HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160512Attorney General Letter and Worksheets.pdfll-1":C[:IVED i0l6 H,q.Y I 2 AH ll: 26 I i t -- i' t).-: -iwI i' l'i' r-:. i.r,-il,iir{lSSl0t'lSTATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G. WASDENVIA E-MAIL May 12,2016 Avista Corporation MichaelAndrea m ichae l.and rea@av i stacorp.corn Avista Utilities 14l l E. Mission POBox3727 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Rocky Mountain Power Daniel Solander dan iel.solander@pacifi corp.com Ted Weston ted.weston@pac if icorp.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841l6 Idaho Power Company Donovan E. Walker dwalker@idahopower.com Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-007 Re: Case Nos. GNR-E-16-01; PAC-E-16-09 Clint Kalich cl int.kalich@avistacorp.com Avista Utilities 14l I E. Mission PO Box3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 Brian Dickman brian.dickrnan@paci fi corp.com DanielMacNeil dan iel.macnei l@pacifi corp.com Hui Shu hui.shu@pacifi corp.corn Laren Hale laren.hale@pac ifi corp.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain 825 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OF.97232 Randy Allphin rallphin@idahopower.com Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Power The Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Order No. 28708, Case No. GNR-E-99-1, established a methodology for the annual adjustable rate portion of avoided costs for those QF contracts using variable costs associated with Colstrip, a coal-fired generating facility in southeast Montana. For those QF contracts with Colstrip-related fuel costs and variable O&M, future Colstrip variable cost adjustments are to be calculated by using FERC Form 1 Colstrip Unit Coal Costs per megawatt hour (MWh) and adding $2.0044Wh (the average variable O&M cost of Colstrip plus 201lMWh for generation taxes plus a five percent (5%) adjustment for line loss). As computed Contracts & Administrative Law Division, ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: lpuc@puc.state.id.us Located at 472 West \(ashington St., Boise, ldaho 83702 May 12,2016 Page2 by Commission Staff, the Colstrip related adjustable rate will change from 16.68 mill/kWh to 15.61 milUkWh. The same calculated rate revision under the avoided cost methodology is used by Avista, PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power, and Idaho Power Company. This change in the variable rate affects existing contracts under the previous SAR methodology. The adjustable portion of the avoided cost rates under the Sumas-based methodology is based on annual average gas prices indexed at Sumas, Washington. As reported by Avista, the indexed gas prices have decreased by $2.008/lvIMBtu. The approved gas price of $5.1OA{MBtu minus the $2.008iMMBtu results in a gas price of $3.092A4MBtu for the 2016-2017 year. This equates to a SAR fuel cost of 21.95 mill/kWh as used in the model. In accordance with Order No. 29316, the adjustable portion of the avoided cost rate for PacifiCorp contracts with 1992 amendments has also been recomputed. Beginning on July 1,2003, the adjustable portion forthese contracts was ordered to be equal to the average cost of fuel for the Carbon, Hale, Naughton, Huntington, and Hunter generating plants, including a variable O&M component of $1.51 but exclusive of generation taxes and a line loss adjustment, The variable energy rate applicable to deliveries commencing July 1,2016 extending through June 30, 2017 has been computed to be $23.6|lMWh, an increase from $21.75 last year. Accompanying this letter are worksheets showing the computation of the updated adjustable rates for the various affected contracts. Ifyou accept the updated rates after reviewing them as accurate, please indicate your approval by letter (or other filing) directed to the Commission in the reserved case docket numbers identified above. The case heading for the generic adjustment, Case No. GNR-E-16-01, will read as follows: IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNUAL REVISION AND UPDATED CALCULATION OF THE ADJUSTABLE PORTION OF THE AVOIDED COST RATE(S) FOR EXISTING PURPA CONTRACTS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES, FOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY, AND FOR PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER. The case heading in the PacifiCorp case for PacifiCorp QF contracts with 1992 Amendment language, Case No. PAC-E-16-09, is as follows: IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REVISION OF QF VARIABLE ENERGY PRICES IN PURSUANT TO TERMS OF THE 1992 AMENDMENTS TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN IDAHO QFS AND PACIFICORP. Please file your respective responses with the Commission on or prior to June 10,2016. Thank you for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact Yao Yin if you have any questions. Sincerely, Deputy Attorney General Enclosures bls/L:GNR-E-16-01 PAC-E-16-09 avoided cost COLSTRIP ADJUSTABLE RATE CALCULATION Updated For Period 7 l1 116-6130117 Colstrip Fuel Cost from Avista FERC Form 1 for CY 2015 line 12 line 20 Net Generation (kwh) Fuel Fuel cost per kwh :::t#89,986'00$. , ., : $.??,;9t92;4,$Q. $0.013605 $13.6051 $2.0000 $15.6051 Fuel Cost per MWh Variable O&M, Gen. Tax, 5o/o line loss per MWh Total Colstrip Adjustable Rate ReferenceGNR-E-99-1 O.N.28708 411712001 Colstrip_16-17 Average Gas Prices at Sumas, Washington from Inside FERC publication ($/NIMBtu) Calcu latin g the 2016-20 I 7 Avoided Cost Adj ustable Rate Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average 2014 $4.89 $s. l2 $5.78 $4.37 $4.s3 $4.28 $4.37 $3.69 $3.8s $3.91 $3.62 $4.68 $4.424 2015 $3.23 $2.56 $2.40 s2.1 s s2.1 3 $2.48 $2.21 s2.43 s2.41 $2.41 s2.l l $2.47 s2.416 Actual Annual Adjustment: $s. l0 - (54.424- $2.41 6) = $3.092 Note: $6.94A4MBtt : 2007 -08 Approved Rate $7. I 8/MMBtu : 2008-09 Approved Rate $9.00/MMBtu : 2009-10 Approved Rate $4.62lMMBtu = 2010-11 Approved Rate S4.99lMMBtu = 2011 - I 2 Approved Rate $4.60/MMBtu : 2012-13 Approved Rate $3.45lMMBtu : 201 3- I 4 Approved Rate $4.35/MMBtt = 201 4-15 Approved Rate $5.I0/MMBtu = 2015-16 Approved Rate :c-n I r ou NIo & c EoUo o ft !a O G o ! II3= == ulq r cf)N I3 = \too(,)@rN_ rr)- c.i(a(OrJ)Nt@X 'I)- (o_i("ro,'(.,$ G+@ t(Y)tf (ohd,rlu r.- (')cifco :o@!@ @ f-"roq,c{ (,)-mo5(') o) PE )e-C_(D!-E"Ef1')oc=o)!FecoDo.E c'lEo)Eo)oe N X:O(l)q)R sAoo(o No-oI --cr\ >=x =3E _)u, O or?io .=(I,M o-tCtsa E8o c(,,lu 3c, = o oEod O .OXo E bdc, rE .=E -o 2 (l):,.g 6 Ed N O O^r &v, N@-ao t?-{rl)o9'FO.= c{ o)ccolr,- rf,-r @ tr)(oN CN (f'.9 o, o,cscn(,)@@:N+z g @@NNro (oE-crlX r.., o)t\t(Y)-q ooTJ @oN-NFI cc>:j]-39e$ e$ ao->c9r =; {)oE ?a g*? EP *3P EP E, EH 8H g o(! u. B: FERXtu-]3..@,HER O-'C soo>5t o