HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161031Compliance Filing 2016 Net Metering.pdfREC .. !V\:O ~~~!~OUNTAIN 'U IGOCT3 1 PM 3:30 1··~\;::) r-J3L\C -•1 ';,'..,,' •. ,.:(·' Hi\SSlON October 31, 2016 11 . i t ,1 ~, ... ., ,;,,., ' HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4 72 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE: COMPLIANCE FILING IN CASE NO. PAC-E-16-07 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S 2016 ANNUAL NET METERING REPORT Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Pursuant to Order No. 33511 in the above mentioned case Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits it 2016 Annual Net Metering report. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2963. v;;~ Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Rocky Mountain Power Annual Net Metering Report October 31, 2016 Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") pursuant to Order No. 33511, in Case No. PAC-E- 16-12, hereby provides its annual net metering report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The report provides customer participation by generation type, nameplate capacity, total net metering generation, and contribution to coincident peak. It compares the value of excess net generation from net metering to alternative sources of power and summarizes the impacts of net metering on non-net metering customers and potential impacts to power quality and reliability. Net Metering Customers As of September 30, 2016, Rocky Mountain Power's net metering service consisted of201 customers with a cumulative nameplate capacity of 1.3 megawatts ("MW"). The Company had 177 residential customers with 952 kilowatts ("kW") ofname plate capacity and 24 non-residential customers with 387 kW of nameplate capacity. This table summarize net metering customer participation and connected capacity by year from 2012 through September 2015. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Cumulative Totals Total Residential Non-Res Residential Non-Res Total Date Customers Customers Customers Size (kW) Size (kW) Size (kW) Dec 2012 98 82 16 339 232 571 Dec 2013 112 94 18 409 263 672 Dec 2014 138 106 22 464 356 820 Dec 2015 156 133 23 646 357 1003 Sep 2015 201 177 24 952 387 1339 llPage Of this connected capacity the current resource mix is: 1,065 kW solar, 255 kW is wind, and 19 kW mixed wind and solar, as summarized in this graph. Idaho k\,V by Resource Type 19 • 1ixed • olar • \Vind Net Meter Customers' Reduction to Coincident Peak The Company's 2015 coincident peak of 10,487 MW occurred on July pt at 4 p.m. MST, Idaho's contribution to the system peak was 858 MW. Net metering customers' generation reduced that peak by approximately 493 kW, or approximately 0.06 percent. The table below summarizes Rocky Mountain Power's Idaho net metering customers' private generation offsets to Idaho's contribution to the monthly system peaks. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IDAHO NET METERING -PRIVATE GENERATION 2015 PRODUOON COINCIDENT TO PEAK AT INPUT (kW) Month Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 JIDl-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Peak Date : 2 23 4 15 31 30 I 13 I I 30 14 Peak Tin: MST : 19:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 19:00 18:00 16:00 18:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 Private Generatim Sch 00 I Solar 0 87 95 7 45 60 256 153 231 114 0 0 Sch 00 I W irxl 0 2 2 46 2 4 5 4 39 I 0 6 Sch 006 Solar 0 3 3 0 2 7 4 6 3 0 0 Sch 006 Wirxl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sch 023 Solar 0 98 102 7 44 59 224 125 181 86 0 0 Sch 023 Wirxl 0 0 I 10 0 I 10 0 0 2 TOTAL 0 190 203 70 91 126 493 286 467 203 0 8 21 Pa g e Net Metering Customer Demand For the residential net metering class, demand values were based upon a load research study of 34 sample meters. Each of these load research meters measured delivered and exported energy on a 15 minute interval basis. The overall profile from these load research meters was scaled to the delivered and exported energy volumes on a monthly basis. The various monthly system and distribution coincident peaks were developed from this profile. Non-coincident peaks were determined on a monthly basis by averaging the non-coincident peaks for each of the sample profile meters and scaling by the overall number of customers in the population. For Schedule 6 and Schedule 23 net metering classes, the standard profile, which includes both net metering and non-net metering customers, was adjusted to the overall energy volume for estimated full requirements usage of the net metering customers on a monthly basis to create full requirements profiles. Their estimated private generation production profile was then overlaid on top of that estimated full requirements profile to estimate delivered and exported energy on an hourly basis. The determination of system coincident peaks and distribution coincident peaks were based upon energy deliveries to the customers. Non-coincident peak was based upon the maximum of either energy delivery or energy export. Line transformers and secondary lines are allocated on each class' annual maximum non-coincident peak which is weighted by a coincidence factor. Using the maximum of either delivered or exported non-coincident peak for each customer accurately reflects those customers' usage of these localized facilities. 3IPage Net Metering Customer 2015 Generation During 2015, Idaho's net meter customers generated 1.1 MWh of energy as summarized below. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER IDAHO NET METERING 2015 KWH AT METER ST A TE OF IDAHO Month Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 A(!-15 Ma~-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Au&-15 See:15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Private Generation Sch 001 Solar 15,877 27,838 40,408 44,589 40,605 48,667 54,202 56,306 57,556 46,507 32,081 15,133 479,770 Sch 001 Wind 4,689 10,879 15,772 18,185 7,708 7,041 6,184 7,709 10,282 8,380 10,770 13,626 121,224 Sch 006 Solar 546 921 1,284 1,318 1,186 1,421 1,409 1,357 1,333 1,030 672 281 12,759 Sch 006 Wind 112 260 377 434 184 168 148 184 246 201 258 326 2,899 Sch 023 Solar 18,438 31,108 43,356 44,538 40,042 47,991 47,609 45,863 45,009 34,808 22,713 9,500 430,975 Sch 023 Wind 1,102 2,557 3,708 4,275 1,811 1,655 I 454 1,812 2,417 1,969 2,531 3,203 28,494 TOTAL 40,765 73,564 104,904 JJ3,340 91,537 106,944 111,005 I 13,231 116,843 92,896 69,024 42,068 1,076,120 Impacts on Customers Not Participating in Net Metering To estimate the magnitude of cost shifting from net metering customers to non-net metering customers, the Company performed a Class Cost of Service study ("NEM COS Study") where customers participating in net metering were broken out into separate classes. The test period for the NEM COS Study and the revenues and costs used in it are from the December 2015 Results of Operation. It does not include all normalization adjustments or the revenues required to increase earnings to the Commission authorized return. The separate net metering classes in the NEM COS Study consist of Residential Net Metering, Schedule 6 Net Metering, and Schedule 23 Net Metering. The table below summarizes the results of this cost study: Intentionally Left Blank 41Page RESULTS FROM THE NEM COS Study Increase/ Annual Total Cost (Decrease) to = Percentage Revenue of Service ROR Change from Class $000 $000 $000 Current Revenues Residential 50,214 46,596 (3,618) -7.21% Residential -TOD 21 ,022 20,598 (424) -2.02% Residential -NEM 162 189 27 16.83% Schedule 6/35 26,751 26,044 (708) -2.65% Schedule 6 -NEM 148 138 (10) -6.61% Schedule 23 18,172 16,606 (1 ,566) -8.62% Schedule 23 -NEM 87 88 2 1.74% Other Classes 151 ,157 157,454 6,297 4.17% Idaho Total 267,712 267,712 -0.00% SI Page This table shows that in contrast to other classes, residential net metering is significantly below its cost of service and would require a 16.8 percent increase to bring it to its cost of service. The study shows that the present under-collection of revenue relative to cost of service from residential net metering is about $227 per customer per year. The results for the two non-residential classes do not show as large of a departure from cost of service and are more consistent with the rest of customers in their respective classes. The results for residential net metering reflect the ability of these customers to offset the full value of retail energy charges for each kWh generated. Within the rate design for residential customers, costs that are fixed and are related to demand at the time of the Company's different peak periods are recovered through volumetric energy charges. When residential net metering customers receive credits that capture the full value of these energy charges, but do not fully offset their peak demands, there is a potential for costs to be shifted to non-participating customers. For residential net metering customers, overall average billed energy usage after being credited for exported energy remains relatively high and participation is low compared to other states at this time with an average of 120 residential customers participating in net metering over the test period. Consequently the cost shifting at this time is relatively modest. However, as discussed earlier in this report, participation levels have grown considerably in the past few years. Also private generation system sizes have become larger on average. In 2010, the size of the average private generation system installed was 4.22 kW. In 2015, the average private generation system size had grown to 7.03 kW. With these trends, careful and continued monitoring of net metering is warranted. 6IPage Net Metering Customer Direct Assignments The Company identified administration, engineering, and customer service/billing related costs that are directly attributable to serving and interconnecting net metering customers. These costs were directly assigned to the different net metering classes. Within the Company, a department is dedicated to the administration of the various net metering programs that the Company is responsible for delivering across the six states that it serves. This includes the handling and processing of interconnection applications. The overall expense of this department was multiplied by the proportion of workload that this department spends on the net metering program in Idaho. There were no Schedule 6 and 23 interconnect applications during 2015, so the administration costs solely represent residential applications. Engineers review the technical details of the interconnection applications to ensure that private generation systems can safely and reliably interconnect to the Company's distribution system. To develop the engineering costs related to the net metering program, the estimated time it takes to review an application was multiplied by the fully loaded hourly cost of a field engineer which was then multiplied by the number of applications in 2015. Customer service and billing costs related to the net metering program were sorted into three categories: Phone calls -This includes customer inquiries and requests related to the net metering program. Initial setup -This includes requesting a meter exchange and setting up customers to be on the net metering program in the Company's billing system. 71Page Ongoing support -This includes back office work necessary to correctly bill customers participating in the net metering program. Developing the costs related to Phone calls, Initial setup, and Ongoing Support required getting estimates from Company personnel who are involved in the day-to-day operations at the call centers of the total time spent on each of these activities and multiplying by the fully loaded hourly cost for a call center agent. To determine the proportions of these costs that are related to the different customer classes, the overall cost estimates for each activity were spread based upon an appropriate driver for those costs. Since phone calls were primarily for customers who were considering participation in the net metering program, this cost was allocated on the number of applications in the period. Initial setup cost was allocated based upon the number of interconnections during the period. Since ongoing support is related to the number of bills, this cost was allocated by the average bills during the period. Net Metering Value for Excess Generation In the NEM COS Study, the net metering classes are allocated energy-related costs for the energy that is delivered to them and receive credit to their cost of service for the excess generation that they export for use by other customers. Net metering customers use the system in a way that is fundamentally different than other customers. Unlike other customers who consume only energy that is delivered to them from the energy grid, net metering customers may at different times be receiving energy from the energy grid, consuming their own private generation onsite, or exporting the excess energy from their private generation to the energy grid. Like any other customer, the allocation of the Company's costs is based upon the volumes of energy and the magnitude of demands that the Company SI Page delivers to net metering customers. Inasmuch as net metering customers consume their own private generation onsite, the profile and overall quantity of energy that is delivered to them is reduced and the allocation of costs to net metering customers is also consequently reduced. The concept of net energy is a billing related construct that is used for net metering. Net energy does not reflect a net metering customer's physical time-based relationship with the energy grid. Even though a net metering customer may produce as much total energy as that customer consumes over a period of time, in real time that customer still relies upon the energy grid continuously to both import and export energy. The NEM Breakout COS Study appropriately assigns costs to net metering customers based upon their usage of the Company's system. For the energy that net metering customers export to the energy grid from their private generation systems, a credit for their exported energy is assigned to them based upon the currently effective avoided costs deflated to the 2015 level. The credits applied for exported energy are increased to reflect avoided line losses. In total the value of the energy credits for all NEM classes is $13,394. The excess credits are directly assigned to each NEM class. An offsetting cost for the excess credits is allocated to all classes based upon Factor 30 -Energy. Both the excess credits and the offsetting costs are functionalized to the Production function. The excess credits in the NEM Breakout COS reflect a fair value of the energy that net metering customers export to the energy grid for other customers to use. All customers, including net metering customers, benefit from this excess generation in the form of reduced net power cost. It is fair that all customers receive an increased allocation of cost proportional to that benefit to offset the value assigned to the NEM classes for their exported energy. With this treatment of 9IPage excess energy, customers are economically indifferent between whether they receive a kilowatt hour from their net metering customer's private generation system or from some other source. Impact of Net Metering on the System Based on the Company's analysis, residential rooftop solar generation does not reduce the peak demand experienced by the electric grid to a degree that could warrant a reduction in infrastructure but may actually increase the requirements for infrastructure at the local level. Furthermore, residential net metered customers use the electric grid at a level higher than similar, non-participating residential customers. The total amount of energy transferred to and from the electric grid by net metered customers exceeds the amount of energy delivered to non-participating residential customers. This is energy that must be stored, accounted for and managed by the Company on the customer's behalf. In addition, the Company incurs costs associated with applications for rooftop solar generation and their interconnection. Net metering customers rely on the grid 24 hours per day except for two instantaneous points when the direction of current flow changes from energy delivered to energy received. Rocky Mountain Power currently has 201 net metering customers in Idaho with 1,339 kW connected load and has not experienced power quality or reliability issues as a result of their interconnection to the system. The Company continuously monitors system integrity and industry trends on this subject and will advise the Commission if any items need to be addressed. 10 I Page