HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160707Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIFI@RP RT C E IVED i0l$.itJL -7 AH 9: 55 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 July 7,2016 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re:CASE NO. PAC-E-16-11 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF AI\t ADDENDUM TO THE LOWER VALLEY ENERGY, INC. POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, Ih-J.n$l^ Senior Counsel Enclosures Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-401 4 Fax: (801) 220-4615 Email : daniel.solander@oacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclry Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMNIISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF AI\ ADDENDUM TO THE LOWER VALLEY ENERGY,INC. PPA CASE NO. PAC-E.16.11 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Comes now PacifiCorp d/bla Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP" or the "Company"), pursuant to RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), hereby respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for an Order approving an addendum to the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") entered into June 17, 2014, between Rocky Mountain Power and Lower Valley Energy, Inc. ("LVE"). In support of this Application RMP represents as follows: I. BACKGROUNI) l. PacifiCorp is an electrical corporation and public utility doing business as Rocky Mountain Power in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission with regard to its public utility operations. PacifiCorp also provides retail electric service in the states of California, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. t 2. Lower Valley Energy, Inc. owns, operates, and maintains two hydroelectric generators on Swift Creek and a hydroelectric generation project on the culinary water system located in or near the town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Upper Facility is rated at940 kilowatt ("kW"), the Lower Facility is rated at 535 kW, and the Culinary Facility is rated at225 kW with a total nameplate rating of 1,700 kW, (Facility Capacity Rating). The hydroelectric facilities are qualified small power production facilities ("QF") under the applicable provisions of PURPA. 3. On May 22, 2009, PacifiCorp and Lower Valley entered into a Power Purchase Agreement. Under the terms of the PPA, Lower Valley elected to contract the Upper Facility with the Company for an approximate three-year term, expiring May l, 2012.1 This PPA was later modified by a Minute Order to add the Lower Facility to the contract. 4. On May 19,2011, PacifiCorp and Lower Valley revised the PPA to add the output from a newly constructed Culinary Facility2 and extend the contract period through September l, 2014. 5. On June 17,2014, PacifiCorp and Lower Valley entered into a PPA, Lower Valley elected to contract with RMP for a two-year term using the non-levelized published avoided cost rates for energy deliveries of less than l0 average megawatts. The PPA was approved by the Commission3 on August 27, 2014, and is set to expire September 30,2016. I Case No. PAC-E-09-05, Order No. 30864. 2 Case No. PAC-E-I l-15, Order No.32323. 3 3 Case No. PAC-E-14-06, Order No. 33107. II. EXTENDING THE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT 6. On December 2,2015, LVE contacted RMP requesting an extension to its existing PPA contract which was set to expire September 30, 2016. LVE and RMP engaged in discussions regarding the term of the desired extension. Initially LVE indicated they would like to extend the contract two to three years. LVE is a BPA customer and anticipates utilizing the output from its generation facilities to serve future load growth. 7. After further consideration in March 2016 LVE notified the Company it would like a one-year extension. At that point LVE still needed to obtain a point to point transmission agreement with BPA before the contract could be finalized. On June 5, 2016, LYE provided a signed copy of the addendum to RMP the addendum was circulated internally for review prior to signing on June 22,2016. 8. The confirming levelized energy rates for the LVE PPA were the avoided cost rates for non-seasonal hydro projects approved by the Commission December 14, 2015. For all energy deliveries October 1,2016 through December 31,2016 the levelized energy rate is $34.06 per megawatt-hour. For energy delivered January 1,2017 through September 30,2017 the rate is $34.42 per megawatt-hour. 9. A copy of the addendum to the contract is provided as Attachment No. I and the original PPA contract is provided as Attachment No.2 to this Application. III. COMMUNICATIONS Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 10. Fax: (801) 220-4648 Email : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com and to: Daniel E. Solander 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-401 4 Fax: (801) 220-4615 Email : daniel. solander@nacifi com.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail datarequest@pacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE I l. RMP believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issue presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. V. REOUEST FOR RELIEF 12. WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order: (1) authorizing that this matter may be processed by Modified Procedure; and (2) approving the Addendum for a one-year extension to the PPA between PacifiCorp and Lower Valley Energy, lnc. Dated this 7m day of July,2016 Respectfu lly submitted, Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power ATTACHMENT NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO POWER PU RCHASE AGREEMENT ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Addendum No. 1 to Power Purchase Agreement, entered into this 22nd day of June. 2016 (Effective Date), is between Lower Valley Energy, Inc., and PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant function capacity. Lower Valley Energy, Inc., and PacifiCorp are referred to collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS A. Lower Valley Energy, Inc. and PacifiCorp are parties to that Power Purchase Agreement dated June 17 ,2014 (PPA); B. The PPA expires on September 30, 2016; C. The parties desire to extend the term of the PPA for one additional year; D. The parties desire to use the applicable rates in Idaho Schedule 37. NOW THEREFORE, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Section 2.2 of the PPA is hereby amended as follows: 2.2. Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall remain in effect until September 30, 2017 ("Expiration Date"). 2. Section 5.1 of the PPA is hereby amended as follows: Table L- Conforming Energy Rates for Upper Facility, Lower Facility and Culinary Facility Year Conforming Energy Annual Rate, Upper, Lower, and Culinary (AR*) s/MWh 2076 34.06 2077 34.42 1. thr$&&h,rnfmsilt$s#*r*fifrfe, GI yilrtss* ltxilfi*, trEnrF ffirm tfffltiltffi {illrm rlt firod hfrtmcdftnrynxtn Sknffirstt*r Bf$ffiffP.,nrq -y'+&ff-..*--.*.l[ '?x-* lc+gaerq>tflH [trl. CofrCrrrr- tA,.vk€> ATTACHMENT NO. 2 POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOWER VALLEY ENERGY, INC. AND PACIFICORP POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOWER VALLEY ENERGY, INC. [threenon-fueled, non-levelized, non-MAG @alifyrng Faeilities located in PacifiCorp Coatrol Area interconnected to non-PacifiCorp syste,rxr in Wyoming delivering pow€r to PacifiCorp in ldaho-each l0alv1WlvIonth or lessl AND PACIF'ICORP Scction l: Definitions ................. ...,........2 Section 2: Term, Commercial Operation Date ........... .................. 7 Section 3: Rcpresentations and Warranties.. .............7 Section 4: Delivery of Energy and Capacity ............. 9 Section 5: Purchase Prices.....,... .......... 13 Section 6: Operation and Confrol ......... 14 Section 7: Motive Force.......... .............. l7 Section 9: Billings, Computations and Payrnents ...................... 18 Section l0: Defaults aad Renredies.........,...-... ........ 18 Section 11: Indemnification,........ ......... 20 Scction 12: Liability and Insurance............... .......-.21 Section 13: Force Majeure..... ..............23 Section 14: Several Obligations ....,......24 Section 15: Choice of Law....... ............?4 Segtion 16: Partial lnvalidity ..............24 Section 17: Waiver.. .,........24 Section 1'8: Governmental Jurisdiction and Auttrorizations............... .-......,..24 Section 19: Successors and Assigns .....25 Section 20: Entire Agreement. ...-........ ?5 Seaion 2l: Notices ,.........2.5 POWER PURCHASE AGREEMEM fi{ls POWER.PTURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreemenf'), entered into this e- day of \uI^- . 201t , is between L.ower Valley EuJrry, Inc., a Wyoming corporaiion @I "Seller') Und pacinCorp, aD Oregon oorporation acting in its merchant frmction capacity (BPecifiCorp'). Seller and PacifiCorp are refened to collectively as the (Parties' and individually as a *PartyD. RECTTALS A. Seller owns, op€rates and maintains three run of river hydroelectric gorerating facilifies for the gemeration of electic powtr, two located on Swifl Crcek, in or near the toum of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming and one located on the existing arlinary water s)Etern for the town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wpming. The upriver Swift Creek plant was completed in May 2009 and has a Facility Capacity Rating of 94&kilowatts ftW) (the "Upper Facility'). The dowriver Swift Creek plant was completed in October 2009 and has a Facility Capaoty Rating of 535 kW (the "Lower F'aciltty"). The third plant has a Facility Capacity Rating of 225 kW (the '€ulinary Facillty"); and B. The Parties desire to e,nter into this Agreeurent to replace in its entirety the Second Revised and Restated Power Purchase Agreeuremt dated May 6, 201I (the "PPA'), which terminates on September l,2014; and C- Seller intends to continue to deliver Net Output under tlris Agre€ment; and D. Seller intends to continue to opffate Upper Facility, lower Pacility, and Culinry Facility - each a s€,parate Qualifyrng Facility - as a single geoerating facility (mllectively the "tr'acillty'), for purposee ofthis PPA; md E. Seller estimates ttrat the avaage annual Net Output to be dolivered by the Facility to PacifiCorp is 6,007,666 kilowatt-hotus (kWh) prusuant to the monthly Energy Delivery Schedule in Exhibit D hereto, which amount of enerry PacifiCorp will include in irc resornce planning; and ,gfr CO fil,F. Seller shall (ctr96se one) ts sefu[lNet Output to PacifiCorp and pgrchase its full electric require,rne,nts from Pa'6.ifr€ot? El sell Net Output surplus to its needs at the Facility site to PacifiCorp and purchase partial electic reguirematts senrice fiom PacifiCorp, in accordance with tho terms and conditions of this Agreenraq and G. Seller intends to transmit Net Output from the Facility to PacifiCorp via tnnsruission facilities operated by a third prty, and PacifiCorp intends to accept sctreduled firm delivery of Seller's Net Ouput, under the terms of this Agreement, including the Generation Sdreduling Addcndum attached as Addendum W and incorporated cont€mporaneously herewith. H. This Agreeme,nt is a 'AIew QF Conkacf'under the PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Revised Protocol. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS Whsr used in this Agreement, the followingterms shall have thc followingmeanings: I.l "Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Enerry Delivot'' shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3. 1.2 "Agreement" means this Power Furchase Agreernent. 1.3 "As-bullt Supplemenf' shall mean the supplement to E$lblt A previously provided by Seller and dacribing the Facility as actually builr 1.4 "BiUing Period" means thc time period between the reading of power prrchase meters at the Facility an4 for this Agreerueng shall ooincide with caleirdar months. l -5 '€rpacity Factor" meanq for any given period of time, the Net Otrtput divided by the product of Facility Capacif Rating and the total hours in the giveo pedod of time. 1.6 "Commission" means the Idaho Pttblic Utilities Commission. 1.7 *Conforming Energ/' means all Net Energy delivered to the Point of Delivery except Non-Corrforming EnergY. 1.8 '€onfornlng Energ5r Prlce" mcans the applicable price for Conforming Enogy and capacity, qpecified in Section 5.1. 1.9 '€ontract Year" meaill a twelve (12) monfr period ommencing at 00:00 hours Mountain Proraiting Time ("MPI') on Janury 1 aad cnding on 24:00 hours MPT on December 31; provided, ltowever, that the first Contract Yoar shall comm€nco on the Effective Date and end on the aext succeeding December 31, and the last Contract Year shall end on the Expiration Date, unless earlier terrninated as provided hcrein. 1.10 'Effective Date" means Septenrber 2,2A14. 1.11 *Enetg5r Dellvery Schedulc" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.2 af this Ageernent. l,l2 "Expiratlon DatC' shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.? of this Ageernent. I.I3 "Facilitf' means all of Seller's Upper Facility, lnwer Facility, and Culinary Facility, unless otherwise noted, including the Sellcr's Interconnection Faeilities, as described in the Recitals, Exhibft A, and Exhiblt B. "Facilityl**l", "Facility1lou,er)", and "Facilitylculimry;" refer to the Upper Facility, Lower Facility, and Culinary Facility. individually. The term 'faciliry" without any such suffhx refers to the entire Facility unless the context requires otherwise. Facilitylrr.4, Facilityrro*c; and Facilityl-1;*1y1 are desctibed separately in Exhtbtt A. 1.14 "Facility Capacity Rating" means tbe sum of the Nameplate Capacity Ratinp for all generators comprising the Facility. 1.15 "Force MaJeure" has the meaning set forth in Section 13.1. l.16 "F'orced Outage" means an outage that requires removal of one or mors generating units from serrrice, another outage state or a reserve shutdown state before 0re end of the next weekend. Maintenance Outages and Plamed Outages are not Forced Outages, L.l7 "Genemdon Scheduling Addendum" means Addendum W, the portion of this Agreement pmviding for the measur€mcnt, sctreduling, and delivery of Net Output from the Facility to the Point of Delivery via a non-PacifiCorp tansmission entity(s). 1.18 "Crovernmental Aufhori$," means any supranational, federal, state or other political subdivision thereof, having jurisdiction over Sello, PacifiCorp or this Agreement, including any municipality, township or county, and any entity or body exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or adminisbative functions of or pertaining to government, including any corporation or other entity owued or conholled by any of tbe foregoing. t.l9 "Inrdvertent Enerry" means €oergy delivered to the Point of Interconnectioqrl (l) in orcess of the Maximrm Monthly Purchase Obligatiory or (2) at an average hourly rate exceeding the Maximum Facility Delivery Ratq,l Inadvertent Encrgy is not included in Net Ouput. 120 "Indet Price", for each day, shall mean the weigbted average of the average Peak and Off-Peak firrn enerry market prices, as published in the Intercontinental Erclunge QCE) Day Ahead Power Price Report for the Palo Verde Hub. For Srmday and NERC holidap, the 24-Horn Index Price shall be used, unless ICE shall publish a Firm On-Peak and Firm Off-Peak Price for such days for Palo Verde in which event such indices shall be utilized for strch days. If the ICE index or any replacerne,nt of that index ceases to be published drning the term of this Agreernent, PacifiCoqp shall select as a replacemerrt a substantially equivalent indor that, after any app'ropriate or necessary adjustnents, provides fte most reasonable zubstitute for the index in question, PacifiCotp's selection shall be subject to Seller's consent, which Seller shall not umeasonably withhold, condition or delay. l -21 "Interconnected Utllity" means Lower Valley hory, Inc., the op€rator of the eloctric utility syst€Nrl at the PoinB of Interconnection 1.22 *Interconnecfion Facillties" means all the facilities and ancillary equipment used to int€rcotrnect the FaciIiP to the Interconnected Utility, including electrical transmission lines, upslades, transformers, and associated cquipment, zubstations, rclay and swiiching equipment, and safety oquipme,nt 1.23 "Licensed Professional Engineer" means a person acceptable to PacifiCorp in its reasonable judgmetrt who is licensed Lo prastice engineering in the state of Wyoming, who has taining and experience in the engineering disciplin{s) relevant to the matters with respect to which nrch person is called to provide a certificationo evaluation and/or opinion. who has no economic relationship, association, or nexus with the Seller, and who is not a representative of a consulting engineer, contractor, designer or other individual involved in the dwelopment of the Facility. or of a manufacturer or supplier of any equipment installed in the Facility. Such Licensed Professional Engineer shall be licemsed in an appropriats engineering discipline for the roquired certification being made. The €agagement and pa)4ment of a Licensed Professional Engineer solely to prrovide the cettifications, evaluations and opinions required by 0ris Agreement shall not constitute a prohibited economic relationship, association or nexus with the Sella, so long as such engineer has no other economic relationship, association or nexus with the Seller. L,74 "Maintenence Outage" means any outage of one or morc generating units that is not a ForEed Outage or a Plarmed Outage. A Maintenance Outage is an outage that can be deferrcd until after the end of the nent weekend, but that requires that the generating unit(s) be remorcd from service before the next Planned Outage. A Maintenance Outage may occu any time during the year and must have a flexible start date. 1.25 '.lVlater{al Adverse Change" shall mean, with respect to the Seller, if the Seller, in the reasonable opinion of PacifiCorp, has experienced a materid adverse change in ability to fulfill its obliguions under this Agreemeot- 1.26 *Marimum Curtailed tr'acility Delivery Rate" or 'MCFDR" means the ma:rimum instantaneous rate (kW) at which the Facility is capable of delivering Net Output at the Poin(s) of Interconnection during a Quali$ing Curtailment. Where a Qualifying Curtailment applies indistinguishably to both the 'Upper and Lower" Facility and to the "Culina4yfl Facility, theMCFD&* shall equal the MCFDft.ntruE) + (MFpR,,AfO\arm.i. 1.27 'Maximum Fadlity Delivery R.rte" or 'MFDR" means the maximurn instantaneous rate (kW) at which the Facility is capable of delivering Net Output at the Poin(s) of lnterconnectioD, as qpecified in Exhibtt A, and in compliurce with the Facility's generation interconnectioa agreeme,lrl if applicable 1.28 "Meximum Monthly Purchgse Obltgation" means the maximur amormt of eoergy PacifiCorp is obligated to purchase under this Agreeineot in a calendar month. In accordance with Comrrission Order 29632, the Maximun Monthly Purchase Obligation for the Facility for a given month, in kWh, shall equal 10,m0 kW multiplied by the totat number of hours in that month. 1,29 'Motive f,'orce Plu" shall have the meaning set for0r in Swtion 7 of this Agreernent. 1.30 "Nameplate Capacity Ratlng" mear$ the maximurn instantaneous generding capacit-v of any qualiffig small power or cogeneration gmcrating unit supplyng all or part of the enogy sold by the Facility, expressed in MW, when operated consistent with the manufactrer's recornmended power factor and operating pararneters, as set forth in tlre As-built Sup,plement previously furnished by Seller. l.3l "Net Energy" means the energy component, in kWh, of Net Output. 1.32 'Net OuQuf'means all energy and capacity produced by the Facility, less station use and less transformation and transsrission Iosses and othcr adjustrnents, if any. For purposes of caloilating payment under this AEeement, Net Output of arergy shall be the aurount of energy flowing through the Points of Interconnection, less any station usc not provided by the Facility. Net Ouput does not include Inadvertent Enerry. 1.33 'Nou-Conformtng Energa" means for any Billing Period: (l) that portion of Net Energy delivered to the Point of Delivoy in excess of ||tr/o of the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for that Billing Period delivered zubsequently to that initial tL0%; or (2) all Net Encrgy delivered to the Point of Delivery when Net Enerry delivered is less than 90% of the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for that Billing Period. 1.34 "Non-Conforming Energ5l Price" means the applicable price for Non- Conforming Enerry and capacity, specified in Section 5.1. 1.35 "Ofi-Peak Hours" means all hours of the week that arc not On-Peak Hours. 1.36 "On-Peek H.ours" mean"s hours from 7:00 a-m. to I l:00 p.m. Mountain Prevailing Time, Monday througtr Saturday, ancluding Western Electicity Coordinating Council (WECC) and Nsrth American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) holidays. 1.37 "PaclfiCorp Transmission" means PacifiCorrp, an Oregon corporafion, acting in its tansrrission filrction capaoity. 1.38 "Planned Outage" means an outage of predctermined duration that is scheduled in Seller's Energy Delivery Schedule. Trutine overhauls or inspections art tlpical ptmned outages. Maintenance Outages ard Forced Outages are not Planned Outages, 1.39 nPoint of Deliveryn means PacifiCorph 161 kV busbar at the Gostren Substuion, Idatro the point of iaterconnection between Bonnwille Power Administration's system and PacifiCorp's slstem where PacifiCorp has agreed to receive Sellet's Net Outpuu l.4O *Point of Interconnectongo*"ry" rtreans the high voltage side of Seller's st€p-up transformer at the point of interconnection between Seller's Facilityl5"-; and the Inte,rconnected Utility's systfl. 1.41 *Potut of Interconnectton(crruy)" means the high voltage side of Seller's step-up transformer at the point of interconnection betrveen Seller's Facilityl-6-rr and the lnterconnected Utility's s)Btem. 1.42 '?olnt of fnterconnectionlro*4" means the high voltage side of Seller's stepup tansformer at the point of interconnection between Seller's Facilityloepcrl and the Interconnected Utility's system. 1.43 '?oinh of Interconnection" means, collectively, the Point of Interconnectioo(rower). Point of lnterconnectioqupp6; and Point of lntenconnection(cutimry). 1.4 "Prime Rate" means the rate per aunun equal to the publicly announced prime rate or rcference rate for commercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by JPMorgan Chase & Co. [f a JPMorgan Chase & Co. prime rate is not available, the applicable Prime Rate shall be the announced prime rate or refcrencc rate for commercial loans in effect from time to time quoted by a bank wi& $10 billion or mor€ in assets in New York City, N.Y., selected by the Party to whom intoest bastd on the prime rate is being paid. 1.45 "Prudent Electrical Pr&ctices" rnearur -y oi the practices, methods and acts €ngad in or approved by a significant portion of the dectrical utility industry or any of the practices, methods or acts, whictt, in the cxercise of rcasonable judgment in the ligfut of the facts known at the time a decision is made, could have been e>rpected to accomplish the desired result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety and expedition. Prudeirt Elecuical Practices is not inte,nded to be limited to ttre optimum p'ractice, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but radrer to be a spectrum of possible practices, methods or ac'ts. 1.46 "Quelifying Curtallment" shall havc the meaning set forth in Section 4.3. 1.47 "QF"'means "Qualifytng Facillgy'', as that tenn is defined in the version of FERC Regulations (codified at l8 CFR Part292\ in effect on the date of this Agreement. 1.48 "Rephcement Perlod", n'Net Replacement Power CoBh", "Rephcement Price" and "Replecement Volume" shall have the meanings set forth in Section 10.4 of ttris A8reernent; 1.49 "Required F'aetl$ Documents" means all mateial liccrses, p€rmits, authorizations, and agreements nec€ssary for construction, operation, and maintenurce of the Facility, including without limiation those set forttt in Exhlbit C. 1.50 "Requirements of Laur" means any applicable and mandatory (but not merely advisory) fbde,lul, state and local law, statute, regulation, ruIg code or ordinance enacted, adoptcd, issued or prromulgated by any fedffal, state, local or other Governrnental Auftority or regulatory body (including those pertaining to electical, btdlditrg, zoning eavilonme,ntal and occupational safety and healBr reguirernorts). I.5l 'Schduled Monftly Enerry Dellveryr'mcars the Net Energy scheduled to be delivered to fte Point of Delivery during a given calendar month, as specified by Sello in the Energy Delivery Schedule. 1.52 "Suboequent Energy Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth in Sectio'n 4.1. 1.53 "Trrlff' means the PacifiCorp FERC Electric Tariff Seventh Revised Volume No.t I Pro Forma Opar Access Transmission Tariff, as revised from time to time. 1.54 "Tranemission Agreement(s)" means the agreement(s) (or contemporaneous agreernents) between Seller and the Transnitting Entity(s) providing for Seller's uninterruptible right to Eansmit Net Output to the Point of Delivery. t.55 .'TransmltXing Endty" means the Bonneville Power Administration" the (non- PacifiCorp) operato(s) of the transmission system(s) betrveen the Points of lnterconnection and the Point of Delivery, and any successors in interest. SECTION 2: TERM. COMMERCIAL OPERATION I}ATE 2,1 This Agrecmerrt shall become effective upon the Effective Date; provided, however, this Agreernent sttall in no event become effective until the Commission has deternrined ttrat the prices to be paid for energ5l and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interes! ard that the costs incuned by PacifiCorp for purchases of capacity and cnergr from Seller are legitimate o(penses, all of which the Commission will allow PacifiCorp to reoover in rates in Idaho in the event other jurisdictions deny recov€ry of their proportionate share ofsaid expenses. 2.2 Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, this Agreement shall remain in effect until Septernbcr 30, 2016 ("Expiration Drte"). 2.3 Sella has pmvided PacifiCorp with a copy of an exesutod Transrnission Agreerrent(s), whose terms include: (l) reserved capacity equal to or greater than the Maximum Facitity Delivery Rate of Seller's combined Facility, and (2) a terrnination date (including any rollover rights) equal to or grcatc( than the Expiration Date of this Agrecrrcnt - and is othenpise consist€nt with this Agreernent. SECTION 3: REPRESENTATIONS AT{D WARRANTIES 3.1 PacifiCorp reprasents, @venants, and warrants to Seller that: 3.1.1 PacifiCorp is duly organized and validly existing under tlre laws of the State of Oregon. 3.1.2 PacifiCorp has the requisite corpomte power and authority to €nt€,r into this Agrecment and to perform according to the terms of this Agrecrne,nt. 3.1.3 PacifiCorp has takeo all oorporate actions required to be takqr by it to authorize the execution, delivcrry and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions conte,rrplated herieby. 3.1.4 Subject to Commission approval, the execution and dclivery of ttris Agreem€nt does not contravene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indemture, mortgage, or ottrer material agreeure,nt binding on PacifiCorp or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which PacifiCorp is subject. 3.1.5 Subject to Commission approval, this Agreoment is a valid and legally binding obligation of PacifiCorp, errforceable against PacifiCorp in accordance with its terrns (except as the errforceability of this Agreement may be limited by banknrptcy, insolvency, bank moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and laws restricting the availability of equitable remedies and except as the enforceability of this Agreement may bc subject to general principles of equity, whether or not such enforceability is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law). 3.2 Sdler represents, covenants, and warrants to PacifiCorp that: 3r,1 Seller is a Wyoming corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Wyoming. 3.2.2 Seller has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agrcement and to perform according to the terms hereof, including all required regulatory authority to make wholesale sales from the Facility. 3.2.3 Seller's shareholders, directors, and officers have taken all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreemeart and the conzummation of the hansactions conternplated hereby. 3.2.4 The excantion and delivery of this Agreeruent does not contavene any provision of, or constifute a default under, any indenturg mortgage, or other matcrial agreoment binding on Seller or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which Seller is subject. 3.2,5 This Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of Scller, eoforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms (except as the enforceability of this Agreerremt may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, bank moratoriua or similar laws affecting creditors' rights genoally and laws rastricting ttre availability of equitable remedies and except as the emfotceability of this Agreement may be subject to general principles of equity, whether or not such enforceabiltty is considened in a proceeding at equity or in law). 3.2-6 The Facility is and shall for the term of 6is Agreeme,nt continue to be thnee QFs. Seller has provided the appropriate QF certifrcation, which may inchdc a Federal Energy Rcgulatory Commission self-certification to PacifiCorp pnor to PacifiCorp's exesution of this Agreement. At any time PacifiCorp hEs reason to believe during tlre ternr. of this Agreemeirt that Seller's status as a QF is in question, PacifiCorp may require Seller to provide PacifiCorp with a written tegal opinion from an attomey in good standing in the state of Idaho and who has no economic relationship, association or nexus witlr the Seller or the Facility, stating that the Facili$ is a QF and providing zufficient proof (including copies of all dostments and data as PacifiCorp may r€quest) dernonstrating that Seller has maintained and will continup to maintain the Pacility as a QF. 3.2.7 All information about &e Facility set forth in Exhibit A and Exhibit B ha-s been verified by Seller and is true and Eccurate. 3.2.8 Sello is not in defauh under the Transrnission Agreement(s), applicable interconnection agreernents or any other agreanent related to this Agtecment, and is current on all of its financial obligations under such agreements. 3.2.9 Neither the Seller nor any of its principal equity owners is or has within the past two (2) years been the debtor in any bankruptoy proceeding, is unable to pay its bills in the ordinary course of its business, or is the subject of any legal or regulatory adion, the result of which could reasonably be expected to impair Seller's ability to own and operate the Facility in accordance with the terms of this Agrcement. 3.2-10 Scllerhas not at any time defaulted in any of its payment obligationsfor electicity purthased from PacifiCorp. 3.2.11 Seller is not in default under any of its othcr agreements and is curr€nt on all of its financial obligations. 3.2.12 In eotaing into this Agreememt and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations sct forth herein, Seller has investigated and detemined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advicc, cxperiearce or expertise of PacifiCorp in connection with the transactions conternplated by this Agreeme,nt. 3.2.13 Seller owns, and will continue to own for the term of this Agreement, all required rights, title and intercsts in and to the Facility, free and clear of all liens and eocunbrances otlrer than lie,ns and encumbrmces related to third-party financing of the Facility. Any Seller leases, licenscs or othcr grurts of rights in real prop€rty required for the operation of thc Facility have terms throu$r the Expiration Date of this Agreement and Seller is not in material breadr of any terns of such leases or other rights in real property for the Facility or Premise. 3.3 Notice. If at any time during this Agreanent any Party obtains actual knowledge of any event or information which would have caused any of tlre representations and warranties in this Section 3 to have been materially untr"rc or misleading when made, such Party shall provide the other Party with written notice of the svsfi or infonnatioq the representatioos and warranties affected, and the action, if any, which such Party intends to take to make ttre repnesentations and warrantics tue and correct. The noticc required purcuant to this Section shall be given as soon as practicable after the occurencc of each such went. SECTION 4: DELTVERY OE.ENERGY AND CAPACIIY 4.1 Delivery qnd Acceptance of Net Outout. Unless otherwise provided herein, PacifiCorp will puchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Output frorn thc Facility. Sellcr strall not sell any Net Output from the Facility to any parly other than PacifiCorp. 4.2 Energv Delivery Schedule. Seller shalt prepare and provide to PacifiC,orp, on an ongoing basis, a written schedule of Net Energy expected to be delivered to the Point of Deiivery by the Facility ("Enerp'Delivery Schedule"), in accordance witlr the following: 4.2,1 Culiparv Scheduled Mon&lv Enerqv Dglive(v. The Schduled Moilhly Enerry Delivcry (and related adjustncnts and calculations) for the Culinary Facility shall be sc,paratc fiom the Schcduled Monthly Energy Dclivery for the combined Up?er Facility and l,ower Facility. 10 Month Cullnarv f,'ecilttv Enemn, Deliverr 6MED.ar".-) kWh January 82,W2 Fe.bn:ary 65,859 March 63,006 April 50,?2O May 115251 Junc 148,214 July 163,U5 August 138,978 Septer$er I I1,450 October 108,544 Novcarrbcr 98,652 Dcccmbcr 93,545 4.2.2 UprpFr and Inwer Scheduled Monthlv Encrrv Delivery. The Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for tlre combincd Uppo Facility and [,ower Facility is as follows: Month Jaruary February Marsh April May Jture JulY Augnst Septembcr October NovErnber December Uooer Frdlitv Enerrry Dcliverv (k\Yh\ 127,588 102,451 I15,425 I 94,750 345,845 546,866 539,905 412,450 274,580 256,245 179,562 155,632 Lower tr'edlitvEnerqv DeHrruv &Wh) 54,235 47,552 59,825 86,520 187,699 301,939 291,02? 145,365 I 13,480 85,623 76,799 68,452 F dlitvEner$,Dclivera (SMED-'*.",ur"*IE$fh t 81,823 I50,303 175,250 271,270 533.54 g4g,g05 g?3,924 557,915 398,060 34r,868 255,361 ?24,084 ll 4.2.3 Begindng at the end of the ninth full calendar month of operatiorl and at the end of every 3rd month thereafter, Seller shall supplernent the Energy Delivery Sctredute with three additional montbs of forward estimates (which shall be appended to this Agreem€nt as Exhibit D) (Subsequent Enerry Delivery Schedule"), such that the Energy Delivery Schedule will provide at least six months of scheduled en€rgy estimates d all times. Seller shall provide Subsequeot E rcrg Delivery Schedules no later than 5:00 PM MPT of the 5th day after the due date. If Seller does not provide a Strbsequeirt Energy Delivery Schedule by the above deadline, soheduld sorr:ry for the omitted pcriod shall equal the amounts scheduled by Seller for the same three-month period during the prwious year. 4.2.4 Beginning with the end of the third montl of operation, Seller may no longer revise the immediate nort three months of previously provided Enag5r Delivcry Schedule. Seller may, by written notice given to PacifiCorp no later than 5:00 PM of ttre 5th day followiqg the end of the previous month, revise all other previously provided Energy Dclivery Schedules for periods bercnd three months. Failure to provide timely written notioe of changed amounts will be deerred to be an elrction ofno change. 4.3 Adjushent of E{rerqv Deliverv Schedule. lf PacifiCorp is orcusod from accepting all or part of Seller's Net Outpuf due to the occurrence of cirornstances specified in Scction 6.2 an( or if Seller is excused fiom delivery due to the occurremce of circtrmstances specified in Section 6.73, or due to a oombindion thereof ('Quallfying Curteilmeuf') the Scheduled Monthly Enerry Delivery for the Facility(ies) zubject to such Qualifuing Curtailment (Scheduled Mouthly Enagy Deliverylur*,rdroner) or Scheduled Monthly Energy Deliverylcrrngylor botr) will be adjusted pro rata ( Adiusted Scheduled Monthly Energr llelivenf). The Adjusted Scheduted Monthly Energy Delivery shall be cal$lated as follows: ( sMED(dr)= sMED*r*l r -f|,&* Dt.;D.Rt'I\ f\ r/, DRn )) Where: SMED61 Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for the month in which tlre curtailment occlrs, wherc "(x|' connotes "Uppo and Lower Facility" or'€ulinary Facility'' or'both" Adjus{od Scheduled Monthly Energy Deliveryrxr for the rnonth in which cutailmcnt occurs total hours of the Qualifying Curtailment in the month zubject of this calculation total hours in the rnontlr in which curtailment occurs the Ma,ximum C\xtailed Facility Delivery Ratqrl the Maximum Facility Deliwry Ratqyl a Qualifying Curtailment affecting Facilitylrl ttre number of Qualifying curtailmslts in the month affecting Facilityl,l SMED(adj) = Hci HI DRci DRm i n t2 the Facility subject to the Qualifuing Curtailmeirt: either "Uppo and Lower" or "Culinart'' Where Qualifying Curtailments overlap, each distinct period of overlap shall be calculated as a separate Qualifyng Curtailment such that no hour within a month may figure into more than one @alifftng Curtailmcot. 4.4 Ternrination for Non-availabilit)'. Unless excused by an et/ent of Force Majcue, Seller's faihne to delivo any Net Energy to the Point of Delivery for a sontinuous period of three mon6s strall constiturc an event of default SECTION 5: PURCIIASE PRICES 5.1 Energy Purchase Pricc. Exccpt as provided in Section 5.3, PacifiCorp will pay Seller nonJevelize4 Conforming Energy or Non-Conforming Energr Purchase Prices for capacity and energy calculated using separatcly apptcable rates for 'tJpper and lower" and "Culinaryl' Facility and adjusted for seasonality and OrbPea*/Oft-Peak Hours usiag the following formulae, in ascordance with Commission Ordcr 30480 and Errata to Order 30480: Conforming Energy Purchase Price = ARo * MPM Non-Confomring Energy Purchase Price = An amount cqual to the lower of [ARcc * MPMI orPV-85 Where: the Conforming Enerry Annual Rate for the year of the Net Output. The applicable rates for Net Output from the Upper Facility, lower Facility and Culinary Facility are in Table I below; the monthly On-Peak or OftPeak muttiplier &om Table 2 belovr, trat corresponds to the month of the Net Output and whether the Nc Output occurned duing On-Peak Hours or OSPeak Hours. 85% of themonthly weighted average of thedaily Index Price. Example calculations are provided in Exhtbit G, Table l- Conforming Energ'Annual Retes for Upper Facility, Lower Fecility end Culinrry Faclltty Year Conforming Energy Annual Ratg Upper, Lolver, and Culinary (AR*) s/Ivrwh 20t4 55.21 2015 56.89 2016 52.17 A&" = MPM = PV-85 : l3 Table 2: Monthly On-Peak/Off-Pe8k Multiplters Month On-Perk Hourr Ofi-Peek IIours Januarv l03o/o 94o/o Fcbruarv 105o/"97o/o March 95o/o 80o/o April 95o/o 760/o Mav 92Yo 63% Jtme 94Yo 65% Julv 72lo/o 92o/o Aucusl lZLo/o t06% Septc,nrber lO9o/a 99o/o October l75o/o l05o/o Novcrnbcr Ll0o/o 96Yo Dcceraber L29o/o l20o/" 5.2 Payaent For the Billing Period in each Contact Year: 52.1 If Net Encrgy delivered to the Point of Delivery is between 9fflo and I 10% of &e Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery, theo: Palment = Conforming Enerry GVft) times C.onforming Encrgy Prnchase Price ($/hdWh) divided by 1000. 5.2.2 If Net Enerry delivered to the Point of Delivery is less 0ran 90% of thc Scheduled Monthly Encrgy Delivery, tben: Payment = Non-Conforming Enerry &!Vh) times Non-Conforming Energy Purr*rose Price ($[vtWh) dividcd by I000. 5.2.3 tf Na Energy delivered to the Point of Delivery is greater than I l0% of the Sohoduled Monthly Energy Delivery, then: ' Paym€nt = Conforming Encg (klt/tr) times Conformiog En€,rgy Purchase Price ($M\I/h) divided by 1000 plus Non-Conforming (k!Vh) times Non- Conforming Enerry hnchase Price ($ilvI![h) dividd by 1000. 5.3 InadvertSErt Enerp. PacifiCorp may accept lnadvertent Energy at its sole discretioq but will not prrrchase orpay for Inadvertent Encrgy. SECTION 6: OPERATION AND CONTROL 6.1 Seller has prwiously provided the As-Built Supplement, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Seller shall opcrate and maintain the Facility in a safe manner in accordance with this Agreement, the Facility's generation interconnection agreement, if applicable, Transrnission Agreernerrt(s). Prudent Elecrical Practices and in accordance with the t4 Requirements of Law and the National Electric Safety Code as such laws and code may be amended tom time to time. PacifiCorp shall have ttre right to inspect the Facility to confirm that Seller is operating the Facility in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6 upon reasonable notice to Seller. Seller is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Facility. PacifiCorp shall not, by reason of its decision to inspect or not to inspect the Facility. or by any action or inaction taken with respect to any zuch inspection, assume or be held responsible for any liability or occurr€oce arising from the operation and maintenance by Seller of the Facility. 6.2 PacifiCorp shall not be obligated to purchase, reccive, pay for, or pay any damages associated with Net Ouput (and from receiving lnadvertent Energy) if such Net Output (or Inadvertent Enerry) is not delivered to the Point of Delivery due to any of ttre following: (a) the interconnections betruee,n the Facility and the Transnitting Entity's system are disconnected, suspended or interrupted, in whole or in part, tbe Transmission Agre€ment(s) are terrninated, sgspended or interrupted" or the Transmitting Entity curtails services to the Point of Delivery, (b) PacifiCorp T'ransmissioa directs a general curtaitment, reduction, or redispatch of generatiop in the area (which would include ttre Net Outpu$ for any reason (even if such ctrtailmer$ or redispatch directive is caried out by PacifiCorp, whictt may fulfill such directive by acting in its sole discretion) or if PacifiCorp curtails or otherrrise reduces the Net Output in order to meet its obligations to the PacifiCorp Transmission to operate within system limitations, or (c) an went of Force Majeure prev€mts either Party from delivering or rcceiving Net Output 6.3 Sdler shall reasonably determine the MWh amount of Net Output ertailed pur$rant to Section 6.2 after the fact based on the amount of energy that could have been gare,rated at the Facility and ddivered to PacifiCorp as Net Ortput but that was not generated and delivered because of tlre curtailmeut. Seller shall promptly provide PacifiCorp with access to such information and dau as PacifiCorp may reasonably require to confirm to its reasonable satisfaction the amornt of enerry that was not generated or deliverod because of a curtaiknent described in this Section 6.2 and to perform and confirm the calculations described in Section 4.3. 6.3.1 {Jpon tcrmination of each curtailment, each Party having knowledge ofthe curtailment shall ban"smit to the other Puty, wittritt ten (10) business dap, a writtcn staternent docunrenting the cause of qrrtailment, the time surtailnent commenced, the amount of curtailment during each hour of the curtailment period, and the time curtailment ended. 6.3.2 At the end of each Billing Period, Seller shall calculate tlre curtailed mergy, including the Maximrmr Curtaild Facility Delivery Rate, for each cutailment during that Billing Pcriod and transurit a nnnmary statement of such calorlation to PacifiCorp prior to the end of the next month. Seller shall attest to the accuracy of its calculation of curtailed enerry. 6.4 Seller acknowledges thst PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant capacity function as purchaser under this Agreement, has no responsibility for or contol over PacifiCorp Transmission or any $rccessor transmission provider or network service provider and that interaction between PacifiCorp and PacifiCorp Transmission are at arms' length pursuant to the Tariffand FERC Ordo No. 888 and related regulation. t5 6.5 At least ninety (90) days before the fust day of each calendar quarter, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with written notice of the Facility's planned Net Output ganeration schedule ('schedule') for that calendar quarter. At least ten (10) days before the beginning of eacb month, Seller shall notif, PacifiCorp in writing of any changes or updates to the Schedule for that month. At or before 0730 MPT on the daybefore a given day of delivery, Seller shall notify PacifiCorp's generation coordinator deslq by telephoning 503-813-6090 or sending a facsimile to 503-813- 6265, of any changes to the Sdtcdule for the delivery day. Seller shall nofify PacifiCorp's generation coordinator desk no later than two hours following the oommencffirent of an event of Force Majare, unscheduled outage or unscheduled derate, of the otpected duration of any such event. The Schedule made pursuant to this Section 6.5 is indepcndent of and does not alter the Enerry Delivery Sctredule. 6.6 Under no circumstaoces will the Seller deliver Net Output and/or Inadvertent Enerry from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amormt that exceeds the Maximunr Facility Delivery Rate, except as provided in Addendum W. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Faciliry Delivery Rate shall be a material breach of this Agrocmant. 6.7 Outages. 6.7.1 Bxcept as o&envise provided hereia, Seller shell not schedule a Planned Outage during any portion of the months of Decsmber, January, July, and August, except to the extemt a Planned Outage is reasonably required to avoid an adverse impact on the Facility. Seller shall, in accordance with Exhlblt D, provide PacifiCorp with an amual forecast of Planned Outages for each Contraa Year at least one (l) moath, but no more thaa three (3) months, before the first day of that Contract Year, urd s$ll promptly update suclr schedule, or oth€rs,ise change it only, to the extent that Seller is reasonably required to change it in order to comply with Prudent Electrical Practices. Seller strall not schedule more than one hundred fifty (150) hours of Planned Outages for each calendar year. 6-7.2 If Seller reasonably determines that it is necessary to schodule a Mainte,lrance Outage, Seller shall noti$ PacifiCorp of the proposed Maintenance Oubge as soon as practicable but in my event at least five (5) business days before tho outage begins (or such shortcr period to which PacifiCorp uray reasonably consent in light of then existing conditions). Upon such notice, tlre Parties shall plan the Maintmance Outage to mutually accommodate the reasonable requirememts of Seller and the service obligations of PacifiCorp. Seller shall take all reasonable measures and use best efforts consistent with Prudent Elecrical Practices to not schedule any Mainte,nance Outage duriag the following periods: June 15 through June 30, Jttiy, Augusg and September I through September 15. Seller str,all include in such notice of a proposed Mainteirance Outage the expected surt date and tirne of the outage, the amount of generation capacity of the Facility that will not be available, and the expected completion date and time of the outage. Seller may provide notices rmder this Section 6.7.2 orally' Seller shall confirm any suctr oral notification in writing as soon as practicable. PacifiCorp shall promptly respond to such notice and may request reasonable modifications in the schedule for the outage. Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to comply with PacifiCorp's request to modify the sctredule for a Maintenance Outage if such modification has no substantial l6 impact on Sdler. Seller shall notifr PacifiCorp of any subsequent c]ranges in generation capacity of flre Facility during such Maintenance Outage and any changes in the Maintenance Outage completion date and time. Seller shall take all reasonable measnes and exercise its best efforts consistqrt with Prudent Electrioal Pragtie,es to minimize the frequency and duration of Mainte,nance Outages. 6.7.3 Seller shall promptly provide to PacifiCorp an oral report, via telephone to a nrmrber specified by PacifiCorp, of any Forced Outage of the Facility. If the Forced Outage is not caused by neglecl direpair or lack of adequate prwentuive maintenance, Seller may ternporarily suspend deliveries ofNet Output after providing the repod. Such r@rt shall include the arnount of generation capacity of the Facility tlrat will not be available bcause of the Forcod Outage and the er(pectod retum date and time of such generation capacity. Sellcr shall profirptly updatc the report as necessary to advise PacifiCorp of changcd circumstances. If the Forced Outage resultod in more than t59'o of tfue Facility Capacity Rating of the Facitity bcing unavailable, Sellet shall confirm the oral report in udting as soon as practicable. Seller slrall take all reasonable measures and exercise its best efforts consiste,nt with Prudent Electri.cal Practices to avoid Forced Outages and to minimize their duration. 6.7.4 Without limiting other notice rcquiremants, Seller shall notifo PacifiCorp, via telephone to a nufirber specified by PacifiCorp, of any limitation, restriction, derating or outagp known to Seller that afrects the ganeration cqacity of the Facility in an arnount $@tq than five percerrt (5%) of the Facility Capacity Rating for the following day. Seller shall promptly update strch notice to reflect any matoial changes to the information in suctr noticc, 6.8 Seller strall include Planned Outages and Mainhnamce Ortages that Seller rcasonably expects to encormter in the ordinary course of operating the Facility into the Soheduled Monthly Energy Delivery amormts in the Energy Delivery Schedule prepared in accordance with Exhtbit D. 6.9 Upon reasonablc prior notice and subject to the prudent safety reguirements of Seller, and Requireme,rts of Law relating to workplace health and safcty, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp and its authorized ag€ots, employees and inspectots ('PeclllCorp Representadves') with reasonable a@ess to the Fscilitf (a) for the purposc of reading or testing metaing equipmenl (b) as necessary to witress any accc,ptance t€sts, and (c) for other reasonable purposes at the reasonable request of PacifiCorp. SECTION 7: MOII\zE F'0RCE Prior to the Eftctive Date of this Agreement, Seller provided to PacifiC-orp an engincering teport for Seller's Facility derronstrating to PacifiCorp's reasonable satisfaction: (l) the feasibility that thc combined Net Energy delivery of the Upper Facility the lower Facility and the Culinary Facility will equal or exceed 6,007,666 kWh in each firll calendar year for the full terrr of this Agreement; and (2) the likelihood that the Facility, rmder average design conditions. will generate at no more than I0 aMW in any calendar month ("Motive Force PIan") acceptable to PacifiCorp in its reasonable discretion and attachcd hereto as Exhibit F-1, together with a 17 certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer attached hereto as Exhibit F-2, certifuing to PacifiCorp that the Facility can reasoaably be expectcd to perform as predicted in the Motive Force Plan for the duration of this Agreement. SECTION 8: METERF{GAT TI# POINT OFINTERCONNECTI9N 8.1 Metering shall be pcrformed at ttre location and in I manner consisteirt wi0t this Agreement, as specified in Exhtblt B. Sella shall provide to PacifiCorp metered Facility Net Output in hourly incrernents, and any otlrer enerry measureme,nts rcguired to administer this Agreement. lf the Transmitting Entity(s) requires Sdler to telemeter datq PacifiCorp shall be entitled to receive the same data Seller provides to the Traasmitting Entity, if suctr data is useful to PacifiCorp's administration of this Agreernent. Seller's metered output shall be adjusted to acoount for electrical losses. if any. betweear tho point of meteringrl and the Point of Interconnectioqrl ('iAdjusted Metered Output"). The loss adjustnent shall be 2% of the kWh en€rgy production recorded on the Facility output meter until actually measured and confirmed in letter agreernent betrveen the Parties. Subject to other povisions applicable to Net Output in this Agreernent (e.g., disallowancc of lnadvertent Energy), PacifiCorp strall subtract Seller's station service load from Seller's adjusted mctered output to determine Net Output. 8.2 Seller shall pay for the installation, testing and maintenance of any metaing required by Section 8.i, and shall ptovide rcasonable access to such meters. PacifiCorp shall have reasonable access to inspection, testing, repair and replacerrent of the metering equipmerrt. If any of the inspections or tests discloses I measurefiient eror exceeding two percent (2%), either fast or slow, proper correction, based upon the inaccuracy found, shall be made of previous readings for the achral period duing which the m*ering equipment reodered inaccuratc measurstrlemE. Any correction in billings or palmeots rcsulting from a correction in the meter records shall be madc iir the next monthly billing or payment redered following the repair of the met€tr, or during the shortest reasonable period. SECTION 9: BILLINC'S. COMPUTATIO]-YS AND PAYMENTS 9.1 On or before the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of each Billing Period, PacifiCorp strall send to Seller pa,rrneat for Selleds deliveries of Net Ouput to PacifiCorp, togatrer with computations supporting such payrnent. PacifiCorp may offset any such payment to reflegt amounts owing from Seller to PacifiCorp ptr$I8nt to this Agreernent ard any other agreemen(s) betweeo the Parties. 9.2 Any amounts owing after the due date thereof shall bear interest at the Pdme Rate plus two p€rc€nt QYA fuwnthe date due until ptiid; providd., however,that the interest rate shall at no time exceed themarimum rate allowed by applicable law. SECTION I(): DEFAULTS AITID REMEDIES l0.l The following evenls shall constitute defaults under ttris Agreemrent: l8 lg.t.l Seller's failure to make a payment when due under this Agrearent, or maintain insurance in conformance with the rquirernents of Section l2 of this Agreenrent, if the failure is not cured within ten (10) days after PacifiCorp gives Seller a notice of thc default. 10.1.2 Breach by a Party of a representation or wanranty set forttr in this Agreement, if zuch faitrne or breach is not qred within thirty (30) days following writtat noticc by the non-defaulting Pary. 10.1.3 Seller's failure to cure any default under any commercial or financing agreernents or instrument (including the Facility's generation interconnection agreernents or Transmission Agrecmeirt(s)) within the time allowed for a cure under such agrecrnent or instnrnent. 10.1.4 A Party (a) makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditom; (b) files a petition or otherrryise oorrrmences, authorizes or acquiesces in the commencement of a proceeding or carue of action under any bankruptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors, or has such a petition filed against it and such paition is not withdrawn or disrnissed within sixty (60) days aftor such filing: (c) becomes insolvent; or (d) is unable to pay its d&ts when due. 10.1.5 A Mataial Adverse Ctange has occurred with respec{ to Sella and Seller fails to provide zuch performance assuran@,s as are reasonably roquestcd by PacifiCorp, witbin fifteen (15) days frorn the date of such rcqu€sl 10.1.6 A Party othawise fails to perform any material obligation imposed upon that Prty by this Agrecment if the failtne is not ctned within thirty (30) dap afto the non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party notice of the default; provided. how€ver, that, upon written notice fiom the defaulting Prty, this thirty (30) day period shall be extended by an additional ninety (90) days if (a) the faihne camot reasonably be crned within the thirty (30) day period despite diligmt efforts, (b) the default is capable of being cured within the additional ninety (90) day perio4 and (c) the defaulting Party 96mmcnces the cure within the original thirty (30) day paiod and is at all times thereafter diligently and continuously proceeding to cure the failure. 10.2 tn the event of any default hereunder, the non-defaulting Party must notifu the defaulting Party in writing of the circumstances indicating the default and outlining the requirwnents to cure the default. If the default has not been curod within the presrribed timq abovq Sre nondefaulting Party may terminate this Agreement at its sole disqetion by delivaing unitten notice to the other Party and may pulsue any and all legal or equitable remedies provided by law or purzuant to this Agreement. The righe provided in this Section l0 are cumulative such thet the exercise of one or more rights shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights. 10.3 In ttre event this Agreement is terminated because of Seller's default and Seller wishe to again sell Net Otrtput from the facility using the same motive force to PacifiCorp follou'ing such tennination, PacifiCorp in its sole discretion may require that Seller do so subject to the ternrs of this Agreement, including but not limited to the purchase prices as set fortb in 19 (Scction 5), until the Expiration Date (as set forth in Section 2.1)- At such time Seller and PacifiCorp agrce to execute a writen docurre,nt ratifuing the terms of this Agreement. 10.4 If this Ageement is terminated as a result of Seller's default, Seller shall pay PacifiC;orp for the energy and associated capacity that Seller was scheduled to provide for a period of twelve (12) months (?eplacement Perlod") from the date of termination plus the estimated administative cost to acquire the replacement power (*Net Rephcement Power Costs"). Net Replacement Power Costs equals the sum of (l) the Replaceineot Price for Facilityt**, tourcrand cutinrry) times the Replacement Volume for Facilitylupper.towcrardclliruryl for each day of the Rqlacerncnt Period; and (2) the e*imated administative cost to the utility to acquire replaceme,nt power. Where: "Replacemeut Prlce' equals the positive differe,nce, if any, of the Index Price minus the weiglrted average of the On-Peak and Off-Peak Conforming Energr hices; and "Replacement Volume" equals ttre applicable Sdroduled Monthly Energy Delivery divided by the numbcr of days in thatmouth. 10,5 Upon an event of default or termination event resulting from default under this Agreerneirt, in additiou to and not in Iimitation of any other right or remedy rrnder this Agreement or applicable law (including any right to set-ofl counterclaim, or otherwise withlrold payment), the non-defaulting Party may at its optioa set-ofi against my unounts owed to the defaulting Party, any amounts owed by the defaulting Party under any contract(s) or agreemerrt(s) between the Parties. The obligations of the Parties shall be deerned satisfied and discharged to the extent of any such set-off The nondefaulting Party shall give the defaulting Party written notice of arry set-ofi, but failure to give such noticc shall not affect the validity of the set-off. 10-6 Amounts owed by Sello pursuant to this paragaph shall be due within five (5) business dap after any invoice &om PacifiCorp for the same. SECTION 11: INDEMNIFICATION 11.1 Indemnities. ll.1,I Indemniry bv SeUq. Sells shall release, inde,lnnifu and hold harmless PacifiCorp, its directors, of6cers, agents, and representatives against and fiom any and all loss, fines, penalties, claimg actions or suits, including costs amd attorney's fees, both at trial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising out of or in any way connected with (a) the energy delivered by Seller ruder this Agreernent to and at the Point of Delivery. (b) any facilities on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery, (c) Seller's opoation and/or maintenance of the Facility, or (d) arising from this Agreement" including without lirnitation any loss, claim, action or suit. for or on account of injury, bodily or othenrrise, to, or death of, peruorrs, or for damage to, or deshuction or economic loss of property belonging to PacifiCorp. Seller or others" excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit 20 as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of PacifiCorp, its directors, offi cerso employees, agerrts or representatives. 11.1.2 Indemnity b], PacifiCom. PacifiCorp shall rcleasq indernnify and hold harmless Seller, its directors, officers, agents, Lenders and representatives against and from any and all loss, fines, pcnalties, claims, actions or suits, including costs and attomey's fees, both at trial and on appeal, resulting fiom, or arising out of or in any way connected with the en€rgy delivered by Seller under this Agreement after the Point of Delivery, including without limitation any loss, claim, action or suit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherurise, to. or death of, personq or for damagc to, or destuction or economic loss of property, excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of Seller, its directors, officers, employees, 4gmb, Lemders or represantatives. ll.2 No Dedicatio{r. Nothing in this Ageenrent shall be consmed to create any duty to, any standard of care with refsrsnce to, or any liability to any p€rson not a Party to this Agreernent No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreernent shall constitute the dedication of that Party's s)4stem or any portion &ereof to the other Party or to the public, nor affect the status of PaoifiCorp as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an inde,pendent individual or entity. 11.3 CpNSEOUENTTAL DAMAGES. D(CEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH DAMAGES ARE INCLUDED IN THE LIQUIDATED DAN,IAGES, DEI.AY DAMAGES, OR OTHER SPECIFIED MEASURE OF DAMAGES DORESSLY PROVIDED FOR IN THTS AGREEMENT, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LTABI."E TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR SPECI.AL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMACES, WHETHER SUCH DAIVIAGES ARE ALI,OWED OR PROVIDED BY CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT Li.ABILITY, STATUTE OR OTHERUITSE. SECTION 12: LIABILITY AND INSURAT.ICE l2.l Without limiting any liabilities or any otho obligations of Seller under this Agreenrent, Seller shall seo:re and continuously carry with an insrance company or companies rated not lower than "A-A/[I" by the A,M. Best Company the insurance ooverage specified below: l2.l.l Workers' Compensation. Seller slrall comply with all applicable Requirernents of Law. 12.1 -2 Ernplovers' Liabil i(v. Seller shaU maintain ernployers' tiability insurance with minimum limits covering bodily injury for: $500,000 - eactr accident, $500,000 by disease - each employe, and $500,000 by disease - policy limit. 12.1.3 gommercial Ceneral Liabilitv. Sclter shall maintain insurance to include premises and operations, contractual liability, with a minimum single limit of S1,000.000 each occurrence to protect against and from loss by reason of injur-v to 7t persons or damage to propaty based upon and arising out of tbe activity under this Agreememt. 12.1.4 Business Automobile Liabiliw. Seller shall secure and coatinuousty carry business automobile liability insurance with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 each ae,cident covering bodily injury and property damage with rcspect to Seller's vehicles whethcr owned, hired or non'owned. 12.1.5 Umbr.e[B/Errcess Liability. Seller shall maintain rmbrella or excess liability insurance on an occurrence and followingform basis with a minimum limits as follows: (a) Facility Capacity Rating under200 KW - $1,000,000 (b) Facility Capacity Rating at or above 200 KW - $5,000,000 12.1.6 Proocrty Insurance. Seller shall maintain property insurance covering equipment and stuctrrres in an amount at least equal to the full replacemcnt value foruall risks' of phpical Ioss or damage, including coverage for earth movement, flood, boiler and machinery, and brsiness inteiruption. The policy may contain scparate sub- limib and deductibles zubject to insurance company undenrrriting guidelines. Pmperty insurance will be maintained in accordance with terrns available in the insurance martet for similar facilities. 12.2 Except for workers' compensation and property insurance, the policies required herein shall incltdeprovisions m endorsqne, ts as follows: 12.2.1 naming PacifiCorp, paren! divisions, officers, directors and employees as additional insneds; 122,2 include provisions that suclr insurane is prirnary insurance with respect to the interests of PacifiCory and that any ottrer insrrance maintained by PacifiCorp is excess and not contributory in$rance with the insurance required herarnder, and 12.2.3 cmss liability coverage or severability of intenest. 12.2.4 Unless prohibited by applicable Requirements of law, all required insurance policies shall contain provisions that the insurer will have no right of rccovery or subrogation against PacifiCorp. 12.3 Prior to connection of the Facility to PacifiCorp's electic syatcm, or another utility's electric systern if delivery to PacifiCorp is to be accomplished by wheeling, Seller shall secure and continuously carry insurancc in compliance with the requirements of this Section. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp insurance certificate(s) confirming Seller's compliance wi& the insurance requirernants hereunder. Insururce certificate confinning compliance shall be pmvided to PacifiCorp by Seller at least annually and each time a new insurance policy is issued or becomes effective. 22 12.4 Commercial General Liability coverage written on a "claims-made" basis, if any, shall be specifically identified on the certificate, and Seller shall be maintained by Sellcr for a minimum p6iod of five (5) yers aftsr the completion of this Agreement and for such other length of time neecsary to cover liabilities arising out of the activities uader this Agreement. 12.5 PacifiCorp may review this schedule of insurance as often as once every two (2) yeErs. PacifiCorp may in its discretion require Seller to make reasonable clranges to the policies and coverages described in this Exhfoit to the extent reasonably necessary to cause such policies and coverages to conform to the inzurance policies aurd coverages typically obtainod or required for power generation facilities comparable to the Facility at the time PacifiCorp's rerriew takes place. SECTION 13: FORCE MAJEURE 13.1 As used in this Agreemrent, "Force MaJeure" or "m event of f,'orce MaJeure" means any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Seller or of PacifiCorp whiclq despite the orercise of duc diligencq such Party is unable to preverit or ov€r@me. By way of exanrplq Force Majeure may include but is not limited to acts of God, flood, storms) wars, hostilitieg civil strife, shikes, and other labor distutances, earthquakes. fires, ligfttring epidemics, sabotage, rqtraint by court order or other delay or failure in the perforruilrce as a result of any action or inaction on behalf of a public authority whicb is in each case (i) beyond the reasonable confiol of such Party, (ii) by the exersise ofreasonable foresight su& Parfy could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and (ii| by the exercise of due diligence, such Party shall be unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majerne, however, specifically excludes the cost or availability of fuel or motive force to operate tbe Facility or chrnges in market conditions thet affect the pricc of En6gy or transmission, tf either Party is rendcred wholly or in part rmable to perforrr its obligation under this Agroenrent because of an event of Force Majeurg both Prties shall be excused from whatever pcrformaace is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided tbat: 13.1.1 the non-pcrforming Puty, shall, within two (2) weeks after the occrurerrce of the Force Majeure, gve the other Party writt€o notice describing ttre partiorlars of the occrtrrcnce, including the start date of the Force Majeure, the cause of Force Majeure, whetho the Facility rernains partially operational and the expocted end date of ttre Force Majeure; 13.1.2 the suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure; 13.1.3 the non-performing Party uses its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform; and 13.1.4 the non-performing Party shall provide prompt written notice to the other Party at the end of the Force Majeure event detailing the end date, cause there of, damage caused there by and any repairs that wme required as a result of the Force Majerne event, and the end date of the Force Majeure, 23 13.2 No obligations of either Party which arose before the Force Majeure causing the suspension of performancc strall be excused as a result of the Force Majeure. I3.3 Neither Party shall be required to settle any strike, walkoul lockout or other labor dispute on terms which in the sole judgment of the Party involved in the dispute, are conlrary to the Parffs best interets. 13.4 PacifiCorp may terrrinate the Agreement if Seller fails to remedy Seller's inability to perform, due to an Event of Force Majeure, within six (6) months after the occurrmce of the event of Force Majare. SECTION 14: SE\TERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contained in this Agreernent shall ever be constued to create an association, trust" partrership or joint vemttrre or to impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability between the Parties. If Seller includes two or rnore parties, each zuclr party shall be jointly and severally liable for Seller's obligations under this Agreement. SECTION t5: CHOICE OF LAW This Agrcement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordancc with the laws of the state of Idaho, excluding any choice of law rules which may direct the application of tbe laws of another jurisdiction. SECTIoN 16: PA}f,I3L INVALPIIY It is not *re intention of the Parties to violate any Reguirements of Law governing the subject matter of this Agreement. If any of ttre terms of the Agrement are finally held or determined to be invalid, illcgal or void as being conhry to any Requirements of Law or public policy, all other terms of the Agreement shall renrain in effect. If any terms are finally held or d€termind to be invalid" illegal or void, the Parties shall enter into negotiations concerning the tcrms affected by such decision for the purpose of achieving conformity with applicable Requireinents of law and the intent of the Parties to this Agrecmart. SECTION 17: WATVER Any waiver at any time by either Party of its riglrts with respect to a default under this Agrecmcnt or with rcspcct to any other matters arising in connection with this Ageernent must be in writing; and such waiver shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. SECTION I 8: GOVERNMENTAL JURISDICTIOITI AND AUTHORIZATIONS This Agreement is subjea to the jurisdiction of those Govemmcntal Authorities having oontrol over either Party or this Agreement. PacifiCorp's compliance with the terms of ttris Agrecrnerrt is conditioned on Seller maintaining all local, state and federal lice,nses, prmits and other 24 appovals as then may be required by Iaw for the constuction, operation and maintenance of the Faciliry. SECTION 19: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreeme,nt and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respcctive successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, exc€,pt that no assignmemt hereof by eitho Pany shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notrrithstanding the foregoing any entity with which PacifiCorp may consolidatg or into which it may merget or to which it may couvey or transfer zubstantially all of its electic utility assets, shall automatically, without ftrther act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succced to all of PacifiCorp's rights, obligations, and interests under this Ageement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or seqred rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contacL PacifiCorp shall have the right to be notified by the financing €ntity that it is exercising such rights or rernedies, SECTION 20: ENTIRB .AGREEMENT Tilris Agreement zupersedes all prior agreexnenb, proposals, rqnesentations, negotiations, discussions or letters, whether oral or in writing, regArding PacifiCorp's purchase of Net Output from the Facility. No modification of this Agreemot shall be effective unless it is in writing and siged byboth Parties. SECTION 21: JURY TRIAL WAIIEB EACH PARTY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARTLY, INTENTIONALLY AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVES TTIE RIGHT TO A TRI.AL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF A}.IY LMIGATION BASED ON THIS AGREEMENT, OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT A}ID A}IY AGREEMENT DGCI.JTED OR CONTEMPLATED TO BE DGCT.TTED IN CONJUNCTION WTTH THIS AGREET{ENT, OR ANY COURSE OF CoNDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN) OR ACTIONS OF ANY PARTY HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO EACH OF THE PARTIES FOR ENTERING HERETNTO. EACH PARTY HEREBY WATVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE AI.IY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCI-AIM ARISING OLTT OT OR TN CONNEETION WTTH THIS AGREEMENT OR AI.[Y OT]IER AGREEMENT E)(ECUTED OR CONTEMPLATED TO BE EXECUTEDIN CONJUNCTION WTNI TIJIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY MATTER ARISING HERET'NDER OR T}IEREUNDER, WITH ANY PROCEEDING IN WHICH A JURY TRLAL HAS NOT OR CANNOT BE WATVED. SECTION 22: NOTICE$ 22.1 All notices except as otherwise provided in this Agpeement shall be in writing shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered if delivered in person or when ?< deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid by certified or registered mail and return receipt requested The Parties may change the person to whom zuch notices are addressed, or their addresses, by providing written notices thereof in accordance with this Subsection. Notices PacifiCorp Seller All Notices PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street Portlan4 OR 97232 Attn: Contract A&rrinistation, Suite 600 E-rnail : Small QF@P acifi Corp. com Phone: (503) 813 - 5380 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 6291 Drns: 00-790-9013 Fderal Tax ID Nrrmber:93-0246090 Lowcr Valley Energy, Inc. POBox 188 Afton, Wyoming 83110 Attantion Jim Wcbb,CEO Phone (307) 885-317s Pacsimile: (307) 885-57 87 AII Invoicee:Attn: Back Office, Suite 700 Phone: (503) 813 - 5s78 Facsimitre: (503) 813 - 5580 Attenti on CrayLynn Turner Phone (307) 885-6136 Facsimile: (307) 885-5787 Scheduling:Attn: Resor.uce Planrdng; Suite 600 Phone: (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimile: (503) 813 -6265 Attenrtion Rick Knori Phone: (307) 739{038 Facsimile: (307) 739-1 61 0 Payments:Attr: Back Office, Suite ?00 Phone: (503) 813 - 5578 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 5580 Attention Gaylynn Turner Phone (307) 885-6136 Facsirnile: (307) 885-5787 Wire Transfer:Bank One N.A. To be provided in separate letter from PacifiCorp to Seller To be provided io separate letter from lower Valley Energy to Buyer Credit and Collections: Attrr: Credit Manager, Suite 700 Phone: (503) 813 - 5684 Facsimile: (503) 813-5609 Attention Gaylyrr Tumer Pbone (307) 885-6136 Facsimile: (307) 885-5787 Wtth Addifional Noticee of sn Event of Default or Potentirl Event of Default to: Attr: PacifiCorp General Counsel Phone: (503) 8I3-s029 Facsimile: (503) 8l 3{761 James Webb, CEO Lower Valley Energy. Inc. Phone (307) 885-3175 Facsimile: (307) 885-5787 IN WITNESS WHERBOF, the Partics haeto havo carucd this Agreement to be cxecutpd in their reapeetive namcs as of the date first above urittcrl aad QF Contactg GLrs b.,b-zot.t R. Srebb n E)ffiIBTT A DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY lSdlerto Completel SeUa's Facility oonsigts of three QFs, designated Faci1it5r16"61, Facilitylgp."y" and Facilitylcutinuy) in this Agrecment. Togcthcr. the Faciiityis described as: Facility Ceacity Ratin&,,pprrt: 940 kW Facility Capacity Rating6ss'1: 535 kW Facility Cryacif Ratingia,lluvl: 225 kW Facllity CapacityRrtlng: 1,700 kW Identifr the Maximum Facility DcliveryRate: Ma:rimum FacilityDeliveryRatq*rn 1: 940 kW Maximum Facility Delivery Ratq6y764: 597 kW Maximum F Maximum Factttty Delivery Rrte: 11798 klV A.I EXHIBIT A-Lower DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY(I-wER) [Seller to Completel Seller's Facility consists of one generator manufrctrred by Emerson Motor Company. More specifically, each generator at the Facility is decribed as: Tlpc (synchronous or lnducdve): Sl Induction Gsnerator Nameplate PartNo.: 370780-000 Number of Phases: 3 Rated Output (kW): 597 Rrtrd Output (kVA): 746 R td Voltage ([neto line):480 Rrted Current (A): Stator 935 A; Rotor: [nduction 935 A Maximum kW Output ('Maximum Fadlity Dellvery Ratqr""d): 597 kW lllaximum kVA Ougut: 746 kVA Minimum kW Output: 0 kW Menufec{urer'e Gugrtnteed Cut-in Wind Speed [tf rpplicablel:N/A Facllitv Caoacttv Ratine: 535 kW at Hz 60 A 935 IdentiS the maximum outptrt ofthe generator(s) and descnte any differc,ncres betneen that outprt and theNaaeplate Capacity Rating: $tation serviee requirementr, and odrer loads ren€d by the Facllity, if any, are deecribed as follows: Statio'n sepice loads are metcred and conneoted on a separate service and meter from he 12.47 kv distuibution systsm througfu a 120D40 single p]use service. Station Smrice loade are cstimated to be I2,000 KWH p€r year Locetion of tre Facllig,: The Facility is located in Lincoln Corur[r, W Wyoming. The location is more partiurlarlydescribed as follows: The project is located on Swift Crcok, in Lincoln County, Wpming partially within the Bridger-Teton National Forest at approximately 4243' 42.3531" N and I10"55' m.70858" W. Power factor requirements: Rated Power Faotor (PF) or reactive load (kVAR): PF = .81 A-(lowall E)(HIBIT A - Upper DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITYISpeERI lSeller to Complete] Seller's Fasilityr,*"'r consists of one generator manufacturcd by Mrelli Motori. More specifically, each generator at the Facilrtyl**y is described as: Type (synchronotrs or hducdve): SI Induction Generator Model: C4G500 LC l0 Number of Phase* 3 Rrtd Output (kW): 9a0 Ratd Voluge (lineto line): Rated Output(kVA): Rsted Current (A): Stator: I I31 A; Rotor: krduction I131 A Maximum krff Output ('Mrximum Facttity Delivery Ratetopp."l"): 940 kW Mardmum kVA OuQut: 986 kVA Minimuur kW Output: 0 kW Mnnufacturer'e Gulranteed Cut-in Wind Speed llf appHcsblel: Facility Capactty Rrthgqupp.nyl 940 kW at Hz 60 A r3,q9 Identify the Maximum Facility Delivery Ratq*oy and desqibe any differenccs betwecn that output and the Facility Capacity Ratinglrrypcr): Station setrice requlreme,nts, and other lords cerved by tte Facilltygppc4, if auy, are deocribed es followr: Sation scnrice loads are metered and connected on a s€parate seryice md mcterfi'omthe 12.4'll$t disrr"butionsystemtuough al20l'240 singlephascsenice. Location of the Facllltyluepay: Thc Facilitytwat is located in Lincoln Co*ty, W Wyoming. The location is moreparticularly dessibed as follows: The project is located on Swift Crech in Uncoln County, Wyoming, patially within ttre Bridger-Teton National Foreet at approximatsly 42o43'N and 110o54' W. Power factor requirements: Ratd Power Factor (PF) orreactive Ioad ftVAR): PF = .83 A-(upper)-l E)GIBIT A - Cullnary DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY(cur$AR4 [Seller to Completel Scller's Fasili$1.1{icyl consis'ts of ono gcncratormanufactrrrod by Emcrson Mobr Tedruologies. More specifically, cach grmerator atthe Facilitylootioryl is described as: Type (slachronoor or hducttve)t Inductive Model: DId8093 Number of Phages: 3 Rsted OuQut (kW); 225 Rrtd Ouput (kVA): RredVoltagp (Iine to lhc): Reted Cunent (A): Stator: 480 A; Rotor: - A MrrCnun k\ilOutput (clVladmum Faclltty lleliwry Rtteel5rry)t): 261 kW Mrxtmurn kVA OuQut! - kVA MlulmumkWOutput 225kW Mrnufecturer's Gurrenteed Cut-ir Wtnd Speed [f appliceblel: N/A 225kWat@Hz A Identi,fr the Maxtmum Facility Delivtry RaQ*rr*O ard describe any diffcrences be*weqr that ou$ut and thc Facility Capacity Ratingi*s6,r,1: Stefion rcrt'lce requircmaltq and other lotds seryGd by the Facillty(.rrb.sy; ilauy, are deccrlbed er follows Station servicc loads are meterEd and connectcd ou a E€paiate s€nicc and metcr from th e l2A7 hu distributioo system through a l20l'240 single phase service. Sbtion Ssrdce loads are cstimatcd to be 14,500 trsilH per year Locetlon of the Facllltytcnrrryt: Thc Faciliplcrs!!'y) is locafd ia Lincola County, Wptning. Thelocstionismoropartiarlarlydcscribedasfollows: M 43' 53"Naad l10o5l'43*W Power factar rcguircments: R^ared Power Fastor (PF) or reastive load (kVAR): PF = .72 A-(culinary)-l EXEIBIT B SELLER'S INTERCON TECTION FACILITTES [Seller to provide its owu diagrarn and description] porNT or DEL,IVERY / SEUI,ER'S INTERCONNESXION, PACrLrflES Instructiorns to Seller: I . Deecribe the poin(s) of metering, including the tlpe of macr{s), aad thc owner of the acter(s) at Facilitylro.,4 Faoilitylrpc,x attd Facility(col6y). The lnwer Swift Croek Facility and trc Uppa Swift Creek facilrty arc metered separatcly. The point of mctrring at eactr Fapility is in the secondary compartoent.of the n7i480 st€,pup transform€rs. The l,ower Swifr Clcek Facility is a 750 kva tansformo, Ttre Upper Surift Ctcek Facility is a 1500 kva tar$form€r. Tlre metuing ig doae by 500-5 CII's and a GemstarJEMI0 meter. Ths Ectcrs are owned by Bomen'ille Power Administratioo" The Culinary is nefiered in a 300 kva trmsformer with 200-5 CT's along with a Gcm$u JEMI0 met(fi station s€,rvice is met€red with a Lmdis & Cyr FM2S meta botr meterg' are owned by Bonnwille Powcr Adminiskatiou. 2. Provide single line diagrams of Pacilitylp,c.y Fsdlity(rpcr), and Faciliryf*rirryt including st&tion use meter, Facility ouQut metcr(s), Iatercoonoction Facihtieq Points of latccconnoction. One-line diagraos of Facilityl6p'10 Fscility(w6b and Facilitytcorimyl are attactred, For Facilityls"-1 and Facilityl,pp6l the Point oflaterconnection is the l2A7 kV side of &e step-qp baneformcr. For Faeiligtcolh"yl, tbe Point of Intcoonnection is the_hi$r sidc of the 300 KVA sEp-tp-{raosformer. 3. Specify thc Point of Dclivery, and any tansrrigsion facilities ou Seller's side of the Point of Dclivery usad to delivs Net Outpul The power will be delivered ftom the lowa Valley Energr distribution systm b BPA. BPA will dclirrcr the power to PacifiCorp at the Goshen Substatioo. Scc atbchcd one-line diagram B-l gFt !sEeg HE EE Ed EF Ei iI EIE i# EEEiEilstIIlfillnnl*riu il IEEO ;: ioi.- 'l-i$"IJ*- i It IaII+Ii --r" -'- '-' .t ,'l-'rt.--rltiIt;I Itl .)t-. I:r rl \1 ak l'I:i. 'l : .'! I I IL-..- i,iilillsl* ! reErii rt Eix it lu !I-J ri).\./ L @ 5 Ia ; d{ TBd lc| ,* I h*lill,lrlrliissr. ri l r a. r I I I I t a t I I I r I Itlrrf I I I I $c H E&It 4 hl lgEml iii --l il,s I t rr Ii {l I*r EXHIBIT C REQUIRED FACILITY DOCUMENTS REQUIRED OF ALL FACILITIES: QF Certifications: Facilitytro*.'l: QF I 0-l 57{00 Fasility(uppd: QF 08641 -000 Facility6osl;6,yf QF I I61-000 FERC H]rdrc Licenses: Facilityrmrcrl: P-l651 Facilityl,,epa; P-1651 Facilityt"m*p P- I 3 3 0 I -022 Generation Interconnec'tion Agreemeart: Not applicable FuelsupplyAgreernent,ifapplicable N/A BPA point-to-point tansmission scrvice agrceorcnt: For May 201 1 to April 2012: Dated May I 0, 201 0, Ref # 73970298 For May 2012 to April 2015: Dated May 4, 201 l, Ref # 75429?14 The following Docrments are required to co,ruplete this project: Easemeots: Pemds: C-I EXEIBIT D ENERGY DELIVERY SCHEDULE Upper Ewlft Creclr Eydro fFedlity*r") 0-grlOMW Nmcohtc Croecitv lawerSwlft Creckf,ydro fFadlityn*') 0.315 It{11, Nmenltc Cenrcltv FtdltYt*.-r- Monthly Avg. MonthlyEnrrgy Dclirrcry Capacity Dclivery Rarc Factorfkwh) (MW) P/al Mmftly Avg. Moathly En rgy Deliver C4acityDelivery y Rarc Factor&Wh) ffiVrn (o/"\ 8MED6Dp.' rdf.ffit: SchcdulcdMonthly Avg, EDGrgy Delivcr Dclivcry y RatclkWh) Ilvfllr) Jraurry Fcbruary Merch Apt{t Mey June July Augurt Septsnber (htober Norembcr Decenber 127,588 .26 ZP/o 54,235 l0I !JY.". t5% 181,823 ,309 102,451 .19 22o/o 47,852 .09 I50,303 28 115,425 2l 22To 59,825 .09 Itr/o r7s3s0 .26 184,750 .26 no/o 86,520 t2 2V/o 271,270 .38 345,845 .456 49o/o 197,699 l8?33o/s 533,544 .486 546,866 .776 83o/o 301,939 .419 ?ff/o 848,805 t.t9 538,905 .806 86%291fi22 404 6*/o 82992'4 1.23 412,430 .61 uoh I45,365 22 37o/o 557,8I5 .829 274,580 .38 N%113,1180 l5 ?5%388,060 .539 256,45 .38 4U/o 85,623 13 22%341,868 .s05 178,562 .3t 32%76,799 106 t8%255,361 .,+0E 155,632 25 27%68.452 .15 l9/o la,084 369 IOTAL:32s929D 3qi 43'/o 1.5rE"trr .1r5 33'/o 4.758.t10 .568 D Cullnrry llydro ("Frcill$rjo15o") 0225 MW Nrmcolrte Croecltv SMED16pry1: Ar€. MonthlY Capacity Schcdrlcd Moathly Encrgy Dclivcry Delivcry Ratc Fador&Wh) 0vf[n P/al Jaruery tr'cbrurry Illrrch Aprlt Mry June July Auguct Septcmber Oc{ober Novwber Ilprne:nher E2,W2 lr0 49'/o 65,859 .098 44o/o 63,000 .0E5 38o/o 60.724 .084 37o/a 115251 .1s5 690/o r48.2r4 .206 97o/" 16324s .219 98o/o r38.978 .187 83o/o 1I l-450 .155 690A r08,544 .146 650/o 98,652 .133 s9% 93,545 .126 560/o TOTAL:1249.555 .I45 64o/e Scheduled Maintensnce - Seller will provide a suggpsted maintenance schedule annually. D EXIIIBIT F-l MOTIVE FORCE PLAN See attached MF Plan E-l E* L.'.t.+ F- t ni$ffiime homs, ftr lhe poriodMay 1 tkoqgh Sepcember 30; and o ( 6 av€rage . (24. hours) minirmrm flow wi&amaximum fluctudion of I cfe (never to fall below 4 cft) &m Oofiober 1 througft ASriI 30n ering all hoursi fururDavcloprnarrf The chirac&i$ios of &a vuiations in flowr as illustratdin figurcs 3-1 to 3- 6 wrc revisyrsd in prdcr to d€enire tro aeproeairt€ power drvelopmmt at 6e Btgue 3.5 Uppc $wifi Crd ffihG ni*g &ar tur a 16o poeb* sito. tt vnas assmed tfut the pa$ rocurds ftr te ssleoad pcriod providod thc bst rneagure of fifrrre flows. It ne asficipsted &a a ltdrcntol Francis tli3e trrbine will be used for6spoject. AFrancis mtinehas anunerwith fixed rrmes, cddch &e q,rakcfrtpm ftomr.tine ir a radial dircstioq wift reqpect b &e shaft fird discharges in an axialdirection. Major corryooeots consi st of ft e ntnner, a watcr suppty case to conv€y the water Frgrue 3-6 upper Swift Crtet inbine sizing chrt for a 42" pcostock 6 Upper$nriltCreet uo t.,tolTE DrlLsol!d.E4rf,pe..t&oa.t0Dr:nmr.u,mrprlo!.0.D,-*.4.!0Errmmtuooo =Inrm..E Dqm.EeilEfemmtrrooob-l.BoEr,q.o t./m.@l.emrr0e eq0oq&{om&m r.o0s&aE,tirr35€oBoEoR aao o .P0E02[ 2Sr!to 5 l0 rt ao rgt - (, {5 0 g D G lt t! !0 s io $rlrr6rofirt,h(cr)'* e.i,.dm- cqialu i L It Ii tI + I L,!I I iiii iII i'l' i 'iIi;i:rIr'i:'(:lrc;.; ;'1,.ir liiiill,il i i.t;!t';l'i':,'- t t i I t.t! ;It-+.i.. UpparSwfftCrgck 0 I l0 18 aO 25 t0 *l /O a! 60 S !0 ta ?O ?5 tE e9 E 15 l@loa.trolt8tiZo Flouta (o&t -- G.neraelr -..- Cepscfty rrrpr& I,rE 1.16r.@rpoms g I .>E'IBlJrrqoD r.aQDm TTB,OO.,.&,Do r.E 0cqoa oc,00 {OED62arry T I I I T I I I I I I to &e rmatr, wick€* gstes to oootfiol tbo $tafrity ofwatcr md disttibute it e$a$y to &e rusm ad a &aS hbeto coavey thc vnter awry &om &e trbine. Utiliziug thc estiqatrd efroicqsios, hoad losscs, tsrbirc coofiBnatims, ud'5% gcneral losses; &eestimaedaveragoanmralpro&rctiosfuthis nitewasbetq/ee&3.9md4.5eitliotr kilowatisrlor peoding oa the size of the pemstook I r 3.2 Cullnary Prolect Hydlotogy Flors Elow dara 'used was provided h SrmireEngineeing's qpdflta to fessibility Sutdy datd Arryret 7, 2001, exhibit A Elo\r ,{rta cousisB of monthly apnnal averagco. the ostiuatod flsw duratioq surve, figrs 3{, was €atapohtod tono the umtr$ srrrrun'l avsrags yfiiqh appea[ as bfuein figrre3-7. PorrerDemilgpment Data fton figure'3-? was . usedtoprcliminarilysi?pttlftfocg aad .estinde amrral Evsrage geru,raBoa fc ftis sih. Utilizitrg &o ettiMod effiDicocies, beed losses, trubine ooofigurdmr, and 5o/o generzlloese$ tbe ostinaed anremgp anuual poiluction fsr &iB eib wes 127 millim kilouratr hoursperyw. 6!* n .,,r.,1 ,. ,L.-J i ,..,..i.,... . I0 . o s u tr I I ro ;.3d ! G rr 13! tia r Eielu! 3-? Ile cetimted flsn'dutatioo ctlrvc fs Afton eHreryWdcrS'mly Figuro 3-8 Ctlinary IVater Suprptytubine srbg erhart 7 I t I t tpo,e r.tq,oo u00i00 1.eq,oo r.oqo Dre m.m Tqps (Io,os aqqp .161000 tD,o00 &.o00 roro0 c Cullnary WaBr Suppf 0 I 2 I 1 6 t | 6 8r0ltfirl31a15',t617r!rs20 FlorB (.*). @ g6 88 216 2l0 228 g 2003miraI 16,0 t@ 76 o 25 0 - Clrl.G| EXHIBIT GI SAMPLE ENERCY PURCHASE PRICE CALCULATIONS The following are samples of calculations of enerry purchasc prices using the formula and tables in Sestion 5.1. The calculation for the purchase price during an On-Peak Horn in May of 2009 is $76.73lMWh (ttre 2009 annual rate for Conforming hogy) multiplied by92o/o (0.92) (the May On-Peak Hour multiplier), which oquals $70.59/I,fWh. Tabte 3: Sample Calculations for Conforming Energy in 2009 [Purchase Price = annual rate * monthly On-Peak/Off-Peak multiplierl. I Tlri. .*rmplc docs not include rates for th Culinary Facility, which will be calcularcd using the Coaforming Encrgy rate for thc Culinary Facility using tlrc rncthodology aborrc. G-1 Month Confoming Energ5r Arrnual Rate for 2009 (per Mrilh) On-Peak Hour Multiplier Calculated Purthage Price for 2009 On- Peak Conformlng Enerry (per Mtilh) Ofi-Peak Hour Mulfipller Calculated Purchase Price for 2009 Off- Peak Conformlng Energr (per MTvh) January $76.73 rc3%$7e.03 94o/o $72.13 F*ruuy s76.73 l05o/o $80.s7 97o/o $74.43 March $76.73 95%$72.89 80%$61.38 April $76.73 95o/o $72.89 76%$58.31 May $76.73 92o/o $70.s9 630/o $48.34 June $76.73 94%s'12.13 65%$49.87 July $16.73 l2lo/o $92.84 92%$70.s9 August s16.73 l2lo/o $92.84 lWo/s $8r.33 September s76.73 109%$83.64 99o/o $7s.96 October s16.73 11,5o/o $88.24 l05o/o $80.57 Novernb€r $76.73 710o/o $84.40 960/o $73.66 Decernber $76.73 L29o/o $98.98 l20o/o s92.08 EXEIBIT E Seller Authofizrfion to Relerse Gcueraffon Dsta to PeclfiCorp paterconnedion Customer l*t*headl [Ail.r ass b Intqconnected Utilfl RE: Upper Swift Cre*,, Lower Swfr Craelg rnd Culinery Eydroelecdc lnterconnecilionr Dear Sir: lower Valley Bnerry, Inc. hereby voluourily auhorizes Lower Valley Encqgr, Inc. to shart Iowcr Valley Energ, Inc.'s ganaalor intcrconnoction informatioo and garcrator mctcr data relatiag b l,owcr Valley Enoep,lnc.'s Upper Swift C'reek, [owcr Swift Credc" and Culinary Qrulifung Facility locatcd in Lincola County, Wprring wi& l,Inksting Affilice ernployees of PacifiCorp &oey, including; but not limitod to &oso in tre Coamercial and Trading goup. lnwer Vallcy he"gy, Inc. achowledges thc PacifiCorrp did not provido it any prcfereoces, eithcr operational or ratc-relatd in exchange fsr this rroluatary conscnt. &r, .-r-l*tr/r ro -Tifle I H-L ADDENDT]M W GENEnATTON SCHEpUL_rN G ADpENDUM WHEREAS, Seller's Facility will not interconnect directly to PacifiCorp's System; IU/HEREAS, Seller and PacifiCorp have not executed, and will not exeoute! a generation interconnection agrcement in conjunction with the Power Purchase Agrecment WHEREAS, Sellq has clected to exe,rcisc its right under PURPA to deliver Net Output from ie QF Facility to PacifiCorp via one (or more) Transrnitting Entities. WHEREAS, PacifiCorp desires that Seller schedule delivcry of Net otrtput to the Point of Delivery on a firm" hourlybasis; WHEREAS, PacifiCorp does not inteeid to buy, and Seller does not intend to deliver, more or less than N€f Output from the Faeility (except as expresslyprovided, below); THEREFORE, Seller and PacifiCorp do hereby agree to the following which shall become part of their Power Prnctrase Agreement: pETINTTIpNS The meaning of the terms defined in thc Power Purchase Agrecrneirt (&is "Agreement") and this Addendnm til shall apply to this Addmdum: *Da1,' Ereans midnight to midnight, prevailing local time at the Point of Delivery, or any other mutually agreeable 24-how period. tEnerry Imbalance Accumuldonrt or'F.IA," m€ans, for a givcn Settle,ment P€rio4 tlre accurrulated difference (beginning stzefi (0) at the start of each Settlemeflt Period) betvyecn Seller's Nct Output and the en€rgy actually delivered at the Point of Delivcry. Each Settlement P€riod contains nro independe,nt ElAs, one for Oo-Peak Hours and one for OfrPeak Hours. A positive accumulatcd diffcrence indicates Seller's delivery of Surplus Delivery. "Firm DeHvery' means unintemrptible kansmission service that is resen/ed and/or scheduled between the Points of Interconnection and the Point of Delivery pursrant to Seller's Transrni sion Agreeraen(s). 6settlement Period" means one month rmless changed pursuant to Section 9 of ftis Addendurn. ssupplemmted Outpuf' means any increment of scheduled hourly energy or cryacity ddivered to the Point of Delivery in exo€xls of the Facility's Net Output during that same hour. "Surplus Dellvery' means any coerry deliverod to the Point of Delivery by the Facility in excess of horuly Nst Output that is not offset by tlrc delivery of cncrgy to the Point of Delivery in deficit of hourly Net Ouput during the Settleurent Period. PacifiCorp shall accept Surplus Delivery, but shall not pay for iL w-1 SELIcER'S OBLTGATIONS IN LIEU OF THOSB,CONTAINED rN A GENERATION INTERCONI\TECTION AGREEMENT. 1. Sellerts Responsibilifv to Afianse for Delivew pf Net Output to Point of Deliven. Seller shall arrange for tho Firm Delivery of Net Ottput to the Point of Delivery. Seller shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Transmission Agreerrent(s) between the Seller and the ltansmitting Entit(s). 2. Seller's ResponslbiEtv to Sc.he,alule Deliven. Seller shall coordinate with the Transrnitting Entiq(s) to provide PacifiCorp wittr a schedule of the next Day's hourly scheduled Not Output deliveries to the Point of Delivary at least 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the begiruring of the day being scheduled, and otlrerwise in accordance with the WECC Prescheduling Calqrdar (which is updatcd annually and may be downloaded at: htp ://www.wecc.bizl). 3. Seller's Resoonsibilltv to Maintah Itrtercontrection Fecllities. PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to install o,r maintain any inte,rconnection facilities on Seller's side of the Points of Interconnection. PacifiCorp shall oot pay any costs arising from Seller interconnecting its Facility with the Transmitting Enttty(s). 4. Seller's Responslbilitv to Prv Trrnsmisgion 9opts. Seller shall make all ananggments for, and pay all costs associated with, tansmitting Net Ortpfi to PacifiCorp, scheduling enerry into the PacifiCorp s)rstem and any other costs associated with delivering the Seller's Net Output to the Point of Delivery. 5, Enerw Rp,gene Resulfgments. The Trutsmitting Entit5(s) shall provide all generation rcservcs as required by the WECC and/or as required by any other governing age,ncy or industy standard to deliver the Net Energr to the Point of Delivery, at no cost to PacifiCorp. 6. Sell.ef'g Responsibility to Bpoort Net OuoEt. On or before the tenth (106) day following the end of each Billing Perioq Seller shall send a report documcnting howly station servi@, Inadvertent Energy (enerry dclivered to the Point of Intercomectior\ry at ut av€rage hourty rate excepding the Maximun Facility Delivery RaQ'), and Net Orfput from the Facilrty during the previous Billing Period, in colunnr format substantially simiiar to the attaclred Example 1. If requested, Seller shall provide an elecbonic copy of the data used to calculue N* Output, in a standard format specified by PacifiCorp. For each day Seller is late delivering ttre c€rtified report. PacifiCorp shall be entifled to postpone its payment deadline in Section 9 of this Agreernent by one day. Seller hereby grants PacifiCorp tfte ri$t to audit its cetified reports of hourly Net Output. In the event of discovary of a billing error resulting in rmderpalment or overpayment, the Panies agree to limit remvery to a period of tlree years from the date of discovery. 7. SgUer'q Supolemental Remnesentations lnd WarrqB6,fg. In addition to the Seller's repres€ntations and wrranties contained in Section 3 of this Agre€mat, Seller warrants that: (a) Seller's Supplernented Output, if any, results from Seller's purohase of some form of energy imbalance ancillary sewice; (b) The Transmitting Entity(s) requires Seller to procure the service, above, as a condition of providing hansrnission seirrice; w-2 Variable Value Source A Total Off-Peak Na OupuQuppa *r taw\ in Aoril:404l!fiilh Total OfFPeak Net Output{upprand lower) from Seller's rquired output reporting table, based on meters B Total OffiPeali Net Outout -.r;*r in Aoril:135lUIilh Total Off-Peak Net Outpu(currr"ryt from Sella's reqirired odput reporting tabfe, based on meters C Total OflPeakNet Ortput of all Facitities in April:539 MWh LineA+LineB D Perc€mt of Total Off-Peak Net Output fr,om Facilityluppa -a Iavall 74.95a1o (LineA/LineC)* I00% E Percent ofToal OflPeak Net OutDrrt from Facilit*cdimr i 25.050/o (LineB lLinec)* I00% F' Toal Off-PeakEnergy Delivsred to Point of Delivery by Transmitting Entity(s) in Aoril:s00Mwh Metered energydelivered by BPA at the Point of Deliverv G Energy Imbalsrce Accumulation -39 MWh LineF- LineC E Surolur Deliverv. if anv:0 Mwh Greater of 0 or Liue G I Negative ElA, if any, athibutable to Facility6reec ana t^--ll -29.23 MWh Lesser of 0 or (Line G * LineD) J Negative ELA, if any, affibutable to Facilityr"utinsrv)i -9.77 MWh Lesser of 0 or (Line G * Line E) K Ildivered Off-Peek Net Outnnfr.,*-rrrrer3 37437 MTvh LineA+LineI L Dellvcred Off-Peak Net Outnufu-r-.-r!L2s.23 M9vh LineB+LineJ Eremple Cdculation for the Allocation of Energr Imbalance Accumulrtion to Net Output of F'aclHties To det€rmine delivercd On-Peak Nct Output for each Facility, tho above calculation is repeated using On-Peak vaiues for genrated Net Output in Lines A and B and energJ deliveries by Transmitting Entifis) in Line F. w-5 (c) The Transmiting Entity(s) requires Seller to scbedule deliveries of Na Output to the Point of Delivery in incrcments of no less than one (1) megawatq (d) Seller is not attempting to sell PacifiCorp en€rgy or capacity in excess of its Net Outpuq and (e) The energy imbalance service, above, is designed to cofiect a mismatch between en€rgiy schcduled by the QF and the actual real-timc production by the QF. (0 Seller shall not schedule delivery to the Point of Delivery at a rate exceeding the Ma"rimum Facility Delivery Rate rounded up to the nearest whole mcgauratt. 8. Seller's Rleht to Deliver Sunolementcd Oufixut. In reliance upon Sellcr's warranties in Section 7, above, PacifiCorp agrees to acce,pt and pay for Supplcrrented Output by Eeating it as Na Output for those purpos€s; provided, howaner, tia, Seller aErees to achievc an EIA of zoo (0) kilowatt-hours during On-Peak Hours and an EIA of zero (0) kilowatt-hours during Off-Peak Hours at the end of each Settlement Period. (a) Remedv for Seller's Positiye Eng,Ury Imbrlance Accuhul&ons. In the went Seller does not aohieve zero (0) EIA at ttre end of a Settlsrnant Period, any positive balance shall be Surplus Delivay and shall not be included in or teated as Net Output. PacifiCorp will include an accounting of Surplus Delivery in each monthly statement provided to Seller pursuaff to Section 9.1 of this Agrecment, (b) Nesedve Engrsv Imbrlance,Agcumulafiqps. A negative EIA at the cnd of a Settl€rn€nt Period (indicating that the Ttansmitting Entity has delivered less than Seller's Net Output) will not result in any conesponding compmsation by PacifiCorp. (c) Allocation betwepn Eoiects for Pevment Puroosee. Net Ouput metercd at the Point of Delivery (exccpt Surplus Delivery) wiil be allocstod to eactr individual Facility in proportion to its share of the total Net Ougut meter€d at the Points of lnterconnection, indepcndently for On-peak aod Oflpeak Hours. This proportional allocation is for purposcs of de,tennining the anount of Conforming and Non- Conforming Energy for each of Facilitylrrypcr ad rowcrl etrd Facilityl-1;-y1 and for determining the applicable rate for Net Output. An example calcrilation of allocation of Energy lmbalance Accumulatioa among the Facilitics is bclow the Examplar. 9. PaciflCoro's Ootion to Chrnge $.Sflement Period. ln the event PacifiCorp reasonably daermines that doing so likely will have a de minimls na effect upon the cost of Seller's Net Output to PacifiCorp, it may elect to e,rrlarge the Settlernart Period, up to a maximunr of one Contact Year. Conversely, if PacifiCorp reasonably determines, based on the QF's performance during the crnrent year, that reducing the Settlememt Period likely will significantly lower the net cost of Seller's Net orttput to PacifiCorp, it shall have the right to shorten Scllcr's EIA settlemeot penod beginning ttre first day of the following Contract Year. Howeven, in no case shall the Settlement Period be less than one month. If a Settlenre,lrt Period does not coincide with a Billing Period, PacifiCorp shall deduct any amount paid for Snrplus Delivery during that Settlement Period from the Billing Period'terminating mncurrurtly or soonest subsequeertly to the Settlernemt Period. I^I-3 E)(AMPLES Sellerrs OuQut Reportlng Requirement Errmple of Seller's Output Reporffng Requirement- Seller would complete (i) onc reporting tablc for Facility1",li,r,ylo (2) one reporting table for Facilitylrowtp (3) one reporting table for Facilityl,ppay and (a) one table with the summedNd Ortput of Facilitylro*d and Facilitylsee64. E Max (0, F D c-D)) (c-E) MaximumFacility Net Delivery Inadvertent Ortputlro Ratg0owcry EnergY0owcrl vqr) ry Seller shall show adjusment of Meter Readiug for losses, if any, benn een point of mAcringry and the Point of Interconnectioql; in accordance with Section 8.1. ' Does not aprply if Station Sendce is provided fiorn the goss ouQut of fire Facility. Example of Trble for Summed Net Output from Facdll$oo'crl and Facilitylnep.4 Hour ending GHI(f,'oo*..t) (Fropo.o) (G+II) Net Output1,,r., Net olrtprtr{6y6j1 Net OutputrFcr) .odbr,!r) cA B (a-E) Meter Meter Readingv at reading at' Point of Station Adjusted Horr Intarconnectio Power Gross ending flgowcr) Meterlnwcrt Otttpuftrowal 8:00 9:00 10:00 I l:00 l2:00 13:00 14:00 l5:@ I6:00 l7:00 l8:00 19:00 20:00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.s0 t.60 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 . 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 r.59 1.69 1.59 t.49 r.50 1.s0 1.49 0.48 0.49 1.50 l.s0 1.50 1.s0 1.50 1.50 1.50 I.50 1.s0 1.50 l.s0 I.s0 1.50 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.49 1.50 1.50 1.49 0.48 o.49 0 0 0 0 0.09 0.19 0.09, 0 0 0 0 0 0 8:00 9:00 0.49 0.49 0.20 0.2t 0.69 a.7a w-4