning Study that it 2 commissioned. 5. On March 16,2020, Rocky Mountain Power filed supplemental information relating to a March 15,2020 Confidential Colstrip Decommission Study (together with the study in paragraph 3 *2020 Decommissioning Studies") II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Substantive Terms of the Stipulation 6. The Stipulating Parties as well as parties in proceedings in Utah, and Wyoming, due to the system wide impacts of depreciation, have jointly engaged in numerous and significant good faith, arms-length negotiations in an effort to resolve this matter. The negotiations have resulted in the agreement of the Stipulating Parties on the terms and conditions as set forth herein, and in comparable stipulations among certain parties in Utah and Wyoming proceedings. 7. Excluding the Phase II issues identified below, the Stipulating Parties agree that the proposed depreciation rates set forth in Attachments I through Attachment 3, represent just and reasonable depreciation rates to become effective in Idaho commencing January 1,202I. Attachment I shows the changes that parties agree be made relative to the initial Depreciation Study filed in the Application of Rocky Mountain Power. Attachment 2 shows the effect of these changes relative to existing depreciation rates on a total-Company and Idaho-allocated basis. Attachment 3 contains the consolidated depreciation rates agreed to by the Stipulating Parties and shows the changes from the initial filing. 8. The depreciation rates originally proposed in the Company's Application resulted in an estimated increase to annual depreciation expense, across PacifiCorp's six 3 jurisdictions, of approximately $228.1 million, and $14.1 million on an Idaho-allocated basis, compared with the level of annual depreciation expense developed by application of the currently authorized depreciation rates to the same plant balances. 9. The Stipulating Parties agree to depreciation rates that would increase annual depreciation expense by approximately $141.4 million on a total-Company basis, and $8.7 million on an Idaho-allocated basis. Table 1 below shows the estimated impact of the agreed-upon changes to the depreciation rates on the Company's filed Depreciation Study on a total-company basis. Table 1 10. As noted in Table l, the stipulated items included in Attachment I reduce the filed total Company requested depreciation expense by $86.7 million. The total Company and Idaho jurisdictional impacts of the stipulated changes relative to existing depreciation rates are shown in Affachment 2. Idaho's allocated changes from the Company's filing are summarized in Table 2 below. 4 ota E(ISTING PROPOSED RE\/ISED PROPOSED RE\/ISED PROPOSED DIFFERENCEDescription A B c (c -A) 245,923,367 29,943,661 163,112,102 130,435,713 23,248,951 82,950,370 10,453.988 78,491,062 419,112,432 30,467,681 203,786,985 139,796,277 21,881,003 83,098,150 10,163,756 79,683,914 3/,8,028,372 30,434,825 203,715,719 127,733,460 21,015,097 80,819,816 9,938,755 79,683,914 Hydro (2,rssron Plant 1,192,852 (51 (2,1 102,105,005 491JU 40,603,617 Distribution - Wyoming Distribution - Utah Distribution - ldaho Distribution - PP States 783,974,101 1,012,074,708 925,36/,,74 141,390,623 ftom Allocabd UT IDDescriptionAllocation Factor Total Change WY Distribution - Wyoming Distribution - Utah Distribution - ldaho Distribution - PP States General Plant SG SG SG SG WY UT ID Various Various (71,084,060) (32,856) (71,2ffi) (12,062,817) (865,e06) (2,278,334) (225,001) (10,7U,3/;6\ @,$2) (10,762) (1,821,596) (865,e06) (4,421 (225,001 744 (2,278,33/.), sron (30,924,523) (14,2f4) (31,004) (5,247,827\ Steam Hydro Other Total Cha Table 2 I l. As a result of the settlement discussions, the Stipulating Parties have agreed to the changes to the following accounts as shown in Attachment l: o Hydro account 331 hydro structure o Simple Cycle Gas account 343 for Gadsby peakers o Transmission accounts 350.2, 352,353,354,355,356,357,358 and 359 . Wyoming distribution accounts 360.2, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369.1, 369.2, 37 0, 37 I and 373 o Wyoming general plant account 390 o Utah distribution accounts 360.2, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370,371 and373 o ldaho distribution accounts 360.2, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370,371and373. 12. Additionally, the Stipulating Parties have agreed to the following changes in Steam accounts as shown in Attachment l: a. Removal of Cholla Unit 4 from electric plant in-service as of December 2020. Ratemaking treatment for unrecovered plant balances, 5 decommissioning and other closing costs will be addressed in Case No. PAC-E-20-03. 13. Recognition of the conversion of Naughton Unit 3 to natural gas, with a retirement date of December 2029. Naughton Units I and2 will reflect the filed retirement date of December 2029. 14. The Stipulating Parties agree that if the Company develops or acquires new solar and/or battery storage assets before the Company files its next depreciation study, the Company will use a 25 year life span for solar facilities with corresponding depreciation rates based on the Iowa Curves and Net Salvage values set forth in Table 3 until the effective date of the Company's next depreciation study, which is expected to be filed in 2025. Table 3 Accounts at Issue lJfe lowa Cut.e Net Salvaee 196lSoan Solar Productlon ( projected) 341 - Structures and lmprovements 344 - Generators 345 - Accessory Electrical Equipment Bafte ry Storage { prolected I 25 years R3-40 s2.s-25 s2-25 -2% -2% @6 ut-15 -s% 15. The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will analyze and provide robust support for its proposed lives and net salvage values for all Company-owned solar and/or battery storage assets in its next depreciation study application. 16. The Stipulating Parties agree that, other than as agreed to in Attachment I to this Stipulation, the proposed depreciation rates for all other accounts will be consistent 6 with those in the Application, excluding the resolution of the Phase II issue identified below. 17. The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will defer the change in depreciation expense from current rates, a total of $13,940,303, for one year through December 31,2020. This amount is comprised of the Idaho jurisdictional allocation of $8.7 million for the Depreciation Study, $3.2 million of excess reserve amortizations in rates that end as of the effective date of the Depreciation Study, and $2.0 million for the incremental increase from the 2013 depreciation study not yet reflected in rates. The Company will defer $1,161,692 ($13,940,303 / 12) each month in a regulatory asset account for recovery to be determined in the Companyos next general rate case. No carrying charge will be applied to the regulatory asset during the deferral period until the next general rate case. A carrying charge or rate base teatnent and the amortization period will be determined in the Company's next general rate case. The depreciation expense tracked in the RTM will be calculated using the depreciation rates provided in Case No. PAC-E-13-02, OrderNo.32926,to eliminate any double counting. The Company will stop deferring incremental depreciation expense from PAC-E-13-02 currently recovered in the ECAM effective December 31, 2020, because this incremental depreciation expense is included in the $13,940,303 referenced above. 18. The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission establish Phase II in this proceeding, and establish a scheduling conference to facilitate further review of the regulatory treatment of the 2020 Decommissioning Studies. The Stipulating Parties will make all reasonable efforts to complete Phase II in time to allow the Commission to issue a final order before December 31, 2020. 7 19. The Stipulating Parties agree that any Party may propose any ratemaking treatment for a state's allocation of thermal plant balances, which may include a request for an accounting order to establish recovery through the use of a regulatory asset or liability account in any general rate case. If the Company makes a decision to retire any thermal plant, other than Cholla Unit 4, prior to its next depreciation study, the Company will not seek to shorten the cost recovery period for such thermal plant prior to the approval of its next depreciation study. 20. The Stipulating Parties agree that in the next depreciation study, which the Company plans to file in 2025 with new depreciation rates effective no earlier than January 1, 2026, theCompany agrees to present an analysis supporting the proposed lives and net salvage values for all Company-owned wind resoluces. 21. The Stipulating Panies understand that the Company has not yet resolved depreciation rates common to all states with Washington or Oregon. Should orders from these jurisdictions relating to depreciation rates currently colnmon among all states contain one or more terms that varies from what is contained in this Stipulation, the Stipulating Parties will meet to review and discuss. After meeting and discussing, a Stipulating Party or the Stipulating Parties may request the Commission incorporate comparable terms into this Stipulation. 22. The Stipulating Parties agree that, by entering into the Stipulation, no Stipulating Party is waiving any right to take any position in any other docket; provided that the Parties agree to support the Stipulation in this docket. 23. In agreeing to this Stipulation, the Stipulating Parties are not implying any agreement or expectation about the operational lives ofcoal resources. 8 General Terms and Conditions 24. To the extent this Stipulation calls out specific rates, or includes any discussion of rates for states other than Idaho, those discussions are for illustrative purposes only, and the Stipulating Parties do not intend to bind other state commissions or create precedent in other states. 25. Section 248 of IDAPA 31.01.01 authorizes the Commission to approve a settlement so long as the settlement is just and reasonable in result IDAPA While the Stipulating Parties are not able to agree that each specific component of this Stipulation is just and reasonable in isolation, all of the Stipulating Parties agree that this Stipulation as a whole is just and reasonable in result and in the public interest. 26. All negotiations related to this Stipulation are confidential, and no Stipulating Party shall be bound by any position asserted in negotiations. Except as expressly provided in this Stipulation, neither the execution of this Stipulation nor the order adopting it shall be deemed to constitute an admission or acknowledgment by any Stipulating Party of the validity or invalidity of any principle or practice of regulatory accounting or ratemaking; nor shall they be construed to constitute the basis of an estoppel or waiver by any Stipulating Purty; nor shall they be introduced or used as evidence for any other purpose in a future proceeding by any Stipulating Party except in a proceeding to enforce this Stipulation. 27. The Stipulating Parties agree that no part of this Stipulation or the formulae and methodologies used in developing the same or a Commission order approving the same shall in any manner be argued or considered as precedential in any future case except with regard to issues expressly called-out and resolved by this Stipulation. This Stipulation does not resolve and does not provide any inferences regarding, and the Stipulating Parties are free to take any position with respect to any issues not specifically called-out and settled herein. 9 Nothing in this Stipulation shall be construed to modifu or supersede existing settlement agreements entered into by or among parties to this Stipulation. 28. The Stipulating Parties agree that a hearing is not necessary and respectfully request that the Commission authorize processing this case under Modified Procedure. Rocky Mountain Power, and Staff will, and other parties may, file testimony or comments to explain and offer further support for this Stipulation. 29. The Stipulating Parties agree that if any person challenges the approval of this Stipulation or requests rehearing or reconsideration of any order of the Commission approving this Stipulation, each Stipulating Party will use its best efforts to support the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. In the event any person seeks judicial review of a Commission order approving this Stipulation, no Stipulating Party shall take a position in that judicial review proceeding in opposition to the Stipulation. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: June 12, 2020. ,,*L ) Emily L. Wegener -Attorneyfor Roclry Mountain Power Staff for the ldaho Public Utilities Commission W^rl U Monsanto, One of the Bayer Group of Companies ,a)'K,il,| L Ultt-- PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers Idaho l0 Idaho Conservation League ATTACHMENT 1 Summary of Depreciation Study Changes Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 lowa NSCuwe 'L -3OYo SG4O 4o/o 6,489,773 3,243,U1 R1-50 Company Fllad Posruon Setdomont Agreement - Zl3120lowa NS AdjustmentCuive o/"2020 $ (71,831 ,7751 747,715 -25Yo (32,8s6) (71,2661 Accrual 2020 Irt lsaue Steam Removing Cholla dant from sutdy lnduding Naughton 3 - Converl to gas Hydro 331 - Hydro Struclures Simple Gycle Gas - Gadsby 343 - Prime Movers Transmisslon 350 - Land Rights 352 - Struclures 353 - Station Equip. 354 - Towers and Fixtures 355 - Poles and Fixtures 356 - OH Conduclors 357 - UG Conduit 358 - UG Condudor 359 - Roads and Trails Distrlbution - Wyoming 360.2 - Land Rights 361 - Strudures 362 - Station Equip. 3&4 - Poles and Fixtures 365 - Overhead Conduclor 366 - Underground Conduit 367 - Underground Conduclor 368 - Line Transformers 369.1 - Overhead SeMces 369.2 - Underground Services 370 - Meters 371 - lnstall. On Cust Premises 373 - Street Lighting Goneral Plant - Wyoming 390 - Structures & lmprov. Obtribution - t tah 360.2 - Land Rights 361 - Struclures 362 - Station Equip. 364 - Poles and Fixtures 365 - O\,rerhead Condudor 366 - Underground Conduil 367 - Underground Conductor 368 - Line Transformers 369 - Services 370 - Meters 37'l - lnstall. On Cust Premises 373 - Street Lighting Distribution - ldaho 360.2 - Land Rights 361 - Structures 362 - Slation Equip. 364 - Poles and Fixtures 365 - Overhead Condudor 366 - Underground Conduit 367 - Underground Conductor 368 - Line Transforrne6 369 - Services 370 - Meters 371 - lnstall. On Cust Pr€mises 373 - Street Lighting Total Adiustments Total Annual Deprecialion - Filed Study Total Annual Depreciation - Settlement 4o/o R+80 R&70 SG58 R+70 R2-60 R3-65 s2.$.60 s2.$'60 R5.70 s4-s0 R2.$65 R1-55 R1-55 R0.s60 R2.5-45 R3-45 R1.5-40 R1.S60 R+s0 s$20 o1-30 R0.5-50 R+65 R2-60 S0-5O R0.5-50 R0.5-54 R2.ffio R2.5-60 R1-47 R3-55 s$20 LG25 R0.$,2s R4-60 R3-65 R1.5-55 R0.$50 R0.5-54 R2-60 R2.$60 R1-47 R&,55 s$20 LG.25 R0.5-25 0o/o -10o/o -100a -10% -50% -35o/o Oo/o -5o/o iYo 0o/o -'tiYo -1iYo -'t00% -500/o -35% -30o/o -3070 -35o/o -55o/o -3o/o 40Yo 45o/o Oo/o -10o/o -15Yo -85o/o 40o/o 45o/o -20o/o -10o/o -30Yo -3o/o -60% -30% 0o/o -5o/" -15o/o -900/o -35o/o 40Yo -15o/o -10o/o -30% -3o/o 45o/o -20To 2,740,305 4,471,687 45,1 89,695 25,209,356 30,098,544 31,735,033 56,323 133,629 161,705 R4-90 R2.5-75 SG'60 R+72R2.*2 R2.$,68 s2.5-60 s2.$60 RS75 s+50 R2.S5 R1-57 R1-57 R0.ffio R2.5-45 R3-45 R1-42 R1.5-60 R+50 s$20 o1-30 R0.s50 R+65 R2-60 s0-50 R0.$50 R0.$54 R2.5-60 R2.5-60 R1-47 R&55 s&20 L0-25 R0.&25 R+60 R3-65 R1-57 R1-53 R0.$54 R2-60 R2.S0 R1-47 R$,5s s3-20 LG25 R0.$,25 Oo/o -SYo -10o/o '8o/o 40o/o -3Oo/o 0o/o -SYo iYo 0o/o -1OYo -10o/o -'100% -50Yo -35o/o -30o/o -3Oo/o -35%o -551o '3Yo -60% 45o/o Oo/o -10o/o -15o/o -80o/o 40o/o 40Yo -15o/o -10o/o -25o/o -3o/o 40Yo -3Oo/o 0o/o -5% -15o/o -90% -30o/o 40o/o -15o/" -10"/o -30o/o -3o/o -35o/o -20o/o (3s3,205) (s61,737) (2,292,s83) (1,67s,s04) (3,794,054) (3,359,921 ) (2,0e3) (5,s37) (17,783) 139,796,277 119,723 314,852 2,789,748 5,975,738 2,793,407 895,845 1,729,2'.ts 4,1 02,988 471,747 1,512,781 840,949u,u1 299,659 (12,062,8171 (4,737) (3,277) (1 38,707) (281,0e6) (3e,20s) ('t7,9251 (63,914) 1242,409',)(7,s34) (29,634) (28,599) (3,285) (5,584) R2-50 -20% 21,881,003 482,109 R2-55 -20o/o 1 85,781 't,055,346 11,492,106 16,071,953 6,559,293 5,606,614 11,972,149 '14,413,463 8,891,993 5,459,240 235,297 1,154,915 (86s,906) (89,744]. (1,2s0) (5,933) (78,214) (ss6,8s7) (41,s04) (2s0,086) (a44,33s) (e6,58s) (431,601) (1 37,81 1) (s,413) (28,737) 83,098,1 50 22,203 35,900 778,788 3,769,586 977,403 252,136 521,366 't,985,67't 1,107 ,147 676,547 6,931 30,078 (2,278,33/.1 '135 209 (17,669) (212,553') (34,640) 1,139 3,584 12,203 5,411 't7,276 (s26) 470 1225,0011 (86,709,984) 1,012,O74,696 925,3U,712 1 0,163,756 ATTACHMENT 2 Summary of Depreciation Rate Changes Deprociation Rate Comparison - Plant Balances as of Dec.mb.r, 2020 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 245,923,67 3/'8,o28,372 102,105.005 6,35 1,562Steam Production Steam Production - Water Rights Hydro Production Other Production Other Produclion - Water Raghts Total Production Plant Told ProddiooPlmt- tepfrdSl€ Tnmrltalon Phrt SG SG SG CA OR UT ID CA SG ID SG OR SG SO SG SE SG SO UT SG SG SO CA SG ID OR SE SO UT CA SG ID OR SG SO SE SG SO UT SG SG CA SG ID OR SG SG SO UT SG CA ID SG OR SG SG SE SG SO 3.4Oo/o 3.3096 7.375.554.755 1.n% 7,224,199,492 35,638,063 995,097,431 5,075,636,837 32,709,325 13,63,281,',147 r3,29.t,93(,,760 280,326,706 2,243.678,1 526,'113.490 783,969,878 3,160,310,244 386,446,632 7,380,845,1.|<, a52,236 304,035 2,295,198 768,932 7,689,1 81 857,171 255,789 409,796 251.62 3,051,700 2,635,088 10.o10.742 608.'194 1,022.424 2,O79,440 2,545,714 '1,860,982 793.720 204,130 4,350,829 779.5U '11,812.885 1,109,492 236,400 219,289 3,608,320 1,475,1 00 18,540,989 1,563,941 3,133,469 3,120,067 5,O12,276 454,745 '13,637 63,528 1,481,990 3,355,388 153.214 3.491 43,182 1,306,628 1,517,293 5,800,349 83,243 620,650 592,972 3,220,759 6.433 1,447.O80 94,951 2,987,665 '12,083,235 82,388 1 1 0,980 1,450,283 14,569,51 3 76,7U 2,34a,544 4,408,344 2,265,611 6,717,318 1,069,1 21 22,85/,375 1,524,457 1,943,963 382.959 13,090,861 3,825,432 3.O1o/o 3.210/" 2.67% 2.52% 2.76% 2.970k 2.62% 2.71o/o ?.u% 3.48o/o 3.48% 4.28o/o 4.28o/o 7.Uo/" 7.UV" 7.O4o/o 2.53o/o 5.04o/o 5.O40/o 5.O4o/o 5.O4o/o 5.60% 5.60% 5.85o/o 5.85% 2.51% 4.49% 4.49% 4.340/" 4.U% 5A4% 5.48% 2.10% 4.56% 4.56% 4.56% 4.6% 5.O7% 5.070/" 5.66% 5.66% 2.32% 2.32% 2.28o/o 2.28% 2.44% 2A4% 2.440/" '1.91% '1.910/0 1.91% 1.91o/o 2.38o/o 2.38o/o 2.680/o 2.64./" 2.18o/o 7.20% 7.67% 7.670/o 9.23% 9.23o/o 8.10% 8.10% 8.1 0olo 5.66o/o 5.66% 8.47o/o 4.98% 3.73o/o 3.73% 5.14o/o 5.140k 1.86% 5.36% 5.36% 5.36% 4.01 29,943,66't 163,1'.t2,102 7,472,463 56,492,'130 14,526,469 23,248,951 82,950,370 10,453.988 1C5,14,371 29,658 10,580 98,234 32,910 541,318 60,345 '18,008 10,368 12,694 1 53,806 132,808 504,541 34,059 57,2fi 12'.t,647 't51,2U 6,711 35,538 9,165 1 88,826 33,832 647,U6 60,800 4,964 10,000 '164,539 67,265 845,469 79,292 158,867 176,596 283,695 10,550 316 1,448 33,789 8'1,871 3,738 85 425 24,957 28,980 110,787 1,981 14,771 15.892 86,316 140 104,1 90 7,283 229,154 1,1 15,283 7.604 8,989 117,473 1,180,131 4,345 132,928 373,387 112,827 250,556 39,878 1,174,715 74,357 36,1 58 20,527 701,670 205,043 30,434,825 203,715.719 7,570,061 57,702,243 14,4',t1,610 21.015,097 80,8'19,8't6 9.938,755 191,1152582 73,548 26,2* 200,371 67,128 494,414 55,1 16 16,U7 15,65422A6 272.212 235,050 892,958 17,638 29,650 178,432 222,371 1 1 5,939 42,147 '10,839 225,808 40,458 650,890 61,133 8,274 13,99'l 230,211 94,11'l 1,182,915 53,643 107,478 21 1,853 340,334 12,187 365 'r,550 36,161 91,267 4,167 1,498 45,U0 52,650 201,272 'I,906 14,213't7, 7 97,589 106 '176,689 1',t,u7 357,026 '1,124,949 7,670 1 1,708 1 53,005 1,537,084 7,285 222,477 646,263 126,648 362,063 57,626 1,'188,428 75,272 51,709 23,322 797,233 232,969 491,164 40,603,6't7 30,553 2,525,7% 8,$7,911438,979,130 582,178,916 1rllt,l90.7Eo 130,435.7r3 127.7t3,@ (2, Dlstrlbutlon Plent Distribution Distribution Distribdion Distribdion Distribution Dislribution TdalDGfibutm 97.598 I ,2'10.'l 13 (11 (2, (51 43,890 '15,658 102,'136 u,217 57,185 71.107 69,229 6,509 1,674 36,982 6,626 3,544 333 3,3'10 3,991 65,671 26,U7 337.446 35.257 56,639 1,637 49 102 2,371 9,395 429 10 674 20,383 23,670 90,,t85 2,075 11,273 4,064 127.872 9,667 66 2,719 35,532 355,953 2,940 89.949 272,876 '13,820 111,507 17,747 13.713 915 15,552 2,7 95,563 27,926 974 102,136 2,129 Genaral Plant - Vehicl6s Gsneral Plant - Vehiclos G€naral Plant - Vehicles G€n€ral Plant - Vehiclss G€neral Plant - Vehicl€s G€neral Plant - Vehiclos General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles Gon€ral Plant - Vehicles Gen€ral Plant - Vehicl€s General Plant - Vehicl€s General Plant - Vehicles Ggn€ral Plent - Vehicles G€n€ral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles G€neral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehiclos G€neral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehides General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - V6hides G€neral Plsnt - Vehides General Plant - Vehicles G€neral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - V6hicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehiclos General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehides G6n6ral Plant - Vehicles Ganoral Plant - Vehicles G6n6ral Plant - Vehicles G6n6ral Plant - Vehides General Plant - Vehiclos General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - V€hicles Genoral Plant - Vehicl€s General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehiclss Genoral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehiclas General Plant - Vehacles Goneral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehicles Ggneral Plant - Vehicles Genoral Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehides General Plant - Vehicles General Plant - Vehides Gensral Plant - Vehides General Plant - V€hicl€s General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vehides General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - V€hicles General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vohicles General Plant - Vohicles GeneEl Plant - Vehicles 392.1 CA 392.1 CA 392.1 lD 392.1 tD 392.1 0R 392.'t OR 392.1 0R 392.1 0T 392.1 UT 392.'t UT 392.'l UT 392.'l UT 392.1 WA 392.1 WA 3S2.1 WY 392.1 WY 392.3 UT 392.5 CA 392.5 CA 392.5 tD 392.5 tD 392.5 0R 392.5 0R 392.5 0T 392.5 UT 392.5 UT 392.5 UT 392.5 UT 392.5 WA 392.5 WA 392.5 VfY 392 5 WY 392.9 CA 392 I CA 392.9 lD 392.9 rD 392.9 0R 392.9 0R 392.9 0R 392.9 UT 392.9 UT 392.9 UT 392.9 UT 392.9 WA 3S2 I WA 392.9 V\ry 392.9 \ /Y 392.9 0T 396.3 CA 396.3 tD 396.3 tD 396.3 0R 396.3 0R 396.3 UT 396.3 UT 396.3 UT 396.3 WA 396.3 WA 3S6.3 V\ry 396.7 CA 396.7 lD 396.7 lD 396.7 0R 396.7 0R 396.7 0T 396.7 UT 396.7 UT 396.7 UT 5,286 9,n2 1 18,406 '102,241 344,417 329 632 7,366 6,086 5. 5.'r 5.'t 3,557 4.',t21 104 36,982 412 21 206 258 4.085 1.598 (1 (1 (s1 2.193 6. J 6 2. 2. 2. 27 1 44 1,268 1,409 129 11 11 253 't27,872 4 169 2,115 183 111.507 1,104 57 967 181 5,945 1,662 AF Phnt.ln.Seavlce EXISNNG EXSNNGSETTLEMENTIDGscrlptlon SETTLEMENT DIFFERENCE ID De3cdpffon AF Pl.nt.ln6GMcG Tot comolnv Daoroc illon ExrsailG lsErrLEr[ENr ExlSNNG SETTLEJ{ENT D'FFERENCE ID UI SG SG to SG UT CA SO to SGso OR DU so SG CN SG so UT SE SG SO WA SG so 35,91:2,226 465,312 5,8$,223 24,392,855 M,A&,522 287,063,409 4,646 '1,1 8i, 80,996 74,26 3,012,931 456.255 12,477,ffi 1,446,432 719,213 33,5't8,026 2,963,51 1 49,771,365 363,676 8,374,998 2,387,110 40,099,508 45,*2,211 't,o41,142 92,763 1,488,037 I 1,467,860 860,033 1 32,386 17,893,960 2U.170.613 521,2U,O2. 5.lni% 6.03% 6.03% 4.860h 1.&0/6 6.UUYo 3.93% 3.93% 5.nvo 5.770/o 5.33%6.50% '1.170/o 2.q3% 2.O3o/o '1.980/o 1.7',!90 1.7'to/o 1.65% 1.65% 1.650/o 1.86Vo '1.8670 1.860/o 1.51% 1.53% 1.53% 1.53% 1.53o/o 1.531o 2.52vo 2.52% 2.52% 1.950k 1.95% 1.95% 1-7090 2.05o/o 2.O50/o 1.87o/o 1.99% 1.99% 1.Uva 1.Uo/. 1.Uo/o 2.O8% 2.O8o/o 2.08o/o 1.76va 2.55o/o 2.55!o 2.550 2.550/a 2.55% 2.O8o/c 2.08o/e 2.08% 2.28o/t 2.28% 228% '1.750/o 2.280i 3.72o/o 4.6001 '1.924.895 28,058 352.527 1,1 85,493 723,971 2,147,O55 18.287 229,757 1,407,58 859,529 262,',t59 (s,n2\ (122.771',) 22',1,975 135,558 15,314,391 18,665,718 3,351,327 54 241,il4 1,470 5'1,520 7,802 205,883 23,873 '12.s57 623,435 55,121 925,747 5,492 128,137 36,523 613,522 694,348 15,930 2,338 37,4W 288,991 16.771 2,582 348,933 79 24 1,660 1,388 59,997 9,079 229,25 26,622 '14,338 702,170 6'1,641 1,035,244 6,401 2'13,562 60,871 1.022,537 1,155,442 26.550 1,929 30.951 239,453 19.609 3,0 t8 407,255 25 0 16 (82) 8,477 1,278 23,v2 2,749 't,41 78,735 6,520 109,497 909 a5,425 24,U9 409,015 461,091 10,620 (4o8) (6,547) (49,538) 2,838 497 *,322 1,228,552 4,579.879 4,100,495 5,329,047 19,414,A87 23,994,765 (608) 13,808 440,625 25 0 76 23,U2 171 88 406 6,518 57 3,529 '1,51 5 24,U9 687 (25) (3e0) 177 60,549 501,175 fotal Cmmnv - Daohclrblc Plant 2a-572-657 -6t9 L7a%3.AA a-728-756 Rocky ilountrln Porcr - Attrchmcnl 2 Depreciation Rat6 Comparison - Plant Bdanes as of DGccmbcr, m2O Toial G6mEl Plant - All Other Totrl G.n.nl Pl.nt CUSTOiIER RATE IMPACT OF APPROVED 2OI3 INCREMENTAL DEPREC|ANON STUDY NOT IN RATES Tot lcomp.ny 28,640,9'15,067 ' For rcgulatory purposes, vehide depr€cislion is redassmod as O&M. Attachment 2 ?aEe 2 ol 2 2.000.000 744911'726 925'364'7U 180/{it990t l3,L0'l03 FactoB from Dmmbsr 2017 Semi-Annual Report General Plant - Vahicles Genoral Plant - Vehidss G6n6El Plant - Vehidss Ggneral Plant - V6hides 396.7 WA 396.7 WA 396.7 WY 396.7 VU/ Totsl Gen€El Plant - Vshiclss' GGnGr.l Pl.nt - All (Xhcr Gensral Plant - All Othor G6mEl Plant - All Other Gonaral Plant - All Other General Plant - All Othd GoneEl Plant - All Olhs Genoral Plant - All Othsr Geneml Plant - All Other Gan8ral Plant - All Other GoneEl Planl - All Othtr GoneBl Planl - All Othtr General Plenl - All Other GonoEl Plant - All Oth€r GeneEl Plant - All Oths G€n€ral Plant - All Othar G€neral Plant - All Other G6neEl Plant - All Othsr Gsn€ral Plant - All Other General Plant - All Olher GonoEl Plant - All Other General Plant - All Oth6r Genoml Plant - All Oth€r Goneral Plant - All Othtr Gen6ral Plant - All Othar General Plant - All Oths 390 0R 390 0R 390 0T 389.2 lD 389.2 UT 389.2 UT 389.2 WY 390 CA 390 CA 390 lD 390 to 390 lD 390 0R 390 UT 390 UT 390 UT 390 UT 390 UT 390 WA 390 WA 390 WA 390 WY 390 WY 390 VV/ SG SG SG SG UTtn (2,293,038) (5,927,1e/.) (2,341,50o) (785,2O2) Q,On,20/.l(23,109,549)t, 504 698t 2,Nt3,O8 5,527,1U 2,341,500 785,202 2,077.2U 23,109,549 2.508.698 2.508.698 142,6,.'l w,707 145,6564,U4 RESERVE AMORI|ZANON RESERVE AMORTEATON - USTruBUNOil RESERVE AMORTEAION. ilSTn[BI,nON RESERVE AIORIIZAIION AMORIIZATION RESERVE ATORTIZATIOI{ ATTACHMENT 3 Consolidated Depreciation Rates s@@FO N NFOoON @NOo@ ONONOF Oqq9qql q arc?u2c?q qq9aq \ula\q.: qts@O@O O 6NOO@N SFO@O N@@O@@ 6 @s-oo6o q @ @ oo@-o z tr Fo zF uUzUoo Eo J h F 11 FNNFF NNNF FNNFF g;ssa @@@@@oooooNNNNN NNNNN Ndciddd ,11 g:cga @@@@@NNNNNooooo NNNNN >'U =cl? >g'z uLu =z> c<U =JZdEeEt9t3?q9X =LJE<X-=8tsY"OXoO4(9 aSrEHHx 6gTfiE?i EEtHffifrE tf;H5g= ooooooooooi.i+oc; @ rttd ;ci @o+o ;6i @N o @-o @NOO@600i@i;oidioi @N o @o olzuU=;+ BEcS:a=<52= =cJc<-=(E' ?gTEE tp?E;:SPEUgisBE83x#rd53oomF< otNoNFOO .i.i@ri 6- gdHg @@@@ooooNNNN NNNN oiNoN-OOo- @- ts- o- od .j NNN- u?o^o e;ag @@@@NNNNoooo1q$1NNNN oooo;6isd 3Nt- N-OOON dtsoiddN N z =5? 23,Z Wtu >>= c?cJ 5J EEEEs; =q;r65O - o () r (, -3EEH3fi.-u9U>U: =t1zEZ) AEfiHfiiE Ef;HE9g NOFN@ d@ o.jiN{ts@F c,i ; g;sga NNNNNoooooNNNNN NNNNN +@o;r 6i- g;sga NNNNNooooo1q1$qNNNNN ooooo -d+dc; zoF FoozF EUzUoo E o Eo i@@FO tsNNOO6 0Ncioicroi d o@ o zoF Faoz F tUzUoIe.FaJooJ F F NNO@d o cio N o \o"\@ @ts@@6 Hqq$q3339e NNFtsNNNNNNoooooNNNNN NNNNN NNO@N @@@Noo6ioFo N-O-N-@loo g;ssa NtsNNNNNNNNoooooNNNNNNNNNN iU =I5-9 >?'<Z UL9u =iF-= a?<U =J*-drel,L EEE=EH *2HE8Afri=frtd9--<2nzgrd-!!o{ f;QrHtri dfrH5qg oooooooooo -6isd<t z F- Fa z F- EUzu cdFa oo ooooooNNNNNN NNNNNN oooooo tOFitA@ooNoNood c,i ai di .,,i .,i d o 99999 ;g;H s a NNNdNNooooooNNNNNN 600000 z =I5e 2?'G9, = a=u <J EEEgEi =+;r6iO X 6 () r i4iltr-u.Q6r a-3n1 :I ZT\1H B?:5aBrE319 S?B;5HE NOOOOOci;6ird@ NN+dNqo-o-s-6-ootoN@NOON oo@6 zIF Fa ztr EUzU JJ Io FIzlllrlzlolFIolrl6lolEIrl-l filFIot EF E Fzfo = uplozlbsEt2-dt<uloEl c. 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