HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170731Motion for Pro Hac Vice.pdfMRG McDOWELL RACKNER GIBSON PC ADAM LoWNEY Direct (503)595-3926 adam@mrg-law.com July 28,2017 Ms.Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702 RE:PAC-E-17-07 Dear Ms.Hanian: Please find enclosed for filing in the above case an electronic copy of the following: Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Limited Admission Pro Hac Vic Proposed Order Granting Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission Certificate of Service Please contact me should you require anything further. Sin ely, Adam Lowney 0456) main:503 595 3922 i fax:503 595 3928 |www.mrg-law.com 419 SW 11th Ave,Suite 400 |Portland,Oregon 97205-2605 Adam Lowney (#10456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW l 16 Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3926 Fax:(503)595-3928 Email:adam@mrg-law.com Applying Counsel Katherine McDowell McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW 1lth Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3924 Fax:(503)595-3928 Email:katherine@mrg-law.com Attorneysfor Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE )APPLICATION OF ROCKY )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC )MOTION FOR LIMITED CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY )ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE AND BINDING RATEMAKING ) TREATMENT FOR WIND AND ) TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ) Pursuant to Idaho Bar Commission Rule 227 ("IBCR 227")and Rules 19 and 43 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")Rule of Procedure (IDAPA and,the undersigned local counsel,Adam Lowney,hereby petitions the Commission for admission of Katherine McDowell,pro hac vice,in this case. MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION Page 1 PRO HAC VK'E Ms.McDowell certifies that she is an active member,in good standing,of the bar of the State of Oregon,that she maintains the regular practice of law at the above-noted address,and that she is neither a resident of the state of Idaho nor licensed to practice law in Idaho.She further certifies that she has not previously been admitted under IBCR 227 in any other matter. The undersigned counsel certify that a copy of this Motion has been served on all other parties to the above-captioned matter,and that a copy of the Motion,accompanied by a current certificate of good standing from the Oregon State Bar,and a fee of $325.00 have been submitted to the Idaho State Bar. Mr.Lowney certifies after reasonable investigationthat the above information is true to the best of her knowledge.Further,Mr.Lowney acknowledges that,pursuant to IBCR 227,his attendance shall be required at all Commission proceedings at which Ms.McDowell appears,unless he is specifically excused by the Commission.In this regard,Mr.Lowney hereby respectfully requests that the Commission excuse him from having to appear during Commission proceedings for the above-captioned matter unless needed by Rocky Mountain Power. WHEREFORE,by this Motion,Mr.Lowney respectfully requests that the Commission perform the following: 1.Authorize Katherine McDowell to participate in all proceedings before the Commission with respect to the above-captioned matter. MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION Page 2 PRO //AC VICE 2.Grant Adam Lowney's request to be excused from having to appear during Commission related proceedings with respect to the above-captioned matter unless needed by Rocky Mountain Power. Respectfully submitted this 28th day of July 2017. Respectfully submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER Adam Lowney (56) McDowell RackMr Gibson PC 419 SW l lth Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3926 Fax:(503)595-3928 Email:adam@mrg-law.com Applying Counsel herine e ell cDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW l lth Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3924 Facsimile:(503)595-3928 Email:Katherine@mrg-law.com MOTION FOR LIMITED ADMISSION Page 3 PRO HAC VICE Adam Lowney (#10456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW l l*Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3926 Fax:(503)595-3928 Email:adam@mrg-law.com Attorneysfor Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )ORDER GRANTING MOTION CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC )FOR PRO HAC VICE CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY )ADMISSION AND BINDING RATEMAKING ) TREATMENT FOR WIND AND )TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ) The Commission has considered the Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice filed on July 28,2017,and being fully advised in the premises,it is hereby ordered that Katherine McDowell be admitted pro hac vice in this case and that Adam Lowney serve as Local Counsel,whose attendance shall be required in all commission proceedings in which Ms.McDowell appears,unless specifically excused by the Commission. DATED this day of ,2017. Administrative Law Judge ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR Page l LIMITED ADMISSION PRO HA C VICE Brubaker &Associates I iOHandDelivery16690SwingleyRidgeRoad,#l40 0 US Mail (postage prepaid)Chesterfield,MO 630 l 7 0 Facsimile TransmissionE-Mail :bcollins@consultbai.con'O Federal Expresskiverson@consuhbai.com U Electronic TransmissionMonsantoCompany PIIC O Iland DeliveryJimDukeIdahoan0USMail(postage prepaid)Foods O Facsimile Transmission357ConstitutionWayIdahoOFederalExpressFalls.ID 83742 Ð Electronic TransmissionE-Mail :jdukc@idahoan.com PIIC O lland DeliveryKyleWilliamsBYU0USMail(postage prepaid) Idaho O Facsimile Transmission Email :williamsk@ byui.edu O Federal Express Ð Electronic Transmission PIIC O Hand DeliveryValSteinerOUSMail(postage prepaid)Nu-West Industries,Inc·0 Facsimile TransmissionEmail:val.steiner@agrium.com O Federal Express Ð Electronic Transmission Af m Lowney (#1 56) McDowell Rackifr Gibson PC 419 SW l 1*Avenue,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97205 Telephone:(503)595-3926 Fax:(503)595-3928 Email:adam@mrg-law.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 2