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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170705Vail Exhibit 20.pdfCase No.PAC-E-17-07
Exhibit No.20
Witness:Rick A.Vail
Exhibit AccompanyingDirect Testimony of Rick A.Vail
June 2017
Submittal Number:11051-PLAN-010(FINAL)Rocky Mountain Power
Exhibit No.20 Page 1 of 63
Case No.PAC-E-17-07
Witness:Rick A.Vail
ECS Project No.11-051
Contract No.3000091215
Sigurd-Red Butte 345kV
Transmission Line Project
Volume I
Energy Environmental Group,Inc.
4143 E.Quartz Circle,Suite 104,
April 2013
Rock 'n Power
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit 2 a of 63
Contract No.3000091215 C -17-07
PacifiCorpSigurd -Red Butte i à¾.Vail345kVTransmissionLineProjectmem
The 1972 amendmentsto the Federal Water Pollution ControlAct (known as the Clean Water Act or
CWA)provide the statutory basis for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit program.Section 402 of the CWA specifically requiredthe US EnvironmentalProtection Agency
(EPA)to develop and implement the NPDES program (CWA Title 40 CFR at Part 122).To comply with the
criteria in the EPA's Clean Water Act,al construction site operators engaged in clearing,grading,and
excavatingactivities that disturb one acre or more,must obtain a NPDES permit for stormwater
The CWA also allowed the EPA to authorizethe NPDES Permit Program to State governments,enabling
States to perform many of the permitting,administrative,and enforcement aspects of the NPDES
Program (CWA section 402 Title 40 CFR at Part 123).For the State of Utah,the Utah Department of
EnvironmentalQuality (UDEQ)issues the Utah Pollutant Discharge EliminationSystem (UPDES)Storm
Water General Permit for ConstructionActivities (General Permit)No.UTR300000.This General Permit,
as currently issued by the UDEQ,expires at midnight,June 13,2013 except as described in Part 2.4 of
the permit.At that time,coverageunder a new or alternate permit may be required.A copy of General
Permit can be found in AppendixA.
General requirements of the General Permit includes submission of UPDES Notice of Intent (NOI);
permitting fee;development,implementation,and maintenanceof a Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP);and submission of Notice of Termination (NOT).
Submission of the NOI and permitting fee must be made to the UDEQ Division of Water Quality prior to
construction.Coveragestarts on the date the NOI is submitted.The fee is determined based on the
length of time coverageis required.If a facility has the potential to discharge into a municipal separate
storm sewer system (MS4),the MS4 may require a copy of the NOI.A MS4 is an organization of
drainage basins,curbs,gutters,ditches,pipes,tunnels,or storm drains that discharges into
waters of the United States.Coverageunder the General Permit ends uponsubmittal of the NOT.
Once received,a copy of the NOI for the Sigurd to Red Butte 345 kV Transmission Line Project (Project)
will be located in Appendix B -Notice of Intent of this SWPPP.
A NOT form is located in AppendixC-Notice of Termination.The NOT for the GeneralPermit will not be
submitted for the Project until final stabilization are measures,as defined in the General Permit and
signed off on by Rocky Mountain Power.
UDEQ-Division of Water Quality
Mailing Address:P.O.Box 144870
Salt Lake City,Utah 84114-4870
Physical Address:195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City,Utah 84116
Office Hours:Monday-Friday,8am to 5pm
Proprietary and Confidential Stormwater Pollution
©2013 All rights reservedEC Source Services (ECS)Prevention Plan
Roc ggta Power
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibi ,of 63ContractNo.3000091215 Ca S.-17-07PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte TeesRi A.Vail345kVTransmissionLineProject
Stormwater runoff becomes polluted by picking up soil particles and other pollutants as it flows over
surfaces where construction activities are occurring.The basic goal of stormwater management,
therefore,is simple:"Improve water quality by reducingpollutants in storm water discharges."'This
document establishes a programto manage the quality of stormwater runoff from construction
activities associated with the Project,and to fulfill the requirements of the General Permit.
In order to meet the requirement of the General Permit,this SWPPP will:
Identify the responsible party or parties for SWPPP implementation
Definesite characteristics and the type of construction that will be occurring
Describe the practices that will be implemented to control erosion and the release of pollutants
in stormwater
Identify an implementation schedule to ensure the practices described in the SWPPP are in fact
Describe the inspection and evaluation program used to evaluatethe plan's effectivenessin
reducing erosion,sediment,and pollutant levels in stormwater discharge from the site
Describe maintenancerequirementsto ensure the continued effectivenessof erosion and
sediment control devices
Describe the final stabilization/termination design to minimize erosion and prevent stormwater
impacts after construction is complete
A master copy of this SWPPP,including a copy of the General Permit,NOI,and any amendmentsto the
SWPPP,shall be retained at the primary Project office in Milford,Utah until Project completion and
submission of the NOT.Additional copies of the SWPPP will be availableat each field office.Posted
notices will also be located throughout the Project indicating the location of the SWPPP,along with a
contact phone number.The SWPPP will be made availablefor reviewto the public or representativesof
a Federal,State or local agency upon request.
All records pertaining to the SWPPP shall retained by EC Source for a minimum of three years after
submission of the Project NOT.
1 U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,1992.Storm Water Management for Construction Activities:Developing
Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices.Washington,D.C.
Proprietaryand Confidential Stormwater Pollution
©2013 All rights reservedEC Source Services (ECS)Prevention Plan
Rocky Mountain Power
Exhibit No.20 Pa e 4 of 63
Case No.7-07
ECS Project No.11-051 Witne ail
O Canbact No 3000091215
PacilCorp Sigurd -Red Buie
345kV Tranandesion Une Project
I certify underpenalty of law thatthis document and all of its attachments were prepared under my
dkection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that quallfled personnel
properly gathered and evaluated the informationsubmitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information,
the informationsubmitted 1s,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.
Printed Name:Larrv Kahl Title:Senior Vice President of Prolect Manaaement
Printed Name:Debbie G nacre Title:Vice President of Environmental Manaaement
Signatu Date:IÔ(f 3
Company Name:EC Sourœ Services
Facility Address:1345 S.350 W.,Richfield,UT 84701.
County:Sevier County
Proprietary and Confidential Stormwater Po lution
©2013 AII rights reserved EC Source Services (ECS)Prevention Plan
Rocky Mountain Power
ECS Project No.11-061 Exhibit No.20 Pa
Contract No.3000091215 Case No.P -17-'
PaciflCorp Sigurd-Red Butte Witness:.i
346kV Transmission Line Project
I.LarrvKahl.herebydesignate Company belowto be a duly authorized representativefor the
purpose of overseeingcompliance with environmentalrequirements,including the Construction
General Permit,for the Sigurd to Red Butte 345kV Transmission Line Project.The designee is
authodzedto sign any reports,stormwater pollution preventionplans,and all other documents
required by the permit.
Company :Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.(EEG)
Company Address:4143 E.Quartz Circle,suite 104
Name:Sid Strauss
Phone Number:(480)297-87 2
By signing this authorization,I confirmthat i meet the requirementsto make such a designation as
setforth in the Storm Water General Permit for Construction Activities Permit No.UTR300000,and
that the designee abovemeets the definition of a "dulyauthorizedrepresentative"as set forth in
the GeneralPermit.
"1œrtify under penalty of law that this documentand all attachments were preparedundermy
direction of supervisionin accordanœwith a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel
properlygathered and evaluatedthe informationsubmitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gatheringthe
information,the information submittedis,to the best of my knowledgeand belief,true,accurate,
and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submittingfalse information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonmentfor knowingviolations."
Name:Larry Kahl
Company:EC Sourœ Services,LLC
Title S sid of Project Management
Proprielary and Confidential Stormwater Pollution
©2013AII rights reservedEC Source Services (ECS)Prevention Plan
Rocky Mountain Power
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.20 Pa f 63
Contract No.3000091215 Case No.7
O PacliCorpSigurd -Red Butte Witnes
345kV Transmission Line Project -
As a subcontractor,you are required to comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)for any
workthat you performon-site.Any person or group who violates any condition ofthe SWPPP may be subject to
substantial penalties or loss of contract.You are encouraged to advise each ofyour employees working on this
project of the requirements ofthe SWPPP.A copy of the SWPPP is available for your reviewat the offiœtraller.
Each subcontractor engaged in activities at the construction site that could Impact stormwater must be identified
and sign the followingœrtificationstatement:
I certify underthe penalty of law that I haveread and understand the terms and conditions of the SWPPP for
the abovedesignated projectand agree to follow the BMPs and practices described in the SWPPP.
This certification is hereby signed in reference to the above named project:
Company:T&D Power,Inc
Address:4143 E.Quartz Circle Suite 104,Mesa,AZ
Telephone Number:(480)218-9711
Type of construction service to be provided:Powerline construction servlœs to include
access roads,pad s found i ,steel erection,and wire installations.
Printed Na Joe Stone
Title:Construction Superintendent
Proprietary and Confidential
©2013 AII right6 feSelved EC Source Services (ECS)Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan
ECS Project No.11-051 Rocky Mounta
Contract No.3000091215 Exhibit No.20 P
PaciflCorp Sigurd -Red Butte Case No.P -
345kV TransmissionLine Project Witness:.4
O ......
As a subcontractor,you are required to comply with the Stormwater Pollution PreventionPlan (SWPPP)for any
work that you perform on-site.Any person or group who violates any condition of the SWPPP may be subject to
substantial penaltiesor loss of contract.You are encouragedto advise each of your employees working on this
projectof the requirementsof the SWPPP.A copy of the SWPPP is availablefor your review at the offlœ trailer.
Each subcontractorengaged in activitiesat the construction site that could impact stormwater must be Identified
and sign the following certification statement:
I certify under the penalty of law that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the swPPP for
the above designated project and agreeto follow the BMPs and practices describedin the SWPPP.
This certification is herebysigned in referenceto the above named project:
Company:Energy EnvironmentalGroup,EEG
Address:4143 E.Quartz Circle Suite 104,Mesa,AZ
Typeof construction service to be provided:Environmentalcompilanœservices to include
installation,maintena a toring of SWPPP BMPs.
PrintedName:Sid Strauss
Proprietaryand Confidential Stormwater Pollution
©2013 AII rights reservedEC Source Services(ECS)PreventionPlan
Rocky P er
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3ContractNo.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd--Red Butte Witne IMeisA ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
Table of Contents
SECTION I:SITE EVALUATION,ASSESSMENT,AND PLANNING.......................................................3
1.1 Project/Site Information ........................................................3
1.2 Contact Information /Responsible Parties.........................................................4
1.3 Nature and Sequence of ConstructionActivity.............................................................7
1.4 Soils,Slopes,Vegetation,and Current Drainage Patterns...................................................8
1.5 ConstructionSiteEstimates..........................................................24
1.6 Water Resources...........................................................26
1.7 Site Features and Sensitive Areas........................................................27
1.8 Summary of Ali Potential Poliutant Sources...................................................28
1.9 Endangered Species Certification ......................................................30
1.10 Historic Properties .......................................................33
1.11 ApplicableFederal,State,and Local Programs......................................................33
1.12 Ma ps..........................................................34
SECTION 2:EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROLBMPS...............................................................35
2.1 Minimize disturbed area and protect naturalfeatures and soil.................................................35
2.2 Phase ConstructionActivity ........................................................36
2.3 Control Stormwater flowing onto and through the Project .....................................................39
2.4 Stabilize Soils........................................................39
2.5 Protect Slopes .....................................................44
2.6 Protect Storm Drain Inlets ....................................................44
2.7 Establish PerimeterControls and Sediment Barriers.....................................................44
2.8 Retain Sediment On-Site.............................................................45
2.9 Establish Stabilized Construction Exits....................................................45
SECTION 3:GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BMPS...................................................................................45
3.1 Material Handling and Waste Management.......................................................45
3.2 Establish Proper Material Staging Areas........................................................46
3.3 Designated Concrete Washout Areas...................................................47
3.4 ProperEquipment/VehicleFueling and MaintenancePractices................................................47
3.5 Equipment/VehicleWashing .....................................................48
3.6 Spill Prevention and Control Plan .....................................................49
O Proprietary and Confidential
©2013 All rights reserved EC Source Services (ECS)SWPPP-1
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IWeMA ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
3.7 Allowable Discharges .......................................................49
SECTION 4:POST-CONSTRUCTIONBMPS....................................................................................51
SECTION 5:INSPECTIONS.........................................................................................................51
5.1 Inspections ..................................................51
5.2 Delegationof Authority....................................................54
5.3 CorrectiveAction Log..................................................54
SECTION 6:RECORDKEEPING AND TRAINING ..............................................................................54
6.1 Recordkeeping.................................................54
6.2 Amendmentsto the Plan ....................................................54
6.3 Training...................................................55
SECTION 7:FINAL STABILIZATION.................................................................................................55
SECTION 8:CERTIFICATION..........................................................................................................56
APPENDIX A:Stormwater General Permit for ConstructionActivities
APPENDIXB:Notice of Intent
O APPENDIX C:Notice of Termination
APPENDIXD:Project Locations Maps
APPENDIX E:GeographicCoordinates
APPENDIX F:Project Schedule
APPENDIX G:Geotechnical Report
APPENDIX H:Project Mitigation Tables
APPENDIX I:Plant and Wildlife Species ConservationMeasures Plan
APPENDIX J:Best ManagementPractice
APPENDIXK:Employee Qualifications
APPENDIX L:CorrectiveAction Log
APPENDIXM:Amendment Log
APPENDIX N:BMP Installation and MaintenanceActivity Log
APPENDIX O:Grading and Stabilization Activity Log
APPENDIX P:TrainingLogs
APPENDIX Q:Stream Alteration Permit Information
APPENDIX R:PacifiCorp's Transmission Construction Standards
O Proprietary and Confidential
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Rocky ntg P er
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne matuA ail
345kV TransmissionLine Project
1.1 Project/Site Information
Project Name
Sigurd to Red Butte 345 kV Single-Circuit Transmission Line Project (Project)
Project Location
The Sigurd to Red Butte 345 kV Transmission Line is a utility project whose purposeis to deliver
electrical power and address system reliability to customers in the Rocky Mountain Power (RMP)service
area.The Project is approximately 170 miles and spans from the Sigurd Substation in Sevier County,
Utah to the Red Butte Substation in Washington County,Utah.The Project will traverse through five
Utah Counties:Sevier,Millard,Beaver,Iron,and Washington.Of the 170 mile long transmission line,
approximately 112 miles will be located on Federal lands with the remaining58 miles located on
privately owned and State lands.
The northern terminus of the line,at the Sigurd Substation,is located 6 miles northeast of the City of
Richfield,Utah.The southern terminus at the Red Butte Substation,is located just west of State Route
18,near the community of Central in V ashington County,Utah.
To date,seven material and constructionsupport yards have been identified for the Project as listed
Facility Name (1):Milford Headquarters/OperatingFacility
Address (1):1341 Utah 257,Milford,UT 84751
Phone Number (1):(435)503-5900
Facility Name (2):Beaver City OperatingFacility
Address (2):2065S 550W Beaver,UT 84713
Phone Number (2):
Facility Name*(3):Richfield Materials Yard
Address (3):13455 350W,Richfield,UT 84701
Phone Number (3):(435)503-5900
Facility Name*(4):Cove Fort Material Yard
Address (4):38°36'49.38"N,112°36'48.67"W
Phone Number (4):
Facility Name*(5):New Castle Multi Use ConstructionYard
Address (5):UTM 0276492,4172750
Phone Number (5):(435)503-5900
O Proprietary and Confidential
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Rocky M n Power
Exhibit No.of 63
ECS Project No.11-051 Cas 7-07
O Contract No.3000091215 Wit Vail
PacifiCorp Sigurd -Red Butte
345kV Transmission Line Project
Facility Name*(6):Enterprisê Yard
Address (6):52005 &Utah State Hwy 18,Enterpripe,l,iT 847
Phone Number (6):(435)503-5900
Facility Name*(7):Elsinore Staker-Parson Pit
Address (7):180W 14005,Elsinore,UT 84724
Phone Number (7):(435)503-5900
*Additionallocations will be added as they are established.
Location maps can be found in Appendix D-Facility Location and Site Maps.
Midpoint on the Project all8nment is:Latitude:38°44'66.02"N Longitude:113°04'00.01"W
The method used for determiningthe midpointlatitude/longitudewas U.S.Geological Survey(USGS)
topographicmap (Scale 1:24000).Additional geographic coordinates for the Project route are located in
Appendix E-Geographic Coordinates.
AdditionalSite Information
The Project is not located in Indian Country.
This Project is not considered a federal facility.
UPDES Project or Permit Tracking Number
UTR363463 *This wi/I be the numberassigned to the Project by the
Utah Departmentof Environmental Quality (UDEQ)after applicatlon under the Utah Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (UPDES)General PermIt.
1.2 Contact information /Responsible Parties
RMP has contracted EC Source Services (ECS)to provideEngineering,Procurement,and Construction
(EPC)services for the Project.T&D Power,Inc.(TDP)will be the Prime Contractoronsite.Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)Implementationand inspection services are to be performedby
Energy Environmental Group,Inc.(EEG).
For the Project,the followingresponsibilities have been delineated.
Submit Notice of Intent (NOI)-ECS
Developmentof the SWPPP-ECS and EEG
Selection of Best Management Practices (BMPs)-ECS and EEG
Installation and Maintenance of BMPs -EEG
Inspections and Reports -EEG
Proprietary and Confidential
©2013 All rights reservedEC Source Services(ECS)SWPPP-4
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Exhibit No.20 Page 12 of 63
Case No.PAC-E-17-07
Witness:Rick A.VailO
Maintenance of the SWPPP,including site maps -EEG
Notice of Termination (NOT)submittal -ECS
EPC Contractor:
EC Source Services
Larry Kahl,Senior Vice President Project Management
Milford Operating Facility
1341 Utah 257
Milford,UT 84751
Office Number:(480)245-7221
Cell Number:(480)694-7187
Efax Number:(480)463-4733
Construction Contractor:
T&D Power,Inc.
Joe Stone,Construction Manager
Milford Operating Facility
1341 Utah 257
Milford,UT 84751
Office Number:(480)245-7221
Cell Number:(307)202-1178
Efax Number:(480)463-4733
SWPPP Contractor:
Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
Sid Strauss,President
4143 E.O,uartz Circle,Suite 104
Office Number:(480)218-9711
Cell Number:(480)297-8762
Fax Number:(480)218-9715
Site Contact Person:
Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
Bryan Watt,Lead Environmental Inspector
Milford Operating Facility
1341 Utah 257
Milford,UT 84751
Office Number:(480)245-7221
Cell Number:(435)671-1585
Efax Number:(480)463-4733
Rocky Mountain Power
Exhibit No.20 Page 13 of 63
Case No.PAC-E-17-07
Witness:Rick A.Vail
Alternate Site Contact Person:
EC Source Services
Dave Teichert,EnvironmentalSuperintendent
Milford Operating Facility
1341Utah 257
Milford,UT 84751
Of ice Number:(480)245-7221
Cell Number:(832)289-6536
Efax Number:(480)463-4733
SWPPP Prepared By:
EC Source Services
Debbie Greenacre,Vice President EnvironmentalManagementServices
Intermountain West Regional Headquarters
3280 N Hwy 36
Rush Valley,UT 84069
Office Number:(480)254-7221
Cell Number:(480)253-2951
Fax Number:(480)218-9715
Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
O Tori Gruenewald,EnvironmentalScientist
Intermountain West Regional Headquarters
3280 N Hwy 36
Rush Valley,UT 84069
Office Number:(480)254-7221
Cell Number:(480)253-2951
Fax Number:(480)218-9715
Emergency 24-Hour Contact:
Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
Bryan Watt,Project EnvironmentalScientist/Utah Registered Stormwater Inspector
Milford Operating Facility
1341 Utah 257
Milford,UT 847510ffice Number:(435)866-3174
Cell Number:(435)671-1585
Efax Number:(480)463-4733
Emergency Alternate Contact:
Energy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
Rain Gmuer-Johnson,Certified Stormwater Inspector
Richfield Operating Facility
1345 5 350 W
Richfield,UT 84701
Cell Number:(435)503-5592
Rocky Mountain Power
Exhibit No.20 Page 14 of 63
Case No.PAC-E-17-07
Witness:Rick A.Vail
Emergency Alternate Contact:
Ene gy EnvironmentalGroup,Inc.
Kari Kerwin,Utah Registered Stormwater Inspector
Enterprise Operating Facility
5200S &Utah State Hwy 18,Enterprise,UT 84725
Call Number:(435)253-3035
1.3 Nature and Sequence of Construction Activity
The Project is a linear utility project whose purpose is to deliver electrical power and address system
reliability to customers in the RMP service area.The estimated Project start date is 1 May 2013 with an
estimated Project completion date of 15 May 2020 at final stabilization.
The following permanent facilitieswill be installed to construct this Project.
Approximately 170 miles of ne v single-circuit345kV alternating current (AC)transmission line
from the terminal bay at the existing Sigurd Substation to the terminal bay at the existing Red
Butte Substation
673 tubular steel,2 footed (small number of 3 footed),H-Frame Structures with direct
embedded footings utilizing engineeredbackfill
121 lattice steel,4 footed,self-supportingdeadendtowers anchoredin reinforced concrete,
cast-in-place drilled piers utilizing stub angels
1 Fiber optic regeneration station located at the existing Milford Substation
Improvements to existing roads and construction of permanentand temporary access roads as
shown on SWPPP Volume Il Map Set I
Installation or rerouting of gates and fences as needed for construction access
Constructionof temporary ancillary multi-use construction laydownyards for material storage,
temporary office locations,concrete batch plants,and helicopter assisted operations
Stringingof a single circuit 345kV overheadtransmission line (includingshield wires,conductors,
and insulators)between the Sigurd Substation and Red Butte Substation
Rocky Mountain Power
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Case No.PAC-E-17-07
Witness:Rick A.Vail
Construction activities and approximate timeframes follow:
Phase Activity Date
Phase I Preconstruction Survey and Site Specific 1 February 2013-15 October 2014
Phase II Installation of Stormwater controls,Clearing 1 May 2013 -15 October 2014
and Vegetative Management
Phase Ill Access Roads and Pad Site Construction 7 May 2013-15 November2014
Phase IV Foundation Excavation 14 May 2013 -1 August 2014
Phase V Structure Assembly and Erection 28 May 2013-1 Sept 2014
Phase VI Wire Installation 1 August 2013 -1 October 2014
Phase Vll Final Grading,Cleanup,and Restoration 1Sept 2013-15 November 2014
Phase Seeding for Permanent 1 September2013 -15 December2014
VIII Stabilization
Phase IX Removal of Temporary BMPs 1 June 2014 -May 2020
The layout of the Project is shown on SWPPP Volume II Map Set 1.Soil disturbing activities during
construction will consist primarily of clearing,grubbing,access road and worksite grading,foundation
excavation,and final gradingfor restoration.
Additionally,a copy of the construction schedule is located in Appendix F-Project Schedule.
1.4 Soils,Slopes,Vegetation,and ~urrent DrainagePatterns
Soil Types
Soils within the Project area are variable due to parent materials,topography,and other factors that
affect the distribution and formation of these soils.A total of 125 soil units occur in the Project area and
are identified on the table below.This soils analysis was prepared by Environmental Planning Group
(EPG)as part of the Wetland and Other Waters Delineation Report completed during the U.S.Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE)Section 404 process.ECS has included with this assessment the USGS listed
K-factorfor each soil unit.Erosion factor K indicates the susceptibility of a soil to sheet and rill erosion
by water.Values for K range from 0.02 to 0.69.Other factors being equal,the higherthe value,the more
susceptible the soil is to sheet and rill erosion by water.
Rocky ntgig P er
ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3ContractNo.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMe A ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
The Wetland and Other Waters DelineationReportfor this Project will be maintainedat the Project
office with this SWPPP.In general,the soils on plateaus,mesas,hillsides,and fan terraces range from
very shallow to deepand are generallywell drained.In these areas,the water erosion potential is
typically slight to moderate,while wind erosion potential is often moderateto severe.On the valley
floors the soils range from very shallowto deep and are typically gravelly,sandy,or loamy with caliche
in the subsurface.The erosion potential is slight to moderate and typically increases with greater slope.
Overall,with the implementation of Project mitigation measures and BMPs,erosion and sedimentation
impacts are expected to be low.
Additional information regardingsubsurface soils can also be found in the 2011 Geotechnical Report
prepared by Shaw Environmental&Infrastructure Inc.located in AppendixG-Geotechnical Report.
Area Symbol Code Soil Map Unit Name County R
c K Factor
Amtoft-Rock outcrop
UT628 102 complex,15 to 60 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.07
Annabellacobbly sandy
UT628 107 loam,5 to 20 percent Sevier Partially 0.07
slopes Hydric
O Hiko Peak very cobbly
UT628 140 sandy loam,5 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.25
slopes,extremely bouldery
Hiko Peak-Annabella
UT628 141 complex,5 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.25
Hiko Peak-Saxby-Rock
UT628 144 outcrop association,30 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.07
70 percent slopes
Hiko Peak-Tamach-Rock
UT628 145 outcrop association,4 to 45 Sevier Not Hydric 0.3
percent slopes
UT628 159 complex,2 to 5 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.11
O Proprietary and Confidential
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3ContractNo.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMetslA ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
UT628 168 sandy loams,2 to 5 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.11
Rock outcrop-Tiki-Amtoft
UT628 193 complex,15 to 75 percent Sevier Unkndiwn 0.13
Sanpete very cobbly sandy
UT628 197 loam,4 to 15 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.04
slopes,very bouldery
UT628 206 Stillman-pSigurdcomppesex,2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.11
Annabellavery gravelly PartiallyUT634304loam,2 to 15 percent Sevier Hydric 0.15
UT634 309 Ashdown loam,2 to 5 Sevier Not Hydric 0.37percentslopes
UT634 323 Beren10 pa fine s d,0 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.32
UT634 325 Beryl sandy loam,2 to 5 Sevier Not Hydric 0.2percentslopes
UT634 334 Bullion silt loam,0 to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.55percentslopes
UT634 336 complex,O to 2 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.55
UT634 346 Chec4k0ettgrcaevellyloam.5 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.17
Checkett-Rock outcrop
UT634 348 complex,8 to 25 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.24
Chuska-Checkett gravelly
UT634 349 loams,8 to 25 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.2
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Contract No.3000091215 Case -7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMIWA ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
UT634 370 Dixie gravelly loam,2 to 8 Sevier Not Hydric 0.32percentslopes
UT634 375 Escalante sandy loam,0 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.245percentslopes
UT634 376 Escalante sandy loam,1 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.245percentslopes
UT634 407 Lucero-Checkett complex'Sevier Not Hydric 0.0515to40percentslopes
UT634 413 Mans o-Ashdentn complex'Sevier Not Hydric 0.24
UT634 417 Medburn sandy loam,0 to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.24percentslopes
UT634 467 Rock outcrop Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
UT634 476 Sevypseacndnytloam0to2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.13
UT634 477 Sevy sandy loam,2 to 8 Sevier Not Hydric 0.28percentslopes
UT634 479 Sevy-Taylorsflat complex,2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.37to8percentslopes
UT634 482 Skumpah silt loam,0 to 2 Sevier Partially 0.55percentslopesHydric
UT634 489 Taylorsflat loam,O to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.43percentslopes
UT634 491 Taylorsflat loam,saline,O to Sevier Not Hydric 0.375percentslopes
UT634 504 Wales loam,0 to 2 percent Sevier Partially 0.37slopesHydric
UT634 507 Wales sandy loam,O to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.32percentslopes
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3ContractNo.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMe A ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
UT634 509 Wales very fine sandy loam'Sevier Not Hydric 0.370to2percentslopes
UT634 516 s
ne,drow2 eclanyt
o s Sevier Not Hydric 0.43
Antelope Springs-Kessler
UT640 AND2 association,1 to 10 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.3
Blackett-Blue Star
UT640 BLE association,3 to 20 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.24
UT640 DeB Decca loam eto 3 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.32
UT640 ECD2 scpa e n oa d°Sevier Not Hydric 0.28
O Escalante-Hiko Peak
UT640 ESD2 complex,2 to 10 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.28
UT640 Et Etta loam Sevier Not Hydric 0.28
UT640 Ev Etta clay,heavy variant Sevier Not Hydric 0.28
UT640 FGC2 Flowell gravelly loam,3 to 6 Sevier Not Hydric 0.2percentslopes,eroded
Haybourne coarse sandy
UT640 HHD loam,1 to 10 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.13
Hiko Peak coarse sandy PartiallyUT640HlFIoam,3 to 30 percent Sevier Hydric 0.17
UT640 KPE association,1 to 20 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.1
UT640 MaB Manderfield loam,1 to 3 Sevier Not Hydric 0.3percentslopes
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Manderfield loam,3 to 6UT640MaCpercentslopes Sevier Not Hydric 0.3
Mill Hollow-Pharo
UT640 MNF association,2 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.1slopes
Mineral Mountain extremely
UT640 MPG rocky loam,30 to 60 Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
percent slopes
Mineral Mountain-Snake
UT640 MRG2 Hollow association,3 to 60 Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
percent slopes,eroded
UT640 MT Mine wash Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
UT640 PGB Penoyer silt loam,1 to 3 Sevier Not Hydric 0.43percentslopes
O Phage-Black Ridge
UT640 POF2 association,3 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.1
UT640 SEF Sh3eepr30ckp-eCrekcor Isex'Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
UT640 SKE Sigurd gravelly loam,3 to Sevier Not Hydric 0.1515percentslopes
Snake Hollow coarse sandy
UT640 SLD loam,3 to 10 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.2
Snake Hollow coarse sandy
UT640 SLD2 loam,3 to 10 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.07
Motoqua-Rock outcrop
UT641 MOG complex,30 to 70 precent Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
UT641 Lb Lavate sandy loam Sevier Not Hydric 0.24
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Contract No.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMeMA ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
UT649 105 Anco-Kiprkhœamncomplex,O to Sevier Not Hydric 0.24
Atepic-Rock outcrop
UT649 109 complex,10 to 50 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.55
Christianburg silty clay
UT649 117 loam,strongly saline,O to 1 Sevier Not Hydric 0.32
percent slopes
UT649 122 Denmar1k Spancpeetecomplex'Sevier Not Hydric 0.04
Hiko Peak very cobbly
UT649 140 sandy loam,5 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.05
slopes,extremely bouldery
Hiko Peak-Annabella
UT649 141 complex,5 to 30 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.15
O slopes
Hiko Peak-Tamach-Rock
UT649 145 outcrop association,4 to 45 Sevier Not Hydric 0.2
percent slopes
UT649 154 Jodero loam,0 to 2 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.04slopes
UT649 159 complex,2 to 5 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.1
UT649 167 May Day gravelly silt loam'Sevier Not Hydric 0.382to8percentslopes
UT649 168 sandy loams,2 to S percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.18
UT649 173 Naser silt loam,0 to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.49percentslopes
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345kV TransmissionLine Project
UT649 175 Okerlanedcy am 0 to 2 Sevier Not Hydric 0.3
UT649 176 complex,10 to 50 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.18
Povertyflat very cobbly
UT649 183 loam,3 to 15 percent Sevier Not Hydric 0.13
UT649 191 Redfield silt loam,1 to 3 Sevier Not Hydric 0.38percentslopes
UT649 208 Haplogypsids association,5 Sevier Not Hydric 0.37
to 35 percent slopes
UT626 103 Manselo sandy loam,0 to 3 Beaver Not Hydric 0.24percentslopes
UT626 104 Uvada-Playas complex,0 to Beaver Partially 0.492percentslopesHydric
UT626 105 surface complex,1 to 5 Beaver Not Hydric 0.24
percent slopes
UT626 î06 Dixie-Garbo complex,3 to 8 Beaver Not Hydric 0.24percentslopes
Bandag loam,O to 2UT626107 Beaver Not Hydric 0.37percentslopes
UT626 108 Thermosprings silt loam,O Beaver Partially 0.49to3percentslopesHydric
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Contract No.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne mi A ail345kVTransmissionLineProject
UT626 109 Harding-Berent association Beaver Partially 0.55Hydric
UT626 114 Hiko P8eapkecreanvey loeasm,3 Beaver Not Hydric 0.15
Woodrow,slightly saline-
UT626 115 Blue Star complex,O to 5 Beaver a y 0.43
percent slopes
Hiko Peak-Crestline
UT626 116 complex,3 to 8 percent Beaver Not Hydric 0.15
UT626 124 Mans st0ronglypaerkcaeine Beaver Not Hydric 0.24
Manselo,moderately saline-
UT626 126 Thermosprings complex,0 Beaver Not Hydric 0.24
to 5 percent slopes
UT626 128 Harding silt loam,0 to 2 Beaver Not Hydric 0.55percentslopes
UT626 134 surface complex,O to 5 Beaver Not Hydric 0.07
percent slopes
UT626 137 Escala5nte saendyloam,3 to Beaver Not Hydric 0.24
moderately saline-KunzlerUT626139complex0to2percent Beaver Not Hydric 0.43
UT626 147 saline-Musinia,moderately Beaver Partially 0.43
saline-Playas association Hydric
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Riverwash-Medburn PartiallyUT626149Beaver 0.43associationHydric
UT626 152 moderately saline Beaver Not Hydric 0.49
UT626 163 TaylorSsflpatsand opam,2 to Beaver Not Hydric 0.28
UT626 167 Crestline sandy loam,3 to 8 Beaver Not Hydric 0.1percentslopes
Kolob -Ashfork families
DixieNF 10 complex,3 to 30 percent Washington Unknown 0.3
Bodacious -Pioche families
DixieNF 12 complex,20 to 60 percent Washington Unknown 0.3
O Motoqua -Showalter
DixieNF 17 families association,20 to Washington Unknown 0.3
60 percent slopes
Bernal -Muzzler-Mokiak
DixieNF 18 families complex,15 to 60 Washington Unknown 0.18percentslopes
Mokiak,deep -Motoqua
DixieNF 23 families complex,0 to 20 Washington Unknown 0.18
percent slopes
Draper -Wineg families
DixieNF 26 association,0 to 15 percent Washington Unknown 0.18
Wye -Nehar families
DixieNF 28 complex,20 to 40 percent Washington Unknown 0.3
Wye -Nehar families
DixieNF 29 complex,10 to 20 percent Washington Unknown 0.3
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Bernal -Pastorius -Dalcan
DixieNF 30 families association,30 to Washington Unknown 0.38
80 percent slopes
Kolob -Dalcan -Detra
DixieNF 34 families complex,3 to 35 Washington Unknown 0.18
percent slopes
Bookcliff -Bernal -Mokiak
DixieNF 3 families complex,20 to 60 Washington Unknown 0.18
percent slopes
DixieNF 1304 Ana2bella very geravellyplesam'Washington Unknown 0.18
DixieNF 1309 Ashdown loam,2 to 5 Washington Unknown 0.18percentslopes
O Chuska -Checkett gravelly
DixieNF |349 loams,8 to 25 percent Washington Unknown 0.3
SOURCE:Natural Resources Conservation Service 2011c
The Project area is located within the Central Basin and Range Level lil Ecoregion (Woods et al.2001).
Area mountain ranges include the Mineral Mountains,Pahvant Range,TusharMountains,Pine Valley
Mountains,the Wah Wahs,and Indian Peak Mountain.The western portion of the Project area lies in
the Escalante Desert.Project elevations range from approximately 5,000 feet above mean sea level in
the northern valleys to over 7,000 feet above mean sea level.Topographicelevationscan be found on
the SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.
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During Construction
A safe,level working area will be required at each work site for foundation,structure,and wire
installation.In addition,access roads will be constructed,where needed and permissible,to each work
area.Where topography and slope exceed safe access and working levels,cut and fill methods will be
utilized.At these locations,disturbancewill be minimized to the extent necessary to perform the work.
Those sites identified within the Project POD as helicopter assist/low impact vehicle sites will be
constructed using alternative construction methods.As such,work areas will be adjustedto meet the
minimum work area needed to safely perform the work.After construction is complete,all temporary
work sites and access roads will be re-contoured and reclaimed to the greatestextent possible.
Structure locations,plannedwork site locations,and access roads are shown on the SWPPP Volume II
Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.
Post Construction
Permanentaccess roads will be requiredfor long-term maintenanceactivities.Permanentaccess roads
to be constructed or improved are shown on SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.These
access roads will be constructedto PacifiCorp's Transmission ConstructionStandards to include those
through steep terrain.Please referenceAppendixR-PacifiCorp's Transmission ConstructionStandards
for more information.
Where approved,a permanent work area at the base of each structure will be constructed for long-term
O maintenanceactivities.The work area will be level with a slope no greater than 3 percent.Revegetation
could occur in this work area and the area would be re-contouredto the greatestextent possible.The
dimensions of this work area will vary by structure type but could be as large as the temporary work
area used during construction.
Drainage patterns within the Project area collect in severalarea creeks and follow site topographical
patterns.Because of the semi-arid climate,most of the drainagechannels convey little or no stream
flow for long periods of time during the year.
Drainage along the flanks of the Pahvant Mountains collects in several area creeks,which generallyflow
from south to north,and end up in the Sevier River.Along the eastern side of the PahvantMountains,
drainagecollects in several area creeks that generallyrun from west to east.In other areas,the natural
drainageis primarily overland runoff that generallyflows from west to east.Drainage within this basin
region ultimately discharges into Sevier Lake.
Vegetation within the Project area has been consolidatedinto the following vegetation communities:
Conifer/Woodlands(Zone 1),Shrub-lands (Zone 2),Grasslands (Zone 3),Wetlands/Riparianand Playa
(Zone 4).Per the POD,the classification of vegetation communities in the Project area was based on
geographicinformation system (GIS)data obtained from the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project
(GAP).O Proprietary and Confidential
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These vegetation communities are shown on SWPPP Volume Il POD Map Set 2 as Reclamation Zones 1
through 4.Please note that select areas of the Project have been impacted by wildfire.Wildfire
impacted areas are identified on the SWPPP Volume Il POD Map Set 2 as Reclamation Subzone 1.
Descriptions of the four vegetation communities follow.
Zone 1(Conifer/Woodlands)consists of an aggregationof aspen,pinyon-juniper,and ponderosapine.
This zone is typically composed of coniferous and deciduous trees and woody plants,with a limited grass
understory.This zone wil typically range from approximately4,400 to 8,000 feet in elevation,and
receive approximately 10-25"of rainfall per year.Vegetation communities are detailed below.
Aspen habitat consists of the GAP Rocky Mountain aspen forest and woodland land cover categories.
This community occurs in montane areas and is dominated by quakingaspen (Populus tremuloides)with
less than 25 percent conifer species.The understory vegetation generally includes a complex shrub-herb
community or a simple herbaceous layer.Primary shrub species include snowberry (Symphoricarpos
spp.),thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus),Saskatoon serviceberry(Amerlanchieralnifolia),and kinnikinnick
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi).
Pinyon-Junipervegetation communities consists of the GAP Coloradoplateau pinyon-juniper woodland,
Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodland,and recently chained pinyon-juniper land cover types.These
communities occur on dry,mid-elevationfoothills and mountain slopes.Utah juniper (Juniperus
osteosperma)and pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla and P.edulis)representthe dominant tree species.
Common understory species include GreenleafManzanita (Arctostophylos patula),antelope bitterbrush
(Purshia tridentata),sagebrush (Artemisia spp.),mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus intricatus and C.
montanus),oaks (Quercus spp.),Stansbury's cliffrose (Purshia mexicana),and various grasses.
Ponderosa Pine
This vegetation community occurs on a wide variety of slopes and aspects commonly with moderate to
steep slopes,rocky areas with good soil aeration and drainage,and periods of drought during the
growing season.Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)is the predominant conifer with juniper (Juniperus
spp.)often present in the tree canopy.The understory is usually shrubby,dominated by sagebrush and
Gambel oak.Muhlygrasses (Muhlenbergiaspp.),and blue grama (Boutelouagracilis)are common
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Zone 2 (Shrub-Lands)consists of an aggregationof big sagebrush,desert shrub,mountain shrub,and
shrub steppe areas.The zone is typically composed of a variety of low,shrubby and woody vegetation,
with a limited to moderate grass understory.This zone will typically range from approximately4,400 to
8,000 feet in elevation,and receives approximately 7 to 20 inches of rainfallannually.Vegetation
communities are detailed below.
Big Sagebrush
Big sagebrush habitat consists of the GAP inter-mountain basins big sagebrush shrubland cover type.
This community occurs on well-drained,nonalkalinesoils at middle elevationsand is dominated by basin
big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp.tridentata)and Wyoming big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata
ssp.wyomingensis).Typical codominant species include antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata),
yellow rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus),and rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosa).
Desert Shrub
Desert shrub habitat consists of the GAP inter-mountain basins greasewoodflat and inter-mountain
basins mixed salt desert shrub land cover types.These representopen-canopiedshrub communities that
occur on alkaline soils in desert basins.Greasewoodflat is typically dominated by greasewoodwith
saltbush (Atriplex spp.),sagebrush (Artemisia spp.),and winterfat (Krascheninnikovialanata).Salt desert
O shrub is typically dominated by one or more species of saltbush,includingshadscale saltbush (Atriplex
confertifolia),fourwing saltbush (Atriplexcanescens),cattle saltbush (Atriplexpolycarpa),and spinescale
saltbush (Atriplexspinifero).Common codominant species include Wyoming big sagebrush,yellow
rabbitbrush,rubber rabbitbrush,winterfat,Mormon tea (Ephedra nevadensis),and spiny hopsage
(Grayia spinosa).
Mountain Shrub
Mountain shrub habitat consists of the GAP mogollan chaparraland Rocky Mountain Gambel oak-mixed
montane shrubland land cover types.Mogollan chaparralis associated with xeric,coarse-textured
substrates on foothills and mountain slopes.Dominantspecies include shrub live oak (Quercus
turbinella),Toumeyoak (Quercus toumeyi),mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus),desert
ceanothus (Ceanothus greggii),and Stansbury cliffrose (Purshia stansburiana).This community occurs in
the Bull Valley Mountains northwest of the Red Butte Substation.Gambel oak-mixedmontane
shrubland occurs on more mesic habitats.Vegetation is dominated by Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii)
alone or codominant with antelope bitterbrush,serviceberry(Amelanchierspp.),and chokecherry
(Prunus virginiana).This community occurs on mid-elevation slopes in the Tushar Mountains,Mineral
Mountains,and Bull Valley Mountains.
Shrub Steppe
Shrub steppe habitat consists of the GAP Coloradoplateau mixed low sagebrush shrubland,Great Basin
zeric mixed sagebrush shrubland,inter-mountain basins montane sagebrush steppe,and inter-mountain
basins semi-desertshrub steppe land cover types.These communities occur on relatively xeric sites withOProprietaryandConfidential
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
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shallow,rocky,nonsaline soils.While specific species compositionvaries,common dominant shrub
species include sagebrush (Artemisia nova,A.arbuscula,and A.bigelovii),rabbitbrush,Mormon tea,
broom snakeweed(Gutierreziasarothroe),and semi-aridgrasses such as bluebunch wheatgrass
(Pseudoroegneriaspicata),Indian riceg ass (Achnatherumhymenoídes),desert needlegrass
Zone 3:Grasslands
Zone 3 (Grasslands)consists of an aggregationof nativegrassland and invasivegrassland areas.This
zone is typically composed of a variety of low,abundantgrasses,both native and exotic.This zone is
typically found in both valley and montane environments randingfrom 4,400 to 8,000 feet in elevation
and receives approximately 15 to 25 inches of rainfall annually.Vegetationcommunities are detailed
Native Grassland
Grassland habitat consists of the GAP southern Rocky Mountain montane-subalpinegrassland land
cover type.This vegetation community typically occurs on flat to gently rolling topography at higher
elevations.This habitat often consists of a mosaic of several plant associations with a dominant bunch
grass,such as an oatgrass (e.g.,Danthoniaintermedia and Danthoniaparryi),fescue (e.g.,Festuca
idahoensis,F.arizonica,and F.thurber or slimstem muhly (Muhlenbergiafiliculmis).
The invasivevegetation community consists of the GAP invasiveannual and biennial forbland,invasive
annual grassland,and invasive perennialgrassland land cover types.This habitat is dominated by
invasivenon-native species,including cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum),smooth brome (Bromus inermis),
Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis),halogeton(Halogetonglomeratus),kochia (Kochia prostrata),and
Russian thistle (Salsola spp.).
Zone 4 (Riparian)is composed of only riparian areas and consist of stream channel and vegetated banks
with woody overstory vegetation.Riparian habitats typically are associated with perennial and
intermittent drainages.Within the Project area,the majority of this habitat includes Pinto and Little
Pinto creeks,the Beaver,Sevier,and Santa Clara rivers and their associated reservoirsand tributaries.
Riparian communities occur along small creeks and small springs,with the specific community type and
species composition dependent on elevation and hydrologicalcharacteristics.Typical species in lower
elevation shrub riparian habitats include:tamarisk (Tamarixspp.),Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia),
willow (Salix spp.),and red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera).Typical species in higher elevation,forest
riparian communities include:box elder (Acer negundo),bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum),water
birch (Betula occidentalis),narrowleaf cottonwood (Populus angustifolia),and Engelmann spruce (Picea
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Additional information
Agriculture habitat consists of both irrigated and nonirrigated agricultural lands.This vegetation
community occurs in the Sevier River Valley and the Milford-Minersville area.
Barren/sparselyvegetation habitat includes the GAP inter-mountain basins playa land cover type and
occurs at lower elevationsin the Escalante Desert.This community includes barren or sparsely
vegetated playas (less than 10 perfect plant cover)that are intermittently flooded.Characteristic plant
species include inland saitgrass (Distichlis spicata),iodinebush(Allenrolfeaoccidentalis),greasewood
(Sarcobatus verminsulatus),sickle saltbush (Atriplexfalcata),pickleweed (Salicornia europeae),spiny
hopsage (Grayiaspinosa),and basin wildrye (Laymus cinereus).
Noxious Weeds
The Utah Noxious Weed Act defines noxious weeds as "any plant the commissionerdetermines to be
especially injurious to public health,crops,livestock,land,or other property".The State of Utah
currently classifies 27 plant species as noxious weeds.The following species have been identified in the
Project area:
Black henbane(Hyoscyamus niger)
Diffuse knapweed (Centaureadiffusa)
Leafy spurge (Euphorbiaesula)
Spotted knapweed(Centaureamasculosa)
Hoary cress (Cardariadraba)
Musk thistle (Corduus nutans)
Scotch thistle (Onopordumacanthium)
Field bindweed (Convolvulusarvensis)
Houndstongue(Cynoglossum officinale)
Saltcedar (Tamarixramossissima)
Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
Please note that a Noxious Weed ManagementPlan has been developedfor this Project and is located
in Appendix B10-Noxious Weed Management Plan of the POD.This plan outlines the mitigation
measures and protective stipulationsthat will be implemented on the Project for the control of noxious
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1.5 Construction Site Estimates
Project Land Requirements
A permanent 150-foot wide right-of-way (ROW)has been acquired by RMP for the Project.Additional
features to the Project include:
ROW access roaas (temporary and permanent)as shown on Project maps;and
Off-ROWmaterial storage yards/stagingareas as identified in Section 1.1of this plan.
The followi,g table,taken from the Project POD,displays disturbanceestimates for the Project.
Temporary Permanent Right-of-way
Disturbance Disturbance Total Disturbance Vegetation
(acres)1,4 cod"'(acres)4 Cl€8tÎng(BCr€S)3,4
Total for selected route 1,608.8 508.4 2,117.2 938.1
Temporary disturbance:Estimated area of disturbanceassociated with structure work areas (not
including base area);wire splicing sites,wire pullingsites,wire tensioning sites,multi-useOconstructionyards,staging areas,helicopter refuelingsites,guard structures,and temporary access
roads (refer to Table 3-1).2Permanent disturbance:Estimated area of disturbanceassociated with H-frameand lattice structure
base areas,communication regenerationstations and associated fiber optic and power lines,and
permanent access roads (refer to Tables 3-2 and 3-3).
"Right-of-wayvegetation clearing:Vegetation clearing was estimated for the full area of the right-of-
way and the area of tree clearing outside of the right-of-way associated with temporary and
permanent access roads and other temporary and permanent Project facilities where vegetation
communities within the right-of-way only.Calculations include vegetation types with the potential to
grow 12 feet tall (aspen,mountain shrub,pinyon-juniper,and riparian)occur.
4A 5 percent contingency has been added to the total calculated acreage.
The total estimated area of disturbance Project wide is 2,117.2 acres.Of this 1,608.8 acres is estimated
to be temporary disturbanceand 508.4 acres is estimated to be permanent disturbance.The areas to be
disturbed are described further below.
Structure Work Sites
A work area at the base of each structure is requiredfor construction activities.In order to providea
safe working space,the work area must be level with a slope no greater than 3 percent.The dimensions
of this work area will vary by structure type and onsite physical and environmental conditions.Typically,
a temporary disturbancearea of approximately 150 feet x 200 feet (0.69 acres)is assumed for each non-
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lattice structure work area,and a temporary disturbancearea of 250 feet x 250 feet (1.43 acres)for
each lattice structure work area.
Within the vork areas described above,the permanent disturbanceassociated with the tower footings
will be up to 40 square feet for H-framestructures,80 square feet for lattice deadendstructures,and
116 square feet for three-pole running angle structures.
Wire Stringing Sites
Wire string sites will typically be 150 feet x 750 feet for the Project.However,when construction occurs
in steep and roughterrain,these sites raay require larger,less symmetrical areas.Disturbancehas been
estimated at approximately 2.59 acres per site.
Wire Splicing Locations
During wire stringingoperations,splicing of the conductor wires will be necessary.This work often
occurs mid-span between structures un ess site or environmental conditions warrant the use of
implosive sieeves.Where wire splicing activities occur,additional access and worksites may be required.
A temporary work area of approximateiy 100 feet x 100 feet (0.23 acres)is estimated for each wire
splicing work area.
GuardStructure WorkAreas
Temporary guard structure work areas will typically be 75 feet x 150 feet in dimension,more when the
transmission line meets the obstacle at an angle.Disturbance has oeen approximated at 0.26 acres per
work area.
Existing Access Roads
Existing access roads will be utilized to the greatest extent possible during construction.A percentageof
these roads do not require improvement,however,in some cases,repairs and/or improvements may be
necessary to provide safe access for vehicles,equipment,and materials.More information on existing
roads identified for Project use can be found in SWPPP Volume II Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.
New Access Roads (Temporary and Permanent)
In some areas,only temporary roads wl be needed.Typically,these temporary roads will be graded to
a standard travel-surfacewidth of approximately 14 feet.In areas of steeper terrain,the travel-surface
width could be a maximum of 22 feet for curves in the road,dependent on site-specific conditions.
Normally,a ditch drainagesystem will not be constructedfor temporary roads.Temporary roads are
shown on the SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map Set 2 and will be reclaimed after construction.
Permanentaccess roads will be constructedwhere needed for construction and/or long-term
maintenance,or where landownersor land-managingagencies require road construction.Permanent
roads will be graded to a travel-surfacewidth of approximately 14 feet.In areas of steeper terrain,the
travel-surfacewidth could be a maximum of 22 feet for curves in the road,dependent on site-specificOProprietaryandConfidential
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345kV TransmissionLine Project
conditions.These access roads will be constructedto PacifiCorp's Transmission ConstructionStandards.
Please referenceAppencúx R-PacifiCorp's Transmission ConstructionStandards for more information.In
general,access roads follow the natural grade of area terrain with a typical slope of up to 10 percent.
Turnout areas may be required along access roads so that vehicles and equipment may safely pass.
Turnouts w I be approxiraately100 feet x 10 feet wide and will be located about every 1,000 feet along
the road.
Multi-Use Construction Yards /Support Facilities
Multi-use construction yards and other support facilities will be located within proximity to the Project.
This will include construction yards,helicopter support sites and staging areas.Activities within these
areas may Mclude the fo owing:temporary batch plant locations;administrative offices;vehicle and
equipment parking;fueling and maintenanceareas;and material storage.These facilities will range in
size from aµproximately 5 to 20 acres per site.
Additional ConstructionSite Estimates
The calculated percentageof imperviousarea before construction is 0.43%
The calcula ed runoff coefficient before construction is 0.07
The calculated percentageof imperviousarea after construction is 0.74%
The calculated runoff coefficient after construction is 0.19
1.6 Water Resources
As described within the POD,only low impacts on water resources will be anticipated in the northern
Project area.The mitigadon of any high or moderate impacts can be attributed to spanning riparian
areas or avoiding ground-disturbing activities that would remove soil-stabilizing vegetation in riparian
areas such as at Dry Creek.Avoiding surface-disturbingactivities on steep slopes like those occurring in
the Dry Hoilow area,where the potential for increased erosion following ground disturbance or removal
of vegetation exists,also would reduce impacts.
In the southern project area,the selected route is located within the Upper Virgin Watershed,which
contains a state-listed impaired water (Santa Clara River)that has the potential for being affected by
construction and maintenance activities.Ground disturbance related to the construction and
maintenanceof the transmission line could potentially increase erosion in disturbed areas and reduce
permeability of soils where compacted,potentially contributing to an increased level of total dissolved
solids,salinity,chlorides,and selenium being discharged into the Santa Clara River.If not avoided or
mitigated,this potentially could exceed effluent limits set by the EPA.However,with implementation of
planned mitigation,most effects on state-listed impaired waters,as well as the municipal and
agricultural needs of citizens livingdownstream,will be avoided and/or mitigated to acceptable levels.
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A Wetland and Other We Lers Delineation Reportwas preparedfor the Project by EPG.This report
contains a comprehensivelist of wetlards and stream crossings that intersect the Project Route to
include perennial,interrrittent,and ephemeralstreams.A copy of this report will be maintained and
availablefo review at Project office locations with the SWPP.
Springs anc We/Is
Six springs and twelve wdis have been identified within 600 feet of the Project ROW.Phillips 9-1Well
and Utah State 31-33 Weil are approximately 300 feet from the centerline at Links 349 and 66,
respectively.CalEnergy 28-3 Well is approximately 2,500 feet from the centerline at Link 75.Irvine
Spring is approximately 13,000 feet from the centerline at Link 260.There are an additional three
unnamedwells located at Links 365,386,and 430 and one unnamedspring at Link 444 within the
Project ares.Springs and wells are also shown on the SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.
Reservoirs,Lakes,and Ponds
Duringthe FEIS process,several reservoirs,lakes,and ponds exist within the Project area.Large
reservoirs in the Project area include Rock Ford Reservoir,Piute Reservoir,ThreeCreek Reservoir,
Minersville Reservoir,Grass Valley Reservoir,and Newcastle Reservoir.Typically,natural lakes are found
at higheresevation,where the cooler climate reduces the amount of water lost to evaporation and
O snowmelt is retained in semi-impermeablebasins.Examples of natural lakes in the Project area include
Duck Lake,Deep Lake,Hunts Lake,Barney Lake,Puffer Lake,Birch Lake,and Kent's Lake.Other man-
mad lakes,ponds,and sroall reservoirsare found in the Project area,and are typically used for
agricultural purposes.These include Taylor Pond,Moscow Reservoir,Sand Pond,Mound Pond,and
Danish Reservoir.
Impaired water bodies
As previouslyreferenced,the Santa Clara River,a state-listed impairedwater,is located within the
Project area.The Santa Cara River is Iccated approximately 1.7 miles southeast of the Red Butte
Municipal Storm SewerSystems (MS4s)
No known municipal Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)occur along the Project.
1.7 Site Features and SensitiveAreas
Uniquefeatures and sensitive areas within the Project will include soil resources,water resources,
biological resources,naturalvegetation,wildlife species,and other environmentally sensitiveareas.
These areas and sites are identified on the SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map Set 2.
To protect and minimize impacts to these resources a series of Project mitigation measures have been
selected and will be implemented on the Project.Tables identifying Project standard mitigationOProprietaryandConfidential
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measures and Project selectivemitigat on measures can be found in Appendix H-Project Mitigation
Tables.Appendix H includes Table 5-3 from the POD which providesmilepost to milepost locations of
where the selectivemitigation measures are applied.
1.8 Summary of AII Potential Pollutant Sources
Potential pollutant sources that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater
discharges,other than sediment,are listed on the following table.
Storage of materialswill primarily be at the material and construction support yards identified in Section
1.1 Some rnaterialswill also be located on maintenancevehicles and work truck for as needed
maintenancealong the RDW.The appropriate BMPs will be implemented to limit any pollutants from
mixing with stormwater and potentially being discharged off the Project.On-site fueling will occur.All
areas were fueling is prohibited are specifically identified on SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and POD Map
Set 2.One dedicated mobile batch plant will be utilized on the Project.This batch plant will be operated
at multiple construction support yards and approvedwork area locations on the Project.
Potential pollutant sources are also addressed within the POD and the Project Hazardous Materials
Management Program (HMMP).The mitigation measures and stipulations contained within these plans
will be implemented throughout the Project.A copy of these plans will be located at all Project offices.
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Potential Pollutant Comments
Sediments Caosed by ground disturbingactivities and erosion.
BIVPs will be installed and maintained throughout
the Project until final stabilization is achieved.
Fuels Us d by vehicles and equipment on site.Secondary
containment will be provided as necessary to contain
leaks and spills.Spill response materials will be
located on all vehicles.
Oils Used by vehicles and equipment on site.Drip pans
wili be utilized when changing oil.Spill response
materials will be located on all vehicles.
Grease and other lubricants Used by some vehicles and equipment.Will be
contained in staging areas or on vehicles in minimal
Trash Trash to be contained and removed frequently.
Concrete Curing Compound Wie properly store on site.Weather will be
monitored to reduce the chance of chemicals
entering stormwater.
Concrete Wash Water Co tained onsite in designated areas.
Soil Stabilizers Win properly store on site.Weather will be
monitored to reduce the chance of chemicals
entering stormwater.
De-Watering Wil be pumped out on to vegetatedarea,dissipation
device,or filter device to contain sediment.
Sanitary/Septic Waste Portable toilets will be contained on-site and secured
to avoid tipping.AII services will be performed by a
Licensed Sanitary Company.
Solvents Wil be properly stored,used,and disposed of.
Storage areas will be inspected regularly.
Stains or Paints Wi^be properly stored,used,and disposed of.
Stcrage areas will be inspected regularly.
Glues and Adhesives Will be properly stored,used,and disposed of.
Storage areas will be inspected regularly.
Fertilizers Will be properly stored,used,and disposed of.
Storage areas will be inspected regularly.
Pesticides Will be properly stored,used,and disposed of.
Storage areas will be inspected regularly.
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1.9 EncangeredSpedes Certificat an
Special Status Wildlife Species
DuringProject permitting,a number of biological and avian resource inventorieswere performed for
special status wildlife species that havo the potential to occur in the Project area.Special status wildlife
species inclde those species listed as hreatened,endangered,or candidateunder the Endangered
Species Act (ESA);classified as sensitive by the state of Utah,BLM,or USFS;and/or identified as
Management Indicator Species by the USFS.
As discussed within the Project POD,the Project route crosses habitats mapped by the Utah Division of
Wildlife Resources (UDWR)as crucial soge-grouse brood-rearingand winter habitat.Additionally,field
surveys were performed to identify greater sage-grouse leks (2010 and 2012),dark kangaroomouse
habitat (20 2),and rapter nests (2012 as well as Utah prairie dog (2010),pygmy rabbit (2012),and kit
fox (2012)burrows.These field surveys were performed by EPG,the BLM's third party contractor.The
following POD table dent:ifies those wildlife species analyzed during the FEIS and field surveys.
Commor Name Scientific Naine Likelihood of Occurrence
Speci il Status Species
O American white Pelecanus i Transients may occur -no preconstruction surveys
pelican ery hvorhynchos performed
Arizona toad Bu o microscaphu May occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Likely to occur -no active nests detected duringBaldeagleHaliaeetusleucocephalus.preconstruction surveys;winter roosting may occur
Bonneville Oncorhynchus clarki utah Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performedcutthroattrout
Known to occur -active nests detected duringBurrowingowlAthenecuniculariapreconstructionsurveys
California Condor Gymnogyps californianus Not likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clacki Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Dark kangaroo Microdipodops Likely to occur -potentially suitable habitat detected during
mouse me.gacephalus preconstruction surveys
Desert Sucker Carostomus clarki May occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Known to occur -active nests detected duringFerruginoushawkButeoregalispreconstructionsurveys
Known to occur -active lek detected during preconstructionCentrocercusGreatersage-grouse surveys and an incidental observation of a single sage-urophasianus grouse hen was recorded near the town of Newcastle in 2012
Known to occur -active den detected in Project area in
Kit fox Vulpes macrotis 2010;however,no active dens detected along the selected
route during kit fox surveys in 2012
Long-billed curlew Numenius americanus Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Known to occur -single active nest detected during 2012
Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus anatum surveys within 0.5 mile of selected route;no active nest
detected in 0.5 to 1.0 mile of selected route
Pygmy rabbit Brachylagus idahoensis Not likely to occur -no individuals detected during
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Common Name Scientific Name Likelihood of Occurrence
preconstruction surveys
Known to occur -individuals observed duringShort-eare ow!As flammeus preconstruction surveys
Southern Le domeda aliciac May occur -no preconstruction surveys performedleathersideohub
Spotted ba Eu erma maculatum Likely to occur -breeding and foraging habitat present
Townsend big-Co norhinus townsendii .Likely to occur -breedmg and foraging habitat presentearedbat
Not likely to occur -no colonies detected during surveysUtahprairdogCyomysparviderconductedforSection7consultation
Western to d Bu o boreas May occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
USFS Management Indicator Species
Black-thro ted grey De droica nigrescens Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performedwarbler
Brewer's sparrow Sp ella breweri Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Brown tro Sai no trutta Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Hairy woo pecker Picoides villosus Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Lincoln's sparrow Melospiza lincolnii Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
MacGillivr Ty's Op rornis tolmiei May occur -no preconstruction surveys performedwarbler
O Macroinvertebrates Multiple species Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Mountain Huebird Sialla currucoides Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Mule deer Odocoileus hemionus Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Northern fl cker Colaptes auratus Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis May occur -no nesting habitat but may forage in Project
Rainbow traut On orhynchus myi iss Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Rocky Mountain
elk Cervus canadensis Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Sage thrasher Oreoscoptes montanus Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Song sparrow Me ospiza melodia Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Vesper sparrow Pooecetes gramineus Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Virgin spinedace Lepidomeda mollispinis Known to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Western bluebird Sialia mexicana Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Wild turke Me agris gallopavo Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
Yellow warbler Dendroica getechia Likely to occur -no preconstruction surveys performed
it should also be noted that there is the potential for the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax
traillii extimus),a federally listed endangeredspecies,to occur within the Project area.However,no
occurrences of the southwestern willow flycatcherwere noted during preconstruction surveys.
Special Status Plant Species
Special status plant species include species listed as threatened,endangered,or candidates under the
ESA;classified as sensitive by the BLM or USFS;and identified as ManagementIndicator Species by the
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USFS.Field surveys vrere performed in 011and 2012 by EPG to icentify occurrences of USFS and BLM
sensitiveponts alory the selected rou .Sensitive plant locationS INere mappedand are shown on
SWPPP Volume II Me p Set 1 and POD Map Set 2.The following table identifies those sensitive plant
species tha were identified during field surveys.
Common Name Scientific name Likelihood of Occurrence
Ascagalus oophorus var.Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitablePinkeggn-ikvetch loñehocalyx habitat detected during preconstruction surveys
Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitableWelshmilkvetchAsagaluswelshiihabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitableMoundcryotanthCitanthacompctahabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitableNevadawllowherbEplobiumnevadensehabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
Eriogonum batemanii var.Known to occur -detected during preconstructionElsinorebeekwheatoseundiisurveys
Wirestem Eriogonum pharnaceoides var.Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitable
buckwheat cer inum habitat detected during preconstruction surveys
Spoon-leaf Erlagonum spathu'atum var.Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitable
buckwheat ka,eae habitat detected during preconstruction surveys
O Franklin's Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitablePerstemonfrankliniipenstemonhabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitablePinyonpenstemonPerstemonpinormnhabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
.Known to occur -detected during preconstructionWard's per stemon Pe stemon wardii surveys
Sphaeralcea caespitosa var.Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitableJonesglobemallowcaespitosahabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
.May occur -unoccupied potentially suitable habitatSigurdtownsendiaTonsendiajonesuvar.lutea detected during preconstruction surveys
Not likely to occur -no individuals or suitableUtahphacenaPhaceliautahensishabitatdetectedduringpreconstructionsurveys
The purpose of the Plant and Wildlife Species ConservationMeasures Plan is assist the BLM,USFS,and
Project personnel in meeting their obligationsto protect biological resources (i.e.,wildlife,plants,and
habitats)during the planning,design,and implementation of the Project.The Plant and Wildlife Species
Conservation Measures Plan providesguidance on specific biological concerns associated with the
Project and identifies the mitigation measures,stipulations,protocols,and/or techniques required to
minimize impacts to biological resources.Please refer to Appendix I-Plant and Wildlife Species
ConservationMeasures Plan for further information.
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1.10 Historic Propert es
For this Prc ect,a Class I cultural resource inventory was completed by EPGto identify,record,and
determine the extent an significance of identified cultural resources within the Project area.Areas
where historic propertie are located se designated as "EnvironmentallySensitive Areas"on Project
maps,but are not define for protective reasons.Furtherinformation is containedwith the FEIS,the
Project ProgrammaticAg eement,and Historic Properties Treatment Plan (HPTP).A copy of the HPTP
will be mai ;tained by Prc ect Archeologistand other authorized personnel.
The HPTP p-escribes spedfic treatment for specific sites identified through Class III cultural surveys
conducted or the projec .These treat ent methods will be implemented prior to construction,during
construction,and post construction.Also identified in the HPTP are the protocolsto be taken in the
instance o an unant.cip ed discovery
1.11 Applicable Fede al,State,and Local Programs
As applicab e,this SWPP will incorporate by referencethe appropriateelements of plans required by
other agencies.The SWP P will be upa ted as necessary to remain consistent with any revisions.
USACE Nationwide Pern &Summary 1
This Project is coveredunder the USACE Nationwide Permit Summary Number 12.Work performed on
O this Project will comply v ith the generalterms and conditionsof the permit and BMPs will be
implement >d and mainte ined on site to precludeconstruction materials and/or activities from adversely
affecting any waters of the UnitedStates beyond the scope of those authorized.
PacifiCorp has completec the terms of the USACE preconstruction notification and provided notice of
this activity to ECS on 21 February 2013.The Project will not result in any permanent impacts greater
than 0.10 acre.
Stream Alteration Permi
The Strearn Alteration Program (Rule R655-13)is regulated by the Utah Division of Water Rights.The
purposeof this rule is to darify the proceduresnecessary in order to obtain approval by the state
engineerfor any Project that proposes to alter a natural stream within the state of Utah.
AII stream crossings associated with this Project will be evaluatedfor regulation under the Stream
Alteration Program.As needed,the appropriate plans,applications,and fees will be submitted to the
UDECl Divisionof Water Rights for approval.Stream alteration permitsfor this Project will be obtained
prior to performing the jurisdictional work coveredunder this rule.
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UDEQ Divis'on of Water Rights Main Office
1594 West North Temple.Suite220
Salt Lake C y,UT 84114
Phone:(80 )538-7240
Stream Alteration Specia st
Chuck Will amson
Phone:(8C )528-7404
1.12 M as
This SWPPP will contain a series of site maps (located in Volume II and Volume Ill of the SWPPP),which
will be comoleted to scale and will show the entire Project to identify the following:
The direction of stormwater flow and the approximate slopes that are anticipated after major
grading activities
Areas of soil disturbance;
Areas that will not be disturbed;
Naaral features o be preserved;
Locations of major structural and non-structural BMPs;
Location of stabi ization measures;
Locations of any aff-site mater al,waste,burrow,or equipment storage areas;
Lontions of all vaters of the U lited States,includingwetlands;
Locations where stormwater d scharges to a surface water;
Locations of storm drain inlets;and
Areas where fine stabilization as been accomplished.
Constructica sites will be evaluatedprior to construction in coordination with the Project Compliance
Inspection Contractor (Cil).BMPs will be updatedon Project Maps to include the Site Specific
Environme tal Plans (SSE?)located in olume Ill of the SWPPP.Sequencing of events is discussed in
Section 2.2 of the SWPPF.
Maps inclu ed with this LWPPP are as ollows:
1.Location Maps
A Project location map,along with construction support facility location maps,is located in
Attachment D-Facility Location and Site Maps.
2.SW PPP Volume l.-SWPPP Map Set l and POD Map Set 2
SWPPP Map Set l is a dynamic map set which includes map panels that illustrate the location of
project features at a fixed scale of 1:8500,or 1"=708'for the entire alignment.Features included in
this map set are the location of tower sites,ROW,transmission line centerline,multi-use
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constre otion yards,staging areas,substation locations,access routes,environmentally sensitive
areas,and various environmental geographicelements.This map set will be utilized to show the
locatic of ECS envir nmental BMi s along Project access roads.
POD Map Set 2 inclu es panels tha show (1)the ROW in detail,includingthe specific location of
facilities and sensitiv environmerr al resource areas in the immediate vicinity,and (2)key
mitigat on measures o be implemented duringthe design,construction,and operation of the
transm ssion line.
3.SM 2PP Volume -Site Specif EnvironmentalPlans
Information containedon the SSEPs include site drainagepatterns,erosion and sediment control
BMPs,site disturban e limits,sensitive area/resourcedata,proximate surface water bodies,
locatio s of environt ental exclusien zones,material stockpile information,and seeding
SWPPP maps will be upd ted and ame ded throughout the Project to adequately reflect past,present,
and future plannedconsi uction and S PPP activities.
O This SWPPF will describe all BMPs that svill be implemented to control pollutants in storm water
discharges.For every me or activity identified in this SWPPP,appropriate control measures will be
described along with th€generalimple nentation sequence.All BMPs will be properly selected,
installed,a d maintainee as per the manufacturers'specifications and good engineering practices.If
inspection or informatic indicates a BMP has been used inappropriately,incorrectly,or is ineffective,
it will be replacedor modified.
The sequence of major construction ac ivities found in Section 1.3 outlinesthe schedule to implement
the propos d erosion an sediment co itrol devices.AppendixJ-Best ManagementPractices contains
informatio and guicielines for the placementof sediment control barriers,stabilization practices,good
housekeepingprocedurEs,and other BMPs.The BMP's in AppendixJ were obtained from the Salt Lake
County Pubic Works Department.
AII sedimeet/perimeter control BMPs v ill be installed at work sites as shown on Project SWPPP maps
and SSEPs.Temporary BMPs will not be removeduntil final stabilization is achievedexcept when
temporary structures must be removed in order to allow construction activitiesto continue.The
decision to emove a BM2 will be made by the appropriate SWPPP team member.In these cases,the
SWPPP will be modified and amendedto implement protective measures to ensure continued
protection rom pollutant discharges.
2.1 Minimize disturbed area and protect natural features and soil
The overali approachtoward erosion control on this Project is to minimize ground disturbance and
enable native vegetation to re-emergeand permanentlystabilize the construction areas against erosion.
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Constructic,work areas,approved roa Js,and areas for avoidancewill be identified on maps and
identified i the field through the use of signs,flaggingand/or fencing.In addition,the following
mitigation easures will e implemen+ed to protect sensitive Project features:
Co struction dis rbance limits will be minimized to the extent feasible.
Ex ting roacis wi be utilized te the extent feasible and as approvedthrough Project easements
arr permitting.
Gradingwill be rr nimized by driving overland within pre-designatedwork areas whenever
Ve etation shall se left in place where feasibleto preserveroot structures and provide
inc eased opporonity for resprouting.
To ninimize gro:rd disturban e,construction traffic routes will be clearly marked with
ten porary mark s such as eas"y visibleflagging.
Topsoil from excavations shall be stockpiled separately from other soil material and salvaged for
rec amation activities.
As dentified on site maps,sele tive removalof vegetation (i.e.,trees)within and along the
ed es will be per ormed.
Avoidanceof disturbanceto sensitive resources (i.e.,streams,riparian areas,trails,etc.)will be
pe orraedto the greatest exte at possible.Supplementalerosion and sediment control devices
wi'be installed :t these crossi gs where necessary to further protect these resources.
Na ural vegetation buffers will be left in place wherever possible and in particular,at stream
O crc sings.
As shown on site maps,helicopter supported constructionwill be performed in selected areas
an will further reduce construction impacts.
Additional ,the constru tion schedule may be modified to minimize construction activities in rain
soaked or muddy conditions.Existing roads and trails would be used for travel to the maximum extent
feasible unless otherwise authorized.During wet road conditions,any ruts deeperthan 4 inches
remainingon Project roads would be re paired at the Authorized Officer'sdiscretion.
2.2 Ph se construct on Activity
Phase I -Preconstructior Surveyand S:te Specific Planning
(1 Februar 2013--15 0ct 2014)
Prior to clearingand construction,environmental scientists,monitors,and construction planners will
access the ROW to evaluateproject environmental and POD requirements.At this time,SSEPs will be
developed and the information will be incorporated into Project plans.Project monitoring requirements
and Cultural Resource treatment activities will also be conductedalong with the installation of
construction signage,flagging,and buffer fencing.Project constructability surveys,preconstruction
geotech,and transmission line surveys will also be performed.
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.3000091216 Case -7PacifiCorp3igurd-Red dutte Witne IMetpA ail
345kV TransmissionLine Project
Phase II -Irstallation of Stormwater Controls,Work Area/Access RoadClearing,and Vegetation
(1May2013-150ct20 4)
During Phase II,environr antal work crew(s)will install BMPs as directed by SSEPs.This will include the
installation af sediment antrol device such as mulch berms,silt fence,straw wattles,rock berms,and
stabilized construction e trances.Tem orary stream crossings along with other identified BMPs will also
be installec at this time.
Trees and other vegetat n will be removedselectively(e.g.edge feathering)to blend the edge of the
ROW into adjacent veget tion patterns,as practicableand appropriate.Trees will be selectively
removed in riparian habitats and in the Great Basin Desert to protect biological resources.Mechanical
tree clearir;methods w involvethe use of equipment such as chain saws,weed trimmers,rakes,
shovels,br-sh nooks,an mowers to c ear vegetation.Mowing wil be pursued whenever practical and
will be limited to within te transmission ROW,work areas,and access road delineations.Clearing
efforts in heavygrowth a eas will use a Hydro-Ax excavator mounted brush mower or similar
equipment.Hand clearin methods wi also be utilized in areas of sensitivitysuch as the Project
identified Inventoried Rc adless Area.
Vegetation Managementactivities will be performed in accordance with the Project's Vegetation
Managemelt Plan and t'r e POD.A copy of these plans will be maintained in the Project office along with
the SWPPF.
Phase III -Access Roads and Pad Site Construction
(7 May 2013-15 Ncv 2C14)
During Phase III,access roads and pad sites will be constructed.Sediment and erosion control measures
installed de r¡ng the cons ruction phase may include,but not necessarily be limited to,waterbars,
drainagedi ches,dissipa ion devices,a,d culverts.BMP's for access roads and pad sites will be
identified on SWPPP Volume Il Map Set l and on SWPPP Volume III SSEPs.
Phase IV -Joundation L:cavation
(14 May 2C13 -1 Aug 2014)
During Phase IV,foundat ons will be constructedfor the lattice steel self-supportingsteel-lattice
structures.Footings will primarily be excavated using track mounted or rubber tired drill rigs.
Work activ:ties during th s phase will be maintained within the established pad sites constructedduring
Phase III.These sites will be monitored and inspected to ensure all installed BMPs and mitigation
measures are implemented and are working effectively.If inspections indicatethat a BMP is ineffective,
it will be reolacedor modfied.
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract N .300009121E Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IWeMA ail
345kV TransmissionLine Project
Phase V -5 tructure Asse woly and Ere ion
(28 May 20 3 -1 Sept 2 4)
Assembly a nd erection w be performed via both conventionalcrane and helicopter methods as
indicatedo the SW PP olume Il Map Set l and POD Volume II.Assembly will occur either at the
designated structure sitE or at a preapprovedassembly yard.
Work activ ies at these Lcations will be maintained within established work sites.These sites will be
monitored and inspectec to ensure all nstalled BMPs and mitigation measures are implemented and
are workiro effectively.i :nspections i dicate that a BMP is ineffective,it will be replaced or modified.
Phase VI -VVire Installat an
(1 Aug 2013 -1 Oct 201
Primary wi a stringing op arations will be performed at prearrangedpuller and tensioning sites.
Sediment and erosion control measures at these locations may include,but are not necessarily limited
to,silt fencas,straw wat es,seeding,and mulching.These sites will be monitored and inspected to
ensure all instajied BMPs and mitigatio,measures are implemented and are working effectively.If
inspections indicate that a BMP is ineffactive,it will be replaced or modified.
Phase VII-Final Grading.Cleanup,an Restoration
(1 Sept 2013 -15 Novern ser 2014)
Cleanup ar restoration activities along the ROW,material yards,and other construction related areas,
will be performed on an ongoing basis and phased throughout the Project as construction activities are
completed This will inclt de tower site ocations,pull sites,sleevingsites,staging areas,material yards,
maintenan e yards,and emporaryoffice locations.These activitieswill follow the requirements and
stipulations of Appendix314-Reclamañon,Revegetation,and Monitoring Framework Plan.Activities will
include,but are not limit d to,the following.
Final cleanup and restor tion activitieswill include the following:
Access roads will be restoredto landowner and regulatory authority satisfaction
Excess material Ut onsite will be relocated or disposed of at approved locations
Constructior fac"ities will be removedor returned
All aroject related materials wH be removedto include all temporary fences and gates,
ter,porary poles,guard poles,anchors and guys etc.
Storage tanks wil be removed
Temporary construction pads will be return to preconstructiongrade or left in place for future
maintenance needs
All uts will be re Jaired
All work generatedtrash and debris will be removed
All construction staking,flaggingand fencing will be removed,unless requested by the client to
remain in place
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We ks tes will b gradedto landowner,regulatory authority and permit satisfaction
Topsoil salvaged uring gradingoperations will be spread onsite
Work activ ies and BMP will continue to be monitored and inspected at these locations to ensure
effectivent-s.inspecti ns indicate that a BMP is ineffective,it wll be replaced or modified.
Phase VIII -Seeding for Fermanent Stabilization
(1 Sept 2013 -5 Dec 2G 4)
Temporarywork sites and other disturbed areas,such as access road cuts and fills,that havebeen
disturbed to the point w are re-emergenceof native vegetation is not consideredlikely will be seeded
with a nati e seed mix.A exception tc this is if the ;andowneror land managerrequests an alternative
seed mixtu e.Overail,n ive vegetation will be the primary approachto final (permanent)stabilization.
Phase IX -Removalof Temporary BMPs
(1 June 201 J -i May 2G 3)
Temporary 3MPs wi;I be emovedonce site conditions,at each location,havemet final stabilization
requireme ts as identifie in Section 7 af this SWPPP.The Project will continue to be monitored and
inspected per the SW P and UPDE.Permit until final stabilization requirements are met and an NOT
has been s bmitted.
2.3 Co troi Stormwster flowing onto and through the Project
This Projec wil use stru ural controls to help divert the flow of stormwater from exposed soils,retain
or detain flows,or other se limit runc f and the discharge of pollutants from the exposed areas of the
site.Contrc's for control g stormwate flows onto and through the Project will include the use of
diversion berms,ditches,check dams,and waterbars.
2.4 Stajilize Soils
The Genera Pe mit requ es stabilizatie,measures to be initiated on disturbed surface areas as soon as
practicable but no more than 14 days after construction activity has either temporarily or permanently
ceased on a ny portion of the construct on site.Thereare 2 exceptions to this requirement.
Stabilization does not need to be initiated when construction activitieswill resume on a portion
of the site within 14 days from the suspension of previousconstruction activities.
Stabilization does not need to e initiated when construction activities havebeen precludedby
snow cover or frozen ground conditions within 14 days from the suspension of previous
corstruction act ties.Stabilization measures shall occur as soon as practicable.
EEG will identify any interim and permanent stabilization practices for the site,including a schedule of
when the stabilization practices will be implemented.This SWPPP will identify where existing vegetation
is to be preservedin the SSEPs.The Project will primarily utilize permanentseeding with native
vegetation to permanently stabilize exposed soils at the close of the Project.
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ECS Projec No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract N .300009121 Case C¼iint 7PacifiCorpigod--Red utte Witne IWatmA ailO345kVTrasmissionLine3roject
EEGwill m ntain record that show the dates when major grading activities occur,the dates when
constructio,activities te oporarily or permanentlycease,and the dates when stabilization measures are
The follow g temporary stabilization r easures have been identified for this Project.Slopes will be
protected ith hydraulic mulch,geote iles/mats,temporary seeding with sterile oats or rye,soil
binders,site compaction or a combina ion of erosion control practices to limit rill,gully,and channel
erosion.Areas that are generallyflat w th no slope will be temporarily stabilized with wood mulch,straw
mulch,hyc o-seeding,bilders,site conpaction,or a combination of erosion control practices to limit
sheet flow rosion on fle areas.
EEG will be -esponsiole fr seeding the Project area upon completion of construction.Permanent
seeding me:hods wiil cor sist primarily of drill seeding with alternative methods,such as hydroseedingor
broadcast seeding in areas where conci tions do not allowfor drill seeding (e.g.steep,rocky or remote
Seed selec on will be ba ed on site-specific conditions and landowner or land managerrequirements.
Nativespe es will be giv en preference pending seeo availability,cost,and chance of success.Seed
mixes and ppi Cation ra es may also be modified to achievesite-specific weed managementobjectives.
Agency-ap roved seed n xes can be found in POD Appendix B14 -Reclamation,Revegetation,and
Monitoring ¯ramework
E an,and are srown below.
(Pinyon-Judper,Sagebrush Shadscale/Grass Steppe -Precipitation Less Than Eight Inche )
Commor Name Scientific Name Quantities
Luna Pube ent Whealgrass Thinopyrum intermedium 'Luna'l .00
Bozoisky E ussian Wildrye Psathyrostachys juncea 2.00
Trailhead (reat 3asin Wiki ,e Leymus cinereus'Trailhead'l.50
Sand Drop eed Sporobolus cryptandrus 0.50
Alkali Sac on Sporobolus airoides 0.50
Covar Shet p Fescue Festuca ovina 'Covar 1.50
Northern S seetvetch Hedysarum boreale 1.50
White Sweetclover Melilotus albus 0.50
Srmall Flov er Glabemallow Sphaeralceaparvifolia 0.50
Showy Bla ketfower Gaillardia aristita 0.50
Cedar Pahr er Penstemon Penstemon palmeri 0.50
Appar Lev s Flax Linum lewisii (L.perenne)1.50
Common Sanflower Helianthus annuus 2.00
Yellow Beeplant Cleome lutea 0.50
Sagebrush (whichever species is dominant)Artemisia sp.0.50
Forage Ko±ia Kochia sp.l.00
TOTAL 16.00
NOTE:Application rates in pounds per acre e Pgure live seed
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ECS Proje No.11-51 Exhibit No.3
Contract N .30 0009121 Case 7PacifiCorpigu-d -Red Butte Witnes Itl IRA ail345kVTrasmissionLine3roject
(Pinyon-Jun er,Big Sagebrush Steppe,Mountain Browse -Preeigitation Eight Inches or More)
Comme Name Scientific Name Quantities
ass (High ins Variety)Poa secunda J.Presl.1.00
Luna Pube ent Whealgras Thinopyrum intermeatum 'Luna'1.00
Bozoisky E assian Wildrye Psaihyrostachys juncea 2.00
Magnar G at Basin Wildry Leymus cinereus 'Magnar'1.50
Covar Shee,Fescue Fest aca ovina 'Covar 1.50
Gooseberry Lea Globemal Sphaeralcea grossulartifolia 0.50
Yellow Su etclover Meli otus officinalis 0.50
Delar Sma Burnet Sanguisorba minor 'delar'l .00
Richfield ect oker Penst on Pen.nemon eatonii 0.50
teme n Pennemonpalmeri 0.50
Rocky Mo ntain Beeplant Cleome serrulata 0.50
s Flex Linum lewisii (L perenne)l .00
Common S nflo wer Helianthus annuus 2.00
Sagebrush whichever spec s if dominant)Artemisia sp.0.50
Forage Koc hia Kochia sp.1.00
Fourwing S11tbush Atriplex canescens 1.00
TOTAL 16.00
Note:App rates in p unds per acre of pure live seed
REVEGETATION SEED MIXTURE 2A-CEDAR CITY FIELD OFFICEO(Sagebrush Shrub and Pinyon uniper Woodland Communities-Lower Elevations <6,000 f et)
Commet Name Scientific Name Quantities
Crested W eatgrass -Ephra m Agropyron cristatum Ephraim'l .0
Intermedia W1 eatgrass Thinopyrum intermedium 2.0
Lincoln Sn oth Brome Bromus inermis 'Lincoln'2.0
Pubescent he grass Thinopyrum intermedium 1.0
Needle-an Thread Hesperostipa comata 2.0
Indian Rice rass -Nez par Achnatherum hymenoides 'Nezpar'2.0
Alfalfa-Lad ak Medicagosativa 'Ladak'1.00
Small Burret Sanguisorba minor 1.00
Utah Swee etch Hedysarum boreale 1.00
Western Yarrow Achillea millefolium var.occidentalis 0.50
Yellow Sweetclover Melilotus officinalis 1.00
Lewis Flax Linum lewisii 1.00
Globemallow Sphaeralcea sp.1.00
PalmerPentemon Penstemon palmeri 1.00
Four-wing Saltbush Atriplex canescens 1.00
Wyoming Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata ssp.wyomingensis 0.50
TOTAL 20.00
Mixture 2A provides the recommended seeding mixture and rate for the re-vegetation of sagebrush shrub.The exact
seeding mixture may dif er depending on seed availability.Sagebrush was included to mitigate visual and wildlife habitat
impacts.although this sp :eies may invade the right-of-way from adjacent habitats rapidly.Any other changes should first
be cleat ed with the appñ ,riate Utah BLM Seld ofHce.
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ECS Proje Nc.11-51 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case -7PacifiCorpiged--Red utte Witnes ImsisA ail345kVTraasionLineProject
(Sagebrush brub and Pinyor:uniper Woodlard Communities-Upper Elevations >6,000 feet)
Commo Name Scientific Name Quantities
atg ass -i phr m Agropyron cristatum Ephraim'l .00
Interrmedie Wheatgrass Thinopyrum intermed am l .00
Lincoln S oth 3rome Brol us inermis 'Linc In'2.00
Bluebunch Nhe tgrass Pseudoroegneria spic ta 2.00
Needle-an Thread Hesperostipa comata 2.00
Indian Ric rass -Nezpar Achnatherum hymeno des 'Nezpar'2.00
Alfalfa-La k Medicago sativa 'Lad k'1.00
Small Bur t Sanguisorba minor 1.00
Yellow Se stek ver Melitatus officinalis 1.00
Utah Swee etch Hedysarum boreale 1.00
Linum lewisii 1.00
Globemall v Sphaeralcea sp.l .00
tem n Penstemon palmeri l .00
Antelope tert sh Purdia tridentata 1.00
gei ush Artemisia tridentata ssp.wyomingensis 0.50
Mountain get ush Arte misia tridentata 0.50
TOTAL 20.00
Mixtur 2B provides the :commended se 3ing mixtare and rate for the re-v:getation of sagebrush shrub.The exact
seeding nixure may di r depending on eed availability.Sagebrush was included to mitigate visual and wildlife habitat
impact alth ugh this si cies may invade he right-cf way Erom adjacent habitats rapidly.Any other changes should first
be cleo dwh the appreoriate Utah BLM field office.
(Sagebrush Shrub and Pinyon Juniper Woodland Communities-Upper Elevations >6,000 f:et)
Commo=Name Scientific Name Quantities
Crested W zatgrass -Ephre m Agropyron cristatum Ephraim'1.00
Intermedia :Wheatgrass Thinopyrum intermedium 1.00
Lincoln Sr aoth Brome Bromus inermis 'Lincoln'2.00
Bluebunch Wheatgrass Pseudoroegneria spicata 2.00
Needle-an Thread Hesperostipa comata 2.00
Indian Ric rass -Nezpar Achnatherum hymenoides 'Nezpar'2.00
Alfalfa-La k Medicago sativa 'Ladak'l .00
Small Burt t Sanguisorba minor 1.00
Yellow Su etck ver Meli/otus oficinalis 1.00
Utah Swee etch Hedysarum boreale 1.00
Lewis Fla'Linum lewisii 1.00
Globemall v Sphaeralcea sp.l.00
PalmerPer temen Penstemon palmeri 1.00
Antelope l Ltert rush Purs hia tridentata l .00
Wyoming agebrush Artemisia tridentata ssp.wyomingensis 0.50
Mountain Bagebrush Artemisia tridentata 0.50
TOTAL 20.00
Mixture 2B provides the ecommended seeding mixture and rate for the re-vegetation of sagebrush shrub.The exact
seeding :nixture may dif er depending on seed availability.Sagebrush was included to mitigate visual and wildlife habitat
impacts.although this species may invade the right-of-way from adjacent habitats rapidly.Any other changes should first
be clea d with the appropriate Utah BLM ñeld office.
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©2013 Al rights reser ed EC Source Services (ECS)SWPPP-42
Rocky n gP er
ECS Proje Nc.11-351 Exhibit No.3
ContractN 303009121 Case 7PacifiCorpigurd--Red Sutte Witne ·IUstilA ail
345kV Tra amission Line roject
(S ine/Alka ine Wetland Communi es)
Comme Name Scien ific Name Quantities
Shadscale altbrush Atriplex confertifolia 3.00
Gardner S tbus Atriplex gardneri 3.00
Greasewo Sarcobatus vermicula us 4.00
Alkali Sac on Sporobolus airoides 2.00
Inland Sal rass Disechlis spicata 2.00
Forage Ko iia Kochia sp.2.00
Tall Whea rass -e Thinopyrum ponticum Jose'2.00
TOTAL 18.00
For we and areas where he soils are con dered saline and/or alkaline,the seeding mixture and rate listed in Mixture 2D
will be sed.Because of he potential higi soil salinity/alkdinity in these areas,only plants that are tolerant of such
conditi as will be used fr revegetation.Euring reclamatica,soils that occur above the water table should be salvaged and
used fo the seedbed.Tl soils should be orked as ittle es possible after reolacement to reduce compaction.However,
seed an fertilizer shouk be raked or hart ved into the top 2 to 3 inches of e soil.
Shrub ecies that se as wopriate for trar olanting to mitigate visual impac of this vegetation type inclade rabbitbrush,
shadsc ,greasewood,ad iodine bush.Rhizomes of inland saltgrass also can be transplanted to minimize visual
(Deser Scrub and Blackbush Scrub Com:nunities)
O Commor Name Scientific Name Quantities
Crested W atgrass Agropyron cristatum 2.00
Indian Ric rass-Nezpar Achnatherum hymenoides 'Nezpar'2.00
Plewaphis sp.l .00
Bottlebrus Squ treltan Elymus elymoides l.00
Sand Dro ced Spocobolus cryptandrus 0.25
Lewis Flax Linum lewisii l .00
Gooseberry Lea Globemall w Sphaeralceagrossulariifolia 1.00
PalmerPer stemon Penstemon palmeri l .00
Western Y row Achillea millefolium var.occidentalis 0.50
Alfalfa Medicago sativa 0.50
Small Bur tt Sanguisorba minor 1.00
Forage Ko ia Kochia sp.
Four-wing altbush Atriplex canescens 2.00
Winterfat Krascheninnikovia lanata l .00
TOTAL 15.25
Mixture 2E provides the seeding mixture and rate for the revegetation of desert scrub and blackbush scrub.The exact mix
to be used may differ from the proposed mixture,depending on seed availability.
=Shrub species that are aparopriate for transplanting to mitigate visual impacts ofthis vegetation type include bud
sagebrah,fourwing saltbrush,big sagebrush,winterfat and greasewood.
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ECS Proje No.11€51 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case 7PacifiCorpigurd-Red utte Witne IMEMA ail
345kV Tra smission Line roject
(L ah Greasewood Shrub Communities )
Commo Name Scier ific Name Quantities
Tall Whea rass -Jose Thiñopyrum ponticura Jose'3.00
Crested W aatg ass -phr n Agropyron cristatum Ephraim'l .00
Interrmedia Wheatgrass-ache Thinopyrum intermeatum 'Oache'l.00
Thickspike Nheatgrass -C ana Elymus lanceolatus fritana 'l.00
Red Fesc e Fesa ca rubra 1.00
Russian W drye -V inall Psathyrostachys juncea 'Vinall'2.00
Fourwing Itbesh Atriplex canescens 3.00
Forage Ko lia Kochia sp.2.00
TOTAL 14.00
-NOTE he -ecommended revegetation seeding mixture and rate along the greasewood scrub vegetation type are listed in
Mixture 2F.As discusse above,the exact seeding mixture to be used in this vegetation type may differ from the proposed
mix,de ending on the a ilability of the ed.Possible substitutions or additions include rabbitbrush,Gardner saltbrush,
alkali s ator,and basin därye.
Final resee ing will be conducted at th first appropriate growing season after completion of
constructici and reclamation.Seeding will be repeateduntil a satisfactory stand is established.
2.5 Pr :ect Slopes
Slopes will ae p otected ith hydraulic nulch,geotextiles/mats,soil binders,or a combination of
erosion co trol practices o limit rill,g ly,and chan el erosion.The following factors will be considered
when selec ing protectiv controls for s opes:
Ho v steep is the slope?Steep slopes (2:1or greater)will require more protection than flatter
sle es.
What types of sc s are present?Those slopes with highly erodible soils (silty soils)will need
me e protection nan those w less erodible soils (sands and gravels).
W at is the leng of the slope Longer slopes are at greater risk for erosion than shorter slopes.
Additional neasures for ope protecti n include erosion control b ankets,slope drains,and cat tracking.
2.6 Protect Storm D ain Inlets
ECS and EE a wi i be resp asible for ide tifying and installing controls at storm drain inlets along the
Project.Th type of stor drain inlet p otection will not be deterrrined until the inlets are identified.
Controlsfc inlet prctect on may inclue a inserts or rock filled bags.
2.7 Establish Perime er controls and Sediment Barriers
The ROW v ill be protect d against sed mentation using vegetative buffer zones.Additional perimeter
control BIV s such as silt ence,straw attles,and mulch berms will be added,as necessary,to control
sedimenta on due to erosion.Selection of specific site controls will be determined during the site
specific pla ning phase (Phase I).All selected BMPs will be clearly noted and updated on SWPPP maps
and plans.erimeter controls will remain in place until final stabilization is met at the location the
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Contract No.3000091216 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Sutte Witne Us&A ail345kVTrasmissionLineProject
control is s rving.Ali BM s will be inst led per the rnanufacturersrecommendedspecifications and in
conjunctic with the BM detail sheet in the AppendixJ-Best Management Practices of this SWPPP.
2.8 Re sin Sedimen 3n-Site
This Projec wiE not utili any SedimE /ROÍ€nÌiOn /Detention Basins as a structural BMP due to the
scope and near nature of the Project.Alternative BMPs such as silt fence,straw wattles,and vegetative
buffer strips will be utiliz d instead to ontrol potential sediment and erosion discharges.If structures
are necess ry,these will e designed L a civil engineer and installed by ECS.EEGwill monitor the
effectivenEAS OÏ tempOrEy sediment c ntrols to ensure no sedimentor other pollutants are leavingthe
Project to le EXtent pf6 Cal.
2.9 Es bli h Stabili;ed Construct n Exits
Wherefea ble,a gravel exit pad (stab zed construction exit)will be installed where dirt access roads
intersectv h ö paved plolic road.If c ermined necessary,additional devices such as rumble grates or
wheel was systems may be added.As these items are installed,the SWPPP will be amendedto reflect
the change n the BMP a i detail shee will be added to AppendixJ-Best Management Practices of the
SWPPP.Th purposeof a stabilized construction exit is to prevent sedimentationtrack out from
occurringc i pëved roac
3.1 M :erial Handlir g and Waste Management
AII litter,c astruction de:ris,and cons ruction chemicals as outlined in Section 1.8 will be prevented
from ente ig a receivinLwater or MS This will be achievedthrough the use of on-site trash
receptacle and proper s orage and co tainment of naterials on-s;te.
This SWPPP will also add ess any pollutants from other areas other than construction,such as dedicated
concrete pants.Currenty,one mobile concrete batch plant has been identified for Project use.
Material storage areas associated with the mobile batch plant will be monitored and mitigated for dust
control and run off.A du t collector wil also be utilized during concrete batchingoperations.Additional
BMPs will Ee selected fo the site as ne aded based on site specific circumstance.AII mitigation measures
and stipulations regardirrs materials and waste managementwill be implemented as outlined in the
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ECS Project No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.3000091215 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red Butte Witne IMe A ail345kVTrasmissionLineProject
SoN Waste Comrnents
Trash Cortainers Coveredc ntainers will be used whenever possible.!f they are not covered,
they will b !eak proof and trash will be removedoften to prevent from
Roll Off D:mpsters Will be us d to control trash and debr s.Lids are to be closed when not in
Daily Site lean Up Personne vill look for evidenceof trash daily and dispose of in the
appropria containers
Collectior of Waste Solid wast contractors will pick up on a regularschedule
Concrete Nash Out Will be pr sent where needed and cleaned out when capacity dictates.
Fueling Anas Secondart containment will be in place around fuel storageand fueling
areas in rr terial yards.Fueling on ROW will be performed in approved
areas,usirà the approvedfueling tools.Spill response materialswill be
readily av lable in the instance of a spill.
Oils (hydr-ulic,motor Secondar containment will be in place around oil storageareas in material
etc.)yards.Spi response materials will be readily availablein the instance of a
O Fertilizers and Chemica Stored in ntrolled storage facility.Only those materials necessary to
perform t a work will be stored on vehicles.
Spills Spill response materials and bulletins will be readily accessible to all work
Portable aile s Placed in aprovedlocations away from flow lines.Will be secured to
prevent ti ping.
3.2 Est blish Proper Material Stag g Areas
This Projec anticipates bevinga total e eight to twelve primary material staging areas.Seven locations
are curren y listed in Se::ion 1.10f the SWPPP.As additional locations are obtained,they will be
amendedt the SWPPP.
BMPs for r aterial handlHg and storage will be implementedas identified in Section 3.1and will include
the use of secondary containment structures,and secure storage locations.Additionally,topsoil and
spoil stockpiles will be temporarily stored on the ROW.If current perimeter controls are not adequateto
contain potential sediment laden runoff from stockpile locations,additional controls will implemented.
This may includethe use of BMPs such as silt fence,straw wattles,tackifing,and seeding.Operatorswill
also ensurE that no stockailes of any bulk material are placed in a surface water way,wash,or other
conveyance system.After construction activities are complete,spoil and top soil stockpiles will be
spread ons te,or at other approved locations,and seeded for permanent stabilization.
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ECS Proje No.11-051 Exhibit No.3ContractN.3000091215 Case -7
PacifiCorpSigurd -Red 3utte Witne TMei-A ail345kVTraismissionLineProject
3.3 De ignated Conc ete Washou Areas
Concrete c utes will be washed out in designated concrete wash locations.These locations will be
located at ast 100 feet rom streams nd wetlands and containedwith berms and barriersto prevent
migration waste wate and/or sedin ents into streams and wate ways.If washout containersare
utilized,th wiil be insp eted frequer y to ensure the container is not leaking and walls have not been
damaged.ollected mat ials will be p operly disposed of whenthe container is 75%full.
3.4 Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices
Potential p llutants usec or fueling an maintenance during cons cuction will include productssuch as
gasoline,o esel fuel,hyd aulic fluid,Iu icating oils solvents,cleansers,and other substances.Some of
these mate-ialswill be stored and usec in relatively large quantities at material yards and in rare
instances c i the ROW to operate and aintain equipment during construction.All materials will be used
according ia labeling anc disposed of p operly accordingto Federai,State,and local regulations.
As identifie i or the SWF JP Volume Il ap Sets,select areas along the ROW have been designatedas no
fueling are s.No fueling activities may ccur at these locations unless a determination is made by the
Project CIC under the cor ditions outlined in the Project's HMMP.
All fueling nd raaintena ce procedure and protocols will conforrato the mitigation measures and
stipulation outlined in ti e POD which ncludes,but is not limited to,the following.
He vy equipmer used in the oject area will be inspected daily for leaks.No leaking
eq pment will b:used within 00 meters (328 feet)of any water of the United States,including
we ands.
Us ,storage,ano transport of naterials and wastes will be performed in accordance with all
apolicable Federal,State,and local regulations,and the requirementsof the Project HMMP.
Stc age of fuel,lubricant,or ha ardous materials within 100 meters (328 feet)of a waterbody,
WEland bounda y,or within a esignated municipal watershed is prohibited on the Project,
un ess the locatic n is designated for such use by an appropriate governmentalauthority.This
ap ies to storag of these maarials and does not apply to normal operation or use of
eqt ipment in these areas.
To prevent introciuction of petrochemicalsinto the waters of Utah,fuel,oil,hydraulicfluid,
lubricants,and other petrochemicalsstored within a floodplain will have an appropriately sized
imoervious secondary containment system to preventspills.
Co tainers must be kept close unless material is being transferred.Personnel will ensure that
all transferring operations are monitored and not left unattended.
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Contract No.300009121 Case 7
PacifiCorpSigurd -Red utte Witne IMetWA ail
345kV Tra smission Line 'roject
Fusiing of vehicles and equipment will be performed under controlled conditions using
ap roved fueling ools.
Re ueling and ste ng potentia i hazardous materials shall not occur within a 100-meter (328
foct)radius of a aterbody,a OO-foot radius of all identified private water wells,and a 400-
foi :radius of all dentified mu icipal or community water supply wells.Spill preventiveand
co tainment me sures or prac ces will be incorporated as needed.
Washing of vehic es will adhereto guidelines underthe allowable non-storm water discharges
by not using dete gents.If dete gents are needed,vehicles will be taken off ROW to an
ap roved wash f c;\ity.
Uniquecon ditions can o ur along the roject ROW where fueling within 100 meters (328 feet)of a
waterbody wetland bou dary,or with n municipal watershedsmay occur.In the instance of such an
occurrence the followiné actors shall e addressed prior to fueling.
An avaluationof he environro ntal risks of relocating equipment to a refuel/lubrication area
ve us those risk nvolvedwit fueling/lubricating in place shall be made.
Ap ropriate me ures will be ken to prevent spills.This includes the use of secondary
co tainment strL CÌUres and/o drip pans to prevent spills.The appropriate absorbent materials
wi also be read availablefe application as needed.O Sp :response kit will be static ned at sensitive work locations.Additional spill response
me erials will be ocated on ea h work truck includingthe fuel truck.Spill response kits will
inc ade a U.S.De artment of nsportation approvedcontainer to allow for rapid containment
an recover of ly spill of ha rdous material.
Ap rovals must be obtainedfr m Project environmental personnelprior to fueling.
3.5 Equipment/Vehicle Washing
Weed was stations will De required a select locations as identified on the SWPPP Volume II Map Set 1.
Cleaning a ivit es will cc centrate on acks,feet,or tires and the undercarriagewith special emphasis
on axles,fr me,cross members,moto-mounts,underneath steps,running boards,and front
bumper/brush guard assemblies.Vehicle cabs will be swept out and refuse will be disposed of in waste
A gravel pad will be insta led at each wash location consisting of 3"-5"rock,placed a minimum of 8"
deep.Geotextile filter fabric will be placed underneath the rock.Vehicle washingwill be performed
using a por able wash sto tion consisting of a water tank and pressure wash system.Pad dimensions will
be a minin um of 15 feet x 50 feet.
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Contract N 300009121'Case -7PacifiCorpsigurd-Red dutte Witne IMSMA all345kVTrasmissionLineProject
Perimeter errr s,diversi a devices are or sediment traps will be installed where neededto control
runoff.Wa hing areas w be clearly roarked and personnelwill be informed that washing activities must
occur in th area.Other etivities,suc as vehicle repairs,will not be permitted in the wash area.
No detergE]ÍS will be us d at weed wash locations.Weed wash areas will be regularly inspected as
directed b this SWFPP.aintenance d repairwill be performed as needed throughout the duration
of the Proj ot until tne w sh station is emoved and the site is restored.
3.6 Sp I Prevention and Control P an
This Projec has a compr hensive HMVP that includes the followirg plans.
Ha ardous Mate als Manager ent Plan;
Sp Prevention ntainment a nd Countermeasure(SPCC)Plan;and
Sp i Ernergency asponse for Hazardous Substances Plan (SERHSP)
This progra n describes te Projects ap roach toward hazardous materials management,spill
preventior and response/remediation Also discussed are disposai methods and the personnel
responsible for the progr am.
A copy of te HMMP wil be maintaine with this SWPPP in the Project office at all times and will be an
integral component of t SWPPP.
3.7 All wable Disch ges
The following is a list of a owable non-stormwater discharges,per the General Permit,that could be
associated vith the cons uction process.All non-stormwater discharge will be contained and reduced
to the extent feasible an BMPs will be in place to minimize any pollutants that may potentially be
discharged The proper EMPs are listed below each non-stormwater discharge and will be in place to
help control potential sediment and ot er pollutants from discharging into receivingwaters or MS4s.In
general,th site would t discharging lowable non-stormwater.!t is anticipated that all non-
stormwater discharges wl be contain i on-site to the extent practicable.
Discharges from re-fighting activities;
o Due to te emergency nature of firefighting activities,protective measure will be
implemer.tedas able.
Waters used to v ash vehicles here detergentsare not used.
o As necessary,protectis e measures will be placed at these locations to prevent the
potentia discharge of pollutants.
o Water w ll be directed toward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as
Dis harges from re hydrant fl shing's
o As neces ary,protective measures will be placed at hydrant locations to prevent the
potentia discharge of pollutants.
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Contract No.3000091216 Case -7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red :utte Witne IMu IA ail345kVTransmissionLinroject
Discharges f om ater to control dust provided effluent oE wastewaters are not used;
o Water w be directed toward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as
o Water fl g stations v i be evaluatedfor BMP implementation.Water filling stations
will be k t away frorr slopes and areas graded back toward the site to the extent
prac ica
Discharges from otable water sources includinguncontarninatedwater line flushing.
o Water w be directed oward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as
Dis harges from autine exter I buildingwash downs where detergents are not used;
o As neces ary,protecti measures will be placed at these locations to prevent the
potentiä ischarge of al utants.
o Water «be directed award the Project area to be captured onsite as much as
Discharges from avement wa a waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials
ha e net occurre (unless the ailled material has been rernoved)and where detergents are not
o As neces ry,protecti a measures will be placed at these locations to preventthe
potentia discharge of ollutants.
O o Water w be directed oward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as
poss ble
Discharges from ncontamina d air conditioning or compressor condensate.
o if necess ry,a capture ystem will be placed underneath equipment to catch potential
Discharges fEom ncontamina d ground or water springs-
o As neces ry,protecti measures will be placed at these locations to prevent the
potentia discharge of pollutants.
o Direct flow toward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as possible.
Discharges f om Bundation or ooting drains where flows are not contaminated with process
m erial such as olvents;and
o As neces ary,protecti e measures will be placed at these locations to prevent the
potentia discharge of pollutants.
o Direct flow toward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as possible.
Un ontaminatec excavation dewatering.
o As neces ary,protective measures will be placed at these locations to prevent the
potentia discharge of pollutants.
o Use of dissipation or retention devices to detain or retain flows as necessary.
o Direct flow toward the Project area to be captured onsite as much as possible.
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ECS Projet No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.300009121 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red 3utte Witne IN IWA ail345kVTrasmissionLineProject
This constr ction site wi not utilize pe manent structures such as on-site retention/detention basins.
This site whl utilize veloc y dissipation devices,and stabilization from landscaping.These post-
constructico stormwate management a easures will be installed during the construction process to
help contre polutarts i stormwater e scharges after construction operations havebeen completed.
AII tempor y BMPs wili e removed p or to filing a NOT for the Project.ECS understandsthat this may
mean the F oject is com ete,but if fin i stabilization has not been achievedthe NOT may not be filed
regardless f the rerlova of the temp ary BMPs.
This Projec does not have a discharge connection or permanent stormwater outfall to unique water and
understandsthat it wou be prohibited underthe General Permit.
The post-c-nstruction st mwater BMPs selected to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges after
all construction phases h ve been completed will take into account local post-construction storm water
manageme it requireme s,policies,a d guidelines,as well as site-specific and seasonal conditions.
5.1 Inspections
EEG will perform site ins ections to ensure BMPs are functional and the SWPPP is being properly
implement d.As identif d in Section 5.4 of the General Permit,inspections must be conducted in
accordance with one of the two schedules listed below.
At least 3ncE avery 7 calen ar days;or
At least oncE OVery 14 calendardays and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5
inches or greater.
Inspection requency m ce reduced a at least once a month if:
The entke s is stabilized or
Rur off is un ely due to w .ter conditions (e.g.,site is coveredwith snow,ice,or ground is
The inspection requirement is waived until one month before thawing conditions are expected to result
in discharg if a:I the req rements are net:
1)The Project located in an area where frozen conditionsare anticipated to continue for
extended pe ads of time e.,more than one month)
2)Land disturbanceactivities have been suspended
3)The beginningand ending cates of the waiver period are documented in the SWPPP
*This site wi/I be inspected weekly.If the inspectionschedule is changedit will be noted in this SWPPP.
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ECS Proje No 11-51 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case 7PacifiCorpSigurd-Red 3utte Witne IMelpA ail345kVTraamissionLineProject
Within 24 aurs after the inspection,le report shail be updated and placed in the SWPPP Volume IV
binder.Th inspection re :orts for this roject will be placed in chronologicalorder.
As identifie ]in the Gene ai Permit Sec on 3.5.4.f.,inspections ät construction sites involving utility line
installation nay be rnorE limited if the reas described aboveare not reasonablyaccessible or could
cause add onai disturb See of soils a J increase the potential for erosion.In these circumstances,
controls m st be inspect d at the sam frequencyas other construction Projects,but personnel may
instead ins :ect cont ols ong the con cuction site for 0.25 miles aboveand below each access point
where a ro dway,urdist rbed ROW,o other similar feature intersects the construction sites and allows
access to te areas cescr bed above.he absence of evidenceto the contrary,the conditions of the
controls a ng each inspe cted 0.25 m segment may be considered as representative of the condition
of controls along that rea:h extending om the end of the 0.25 mile segment to either the end of the
next 0.25 mile inspected segment,or t the end of the Project,whicheveroccurs first.
AII inspect ons shall De performed by a alified personnel.A "qualified personnel"means a person
knowledge ble in the principles and pr ctice of erosion and sediment controls who possesses the skills
to assess ccnditions at tt a constructic site that could impact stormwater quality and to assess the
effectivene s of any sedi ent and ero an control measures selected to control the quality of
stormwate discharges fr m the const ction activity.
Inspection uties for the roject will b performed by EEG.The following personnelare responsible for
O conducting inspections.F ersonnel qua fications can be found in Appendix K-Employee Qualifications.
Name Qualifications Company Phone Number
Bryan Watt Lead Environmental EEG (435)671-1585
Inspector/tah Registered
Stormwate inspector
Chris Mc arty Environme tal Coordinator EEG (435)503-5876
Rain Gm er-Johnson Certified Stormwater EEG (435)503-5592
Inspector and Preparer
Kari Kerwin Utah Registered Stormwater EEG (435)253-3035
Josh Mik I Utah Regis ered Stormwater EEG (832)525-8598
Ryan Thcopson Utah Registered Stormwater EEG (435)841-0448
The inspections for this construction Project will include all areas of the Project that have been disturbed
by construction activity,o include the ROW,access roads,construction yards and support facilities.
At a minimum,inspector shall examine the following areas during each inspection:
Good housekeep og BMPs
All erosion and s diment control BMPs to ensure they are in place and functioning as intended
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ECS Projec:No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case 7
PacifiCorp3igurd -Red utte Witne IMINA ail345kVTrasmissioneinroject
All ireas disturb by constru so,activity and areas used for storage of materials that are
OW 3SEd ÌO preC tatiOn
Lo ations where ehicles and equipment enter and exit the job-site for evidenceof off-site
se ment accurr ations and e ectiveness of the trackingdevice being used
Sit conditions ft the evidenc of,or the potential for,pollutants entering the MS4
Ac ass ole d sch ge points or cations to ascertain whether erosion and sediment control
BPs re ef ect e in prevent g significant impacts to receivingwaters or tributaries of
W are dischargr ocations are ,accessible,nearby downs:ream locations to the extent that the
ins ections are r actica!
The inspec on report w have at a mi mum:
Th inspectionc te
Na ,es,titles,ar qualificatios of the personnelmaking the inspection
W ather inform on for the p iods since the last inspect=on (or since commencement of the
co struction act ity if the firs nspection)includinga best estimate of the beginningof each
stc m event du tion of each orm event,approximateamount of rainfall for each event (in
inc -es)and Nhe her any disc rges occurred
W ather inform tion and a description of any discharges occurringat the time of inspection
Locations(s)of d charges of SE AimenÍS or pollutants from the site
Lo ations(s)of B Ps that neet to be maintained
O Lo ation(s)cf BA =s that failec a operate as designed or proved inadequatefor a particular
loc tion
Lo tion(s)whe additional B 1Ps are needed that did not exist at the time of inspection
CC -ective action required,inc ding any changes to the SWPPP necessary and implementation
da es
In general,ediment cap ured by sedir ent control devices must be removedwhen it has accumulated
half way up the height o he BMP dev e.Removed sedimentwill be secured on site where it will not
wash into ilets,ditches channels,or reams or cause other adverseenvironmental impacts.AII
maintenan e needs den fied in inspe ions,shall be accomplished before the next anticipated storm
event,or a necessa y to naintain continued effectivenessof stormwater controls.If maintenanceprior
to the next anticipated storm event is impracticable,maintenance must be scheduled and accomplished
as soon as racticable (General Permit ection 3.5.3).
A recordo each inspecti>n and of all e rrective actions taken in accordance with this SWPPP will be
maintained for at least tl ree years fror the date that permit coverage'sexpires or is terminated.
Inspection eports and corrective action logs will be maintainedin Volume IV-InspectionReports and
CorrectiveAction Log of his SWPPP.
Any revisicasto this SWPPP will be cornpletedwithin 7 calendardays following the inspection.
Implementation will be completed before the next anticipatedstorm event of 0.5 inches or more.If this
is not poss ale,then implementation wil be completed as soon as practicable.
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ECS Proje Nc 11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case 7PacifiCorpSigud-Red utte Witne IMeillA all
345kV Trar smission Line Project
5.2 Desaga ion of At hority
ECS has de aga ed Ei G t:be a duly aut orized representativefor the purposeof overseeingcompliance
with envirc imental requ rements,incl ding the General Permit for the Project.The designee is
authorized :o sign any re orts,stormw ter pollution prevention plans,and all other documents required
by the Ger ral 'errr t.
A copy of te signed del ation form i ocated at the beginningof this SWPPP.
5.3 Co ective Actic Log
Please refE to Appendix -Corrective ction Log,which will be used to describe repair,replacement,
and maint lance of 3M urdertaker s a result of the inspections and maintenanceprocedures.This
log will de ribe the acti taken,the e te completed,and the person that completed the work.
6.1 Re ordkeep og
A copy of t is SWPPP an all reports re uired by the General Permit,and records of all data used to
completete NOl applic ion will be rraintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date that the
site is final 'st:bilized a the permit terminated.This will include,but is not limited,to the following:
Da as of grading onstruction ctivity,and stabilization
A c py of the Ge eral Permit
The signed NOI f cm or permit application
A e py of the St;e notificatior indicatingtheir receipt of your complete NOI application
Insaection recor s
Re orcl relating a endangerE species and historic prese vation
After final tabliization ti e SWPPP is no longer required to be onsite,but may be maintained at the
Permitee's arimary head quarters.
6.2 Ar end:nents to he Plan
This SWPP shall be revLed as necessa y during its permit coverage (until a NOT is filed)to reflect
current co ditions a-d r intain its acr racy.The following conditions warrant an amendment to the
Th SWPPP shal be amended heneverthere is a change in construction or operationsthat
mz /af'ect the d charge of po utants to surface waters or groundwater.
Th SWPPP shal be amended whenever inspections or investigation by site operators,local,
Sta e,or Federal officials indicate the SWPPP is proving ineffective in eliminating or significantly
mi imizing pollu ants from the sources identified under Part 3.5.1of this Permit,or otherwise
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ECS Proje No 11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract N 300009121 Case -7PacifiCorpigud-Red utte Witne imituA ail345kVTrasmissionLineProject
no achievingthe general obje tive of contrciling pollutants in storm water discharges
as 2ci ed v th struction e ivity.
Th SVUPPPshah ae amended henever a new owner/operator becomes responsiblefor
im err entir g ai r part of the 3WPPP,as described in Part 3.4 and Part 4.3 of the General
Pe it.
Amendments and implement schedules shall be performed in a timely manner,but in no case more than
14 days aft r it aas been stermined t at the SWPPP is inadequate.All amendmentswill be dated and
directly att ched to :he PPP.
Please refe ente Appene M-Amend ent Log for more informat;on.
6.3 Tre ning
Trainingof ro act emple ees and subantractors is an effective BMP.Stormwater training will include
the followi g topics:eros on control BMPs,sediment control BMPs.non-stormwater BMPs,and good
housekeep ag EMPs will e additionally tailored and/or supplementedfor those
employees vvith specific tormwater res ponsibilities.Trainingrecords will be maintained in the Project
office alon with thi:SW P
Final stabil ation along te ROW,mat rial yards,and other construction related areas,will be phased
throughou the Project a construction activities are completed.This will include tower site locations,
pull sites,seev ng sites,aging areas,naterialyards,maintenanceyards,temporary access roads,and
temporary .on truct on pport facilit s.
Overall,na ve egetatic will provide or the final (permanent)stabilizationof the work area.Seed
selection w il be based c site-specific anditions and tailored for each work location or region
throughou the Project.i formation o Project seed requirements was previouslydiscussed in Section
2.4 of this SWPPP.
Areas that ave achievet inal stabiliz on will be noted in the SWPPP.
ECS will te minate cave ge under the General Permit (UTR 300000)by submitting a NOT within thirty
days after ampletion of all constructic i activities and completion of final stabilization of all areas of the
site as defi ed n Part 6..
Part 6.15 antains the afinition of Einal Stabilization".Per the General Permit,Final Stabilization
means tha all soil distur ng activities at the site havebeen completed,and that a uniform (e.g.evenly
distributed without large bare areas)perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70%of the native
backgrounc vegetative cover for the area has been established on all unpaved areas not covered by
permanent structures,or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as the use of riprap,
gabions,or geo-textiles).in some parts of the project,backgroundnative vegetation will cover less thanOProprietar:and Confidential
©2013 Al'rights resera ed EC Source Services (ECS)SWPPP-55
Rocky n P er
ECS Projec:No.11-051 Exhibit No.3
Contract No.3000091215 Case 7
PacifiCorpSigurd -Red Sutte Witne IMUIWA ail
345kV Trarsmission Line Project
100%of the ground (e.g arid areas).Establishing at least 70%of the natural cover of native vegetation
meets the vegetative cover criteria for final stabilization.For example,if the native vegetation covers
50%of the ground,70%f 50%would equire 35%total cover for final stabilization.
The NOT sl,all be submitted on the forol specified by the Executive Secretary.
This SWPPP will be signed and certifiec'by all Project construction operators and subcontractors.
Operator and subcontractor certifications are located at the beginningof this SWPPP.
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