HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171129Amended Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Bgly,E^n"", RECEIVED 20lI HOY 29 At{ t0: 07 II ijT lr_l 1407 West North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 DriiiU iri.JgLlC ITIES COMMISSIONNovember 29,2017 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83702 Re:CASE NO. PAC-E-I7-I3 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION TO UPDATE THE LOAD AND GAS FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAI\ AVOIDED COST MODEL Dear Ms. Hanian: Please find enclosed an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's erratato Table 2 onpage 5 of the Application filed in the above referenced matter, along with an updated Attachment A containingthe 2017 load forecast, gas forecast and long-term contract information. The listing of the gas hub indexes in Table 2 was incorrectly labeled, Rocky Mountain Power is filing this errata to correct the gas hub indexes. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation TABLE 2 (Errata) Rocky Mountain Power Natural Gas Price Update ($/lVIMBtu) OfEcal Fonvard Price Currye - (f 709) -09129/2017 Henry Hub Year 2ol7(a) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2U23 2V24 2025 2026 247 2U28 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Opal Gas Index $2.79 $2.63 $2.47 $2.43 $2.4s $2.47 $2.60 $3.28 $3.84 $3.84 $3.98 $4. 16 $4.4s y.74 y.99 $5. l5 $s.38 $5.60 $5.79 $6.14 Sumas Index $2.v2 $2.'00 $2.19 $2.18 y2.22 f2.29 $2.4 $3.05 $3.s8 $3.63 $3.83 $4.05 $4.44 y.7s $4.99 $5.1 1 $5.36 $s.56 $5.71 $6.04 AECO lndex $1.93 $1.84 $1.81 $1.86 $1.91 $1.94 $2.06 $2.70 $3.22 $3.26 $3.,16 $3.67 94.u2 $4.30 $4.53 $4.6s $4.90 $5.1 1 $5.28 $5.61 SOCALBOR lndex $2.91 $2.78 $2.63 $2.@ s2.63 s2.6 $2.78 $3.45 $4.01 $4.04 $4.19 $4.39 $4.68 s4.97 $5.21 $5.38 $5.63 $5.83 $6.03 $6.39 Stanfield Index San Jaun Index $2.ss $2.68 $2.43 $2.s8 $2.32 $2.43 $2.32 $2.41 $2.34 $2.43 $2.36 $2.49 $2.50 S2.e $3.22 $3.32 $3.8r $3.89 $3.80 $3.90 $3.94 $4.05 $4.11 v.24 s4.40 $4.51 $4.68 $4.78 $4.93 $s.01 $5.09 $5.16 $s.32 $s.40 $s.55 $s.63 $5.73 $5.81 $6.07 $6.16 lndex $3.09 $3.05 $2.89 $2.84 $2.83 $2.8s $2.97 $3.60 y.12 Y.14 y.27 v.46 Y.77 $5.06 $5.30 $5.45 $5.72 $5.99 $6.20 $6.58 Offical Forward Price Curve (1610) - 10/12/2016 Year 2ol7(a) 2018 2019 2AO 2A2t 2422 2U23 2U24 2V25 2U26 2U27 2U28 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Opal Gas Index s3.2s s2.84 $2.71 $2.7s $2.90 $3.09 $3.57 $4.04 94.20 y.29 v.52 v.e $4.78 $5.06 $s.20 $5.35 $5.53 $5.68 $s.83 $6.05 Sunras Index $3.38 $2.A $2.53 $2.62 $2.87 $2.% $3.41 $3.88 V.u2 $4.08 $4.37 $4.58 v.73 $s.04 $5. l7 $s.32 $5.50 $s.68 $5.86 $6.08 AECO Index $2.53 $2.22 $2.12 $2.14 $2.V1. $2.44 $2.98 $3.50 $3.70 $3.77 $4.09 $4.31y.N 94.7s $4.87 $5.09 $s.22 s5.25 s5.41 $s.60 Stanfield Index San Jaun Index $3.26 $3.23 $2.85 $2.86 $2.70 $2.77 $2.77 $2.82 $2.88 U.99 $3.06 $3.17 $3.54 $3.62 $4.03 V.O194.20 s4.2s $4.29 V36 $4.55 $4.60 $4.65 $4.73 $4.78 $4.85 $s.07 $s.08 $5.21 $5.20 $5.35 $5.32 $5.54 $5.,14 $5.69 $s.s7 $s.83 $s.72 $6.06 $5.96 Henry Hub SOCALBOR lndex $3.50 $3.02 $2.v2 $2.96 $3.14 $3.35 $3.84 y.32 $4.50y.a $4.85 $4.94 $5.08 $5.33 $s.47 $5.63 $5.78 $5.93 $6.06 $6.29 Irrdex $3.34 $3.04 $2.91 s2.v2 $3.03 $3.21 $3.71 y.20 $4.38 $4.49 V.72 $4.84 $4.95 $5.21 $5.34 $5.,16 $5.59 $5.72 $5.85 $6.09 h) 2Ol7 Forecast sas Drices are for November and December onV Page 5 ATTACHMENT A Rocky Mountain Power Natural Gas Price Update ($/MMBtu) (Errata) Oflical Forward Price Curve - (1709) - 09129/2017 Year 2017(a) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203r 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Stanfield Index $2.55 s2.43 $2.32 $2.32 $2.34 $2.36 $2.50 s3.22 $3.81 $3.80 $3.94 $4.1 1 $4.40 $4.68 $4.93 $5.09 s5.32 $5.55 $s.73 $6.07 San Jaun Index $2.68 $2.58 $2.43 $2.41 $2.43 $2.49 $2.64 s3.32 $3.89 $3.90 $4.05 $4.24 $4.51 $4.78 $5.01 $5.1 6 $5.40 $5.63 $5.81 $6.16 Henry Hub Index $3.09 $3.05 $2.89 $2.84 $2.83 $2.85 $2.97 $3.60 $4. l2 $4. r4 s4.27 $4.46 $4.',|7 $5.06 $5.30 $5.45 ss.72 $5.99 $6.20 $6.58 AECO Index $r.93 $1.84 $1.81 $1.86 $r.9r $1.94 $2.06 s2.70 $3.22 $3.26 s3.46 $3.67 $4.02 $4.30 $4.53 $4.65 $4.90 $5.1 1 $5.28 $5.61 SOCALBOR Index $2.91 $2.78 $2.63 $2.60 $2.63 $2.66 $2.78 $3.45 $4.01 $4.04 $4. l9 $4.39 $4.68 $4.97 $5.21 $5.38 $5.63 $5.83 $6.03 $6.39 Opal Gas Index $2.79 $2.63 $2.47 $2.43 $2.4s $2.47 $2.60 $3.28 $3.84 $3.84 $3.98 $4.1 6 $4.45 $4.74 $4.99 $5.15 $5.38 $5.60 $5.79 $6. l4 Sumas Index $2.92 $2.40 $2.1 9 $2.1 8 $2.22 s2.29 s2.44 $3.05 $3.58 $3.63 s3.83 $4.05 $4.44 $4.75 $4.99 $5.1 1 $5.36 s5.56 $5.71 $6.04 Offical Forward Price Curve 6t - 10n2/2016 Year 2017(a) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Opal Gas Index $3.25 $2.84 $2.71 s2.75 $2.90 $3.09 $3.57 $4.04 $4.20 $4.29 $4.52 $4.64 $4.78 $5.06 $5.20 $5.3s $5.53 $5.68 $5.83 $6.05 Sumas Index $3.38 s2.64 $2.53 $2.62 $2.87 s2.96 $3.41 $3.88 $4.02 $4.08 $4.37 $4.58 $4.73 $5.04 $5.1 7 $5.32 $5.50 $5.68 $5.86 $6.08 Stanfield Index $3.26 $2.85 $2.70 $2.77 $2.88 $3.06 $3.54 $4.03 $4.20 s4.29 $4.55 $4.65 $4.78 s5.07 $5.21 $5.35 $5.54 $5.69 $5.83 $6.06 San Jaun Index $3.23 $2.86 s2.77 $2.82 $2.99 $3.1 7 $3.62 $4.07 $4.25 $4.36 $4.60 s4.73 $4.85 s5.08 $s.20 $5.32 $5.44 $5.57 $s.72 $5.96 AECO Index $2.53 s2.22 s2.12 $2.14 s2.24 s2.44 $2.98 $3.s0 $3.70 $3.77 $4.09 $4.31 $4.40 s4.75 s4.87 $5.09 s5.22 $5.25 $s.41 $s.60 Index $3.34 $3.04 $2.9r s2.92 $3.03 $3.2 r $3.71 s4.20 $4.38 $4.49 $4.72 $4.84 $4.95 $5.21 $5.34 $5.46 $5.59 s5.72 $5.85 $6.09 Index $3.50 $3.02 $2.92 $2.96 $3. l4 $3.35 s3.84 $4.32 $4.50 $4.62 $4.85 $4.94 $5.08 $5.33 $5.47 $5.63 $5.78 $5.93 $6.06 $6.29 (a) 2017 Forecast gas prices are for November and December only