HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171124Stipulation.pdfROCK Y MOUNTAIN RECE lv ED 1407 W.North Temple,Suite 310POWERSaltLakeCity,Utah 84116 November 24,2017 SSION VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702 Attention:Diane Hanian Commission Secretary RE:CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT FOR WIND REPOWERING Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7)copies of a Stipulation in the above- referenced matter. Informalinquiries may be directed to Ted Weston,Idaho Regulatory Manager,at (801)220-2963. Very truly yours, J R.Stew Vice President,egulation Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION PACIFICORP DBA )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) BINDING RATEMAKING )STIPULATION TREATMENT FOR WIND )REPOWERING ) This stipulation ("Stipulation")is entered into by and among Rocky Mountain Power,a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain Power"or "the Company")and all of the parties of record in Case No.PAC-E-17-06 including Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff"),the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Inc.("HPA"),PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC")and Monsanto Company ("Monsanto").The Stipulation refers to the Company,Staff,IIPA,PIIC and Monsanto individuallyas a "Party,"and collectively,as the "Parties." I.INTRODUCTION The terms and conditions of this Stipulationare set forth below.The Parties agree that this Stipulationrepresents a fair,justand reasonable compromise of all issues raised in this proceeding, and that this Stipulation is in the public interest.The Parties,therefore,recommend that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions.See IDAPA,272,and 274. II.BACKGROUND 1.On July 3,2017,Rocky Mountain Power filed an Application for Binding Ratemaking Treatment for Wind Repowering ("Application')with the Commission.The Application requested a Commission determination on the prudence of the Company's plan to CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION --Page 1 upgrade or "repower"most of its wind resources,and Commission approval of the Company's proposed ratemaking treatment for new investment and continued rate recovery of and on the undepreciated balance of the replaced assets associated with the wind repoweringproject. 2.On July 26,2017,the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Order setting an intervention deadline of August 8,2017,and directing Staff to develop a procedural schedule for the processing of the matter. 3.On August 18,2017,the Commission issued a Notice of Scheduling and Notice of Technical Hearing setting a procedural schedule that included a technical evidentiary hearing on December 7,2017. 4.To work toward resolving the issues raised in the Application,the Parties met on October 19,2017,under IDAPA and .272,to engage in settlement discussions.Based upon these settlement discussions,as a compromise of the Parties'positions in this proceeding, and for other good and valuable consideration,the Parties have reached a comprehensive settlement agreement.The Stipulationresolves all outstanding issues in this docket,andthe Parties believe the Stipulation is in the public interest. HI.TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 5.The Parties request that the Commission issue an order finding that the Company's decision to repower the wind facilities identified in the Application is prudent and in the public interest,based upon the representations of the Company in this matter. 6.The Parties request that the Commission approve the Company's proposed ratemaking treatment for recovery of the replaced assets,new investment,incremental energy production,and production tax credits ("PTC")associated with the wind repowering project. Specifically,the Parties agreethat the Commission should enter an order approvingthe Company's CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION -Page 2 proposed Resource Tracking Mechanism ("RTM")as a component of the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM").See Direct Testimony of Jeffrey K.Larsen at 6-16,and Exhibit 12 (describing design and operation of the RTM).The RTM,along with the ECAM,will capture the costs and benefits of the repowered wind facilities until such time as they are recovered in base rates. 7.The Parties agree that all liquidateddamages received by the Company under the contractual agreements with vendors for these fàcilities will be passed onto customers,including, but not limited to,liquidated damages received due to the repowered equipment not meeting specified availability,performance,or installation schedule requirements. 8.The Parties agree that,under the ECAM's existing sharing bands,90 percent of the net power cost ("NPC")benefits associated with the incremental energy production from each repowered wind facility will be credited to customers and 10 percent will be assigned to the Company.The Parties agree that the RTM will pass that 10 percent of the NPC benefits of the wind repowering project,that would otherwise be assigned to the Company through the ECAM, back to customers.Thus,customers will receive 100 percent of the benefit of the incremental energy produced by the repowered fàcilities.The Parties further agree that 100 percent of the full gross-up pre-tax value of all the PTCs generated by each repowered facility will be credited to customers through the existing ECAM,consistent with the current treatment of PTCs.The Parties further agree that there will be no return on any deferred tax assets that may be created as a result of the Company's inabilityto contemporaneously monetize PTCs to full value.The Cotnpany will begin deferring the costs and benefits associated with the wind repowering activity for each repowered wind facility in the first month following its in-service date,until those costs and CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION -Page 3 benefits are includedin base rates through a general rate case.The parties agree that a 10.4 percent pretax rate of return on investment will be utilized in the RTM calculation.This equatesto an after tax return on investment of 6.45 percent.Following the next general rate case or federal tax rate changecase,the retum on the net plant balance will be consistent with the rate of retum authorized by the Commission in that case.The parties reserve all rights to challenge the rate of retum in future rate cases. 9.The Parties agree that the Company will maintain a cap in the RTM until the next general rate case,and evaluate the need and use of the RTM,including the cap,in the next general rate case.In any event,continuationof a cap would not exceed the eligibility timeframe for PTCs. Additionally,Parties agree that any annual surcharge to customers from the RTM will be matched to the annual credit that results from the benefits derivedfrom wind repowering that flow through the Company's ECAM,and that there will be no incremental surcharge through the RTM beyond any such credited amounts untilthe re-evaluationin the next general rate case.The evaluationof the continued need and use of the cap for the RTM in the next general rate case will consider whether the Company would recover the prudently-incurredcosts of the repoweringproject. 10.The Parties agree that the Company will bear a)the risks related to any portion of the wind repowering project that does not qualifyfor PTCs due to completion delays beyond the timelines associated withthe five-percent safeharbor,and (b)any unexpected loss of PTC benefits for not qualifyingunder the 80/20 test requirements,that are within the Company's control. 11.In each ECAM filing until base net power costs are reset either in the next general rate case or in another appropriate proceeding,the Company will report the net power cost and PTC benefits associated with the wind repowering project and Parties'support of this Stipulation CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION--Page 4 does not waive their right to contest these costs or benefits when the Company seeks recovery of such items in the Company's next ECAM or general rate case. 12.The Parties agree that,at the time the assets replaced by repowering are removed from service,the Company will record the unrecovered investment in replaced wind equipment in accumulated depreciation reserve.The Company's accounting system will be able to report the balance of these assets as they are depreciated.The Parties acknowledge that until the Company performs its next depreciation study and implements the rates from that study,no depreciation will occur on the replaced assets.The Company will track the depreciation expense associated with the new assets and compare that amount to the depreciation expense associated with the replaced assets that is currently recovered through retail rates.The net depreciation expense will be included in the RTM as described in the direct testimony of Jeffrey K.Larsen at pages 9-10 and Exhibit 11.Parties may make proposals regarding the recovery period of these replaced assets in the Company's next depreciation study,but agree not to contest the inclusion of unamortized balances as a component of rate base in the Company's next general rate case. 13.The Parties agree that the Company will file a report on the dispositionof the assets replaced by repoweringand the salvage valueor other customer benefits realized and,if applicable, credited to the accumulated depreciationreserve,at the time of the Company's first general rate case after repowering,or its application for approval of the ECAM filed in 2021,whichever is earlier.As a component of the report,the Company will detail the adjustments recorded to accumulated depreciation reserve for each facility. 14.The Parties agree that the Company must demonstrate in its report,referenced in paragraph 13 above,that it has acted in good faith to timelydispose of the replaced assets and CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION-Page 5 maximize the salvage value or other customer benefits from the replaced assets.Failure of the Company to act in good faith may affect cost recovery and return on remaining replaced assets. The Company will include and track actual salvage value realized through the sale and disposition of repowered replaced assets in the RTM. 15.The Company will include the actual costs and benefits it incurs for repowering in the RTM,and parties will have the opportunity to verify these costs and benefits as part of the annual audit of the ECAM deferred balance.Althoughthe Parties agree that the Commission should find that the Company's decision to repower its wind facilities is prudent and in the public interest,the Parties agree that a party may challenge the prudence of actual costs and benefits incurred in implementing the wind repoweringprojectwhen the Company seeks recovery of those costs in a later proceeding.The Parties agreethat the Company will include the costs and benefits that are tracked in the RTM in its quarterly ECAM filing updates beginning after the in-service date of the first facility to complete repowering. 16.If there is a material change in circumstance,such as changes to federal tax laws, change in the projected costs or benefits,or for some other reason,the Parties agree that the Company will make a filing with the Commission to allow for additional review and a determination of whether the Company should proceed with the implementation of the wind repowering project under the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. 17.The Parties agree to reconvene and to reconsider and amend the terms and conditions of this Stipulation if the Company executes and obtains approval of a settlement agreement with parties in either Utah Docket No.17-035-39 or Wyoming Docket 20000-519-EA- 17 and those settlement agreements include more favorableterms and conditions for customers, CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION--Page 6 recognizingthat differences exist in current regulatorytreatment or mechanisms between the states that will impact any settlement structure achieved in other states,than those set forth in this Stipulation including,without limitation,a lower overallrate of return on the new investment.If after reconvening,the overall the terms of a settlement agreement reached and approved in either Utah or Wyoming is more favorable than the agreement reached herein,the Company will file with the Commission to align the overall outcome of this Stipulationwith the other states. IV.GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.The Parties agree that this Stipulationrepresents a compromise of the positions of the Parties on all issues in this proceeding.Other than the above-referenced positions and any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation,and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions regarding this Stipulation,all negotiations relating to this Stipulation are not admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding. 19.The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety under IDAPA Parties will support this Stipulation before the Commission,and no Party may appeal any portion of this Stipulationor Order approvingthe same. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation,the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to cross-examine witnesses and present a case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented,including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation.Notwithstanding this reservation of rights,the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoptionof the terms of this Stipulation. CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION -Page 7 20.If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation,or imposes any additional material conditionson approval of this Stipulation,each Party reserves the right,upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding,within 15 days of the date of such action by the Commission,to withdraw from this Stipulation.In such case,no Party will be boundor prejudicedby the terms of this Stipulation,and each Party will be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order,file testimony as it chooses,cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to present a case as it deems appropriate. 21.The Parties agreethat this Stipulationis in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair,justand reasonable. 22.No Party will be bound,benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiationof this Stipulation,except to the extent expressly stated herein,nor will this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation will not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method,theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery.No Party will be deemed to have agreed that any method,theory or principle of regulationor cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolvingany issues in any other proceeding in the future.No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein will be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 23.The obligationsofthe Parties under this Stipulationare subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and,if judicial review is sought,upon such approvalbeing upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction. 24.The Parties agree to waive their rights to testify at the technical heating scheduled for December 7,2017,and respectfully request that this Application and associated Stipulationbe CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION -Page 8 processed under Modified Procedure,i.e.,by written submissions rather than by hearing.RP 201 et.seq.In accordance with RP 121(d).If however the Commission determines that a technical hearing is necessary the Parties stand ready to present testimony in support of this Stipulation. CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION -Page 9 Respectfully submitted this 21 day of November,2017. Rocky Mountain Power PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers By IdahoPublic Utilities Commission Staff Monsanto Company By BY Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Inc. By CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION--Page 10 Respectfully submitted this 21"day of November,2017. Rocky Mountain Power PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers Idaho Public Utilities Commission StatT Monsanto Company BY By Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Inc. CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION-Page 10 Respectfully submitted this 21"day of November,2017. Idaho Industrial Customers Idaho Public Utilides com n Staff MonsantoCompany Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Inc. BY CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION-Page 10 Respectfully submitted this 21 day of November,2017. Rocky MountainPower PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers By Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff MonsantoCompany By By Ú * Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association Inc. BY CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 ST1PULATION -Page 10 Respectfidly submitted this 21 day of November,2017. Rocky Mountain Power PaciñCorp Idaho Industrial Customers By Idaho PubHe UtRities Commission Staff MonsantoCompany By By CASE NO.PAC-E-17-06 STIPULATION-Page 10 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 24*of November,2017,I caused to be served,via e-rnail a true and correct copy of Rocky MountainPower's Stipulation in Case No.PAC-E-17-06 to the following: Service List IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION INC. Eric L.Olsen Anthony Yankel ECHO HAWK &OLSEN,PLLC 12700 Lake Avenue,Unit 2505 505 Pershing Ave.,Ste.100 Lakewood,Ohio 44107 P.O.Box 6119 E-mail:tonv vankel.net Pocatello,Idaho 83205 E-mail:elo@echohawk.com MONSANTO COMPANY Randall C.Budge Brubaker &Associates Racine,Olson,Nye &Budge,Chartered 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd.,#140 P.O.Box 1391;201 E.Center Chesterfield,MO 63017 Pocatello,Idaho 83204-1391 E-mail:bcollins consultbai.com E-mail:reb à racinelaw.net kiversonEconsultbai.com IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CONSUMERS Ronald L.Williams Jim Duke Williams Bradbury,P.C.Idahoan Foods P.O.Box 388 E-mail:iduke idahoan.com Boise ID,83701 E-mail:ron williamsbradburv.com Kyle Williams Val Steiner BYU Idaho Nu-West Industries,Inc. E-mail:williamsk bvui.edu E-mail:val.steineriaerium.com Bradley Mullins 333 SW Taylor,Suite 400 Portland,OR 97204 E-mail:brmullins mwanalvtics.com COMISSION STAFF Brandon Karpen Deputy AttorneyGeneral Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 E-mail:brandon.karpen puc.idaho.cov Page l of2 PACIFICORP,DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTVER Ted Weston Yvonne Hogle PacifiCorp,dba Rocky MountainPower PacifiCorp,dba Rocky MountainPower 1407 West North Temple 1407 West North Temple Suite 330 Suite 320 Salt Lake City,UT 84116 Salt Lake City,UT 84116 E-mail:ted.westonúspacificorp.com E-mail:vvonne.hoe1eúbpacificorp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah,Suite 2000 Portland,OR 97232 E-mail:datarequestGioacificorp.com Dated this 24*day of November,2017. Kaley McNay Senior Coordinator,Regulatory Operations Page 2 of 2