HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180117Teply Supplemental Direct.pdfRECElVED BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A )CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC )SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND )OF CHAD A.TEPLY BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT )FOR NEW WIND AND TRANSMISSION )FACILITIES ) O ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 January 2018 O 1 Q.Are you the same Chad A.Teply who submitted direct and rebuttal testimony in 2 this proceeding on behalf of Rocky Mountain Power ("Company"),a division of 3 PacifiCorp? 4 A.Yes. 5 PURPOSE AND SUMMARY OF SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY 6 Q.What is the purpose of your supplemental direct testimony in this proceeding? 7 A.I reflect the results of the Company's 2017R request for proposals ("2017R RFP"),by 8 updating my testimony supporting the Company's application ("Application")for 9 conditional certificates of public convenience and necessity ("CPCNs")and for binding 10 ratemaking treatment related to the Company's proposal to construct or procure new 11 wind resources ("Wind Projects")and to construct the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline 12 transmission line and network upgrades ("Transmission Projects")(collectively,the 13 "Combined Projects").I describe the four new wind facilities totaling 1,170 megawatts 14 ("MW")selected as final shortlist resources in the 2017R RFP,and explain how those 15 resources compare to the original proxy benchmark resources incorporated into the 16 Application.I also provide the information required by Idaho Code §§61-526 and Rule 17 112 ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"),for CPCNs for the Wind 18 Projects and for the associated facilities necessary to interconnect the Wind Projects. 19 Q.Please summarize your supplemental testimony. 20 A.The Company determined the final shortlist from the 2017R RFP in early January 2018. 21 The Company successfully engaged the competitive market,and the RFP results 22 increase the benefits of the Combined Projects to customers.The Company is on track 23 to successfully deliver the Combined Projects by year-end 2020 through timely O Teply,Di-Supp -1 Rocky Mountain Power l development,procurement,and implementation.All of the steps taken by the Company 2 ensure that the Wind Projects will qualify for production tax credits ("PTCs"). 3 The Company is also well positioned to negotiate and implement risk- 4 mitigation measures,and maintain controllable implementation plans for the Wind 5 Projects,including associated interconnection infrastructure.The schedules for the 6 Combined Projects provide reasonable timelines to assess project risks,incorporate the 7 assessments into decision-making,and allow for changes in project direction in 8 response to changing circumstances (i.e.,off-ramps).The Combined Projects are in the 9 public interest,providing substantial benefits to customers. 10 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 2017R RFP FINAL SHORTLIST ll Q.Please describe the Wind Projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist. 12 A.The Wind Projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist are four facilities inO13Wyomingtotalingapproximately1,170 MW: 14 1.McFadden Ridge II-109 MW Company benchmark; 15 2.TB Flats I and II (combined into single project)-500MW Company 16 benchmark; 17 3.Cedar Springs-400 MW third-party build-transfer and power-purchase 18 agreement;and 19 4.Uinta-161 MW third-party build-transfer. 20 Q.How do these projects relate to the benchmark projects included in the 21 Application? 22 A.In its Application,the Company provided detailed information on four proxy 23 benchmark wind facilities to meet CPCN requirements,and committed to providing O Teply,Di-Supp -2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 updated information regarding the Wind Projects ultimately selected in the 20l7R RFP. 2 The Company's McFadden Ridge II and TB Flats I and lI benchmarks were selected to 3 the final shortlist.The Company's fourth benchmark wind facility,Ekola,was not 4 selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist. 5 Q.Please describe the McFadden Ridge II project. 6 A.McFadden Ridge 11 is a nominal 109 MW wind facility located in Carbon and Albany 7 counties,Wyoming,which the Company is currently developing on a Company- 8 controlled site.McFadden Ridge II is expected to have approximately 44 2.3-MW-to- 9 2.5-MW wind turbine generators.The facility will consist of an electrical collection 10 system,a 34.5-kV-to-230kV collector substation,230-kV breakers,a 230-kV tie-line 11 between the wind project and the point of interconnection substation,meteorological 12 towers,access roads,and required communication and control facilities (e.g.,metering, 13 hardware,software,and associated communication circuits and other equipment). 14 The McFadden Ridge II project selected to the shortlist is substantively 15 identical to the project described in the Company's direct testimony. 16 Q.Please describe the TB Flats I and II project. 17 A.TB Flats I and II is a nominal 500 MW wind facility located primarily in Carbon 18 County,Wyoming,although some facilities may be sited in Albany County as well.We 19 expect TB Flats I and II to have approximately 134 2.0-MW-to-4.2-MW wind turbine 20 generators and similar project infrastructure as described for McFadden Ridge II,with 21 the addition of an operations and maintenance ("O&M")building. 22 The TB Flats I and Il project,as selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist,was 23 submitted as a single Company benchmark project alternative to benefit from O Teply,Di-Supp -3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 economies of scale and is no longer presented as two stand-alone projects of 250 MW 2 for TB Flats I and 250 MW for TB Flats II projects for CPCN purposes as originally 3 described in the Application. 4 The TB Flats I and Il project is substantively identical to the TB Flats I and TB 5 Flats II projects described in the Company's direct testimony. 6 Q.Please describe the Cedar Springs project. 7 A.Cedar Springs is a nominal 400 MW wind facility located in Converse County, 8 Wyoming,that is being developed by a third-party.We expect the project to consist of 9 approximately 161 2.3-MW-to-2.5-MW wind turbine generators and similar project 10 infrastructure as described for McFadden Ridge II,with the addition of an O&M 11 building.The Cedar Springs project,as proposed,will be procured as 50-percent build- 12 transfer and 50-percent power-purchase agreement. 13 Q.Please describe the Uinta project. 14 A.Uinta is a nominal 161 MW wind facility located in Uinta County,Wyoming.The Uinta 15 project is being developed and delivered by a third-party under a build-transfer 16 agreement.We expect the project to consist of approximately 47 2.3-MW-to-3.6-MW 17 wind turbine generators and similar project infrastructure as described for McFadden 18 Ridge II,with the addition of an O&M building. 19 Q.What are the total costs for the Wind Projects? 20 A.The proposed Wind Projects are estimated to cost approximately $1.30 billion, 21 recognizing the split procurement attributes of the Cedar Springs facility.This amount 22 is lower than the cost estimate for the initial benchmark projects included in the 23 Application,even though the Wind Projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist O Teply,Di-Supp -4 Rocky Mountain Power l provide additional capacity.The overall costs of the Combined Projects reflected in the 2 Company's supplemental direct testimony are consistent with the costs included in the 3 Application. 4 Q.Do all four Wind Projects rely on the Transmission Projects for interconnection? 5 A.No.McFadden Ridge II,TB Flats I and II,and Cedar Springs,which total 1,009 MW, 6 rely on the construction of the Transmission Projects,which will relieve existing 7 congestion and allow interconnection of those Wind Projects.Uinta,which has a 8 nominal capacity of 161 MW,will interconnect to the Company's transmission system 9 in southwest Wyoming and is not reliant on the Transmission Projects for 10 interconnection and delivery.In total the benefits generated by the Wind Projects'zero- ll fuel-cost generation,which lowers net power costs and provides 10 years of PTCs, 12 continue to support cost-effective development of the Transmission Projects. 13 Q.Did the 2017R RFP consider the recentlypassed federal tax legislation and any 14 potential impacts on wind project proposals? 15 A.Yes.As discussed in detail in Mr.Rick T.Link s testimony,the 2017R RFP process was 16 adjusted to allow proposals to be updated to reflect any impacts to proposal pricing,or 17 project viability,before determination of the final shortlist. 18 Q.Has recently passed federal tax legislation resulted in a change to the time- 19 sensitive nature of the Combined Projects? 20 A.No.The time-sensitive nature of the Combined Projects remains and is primarily driven 21 by the pending phase-out of PTCs for new wind resources.As Company witness Ms. 22 Nikki L.Kobliha explains,the recently passed federal tax legislation did not modify 23 the PTC provisions of the tax code. Teply,Di-Supp -5 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q.To receive 100 percent of safe-harbor PTCs,must wind turbine generators still be 2 placed in service by the end of calendar year 2020? 3 A.Yes.To receive 100 percent of safe-harbor PTCs,wind turbine generators in new 4 facilities that began construction before January 1,2017,through purchase of safe- 5 harbor equipment,must be reviewed,approved,implemented,and placed in service by 6 year-end 2020.The Company's implementation schedule for the Combined Projects is 7 designed to meet these criteria and provide customers the economic benefit of 100 8 percent of the PTCs. 9 Q.Do the Wind Projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist meet the Internal 10 Revenue Service ("IRS")start-of-construction criteria? 11 A.Yes.The Company confirmed through its due diligence efforts that each of the Wind 12 Projects selected to the 2017R RFP fmal shortlist have acquired,or secured the rights 13 to,sufficient wind turbine generator equipment and other facility-specific components 14 before December 31,20 l 6,to meet the start-of-construction definition for tax purposes. 15 These transactions satisfy the safe-harbor requirements under the PTC guidance issued 16 by the IRS.More specifically,the Company has confirmed 2016 safe-harbor purchases 17 of wind turbine generator equipment for each of the 2017R RFP final shortlist Wind 18 Projects with the respective project developers.Each of the shortlisted 2017R RFP 19 project developers has provided the appropriate evidence of the safe-harbor purchases 20 that will be applied to each of the respective Wind Projects. O Teply,Di-Supp -6 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.How does the Company plan to continue to procure the Wind Projects selected to 2 the 2017R RFP shortlist? 3 A.With the final shortlist determined,the Company will continue to engage the shortlisted 4 counterparties in negotiations to finalize terms and conditions,with a target for 5 execution of definitive agreements by April 16.2018.The final shortlist Wind Projects 6 include a combination of Company benchmark resources,facilities that have been 7 selected instead of one or more of the Company benchmark resources,and facilities in 8 addition to the Company benchmark resources.These Wind Projects have been 9 assessed as equal to or better than the Company benchmark resources included in the 10 Application.In each case,the individual Wind Projects'developer has submitted its 1 l proposed commercial structure for construction and procurement of the resource within 12 the guidelines of the 2017R RFP. 13 Q.Please provide an updated timeline of key decision points,regulatory outcomes, 14 and project development activities. 15 A.The following timeline provides an overview of the key events that have already 16 occurred,and the events that will occur as the currently anticipated resource 17 procurement and development efforts continue. 18 Energy Vision 2020 New Wind and Transmission Timeline Apr,4,2017-PacifiCorp2017 IntegratedResource Plan ("IRP")filing Jun.30,2017-Idaho CPCN filing Jun.30,2017-Wyoming CPCN filing Jun.30,2017-Utah Resource Decision filing 2017 Sept.27,2017-PacifiCorp2017R RFP issued to market Nov.17,2017-PacifiCorp2017R RFP initial shortlist determination Nov.22,2017-PacifiCorp2017R RFP initial shortlist price updates from market Dec.11,2017-Oregon Commission action on 2017 IRP action items Teply,Di-Supp -7 Rocky Mountain Power Dec.2017-U.S.Tax Code legislation passed Jan.2018-PacifiCorp2017R RFP final shortlist determination an.16,2018-Idaho CPCN supplemental filing Jan.16,2018-Wyoming CPCN supplemental filing an.16,2018-Utah Resource Decision supplemental filing Feb.22-28,2018-Wyoming CPCN public hearing Mar.6-9,2018-Utah Resource Decision public hearing Mar.12-15,2018-Idaho CPCN public hearing Mar.9,2018-Wyoming legislative session ends (budget session) Apr.6,2018-Idaho CPCN Commission Order Apr.6,2018-Utah Resource Decision Commission Order2018Apr.30,2018-Wyoming CPCN Commission Order (conditionedupon rights-of-way "ROW")acquisition) Apr.16,2018-Executable Wind Projects Agreements Finalized May 31,2018-Wind Projects Limited Notice to Proceed ("LNTP") un.30,2018-USFWS Eagle Take Permit first-year data collection complete (benchmarks) Nov.30,2018-Transmission Projects EPC Contract LNTP (500 kV) Dec.31,2018-Wyoming Industrial Siting Council permits received,New Wind benchmarks) Dec.31,2018-Wyoming Industrial Siting Council permit received,Transmission Jan.1,2019-Complete Transmission Projects ROW acquisition (anticipated) Jan.1,2019-Wyoming CPCN issued (transmission ROW acquired;anticipated) Mar.31,2019-Wyoming legislative session ends (full session;approximatedate) 2019 Apr.1,2019-Transmission EPC Contract Full Notice to Proceed ("FNTP")(500 kV) Apr.1,2019-Wind Projects FNTP Apr.1,2019-Wind Projects Turbine Supply Agreement release (benchmarks) Jun.30,2019-USFWS Eagle Take Permit second-year data collection complete (benchmarks) Sept.30,2019-Submit voluntary USFWS Eagle Take Permit application (benchmarks) Mar.15,2020-Wyoming legislative session ends (budget session;approximatedate) 2020 Dec.31,2020-Receive voluntary Eagle Take Permit (if issued by USFWS)(benchmarks) Dec.31,2020-New Wind and Transmission Projects in-service O Teply,Di-Supp -8 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Is the Company currently on track to meet this development schedule and 2 complete the Combined Projects by the end of 2020? 3 A.Yes. 4 CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT,NEGOTIATIONS,AND IMPLEMENTATION 5 Q.What is the current status of development for each of the Wind Projects? 6 A.As part of the 2017R RFP process,the Wind Projects have undergone preliminary 7 vetting for interconnection status,wind resource performance,PTC eligibility, 8 permitting status,conformance to specifications,constructability,and equipment 9 supply.Going forward,the Company's resource development team will engage 10 shortlisted project counterparties in detailed commercial negotiations of scope, ll schedule,cost,and terms within the construct of the 2017R RFP,and otherwise 12 continue with established development plans and activities for the Wind Projects. 13 Q.Will the Company develop additional information for the Wind Projects? 14 A.Yes.If material changes in circumstances or new information on the Wind Projects 15 becomes availableduring the detailed negotiations,ongoing development,and project l 6 implementation activities,the Company will assess the information to ensure the 17 Company delivers the most competitive Wind Projects for customers.The Company 18 will communicate any material changes in circumstances,as discussed in the rebuttal 19 testimony of Company witnesses Ms.Cindy A.Crane and Ms.Joelle R.Steward. 20 Q.Are applications with the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council ("ISC")for the 21 Wind Projects being prepared? 22 A.Yes.The Company's McFadden Ridge II benchmark project scope was included in a 23 previous permitting process before the ISC,which was approved.The ISC Permit O Teply,Di-Supp-9 Rocky Mountain Power l applications for the TB Flats I and II,Cedar Springs,and Uinta projects are being 2 developed and will be filed in accordance with the individual project development and 3 implementation schedules to support year-end 2020 in-service dates now that those 4 projects have been selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist.Based upon a review of 5 the shortlisted project schedules,the Company expects the ISC review processes and 6 hearings for the TB Flats I and II,Cedar Springs,and Uinta projects will proceed 7 through April 2019,subject to updates identified during detailed negotiation of project 8 contracts,schedules,and implementation plans with each of the shortlisted Wind 9 Projects counterparties. 10 Q.Has the Company performed preliminary evaluations of the wind potential at 1 l each Wind Project site? 12 A.Yes.Studies for each of the Wind Projects were completed by the individual project 13 developers.The Company also validated wind potential with a third-party wind 14 resource evaluation firm as part of the 2017R RFP process.Wind assessments for each 15 of the Wind Projects indicate that the sites have favorable wind regimes suitable for 16 high performance wind resources.In particular,the Company previously provided 17 testimony in this docket regarding the wind resources and the anticipated capacity 18 factors expected to be produced by the Company's project layouts for the McFadden 19 Ridge II and TB Flats I and II wind projects.The third-party developers of the Cedar 20 Springs and Uinta Wind Projects provided similar assessments of the wind resources 21 and expected capacity factors for their projects,which is included in the exhibits for 22 each project attached to my testimony. 23 The 2017R RFP evaluation team also reviewed the wind resource assessments O Teply,Di-Supp -10 Rocky Mountain Power l and independentlydetermined whether the wind data supported the proposed capacity 2 factors or whether adjustments to the proposed capacity factor for a project were 3 warranted.Mr.Link provides additional testimony regarding the results of the 2017R 4 RFP team's independent review in his supplemental direct testimony. 5 Q.Has each Wind Project developer determined who will be responsible for 6 construction of each Wind Project? 7 A.Not yet.Each of the Wind Project developers has indicated its intent to issue 8 competitive procurement requests for proposals to obtain firm fixed pricing to engineer, 9 procure,construct and commission each wind facility now that they have been added 10 to the 2017R RFP final shortlist.For the McFadden Ridge II and TB Flats I and II 11 projects,the Company is negotiating with shortlisted EPC contractors that submitted 12 formal proposals in 2017. 13 Q.Has each Wind Project developer determined who will supply the wind turbine 14 generators for each Wind Project? 15 A.Not entirely.As discussed above,each of the Wind Project developers has acquired or 16 has rights to acquire safe-harbor wind turbine generator equipment and other project- 17 specific components,which it proposes to use at the Wind Projects as required to meet 18 the IRS s start-of-construction criteria for PTC eligibility.Each of the Wind Project 19 developers also indicated its intent to finalize procurement of follow-on wind turbine 20 generator equipment through competitive procurement requests for proposals or under 21 existing master supply agreements,and identified its intended equipment suppliers, 22 models,and configurations in its 2017R RFP submittals. O Teply,Di-Supp -11 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.How did the Company generate the cost information for construction,operation, 2 and maintenance of the individual Wind Projects through their useful lives? 3 A.As further discussed in Mr.Link's testimony,the Company prepared its capital cost 4 estimates for the Wind Projects using information from a variety of sources. 5 For its McFadden Ridge II benchmark Wind Project,the Company obtained 6 wind turbine costs from competitive procurement processes that were held in 2016 to 7 procure the Company's safe-harbor wind turbine generator equipment and in 2017 for 8 follow-on wind turbine generator equipment.The Company also obtained balance of 9 plant engineering,procurement,construction,and commissioning costs from a 10 competitive procurement process that was held in 2017 to support final submittals in 11 the 2017R RFP process.Transmission interconnection costs were estimated using 12 comparable wind facilitytransmission studies and prior project experience,and internal 13 project development;management and permitting costs were estimated based upon the 14 Company's experience with construction of past wind facilities and other recent 15 generation resource additions.The Company applied contingencies in various cost 16 categories to account for project uncertainties given the current stage of development 17 of the project.O&M cost estimates were developed based upon the Company's 18 experience with wind resource O&M budgets and third-party contracts for the 19 Company's existing wind facilities.Ongoing capital costs were estimated based upon 20 the Company's experience and indicative costs provided by wind turbine generator 21 suppliers for critical capital components. 22 For the third-party developed Wind Projects,the Company received 23 competitive market proposals for a combination of build-transfer projects and power- O Teply,Di-Supp -l2 Rocky Mountain Power l purchase agreements within the guidelines provided in the 2017R RFP.All bid 2 proposals received through that process require a bid-validity date through April 16, 3 2018,and final shortlist bidders provided a letter signed by an officer that commits to 4 the requirements of the 2017R RFP.Transmission interconnection costs for the 5 individual projects were informed by transmission system impact studies,and internal 6 project development,management,and permitting costs were estimated based upon the 7 developers'experience with development and construction of past wind facilities. 8 O&M cost estimates were developed based upon the Company's experience with wind 9 resource O&M budgets and third-party contracts for the Company's existing wind 10 facilities.Ongoing capital costs were estimated based upon the Company's experience ll and indicative costs provided by wind turbine generator suppliers for critical capital 12 components.O 13 Q.Will the Company and third-party developers collaborate with the Wyoming 14 Game and Fish Department,the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,and other 15 environmental agencies to develop and implement the Wind Projects? 16 A.Yes.The Company and the third-party project developers have initiated discussions 17 with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service l 8 regarding developing and implementing the Wind Projects.The Company and the 19 third-party project developers have also begun pre-construction usage surveys for 20 various avian,bat,and wildlife species using recommendations from applicable state 21 and federal guideline documents,including the 2012 Land Based Wind Energy 22 Guidelines.The Company and third-party project developers will coordinate with 23 county,state,and federal agencies that havejurisdiction over development,permitting, O Teply,Di-Supp -13 Rocky Mountain Power l and operations to ensure appropriate environmental and safety measures are 2 implemented throughout the life of the Wind Projects.The Company is committed to 3 establishing development and implementation schedules and protocols that recognize 4 the potential environmentalimpacts of the Wind Projects and strive to mitigate negative 5 impacts. 6 Q.Will the Wind Projects'wind turbine generators or associated infrastructure be 7 built in Wyoming'sGreater Sage Grouse Core area? 8 A.No.The Wind Projects'wind turbine generators and associated infrastructure, 9 including the associated generation interconnection tie-lines,will not be located within 10 the current boundaries of Wyoming's Greater Sage Grouse Core area. ll Q.How will potential visual and lighting impacts from the Wind Projects be 12 addressed? 13 A.State and county permitting regulations contain requirements that recognize and 14 address potentialvisual and lighting impacts.The Company and third-party developers 15 will incorporate those applicable measures into the siting,construction,and operations 16 of the Wind Projects as part of the permitting process.Such measures may include: 17 down shielded lighting on project infrastructure;Federal Aviation Administration 18 approved/recommended turbine lighting protocols;active aviation light management; 19 and use of approved paint colors for turbines. 20 Q.When will construction of the Wind Projects begin and end? 2 l A.As described in detail in the exhibits attached to my testimony,site construction of the 22 Wind Projects will begin as soon as the second quarter of2019.The Company and the 23 third-party developers will not begin construction,however,until all of the necessary O Teply,Di-Supp -14 Rocky Mountain Power l regulatory approvals and applicable permits and authorizations from other local,state, 2 tribal or federal governmental agencies that have jurisdiction over the construction or 3 operation of the Wind Projects have been received,including approval from the 4 Wyoming ISC to ensure that the projects ultimately selected are in the best interest of 5 customers.The Company anticipates that substantial completion for the Wind Projects, 6 under normal construction circumstances,weather conditions,labor availability and 7 materials delivery,will be achieved by November 15,2020,or as otherwise updated 8 during detailed negotiation of project contracts,schedules,and implementation plans 9 with each of the shortlisted Wind Projects counterparties. 10 Q.What is the expected operational life of the Wind Projects? 11 A.The anticipated operational life of the Wind Projects has been assessed at 30 years for 12 the purposes of the CPCN Application and this supplemental filing,which aligns with 13 the Company's currently approved depreciable life for wind resources.The operational 14 life may be reviewed and extended based on advances in turbine technologies or 15 improvements in maintenance processes(or both)through the course of the Company's 16 regular depreciation studies and filings. 17 Q.Will the Wind Projects be decommissioned or repowered at the end of their 18 operational life? 19 A.The Company may dismantle and reclaim the Wind Projects delivered under a build- 20 transfer agreement at the end of their operational life based upon the requirements of 21 the operating permit.Typically,county and state agencies identify the decommissioning 22 requirements during the permitting process,including expected reclamation efforts and 23 overall decommissioning costs and security requirements.The Company may also O Teply,Di-Supp -15 Rocky Mountain Power l consider replacing or upgrading the existing infrastructure at the end of the operational 2 life if conditions (i.e.,economics,permitting,customer load needs,etc.)are conducive 3 to reinvestment in the Wind Projects. 4 REQUIREMENTSOF IDAHO CODE §§61-526 AND COMMISSION RULE 112 5 Q.Please summarize how the Company's Application meets the requirements for a 6 CPCN application. 7 A.Idaho Code §§61-526 and Rule l12 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 8 ("Commission")Rules of Procedure ("RP"),describe what must be included in an 9 application for a CPCN.The exhibits to my testimony include the required information 10 for the Wind Projects. 1 l Q.Please describe your exhibits for the nominal 400 MW Cedar Springs facility that 12 provide the information required by Idaho Code §§61-526 and Commission Rule l 3 112. 14 A.The nominal 400 MW Cedar Springs facility is included in Confidential Exhibit No. 15 31 to my testimony.Confidential Exhibit No.31 subparts are: 16 Confidential Exhibit No.3l-l-Wind Turbine Generator ("WTG")Site Layout 17 Confidential Exhibit No.31-2-Site Wind Resource Data 18 Confidential Exhibit No.31-3-Preliminary Project Schedule 19 Confidential Exhibit No.31-4-ProjectMap 20 Confidential Exhibit No.31-5-Metes and Bounds Property Information 21 Highly Confidential Exhibit No.31-6-Generation Tie-line Property Information 22 Confidential Exhibit No.31-7-Environmental Studies 23 Confidential Exhibit No.31-8-RaptorNest Information O Teply,Di-Supp -16 Rocky Mountain Power l Confidential Exhibit No.31-9-PermittingMatrix 2 Confidential Exhibit No.31-l0-SystemImpact Re-Study Q7l2 3 Confidential Exhibit No.31-l l-230-kV Tie-line Structure Details 4 Q.Please describe the exhibits for the nominal 500 MW TB Flats I and II wind facility 5 that provide the information required by Idaho Code §§61-526 and Commission 6 Rule 112. 7 A.The nominal 500 MW TB Flats I and II wind facility is included in Confidential Exhibit 8 No.32 to my testimony.Confidential Exhibit No.32 subparts that have been updated 9 since my direct testimony was filed in this Case are: 10 Confidential Exhibit No.32-1-Preliminary Site Layout 11 Confidential Exhibit No.32-2-Parcel Map 12 Confidential Exhibit No.32-3-LargeGenerator InterconnectionFacilities StudyO13Q.Please describe the exhibits for the nominal 109 MW McFadden Ridge II wind 14 facility that provide the information required by Idaho Code §§61-526 and 15 Commission Rule 112. 16 A.The required information for the nominal 109 MW McFadden Ridge II wind facility is 17 included in Exhibit No.33 to my testimony.Exhibit No.33 subparts have been updated 18 since my direct testimony was filed in this docket are: 19 Confidential Exhibit No.33-1-WTG Site Layout 20 Q.Please describe the exhibits for the nominal 161 MW Uinta wind facility that 21 provide the information required by Idaho Code §§61-526 and Commission Rule 22 112. 23 A.The required information for the nominal 161 MW Uinta wind facility is included in O Teply,Di-Supp -17 Rocky Mountain Power l Confidential Exhibit No.34 to my testimony.Confidential Exhibit No.34 subparts are: 2 Confidential Exhibit No.34-1-Project Details and Facilities 3 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-1A-Site Layout 4 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-1-D-Preliminary One-Line Diagrams 5 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-1-E-Wetlands and Surface Water 6 Confidential Exhibit No.34-2-Site Description 7 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-2-A-Preliminary Metes and Bounds Description 8 Confidential Exhibit No.34-3deology 9 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-3-A-VicinityTopography 10 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-3-B-Groundwater ll o Confidential Exhibit No.34-3-C-Surficial Geology 12 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-3-D-Bedrock Geology 13 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-3-E-Mineral Deposits 14 Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-Natural Resources 15 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-A-Visual Resources 16 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-B-Visual Simulations 17 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-C-Regional Summary 18 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-H-Studies Status 19 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-4-1-Environmental Studies 20 Highly Confidential Exhibit No.34-5-Property Acquisition Status 21 o Confidential Exhibit No.34-5-B-Landowner Map 22 Confidential Exhibit No.34-6-Preliminary Construction Schedule 23 Confidential Exhibit No.34-7-Site Wind Resource Data O Teply,Di-Supp -18 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Please provide a summary of the capital expenditures required to construct the 2 Wind Projects. 3 A.Confidential Exhibit No.35 to my testimony includes the summary. 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5 Q.Please explain why the Wind Projects are in the public interest. 6 A.The Wind Projects are in the public interest because:(1)they will become an essential 7 element of the Company's diversified resource portfolio that is needed to serve 8 customers;(2)the facilities are desirable due to location-specific attributes;and (3)the 9 Wind Projects will benefit customers as a whole. 10 Q.Please summarize your recommendation to the Commission. ll A.I recommend that the Commission determine that the Wind Projects provide significant 12 benefits to customers and therefore are in the public interest.Based on those fmdings 13 and conclusions,I recommend that the Commission grant the Company the CPCNs for 14 the Wind Projects at the conclusion of these proceedings. 15 Q.Does this complete your supplemental direct testimony? 16 A.Yes. O Teply,Di-Supp -19 Rocky Mountain Power