HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170616Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORAI\TDIJNI TO:COMMIS$OIITER KIELLAI\TDER COMIIIS$ONER RAPER COMMISSIONER AI{DERSON COMMIS$ON SECRETARY COMNilISSION STAT'T LEGAL FROM:YAO YIN DAPHTIE EUAI\GI I}AG DATE: JUI\IE 13,2017 SIIBIECT:CASE NO. GNR-8"17-01 (Idaho Power, Avlste, PacifiCorp) AT{NUAL REYISION AI{D T'PDATED CALCT'LATION OX'TIIE ADJUSTABI,E PORTION OF IEE AVOIDED COST RATts TOR EXISTING PTIRPA COITTRACTS CASE NO. PAC-E-17-04 (PacifiCorp) ANNUAL REVISTON Or Qr VARTABLE ETYERGY PRTCDS Pt RSTUANT TO THE 1992 AIVIEIT{DME}ITS OT QX'CONTRACTS The Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Order No. 28708, Case No. GIIR-E-99-1, establishcd a methodologT for the anrual adjustable rate portion of avoided costs for those QF contracts using variable costs associated with Colstip, a coal-fired generating facility in southeast Montana For those QF contracts with Colsfiiprelated fuel costs and variable O&M, futrne Colstip variable cost adjusments are to be calculated by using FERC Form I Colstip Unit Coal Costs per megawatt hour (MWh) and adding $2.00AdWh (the average variable O&M cost of Colstrip plus 20plMlVh for generation taxes plus a five p€rccnt (5%) adjusment for line loss). As computed by Commission Stafl the Colstrip related adjustable rate will chmge tom 15.61 milL,/kWh to 17.61 milli&Wh. The saure cdculated rate revision under the avoided cost methodology is used by Aviste PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power, and Idaho Power Company. This change in the vriable rate affects existing contacts under the previous SAR methodology. The adjustable portion of the avoided cost rates under the Sumas-based mcthodology is based on annual averagc gas prices indcxed at Sunras, Washiugton. As reported by Avist4 the indexed gas prices have decreased by $0.243lMMBtu. The approved gall price of DECISION MEMORA}.IDUM $3.092ltIMBu minus the $0.243lMMBtu results in a gas price of $2.850/MMBtr for the 2017- 201E year. This equates to a SAR firel cost of 20.24 milukWh as used in the model. The Commission Staff oalaularcd changes to the annual adjustable rate portion of avoided sosts for those QF contracts, usiag variable costs associated with Colstrip and Sumas, and provided the respective utilities with the updates for review by letter dated }vlay 12,2017. Avista, Idaho Power, md PacifiCorp rcsponded by letterthat Staffs calculations are corrcct. In accordance with Ordcr No. 29316, the adjustable portion of the avoided cost rate for PacifiCorp contracts with 1992 amendments has also been recomputed. Beginning on July 1, 2003, the adjustable portion for these contacts was ordered to be cqual to the average cost of fuel for the Carbo:r, Hale, Naughton, HuntingSon, and Hunter generating plants, ircluding a variable O&M comtr onent of $1.51 but exchuive of generation taxes and a line loss adjushent. The variable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July \ 2A17 extending tbrcugh June 30, 2018 has been computed to be $23.29lMWh, a decrease from $23.61 last year. COMIIfiSSION DECISION Under avoided cost methodology the adjustable pomion of avoided cost rates for existing contracts is calculated annuatly for an effective date of July l' Avista Idaho Power, and PacifiCorp agree with Stafs proposed calculations. AIso adjusted annually is the adjustable portion of avoided cost rates for existing PacifiCorp contasts with year 1992 amendnreirts. PacifiCorp for those contacts has computed the new variable en€rgf rate. Does the Commission agree withthe proposed changes in the variable rates? Deputy Attorney General bls/lvtGNR-E-l 7-01_PAC-E- I 7{4 djh 2DECISION MEMORANDUM COLSTRIP AD.IUSTABLE RATE CALCUI.ATION UNqIcd For Perlod 71111Vffi0118 Colstrlp Fuel Coetftom Avlsta FERC Form I br GY 2016 line 12 Netconeraton (lwlt) llne 20 Fusl Fueloost Per ltwh Fuel Cost per MWh Varlable O&M, Gen. Tax,5% llrp loss perMlll/h Total Coletrlp Adfustable Rate ReferenaeGNR-E€9-t O,l{.28708 U17i2OO1 $15.6125 02.0000 s17,e125 Colship_l7-18 Average Gar Prlcec at Sumasr lVarhlngton from Inrlde FERC publlcation (JIVIMBtu) Celculattng the 2017-2018 AvoftIed Cort AdJurteble Rrte 4!5 $3.23 $2.56 $2.40 $2.15 $2.13 $2.48 n,2t $2.43 $2.41 $2.41 $2.1I $2.17 2.016 n.57 $2.t0 $t.4t $r.42 $1.34 $1.46 $2.28 $2.34 $2.63 $2.64 s2.62 13.27 Jan Feb Mar Apr Moy Jun July Aug SeP Oct Nov Dec Avcrage $2.416 $2.173 Actual Annpal Adjustment: $3.092 - ($2.416 - $2. 173) = $2.850 Note: $6.94lI,IMBtu = 2007-08 Approved Rate $7.18[\4MBtu = 2008-09 Approvcd Ratc $9.00/IUMBtu = 2009-10 Approvcd Rate $4.624{MBtu = 2010-l I Approvcd Ratc $4.99/MMBtu = 201 l-12 Approved Rate $4.60[vIMBru = 2012-13 Approvcd Rate $3,45A,IMBtu = 2013-14 Approved Rate $4.354{MBtu = 2014-15 Approvcd Ratc $5.10/I\,IMBtu = 2015-16 Approved Rate $3.092/MMBtu = 2016-17 Approvcd Rale O$bqt ProffiAorp TotalVrrlrih Eorruy frb for8l? rffit t{Eudrbn l{t&frrrghm Hun&r Totdr $ lloreqg'z i tz0,t 9i73 I t90,374,t0f l s?ooEl,mg {,871,8S 'a,c$,m 7.W,716 1f,499fi4 Frdcsst($) $ t0llB0FQilf .Rr.iml&rto GrmrdonGlwll)$ttmHmll.rle.a0rtl|tt Artrye Fuslco$($fillWt0 Varbblr O!il, Tohlv$lablr Eneryy Rds hrtrll7/2018 For dclhnilca mrvrm$dng Juty {,20,t7 ortrndtng thtorlgh .frrm 30, 2OlB 12 Padn0orprQFr contragtr wlth approvad 1992 amondment latpuqa I $ t 2l:t8 ,lttvvll l.Ct JltwH 23rg /iltvuH Page 1 ?ot7