HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161003Stewart Exhibits 1-4.pdfCase No. PAC-E-16-13 Exhibit No. 1 Witness: F. Robert Stewart BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of F. Robert Stewart Explanation of Changes to Idaho Regulation No. 12 October 2016 Section Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 1 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Explanation of proposed changes to Idaho Regulation 12, Line Extensions Section Title, and Explanation change made Schedule 300, Regulation Charges 12R.3 Facilities Charges Add transmission voltage facilities charges to the tariff and update the Update to new values and distribution voltage values. There is a significant difference between the create facilities charges for facilities charges for distribution voltage facilities and transmission transmission. voltage facilities. 12R.3 Residential Extension No other state lists the advances in Schedule 300. Part of the reason for Allowance (removed from this is the Advance is not a set amount. Schedule 300 is a listing of fees or Schedule 300) charges, not definitions. The current listing of the advances in Schedule 12R.3 Non-residential Extension 300 is not a fee but a definition. Allowance (removed from Schedule 300) Regulation 12, Section 1, Conditions and Definitions l(b) Contract Minimum Billing This is a clarification in regulation 12 of what is already stated in Added subsequent Regulation 3, under application for service. Often with line extensions customers also pay the the only regulation looked at is regulation 12, and adding this provision Contract Minimum Billing here should help avoid misunderstandings. l(e) Extension Allowance This clarification will help address the misunderstanding that occurs when Added statement the the maximum potential allowance exceeds the job costs and applicants allowance does not exceed feel this creates a credit for them. the extension cost. l(i) Mixed Use To specify in the tariff how the mixed use line extension is prorated. This New definition is a long overdue addition or housekeeping clarification. l(k) Refunds Four refunds in the first five years is complies with Sections 2, 3 and 4. New definition, but not a The waiver of refund provisions implements current policy and practice. new application of It allows a customer to waive a refund of less than 20% of their refunds. refundable amount in order to retain the potential of refunds of 20% (or greater in the case of non-residential refunds). The third paragraph requires refunds, if not already processed and provided by Company, be requested by the initial customer to whom the refund is due within two years of a new customer connecting to the line. l(m) Routes, Easements and Requiring Company provided forms helps insure we obtain adequate Rights-of-Way clearances and protections for continued ownership and maintenance of Require use of Company our lines and facilities. provided forms for easements. Requiring continued applicant involvement helps when adequate easements and rights-of-way can only be obtained by a different route The Company will, when which may increase costs. Helps prevent surprises to the applicant and requested by Applicant, helps them understand the necessity of the changes. Idaho September 16, 2016 Section Section Title, and change made assist in obtaining rights- of-way or easements, rather than acquire without customer involvement. Explanation Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 2 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness· F Robert Stewart Regulation 12, Section 2, Residential Extensions 2(a)(l) Extension Allowances This change moves the residential allowance to the rounded average Change the residential investment for existing residential customers. This also equals the allowance from TMS rounded average investment supported by revenue. (transformer, meter and service) to $1550. 2(a)(2) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds Section l(k) is a new definition, adding conditions and a definition of Added language regarding refunds. It addresses the right to waive refunds in order to retain the waiver of refunds as given right to refunds of greater value. in section l(k). 2(b)(3) Remote Service, Additional Customers, Section l(k) is a new definition, adding conditions and a definition of Advances and Refunds refunds. It addresses the right to waive refunds in order to retain the Added language regarding right to refunds of greater value. waiver of refunds as given in section l(k). 2(d) Transformation Facilities With the residential allowance changing from TMS, the upgrade of New Section addressing residential transformers will no longer automatically be a Company cost responsibility of expense. upgrading residential New customers, building in a subdivision with secondary to the lot line, transformers. have a right to expect facilities have capacity to serve them, if they are a standard sized customer. The largest standard residential load in engineering standards is 22 kW, so the threshold is set at 25 kVA. For all existing customers adding load, if their load exceeds 25 kV A, or if they are the only customer served from the facilities, they pay for necessary upgrades less their allowance. Power quality, such as flicker, is a customer caused power quality issue and correction is the customer's cost responsibility. Regulation 12, Section 3, Nonresidential Extensions 3 Nonresidential extensions Customer's whose load If a customer's load is too large to be served from a distribution circuit exceeds the capacity of the correct engineering solution is to serve them from a transmission line one circuit at the locally at the locally available transmission voltage. available distribution voltage shall take Idaho September 16, 2016 Section Section Title, and change made transmission delivery. 3(a) Extension Allowances - Delivery at 46,000 Volts and above Added wording to state conditions associated with the Contract Minimum Billing. 3(b)(l) Less than 1,000 kVA Changed the allowance from $90/kW to an amount equal to nine months of average revenue (nine times the estimated monthly revenue). Added provision if remote, the contract minimum billing continues for as long as service is taken. 3(b)(2) 1,000 kVA or Greater Changed the allowance from $90/kW to an amount equal to nine times the estimated monthly revenue. 3(b)(3) Additional Capacity New section. Extension allowances to customers adding load are equal to the increase in revenue due to the increase in load. 3(c) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds Wording added to exclude from refunds customer advances that are only for their share of the capacity. Added language regarding waiver of refunds as given in section l(k). Idaho Explanation Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 3 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness· F Robert Stewart This is a housekeeping addition. These provisions are in the tariff for >1,000 kVA customers who take delivery at the local distribution voltage, and are in all contracts for >l,000 kVA customers, at any voltage. The allowance is calculated from embedded cost of facilities. The proposed updated allowance is 0.75 of the estimated annual revenue, i.e. nine months of revenue. At a 40% load factor this is approximately 2.5 times the old allowance of $90/kW. The single item in the line extension tariff that differentiates between remote and non-remote is the contract minimum billing continues as long as service is taken. Since that is the normal case for >1,000 kVA customers, moved the remote provision from 3(b)(3) to <1000 kVA customers, which is the section where remote is different than non- remote. The allowance is calculated from embedded cost of the facilities. The proposed updated allowance is 0.75 of the estimated annual revenue, i.e. nine months of revenue. At a 40% load factor this is approximately 2.5 times the old allowance of $90/kW. Originally section 3(b)(3) addressed remote service, but was moved to section 3(b)(l) as addressed in the Explanation to that section. This new section puts into writing the practice that the allowance for added load is based on the incremental increase in revenue. This aligns with new load allowances being based on the revenue from the new load. This new wording makes it clear a customer does not receive refunds when they have only paid for their proportional share of an Extension. Without this clarification a customer could claim the tariff entitles them to a refund. Section l(k) is a new definition, adding conditions and a definition of refunds. It addresses the right to waive refunds in order to retain the right to refunds of greater value. September 16, 2016 Section Section Title, and change made Clarification on the adjustment of Contract Minimum Billings. 3(d) Reduction in Contract Capacity or Demand New section limiting unused demand reservations to three years. Explanation Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 4 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness· F Robert Stewart Improved wording. The old language stating "in the same manner" was obscure. Customers must contract for the demand they plan to use. Since the precise amount is only known through experience the contracted amount is almost always in excess of the actual need, and sometimes well in excess. Where the obligation to supply demand does not adjust to actual demand, Company lines and substations become underutilized and/or over committed. Underutilization is an inefficient use of capital resources and leads to higher rates. Over commitment creates exposure where customers, without notice to RMP, can create an overload situation and equipment failures due to overloading. Regulation 12, Section 4, Extensions to Non-Residential and Residential Planned Developments 4(a) General Wording changes. All of section 4 has been extensively re-worded for clarification. Require a recorded plat. In recent years some developers have requested a design, and even installation of lines, without a recorded plat. A recorded plat is essential for design and assurance the design fits the layout of the development. Require reasonable Installation of lines, switch gear, sectionalizing cabinets, transformers and assurance of timely other equipment, only to have them sit idle for years is poor use of development (within five capital, and has greater exposure to vandalism and other unrecorded and years). unobserved damages and decay. 4(b) Allowance and Advances Allowance changed from This matches up with the residential allowance of $1,550, $550 reserved transformers to $1,000 per for service & meter, $1,000 for the developer. lot. If voltage drop is too large, In addition to stating there is a residential allowance where secondary is transformers/secondary provided to the lot line, this makes it clear no allowance if probable will not be set and no voltage drop exceeds the allowed voltage drop standards. residential allowance granted to the developer. Actual service to Provides reference to applicable sections for the customer building in the customers is provided development. Helps with understanding how tariff applies for under sections: developments, and for buildings constructed within those developments. 2. Residential Extensions and 3. Nonresidential Extensions. Idaho September 16, 2016 Section Section Title, and change made 4{c) Refunds -Wording changes/clarifications Advances for facilities that the developer only pays a portion of the costs based on the ratio of their new load to the available capacity are non- refundable. 4{d) Underground Extensions Changes and new wording for clarification. Explanation Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 5 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness· F Robert Stewart Extensive changes to clarify when and for what facilities a developer is eligible for a refund. If a customer only pays for a portion of the costs, based on the ratio of the customer's load to the available capacity, with the Company paying the remainder, any additional customers attaching will be using capacity paid for by the Company, thus the customer paying just their portion of the cost is not eligible for a refund. Added reference to overhead to underground conversions, pointing out if conversions are required the developer is responsible for these costs too. Clarified that "Developer must provide" means "at their expense". Regulation 12, Section 5, Extension Exceptions S{c) Emergency Service The allowance of $90/kW was effective as of 1997. To update the Changed the allowance allowance, looking at the embedded cost of the same facilities used to from $90/kW to an calculate base rates, puts the updated allowance at 0.75 ofthe estimated amount equal to nine annual revenue (9 months of average revenue). times the estimated average monthly revenue. Regulation 12, Section 6, Relocation or Replacement of Facilities G{a) Relocation of Facilities Added two conditions: These two changes are to incorporate practical limitations into the tariff. -relocation not required if Although both of these may seem obvious, both have been items that the not feasible Company has been challenged on. Having these changes in the tariff -If new easements are should help alleviate customer misunderstandings. required the Applicant responsible for obtaining them Regulation 12, Section 7, Contract Administration Allowance 7 Contract Administration For some reason this has been a point of misunderstanding, that the Allowance contract administration allowance is only available when there is a Added word "refundable" refundable advance. This addresses that misunderstanding. Idaho September 16, 2016 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Exhibit No. 2 Witness: F. Robert Stewart BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of F. Robert Stewart Proposed Regulation No. 12, Line Extensions October 2016 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 1 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 12 STATE OF IDAHO Line Extensions 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (a) Contracts --Before building an Extension, the Company may require the Applicant to sign a contract. Where a tenant occupies the service location, the Company may require the property owner to sign the contract. (b) Contract Minimum Billing --The Contract Minimum Billing is the greater of: (1) the Customer's monthly bill; or (2) 80% of the Customer's monthly bill plus the Facilities Charges. Customers on a seasonal rate receive an annual Contract Minimum Billing of the greater of (1) the Customer's annual bill; or (2) 80% of the Customer's annual bill plus the Annual Facilities Charge. The Annual Facilities Charge is twelve (12) times the Facilities Charges. Any Contracted Minimum Billings shall begin upon the date service is first delivered or 30 days after the completion of the extension whichever occurs first, as determined by the Company, unless a later date is mutually agreed upon. Subsequent Customers shall also pay the Contract Minimum Billing as specified in Regulation 3. (c) Engineering Costs --The Company includes designing, engineering and estimating in its Extension Costs. The Company will provide these services at no charge unless, in the Company's judgment, it determines the extension is large, complex or speculative. For large, complex or speculative Extensions, the Applicant or Customer must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300. The Company will apply this advance payment to its Extension Costs. If the Extension Allowance exceeds the Extension Costs, the Company will refund the excess up to the amount of the Applicant's or Customer's advance. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 2 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (c) Engineering Costs --(continued) If the Applicant or Customer requests changes that require additional estimates, they must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300 for each additional estimate. The Company will not refund or credit this payment. ( d) Extension --A branch from, or a continuation of, a Company owned transmission or distribution line, where a line has not been removed, at customer request, within the last five (5) years. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase, a conversion of a single­ phase line to a three-phase line or the provision of additional capacity in existing lines or facilities. The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. (e) Extension Allowance --The Extension Allowance is the portion of the Extension that the Company provides or allows without cost to the Applicant. The portion will vary with the class of service that the Applicant requests and is the lesser of: the maximum potential extension allowance; or the Extension Cost. The Extension Allowance does not include costs resulting from: additional voltages; duplicate facilities; additional points of delivery; or any other Applicant requested facilities that add to, or substitute for, the Company's standard construction methods or preferred route. An Extension Allowance will be provided only if the Company has reasonable assurance as to the permanent continuation of required revenue. The Extension Allowance is not available to customers receiving electric service under special pricing contracts. (t) Extension Costs --Extension Costs are the Company's total costs for constructing an Extension using the Company's standard construction methods, including services, transformers and meters, labor, materials and overheads. (g) Extension Limits --The provisions of this regulation apply to Line Extensions that require standard construction and will produce sufficient revenues to cover the ongoing costs associated with them. The Company will construct Line Extensions with special requirements or limited revenues under the terms of special contracts. Examples of special requirements include, but are not limited to, unusual costs incurred for obtaining rights-of-way, overtime wages, use of special equipment and facilities, accelerated work schedules to meet the applicant's request, or non-standard construction requirements. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 3 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.3 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (h) Facilities Charges --The Facilities Charges are those costs associated with the ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities built to provide service and are in addition to rate schedule billings. Schedule 300 specifies the Facilities Charges. (i) Mixed Use -Refers to an Extension request with both residential and non-residential loads. Shared Extension costs are allocated to residential and non-residential proportional to their respective loads to the total load on the shared facilities. The provisions for Residential Extensions will be applied to the residential share of the costs and the provisions for Nonresidential Extensions will be applied to the nonresidential share of the costs. (j) Permanent Service --Service to Customers where the Company is assured of continued use for more than five years, unless a contract specifies otherwise. (k) Refunds --An applicant who paid a refundable advance on an Extension is eligible for up to four refunds during the first five (5) years. Within that five (5) year period the Applicant may waive any refund that is Jess than 20% of the Applicant's total refundable advance in order to accept four ( 4) refunds offering greater value. An Applicant is not eligible for refunds from future Extension applications from themselves. For non-waived refunds the additional Applicants must pay the Company, prior to connection, as provided in the section for the original Applicant. The Company will refund such payments to the Applicant(s) who paid the refundable advance. The Company will not collect from additional Applicants any portion of a waived refund. An Applicant to whom a refund is due, but who the Company has failed to identify or has been unable to locate, has 24 months from the connection of the additional Applicant to request their refund. (I) Restrictions --The Company's Extension of facilities is subject to restrictions imposed during war or other emergencies, by the Jaws of the United States, the State of Idaho, by executive and administrative proclamations, by orders or regulations of the Commission or by any lawful requirement of a governmental body. (m) Routes, Easements and Rights-of-Way --The Company will select the route of an Extension in cooperation with the Applicant. The Applicant must pay all costs of complete, unencumbered, rights-of-way, easements, or licenses to use land, and for any preparation or clearing the Company may require. Any required easements will be prepared on Company­ provided forms. If requested by the Applicant, the Company will assist in obtaining rights­ of-way, easements or licenses as described above at the Applicant's expense. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 4 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (n) Regulation Previously in Effect --Regulation changes do not modify existing Extension contracts. If a Customer advanced funds for an Extension under a regulation or a contract previously in effect, the Company will make refunds for additional Customers as specified in the previous regulation or contract. (o) Service Conductors --The secondary-voltage conductors extending from the pole line, the underground secondary-voltage main, a secondary-voltage transformer, or a secondary­ voltage switch cabinet to the Point of Delivery. 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (a) Standard Residential (1) Extension Allowances The Extension Allowance for a permanent residential application in a planned development where secondary voltage service has been provided to the lot line by the developer, and only a service and meter is required, is $550. The Extension Allowance for all other permanent residential applications, including upgrades due to added load, is $1550 per residence. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. (2) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension for up to four ( 4) additional Applicants as given in section I (k) Refunds. Each of these four ( 4) Applicants utilizing any portion of the initial extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connect, 20% of the cost of shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the initial Customer. (b) Remote Service (1) Extension Allowances Residential Customers defined as Remote Service Customers either at a single location or a group of locations, as in Unimproved Subdivisions, have the same Extension Allowance as Standard Residential Customers. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 5 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (b) Remote Service ( continued) (2) Contracts The Company will make Extensions for residential Remote Service Applicants according to the terms of a written contract. The contract will require the Applicant to advance the estimated cost of facilities in excess of the Extension Allowance. As long as the Applicant meets the definition of Remote Service they shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing. Primary residences with revenues equal to or greater than average residential revenues will no longer be considered Remote when the density of such residences exceeds one residence per one-half mile of line. Facilities Charges will cease when Customers are no longer considered Remote. The Contract Minimum Billing will not include Facilities Charges on the first one­ half mile of line from the Company's existing distribution facilities. Where there are groups of remote facilities only the first one-half mile is exempt from Facilities Charges. After the initial five (5) year contract period, Remote service Contract Minimum Billings also end upon termination of electric serve to the Customer's premises and Customer payment of all removal costs for inactive facilities. (3) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds The initial Customer that pays an advance for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of the Extension for up to four ( 4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these four (4) Applicants utilizing any portion of the initial extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connection, 20% of the cost of shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the initial Customer. Additional Applicants who pay an advance that is refunded to a Remote Service Customer are also responsible for the Facilities Charges, if any, associated with the facilities for which the refund was made. They must also pay the estimated cost of facilities for their extension exceeding their Extension Allowance and are responsible for the Facilities Charges on their extension in accordance with Rule 12.2(b )(2) above. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 6 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (c) Three Phase Residential Service In addition to other applicable charges, where three phase residential service is requested, the Applicant shall pay the difference in cost between single phase and three phase service. ( d) Transformation Facilities When an existing residential Customer adds load, or a new residential Customer builds in a subdivision where a secondary service connection point has been installed at the lot line as provided under section 4(b) of this regulation, and the cumulative loads exceed the existing transformer's, service conductor's or other equipment's rated design capacity: (1) The facility upgrade shall be treated as a standard line extension if Customer's demand exceeds 25 kV A, or if the facilities only serve that Customer. (2) The facility upgrade shall be treated as a system improvement and not be charged to the Customer if the Customer's demand does not exceed 25 kV A and the facilities are shared by two (2) or more customers. Upgrades and modifications to correct service quality issues are done at the expense of the Customer causing the service quality issue. (e) Underground Extensions The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. In addition to the requirements of the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide, at their expense, all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS Applicant loads that exceed the Company's engineering loading limits for one circuit at the local primary distribution voltage shall take delivery at the locally available transmission voltage (at or above 46,000 volts). (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 7 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet No. 12R. 7 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (a) Extension Allowances -Delivery at 46,000 Volts and above The Company will grant Customers taking service at 46,000 volts or greater an extension allowance of the meter, current transformers and potential transformers necessary to measure the Customer's usage. The Customer must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. If service is terminated within the first 10 years, the Customer must pay a termination charge equal to the Extension Allowance less 1 /1 o'h of the allowance for each year service was taken. (b) Extension Allowances -Delivery at less than 46,000 Volts (1) Less than 1,000 kV A The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring less than 1,000 kV A an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Company may require the Customer to pay a Contract Minimum Billing for five (5) years. Remote Service customers must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. (2) 1,000 kV A or Greater The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring 1,000 kW or greater an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance. Fifty percent of the advance is due when the contract is executed with the remaining balance due upon completion of the Extension. The Customer must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. If service is terminated within the first 10 years, the Customer must pay a termination charge equal to the Extension Allowance less 1/10th of the allowance for each year service was taken. (3) Additional Capacity The Extension Allowance for Customers where it is necessary for the Company to increase the capacity of their facilities to serve the Customer's additional load is calculated on the increase in revenue as a result of the load increase. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 ~~~~OUNTAIN Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 8 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (c) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds For facilities that a Customer pays for a portion of the Line Extension, based on the ratio of their new load to the available capacity and the Company pays for the remainder, there are no refunds. Otherwise a Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these four ( 4) Applicants utilizing any segment of the initial Extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connection, a proportionate share of the cost of the shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the preceding Customer(s). Proportionate Share= (A+ 8) x C Where: A= [Shared footage of line] x [Average cost per foot ofthe line] 8 = Cost of the other shared distribution equipment, if applicable C = [New additional connected load]/[Total connected load] The Facilities Charges of refunds are re-allocated to the Applicant paying the refund. ( d) Reduction in Contract Capacity or Demand The Company is not obligated to reserve capacity in Company substations or on Company lines, or maintain service facilities in place in excess of the maximum recorded and billed Customer demand in the most recent 36 months, unless contract provisions providing for greater demand are less than 36 months old. (e) Underground Extensions The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. For underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 9 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 Canceling First Revision to Sheet No. 12R.9 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (f) Other Requirements When the Extension is to property that is not part of an improved development, the Company may require the Applicant to pay for the line Extension within or along side Applicant's property as part of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. (g) Street Lighting The Extension Allowance to street lights taking service under Rate Schedule 11 or 12 is equal to five times the annual revenue from the lights to be added. The Applicant must provide a non-refundable advance for costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the lights being added. Facilities charges and Contract Minimum Billings do not apply to street lighting. 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (a) General Planned developments, including subdivisions, commercial parks and industrial parks, are areas where groups of dwellings or buildings are planned to be constructed at or about the same time. The Company will install facilities in planned developments, for which a recorded plat has been provided, before there are actual Applicants for service under the terms of a written contract. The Company shall not be required to make Extensions to areas where there is not reasonable assurance of actual Applicants for service within five (5) years. (b) Allowances and Advances For residential developments the Company will provide the Developer an Extension Allowance of $1000 for each lot to which secondary voltage service is made available. If, due to lot size or other constraints, the Company determines the voltage drop on future service runs is likely to exceed that allowed, transformers and secondary will not be installed, and no allowance granted to the developer for those lots. The Developer must pay an advance for all costs in excess of the allowance. Service to dwellings on the lots will be provided under the provision of section 2. Residential Extensions. For nonresidential developments the Developer must pay an advance of the Company's estimated installed costs to provide primary voltage connection points to each lot. Service to the buildings will be provided from the primary voltage connection points under the provisions of section 3. Nonresidential Extensions. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 10 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.10 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.10 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS ( continued) (b) Allowances and Advances (continued) For both residential and nonresidential developments the Company may require the Developer to pay for line Extensions to, within and alongside their development as part of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. (c) Refunds The Company will make no refunds on Developer advances for facilities installed within a development for the exclusive purpose of serving the development. If the Company has upsized distribution facilities within the development beyond what was necessary to serve customers within the development, so an Applicant adjacent to the development can take service, a refund is due to the developer. A Developer may receive refunds on an extension to the development if Applicants outside the development connect to that line. A Developer may also receive refunds for a primary voltage line installed alongside, in, or through the development for the purpose of future use, if Applicants outside the development connect to that line. The Developer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of the Extension for up to four ( 4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these Applicants, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company prior to connection, 20% of the Developer's advance for the shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the Developer. For facilities that a Developer pays a portion of based on the ratio of their new load to the available capacity, and the Company pays the remainder, there are no refunds. (d) Underground Extensions The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Developer or required by local ordinances or conditions. The Developer must pay for the conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground under the terms of Section 6 Relocation or Replacement of Facilities. The Developer must provide, at their expense, all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires. If the Developer requests, the Company will provide these items at the Developer's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 11 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.11 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.11 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (1) General An Applicant may contract with someone other than the Company to build a Line Extension. The following circumstances, however, are not an option for Applicant Built Line Extensions: relocations, conversions from overhead to underground, going from single phase to three-phase, or increasing the capacity of facilities. The Applicant must contract with the Company before starting construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. When the Applicant has completed construction of the Line Extension and the Company approves it, the Company will connect it to the Company's facilities and assume ownership. (2) Liability and Insurance The Applicant assumes all risks for the Construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. Before starting construction, the Applicant must furnish a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured for a minimum of $1 ,000,000. The Applicant may cancel the policy after the Company accepts ownership of the Line Extension. (3) Advance for Design, Specifications, Material Standards and Inspections The Applicant must advance the Company's estimated costs for design, specifications, material standards and inspections. When the Applicant has completed construction, the Company will determine its actual costs and may adjust that portion of the Applicant's advance. If the actual costs exceed the Applicant's advance, the Applicant must pay the difference before the Company will accept and energize the Line Extension. If the actual costs are less than the Applicant's advance, the Company will refund the difference. The Company will estimate the frequency of inspections and convey this to the Applicant prior to the signing of the contract. For underground Line Extensions, the Company may require that an inspector be present whenever installation work is done. ( 4) Construction Standard The Applicant must construct the Line Extension in accordance with the Company's design, specifications, and material standards and along the Company's selected route. Otherwise, the Company will not accept or energize the Line Extension. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 12 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.12 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.12 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) (5) Transfer of Ownership Upon approval of the construction, the Company will assume ownership of the Line Extension. The Applicant must provide the Company unencumbered title to the Line Extension. (6) Rights-of-Way The Applicant must provide to the Company all required rights-of-way, easements and permits in accordance with paragraph I .(m) in this regulation. (7) Contract Minimum Billing The Company may require the Applicant to pay a Contract Minimum Billing as defined in paragraph l.(b) in this regulation. (8) Deficiencies in Construction If, within 24 months of the time the Company energized the Line Extension, it determines that the Applicant provided deficient material or workmanship, the Applicant must pay the cost to correct the deficiency. At its discretion, the Company may require that the Applicant provide a faithful performance bond before the Applicant begins construction. (9) Line Extension Value The Company will calculate the value of a Line Extension using its standard estimating methods. The Company will use the Line Extension Value to calculate Contract Minimum Billings, reimbursements, and refunds. (10) Line Extension Allowance After assuming ownership, the Company will calculate the appropriate Extension Allowance. The Company will then reimburse the Applicant for the construction costs covered by the Extension Allowance, less the cost of any Company provided equipment or services, but in no case more than the Line Extension Value. (b) Duplicate Service Facilities The Company will furnish Duplicate Service Facilities if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the Company would otherwise provide. The Customer also must pay Facilities Charges for the Duplicate Facilities for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 ~~~~OUNTAIN Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 13 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (c) Emergency Service The Company will grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance equal to the nine times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. ( d) Highly Fluctuating Loads The Company will furnish facilities for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this tariff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advance to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilities which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing as long as service is taken but in no case less than five (5) years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilities. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost of all such facilities plus the associated Contract Minimum Billing. (e) Temporary Service (1) For Temporary Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilities of adequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300. (2) For all other Temporary Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearranging any existing facilities, less d. the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide Temporary Service. (3) The Customer is also responsible for electric service supplied under the appropriate rate schedule; any advances required for sharing previous Extensions; and, depending on the customer class, Contract Minimum Billings. ( 4) If a Customer takes Temporary Service continuously for 60 consecutive months, the Company will classify the Extension as permanent and refund any payment the Customer made over that required of a permanent Customer. The Company will not refund the Facilities Charges. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 14 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Original Sheet No. 12R.14 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (f) Line Capacity in Excess of that Required If the Company desires to construct lines having a larger capacity or more expensive type of construction than is practical under the circumstances or necessary in accordance with sound engineering standards and practices to supply the energy requirements of Customers who obtain service in accordance with this regulation, the cost of construction of that additional line capacity shall be borne completely by the Company and not be considered in determining the Contract Minimum Billing or advances made by Applicants for service. 6. RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (a) Relocation of Facilities If requested by an Applicant or Customer, and if the request is feasible, the Company will: relocate distribution facilities on to, or adjacent to, the Customer's premises; and/or, replace existing overhead distribution facilities with comparable underground. If existing easements are insufficient for the new facilities, the Applicant or Customer is responsible for obtaining new easements. Substation facilities and transmission voltage facilities will be relocated at the discretion of the Company. For overhead to underground relocations, the new underground system must not impair the use of the remaining overhead system. The Applicant or Customer must elect either: to provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension; or, to pay the Company to provide these items. In addition, the Applicant or Customer must advance the following: (1) The estimated installed cost of the new facilities plus the estimated removal expense of the existing facilities, less (2) The estimated salvage value plus accrued depreciation of the facilities to be removed. This Advance is not refundable. The Company is not responsible for allocating costs and responsibilities among multiple Applicants. (b) Local Governments When required by a governmental entity in accordance with Idaho Code 50-2501 to 50- 2523, the Company will replace existing overhead with underground distribution facilities provided the entity pays the Company in accordance with paragraph 6.(a) above, and provided the entity adopts an ordinance creating an underground district requiring: (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 15 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Original Sheet No. 12R.15 6. RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (continued) (b) Local Governments (continued) (1) All existing overhead communication and electric distribution facilities be removed; (2) Each property owner to make the changes necessary to receive service from the underground facilities as soon as the Company makes them available; and, (3) Authorizes the Company to discontinue overhead service when it has completed construction of the underground facilities. 7. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ALLOWANCE When a Line Extension includes a refundable advance, a Customer may waive all refunds and receive the Contract Administration Allowance specified in Schedule 300. The customer's choice to receive the Contract Administration Allowance must be made at the time the Extension advance is paid. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Regulation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 25 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 16 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Third Revision of Sheet No. D.1 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. D.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS STATE OF IDAHO Table of Contents Subject Sheet No. General Provisions Sheet No. lR.1 General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.1 -2R.4 Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.1 -3R.3 Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos. 4R.1 -4R.3 Customer's Installation Sheet Nos. SR.1 -SR.4 Company's Installation Sheet No. 6R.1 Metering Sheet Nos. 7R.1 -7R.3 Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.1 -8R.2 Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R. l -9R.4 Termination of Service and Payment Sheet Nos. 1 OR. l - 1 OR.9 Arrangements Taxes Sheet No. 11 R.1 Line Extensions Sheet No. 12R.l -12R.15 Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy Sheet Nos. 13R. l -13R.6 Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R. l -25R.4 Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued. Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 17 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 -Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Municipality Tax or Fee Ordinance No. Tax or Fee Adopted City of Rexburg Franchise No. 929 6.0% December 8, 2004 City of Rigby Franchise No. 453 3.0% May 21 , 1996 City of Ririe Franchise No. 104 3.0% December 31 , 1990 City of St. Anthony Franchise No. 20011-10 1.0% September 22, 2011 City of Shelley Franchise No. 375 3.0% October 1, 1995 City of Spencer Franchise No. 2008-1 2.0% June 20, 2008 City of Sugar City Franchise No. 204 3.0% June 13, 1996 Sheet No. Description Charge 12R.1 Minimum Engineering Costs $200 12R.3 12R. 13 12R.15 25R.1 25R.2 25R.2 25R.2 Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.60% per month 1.30% per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.20% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.90% per month Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) Contract Administration Allowance Customer Guarantee Credit 1: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional 12 hours Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments Customer Guarantee Credit 3: Switching on Power Customer Guarantee Credit 4: Estimates for New Supply ( continued) Single phase: $ 85.00 Three phase: $115.00 $250 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 18 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 12 STATE OF IDAHO Line Extensions 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (a) Contracts --Before building an Extension, the Company may require the Applicant to sign a contract. Where a tenant occupies the service location, the Company may require the property owner to sign the contract. (b) Contract Minimum Billing --The Contract Minimum Billing is the greater of: (1) the Customer's monthly bill; or (2) 80% of the Customer's monthly bill plus the Facilities Charges. Customers on a seasonal rate receive an annual Contract Minimum Billing of the greater of (1) the Customer's annual bill; or (2) 80% of the Customer's annual bill plus the Annual Facilities Charge. The Annual Facilities Charge is twelve (12) times the Facilities Charges. Any Contracted Minimum Billings shall begin upon the date service is first delivered or 30 days after the completion of the extension whichever occurs first, as determined by the Company, unless a later date is mutually agreed upon. Subsequent Customers shall also pay the Contract Minimum Billing as specified in Regulation 3. (c) Engineering Costs --The Company includes designing, engineering and estimating in its Extension Costs. The Company will provide these services at no charge unless, in the Company's judgment, it determines the extension is large, complex or speculative. For large, complex or speculative Extensions, the Applicant or Customer must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300. The Company will apply this advance payment to its Extension Costs. If the Extension Allowance exceeds the Extension Costs, the Company will refund the excess up to the amount of the Applicant's or Customer's advance. (Continued) Submitted Under AE:iviee Letter }'Je. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: August 140ctober 3, ~2016 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 19 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Fifst..Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 Canceling Origieel First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (c) Engineering Costs --(continued) If the Applicant or Customer requests changes that require additional estimates, they must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300 for each additional estimate. The Company will not refund or ·credit this payment. (d) Extension --A branch from, or a continuation of, a Company owned transmission or distribution line, where a line has not been removed, at customer request, within the last five (5} years. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase, a conversion of a single­ phase line to a three-phase line or the provision of additional capacity in existing lines or facilities. The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. ( e) Extension Allowance --The Extension Allowance is the portion of the Extension that the Company provides or allows without cost to the Applicant. The portion will vary with the class of service that the Applicant requests and is the lesser of: the maximum potential extension allowance; or the Extension Cost. The Extension Allowance does not include costs resulting from: additional voltages; duplicate facilities; additional points of delivery; or any other Applicant requested facilities that add to, or substitute for, the Company's standard construction methods or preferred route. An Extension Allowance will be provided only if the Company has reasonable assurance as to the permanent continuation of required revenue. The Extension Allowance is not available to customers receiving electric service under special pricing contracts. (t) Extension Costs --Extension Costs are the Company's total costs for constructing an Extension using the Company's standard construction methods, including services, transformers and meters, labor, materials and overheads. (g) Extension Limits --The provisions of this regulation apply to Line Extensions that require standard construction and will produce sufficient revenues to cover the ongoing costs associated with them. The Company will construct Line Extensions with special requirements or limited revenues under the terms of special contracts. Examples of special requirements include, but are not limited to, unusual costs incurred for obtaining rights-of-way, overtime wages, use of special equipment and facilities, accelerated work schedules to meet the applicant's request, or non-standard construction requirements. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-G8-G616-13 ISSUED: Oetober 8, 20080ctober 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: Deeember 1, 2008February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 20 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.3 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (h) (i) (ii) (k) Facilities Charges ---The Facilities Charges are those costs associated with the ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities built to provide service and are in addition to rate schedule billings. Schedule 300 specifies the Facilities Charges. Mixed Use -Refers to an Extension request with both residential and non-residential loads. Shared Extension costs are allocated to residential and non-residential proportional to their respective loads to the total load on the shared facilities. The provisions for Residential Extensions will be applied to the residential share of the costs and the provisions for Nonresidential Extensions will be applied to the nonresidential share of the costs. Permanent Service --Service to Customers where the Company is assured of continued use for more than five years, unless a contract specifies otherwise. Refunds --An applicant who paid a refundable advance on an Extension is eligible for up to four refunds during the first five (5) years. Within that five (5) year period the Applicant may waive any refund that is less than 20% of the Applicant's total refundable advance in order to accept four (4) refunds offering greater value. An Applicant is not eligible for refunds from future Extension applications from themselves. For non-waived refunds the additional Applicants must pay the Company, prior to connection, as provided in the section for the original Applicant. The Company will refund such payments to the Applicant(s) who paid the refundable advance. The Company will not collect from additional Applicants any portion of a waived refund. An Applicant to whom a refund is due, but who the Company has failed to identify or has been unable to locate, has 24 months from the connection of the additional Applicant to request their refund. OD Restrictions --The Company's Extension of facilities is subject to restrictions imposed during war or other emergencies, by the laws of the United States, the State of Idaho, by executive and administrative proclamations, by orders or regulations of the Commission or by any lawful requirement of a governmental body. (k.!!!) Routes, Easements and Rights-of-Way --The Company will select the route of an Extension in cooperation with the Applicant. The Applicant must pay all costs of complete, unencumbered, rights-of-way, easements, or licenses to use land, and for any preparation or clearing the Company may require. Any required easements will be prepared on Company-provided forms. If requested by t+he Applicant, the Company will assist in obtaining rights-of-way, easements or licenses as described above ffi!ij' aeei1:1ire and prepare these iA a foffil aeeeptaele te Submitted Under AdYiee Letter ~fo. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: A1:1gust 14 , 20060ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Septeffieer 15, 2006February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 (I) (Ill) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 21 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 12R.3 the CompaHy, or if requested e~' the ApplieaAt, the CompaAy will Eio so at the Applicant's expense. Regulatiae PreYiausly ie Effeet Rule eha0ges Eio Aot modify e1dstiAg E1.teAsioA eoAtraets. If a Customer aavaAeea fuAEis for aA EKteAsioA uAEier a regi,liatioA or a eoAtraet pre,,rio1:1sly iA effeet, the CompaAy will make refuAEis for aaaitioAal Customers as speeifiea iA the previous regulatioA or eoAtraet. Sen·iee C0eduet0rs The seeoAaary voltage eoAEiuetors e1.teAEiiAg from the pole liAe, the uAaergrouAa seeoAEiary Yoltage maiA, a seeoAEiary voltage trtmsformer, or a seeoAaary voltage switeh eaeiAet to the PoiAt of Delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Aaviee Letter ~lo. 06 06Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: August 14, 20060ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: 8eptemeer 15, 2006February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 22 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P. U.C. No. 1 Seeeed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling Fif,st-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 1. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) {l!!L__Regulation Previously in Effect --Pd:He--Regulation changes do not modify ex1stmg Extension contracts. If a Customer advanced funds for an Extension under a regulation or a contract previously in effect, the Company will make refunds for additional Customers as specified in the previous regulation or contract. {mo_l__Service Conductors --The secondary-voltage conductors extending from the pole line, the underground secondary-voltage main, a secondary-voltage transformer, or a secondary­ voltage switch cabinet to the Point of Delivery. 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (a) Standard Residential (1) Extension Allowances The Extension Allowance for a permanentsta!'ldard residential application~ planned development where secondary voltage service has been provided to the lot line by the developer, and only a service and meter is required. is $550. The Extension Allowance for all other permanent residential applications. including upgrades due to added load, is $1550 per residences inel1:1des transformation faeilities, meter a!'ld 8erviee Cond1:1etors. Transfoffflation faeilities a!'ld 8er.1iee Cond1:1etors maj' ser.1e more than one e1:1stomer. Transfoffflation faeilities for overhead systems inel1:1de the transformer, assoeiated fuses, lightning arresters, gro1:1nds and s1:1pporting raeks. The Company, at its diseretion, ffiaj' s1:10stit1:1te seeondary •,roltage eond1:1etors for transforFBation faeilities. Tra!'lsfoffflation faeilities for 1:1Hdergro1:1nd s~1steFBs inel1:1de the transforFBer and gro1:1nds. The 8er.1iee Cond1:1etor allo'+'t'a!'lee inel1:1des the eond1:1etors, eoflfleetors aRd other eE:J1:1ipFBeHt neeessary to make the serYiee eonHeetion. This allo•Nanee provides a FBaJdffil:lffi of I QQ linear feet froFB a pole, eonneetion eox or transfofffler to the Point ofDeliYery. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. (2) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional C1:1stoFBers Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following Submitted Under Adviee Letter No. Q9 Q3Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: Jl:lne I , 2QQ90ctober 3. 2016 EFFECTIVE: 8eptetHeer I, 2QQ9February 28. 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 23 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeaed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling ~econd Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 construction of an Extension for up to four_G)_ additional G1:1stomersApplicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these He*t-fourJ±) G1:1stomers Applicants utilizing any portion of the initial extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connect, 20% of the cost of shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the initial Customer. (b) Remote Service (1) Extension Allowances Residential Customers defined as Remote Service Customers either at a single location or a group of locations, as in Unimproved Subdivisions, have the same Extension Allowance as Standard Residential Customers. (Continued) Submitted Under Aaviee Letter }>lo. 09 03Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: 11:lne 1, 20090ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2009February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 24 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeeed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 Canceling lqfft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (b) Remote Service (continued) (2) Contracts (3) The Company will make Extensions for residential Remote Service Applicants according to the terms of a written contract. The contract will require the Applicant to advance the estimated cost of facilities in excess of the Extension Allowance. As Jong as the Applicant meets the definition of Remote Service they shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing. Primary residences with revenues equal to or greater than average residential revenues will no longer be considered Remote when the density of such residences exceeds one residence per one-half mile of line. Facilities Charges will cease when Customers are no longer considered Remote. The Contract Minimum Billing will not include Facilities Charges on the first one­ half mile of line from the Company's existing distribution facilities. Where there are groups of remote facilities only the first one-half mile is exempt from Facilities Charges. After the initial five ~ear contract period, Remote service Contract Minimum Billings also end upon termination of electric serve to the Customer's premises and Customer payment of all removal costs for inactive facilities. Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds The initial Customers that pay~ an advance for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of the Extension for up to four (4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these ~four ( 4) Applicants utilizing any portion of the initial extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connection, 20% of the cost of shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the initial Customer. Additional Applicants who pay an advance that is refunded to a Remote Service Customer are also responsible for the Facilities Charges, if any, associated with the facilities for which the refund was made. They must also pay the estimated cost of facilities for their extension exceeding their Extension Allowance and are responsible for the Facilities Charges on their extension in accordance with Rule 12.2(b)(2) above. Submitted Under AdYiee Letter No. 09 03Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: Ju0e l, 20090ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: September l , 2009February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 25 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeeed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Canceling Fifft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 (e) Th.Fee Pllese Resideetiel Senriee (d) lR additieR te ether applieable eharges, where three phase resideRtial serYiee is requested, the ApplieaRt shall p!ij' the dif:fereRee iR eest betweeR siRgle phase aRd three phase seF¥iee. Uedergreaed Extensions The CempaH~' will eeRstruet uRdergreuRd BnteRsieRs v,rheR req1:1ested by the ApplieaRt er if (Continued) Submitted Under Ad,·iee Letter ~Je. G9 G3Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: J1:1Re l , 2GG90ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2GG9February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 26 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 SeeeeEI Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 Canceling lqfft..Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) __ __.( __ c}...__Three Phase Residential Service (d) In addition to other applicable charges, where three phase residential service is requested, the Applicant shall pay the difference in cost between single phase and three phase service. Transformation Facilities When an existing residential Customer adds load, or a new residential Customer builds in a subdivision where a secondary service connection point has been installed at the lot line as provided under section 4(b) of this regulation, and the cumulative loads exceed the existing transformer's, service conductor's or other equipment's rated design capacity: (I) The facility upgrade shall be treated as a standard line extension if Customer's demand exceeds 25 kV A, or if the facilities only serve that Customer. (2) The facility upgrade shall be treated as a system improvement and not be charged to the Customer if the Customer's demand does not exceed 25 kV A and the facilities are shared by two (2) or more customers. Upgrades and modifications to correct service quality issues are done at the expense of the Customer causing the service quality issue. (6£) Underground Extensions (eoAtiAued) The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. For uAdergrouAd, iln addition to the requirements of the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide, at their expense, all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS Applicant loads that exceed the Company's engineering loading limits for one circuit at the local primary distribution voltage shall take delivery at the locally available transmission voltage (at or above 46,000 volts). (e) Exteesiee l-.110\'l'&Rees Deli•;eey et 44,000 Velts eeEI eheve Submitted Under AdYiee Letter ~lo. 09 03Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: JuAe l, 20090ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: September l, 2009February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 (h) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 27 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart 8eeaed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 Canceling ~econd Revision of Sheet No. 12R.6 The CompaRy will grant C1:1stomers takiRg se1,riee at 44,000 Yolts or greater an ex:teRsioR allowanee of the meter, e1:1rreRt transformers aRd poteRtial transformers Reeessa,;r to meas1:1re the C1:1stomer' s 1:1sage. The C1:1stomer m1:1st pay a CoRtraet Mi-Rim1:1m BilliRg for as loRg as ser>t'iee is takeR. E~teesiae hllaweeees DeliYeey et less thee 44,000 Valts (1) (l) (J) Less tllllB 1,000 kW The Compan~' will grant }JonresideRtial ApplieaRts req1:1iriRg less thaR 1,000 kW an E1a:eRsioR Allowanee of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applieant m1:1st advaRee the eosts ex:eeediRg the Ex:teRsioR AllowaRee prior to the start of eORStfl:letioR. The CompaRy m~' req1:1ire the C1:1stomer to pay a CoRtraet MiRim1:1m BilliRg for fiye years. 1,000 kW er C reeter The Company will graRt }fonresideRtial ApplieaRts req1:1iriRg 1,000 kW or greater an E1a:eRsioR AllowaRee of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applieant m1:1st adyanee the easts ex:eeediRg the Ex:teRsioR Allowanee. Fifty pereeRt of the adYanee is d1:1e wheR the eoRtraet is ex:eel:lted with the remaiRiRg balanee d1:1e 1:1poR eompletioR of the Ex:teRsioR. The C1:1stomer m1:1st pay a CoRtraet MiRim1:1m BilliRg for as loRg as serviee is takeR, b1:1t iR RO ease less thaR fiye years. If serYiee is termiRated withiR the first 10 years, the C1:1stomer m1:1st p~' a termiRatioR eharge eq1:1al to the E1tteRsioR Allowanee less 1/10th of the allowanee for eaeh year serYiee was tal€eR. Remate 8eR'iee The Company vlill graRt ApplieaRts for Remote }JoRFesideRtial SerYiee an E1a:eRsioR Allowanee of $90 per kW of estimated load. (Continued) Submitted Under AdYiee Letter }lo. 09 03Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: 11:!Re 1, 20090ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2009February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 28 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Fo11Fth Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling +ltiffl-Fourth Revision Sheet No. 12R.7 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) .._(a..._) __ Extension Allowances -Delivery at 4446,000 Volts and above (eoAtiAHed) The Company will grant Customers taking service at 46,000 volts or greater an extension allowance of the meter, current transformers and potential transformers necessary to measure the Customer's usage. The Customer must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. If service is terminated within the first 10 years, the Customer must pay a termination charge equal to the Extension Allowance less 1/lOll!..ofthe allowance for each year service was taken. __ __.(=b.,_) __ Extension Allowances -Delivery at less -tke&-than 4446,000 Volts .._{1 .... } __ Less than 1,000 kV AW The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants reqmrmg less than 1,000 kVAW an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Companyof $9Q per kW of estiffl:ated lead. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Company may require the Customer to pay a Contract Minimum Billing for fiveJil years. Remote Service customers must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years . .._(2 ..... } __ 1,000 kV AW or Greater (3) (3) The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring 1,000 kW or greater an Extension Allowance equal to nine (9) times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Companyof $9Q per k'.V of estiffl:ated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance. Fifty percent of the advance is due when the contract is executed with the remaining balance due upon completion of the Extension. The Customer must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five.ii) years. If service is terminated within the first I 0 years, the Customer must pay a termination charge equal to the Extension Allowance less 1/10th of the allowance for each year service was taken. Remote Senriee Tke CoHl:paa;' will graAt ApplieaAts for Reffl:ote ~iof!fesideAtial Serviee aA B1aeAsioA AllowaRee of $9Q fler kW of estiH1:ated load. Remote Senriee (eoAtiAued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H-M16-13 ISSUED: JaAuary 18, 2Ql20ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24, 2Ql2February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 (e) (d) (e) (3) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 29 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart FeuFth Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling '.Hl-ifd-Fourth Revision Sheet No. 12R. 7 The ApplieaHt must adYanee the eosts eKeeediHg the e1i:teHsioH Allowanee prior to the start of eoHstruetioH. The ApplieaHt must also p~' a CoHtraet MiHimum BilliHg fer as loHg as sen'iee is takeH, aut iH HO ease less thaH fiye years. Additional Capacity The Extension Allowance for Customers where it is necessary for the Company to increase the capacity of their facilities to serve the Customer's additional load is calculated on the increase in revenue as a result of the load increase. ,\dditieeel CustemeFs, Ad,,anees and Refunds A Customer that paj'S for a portioH of the eoHstruetioH of aR e1,teRsioH m~' reeeiYe refuHds if additioHal Customers eoflfleet to the e1i:teHsioH. The Customer is eligiale fer refuHds duriHg the first five (5) years followiHg eoHstruetioH of aH e1i:teHsioH for up to four (4) additioHal Customers. eaeh of the ReJi:t feur (4) Customers utiliziHg aH;' segmeHt of the iHitial eJi:teHsioH must pay the CompaHy, prior to eoHHeetioR, a proportioHate share of the eost of the shared faeilities. The Compooy will refuHd sueh paj'meRts to the preeediag Customer(s). ProportioRate Share (A • B) * C Where: A rt B C [Shared footage of liae] * [AYerage eost per foot of the liRe] Cost of the other shared distriaHtioa equipmeat, if applieaale [}lew additioRal eo!Hleeted load]/[Total eoRHeeted load] Additioaal Customers also must share the Faeilities Charges of the e1dstiag Customers. The CompaHy will alloeate the Faeilities Charges iR the same maooer used fer alloeatiRg the origiHal advanee. UedeFgFeund Exteesiees The CompaH)' will eoRstruet uHdergrouHd e1i:teasioas whee requested ay the ApplieaRt or if required ay loeal ordiHanee or eoaditioas. For uHdergroHHd, iH additioR to the preeediHg seetioRs, the ApplieaRt must proYide all treaehiag aHd aaekfilliRg, imported aaeld111 material, eoaduits, aad equipmeat fouadatioas that the Compaay requires for the e1,teasioR. If the ApplieaAt requests, the CompaR)' will proYide these items at the ApplieaRt's e1,pease. For eoRYersioR of aHY e1dstiag O\'erhead faeilities to uadergrouad, the terms of Seetioa 6 of this regulatioa apply. OtheF RequiFements WheR the eJtteRsioR is to property that is Rot part of aH impro•,red de\'elopmeRt, the Compaay may require the Applieaat to pa)' fer the liae eJtteasioH withia or aloag side Applieaat' s property as part of iastalliag a loop feed or to provide for future developmeat. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-13 ISSUED: Jaauary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H--G416-13 ISSUED: JaA1:1ary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 30 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart F011rtll Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R. 7 Canceling ~Fourth Revision Sheet No. 12R.7 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 31 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeoed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling lqf:st-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) ... {c....,) ____ Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds (d) For facilities that a Customer pays for a portion of the Line Extension, based on the ratio of their new load to the available capacity and the Company pays for the remainder, there are no refunds. Otherwise A~ Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Cl:lsteFHersApplicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these~ four (4) Cl:lstemers Applicants utilizing any segment of the initial Extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connection, a proportionate share of the cost of the shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the preceding Customer(s). Proportionate Share = (A + B) x C Where: A= [Shared footage of line] x [Average cost per foot of the line] B = Cost of the other shared distribution equipment, if applicable C = [New additional connected load]/[Total connected load] AdditieRal Cl:lsteFHers alse FHl:lst share tihe Facilities Charges of refunds are re-allocated to the Applicant paying the refundthe e,dstiRg Cl:lsteFHers. The CeFHpaR~' v,rill alleeate the Faeilities Charges iR the same FHanner Hsed fer alleeatiRg the erigiRal adYaRee. Reduction in Contract Capacity or Demand The Company is not obligated to reserve capacity in Company substations or on Company lines, or maintain service facilities in place in excess of the maximum recorded and billed Customer demand in the most recent 36 months, unless contract provisions providing for greater demand are less than 36 months old. {de...L_Underground Extensions The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. For underground, in addition to the preceding sections, the Applicant must provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-13 ISSUED: JaRHary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 2 4, 20 l 2F ebruary 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 32 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Seeeed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling lqfft..Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 4. eOtheF ReEfHiFemeets (t) WheR tke EMteRsieR is te f'lFet:iefty that is Ret t:iart ef aR im.t:iFeves sevelet:im.eRt, tke Cem.t:iaR)' m.ay Feql:liFe the At:it:ilisaRt te t:ia)' feF the liRe E,aeRsieR witkiR eF aleRg sise At:it:ilisaRt' s f'lFef'leFty as t:iaft ef iRstalliRg a leet:i foes eF te f'lFe,,ise feF fl:ltl:lFe Ele,,elet:im.eRt. StFeet Lightieg The E1fcteRsieR AllewaRee te stFeet lights takiRg seFYise l:IRSeF Rate Sshes1:1le 11 eF 12 is eql:lal te five tim.es the annl:lal Fe,'eRl:le frem. the lights te ee asses. The At:it:ilisaRt m.l:lst t:irnvise a ReR Fef1,msaele aEi11aRse feF sests exseesiRg tile E,aeRsieR AllevraRse f'lFieF te tile lights eeiRg asses. Faeilities ellaFges aRS CeRtFaet MiRim.l:lm BilliRgs se Ret at:it:ilY te stFeet !ightiRg. EXTENSIONS TO NON RESIDENTIJ .. L ,.+ .. ND RESIDENTIJ .. L PL,+ ..... ~NED DEVELOPMENTS (e) (h) (e) GeeeF&l PlaRRes sevelet:imeRts, iRel1:1siRg s1:10sivisieRs aRs meeile heme f'laFIES, aFe aFeas wkeFe gFel:lf'lS ef 01:1ilsiRgs eF swelliRgs m~' ee seRstrl:lstes at eF aeel:lt the same tim.e. Tke Com.t:iaR)' will iRstall faeilities iR se•;elot:im.eRts eefeFe tkeFe aFe astl:lal At:it:ilisaRts feF seFviee l:IRSeF the terms of a wFitteR seRtFast. ,• .. neweeees eed ,~dYeeees FeF RORfesiseRtial se,,elot:imeRts the De11elet:ier m1:1st f'lay a ReR ref1:1:Rsaele asYaRse eq1:1al to the Com.t:ian)''s estimates iRstalles eosts to make f'lFimaF)' seFYise availaele to easll lot. FoF FesiseRtial sevelot:imeRts the Comt:ian)' will f'lFOvise tFaRsfermeFs foF the sistFi01:1tioR gFis withiR the se•,'eiet:imeRt. The De•,'eiot:ier ml:lst f'l~' a ROA Fefl:IRsaele as1,'aRse feF all otheF sests to f'lF0Yise sesoRsary to the iRsiYiSl:lal lot liRes. FoF eotk RORFesiseRtial aRS FesiseRtial se11elot:imeRts the Com.f')aR)' may Feql:liFe the Develet:ier to t:ia)' feF liRe E,cteRsioRs withiR a.AS aloRgsise theiF sevelot:imeRt as f'laFt of iRstalliRg a leot:i foes or to t:irovise feF fotl:lfe se11elet:imeRt. Refeeds Tile Comt:iaRY will mal~e Re Fef1:1:Rss feF faeilities iRstalles withiR a sevelot:im.eRt. Howe¥eF, a Develet:ieF m.ay Feeeive Fefl:l:Rss OR aR as1,'B:ll6e t:iais feF a Rew E1fcteRsioR to, OF easlffieRe traol:lgk, a seYelot:imeRt if assitioRal s1:1stomeFs sennest to the E>fteRsioR 01:1tsise the sevelot:im.eRt. Tke De•,celet:ieF is eligiele feF these Fefl:l:RSS SHFiRg the fiFst fo,e yeaFs fellovARg eeRstFl:lstieR of tke E,rteRsieR feF Hf'l te fotiF assitieRal Cl:lstomers. The Develot:ieF m~' waive FefoRss, •.vitkotit simiRishiRg tke Rl:lmeeF of futl:lre refoRss withiR the fiye yeaF time frame, wheR the assitioRal Cl:lstomer soes Rot essasioR a ref1:1Rs of at least 20% of the origiRal asvaRse. Eash assitioRal C1:1stomer who ewes a refl:IRs mtist, t:irior to Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H-G416-13 ISSUED: JaRUaF)' l 8, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: At:iril 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 33 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeaed Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 Canceling Fifft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.8 connectioR, paj' the CompaRy HRder the terms of AdvaRces aRd RefoRds for ~foR ResideRtial CHstomers. The CompaR~' will refoRd SHch p~rmeRts to the De1,reloper. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-13 ISSUED: Jarmary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: April 24, 2012February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 34 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Fifft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 Canceling First Revision toOrigieal Sheet No. 12R.9 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) .._(Q..__Other Requirements When the Extension is to property that is not part of an improved development, the Company may require the Applicant to pay for the line Extension within or along side Applicant's property as part of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. {f2l...._Street Lighting The Extension Allowance to street lights taking service under Rate Schedule 11 or 12 is equal to five times the annual revenue from the lights to be added. The Applicant must provide a non-refundable advance for costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the lights being added. Facilities charges and Contract Minimum Billings do not apply to street lighting. '""'4."---_EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS __ __.(=a.,_) __ General (b) Planned developments, including subdivisions, commercial parks and industrial parks--aftEl moeile home parks, are areas where groups of dwellings or buildings or dwelliRgs ma:)' are planned to be constructed at or about the same time. The Company will install facilities in planned developments, for which a recorded plat has been provided, before there are actual Applicants for service under the terms of a written contract. The Company shall not be required to make Extensions to areas where there is not reasonable assurance of actual Applicants for service within five (5) years. Allowances and Advances For ROfli'esideRtial de,,elopmeRtS the De,·eloper m1:1st pay a ROR refl-:1-Rdaele ad1,'aR6e eei1:1al to the Compa.r-iy's estimated iRstalled easts to make primary serYiee aYailaele to eaeh lot. For residential developments the Company will provide the Developer an Extension Allowance of $1000 for each lot to which secondary voltage service is made available. If, due to lot size or other constraints, the Company determines the voltage drop on future service runs is likely to exceed that allowed, transformers and secondary will not be installed, and no allowance granted to the developer for those lotstraAsformers for the distri01:1tioR grid 1,vithiR the de,·elopmeRt. _ The Developer must pay an ROR refl:!Rdaele advance for all ether-costs in excess of the allowance. Service to dwellings on the lots will be provided under the provision of section 2. Residential Extensionsto provide seeoRdary to the iRdivid1:1al lot liReS. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-13 ISSUED: JaR1:1aF)' 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 35 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No.1 Fif.st.-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 Canceling First Revision toOFigieel Sheet No. 12R.9 For nonresidential developments the Developer must pay an advance of the Company's estimated installed costs to provide primary voltage connection points to each lot. Service to the buildings will be provided from the primary voltage connection points under the provisions of section 3. Nonresidential Extensions. For eotk Roraesieemial aRe resieemial eeYelopmeRts the Company may reqt:1ire the De,•eleper to pay for liRe enteRsioRs witkiR 0.Ae aloRgsiee their eeYelopmem as part of iRstalliRg a loop feed or to provide for fott:1re ee,•elopmeRt. Refu.eds The CoFRpan~· will make RO refoRes for faeilities iRstallee witkiR a eeYelopmeRt. Howe,•er, a DeYeloper FR~' reeeiye refoReS OR an ae•,canee paie for a Re',¥ eJcteRSiOR to, or eaekeoRe tRFOHgR, a eeYelopmeRt if aeeitioRal 6HStomers 60Rfleet to the eJcteRSiOR Olitsiee the ae,•elopmeffi. The Developer is eligible for these refoRes Elt:1riRg the first fiye years follmviRg eoRstrHetioR of the e1cteRsioR for Hf) to fot:1r aeeitioRal Ct:1stomers. The De,•eloper ma-y waive refuRes, witkoHt eimiRisk-i.Rg the RHmeer of fott:1re refooes witkiR the fiye year time fraH1.e, 'NReR the aeeitioRal Ct:1stomer does Rot oeeasioR a refoRe of at least 2Q% of the origiRal aeYaRee. eaek aeeitioRal Ct:1stomer who owes a refoREl mt:1st, prior to eoRReetioR, pa-y the Company UReer the teFFRs of AeYaRees aREl Refl:1Res for }o~oR ResieeRtial Ct:1stomers. The Compan~· will refuRe st:1ek p~·meRts to the DeYeloper. 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON RESIDENTII .. L !..ND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS s. (eeetieu.ed) (d) UedeFgr011:ed Ellteesiees (eeetieu.ed) The CompaRy will 60RStrHet l:IHSergroURe eJcteRsioRS wkeR reqt:1estee ey the DeYeleper OF reqt:1iree a~· loeal oreiRanees or eoReitioRs. For HRElergroHREl, iR aeeitioR to the preeeeiRg seetioRs, the De,1eloper mt:1st provide all treRekiRg aREl eaekfilliRg, imported eaekfill FRaterial, eeReHits, 0.00 eqt:1ipmeRt fot:1Reati0Rs that the Company reqt:1ires. If the Developer reqt:1ests, the CoFRpaRy will proYiee these items at the De11eloper's e1(peRse. Fer 60R\'ersioR of a~r e1dstiRg 01,1erkeae faeilities to HReergreHRS, the teFFRS of SeetieR a of this regt:1latieR apply. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (e) !..pplieftRt Built Line Ellteesiees (1) Geeerel Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H--G416-13 ISSUED: JanHary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24, 2012February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No.1 (2) (J) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 36 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart ~Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.9 Canceling First Revision toOriginel Sheet No. 12R.9 An Applieant fflay eontraet with soffleone other than the CoA'lpany to build a Line En:tension. The fellowing eireufflstanees, ho,Ye1,rer, are not an option for Applieant Built Line Entensions: reloeations, eonversions froffl overhead to underground, going froffl single phase to t&ee phase, or inereasing the eapaeity of faeilities. The Applieant ffll:lst eontraet with the CoA'lpan)' before starting eonstruetion of an Applieant Built Line E1,tension. When the Applieant has eoA'lpleted eonstruetion of the Line E1,tension and the CoA'lpany approyes it, the CoA'lpan)' will eonneet it to the CoA'lpany's faeilities and assuffle 01Nnership. Liehility end IBSIIFORee The Applieant assuffles all risks for the Construetion of an Applieant Bliilt Line E1ttension. Before starting eonstrnetion, the Applieant ffll:lst furn ish a eertifieate naffling the Cofflpafl)' as an additional insl:lred for a ffliniffluffl of $1,000,000. The Applieant fflay eaneel the poliey after the CoA'lpany aeeepts ov,rnership of the Line EJttension. Adneee far Desiga, Speeifieetiaes, Meteriel Steederds eed lespeetiaes The Applieant ffll:lst ad,·anee the CoA'lpany's estifflated eosts for design, speeifieations, fflaterial standards and inspeetions. \l/hen the Applieant has eoA'lpleted eonstruetion, the CoA'lpany ,,,,.m deteffRine its aetual eosts and fflay adjl:lst that portion of the Applieant's advanee. If the aetual easts e1,eeed the Applieant's adyanee, the Applieant ffll:lSt pay the differenee before the CoA'lpany will aeeept and energi~e the Line Extension. If the aetual eosts are less than the Applieant s adYanee, the CoA'lpany will refund the differenee. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H--G416-13 ISSUED: January 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24, 2012February 28, 2017 ~~~:.'OUNTAIN Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 37 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P. U.C. No. 1 ~Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.10 Canceling First Revision ofOFiginel Sheet No. 12R.10 4. EXTENSIONS TO NON-RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (continued) _{b-)~_Allowances and Advances (continued) For both residential and nonresidential developments the Company may require the Developer to pay for line Extensions to, within and alongside their development as part of installing a loop feed or to provide for future development. .... { c __ ) __ Refunds The Company will make no refunds on Developer advances for facilities installed within a development for the exclusive purpose of serving the development. If the Company has upsized distribution facilities within the development beyond what was necessary to serve customers within the development, so an Applicant adjacent to the development can take service, a refund is due to the developer. A Developer may receive refunds on an extension to the development if Applicants outside the development connect to that line. Hevrever, aA Developer may also receive refunds eA aA aa;•aAee paia for a AeW B1!.teAsieA te, er aaekeeHe thfe1:1gh, a ae1relept'HeHt primary voltage line installed alongside, in, or through the development for the purpose of future use, if Applicants outside the development connect to that Jineif aaaitieHai 61:!StefHers eenneet te the eJH0HSieH e1:1tsiae the aevelept'HeHt. The Developer is eligible for these-refunds during the first five (n_years following construction of the Extension for up to four_(!}, additional C1:1stefHersApplicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these Applicants, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company prior to connection, 20% of the Developer's advance for the shared facilities.The De1releper fHliJ' waive refuHas, withel:lt aifHiAishiAg the H1:1fHeer ef futt1re refuHas withiA the five year tifHe frame, wheH the aaaitieHal C1:1stefHer sees Het eeeasieH a refuAa ef at least 20% ef the erigiHal aav1mee. Baek aaaitieAal Ct1stefHer whe e\YeS a refuHa ffl\:ISt, prier te eenneetieH, pay the Ceffl.pan~• l:IA8er the teFH'lS ef ,A.,avaRees ana Refl:!Has fer }foH ResiaeHtial C1:1steffl.ers. The Company will refund such payments to the Developer. For facilities that a Developer pays a portion of based on the ratio of their new load to the available capacity, and the Company pays the remainder, there are no refunds . .._( d_}....__U nderground Extensions (eentinued) The Company will construct underground Extensions when requested by the Developer or required by local ordinances or conditions. Fer t1Haergre1:1Ha, iH aaaitieA te the preeeaiHg seetieHs, The Developer must pay for the conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground under the terms of Section 6 Relocation or Replacement of Facilities. tihe Developer must provide, at their expense, all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-I3 ISSUED: JanHaF)' 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 38 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart ~econd Revision of Sheet No. 12R.10 Canceling First Revision ofOFiginel Sheet No. 12R.10 material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires. If the Developer requests, the Company will provide these items at the Developer's expense. For conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, the terms of Section 6 of this regulation apply. s. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (eentineed) (e) ,:+..pplieent Built Line Extensiens (eentineed) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) J .. dvenee faF Besign, Speeiffeetiens, MeteFiel StendeFds end lnspeetiens (eentineed) The CompaAy will estimate the frequeAey of iAspeetioAs aAd eoAYey this to the ApplieaAt prior to the sigAiAg of the eoAtraet. For uAdergrouAd LiAe E1e:teAsioAs, the CoEApaAy may require that aA iAspeetor ee preseAt 1NheAever iAstallatioA work is ~ CenstFeetien StendeFd The Applieant must eoAstruet the LiAe E1e:teAsioA iA aeeordaAee with the CompaAy's desigA, speeifieatioAs, and material staAdards aAd aloAg the CompaAy's seleeted route. Otherwise, the CompaA)' will Rot aeeept or eAergize the LiAe E1e:teAsioA. TFOnsfeF ef OwneFship UpoA appro•,ral of the eoAstmetioA, the CompaA)' will assume ov,rAership of the LiAe E1e:teAsioA. The ApplieaRt must proYide the CompaAy uAeAel:lffl:eered title to the LiAe eJC:teAsioA. Rights ef Wey The ApplieaAt must provide to the CompaAy all required rights of •.yay, easemeAts aAd permits iA aeeordaAee with paragraph I .(le). CentFeet MiniRlHRl Billieg The CompaA)' ma)' require the Applieant to pa)' a CoAtraet MiAimum BilliAg as deflAed iA paragraph l .(e) iA this regulatioA. l)efieieneies in CenstFeetien If, withiA 24 moAths of the time the CompaAy eAergized the LiAe E1e:teAsi0A, it determiAes that the ApplieaAt proYided defieieAt material OF workmaAship, the ApplieaAt must pay the east to eorreet the defieieAe)'. At its diseretioA, the CompaA)' may require that the Applieafl:t provide a faithfi:il performaAee eoAd eefore the ApplieaRt eegiAs eoAstruetioA. Line Extensien Velee Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+2-G416-13 ISSUED: JaAuary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 39 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart ~Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.10 Canceling First Revision ofOFigieal Sheet No. 12R.10 The CoHl.pafiJ' will ealeHlate the ·;alHe of a Line Extension Hsing its standard estiffl.ating FHethods. The CoFHpany vt'ill Hse the Line E1ttension Vall.le to ealeulate ContFaet MiniFHUffi Billings, FeiFHeHFSeFHents, and Fefunds. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E--H-4416-13 ISSUED: JaimaFy 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: ApFil 24 , 2012February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 40 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart li+Fst-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.11 Canceling First Revision ofOFiginel Sheet No. 12R.11 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (eeRtiAued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (eontinued) ..... n .... } __ General An Applicant may contract with someone other than the Company to build a Line Extension. The following circumstances, however, are not an option for Applicant Built Line Extensions: relocations, conversions from overhead to underground, going from single phase to three-phase, or increasing the capacity of facilities. The Applicant must contract with the Company before starting construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. When the Applicant has completed construction of the Line Extension and the Company approves it, the Company will connect it to the Company's facilities and assume ownership . .._(2a..i) __ Liability and Insurance The Applicant assumes all risks for the Construction of an Applicant Built Line Extension. Before starting construction, the Applicant must furnish a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured for a minimum of $1,000,000. The Applicant may cancel the policy after the Company accepts ownership of the Line Extension . .._(3...,) ___ .Advance for Design, Specifications, Material Standards and Inspections The Applicant must advance the Company's estimated costs for design, specifications, material standards and inspections. When the Applicant has completed construction, the Company will determine its actual costs and may adjust that portion of the Applicant's advance. If the actual costs exceed the Applicant's advance, the Applicant must pay the difference before the Company will accept and energize the Line Extension. If the actual costs are less than the Applican(-s advance, the Company will refund the difference. The Company will estimate the frequency of inspections and convey this to the Applicant prior to the signing of the contract. For underground Line Extensions, the Company may require that an inspector be present whenever installation work is done . .._( 4_.) ___ Construction Standard (10) The Applicant must construct the Line Extension in accordance with the Company's design, specifications, and material standards and along the Company's selected route. Otherwise, the Company will not accept or energize the Line Extension. Line Extension ,4.:lloweeee Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-I3 ISSUED: JaAuary 18, 20120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: A13ril 2 4, 2012F ebruary 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 (h) (e) (d) (e) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 41 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart ~econd Revision of Sheet No. 12R.11 Canceling First Revision ofOrigieel Sheet No. 12R.11 After assuming ownership, the Company will ealeulate the appropriate Extension Allowanee. The Company 'Nill then reimburse the Applie!lflt fer the eonstruetion eosts eoveres by the E1ctension Allowanee, less the eost ef any CempaR~' pre:Yises eeiuipment er serviees, but in Re ease mere than the Line E1ctensieR Value. Deplieete Serviee Feeilities The Campany will furnish Duplieate SeFYiee Faeilities if the Customer as\•anees the estimates easts fer faeilities in exeess ef these whieh the Company wo1:1ls otherwise provise. The Customer also must pay Faeilities Charges fer the Duplieate Faeilities fer as Ieng as serYiee is taken, but in Re ease less than five years. Emergeeey Senriee The Campany will graHt Applie!lflts reeiuesting Emergeney SeFliee an E1ttensien Allewanee ef $9Q per kW ef estiH1.ates leas. The Applie!lflt must aaY!lflee the easts e1teeeaing the Extension AllewaHee prier to the start of eenstruetioR. The Applieant must alse pay a Cona=aet Minimum BilliHg fer as leHg as serviee is takeH, but iH He ease less thaH five years. Highly Fleeteetieg Leeds The CompaHy will famish faeilities fer Highly Fluet1:1atiHg Loass as sefines iH RegulatieH 2 of this tariff, provisea that the Applieant agrees to aavaHee to the Cemp!lfly the estimates iHstalles eost of sueh faeilities o·,er the eost ef faeilities whieh the Cempan~·, iH its sele siseretien, weuls othenYise provise. The Applieant shall also p~· a Contraet Minimum Billing as Ieng as seFt•iee is tal~eR b1:1t in RO ease less thaH five years. The Cempan~· reserves the right, shouls the effeet of loas fluetuatiens beeeFRe in the Cemp!lfly's sele j usgment a setriment te seFt•iee te ether Customers, te provise or reeiuire the Customer te previae eorreeti\•e faeilities. Where the Company pro·rises sueh faeilities the Customer shall p~· the eest of all sueh faeilities plus the asseeiates Centraet Minimum Billing. TempaF&ry Serviee (1) For Temporary SeFt'iee reeiuests reei1:1iring enly a serviee leep eeHB.eetieH !lfl.S where there are 12Q/24 Q volt faeilities of aseei1:1ate eapaeity available, the Customer shall pay the eoAHeet aHs aiseeHB.eet eharge speeifies in Sehesule 3QQ. (2) For all ether Temporary Ser•,ciee reeiuests the Customer shall pay e. the estimates installation eost, plus h. the estimates removal eost, plus e. the estimates eest fer rearranging any e1dsting faeilities, less d. the estimates sah•age \•alue of the faeilities reeiuirea te previse Temporary Serviee. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-H-G416-13 ISSUED: January 18, 2Q120ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: April 24, 2Q12February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 42 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart lifl:st-Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.12 Canceling First Revision ofOFigieRI Sheet No. 12R.12 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS ( continued) .._(a_..) __ Applicant Built Line Extensions ( continued) "'"'(5_.) ___ Transfer of Ownership Upon approval of the construction, the Company will assume ownership of the Line Extension. The Applicant must provide the Company unencumbered title to the Line Extension. ,-,;:{6'""") __ .Rights-of-Way The Applicant must provide to the Company all required rights-of-way, easements and permits in accordance with paragraph l .(km.) in this regulation . ..._(7__.) __ Contract Minimum Billing The Company may require the Applicant to pay a Contract Minimum Billing as defined in paragraph l .(b) in this regulation. ------~<8 .... )~_Deficiencies in Construction If, within 24 months of the time the Company energized the Line Extension, it determines that the Applicant provided deficient material or workmanship, the Applicant must pay the cost to correct the deficiency. At its discretion, the Company may require that the Applicant provide a faithful performance bond before the Applicant begins construction. ______ .._(9 ..... )~_Line Extension Value (10) The Company will calculate the value of a Line Extension using its standard estimating methods. The Company will use the Line Extension Value to calculate Contract Minimum Billings, reimbursements, and refunds. Line Extension Allowance After assuming ownership, the Company will calculate the appropriate Extension Allowance. The Company will then reimburse the Applicant for the construction costs covered by the Extension Allowance, less the cost of any Company provided equipment or services, but in no case more than the Line Extension Value . ... {b .... )...__Duplicate Service Facilities The Company will furnish Duplicate Service Facilities if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the Company would otherwise provide. The Customer also must pay Facilities Charges for the Duplicate Facilities for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five ~ears. (J) Ti:ie Ct1st0m.er is alse resf)eRsiale fer eleetrie serviee Stlflflliea t1REier ti:ie Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-G8--Gel6-13 ISSUED: Oeteaer 8, 20080ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Deeemaer 1, 2008February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 (t) (4) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 43 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart ~Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.12 Canceling First Revision ofOFigieel Sheet No. 12R.12 appropriate rate sehedule; any ad,,canees required for sharing previsus EJftensisns; and, depending an the eustsffier elass, Contraet Miniffl.Uffi Billings. If a Customer takes TeH!.psrary Sen·iee e0ntin1:10usly for 60 eonseeutive Hl.snths, the CsH!.pany will elassify the E,aension as perffianent and refl:IH:d an~· payffl.ent the Custsffl.er Hl.ade over that required of a permanent Custoffier. The CoH!.pany will net reft:tnd the Faeilities Charges. Liee Cepeeity ie Exeess of thet RequiFed If the CoH!.pan~· desires to eonstruet lines having a larger eapaeity or ffiore e1fpensive type of esnstruetisn than is praetieal under the eireuffl.stanees er neeessary in aeeordanee with sound engineering standards and praetiees to supply the energy requireffl.ents sf Custsffiers who 00tain serviee in aeeordanee with this regulatisn, the east sf eonstruetion of that additional line eapaeity shall 0e 0orne eoH!.pletely 0y the CoH!.pany and net 0e eonsidered in determining the Contrast Miniffium Billing er advanees Hl.ade 0y Applieants for serviee. 6. RELOC,~TION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (e) Reloeetioe of Feeilities If requested 0y an Applieant er Custoffier the CsH!.pany will: relseate distri0ution faeilities on ts, er adjaeent to, the Custoffl.er's preffiises; and,lsr, replaee e,dsting O'terhead distri0uti0n faeilities with eoH!.paraele undergrsund. 8u0stati0n faeilities and transffl.ission voltage faeilities will 0e reloeated at the diseretion of the CoH!.pany. For sverhead to ooderground relseations, the new undergrsund systeffi ffiust not iffipair the use sf the reffiaining overhead systeffi. The Applieant or Custoffl.er ffil:ISt eleet either: to pro'Yide all trenehing and 0aekfilling, iffiported 0aekfill Hl.aterial, eonduits, and equipH!.ent foundations that the CsH!.pany requires for the E,aensisn; er, ts pay the CoH!.pany ts provide these iteffis. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-G8-Ge16-13 ISSUED: Oeto0er 8, 20080ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Deeeffl.0er 1, 2008February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 44 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Fifft-.Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 Canceling First Revision ofOrigiHI Sheet No. 12R.13 L EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) "· .{c_.) __ Emergency Service The Company will grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance equal to the nine times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Companyof $90 per k'.l/ of estifHatea loaa. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five ill years . .._(d_._) __ Highly Fluctuating Loads The Company will furnish facilities for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this tariff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advance to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilities which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing as long as service is taken but in no case less than five Gl..years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilities. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost of all such facilities plus the associated Contract Minimum Billing . • {e_,} __ Temporary Service (1) For Temporary Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilities of adequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300 . .... {2...,} ____ For all other Temporary Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearranging any existing facilities, less d. the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide Temporary Service . .... {3-) ____ The Customer is also responsible for electric service supplied under the appropriate rate schedule; any advances required for sharing previous Extensions; and, depending on the customer class, Contract Minimum Billings. ( 4} If a Customer takes Temporary Service continuously for 60 consecutive months, the Company will classify the Extension as permanent and refund any payment the Customer made over that required of a permanent Customer. The Company will not refund the Facilities Charges. RELOC,+..TION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (eoRtiR1:1ea) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-G8--G616-13 ISSUED: Oetober 8, 20080ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Deeeffl.ber 1, 2008February 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 45 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P.U.C. No. 1 Fifft--Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 Canceling First Revision ofOFigieal Sheet No. 12R.13 7. (h) In addition, the Applieant or Customer must advanee the following: (1) (2) The estimated installed east of the new faeilities plus the estimated remoi,•al expense of the e1dsting faeilities, less The estimated salvage value pl1:1s aeerued depreeiation of the faeilities to be removed. This Advanee is not refundable. The Company is not responsible for alloeating sosts and responsibilities among multiple Applisants. Laeal CaYeFemeets When req1:1ired by a governmental entity in asserdanse with Idaho Code 50 2501 to 50 2523, the Company will replase e1dsting overhead with 1:1nderground distribution fasilities provided the entity pa;•s the Cempa.RJ' in assordanse with paragraph <i.(a) above, and pro•,cided the entity adopts an ordinanse sreating an 1:1nderground distrist requiring: (1) (2) (J) All e1dsting 01,•erhead sommunisation and elestris distribution fasilities be removed; eash property owner to make the shanges nesessary to reseive servise from the undergro1:1nd fasilities as soon as the CoHipan~' fflakes theffl ai,•ailable; and, A1:1thori:ces the Cofflpany to dissontinue 01,•erhead servise v,rhen it has sofflpleted sonstrustion of the underground fasilities. CONTIU.:CT ADM'INISTRf .. TION ALLOWANCE Custoffl.ers ffl~' 1Naive their right to reseive refunds on a Line e1ctension advanse. Customers 'NAO waive this right will reseive a Contrast Adfflinistration Allowanse spesified in Sshed1:1le 300. The sustoffler's shoise to reseh•e the Contrast Adfflinistration Allowanee Hl.ust be Hl.ade at the tiffle the e1,tension advanse is paid. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-G&--%16-13 ISSUED: Ostober 8, 20080ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Desember 1, 2008February 28, 2017 I.P. U.C. No. 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 46 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Original Sheet No. 12R.14 __ s. ____ EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) .... m ....... __ Line Capacity in Excess of that Required If the Company desires to construct lines having a larger capacity or more expensive type of construction than is practical under the circumstances or necessary in accordance with sound engineering standards and practices to supply the energy requirements of Customers who obtain service in accordance with this regulation, the cost of construction of that additional line capacity shall be borne completely by the Company and not be considered in determining the Contract Minimum Billing or advances made by Applicants for service. 6. RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (eeAtiAtiea) .._(a_.) ___ Relocation of Facilities If requested by an Applicant or Customer, and if the request is feasible, the Company will: relocate distribution facilities on to, or adjacent to, the Customer's premises; and/or, replace existing overhead distribution facilities with comparable underground. If existing easements are insufficient for the new facilities, the Applicant or Customer is responsible for obtaining new easements. Substation facilities and transmission voltage facilities will be relocated at the discretion of the Company. For overhead to underground relocations, the new underground system must not impair the use of the remaining overhead system. The Applicant or Customer must elect either: to provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension; or, to pay the Company to provide these items. In addition, the Applicant or Customer must advance the following: (1) The estimated installed cost of the new facilities plus the estimated removal expense of the existing facilities, less (2) The estimated salvage value plus accrued depreciation of the facilities to be removed. This Advance is not refundable. The Company is not responsible for allocating costs and responsibilities among multiple Applicants. (b) Local Governments When required by a governmental entity in accordance with Idaho Code 50-2501 to 50- 2523, the Company will replace existing overhead with underground distribution facilities provided the entity pays the Company in accordance with paragraph 6.(a) above, and provided the entity adopts an ordinance creating an underground district requiring: Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 ~~~~OUNTAIN Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 47 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P. U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 12R.15 _6. __ RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (continued) .._(b_.)...__Local Governments {continued) (1) (2) (3) All existing overhead communication and electric distribution facilities be removed; Each property owner to make the changes necessary to receive service from the underground facilities as soon as the Company makes them available; and, Authorizes the Company to discontinue overhead service when it has completed construction of the underground facilities. __ 7. ___ CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ALLOWANCE When a Line Extension includes a refundable advance, a Customers may waive their right te reeeii.·e fill_refunds eR a LiRe B1aeRsi0R aavaRee. G1:1stefBers whe waive this right 1,vill and receive a-the Contract Administration Allowance specified in Schedule 300. The customer's choice to receive the Contract Administration Allowance must be made at the time the Extension advance is paid. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: October 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2017 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Regulation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 25 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 48 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Seeaed Third Revision of Sheet No. D.1 Canceling ~Second Revision of Sheet No. D.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULA TIO NS STATE OF IDAHO Table of Contents Subject Sheet No. General Provisions Sheet No. lR.1 General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.1 -2R.4 Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.1 -3R.3 Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos. 4R. l -4R.3 Customer's Installation Sheet Nos. 5R.1 -5R.4 Company's Installation Sheet No. 6R.1 Metering Sheet Nos. 7R. l -7R.3 Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.1 -8R.2 Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R.1 -9R.4 Termination of Service and Payment Sheet Nos. 1 OR.1 - 1 OR.9 Arrangements Taxes Sheet No. 1 JR.1 Line Extensions Sheet No. 12R.1 -12R.H_li Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy Sheet Nos. 13R.1 -13R.6 Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R.1 -25R.4 Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued. Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E~16-13 ISSUED: J1:1R0 2§, 201SOctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Maj' 3, 2016February 28, 2017 J.P. U.C. No. 1 MuniciQalitx City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 49 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart Fifft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling First Revision ofOFigieel Sheet No. 300.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 -Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Tax or Fee Ordinance No. Tax or Fee AdoQted Franchise No. 929 6.0% December 8, 2004 Franchise No. 453 3.0% May 21 , 1996 Franchise No. 104 3.0% December 31 , 1990 City of St. Anthony Franchise No. 20011-10 1.0% September 22, 2011 City of Shelley Franchise No. 375 3.0% October 1, 1995 City of Spencer Franchise No. 2008-1 2.0% June 20, 2008 City of Sugar City Franchise No. 204 3.0% June I 3, 1996 Sheet No. 12R.1 12R.3 12R.4 12R.6 12R. H.11 12R.H.li 25R.1 25R.2 25R.2 DescriQtion Minimum Engineering Costs Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense Facilities Installed at Company's Expense Charge $200 0.60e+% per month I .30e+% per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Ex12ense 0.20% Qer month Facilities Installed at Com12anx's Ex12ense 0.90% Qer month ResiaeRtial BxteasioR AavaRee Cost iR eJreess of a:aasfoffBers, R'leter aRa serYiee iRstallatioR. },JoR resiaefl:tial BxteRsioR AaYaRee Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) Contract Administration Allowance Customer Guarantee Credit 1: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional 12 hours Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments Customer Guarantee Credit 3: Switching on Power Cost iR eJrness of $90 per kW of estiR'latea 00R'IQR0. Single phase:$ 85.00 Three phase: $II 5.00 $250 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 Submitted Under AaYiee },fo. 15 OlCase No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: April 23, 20150ctober 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE: Ma;, 18, 20 l SFebruary 28, 2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 50 of 50 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart I.P. U.C. No. 1 ¥ifft-Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling First Revision ofOFigiRftl Sheet No. 300.3 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 4: Estimates for New Supply ( continued) Submitted Under AdYiee ~le. 15 OlCase No. PAC-E-16-13 ISSUED: April 23, 20150ctober 3, 2016 $50.00 EFFECTIVE: May 18, 20 l SF ebruary 28, 2017 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Exhibit No. 3 Witness: F. Robert Stewart BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of F. Robert Stewart Idaho Facilities Charge October 2016 --ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWE R ---- I-~ ------USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES FOR IDAHO DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION PLANT r------------::n -1 -iJ ff ~ +-------I I -L__ ---- ~ 201s Use of Facilities 2014 Depreciation Study 2014 Depreciation Study Distribution . Distribution _Transmission Distribution Transmissiori' WIO WI WIO WI WIO WI 1 WIO WI i----+---+-WIO Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage Salvage -------t--+--- - -4.1~~~ 43§%1 4.78% 4.59% 4T4%' r - 2.73% 1.87%1 3.12% 2.16% 2.70% 1.70% 1.77% l 1.90% 1.82% 1.92% -0.65% -0.74% 0.62% 0.59% 0.62% 5.64% 1.32% 5.64% r------+--t 16.06% 15.72% 1. 15% 0. 58 % .:...;.:.;.-----1-..;o;.;,·;:.81,;..0;,.:Yo+-+----="--'-':...;.:c+-+--=-;..;..;...:..:..f-+--=cc=:.,;,.:..i.. Use of Facilities Charges --- Non-Ca ital Related Costs 6.26% 6.19% 1.94% 6.: Ca i!§.1 Replacement Annuity _1~8% 0.96% 0.65%, I 1.1 Non-Capital Use of Facilities 8.04%LJ 7.15!ol I 2.59%1 2.40%1 I 7., 1-Total Use of Facilities 16.06% 15.49% 10.58% I 10.49%1_~ ----+ti -16%ttl23_.!o 1.94% 30% 0.79% 0.51% ~ ---- -~ 36% 7.02% 2.46% ~~ 72°/o[ 15.34% 10.5:1% I 1--- 8.04% 8.04% --20.04% 20.04% Use of Facilities Charges versus Idaho Schedule 300; t-+ 1 Customer's Expense -0.23% __ -5.33% -1.02% Com any's Expense -5.13% -9.96% -4. 70% [ ---~----5.71% -9.58o/o Capital Replacement Annuity Monthly 0.66% 1.31% 0.58% 1.28% used in filing T.55% ~ Annually 6.60% 15.00% I I Book Life LFuture Value Factor ---t-t-' S1nk1n.9. Fund ~~ ~ - ·asr 5i· ~-44 52 58 ~ .. 34~ 48 ~ 57 d 62 1.99 -2.77 .J 1'.izti 2.37 2.77 3.12 1.95 2.56 3.06 -3.37~,- I ! 1 Capital Replacement Annuity 0.76% _ 0.2~% 0.95% 0.40% 0.23% 0.16% 0.82% 0.31% 0.17% _Q_.12%1 1.52% 0.65% 1.78%1 0.96% 0.65% 0.49% _ ~ 0.79%_.l 0.51% 0.40% Monthly 0.20% 0.88% 0.19% 0.87% used in filing 0.24% O,i0% Annually 2.88% 10.80% ..-- ~ m ::::iox;u iJ:w:!.o CJ) gi !;!. i ~ z i-< · ooS:: ;u .. 0 O ""CJ We 0')>""03.. ~ c;> ~ !!!. (/) r;n (1) ::::, (0 ....lr,, ....lr,, ci' :E9'o:: W ....lr,,~CD ;::i (>.) ....lr,, -, Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Exhibit No. 4 Witness: F. Robert Stewart BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of F. Robert Stewart Idaho Line Extension Allowance October 2016 Line Extension Allowance State of Idaho Based on Dec 2010 Cost of Service Study Filing 1 Average Price per k\fv'h 2 Average Annual Revenue per Customer 3 Average annual k\fv'h per customer 4 Generation Revenue Requirement 5 Transmission Revenue Requirement 6 Substation Costs 7 Backbone Feeder Cost 8 Billing and Accounting Costs 9 Total Non Line Extension Costs 1 O Total Non Line Extension Costs as % of Total Costs 11 Total Line Extension Costs as % of Total Costs 12 Margin to Apply to Line Extension 13 Annual Margin per Customer 14 Fixed charge% of investment 15 Investment Supported by Revenue 16 Investment to Revenue Ratio 17 Gross Investment per Customer 18 Line Extension Related Distribution Plant 19 Investment to Revenue Ratio 20 Current Line Extension Allowance, per Rule 12 21 Investment Supported by Revenue per Max KW 22 Assumed Power Factor per Dist Standard DA 411 23 Investment Supported by Revenue per Max KVa 24 Residential Developer Cost (Poles, Conductor & Line Transformer) 25 Residential Developer Percentage of Overall 26 Non-Residential Developer Cost (Poles & Conductor) 27 Non-Residential Developer Percentage of Overall Source: Lines 1 -3: Idaho December 2015 Results of Operation Report Lines 4 -8: Unit Costs from PAC-E-11-12 Line 9: Sum of Lines 4 to 8 Line 10: Line 9 divided by Total Costs from PAC-E-11-12 Line 11: 1 minus Line 10 Line 12: Line 1 X Line 11 Line 13: Line 3 X Line 12 Residential $0.1070 $1 ,180.81 11 ,037 $0.0521 $0.0147 $0.0021 $0.0064 $0.0070 $0.0823 83% 17% $0.02 $200 12.82% $1 ,561 1.3 $1 ,533 1.3 Transformation facilities, meter, and service conductor $177 0.95 $187 $0.0134 74% Line 14: Financial Analysis -Distribution Plant Use of Facilities Charges, Incremental Cost of Capital Line 15: Line13/Line14 Line 16: Line 15 / Line 2 Line 18: FERG Accounts 364 to 367 times 0.5 plus FERG Accounts 368 to 373 Line 19: Line 18 / Line 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 4 Page 1 of 1 Case No. PAC-E-16-13 Witness: F. Robert Stewart General Service $0.0848 $4,725.75 55,743 $0.0515 $0.0142 $0.0020 $0.0040 $0.0019 $0.0736 89% 11% $0.01 $500 12.82% $3,903 0.8 $3,168 0.7 $90 per kW of estimated load $219 0.95 $231 $0.0050 55%