HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221027Compliance Filing 2022 Net Metering.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN P(o\,lrER. RTCEIVET) ?ffi? tl[T 21 Ptt hr tr? ,r,i'?ffffot?'hl8t'o* 1407 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 October 27,2022 VU ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,lD 83714 RE: COMPLIANCE FILING IN CASE NO. PAC-E-16-07 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTIAIT POWER REQUESTTNG AUTHORTTY TO MODTF"Y ELECTRTC SERVICE SCHEDULE 135 - I\[ET METERING SERYICE Attention: Jan Noriyuki Pursuant to Order No. 33511 in the above referenced matter Rocky Mountain Power hereby respectfully submits its 2022 Annual Net Metering report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, tdaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2963. Very truly yours, SVP, Regulation and Community & Customer Solutions "^-D Rocky Mountain Power's Annual Customer Generation Report October 27,2022 Rocky Mountain Power (the "Compohy"), pursuant to Order No. 3351 l,' hereby provides the 2022 Customer Generation report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The report provides: customer participation by resource type, nameplate capacity, total customer generation, and the amount customer generators mitigated the system coincident peak. The Customer Generation report compares the value of exported generation from customers with on-site generation to alternative sources of power and summarizes the impacts of customers with on-site generation to customers without on-site generation. The Company continues to witness growth of customers installing on-site generation and has identified quantifiable cost shifts occurring within the residential and Schedule 23 customer classes between customers with on-site generation and standard service customers due to the structure of the net metering and net billing programs. Customers with On-site Generation Rocky Mountain Power, as of September 30, 2022, had 1,455 customers participating under Electric Service Schedule No. 135 - Net Metering Service, ("Schedule 135") and 480 customers on Electric Service Schedule 136 - Net Billing Service, ("Schedule 136"), with a cumulative nameplate capacity of approximately 15.8 megawatts ("MW"). This represents a 2l percent increase in customer participation and 25 percent increase in installed capacity since the 2021 On-Site Generation report. There are 1,881 residential customers with a combined on-site generation name-plate capacity of 14.7 MW and 54 non-residential customers with approximately l.l MW of combined name-plate capacity interconnected to the system. Participation in these I In the matter of the application of Roclcy Mountain Power requesting authority to modifu Electric Service Schedule 135 - Net Metering Service,Case No. PAC-E-I6-07. llPage programs has increased from 1,593 customers in September202l to 1,935 customers by September 202l.The growth in customers' connected capacity with on-site generation is summarized by year in the following table. Date Roclry Mountain Pouer- Idaho Cumulative Total Total Residential Non-Res Residential Non-Res Custornen Custonrers Customers Size ftW) Size ftW) Total Sizr ftW) Dec 2015 Sep 2016 Sep 2017 Sep 2018 Sep 2019 Sep2020 Sep 2021 Seo2022 r56 201 294 592 1025 1362 1s93 r935 133 t77 269 560 990 t3t2 1543 1881 646 952 r584 3680 6656 9579 tt6t4 14730 1003 1339 1980 4230 7239 10562 12577 15776 23 24 25 32 35 50 50 54 357 387 396 550 583 983 963 1046 Customers with on-site generation has increased32T percent since 2018 with almost all of the growth occurring in solar installations. Solar-based technology now makes up 98 percent of customer-owned generation systems compared to 47 percent at the beginning of 2015. The resource mix of the current connected capacity is 15,456 kW of solar, 75 of those solar customers also have batteries with a capacity of 729 kW. There are 258 kW of wind, and 62 kW mixed wind and solar, as summarizedin the following graph. Idaho kW by Resource Tlpe 62258729Y L4,727 2lPage r Mixed Solar r Wind . Solar & Baftery Since 2015, the composition of customer generation has changed significantly, recent customer generation installations are larger relative to customer usage. ln20l5, energy production from customers with on-site generation was estimated to be about 28 percent of the residential customers' full requirements usage with the average size of residential installations at 4.9 kW. During 2017, the proportion of energy produced relative to full requirements usage for residential customers with on-site generation was approximately 42 percent with the size of average residential installations increasing to 7.1 kW. Comparison of Customer Generation to Full Requirements Usage in20l7 Clrss Eurgr Defverrd (MWh) Energr rvlorted (MWL) Ect. Eergr Gcnerrted (MWh) rur Reqdrcreils IJsefe (MWh) Resldent{el I\IEM 3.51O 905 1.855 4,4@ Schedde 23NEll t24s 280 536 1,501 Sctredde 6 NEfil 1,936 6 l5 L.96 Gcrcrefunes t ?loJ ftlRcq&crerts LIsEc 41.60/o 35.7o/o O.8o/o Oct 2l Nov-21 lhe2l 08:lX) Idaho Customers' On-Site Generation Reduction to Coincident Peak During calendar year 2021PacifiCorp's system peak of 10,125 MW occurred on July 6, 2021, at 6 p.m. mountain standard time, Idaho load contributed 577 MW to that coincident peak. On-site generation reduced Idaho's contribution to the coincident peak by 4.9 MW, or approximately 0.84 percent. The following table summarizes customers' on-site generation by month and the corresponding reduction to Idaho's contribution to the monthly system coincident peaks. Month : Pcrkllrtc: Perk Time MST: Jrn-21 26 l9:00 PACINCORP. IDAf,O CUSMMIR GININAIION REDUC',TT0N IO 2t},l SYSIf,M CoINCTDINTpEAK (ATrNpUTkW) Ich2l lltrr-2! Apr.2l Mry.2l Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug:21 Sop2lrt306312t6t2920:00 0E:l[ ffi:lX) lt:lX) 17:lX] l7:lXl lt:00 17:00 27 l9:00 22 l9:00 l2 0 {5 0 l0 0 I 0 l,{93 27 103 6 3t I l0 lrrr l9 12 I a 0 0 2;77 il tlt ,, 54 0 0 l,ll2 34 t2t 7 120 I 0 {,155 l9 305 I lr{ 0 0 2J35 ll l7l 7 55 0 0 244 25 It 6 7 I 0 I,ll59 5 u I 30 0 0 0 29 0 5 0 I 0 0 3 0 I 0 0 0 Sch 001 Sohr Sch ll(ll lVind Sch 023 Solrr Sch 023Wind Sch lXl6 Solrr Sch llll5 Wind Sch 010 Solrr IOTAT 3lPage \ln 301 25n 4,597 {,t96 Z,A4 t,765 I,fit 0 56 Customer On-Site Generation During calendar year 2021, Rocky Mountain Power's Idaho customers with on-site generators produced 17.3 GWh of energy which is summarized by month by customer class in the following table. PACIIICORP. IDAIO CUSMilIIR GINTTAIION 2O2I I(Wf,ATINPIN Jm.2l [eh2l Mrr-21 Apr-21 Mry-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aur2l Scr2l 0ct2l Nov-21 Dec-21Month : Sh00lSolr Sch00lWind Sch 023 Sohr Sch023Wind Sch flh Solrr Sch 006Wind Sch0l0Solr IOTAL 4lPage 509,0t0 71u69 U9t00{ 1,562,145 t,7t0l67 t?97it3 I,t99,036 1,755,561 1,5{1J92 U49J0l t54,562 596557 I,t20 39,97t L,ll6 14,970 217 0 10,917 55,{01 4Js5 20,146 {63 0 15,530 e9I07 tl19 t7)52 344 0 22,tto ll7,569 4,97t 44,U6 506 0 20,097 w)91 4fl fr,6fifr {5 0 16J61 13l,$5 3J60 oJ6r 162 0 1t,906 l3t,l83 2,590 51,745 263 0 t,t65 125,9{l \ne 41,161 196 0 fi,217 11,775 tot,lll t5,969 2,441 2,$2 40,$6 ll,ln24t t6t 0 t,{32 10,176 lu76 $/37 39,tt5 2)t4 3,99t 2l,tot 14,936 225 M 5,712 3,912 576102 u3,{71 l,{54,025 1,752,103 lJl0,l39 1,999,01t 2,t03,7U 1,939,653 1,704J06 Um,49l 952,934 67tfr70 Impact on Customers Not Participating in Net Metering To better understand the relationship between the revenue collected from customers with on-site generation and their cost of service, the Company prepared a class cost of service study where Schedule 135 customers were segregated from the class in which they presently participate ("NEM COS Study"). The NEM COS study is based upon the December 2017 Results of Operation report. The NEM COS Study table summarizes the results with separate classes for non- net metering and net metering customers. NEM COS Class Annual Revenue $ooo Total Cost of Sepice $ooo fncrease / (I)ecreese) to -ROR $Ofi) Fercentage Change from Curent Revenues Residemial Residentbl- TOD 54,542 t9,94t 51,479 20.,o95 (3,063) 153 -5-620/. O.77o/. 7r.573 (2.910)-3.91o/.TotalResitedial 74,483 270 28,870 156 19,599 88 363 29,599 t52 17,942 103 94 730 (3) (1,6s7) t4 34.81o/. 2.530^ -2.21o/. -8.460/. t6-L80/( Residertial- NEM Sc1rc6'le 6lJ5 SdE&b 6 - NEM Sctpd'rb 23 SclE&tb23 -NEM Odrr Chsses 155,000 158,733 3,733 2.41o^ 27a.465 o-ov/<Idalp Total 278,465 The NEM COS Study showed that the total residential non-net metering class would require a 3.9 percent rate reduction to achieve an equal rate of refurn. In contrast, residential net metering customers require a 34.8 percent increase to achieve that same return. The NEM COS Study shows that the present under-collection of revenue relative to cost of service from residential net metering customers is approximately $378 per customer per year. The NEM COS Study also showed that Schedule23 net metering customers require a 16.2 percent increase representing an under-collection of about $651 per customer per year. The results for the Schedule 6 - Large General Service net metering class showed a smaller difference with other customers on Schedule 6, primarily due to Schedule 6's higher monthly customer service charge that collects a larger percent offixed costs. The results from the NEM COS study for residential and Schedule 23 net metering customers demonstrates the ability of net metering customers to avoid paying their full cost of service by receiving compensation for each kWh generated at the full retail energy rate. Within the rate design for residential and Schedule 23 customers, costs that are fixed which are related to the demand at the time of the Company's coincident peaks are largely recovered through volumetric energy charges. When net metering customers receive credits equal to the full retail energy rates, but do not fully offset their peak demand, there is a potential for costs to be shifted to non-participating customers. I\ET METERING / NET BILLING PROGRAMS The current programs for customers with on-site generation do not reflect the cost of serving those customers, nor does it appropriately reflect the benefits and costs of interconnecting customer owned on-site generation to the system. Customers with on-site generation use the system in a way that is fundamentally different than other customers. Unlike other customers who 5lPage only consume energy that is delivered to them from the energy grid, on-site generation customers may at different times be receiving energy from the energy grid, consuming their own generation on-site, exporting excess energy from their on-site generation to the energy grid, or using the Company's system as a virtual battery. Like with any other customer, the Company allocates its costs based upon the volumes of energy and the magnitude of demand the Company delivers to on-site generation customers. Inasmuch as customers with on-site generation consume the energy from their own generation, the profile and overall quantity of energy delivered to them is reduced and the allocation of costs is also consequently reduced. The concept of net energy is a billing construct that is used for customers with on-site generation. Net energy does not reflect these customer's physical time-based relationship with the energy grid. Even though a customer with on-site generation may produce as much total energy as that customer consumes over a period of time, in real time that customer still relies upon the Company's energy grid to import and export energy, provide voltage support, and act as a virtual battery to store energy for the customer to use later. Currently the Net Metering and Net Billing programs compensates customers with on-site generation that export energy back onto the grid at the full retail energy rate. For smaller customers such as residential and Schedule 23 customers, most of the fixed costs to pay for and maintain the Company's system are recovered through these volumetric energy charges. On average, the cost of service for a residential customer is $97.32 per month, $22.84 or about 23 percent of this value is energy related. The remaining $74.48 or about 77 percent is fixed and not energy related. This split between fixed charges and energy charges for residential customers is based on the cost-of- 6lPage service study from the last general rate case,2 updated for the final settled revenue requirement increase of $8.0 million input into the cost-of-service model. While 77 percentof the costs to serve residential customers are fixed costs for investments already made to serve customers, only l0 percent of those costs are recovered through the fixed customer service charge. The Company's current rate structure for residential customers recovers approximately 90 percent of fixed costs through volumetric energy charges instead of through the fixed customer service charge. This dynamic results in larger customers who use more energy subsidizing smaller customers who use less energy. VALUE OF EXPORTED ENERGY The value of exported energy from customer on-site generators is not equal to the retail energy rate. The Company, in its supplemental filing in Case No. PAC-E-19-08, proposed that the value of exported energy is approximately 2.234 cents per kWh. In comparison, the average energy charges for residential Schedule l, Schedule 6, and Schedule 23 are 10.485, 4.251, and 8.563 cents per kWh, respectively. Providing customer generators with credits for their exported energy at a price that reflects the fair value instead of a net energy credit that is priced at the retail energy rate, which includes fixed costs that are not avoidable with customer generation, is just, reasonable, in the public interest, and ensures that, over time, customer generators are paid fairly for the value that they provide. ALTERNATIVE RENEWABLE POWER SOURCES The Company's202lIRP preferred portfolio includes more than 3,700 MW of new wind resources, more than 5,600 MW of new solar resources, more than 7,100 MW of energy storage, 2 In the Matter of the Application of Rocly Mountain Power for Authority to increase lts Rates and Charges in ldaho andApproval ofProposed Electric Service Schedules ond Regulations, Case No. PAC-E-21-07, Order No. 35277 (Dec.27, 2021). Tll']age and more than 6,700 MW of incremental energy efficiency and direct load control resources over the 20-year planning horizon. Included in these totals are wind, solar, and battery storage projects selected to the final shortlist of the Company's 2020 all-source request for proposals (RFP) that are expected to achieve commercial operation by December 31, 2024. The Company will also issue an all-source RFP in 2022 for cost-effective resources that can achieve commercial operation by December 31, 2026. COMMISSION ORDERS On August 26,2020, Commission Order No. 34753 approved a two-phase approach used to process the Company's application. This approach is designed to solicit and incorporate public feedback at pertinent stages and ensure a reasonably comprehensive study of the issues is conducted in a credible and fair manner. The order included Attachment A, a list of items to study as the parties evaluate what the value of customer generated export energy should be. On October 2,2020, Commission Order No. 347983 closed Electric Service Schedule No. 135 - Net Metering Service to new customer participation and authorized implementation of Electric Service Schedule No. 136 - Net Billing Service effective November l, 2020, for customers interested in installing onsite generation. The Company issued a press release summarizing the Commission's order and sent letters to current Schedule 135 participants notiffing them that they are grandfathered on Schedule 135 for twenty-five years. Bill messages were included on all customer bills notiffing them of the closure of Schedule 135 to new participation, grandfathering of existing customers, 3 In the matter of the Application of RoclE Mountain Power to close the Net Melering Program to New Service & Implement a Net Billing Program to Compensate Customer Generalorsfor Exported Generation. Case No. PAC-E- l9-08. 8lPage implementation of Schedule 136 - Net Billing Servico on November l, 2020, directing custorners to the Company's website for more information about the changes and ongoing updates. CONCLUSION The Company continues to experienoe growth of customers installing on Bite generation, has idenffied quantifiable cost shifts ooourring betweenresidential and Schedule 23 netmetering customers and standard sen ioe customers. The Company is committed to working with interested parties to develop an e4port credit rate that is fair for all customers. 9lPage