HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170705Vail Direct - Redacted.pdfO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC )DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND )RICK A.VAIL BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT )REDACTED FOR NEW WIND AND TRANSMISSION )FACILITIES ) O ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 June 2017 O l Q.Please state your name,business address,and present position with PacifiCorp. 2 A.My name is Rick A.Vail.My business address is 825 NE Multnomah,Suite 1600, 3 Portland,Oregon 97232.My present position is Vice President of Transmission.I am 4 responsible for transmission system planning,customer generator interconnection 5 requests and transmission service requests,regional transmission initiatives,asset 6 management,capital budgeting for transmission,and administration of the Company's 7 Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT").I am testifying on behalf of Rocky 8 Mountain Power ("Company"). 9 QUALIFICATIONS 10 Q.Please describe your educational backgroundand professional experience. 11 A.I have a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honors in Electrical Engineeringwith a focus 12 in electric power systems from Portland State University.I have been employed at the 13 Company since 2001,and have had a range of management responsibility within the 14 asset management group,including capital planning,maintenance policy,maintenance 15 planning,and investment planning.I served as director of asset management from 2007 16 to 2012.I became Vice President of Transmission in December 2012. 17 PURPOSE AND SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY 18 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony? 19 A.My testimony supports the Company's Application for Certificates of Public 20 Convenience and Necessity ("CPCNs")for the construction or acquisition of four wind 21 facilities in Wyoming ("Wind Projects")totaling approximately 860 megawatts 22 ("MW")and the construction of new transmission facilities that are necessary to relieve 23 existing congestion and enable interconnectionof the proposed Wind Projects into the O REDACTED Vail,Di -1 Rocky Mountain Power l Company's transmission system.Specifically,my testimony describes the purpose for 2 and customer benefits resulting from the construction of the "Transmission Projects": 3 "Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line" 4 A 140-mile,500 kilovolt ("kV")transmission line ("Aeolus-to-Anticlineline"), 5 which includes construction of the new Aeolus (500/230 kV)and Anticline 6 (500/345 kV)substations; 7 A five-mile,345 kV transmission line that will extend from the proposed 8 Anticline substation to the Jim Bridger substation,along with associated 9 interconnection facilities at the Jim Bridger substation to accommodate the 10 interconnectionof the 345 kV line from the proposed Anticline substation; 11 A voltagecontrol device at the existing Latham substation. 12 "230 kV Network Upgrades" 13 A new 16-mile 230kV transmission line parallel to an existing 230 kV line from 14 Shirley Basin substation to the proposed Aeolus substation,including 15 modifications to the Shirley Basin substation to accommodate the new line; 16 The reconstruction of four miles of an existing 230 kV transmission line 17 between the proposed Aeolus substation and the Freezeout substation,including 18 modifications of the Freezeout substation to accommodate the new line;and 19 The reconstruction of 14 miles of an existing 230 kV transmission line between 20 the Freezeout substation and the Standpipe substation,including modifications 21 to the Freezeout and Standpipe substations to accommodate the transmission 22 lines. O REDACTED Vail,Di -2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 The reconstructed sections are proposed to be in a parallel alignment to the 2 existing 230 kV transmission line.The 230 kV Network Upgrades are needed to 3 support interconnectionof the Wind Projects,which are described in the testimony of 4 Company witness Mr.Chad A.Teply. 5 My testimony and exhibits provide the information required by Rule 112 of the 6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission")Rules of Procedure ("RP"), 7 related to applications for CPCNs for the Transmission Projects. 8 Q.Please summarize your testimony. 9 A.The Transmission Projects support the Company's short-and long-term energy 10 demands and will strengthen the overall reliability of the existing transmission system. 11 While the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line has long been recognized as an integral 12 component of the Company's long-term transmission planning,its construction and 13 that of the other components of the Transmission Projects has not been economic until 14 now.Renewal of the federal wind production tax credits ("PTC")has created a time- 15 limited opportunity for the Company to acquire significant cost-effective,zero-fuel- 16 cost wind resources,generating PTCs that provide cost savings necessary to construct 17 the Transmission Projects. 18 To achieve the full customer benefits of the PTCs,however,the Company 19 must develop the Wind Projects with the Transmission Projects and bring them into 20 service by December 31,2020.The Wind Projects are not economic without the 21 Transmission Projects,which are needed to relieve existing congestion and to 22 interconnect new PTC-eligible wind facilities in high-wind areas of Wyoming.The 23 Transmission Projects are not economic without incremental cost-effective wind O REDACTED Vail,Di-3 Rocky Mountain Power l facilities producing zero-fuel-cost energy and PTCs. 2 Congestion on the current transmission system in eastern Wyoming limits the 3 ability to deliver energy from eastern Wyoming to the Jim Bridger energy hub.The 4 Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line will relieve this congestion and increase the 5 transmission capacity across Wyoming by 750 MW.The Transmission Projects will 6 allow the Company to interconnect up to approximately 1,270 MW of wind resources, 7 including the 860 MW of Wind Projects that are the subject of this Application,and 8 create substantial benefits for Idaho customers and customers throughout the 9 Company's service area.Construction of the Transmission Projects will also enable the 10 Company to more efficientlyutilize existing generation resources in Wyoming to serve 11 loads in Idaho,Wyoming,Utah and the Pacific Northwest.The Transmission Projects 12 also better position the Company to interconnect and integrate future resources in 13 southeastern Wyoming and more efficientlyserve expected customer load. 14 In addition to increasing the transmission capacity out of southeastern 15 Wyoming,the Transmission Projects will also provide critical voltage support to the 16 Wyoming transmission network and enhance the overall reliability of the transmission 17 system by adding incremental new transmission capacity westbound between the 18 Company's existing thermal and renewable facilities,the proposed Wind Projects in 19 eastern Wyoming,and other sources of energy in northern Utah.Additional 20 transmission paths will mitigate the impact of outages on the existing system.The 21 Transmission Projects will also enhance the Company's ability to comply with 22 mandated North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC")and Western 23 Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC")reliabilityand performance standards. O REDACTED Vail,Di -4 Rocky Mountain Power 1 The Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line is also an important component of the 2 Company's Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Project ("Energy Gateway")and 3 has long been recognized as a key transmission segment in the region's long-term 4 transmission planning.By acting on this time-limited opportunity to develop the 5 Transmission Projects and the associated Wind Projects,the Company can provide 6 substantial customer benefits. 7 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSMISSION PROJECTS 8 Q.Please describe the Aeolus-to-Anticline line. 9 A.The proposed Aeolus-to-Anticline line is a single-circuit 500 kV line that will begin at 10 the proposed Aeolus substation,which will be located approximately 11 miles 11 northwest of Medicine Bow,Wyoming.From the Aeolus substation,the transmission 12 line will run west across the Medicine Bow River past the Hanna Draw.The line willO13thencontinuesouthwesterlytoWalcottJunctionandthenwestacrossthePlatteRiver 14 and south of Sinclair and Rawlins,where it will then largely follow an existing 230 kV 15 transmission line to the proposed Anticline substation. 16 From the proposed Anticline substation,the Company will construct a 345 kV 17 transmission line that will extend north for approximately five miles and terminate into 18 an expansion of the existing Jim Bridger generating plant substation. 19 The Aeolus-to-Anticline line will be located in Sweetwater and Carbon 20 Counties and will primarilycross open rangeland.Approximately 49 percent of the land 21 crossed is federally owned,seven percent state owned,and nearly 44 percent privately 22 owned. O REDACTED Vail,Di-5 Rocky Mountain Power l Attached as Exhibit No.4 is a map showing the proposed route for the Aeolus- 2 to-Anticline line,along with the other facilities included in the Transmission Projects. 3 Q.What types of towers and conductors will be used to construct the Aeolus-to- 4 Anticline line? 5 A.The Aeolus-to-Anticline line segment will be constructed using approximately 522 6 lattice steel towers with heights about 115 to 160 feet.The steel towers will have a 7 "flat"configuration with each phase being parallel to each other in a horizontal 8 arrangement.Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.5 is a sample drawing of 9 proposed 500 kV tower designs. 10 The conductor for the Aeolus-to-Anticline line will be triple bundled 1272 ll kemil 45/7 Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced ("ACSR")"Bittern"per phase. 12 Each conductor in the phase bundle will have a diameter of 1.345 inches,with three 13 phases,comprised of three conductors each,for a total of nine conductors in the circuit. 14 The 345 kV Anticline-to-Jim Bridger line segment will use 25 to 30 of either of 15 the following types of structures:(1)tubular steel H-frames;or (2)poles with heights 16 from about 110 to 150 feet.Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.6 is a sample 17 drawing of proposed 345 kV tower designs.The conductor for this segment will also 18 be triple bundled 1272 kemil 45/7 ACSR Bittern per phase.The steel poles will have 19 two arms on one side,with one arm on the other side to carry one phase per arm. 20 In addition,each of the transmission line segments will also carry two overhead 21 ground wires.One of the wires will be galvanized steel while the other will be Optical 22 Ground Wire ("OPGW")to facilitate communications.Each wire will have a diameter 23 of approximately 0.5 inches. O REDACTED Vail,Di -6 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Please describe the proposed new Aeolus substation. 2 A.The new Aeolus 500/230 kV substation will be located approximately 11 miles 3 northwest of Medicine Bow,Wyoming,and will be sited on a Company-owned parcel 4 of land (Township 24 North,Range 80 West,Section 35)and occupy approximately 5 100 acres.The substation will include security fencing and an improved access road 6 from U.S.Highway 30.The substation will be constructed using conventional air 7 insulated bus and equipment and connect to existing Shirley Basin and Freezeout 8 substations via the connection of an existing 230 kV transmission line into the new 9 Aeolus site (discussed in more detail below).Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No. 10 7 are the preliminary Aeolus substation one-line diagram and general arrangement 11 drawings. 12 Construction of the Aeolus substation will require the following: 13 Construction of a 230 kV yard,including all work to support the 14 installation of 230 kV breaker bays for termination of the existing 15 Freezeout-to-ShirleyBasin 230 kV transmission line and to support the 16 low side of the 500/230 kV transformer; 17 Installation of a 230 kV shunt reactor; 18 Completion of all site development,civil work,bus work,protection 19 and controls,security and communications,and construction of a 20 control building; 21 Construction of a 500 kV yard including all work to support the 22 termination of one 500 kV transmission line to Anticline substation, 23 including two 500 kV breaker bays to support termination of the 500 kV 24 line and connection to the high side of a 500/230 kV transformer; 25 Installation of three single phase 500/230 kV transformer units with one 26 additional spare unit; 27 Installation of one 500 kV shunt capacitor,three single phase line 28 reactors and one 500 kV neutral reactor; O REDACTED Vail,Di-7 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Construction of a replacement access bridge over the Medicine Bow 2 River and associated upgrades to an existing unpaved county road from 3 U.S.Highway 30 to the substation location.The bridge will be 4 constructed to Wyoming Department of Transportation HS-20 5 ("Highway Semi-trailer")specifications.Upon completion,the bridge 6 will become the property and responsibility of Carbon County; 7 Completion of all site development,civil work,bus work,protection 8 and controls,security,communications,and construction of a control 9 building including site emergency power;and 10 Implementation of a new generation tripping remedial action scheme, 11 which would trip generation in the Foote Creek/Aeolusarea in the event 12 the Aeolus-to-Jim Bridger lines (or transformers)trip during high 13 transfers on the Aeolus West transmission path.Initial technical studies 14 indicate tripping up to approximately 660 MW of generation at the 15 following wind farms during high-transferconditions: 16 Foote Creek:108 MW 17 Carbon County 1 (Q706):250 MW 18 High Plains/McFadden Ridge 1:245 MW 19 Seven Mile I and II:53 MW. 20 Specific remedial action scheme arming levels for lower flow 21 conditions will need to be determined via follow-on technical studies. 22 In addition,the Aeolus substation will be designed to facilitate future expansion of 23 the site for additional resources. 24 Q.Please describe the proposed new Anticline substation. 25 A.The new Anticline 500/345 kV substation will be located approximately three miles 26 northeast of Point of Rocks,Wyoming and will be sited on a Company-owned parcel 27 of land (T20N,Rl00W,Sec.13)and occupy approximately 140 acres.The new 28 substation will include security fencing and an improved access road and will be 29 constructed using conventional air insulated bus and equipment.The Anticline 30 substation will connect to the existing Jim Bridger generating plant substation via a 31 new 345 kV transmission line (discussed above)and can be expanded to accommodate REDACTED Vail,Di -8 Rocky Mountain Power l future 500 kV transmission lines.Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.8 are the 2 preliminary Anticline substation one-line diagram and general arrangement drawings. 3 Construction of the Anticline substation will require the following: 4 Construction of the new 500 kV substation yard including all work to 5 support the termination of one 500 kV transmission line to the Aeolus 6 substation; 7 Construction of two 500 kV breaker bays to support termination of the 8 500 kV line and connection to the high side of a 500/345 kV 9 transformer; 10 Installation of three single phase 500/345 kV transformer units with one 11 additional spare unit; 12 Installation of one 500 kV shunt capacitor,three single phase line 13 reactors and one 500 kV neutral reactor; 14 Construction of a 345 kV yard which includes a ring bus and 345 kV 15 breakers to facilitate 345 kV line termination to Jim Bridger and future 16 installation of phase shifting transformers;and 17 Completion of all site development,civil work,bus work,protection 18 and controls,security and communications,and construction of a 19 control building including site emergency power. 20 Q.Please describe the modifications to the Jim Bridger generating plant substation 21 that will be necessary to interconnect the new Anticline substation to the Jim 22 Bridger generating plantsubstation. 23 A.The new Anticline substation will interconnect to the Jim Bridger substation via a new, 24 five-mile,345 kV transmission line (discussed above).The Jim Bridger substation is 25 located west of,and immediately adjacent to,the Jim Bridger power plant.To 26 accommodate the interconnection of the Anticline substation,the Jim Bridger 27 substation will be expanded to include an additional transmission line termination bay. 28 Attached to my testimony as Confidential Exhibit No.9 are the preliminary Jim Bridger O REDACTED Vail,Di -9 Rocky Mountain Power l substation one-line diagram and general arrangement drawings related to the 2 construction at the Jim Bridger substation,which will include the following: 3 Expanding the existing 345 kV substation yard to add one new 345 kV 4 line termination bay to the existing yard; 5 Relocating the existing shunt capacitor to facilitate connection of a new 6 line termination bay to the existing 345 kV bus; 7 Completion of all site development,civil work,bus work,protection 8 and controls,security and communications; 9 Modification to the Jim Bridger remedial action scheme will be needed 10 due to the re-dispatch of Jim Bridger generation necessary to 11 accommodate new wind generation in eastern Wyoming,while 12 maintaining the 2,400 MW rating on the Bridger West transmission 13 path;and 14 Modification of existing protection and control systems within the 15 existing 345 kV yard to enable safe operation of the expanded facility. 16 In addition,the existing Latham substation,located approximately four miles 17 south of Interstate Exit 187,adjacent to Wyoming Highway 789,will be expanded to 18 include a voltage control device.The type and design of the device will be defined 19 pending completionof future technical studies.The Company plans to install the device 20 within the constraints of the currently-leased property boundaries.Attached to my 21 testimony as Confidential Exhibit No.10 are the existing Latham substation one-line 22 diagram and general arrangement drawings.The substations will be modified once final 23 design details of the voltage control device are determined. 24 Q.Please describe the 230 kV transmission line from the Shirley Basin substation to 25 the Standpipe substation. 26 A.The proposed 230 kV transmission line projects will begin at the Company's existing 27 Shirley Basin substation,located approximately 1.5 miles east of the south junctionof 28 state highways 77 and 487.A new 230 kV line will parallel an existing 230 kV REDACTED Vail,Di -10 Rocky Mountain Power l transmission line running southwesterly along the western side of the Freezeout 2 Mountains and will connect into the Aeolus substation.South of Aeolus substation to 3 Standpipe substation,via the Freezeout substation,the 230 kV project is a 4 reconstruction of the existing 230 kV line.The line continues south out of the Aeolus 5 substation across the Medicine Bow River and connects into the Company's existing 6 Freezeout substation located between the Pine and South Pine Draws.The 230 kV line 7 then continues in a southwesterly direction to the Company's existing Standpipe 8 substation,which is located approximatelytwo-and-one-halfmiles southeast of Hanna, 9 Wyoming. 10 All of the 230 kV segments are located in Carbon County and the new line will 11 cross areas of mountainous terrain reaching elevations of approximately 7,500 feet. O 12 Attachedto my testimony as Confidential Exhibit No.11 are the existing Shirley Basin, 13 Freezeout and Standpipe substations one-line diagrams and general arrangement 14 drawings.These substations may be modified to accommodate the 230 kV transmission 15 line project.Final drawings will be provided when they become available. 16 Q.What types of towers and conductors will be used for the 230 kV transmission 17 line? 18 A.The single circuit 230 kV transmission line will be rebuilt using either wood or steel 19 H-frame structures with heights ranging from 90 to 120 feet.Attachedto my testimony 20 as Exhibit No.12 is a sample drawing of proposed 230 kV tower designs.The 21 conductor for the section north of the Aeolus substation to the Shirley Basin substation 22 will be double bundled 1575 kemil ACSR/TW "Potomac"per phase.The conductor for O REDACTED Vail,Di -11 Rocky Mountain Power l the section south of the Aeolus substation will be double bundled 1272 kemil 45/7 2 ACSR Bittern per phase. 3 Q.Please describe the estimated total cost of the Transmission Projects. 4 A.The Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line is estimated to cost ,as 5 summarized in Confidential Table 1 below: Confidential Table 1 6 The entire cost of the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line will be paid by theO7Companywithoutcontributionfromanythird-party customer projects. 8 The 230 kV Network Upgrades are estimated to cost -as 9 summarized in Confidential Table 2 below: Confidential Table 2 10 The Company expects that the costs of the 230 kV Network Upgrades will be 11 re-assessed and assigned to the wind resource facilities selected via the Company's 12 2017R request for proposals ("RFP")process under their respective interconnection REDACTED Vail,Di-12 Rocky Mountain Power l agreements.The 230 kV Network Upgrades and are necessary to support the 2 interconnectionof up to 1,270 MW of new or repowered wind generation in eastern 3 Wyoming. 4 Q.When does the Company expect to complete the construction of the Transmission 5 Projects? 6 A.The Transmission Projects are being developed together with the Wind Projects,which 7 will generate zero-fuel-cost energy and PTCs that make the codependent projects 8 economic.To obtain the full benefits of the PTCs,the Transmission Projects and the 9 Wind Projects must be in service no later than December 31,2020. 10 Q.Why must the Company receive a CPCN now for a project that is not scheduled ll for completion until December 2020? 12 A.The Company does not currentlyhave all of the necessary rights-of-way to construct 13 the Transmission Projects.To achieve an in-service date before the end of 2020,the 14 Company must acquire the necessary rights-of-way by March 31,2019.The Company 15 must obtain a CPCN from the Commission under the schedule it has proposed in the 16 Application to meet this schedule.A delay in approval of the CPCN jeopardizes the 17 December 31,2020 deadline and risks the loss of PTC benefits-which will mean that 18 neither the Transmission Projects nor the Wind Projects will move forward.A project 19 critical path schedule is attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.13. O REDACTED Vail,Di -13 Rocky Mountain Power l BENEFITS OF THE TRANSMISSION PROJECTS 2 Q.How will the Transmission Projects benefit customers and improve system 3 performance? 4 A.The Transmission Projects will:(1)relieve congestion and increase transmission 5 capacity across Wyoming,allowing interconnection of new generation resources and 6 greater flexibilityin managing existing resources;(2)provide critical voltage support 7 to the transmission system;(3)improve system reliability;and (4)reduce energy and 8 capacity losses.Because the cost of the Transmission Projects are substantially offset 9 by the generation of zero-fuel-cost energy and PTCs from the Wind Projects,customers 10 receive substantial benefits as quantified by Mr.Link. ll Q.How will the Transmission Projects increase transmission capacity in 12 southeastern Wyoming? 13 A.Currently,the Company's transmission system in southeastern Wyoming is operating 14 at capacity,which limits transfer of existing resources from eastern Wyoming.Also, 15 due to limited fault current in the southeastern portion of the transmission system, 16 which indicates a weak grid,interconnectionof additionalresources in this prime wind 17 region is precluded to maintain grid stability.The Transmission Projects will not only 18 increase the transfer capability from east to west by 750 MW,but will also improve the 19 fault current providing "stiffness"to the grid.This will allow additional wind facilities 20 in and around the proposed Aeolus substation,which is not possible today. 21 When the Transmission Projects are complete,the Company estimates that it 22 can interconnect up to approximately 1,270 MW of additional wind facilities east of 23 the Bridger/Anticline substation.The assumed level of new wind resources is higher O REDACTED Vail,Di -14 Rocky Mountain Power l than the assumed incremental transfer capability of the transmission facilities because 2 wind resources do not generate at their full capability in all hours of the year.At times 3 when wind resources in southeastern Wyoming are operating near full output,other 4 resources in the area can be re-dispatched to accommodate PTC-producing wind 5 generation.Installingmore variable resources in an area relative to total transmission 6 capacity allows for more ef5cient use of the transmission system and the ability to use 7 the most cost-effective resources to meet customer demand. 8 The increased capacity also provides improved access to existing generation 9 resources,and increased opportunities to move incremental energy from Wyoming to 10 offset higher-priced generation in the PacifiCorp system or other energy imbalance 11 market participants'systems,as noted by Mr.Link. 12 Q.Is the increased capacity from the Transmission Projects consistent with the 13 Company's obligation to provide transmission service under its OATT? 14 A.Yes.The Company's OATT,approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 15 ("FERC"),details the Company's requirements and obligationsto provide transmission 16 service.Section 28.2 defines the Company's responsibilities,which include the 17 requirement to "plan,construct,operate and maintain the system in accordance with 18 good utility practice."Section 28.3 states the requirement for the Company to provide 19 "firm service over the system so that designated resources can be delivered to 20 designated loads."The Company is required to provide adequate and non- 21 discriminatory service to all network customers.Although the Transmission Projects 22 are not specifically mandated by the Company's obligations under its OATT,the 23 Transmission Projects will allow the Company to more efficiently meet current and O REDACTED Vail,Di -15 Rocky Mountain Power l forecasted customer energy demand by relieving the existing transmission congestion 2 in southeastern Wyoming. 3 Q.Will the up-front transmission costs of the Transmission Projects be recovered in 4 PacifiCorp's transmission rates? 5 A.Yes,the Transmission Projects are considered network transmission assets under 6 PacifiCorp's OATT and provide a number of benefits to the transmission grid,as 7 discussed earlier in my testimony.Because the Transmission Projects are integrated 8 into PacifiCorp's transmission network and provide benefits to that network,such as 9 congestion relief,increased transmission capacity and improved system reliability, 10 FERC precedent for ratemaking supports rolling the costs of these assets into 11 PacifiCorp's transmission rates. 12 Q.How will the costs of the Transmission Projects flow into PacifxCorp's 13 transmission rates,and who will pay these rates? 14 A.All transmission rates charged to wholesale transmission customers must be approved 15 by FERC.PacifiCorp's transmission rate structure is a FERC-approved formula that 16 has been in place since 2012.A formula rate is a method of calculating a rate,but is not 17 the rate itself;the actual transmission rate that is charged to wholesale transmission 18 customers is produced annually by updatingFERC-approved inputs to the formula rate. 19 Formula rates rely on annual updates using inputs from the detailed,publiclyavailable, 20 and audited FERC Form No.1,along with other Company data.The annual update 21 process includes transmission capital additions such as the Transmission Projects. 22 PacifiCorp's merchant function is the largest transmission customer of 23 PacifiCorp's transmission system,but there are third-party transmission customers as O REDACTED Vail,Di -16 Rocky Mountain Power l well.While all transmission customers pay OATT transmission rates,third-party 2 transmission customers generate revenue credits that offset the cost of PacifiCorp's 3 transmission revenue requirement in retail rates,as discussed in Mr.Link's testimony. 4 Q.What are the benefits resulting from the critical voltage support that will be 5 provided by the Transmission Projects? 6 A.Under certain operating conditions,voltage control issues have limited the ability to 7 add additional resources,particularlywind facilities,in southeastern Wyoming.The 8 Transmission Projects will solve the voltage control issues and allow up to 1270 MW 9 of additional wind generation to be interconnected into the transmission system. 10 Q.How will the Transmission Projects improve system reliability? 11 A.The transmission grid can be affected in its entirety by what happens on an individual 12 transmission line or path.For example,the transmission system between eastern and 13 central Wyoming is comprised of several individual transmission lines or line 14 segments.Attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.14 is a diagram of the existing 15 Wyoming transmission system.A single outage on any of the individual lines or line 16 segments due to storm,fire,or other interference can and does cause significant 17 reductions in transmission capacity and can negatively impact the Company's ability 18 to serve customers.Line outages require the Company to significantly curtail 19 generation resources to stabilize system voltages and require less efficient re-dispatch 20 of system resources to meet network load requirements. 21 In the event of a line outage,the redundancy provided by the Transmission 22 Projects will allow the Company to continue to meet native load service obligations 23 and continue to meet other contractual obligations to third parties.Strengthening this O REDACTED Vail,Di -17 Rocky Mountain Power 1 path and increasing system redundancy with the new Transmission Projects will benefit 2 all customers by reducing the risk of outages and inefficient dispatch resulting from 3 those outages. 4 In addition,the Transmission Projects will improve the Company's ability to 5 perform required maintenance without significant operational impacts to the system, 6 and will reduce impacts to customers during planned and forced system outages. 7 Transmission line and substation maintenance windows are currentlylimited because 8 the system is highly utilized.By relieving congestion and providing additional 9 transmission paths,the Transmission Projects will allow greater flexibility for the 10 Company. 11 Q.Can you provide an example where the Transmission Projects will mitigate the 12 impact of an outage on the 230 kV transmission system? 13 A.Yes.The following are examples of potential outages that will be mitigated by the 14 Transmission Projects: 15 For an outage of the Latham-to-Point of Rocks 230 kV line,the Project 16 eliminates the overload on the Dave Johnston to Amasa 230 kV line; 17 For an outage of the Mustang-to-Spence 230 kV line,the Project 18 eliminates the overload on 230 kV lines west of Platte; 19 For an outage of the Riverton-to-Wyopo 230 kV line,the Project 20 eliminates overloads on 230 kV lines west of Platte; 21 For an outage of the Dave Johnston-to-Amasa 230 kV line,the Project 22 eliminates the overload on the 230 kV lines west of Platte;and 23 For an outage of the Platte-to-Standpipe 230 kV line,the Project 24 eliminates the need to trip approximately 130 MW of generation at 25 Foote Creek. O REDACTED Vail,Di-18 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Will the Transmission Projects also enhance the Company's ability to meet the 2 reliabilitystandards applicable to its transmission system? 3 A.Yes.Although the Company currently meets or exceeds the applicable reliability 4 standards and criteria,the addition of the Transmission Projects will allow the 5 Company to more efficientlymeet or exceed those standards and criteria. 6 Q.Please describe the applicable reliabilitystandards. 7 A.The Company plans,designs,and operates its transmission system to meet or exceed 8 NERC Standards for Bulk Electric Systems ("BES")and WECC Regional standards 9 and criteria.The NERC standards are set forth in 18 CFR Part 40 (Mandatory 10 Reliability Standards for Bulk-Power Systems).The WECC standards and criteria are 11 deemed necessary for the Western Interconnectionto meet or exceed NERC standards. 12 The Company must currently comply with more than 100 approved NERC standards. 13 These standards dictate the minimum levels of transmission system reliability, 14 redundancy,and performance required for transmission facilities. 15 The most relevant standard here is NERC's Transmission Planning 16 Performance Requirements set forth in NERC TPL-001-4,which establishes 17 transmission system planning performance requirements intended to ensure that the 18 BES will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of system conditions and followinga 19 wide range of probablecontingencies. 20 Q.How do NERC's and WECC's standards and criteria influence the need for the 21 Transmission Projects? 22 A.The mandatory standards,particularly,NERC's TPL-001-4 standard,require the 23 Company to have a forward-looking transmission plan to reliably serve current and REDACTED Vail,Di -19 Rocky Mountain Power l anticipated customer demands under all expected operating conditions,including 2 normal system operations (all system elements in service)and during system 3 contingencies (where elements of the transmission system are out of service),both 4 planned or otherwise. 5 The Company performs annual reliability assessments to determine whether its 6 transmission system complies with minimum mandatory system performance 7 standards,which require that during loss of any single transmission system element 8 ("N-1 single contingencies")that firm service is maintained,no system overloads exist, 9 and there is no loss of customer demand. 10 The Aeolus-to-Anticline line is sub-segment D.2 of Gateway West,which,as 11 part of Energy Gateway,has been included in the Company's annual TPL-00l-4 12 assessment as part of its short-and long-term plans to dependably meet NERC and 13 WECC reliability requirements.The Transmission Projects'new transmission 14 segments are particularly effective in increasing system reliability under the various 15 multiplecontingency categories of the TPL-001-4 standard. 16 Q.Can you explain the TPL-001-4 standard? 17 A.Yes.The NERC Standard TPL-001-4 requires the Company to plan for a scenario with 18 outages of multiple transmission elements.The Company must plan how it will adjust 19 the transmission system after the first outage and then respond to the second outage 20 (this type of scenario is referred to as an N-1-1 condition).The Aeolus-to-Anticline line 21 will significantly help under these types of N-1-1 conditions.For example,without the 22 Aeolus-to-Anticline line,the N-1-1 outage of Riverton to Wyopo 230 kV line followed 23 with an outage of Spence to Mustang 230 kV line would require curtailment of the O REDACTED Vail,Di-20 Rocky Mountain Power 1 TOT 4A path by approximately 500 MW.But with the addition of the Aeolus-to- 2 Anticline line,this curtailment would not be required.The study was performed with 3 TOT 4A flows at 1,030 MW in the original case.The addition of the Aeolus-to- 4 Anticline line prevents thermal overload on the 230 kV transmission system west of 5 Platte. 6 Q.What are the WECC path rating studies? 7 A.The WECC path rating studies follow a three-phase process established by the Planning 8 Coordination Committee ("PCC")that utilizes peer review study groups,made up of 9 the project sponsor and other interested WECC members,to establish a path rating for 10 a given transmission path or set of transmission paths,which may exhibit simultaneous 11 interactions with each other.Path rating studies utilize a transmission model of the 12 Western Interconnectionand will take multiple months to evaluate the performance of 13 the new transmission facilities and to demonstrate that the proposed transmission 14 project will have no negative impacts on previously established transmission path 15 ratings.The path ratings that are established following this process represent the 16 "Maximum Path Transfer Capability"of a transmission path. 17 Once projects complete the second phase of the path rating studies,they are 18 granted an "Accepted"rating and placed in Phase 3 (construction phase)status.After 19 the Accepted status is granted,other projects currentlygoing through the WECC path 20 rating process must recognize the project in their studies and cannot negatively impact 21 the path rating for the project. O RED ACTED Vail,Di -21 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Has the Aeolus-to-Anticline line been included in WECC path rating studies? 2 A.Yes.The Aeolus-to-Anticline line has undergone WECC's Three Phase Ratings 3 Process,and has been approved by WECC for Phase 3 Construction Phase status as 4 part of the overall Energy Gateway project.The Aeolus West transmission path and 5 three other Gateway West transmission paths (TOT 4A,Bridger/Anticline West,and 6 Path C)have completed the Three Phase Rating Process and were granted Phase 3 7 status on January 5,2011.This WECC approval is necessary because it allows the 8 Company to interconnect the Aeolus-to-Anticline line to the wider transmission system 9 in the area and to reliably operate the project at its approved ratings.This line will 10 strengthen the Company's transmission capacity and flexibility,especially when 11 complemented with other Energy Gateway projects,specifically Anticline-to-Populus, 12 Aeolus-to-Clover and Oquirrh-to-Terminal.The Aeolus-to-Anticline line is regarded as 13 a necessary interconnection point to support the long-term transmission expansion 14 planning established in the WECC Region plans and in the most recent Northern Tier 15 Transmission Group sub-regional plan.The construction of this project,as an integral 16 component of the larger Energy Gateway project,provides options to access additional 17 resources. 18 Q What are the impacts to the system and the Company if the Transmission Projects 19 are not completed? 20 A.If the projects are not completed,the existing congestion will remain and the 21 Company's ability to deliver resources to load will remain constrained.Because the 22 Company currently meets all applicablesystem reliabilityand performance criteria,the 23 Transmission Projects are not strictly required to satisfy those standards.Rather,the O REDACTED Vail,Di-22 Rocky Mountain Power l Transmission Projects have long been identified as an important addition to Wyoming's 2 transmission system,and the zero-fuel-cost energy and PTCs generated by the 3 incremental wind resources provide a time-limited opportunity to build the projects 4 now and deliver significant savings to customers over the projects'life. 5 Q.How will the Transmission Projects reduce energy and capacity losses? 6 A.Reduced energy and capacity losses on the transmission system have the potential to 7 provide significant cost savings over time.Generally,the addition of a new 8 transmission path in parallel with existing lines,like the Transmission Projects,will 9 reduce the energy and capacity losses by reducing the impedance of the transmission 10 system.Reduced line losses mean more efficient delivery of energy and capacity at 11 reduced costs. 12 Q.Did the Company consider alternatives to the Transmission Projects? 13 A.Yes.While long-term alternatives to constructing a new transmission line are limited, 14 the Company did consider other approaches,but none were as cost-effective.As 15 described more fully in the testimony of Mr.Link,the Transmission Projects and Wind 16 Projects were included in the Company's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan,where they 17 were analyzed in comparison to alternatives.The resource portfolios that included the 18 Transmission Projects and Wind Projects were consistently least cost,least risk. 19 Q.Has the Company considered any other alternatives to the Transmission Projects? 20 The Company also considered the ability to obtain additionaltransmission capacity by 21 upgrading the existing transmission system or implementing alternative transmission 22 technologies.Since 2013 the Company has completed several important projects to 23 enhance the transmission system in southeast Wyoming,including the dynamic line O REDACTED Vail,Di -23 Rocky Mountain Power l rating of the Miners (Standpipe)-Platte 230 kV line (2013),Southern Wyoming Voltage 2 Control Scheme,which coordinated wind generation reactive output to stabilize local 3 area voltages (2015),and construction of the Standpipe substation and (60 MVAr) 4 synchronous condenser for voltage control (2016).These projects allowed the 5 Company to delay the Transmission Projects until 2020,but are not a long-term 6 substitute for the Transmission Projects. 7 REQUIREMENTSOF RP 112 8 Q.Please summarize how the Company's Application meets the requirements for a 9 CPCN application. 10 A.RP 112 describes what must be included in an application for a CPCN.I have 11 incorporated exhibits to my testimony that include the required information for the 12 Transmission Projects. 13 Q.What is required by RP 112(1)? 14 A.This section of the rule requires a statement or prepared testimony and exhibits 15 explaining why the Transmission Projects are in the public convenience and necessity. 16 The Company's testimony and exhibits as a whole address this requirement. 17 Q.Have you provided the description of the Transmission Projects required by RP 18 112(2)? 19 A.Yes.In addition to the description included in the introductory sections of my 20 testimony,Exhibits Nos.5,6,7,8,12 and Confidential Exhibits Nos.9,10 and 11 21 provide engineering specifications,drawings,and other pertinenttechnical information 22 for the Transmission Projects. O RED ACTED Vail,Di -24 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Have you provided a map of the Transmission Projects required by RP 112(3)? 2 A.Yes.The Transmission Projects will be sited entirely in Wyoming's Carbon and 3 Sweetwater counties and the terrain is primarily open rangeland.The map attached as 4 Exhibit No.4 describes the proposed route for the transmission lines and the proposed 5 locations for the associated substations.Cadastral surveying (which is a field survey 6 that establishes or re-establishes legal property boundaries)for all transmission lines 7 and associated access roads is in progress,so metes and bounds descriptions are not 8 available at this time.The Company will provide the results of the surveys once they 9 are complete.The attached Confidential Exhibit No.15 provides the Transmission 10 Projects'sections on federal lands and the Transmission Projects'sections on private 11 and state lands. 12 Q.Have you also prepared a geological report of the proposed sites of the 13 Transmission Projects? 14 A.Yes.As part of the federal permitting process for the Energy Gateway project,the 15 Company conducted a two-year geotechnical exploration and geologic hazards 16 assessment.For the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line,the geotechnical exploration 17 program consisted of advancing 44 borings,collection of soil samples for laboratory 18 testing,lab testing and determination of soil properties,and reporting for use in the 19 foundation design.The Company intends to advance an additional 44 borings to further 20 inform the foundation design.During the same period,the Company conducted 21 surficial geology and geologic hazard reconnaissance.Recommendations regarding 22 noted geologic hazards were published in reports for all segments of the Aeolus-to- 23 Bridger/Anticline Line.The geological reports are included in Exhibit No.16.The O REDACTED Vail,Di-25 Rocky Mountain Power l work is also generally applicable to the balance of the Transmission Projects and will 2 be validated as such. 3 The geotechnical engineering studies concluded that all tower sites were 4 suitable for drilled pier foundations as planned,as long as the recommended values for 5 soil engineering properties are used in the design and consideration is given to potential 6 excavationdifficulties during construction. 7 A geotechnical study consistent in scope and technical approach to that 8 described above and as contained within Exhibit No.16 will be performed for the 9 230 kV Network Upgrades. 10 Shallow groundwater is not likely to pose a significant constraint on the 11 Transmission Projects,but could complicate foundation drilling and construction. 12 Areas where annual or seasonal groundwater depths are less than 10 feet below the 13 ground surface are considered high risk.Geologichazard reconnaissance confirms high 14 ground water in only few isolated locations. 15 Operating mineral deposits are provided in Exhibit No.17 and a topographical 16 map showing the substation locations and right-ofway overlay is included in Exhibit 17 No.18. 18 Q.RP112(4)requires information on how the Transmission Projects will be financed. 19 Where is that information in the Company's Application? 20 A.The testimony of Cindy Crane explains how the Company intends to fund the 21 investment in the Transmission Projects. O REDACTED Vail,Di-26 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.RP 112(4)also requires information on construction timelines.Can you provide 2 these timelines and additional information on the status of the Transmission 3 Projects? 4 A.Yes.To meet the December 2020 deadline,the Company expects to execute contracts 5 for the upgrades to access roads and the bridge to the Aeolus substation site by 6 September 2017 and construction on those components is expected to begin in May 7 2018 for completion by November 2018. 8 The Company expects to provide a limited notice-to-proceed for the Aeolus-to- 9 Anticline line and 230 kV transmission lines by the end of 2018,so the Company can 10 acquire the necessary rights-of-way by March 31,2019.The final notice-to-proceed for 11 the transmission facilities is expected to be issued by April 1,2019,so construction can 12 begin. 13 The Company expects the transmission facilities to become commercially 14 operationalby October 31,2020. 15 A project critical-path schedule is attached to my testimony as Exhibit No.13. 16 Q.Has the Company entered into a binding contract for design and construction of 17 the Transmission Projects? 18 A.No.The Company has engaged the services of an owner's engineer to provide 19 engineering and design services for the Transmission Projects scope of work.The final 20 designs will be performed by the engineer,procurement and construction ("EPC") 21 contractor(s)selected via competitive market solicitation. O REDACTED Vail,Di -27 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.Are there additional technical studies that are necessary before the Transmission 2 Projects are completed? 3 A.Yes.While many technical studies have been completed to date,a number of technical 4 studies will need to be performed to assure that the completed projects will meet all 5 national standards for engineering,reliability and system operations,specifically: 6 Substation and Line Design Studies; 7 Static VAr Compensator Design Studies; 8 Jim Bridger -Subsynchronous Resonance ("SSR")Analysis Studies 9 and SSR Mitigation Analysis; 10 Dynamic Voltage Control Analysis; 11 Remedial Action Scheme (Bridger/Aeolus)Studies; 12 FAC-013-2 Assessment of Transfer Capability for the Near-Term 13 Transmission Planning Horizon Studies;and 14 System Operating Limit Studies. 15 These technical studies will be completed in phases as required to support the 16 design during the engineering phase of the Transmission Projects.All studies will be 17 completed by late 2018.Near-term planning and operationalstudies will be completed 18 in the middle of 2020,in preparation for the Transmission Projects being placed in 19 service by October 31,2020. 20 Q.Please describe how the Company plans to address environmental issue associated 21 with the Transmission Projects. 22 A.The Company has conducted a thoroughassessment of the impacts of the Transmission 23 Projects on the surrounding environment and resources.Much of this assessment 24 occurred as part of the permitting process required by National Environmental Policy 25 Act ("NEPA")because portions of the Transmission Projects will be sited on federal REDACTED Vail,Di-28 Rocky Mountain Power l land.For the 230 kV line section between Aeolus and Standpipe substations,the route 2 was analyzed for impacts as an alternative under the Gateway South project.The 3 Company and Bureau of Land Management ("BLM")are currentlyevaluating any 4 requirements necessary to complete the impacts assessment. 5 In addition to requirements developed via the NEPA process,the Company will 6 also ensure compliance with the Company Avian Protection Plan and other Company 7 Standards. 8 Q.Please describe the NEPA process. 9 A.In December 2008,the Company filed a right-of-waypermit application with the BLM 10 and the U.S.Forest Service,which triggered the need for BLM to prepare an 11 Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS")in accordance with the requirements of 12 NEPA.The draft EIS was released for public comment on July 29,2011,and the Final 13 EIS was published on April 26,2013.The Record of Decision was released on 14 November 14,2013. 15 The BLM used the followingcriteria to select the authorized route: 16 Allow for reasonable construction costs associated with the preferred 17 route; 18 Route on public land where practical; 19 Avoid cultural and natural resource areas; 20 Avoid sensitive species habitat,including bald eagle nests and big game 21 winter range; 22 Follow existing corridors or linear structures; 23 Avoid Visual Resource Management Class II areas; 24 Avoid designated areas such as National Monuments,Wilderness Study 25 Areas,National Landscape Conservation System areas and State and 26 local parks;and REDACTED Vail,Di-29 Rocky Mountain Power O 1 Avoid BLM-identified preliminary priority sage-grouse habitat and 2 Wyoming core habitat areas. 3 The assessment that supported BLM's EIS analyzed the impact of construction, 4 ongoing operation and maintenance,and decommissioning and reclamation of the 5 Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line.The assessment considered the cumulative effects of 6 the proposed Transmission Projects,together with past,present,and reasonably 7 foreseeable future actions,and addressed the following: 8 Cultural resources,such as prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, 9 districts,buildings,historic trails,roads,and landscapes; 10 Vegetation communities,including the potential impact of invasive 11 plant species due to the construction process; 12 Wetlands and riparian areas; 13 Wildlife and fish,including big game,small mammals,reptiles, 14 amphibians,migratory birds and raptors; 15 Special status species,including those listed under the federal 16 Endangered Species Act ("ESA"),those proposed for federal listing as 17 well as candidates under the ESA,BLM,or Forest Service Sensitive 18 species,Forest Service Management Indicator Species,and State 19 Heritage Program plant species of concern; 20 Soils,include clearing,grubbing,and grading along the rights-ofway 21 and at additional temporary workspaces;trenching;backfilling; 22 excavating;and construction of permanent structures,such as 23 transmission line structures,access and service roads,co-generation 24 sites,and substations; 25 Paleontologicalresources; 26 Water resources; 27 Agriculturalresources; 28 Air quality;and 29 Noise. O REDACTED Vail,Di -30 Rocky Mountain Power l Based on that analysis,the BLM and cooperating agencies concluded that for 2 many resources,the effects of the Transmission Projects,coupled with the effects of 3 other known projects,will not be substantial.To the extent that resources may be 4 impacted,the Company has proposed reasonable mitigation efforts to minimize the 5 impact. 6 Q.What impact assessment studies have been performed? 7 A.The studies related to the impact assessment are included in BLM's Record and 8 Decision.The studies are voluminous and can be found at followingwebsites: 9 The Final EIS: 10 https://eplannine.blm.gov/epl-front- 11 office/eplanning/docset view.do?projectId=65164&currentPaceld=92763&do 12 cumentId=78833 13 The Final EIS Appendices: 14 httos://eplanning.blm.cov/epl-front- 15 office/eplannine/docset view.do?projectId=65164&currentPageld=92763&do 16 cumentId=78834 17 The mitigation plans are also included in the above links,and identified in the 18 attached Exhibit No.19. 19 Q.Please describe the Company's plan of development related to the Transmission 20 Projects. 21 A.Once the Transmission Projects are in service,they will not directly produce any 22 emissions into the environment.The Company is preparing the plan of development, 23 which will govern the construction phase of the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line and 24 must be approved by BLM.This plan will include specific requirements to ensure full 25 compliance with all applicableregulations and requirements of the right-of-waypermit 26 granted by BLM for siting the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line on federal lands.The REDACTED Vail,Di -31 Rocky Mountain Power l plan of development will also include best practices for all aspects of environmental 2 protection.The Company anticipates that,at a minimum,the plan of development for 3 the construction phase will account for fugitive dust control,storm water pollution 4 prevention,spill containment and counter measures,plant/wildlife restrictions,and 5 ground disturbance reclamation.The Company anticipates that the protection measures 6 it will use for the Transmission Projects as shown in Exhibit No.20 will be similar to 7 those implemented on the Company's Mona-to-Oquirrh and Sigurd-to-Red Butte 8 transmission projects,adjusted to meet the specifics of this project as necessary. 9 Once the Transmission Projects are in service,the Company will install three 10 primary devices to protect air,water,chemical,biological,and thermal qualities: 11 Construction of retention basins at the substation sites to control storm 12 water runoff,to manage erosion control and waterflows across adjacent 13 properties as well as at the substation sites; 14 Storm water control along the transmission line access routes will be 15 managed using ditches at the verge ofnew access roads along with water 16 control and diversion techniques,such as the use of water bars;and 17 At the substation sites,an oil containment plan will be incorporated into 18 the final design such that,in the event of a leak,the contents of any oil- 19 filled equipment would be contained within the substation site and not 20 leach into the underlying soils. 21 Q.Please describe the effectiveness of the three protective devices you describe above 22 and the operational conditions for which the Company designed and tested the 23 devices. 24 A.The devices all represent proven technology employed at numerous substation and 25 other facilities across the United States.Water-retention designs will comply with all 26 relevant codes as well as the Clean Water Act requirements where applicable.The O 27 Company has successfully employed all of these techniques on recent transmission REDACTED Vail,Di -32 Rocky Mountain Power l projects including Populus-to-Terminal,Mona-to-Oquirrh,and Sigurd-to-Red Butte 2 transmission projects. 3 Q.Please describe any potential safety hazards related to the Transmission Projects. 4 A.The Company requires a high standard of safety performance and planning by all of its 5 employees and contractors.During the construction phase,the primary safety hazards 6 will vary somewhat by stage of the project,but will generally relate to: 7 Heavy equipment operations; 8 Open excavations; 9 Slips,trips and falls; 10 Crane operations; 11 Working at height; 12 Working around energized facilities;and 13 Climatic conditions. 14 The Company will require all personnel working on the Transmission Projects 15 to perform safety training specific to the Transmission Projects.The safety plan will 16 require appropriate safety markings,barriers and other restriction devices to prevent 17 worker or public access to potentially unsafe conditions. 18 During operations,the main safety hazard will be the energized facilities.Tower 19 structures are designed to provide electrical clearances to the ground and structures and 20 prevent climbing without specialist equipment,so that the public cannot reach the 21 conductor. 22 All substation energized facilities are constructed so that the high-voltage 23 equipment is placed with sufficient clearances from the site security fence to prevent REDACTED Vail,Di-33 Rocky Mountain Power l accidental contact with the energized equipment.All substations will include security 2 fencing,controlled access devices,security monitoring to limit and manage personnel 3 gaining access to the site. 4 Q.Please describe the status of satisfying local,state,tribal,or federal governmental 5 agency requirements. 6 A.The Company has obtained a federal right-of-waypermit from the BLM,which covers 7 approximately half of the 140 mile-length of the Aeolus-to-Anticline line.The right- 8 of-waygrant was authorized concurrently with the release of the Record of Decision, 9 discussed above.The BLM's decision provides the authorizations,with stipulations, 10 necessary for the Company to begin construction on federally administered lands. 11 Stipulationsin the right-of-waygrant require additional environmental surveys 12 to be completed in order to clear construction areas before receiving the notice to 13 proceed to construct on public land.The Company is currently conducting surveys for 14 cultural,paleontological,biological and potential wetland resources that will need to 15 be protected and,if adversely impacted,mitigated.The BLM and the U.S.Corp of 16 Engineers will issue final notices to proceed after receipt and approval of survey 17 reports,pre-construction notifications,and payment of any required mitigation funds 18 determined. 19 In addition,the right-of-way grant includes the requirement to comply with 20 several additional federal agency required permits and approvals,which the Company 21 is currentlyin the process of completing,including Section 106 Consultation under the 22 National Historic Preservation Act,Section 404 Clean Water Act Permit,and Resource 23 Protection Plans required by the BLM. O REDACTED Vail,Di -34 Rocky Mountain Power l The Company is in the process of securing all relevant federal,state,and local 2 permits for the 230 kV section between the Aeolus substation and the Standpipe 3 substation.The Company anticipates that this section will be subject to the same or 4 similar conditions included in the Record of Decision,released November 12,2013. 5 Q.What is the current status of the necessary permits from local government 6 entities? 7 A.The Company has or will receive the required consents,franchises,and permits from 8 all the local governmental entities havingjurisdiction over the proposed route for the 9 Transmission Projects.These will include an application to the Wyoming Department 10 of Environmental Quality and the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council for the issuance 11 of a permit.The Company will also obtain a conditional use permit from Carbon 12 County and a construction permit from Sweetwater County. 13 In addition to the conditional use permit,the Company is in the process of 14 obtaining the required consents and permits from the State of Wyoming,subject to 15 completion of the fmal design of the transmission line alignment.Additionally,the 16 Company will obtain any permits and approvals required from state agencies for actual 17 construction and operation of the Transmission Projects in the ordinary course of 18 development.These required consents and permits may include,but may not be limited 19 to,stream alteration permits from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department,highway 20 encroachment permits from the Wyoming Department of Transportation,storm water 21 permits from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality 22 Division,right-of-waygrants from the Wyoming State Trust Lands Administration,and 23 approvals from the State Historic Preservation Office of Wyoming. O REDACTED Vail,Di-35 Rocky Mountain Power l Based on the current routing plan,these are the only permits,franchises,and 2 consents required for the Transmission Projects.Should a routing change resulting from 3 the environmental approval process require any additional local consents,franchises, 4 or permits,the Company will immediately seek such approval and inform the 5 Commission.. 6 Exhibit No.21 provides additionaldetails on the required permits. 7 Q.Please describe the sage grouse habitat in the vicinity of the Transmission Projects. 8 A.As part of the NEPA process,the Company's assessment specifically addressed the 9 potential impact of the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Line on sage grouse habitat.The 10 studies related to sage grouse are included in the Final EIS issued by BLM.In addition, 11 the mitigation plan associated with sage grouse is described in Exhibit No.19. 12 The Company is also in the process of developing a Greater Sage Grouse 13 Avoidance,Minimization,and Mitigation Plan to demonstrate compliance with BLM 14 and state policies designed to minimize impacts to sage grouse and their habitat,and 15 support the position that a listing as threatened or endangered under the ESA is not 16 needed. 17 Q.Under RP 112(5),has the Company provided cost estimates for the Transmission 18 Projects? 19 A.Yes.The estimated total cost for the Transmission Projects is .The 20 individual cost components of this estimate are set forth in Confidential Tables 1-2 21 above. O REDACTED Vail,Di -36 Rocky Mountain Power l Q.RP 112(5)also requires information on the Transmission Projects'effect on the 2 Company's revenue requirement.Please explain where that information is located 3 in the Company's Application. 4 A.Mr.Larsen and Mr.Link sponsor the Company's revenue requirement analysis related 5 to the Transmission Projects. 6 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSIONS 7 Q.Please summarize your recommendation to the Commission. 8 A.I recommend that the Commission approve the Company's Application.The 9 Transmission Projects will provide substantial benefits to its customers and are prudent 10 and in the public interest.Based on this conclusion,I recommend that the Commission 11 grant the Company CPCNs for the Transmission Projects. 12 Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony? 13 A.Yes. O REDACTED Vail,Di -37 Rocky Mountain Power