HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151231Larsen Exhibit 1.pdfCase No. PAC-E-I5-16 ExhibitNo. I Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Jeffrey K. Larsen December 2015 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 'l of &l Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 2 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen I 2017 Protocol 2 I. Introduction: 3 This 2017 PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol (the "2017 Protocol") is the 4 result of general agreement that has been reached between representatives of PacifiCorp (or the 5 "Company") and certain Commission staff members, consumer advocates and other interested 6 parties from Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming (collectively referred to as the "Parties" or 7 individually as a "Party") regarding issues arising with regards to the 2010 Protocol, 8 PacifiCorp's status as a multi-jurisdictional utility and future inter-jurisdictional allocation 9 procedures. 10 The 2010 Protocol expires at midnight on December 31, 2016. The Parties have 11 determined that it is in their best interest or the interest of PacifiCorp's customers to support a 12 new protocol governing inter-jurisdictional allocation procedures. This 2017 Protocol is 13 designed to provide PacifiCorp, State Commissions, and other interested Parties a transitional 14 allocation method while the impacts of the United States Environmental Protection Agency 15 (EPA) rules governing carbon pollution from existing power plants under section 111(d) of the 16 Clean Air Act (111(d) and other multi-jurisdictional issues are better understood and can be 17 more fully analyzed for their allocation impacts on PacifiCorp and each State. During the term 18 of the 2017 Protocol, PacifiCorp will analyze alternative allocation methods including but not 19 limited to: corporate structure alternatives, divisional allocation methodologies, alternative 20 system allocation methodologies, potential implications of the EPA's final Rule lll(d), and 2I possible formation of a regional independent system operator. PacifiCorp will present its 22 analyses of these issues to the Multi-State Protocol or MSP Workgroup and discuss them at 23 CommissionerForums. 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 3 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wilness: Jefirey K. Larsen 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 During the term of the 2017 Protocol, PacifiCorp commits that its generation and transmission system will continue to be planned and operated prudently on an integrated basis designed to achieve a least cost/least risk resource portfolio for PacifiCorp's customers. This commitment will not prevent PacifiCorp from filing for and requesting State Commission approval to participate in a regional independent system operator organization. The 2017 Protocol describes inter-jurisdictional allocation policies and procedures, which, if applied by each of the States for rate proceedings filed after December 3 1 , 201 6, or as otherwise agreed to in Section XlV, are intended to better afford, than would otherwise be the case, PacifiCorp a reasonable opportunity to meet the goal of recovering its prudently incurred cost of service. The apportionment, assignment, or allocation of a particular expense or investment, or allocation of a share of an expense or investrnent, to a State under the 2017 Protocol is not intended to and will not prejudge the prudence of those costs. Nothing in the 2017 Protocol is intended to abrogate a State Commission's right and/or obligation to: (l) determine fair, just, and reasonable rates based upon the law ofthat State and the record established in rate proceedings conducted by that Commission: (2) consider the impact of changes in laws, regulations, or circumstances on inter-jurisdictional allocation policies and procedures when determining fair, just, and reasonable rates; or (3) establish different allocation policies and procedures for purposes of allocation of costs and revenues within that State to different customers or customer classes. Parties who support the 2017 Protocol do so with the intent to continue to achieve equitable resolutions to multi-jurisdictional allocation issues that are in the public interest. A Party's support of the 2017 Protocol will not, however, in any manner negate the necessary 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 4 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 1 flexibility of the regulatory process to address changed or unforeseen circumstances, including 2 batnot limited to changes in laws or regulations, and a Party's support of the 2017 Protocol will 3 not bind or be used against that Party if a Party concludes that the 2017 Protocol no longer 4 produces results that are just, reasonable, and in the public interest, or provides the Company 5 with the opportunity to recover its prudently incurred cost of service. Support of the 2017 6 Protocol will not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgement by any Party of the validity or 7 invalidity of any particular method, theory, or principle of regulation, cost recovery, cost of 8 service, or rate design, and no Party will be deemed to have agreed that any particular method, 9 theory, or principle of regulation, cost recovery, cost of service, or rate design employed or 10 implied in the 2017 Protocol is appropriate for resolving any other issues. 11 The 2017 Protocol describes how the costs and revenues, including wholesale 12 transactions, associated with PacifiCorp's generation, transmission, and distribution systems will 13 be assigned or allocated among its six state jurisdictions. 14 Terms that are capitalized in the 2017 Protocol are either defined in the 2017 Protocol or 15 set forth in Appendix A. 16 A table identiffing the allocation factor to be applied to each component of PacifiCorp's 17 revenue requirement calculation is included as Appendix B. 18 The algebraic derivation of each allocation factor is contained in Appendix C. 19 A description and numeric example of how Special Contracts and related discounts will 20 be reflected in rates is set forth in Appendix D. 2l Additional terms specific to each State, including an Equalization Adjustment, are 22 reflected in Section XlV. 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 5 of 64 *,fi:::,):':$?l;li;ll 1 II. Effective Period and Expiration: 2 The Parties agree to support Commission adoption or use of the 2017 Protocol in all 3 PacifiCorp rate proceedings frled after December 31, 2016, or as otherwise agreed to by Parties 4 in Section XfV, up to and including December 31, 2018. 5 The 2017 Protocol will expire December 31, 2018, unless all State Commissions that 6 approved the 2017 Protocol determine, by no later than March 31, 2017, that the term of the 7 2017 Protocol will be extended by an optional one-year extension through December 31,2019. 8 In determining whether the 2017 Protocol should or should not be extended, each State 9 Commission can take such steps or provide such processes for public input as that Commission l0 determines to be necessary or appropriate under applicable State laws. 11 A Commissioner Forum will be held annually, beginning in January 2017, to discuss 12 inter-jurisdictional allocation issues and whether the 2017 Protocol should be extended for an 13 additional one-year term, as described above. 14 III. Classification of Resources: 15 All Resource Fixed Costs, Wholesale Contracts, and Shortterm Firm Purchases and Firm 16 Sales will be classified as 75 percent Demand-Related and 25 percent Energy-Related. All Non- 17 Firm Purchases and Sales will be classified as 100 percent Energy-Related. l8 IV. Allocation of Resource Costs and Wholesale Revenues: 19 Resources will be assigned to one of two categories for inter-jurisdictional allocation 20 purposes: State Resources or System Resources. A complete description of allocation factors to 2l be used is set forth in Appendix B. 22 There are four types of State Resources. The remaining types of Resources are System 23 Resources, which constitute the substantial majority of PacifiCorp's Resources. Benefits and 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 6 of 64 **i3l3,lll$?';llll 1 costs associated with each category and type of Resource will be assigned or allocated to 2 Jurisdictions on the following basis: 3 A. State Resources 4 Benefits and costs associated with the four types of State Resources will be 5 assigned as follows: 6 L Demand-Side Management ("DSM") Programs: Costs associated with 7 DSM Programs, including Class I DSM Programs, will be assigned on a 8 situs basis to the Jurisdiction in which the investment is made. Benefits 9 from these programs, in the form of reduced consumption and contribution 10 to Coincident Peak, will be reflected in the Load-Based Dynamic 1l Allocation Factors. 12 2. Portfolio Standards: Costs associated with Resources acquired to comply 13 with a Jurisdiction's Portfolio Standard adopted, either through legislative t4 enactment or a State's Commission, the portion of which exceeds the costs 15 PacifiCorp would have otherwise incurred, will be assigned on a situs 16 basis to the Jurisdiction adopting the Portfolio Standard. 17 3. Oualifirinq Facility Contracts: Costs associated with Qualifying Facility 18 Contracts, the portion of which exceeds the costs PacifiCorp would have 19 otherwise incurred acquiring Comparable Resources will be assigned on a 20 situs basis to the Jurisdiction that approved the confact. 21 4. Jurisdiction-Specific lnitiatives: Costs and benefits associated with 22 Resources acquired in accordance with a Jurisdiction-specific initiative 23 will be assigned on a situs basis to the Jurisdiction adopting the initiative. 2017 Protocol I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 I4 15 t6 t7 l8 T9 20 2I 22 B. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l PageT ot 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen This includes, but is not limited to, the costs and benefits of incentive programs, net-metering tariffs, feed-in tariffs, capacity standard programs, solar subscription programs, electric vehicle programs, and the acquisition of renewable energy certificates. System Resources All Resources that are not State Resources are System Resources and will be allocated as follows: 1. Generally, all Fixed Costs associated with System Resources and all costs incurred under Wholesale Contracts will be allocated based upon the System Generation ("SG") Factor. 2. Generally, all Variable Costs associated with System Resources will be allocated based upon the System Energy ("SE") Factor. 3. Revenues received by PacifiCorp under Wholesale Contracts will be allocated based upon the SG Factor. Equalization Adjustment The 2017 Protocol includes an Equalization Adjustment to be applied to each State's revenue requirement, as summaized in Section XlV, for purposes of ratemaking proceedings filed prior to the expiration of the 2017 Protocol. The Equalization Adjustment recognizes differences among the States in the 2010 Protocol Agreement implemented in each State and the respective treatment of the embedded cost differential ("ECD") adjustment - i.e. Baseline ECD, Dynamic ECD, or no ECD. The 2017 Protocol with the Equalization Adjustment is C. 6 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 8 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 1 designed to allow PacifiCorp the opportunity to equitably allocate revenue 2 requirement components in rate recovery proceedings in the States. 3 V. Re-functionalization and Allocation of Transmission Costs and Revenues 4 Before filing any request to approve a reclassification of facilities as transmission or 5 distribution with FERC, PacifiCorp will submit filings seeking review and authorization of any 6 such reclassification with the State Commissions. The cost responsibility for any assets 7 reclassified under FERC policy will be assigned or allocated consistent with other assets in the 8 relevant function. 9 Costs associated with transmission assets, and firm wheeling expenses and revenues, will 10 be classified as 75 percent Demand-Related, 25 percent Energy-Related and allocated based 11 upon the SG Factor. Non-firm wheeling expenses and revenues will be allocated based upon the 12 SE Factor. In the event that PacifiCorp joins a regional independent system operator, the 13 allocation of transmission costs and revenues may be reevaluated and revised as provided for in 14 Section XIII. 15 VI. Assienment of Distribution Costs: 16 All distribution-related expenses and investment that can be directly assigued will be 17 directly assigned to the State where they are located. Those costs that cannot be directly 18 assigned will be allocated consistent with the factors set forth in Appendix B. 19 VII. Allocation of Administrative and General Costs: 20 Administrative and General Costs, General Plant costs, and tntangible Plant costs will be 2l allocated consistent with the factors set forth in Appendix B. 22 VIII. Allocation of Special Contracts: 23 Revenues associated with Special Contracts will be included in State revenues, and loads 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 9 of 64 **l3li lll$?i,-1i;13 1 of Special Contract customers will be included in Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors as 2 appropriate (see Appendix D). Special Contracts may or may not include Customer Ancillary 3 Service Contract attributes. Load curtailments and buy-through arrangements will be handled as 4 appropriate (see Appendix D). 5 IX. Allocation of Gain or Loss from Sale of Resources or Transmission Assets: 6 Any loss or gain from the sale of a Company-owned Resource or transmission asset will 7 be allocated based upon the allocation factor used to allocate the Fixed Costs of the Resource or 8 the transmission asset at the time of its sale. Each Commission will determine the appropriate 9 allocation of loss or gain allocated to that Jurisdiction as between customers and PacifiCorp 10 shareholders. 11 X. State Programs Regardins Access to Alternative Electricitv Suppliers: 12 A. Treatment of Oregon Direct Access Programs: 13 This Section describes treatment of loads lost to Oregon Direct Access Programs during 14 the term of the 2017 Protocol. 15 1. Customers electing PacifiCorp's one- and three-year Oregon Direct 16 Access Programs - The load of customers electing to be served on PacifiCorp's one- and 17 three-year Oregon Direct Access Programs will be included in the Load-Based Dynamic 18 Allocation Factors for all Resources, and the transition cost payments from these 19 customers will be situs assigned to Oregon. 20 2. Customers electing PacifiCorp's five year opt-out program under the 2l Oregon Direct Access Program - The treatment will be consistent with Order No. 15- 22 060, as clarified through Order No. 15-067, of the Oregon Public Utility Commission in 23 Docket UE 267, and Oregon Schedule 296, which allow Oregon Direct Access Program 2017 Protocol I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 10 of 64 *,i333 Tll$?Lll;ll Customers to permanently opt-out of cost-of-service rates after payment of ten years of transition costs in Oregon. During the ten-year period for which Oregon Direct Access Customers are paying hansition costs, the Oregon Direct Access Customers' loads will be included in Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors, and the transition cost payments from these customers will be situs-assigned to Oregon. At the end of the lO-year period covered by the transition cost payments, the loads of the Oregon Direct Access Customers will be excluded from Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. Thereafter, if an Oregon Direct Access Customer elects to return to Oregon cost-of-service rates by providing four-years notice under Schedule 267, its load will be included in Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors at the time the customer returns to Oregon cost of service rates. 3. To the extent Oregon adopts new laws or regulations regarding Oregon Direct Access Programs, Oregon's treatment of loads lost to Oregon Direct Access Programs may be re-determined in a manner consistent with the new laws and regulations. In the event Oregon adopts such new laws or regulations, the Company will inform the State Commissions and the Parties of the same. B. Utah Eligible Customer Program: If, pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 54-3-32, an eligible customer in Utah transfers service to a non-utility energy supplier, the Public Service Commission of Utah will make determinations under Utah law as contemplated therein. The Company will inform the State Commissions and the Parties of the Public Service Commission of Utah's determinations. C. Other State Actions: In the event any State adopts laws or regulations governing customer access to alternative 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 'l'l of 64 Case No. PAC-E-I5-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 1 electricity suppliers, the Company will inform the State Commissions and the Parties of the 2 same. 3 XI. Loss or Increase in Load: 4 Any loss or increase in retail load occurring as a result of condemnation or 5 municipalization, sale, or acquisition of new service territory that involves less than five percent 6 of system load, realignment of service territories, changes in economic conditions, or gain or loss 7 of large customers will be reflected in changes in the Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. 8 The allocation of costs and benefits arising from merger, sale, or acquisition transactions 9 proposed by the Company involving more than five percent of system load will be considered on 10 a case-by-case basis in the course of Commission approval proceedings. 11 XII. Commission Regulation of Resources: 12 PacifiCorp will plan and acquire new Resources on a system-wide least-cost, least-risk 13 basis. Prudently incurred investments in Resources will be reflected in rates consistent with the 14 laws and regulations in each State, as approved by individual State Commissions. 15 XI[. Interpretation and Governance: 16 A. Issues of Interpretation 17 If questions of interpretation of the 2017 Protocol arise during rate proceedings, audits of 18 results of PacifiCorp's operations, or both, Parties will attempt, consistent with their legal 19 obligations, to resolve them in good faith in light of the language of the 2017 Protocol and the 20 intent of the Parties. 2l B. Commissioner Forum 22 A Commissioner Forum will be held annually beginning January 2017 to discuss the 23 2017 Protocol and other inter-jurisdictional allocation issues that may arise. All seated 10 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 12 of64 *,::::,::,:$?i;lill I commissioners from each Jurisdiction will be invited to participate in all Commissioner Forums. 2 Each Commissioner Forum will be a public meeting and all interested parties will be 3 allowed to attend. Prior to attending a Commissioner Forum, each Commission can take such 4 steps and provide such process for public input as the Commission determines to be necessary or 5 appropriate under applicable State laws. 6 At the Commissioner Forum, commissioners will be invited to discuss and may make 7 recommendations regarding extension of the 2017 Protocol and other inter-jurisdictional 8 allocation issues that may arise. 9 C. MSP Workgroup 10 The MSP Workgroup will be open to any utility regulatory agency, customer, and other I 1 person or entity potentially affected by inter-jurisdictional allocation procedures that expresses 12 an interest in participating. The MSP Workgroup may create sub-committees to investigate, 13 evaluate, or make recommendations as to specified issues. MSP Workgroup meetings may be 14 held in person or by telephone. 15 The Company will promptly convene one or more MSP Workgroup meetings: (i) to 16 discuss the possibility of a new inter-jurisdictional allocation agreement if any Commission 17 indicates that the 2017 Protocol should not be extended pursuant to Section II or as a result of 18 new developments pursuant to Section X, (iD to discuss an inter-jurisdictional allocation issue 19 identified by any Commission, or (iii) to discuss any other inter-jurisdictional allocation issue 20 raised by any interested stakeholders. MSP Parties will work in good faith to achieve resolution 2I of any issues brought before the MSP Workgroup. 22 Before each annual Commissioner Forum, PacifiCorp will convene an MSP Workgroup 23 meeting for the purpose of discussing and monitoring emerging inter-jurisdictional allocation 1l 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 13 of 64 *,'i313,]3-l$?=;lili 1 issues facing PacifiCorp and its customers, the status and implications of Rule 111(d), orthe 2 development of a regional independent system operator, in order to inform discussions at the 3 Commissioner Forum. PacifiCorp will provide reasonable staffing and resources to provide 4 minutes of any MSP Workgroup meeting, coordinate MSP Workgroup activities and conduct 5 studies and analysis as agreed to by the MSP Workgroup, and as suggested by the Commissioner 6 Forum. 7 D. Proposals for New Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Procedures 8 Proposals for new inter-jurisdictional allocation procedures, including any changes to the 9 2017 Protocol, ranging from minor modifications to major modifications, may be submitted by 10 any Party or any Commission utilizing the 20t7 Protocol. Proposals shall be provided to the l l Company for the purpose of circulating the proposals to the other Parties and State Commissions 12 and initiating discussions to attempt to address and resolve specific concerns. 13 If any Party intends to propose a new inter-jurisdictional allocation procedure, the Party 14 will attempt, consistent with their legal obligations, to: (1) bring that proposal to the 15 Commissioner Forum or the MSP Workgroup and (2) resolve the proposal in good faith. 16 A Party's initial support or acceptance of the 2017 Protocol will not bind or be used 17 against that Party if unforeseen or changed circumstances, including new developments pursuant 18 to Section X, cause that Party to conclude that the 2017 Protocol no longer produces just and 19 reasonable results, reasonable cost recovery for the Company, or is not in the public interest. 20 Before a Party asks a Commission to deviate from the terms of the 2017 Protocol, the Parties, 2l will be invited by the Company to enter into a discussion, or series of discussions, to attempt to 22 address and resolve their concerns at MSP Workgroup meetings and/or a Commissioner Forum, 23 consistent with any applicable legal obligations. t2 2017 Protocol 1 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 14 of64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen E. InterdependencyamongCommissionApprovals The 2017 Protocol has been developed by the Parties as an integrated, interdependent, 3 organic whole. Support by any Party or Commission of the 2017 Protocol is expressly 4 conditioned upon similar support of the 2017 Protocol by the Commissions of at least the States 5 of Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, without material alteration. If a Commission materially 6 deletes, alters, or conditions approval of the 2017 Protocol, Parties shall promptly meet and 7 discuss the implications of the material alteration, and will have the opportunity to accept or 8 reject continued support of the 2017 Protocol in light of such action. 9 XIV. Additional State-Specific Terms: 10 For the period that the 2017 Protocol remains in effect, a2017 Protocol Adjustment will l1 be added to each State's annual revenue requirement. For Califomia, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, 12 the 2017 Protocol Adjustment is the sum of the Baseline ECD and the Equalization Adjustment. 13 For Oregon,the20lT Protocol Adjustment is the sum of the Baseline ECD, which is dynamic 14 with the parameters described in paragraph three below, and the Equalization Adjustment. The 15 Parties agree to an annual Equalization Adjustment of $9.074 million, with specific State-by- 16 State 2017 Protocol Adjustment impacts as summarized in this table: Total 201 7 Protocol Baseline ECD ** (9,578) (324) (8,238) * 0 836 (l ,851) 2017 ProtocolEqualiationAdjustrrent 9,074 324 2,600 4,400 150 I 2017 ProtocolAdjustrnent (0) (5,638) 4,400 986 (251) Revenue Califomia Utah Idaho * Oregoris 2017 Protocol Baseline ECD is dynamic ard will change over time with the pararnters descnbed inparagraph 3 below. For tlre other states, the 2017 Protocol Baseline ECD is fted and does not change over tinre.** 2017 Protocol Baseline ECD annunts slrown in the table for Califomia, Orego4 ard Wyoming are based on the test year data as fled by the Conpany in the 2015 Wyoming general rate case (Docket 20000-469-ER- 15) on March 3, 201 5. The anrcunt for Idaho's 20 I 7 Protocol Baselirre ECD is its 201 0 Protocol Fixed ECD anrourt. Utahs 201 7 Protocol Baseline ECD is zero based on its 201 0 Protocol agreenrent. t3 2017 Protocol I 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 15 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen State specific implanentation is summarized below: l. Califomia's 2017 Protocol Adjustment is zero. 2. The Idaho Parties and PacifiCorp agree to an annual Idaho 2017 Protocol Adjustment of $0.986 million to be added to Idaho's 2017 Protocol revenue requirement. Idaho's Equalization Adjustment is $0.150 million. The Idaho 2017 Protocol Adjustment shall be included in base rates through a general rate case beginning January l, 2018, or to the extent that a case is filed so the rate effective date is later than that date, the Equalization Adjustment shall be deferred on a monthly basis ($12,500 per month) from January l, 2018, forward as a regulatory asset until the rate effective date of PacifiCorp's next Idaho general rate case at which time (l) the deferred costs and (2) the ongoing impact of Idaho's 2017 Protocol Adjustment shall be included in rates. 3. The Public Utility Commission of Oregon Staff ("Commission Staff'), the Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon ("CUB"), and PacifiCorp ("Oregon Parties"), agree to an Oregon Equalization Adjustment of $2.6 million. The Oregon Parties agree that Oregon's Equalization Adjustment of $2.6 million annually (or $216,667 monthly) be deferred from January 1,2017, until the 2017 Protocol Equalization Adjustment is reflected in base rates through the Company's next general rate case. The Oregon Parties agree that the 2017 Protocol Equalization Adjustment deferral will be reflected as a debit (reduction to the existing credit balance to be returned to customers) in the Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT") revenue deferral account originally established through docket IJE 246.r The Parties agree that the Company will file a new tariff to return to I As a result of the stipulation and Commission Order No. 12-493 in docket IJE-246, the Company filed for, and the Commission approved the Company's application to defer incremental OATT revenues from January l, 2013, until (Continued...) J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l l2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 21 t4 2017 Protocol 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 1,3 t4 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 16 of 64 *,::::,):':"i?l'11;ll Oregon customers the balance of the OATT revenue deferral, net of the 2017 Protocol Equalization Adjustment deferral, within 60 days of an Oregon Commission order approving of the 2017 Protocol. The Company commits to continued evaluation of alternative inter-jurisdictional allocation methods, including consideration of corporate structure alternatives, divisional allocation methodologies, and potential implications of the Environmental Protection Agency's final Rule 1ll(d), and possible formation of a regional independent system operator. The Company will distribute or present the results of its analysis, based on information available, no later than March 3I, 201,7. If PacifiCorp does not distribute or present the results of its analysis on or before March 31, 20L7, for each month the analysis is not provided after that date $216,667 will be credited to the OATT revenue deferral balance unless otherwise waived by the Commission for good cause. The Company agrees that during the effective period of this agreement regarding the 2017 Protocol, the Company will not have any pending general rate case that requests rates effective before January 1, 2018. Oregon Parties may file for deferrals during the general rate case stay-out period, but such filings will be subject to the Commission's guidelines for defenals established in docket UM I147, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. This provision will not alter the operation or application of existing or new rate adjustment mechanisms authorizedby the Commission, including but not limited to PacifiCorp's Transition Adjustment Mechanism, the Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism, and the Renewable Adjustment Clause. The Oregon Parties agree that for the duration of the 2017 Protocol, Oregon's results of operations reports (...continued) these revenues are reflected in base rates. Commission OrderNos. 13-045, 14-023, and 15-020 approved the Company's applications to defer these incremental revenues for 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. l5 2017 Protocol I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 I3 t4 15 L6 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 17 of 64 **?313,Ihl$?=,li;ll and general rate case filings will reflect a Dynamic ECD calculated consistent with the 2010 Protocol inter-jurisdictional allocation methodology with the parameters as described below: r For the Company's first Oregon general rate case filing under the 2017 Protocol (which will be effective no earlier than January l, 2018), the Dynamic ECD value for Oregon will be set at a level no less than $8.238m (the baseline value of Oregon's ECD used to negotiate each State's contribution to the 2017 Protocol Equalization Adjustment), and will be capped at $10.5 million; and . If the 2017 Protocol is extended to 2019, and the Company files a second Oregon general rate case using the 2017 Protocol, the Dynamic ECD in that general rate case filing will be set at a level no less than $8.238m and will be capped at $11.0 million. The Dynamic ECD provisions apply only to the 2017 Protocol as an integrated agreement and do not in any way limit or compromise any party's ability to argue for a different ECD or hydro endowment calculation in any future inter-jurisdictional allocation methodologies. The Oregon Parties agree that unless there is formal action by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon to adopt an alternate allocation methodology by January 1.,2019, or unless the 2017 Protocol is extended through 2019 under the terms of the 2017 Protocol, PacifiCorp will use the Revised Protocol allocation method for general rate case frlings in Oregon after January I, 2019. The Oregon Parties have negotiated this settlement as an integrated agreement. If the Public Utility Commission of Oregon rejects all or any material portion of this agreement or imposes additional material conditions in approving this agreement, any of the Oregon Parties are entitled to t6 2017 Protocol I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 4. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 18 of 64 *,?31!,)hl$?Lli;ll withdraw from the settlement. If the Public Utility Commission of Oregon rejects the 2017 Protocol, this agreement terminates upon the date of the order rejecting the 2017 Protocol. The Utah Parties and PacifiCorp agree to an annual Utah Equalization Adjustment of $4.4 million and a2017 Protocol Adjustment of the same amount. The Company agrees that it will not file a Utah general rate case or major plant addition case prior to May 1, 2016, and new rates will not be effective prior to January 1,2017. Utah's 2017 Protocol Adjustment shall be included in base rates through a general rate case with rates effective beginning on or after January 1,2017. To the extent that a Utah general rate case or major plant addition case is filed with a rate effective date later than that date, Utah's Equalization Adjustment shall be deferred on a monthly basis, (9366,667 per month), from January 1,2017, forward as a regulatory asset until the rate effective date of PacifiCorp's next Utah general rate case at which time (l) the deferred costs and (2) the ongoing impact of Utah's 2017 Protocol Adjustment shall be included in rates. The deferred cost amortization period will be determined in the first case that the deferral of the Utah Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. The Wyoming Parties and PacifiCorp agree to an annual credit for Wyoming's 2017 Protocol Adjustment of $0.251 million to be netted against Wyoming's 2017 Protocol revenue requirement. If the Company does not file a general rate case prior to January 1, 2017, Wyoming's Equalization Adjustment of $1.6 million annually shall be deferred, as a regulatory asset, on a monthly basis, ($133,333 per month), beginning July 1, 2017, until the rate effective date of PacifiCorp's next Wyoming general rate case, at which time (1) the deferred costs and (2) Wyoming's ongoing impact of the 2017 Protocol 5. t7 2017 Protocol I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 19 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Adjushnent shall be included in rates. The deferred cost amortization period will be determined in the first case that the defenal of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustnent is proposed for inolusion in rates. If a Wyoming general rate oase is filed prior to January 1, 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjusturent shall not be deferred and will only be included in base rates ftom the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occurring on or after January L,2017. The Wyoming Parties also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results (Tab 9) as part of its results of operations reports effective January 1,2017. ROCKY MOUNTAIN PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Wo,,o,Bryce Dalley Yice Pre sident, Re gulation IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF Terri Carlock Deputy Adtttinistrator of ldaho Public Util ities Commiss ion Stoff OREGON PIJBLIC UTILMY COMMISSION Jason W. Jones Cotmselfor Oregon Public Utility Comrnission Staff CMIZENIS UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON Bob Jenks Executive Director of Citizens Uttlity Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director of Utah Division of Publie Utilities TJTAH OFFICE OF CONSI,JMER SERVICES I.ruAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Michelle Beck Director of Utah Offrce of Consumer Services GaryDodge Attorrav for Utah Association of Enernt Users 18 2017 Protocol I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 20 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Adjustment shall be inciuded in rates. The deferred cost amodization period will be determined in the first case that the deferral of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. If a Wyoming general rate case is filed prior to January I . 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment shall not be deferred and will only be included in base ratss from the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occuring cn or after January 1, 2017. The Wyoming Panies also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results ffab 9) as part of its results of operations reports effective January l,2Al7. ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP PACIFIC POWER A DIViSION OF PACITICORP Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Brvce Dallev / -z Yice Presidint, aeffion IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF Terri Carlock Deputy Administrator of ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff OREGON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Jason W. Jones Counsetfor Oregon Pubtic Utility Commission Staff CITTZENS UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON Bob Jenks Executive Director af Citizens Utility Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director of Utah Division of Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Miehclle BEck Director of Utah Office of Consumer Services UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Attorney for Utah Association of Enernt Users l8 2017 Protocol I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 21 ot 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Adjustment shall be included in rates. The deferred cost amortization period will be determined in the first case that the deferral of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. lf a Wyoming general rate case is filed priorto January l, 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment shall not be deferred and will only be included in base rates from the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occuning on or after January l,zAn . The Wyoming Parties also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results (Tab 9) as part of its results of operations reports effective January 1,2017 . ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Rogulal ion Bryce Dalley Vice President, Regi.tlat ion IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF Terri Carlock Deputy Adntinislralor of ldaho Public Ut i I i t ie s Comm i ss ion Staff ORECON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Jason W. Jones Counselfor Oregon Public Utility Conunission Stalf CI'TIZENS UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON Bob Jenks Erecutive Directar of Citizens Ulility Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director af Utah Division of Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Michelle Beck Direclor of Utah Oflice of Cansumer Services UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Atlornev for Utah Association of Enerw Users l8 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l Page 22 ot 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Adjustment shall be included in rates. The deferred oost amortization period will be determined in the first case that thE deferral of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. If a Wyoming general rate sase is filed prior to January l, 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment shall not be deferred and will only be included in base rates from the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occurring on or after January 1,2017. The Wyoming P&rties also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results (Tab 9) as part of its results of operations reports effective January 1,2017. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP PACIF}C POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Bryce Dalley Vice President, Regulation IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF ORECON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Teni Carlock Deputy Administrator of ldaho Public Utilities Commission Stalf ffion W. Jones v Caunselfor Oregon Public Utility Commission Staff CITIZENS UTILITY BOARD OF OREGON Bob Jenks Exeeulive Director of Citizens Utility Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director of Utah Division of Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Michelle Beck Direetor of Utah Oflice of Consumer Services UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Attornev for Utah Association of Enerw Users 18 2017 Protocol I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 23 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness : Jefftey K. Larsen Adjustment shall be included in rates. The deferred cost amortization period will be determined in the first case that the deferral of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. [f a Wyoming general rate case is filed prior to January l, 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment shall not be deferred and will only be included in base rates from the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occurring on or after January 1,2017 . The Wyoming Parties also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results (Tab 9) as part of its results of operations reports effective January 1,2017. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP PACTFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACTFICORP Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Bryce Dalley Vice President, Regulation IDAHO PUBLIC UTILTTIES COMMISSION STAFF OREGON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMTSSION Terri Carlock Deputy Administrator of ldaho Public Utililies Commission Staff Jason W. Jones Counselfor Oregon Public Utility Commission snff Executive Director of CitizensrUtility Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISTON OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director of Utah Division of Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Michelle Beck Director of Utah Office of Consumer Services UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Attornev for Utah Association of Enerw Users l8 2017 Protocol I ,| J 4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 24 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Adjustment shall be included in rates. The defered cost amortization pedod will be determined in the first case that the deferal of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposed for inclusion in rates. If a Wyoming gensral rate case is filed prior to January l, 2017, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment shall not be deferred and will only be included in base rates from the rate effective date of a general rate case filing occurring on or after January 1,2017 . The Wyoming Parties also agree that the Company no longer is required to file Revised Protocol results (Tab 9) as pafi of its results of operations reports effective January t,2Al7. 5 6 7 8 l8 ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER A DryISION OF PACtrICORP PACtrIC POVI/ER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Jeffrey K. Larsen Yice P res ident, Resulation Bryce Dalley Vice President, Resulatiorz IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF OREGON PUBLIC UTILI?Y COMMISSION Terri Carlock Deputy Adminisrator of ldaho Public U tilities C ommis sio n Stalf Jason W. Jones Counselfor Oregon Public Utility Commission snff CITIZENS UTILITY BOARD OF ORECON Bob Jenks Executive Director of Citizens Utility Board of Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Director of Utah Division of Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OT CONSTIMER SERVICES Michelle Beck Director of Utah Ollice of Consumer Sentices UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Attornev for Utah Associatiort of Enersy Users 2017 Protocol I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 25 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Adjustment shall be included in rates. The det'erred cost amortization period will be determined in the first case that the deferral of the Wyoming Equalization Adjustment is proposcd for inclusion in ratcs. If a Wyoming gencral ratc case is filcd prior to January l, 20t7, then the Wyoming Equalization Adjushnent shall not be deferred and will only be includcd in basc rates from the rate etlbctive date of a gcncral rate case filing occurring on or afler January l, 2017 . The Wyoming Parties also agree that the Conpany no longer is required to tile Revised Protocol results (Tab 91 as part of its results of operations reports effective January l,2Al7. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP PACIFIC POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Jetliey K. Larsen Vic'e Prcs iden t, Regulotiott Bryce Dalley l'ice P res icle n t. Regul o tiott IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF Terri Carlock Deputy Aclministrqtor o/' Idaho Public Uti I ities Comnissiort Stulf OREGON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Jason W. .lones Counsel.fbr Oregon Public Utility Commission stQ.l.f CITIZENS UTILITY BOARD OF ORECON Bob Jenks E.reartive Director of Citizens Utility Board o.f Oregon UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Chris Parker Director o/' Utuh Div,isiott o./' Public Utilities UTAH OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Director ol' Utah Olfice of' Consunter Service.s UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge Attorney /br Utqh Associrttion o/'Efiersv Users l8 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 26 of64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Vvitness: Jeftey K. Larsen WYOMING OFFICE OT CONSUMER ADVOCATE Seniar Counsel of Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate Ivan Williams WYOMING INDUSTRTAL ENERCY CONSUMERS Robert M. Pomeroy, Esq. Thorvald A. Nelson" Esq. Anoraeys for Wyoming Indas trial Energ; Consumers WYOMING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION STATF Danell Zlomke Commis s ion Administrator for Wyoming Public Serviee Commission t9 2017 Protocol WYOMING OFFICE OF CONSUMER ADVOCATE WYOMTNG INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS Ivan Williams Senior Counsel of Wyoming Affice of Consuner Advocate Robert M. Pomeroy, Esq. Thorvald A. Nelson, Esq. Attorneys for Wyoming Industrial Energt Consumers WYOMING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION STAFF Danell Zlomke C o mmi s s io n Admini s tr ator for Wyoming Public Service Commission Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 27 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-'16 Wtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen t9 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 28 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen WYOMING OFFICE OF CONSUMER ADVOCATE WYOMING INDUSTRIAL ENERCY CONSUMERS Ivan Williams Senior Counsel of lVyoming Ofice of Consumer Advocale Robert M. Pomeroy, Esq. Thorvald A. Nelson, Esq. Anorneys for Wyoming Industrial Energt Consumers 1VYOMING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION STAFF {arreiitztoffi}7 C ommis s i o **drt ni s tr at or fo r l{y o m i n g Public Ssryice Commission *This signature does not represent the position of any Wyoming Public Service Commission Commissioner or any Commission staffnot directly involved with the negotiations leadingto this Settlement Agreement (the *7A17 Protocol"). l9 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 29 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix A Defined Terms Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 30 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix A Defined Terms For purposes of this 2017 Protocol, these terms will have the following meanings: *2010 Protocol" means the PacifiCorp inter-jurisdictional allocation method that was approved by the Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming Commissions in 2012 to apply to all PacifiCorp rate proceedings filed after each commission's approval and before December 31, 2016. *2017 Protocol Adjustment" means the result of netting the 2016 Baseline ECD against the $9.074 million Equalization Adjustment for each State's revenue requirement as specified in Section XIV of the 2017 Protocol. The 2017 Protocol Adjustment is intended to cause PacifiCorp and each of the States participating in the 2017 Protocol to bear a reasonable proportion of the allocation shortfall resulting from differences in the 2010 Protocol inter- jurisdictional allocation procedures utilized by such States. "Administrative and General Costs" means costs included in FERC accounts 920 through 935. "Class 1 DSM Programs" means DSM Programs designed to reduce peak loads. "Coincident Peak" means the hour each month that the combined demand of all PacifiCorp retail customers is greatest. In States using a historic test period Coincident Peak is based upon actual, metered load data adjusted for normalized weather conditions and in States using future test periods Coincident Peak is based upon forecasted norm alized.loads, in both cases adjusted as appropriate for intemrptibility of Special Contracts. "Commission" means a utility regulatory commission in a Jurisdiction. "Commissioner Forum" means an annual public meeting held in January of each year beginning in 2017 to which all seated commissioners from each Jurisdiction will be invited to discuss the 2017 Protocol and other inter-jurisdictional allocation issues. "Company" means PacifiCorp. Appendix A - 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 31 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen "Comparable Resource" means Resources with similar capacity factors, start-up costs, and other output and operating characteristics. ttCustomer Ancillary Service Contracts" means contracts between the Company and a retail customer pursuant to which the Company pays the customer for the right to curtail service so as to lower the costs of operating the Company's system. "Demand-Related" means capital and other Fixed Costs or revenues incurred or received by the Company in order to be prepared to meet the maximum demand imposed upon its system. "Demand-Side Management Programs" or 6'DSM Programs" means programs intended to reduce electricity use through activities or programs that promote electric energy efficiency or conseryation, more efficient management of electric energy loads, or reductions in peak demand. "Embedded Cost Differential" or "ECD" means the sum of (l) PacifiCorp's total production costs of Pre-2005 Resources expressed in dollars per megawatt-hour compared to the Hydro-Electric Resources forecasted production costs expressed in dollars per megawatt-hour multiplied by the Hydro-Electric Resources megawatt-hours of production, and (2) the differential between the Pre-2005 Resources dollars per megawatt-hour compared to Mid- Columbia Contracts forecasted costs in dollars per megawatt-hour multiplied by the Mid- Columbia Contracts megawatt-hours. o ooBaseline ECD" means the amount of the ECD for each State to be used in the determination of the 2017 Protocol Adjustment. For the states of Califomia, and Wyoming, their Baseline ECD amounts are based on the test year data, as filed by the Company in the 2015 Wyoming General Rate Case (Docket 20000-469-ER- 15, Exhibit SRM-2), on March 3, 2015. Idaho's Baseline ECD is its 2010 Protocol Fixed ECD amount. Utah's 2017 Protocol Baseline ECD is zero based on its 2010 Protocol agreement. For Oregon, the Baseline ECD is dynamic with the parameters described in paragraph three of Section XIV. , O9pendix A-2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 32 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen . "Dynamic ECD" means the ECD components are updated to the test period utilized in the filing. "Energy-Related" means costs and revenues, such as fuel costs and transmission costs, or sales revenues that vary with the amount of energy delivered by the Company to its customers during any hour plus any portion of Fixed Costs that have been deemed to have been incurred or received by the Company in order to meet its energy requirements. "Equalization Adjustment" means a fixed dollar adjustment to be applied to each State's revenue requirement as reflected in Section XIV of the 2017 Protocol intended to cause PacifiCorp and each of the States participating in the 2017 Protocol to bear a reasonable proportion of the allocation shortfall resulting from differences in current inter-jurisdictional allocation procedures utilized by such states. (FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Fixed Costs" means costs incurred by the Company that do not vary with the amount of energy delivered by the Company to its customers during any hour. "General Plant" means capital investrnent included in FERC accounts 389 through399. "Hydro-Electric Resources" means Company-owned hydro-electric plants located in Oregon, Washington or California. "Intangible Plant" means capital investment included in FERC accounts 301 through 303. "Jurisdiction" means any one of the six states where the Company provides retail service. "Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factor" means an allocation factor that is calculated using States' monthly energy usage and/or States' contribution to monthly system Coincident Peak. "Mid-Columbia Contracts" means the various power sales agreements between PacifiCorp and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, PacifiCorp and Douglas County Public Utility District, and PacifiCorp and Chelan County Public Utility District, specifically: the . Appendix A-2017 Protocol J Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 33 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Power Sales Contract with Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County dated May 22, 1956; the Power Sales Contract with Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County dated June 22,1959;the Priest Rapids Project Product Sales Contract with Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County dated December 31, 2001; the Additional Products Sales Agreement with Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County dated December 31, 2001; the Priest Rapids Project Reasonable Portion Power Sales Contract with Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County dated December 31, 2001; the Power Sales Contract with Douglas County Public Utility District dated September 18, 1963; the Power Sales Contract with Chelan County Public Utility District dated November 14, 1957 and all successor contracts thereto. "Multi-State Protocol Workgroup" or "MSP Workgroup" means a group consisting of utility regulatory agencies, customers and others potentially affected by inter-jurisdictional allocation procedures who desire to participate in a cooperative workgroup context and who agree to comply with reasonable confidentiality and other procedures adopted by the MSP Workgroup. ttNon-Firm Purchases and Sales" means transactions at wholesale that are not Wholesale Contracts or Short-Term Purchases and Sales. "Oregon Direct Access Customers" means Oregon retail electricity consumers that procure electricity from a supplier other than PacifiCorp under an Oregon Direct Access Program. t'Oregon Direct Access Program" means Oregon laws, regulations and orders that permit PacifiCorp's Oregon retail consumers to purchase electricity directly from a supplier other than PacifiCorp. "Portfolio Standard" means a law or regulation that requires PacifiCorp to acquire: (a) a particular type of Resource, (b) a particular quantity of Resources, (c) Resources in a prescribed manner or (d) Resources located in a particular geographic area. Appendix A - 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 34 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen '6Pre-2005 Resources" means Resources (other than Mid-Columbia Contracts and Hydro-Electric Resources) that were part of the Company's integrated system prior to January l, 2005. "Qualiffing Facility Contracts" means contracts to purchase the output of small power production or cogeneration facilities developed under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and related State laws and regulations. "Resources" means Company-owned and leased generating plants and mines, Wholesale Contracts, Short-Term Firm Purchases and Firm Sales and Non-firm Purchases and Sales. '6System Enerry Factor" or "SE Factor" - refer to Appendix B. "System Generation Factor" or t'SG Factor" - refer to Appendix B. "Short-Term Firm Purchases and Firm Sales" means physical or financial contracts pursuant to which PacifiCorp purchases, sells or exchanges firm power at wholesale and Customer Ancillary Service Contracts that are less than one year in duration. "Special Contract" means a contract entered between PacifiCorp and one of its retail customers with prices, terms, and conditions based on the specific circumstances of that customer. Special Contracts may account for Customer Ancillary Services Contract attributes. "State" means any state that is utilizing the 2017 Protocol for inter-jurisdictional allocation purposes, and is intended to include the states of California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, or Wyoming. "State Resourcest' means Resources whose costs are assigned to a single jurisdiction to accommodate j urisdiction-specifi c policy preferences. ttSystem Resources" means Resources that are not State Resources and whose associated costs and revenues are allocated among all States on a dynamic basis. "Variable Costs" means costs incurred by the Company that vary with the amount of energy delivered by the Company to its customers during any hour. Appendix A - 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 35 of 64 *,i3li,]i#$?l;li;ll "Wholesale Contractst' means physical or financial contracts pursuant to which PacifiCorp purchases, sells or exchanges firm long-term power and/or energy at wholesale or Customer Ancillary Service Contracts as discussed in Appendix D. Appendix A- 2017 Protocol Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 36 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-'|5-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Allocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Allocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requirement Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 37 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen ALLOCATION FACTOR FERC ACCT Salrs to trltimate Customers DESCRIPTION 440 Rsidential Sal6 DiEt a$igned . Jurisdiction Commercial & lndustrial Sal6 Direct assigned - Jurisdiction Public Sfet & Highway Lighting Dircct a$igned - Jurisdiclion Other Sales b Public Authority Direct a$igned - Jurisdic'lion lnterdepartmental Oirect a$igned - Jurisdiction Sal6 for R6ale Dirst asigned - Jurisdictjon Non-Fim Fim Pbvision fff Rate Refund Direct assigned . Jurisdic-tion Othsr Electrlc Operating Revenues 4* Forfeited Disc@nts & lnteBt Di€ct asigned - Jurisdiction Misc Eleclric Revenue Water Sales Direct assigned - Jurisdiclion Other - Commm Common 454 Rent of Eleckic Property Dirst assigned - Jurisdiction Common Other - Commm Otrler Eleciric Revenue Direct assigned - Jurisdiction Wheeling Non-fm, Other Common Vvheling - Fim, Other Customer Related lriscellanaous Revenues 41'160 Gain on Sale of Utiliv Plani - CR Direct a$igned. Jurisdictjon Prcduclion, Trensmisim General Office S SE SG S SG SO SG SO SG SE SO SG CN S SG 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 38 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement 4118 41181 421 DESCRIPTION L6 on Sale of Utillty Plant Direqt a$igned - Jurisdiclion Prcduclion, Transmission Genoral Office Gain frm Emlssim Allwen6 SO2 Emi$io All@an@sal6 Gain frm Disp6itjon of NOX Credits NOX Emission Allwane sles (Gain)/ Lcs on Sale of UIlliy Plant OirEt Bsigned - Judsdiciiff Produclim, TEnsi$im Gereral Otfi@ Customs Related FERC ACCT 41170 ALLOCATION FACTOR S SG so SE SE s SG SO CN CN S SG SE SG SG SG SG SE S SG SE Miscellaneoua Expenss 4311 lnterest on Cusiorer Deposits Customs Swice Deposlts Olrccl 8$igned - Jurisdiclim Steam Power GamEtlm 500,5O2,504-514 OpffitionSupeMsion&Enginsing Remalning St€m Plants Fuel Related Rmaining st€m planb Stem FEm Olher SoutG Nuclca. Power Ggnaratlon SEem Royalt 6 Nuclear Plants Pacific Hydrc East HydD 517 - 532 Nuclear PMer O&M Othsr Powrr Grno6tlon 546, 54&554 OpeElion Super & Engin*ring Olher Productiff Plant il7 Olher Fuel Expens Direct asigned - Junsdicti$ Fim Noftfim Hydraullc Pomr Gcn.tltlo 535-545 HydrcO&M Oth€r Pow.r Supply 555 Purchased P0s 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 39 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Vvitness: Jefirev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requirement FERC AEEI CUSTOilER ACCOU[fit EXPEI{SE 901 . 905 CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPENSE DESCRIPTION System Cmtd & L@d Dispatdr Other Expqs6 Oths Expsss DiEt a$igned - Jurisdiclion Ofls Expqs6 Cholla Tcnsaclion DiEt a$igned - Jurisdic,tim Other Distributim ALLOCATION FACTOR SG S SG SGCT 557 TRANSI/lISSION EXPENSE 560,564,566-573 TransmisionO&M T€nsmission Plant 565 Transmission of Electricity by Othe6 Fim Wh@lirE Non-Fim Wheling DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE 580. 598 Disbibutis O&M Customer A@nts O&M Dirt a$igned - Jurisdictm Total Sysitm Custffi Rolated SG SE s SNPD S CN S CN S CN S CN SO SG SG SG 907. 910 SALES EXPENSE 911.916 Customs Swice O&M Sal6 Expense O&M Dir*t asigned - Jurisdic,tion Total System Custffi Related Di@t a$igned - Jurisdiction Total System Custoffi R€lated ADIIIINISTRATIVE & GEN EXPENSE 920.935 Administmtiw& General Expense Direcl assigned - Jurjsdictlon Cusiomer Related General FERC Regulatory Expense DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 403SP Sbam OepHiation Stem Plants 4O3NP Nuclar DepEiali@ Nucl@r Plaot 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 40 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jefkev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requirement - FERC ACCT 4030P 4O3GP AMORTIZATION EXPENSE DESCRIPTION Hydo DepEiaiio Pacific Hydm Easl HydE Othtr Produciion Depriado Oths Producliff Plant Transmi$ion Oepreiatim TBnsmission Plant Disbibutim DepHialion Dir@t assigned - Jurisdiclion Land & Land Rights Strlcttres Ststion Equipment Storage Batsery Equipment Poles & TweE OH Conducto6 UG Coduit UG Cmductor Line TEns Servi@s MeteB lnst Cust Pm L€sd Propery Street Lighting GseEl DepGiatim Disbibutim Mining Oepreclation RilainirE Steam Plants Mining Pacmc Hydrc East Hydro TEnsmisiff Custmtr Relat€d GenmlSO Remaining Mining Plant Amort of LT Plant - Capital L€s Gen Diret assigned - Jurisdiction General Cuslomer Relatsd Amort of LT Plant - Cap La* Stem Steam Productm Plant Amrt o( LT Plant- lntangible Plant Distributio Prcductim, Transi$im Gaffil Mining Plant Customs Related ALLOCATION FACTOR SG SG SG SG s s s S S S S S S s S s s SG SE SG SG SG CN SO S SO CN SG s SG SO SE CN 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 41 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Allocation Factor Apptied to each component of Revenue n"quirertll?"ss:Jeffrev K' Larsen 407 FERC ACCT Taxes Other Then lncom DEFERRED ITC 41140 41141 lnterost Expense 427 428 429 431 432 DESCRIPTION Amorl of LT Plant - Mining Plant Mining Ptant Amortiation of Other Electric Plant Pacmc Hydrc East Hydrc Amorliation of Oher Electric Plent Dicct asigned - Jurisdiclion Amoilation of Plant Acquisitjon Adj Direct a$igned - Jurisdiction Produc'tion Ptant Amort of Pop Lo$es. Unrec Plant. eic Di@t a$igned - Jurisdiction Productim, Transi$iff Trcjan Til6 Other Than ln@me Direcl assigned - Jurisdic-tion Prcperty System Tax6 Misc Ene€y Misc Prcductio Defered lnElrrent Til Credit - Fed ITC DefenEd lnB!rent Tax Credit - ldeho tTc lnteEt m Long-Tem Debt Direct asigned - Jurisdictis lnteEt Expense Amortlatiq of Debt Dis & Exp lnlerGt Expense Amortiatim of Premium on Oebt tnteBt Expens O$er lnterst Expense lnters* Expen$ AFUDC . BorNed AFUDC ALLOCATION FACTOR SE SG SG SG TROJP s GPS SO SE SG DGU DGU SNP SNP SNP SNP SNP 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 42 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jefrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requlrement ' lnts€st & Dividonds 4r010 DeferEd ln@m Ta - Fcdml-DR DtuEl asigned - Jurisdlctff Elsctic Plant in SwiB Pacjfic Hydrc Produdiff, TElMissio C6bmer R6lat6d Gsml Prcperty Tu Blaiod Miscellan@s Trcjan Oistibuton Mlnirlg Plant' Bad Debt Tu DepEjetiff 41011 DefffedlnmTd-StaFDR DiEt sslgnrd - JurisdEtim Electic PLnt in Ss/ice Pao'fic Hydm Produdim. TEcmisskr C6bms Rddcd Gffil Propsttr Til rdetrd MbcllarEous TRian Distibutio Mining Pbnt Bad D€bt Ta OepHiatir o.t€red lnm Td - FederaFCR FERC ACSI lntarlrt & Dlvldrnds 419 lntq6t & DMdends DEFERRED INCOTE TAXES DESCRIPTION DiBct Nigned - Judsdlc{ff El*tic Plent in Sflic€ Padfic Hydrc Prcduction, TEnsmislon Customd R€latad Gqeml Prcpefly Til clsted Mascdlarcus Tmjan Disfibulim Mining Plant Cffiributions in eid ol ffstucfon Productim, Otiq Book D€pHlatiff ALLOCATION FACTOR SNP S DITEXP SG SG CN SO GPS SNP TROJO SNPD SE BADDEBT TAXDEPR s DITEXP SG SG CN SO GPS SNP TROJD SNPD SE BADDEBT TAXDEPR s OITEXP CN so GPS SNP TROJD SNPO SE ctAc SGCT SCHMDEXP 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 43 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAltocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT 41111 DESCRIPTION DtullmTd-StateCR DirEt a$igned - Jurisdiction Eledric Plant in Swie Pacific Hydrc Producli@, TBnsisiff Gustoms Rshted GeneEl Prcperty Ta related Miscdlanfls Tojan Disbibution Mining Plant Cstributims in aid of onsfuc{on Prcduction, Other Book Depreiation 9CHEDULE - M ADDITIONS SCHMAF Additions - Flw Th@gh Direct a$igned - Jurisdiclion SCHMIP Additffs - Pffinst Oir6t asigned - Jurisdictm Mining rdated GileEl Produclion / TEnsmi$itr DepEiati0 Additids - Tmporary Okst asigned - Jurisdictiff Cmbibuliqs in aid of trstruclim Miscdlanfls TDjan Pacific Hydrc Mining Plant Prcduclis, T€rsmisis Properly Tax Gensal DepBiation Distibutiq Produc{ion, Olher SCHMAT SCHEDULE. M DEDUCNONS SCHMDF Oeduclions - Fl@ Thrugh Oiret asigned - Jurisdiclis Prcduciion, TEnsmisim Pacific HydD Deducliqs - PmanentSCHMDP DirEl asigned - Jurisdiciis Mining Rdaied Misllatl@s Gaeral ALLOCATION FACTOR S DITEXP SG SG CN SO GPS SNP TROJD SNPO SE crAc SGCT SCHMDEXP s S SE SO SG SCHMDEXP S crAc SNP TROJD SG SE SG GPS so SCHMDEXP SNPD SGCT S SG SG s SE SNP SO 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page ,14 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-1S16 \Mtness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue Requirement FERC aeel SCHMDT Slato lncoma Taros 40911 4091'l 40910 40910 SLlm Producilon Plilt 310 - 316 Nucldr Productlon Phnt 32S,325 HydEullc Plrnt 33G336 Othor Producllon Plant 340.346 TRANSMISSION PLANT 350-359 DISTRIBUTION PLAIIT 36G,373 ALLOCATION FACTOR S BADOEBT SNP SG SE SG GPS so TAXDEPR SNPD CN CALCULATED SG s SG SE SO DESCRIPTION Deduclitrs - Tffiporary Dirsl a$igned - Ju.isdictitr Bad Debt Mis@llantr Pacific Hydrc Mining rdated Prcduction, TEnsmisim Prcperty Tq General DepEiation Distrlbution Custmer Related State ln@me Taxes ln@me Before Tus Renilable Eneey Til Credit FtT Trueup Rsilable Energy Tax CrEdit PMI Freign Tq CEdit Steam Plants Nucjsr Plant Pacific Hydrc East Hydrc Other Production Plant Other Prcduction Plant Transmi$io Plant Dir6l asilned - Jutisdiction 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l Page 45 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeftev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT GENERAI- PLANT 389 - 398 DESCRIPTION Disbibutio Pacific Hydrc East Hydro Prcductio / TEnsmisio Customs Related Gtrsl Mining Remaining Mining Plant ALLOCATION FACTOR s SG SG SG CN so SE SE SE so SG s s SG s SG SG SG CN so SE s S SG SE S SG S SG 3991 101 1390 Cml Mine WIDCO CapitalL€se WDCO Capital Lease GensEl Capital Leas6 Direct asigned - Jurisdictim Genffil Gensalion / TEnsision OEanizatim Dir€l asigned - Jurisdicliff F6nchi* & Cmst Direcl a$igned - Jurisdictiff Productio, TEnsisio Miscdlan@us lntangible Plant Dishibutid Pacific HydD E6t Hydro Prcductio / Tasmi$im Customer Relaled Genffil Mining Ls Ns-Lnility Plant Direc1 a$igned - Jurisdiction INTANGIBLE PLANT 30r 302 303 303 Rat3 Brso Addttlons 105 Plant Held For FutuG Use Dirst asigned - Jurisdiction Prcduclion, TEnsmislon Mining Plant Eleciic Plant Acquisition Adjustmfl b Oirect a$ign€d - Jurisdiclio Production Plant Aeum P@idm ftr Aset Acquisilim Adiuslmen6 Direct a$igned - Jurisdiclim Produc'tid Plani 1',t4 2017 Protocol - Appendix B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 46 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT DESCRIPTION ALLOCATION FACTOR SE so SO S SE SE SE SE SE s SG SG SO SNPD SG SO SG S GPS SG SE SO 25318 Nuclear Fuel DiHt asigned - Junsdicton Gfferal General Direct asigned - Jurisdicton Dlcct aslgncd - Jurisdic{ion Fucl Sbck Steam Produclim Plant Fu€l Sbck - Undistibuted St*m Pmduc0on Plant DGST Working Capllal Dcposlt Mining Plent DG&T Working Capital Deposit Mining Plant Prcrc Wo*irE Capital Dep6it Mining Plant Mat$ials and Suppli6 Direct asigned - Jurisdictim Producllon, TEnsmlslon Mining Prcduclion - Common Geneml DistribuUff Prcducti0, Oihs Sbc Expen* Undislributcd Genffil Prcvo Worldr€ Capital Oaposit Prcvo Working Cspltal Oep6il Prepayments Dicct a$ign6d - Jurlsdiclion PDperty Tax Produciim, Tranillsim Mining Gmral Nuclear Fuel WEtherizatim Pssios Weatheriatim Wstheriation 128 182W 'r86W '151 '152 25316 25317 25319 114 2017 Protocol - Appendix B 10 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 47 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Allocation Factor Applied to each Gomponent of Revenue n"qrir"rYlll"ss:Jeffrev K' Larsen FERC ACCT Worklng Crpltal cwc owc 131 135 14'l 't43 232 253 25330 230 254105 ALLOCATION FACTOR S SG SE SO SGCT S SG SO SE SG Cash Working Capiial Mlscoll8noous Rato Bas 18221 Unrcc Plant & Reg Study Cosb Diret a$igned - Jurisdictim DESCRIPTION Misc Regulatory As*ts DiEl asigned - Jurisdiclim Produclis. Transmision Mining Gmffil Produclio, Other Misc Defered Oebits DiEt asigned - Jurisdiction Producliq. Tranmission GaeEl Mining Produclion - Cmmon Di@t a$igned - Jurisdiction Other Working CapitEl Cash Working Funds Nots RtreiEble Other A@unts Redveble A€ounb Payable A@ounb Payable A@unB Payable Defered Hedge Oher Defered Credits - Mi$ Oher Oefered Credits - Mlsc ARO Reg Liability Nucl@r Plant - TDjan Not6 Rseivable TDjan Plant Trcjan Plant Employre L@ns - Hunter Plant Prcv lu P.op€rg lnsuEn@ Pov icr lnjuriE & Damag6 SNP SG SO SO SO SE SG SE SE SE SE TROJP TROJD SG Rrtc Brs Doductlons 235 Customer Servi€ Depcits DiECI asbned - Jurisdicliq 2281 2282 S SO SO 2017 Protocol - Appendix B 11 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 48 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT ALLOCATION FACTOR SO SE SG TROJD TROJP TROJD TROJP TROJD SG CN SE s SG so SE s SE SO s BADDEBT SG CN SO SNP TROJD SNPD SE SG S DITBAL SG SG CN so SNP TROJP TAXDEPR SCHMDEXP GPS crAc SE 22U2 282 DESCRIPTION Pov Sor Pereions ard Bflefits A6um Misc Ops PtrBlack Lung Mining Othq Prcductiil A@m Misc Ops PrcrTrcian TDjan Plant FAS 143 ARO Regulatory Liability Tmjan Plant Trcjan Plant Asset R€tirement Obligation TEjan Plant Tpjan Plant Customer Advancs ,q Cmsbuction Direct asiqned. Jurisdiclion Production, Transmisid Cusbmer Related S02 Emistore OOls Oefered Credib DiEt asigned - Jurisdiclion Productim, TEnsisiq Genqal MinirE Regulatory Liabiliti6 Regulatory Liabiliti6 Regulatory Liabilitis lnsuEn@ Prcvision Aeumulated Defered ln@me Ta6 Oirecl a$igned - Jurisdiction Bad Debt Pacilic Hydrc Production, Transmi$ion Customer Related General Miscellansus Trcjan Disbibution Mining Plant A@umulated Defred lnme Ta6 Production, TEnslsim A@mulated Deffled lnme TdB Direcl asigned - Ju.isdiclion DepHiatifi Hydro Pacific Producliff, TBnsisim Customer Related Gsml Misellan@us Trcjan DepEiaiion Depr@iation S)6tem GrGs Plant Contribution in Aid of CoEtruc{on Mining 252 2017 Protocol - Appendix B 12 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 49 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT ALLOCATION FACTOR S DITBAL SG SG CN SO SNP TROJD SGCT GPS SE tTc84 rTc85 rTc86 rTc88 rrc89 rrc90 SG SG SG SG SG SG S S S S DESCRIPTION A@umulated Defened lnme Tas DirEl signed - Judsdicto . DepEia[m l-tydro Pacific Production, TEnmisio Customer Related G6eEl Misellanms Trcjan Prcduction, Other Poperty Tax Mining Plant Accumulat€d lnvstrnent Tax Ccdit Dircct a$igned - Jurisdlction lnvstrnent Tax Credits lnvstrnent Ta Credits lnvGknent Ta Credib lnvEtnent Tax Credits lnvGtrnent Tax Credits lnvGlment Til Ccdits Inv6knst Tu Credlb PRODUCNON PLANT ACCUT OEPRECIATION 108SP Steam Prod Plart A@mulated Depr Steam Plants 1080P Nuclar Prod Plant A@mulated Depr Nuclear Plant HydEulic Prod Plant A@um Dept Pacific Hydrc East Hydrc Other Prcduc1io Plant - Accum Depr Ouler Production PIant TRANS PLANT ACCUM DEPR '108TP Transmission Plant Acemulated Depr Tmnsmission Plant DISTRIBUTION PLANT ACGUM DEPR Distribution Plant A@umulated Depr OirEt asigned - Jurisdiction Uncla$ified Dist Plant - A@t 300 Dirsl a$igned - Jurisdiclion Uncla$ified Dist Sub Plant - A@t 300 Dir6l asilned - Jurisdictio LJnclasified Dist Sub Plant - Ac1 300 DiEt asbned - Jurisdictim 108360 - 108373 108D00 108DS 108DP 2017 Protocol - Appendix B 13 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 50 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrev K. LarsenAllocation Factor Applied to each Component of Revenue Requirement FERC ACCT GENEML PLANTACCUil DEPR IOSMP t08 t399 ACCUM PROVISION FOR AMORTIZATION OESCRIPTION Gsml Plant A@umulated Oepr Oisfibutim Pacific Hydrc East Hydrc Produclion / TEnsmisio Customs Rehed GeneEl SO Mining Plant Mining Plant A@mulated Depr- Mlnlng Plant Ls Cstalia Sftus Depmlatjm Di@t asigned - Judsdictq AEUm Oepr - Capital Lase Goneral A@um Depr - Capital Ls8s€ Direct asslgned - Jurisdictid ALLOCATION FACTOR S SG SG SG CN SO SE SE s so S SG S SG SG SG CN SO SG SG S SG SG so SE CN S SE ,I11SP 111GP ,I,I1HP 1 1'l tP 111tP 1 1 1399 A6um Prov for Amort"Steam Stem Plants A@um Prov for Amorl-GmsEl Disbibution Padfic Hydrc East Hydro Prcduclion / TEnsmissim Cusboer Rdated Geneml SO A@um Po fur Amort-Hydrc Pacific Hydo East Hydro A6um Prov ior Amorl-lntangible Plant Disdbrrtim Pacmc Hydrc Productim, TralMi$im Gsml Mining Customs Related L6s Non-Utility Plant Direct signed - Jurisdicto A@um Prov tor Amort-Mining Mining Plant 2017 Protocol - Appendix B 14 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Allocation Factors Algebraic Derivations Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 51 of &l Case No. PAGE-I5-16 lAlrtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 52 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Allocation Factors PacifiCorp serves eight jurisdictions. Jurisdictions are represented by the index i = Califomia, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Eastern Wyoming, Western Wyoming, & FERC. The following assumptions are made in the factor derivations: It is assumed that the 12CP 0:l to l2) method is used in defining the System Capacity ("SC") It is assumed that twelve months 0:l to l2) method is used in defining the System Energy C'SE). In defining the System Generation ("SG") factor, the weighting of75 percent Systern Capacity, 25 percent System Energy is assumed to continue. While it is agreed that the peak loads & input energy should be temperature adjusted, no decision has been made upon the methodology to do these adjustrnents. Svstem Capacitv Factor ((SC") t2 \r.traSCr=--f1-- \lrar,t,=l /=l where: SCi = System Capacity Factor forjurisdiction i. TAP1 = Temperature Adjusted Peak Load ofjurisdiction i in month j at the time of the System Peak. 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 53 of 6,1 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen System Energy Factor ("SE") t2 lrtz,1 .lzr = l--ii- ZZIAEtii=1 j=l where: SEi TAEii = Svstem Generation Factor ("SG") SGi =.75 * .lC+.25'* SE where: SGi SCr SEi System Energy Factor forjurisdiction i. Temperature Adjusted Input Energy ofjurisdiction i in month j. System Generation Factor forjurisdiction i. System Capacity for jurisdiction i. System Energy forjurisdiction i. Division Generation - Pacific Factor (*DGP') p6p,= .!.4- I'o; where: DGP:: Division Generation - Pacific Factor forjurisdiction i. SG, = 56, ili is a Pacific jurisdiction, otherwise .sG,: = 0. SG; : Systern Generation for jurisdiction i. 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 54 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-I5-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Division Generation - Utah Factor ("DGU") DG(ti=JE- Iro; where: DGUi: Division Generation - Utah Factor forjurisdiction i. SGi = 56,;11 is a Utah jurisdiction, otherwise SC,: = 0. SG; = Systern Generation forjurisdiction i. Svstem Net Plant - Distribution Factor ("SNPD") PDi- ADPDTsNPDr = eD- ADID) where: SNPDi PDi ADPDi PD ADPD System Net Plant - Distribution Factor forjurisdiction i. Distribution Plant - forjurisdiction i. Accumulated Depreciation Distribution Plant - for jurisdiction i. Distribution Plant. Accumulated Depreciation Distribution Plant. 2017 P-otocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l Page 55 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-'16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Svstem Gross Plant - Svstem Factor ("GPS") GP,S, = PPi+ PTi+ PDi+ PGi+ PIi lef'+ PTi+ PDi+ PGi+ PIi) GP-S, = Gross Plant - System Factor for jurisdiction i.PPi = Production Plant forjurisdiction i.PTi : Transmission Plant for jurisdiction i.PDi = Distribution Plant for jurisdiction i.PGi = General Plant for jurisdiction i.PIi = Intangible Plant forjurisdiction i. Svstem Net Plant Factor ("SNP") crrD _ PPi+ PTi+ PDi+ PG+ PIi- ADPI- ADPTi- ADPDT- ADPGi- ADPLottr r - l(PPt+ PTt+ PDi+ PGi+ PIi- ADPPi- ADPTT- ADPDT- ADPG- ADPI) SNPi = System Net Plant Factor forjurisdiction i.PPi = Production Plant forjurisdiction i.PTi = Transmission Plant for jurisdiction i.PDi : Distribution Plant for jurisdiction i.PGi : General Plant for jurisdiction i.PIi : Intangrble Plant forjurisdiction i.ADPPi: AccumulatedDepreciationProductionPlantforjurisdictioni.ADPTi= Accumulated Depreciation Transmission Plantforjurisdiction i.ADPDi= AccumulatedDepreciationDistributionPlantforjurisdictioni.ADPGi= Accumulated Depreciation General Plant forjurisdiction i. ADPIi = Accumulated Depreciation Intangible Plant forjurisdiction i. 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 56 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Svstem Overhead - Gross Factor ("SO") SOGi=PPi+ PTi+ PDi+ PGi+ PIi- PPoi- PT,i- PDoi- PGoi- PIoi i=t l{ee'* PTt+ PDi+ PGi+ PPi- PPoi- PIoi- PDoi- PG,i- PIoi) SOG: : System Overhead - Gross Factor forjurisdiction i.PPi : Gross Production Plant for jurisdiction i.PTi : Gross Transmission Plant for jurisdiction i.PDr : Gross Distribution Plant for jurisdiction i.PGi : Gross General Plant for jurisdiction i.PIi : Gross Intangible Plant forjurisdiction i. PPoi : Gross Production Plant forjurisdiction i allocated on a SO factor. PToi : Gross Transmission Plant for jurisdiction i allocated on a SO factor PDa : Gross Distribution Plant for jurisdiction i allocated on a SO factor PGoi = Gross General Plant for jurisdiction i allocated on a SO factorPIoi = Gross Intangible Plant forjurisdiction i allocated on a SO factor Income Before Taxes Factor ("IBT") rDr _ TIBTT lDIt-- lrnr, IBTi = Income before Taxes Factor forjurisdiction i. TIBTi = Total Income before Taxes for jurisdiction i. 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 57 of 6,f Case No. PAGE-1+16 lMrtness: Jefrey K. Larsen Bad Debt Exoense Factor ((BADDEBT") s12,2,sp7,=;f9!n4' l.nccrou, BADDEBT: = Bad Debt Expense Factor forjurisdiction i. ACCT904| = Balance in Account 904 forjurisdiction i. Customer Number Factor ("CN") -^r. _ cusTtulvt-- lcusr, where:CNi : Customer Number Factor forjurisdiction i. CUSTi = Total Electric Customers forjrnisdiction i. Contributions in Aid of Construction ("CIAC") gvg,=SacM'-- lcr.tcue, where: cuct cucNAt ,Or7 P.,o*1- appendix C Contributions in Aid of Construction Factor forjurisdiction i. Contributions in Aid of Construction - Net additions for jurisdiction i. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 58 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jefftey K. Larsen Schedule M - Deductions (*SCHMD") crutt^. - DEPRCiott rlvtut - ;=g lonenc, i=1 where:SCHMDi = Schedule M - Deductions (SCHMD) Factor forjurisdiction i. DEPRC: = Depreciation in Accounts 403.1 - 403.9 for jurisdiction i. Troian Plant ("TROJP") TRoJPi - -!ccrl8222t ltccnvzz, where:TROJPi = Trojan Plant (TROJP) Factor for jurisdiction i. ACCT|8222 i : Allocated Adjusted Balance in Account 182.22 for Frisdiction i. Troian Decommissionine ("TROJD') TRoJDt = .!CCT22842t \tccrzzt+2, where:TROJDi : Trojan Decommissioning (TROJD) Factor for jurisdiction i. ACCT22842 i : Allocated Adjusted Balance in Account 228.42 for jtisdiction i. 2017 Protocol - Appendix C Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 59 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Wtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Tax Depreciation (TAXDEPR) Factor forjurisdiction i. Tax Depreciation allocated tojurisdiction i. (Tax Depreciation is allocated based on functional pre merger and post merger splits of plant using Divisional and Systemallocationsfromabove. Eachjurisdiction'stotalallocatedportionofTaxdepreciationisdeterminedbyits total allocated ratio of these functional pre and post merger splits to the total Company Tax Depreciation.) Tax Depreciation ("TAXDEPR") TAXDEPR.= ,=!:*o"*' lrexonrru, where: TAXDEPRi TAXDEPMi Deferred Tax Expense ("DITEXP") DITEXPT= ,,?'"on' lorrnxe.t, where: DITEXPi DITEXPAi 2017 Protocol - Appendix C : Deferred Tax Expense (DITEXP) Factor forjurisdiction i.: Deferred Tax Expense allocated tojurisdiction i. (Defened Tax Expense is allocated by a run of PowerTax based upon the above factors. PowerTax is a computer software package used to track Deferred Tax Expense & Deferred Tax Balances. PowerTax allocates Defened Tax Expense and Deferred Tax Balances to the states based upon a computer run which uses as inputs the preceding factors. If the preceding factors change, the factors generated by PowerTax change.) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l Page 60 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-1t16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen Deferred Tax Balance ("DITBAL") DrrBALt= ,?IrBAr't, lorra,tu, where: DITBALi : Deferred Tax Balance (DITBAL) Factor for jurisdiction i. DITBALAi = Deferred Tax Balance allocated to jurisdiction i. (Deferred Tax Balance is allocated by a run of PowerTax based upon the above factors. PowerTax is a computer software package used to track Deferred Tax Expense & Deferred Tax Balances. PowerTax allocates Deferred Tax Expense and Deferred Tax Balances to the states based upon a computer run which uses as inputs the preceding factors. If the preceding factors change, the factors generated by PowerTax change.) 2017 Protocol - Appendix C l0 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 61 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-I5-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocot - Appendix t) Special Contracts Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 62 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix D Special Contracts Special Contracts without Ancillary Service Contract Attributes For allocation purposes Special Contracts without identifiable Ancillary Service Contract attributes are viewed as one transaction. Loads of Special Contract customers will be included in all Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. When intemrptions of a Special Contract customer's service occur, the reduction in load will be reflected in the host jurisdiction's Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. Actual revenues received from Special Contract customer will be assigned to the State where the Special Contract customer is located. See example in Table I Special Contracts with Ancillary Service Contract Attributes For allocation purposes Special Contracts with Ancillary Service Contract attributes are viewed as two transactions. PacifiCorp sells the customer electricity at the retail service rate and then buys the electricity back during the intem.rption period at the Ancillary Service Contract rate. Loads of Special Contract customers will be included in all Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors. When intemrptions of a Special Contract customer's service occur, the host jurisdiction's Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors and the retail service revenue are calculated as though the intemrption did not occur. Revenues received from Special Conffact customer, before any discounts for Customer Ancillary Service attributes of the Special Contract will be assigned to the State where the Special Contract customer is located. Discounts from tariffprices provided for in Special Contracts that recognize the Customer Ancillary Service Contract attributes of the Contract, and payments to retail customers for Customer Ancillary Services will be allocated among States on the same basis as System Resources. See example in Table 2 Buy-through of Economic Curtailment When a buy-through option is provided with economic curtailment, the load, costs and revenue associated with a customer buying through economic curtailment will be excluded from the calculation of State revenue requirements. The cost associated with the buy{hrough will be removed from the calculation of net power costs, the Special Contract customer load associated with the buy-through will be not be included in the calculation of Load-Based Dynamic Allocation Factors, and the revenue associated with the buy- through will not be included in State revenues. 2017 Protocol - Appendix D Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 'l Page 63 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 Witness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix D - Table 1 I nterrupti ble Contract Without Anci I lary Service Gontract Attri butes Effect on Revenue Requirement Factor Total svstem Jurisdiction 1l Eegc 2 Jurisdictional Loads - No lntenuptible Service 3 Jurisdictional Sum of 12 monthly CP demand (MW) 4 Jurisdictional Annual Energy (MWh) 5 6 Jurisdictional Loads - With lnteruptible Seruice - Reflecting Actual lnterruptions 7 Jurisdictional Sum of 12 monthly CP demand (MW) 8 Jurisdictional Annual Energy (MWh)I 10 Special Contracl Customer Revenue and Load - Non lnterruptible Seruice 11 Special Contract Customer Revenue 12 Special Contract Customer Sum of l2 CPs (MW) (lncluded in line 2) 13 Special Contract Annual Energy (MWh) (lncluded in line 3) 't4 1 5 Special Contract Customer Revenue and Load - Wilh lntenuptible Service (75 MW X 500 Hours of lntenuption) 72,000 42,000,000 71,700 41,962,500 $ 20,000,000 900 500.000 $ 16,000,000 $ 16,000,000 600 462,500 M,000.000 24,000 14,000,000 24,000 14,000,000 Jurisdiction 2 36,000 21,000,000 35,700 20,962,500 20,000,000 900 500,000 16,000,000 16.000,000 600 462,500 50.00o/o 50.00% 50.00% 49.9670 49.790/o 49.83o/o 250,000,000 500,000,000 750,000,000 20,000,000 730,000,000 248,777,480 496,912,134 745,689,614 16,000,000 729,689,614 Jurisdiction 3 12,000 7,000,000 12,000 7,000,000 16.670/o 16.67o/o 16.67yo '16.680/o 16.740/o 16.72o/o 83,333,333 166,666,667 250,000,000 250,000,000 83,074,173 167,029,289 250,103,462 250,103,462 16 Special Contract Customer Revenue '17 Discount for Ancillary Services 18 Net Cost to Special Contracl Customer 19 Special Contract Sum of 12 CP- Reffecting Aclual lnterruptions (MW) (lncluded in line 7) 20 Special Contract Annual Energy- Reflec{ing Actual lntenuptions (MWh) (lncluded in line 8) 21 $ $ 22 System Cost Savings from lnterruption 23 24 Allocation Factors 25 No lnlerruptible Service 26 SE faclor (Calculated from line 4) 27 SC factor (Calculated from line 3) 28 SG factor (line 27'75o/o + line 26'25Yo) 29 30 With lnterruptible Service (Reffecting Actual Physical lnterruptions) 31 SE factor (Calculated fom line 8) 32 SC faaor (Calculated from line 7) 33 SG factor (line 32"75% + line 31-250/,) 34 35 36 37 38 Cost of Seruice 39 Energy Cost 40 Oemand Related Costs 41 Sum of Cost 42 43 Rgvenues 44 Special Contract Revenuo 45 Revenues from all other customers 46 47 48 49 50 Cost of Seruice 51 Energy Cosi 52 Oemand Related Costs 53 Sum of Cost 54 55 Revenues 56 Special Contract Revenue 57 Revenues from all other customers sE2 100.000/oSC2 100.00o/osG2 100.00% No lnterruptible Service 500,000,000 $ 166,666,667 1,000,000,000 $ 333,333,333 1.500.000.000 s 500.000.000 $ 20,000,000 $$ 1,480,000,000 $ 500,000,000 $ With lnterruptible Service sE2 $ 498,000,000$ 166,148,347sG2 $ 998,000,000$ 334,0s8,577$ 1,496,000,000 $ 500,206,924 Situs $ 16,000,000 Situs $ 1.480,000,000 3 500.206.924 SE1 sc1 SG1 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 33.33olo 33.33% 33.33v" 33.367o 33.470k 33.450/0 $ $ s a a $ SEl $SGl $ $ Situs Situs $ $ $ $ a $ $ $ Appendix D Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 1 Page 64 of 64 Case No. PAC-E-15-16 \Mtness: Jeffrey K. Larsen 2017 Protocol - Appendix D - Table 2 lnterruptible Contract With Ancillary Service Contract Attributes Effect on Revenue Requirement Factor Total svstem Jurisdiction l 1 5 Special Contract Customer Revenue and Load - With lnteruptible Service (75 MW X 500 Hours of lntenuption) 1 Loads 2 Jurisdictional Loads - No lnteruptible Service 3 Jurisdictional Sum of 12 monthly CP demand (MW) 4 Jurisdictional Annual Energy (MWh) 5 6 Jurisdiclional Loads - With lntenuptible Service - Reflecting Actual lnteruptions 7 Jurisdictional Sum of 12 monthly CP demand (MW) 8 Jurisdictional Annual Energy (MWh)I 10 Special Contract Customer Revenue and Load - Non lnterruptible Service 11 Special Contract Customer Revenue 12 Special Contract Customer Sum of 12 CPs (MW) (lncluded in line 2) 13 Special Contract Annual Energy (MWh) (lncluded in line 3) 't4 16 Tariff Equivalent Revenue '17 Ancillary Service Discount for 75 MW X 500 Hours of Economic Curtailment 18 Net Cost to Special Contract Customer 19 Special Contracl Sum of 12 CP- Refecting Actual Interruptions (MW) (lncluded in line 7) 20 Special Contract Annual Energy- Reflec{ing Actual lntenuptions (MWh) (lncluded in line 8) 2'l 22 System Cost Savings from lnterruption 23 24 Allocation Factors 25 No lnterruptible Seruice 26 SE factor (Calculated from line 4) 27 SC faclor (Calculated from line 3) 28 SG factor (line 27*75o/o + line 26"250/o\ ?9 30 With lnterruptible Seruice (Reflecting Actual Physical lnterruptions) 31 SE faclor (Calculated from line 8) 32 SC factor (Calculated trom line 7) 33 SG factor (line 32'75ok + line 31'25o/o) 34 35 36 3738@!sc 39 Energy Cost 40 Demand Related Costs 41 Sum ofCost 42 43 Revenues 44 Special Contracl Revenue 45 Revenues from all other customers sE1 $ 500,000,000$ 166,666.667scl S 1,000,000,000s 333,333,333$ 1,s00,000,000 $ 500,000,000 Situs $ 20,000,000 Situs $ 1,,40,000,000 $ 500,000,000 sEl I 498,000,000$ 166,000,000sG1 $ 998,000,000$ 332,666,667scl $ 2,000,000$ 666,667sE1 $ 2,000,000$ 666,667$ 1,s00,000,000 $ 500,000,000 Situs $ 20,000,000Situs $ 1,la0,000,000$ 500,000,000 71,700 41,962,500 $ 20,000,000 900 500,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 16.000.000 600 462,500 $4,000,000 ?4,000 14.000.000 33.33% 33.33% 33.33"/o 33.36% 33.470/0 33.45Yo 72,000 24,00042,000,000 14,000,000 Jurisdiction 2 36,000 21,000,000 35,700 20,962,500 20,000,000 900 500,000 20,000,000 (4,000,000) 16,000,000 600 462,500 50.00% 50.00o/o 50.00% 49.96o/o 49.7gyo 49.83o/o Jurisdiction 3 12,000 7,000,000 12,000 7,000.000 16.67o/o 16.67o/o 16.67Yo 16.68o/o 't6.740/o '16.72o/o 83,333,333 1 66,666,667 250,000,000 250,000,000 83,000,000 1 66.333,333 333,333 333,333 250,000,000 250,000,000 $ $ $ SElscl SG1 '100.00% 100.00% 100_000/" sE2 100.00%sc2 100.00%sG2 100.00% No lnterruptible Service $ $ $ $ $ 250,000,000 $ 500,000,000 $ 750,000,000 $ 20,000,000 730.000.000 $ 249.000.000 $ 499,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1.000,000 $ 750,000,000 $ 20,000,000 730.000.000 I 46 47 48 49 50 Cost of SEruice 51 Energy Cost 52 Demand Related Costs 53 Ancillary Seruice Contract - Economic Curtailment (Demand)il Ancillary Service Contract - Economic Curtailment (Energy) 55 Sum of Cost 56 57 Revenues 58 Special Contract Revenue 59 Revenues from all other customers With lnterruptible Service & Ancillary Service Contract $ $ $ oI $ $ Appendix D