HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170526Decision Memo.pdfDE CISION MEMORAIT{DI]M TO:C OMMIS$ONEN, IGIELI,AI{DEIT COMMISSIONER, RAPER COMMISI$ONER ANI}ERSION COMMISI$ON SECRETARY COMMIS$ON STATF LEGAL x?,oM:YAO YIN DAPENE EUAIiIG,DAG IIATE: MAY 26,2017 SI]BJECT:I'PDAIE TO PT,BLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES TO RErI,ECT AI\t TTPDATED NATTTRAL GAS PRICE TQRECAST Or TEE U.S. ENERGY INFOnMATION ADMINISTRATION, CASE NOS. AW-8"17-02, IpC-8"17- 0% PAC-8"17-05 Pursuant to the Public Utihty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and the implernenting regulations of &e Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the ldaho Publis Utilities Commission (Commission) has approved a Sunogate Avoided Resource (SAR) mcthodolory for calculating the avoided cost rate at which Pt RPA, qualifyiug eogeneration and small power production facilities (QFs) are paid by Idaho Power, Avista, and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates arc the purchase price pard to QFs for purchases of QF capacrty and eneqgy. The relea* of a new natural gas prioe forecast by the U.S. Energy Infomation Administation (EIA) triggered m updated calculation of avoided cost rates. I]PDATED NATT'RAL GAS PRICE X'ORECAST One of the key input variables in the computation of avoided cost rates in thc SAR methodology is a long-term naturd gas price forecast. In accordance with the methodology approved in Ordcr No. 32697, the 'heference case" natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electic Power sector published in EIA's Awual Erurgt Outlook serves as the basis for computing avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32697, the Commission also formd that the final release of Awrual Energt Outlook automatically trigg€rs a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32802, the Commission clarified that an update should occur on June I or witlrin 30 days of the final release of lheAnrual Energt Atilook,whichever is latsr. IDECISION MEMORA}IDUM \\e Awnnl Energt Outlook 2017 was released on January 5,2017. A copy of the relevant Batural gas pricc forecast is attached. STAFX''S AhINUAL T'PDATE Commission Statrhas recomputed avoided cost rates for PacifiCorp, Avista, and Idaho Power, using &e EIA's most rccert natural gas price forecast. The new avoided cost rates, if approved, will increase approximatcly lo/o to 6% from current published rates, depending on the generation t1rye. Staff computed the rates for all three utilities and *tached a copy to this Memomndum, Staffprovided Idaho Power, Avistq aud PacifiCorp with worksheets showing the computation of the updated avoided cost rates on May 16,2A17, for review and sommert. UTILITIES' RESPONSES In its rcsponse lett€r, Avista identified an issu€ with capacity palment calculations for replacemelrt conhacts that Staffbelieves is outside the scope of this case.I Howevcr, both Avista and PacifiCorp acknowledged that the nrtes as prcs€Nted are concct Idaho Power objected to use of the ELA's Mountain Regron natuml gas forecast upon which the updarod avoided cost rates are based. Idaho Power believes that the continued use of this forecast'lesults in an rtificially high price that customers should not be required to p"y.'i Response and Objection of Idaho Power Company at 7. Ingtea{ Idaho Power ploposed rsing the EIA's natural gas spot price at He,nry Hub: High Oil and Cias Resource and Technology forecast adjusted for Surnas and Idaho City Gate, which is used in Idaho Power's 2017 Integrated Resornce Plaoning process and Incremental Cost IRP methodologl. STAFX' RECOMMEI{DATION Staff observes that the EIA's 'teference case' natural gas price formast for the Mountain Region's Electic Power sector has been uscd to update published avoided cost rates each year for the past for.u years without objection. Thus there is no precedent for how to process an objection to Staffs arnrul updarc to the publislred avoided cost rates reflected in updated natural gas price forecasts. Staffbelieves its proposed updated rates should not be delayed, but that it is appropriate to Btve Idaho Power's objection and proposal due consideration. Staffrecommends that its proposed updated rates be approved, effective June l, 2017 (per Order No, 32697), and that the Cornnrission accept Idatro Power's objection as an application I Staffbelievcs thc issue only affects Ayisq as a wintcr peaking utility, not the othcr two utilitics which arc sunmcr pcaking. Thcrtforc, Statr will discuss this conecrn with Avista sc,parately. If Avista's conocm rcmains afrer such discussions, Stafrbelieves it appropriarc for Avista to file a separate ap,plication to address thc is$rc. 2DECISI ON hdEMORA}.IDIJM in a generic proceeding (as to all thr€e utilitis) to revise Stafs methodology for updating published avoided cost rates to reflect rrydat€d natural gas price forecasts. In such procecding, all electic rrtilities and inrcrested parties would bave the opporhnity to provide comment so the Commission can mott fully understand the full impact of Idaho Power's proposal. Std recommends that the Commission issue a Notioe of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure sening t2lday comm€ot pcriod and a l4day all-party reply. Counsel for,Idaho Power has indicated Stafs proposal is reasonable, and Idaho Power does not object to processing its objection as Staffrecommends. COMMIS$ON DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept StafPs updated published avoided cost mtes for Idaho Power, Avista, and PacifiCorp, effective June 1, 2017? Does the Commission wish to accept Idaho Power's objection as an application for a generic prooeeding and issue aNotice of Application and Notice of Modified Prosedure with a 21- day courment period and a 14-day dl-party reply period? Deputy Attorney General M :AW-E- I ?-$2_IPC-B I 7-07_PAC-E- I 7-05_ry_djh 3DECISION MEMORA}{DUM Grt T nN R t t i I t d ac E d n d goI n{! Bd qc, dd Bd Bd J iqi.a I Ed H d dT q ll fr t J i -i ..l; ol.rl; N tnltrlElrt E.IEg = 3I ; 6I E T ',>i 6IXt, g,ff I'8 E T !.t I NIH:B;Rd l;'tl dH. t B;H T]E?tl {: tt: ll BiN:g;E 'l! dr'lr dcl: : i g; E: I:5 9r H'8i dcli {rJ; d.!i ro' x, o: rtIltt ry, cl , ttlh, t. r{i C' 8r ts E;8vl; rrl d'd ::: NiE]BiEdl d: .ll d Ga! tl ll llt?t:rt Q: lO|ll' N: ral Ct raOrnQcti a{ E tlJ. nl 'lt d E E E E $ rt! g T 6 E I H Ffl gr F rn H E Ec g a eg8gE?C1iT STulrEE $$si Erl HB8Nr{"1 H,5f, T.F Hr{EBRTBdrd'{d EHfiB9dgtd.,l"l I 88SSBSCtdGl'l$83$5 RfiEhHqqsEa dgtrro RilflqqRHt'ilo EESSFds{,ld frEqfltxlHr4r{oHtr$38 6hl\carahrlaqqxtgvr({o8868Xsc{dd orttl B.rl H. gq Ea .:T.F [.H IulN R e B c fi p H H I H t H H E Eil H o H E6t € H l' H 3H E I.s $ fr$ 5,H, al55I tg3H5 nE$58 qEq8fi HRr.NdHREill rn' .!Nal Hflsns8BrldEFdul.\|F{ fi R,N 5 3, $xH$$f;9355 HgE5If,:3H5 F E' E E HdSdn,lr ts{ HqEnlcllofaN AVISTA AVOIDED OGT RATEE FOR IUIND PRO'ECTS June 01,2017 0,['fWh Nsw Contaotg rnd RgphcmgilContnot! tfll$out Fult Geoacltv Prvmont Ellglblfti nor $cte rabs ls llmlbd b plrpctr l@ kW or rmalha ON.UTEY'EAR TENGTH zota2017 zoTs zo2(,Nzl WE' CONTRACT YTAR NOt{"tE1/EI,JZED RATES 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 EI 10 11 12 13 14 15 t8 17 IE l9 20 20.01 29.ee 31.30 E3.O.l 34.t9 34.91 s5.5r 36.11 30.05 37.61 98.8t 30,86 s0.56 40.t0 40.68 tlt.06 4t.a8 41,88 42.20 4286 31.4t 82.89gtt.78 36.80 t8,48 36.99 37.65 SE.2E 89.0.1 s9.75 .f0.30 41.004l.u 4LOg r12.50 42.c2 4c.39 as,72 a4.tt4.$ u,a2 38.6S E7.64 E7.00 30.97 38.88 89.5Etto.S 41.07 41.72 /t2.Sg 12,47 .l&90 tt3.63 14.26 44,08 45.00 .16.46 ,f6.0S 4E.r9 3C.09 39.95 39.98 90.50 38.97lo.60 41..004,:2 ,t2'60 tls.50 44.ffi4.U '16.0t.t5.44 tt6.86 40.20 46,85 47.U 17.11 17.77 E8.EO 3e.at 39.E1 .10,28 ,l1.lt 1LO6 42,06 43.604.23tltEl 45.3:t 45.01 8.24 '16.384?.'t0 1t.61 47,9i2 48.3t 40.66 40.00 30.,|tl 80.81 40.'|8 ttt.5S 12.A1 43.514.U t|6.00 45.0t .18.15 '18.6517.11 {?.56 4?.9E 18.11 48.t3 4e,23 40.61t 50.m 50.30 2017 2010 ,olg 2Ut0 mix 2g!22 zWXt m24 2025 20,6Nin 2028 2U2' 2030 2031 2Ag2 20E3 20t4 2035 2088 ?0,37 2034 2039M 20/1 20,,2 20,61 3t.lm u.12 3a.E:3 30.40 ss.434.Zt 41.98 t15.28 .17.8a /t9.20 60.'t2 5t.88 52.e0 53.St 64.48 65.32 58.55 67.09 59.45 01.t0 62.fr 63.00 36.68 88,E2 6E.8't Nol6: ThBo ,atc! will b. furlh.r gdJualed wilh the applcabb hHralion cfi.rgo, NolB: Tho r.1€! thown h thl! tlblc ha\ra b6an cornputod utrrg lhe U.S. Enqgy lnlbmation Admlnlsffion (ElA)'e Anruel EncEy Orlook 2017, raleased Januery 2017. Sae Annual Encqy Ouuook 2017, Tsbb 3.E Energy Pdcer by Ssc{or-lt ountsln at htlpg: llwumr.eia. gorroutlooklr&orbbles-rEf. sfrn AVISTAPagp I AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOI.AR PROJECTS Juna 01,2017 EiuIwh New Contracts and Reolacement Gontrecls wlttront Full Caoacltr P.vmrnts Ellglblltty ,or thsE. r.tos la llmlbd to prcJactr 100 kW or tmallor CONTRACT LENGTH IVFARSI ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LB/ELIZEO RATES2n17201e26152o2O202,1 2dlr2 I 2 3 4 5I 7 8 0 l0ll 12 13 14 16 l6 17 IE 19 20 28.31 20.99 31.9' 3!1.3't 34.6S 36.63*.u 36.8S 37.68 38.40 30.23 30.90 40,64 4'.11 41.82 42.10 42.il 42.97 43.37 19.77 31.48 32.68 36,18 aa.52 37.4 37.98 38./t8 39.26 40.07 40.81 41.{8 42.11 42,68 €.re 43,87 44.11 '14.6344,04 45.34 45.72 31.42 37.25 38.{7 3S,00 3S.45 39,90 $.76 41.58 42.25 42.96 43.60 44.16 44.46 46.rt[ 46.58 48.00 4S.41 /18.8.| 47.20 4t.67 40.3t 40.74 40.77 40.0? 4!.38 42.11 4292 43.88 .[4.3{t 44.9A 46.62 {6.02 rf6.40 44.92 47.U 47,76 48.16 48.55 4E.93 ,f9.30 41.20 4t.03 41.n 4t.70 42.68 't3.4944.30 {6.02 45.70 &.29 48.81 {7,30 11.78 t18.10 44.82 48.M .f9,45 49.84 60.23 60.61 40.86 41.23 41.90 42.97 44.08 4.57 $.7A i18.48 47.10 47.U 48.r6 46.82 40.07 40.51 49.85 60.38 60.?8 5't.18 5r.68 51.06 2017 20't8 2010 2020 2021 2022, 2023 2024 2025 2020 2027 2426 2025 2030 2031 2092 2033 20i,/ 2035 2056 2037 203E 2039 2!di0 2041 2442 28.01 31.48 u.42 40.31 41.n 40.N6 {1.e6 43.3E 4e.?4 49.34 8A.t2 5t.97 63.46 54.1S 54.9E 68.t1 66.98 fi.23 59.70 6r.19 6288 84.05 05.61 67.82 68.89 70.73 Nole: Thess ralas will be furthor adjusted with tho appllcable integration charga. Note: Tho rslos Bhom in lhi8 tabh havo b€en computed using th6 U.S. En6rgy lnbmation Admini8tration (E[A)'8 Annual Enorgy Outlook 2017, released January 2017. 566 Annual Ene,gy Ouuook 2017, Tablo 3.E Enorgy Pri{:€r by Ssctor-Mountsin El Itlps://wrwv. 6la, gov/outlooks/seorlabler-ref. cfi tt AVISTA Pagl6 2 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR I.ION€EASONALHYITRO PROJESTS June 01,2017 rynMh Ellglblllty forthcre ntor h llmtbd to profectr tmallerthan l0 altltltL OT+,LINEYEAR LE.IGTH GONTRACT NON.LEI/ETJZED 1 2 3 a 5 E 7 E s 10 1t 12 l3 14 16 't6 1l 'E,9N 28.61 28.99 91,38 34.70 38.9€ 38.38 3S.a0 40.40 41.65 12.67 t[3.tfB .[f.31 45.0E N.7A 46.38 .16.06 17.18 .t7.ea .tE.tt6 a8.92 31.48 3a89 s7,14 39.47 /t0.E2 4't.u 42.n .|ll.79 +1.79 45.60 48.60 47.26 47.92 48.62 {0.09 '10.0050.09 60.58 51.02 5r.46 u.42 .00.31 42,57 €.84 ,l4.4il 15.2t 43.t5 47.'.to 47.9A 'lE,734S.46 60.0s 60.s7 51"21 61.71 52.16 52.8,1 63.0S 63.52 53.84 48,05 47.13 4?.21 47.46 17.9O 4A.87 't0.6350,30 5t.0t 51.6E 62.29 6281 53.32 53.70 il.24 5,1.09 55.12 55.65 66.06 58.30 47.U 47,62 47.76 48.28 49.t8 50.16 61.00$.n 82.a8 63.1 t m.a7 4t.20 54.69 65.10 66.62 56.07 66.52 58.g{ 67.98 67.n 47.80 17-92 t18.52 48,04 5A.77 6r.7s 52.58 6!r.32 5186 54.57 55.,t2 85.6'l 56.11 58.69 57.06 67.E12 67.80 56.SS 54.82 50.23 2017 2018 2019 Nno 2U)1 2UZ2 2qt3 2@1 2u;6 2md 2t21 2s23 2U10 2030 2031 2092 2033 20t4 m35 2txt8 $E7 aB8 ajlt9 20'10N1 20,,2 28.A1 3l.rl8 34.42 la.85 47.U 47.3E 4&28 60.t1 53.67 6A.n 57.76 60.10 80.68 01.54 ail40 03.67 64.85 EE.02 87.60 60.20 m.99 72.30 73.94 7A.t2 7t.91 75.1A Notc: Th63e rals! wlll bc furlhor edjurt6d wllh th! Bppficablc integrallon cfiargc. Note: Th6 ral3s shorvn ln lhlr tsbb llavo boqn conrputgd using th6 U.S. Enorgy lnbrmat'ton Addnislradon (El,A)'a Annual Enorgy Outbok 2017, rpleagsd January 2017. SeeAnnual Energy Oulhok 2017, Tsblo 3.8 Enorly Pdcss by Soctor-Mountah al httss:rrww.oi.. gorrortlooloraeonablot_r6t crm AVISTA PagE 3 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATEB FOR SEAEONAL }IYDRO PRq'EgT8 Juna 01,201? l/[,fWh l{swContracb and Ellglbllty furttm c trb. b lknli.d b pro sctr rmellertlnn l0 rliw. Oil.1l].IEYEAR tENGTH OONTRACT NON-LEvEI.JZED , 2. 3 1 6 0 7 8 0 10.lt 12 13 14 15 16 't7 18 19 29 28,61 20.90 3t.36 3a.96 33.19 33,67 slt.97 v.42 35.03 s6.09 38.E1 36.68 87.a2 37.91 30,35 98.7t 3s.16 30.53 30.t0 40.23 91.,10 32.69 ts.E4 tl|.4e 3{.81 35,12 36.53 86.t6 30.02 3?.46 96.03 38.69 30.00 30.53 39,06 40.34 40.12 .01.08 11.4 .t1.70 u,42 35.10 35.65 35.8t 9E.m 38..O 37.04 37.76 38.40 ts.0t 30.58 40.00 .10.81 .10.S7 4t.87 41.76 42"19 4L4e 42.85 a3.20 36.86 36.35 36.35 36.62 36'90 37.60 38.80 39.10 99.74 .10.34 40.87 41.35 a't.80 4L21 42A1 42.99 {3.37 't3.76u.10 4a..16 98.78 38.67 30.74 3?.19 86.02 36.01 30.70 40.39 4t.O'l 41.8't 12.10 a2.gt a3.00 43,a1 43,8't 4.21 44.60 .14.97 45.33 45.09 38.33 36.71 37.36 34.39 39,'f6 'l0.3lt.01.09 41.78 4z3a ae80 43.SE 43.82u.21 rL.06 45.07 ,15..t7 .[5.88 18.24 48.8t 48.97 2017 2016 2019 20it0 2021 2g!82 20?3 ?0,21 2025NN 20in 2s20 202S 2030 2031 2g,,2 2033 zAl{ 2m5 2qrE 20{t atsE 2009 20r0 20{1 x)12 28.81 sl.l|Ey.42 35.08 36.78 30.30 37.10 3E.?E 42.05 tlt.60 .16.8 47.Ct 48.48 .t8.16 48.85 60.m 51.71 52.80 u.2E 65.68 6721 58.88 69.E0 0t.80 ez.n a4.72 Nob: A "aoaronal hydrc pmjcd" lr defrncd as a genoraton lbdllty wtrlch producu at hast 6695 of llr annual gcncrallon dudng the monlhe ot Juna, July, and Augurl, Ods 32EOl. Nole: Thsrc rat!8 will b€ turth.r dructed wllh the applicable lntegrsllon chaEe. Noto: fhc rate! sllown in lH! tabb hayo beql comn tcd udng thc U,S. Encrgy lnbmalhn Adninblra0on (ElA)l Annuel ErE.gy Ouuook 2017. rdcasd Janurry 2017. SoaA'fliel EnaEy Oulboh 2017, Tlbb 3.E Enorgy Pric$ by S€cbr-lt ounlsln athtpcr/wrw.sla.govrontlookCrollablce-ref.ditt AMSTA pag.,t AVISTA AVOIDEO COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECT8 June 01,2017 8/lfwh Naw Contrecls end RoohctmentGonlrectr wlthout Full Gaoacltv Pavrnentg Ellglblllty for ttarr rabs lr limlbd to proJacb smellar tlnn l0 rl[ItL CONTRACT LENGTH IYEARSI ON.UNEYEAR CONTRACI YEAR NON.LEI'ELIZED RATES20,t7 ?ol8 2019 ,6DO ,tt ,,n, ,| 2 3 4 5I 7 0 s 10'll 12 13 14 15 16 17 t6 1S 20 28.81 29.eS s1.36 38.96 .10.49 12.62 44.69 43-10 41.ffi 48.81 50.10 51.17 52.14 53.00 83.78git.50 66.'t8 65.?8 60.37 68.93 81.46 3e89 40.tE 44,A' 46.87 48.0{ 49..t6 60.84 62,'.t4 63.2S 64.3t 55.25 68.07 54.82 57.6.| 68.14 68.74 50.3'l 60.E6 80.38 *.42 45.t8 40.84 60.8! 62.18 83.31i 5,{.55 65.73 6A,n 67.70 6E.68 59,32 40.01 00.66 al21 81.80 62.34 62.88 63.37 63.85 66.5it 67.08il.at 57.53 68.05 58,E9 59.81 60.84 81.41 42.14 62.80 63.39 63.95 54.48 04.98 85,/t6 45.98 fi-44 68.00 87.3{ 67.66 67.81 tt,s2 68.61 69.48 80,51 61.43 62.26 63,0{ 83.73 84.36 04.9t 46.48 06.00 66.62 67.02 87.52 87.S0 6E.48 88.82 57.65 58.08 68,E1 80.0t 81.29azu 63.'t4 63,97 84.69 65.:14 66.S6 68.61 87.06 67.69 60.11 68.63 8t.12 89.80 70.06 70.64 2017 2018 2018 2020 2021 2022 2421 2024 2426 2028 20n 2@A 2028 2030 203t 20s2 2033 2034 2tts5 2{Xt6 2087 20tt8 20:rs 20410 2041 ?s42 28.01 31.,[8 34.{2 50.63 57.88 57.66 58.60 e0.68 64.18 87.06 i8.80 70.20 71.96 72.S€ 73.e0 76.44 78.50 7E.13 7S.88 81.67 83.84 85.14 87.01 89.U 90.?2 03.09 Nole: "Oth€r pmjects" rotBrs to proJoct! olhor than wind, solar, non€ea8onal hydro, and seasonal hydro projeds. These "Olher projeds' may includo (but aro nol llmited lo): cogoneraUon, biomals, biogas, landfll gac, or geohermal proj6rt8. Nole: The rale3 shown in lhis tabl6 hava beon computed uEing the U.S. Energy lnbrm8tion Admlnistration (ElA)l Annual EnoEy Outlook 20'l7,rehasodJanuary2017, SeaAnnual EnorgyOullook20lT,TablsS.SEnergyPricesbySselor-Mounlelnat httpa:rrwvw 6ia. gov/oullooksraedtables_ref . cfn AVISTA Pag6 5 LENgTH COI{TRACT NOI{.Its'EUZED 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 0 s 10tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20.61 20.s9 81.35 tzgT 38.12 33.58 83.05 34.71 36.66 30.41 37.'10 97.83 3A.63 39.11 39.q! 40.12 4A.57 .$.09 41.40 .tt.79 91.{8ga80 3S.E8 3tl.,tB 3'1.80 96.1t 85.0e 88.78 37.6? 38.47 s0.19 30.E0 't0.4540.00 41.4E 41.84 42.57 42.74 ,fit.18 i[3.57 t4.42 16.15 85.86 36.fi 3&0s 38.E6 87,80 9&.75 39.60 40.35 41.04 41.80 4L20 42.71 43.r7 43.8Iu.u u.4a 44,U 16.22 35.06 38.95 t6.t6 a9.52 3?.{0 38.64 3S.69 .t0.60 41.80 12.0djlz.Eg 4?,24 &71 +4e4 4.74 45.13 45.58 46.07 46.38 40.74 30.?8 39.5't 86.?l 37.82 59.10 40.38 4t.aa 4L24 '|3,0243.69 44,27 44.81 45.30$.n#.u 48.86 .f7.08 47.4E 47,87 Q.26 38.3E 36.71 38.t6 30.02 .f1.2S 42,30 {r?.30 44.12 44.00 .15.40 46.06 48.45 46,42 tf?.38 17.82 48,2e 48.87 49,07 40.17 49.85 2017 2018 201S 2020 ?o21 2W. agizs 2t24 2A26 zut8 70P7 2{TI8 2U2eNW ztlts1 20!2 203t ms4 2035 2&18 201t7 2o3E 203S 2(N0M1 2412 49.45 50.58 62.04 6270 53.60 84.44 66.49 58.72 5&t6 60.6r,$,n 4?'4; 6E 98 05.87 67.01 09,03 46.41 /l?.gC 28.e1 81.4E 9.42 85,96 34.78 38.38 37.10 1L0? l{otq: Theaa rat6s will bo furthr ad.lulled wllh lho appilcablo ht6grallon drarg.. l,lolo: The rat6s shown in thb tabl€ hav6 born compubd u8lng lhg U,S. Ensrgy lnbrmallon Admlnlsffiion (E|A)'B Annual En6Ey Otdlook 2017, rEle.s€d January 2a17. S66Annual Eneqy Oullook 2017, Tabla 3.8 Energy P,lc.s by Sodor-lrountaln .t https/ invu6la.Eo\rrodooksraeoltBbhs-rEf.cfir IDAHO POWER COMPANY PsSe 1 IDA}IO POIII'ER COITIPAiN AVOIDED COST RATES FOR 8OLAR PROJECT8 Juna 01,2017 o&twh and El[lbllity fol tha$ nrbs b llmltsd !o prcfectlt @ kW or rmallor. ON.LINE YEAR LEI'IQTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5I ?I 0 't0 '!1 12 ,3 14 15 l8 17 1E t9 20 28.81 29.99 3r,36 t2.s7 33.r2 33.68 33.85 a7.5S .10.86 43.30 46.66 4?.61 49.23 60.73 92.06 53.28 61.U 66.33 6A.24 67.09 31.43 s2.Be 33,83 t4.48 34.80 95.11 39.29 42.7A 45.07 48.11 50.18 51.00 69.60 54.98 56.1? 67.28 68.29 60.23 60.r0 80.9' u.42 35.'t6 36.05 36.81 36.03 40.99 u.94 48.18 50.70 62.S9 64.8e 68.61 6?.03 6S.19 80.32 61.35 e2.30 63.t9 64.02 6{.76 s5.s5 s0.36 s0.35 38.62 42.66 47.23 60.81 53.86 86.98 67.98 60.04 61.08 02.3€ 83.60 64.63 06.40 88.38 97.21 e7.09 6E.71 30.7E 36.67 88.74 44.88 60.08 54.05 67.08 5r.60 81.61 03.10 &t.83 85.S0 07.02 68.04 0E.98 68.88 70.e8 71.46 72.17 72.36 34.38 s6.71 47,75 4r.09 66.39 8r.50 83.E9 65.86 67.48 8E.61 70.0, 71.W ?2.03 ?2.03n.n 74.84 75.30 7e.00 76.87 77.30 2017 2018 2010 2420 2m1 zAU 20E3 2fft4 2025 2026 2t27 2028 2029 20s0 2031 2012 2033 2034 2095 2036 2,.s7 2038 20:ts 2040N1 20/.2 28.E1 31.48 u,42 35.85 sE.78 30.38 07.10 72.61 76.39 79.43 Et.26 82.94 84.68 88.00 a7.30 88.94 90.29 02.03 93.89 95.98 98.t8 80.87 101.08 104.40 t06.1r 108.7, Note: Thoao ralea wlll bo further adlustod wilh lho applicsblo integration cha6s. Not6: Th6 rat63 sho/vn in this labla havo beon comput€d uBlng the U.S. Energy lnfrrmatbn Adminislratlon (ElA)'s Annual Energy Oullook 2017,rslBasadJanuary2017. SaeAnnualEnargyOutlook2OlT.Tabla3.EEnergyPricerbyS6c{o.-fulountrainat httpB: /Arrry/w. sla,govloullooksra6ortablas_rof. c'ffi I IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 2 IDA}IO POWERGOilPATST AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NOTI€EAsOI|AL TIYDRO PRq'EGTS June 04,2017 lJnM[t NcwGontncilr EllglblllU tu] thrsr ntor h ltnlEd b pioJort rmdler tfran l0 rllW. ON.IINE YEAR TENOTH CONTRACT NOI+IEVELEED I 2g 1 5t 7Ig 10 1t 12 t3 t4 16 t6 1l t0 10 20 2t.01 29.09 3r.c5 82.37 31t.12 39.60 33.05g.n .10,15 1268 4.75 .18.67 '18.1949.80 60.c6 5t.98 63.00 6tt,93 5tt.E0 65.6r 3t.40 32.80 m.a3 It't.48 3.f.40 35.,il 38.38 12.18 '14,9041.11 .t9.'tt 50.81 6226 a1.58 u.74 66.70 56.?l 57.43 5E..15 5e.23 34.12 3616 36.86 36.0r 80.0t ao6s 4.26 17.26 't0.706t.76 5464 55.07 58..t0 57.59 5E 88 60.63 60.53 81.37 6:Lr6 6eE9 36.85 30.35 38.36 3e.62 4211 40.38 .t0.73 5238 5'f-66*.12 fl.00 59.36 80.56 81.fit E2.G1 st.6t 84.36 66.t6 85.89 86.5t 36.78 88.67 3A7a 4.@ .t0.01 all't2 66.68 fl.a2 69.?2 01.30465 88.85 ott.9l 86.E88.n 67.0t 68.39 m.12 09.8t 70.1? 38.90 88.71 t18.84 62.72 58.73 50.G4 6t.09 63.74 35.28 86.5.1 67.68 68.68 69.60 70J5 71.25 72.OO 72.71 73.38 7(03 7a.63 20lt 20tE 2019 2020 2021 2W2 2Ut3 2W21 2026 2020 20n 2U2A 20:t9 2030 2031 20ci2 20311 20t4 2035 203C 20s7 2038 2090 z04O 20|1 20,,2 28.6'l 31./18 u.42 35.95 3A.?E 38.30 37.t0 60.65 ?3.39 76.38 7E.15 7e.E0 61.6S 82.85 Ea.u 85.81 88.01 68.8t go.5a 82.15 s4.68 8.21 98.28 r00.88 1W2.32 r04.86 Nole: Th6!. rltes will bc futhct adjrJltod wih thc applE tla magrstlon dtatlc. Note: Tho rat6s rhown ln thlr table have been compul€rt wlng ttrs U,S. Energy lnbrn.tion Admlnistnatlon (EA)! Annual Enorgy Ouilook 2017. rslaercd JalffJ/sfy m17, S.. Annual Encrgy Oullook 20t7, Tabb 3.E En rgy Pdc.! by S.ctor-Mounbln !t httpr:r/Wrw.rh. govroutlookdaoon bl6-tst ctrD IDAHO POWER COMPN{Y Pagp 3 IDA}IO POWERCOIIPAI|Y AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL }IYDRO PRGIECTB June 01,2017 l,lfwh Nmr ContrrcE end Reolecement Conlncilr wltrout Full Georcltn Pevrnrntr El[lblllty lorthcre nter b lbn]bd to prcleotr rmellerthen l0 ellllU. ON.TJNEYEAR TENGTH CONTRACT NON.LEI'EUZED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g t0It 12 l3 14 15 t0 17 IE 1SN 28.01 20.99 3t.s6 32.37 33.12 3l}.64 33.96 s9.23 r03.82 17.E2 50.45 53.13 65..t7 67.51 80.31 60.92 6n87 63.00 E4.80 66.m Et.4a 32.09 33.83 3/t,48 3r.80 36.11 41.28 a8.26 60,3.t 53.73 50.69 69,06 6t.20 63.07u.l3 8.42 07.68 6E.82 69.90 71.03 *.42 95.15 35.96 34.95 38,36 st 52 ,t6.87 42.2e 67.36 01.33 6tf.66 67.26 89.53 7r.{8 73.20 11.71 76.1't 71.37'76.63 ?9.81 80.00 8t.5.1 36.?E 30.57 36.74 4A.A2 50.41 912.02 fi.21 69.50 723D 71.8t 78.80 78.19 79.68 Er.03 E;2.a E3.30 84.'15 E6..13 86.34 a7.21 38.80 30.?t 53.2t 02.30 0E.37 72,0/- 76.69 74.6i2 EO.67 ut17 Itt.06 85.'l3 88.66 87.83 EE.OO 89.s0 90.43 81.70 8e53 93.8r 36.66 36.81 88.0S 43.'lt tfg.10 53.65 dl.g2 00.38 82.98 86.18 07.'10 08.81 70.3t 71.70 72.e8 71.12 76.20 76.20 2017 2010 2019 2020 2U,1 2o?,2 2t27 2U21 2t,26 mza m27 2!,26 2ti2s 20n0 2031 20fl2 2qi3 203n 2035 2036 203? 203E 2lt3g 2040 20,.1 20d,2 2E 81 31.48 9.12 36.85 30.73 38.36 37.10 s0.42 u.17 97.n 99.06 t01.8:t 10Jt Gl 106.521tt.Q 108.96 110.8tlzq, lr.l,88 1r7.18 119.08 121.71 121.12 r26.48 123.Ei2 r31.88 Nolc: A'rcaronal hydro pmllct' is drfmcd ar r goneralion taclllty wtrlclr pfoduco! at loalt 56% of lls annurl grncr.gon durlng lh3 mmtha of Junc, July, and Argurt. Odcr 32802. Nolo: Thosc ratrswill bo fl,rther adjudod with tho app$cablc inlagntion draryc. Noto: Tho ralso lhom ln thlt trbb havo been computsd uslng lha U.S. Enerly hformatlon Addni!tratbn (EA)'a Annual Enorgy Ouuook 2017. rslee!.d Jan$ry 20t7. Seo Annud En€Ily Ortlook 2017, Tabla 3.8 Enooy Pricar by S.cior-Mount h ethtlps:"wu'w'ol8'go/oullookr/aeoltabla'-r.f's'ftlr rDAlro powER coMpANy pagc 4 IDA}IO PON'ER COTPATiIY AVOIDED COST RATE9 FOR OTHER PROJESTS Juno 01,2017 ryuu,h Ellglblllty lbrthec ratlr b llnlbd b pmfect! arullerttan l0 attlliL O}I.UNEYEAR LENGTH COhITRACT NON.LEYELIzED 1 2 3 1 6 6ItI 10 1' 12l3 11 16 't6 17 t8 t9 20 28.61 29.09 31.96 32.37 3s..t2 33.6C 33.95 t0.63 38.8'l .10.E2 42.U4.U 46.97 .10.54 4?.68 ,tE.52 49.37 50.16 50.00 5r.67 91.46 92.80 8:,.83 34.t18 &{.00 36.fl 38.07 .f0.00 42.7e .t4.83 13.A 4l.ci2 tt8.EtI .O.00 50.87 5r.75 fir.55 58.30 6i1.00 54.86 9.42 s6.16 36.68 36.01 taGt 30.6{, 12,3l4.7t t16.75 .fE..fg 49.c' 6r.16 &2.fr ar25 6tf.l,l 6'1.90 88.72 50.€ 5-.10 6t.7N 36.96 38.36 36.E6 36.62 't0.784.@ 4a.n ttt.9'l 50.80 5ZZ2 63.8'l 61.66 55.6 58.58 57.38 5E.15 58.87 50.65 a0.ts 80.?0 s6.70 3E.Eil t!8.?4 12.24 tf6.'14 1e.1? 61.12 63.28 5.t.85 60.1cil.a, 58"S 5S.tS 60.01 90.77 .61.40azfl 82.Et 88,41 89.s 36.30 36.?1 4.37 't8.8882,23 54.01 68.rt8 5E 0t 6E2E 00.s7 61.3't 02.r9 EZ98 G3.72 64.41 05.0r 65.70 60.20 06.88 67.40 2017 201E2fie 20f,:O ,021 202t2 Zfi?a ?oll, ,,}26 2U2AlET 2U20 2A2g 20it0 203r 20ci2 2033 203.t 20t5 2066 20s7 2038 2039 20.10m{t 20d.2 28.61 Sl.rl8 u.42 85.06 38 78 34.38 37,t0 61.C0 e6.a 88.09 89.75 n.2a 73.(x 71.O7 75.rr 76.57 n.75 70.30 61.07 EZOE 64.06 88.3E*.n s0.5t 82.01 s4.40 Notc: 'Othor projoct!" tllbt! lo ptojccl,! oh€r than wind, !obr. non ocllonal htsm. md l..!onal hydo pojccte. Thcrc "Olhor polects" m8y hdudo (bul srr not |tnllcd b): cogonorallon, blom..!, blogs!. hndfll gar. o' gcothcmal prctc-tr, Noto: The lat!! lrloyyn in lhlr Eble ha\ro b.on cdnpulod ushg fio U.S. Eno,gy lnbrnsuon AdminhtEtion (ElA)t Annud ErF !U Ortlook 2017, rclorcd Janulry 2017. Sa€ Annual Ena0y Outlod( 2017, Trbl€ 3.E Emrgy ftlcer by Srtor-Mounbtn at htlF:rrnwv. ch. gov/ouilookCaec/tablB;rof.ctfl IDAHO POWER COMPAI,IY Paso 5 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATEE FORIIUIT{D PROJECTS Juns Otr 2017 l/uvlh oN-Ut{EYEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVEI,JZEDLENOTH mfi 2018 2019 2{li20 ?fi2l 2qz2 20i}l m21 202fi 2073min mza zo,;s 2030 203r 2032 2033 ar:!f 2036 2036 20,E7 2038 2039 2040 2fl',l 20,,2 2E.61 31.48 s4.42 35.05 88.78 36.88 37.t0 s8.70 i[5.94 47.82 40.28 5lI61 51.98 5e69 53.tfa 5.t.S 56.4r 58.84 58.08 59.64 81,1s 6ra.36 Gt.09 65.7E 88.92 88.03 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8I r0 1t 12 l3 11 16 10 17l0 t9 20 28.61 20.08 3t.36 92.87 33.12 39.67 39.96 s4.41 35.29 38.'t6 3E.96 87.67 38.33 98.93 39.t08 39.06 .f0.ttz 40.a5 1',t.27 .0'1.87 3t./t8 3e80 33.83 s4.40 34.8t 35.12 35.63 36,45 37.87 98,19 38.93 39.82 tt0.2S ao,n 41.2A '11.75az19 1L62 .lll.03 13.12 u,12 36.15 36.05 36.01 3E.GI 38.t10 8?.rm 88.30 30.27 '10.04.t0.78 .fi.38 4t.06 aLaT 42,96 /t3.a0 {3.8.1'4.6 11.91 45.06 3495 38.36 80.35 36.52 30.00 30.05 30.16.l0.ll 40.84 41.70 42.36 4Le6 't3.4943.98 u.46 4.W /t5.33 46.76 4.10 40.65 39.7t s8.67 s6.74 8?.19 3E 68 39.85 lo.91 .tl.8t 4L62 .03,32 .t3,9! tl4.rtg 46.m tl6.it8 .15,94 .16,89 48.E3 17.% t7.65 'l8.116 38.94 36.71 87.35 se.t2lm.&l 41.E0 42.79 .tE.64 4.37 .l4.gg .16.57 tl8.0E '10,68t7.05 47.61fi.n 40.39 4E.0r 19.22 49.01 Nolo: Thclc rats! ydl bc turthcr aquatad wllh thc applicable Intagration drsreo. Noto: Thr rat6t 8horiln ln thb labls havo b€sn compulod ulino th€ U.S. Energy lnbnnrtlon Admlnlrlration (ElA)l Annual EncEy Odmk 2017, r€lBas€d January 2017. Ses Annual Enlrly Oullook 2017, TsUo 3,8 Encrgy Pdcaa by Soclor-ltlounlaln al hth!:/lufiy\f, . sla. gov/oullookr/acoltaucs_rd. cfn PACIFICORP Pag6 I PACIFICORP AVOIDEO COST RATEg FIOR SOLAR PROJECTS Juno 01,201? EJtfwh rnd Ellglblllty lor thess r&s lr ftnlbd b prorsctl 100 kW or emaller. ON.LINE YEAR ,o,t 20t8 20rB 202l)2'12,1 22 CONTRACT YEAR NO'.I.tEVEUZED RATES CONTRACT LENGTH {YEARS) I 2 3 4 5 a 7 Eg t0 11 12 t3 14 t5 t8 17 l8 19 20 24.81 28.99 31.36 t2.37 33.12 ts.57 3S.08s.{t 37.12 40.66 {205 46.02 48.64 48.{3 48.83 61.10 62.24 63.28 54.24 65.14 31..08 32.B9 33.43 s4,40 34,8r s5.12 05.5tt 40.30 42.44 a6.00 47.N2 49.24 50,s4 52.41 83.72 64.90 55.98 58.08 57.90 58.76 34.42 35.t5 36.65 36.8t 36.03 30.io 40.E0 j14.87 47.fr it9.67 61.74 53.51 55.05 E6.tlll 67.84 58.?6 69.77 80.71 61.80 42.12 35.S5 98.35 38.35 38.62 38.80 4L18 8.2E .09.60 52.11 54.t2 56.10 67.79 50.20 60.46 81,50 8't.83 9t.59 6'{,48 66.3t 66.11 s.78 88.67 38.74 37.18 43.?6 48.5't 52.10 54.03ct.fr 59.20 80.84 82.28 88.66 64.60 30.74 66.71 67.d2 68.46 60.25 70.00 s.36s.?r 37,95 46.86 61.46 66..11 5E.at 80.83 &,.t0 u.42 66.86 8?.10 a8.u 08.26 70.20 71.10 7l:93 ?271 73.46 74.14 2017 20lE 2010 ?o,ilo 2021 20,,, aWB 2024 2025fr% 20n 20120 202e 209) 203t 2032 2038 20u 2036 2036 ,2037 2088 2030 2040 20r1 2042 26.01 31.48 ,4.42 38.86 30.78 98.38 37.10 38.?B 75.85 ?8.68 80.40 a2-r7 84.08 46.2n 86.60 88.'t3 80.rf| 91.19 93.14 85.t2 97.22 0E.gs 101,6 103.40 105.18$7.n NotE: The8e rateg wlll be further adjusl€d wilh ths applicablo lnlagrauon char!6. Noto: Tha rates rhouvn ln thl8 tablo h6vo b€on comput€d uslng lho U.S. Eneroy lnformation Admlnblralbn (ElA)'s Annual Erprgy Outlook 2017, rebasod January 2017. Seo Annual En€rgy Outlook 2017, Tabls 3.8 Energy Pdcss by Seclor{tlounlaln at httpr:/ Mmv.cla.gov/outlookrraoo/tabl6!-rstctrfl PACIFICORP pago 2 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATE$ FOR I{ON€EAsOI{AL HYDRO PRO'ECT3 Junc 01,2017 tMvl,h Ellglblllty iorfhocc rrEo b llmhd to ptolocil! rmaller than l0 atW. ON{I]'IEYEAR CONTRACT NON{E\/EL]ZEDTEilGTH 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 0I t0 l1 12 13 't4 l6 1e 17 l6 'r0 20 u.a1 29.09 31.86 32.37 3!1.12 93.57 33.08 &l,rl'l 37.t8 40.12 42.97 .14.31 .18.01 47,61 .O.83 60.02 51.09 6'L07 6108 63.83 st,t8 te09 89.83 34.40 34.E1 35.12 35.61r 89.03 4'1.08 u.12 116.60 4A3/2 40.90 61.26 62.62 63.63 64.8'l 6E.50 66.45 67.27 u.12 s5.'16 36.36 85.8r 39.03 s8./t0 &.47 43.79 4t.49 1E.71 60.68 62.* 53.78 55.(E 58.21 67.8 68.22 69.t2 69.S6 E0.71t 36.96 38,96 3C.36 98.62 s6.90 a1.76 a5.60 46.66 51.03 63.10 5.1.8.t 58.34 67.A1 58,05 69.02 60.01 61.62 62.C7 03.47u.2t 38.78 8A67 38.?4 87.t0 43.24 1?.A7 5t.0t 6t!.85 56.8{ 67.68 59.20 00.66 6t.75 02.E3 03.82u.ll 06.60 68.40 07.16 67.86 tt6.36 30.71 37.95 45.20 50..t0 64.@ 50.09 60.10 8t.00 G2.il 63.E8 85.06 66.12 07.@ 08.m 66.06 80.e'l 70,s 71.10 71.?A 2017 2018 20rg 2020 2021 2WX2 2o/2e 2924 2o,i26 2V2A8n 20n 2029 2030 20Er 2032 2033 2034 2035 2038 2,,37 2038 203S zot$ 2txt 20,,2 28.81 31.{E 9.42 35.e6 38.78 st.96 37.t0 3E.76 72.71 75.09n.& 70.10 80.97 82-12 83.29 u.s7 08.t8 t7.84 fi.74 0t.8? s9.78 95.43 97..15 00.8tt 101.17 104.00 l{oto: Th6o rat6s wlll bc fuilhcr adlwt€d vyith ths apFlicabls lntogration chargo. l{ole: Tho ral6! slrown in thlr lable hev. bsgl comErtod uehe lho U.S. Ensgy lnfbrrution Adminiltralion (EtA)l Annual EnaruU Odlook 2017, releaaad Janu*y 2017. Soe Annual En€rgy Outhok 2017, TEtb 3.8 Encrgy Pric8 by Scdor{ounbln !t https://[mr. clc. gov/outlookC!.orltbb!_rd, cfir PACIFICORP Page 3 PACtRCOnp AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL }NTDRO PROJEGTS Juns 01,2017 llttwh l{aw rrlhoutFull ON.UNEYEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NOT$LEVELIZED 1 2 3 4 5I 7 EI 10 11 12 13 14 16 t8 t7 18 t9 20 28.01 28.9S 31.35 E2.37 33.12 33.57 33.06 34,'ft t9.14 43.11 48.45 49.31 5t.80 53.07 55.89 57.80 60.'t3 60.63 81.01 611.00 31.4t 3:LBO 33.83 34.48 34.E1 38.12 36.63 40.97 46.43 49.11 612,2'.1 6rl.E8 67.18 60.r0 80.80 02.58 64.02 65.35 60.67 tt.71 ,4,42 35.t5 35,85 35.81 38.03 38.40 42.74 47.86 61.8S 58.29 68.t6 60.68 62.80 64.65 68.2t 67.70 0s.06 70.31 71.47 72.U 35.95 38.36 38.35 38.52 38.80 't4.0060.'tg u.s7 6E.63 81.69 u.25 68.44 08.36 70.06 71.68 72.97 74.24 76.42 78.5r Tt.62 38,7E 30.67 38.74 37.19jl8.78 5rr.56 5S.82 62.58 06.80 68.40 7A_71 72.A8 74.87 76.80 n,2s 78.68 7A.74 80.E3 81.84 82.40 36.36 30.7'l 37.36 49.n il.7A 63.34 87.53 70.85 73.53 76.7A 77.68 78.36 80.64 82.20 83..14 84.59 86.85 88.85 87.68 88.46 2017 2010 zo'ts 2U20 2U21 zA?, 202S 2424 zC?5 2024 2lJ27 2028 2mg 20:t0 20ltt 2082 2033 20u 2035 2036 2037 2038 20rB2W 204'1 20d.2 28.6t 31.,t6 34.42 36.95 $8.78 38.38 37.r0 s8.7A 8a.34 98.02 98.6S 100.84 1q2.84 r04.3t 106.79 1tt.70 r00.93 111.36 113.60 116,87 118.35 120.35 1U.74 126.15 127.61 130.42 Note: A "saalonal hydo proJecP lB dollnod aB a ganeradon hclllty whlctr producas at leaat 55% of ita annual gononUon dudng lha monlhB of JwE, July, and August Ordor 32802. Note: Th6s€ ratBs will be turlhBr adjGted wilh tho applicabls Intsgratlon chargo. Note: Tho retos sholvn ln thls tsblB havo b6on computed u8ing the U,S. EnBrgy lntormat'En Administrauon (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outook 20'17,relea6edJanusry2017. SooAnnusl EnergyOuuook20lT,Table3.EEnorgyPtlcg8bySeclor-MountElnat htlps://irrt ,\r.ola.govroutlook8/asonables-rer.c'tht PACIFICORP pagc 1 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS June 0'1,2017 Sn'lwh ON.LIN=YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NOT.I.LEVELIZED t 2 3 4 E E 7 a g l0 11 12 13 14 15 1E t7 1E 19 20 28.81 s.9s 3t.36 3i1.37 33.12 88.6'f 33.98 34.41 s0.84 38.97 40.?9 12.17$.n 46.00 48.00 47.08 47.9a 48.80 49.6'l 60,2E 9'1.49 82.89 93.83 34.40 34.81 36.12 86.53 38-27 tO.62 42.60 44.24 46.74 47.06 44.21 49.24 50.14 6r.01 51.80 62,54 53.23 9.42 35.16 36.65 s5.6'l 30.03 38..10 39.58 42.21 tu.38 48.20 17.78 4S.14 60,33 51.39 62.U 6S.21 54.02 u.76 65.46 68.18 e5.s6 38.36 36.36 38.52 38.S0 j10.60 tlll.l'l 46.11 48.0S 4S,n 61.20 624r'. 63.53 54.61 66.41 86.23 57.01 6t.74 68.42 69,06 38,?8 s6.87 3€,74 37.tS 41.88 46.30 48.08 60.20 6r.00 5t.47 il.74 65.87 50.68'67.?0 6t.60 68.38 60.12 60.81 61.48 62.08 38.90 s6.71 37.36 8.42 47.64 60.60 62.n 54.63 66.16 67.42 t8.54 68.52 80.42 91.26 82.02 42.78 03..14 E4.00 84.?t 66.30 20't7 2018 a)10 2m;0 2421 zWE 2W 2&4 2t26 zWB2t2t 2@A zmg 2030 2491 20gz 2033 2034 2036 2036 2037 2038 20$9 2040 2041 20/,2 2E.61 31.{8 u.42 36.r6 36.78 38.38 37.10 38.76 u.72 07.50 6g.23 70.70 72.61 73.69 74.61'to.tz Tl.1e 7s.74 E0.60 82.4g.n 85,7E 87.98 80.80 g'1.30 s3.7t Not6: "Othsr proj6ds" rofarc to proiecto other lhan wind. solar, non-aeasonal hydrc, and seasorial hydp projetis. Theeo'Olhor projeas" msy lndudo (bul ara not llmlt€d lo): cogsnsraton, blomass, blogas, landfill ga8, or gB(thormal prolscls. Note: Th6 rate3 shorvn ln thls tabh havo b€6n comput8d uslng lhe U.S. Energy lnfomation Addnlstellon (ElA)'s fuinual Energy Out,ook 2017. raloaaad Januery 2017. See Annual Enargy Outook 2017, Table 3.0 Energy Pricer by Sector.Mounlain al httpa:/rw!M/v.6la. gov/oullookeraaortablea-rel.c.fnr PACIFICORP Paga 5