HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180330Wilding Direct.pdfo a BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC.E-18-02oF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER )REQUESTING APPROVAL OF $7.8 ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OFMILLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) MICHAEL G. WILDINGWITH NO CHANGE TO RATES ) ) ) ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E.18.02 March 2018 o I I a. A. 10 11 t2 13 a. 14 A. 15 16 17 a. 18 A. r9 20 2l 22 23 Please state your name, business address, and present position with PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power (the o'Company"). My name is Michael G. Wilding. My business address is 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232. My title is Director, Net Power Costs and Regulatory Strategy. QUALIFICATIONS Briefly describe your education and business experience. I received a Master of Accounting from Weber State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Utah State University. I am a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the state of Utah. Prior to joining the Company, I was employed as an internal auditor for Intermountain Healthcare and an auditor for the Utah State Tax Commission. I have been employed by the Company since February 2014. Have you testified in previous regulatory proceedings? Yes. I have filed testimony in proceedings before the public service commissions in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, and California. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? My testimony presents and supports the Company's calculation of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") balancing account for the l2-month period from January 1,2017 through December 31,2017 ("Deferral Period"). More specifically, I provide the following: . A sunmary of the ECAM calculation, including changes made to comply with Commission orders; Wilding, Di-l Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. o o I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2T 22 . Details supporting the addition of $7.8 million ("2017 Deferral") to the deferral balance, bringing the total balance to approximately $10.1 million as of December 31,2017; . Additional details of the ECAM calculation and a description of the Company's net power costs ('NPC"); and . Discussion about the Company's participation in the energy imbalance market ("EIM") with California Independent System Operator ("CAISO") and the benefits from EIM that are passed through to customers. SUMMARY OF THE ECAM DEFERRAL CALCULATION Please briefly describe the Company's ECAM authorized by the Commission. In general, the ECAM tracks deviations between actual NPC and NPC in base rates and defers 90 percent of the difference for later recovery.l Other items, which I describe in detail later in my testimony, are also tracked in the ECAM to true-up the amount in base rates to actuals include: a resource adder forthe Lake Side 2 gas generation plant; renewable energy production tax credits ("PTCs"); Idaho-allocated Deer Creek mine amortization expense; and revenues from the sale of renewable energy credits ("RECs"). 2 The balance that accumulates over a deferral period is then passed on to customers as a rate surcharge or credit. The Schedule 94 rate, which appears as a separate line item on customer bills, collects from or credits to customers the balance of deferred costs. Schedule 94 is adjusted as needed in the Company's annual ECAM filings. The Company is required to file an application with the Commission annually I See Order No. 30904 in Case No. PAC-E-08-08 and Order No. 33440 inCase No. PAC-E-15-09. 2 See Order No .33440 in Case No. PAC-E-15-09 pages 5-6. Rocky rr}',1',1?I,}; a. A. I t t I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 byApril I to seek approval of the deferral amount and the new Schedule 94 rate, which becomes effective June 1 How is the 2017 Deferral calculation presented in your testimony? The calculation of the 2017 Defenal is contained in ExhibitNo. l, which I discuss later in my testimony. Table I below is a summary of the major components. What changes to the ECAM calculation have been implemented in this filing to comply with Commission orders from previous cases? In Case No. PAC-E-16-12 the Commission approved changes to decrease NPC in base rates and adjust the load change adjustment rate ("LCAR") effective January 1,2017. The PTC and REC rates remain unchanged from Case No. PAC-E-15-09. 2017 DEFERRAL Please explain the calculation of the2017 Deferral. Detailed calculations are provided in Exhibit No. 1, attached to my testimony. Table 1 below summarizes the various components of the 2017 Deferral. Table I NPC Differential for Deferral EITF 0+5 Adjustment LCAR Tota I Deferra I Before Sha ri ng Sharing Band Customer Reponsi bi I ity Lake Side 2 Resource Adder Production Tax Credits Deer Creek Amortization Expense REC Defe rra I I nterest Total Comparry Recorery for NPC Deferal s s ldaho Customers 5 2,11.3,470 (93,048) (1,s43,064) 477,358 9Oo/o 429,522 4,112,351 1,769,672 1,311,666 71,773 703,412 5 7,79a,495 Wilding, Di-3 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. a. A. l0 I t 11 t2 a. 13 A. l4 l5 t I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 l5 t6 I7 l8 r9 20 2l Table 1 summarizes the components of the ECAM balance. The first section summarizes the Idaho-allocated share of those items for which Idaho customers and the Company share responsibility, including:NPC differential, EITF 04-6 adjustment, and LCAR costs. The next section calculates the 90 percent customers' share of the items above and adds the following items which customers are refunded or surcharged 100 percent: the Lake Side 2 resource adder, PTCs, Deer Creek mine amortization expense, and REC revenues. The total of these items represents the 2017 Deferral. The 2017 Deferral of $7.8 million is a result of the $0.4 million customers'share of the NPC differential, which includes adjustments for EITF 04-6 and LCAR costs, $4.1 million Lake Side 2 Resource Adder, $1.8 million PTCs, $1.3 million Deer Creek amortization expense, $0.1 million REC revenue differential, and $0.1 million interest accrued on the 2017 Deferral. Based on your calculations, what is the balance expected to be in the ECAM deferral account as ofJune 1,2018? The projected balance in the ECAM deferral account as of June l, 2018 is $7.4 million. Table 2 xrmmarirzes the deferral account activity starting with the $12.7 million balance approved in Case No. PAC-E-17 -02. The balance is adjusted for collections and interest accrued during the Deferral Period. The estimated ECAM deferral account balance of $7.4 million due for collection from all Idaho customers as of June 1,2018, consists of the estimated prior period balance, $7.7 million from the Deferral Period, and interest accrued. Wilding, Di-4 Rocky Mountain Power t a A. t Balancing Accourt Activity Pri or Defe rra I ECAM Revenue Collection - Schedule 94 I nte res t Activity Through December 3l,2Ol7 Jan - Dec 17 ECAM Deferral bt 31,2017 Balance For Collection dule 94 Collection - Jan - May 2018 Balance as of June l,2Ol8 ( $ 7 s s 12,682,866 $ 10,123,097 s Q,7 ta3,4t2 2,424,Ot3 lnterest 4,390 7,415,799 ldaho Customers o t 1 Table 2 Balanci Account Activi What level of revenues is the Company currently collecting under Electric Service Schedule No. 94 - Energy Cost Adjustment? Under the alternative rate plan approved by the Commission in 2017, the Company is currently collecting approximately $1 1.5 million annually from Idaho customers, split as follows: $7.5 million (or 65 percent) for the ECAM deferred balance and $4.0 million (or 35 percent) for the amortization of the 2013 incremental depreciation expense. Table 2 above forecasts the ECAM balance to be $7.4 million by June 1, 2018, which is very close to the current collection level. The depreciation balance is projected to be $4.9 million by June 1,2078, with $1.9 million additional deferral during the next twelve-month collection period (June l, 2018 to May 31,2019). Is the Company recommending changing Schedule No. 94 rates? No. Based on the projected balances, Schedule 94 current rates should be suffrcient to collect the ECAM balance during the next year and continue to make progress toward reducing the depreciation balance. The Company recommends that Schedule 94 rates Wilding, Di-5 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. 11 12 a. 13 A. 14 10 I 15 o 1 remain at their current level and that the revenues therefrom continue to be split 65 percent to the ECAM and 35 percent to the depreciation balance. This provides rate stability for customers while mitigating the future rate impact of the 2013 depreciation deferral. DESCRIPTION OF THE ECAM CALCULATIONS Please describe the ECAM calculations in your Exhibit No. 1. The ECAM deferral is calculated by comparing Idaho-allocated Actual NPC to the NPC collected in rates on a monthly basis and deferring the diflerences into an ECAM balancing account. Exhibit No. 1 includes details of the ECAM calculation. I have also provided confidential work papers supporting this exhibit. How are the Base NPC and Actual NPC calculated? The monthly Base NPC collected in rates, as set forth in Exhibit No. 1 line 6, is calculated by taking the dollar-per-megawatt-hour Base NPC rate multiplied by the actual Idaho retail sales. The Actual Idaho NPC, as set forth in Exhibit No. I line 15, is calculated by dividing the monthly total Company Actual NPC in the Deferral Period by the actual monthly system load in the Deferral Period. The total Company Actual NPC dol1ar-per-megawatt-hour basis is then multiplied by Idaho actual monthly load to calculate Actual Idaho NPC. Please describe how the NPC deferral is calculated. The deferral is calculated on a monthly basis by subtracting the Base NPC collected in rates from the Actual Idaho NPC. For the Deferral Period, the NPC differential was approximately $2.1 million before application of the 90 I l0 percent sharing. Wilding, Di-6 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 t4 15 t6 17 18 19 20 21 22 a. A. a. A.t a. A. t a. A. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 What costs are included in the NPC differential for deferral? The NPC differential for deferral captures all components of NPC as defined in the Company's general rate case proceedings and modeled by the Company's production dispatch model ("GRID"). Specifically, Base NPC and Actual NPC include amounts booked to the following Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") accounts: Account 447 - Sales for resale; excluding on-system wholesale sales and other revenues that are not modeled in GRID Account 501 - Fuel, steam generation; excluding fuel handling, start-up fuel (gas and diesel fuel, residual disposal), and other costs that are not modeled in GRID Account 503 - Steam from other sources Account 547 - Fuel, other generation Account 555 - Purchased power; excluding the Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA") residential exchange credit pass- through if applicable Account 565 - Transmission of electricity by others Are adjustments made to theActual NPC prior to comparing to Base NPC? Yes. The Actual NPC recorded on the Company's books are adjusted to reflect the ratemaking treatment of several items, including: . out of period accounting entries; . buy-through of economic curtailment by intemrptible industrial customers; . sifus assignment of the generation from Oregon solar resources procured to satisfy ORS 757.370 solar capacity standard; Wilding, Di-7 Rocky Mountain Power I 10 11 t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t7 a. t8 A. t9 2A 2l 22 23o t 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 . situs assignment of the generation from a Utah Subscriber Solar resource; . revenue associated with a unique contract for the Company's Leaning Juniper facility; . coal inventory adjustments to reflect coal costs in the correct period; . legal fees related to fines and citations included in the cost of coal; and . removal of liquidated damage fees per a coal supply agreement that relate to 2018 but were booked in 2017 in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. What is an out of period accounting entry? Out of period accounting entries are items booked during the Deferral Period that pertain to an operating period before the inception of the ECAM on July I, 2009. However, there were no out of period accounting entries booked in the Deferral Period. Why is the July 1,2009 cutoff used to determine out of period entries? Since the ECAM took effect, customers'rates have been adjusted to recover essentially all of the Company's actual net power costs, excluding any differences due to the 90 / l0 percent sharing band. Consequently, any accounting entries made during the current Deferral Period that relate to any operating period since the ECAM took effect, should also be reflected in customer rates, whether they increase or decrease Actual NPC. Accounting entries related to operating periods prior to the inception of the ECAM should not impact the ECAM deferral. In addition to the comparison ofActual NPC to Base NPC, what other components are included in the ECAM? There are six additional components included in the ECAM calculations: (i) an Wilding, Di-8 Rocky Mountain Power t a. A. a. A. a. A.t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 T9 20 2t 22 adjustment for deferred costs associated with coal mine stripping activities recorded under the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") EITF 04-6; (ii) the LCAR adjustment; (iii) a resource adder to collect the investment in the Lake Side 2 natural gas generation facility; (iv) a true-up of PTCs; (v) unrecovered Deer Creek mine investment that has been amortized after the closing of the mine and is not included in Base NPC; and (vi) a true-up of REC revenues as authorized by the Commission in Order No. 32196. How is the adjustment for accounting pronouncement EITF 04-6 included in the ECAM? Line 17 of Exhibit No. I reflects Idaho's allocated differences between the coal stripping costs incurred by the Company during excavation and recorded on the Company's books pursuant to the guidance of the accounting pronouncement EITF 04-6, andthe amortization of the coal stripping costs as approved by the Commission.3 For the Defenal Period, the total EITF 04-6 coal stripping deferral adjustment is a $0.1 million decrease to the NPC deferral balance before the 90 / 10 percent sharing. Please describe the LCAR adjustment. The calculation of the LCAR adjustment is a symmetrical adjustment for over- or under-collection of the energy-related portion of the Company's embedded revenue requirement for production facilities as specified in Case No. GNR-E-10-03, OrderNo. 32206. The LCAR accounts for variances in Idaho load that cause the Company to collect more or less of these production-related costs. The LCAR rate of S6.07 per megawatt-hour is used for the Deferral Period. Wilding, Di-9 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. I a. A. t 4 C^. No. PAC-E-09-08, Order No. 30987 o t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lQ. A 11 12 t4 15 r6 t7 18 te a. 20 A. How is the LCAR adjustment calculated and what impact does it have on the 2017 Deferral? The LCAR adjustment assumes that the actual production-related costs of the LCAR are equal to base, ExhibitNo. I line 18. The actual production-related costs are then compared to the LCAR revenue collection in rates, calculated by multiplying the LCAR rate by the actual Idaho retail sales, Exhibit No. 1 line 21. The LCAR adjustment is the difference between the actual production-related costs and the LCAR revenue, line 22 of Exhibit No. l, and is a $ 1 .5 million decrease to the NPC deferral balance before the 90 / 10 percent sharing. Please explain the sharing ratio between the Company and customers in the ECAM. The ECAM includes a symmetrical sharing ratio in which customers either pay or receive 90 percent of the ECAM deferral balance and the Company is responsible for the remaining 10 percent. Line24 of Exhibit No. 1 represents the customers' 90 percent share of the monthly defenal shown on line 23 of Exhibit No. 1. For the Deferral Period, the customers' share of the deferred balance is approximately $0.4 million. The remaining balance of $47,803 associated with the Company's 10 percent share is not included in the deferral balance as it is not recoverable from customers. What is the amount of the Lake Side 2 resource adder in the current filing? Pursuant to the stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-13-04 and approved by the Commission in Order No. 32910, the Company included a resource adder to recover the investment in the Lake Side 2 generation plant which is not yet included in rate base. The resource adder amounts to $1.99lMWh of the Lake Side 2 generation capped at2,729,500 MWh Wilding, Di-10 Rocky Mountain Power 10 13 a. A. 2t 22 23o t 1 or $5.4 million for the calendar year. The total Lake Side 2 resource adder for the Deferral Period was $4.1 million based on 2,066,508 MWh of generation, line 27 of ExhibitNo. 1. What is the amount of PTC true-up in the current filing? The PTC Deferral, on line 32 of Exhibit No. 1, is calculated by comparing the actual Idaho-allocated PTCs to the PTC credit customers receive through base rates. The PTC credit in base rates is calculated by multiplying the approved PTC rate of $1.99lMWh by Idaho retail sales. The difference is a $1.8 million increase to the 2017 Defenal balance. Please explain the Deer Creek amortization expense. The Company closed the Deer Creek Mine in 2015 before having fully recovered its investment through rates. In Order No. 33304, Case No. PAC-E-I4-10, the Commission approved the Company's request for a deferred accounting order and to establish a regulatory asset for the Deer Creek Mine unrecovered investment. Additionally, it was determined that the unrecovered investment would be amortized over a five year period and recovered through the ECAM. What is the amount of the Deer Creek amortization expense in the current filing? The Deer Creek amortization expense included in the ECAM is a $1.3 million increase to the deferral balance (Exhibit No. l, Line 33). Full recovery of the Idaho-allocated Deer Creek amortlzation expense is included in the ECAM since the Deer Creek depreciation expense is not included in base rates. What is the amount of REC revenue adjustment in the current filing? The REC revenue adjustment, on line 38 of Exhibit No. 1, is calculated by comparing Wilding, Di-11 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. 10 t2 a. A. t 11 13 t4 l5 16 17 a. a. A. 18 A. t9 20 2t 22 23o t o o a. A. the actual Idaho-allocated REC revenue to the REC revenue credit customers receive through base rates. The REC revenue credit in base rates is calculated by multiplying the approved REC revenue rate of $0.0944Wh by Idaho retail sales. The difference is a $0.1 million increase to the 2017 Deferral balance. What is the total ECAM deferred balance calculated in Exhibit No. 1? The total ECAM deferred balance as of December 31, 20ll is $7.8 million, shown on line 39 of ExhibitNo. L Does the calculation of the 2017 Deferral in this application comply with the parameters of the Idaho ECAM as approved by the Commission? Yes. Therefore, the Company recommends the Commission approve the ECAM application for recovery of the $7.8 million prudently incurred ECAM costs. SUMMARY OF THE NPC DIFFERENCES Please explain the difference between adjusted actual NPC ("Actual NPC") and the NPC in base rates ("Base NPC"). Total Company Actual NPC for the Deferral Period are approximately $1,523 million. Total Company Base NPC are $1,485 million and was set in Case No. PAC-E-16-12. Has the Company provided quarterly ECAM reports as directed by the Commission in Case No. PAC-E-12-A3? Yes. The Company has provided preliminary ECAM calculations on a quarterly basis to enable ongoing analysis of the ECAM. The last quarterly report, provided for the period January through September 2017, reported an ECAM deferral of $0.5 million refund to customers after sharing, the Lake Side 2 resource adder of $3.3 million, a PTC true-up of $1.7 million, Deer Creek amortization expense of $1 million, and a Wilding, Di-12 Rocky Mountain Power a A. a. A. a. A. t I I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 a. A. REC true-up of $0.1 million. What are the major drivers that result in a difference between Actual NPC and Base NPC for the Deferral Period? The $38 million difference on a total company basis between Base NPC and Actual NPC for the Deferral Period is summarized in Thble 3 below by the major categories in the NPC report. Total Table 3 Net Power Cost Reconciliation li, Actual NPC were higher than Base NPC due to a $126 million reduction in wholesale sales and a $9 million increase in purchased power expense. The reduced wholesale sales were partially offset by a $68 million reduction in natural gas expense, $17 million reduction in coal fuel expense, and a $12 million reduction in wheeling and other expenses. Notably, hydro generation, a zero fuel-cost resource, was higher than Base NPC by 24 percent. Please explain the changes in wholesale sales revenue. The decline in wholesale sales revenue relative to Base NPC was driven by higher Wilding, Di-13 Rocky Mountain Power 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 a. A. I ncrease/(Decrease) to NPC: Wholesale Sales Purchased Power Coal Generation Gas Generation Wheeling and Other Total lncrease/(Decrease) Total Company NPC Difference Adiusted Actual NPC TOTAL s 1,485 38 Ssa s L,523 lD Base NPC PAC-E-16-12 126 9 (17) (68) (12',) I t 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8Q. 9A. 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 a. 16 A. 17 18 te a. 20 A. 2T 22 market prices and a reduction in the wholesale sales volume of market transactions (represented in the GRID as short-term firm and system balancing sales). Revenue from market transactions is approximately $124 million lower than Base NPC due to higher market prices and lower volume of market sales transactions. The average price of actual market sales transactions was $5.18/MWh, or 22 percent, higher than the average price in Base NPC. Actual wholesale market volumes were 6,712 GWh, or 5 1 percent, lower than the Base NPC. Please explain the changes in purchased power expense. The increase in purchased power expense was due to an $84 million increase (40 percent) in qualifuing facility ("QF") transactions, partially offset by a decrease in EIM settlement transactions and the expiration of a long-term purchase power contract. Actual QF transaction volumes were 1,426 GWh, or 40 percent, higher than Base NPC. Additionally, the expiration of the Hermiston power purchase agreement ("PPA") resulted in lower purchased power costs of $31.3 million. Please explain the changes in wheeling expenses. Actual long-term wheeling contracts decreased by approximately $9.2 million when compared to Base NPC mainly due to expired wheeling contracts. This was partially offset by an increase of $2.3 million of short-term wheeling expenses. Please explain the changes in coal fuel expense. Coal fuel expense was $17 million lower than Base NPC, driven by decreased coal- fired generation of 1,734 GWh or 4 percent. The average cost of coal generation increased from $19.9644Wh in Base NPC to $20.421MWh in the Deferral Period. Wilding, Di-14 Rocky Mountain Power t I I t t a. A. Please explain the changes in natural gas fuel expense. The total natural gas fuel expense in Actual NPC decreased by $68 million compared to Base NPC. The main driver of the reduction is the average cost of natural gas generation increased from $23.06/MWh in Base NPC to $29.07lMWh (26 percent) in the Deferral Period. The increased costs were compounded by a decrease in natural gas volume of 4,902 GWh (40 percent) below Base NPC during the Deferral Period. IMPACT OF PARTICIPATING IN THE EIM Are the actual benefits from participating in the EIM with CAISO included in the ECAM deferral? Yes. Participation in the EIM provides benefits to customers in the form of reduced Actual NPC. Financially binding EIM operation went live November 1,2A14, and all net benefits arising from EIM operation during the Deferral Period are included in the 2017 Defenal. Has the Company quantified the benefits realized during 2017 from participating in the EIM? Yes, the Company has calculated the EIM inter-regional benefit, i.e., the margin realized on EIM imports and exports. The Company's EIM inter-regional benefit for the deferral period was approximately $25.7 million. How does the Company calculate its actual EIM benefits? Using actual information from the EIM, including five- and l5-minute pricing, the Company identifies the incremental resource that could have facilitated the transfer to an adjacent EIM area or the CAISO in each five-minute interval. The beneht is then calculated as the difference between the revenue received less the expense of generation Wilding, Di-15 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. a. A. a. A. t 1 assumed to supply the transfer. In the event of an import, the benefit is equal to the cost of the import minus the avoided expense of the generation that would have otherwise been dispatched. What are the estimated 2017 EIM benefits as reported by CAISO? CAISO publishes quarterly EIM Benefit Reports ("CAISO Benefit Reports") estimating the benefits realized through EIM operation for each entity that participates in the EIM. The CAISO Benefit Reports estimated EIM benefits attributable to PacifiCorp of approximately $37.4 million on a total-company basis for the deferral period. In comparison, the CAISO estimated benefits for the prior year deferral period were approximately $45.5 million on a total-company basis. The benefits estimated for PacifiCorp in the CAISO Reports include the benefits of EIM operation due to more efficient dispatch (both inter- and intra-regional), reduced renewable energy curtailment, and reduced fl exibility reserves. What is the difference between the EIM benefits estimated by CAISO and the inter-regional EIM benefits calculated by the Company? The EIM benefits are embedded in the Actual NPC through lower fuel and purchased power costs. However, the Company is able to calculate the margin realizedon its EIM imports and exports, the inter-regional benefit. In its quarterly EIM Benefit Report, CAISO estimates all the benefits of EIM participation, including intra-regional dispatch savings (optimizing the resources in PacifiCorp's two balancing area authorities), inter-regional dispatch savings (transacting with other EIM participants), reduced renewable energy curtailment and flexibility reserve savings (reduced reserves due to diversity across the EIM footprint). Wilding, Di-16 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. I 10 11 12 r3 14 a. l5 16 A. t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 The CAISO calculation utilizes a counterfactual scenario that is built to mimic the more manual dispatch process PacifiCorp utilized in actual operations before EIM participation. Based on the subjectivity of the counterfactual scenario, the EIM benefits reports by CAISO are presented as an estimate. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Wilding, Di-17 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. t o