HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170405Reply Comments.pdfY April5,2017 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY ;"r:.:il:lVID ... ;l ,t;tii -J ,tll g: 2o ' l' lll-;: ::,:;sslciJ Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attn: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary RE: Case No. PAC-E-16-14 In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power Requesting a Prudency Determination on Demand-Side Management Expenditures Reply Comments Please find enclosed an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Reply Comments in the above referenced matter. Informal questions related to this matter may be directed to me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A UVISION OF PACIFICORP S 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Michael S. Snow Manager, DSM Regulatory Affairs Enclosures CERTIX'ICATE OX' SERYICE I hereby certifr that on this 5m day of April,2ol7,I caused to be served, via e-mail, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document in PAC-E-16-14 to the following: Brad M. Pwdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. tTth st. Boise,lD 83702 208-384-1299 Email : bmpurdy@hotmail.com Ve,. Katie Savarin Coordinator, Regulatory Operations Daniel E. Solander, (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email : daniel.solander@fracificorp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )oF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER )REQUESTING A PRUDENCY ) DETERMINATION ON DEMAND.SIDE ) MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES. ) CASE NO. PAC.E.I6.I4 REPLY COMMENTS COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201, et. seq., and hereby respectfully submits reply comments to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") in the above referenced matter. BACKGROT]ND 1. On December20,20l6,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issued a Notice of Comments Deadline in Order No. 33679 for the above referenced matter, allowing parties to file comments by March 15,2017, with the Company's reply comments due by April 5, 2017. Commission Staff ("Staff') and Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI") filed comments March 15,2017. Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company") provides these reply comments in response to comments filed by Staff and CAPAI. 2. First, the Company notes that Staffs comments supported a finding that the Company's 2014 through 2015 DSM tariff rider expenses were prudently incurred. CAPAI also concluded the Company's 2014-2015 costs specific to the Low Income Weatherization Program ("LIW Program") were prudently incurred. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER Page I REPLY COMMENTS 3. Staff clarified in their comments that they prefer the Utility Cost Test ("UCT") as the standard cost-effectiveness test over the Total Resource Cost Test ("TRC"), believing it better reflects the value of energy efficiency as a resource to customers and therefore should be weighted more heavily than other tests. The Company believes the TRC, UCT, and Participant Cost Test evaluate energy efficiency programs from different perspectives, and recommends continuing to screen programs using each test as a guideline. When prudency determinations are sought for past expenditures, however, the Company may emphasize the UCT in accordance with Staff s recommendation, focusing on Company-controlled benefits and costs, to argue whether programs were cost-effective, but may not exclusively emphasize the UCT over other tests. 4. Staff also recommended in their comments that going forward, the Company conduct its Conservation Potential Assessment ("CPA") using utility, rather than total costs, noting that the Commission has accepted this approach. The Company assumes the "acceptance" referenced by Staff is for other utilities in Idaho and is unaware of a Commission order that Rocky Mountain Power use the UCT for its CPA analyses for Idaho. If the Commission does have a preference regarding the use of the TRC or the UCT for the Company's CPA, the Company supports StafPs recommendationthatthe Commissionprovide direction regarding this matter in its order. 5. CAPAI's comments recommended forming a working group to analyze potential changes to the LIW Program to enhance its cost-effectiveness. The Company notes that little has changed since the last collaborative and the additional costs associated with a collaborative process only increase the burden on the LIW Program. Decrement values from REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page2 the 2015 Integrated Resource Plan were the primary driver for reduced cost-effectiveness of the LIW Program. Besides decrement values, another primary impact on the LIW Program's cost-effectiveness is the Company's share of project costs. Pursuant to Order No. 32151, the Company is mandated to fund 85 percent of eligible project costs, which is much higher than typical energy efficiency incentives, which adversely impacts cost-effectiveness of the LIW Program. 6. The Company continually analyzes its progrErms and makes ongoing adjustments to incentives and measures in response to market conditions, such as changes in materials costs, product availability, and price competition. Third party evaluations are also conducted on a regular basis to help inform cost-effectiveness and recommendations for improvement. A third party evaluation of the LIW Program is currently in process, and is expected to be published in the third quarter of 2017.If the evaluation yields anything new, the Company will take the appropriate action to improve the LIW Program. At this time, the Company does not believe a working group would be a productive way to improve the cost- effectiveness of the LIW Program. REQUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission: (l) find that the20l4 through 2015 DSM expenditures were prudently incurred; (2) provide guidance whether the UCT or TRC should be used for the conservation potential analysis; and (3) deny CAPAI's request to form another working group to evaluate the LIW Program. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 3 DATED this 5tr Day of April2Dl7. REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Respectfully submitted, By Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power {eh Page 4