HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151215final_order_no_33435.pdfOffice ofthe Secretary Service Date December 15,2015 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF PACIFICORP DBA ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S )CASE NO.PAC-E-15-12 APPLICATION TO APPROVE CAPACITY ) DEFICIENCY FOR AVOIDED COST ) CALCULATIONS )ORDER NO.33435 _____________________________________________________________________________ ) On December 4,2015,the Commission issued Order No.33425,approving PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power’s Application to use summer 2025 as its capacity deficiency period for use in SAR-based avoided cost calculations.In that Order,we directed Staff to submit an updated SAR model and SAR-based avoided cost rates in accordance with the Order.Staff has complied with the Order,and we now approve the attached SAR model and SAR-based avoided cost rates,submitted by Staff. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power’s SAR based avoided cost rates,attached hereto,and computed using summer 2025 as the Company’s first capacity deficiency are approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER as to the attached rates.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7)days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §6 1-626. 1 ORDER NO.33435 4;7 J$n D.Jewelk(j C6mmission Secretary COMMISSIONER O:PAC-E-15-1 2djh3 2 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this /‘ day of December 2015 ATTEST: PRESIDENT MARSHA H.SMITH,COMMISSIONER KRI INE RAPER, ORDER NO.33435 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS December 14,2015 S!MWN aut FuII Ca acit Pa EIijlblHty br these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON4IVELIZED CONTRACT ONLlNE YEAR LENGTh CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARSl 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YEAR RATES 1 3336 3406 3442 3569 3937 4305 2016 3336 2 3370 3423 3503 3746 4114 4446 2016 3406 3 3392 3468 3637 918 4263 4561 2017 3442 4 3431 3572 3785 4069 4387 4658 2018 3669 5 35 17 3697 3924 41 v7 4491 4738 2019 3937 5 36 25 38 20 40 46 43 06 45 78 48 72 2020 4305 7 3734 3932 41 53 43 98 47 06 4995 2021 4600 8 38 38 4032 42 44 4622 4826 5095 2022 48 19939294120436246404926517820234999 10 40 12 42 30 44 74 47 39 5007 52411 2024 51 27 11 4115 4336 4571 4820 5076 5308 2025 6716 12 42 13 44 28 46 51 4891 51 40 6370 2026 5984 13 4300 4505 4721 4956 5203 5434 2027 6078 14 43 74 45 74 47 86 50 19 5266 5496 2028 60931544404637484950825328555820296160 16 4501 4698 4911 5144 5369 5623 2030 62831745804758497152045452568920316490 18 46 18 4817 5030 5266 65 17 5753 2032 6731 19 4674 4874 5091 5329 5578 5818 2033 8940 20 4729 4932 51 51 5388 5841 5686 2034 71 85 2035 7523 2036 78 54 2037 8046 2038 84 79 2039 89 98 2040 9545 Note These rates w41 06 furlher adjusted wLth the apphcable integrakon charge Note The rates shown in this table have been computed uang the U S.Energy Informat on Admtrnstralion (ElAs Annual EnergyOutlook2015.released April14 2015 Sea Annual Energy Outlook 2015,Table 38 Energy Pnces by SectorMounlain at http Itww ela gov!torecasts/aeo/tabtes ref cfrn6supplemant/ PACIFICORP Page 1 Attachment Order No.33435 Case No.PAC-E-15-12 Page 1 of5 PACFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS December 14,2015 SIMWh ENgbility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaHer. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZEO CONTRACT ON-LiNE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZEDJ!L 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YEAR RATES 1 3336 3406 3442 3569 3937 4305 2015 3336 2 3370 3423 3503 3746 4114 4446 2016 3406 3 3392 3468 3637 39.18 42.63 4561 2017 3442 4 3431 3572 3765 40.69 4387 4658 2018 3569 5 3517 3697 3924 4197 4491 4738 2019 3937 6 3625 3820 4046 4306 4578 5285 2020 4305 7 3734 3932 41 53 4398 5045 57 08 2021 4600 8 3836 40 32 42 44 4808 5423 6037 2022 48 19 9 3929 4120 4605 51.45 5726 6295 2023 4999 10 40 12 4440 49 13 54 28 5970 6508 2024 51 27 11 4297 4718 5171 5659 6175 6693 2025 8748 12 4548 4954 5387 5555 6352 6854 2026 9060 13 4765 51 55 5572 60.28 65 13 7005 2027 91 99 14 4951 5329 5737 61 52 6661 71 43 2028 9259 15 5114 5485 5886 63.27 6797 7272 2029 9373 16 5260 5627 6025 6459 6924 7396 2030 9543 17 5395 5760 61 53 6583 7045 75 15 2031 9798 18 5520 5882 6273 6702 7162 7626 2032 10087 19 5637 5997 6368 6816 7271 7739 2033 10346 20 5747 6107 6498 6922 7378 7844 2034 10841 2035 11029 2036 11411 2037 11656 2038 121 42 2039 127 15 2040 13316 Note These ‘ales will be further ed1usted wih he apfrcabte sitegratiori charge Note The rates shown in this tNe have been computed usng the U S Energy Informal on Administration çEtAys Annea Energy OuUook 2015 released April 14 2015 See Annual Energy Outlook 2315,Tabie 38 Energy Prces by Sector-Mountain at hitp Heww cia gov/forecastsIaeo/te bles ref cfm8sup ement) PACiFICORP Page 2 Attachment Order No.33435 Case No.PAC-E-15-2 Page 2 of 5 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON$EASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS December 14,2015 SthiWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capactty Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NONLEVELIZED LENGTH CONTRACT NON1EVELlZED(YEARS)2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YEAR RATES 1 3336 3406 3442 3589 39.37 4305 2015 3336 2 3370 3423 3503 3746 4114 4446 2016 3406 3 3392 3468 3637 3918 4263 4861 2017 3442434313572378540694387465820183569 5 35 17 3697 3924 41 97 44 91 4738 2019 3937636253820404643064578524520204305 7 3734 3932 41 53 43 98 50 12 5639 2021 4600 8 3836 4032 4244 4780 5365 5946 2022 4819939294120458250995646618720234999 10 4012 44 20 4671 5361 5576 6385 2024 51 27 11 4279 4681 5113 5577 6068 6556 2025 8453 12 4516 4903 5315 5761 6235 6710 2026 8761 13 4720 5092 5490 5923 6386 6852 2027 8896 14 4896 5256 5644 6070 6525 6983 2028 8952 15 5048 5402 5786 6206 6654 7106 2029 90611651865537591763326775722420309227 17 5314 5662 6039 6450 6891 7338 2031 9477 18 54 33 57 79 61 53 6563 7002 7444 2032 9762195544588862.62 86 72 71 07 7549 2033 100 15 20 5648 59.93 6368 6773 7209 76 54 2034 10305 2035 106 89 2036 11066 2037 11306 2033 11786 2039 123 54 2040 12950 Note The rates shown in lh,s t5ble hv been computed usiog the U S Energy ln(orrnt on Administration (EIAys Annual EnergyOutiok2015.reieaed ApaI 14.2015 See Annual onergy Outlook 2015 Tote 38 Energy Prices by Sooor-Mouniain athttplIwvwera.govltorecastslaeoliables ref cfm8supptement/ PACIFICORP Page 3 Attachment Order No.33435 Case No.PAC-E-15-12 Page 3 of5 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYORO PROJECTS December 14,2015 SMWn New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW, LEVELIZED NON-tEVELIZED CONTRACT ON-LINE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED Jg!.!L 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YEAR RATES — 1 3336 3406 34.42 3569 39.37 4305 2015 3336 2 3370 3423 3503 37.46 41 14 4446 2016 34.06 3 3392 3468 3637 39.18 4283 45.61 2017 34.42 4 34.31 35.72 37.85 6069 4387 4658 2018 3569 5 3517 3697 3924 41,97 4491 4738 2019 39.37 6 3625 3820 4045 4306 45.78 5526 2020 4305 7 3734 3932 41.53 4398 5244 6124 2021 4600 6 38 36 4032 42.44 49.74 57 72 65.84 2022 48 19 9 39.29 61.20 47,47 5445 61 92 69,47 2023 4989 10 4012 45.62 51.69 5830 85.32 7244 2024 51 27 11 44.03 49,41 5521 61.48 6815 7497 2025 18516 12 4744 5261 58 16 64 17 7060 77 20 2026 10856 13 5036 5534 6659 6651 7277 7921 2027 11019 14 5287 57.70 6291 6861 7474 8104 2028 11107 15 5507 59.79 64.91 7052 76.53 8272 2029 11247 16 5703 6169 8675 72.27 7819 8430 2030 11445 17 5882 6343 6843 7388 7975 8580 2031 11727 18 6047 6504 6998 7540 81.22 8719 2032 12045 19 61.99 6652 71.45 7684 82.59 8853 2033 12332 20 6340 67.93 72.84 75,17 83.90 89.85 2034 12656 2035 13074 2036 134 87 2037 13762 2038 14279 2039 14883 2040 155 16 Note A “seasonal hydro prc,enct’5 defined as a generalon 130141 wNch produces at least 55%of 115 ennuai generatIon durIng Ihe months of June July and AJ9USI Ortler 32802 Note The rates show ii lbs race have ceen cornputod js ng the U S Energy j,fcato Adrrwr strefion (SlAys Annual Er.erg O.’ock 20’S rereased ApnI 14 2015 See Aiia Energy Oct ook 2015,Tsbte 3 8 Ere’gy Pnce by Sector-Mourtan at tr’p i;es gcvforecastslaeo!tab esrf cf’5supp1ement/ PACIFICORP Page 4 Attachment Order No.33435 Case No.PAC-E-15-12 Page 4 of 5 PACIflCORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS December 14,2015 S!MWh Paments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW, LEVELIZED NONLEVELlZED CONTRACT ONLlNE YEAR LENGTH CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED (YEARSI 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YEAR RATES 1 3336 3406 3442 3569 3937 4305 2015 3336 2 33 70 34 23 3503 3746 41 14 4446 2016 3406 3 3392 3468 3637 3918 4283 4561 2017 3442 4 3431 3572 3785 4069 4387 4658 2018 3569 5 3517 3697 3924 4197 4491 4738 2019 3937 6 3625 3820 4046 4306 4578 5136 2020 4305 7 37 34 3932 41 53 4398 4923 54 52 2021 4600 8 3836 4032 4244 4705 5208 5898 2022 4819 9 3929 4120 4518 4965 5437 5892 2023 4999 10 40 12 43 64 4755 51 80 56 23 8053 2024 51 27 11 42 31 45 80 49 55 53 56 57 79 61 92 2025 78 55 12 4427 4764 5121 5597 5915 6319 2026 7951 13 4597 4921 5266 5640 8040 6438 2027 8074 14 4743 5057 5394 5763 6158 6549 2028 8118 15 48 71 51 79 55 12 5878 6267 6654 2029 82 15 16 4986 5292 5623 5985 6370 6757 2030 8365 17 5094 5399 5727 6086 6471 6857 2031 8605 15 51 95 5498 5825 61 85 6569 6951 2032 8877 19 5290 5592 5921 6280 6660 7044 2033 9118 20 53 80 56 84 60 13 6369 67 52 71 39 2034 9395 2035 9765 2036 101 29 2037 10355 2038 10821 2039 11375 2040 11956 Nate Other tOiCCt5 refers to prqects other than wrnd solar non esonl flyOro and seasonal rrydro pro acts These Other projects may ncJude (out a’e not hm4ed to cogeneiakon bomass bogas tenor gas orgeolherrnat projects Hole The rates shown n the table have beer-i computed usrr’g the U S Energy tnformatrorr Adm nistratron (EtA)a Annual Energy Outlook 2015,released April 14,2915 See Annus Energy Outlook 2915 Table 38 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at ht+p llwww ea gov/forecsstslacoltables rf cfm#supplernentl PACIFICORP PageS Attachment Order No.33435 Case No.PAC-E-15-12 Page 5 of 5