HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180509Stipulation - Redacted.pdfO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC )CASE NO.PAC-E-17417 CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND ) BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT )STIPULATION FOR NEW WIND AND TRANSMISSION ) FACILITIES ) This stipulation ("Stipulation")is entered into by and between Rocky Mountain Power,a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power"or "the Company")and the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff").The Stipulation refers to the Company and the Staff as a "Party,"and collectively,as the "Stipulating Parties." I.INTRODUCTION 1.The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth below.The Stipulating Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair,just and reasonable compromise of identified issues raised in this proceeding,and that this Stipulation is in the public interest.The Stipulating Parties,therefore,recommend that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions.See IDAPA,272,and 274. II.BACKGROUND 2.On July 3,2017,the Company filed its application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity ("CPCN")to (1)construct or acquire four new wind projects with a total combined capacity of 860 megawatts ("MW"),and the 140-mile,500 kV Aeolus-to- Bridger/Anticline transmission line,plus network upgrades,associated with the Company's Gateway West transmission project;and (2)approval of binding ratemaking treatment for the investment in the combined projects. CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 1 3.On July 27,2017,the Commission issued a Notice of Application and invited interested persons to interveneby no later than August 8,2017. 4.Monsanto Company ("Monsanto")petitioned to intervene July 12,2018,Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association ("IIPA")petitioned to intervene August 9,2018,and PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC")petitioned to intervene July 25,2017,and the Commission authorized all petitions. 5.On November 3,2017,the Company requested an extension of the deadline for the Company to pre-file rebuttal testimony from December 8,2017 to December 18,2017,and to change the date of the technical hearing from April 6,2018 to March 12-14,2018. 6.Pre-filed testimony was filed as follows:on November 20,2017,intervenors and Staff filed direct testimony;on December 18,2017,the Company filed rebuttal testimony;on January 16,2018,and February 16,2018,the Company filed supplemental testimony related to the request for proposals ("RFP")results;on April 11,2018,intervenors and Staff filed %upplemental direbt RFP testimony;and on-April 30 2018,the Company filed supplemental rebuttal RFP testimony. 7.In its January 16,2018 first supplemental direct testimony,the Company described its preliminary selection of the final four wind projects selected from the RFP results,and in its February 16,2018 second supplemental direct testimony,the Company described its final selection of the four winning wind projects that included 1,311 MW,consisting of 1,111 MW of Company- owned facilities including three benchmark facilities (TB Flats I and II combined as a single project and Ekola Flats),and two new facilities including Cedar Springs,a one-half build-transfer agreement ("BTA")and one-half power pûrchase agreement,and Uinta,a BTA. O CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 2 8.With the intent of resolving the issues raised in the Company's application filed in this proceeding,the Stipulating Parties,Monsanto,IIPA and PIIC met on February 28,2018, March 26,2018,April 5,2018,April 25,2018,April 30,2018,and on May 2,2018,under IDAPA and 272 for settlement discussions.Based upon the settlement discussions,as a compromise of the positions in this proceeding,and for other considerations as set forth below, the Company and Staff reached an agreement on all issues in this case,except as expressly stated in this Stipulation.The Stipulating Parties did not reach an agreement with Monsanto,IIPA and PIIC.The Stipulating Parties stipulate and agree as follows,subject to Commission approval of the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. III.TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 9.The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission issue an order granting a CPCN for the proposed Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission line;the Ekola Flats,TB Flats I and II,and Cedar Springs wind projects ("Wind Projects");and the related network upgrades as described in the Second Supplemental Direct~Testimoliy of Rocky Mountain Power ("Stipulated Projects").The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission find that:(1)the Stipulated Projects are prudent and in the public interest,and (2)in accordance with Idaho Code §61-526, the Stipulated Projects are a reasonable way to meet the present or future public convenience and necessity. 10.The Stipulating Parties request that the Commission approve the Company's proposed ratemaking treatment for recovery of the new investment,energy production,and production tax credits ("PTC")associated with the Stipulated Projects.The Stipulating Parties further agree that the Commission should ent°er an order approving the Company's proposed Resource Tracking Mechanism ("RTM")as a component of the Energy Cost Adjustment CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 3 O Mechanism ("ECAM").See Direct Testimony of Jeffrey K.Larsen and Exhibit 62 (describing design and operation of RTM),with modifications incorporated herein.The RTM,along with the ECAM,will capture the costs and benefits of the Stipulated Projects until the Company's next general rate case,at which time the Stipulating Parties will re-evaluatethe use of the RTM going forward. 11.Under the ECAM's existing sharing bands,90 percent of the net power cost ("NPC")benefits associated with the energy production from each of the wind facilities listed above will be credited to customers and 10 percent will be assigned to the Company.For purposes of this settlement,the Company would agree to pass that 10 percent of the NPC benefits of these new wind facilities that would otherwise be assigned to the Company through the ECAM,back to customers.Thus,customers will receive 100 percent of the benefit of the energy produced by the Wind Projects. 12.The Stipulating Parties further agree that 100 percent of the full gross-up pre-tax value of all the PTCs generated by each of these new Tvind facilities will be credited t custoiners through the existing ECAM,consistent with the current treatment of PTCs.The Stipulating Parties further agree that there will be no return on any deferred tax assets that may be created as a result of the Company's inability to contemporaneouslymonetize PTCs to full value.The Company will begin deferring the costs and benefits associated with the Stipulated Projects in the first month followingactual in-service dates,until those costs and benefits are included in base rates through a general rate case.The Stipulating Parties agree that a 9.2 percent pre-tax rate of return on investment will be utilized in the RTM calculation.This equates to an after-tax return on investment of 6.96 percent.Followingthe next general rate case,the return on the net plant balance O CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 4 REDACTED will be consistent with the rate of return authorizedby the Commission in that case.The Stipulating Parties reserve all rights to challenge the rate of return in future rate cases. 13.The Company will include the actual costs and benefits it incurs for the Stipulated Projects in the RTM for recovery in the ECAM.Actual capital costs included in the RTM,before the next general rate case,cannot exceed ,which are the estimated costs for the Stipulated Projects included in the Second Supplemental Direct Testimony of Rocky Mountain Power in this proceeding.Parties will have the opportunity to verify these costs as part of the annual audit of the ECAM deferred balance.Although the Stipulating Parties agree that the Commission should find that the Company's decision to build the Stipulated Projects is prudent and in the public interest,the Stipulating Parties agree that a Party may challenge the prudence of actual costs incurred in constructing the projects in a later proceeding.The Stipulating Parties further agree that the Company will include the costs and benefits that are tracked in the RTM inOitsquarterlyECAMfilingupdatesbeginningafterthein-service date of the first facility placed in- service. 14.The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will maintain a cap on the annual total cost of the Stipulated Projects not to exceed the annual project benefits in the ECAM and RTM.Costs that are passed on to customers through the RTM,before the next general rate case, will be capped at the level of benefits that will flow through the ECAM,as such,on a combined basis,the ECAM and the RTM will not result in a net cost to customers associated with the Stipulated Projects.Any costs above this cap will be deferred as a regulatory asset for recovery to be set in the next general rate case. 15.In recognition of receiving timely investment recovery through the ECAM and RTM,the Company will provide $300,000 annuallyuntil the next general rate case,that will be CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 5 REDACTED deferred as a regulatory liability,beginning in 2020 in the month the first facility's costs are included in the RTM,with the ratemaking treatment to be set in the next general rate case.If the RTM deferral period is a partial year,the annual $300,000will be pro-rated for the deferral period. 16.The Stipulating Parties reserve all rights to argue in this case for or against an overall capital cost cap for construction of the Stipulated Projects.The Stipulating Parties agree that such a cap,if any,would be applied at the time of the Company's next general rate case,or when the Stipulated Projects are placed into base rates. 17.The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will bear the risks related to construction cost overruns associated with the Stipulated Projects.As such,the Company will not be allowed to recover any imprudent costs or costs due to Company mismanagement.Further,the Company has the burden of going forward and the burden of proof regarding the recovery of any of the costs associated with the Stipulated Projects.However,the Stipulating Parties agree not to challenge RMP's prudence related to the decision to build the Stipulated Projects or recovery of the attual capital costs associatedovith the Stipulated Projects except to the extent (1)the actual costs of constructing the Stipulated Projects,exceeds ,or (2)there is evidence of mismanagement.The standard audit function to verify actual costs and to review operational prudence will continue to apply for all costs. 18.The Stipulating Parties agree that the Company will bear the risks related to any portion of the Wind Projects that do not qualify for PTCs due to completion delays beyond the timelines associated with the five-percent safe harbor.To the extent any of these wind projects fail to qualify for PTCs,in whole or in part,PTCs will be imputed to each such project based on that project's actual wind output for equipment placed-in service and included in rate base at full revenue value (i.e.,including full gross up for federal and other applicable taxes).The only CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 6 exceptions are the failure to qualify for PTCs as a result of either:a)a change in law;or b)a Force Majeure Event.In the event of a change in law,the Company will make all commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate the loss of value to customers including,but not limited to,cancelling the acquisition or construction of facilities to the extent practical and cost effective from the customers'perspective.In the event of a change in law or a Force Majeure event,the Company will promptly file a notice with the Commission describing the change or event,its impact,and the Company's assessment of the ability to complete the Stipulated Projects in whole or in part, and other relevant information regarding the change or event and any possible remediation.If the Company encounters a Force Majeure Event,or there is any dispute regarding the applicability of this provision or the extent of its applicability to a particular facility,or any dispute about the Company's actions in the face of a change of law or Force Majeure Event,such dispute will be resolved by the Commission in the first general rate proceeding where the Company seeks to include the capital costs of the facility into rates. 19:The CortipanyWill negotiate availability guarantees for the Wind Projects in any third-party provided maintenance,as provided by the competitive market,which is currently 97 percent.The Stipulating Parties agree that all liquidated damages received by the Company under contractual agreements with vendors for these facilities will be passed onto customers through the ECAM including,but not limited to,liquidated damages received due to the equipment not meeting specified availability and performance. 20.In each ECAM filing until base NPC is reset either in the next general rate case or in another appropriate proceeding,the Company will report the NPC and PTC benefits associated with the Wind Projects.A Party's support of this Stipulation does not waive or limit their right to contest these costs or benefits when the Company seeks recovery of such items in the Company's CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 7 next ECAM or general rate case,except as expressly provided in the Stipulation.The Stipulating Parties agree to meet and determine by December 31,2018,the appropriate RTM and ECAM schedules and documentationto be filed to separately reflect the Repower and Stipulated Projects. 21.If there is a material change in circumstance,such as a change in the projected costs or benefits,or for some other reason,the Stipulating Parties agree that the Company may make a filing with the Commission to allow for additional review and a determination of whether the Company should proceed with the implementation of the Stipulated Projects under the terms and conditions of this Stipulation and the ratemaking treatment for costs incurred prior to such filing. 22.The Stipulating Parties agree to reconvene and to reconsider and amend the terms and conditions of this Stipulation if the Company executes and obtains approval of a settlement agreement with parties in Utah Docket No.17-035-40 and that settlement agreement includes more favorable terms and conditions for customers,recognizing that differences exist in current regulatory treatment or mechanisms between the states that will impact any settlement structure achìewd in other states,than those set forth in this Stipulation including,viithout limitation,a lower overall rate of return on the new investment.If after reconvening,the overall terms of a settlement agreement reached and approved in any state,where pre-approval was requested,is more favorable than the agreement reached herein,the Company will file with the Commission to align the overall outcome of this Stipulation with the other state. IV.GENERAL TERMS 23.The Stipulating Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of their positions on all but one issue-an overall capital cost cap-in this proceeding.All negotiations relating to this Stipulation will not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding regarding this subject matter. CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 8 24.The Stipulating Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to IDAPA 25.The Stipulating Parties hereby waive any right they may have to appeal any portion of this Stipulation or the Order approving the same.If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation,the Stipulating Parties reserve the right to file reply comments as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented,includingthe right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation.Notwithstanding this reservation of rights,the Stipulating Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 26.In the event the Commission rejects or modifies any part or all of this Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation,each Party reserves O the right,upon written notice to the Commission and the other Stipulating Parties to this proceeding,within 15 days of the date of such action by the Commission,to withdraw from this Stipulation.In sûch case,nó Party will be bound or prejudiced bÿ thë terms of this Stipulation,and' each Party will be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order,file testimony as it chooses,and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. 27.The Stipulating Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair,justand reasonable. 28.Neither Party is bound,benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation,except to the extent expressly stated herein,nor will this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation is not,and will not be construed as,an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidityof any particular method,theory or principle of regulation or cost CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 9 recovery.No Party will be deemed to have agreed that any method,theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arrivingat this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future.No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those explicitly stated herein may be implied or inferred from this Stipulation. 29.The obligations of the Stipulating Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval hereof in accordancewith its terms and conditions and,if judicial review is sought,upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a court of competentjurisdiction. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of May,2018. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Name:R.eff Richards Name:tan Title:Vice Presidentand General Counsel Title:« CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 STIPULATION -Page 10