HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170511Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSIOT{ OF PACIFICORP -i '1. TI\,rr.[1r'l LU 1407 West North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116':;"., ll ,llitc:19 May I1,2017 :. tln'-l.j -) 1 ../ t.{ VIA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 RE: PAC-L-17-04 IN TITE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REVISION TO QF VARIABLE ENERGY PRICES PURSUAI{T TO TERMS OF THE 1992 AMENDMENTS TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN IDAHO QFS AITTD PACIFICORP Dear Ms. Hanian, Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston,Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2963. Very truly yours, Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Daniel Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (80 I ) 220-4014 Fax: (801) 220-4615 Email : Daniel. Solander@Pacifi Corp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REVISION TO QF VARIABLE ENERGY PRICES PURSUAI\IT TO TERMS OF TIIE 1992 AMENDMENTS TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN IDAHO QFs AND PACII'ICORP CASE NO. PAC.E.I7.O4 APPLICATION Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Company" or "Rocky Mountain Power"), in accordance with Idaho Code $ 61-503, RP 52, and Order No. 29316, hereby respectfully petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the updated Qualifuing Facility ("QF") variable energy price pursuant to the terms of the 1992 amendments to Idaho QF power purchase agreements. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power represents as follows: L INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROIIND In 2003, the Company sent a letter notiffing the Commission of a July l, 2003, revision to the variable energy price for QFs holding certain power sales contracts with the Company. These thirteen QF contracts included a Commission approved 1992 Amendment outlining the 1 methodology that would be used for determining the variable energy price component of the avoided cost rate. As stated in the 1992 Amendment beginning July 1, 2003, and continuing throughout the term of the power purchase agreements, including any extensions, the variable energy rate will be calculated in accordance with the specified methodology described below. The variable energy rate will be the sum of PacifiCorp's fuel cost and Colstrip variable O&M cost. PacifiCorp's fuel costs will be the average cost of fuel consumed in its Utah Division, specifically the Carbon, Hale, Naughton, Huntington and Hunter generating plants. If any of the specified plants don't operate in any calendar year, such plant will be excluded from the calculation of the average cost of fuel. Carbon and Hale coal plants have subsequently closed and are excluded from the calculation. The average cost of fuel will be calculated using the data reported in the Company's FERC Form l. In the event that the FERC Form 1 ceases to include the cost of fuel or net generation data, comparable data based upon the Company's normal accounting practices shall be used. Pursuant to Order No. 23738, variable O&M costs were set based on the variable costs associated with the operation of Colstrip, a coal power generating facility in southeast Montana excluding the generation tax and the line loss adjustments. II. VARIABLE ENERGY RATE The average cost of fuel consumed by the specified Utah division coal plants for calendar year 2016 was $2 1 .78 per megawatt hour. The variable operation and maintenance expense set for Colstrip generating facility was $1.51 per megawatt hour. Therefore, the variable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July I,2017, extending through June 30, 2018, is $23.29 per megawatt hour. An attachment is provided with this Application supporting this calculation, along 2 with the relevant pages from the Company's FERC Form 1 for the year ending December 31, 2016. III. MODIT'IED PROCEDURE Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing in accordance with RP 201 et seq. IV. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERYICE OF'PLEADINGS Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power Idatro Regulatory Affairs Manager 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City UT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Facsimile: (801) 220-4648 E-mail : ted.weston@facificorp.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power Senior Counsel 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city uT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-4615 E-mail : daniel.solander@pacifi corp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to: By e-mail (preferred): datarequest@.pacificom.com By regular mail: PacifiCorp Data Request Response Center 3 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Informal inquires also may be directed to Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order authorizing this matter to be processed by Modified Procedure, and approving the variable energy rate of $23.29 per megawatt hour applicable to the energy delivered from the thirteen 1992 QF contracts commencing July 1,2017, extending through June 30, 2018. Respectfully submitted this I ltr day of May, 2017 tuh Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-4050 Fax: (801) 220-4615 Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountqin Power 4 ATTACHMENT Catbon PaclfiCop Totel Verlable Enagy Rrte tar2017 12018 Naughbn Hulfrngton $ 110,299,3i12 $ 129,979,273 Hunbr Totals 0 139,374,104 $ 379,652,699Fucl Coct($) $ 2olt FERC FORII I - P.el 4e [tt. 20 Generation (MWH) 20tOFERC FOR! I - P.eo.lo2 Lhc t2 Avorage Fuel Cost ($irillWH) Vadable O&M Total Vadablc Energy Rate tur 2017 12018 For dellwdea unmencing July 1 , 2017 qtendlng through June 30. 201 8 12 PaclflGoqilQFg conbac'tswlth approwd 1992 amendment language 4,E71,839 5,503,890 7,0157,715 tt,+33174 21.78 1.51 23.29 $ $ $ /MWH /NMIH /MWH Page 1 20L7 PadnCorp 0) (2) Orlghal R6ubmbslon (Mq D8,Yi)-tl Er16 of 2016rQ/f STEA[&eLECrnrc GENERATTNG PLANT STATISTIC^9 (Laryp 1. Rrport datll for plenl ln Sonde only. 2. Laryo plentt erE.bam denb u,lth lllltafied crydu (nsne platc raUrU) of 25,fi)0 Kw or mol!. Roport ln tl{r page gat/rilnc and lnEnd cdilbustql planb of 10,000 Kw or mor!, snd nudcsr plsnt!. 3. lndlctlr !y a lbotlob eny plant lceled or oporsbd as a Jdnt fadllty. .1. It nd pcsk demand tor E() mlnulsc b nd awilabb, ghtg drta whidr b avalabh lp.dlylltr pedod. 5. f any anpbylct ettnd mol! than orE plant, Eport on llnc 11 the apfdrnte al,eragp nnter of crployr€s asligneua b sedr plent 6. f gEs lr rr6d and purdE!€d on ! Olcm be.b llpoil hc Blu conimt or the gts and tht quantty of ttd bumd comErbd to Md. 7. Qlldlte! o, frr€l hrnod (Une 33) ard erorlge colt psr ur*t of fird bumcd (Uns 41) rTult be conrlsbnt wiut cttergoc b €xpsrits eccounts $1 and 5'17 (Llne 42) ar rhow on lhc 20. 8. lf mors tran onc i.El lr bumed ln a dfit turllh mty the comporlb hcat leb ftr dl fi,Eh hmcd. Llns No. It€m (a) Plant Narna:"fltltftr tb) Phnt Name: .llln6ililt (c) 1 KInd of Plent (lnbrnel Corrt, Ga TuD, Nudcrt s:bem Sbam 2 Ttmcof Coldr(Conwntonal, Oruoor, Bolor, dc)otrEoorEoller Ou6oor Bollcr 3 Year Origlndly Cmltnrid 1gt1 1S63 1 Ydr l.ed Unltvr[ l]Etallod tcls 1Sl1 5 Totd lmtdlcd Cep (Mar Gcn Namc Plrts Rdms-ln r)1550.05 7W20 0 Nct Paek tbmend on Plant - MW (d, mlrutc)fia 657 Phnt HouE Connaod to Lod7 878E 87l,4 8 ]*,let Corilnuour Flrt CaDrUlltv 0vleeew!frr)0 0 I l/\Jhdr Nd llmlEd by Conrlcmerlrfitsr 1415 637 10 Whsn Urdbd bV Conbmcr UraGr 0 0 1t Avcrage Number of EmCrycs llll 1Nt 12 Ulq#btt, E dlhlB ot Planil Urc - KIM|8017176m0 ffio 't3 Codof Plmt Lrrd snd L.d Rlgh!11S:y61 10,,3721 11 Sructmr and l]IprovEmcntt 1454:11073 11W21791 t5 EqdpmntCorb 122708Ij,'17 6@79658r 10 Alsst Rctrurent Costr 10665563 48125W12 17 Tdd CoEt 139307581t 831121498 18 Cort pcr l(W of lmt lLd Capactv (llrc 1 7rO ltttudng 898.odB 1175,2U 19 Prodnctlon Epsnrcr: Oper, SDrr, & E Er 3ql8t0 20 S* t42gm9 2r0Gtz36 rffiEr 21 Coolantr ud l lbbr (Nudrar Plantr Only)0 02Stern EOenrse 18,.1gn3 898n a9 2t Steam FrcmOOprSourccc 0 0 21 SteamTrmfimd(C0 0 0 Ecdrlc E0em6s25 0 gs72 MbcSrm (orNudaD Porrer Epcnrofr -?2f/&i88E 8610080nRonts29@85r4350 28 Abuanc0 0 0 2e Malnbnamr Swervirion and Engincrlng 6719/.1 172,,723 3{t Malnbnam orStruclurer 9308qr 2101509 31 lrlehHranca of Bolhr (q nedoo Plsrt 2$0p'n8 102584{t5uMalnbnanca of Elecillc Plril 7298108 s2u12 33 Malnbnmc. of Mbc StBem (or NrdmD Plant 137't618 gt71s1 34 Tdal Prcducton Expencee 311211972 1$fiuv, 3tt EOCm6perliLtKm 0.0301sFUC: Klrtr (Cod, @t, Oll, orNudaq Co.l Cosl Gr Cornpcltc cl Unlt (Co.tbn r0[-0rrdrGar.mcflNudcar{ndc$)Tonr Barrlb Tons MCF 38 auan0ty (Urltr) of Fuel Burned 45733t4 12112 0 2B-2n 20ng 0 30 Aw Heat Conl - FLEI Brmod (Uurlndlcrto f nudsst)9080 13E000 0 tfiEo 1fis 0 $Avg Co.t of Fr,rd/unli ar Ddvd f.o.b. durhg yEar sa3a0 7gal 0.000 11.7f3 l4.rt58 0.m0 11 Avcrags Cct of FtrI per Udt Burmd 56.6't2 79.41 0.m0 $.7(n Itl.458 0.moaAvEregc C6t of Fud Bumcd par Mllon BTU 3.1't6 13.76 9.125 2.O't3 13.8{0 2.078 ,13 ArrEraol C6t of Furl Bunad per l(IVtr Nct Gon 0.03i1 0.000 0.032 0.(r23 0.000 0.0234Atrrago BTU parKm NdGerpndon 10380.'128 8.756 10378.r84 10801221 .t..t56 r0Es5.670 FERC FORX XO. I (REV. r2S)W. 4i}2z PacilColp (t) (2) Odglnal Rilltfllsdon (Mo, Da, Yr)tl End of 2016/Q4 STEAM€I-ECTRIC GENERATING Pl-AIrlT STATISTICS (l-ergp Pratfil (@rinuad) 9. lbm! tndar Coat of Pm alr balcl on U. S. dA Accouill Produdon qumr tb nd hdndc Rrdtarcd Povrr, Syagn Contol and Loed I)lsprdthg, and O0pr Epamr Claollled ar O0rr Pornr Suppty Epunat. 10. For lC rtd 6f danb, lcport Oporatng Apcmo, Acor.lrt No. St7 ard 6tO on lJm 25'Electlc Erpcntcr,'arrd Mehutanca Amlrlt Noo. 553 and 65.1 on Um &1, "Malnbnarm of Elcctric Plant' lndlcab phrtr dslbncd br pctk lord rsrvlce. t)..Emb aubflffilly operefi.d danil.. I t. Fo] a plant eqr&ped utltt @fi5lmfronr of lb!!f nd !bam, nud€8t Bbem, hydro, lnEnd comhrflon or g8l{.lilne equhrEnt, nport srdt ar t t€pento planL Homl/lr, lf a gartuiunc mlt funcflonr ln a combrred cycle opcrrllon rryllh a contrentlonal rbam mlt, lndude the ga:.tutltr srlth tte ltmm plant. 12. lf a nudmr poilEr gorEretlng frant bdcny crplaln by bofEb (a) acoonnthg mEthod ftr @st of psrilu goncrat€d hddng tny sx6s coOb afrlhrtld to rltgarh and devdoprrent; (b) Upcl d oost unltB ulod br tre vadol.; componontl of ltrcl cort aill (c) any dEr lntrmdw dda omcerf ng plant type lUcl u!ed, li.El srldlnEnt type lnd quan$ry tur th6 remil ocilod Jd dtct Dhyslcel a]d ootttng chen6tu0cs of plant Plflt Nurp: HutilurUhlilo.9 (o Urr No. Phnt NenE: ,imf.ftiltltl Phnt Nanr: flutil4bn Stem Slean 1Sbrm Outloor Boihr Ou6mrBoler 2OuEoorBdk 1978 ln1 31983 r983 1gn Ir983 1217.78495.50 900.00 5 1380.f00 8S 6 8784@87 8784 7 00 0 I 1't58 009 0171 0 0 100 t63 112',160ffiffi rtm 1225a6078000 1@7156e 29051091 23775f/.13 0,108.t593 209037716 12'130575.1 11 1070n77a1 73680138r t54a5391597 17tNIO I'lA18Ol0 ,l059e500 t6&wE 132!]9(F158 8711712112 17 1001.(n85 87.6850 18fit4.8805 0 17505 l90 d8ffi 'N5050cxt9 0 0 2'.10 1740,071 128:19579 u5865090 0 0 230 0 0 210 8997 0 258t130 29808 171,,1331 82fi211ol 0 4381 270 0 0 2E0 0 21A11,9p 2S0 7865538 19152@ 3028TN8, 2m85255 a24elu 31fi780qr9 ,18582012765a05 982216 32 120103f.t15590 851235 33 191'163091TtouoSs 15S7,t5415 { 350.0t 3 Cosl o.tztl Coel 0.m90 Coal 30 B.r*Tonr BamL Tonr Bertlb 37Tolll 11340 0 3*Zn8 15178 0 2178ts19 3565 0 38118il78 0 11165 t38mo 0 11386 1',JE000 0 30tt@138{n0 0.000 11.279 75.W 0.000 51.9t/76.87 0.000 fi0.0m 0.000 0.000 11.W 75.W 0.000 52.3i5 78.6iv 0.000 1141.957 0.0m 1.923 1.874 'i.2,*l 1.888 2.n8 1g.zzt 2.502 121.895 'l3.tu 0.020 0.020 0.(m 0.om 0.oil4 0.000 430.020 0.000 0.024 10316.(E0 lO.t40.E6it 12.M 10,/,,2.9t lm6,,.w 3.755 10267.78 41m0029126.790 FERC FORX NO. r (RBr. r2{t}Prp to!.i