HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170705Vail Exhibit 19.pdfI Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Exhibit No.19 Witness:Rick A.Vail BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Rick A.Vail June 2017 O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 1 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phase Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 «o a.We OPERATKINS AND MAINTENANCE Resource Management Plan (as amended)design criteria,Best G-1 Management Practices (BMPs),and mitigation requirements will .... apply on BLM-managed lands. Third-party Environmental Compliance Inspection Contractor (CIC) Monitors approved by the Agencies will monitor construction G-3 activities.Monitoring activities will be structured in accordance with  the Environmental Compliance Management Plan included as Appendix C of the Plan of Development. All wildlife and plant surveys/preconstruction surveys will be considered as "casual use"activities and will not be restricted orG-4 ..prevented to occur due to overlapping season and temporal restrictions. O OM-1 The Companies will comply with the road maintenance standards of the federal or state agency controlling the land. Roads will be maintained to have crossroad drainage in order to minimize the amount of channeling or ditches needed.Water barsOM-2 will be installed at all alignment changes (curves),significant grade changes,and as requested by the federal or state agency. All access road drainage structures,constructed and installed for the OM-3 Companies'use only,will be maintained or repaired by the .... Companies during O&M activities or emergency response. Although routine and corrective O&M is of limited duration and impact,the Companies will attempt to adhere to specific closure periods and areas and are proposing not to conduct any routine and corrective O&M activities during the timeframes and at the locations OM-4 identified in Appendix R of the Plan of Development to the greatest  extent practical.The appropriate federal or state agency will notify the Companies of any spatial or temporal restrictions that are in effect for the Project area (e.g.,fire restrictions)that would be applicable to corrective O&M activities. Existing improvements (fences,gates,etc.)will be repaired or OM-5 replaced if they are damaged by O&M activities,as agreed to by the ... parties involved. The Agencies may restrict general public access to closed federal or state roads and access roads that the Companies maintain (the Companies will maintain access roads constructed for the OM-6 Companies'use only).In cases of restricted access,the Companies will physically close the road with a gate.Gates will be locked with both a lock supplied by the Companies and with a federal agency lock.Access management will be updated as necessary to reflect current road closures and gate locations. O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 2 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAYWEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 I 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershi> Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o O 2 u.-I E o n.We Any integrated vegetation management (IVM)control method, including those listed in Appendix R of the Plan of Development,may be used to control the growth of trees and tall shrubs to maintainOM-7 clearances (the IVM recommended wire and border zones as indicated in Appendix R of the Plan of Development)and improve access to facilities. Any IVMcontrol method including those listed in Appendix R of the Plan of Development may be used to control the growth of additional OM-8 vegetation to maintain clearances,the IVM recommended wire and  border zones as indicated in Appendix R,and improve access to facilities. Where possible,low-growing vegetation and small tree species within the right-of-way (ROW)that will not grow into the minimum required O clearance distance will be left in place;trees may be removed on a subsequent maintenance cycle as they increase in size.Hazard trees are typically those trees or snags within or adjacent to the ROW that are likely to interfere with or fall into transmission lines or OM-9 associated facilities.Hazard trees and other "hot spots"(high priority  areas requiring vegetation management actions)are identified during routine line inspections and removed annually.In addition to hazard trees,other critical conditions that may require immediate attention include trees that interfere with transmission conductors and trees whose growth will not allow safe clearance until the next scheduled maintenance cycle. Any vegetation control method may be used for vegetation maintenance on access roads;this is typically scheduled at the same time as vegetation maintenance within the ROW.However,in casesOM-10 ..where vegetation grows quickly,removal may occur annually. Vegetation that will not interfere with the safe operation of vehicles and equipment will be left in place. Slash will be lopped and scattered throughout the surrounding land. Stumps resulting from vegetation treatments will not be over 1 foot tall (unless the tree is not able to be safely cut at or below one foot from the ground surface),and lopped slash will be left as close to the OM-11 ground as possible.Lopped slash will be a maximum of 18 inches in  length for small trees and limb wood.If the federal land managing agency determines that fuel levels are unacceptable,they shall notify the Companies and develop a mutually agreed upon method to reduce fuels.This may include,but is not limited to,chipping. Hazard trees will be felled in a direction away from the ROW.Slash OM-12 and limbs that fall within the ROW will be treated as described above; boles of trees greater than 8 inches will be left in place. Any chemical control will be done in accordance with any applicable O OM-13 local,state,and federal rules and regulations.Pesticides or other ... chemical control will be selected from the BLM and USFS lists of Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 3 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land3haseOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE a o a o x- previously approved pesticides and in accordance with any pesticide plans.If the federal land managing agency determines that a previously approved pesticide and/or plan is unacceptable,they shall notify the Companies. Before beginning an O&M project on federal or state land,the Companies or their subcontractors will clean all equipment that will OM-14 operate off-road or disturb the ground.Tracks,skid plates,and other parts that can trap soil and debris will be removed for cleaning when feasible,and the entire vehicle and equipment will be cleaned at an off-site location. To help limit the spread and establishment of noxious weed species in disturbed areas,desired vegetation needs to be established promptly after disturbance.The Companies will rehabilitate O OM-15 significantly disturbed areas as soon as possible after ground-···· disturbing activities and during the optimal period.Seed and mulch will be certified "noxious weed free"and seed mix will be agreed to in advance by the landowner or land managing agency. Routine and corrective O&M activities in streams with sensitive fish .... species will occur from July 1 to September 1 in an effort to minimize impact to spawning and migration activities.These activities include, OM-16 but are not limited to,culvert installation and/or replacement and stream bank stabilization.Fording streams at existing crossings on existing roads (e.g.,dip,culvert,bridge)will occur as necessary throughout the year. OM-17 Woody vegetation management within 50 feet of streams will be conducted by hand crews. Herbaceous plants and low-growing shrubs will be left in place if they OM-18 do not interfere with the safe O&M of Project lines and equipment as  described in Appendix R of the Plan of Development. The Companies will use existing stream crossings or new,permanent OM-19 crossings that were approved as part of the Project,and will not create additional crossings without prior agency permitting and approval. Only pesticides approved by the land managing agency as safe to OM-20 use in aquatic environments and reviewed by the Companies for effectiveness will be used within 100 feet of sensitive aquatic resources or in areas with a high leaching potential. Prior to the start of O&M activities,all supervisory personnel will be instructed on the protection of natural resources,including sensitive plant and wildlife species and habitats.If a contractor is used,the OM-21 construction contract will address (a)the sensitive plant species that may be present in a particular area based on previous surveys and literature review;(b)the federal and state laws regarding protection of O plants and wildlife;(c)the importance of these resources;(d)the purpose and necessity of protecting them;and (e)methods for Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 4 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershia Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u...i 2 «w a.oe protecting sensitive resources (e.g.,Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act,Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act,and BLM wildlife policy). Sensitive plant populations that occur within or near the ROW and work areas will be marked on the ground,where practical,to ensure that they are avoided.If species are discovered during the work,the Companies will establish a spatial buffer zone,will contact the appropriate Agencywithin 24 hours,and will continue with the O&M activities outside of the established buffer unless otherwise directed. The Agency may evaluate the adequacy of the buffer on a case-by- case basis.Unless the Companies are informed otherwise,work OM-22 outside of the buffer area will continue.If the Companies need to work within the buffer area,the Agencies and Companies will work together to develop a solution that is acceptable to both parties andOwillallowfortheCompaniestocompletetheworkinatimelymanner or within the scheduled outage window,if applicable.After the O&M activities are completed,or will no longer poses a threat to the plant population,the marking (stakes),if used,will be promptly removed to protect the site's significance and location from unwanted attention. As needed,marking will be reinstated during the land rehabilitation period. If sensitive wildlife species are discovered during O&M activities,and the animals are not directly within ground disturbance areas,they will be protected by marking the edges of the ROW and new access roads in the general vicinity to ensure that workers do not leave those areas.If the animals are within work areas that have,or will have, ground disturbance,the Companies will establish an appropriate buffer zone and will contact the federal or state land manager immediately.The federal or state agency may evaluate the adequacy of the buffer on a case-by-case basis.Unless the Companies are OM-23 informed otherwise,work outside of the buffer area will continue.If  the Companies need to work within the buffer area,the Agencies and Companies will work together to develop a solution that is acceptable to both parties and will allow for the Companies to complete the work in a timely manner or within the scheduled outage window,if applicable.After the O&M activities are completed,or will no longer pose a threat to the species,the marking (stakes)will promptly be removed to protect the site's significance and location from unwanted attention.As needed,marking will be reinstated during the land rehabilitation period. The Companies will provide crews and contractors with maps OM-24 showing environmentally sensitive areas;these maps will include work zones as well as ROW areas where ground disturbance will be avoided. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 5 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land3has3Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o O 2 u...a 2 «a..e In the event any sensitive plants require relocation,permission will be obtained from the federal agency.If avoidance or relocation is notOM-25 practical,the topsoil surrounding the plants will be salvaged,stored separately from subsoil,and respread during the restoration process. OM-26 If sensitive wildlife species are killed or injured due to O&M activities,the appropriate federal agency will be notified. OM-27 All on-site personnel will be made aware that all birds of prey are protected by federal and state laws. VISUAL The 500-kV transmission line lattice steel towers will be specified to have a dull galvanized finish.The proposed surface finish is a VIS-1 galvanized finish,treated after the initial galvanizing process to produce a dulled finish to reduce surface reflectivity.This process O results in an installed tower with more visual absorption and thus allows the towers to blend in better with the landscape. The three subconductors (500-kV)and two subconductors (230-kV) that make up the conductor bundles will be specified to have a non- specular finish.Similar to the dulled finish of the transmission VIS-2 structures,the conductors reduce surface reflectivity.This process  results in eliminating the shiny ribbon effect often seen in older untreated transmission lines and thus allows the conductors to blend in better with the landscape. The proposed 230-kV transmission lines between Windstar and Aeolus will use a steel H-frame structure configuration similar to the existing 230-kV line in the same general location.The steel pole H-frame will utilize self-weathering steel.Self-weathering steel is manufactured from a group of steel alloys that were developed to eliminate the need for painting.This type of steel alloy forms a stable rust-like appearance VIS-3 if exposed to the weather for several years.In areas where the 230-kV structures are skylined,dull galvanized steel will be considered to minimize visual impacts.Dulled galvanized steel has a galvanized finish,treated after the initial galvanizing process to produce a dulled finish to reduce surface reflectivity.This process results in an installed tower with more visual absorption and thus allows the towers to blend in better with the terrain,while at the same time preserving the corrosion resistant properties of the galvanized coating on the steel. No paint or permanent discoloring agents will be applied to rocks or VIS-4 vegetation to indicate limits of survey or construction activityexcept  as required under the timber sale contracts. To minimize ground disturbance and/or reduce scarring (visual contrast)of the landscape,the alignment of any new access roads or VIS-5 cross-country routes will follow the landform contours where practicable,providing that such alignment does not impact resource O values additionally or result in new impacts to resources that were previously avoided. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 6 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE =ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land Phasa Ow nershi a Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u...I Em o a.or To minimize sensitive feature disturbance and/or visual contrast in designated areas on federal lands,structures will be placed so as to avoid sensitive features such as,but not limited to,riparian areas, VIS-6 water courses and cultural sites and/or to allow conductors to clearly .. span the features,within the limits of standard tower design.Where conflicts arise between resources,the applicable land manager will be consulted. To reduce visual impacts on federal land,including potential impacts on recreation values and safety,towers will be placed at theVIS-7 maximum feasible distance from the highway,canyon and trail crossings within limits of standard design and to the extent practical. Crossings of rivers shall be at approximately right angles where practical.Strategic placement of structures will be done both as aVIS-8 ..... O means to screen views of the transmission line and ROW and to minimize the need for vegetative clearing. Insulators will be made of materials that have reduced potential to VIS-9 reflect and refract light.Glass insulators that are highly reflective will .. not be permitted in scenic areas on federally managed lands. For segments of the line 1)within the 0-to 0.5-mile zone of Interstate highways where existing lines of the same voltage are paralleled and 2) within the 0-to 0.5-mile zone of residences where existing lines of the VIS-10 same voltage are paralleled,new towers will be located adjacent to .... existing towers,within the limits of standard transmission line design and considering the ruling span length of adjacent proposed and existing lines. Site-specific "micrositing,"within the limits of standard engineering design,will be required near certain sensitive areas,as identified by the agencies,where proposed transmission facilities will impact visual quality;these situations include: Crossings over major highways; Crossings of high quality historic trails; Crossings over the North Platte and Snake Rivers; VIS-11 Sensitive travelways,use areas,residential areas,recreational  facilities as identified by the agencies (including national recreation and scenic trails,campgrounds,recreation areas,and trailheads),and other areas identified by management plans; and To avoid bisecting forest patches within the Sawtooth NF. The Companies will consult with the applicable local land management agency during transmission line design. The lighting specified for the marshaling yards will be the minimum VIS-12 required to meet safety and security standards.All light fixtures within 1,000 feet of a residence will be hooded to eliminate any potential for glare and to prevent light from spilling off the site or up Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 7 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE 3ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land3has3Ownershi> Number Environmental Protection Measures ou O OE u...I E «©a.We into the sky.Additionally,the fixtures will have sensors and switches to permit the lighting to be turned off at times when it is not required. To reduce visual contrast in areas where overstory vegetation is removed for access,tower pads,or conductor clearance,specific sections of the ROW on federal land will have uneven edges (trees will be removed from the edge of the ROW out or away from the VIS-13 ROW boundary)to give a natural appearance,where not in conflict ... with regulatory requirements (e.g.,NERC,WECC,and Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements).This will be a onetime application (not applicable to operations and maintenance) and conducted with agency approval. To mitigate potential visual impacts on federal land,the construction and maintenance plan,to be developed by the Companies,will O VIS-14 include measures to reduce ROW scarring and enhance restoration.... The plan will be approved by the land management agency prior to ground clearing and construction. CULTURA. All work conducted in accordance with the Historic Properties CR-1 Treatment Plan (HPTP)will be performed by qualified archeologists .... with trained assistants. An inadvertent Discovery Plan will be included as part of the HPTP. This plan will specify what steps will be taken if a subsurface cultural resource is discovered during construction,including stopping CR-2 construction in the vicinity of the find,notification of the appropriate  land management agency,identification of a qualified archaeologist to conduct an evaluation of the find,and the development of an approved data recovery program or other mitigation measures. The Cultural Resources Protection Plan will include provisions for the CR-3 preparation and curation of artifacts from federal lands and for the preparation of a final report based on the data recovered for activities on federal lands. Literature reviews and Class III surveys will be completed for cultural resources.A literature review will be conducted on public and private lands and will cover a study area of one-half mile on either side of the proposed and alternate transmission line alignments as well as areas identified for use as multi-purpose areas and access roads.Class lli surveys covering the Area of Potential Effect (APE)as specified in the Programmatic Agreement will be completed.A Class Il SampleCR-4 ....Survey was conducted that consisted of an intensive pedestrian survey of 15 percent of the length of all alternatives.One-mile long by 500-foot wide transect strips were surveyed along proposed and alternative routes on federal lands only,for use in detailed analysis in the EIS.This also included a detailed preliminary assessment of O effects on historic trails on all lands within the APE,including existing trail condition and a visual effects assessment. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 8 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3hasaOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou O OE u.-2 «©a oe If construction will adversely affect any properties listed on,or eligible for listing on,the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), mitigation will be required.Mitigation will be in accordance with the HPTP and may include,but not be limited to,one or more of the following measures:a)avoidance through the use of relocation of structures through the design process,realignment of the route, CR-5 relocation of temporary workspace,or changes in the construction .... and/or operational design;b)the use of landscaping or other techniques that will minimize or eliminate effects on the historic setting or ambience of standing structures;and c)data recovery, which may include the systematic professional excavation of an archaeological site or the preparation of photographic and/or measured drawings documenting standing structures. Avoidance areas will be flagged or otherwise marked prior toOCR-6 construction activities.Flagging or other marking will be removed .... once construction is completed in an area. To minimize unauthorized collecting of archaeological material or vandalism to known archaeological sites,all workers will attendCR-7 mandatory training on the significance of cultural resources and the relevant federal regulations intended to protect these resources. If human remains are discovered,construction will be halted and the CR-8 coroner will be notified and measures specified in the HPTP will be  followed. RECLAMATION WEED 1 (Described under Weeds) -3,and 6 -18 WQA 32,(Described under Water Quality) 34,and 35 The Companies'personnel and their contractor will be trained on REC-1 noxious and invasive weed identification to facilitate avoidance of  infestations where possible or identification of new infestations. Preconstruction weed treatment will be conducted prior to the start of REC-2 ground-disturbing activities and at the time most appropriate for the  target species. Preconstruction weed treatment will be limited to the areas that are expected to have surface-disturbing activities.The Final Reclamation REC-3 Plan will include a schedule showing the phased in-service dates for  different segments.Preconstruction weed treatment will be scheduled accordingly. Preconstruction treatment may use mechanical control,hand REC-4 spraying,grazing,or pesticides.The Final Reclamation Plan will  discuss those options,as applicable. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 9 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phasa Ownershi a || Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE 2 «m a. All pesticide applications will comply with label restrictions,federal,state and/or county regulation,the Companies'specifications and landowner agreements.No spraying will occur prior to notification of the applicable land management agency.On federal or state controlled lands,a pesticide use plan will be submitted prior to any pesticide application as recommended in the BLM herbicide EIS REC-5 (http://www.blm.gov/wolstlen/prog/morelveg_eis.html).The pesticide use plan will include the dates and locations of application,target species, pesticide,adjuvants,and application rates and methods (e.g.,spot spray vs.boom spray).No pesticide will be applied to any private property without written approval of the landowner.The Final Reclamation Plan will contain a list of pesticides that may be used,target species,best time for application,application rates,and if they are approved for use on BLM-managed and NFS lands.O Pesticides may be applied using a broadcast applicator mounted on a truck or all-terrain vehicle (ATV),backpack sprayers,or with hand sprayers as conditions dictate.Pesticide applications will be conducted only by licensed operators or under the supervision of a licensed operator.Vehicle-mounted sprayers (e.g.,handgun,boom,and injector) may be used in open areas readily accessible by vehicle.Where allowed,a broadcast applicator will likely be used.In areas whereREC-6 noxious weeds are more isolated and interspersed with desirable vegetation,noxious and invasive weeds will be targeted by hand application methods (e.g.,backpack spraying),thereby avoiding other plants.Preconstruction pesticide applications will not occur within 100 feet of known special status species.Calibration checks of equipment will be conducted at the beginning and periodically during spraying to ensure proper application rates are achieved. REC-7 AII areas treated will be documented using GPS technologies and included in the annual report. Areas of existing noxious weeds and invasive species will be avoidedREC-8 .....where possible to reduce the risk of spread. Project vehicles will arrive at the job site clean of all soil and herbaceous material.The Construction Contractor will ensure REC-9 vehicles and equipment are free of soil and debris capable of transporting noxious weed seeds,roots,or rhizomes before the vehicles and equipment access the Project.The CIC will inspect vehicles to ensure compliance. When the Construction Contractor demobilizes from the job site REC-10 where identified infestations of noxious weeds are present,they will use appropnate decontamination measures as defined in the Final Reclamation Plan. Soil stockpiles from areas that did not have noxious weeds or REC-11 in sivses/peeecdiesorpirnevsaesewillntbeplaecreedadcceanttopopulations of  Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 10 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE =ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land3hasaOwnershia Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o O :E u..E «m a.We Areas disturbed by Project activities are susceptible to the establishment and spread of noxious weeds.Erosion controlREC-12 measures identified in the SWPPP(s)will also assist in preventing the establishment of weeds on exposed soils. Project-related storage and multi-purpose areas,fly yards,and other REC-13 areas that are subject to regular long-term disturbance will be kept weed-free through regular site inspections and pesticide applications, subject to the consent of the landowner. Where preconstruction surveys have identified noxious or invasive weed species infestations,topsoil and other soils will be placed next to the infested area and clearly identified as coming from an infested area.Movement of stockpiled vegetation and salvaged topsoil will be limited to eliminate the transport of soil-borne noxious weed seeds, O roots,or rhizomes,and marked as containing noxious seed materials REC-14 to avoid mixing with weed-free soil.Topsoil will be returned to the area it was taken from and will not be spread in adjacent areas.If the topsoil is not suitable for backfill,then it will be spread in another previously disturbed area and clearly identified for future weed treatments as applicable.As directed by the BLM or USFS,the Construction Contractor may be required to provide additional treatments (i.e.,pre-emergent pesticides)to prevent return of noxious weeds. Straw or hay that may be used as a BMP to control erosion and sedimentation must be certified weed free.If certified weed-free REC-15 materials are not available,then alternative BMPs will be used.The ... use of alternative BMPs will be coordinated with the construction storm water inspector. The topsoil layer will be removed,taking care not to mix it with the REC-16 underlying sub-soil.Where topsoil separation is employed,topsoil .... will be stored in a separate stockpile. Certified weed-free straw,mulch,gravel,and other BMPs as appropriate, will be used as described in the SWPPP to stabilize the stockpile andREC-17 limit erosion and standing water,control dust,and control the establishment of noxious or invasive weeds in stockpiled soils. REC-18 Topsoil and sub-surface soils will be replaced in the proper order during reclamation. Where it is necessary to spread soils (subsurface soils or waste rock resulting from excavations or foundation drilling),it will be done where REC-19 practicable and in close proximity to where the disturbance occurred .... (within the ROW).Material will be spread uniformly to match existing contours,covered with topsoil when available,and reseeded. O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 11 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land3has3Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 m a.o s- Temporarily disturbed lands within the ROW will be recontoured to blend with the surrounding landscape.Recontouring will emphasize REC-20 restoration of the existing drainage patterns and landform to .... preconstruction conditions,to the extent practicable.(Tower pads will not be recontoured.) De-compaction:Areas within the ROW,laydown or multi-purpose areas,and other areas of extensive vehicle travel will typically contain REC-21 compacted soils.These soils will be de-compacted on a case-by-···· case basis through negotiation with the landowner or land management agency. Final Cleanup:Final cleanup will ensure that all construction areas are free of any construction debris including,but not limited to: REC-22 assembly scrap metals,oil or other petroleum-based liquids,.... O construction wood debris,and worker-generated litter.Permanent erosion controt devices will be left in place. The Companies will utilize soil amendments (e.g.,fertilizer,wood or straw mulches,tackifying agents,or soil stabilizing emulsions)on a REC-23 case-by-case basis and with landowner or land management agency .... approval.Specific soil amendments will be identified in the Final Reclamation Plan and be consistent with the SWPPPs. Broadcast seeding will apply the seed directly on the ground surface. The type of broadcast spreader will depend on the size of the area to be seeded,and the terrain.Seed will be placed in direct contact withREC-24 ....the soil,ideally at a depth of approximately 0.5 to 1-inch deep.It will then be covered by raking or dragging a chain or harrow over the seed bed to remove air pockets. Drill seeding will be used on areas of sufficient size with moderate or favorable terrain to accommodate mechanical equipment.DrillREC-25 seeding provides the advantage of planting the seed at a uniform depth. Hydroseeding,which is the spraying of seeds and water onto the ground surface,or hydroseeding/hydromulching,which is the spraying of seeds, REC-26 mulch and water,may be implemented on steeper slopes.Tackifier may .... be added to facilitate adherence of hydromulch to slopes greater than 25 percent. Reclamation treatments,such as seeding,will be based on site- REC-27 specific conditions and the appropriate seed mix approved for those conditions.Seeding will help to reduce the spread of noxious weeds by revegetating exposed soils. If areas are not immediately seeded after construction,due to REC-28 weather or scheduling constraints,all noxious weeds will be ... eradicated before seeding,preferably in the spring. REC-29 Upon completion of construction,70 percent of the disturbed area along the transmission line within the ROW,at substations,and at Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 12 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAYWEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phase Ownershi a Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE e o a me related facilities will be revegetated with approved vegetation (refer to Appendix D -Framework Reclamation Plan). VEGETATION REC-2-(Described under Reclamation)17,23-29 WEED-6 '(Described under Weeds)7,and 11 During construction,blading of native plant communities will be minimized,consistent with safe construction practices.Where feasible,shrubs will be cut at or near ground level to facilitate re- VEG-1 growth after construction.The footprint of construction and operations facilities will be kept to the minimum necessary.Blading near watercourses will be minimized and BMPs identified in the O SWPPPs will be implemented to reduce the risk of materials entering watercourses. Where feasible,locate new access roads to minimize the number of trees removed during construction.However,new access roads will VEG-2 not be relocated if the change would result in an increase in the overall disturbance (acres);require additional cut and fill activities,or impact other sensitive resources (e.g.,sagebrush plant community, sensitive species habitat,and/or cultural resources or viewshed). In areas where revegetation will be completed,topsoil salvage and VEG-3 replacement will be used for all cut or fill areas and for areas larger .... than 1 acre where soils will be disturbed during construction. Prior to the start of construction and maintenance activities,all contractor vehicles and equipment (including personal protective equipment)will be cleaned of soil and debris capable of transporting invasive plant seeds or other propagules.All vehicles and equipment will be inspected by Agency-approved inspectors and certified as weed free by agency approved personnel,in order to ensure they VEG-4 have been cleaned properly.The Construction Contractor will identify ..... the location of all cleaning stations,how materials cleaned from vehicles at these stations will be either captured or treated so that cleaning station locations will not become infected,and who will confirm/certify that vehicles leaving cleaning stations and/or entering construction sites are free of invasive plant materials in the Final Reclamation and Noxious Weed Plans. The Agency-approved Environmental CIC will approve primary VEG-5 noxious weed-free straw or other erosion control materials on . federally managed lands prior to application. The Companies will consult with the appropriate land management agency to determine tree seedlings to be planted in decommissioned VEG-6 roadbeds and other temporarily disturbed areas on federally .. O managed lands (where trees were removed)to assure seedlings are matched to site conditions. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 13 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3has3Ownershi3 Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE -2 e o a.We Annual post-construction monitoring and treatment of invasive plants on closed roads (access roads dedicated for use by the Companies only), temporary roads,fly yards,and other disturbed areas in the ROW shall continue for 3 years in areas where infestations or populations of noxious weeds have been identified.If after 3 years,post-construction conditions VEG-8 are not equivalent to or better than preconstruction conditions (in .. accordance with applicable permit),monitoring and treatment will continue until these conditions are met.If adjacent land uses are contributing to the introduction and/or persistence of invasive plant species within areas disturbed by the Project,then the Companies will not be required to treat noxious weeds for more than 3 years. All timber and other vegetative resources to be sold or removed from VEG-10 federal lands will be appraised and sold at the appraised value.Federal land only O Note that this is an agency imposed measure. TES-PLANTS OM-21-(Described under Operations and Maintenance.) 22 and 24-25 Blowout Penstemon -Surface disturbance will be allowed in suitable habitat where species-specific surveys have determined that no TESPL-1 populations are present.The species-specific surveys will be conducted  the year prior to construction,and the proposed disturbance areas will be redesigned to avoid direct impact to populations. Colorado Butterfly Plant -Sudace disturbance will be allowed in suitable habitat where species-specific surveys have determined that no TESPL-2 populations are present.The species-specific sunteys will be conducted  the year prior to construction,and the proposed disturbance areas will be redesigned to avoid direct impact to populations. Qualified botanists shall conduct preconstruction surveys during a season when target species are readily identifiable for special status or globally rare species.Where feasible,micrositing of Project facilities shall avoid direct impacts to identified populations.Survey reports TESPL-3 documenting the surveys,their results,and recommendations must be provided to the applicable land management agencies for approval prior to construction.Agency botanists may evaluate individual sites based on site-specific conditions.Documentation of the evaluation of avoidance of impacts to sensitive and globally rare plants must be provided to the Agencies prior to construction. TESPL-5 Sand dune and cushion plant communities will be avoided,where feasible. Ute Ladies'-tresses -Qualified botanists shall conduct TESPL-7 preconstruction surveys during a season when target species are O readily identifiable for special status or globally rare species.Where feasible,micrositing of project facilities shall avoid direct impacts to Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 14 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE 3ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershia Number Environmental Protection Measures Quo OE u.-32 «m a.me identified populations.Survey reports documenting the surveys,their results,and recommendations must be provided to the applicable land management agencies for approval prior to construction. Agency botanists may evaluate individual sites based on site-specific conditions.Documentation of the evaluation of avoidance of impacts to sensitive and globally rare plants must be provided to the Agencies prior to construction. WEEDS REC-2-(Described under Reclamation) 15,17 OM-13-(Described under Operations and Maintenance) 15 and 20 VEG-4 (Described under Vegetation) O and 8 FISH-3 (Described under Fish) SOIL-11 (Described under Soils) and 12 The Companies shall consult with each appropriate local land management agency (USFS and BLM)office to determine appropriate seed mix and commercial seed source for revegetation. WEED-1 The Final Reclamation Plan shall specify the approved seed mixes for  federal lands.Disturbed soil will not be allowed to support the growth of noxious weeds or invasive weedy species.Prevention of noxious weeds will apply to all phases of the Project. Weed control and prevention measures shall adhere to all agency standards and guidelines.These measures shall be developed in WEED-2 consultation with local,state,and federal weed agencies;all  implemented measures will follow the principle of integrated weed management. Soil stockpiles in areas containing noxious weeds and invasive plant species shall be kept separate from soil removed from areas that are free of noxious weed and invasive plant species,and the soil will be replaced in or near the original excavation.If requested by the WEED-3 applicable land management agency,soil stockpiles shall be covered  with plastic if the soil stockpile will be in place for two weeks or more and is not being actively used.On lands managed by the USFS or per private landowner request,stockpiles will not be covered with plastic. Gravel and other materials used for road construction on federallyWEED-4 Federal land onlymanagedlandsshallcomefromcertifiedweed-free sources. Where feasible,construction will begin in weed-free areas before WEED-5 operating in weed-infested areas.The feasibility of this measure will be determined after survey data is completed to identify weed-free and weed-infested areas. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 15 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicaionApplicable to Land Phasa Ownershi a I I Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-32 «m a.or All movement of construction vehicles outside of the ROW will be restricted to pre-designated access,contractor-acquired access,or public roads.All construction sites and access roads,including WEED-6 overland access routes,will be clearly marked or flagged at the outer  limits prior to the onset of any surface-disturbing activity.All personnel shall be informed their activities must be confined within the marked or flagged areas. Prior to arrival at the work site,all Construction Contractor vehicles and equipment will be cleaned using high-pressure air or water equipment.The cleaning activities will concentrate on tracks,feet,or tires and the undercarriage with special emphasis on axles,frame, cross members,motor mounts,underneath steps,running boards, and front bumper/brush guard assemblies.Vehicle cabs will be O swept out.The locations of vehicle cleaning stations will be identified by the Construction Contractor.Additional wash stations will be required as identified by the BLM,USFS,and CIC.Wash stations WEED-7 shall be no more than one acre in size and preferably located in areas .... that have previously been disturbed.The Construction Contractor shall provide a detailed design identifying all of the components of the wash stations,including rock surface and geomembrane layer to provide a barrier between noxious weeds and seeds and the soil for approval by the BLM or USFS Authorized Officer or his/her designated representative.The Construction Contractor shall also provide a description of how residue from the wash station will be disposed of for approval by the BLM,BOR,or USFS Authorized Officer or his/her designated representative. When moving from weed contaminated areas to other areas along the transmission line ROW,all construction vehicles and equipment WEED-8 will be cleaned using compressed water or air in designated wash stations before proceeding to new locations.All washing of construction vehicles and equipment must be performed in approved wash stations. Construction personnel will inspect,remove,and appropriately WEED-9 dispose of weed seed and plant parts found on their clothing and ... equipment. Immediately following construction,the Construction Contractor will implement the reclamation of disturbed land as outlined in Appendix WEED-10 D -Framework Reclamation Plan as required.Continuing .... revegetation efforts will ensure adequate vegetative cover,reducing the potential for the invasion of noxious weeds. O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 16 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land hase Ownershi > Number Environmental Protection Measures o u,o OE u.-2 «m a.o ,-- Discing or other mechanical treatments that would disturb the soil surface within native habitats will be avoided in favor of pesticide WEED-11 application,which is an effective means of reducing the size of -.... noxious weed populations,as well as preventing the establishment of new colonies. Implement preventive measures,such as quarantine and closure,to reduce and contain existing noxious weed populations.Flagging will WEED-12 alert personnel and prevent access into areas where noxious weeds occur.Construction disturbance will be minimized in these areas until control measures have been implemented (with the exception of reclamation treatments,as applicable). WEED-13 If discing or tilling is an appropriate and feasible weed treatment method,it will only be permitted in bladed areas. O Seed selection will be based on site-specific conditions,and the appropriate seed mix will be identified for those conditions based on WEED-14 the presence and treatment of noxious weeds in the Project area. The CIC or weed specialist may recommend modified seeding application rates and timing of implementation to achieve site-specific weed management objectives. Additional weed and/or erosion control measures recommended during monitoring will follow the preventive and control measures WEED-15 outlined in the Noxious Weed Plan.Continued cooperation with the ... current BLM,BOR,or USFS noxious weed coordinator and local weed management areas is also encouraged. A certified pesticide applicator,approved in the states of Wyoming or Idaho,will perform the application using pesticides selected and approved by BLM or USFS in accordance with applicable laws, WEED-16 regulations,and permit stipulations.All pesticide applications must follow U.S.Environmental Protection Agency label instructions. Application of pesticides will be suspended in accordance with the Companies'vegetation management specifications (e.g.,strong winds,etc.). Pesticides will be transported to the Project site daily with the following provisions: Only the quantity needed for that day's work will be transported. Concentrate will be transported only in approved containers in a manner that will prevent tipping or spilling,and in a location isolated from the vehicle's driving compartment,food,clothing,WEED-17 and safety equipment. Mixing will be done offsite,over a drip catching device and at the following distances from open or flowing water,wetlands,or other sensitive resources:100 feet for practically non-toxic to slightly toxic pesticides;250 feet for moderately toxic or label advisory for ground/surface water;and 250 feet for highly toxic Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 17 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE =ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land hasa Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE «a.We to very highly toxic pesticides.No pesticides will be applied at these areas unless authorized by appropriate regulatory agencies. AII pesticide equipment and containers will be inspected for leaks daily. Disposal of spent containers will be in accordance with the pesticide label. Pesticide contractors will be state-certified to apply pesticides and will WEED-18 obtain,and have readily available,copies of the appropriate material safety data sheets for the pesticides used.All pesticide spills will be reported in accordance with applicable laws and requirements. STREAMS and WETLANDS OM-16-(Described under Operations and Maintenance)VlS-260and (Described under Visual) 8 REC-1-(Described under Reclamation) 22,and 29 FISH-1 (Described under Fish) and 3 WQA-1,(Described under Water Quality) 2,4 -6,13-18, 21,23 - 29,and 45 -48 TRANS-(Described under Transportation) 13,and 16 -18 Impacts on wetland and riparian areas will be avoided unless physically or economically infeasible or where activities are permitted. WET-1 Land management agencies'plans (RMPs,MFPs,and Forest Plans) that have standards,guidelines,stipulations,or avoidance buffers will be adhered to.Where these do not exist,Inland Fish Strategy (INFISH)buffers will be followed. Wetland delineations will be performed prior to construction to WET-2 support CWA Section 404 permitting and to minimize Project impacts. The delineation will identify both wetland and non-wetland waters of the United States that would be affected by the Project. Where impacts on wetlands are not avoidable,site-specific crossing WET-3 plans and measures to mitigate impacts will be submitted to the O appropriate regulatory agency,as well as the land-managing agency. The Companies and/or Construction Contractor will obtain all Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 18 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phas3 Ownershia Number Environmental Protection Measures ou OE -.I o a o -- necessary permits prior to discharging dredged or fill material to waters of the U.S.and state. To meet USACE requirements for CWA 404 permitting,the WET-4 Companies will submit a mitigation plan that is accepted by the .... USACE.The framework for this plan is included in the Final EIS. Limit construction equipment operating in streams and wetlands to WET-5 that needed to clear temporary access,erect towers,pull conductor,.... and perform ground disturbing actiyities. Limit clearing of vegetation at the edges of a stream or wetland to the minimal area necessary for required conductor clearance and vehicle WET-6 passage.Reclaim at least 70 percent of potential ground cover within 100 feet from the edges of all perennial streams,lakes,and other water bodies,or to the outer margin of the riparian ecosystem where wider than 100 feet.O WET-7 Salvage and respread topsoil in areas subject to temporary disturbance where grading and excavation will occur. WET-8 Prohibit the use of imported soil,tree stumps,riprap,or brush to stabilize the construction corridor within wetlands. FISH OM-16 (Described under Operation and Maintenance) BLA-2 (Described under Public Safety) On BLM-administered land,all culverts,whether temporary or permanent,must be designed to meet BLM Gold Book standards FISH-1 (Surface Operating Standards and Guidelines for Oil and Gas ... Exploration Development).On NFS lands,Forest Plan standards and guidelines shall apply. When taking water from TES fish-bearing streams for road and facility construction and maintenance activities,intake hoses shall be FISH-2 screened with the most appropriate mesh size (generally 3/32 of an  inch),or as determined through coordination with NMFS and/or USFWS. All wetlands and waters in the project area are assumed to contain aquatic invasive species and all equipment contacting water will be FISH-3 properly disinfected.After work is complete in a waterbody,any equipment involved in construction in that waterbody must be washed to remove any propagules of aquatic invasive species and to prevent the spread of those species to other waterbodies. WILDLIFE Requests for exceptions from closure periods and areas will be submitted by the Companies or the Construction Contractor per the WILD-1 Companies'direction to the appropriate BLM Field Office in which the exception is requested through the Environmental CIC.Established exception processes on BLM-managed lands will be followed.The agency,the CIC,or a contractor chosen by the Companies and Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 19 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land I 3hasa Ownershi) | Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.a 2 «m a.We approved by the agency,will conduct any surveys and coordinate with any other agencies as necessary.Factors considered in granting the exception include;animal conditions,climate and weather conditions,habitat conditions and availability,spatial considerations (e.g.,travel routes and landscape connectivity), breeding activity levels,incubation or nestling stage,and timing, intensity,and duration of the Proposed action.Requests will be submitted in writing no more than 2 weeks prior to the proposed commencement of the construction period,to ensure that conditions during construction are consistent with those evaluated.The Authorized Officer,on a case-by-case basis,may grant exceptions to seasonal stipulations,and has the authority to cancel this exception at any time.A good faith effort will be made to act on exceptions within 5 business days of receiving a request,to allow for orderlyOconstructionmobilization.The CIC will conduct any required site visit and report the status to BLM for consideration of the decision to accept or deny the request.There is no exception process for NFS lands;all closure periods will be adhered to.Any proposed modifications to closure periods will be discussed on a case-by-case basis with the USFS. Vehicular speeds during construction and operations will be limited to WILD-2 25 mph on all unsurfaced access roads.Crew and vehicle travel will be restricted to designated routes while on state designated big game winter range (except for areas within the ROW). The Project will be designed and constructed in compliance with Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC)guidance in order to WILD-3 reduce impacts to avian species.Any changes to the Project's design,as requested by federal,state,or local junsdictions,as well as any changes considered by the Companies,will also be in compliance with APLIC guidance. Preconstruction pedestrian or aerial nest surveys will be conducted in suitable habitat during the appropriate nesting time periods needed to identify new raptor nest locations,and to establish the status of WILD-4 previously identified raptor nests.Appropriate buffers will be applied  to active nests during construction.All encounters of nesting raptors in the survey area will be reported to the biological monitor and to appropriate agencies. Guy wires will be marked with bird deterrent devices on federal lands WILD-6 to avoid avian collisions with structures,as directed by local land  manager. Flight diverters will be installed and maintained where the transmission line crosses rivers at the locations identified in Appendix WILD-7 H,Table 4-1..Additional locations may be identified by the Agencies  O or the Companies.The flight diverters will be installed as directed in the Companies'approved Avian Protection Plans and in conformance Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 20 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE =ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to _and ?hasa Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.a «o a.we with the MBTAand Eagle Acts as recommended in the current APLIC collision manual. Preconstruction pedestrian or aerial surveys will be completed during WILD-8 appropriate nesting time periods,needed to identify each raptor species.The Companies will provide survey results to the Authorized Officerfor approval.(See WILD-1) To the extent feasible,all vegetation clearing will be conducted prior to the onset of the avian breeding season (generally April 15 through July 31,depending on local conditions and federal land management plan requirements)in order to minimize impacts to migratory birds. Where this is not feasible,preconstruction surveys within the WILD-9 disturbance footprint shall be conducted within seven days prior to .... clearing.If an active nest (containing eggs or young)of a bird O species protected under the MBTAis found during either preconstruction surveys or construction activities,the nest will be identified to species,inconspicuously marked,and vegetation left in place until any young have fledged. Snags will be maintained along the outer portions of the Project's WILD-10 ROW in order to reduce the impacts to cavity nesting habitat to the extent practical and where not in conflict with the Companies' vegetation management specifications. Any areas that may require blasting will be identified and a blasting WILD-11 plan will be submitted to the appropriate agency for approval. Blasting within 0.25 mile of a known sensitive wildlife resource will require review and approval by the appropriate agency. The Companies will annually document the presence and location of large stick nests on any towers constructed as a result of this Project. Nests will be categorized to species or species group (raptors or ravens),to the extent possible.This will begin following the first year Federal land onlyWILD-12 of construction and continue through year 10 of operations.Results  will be provided annually to the applicable land management agency and to the USFWS. Note that this is an agency imposed measure. TES-WILD .IFE H-frame structures will be equipped with anti-perch devices to reduce raven and raptor use,and limit predation opportunities on special TESWL-1 status prey species on federally managed lands. Note that this is an agency imposed measure based on the Casper and Rawlins RMPs. In the event that an ESA-listed species not covered by the Biological TESWL-2 Opinion (BO)is discovered during surveys,construction will cease, O the USFWS will be notified,and Section 7 consultation will be initiated.In addition,the transmission line or structures will be Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 21 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE =ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land Phasa Ownershi) | Number Environmental Protection Measures "i o OE u...I 2 «©a.We relocated to minimize direct impacts to newly discovered ESA I species,to the extent practical. Black-footed Ferret -Preconstruction surveys will be conducted for TESWL-3 the black-tailed prairie dog (in addition to those already proposed for ...... the white-tailed prairie dog)in Segment 1W. The Environmental CIC,an agency biologist,or agency designee will accompany the Construction Contractor site engineers during the final engineering design or prior to ground-disturbing activities to verify and flag the location of any known occupied structures (e.g., nests,burrows,colonies,dens)utilized by sensitive species.This will include,but not be limited to,artificial burrows that have beenTESWL-4 .constructed as part of researchlrestoration efforts,prairie dog colonies,and raptor nests,which could be impacted by the Project O based on the indicative engineering design.The final engineering design will be "microsited"(routed)to avoid direct impact to these occupied structures to the extent practical within engineering standards and constraints. Grouse Species -The Companies will provide the Agencies a list of the protocols that the Companies will use during greater sage-grouse TESWL-5 and sharp-tailed grouse preconstruction surveys.The Agencies will ... either approve these protocols,or suggest alternative protocols to be used. Sharp-tailed Grouse -In areas where sharp-tailed grouse leks occur in proximity to greater sage-grouse leks,surface disturbance will be avoided within 4 miles of occupied or undetermined greater sage- TESWL-6 grouse leks from March 1 to July 15.In areas where sharp-tailed ... grouse leks occur in isolation from greater sage-grouse leks,surface disturbance will be avoided within 1.2 miles of occupied or undetermined sharp-tailed grouse leks from March 15 to July 15. Sage-Grouse -On federal lands,there will be no surface occupancy (NSO)within 0.6 mile of the perimeter (or centroid if the perimeter has not been mapped)of occupied greater sage-grouse leks located within Core areas in Wyoming,and NSO within 0.25 mile in non-Core TESWL-8 areas (as required by BLM IM WY-2012-19 and BLM land management plans)."No surface occupancy,"as used here,means no new surface facilities,including roads,will be placed within the NSO area.Other activities (i.e.,non-surface occupancy)may be authorized,with the application of appropriate seasonal stipulations, provided the resource's protected area is not adversely affected. Sage-Grouse -On federal lands,surface disturbance will be avoided within 4 miles of occupied or undetermined greater sage-grouse leks TESWL-9 from March 1 to July 15.This distance (i.e.,4 miles)may be reduced on a case-by-case basis by the applicable agency,if site-specific O conditions will allow the Project to be located closer to the lek than 4 miles (e.g.,topography prevents the Project from being visible from Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 22 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica:ion Applicable to Land3hasOnnershia Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u..-32 «m a..,- the lek,or a major disturbance such as a freeway or existing transmission line is located between the Project and the lek). TESWL-Sage-Grouse -If Winter Concentration Areas for the greater sage- 10 grouse are designated,there will be no surface disturbances within ... the designated areas from November 1 through March 15. TESWL-Sage-Grouse -No structures that require guy wires will be used in 11 occupied sagebrush obligate habitats within the area managed under .. the Kemmerer RMP. Colorado River T&E Fishes -A payment of a one-time fee,based on TESWL-a fee schedule provided by the USFWS,will be made based on the 12 amount of water used during construction of any segments that cross the Colorado River system. Midget faded rattlesnake -Preconstruction surveys for occupied or O potential midget faded rattlesnake hibernacula (i.e.,rock outcrops TESWL-with south to east aspect)will be conducted.The Companies shall 13 prepare a plan identifying measures to reduce impacts to midget faded rattlesnake if they are discovered.This plan shall require approval by BLM and the WGFD prior to its implementation For the protection of aquatic and riparian/wetland dependent species, surface disturbing and disruptive activities will be avoided in the following areas:1)identified 100-year floodplains;2)areas within 500 feet of perennial waters,springs,wells,and wetlands;and 3)areas within 100 feet of the inner gorge of ephemeral channels on federally managed lands.Where it is not possible to avoid wetland and riparian habitat,crossing-specific plans will be developed.These TESWL-plans will:1)demonstrate that vegetation removal is minimized;2) 14 show how sediment will be controlled during construction and Federal land only operation within wetland and riparian areas;3)attempt to intersect the wetland or riparian habitat at its edge;and 4)provide measures to restore habitat and ensure conservation of riparian microclimates. This plan will be submitted to the appropriate land management agency and approved prior to construction of any portion of the Project within sensitive riparian habitat. Note that this is an agency imposed measure. Anti-perch devices will be required on power poles located within one- TESWL-quarter mile of prairie dog towns within the BLM's Rawlins Field 15 Office.Federal land only Note that this is an agency imposed measure. Sage-Grouse --If the Kemmerer RMP is amended to allow Proposed TESWL-Route 4 or Alternatives 4C or 4E to be selected,existing fences within 16 1 mile of the portion of the Gateway West Project located on lands Federal land only O managed by the Kemmerer RMP will be modified with FireFly Grouse Flight diverters (or a similar product)in order to prevent greater sage- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 23 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAYWEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-«m a.oe grouse mortalities.Additional site-specific reclamation,such as transplanting sagebrush seedlings within previous disturbed habitats, will also be required to off-set the net loss of sagebrush habitats within the Rock Creek/Tunp management area. Note that this is an agency imposed measure. PALEONT3LOGICAL RESOURCES If significant fossil materials are discovered during Project construction,all surface-disturbing activities in the vicinity of the find will cease until notification to proceed is given by the Authorized PALEO-1 Officer.The site will be protected to reduce the risk of damage to  fossils and context.Appropriate measures to mitigate adverse effects to significant paleontological resources will be determined by the O Authorized Officer. Paleontological resources (as defined by omnibus Public Land Management Act -Paleontological Resources Preservation Section) on federally managed land shall be managed and protected using PALEO-2 scientific principles and expertise.Appropriate plans for inventory, monitoring,and the scientific and educational use of these resources shall be developed in accordance with applicable agency laws, regulations and policies. Where fossil-bearing sediments are exposed by construction,the PALEO-3 sediments must be covered with a 4-inch layer of soil where feasible  to reduce unauthorized removal or disturbance of resources. To ensure compliance with the Paleontological Resources Preservation Section of the Public Land Management Act,the Companies' Paleontological Resources Protection Plan for the Project (see PALEO-2) shall specify that: Monitoring of excavation and grading in sensitive sediments, especially access roads and tower sites,must occur when construction is near or in those geologic formations. Monitoring of excavations in sensitive sediments,screening thePALEO-4 excavated spoils,and processing of bulk sediment samples for Federal land only microinvertebrate fossils must occur where there is a significant potential for data recovery from those spoils. Monitoring must be performed by a qualified paleontologist and in consultation with a designated paleontologist in each state,NF,or BLM district.The Authorized Officer will designate the appropriate paleontologist depending on project location. Note that this is an agency imposed measure. Field surveys will be completed prior to surface disturbance in areas with potential fossil yields of Class 3,4,or 5,in accordance withPALEO-5 .Federal land onlyOcriteriastatedinthePaleontologicalResourcesProtectionPlanand as required by the land management agency. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 24 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phase Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.a 32 «m a.o s- Note that this is an agency imposed measure. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS BLA-1,2 (See description under Public Safety) Review the final location of the preferred alternative with affected GEO-1 mine operators and lessees to ensure all measures are taken to  protect against subsidence. A site-specific soil analysis shall be conducted prior to construction to verify any areas identified as unstable or marginally unstable on federal lands.A site-specific geotechnical analysis shall be GEO-2 conducted of federal lands prior to construction to locate areas where ... there is landslide risk.If such areas are identified,the Companies will develop mitigation and submit a report to the appropriate land O management agency. SOILS WQA-1- 17 (Described under Water Quality) The Wyoming BLM State Reclamation Policy and applicable Agency SOIL-1 management plan requirements for soil management will be followed .. on federal lands in the state of Wyoming. The Companies will submit a Compaction Monitoring Plan for review and Agency approval prior to construction that specifies the conditions under SOIL-2 which construction will either not start or will be shut down due to  excessively wet soils.Conditions will be measurable in the field and easy to demonstrate to construction workers. During decommissioning,some obviously compacted areas,such as established newly constructed access roads,will require loosening SOIL-3 prior to revegetation.If necessary to re-establish vegetation,the .... Companies will use a ripper blade,till,or similar instrument to loosen the surface soil layer. Detrimental soil disturbance such as compaction,erosion,puddling, and displacement will be minimized through implementing measures identified in the SWPPP.Measures may include road ripping, SOIL-4 frequent waterbars,cross-ditching (e.g.,rolling dips)or other methods to reduce compaction while preventing gully formation.Ripping pattern should be altered to a crossing,diagonal,or undulating pattern of tine paths to avoid concentrated runoff patterns that can lead to gullies. Reclamation of all temporary disturbances on NFS lands (such as road cuts)should include replacement of material to original contours and re-compaction to pre-disturbance compaction percentage (which SOIL-6 should be identified during reclamation at adjacent locations to the ... disturbance).Guidelines for streambank re-compaction to maximize O vegetative regrowth and mechanical stability are covered in USACE publication ERDC TN-EMRRP-SR-26. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 25 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vall O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land Phase Ownershi Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-a..we In order to meet Forest Plan Soil Standards on NFS lands,the I SOIL-7 Reclamation Plan (approved by the USFS)will describe on-site .... restoration using topsoil salvaging. When feasible,reroute all construction or maintenance activities SOIL-8 around wet areas so long as the route does not cross into sensitive ...... resource areas and at the approval of the CIC. Limit access of construction equipment to the minimum area feasible, remove and separate topsoil in wet or saturated areas subject to || temporary disturbance,and stabilize subsurface soils with a combination of one or more of the following:perform grading to SOIL-9 dewater problem areas,utilize weight dispersion mats,and maintain ...... erosion control measures such as surface drilling and back-dragging. After construction is complete,regrade and recontour the area, O replace topsoil,and reseed to achieve the success standard desirable plant covers as stated in the Reclamation Plan. Vegetation removal and soil disturbances (including temporary road improvements)will be minimized in areas where soil constraints occur.In areas of overland construction,where vegetation removal isSOIL-10 required,mowing or cutting and/or back-dragging a cat blade will be the primary method used (also refer to Appendix D -Framework Reclamation Plan). Prior to construction,soils will be evaluated to determine if they are expansive and if they may have potential effects on the proposed facilities.Where they represent a potential hazard,solutions SOIL-11 recommended by the Project's geotechnical engineer,such as excavation and replacement of the expansive soils with compacted backfill,will be required.If imported backfill material is used,it must be from a BLM/USFS-approved source and certified as free of invasive weeds and propagules (i.e.,seeds and root fragments). Limit disturbance of soils and vegetation removal to the minimumSOIL-12 .......area necessary for access and construction. Inform all construction personnel,before they are allowed to work on SOIL-13 the Project,of environmental concerns,pertinent laws and ...... regulations,and elements of the erosion control plan. Slope and berm graded material,where possible,to reduce surfaceSOIL-14 ......water flows across the graded area. Replace excavated materials in disturbed areas and minimize theSOIL-15 .......time between excavation and backfilling. Direct the dewatering of excavations onto stable surfaces to avoid soilSOIL-16 ......erosion. Re-establish native vegetation cover in highly erodible areas as SOIL-17 quickly as possible following construction where determined  necessary (refer to Appendix D --Framework Reclamation Plan). O Construction water and water used for dust control will come fromSOIL-18 ......permitted sources identified by the Construction Contractor and a Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 26 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to -and3hasaOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 «m a.We map showing the locations of these sources will be provided to the CIC.If the quality of the water is found to be causing any environmental changes (i.e.,dying vegetation,excessively hard crusting of soils),the Construction Contractor will test the quality of the water and provide the results to the BLM for review. SOIL-19 All Project personnel will be educated on dust control procedures....... To prevent accelerated wind or water erosion on dirt roads,gravel mulches may be added if other mitigation measures are not adequate or if the area is not in a sensitive receptor zone.Gravel of SOIL-20 approximately 0.75 to 1.5 inches in diameter should be used and ..... cover a minimum of 90 percent of the soil surface.Slopes steeper than 3:1 may require additional sediment and erosion control structures. O Surface roughening aids establishment of vegetative cover,reduces runoff velocities,increases infiltration,and reduces erosion by providing SOIL-21 sediment trapping.Graded areas with smooth surfaces increase the  potential for accelerated erosion;therefore,surfaces should be left in a rouqhened condition whenever possible. On steep slopes (greater than 30 percent)or in areas of concentrated SOIL-22 flows (e.g.,waterways)erosion control matting or riprap may be used  to stabilize the surface and increase infiltration times. Areas graveled for stabilization will be inspected to ensure SOIL-23 depressions caused by vehicle traffic are filled and runoff is not being ..... directed toward wetlands or other receiving waters. Roughened surfaces should be periodically inspected for rills and washes.Areas exhibiting accelerated erosion will be filled andSOIL-24 reseeded as necessary or determined by the BLM or USFS Authorized Officer or his/her designated representative. Construction,operation,and maintenance activities will be restricted when the soil is too wet to adequately support construction or SOIL-25 maintenance equipment (i.e.,when heavy equipment creates ruts in excess of 4 inches deep,over a distance of 50 feet or more in wet or saturated soils).This standard will not apply in areas with fine- grained soils,which easily form depressions even in dry weather. WATER QUALITY WET-3 (Described under Streams and Wetlands) FISH-1 (Described under Fish) SOIL-9,(Described under Soils) 10,and 12-25 The appropriate NPDES permits for construction activities that disturb WQA-1 one acre or more of land will be obtained from the Department of  Environmental Quality and USEPA or their designees. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 27 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land has3 On nershi > Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 «m a.we NPDES permit requirements will be met.This includes implementing WQA-2 and maintaining appropriate BMPs for minimizing impacts to surface  water. One or more responsible persons will be designated to manage stormwater issues,conduct the required stormwater inspections,andWQA-3 maintain the appropriate records to document compliance with the terms of the NPDES permit. WQA-4 The SWPPPs will be modified as necessary to account for changing construction conditions. The SWPPPs will identify areas with critical erosion conditions that WQA-5 may require special construction activities or additional industry  standards to minimize soil erosion. Stormwater BMPs will be inspected and maintained on all disturbed O WQA-6 lands during construction activities,as described in the SWPPP and  appropriate NPDES permit. Approved sediment and erosion control BMPs will be installed andWQA-7 ·····maintained until disturbed areas meet final stabilization criteria. Temporary BMPs will be used to control erosion and sediment at WQA-8 multi-purpose areas (equipment storage yards,fly yards,lay down  areas)and substations. The construction schedule may be modified to minimize constructionWQA-9 ........activities in rain-soaked or muddy conditions. Damaged temporary erosion and sediment control structures will be WQA-10 repaired in accordance with the SWPPP and appropriate NPDES  permit. Upon completion of construction,permanent erosion and sediment BMPs will be installed along the transmission line within the ROW,atWQA-11 substations,and at related facilities in accordance with the SWPPPs and appropriate NPDES permit. In areas of droughty soils,the soil surfaces will be mulched and WQA-12 stabilized to minimize wind erosion and to conserve soil moisture in  accordance with the SWPPPs. Construction industry standard practices and BMPs will be used forWQA-13 .spill prevention and containment. Construction spills will be promptly cleaned up and contaminated WQA-14 materials hauled to a disposal site that meets local jurisdictional  requirements. All multi-purpose areas and fly yards will contain fueling areas with containment of a minimum of 110 percent capacity of the largest WQA-15 vehicle to be refueled therein.Fueling of vehicles will take place  within the transmission line ROW under the guidance of the ROW grant/special-use authorization.The SPCC plan will specify BMPs. O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 28 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land Phase On nershi 3 Number Environmental Protection Measures -a 32 «m a.me If an upland spill occurs during construction,berms will be constructed with available equipment to physically contain the spill and prevent migration of hazardous materials toward waterways. Absorbent materials will be applied to the spill area.Dry materials will not be cleaned up with water or buried.Contaminated soils and otherWQA-16 materials will be excavated and temporarily placed on and covered by plastic sheeting,or suitable containers,in a containment area a minimum of 100 feet away from any wetland or waterbody,until proper disposal is arranged in appropriately designated and approved areas off-site. If a spill occurs which is beyond the capability of on-site equipment WQA-17 and personnel,an Emergency Response Contractor will be identified  and available to further contain and clean up the spill. O For spills in standing water or where spilled materials reach water, floating booms,skimmer pumps,and holding tanks will be used as WQA-18 appropriate by the contractor to recover and contain released  materials on the surface of the water.Other actions will be taken,as necessary,to clean up contaminated waters. If pre-existing contamination is encountered during operations,work will be suspended in the area of the suspected contamination until the WQA-19 type and extent of the contamination is determined.The type and extent of contamination;the responsible party;and local,state,and federal regulations will determine the appropriate cleanup method(s) for these areas. The SPCC Plan will include details on the types and quantities of WQA-20 absorbent and protective materials (e.g.,visqueen,booms)that must be readily available to construction personnel and requirements for the restocking of materials. Storage of materials such as fuels,other petroleum products, chemicals,and hazardous materials including wastes will be locatedWQA-21 ....in upland areas at least 500 feet away from streams,400 feet for public wells,and 200 feet from private wells. Pumps and temporary fuel tanks for the pumps will be stored in secondary containment.Containment will provide a minimum volumeWQA-22 equal to 110 percent of the volume of the largest storage vessel located in the yard. Avoid placement of road bed material in channels (perennial, intermittent or ephemeral).Road bed material contains considerable fines that would create sedimentation in coarse cobble dominatedWQA-23 stream channels.Even in seasonally dry reaches those fines could be transported during flow periods and negatively impact fish spawning reaches below. On federal lands,consult with appropriate land management agency O WQA-24 staff prior to siting and design for stream crossings (location, alignment,and approach for culvert,drive-through,and ford Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 29 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8Applica:ion Applicable to Land3hasaOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 «m a.me crossings).This may include a hydrologist,engineer and,for perennial and many intermittent streams,an aquatic biologist. WQA-27 On non-federal lands,culvert placement should comply with state BMPs. Migration of construction-related sediment to all adjacent surfaceWQA-28 waterbodies will be prevented. If the Project proposes to obtain water from wells or surface water WQA-29 |sources to suppress dust,written approval from the landowner or  regulatory agency will be obtained prior to appropriation. In the event of a spill,cleanup will be immediate.The Construction Contractor will keep spill kits in their vehicles to allow for quick and effective response to spills.Items to be included in the spill kit at a minimum are: O Protective clothing and gloves Absorptive clay,"kitty litter,"or other commercial absorbents WQA-30 Plastic bags and a bucket .... Shovel Fiber brush and screw-in handle Dust pan Caution tape Highway flares (use on established roads only) Detergent The response to a hazardous material spill will vary with the size and location of the spill,but general procedures include: CIC and BLM,BOR,or USFS notification Traffic control Dressing the cleanup team in protective clothing WQA-31 Stopping any leaks . Containing spilled material Cleaning up and removing spilled pesticide and contaminated absorptive material and soil Transporting spilled pesticide and contaminated material to an authorized disposal site Physical response actions are intended to ensure all spills are immediately and thoroughly contained and cleaned up.However,the WQA-32 first priority in responding to any spill is personal and public safety. Construction personnel will be notified of evacuation procedures to be used in the event of a spill emergency,including evacuation routes. In general,the first person on the scene will: O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 30 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to land3haseOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u..-I 32 «m 0.oe Attempt to identify the source,composition,and hazard of the spill. Notify appropriately trained personnel immediately. Isolate and stop the spill,if possible,and begin cleanup (if it is safe). Initiate evacuation of the area,if necessary. Initiate reporting actions. Persons should only attempt to cleanup or control a spill if they have received proper training and possess the appropriate protective clothing and cleanup materials.Untrained individuals should notify the appropriate response personnel.In addition to these general measures,persons responding to spills will consult Appendix P -- WQA-33 Framework Hazardous Materials Management Plan,Appendix R -····· O Operations,Maintenance,and Emergency Response Plan,and the MSDSs or USDOT Emergency Response Guidebook (to be maintained by the Construction Contractor onsite during all construction activities),which outlines physical response guides for hazardous materials spills. In general,expert advice will be sought to properly cleanup major spills.After contaminated soil is recovered,all machinery used will be decontaminated,and recovered soil will be treated as hazardous WQA-34 waste.Contaminated cleanup materials (absorbent pads,etc.)and  vegetation will be disposed of in a similar manner.For spills,cleanup may be verified by sampling and laboratory analysis at the discretion of the Companies. If construction activityoccurs within a wetland with standing water or a flowing stream,prior to construction,absorbent booms will be placed on the water surface either around or downstream of the construction zone.In addition to this measure,cleanup materials,WQA-35 .....including absorbent spill pads and plastic bags,will be placed onsite at flowing streams and "wet"wetlands when construction is occurring within 200 feet of these areas (also refer to Appendix F -Framework Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan). Emergency spill response kits will be maintained at all locations where hazardous materials are stored,in sufficient quantities based on the amount of materials stored onsite.Spill response equipment should be compatible with types of materials stored onsite.Spill response equipment should be inventoried regularly to ensure spill WQA-36 response equipment is adequate for the type and quantities of ..... materials being used.The following equipment,are examples of spill response equipment for use in cleanup situations: Shovels e sornbaelrpoedcimat9erials Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 31 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE 'ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land ?has3 Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u..-2 «m a.We Medical first-aid supplies Bung wrench (nonsparking) Phone list with emergency contact numbers Storage containers Communications equipment The Construction Contractor and subcontractors shall provide spill prevention and response training to appropriate construction personnel.Persons accountable for carrying out spill response activities will be designated prior to construction and informed of their specific duties and responsibilities with respect to environmental compliance and hazardous materials.The training shall inform appropriate personnel of site-specific environmental compliance procedures.Training of personnel should be completed at least once O a year.All training events should be documented,including the date and names of those personnel in attendance.These records shall be maintained with the SPCC Plan and/or Hazardous Materials WQA-37 Management Plan.At a minimum,this training shall include the following: An overviewof regulatory requirements Methods for the safe handling/storage of hazardous materials Spill prevention procedures Emergency response procedures Use of personal protective equipment Use of spill cleanup equipment Procedures for coordinating with emergency response teams Procedures for notifying agencies Procedures for documenting spills Identification of sites/areas requiring special treatment,if any Notification and documentation procedures for spills that occur during Project construction,operation,or maintenance will conform to WQA-38 applicable federal,state,and local laws and regulations.Adherence  to such procedures will be the top priority once initial safety and spill response actions have been taken. Notification will begin as soon as possible after discovery of a spill. The individual who discovers the spill will contact the Contractor's supervisory personnel and the CIC.If the Construction Contractor determines the spill may seriously threaten human health or the environment,helshe will orally report the discharge as soon as WQA-39 possible,but no later than 24 hours from the time they become aware . of the circumstances,as directed below.A written report must be submitted to Wyoming or Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)within 15 days.Prior to initiating notification,the Construction Contractor (or individual initiating notification)should obtain as much information as possible,including: Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 32 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE *ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Applica ion Applicable to Land 3hasa Onnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-32 a o a.me current threats to human health and safety,include known injuries,if any spill location,including landmarks and nearest access route reporter's name and phone number time spill occurred type and estimated amount of hazardous materials involved potential threat to property and environmental resources, especially streams and waterways status of response actions The following mandatory notifications will be made by the Construction Contractor.These numbers should be documented in the SPCC plan,along with the contact information for the cleanup contractor.Select and notify the appropriate government agencies O based on geographic location of the spill site. Wyoming DEQ (24 hours)at (307)777-7781. Idaho Communication Center (24 hours)at (800)632-8000 or (208)846-7610. WQA-40 If spill threatens human health,call 911,and the appropriate  county response center. National Response Center (NRC)(800)424-8802.The NRC should be notified of a reportable spill as required by 40 CFR 110,40 CFR 117,and/or 49 CFR 171. The Construction Contractor will verify and update these emergency phone numbers before and during construction.The Construction Contractor (or other person in charge)will notify the CIC of all spills or potential spills within construction areas. When a spill poses a direct and immediate threat to health and safety and/or property,the land management agency and landowners potentially affected by a spill will be notified directly by the Construction Contractor.Immediate notification of land managementWQA-41 .....agencies and landowners is required for all situations in which the spill poses a direct and immediate threat to health and safety and/or property.Failure to report a spill could result in substantial penalties and fines. The Construction Contractor will maintain records for all spills.State and WQA-42 federal agencies that have been verbally notified of a spill will be informed in writing within 10 days for state agencies and 30 days for federal agencies. The Construction Contractor shall record spill information in a daily log.The following is a list of items that should be included in the daily WQA-43 log (as appropriate,based on the spill incident):..... time and date of each log entry name of individual recording log entry Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 33 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land hase Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u....i 2 «m a.o s- list of all agencies notified,including name of individual notified, time,and date type and amount of material spill resources affected by spill list of response actions taken,including relative success copies of letters,permits,or other communications received from government agencies throughout the duration of the spill copies of all outgoing correspondence related to the spill photographs of the response effort (and surrounding baseline photographs if relevant) During the Project's operation and maintenance phase,the Companies will ensure its facilities,personnel,and contractors comply with federal,state,and local laws and regulations pertaining O to the use,storage,transport,and disposal of hazardous materials and adhere to required emergency response and cleanup procedures WQA-44 in the event of a hazardous material spill.The Companies and all  operations and maintenance subcontractors shall develop hazardous materials management and response plans and properly train employees for handling,packaging,and shipping hazardous materials and responding to hazardous materials spills or emergency events. Reclaim stream channels/bottoms and wetlands to their approximate preconstruction configuration/contours,unless the original stream WQA-45 bank contours are excessively steep and/or unstable and a more stable final contour can be specified or where permanent stream crossings must be created to maintain access throughout the life of the Project. Stabilize stream banks,wetlands,and adjacent upland areas by establishing permanent erosion control measures and vegetation WQA-46 cover after the completion of construction (refer to Appendix N - Framework Erosion,Dust Control,and Air Quality Plan and Appendix D -Framework Reclamation Plan). Use permanent waterbars,if needed,on slopes above streams or WQA-47 wetland boundaries,on travel routes,and along the ROW to minimize  sediment flow from adjacent uplands into the stream or wetland. Remove all prefabricated equipment pads,swamp mats,and WQA-48 geotextile fabric used for stream and wetland crossings on completion  of construction. LAND USE TRANS-5 (See description under Transportation) Signs shall be posted at access points to access roads where public LU-1 access is restricted by a land use plan,and on private,state,and vbe r mnednsatSihereshuesLohe lanedown,aonencr orbTribal Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 34 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land Phase Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u..a 2 «w a.we location,penalty for violation,and appropriate contact information for reporting violations.Signage shall be maintained and replaced as part of the routine maintenance. AGRICULTURE Consult with the Farm Service Agency and landowners to determine AGRI-1 how construction may affect the CRP status of the land currently .. enrolled in CRP. TRAN SPO RTATION FIRE-6 (See description in Public Safety (Blasting,Fire,Contamination) A Final Traffic and Transportation Management Plan will be developed and implemented to provide site-specific details showing how the Project will comply with the EPMs listed in this attachment. TRANS-1 The Final Traffic and Transportation Management Plan will be O submitted to,and approved by,the appropriate federal,state,and local agencies with authority to regulate use of public roads,and approved prior to the issuance of a Notice to Proceed with construction. If a construction method requires the closure of a state-or county- TRANS-2 maintained road for more than 1 hour,a plan will be developed to  accommodate traffic as required by a county or state permit. On county-and state-maintained roads,caution signs will be posted on roads,where appropriate,to alert motorists of construction and warn them of slow traffic.Traffic control measures such as trafficTRANS-3 control personnel,warning signs,lights,and barriers will be used during construction to ensure safety and to minimize traffic congestion. To reduce traffic congestion and roadside parking hazards,an TRANS-4 equipment yard will be provided for primary parking for employee  personal vehicles. Unauthorized vehicles will not be allowed within the constructionTRANS-5 ....ROW or along roadsides near the ROW. TRANS-6 Construction vehicles will follow a 25 mph speed limit on unposted project roads. Landowners will be notified at least 48 hours prior to the start ofTRANS-7 ......construction within 0.25 mile of a residence. TRANS-8 Emergency vehicle access to private property will be maintained... Roads in residential areas will be restored as soon as possible,and TRANS-9 construction areas near residences will be fenced off at the end of the  construction day,without blocking residential traffic. Roads negatively affected by construction and as identified by the TRANS-applicable jurisdictional agency and/or landowner will be returned to 10 preconstruction condition.The method of preconstruction condition .... documentation will be coordinated by the Construction Contractor and the applicable jurisdictional agency and/or landowner. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 35 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE PROJECT 1 2 |3-5 6-8 I Application Applicable to Land3has3Ownershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.-2 «©o.We TRANS-Roads developed specifically for this project that are identified by the 11 Companies as no longer necessary will be reclaimed as specified in  the Final Reclamation Plan.Culverts will be removed. TRANS-The Companies will attempt to identify existing two-track trails as 12 preferred access roads for construction when existing maintained  (e.g.,gravel or asphalt)roads are not available. TRANS-Roads will be designed so proper drainage is not impaired and roads 13 will be built to minimize soil erosion.Consult with appropriate  Agencies during the design stage. Access roads built for the Project on federal lands shall be closed to the public unless otherwise agreed upon with the land management agency.Signs shall indicate the restriction or regulation,location, penalty for violation,and appropriate contact information for reporting O TRANS-violations.Signage and road closure measures shall be evaluated 14 during routine visits and maintained or replaced as necessary as part of routine maintenance.Access roads constructed solely for use by the Companies will be maintained by the Companies as needed for the Companies'use in accordance with the ROW grants/special use authorization. Roads to be abandoned may be left intact through mutual agreement TRANS-of the land management agency,landowner,the tenant,and the 15 Companies,unless located in flood areas or drainage hazard areas or otherwise restricted by federal,state,or local regulations. All temporary culverts and associated fill material will be removed TRANS-from stream crossings after construction.All permanent culverts will 16 be engineered by the Construction Contractor and approved by the Companies prior to installation. TRANS-The road or highway within the ROW corridor shall be used to the 17 maximum extent possible for construction and maintenance of the  new ROW. To help set public expectations for when temporary access roads are TRANS-decommissioned,signs shall be posted on all temporary roads and 18 overland access routes identifying them as reclamation areas.Signs will state "Restoration in Progress -No Vehicle Traffic Allowed." TRANS-During wet road conditions,any ruts deeper than 4 inches remaining 19 on the roads from the Project will be repaired. AIR QUAL TY FISH-3 (Described under Fish) TESWL-(Described under TES-Wildlife) 12 SOIL-18 (Described under Soils) and 19 AIR-1 Minimize idling time for diesel equipment whenever possible..... Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 36 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u.«w a.We AIR-2 Ensure that diesel-powered construction equipment is properly tuned and maintained,and shut off when not in direct use. AIR-3 Prohibit engine tampering to increase horsepower..... Reduce construction-related trips as feasible for workers andAIR-4 .equipment,including trucks. Dust suppression techniques will be applied,such as watering construction areas or removing dirt tracked onto a paved road as AIR-5 necessary to prevent safety hazards or nuisances on access roads .... and in construction zones near residential and commercial areas and along major highways and interstates. ELECTRICAL ENVIRONMENT EE-1 During final design,limit the conductor surface gradient in order to meet the IEEE Radio Noise Guideline. O During construction,identify objects such as fences,metal buildings, pipelines,and other metal objects within or near the proposed ROW EE-2 that have the possibility for induced potentials and currents and .... implement electrical grounding of these objects according to the utility's and National Electric Code standards. During final design and construction,identify areas where large .. EE-3 equipment is anticipated and provide sufficient conductor clearance to ground to meet the NESC 5 mA rule or limit size or access of large equipment. PUBLIC SAFETY (Blasting,Fire,Contamination) WQA-13 -(Described under Water Quality) 20 WEED-(Described under Weeds) 24,25 WILD-11 (Described under Wildlife) The Blasting Plan will identify blasting procedures including safety, BLA-1 use,storage,and transportation of explosives that will be employed where blasting is needed,and will specify the locations of needed blasting. All blasting will be performed by registered licensed blasters who will be required to secure all necessary permits and comply with BLA-2 regulatory requirements in connection with the transportation, storage,and use of explosives,and blast vibration limits for nearby structures,utilities,wildlife,and fish (where blasting is conducted in waterbodies). Appropriate flags,barricades,and warning signals will be used to BLA-3 ensure safety during blasting operations.Blast mats will be used  when needed to prevent damage and injury from fly rock. BLA-4 Blasting in the vicinityof pipelines will be coordinated with the pipeline operator,and will follow operator-specific procedures,as necessary.O Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 37 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE PROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3haseOwnershia Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u...!32 «to a.cn e BLA-5 Damages that result from blasting will be repaired or the owner fairly .... compensated. BLA-6 Proper blasting techniques,including proper cover of charges,will be ... followed. BLA-7 Matting will be used in rock blasting operations to minimize and .... control dust. BLA-8 Notification of blasting activities will be provided to nearby residents..... BLA-9 The Construction Contractor will prepare site specific blasting plans... The Blasting Plan for the proposed Project will also stipulate the following: Explosives will not be stored on federal land without prior written permission from the land-management agency.Copies of this permission will be posted on each magazine. O Seventy-twohours advance notice of blasting activities will be given to the land-management agency,railroads,highway departments,and local communities;occupants of nearby residences,buildings,and businesses;and local farmers. BLA-10 Warning signs will be erected and maintained at all approaches to the blast areas and flaggers will be stationed on all roadways passing within 1,000 feet of blasting activities. Explosives will not be primed or fused until just before use. Blasting will take place during daylight hours only and will be monitored with three axis seismographs to ensure safe vibration levels are not exceeded. Vibration measured as peak particle velocity will not exceed 4 inches per second adjacent to an underground pipeline and 2 inches per second for any aboveground structure (including water wells). Train all personnel about the measures to take in the event of a fire FIRE-1 including;fire dangers,locations of extinguishers and equipment, emergency response,and individual responsibilities for fire prevention and suppression. Equip all construction equipment operating with internal combustion engines (including off-highway vehicles,chainsaws,generators, heavy equipment,etc.)with spark arresters.Qualified spark arresters FIRE-2 will be in a maintained and nonmodified condition and meet U.S... Department of Agriculture Forest Service Standard 5100-1a,or the Society of Automotive Engineers Recommended Practices J335 or J350.Refer to 43 Code of Federal Regulations §8343.1. Restrict motorized equipment,including worker transportation FIRE-3 vehicles,to the designated and approved work limits.Operate all vehicles on designated roads or park in areas where vegetation is less than 8 inches tall.Vehicles,including the undercarriages,will be Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 38 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAYWEST TRANSMISSION LINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8ApplicationApplicable to Land>has3 On nershi a Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o OE u...i 2 «m a.we cleared of vegetation accumulations and checked periodically to ensure no buildup of flammable vegetation. Require all motor vehicles and equipment to carry,and individuals using handheld power equipment to have,specified fire prevention FIRE-4 equipment.Carry shovels,water,and fire extinguishers on all equipment and vehicles.Equipment will carry extinguishers rated ABC-10 pound minimum and vehicles will carry ABC-2.5 pound minimum. FIRE-5 Provide a list of equipment capable of being adapted to fighting fires to local fire protection agencies. FIRE-6 Notify the appropriate fire suppression agencies of scheduled road closures. Prohibit burning of slash,brush,stumps,trash,explosives storage O FIRE-7 boxes,or other Project-generated debris unless authorized by the .... applicable land management agency. Designate a Fire Guard on each construction crew prior to the start of FIRE-8 construction activities each day and provide a communications .... system for maintaining contact with fire control agencies. FIRE-9 The Companies shall comply with fire restrictions and/or waivers as applicable. If a fire spreads beyond the suppression capability of workers with FIRE-10 these tools,all will cease fire suppression action and leave the area .... immediately via pre-identified escape routes. Initiate fire suppression actions in the work area to prevent fire spread to or on federally administered lands.If fire ignitions cannot be FIRE-11 prevented or contained immediately,or it may be foreseeable to exceed the immediate capability of workers,the operation must be modified or discontinued.No risk of ignition or re-ignition will exist on leaving the operation area. Prior to any operation involving potential sources of fire ignition from vehicles,equipment,or other means,review weather forecasts and FIRE-12 potential fire danger.Prevention measures to be taken each workday will be included in the specific job briefing.Consideration for additional mitigation or discontinuing the operation must be given in periods of extreme wind and dryness. Operate welding,grinding,or cutting activities in areas cleared of vegetation within range of the sparks for that particular action.A spark shield adequate for the sparks may be used to prevent sparks from FIRE-13 carrying.A spotter equipped with a round-nose shovel and two ABC- rated 5-pound fire extinguishers and a 5-gallon backpack waterpump is required to watch for ignitions during,and one hour after,the activity. Water may be used to wet down surrounding vegetation but does not take the place of an adequately cleared area and spark shield. O FIRE-14 No smoking will be allowed while operating equipment or while walking or working in areas with vegetation. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.19 Page 39 of 39 Case No.PAC-E-17-07 Witness:Rick A.Vail O Table 4-1.Environmental Protection Measures for Segments 1,2,3,and 3A GATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSIONLINE >ROJECT 1 2 3-5 6-8 Application Applicable to Land3hasaOwnershi) Number Environmental Protection Measures ou o O |E u..JE «m a.me FIRE-15 Smoke only in cleared areas. In areas where smoking is allowed,completely extinguish all burning FIRE-16 tobacco and matches and discard them in ash trays,not on the  ground. Do not allow any fires or barbecues on the transmission line ROW,at FIRE-17 material yards,substations,access roads,or other construction  areas. Clear away all flammable material to a minimum of 10 feet,including FIRE-18 snags (fallen or standing dead trees)from areas of operation where a  spark,fire,or flame could be generated. If a fire does start by accident,take immediate steps to extinguish it (if FIRE-19 it is safe to do so)using available fire suppression equipment and techniques taught at field crew emergency response training provided O by the Construction Contractor or the Companies. All construction staff will be trained on the types of contamination that CON-1 could be encountered and how to respond if contamination is  encountered. NOISE Identify and provide a public liaison person before,and during, NOISE-1 construction to respond to concerns of neighboring receptors, includinq residents,about construction noise disturbance. Establish a toll-free telephone number for receiving questions or NOISE-2 complaints during construction,and develop procedures for  responding to callers. Implement and maintain a noise complaint review process to deal NOISE-3 with residents'or other potential queries and complaints as they arise. Such complaints will be logged and investigated on an individual basis to facilitate resolution of the issue of concern. 1/TESWL-3 has been offered by the Companies;however,although the Companiesare encouraged to protect all prairie dog towns, formal black-footed ferret surveys within those towns will no longer be required by the BLM. AGRI -agriculture;AIR -air quality;BLA -blasting;CON -contamination;CR -cultural resources;EE -electrical environment;FIRE -fire;FISH -fish;G-general;GEO-geologic O