HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160701Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROMI JOHNATHAN FARLEY DATE: JUNE 29,2416 RE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FILING IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER NO.33533, CASE NO. PAC-E-16.06 PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (Company) submitted a filing on June 21,2016 to revise the Company's Electric Service Regulation No. 9 of its tariff to comply with Commission Order No. 33533. Sheets 9R.2 through 9R.4 have been revised and two new pages (Sheets 9R.5 and 9R.6) have been added. The Company requests an effective date of July 7, 2016. BACKGROUND Electric Service Regulation No. 9 (Regulation No.9) outlines the Company's policies and procedures pertaining to the collection, retention and retum of deposits and advance payments to all customer classes. On February 16,2016, Rocky Mountain Power filed an application to make modifications to Regulation No.9, adding provisions specific to the irrigation customer class taking service under Schedule 10. On June 7,2016, the Commission approved some but not all revisions proposed by the Company and ordered it to continue working with Staff to further clarify Regulation No. 9. Substantial changes have been made to the text and format of Regulation No.9 as part of a collaborative effort between the Company and Staff. Substantive changes are as outlined below. Collection of Irrigation Advanced Payments An advance may be required from current, previous or prospective Schedule l0 customers prior to providing electric service under the following conditions: (l) the customer DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 29,2016 had a cumulative past due balance equal to or greater than $25,000 on December 3l; (2) the customer had service disconnected for nonpayment during the last four years; or (3) the customer sought any form of relief under the Federal Bankuptcy Laws, or has been discharged from bankruptcy, or whose receivership proceeding has been terminated, or whose bankruptcy proceedings have been dismissed. Calculation of Irrigation Advance Payments Advance payments will be equal to the estimated monthly billings for the upcoming inigation season, based upon the previous twelve months of metered usage at each service point or estimated using the new customer's connected horsepower. If the previous twelve months includes inactivity, the estimate may include earlier periods. Collcction of Irrigation Dcposits A deposit may be required from a current or previous Schedule l0 customer prior to providing electric service under the following conditions: (l) the customer received two or more past due notices for non-payment of Schedule l0 service during the most recent irrigation season or the last l2 month period during which service was received; (2) the Schedule l0 customer was required to pay an advance for the previous inigation season and the balance on December 3l was less than $25,000; or (3) the applicant is requesting service for the first time. Calculation of Irrigation Dcposits The deposit for each metered service point is equal to the estimated monthly bill for the two highest months of usage within the last two irrigation seasons. For new customers, deposits will be calculated using the bills from the previous customer at the new customer's location or estimated using the new customer's connected horsepower. Irrigation Advancc or Deposit Guarantor A guarantor may be used as an alternative to payment of an advance or deposit. To be considered acceptable to the Company, a guarantor must be: (l) an active Rocky Mountain Power Schedule l0 customer; (2) current on all accounts at the time of the application with no more than one past due notice in the previous twelve months; and (3) have cumulative usage for DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 29,2016 all active Schedule l0 metered services during the previous season that equals or exceeds the estimated usage for the customer or applicant needing a guarantor. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed Sheet Nos. 9R.2 through 9R.6 that the Company filed on June 21,2016, and believes them to be in compliance with ttre Commission's directive in Order No. 33533. Staff recommends approval of Rocky Mountain Power's proposed changes to its tariff. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the changes set forth in Rocky Mountain Power's Compliance Filing with an effective date of July 7,2016? Udmcmos/Decision mcmo PAC 16 06 CF DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 29,2016