HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970702_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING July 2, 1997 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioner Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Don Howell, Wayne Hart, Ron Law, Bill Eastlake, Don Oliason, Carolee Hall, Wayne Hart, David Scott, Tonya Clark, Birdelle Brown, Joe Cusick, Bob Smith, Terri Carlock  and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Ron Lightfoot of U S West and Aloa Stevens of Citizens Telecomm. Commission President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order. Items from the July 2, 1997 Published Agenda were considered as follows. Item 2 on the Consent Agenda was moved to Matters in Progress - Approval of an IntraLATA Dialing Parity Implementation Plan for Citizens Telecommunications Company - Case No. CTC-T-97-2. Commissioner Smith asked on Item 5 - UPL Tariff Advice 97-12, who the one customer was? Don Oliason replied he didn’t know who that customer was. Commissioner Nelson asked about the $18.00 charge - was it yearly? Don Oliason replied that it was $18.00 a month. It is a penalty for low power factor. Commissioner Smith then made a motion to approve Items 1-3-4-5-6 on the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Approval of an IntraLATA Dialing Parity Implementation Plan for Citizens Telecommunications Company - Case No. CTC-T-97-2. Don Howell reviewed the decision memo. Modified Procedure went out June 13 regarding the plan and the Settlement Agreement. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the settlement (which includes the implementation plan for the dialing parity) It didn’t address the contractual relationship between Citizens and U S West. Commissioner Hansen called for a vote on the motion. It carried unanimously. 7. Susan Hamlin and Wayne Hart’s June 30, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho Local Calling Plan for Homedale/Wilder/Parma; Case No. CTC-T-97-03(EAS Cases GNR-T-93-7 and GNR-T-93-11). Wayne Hart reviewed the matter. Local Calling Plan was put out on modified procedure. Received comments form U S West, the school district and three citizens. Two of the cementers specifically asked for a hearing. U S West raised a number of objections, particularly related to the manner in which it would be billed - are they still toll calls, what  about payment? Those were questions that were not addressed in the proposal itself. One of the customers said they would not sign-up; another expressed concern about it being a permanent situation. Staff thought on a temporary, interim basis this would be okay, short-term. Think the questions raised by U S West can be addressed by the parties. Commissioner Hansen said there were actually several letters requesting hearing. (Some are still circulating). It seemed that in each case they are asking for a hearing, wondered if Wayne didn’t think a hearing would be of value? Asked if U S West had changed their mind from earlier comments, company talked about not being a provider - isn’t company interested in the 5 cent per minute use, has company had a change of heart? Ron Lightfoot of U S West responded that there was a meeting scheduled with U S West and Citizens, the next day. As far as the philosophy, it hasn’t changed. U S West is ready to proceed with the hearing. Commissioner Nelson said the memo speaks to a 1998 hearing - will staff have information any earlier than 1998? Commissioner Hansen asked how much time would be needed after staff did their audit? Wayne Hart said after the audit, he thought staff could be ready in 2/3 weeks. Commissioner Nelson said he was concerned about what the people were told. Why was it slipped? What has changed? Wayne Hart said it was anticipated Citizens would be presenting an optional plan for that. Staff indicated it would have to be reconsidered after Citizens rate case. Citizens voluntary proposal actually came in earlier. Thought EAS was going to be addressed in August. Don Howell said you have the big uncertainty about who is going to be the provider. At this time, Aloa Stevens of Citizens commented that this whole matter came up when GTE was still the telephone company in the area. Commissioner Nelson said he could understand with the change in ownership there are delays. Think we are deferring it too long, though. Commissioner Hansen asked how long it would be for the audit? Terri Carlock replied the audit would be in August or September; would be completed by the end of September at the latest. Joe Cusick said there are other concerns. Citizens wants to come in with a proposal. It would be more practical to take an overall view of this subject and that would best be handled during a rate proceeding. Would rather look at Citizens overall in one fell swoop, but that leaves us in the lurch. There is the interim proposal, but think people should be told the Commission views this as a temporary fix. Commissioner Smith said it would be her preference that the Commission adopt this as an interim solution and she is concerned about the posture of U S West and Citizens and would hold this until they work on solving their difficulties. It is more important to do things correctly than quickly. This is just interim, it is not the fix.   Commissioner Smith made a motion to hold this matter until next week (after the companies meet). Commissioner Hansen said he would go along with this as a temporary proposal if we proceed on with the case as it was first filed. Public perceived at that hearing that the calling would be both ways and they perceive it as cases we had earlier. Said he was not saying there are other alternatives, just saying we shouldn’t be diverting that prior case and moving on to something else.   Commissioner Smith commented she would like U S West to know optional calling plans are great also. Decision was to hold this matter until the next decision meeting (July 8). 8. Bob Smith’s June 26, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Coyote Coeur d’Alene Corporation dba Happy Valley Water; Case No. GNR-W-96-3. Bob Smith reviewed the decision memo. System had been sold to Mr. Davies; as of June 25 Mr. Smith is the owner.   Commissioner Hansen asked Bob what his recommendation was? Bob said he would recommend going forward - from a technical standpoint didn’t see that the Commission needs any more information from the company at a hearing, but  perhaps a hearing for the consumers to express their opinions would be a good idea. Commissioner Nelson asked why issue modified procedure with the proposed order attached to it? Terri Carlock responded - to implement rates. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to issue modified procedure, by proposed order. Motion carried unanimously. **System has 20 customers. 9. Birdelle Brown’s June 30, 1997 Decision Memorandum re: Petition from Fremont County for Extended Toll-Free Calling to the Eastern Idaho EAS Area. Staff recommends assigning it a case number. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to assign the matter a case number and put it on the list. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Dated at Boise, ID, this 8th day of July, 1997. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary