HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160127Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN RECEIVED 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake ciry, utah 84116Pol'I'ER ?$l[ Jf,H 27 All 9, 36 INi,F,;C PUBLIC iJT ili i I ES COI-{ i,{lSSlON January 27,2016 VIA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attn: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-16-04 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO CAI{CEL ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDULE II7 _ RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATOR RECYCLING PROGRAM Please find enclosed in the above captioned matter an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application requesting authorization to cancel the Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program, Electric Service Schedule 117. For informal questions related to this matter, please contact Michael Snow, DSM Regulatory Manager, at (801) 220-4214 or Ted Weston, Idaho State Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, 6,rU, C;:fi\ltt le,W Bill Comeau Director, Demand-side Management Enclosures Daniel E. Solander (ISB# 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Emai I : danie l. solan der @pacifrcorp. com Attorneyfor Roclgt Mountain Power IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO CAI\CEL ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE II7 - RESIDENTIAL RETRIGERATOR RECYCLING PROGRAM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMNIISSION ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC.E-16-04 APPLICATION COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), and in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201, et. seq., hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for authority to cancel the Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program administered through Electric Service Schedule No. I l7 ("Program"). In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states: L Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 73,000 customers in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of ldaho pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. 2. This Application is filed pursuant to ldaho Code $$ 6l-301, 6l-307,61-622, and 6l-623. In particular, Idoho Code $ 6l-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, $$ 6l-307 and 6l-622 require Commission approval APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page I prior to any increase in rates, and $ 6l-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. BACKGROUNI) 3. On December 3, 2015, the Company filed Advice No. 15-05 requesting authorization to suspend the Program due to the Program vendor, Jaco Environmental ("Jaco"), going out of business. Jaco had contacted the Company to inform it that Jaco would no longer be able to perform its contractual duties for the Program. The Commission approved the Program suspension on Decemb er 7 , 2015 . PROPOSED PROGRAM CAI\CELATION 4. In the third quarter of 2015 the Company issued a competitive Request for Proposals ("RFP") for its Home Energy Savings program. Included as part of that RFP was a requests for bids on the appliance recycling program. The RFP requested that vendors take into account the available options for proposed Program design and planning, Program start- up and transition, marketing, customer service, processing services, data tracking and reporting, quality assurance, and compliance. 5. Two vendors submitted bids under the RFP one of those vendors was Jaco. Utilizing the information from the second bid provided under the RFP the Company asked Navigant to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine if reinstituting the Program was just and reasonable, and in the public interest. Navigant's report is provided as Attachment A to this Application. Table 5 below is pulled from the Navigant report and shows that based on the Program delivery costs from the remaining RFP bid the benefit/cost ratio is below 1.00 for the major cost effective tests. Accordingly, given that the Program APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page2 does not pass the cost effective tests, the Company requests Commission approval to cancel Electric Service Schedule No. 117, effective March 1,2016. Table I SYLR Level Cost-Effectiveness Results (Residential and Business Pick-Up) 6. Historically the costs associated with delivering the residential refrigerator recycling program have been recovered through Electric Service Schedule No. 191 - Customer Efficiency Service Rate. On January 19,2016, the Company filed an applicationr with the Commission requesting authorization to increase the energy efficiency collection rate from 2.1 percent to 2.7 percent of customers' bills. The future demand-side management ("DSM") costs included in the analysis used to determine the appropriate rate change required to align future revenue recovery with future DSM expenditures did not include ongoing costs associated with delivering Electric Service Schedule ll7 - Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program I Case No. PAC-E-I6-02. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) * Conversation Adder $0.0994 $126,720 $63,639 -$63,081 0.50 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder s0.0994 $126,724 $57,854 -$68,867 0.46 Utility Cost Test (UCT)$0.0994 $126,720 $s7,8s4 -s68,867 0.46 Rate ImpactTest@IM)$2t5,323 $57,854 $217.469 0.21 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$0 s404,582 $404,582 nla Lifecycle Revenue Impacts (s/kwh)s0.000010499 Page 3 COMMUNICATIONS 6. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Michael Snow 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Email : ted.weston@pacifi com.com michael. snow@nacifi corp.com Daniel E. Solander 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Email : daniel.solander@oacificom.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred): By regular mail: APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER datareq uest@oaci fi corp.com michael.snow@pacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 MODIFIED PROCEDURE 7. The Company believes that consideration of the proposal contained in this Application does not require an evidentiary proceeding, and accordingly the Company requests that this Application be processed under RP 201 et seq. allowing for consideration of this issue under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. [f however, the Commission determines that an evidentiary proceeding Page 4 is required the Company stands ready to provide supporting testimony. CONCLUSION WFIEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (l) authorizing that this proceeding be processed under Modified Procedure, and (2) approving the cancelation of Electric Service Schedule No. ll7 - Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program, effective March 1,2016. DATED this 27ft day of January,20l6. Respectfu lly submitted, Daniel E. Solander Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 5 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpolnea \ l onlsro. or PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No.1 Thirteenth Revision of Sheet No. 8.2 Canceling Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Schedule No. 23 234 24 3l 34 35 35A 36 70 73 94 lt8 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - Continued Class of Service General Service - Small Power General Service - Small Power (Residential and Farm) Interruptible Power Service Partial Requirements Service - High Voltage Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage (Farm) Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional Renewable Enerry Rider - Optional - Bulk Purchase Option Enerry Cost Adjustment Home Enerry Saver Incentive Program (Continued) Sheet No. 23.1-23.3 23A.1-23A.4 24.1 - 24.5 3l.l -31.6 34.t - 34.3 35.1 - 35.3 35A.1 -35A.4 36.1-36.3 70.1-70.4 73.1-73.4 94.1 I l8.l - I18.2 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I6-04 ISSUED:January 27,2016 EI'FECTM: March l,2016 ROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\AIER a lxvrsro,{ oF PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Thirteenth T*rclftbRevision of Sheet No. B.2 Canceling TwelfthEle+erth Revision of Sheet No. B.2 Schedule No. 23 23A 24 3t 34 35 35A 36 70 73 94 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - Continued Class of Service General Service - Small Power General Service - Small Power (Residential and Farm) Intemrptible Power Service Partial Requirements Service - High Voltage Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act - Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage (Farm) Optional Time of Day Residential Service Renewable Energy Rider - Optional Renewable Energy Rider - Optional - Bulk Purchase Option Enerry Cost Adjustment Sheet No. 23.1-23.3 234.1-234.4 24.1-24.s 3t.l -3r.6 34.1 - 34.3 35.1 - 3s.3 35A.1 -354..4 36.1-363 70.1 - 70.4 73.1-73.4 94.1 I 17 Rssidentiel Refrigerater Reeyeling Pregrarn 117,1 117,2 118 Home Enerry Saver Incentive Program 118.1 - 118.2 (Continued) Submiued Under A.dvie'eCase No. {-64IPAC-E- 1 6-04 ISSUED: January U8,2016 EFFECTM: Janua4;Slvlarch L la16 V,ROCKYMOUNTAINYpclnee \ o ot ,S'O,, Ot PACTFTCOBP I.P.U.C. No. I Third Revision of Sheet No. 117.1 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 117.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 117 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Refrigerator Recycling SHEET NO. 117.1 IS SUSPENDED AS OF D PURPOSE: Service under this tariff is intended ion loads through the removal and recycling of inefficient funds availability. is subject to APPLICABLE: To all retail tariff Company's electric service schedules listed on Schedule 191, or management companies and homeowner associations holder on a quali$ing rate, in all service territory served by CUSTOMER PARTICIPA tion is voluntary and is initiated by contacting a specified toll-free DESCRIPTION:ive to discontinue use of their working secondary refrigerator working primary refrigerator and freezer with new more qualiff for the incentive customers must give up their appliances for recycling. App llected and recycled to ensure they are not resold on : Working residential refrigerators and freezers that are a cubic imum of 32 cubic feet in size, utilizing inside measurements. VISIONS VICE: ial, com and industrial customers will receive an incentive of $50 for each n and/or freezer.Incentives will be available on a maximum of two appliances per year. The Company may offer a packet with written energyper q effici lce to de 'Serv the secondary and instant savings measures. icipating retailers will receive an incentive of up to $20 for each eligible refrigerator and/or freezer. 3. Incentive checks will be mailed within 30 days of the appliance collection date. (Continued) N: Customer number or Submitted Under Advice Letter No. l5-05 ISSUED: December 3, 2015 EFFECTM: December 7, 2015 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OVlSlOil OF PACIFTOnP Second Revision of Sheet No. 117.2 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 117.2 ELECTRIC SERYICE SCIIEDULE NO. ll7 - (Continued) SHEET NO. 117.2 IS SUSPENDED AS OF DECEMBER 7,2015 ELECTRIC SERYICE REGULATIONS: Service underthis schedule will with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by Electric utilities of andCommission, including future applicable amendments, will be incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 15-05 ISSUED: December 3, 2015 EFFECTM: December 7, 2015 ATTACHMENT A NAvr cANr Memorandum To: - PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power From: -Navigant Date: January 6,2016 Re: Cost Effectiveness for the See Ya Later Refrigerator Program - Idaho Navigant has developed this memo in response to PacifiCorp's proposed See Ya Later Refrigerator Program cost effectiveness modeling needs in the state of Idaho. This memo presents the cost effectiveness results of individual analysis runs for the state of Idaho. Each scenario is analyzed using modeled assumptions provided by PacifiCorp. These scenarios utilize the following assumptions: Aooided Costs: Navigant utilized the "East" 71,%Plugloads decrement provided in the 2015 PacifiCorp Integrated Resource Plan along with the Idaho Residential Plug load shape to calculate avoided costs. Mod.eling Inpzfs: Navigant utilized per unit measure savings provided by PacifiCorp in the file SYIR RFP C-E Inputs.xlsx. Energy Rates: Navigant utilized the 2014 rates provided by PacifiCorp and applied an escalation of '1,.9o/o to arrive at estimated rates for PY2016. Line Loss Factors: Navigant utilized the residential line loss factor throughout the analysis. Eoaluation Period: The evaluation period for this analysis uses progr.iln year 20L6 as year one. This memo will begin by addressing the inputs used in the analysis of the Idaho See Ya Later Program. The cost-effectiveness inputs are as follows: 1375 Walnut Street Suite 200 Boulder C0 80302 303.728.2500 phone 303.728.2501 lax Table 1- SYLR In Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) Inflation Ratel 6.66"/" 11.470/0 $0.1089 7.q)o/o 1 Future rates determined using a 1.9% annual escalator. Memorandum a I Pacificorp 0u06120L6 Page2of.2 Residential and Business Pick-Up $22.72 Residential and Business Pick-Up Residential and business pick-up and rerycle 1st refrigeratorlfreezer Residential and business pick-up and recyde 2nd refrigerator/freezer The PY2016 cost/benefits results at the program level are as follows: Table 5 - SYLR Level Cost-Effectiveness Results (Residential and Business Pick-U Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Coet Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycte Reverrue Impacts ($/k!Vh) $0.0994 $0.094 $0.0994 $126,720 $126;7n $126,720 $275,323 $o $63,639 -$63,081 $52854 -W,f!57 $52854 -fi68,867 $52854 -$217,469 $404,s82 $404,s82 0.50 0.6 0.46 0.21 nla $0.000010499 Table2-SYLRAnnual Table 3 - SYLR Table4-SYLRPartici