HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150918Application.pdf-,ROCKY MOUNTAIN-SPottER \ l ov,gor or ercrnconp September 18,2015 VU OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re: CASE NO. PAC-E-15-11 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP d/b/a ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION COMPAI\Y Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 ': i I' I i SiP lLq fi.H lU: 0l+ Qd,x" Yvonne R. Hogle Asst. General Counsel Enclosures Yvonne Hogle(ISB No. 8930) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city UT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220 - 4050 FAX: (801) 220 - 3299 Email : yvonne.ho gle@pacifi corp.com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP d/b/a ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AIID CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION COMPAI\Y ',.-. ?Il: sF? t,'.,.. !r | 1 l'' r ' r-l I i-: Case No. PAC-E-15-11 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ta!rr frli l0: 06 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMES NOW, PacifiCorp, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company"), in accordance with RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), and hereby respectfully petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for an order approving a power purchase agreement between PacifiCorp and Consolidated Irrigation Company ("CIC"), dated September I1,2015, under which CIC, a Quali$ing Facility ("QF"), will sell and the Company will purchase electricity generated by the CIC project located in Preston, Franklin County, Idaho. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: I. INTRODUCTION l. Rocky Mountain Power is a division of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp is an Oregon corporation that provides electric service to retail customers through its Rocky APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP - I Mountain Power division in the states of ldaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and through its Pacific Power division in the states of Oregon, California, and Washington. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with regard to its public utility operations. 2. CIC is an Idaho non-profit corporation. CIC (the "Seller") and Rocky Mountain Power, acting in its merchant function capacity ("the Purchaser"), entered into the Agreement (as defined below) on September I1,2015. II. BACKGROUND 3. The Seller intends to own, operate and maintain the CIC project including the Glendale hydroelectric facility and its interconnection facilities to (a) generate electricity located within Rocky Mountain Power's service territory in Preston, Franklin County, Idaho under the applicable provisions of PURPA and (b) sell the net output to Rocky Mountain Power. The expected capacity rating of the CIC project is 481- kilowatts (kW). III. THE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT 4. On September 11,2015 the Seller entered into a 90-ll0 percent Idaho Banded Power Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") with the Company, attached to this Application as Exhibit A. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Seller elected to contract with the Company for a term of approximately 20 years. The Company agreed to pay CIC non-levelized, Conforming Energy or Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices (as defined in the Agreement), per Commission Order No. 33305 for capacity and energy adjusted for seasonality and On-Peak/Off-Peak Hours (as defined in the APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP .2 Agreement) in accordance with Commission Order No. 30480 and Errata to Order No. 30480. 5. The total nameplate capacity of the CIC project is 481 kilowatts. As described in Section 4 of the Agreement, CIC is required to provide data about the CIC project that the Company will use to determine whether, under normal and/or average conditions, the feasibility that Facility Net Energy (as defined in the Agreement) will equal or exceed 2,516,348 kWh in each full calendar year for the full term of the Agreement, due to drought conditions in Idaho. CIC estimates that it will provide 2,482,885 kWh in its first year of operation. 6. Paragraph 2.1 of the Agreement provides that the Agreement will not become effective until it is fully executed and approved by the Commission. Under the Agreement, Commission approval includes the determination that the prices to be paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable and in the public interest, and that all of the cost incurred by the Company for purchasing capacity and energy from CIC are legitimate expenses, for which the Commission will allow full recovery in Idaho rates in the event otherjurisdictions deny recovery oftheirproportionate share ofsaid expenses. 7. The Commercial Operation Date for the CIC project is defined in Section 2.3 of the Agreement. The Company anticipates that CIC will achieve Commercial Operation prior to the Effective Date (as defined in the Agreement). Various requirements have been placed upon CIC in order for the Company to accept and pay for energy deliveries from the CIC project prior to the Effective Date. For the period prior to Commission approval but after Commercial Operation, the Company will compensate CIC at 85 percent of the average monthly market index price. The Company will monitor APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP - 3 compliance with the foregoing initial requirements as described in Section 5.4 of the Agreement. In addition, the Company will monitor the ongoing requirements through the full term of the Agreement. 8. The Agreement contains non-levelized published avoided cost rates in conformity with Commission Order No. 33305. All applicable interconnection charges and monthly operation and maintenance charges under the Generation Interconnection Agreement with PacifiCorp transmission will be assessed to CIC. 9. In Section 4.3 of the Agreement, the Company has modified the language of the Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule (as defined in the Agreement). The language is similar to the language the Commission approved in Order No. 33262. 10. In Section 14 of the Agreement, the Company has modified the language of Force Majeure to include icing conditions. The language is similar to the language the Commission approved in Order No. 33262. IV. COMMUNICATION AI\D SERVICE OF PLEADINGS I l. Service of pleadings, exhibits, orders and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Bruce Griswold Director, Short-Term Origination PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, OR97232 bruce. sriswold@pac ifi corp.com Yvonne Hogle Assistant General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 wonne.ho gle@pacifi corp.com APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP - 4 Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple Suite 330 salt Lake city, uT 841l6 ted.weston@Jrac ifi corp.com V. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 12. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure: i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. If however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present testimony in such hearing. YI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF NOW, TI{EREFORE, based on the foregoing, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (l) authorizing that this matter may be processed by Modified Procedure; (2) approving the Agreement without change or condition; and (3) declaring the prices to be paid for energy and capacity asjust and reasonable and in the public interest, and that all of the cost incurred by the Company for purchasing capacity and energy from CIC be allowed in ldaho rates as prudently incurred expenses in the event otherjurisdictions deny recovery oftheir proportionate share of said expenses. APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP - 5 DATED this l8m day of September,2015. Respectfu I ly submitted, edSL Yvonne R. Hogle Attomey for PacifiCorp APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP. 6 POWER PIIRCIIASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION COMPAIYY [a newo on-q/stem, non-fuele{ nonJevelized,g0wLl0% performance band, Ida]ro Quali&ing Facility-l OaMWlvlonth or lessl A}{D PACIFICORP Section l: Definitions .-.-......2 Section 2: Terrn, Milestones, Commercial Operation Date........... ................ l0 Section 3: Representations and Warranties.. ............ 1l Section 4: Delivery of Energy and Capacity ............ 14 Scction 5: Purchase Prices .................... 16 Section 6: Operation and Control ........ 18 Section 7: Motive Force.......... ..............22 Section 8: Metering ............22 Section 9: Billings, Computations and Paynents... .................... 24 Section 10: Security ...........24 Section 11: Defaults and Remedies............... ..........25 Section 12: Indemnification and Liability ...............27 Section 13: Insurance................. ...........28 Section 14: Force Majare..... ...............29 Section 15: Several Obligations ............30 Section 16: Choice of Law........ ............30 Section 17: Partial Invalidity ................30 Section 18: Waiver. ............30 Section 19: Govemmental Jurisdiction and Authorizations ....... 30 Section 20: Successors and Assigns ..... 30 Section 2l: Entire Agreernent. .............. 31 Section 22: Jvry Trial Waiver ...............31 Section 23: Notices ............32 POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT is entered into betr*,een Consolidated lnigation Company, an Idaho non-profit corporation (the "SelleP) and PacifiCorp, an Orcgon corporation, acting in its merchant function capacrty ("PacifiCorp'). Seller and PacifiCorp are referred to collectively as the cParties' and individually as a *Party'. RECITALS A. Seller intends to construcq ow& operate and maintain a hydroelectric facility, including Seller's Interconnection Facilities, for the generation of electric power located within PacifiCorp service tenitory in Preston, in Franklin County, Idaho with an expectcd Facility Capacity Rating of 481 kilowatts (kW), as further described in Exhibit A and Exhiblt B ("Facility'); and B. Seller inte,nds to operate the Facility as a Qualiffing Facility; as such tenn is defined in this Agreement, and to sell Net OuBut to PacifiCorp in ldaho. C. Seller estimates that the average annual Net Output to be delivered by the Facility to PacifiCorp is 2,516,348 kilowatt-hours (kWh) prmsuant to the monthly Initial Year Delivery Schedule in Section 4.3 and in the delivery schedules in Exhibit F-l and Exhibit F-2 hereto, which amount of energy PacifiCorp will include in its resource planning. D. Seller intends to sell and PacifiCorp intends to purchase all the Net Output from the Facility in accordance with the temrs and conditions of this Agreement. E. PacifiCorp intcnds to designate Seller's Facility as a Network Resource for the purposes of servingNetwork [,oad. F. This Agreement is a'New QF Contract" under the PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation 2010 Protocol. G. Seller has provided PacifiCorp with: (a) a motive force plan and associated certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer as described in Section 7 of this Agreemenq and O) an executed copy of Exhibit I, "Seller Authorization to Release Generation Data to PacifiCorp." NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS When used in this Agreerre,nt, the following terms shall have the following lnsanings; l.l "AdJusted Scheduled Monthly Energr l)ellvery" shall have the meaning set forth Section 4.4. 1.2 "As-built Supplemenf' shall be a supplement to Exhibit d provided by Seller ing completion of constnrction of the Facility, accurately describing the completed Facility. GENERAL CONDTTIONS 1.3 "Billing Period" means the time period between PacifiCorp's reading of its power meter at the Facility and reasonable efforts will be made to cause the BiUing Period to incide with calendar months. 1.4 *6AMD" means the Clean Air Markets Division of the Environmental Protection or successor administrator, or any state or federal entity given juisdiction over a prosam ving transferability of Green Tags. 1.5 "Caprcity Factor" means, for any given period of time, the Net Output (kwh) divided by the product of the Facility Capacity Rating (kW) and the total hours in the ven period of time. 1.6 "Commercial Operation" means that not less than 90o/o of the expected Facility Rating is fully operational and reliable and the Facility is fully intercormected and with the System, all of which shall be Seller's responsibility to receive or obtain, which occurs when all of the following events: (i) have occurred, and (ii) rernain tnre and accurate as of the time on which Seller gives PacifiCorp notice that Operation has occurred: 1.6.1 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addressod to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer (a) stating the Facility Capacity Rating of the Facility at the anticipated time of Commercial Operation and (b) stating that the Facility is able to generate electric power reliably in amouats required by this Agreement. t.6.2 PacifiCorp has received docume,ntation that start-up testing of the Facility has been completed in accordance with Exhibit E. 1.6.3 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addressed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engneer, an attomey in good standing in Idaho, or written correspondence from the Transmission Provider, stating thaq in accordance with the Ge,lrerator Interconnection Agreeurent, all required Interconnection Facilities have been constnrcted, all required interconnection tests have been completed and the Facility is physically interconnected with the System in conformance with the Geirerator Interconnection Agreement and able to deliver €,lrergy consistent with the terms of this Agreeinenf and the Facility is synchronized with the System. 1.6.4 PacifiCorp has received a certificate addressed to PacifiCorp from a Licensed Professional Engineer, or an opinion from an attorney in good standing rn Idaho, stating that Seller has obtained all Required Facility Documents and, if requested by PacifiCorp in writing, that Seller has provided copies of any or all zuch requested Required Facility Docume,nts. 1.6.5 1.6.6 Seller has complied with the security requirements of Section 10. Netrrork Resource Desisnation and Tranmission Service Reouest. GENERAL CONDITIONS (a) Seller has provided all data required by the Transmission Provider to enable the Facility to be designated as a network resource in accordance with the Tariff. O) PacifiCorp has received confirmation from the Transmission Provider that the Facility has been designated as a netrnork resource. (c) Seller has provided all data required for PacifiCorp to submit a transmission senrice request for the Facility pursuant to the Tariff. (d) PacifiCorp has received confinnation from the Transmission Provider that the transmission serrrice request has been granted in sufficient capacity to meet or exceed the Maximum Facility DeliveryRate. 1.7 "Commercial Operation Date" means the date, as designated by PacifiCorp to Section Z.3,thatthe Facility first achieves Commercial Operation. 1.8 "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.9 "Conforming Energ/" means all Net Energy except Non-Conforming Energy to any adjustme,nts to the Energy Delivery Schedule in Section 4.4. 1.10 "Conforming Energr Purchese Price" means the applicable price for Conforming and capacity (if any), specified in Section 5.1. l.1l "ConEact Year" means a twelve (12) month p€riod commencing at 00:00 hours n Prevailing Time C'MPP) on January I and ending on 24:00 hours MPT on 3l; provided, however, that the first Contact Year shall commence on the Commercial ion Date and end on the next succeeding December 31, and the last Contract Year shall end the Expiration Date, rrnlss3 earlier terminated as provided herein. l.l2 "Delay Liquidated l)amages", "Delay Daily Minimum", "Delay Period", "Delay and "Delay Volume' are defined in Section 2.4 of this Agreement. "Delay Security" is in Section l0.l.l of this Agreement. 1.13 "Effective Date" is defined in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. l.l4 "Enerry Delivery Schedule" is defined in Section 4.3 of this Agreernent. 1.15 "Environmental Attributes" means any and 6ll slnimg, credits, benefits, emissions ions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitle4 rcsulting from the avoidance of the ion of any gas, chemical, or other substance to the air, soil or water. Environmental ibutes include but are not limited to: (a) any avoided emissions of pollutants to the air, soil, water such as (subject to the foregoing) sulfur oxides (SOx), nihogen oxides (NOx), carbon (CO), and otha pollutants; and (b) any avoided e,nrissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), (CH4), and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have been dctemrined by the United Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to contibute to the actual or potential threat GENERAL CONDITIONS altering the Earth's climate by trapping heat in the atnosphere. Environme,ntal AtEibutes do include (i) PTCs, ITCs, the Cash Grant, any Ta:r Crcdits, or certain other talc incentives isting now or in the futtre associated with the constuction, ownership or operation of the ility, (ii) matters designated by PacifiCorp as sources of liability, or (iii) adverse wildlife or impacts. 1.16 "Enyironmental Contaminaffon" means the introduction or presence of Materials at such levels, quantities or location, or of such form or character, as to itute a violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations, and present a material risk federal, state or local laws and regulations that the Premises will not be available or usable the purposes conterrplated by this Agreement. l.l7 "Expiration Date" is defined in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. 1.18 "Facility" is defined in Recital A of this Agree,ment. l.l9 "Facility Capacity Rrting" means the zum of the Nameplate Capacity ft61ings for generators comprising the Facility. 1.20 "Force Majeure" has the meaning set forth in Section 14.1. l.2l "Forced Outage" means an outage that requires removal of one or more generating frrom service, another outage state or a reserve shutdown state before the end of the next Maintenance Outages and Planned Outages are not Forced Outages. 1.22 "Generrtor Interconnection Agreemenf' or ('(arA'! means the gqrerator ion agreemeirt entered into separately between Seller and the Transmission Provider, for the constnrction, operation, and maintenance of the Interconnection Facilities ired to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output. 1.23 "Governmental AuthoritS/" means any supranational, federal, state or other itical subdivision thereof, having jruisdiction over Seller, PacifiCorp or this Agree,ment, ing any municipality, township or county, and any entity or body exercising executive, ive, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government, any corporation or other entity owned or controlled by any of the foregoing. 1.24 "Green Tags" means (a) the Environmenal Attributes associated with all Oupuq with (b) the Green Tag Reporting Rights associated with such elrergy and Environmental howwer cornrnercially transfened or haded under any or other product names, zuch as able Energy Credits," "Gre€n-e C€rtified,' or otherurise. One Green Tag represents the Attributes made available by the ge,neration of one MWh of energy from the 1.25 "Ihzardous Materials" means any waste or other substance that is listed, defined, ignated or classified as or determined to be hazardous under or pursuant to any environmental or regulation. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.26 "Inadvertent Enerry" means: (l) energy delivered in excess of the Maximum Purchase Obligation; and (2) energy delivered to the Point of Delivery at a rate the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate. lnadvertent Energy is not included in Net 1.27 "Index Price", for each day, shall mean the weighted average of the average Peak OGPeak firm e,nergy market prices, as published inthe Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Day Power Price Report for the Mid-Columbia Hub. For Sunday and NERC holidays, the 24- Index Price shall be used unless ICE shall publish a Firm On-Pcak and Firm Off-Peak Price such days for Mid-Columbia, in which eveirt such indices shall be utilized for zuch days. If ICE index or any replaceurent of that index ceases to be published during the term of this PacifiCorp shall select as a replacement a subsantially equivalent index that, after appropriate or necessary adjustuents, provides the most reasonable substitute for the index in ion. PacifiCorp's selection shall be subject to Seller's consent, which Seller shall not withhold, condition or delay. 1.28 "Initial Year Enerry Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth in 4.3. I.29 "Interconnection Facilifres'', as defined in the Generator Interconnection mearxi all the facilities and ancillary equipment used to intercorurect the Facility to System. 1.30 "Letter of Credif' means an irrevocable standby letter of credit in a form acceptable to PacifiCorp, naming PacifiCorp as the party entitled to dernand payment present draw requests thereunder. Such letter ofcredit shall be provided by an institution that a United States office of a commercial bank or tnrst company organized under the laws of the rited States of America or a political subdivision thereof, with a credit rating on its long-term ior unsecured debt of at least "A" from Standard & Poor's and "A2" from Moody's Investor and having assets ofat least $10,000,000,000 (net ofrescrves). l.3l "Licensed Professional Engineef' means a person who is lic€nsed to practice neering in the state of Idaho, who has training and experience in the engineering disciplin{s) to the matters with respect to which such person is called to provide a certification, ion and/or opinion, who has no economic relationship, association, or nexus with the , and who is not a representative of a consulting engneer, contractor, designer or other Mdual involved in the development of the Facility, or of a manufacturer or supplier of any ipment installed in the Facility. Such Licensed Professional Engineer shall be licensed in an iate engineering discipline for the required certification being made. The engagernent and of a Licensed Professional Engineer solely to provide the certifications, evaluations and inions required by this Agree,ment shall not constitute a prohibited economic relationship, iation or nexus with the Sella, so long as such engineer has no other economic relationship, or nexus with the Seller. 1.32 "Maintenance Outage" means any outage of one or mone generating units that is a Forced Outage or a Planned Outage. A Mainte,nance Outage is an outage that can be until after the end of the next weekend, but that requires that the generating unit(s) be GENERAL CONDITIONS 6 from service before the next Planned Outage. A Maintenance Outage may occur any during the year and must have a flexible start date. 1.33 "Material Adverse Change" shall occur when Seller, in the reasonable opinion of ifiCorp, has experienced a material adverse change in ability to fuIfilI its obligations under this A downgrade of Seller's long-terrr credit rating (corporate or long-terrr senior debt rating) below 'Baa3' from Moody's Investors Senrices ("Moody's") or below ' from Standad & Poor's Ratings Group ("S&P") or the cessation of S&P or Moody's rating Seller shall constitute a Material Adverse Change. 1.34 "Maximum Curtailed Facility Delivery Rate" means the maximum instantaneous (kW) at which the Facility is capable of delivering Na Ouput at the Point of Delivery during Qualiffing Curtailment. 1.35 "Maximum Facility Delivery Rete" means the maximum instantaneous rate ftW) which the Facility is capable of delivering Net Output at the Point of Delivery, as specified in A. The Ma:<imum Facility Delivery Rate may not exceed the Maximum GIA Delivery 1.36 "Maximum GIA Delivery Rrte" means the maximum rate (kW) at which the Interconnection Agreement allows the Facility to deliver energy to the Point of and is set forth in Exhibit A. 1.37 "Maximum Monthly hrrchase Obligation" means the maximum amount of PacifiCorp is obligated to punchase under this Agreement in a calendar month- In with Commission orders, the Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation for a give,n in kWh, shall not exceed 10,000 kW multiplied by the total number of hours in that month prorated for any partial month. 1.38 'Nameplate Capacity Ratingi' means the ma:rimum instantaneous generating ity of any qualiffing srnall power or cogeneration ge,nerating unit supplying all or part of the sold by the Facility, expressed in MW or kW, when operated consistent with the s recommendcd power factor and operating parameters, as set forth in a notice from to PacifiCorp delivered before the Commercial Operation Date and if applicable, updated the As-built Supplement. 1.39 *NERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. 1.40 'Net Energt" meaos the energy compon€nt, in kwb, of Net Output. Net Energy not include lnadvertent Energy. l.4L "Net Oufiluf'means all e,nergy and capacity (if any) produced by the Facility, less use and less transfonnation and transmission losses and other adjustnents, if any. For of calculating paynent under this Agreement Net Output of energy shall be the amount en€rgy flowing through the Point of Delivery less any station use not provided by the Facility. Ouput does not include Inadvertent Energy. 1.42 "Net Replacement Power Costs" is defined in Section I 1.4 of this Agreement. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.43 "Network Resource" shall have the meaning set forth in the Tariff. 1.4 cNetwork Service Provider" means PacifiCorp Transmission or a successor, any regional transmission organization (RTO), as a provider of network senrice to under the Tariff. L.45 "Non-Conformtng Energr" means for any Bitling Period subject to any ustrnents to the Energy Delivery Schedule in Section a.a: (l) that portion, if any, of Net delivered subsequently to the initial 110% of the Schduled Monthly Energy Delivery for Billing Period; or (2) all Net Energy delivered when Na Energy delivered is less than 90% of Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for that Bi[ing Period; and (3) all Net Output produced the Facility prior to the Commercial Operation Date. 1.46 "Non-Conforming Energy Purchese Price" means the applicable price for Non- ing Enerry and capacity, specified in Section 5.1. L.47 "Off-Peak Ilourrs" means all hours of the week that are not On-Peak Hours. 1.48 "On-Peak Hours" means hours from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Mountain Prevailing ime (MPT), Monday through Sahuday, excluding Westem Electricity Coordinating Council and North American Electic Retability Corporation (NERC) holidays. 1.49 "Outpuf' means all energy produced by the Facility. 1.50 "PacifiCorp" is defined in the first paragraph of this Agreement, and excludes Transmission or a successor, including any Regional Transmission Organization. 1.51 "PacifiCorp Trensmission" means PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, acting in f ansmission function capacity. L.52 "Planned Outage" means an outage of predetermined duration that is scheduled in ler's Energy Delivery Schedule. Boiler overhauls, turbine overhauls or inspections are typical outages. Maintenance Outages and Forced Outages are not Planned Outages. 1.53 '?oint of Delivery" means the high side of the generation step-up transforme(s) at the point of interconnection between the Facility and the System, as specified in the lnterconnection Agreement and in Exhibit B. 1.54 "Premises" means the real property on which the Facility is or will be located, as fully described on Exhibit A. 1.55 '?r'lme Rate" means the rate per annum equal to the publicly announced prime rate refercnce rate for commercial l6ans to large businesscs in effcct from time to time quoted by PMorgan Chase & Co. If a JPMorgan Chase & Co. prime rate is not available, the applicable ime Rate shall be the announced prime rate or refere,nce rate for commercial loans in effect time to time quoted by a bank with $10 billion or more in assets in New York City, N.Y., by the Party to whom interest based on the prime rate is being paid. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.56 '?roducfion Tax Credits" means production tax credits under Section 45 of the Revenue Code as in effect from time to time during the term hereof or any successor or provision providing for a fbderal tax credit determined by reference to renewable electric actually generated and sold and any correlative state tax credit determined by reference to electric energy actually geirerated and sold for which the Facility is eligible. Tax Credits do not include any tax credit determined by reference to investnent. 1.57 "Prudent Electrical Practices" means any of the practices, methods and acts in or approved by a significant portion of the electrical utility industry or any of the methods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts at the time a decision is made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety and expedition. Prudent Electrical ices is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of I others, but rather to be a spectrum of possible practices, methods or acts. 1.58 "Qualifying Curtailmenf'means, to the exte,nt not caused by Seller's negligent, or willful actions, a period in a given calendar month during which delivery of Net is curtailed or intemrpted pursuant to Section 6.3, and only applicable to adjustnent of the Delivery Schedule as described in Section 4.4. 1.59 "QF'means "Quali$ing Facility", as that term is defined in the version of FERC (codified at 18 CFR Part292) in effect on the date of this Agreement. 1.60 "Replacement Period", "Replacement Price" and "Replacement Volume" shall ve the meanings set forth in Section 11.4 of this Agreement. 1.61 "Required Facility Documents" means all deeds, titles, leases, lice,nses, permits, izations, and agreements demonstrating that Seller contols the necessary property rights, e.g. site lease), rights to motive force, and government authorizations to constnrct, operate, and naintain the Facility, including without limitation those set forth in Exhibit C. 1.62 "Requirements of Law" means any applicable and mandatory (but not merely isory) federal, state and local law, stahlte, regulatioq rule, code or ordfuEnce enacted, adopted, or promulgated by any federal, state, local or other Governmental Authority or regulatory (including those pertaining to electrical, building, zoning, environmental and occupational and health requirements). 1.63 "Scheduled Commercial Operation Date" means the date by which Seller shall hieve Comrnercial Operation, as specified in Section 2.2.6. l.& "Scheduled Monthly Enerry Delivery" means the Net Energy scheduld to be during a given calendar month, as specified by Seller in the Energy Delivery Schedule. 1.65 "Subsequent Energr Ddivery Schedule" is defined in Section 4.3.2 of this 1.66 "System" means the electric transmission substation and transmission or ion facilities owne( operated or maintaind by Transmission Provider, which shall GENERAL CONDITIONS after construction and installation of the Facility, the circuit reinforcemeirts, exteirsions, associated terminal facility reinforcements or additions required to interconnect the Facility, as set forth in the Ge,nerator Interconnection Agreement. 1.67 "Tariff'means the PacifiCorp Transmission FERC Electric TariffVolurneNo. ll Forma Open Access Transmission Tariff, as revised from time to time, or the comparable iff of a successor Transmission Provider. 1.68 "Transmission Provider" means PacifiCorp Transmission or a successor, any Regional Transmission Organization. 1.69 *WREGIS" means the Westem Renewable Energy Geireration Information System 1.70 *WREGIS Certificate" means "Certificate" as defined by WREGIS in the IS Operating Rules. l.7l *WREGIS Operating Rules" means the operating rules and requirements adopted WREGIS. SECTION 2: TERIU" MILESTOIIIES. COMMERCIAL OPERATION DATE 2.1 Except to the limitd extent provided in Section 5.4, this Agreement shall become ive after the occurrence of all of the following events: (l) execution by both Parties; (2) by the Commission; provided, however, this Agreement shall not become effective until Commission has determined, pursuant to a final and non-appealable order, that the prices to be id for en€rgy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the costs by PacifiCorp for purchases of capacrty and energy from Seller are legitimate expenses, of which the Commission will allow PacifiCorp to recovcr in rates in Idaho in the event other ictions dcny recovery of their proportionate share of said expenses. Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, the Agreement shall remain in effect for a term of 20 years from the Effective Date (*Expiration Date"). 2.2 Time is of the essence of this Agreemeot and Sellet's ability to meet certain rirements prior to the Cornmercial Opcration Date and to achiwe Cornmercial Operation by Scheduled Commercial Operation Date is critically important. Therefore, 2.2.1 Bhnk 2.2.2 Blank 2.2.3 By the date five business days after the Effective Date, Seller shall provide Delay Secwity required under Section 10.1.1, as applicable. The obligation to provide Delay Secuity shall not apply to the extent that Commercial Operation has bee,n achieved as of or prior to the Effective Date. 2.2.4 At least ten business days prior to delivery of any e,lrergy from the Facility to PacifiCorp, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an executed Geirerator GENERAL CONDITIONS lnterconnection Agreemen! a QF FERC certification or self-certification, and a FERC hydroelectric license for the Facility. If Seller deterrrines that a FERC certification or self-certification or a FERC hydroelectric license is not required for the Facility, the Seller shall provide to PacifiCorp (at Seller's sole cost) an opinion from an attomey identiffing which document(s) identified in this section are not required for the Facility and explaining the legal basis for the document(s) not being required. The attorney providing the opinion shall be licensed and in good standing in the state of Idaho, shall be familiar with QF and FERC statutes and regulations and shall not have a financial interest, or ottrer nexus or association with Seller or the Facility. 2.2.5 Prior to Commercial Operation, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with an As-built Supplement acce,ptable to PacifiCorp. 2.2.6 Seller intends to operate the Facility as a Qualifuing Facility. 2.3 Establishing Commercial Operation. To achieve Commercial Operation, Seller ust provide, subject to PacifiCorp's written approval which will not be unreasonably withheld, itten notice to PacifiCorp stating when Seller believes that the Facility has achieved nmercial Operation accompanied by the information described in Section 1.6. PacifiCorp's roval, if given, shall designate the Commercial Operation Date. In no event will delay in ieving the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date postpone the Expiration Date specified in 2.1. 2.4 Delay Damages. Seller shall cause the Facility to achieve Corrunercial Operation or before the Scheduled Cornnercial Operation Date. If Commercial Operation occurs after Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall be liablc to pay PacifiCorp delay damages the number of days ("Delay Period') the Commercial Operation Date occurs after the Commercial Operation Date, until the earlier of occurrence of the Commercial Date or the termination of this Agreeinent ("Delry I)amages"). Billings and payments Delay Danrages shall be made in accordance with Section 10.1. 2.4.1 Delay Damaees. Delay Damages equals the sum of the Delay Price times the Delay Volume, Where: "I)elay Price" equals the positive difference, if any, of the Index Price minus the weighted average of the On-Peak and Off-Peak monthly Conforming Energy Prices; and "I)elay Volume" equals the applicable Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery divided by the nrmber of days in that month. SECTION 3: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 3.1 PacifiCorp rq)resents, covenants, and warrants to Seller that: 3.1.1 PacifiCorp is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Oregon. GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.r.2 PacifiCorp has the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform according to the terms of this Agreemcnt. 3.1.3 PacifiCorp has taken all corporate actions required to be taken by it to authorize the executior5 delivery and performance of this Agreeureirt and the consummation of the ransactions conternplated hereby. 3.1.4 Subject to Commission approval, the execution and delivery of this Agreement does not con[avene any pnrvision of, or constitute a default under, any indeirture, mortgage, or other matcrial agreerteirt binding on PacifiCorp or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which PacifiCorp is subject. 3.1.5 Subject to Commission approval, this Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of PacifiCorp, enforceable against PacifiCorp in accordance with its terms (except as the enforceability of this Agreemrent may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, bank moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and laws restricting the availability of equitable remedies and except as the enforceability of this Agreeme,nt may be subject to general principles of equity, whcther or not zuch enforceability is considered in a proceeding at equrty or in law). 3.2 Seller represents, covenants, and warrants to PacifiCorp that: 3.2.1 Seller is a non-profit corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of ldaho. 3.2.2 Seller has the requisite pow€r and authority to ente,r into this Agreement and to perform according to the temrs hereof, including aU required regulatory authority to make wholesale sales from the Facility. 3.2.3 Selleds me,mbers and managers have takeir all actions required to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreerne,nt and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hcreby. 3.2.4 The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not contravene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, or other material agreement binding on Seller or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other body having authority to which Seller is subject. 3.2.5 This Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance with its terms (except as the enforceability of this Agree,ment may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, bank moratoritrm or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and laws restricting the availability of equitable remedies and except as the enforceability of this Ageement may be subject to general principles of quity, whether or not srch e,nforceability is considered in a proceeding at equity or in law). GENERAL CONDITIONS t2 3.2.6 The Facility shall for the term of this Agreement be a QF. At any time PacifiCorp has reason to believe during the term of this Agreement that Seller's status as a QF is in question, PacifiCorp may require Seller, at Seller's cost, to provide PacifiCorp with a written legal opinion from an attomey in good standing in the state of Idaho and who has no economic relationship, association or nexus with the Seller or the Facility, stating that the Facility is a QF and providing sufficient proof (including copies of all docume,nts and data as PacifiCorp may request) demonstrating that Seller has maintained and will continue to maintain the Facility as a QF. 3.2.7 All information about the Facility set forth in Exhibit A and Exhibit B has been verified by Seller and is true and accurate. 3.2.8 Neither the Seller nor any of its principal equity owners is or has within the past two (2) years been the debtor in any bankruptcy proceeding is unable to pay its bills in the ordinary course of its business, or is the subject of any legal or regulatory action, the result of which could rcasonably be expected to impair Seller's ability to own and operate the Facility in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3.2.9 Seller has not at any time defaulted in any of its payment obligations for electricity purchased from PacifiCorp. 3.2.10 Seller is not in default under the Generator Interconnection Agreement or any other agreement between the Parties related to this Agreement, the Generator Interconnection Agreement or the Facility, and is curent on all of its financial obligations under zuch agree,me,nts. 3.2.11 Seller owns, and will continue to own for the term of this Agreement, all right, title and interest in and to the Facility, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than liens and encunrbrances related to third-party financing of the Facility. 3.2.12 [n entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forttr herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of PacifiCorp in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 3.2.13 All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. 3.2.14 Seller's leases, licenses or other grants of rights in real property required for the operation of the Facility have terms through the Expiration Date of this Agreement and Seller is not in material breach of any terms of such leases or other rights in real property for the Facility or Prernise. 3.3 Notice. If at any time during this Agreeurent, any Party obtains actual knowledge any we,lrt or information which would have caused any of the representations and warranties in Section 3 to have been materially untnre or misleading when made or at any time during the GENERAL CONDITIONS l3 of this Agreement, such Party shall provide the other Party with writteir notice of the et/ent information, the rcpresentations and waranties affected, and the action, if any, which such intends to take to make the representations aod warranties tnre and correct. The notice ired purzuant to this Section shall be given as soon as practicable after the occurrence of each event. SECTION 4: DELIYERY OF ENERGY AND CAPACITY 4.1 Deliver.v and Acceotance of Net Output. Unless otherwise provided herein, will purchase and Seller will sell all Net Ouput from the Facility. 4.2 No Sales to Third Parties. During the tcrm of this Agreeineng Seller shall not sell output from the Facility to any cntity other than PacifiCorp. 4.3 Enercy Delivery Schedule. Seller shall prepare and provide to PacifiCorp, on an basis, a written schedule of Na Energy expected to be delivered by the Facility Delivery Schedule'), in accordance with the following: From the Commercial Operation Date through ttre first twelve full calendar months following the Commercial Operation Date, Sellerpredicts that the Facility will produce and deliver the following monthly amounts ((Initial Year Energgr Delivery Schedule'): Month January February March April May June July August September October November December EnerwDeliverv (kWh) September 2015 - Aueust 2016 122,657 t22,657 138,720 265,910 301,024 3l1,48I 318,674 234,U7 233,707 155,600 155,752 122,657 4.3.1 Seller may rwise the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedule any time prior to the Commercial Operation Date. GENERAL CONDITIONS t4 4.3.2 After the Commercial Operation Date, Seller may revise any future monthly Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule by providing writtem notice no later than 5 PM Pacific Standard Time on the last business day of the Notification Month specified in the following schedule: Notification Month Future Monthly Net Output Amounts Eligible To Be Revised January March and any future months February April and any futue months March Mav and anv future months April June and any future months May Julv and anv future months June Auzust and any funrre months Julv Seoternber and anv future months Aueust October and anY future months September November and any future months October Deceurber and any future months November Januarv and anv future months December Februarv and anv futrne months If Seller does not provide a Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule by the above deadline scheduled energy for the omitted period shall equal the amounts scheduled by Seller for the same period during the previous year. 4.4 Adjusrnent of EnerEv Delivery Schedule. tn the event of a Qualifying Curtailment, Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery will be adjusted, pro rata, ("Adjusted Scheduled Enerry Delivery") for that month to detemnine Conforming Energy and Non- lonforming Energy. The Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery shall be calculated as Where: SMED = SMED(adj) : Hci Ht DRci DRm sMED(adi) - sMED- [, - 7"C. o** i#',\ Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for the month in which the Quali&ing Curtailmeirt occurs Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for the month in which Orc Qualifuing Curtailment occurs the duration in hours of the QualiSing Curtaitnent (i) total hours in the month in which Qualifying Curtailment occrus the Maximurr Curtailed Facility Delivery Rate during the Qualifuing Curtailment (r) the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate GENERAL CONDITIONS i - aQuali&ingCurtailment n = the number of QualiSing curtailments in the month Where Quali&ing Curtailments overlap, each distinct period of overlap shall be calculated as a separate Qualifying C\rtaitnent such that no hour within a calendar month may figure into more than one Quali&ing Cbrtailment. 4.5 Green Taes. From the Effective Date until the Expiration Date, Seller shall have tifle to the Green Tags immediately upon the generation of the Output at the Facility that gives rise to such Green Tags. SECTION 5; PI.]RCHASE PRICES 5.1 Enersy Puchase Price. Except as provided in Sections 5.3 and 5.4, PacifiCorp will Seller non-lwelized, Conforrting Energy orNon-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices forNet adjusted for the month and On-Peak Hours or Off-Peak Hours using the following Conforming Energr Purchase Price : AR". * MPM Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Price: Minimum of [AR* * MPM; Mid- c-8sl Where AR* = Conforrring Energy annual rate from Table 1, below, for the year of the NetOulput. MPM = monthly On-Peak or Off-Peak multiplier from Table 2, below, that comesponds to the month of the Net Ouput and whettrer the Na Ouput occurred during On-Peak Hours or Off-Peak Hours. Mid-C-85 : 85% of weighted average of the average lndex Price for the month" or portion ofmonth, ofNet Ouput. Exarnple calculations are provided in Exhibtt G. Teble 1: Conforming Energr Annual Rates Year Conforming Energr Annual Rete (AR*) $/lvlwh 2015 $s9.88 2016 s60.96 20r'7 $61.72 2018 $63.38 2019 $67.47 2020 $71.56 2021 s74.92 2022 $77.54 2023 s79.77 GENERAL CONDMIONS 16 2024 $81.49 2025 $84.s3 2026 $87.6r 2027 $88.96 2028 $89.s2 2029 $90.6r 2030 $92.27 2031 $94.77 2032 $97.62 2033 $100.1s 2034 $103.0s 2035 $106.89 Table 2: Monthly On-PealdOff-Peak Multipliers Month On-PeakIfnrrr Off-Peak Horrrc January l03o/o 94o/o February l05o/o 97o/o March 95o/o 80o/o April 95o/o 't6% May 92o/o 63% June 94%6s% Julv tzt%92% Aucust t2t%l060/o Septe,urber l09o/o 99% October ll5o/o 105% November I l07o 960/o December l29o/o l20o/o 5.2 Palament. For each lilling Period in each Contract Year, PacifiCorp shall pay Seller as follows: For Conforming Energy delivered to the Point of Delivery: Paynent = (CEnergyor-por, * CEPPriceon-por, / 1000) + (CEnergye6-pc"x * CEPPricqrr-por / 1000) ForNon-Conforming Energyl delivered to the Point of Delivery: Payment = (NCEnergyo"-po1 + NCEPPrices,,n-p."r, / 1000) + (NCEnerryonpol t NCEPPricqm-por, / 1000) Where: CEnergy : Conforming EnergY in kWh CEPPrice : Conforming Energy Purchase Price in $ArIWh I See definition of 'Non-Conforming Energy". GENERAL CONDTTIONS NCEnergy : NCEPPrice = On-Peak OflPeak Non-Conforming Energy in kwh Non-Conforming Energy Furchase Price in $A,IWh : the corresponding value for On-Peak Hours = the coresponding value for Off-Peak Hours Example calculations are provided in Exhibit II. 5.3 Inadvertent Energ.v. PacifiCorp may accept Inadvertent Energy at its sole on, but will not purchase or pay for lnadvert€nt En€rgy. 5.4 Enerqv Produced Prior to Effective Date. If Seller achieves all requirements for ial Operation after execution of this Agreeme,nt by both Parties, but prior to the approval the Commission, PacifiCorp has agreed to purchase Net Output at the MID-C-85 rate defined. PacifiCorp shall purchase Net Output during the interim period prior to Commission such interim period not to exceed ninety (90) days. All terms and conditions of this rent (as modilied by this Section 5.4) shall apply to the pr.rchase and sale of Net Output such interim pcriod. However, if the Commission has not approved this Agreement within (90) days of Commercial Operation, then such obligations shall cease. SECTION 6: OPERATION AND CONTROL 6.1 As-Built Supole,ment. Upon completion of any constnrction materially affecting Facility, Seller shall provide PacffiCorp m As-built Supplement bearing the stamp of a Professional Engineer tbat accurately depicts the Facility as built. The As-built lement must be reviewed and approved by PacifiCorp, which approval shall not ybe withheld, conditioned or dclayed. 6.2 Safe Ooeration. Seller shall operate and maintain the Facility in a safe manner rn with the Geirerator Intercomrection Agreement, Prudent Electrical Pracdces and in with the Requirements of Law and the National Electric Safety Codc as such laws and maybe amended from time to time. PacifiCorp shall have the right to inspect the Facility to that Seller is operating the Facility in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6 reasonable notice to Seller. Seller is solely responsible for the operation and mainteirance of Facility. PacifiCorp shall not, by reason of its decision to inspect or not to inspect the Facility, by any action or inaction taken with rcspect to any such inspection, aslsume or be held ronsible for any liability or occurence arising from the operation and mainteirance by Seller of Facility. 6.3 Enercv Acceotancq Curtailmexrt. PacifiCorp shall not be obligated to purchase, pay for, or pay any damages associated with Na Ouput (or associated Production Tax its or Environmental Atfributes, if any) if such Net Output (or associated Production Tax its or Environmental Attributes) is not delivered to the System or Point of Delivery due to of the following: (a) the interconnection between the Facility and the Sptem is discormected, or intemrpted in whole or in part consistent with the terms of the Ge,nerator tion Agreement, O) the Transmission Provider or Network Service Provider directs a curtaitnent, reduction, or redispatch of generation in the area (which would include the GENERAL CONDITIONS IE Outpu| for any reaso& even if zuch curtailment or redispatch directive is carried out by fiCorp, which may fulfill such directive by acting in its sole discretion; or if PacifiCorp ils or otherwise reduces the Net Ouput in order to meet its obligations to the Transmission ider or Network Service hovider to operate within s)4stern limitations, (c) the Facility's Net is not received bocause the Facility is not fully integrated or synchronized with the pteq or (d) an went of Force Majeure preve,nts either Party from delivering or receiving Net 6.4 Seller shall reasonably determine the lvfWh amount of Net Output curtailed to Section 6.3 after the fact based on the amount of energy that could have been at the Facility and delivered to PacifiCorp as Net Output but that was not generated and vered because of the curtailment. Seller shall promptly provide PacifiCorp with access to information and data as PacifiCorp may reasonably require to confirm to its reasonable isfaction the amount of energy that was not generated or delivered because of a curtailment in this Section 6.3 and to perform and confirm the calculations described in Section 4.4. 6.4.1 Upon termination of each ctrtailmeirt, each Party having knowledge of the curtailment shall transmit to the other Party, within ten (10) business days, a written statement documenting the cause of curtailment the time curtailmemt comme,lrced, the amount of curtaibnent during each hour of the curtailment perio{ and the time curtailmcnt ended. 6.4.2 At the end of each Billing Period, Seller shall calculate the curtailed ffiffgy, including the Maximum Curtaild Facility Delivery Rate, for each curtaitnent during that Billing Period and transnit a summary statement of such calculation to PacifiCorp prior to the end of the next month. Seller shall attest to the accuracy of its calculation of curtailed e,nergy. 6.5 PacifiCorp as Merchant. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its capacity function as purchaser tmder this Agreeme,nt, has no responsibility for or over PacifiCorp Transmission or any successor Transmission Provider and that interaction PacifiCorp and PacifiCorp Transmission are at arms' length pumuant to the Tariff and Order No. 888 and relatod regulation. 6.6 Scheduline Net Output. At least ninety (90) days before the first day of each quarter, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with written notice of the Facility's planned Net generation schedule ("Schedule") for that calendar quarter. At least ten (10) days before beeinning of each month, Seller strall notiff PacifiCorp in writing of any changes or updates the Schedule for that month. At or before 0730 MPT on the day before a give,n day of delivery, shall notift PacifiCorp's generation coordinator deslq by telephoning 503-813-6090 or ing a facsimile to 503-8134265, of any changes to the Schedule for the delivery day. Seller notiS PacifiCorp's generation coordinator desk no later than two hours following the of an went of Force Majeure, unscheduled outage or rmscheduled derate, of the duration of any such eve,nt. The Schedule made pursuant to this Section 6.5 is of and does not alter the Energy Delivery Schedule. GENERAL CONDIIIONS l9 6.7 Deliverv Exceedinc the Mpdmum GIA Deliverv Rate. Seller shall not deliver from the Facility to the Point of Delivery at a rate that exceeds the Morimum GLA ivery Rate. Seller's failure to limit such deliveries to the Maximum GIA Delivery Rate shall a breach of a material obligation zubject to I 1. I .8. 6.8 Outaces. 6.8.1 Planned Outaees. Except as otherwise provided herein, Seller shall not schedule a Planned Outage during any portion of the months of December, January, July, and Aug.st, exce,pt to the extent a Planned Outage is reasonably required to enable a vendor to satisff a guarantee requirement in a sittration in which the vendor is not othenvise able to perform the guarantee work at a time other than during one of the months specified above. Seller shall, in Exhibit D, provide PacifiCorp with an annual forecast of Planned Outages for each Contract Year at least one (1) month, but no more that three (3) months, before the first day of that Contact Year, and shall promptly update such schedule, or otherwise change it only, to the extent that Seller is reasonably required to change it in order to comply with Prudent Electrical Practices. Seller shall not schedule more than one hundred fifty (150) hours of Plarmed Outages for each calendar year. Seller shall not schedule any maintenance of Interconnection Facilities during zuch months, without the prior writte,n approval of PacifiCorp, which approval may be withheld by PacifiCorp in its sole discretion. 6.8.2 Maintenance Outaees. [f Seller reasonably determines that it is necessary to schedule a Maint€nance Outage, Seller shall notiff PacifiCorp of the proposed Maintenance Outage as soon as practicable but in any event at least five (5) business days before the outage begins (or zuch shorter period to which PacifiCorp may reasonably consent in light of then existing conditions). Upon such notice, the Parties shall plan the Maintenance Outage to muttrally accommodate the reasonable requirerrents of Seller and the service obligations of PacifiCorp. Seller shall take all reasonable measrures and use best efforts consistent with Prudeirt Electrical Practices to not schedule any Mainte,nance Outage during the following periods: June 15 through June 30, July, Augus! and Septemba I through September 15. Seller shall include in such notice of a proposed Maintenance Outage the expocted start date and time of the outage, the amount of generation capacity of the Facility that will not be available, and the expected completion date and time of the outage. Seller may provide notices under this Section 6.8.2 orally. Seller shall confinn any zuch oral notification in writing as soon as practicable. PacifiCorp shall promptly respond to zuch notice and may request reasonable modifications in the schedule for the outage. Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to comply with PacifiCorp's request to modifu the schedule for a Maintenance Outage if such modification has no substantial impact on Seller. Seller shall notifu PacifiCorp of any subsequent changes in generation capacrty of the Facility druing such Maintenance Outage and any changes in the Maintenance Outage completion date and time. Seller shall take all reasonable measures and exercise its best efforts consisteirt with Prudelrt Electrical Practices to minimize the frequency and duration of Maintenance Outages. GENERAL CONDITIONS 20 6.8.3 Forced Outages. Seller shall promptly provide to PacifiCorp an oral r€,port, via telephone to a number specified by PacifiCorp, of any Forced Outage of the Facility. Such report shall include the amount of generation capacity of the Facility that will not be available because of the Forced Outage and the expected retum date and time of such generation capacity. Seller shall promptly update the report as necessary to advise PacifiCorp of changed circunstances. [f the Forced Outage resulted in more than l5% of the Facility Capacrty Rating of the Facility being unavailable, Seller shall confirm the oral report in writing as soon as practicable. Seller shall take all reasonable measures and exercise its best efforts consistent with Pnrdent Electrical Practices to avoid Forced Outages and to minimize their duration. 6.8.4 Notice of Deratings and Outaees. Without limiting other notice requirements, Seller shall notify PacifiCorp, via telephone to a number qpecified by PacifiCorp, of any limitatiorU restriction, derating or outage known to Seller that affects the generation capacity of the Facility in an amount greater than five percent (5%) of the Facility Capacity Rating for the following day. Seller shall promptly update such notice to reflect any material changes to the infomration in such notice. 6.9 Effect of Outaees on Estimated Output. Seller shall include Planned Outages and ce Outages that Seller reasonably expects to encounter in the ordinary course of the Facility into ttre Schedulod Monthly Energy Delivery amounts in the Energy Schedule set forth in Exhibit D. 6.10 Increase to the Maximum Facilitv Deliverrr Rate. Seller may, in accordance with is Section 6.10 and upon written approval by PacifiCorp, increase the Maximum Facility ivery Rate, unless, after zuch increasg under normal or average design conditions the Net would exceed the Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation in any given month, acifiCorp approval of zuch increase is conditioned on the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act 16 U.S.C. 824a-3) and other applicable law requiring PacifiCorp to purchase the incremental Net If Seller increases the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate, PacifiCorp will continue to pay base Net Output at the rate(s) prescribed by Section 5 of this Agreement, and PacifiCorp will for incremental Net Output resulting from the increase to the Maximum Facility Delivery at the rate(s) prescribed by the Commission at the time of PacifiCorp's approval, if granted, the increase in the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate. PacifiCorp shall specifu in its approval, if a reasonable means of distinguishing such base Net Output from zuch incremental Net 6.ll Access Riehts. Upon reasonable prior notice and subject to the prudeut safety irements of Seller, and Requirerneirts of Law relating to workplace health and safety, Seller ll provide PacifiCorp and its authorized agents, employees and inspectors ('PacifiCorp ives") with reasonable access to the Facility: (a) for the purpose of reading or testing equipment, (b) as necessary to witness any acceptance tests, and (c) for other reasonable at the reasonable request of PacifiCorp. GENERAL CONDITIONS 2l SECTION 7: MOTIVE FORCE Prior to the execution of this Agreement, Seller provided to PacifiCorp a motive force plan attached hereto as Exhibit F-1, de,monstrating to PacifiCorp's reasonable satisfaction: (1) the feasibility that Facility Net Energy will equal the Energy Delivery Schedule in Exhibit D for the duration of this Agree,ment; and (2) the likelihood that the Facility, under average design conditions, will generate at no more than l0 aMW in any calendar montl1 together with a certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer attached hereto as Exhibit F-2, certifting to PacifiCorp that the Facility can reasonably be expected to perforrr as predicted in the motive force plan for the duration of this Agreement. The motive force plan included, or was accompanied by, all Required Facility Documents relating to Seller's right to use the motive force as reasonably determined by PacifiCorp, which accompanying docume,nts, if any, are attached hereto as part of Exhibit F-1. SECTION t: METERING 8.1 Meterinq Adjustnent. Metoing will be performed at the location and in the specified in Exhibit B and the Ge,nerator Interconnection Agreemeirt. All quantities of purchased hereunder shall be adjusted to accormt for elcctrical losses, if any, between the int of metcring and the Point of Delivery, so that the ptrchased amount reflects the net amount power flowing into the System at the Point of Delivery.2 The loss adjustnent shall be a luction of 2o/o of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility ouput meter until actually and calibrated at the meter by PacifiCorp Transnission and docume,lrtd in a signed to Seller from PacifiCorp's QF Contracts Administrator. 8.2 Met€ring Errors. If any inspections or tests made pursuant to the Generator Agreeme,nt discloses an emor exceeding two percent (2%), either fast or slow, correction, based upon the inaccuracy found, shall be made of previous readings for the period during which the metering equipment rendered inaccurate measure,ments if that iod can be ascertained. Ifthe actual period cannot be ascertaincd, the proper correction shall made to the measurerne,nts taken during the time the metering equipment was in service since tested, but not exceeding three Billing Periods, in the amout the metering equipment shall been shown to be in error by such test. Any correction in billings or palme,lrts resulting a correction in the meter records shall be made in the next monthly billing or payment 8.3 Telemetering. In accordance with the Generator Interconnection Agreement, Seller provide telemetering equipment and facilities capable of transnitting to Transmission (who will share it with PacifiCorp as authorizd by Exhibtt I, "seller Authorization to Ge,neration Data to PacifiCorp") the following information concerning the Facility on a basis, and will operate such equipment whe,n requested by PacifiCorp to indicate: (a) instantaneous lvflV output at the Point of Delivery; 2 If station service is supplied via separate facilities, PacifiCorp will deduct station service from the metered facility output to calculate Net Output. GENERAL CONDMIONS (b) Net Ouput; and (c) the Facility's total instantaneous generation capacity. 8.4 Monthiy Reports and Loes and Other Information. 8.4.1 Electonic Fault [ns. Seller shall maintain an electonic fault log of operations of the Facility during each hour of the term of this Agreerrent commencing on the Commelpial Operation Date. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp with a copy of the electronic fault log within thirty (30) calendar days after the end of the Billing Period to which the fault log applies. 8.4.2 Upon the request of PacifiCorp, Seller shall provide PacifiCorp the manufacturers' guidelines and rccommendations for maintenance of the Facility equipment. 8.4.3 By each January 10 following the Commercial Operation Date, Seller shall provide to PacifiCorp written certification that Seller has completed all the manufacturers' guidelines and recommendations for maintenance of the Facility equipment applicable to the previous calendar year. 8.4.4 At any time from the Effective Date, one (l) year's advance notice of the termination or expiration of any agreernent pursuant to which the Facility or any equipment relating thereto is upon the Facility site; provided that the foregoing does not authorize any early termination of any land lease or other rights in real property associated with the Facility or Premise. 8.4.5 As soon as it is known to Seller, Seller shall disclose to PacifiCorp, the extent of any material violation of any eirvironmental laws or regulations arising out of the constnrction or operation of the Facility, or the presence of Environmental Contamination at the Facility or on the Premises, alleged to exist by any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over the Premises, or the present existence of, or the occurrence during Seller's occupancy of the Premises of, any enforcement legal, or regulatory action or proceeding relafing to such alleged violation or alleged presence of Environmental Contarrination presently occurring or having occurred during the period of time that Seller has occupied the Premises. PacifiCorp shall have no responsibility or liability for any Environnental Contamination at the Facility or Premise. Seller inde,mnifies and holds PacifiCorp harmless for any liability, costs or expenses associated with Environme,ntal Contamination at or on the Facility or Premise. 8.5 Maintenance of Meterine Equipment. To the extent not otheru/ise provided in the lnterconnection Agreement, PacifiCorp shall inspect, test, repair and replace the equipment periodically, or at the request of Seller if Seller has reason to believe may be offand rcquests 6l inspection in writing. To the extent not otherwise provided the Ge,lrerator Interconnection Agreernent, all PacifiCorp's costs relating to designing, ing, maintaining, and repairing metering equipment installed to accommodate Selleds shall be bome by Seller. GENERAL CONDITIONS 23 SECTION 9: BILLINGS. COMPUTATIONS AND PAYMENTS 9.1 Pa],ment for Net Output. On or before the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of Billing Period, PacifiCorp shall send to Seller payment for Seller's deliveries of Net Ouput PacifiCorp, together with computations supporting such paynent. PacifiCo{p may offset any pa]ln€ril to reflect amounts owing from Seller to PacifiCorp pursuant to this Agreement, the lnterconnection Agreement and any other agreement(s) between the Parties. Any such shall be separately it€mizd on the staternent accompanying each payment to Seller. 9.2 Corrections. PacifiCorp shall have up to thirty-six (36) months to adjust any made pursuant to Section 9.1. kt the event PacifiCorp determines it has overpaid Seller for [nadvertent Energy, calibration error, or otherwise), PacifiCorp may adjust Seller's future accordingly in order to correct the error in a reasonable time. 9.3 Interest on Overdue Amounts. Any amounts owing after the due date thereof shall interest at the Prime Rate plus two p€rcerlt (2o/o) per annum from the date due until paid; , however, that the interest rate shall at no time exceed the maximum rate allowed by law. 9.4 Disputed Amounts. If either Party, in good faith, disputes any amount due pursuant an invoice rendered hereunder, such Party shall notify the other Party of the specific basis for dispute and, if the invoice shows an amount due, shall pay that portion of the statemetrt that is isputed, on or before the due date. Except as provided in Section 9.2, any such notice of ispute shall be provided within two (2) years of the date of the invoice in which the enor first Failure to provide such notice in the time provided in this Section shall act as a waiver the claim and the billing shall be final. If any arnount disputed by such Party is deterrrined to due to the other P*ty, or if the Parties resolve the payne,nt dispute, the amount due shall be within five (5) days after such deterrrination or resolution" along with interest in accordance Section 9.3. SECTION 10: SECURITY 10.1 Delay Security: 10.1.1 Duty to Post Security. By the Effective Date Seller shall post a Letter of Credit, cash or a pare,ntal Builmty, each in a form and from an entity acceptable to PacifiCorp, in the amount of $21,645 as calculated pursuant to Section 10.1.2 ('Delay Security'). To the extent PacifiCorp receives payment from the Delay Secr:rity, Seller shall, within fifteen (15) calendar days, restore the Delay Security as if no such deduction had occurred. The obligation to provide Delay Security shall not apply to the extent that Commercial Operation has been achieved as of or prior to the Effective Date. 10.1.2 Calculation of Delav Securiw. The dollar value of Delay Security shall equal the greater of: (1) forty-five dollars ($a5) multiplied by the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate with the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate being measured in kW; or (2) the zum of the products, for each of the fimt three calendar months after the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, of: GENERAL CONDITIONS the energy in the Initial Year Energy Delivery Schedule for the month (klvh) multiplied by the monthly weighted average On-Peak and Off-Peak Conforming Energy Purchase Price for the months ($AdWh) dividd by 1000. Such amount shall be fixed upon execution of this Agteement. 10.1.3 Rieht to Draw on Secudtv. PacifiCorp shall have the right to draw on the Delay Security to collect Delay Liquidated Damages. Commencing on or about the first of each monttr, PacifiCorp will invoice Seller for Delay Liquidated Damages incurred, if any, during the preceding month. If insufficient Delay Security is available, Seller shall pay PacifiCorp for invoiced Delay Liquidated Damages no later than five business dap after receiving such invoice. The Parties will make billings and payments for Delay Liquidated Damages in accordance with Section 9. 10.1.4 Release of Delav Securiw. Unless PacifiCorp disputes whether Seller has paid all Delay Liquidated Damages, PacifiCorp shall release the Delay Secruity on the earlier of the 30th calendar day following @urm€ocement of Commercial Operation or the 60th calendar day following PacifiCorp's termination of this Agreement. 10.1.5 Default. Seller's failure to post and maintain Delay Security accordance with Section 10.1 will constitute an event of default, unless cured accordance with Section 11.1.1 of this Agreement. SECTION 11: DEFATILTS AND REMEDIES 11.1 The following events shall constitute defaults under this Agreement: I I .1 . I Non-Palment. A Party's failure to make a payment when due under this Agree,ment, or post and maintain security in conformance with the requirements of Section 10, or maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements of Section 13 of this Agreement, if the failure is not cured within ten (10) business days after the non- defaulting Party gves the defaulting Party a notice of the default. 11.1.2 Breach of Representation. Breach by a Party of a representation or warranty set forth in this Agree,ment if such failure or breach is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days following written notice. 11.1.3 Default on Other Aereements. Seller's failure to cure any default trnder the Generator lnterconnection Agreenrent or any other agreement between the parties related to this Agreement, the Generator Intercormection Agreement or the Facility within the time allowed for a cure rmder such agreement or instnrment. 11.1.4 lnsolve,ncv. A Party (a) makes an assigDment for the benefit of its creditors; @) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the coflrmencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankuptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors, or has such a petition filed against it and such petition is GENERAL CONDITIONS ln m not withdrawn or dismissed within sixty (60) calendar days after zuch filing; (c) becomes insolvent; or (d) is unable to pay its debts when due. 11.1.5 Material Adverse Chanee. A Material Adverse Change has occunpd with respect to Seller and Seller fails to provide such performancc assurances as are reasonably requested by PacifiCorp, within fifteen (15) business days from the date of suoh request. 11.1.6 Sale to Third-Partv. Seller's sale of Net Output to an entity other than PacifiColp, as prohibited by Section 4.2. ll.l.7 Non-Delivery. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failune to deliver any Net Energy to the Point of Delivery for three consecutive calendar months, if the failure is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days after PacifiCorp gives Seller notice of the default. 11.1.8 A Party othenrise fails to perform any material obligation (including but not limited to failure by Seller to meet any deadline set forttr in Section 2.2) imposed upon that Party by this Agreement if the failure is not cured within thirty (30) calendar dala after the non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party notice of the default; provided, however, thag upon written notice from the defaulting Party, ttris thirty (30) day period shall be extended by an additional ninety (90) calendar days if(a) the failure cannot reasonably be cued within the thirty (30) day perid despite diligent efforts, O) the default is capable of being ctred within the additional ninety (90) day period, and (c) the defaulting Party commences the cure within the original thirty (30) day period and is at all times thereafter diligeirtly and continuously proceeding to cure the failure. 11..2 In the went of any default hereunder, the nondefaulting Party must notifu the rng Party in writing of the circumstances indicating the default and outlining the uirements to cure the default. If the default has not been cured within the prescribed time, the non-defaulting Party may terrrinate this Agreement at its sole discretion by delivering itten notice to the other Party aad may pursue any and all legal or equitable remedies provided law or pursuant to this Agree,rneirt. The rights provided in this Section 11 are cumulative such the exercise of one or more rights shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights. ll.3 In the event this Agreement is terminated because of Seller's default and Seller to again sell Net Output from the facility using the sarne motive force to PacifiCorp ing such termination" PacifiCorp in its sole discretion may require that Seller do so subject the terms of this Agreeme,n! including but not limitd to the purchase prices (as sa forth in ion 5), until the Expiration Date (as set forth in Section 2.1). 11.4 If this Agreement is terminated as a result of Seller's defaul! Seller shall pay ifiCorp for the energy and associated capacity that Seller was scheduled to provide for aacrnuorp lor Ine energy ano assocratm capaclry tnat ueuer was scheoulec to proude lor a eriod of twelve (12) months ("Replacement Period") from the date of termination plus the imated administrative cost to acquire the replacement power (*Net Replacement Power Net Replacement Power Costs equals the sum of: the Replacernent Price times the GENERAL CONDITIONS 26 Volume, for each day of the Replace,rnent Period, plus the estimated administrative to the utility to acquire replacement power. Where: "Rephcement Price" equals the positive difference, if any, of the Index Price minus the weighted average of the On-Peak and Off-Peak Conforming Energy Prices; and "Replacement Volume" equals the applicable Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery divided by the number of days in that month. Amounts owed by Seller pursuant to this Section shall be due within five (5) business days after an invoice from PacifiCorp for the same. The Parties agree that the damages PacifiCorp would incur due to termination resulting from Seller's default would be difficult or impossible to predict with certainty, and that the damages in this Section 11.4 are an appropriate approximation of such damages. 11.5 Recoupment of Damaees. (a) Default Securitv Available. If Seller has posted default security, PacifiCorp may draw upon that security to satisfo any damages, above. (b) Default Securiw Unavailable. If Seller has not posted default security, orif PacifiCorp has exhausted the default security, PacifiCorp may (in addition to any other remedy at law) collect any remaining amount owing by partially wittrholding future payments to Seller over a reasonable period of time. PacifiCorp and Seller shall work together in good faith to establish the period, and monthly amounts, of such withholding so as to avoid Seller's default on its commercial or financing agreements necessary for its continued operation of the Facility. SECTION 12: IITTDEMNIFICATION ATID LIABILITY l2.l Indemnitics. l2.l.l Indemniw by Seller. Seller shall release, indemni$ and hold harrrless PacifiCorp, its dirpctors, officers, agents, and representatives against and from any and all losses, fines, penalties, claims, actions or suits, including costs and attorney's fees, both at trial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising out of or in any way connected with (a) the energy delivered by Seller under this Agreement to and at the Point of Delivery, (b) any facilities on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery, (c) Seller's operation and/or maintenance of the Facility or activities on the Premise, or (d) arising from Seller's breach of this Agreeme,ng including without limitation any loss, clairq action or suit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherr*rise, to, or death ofl persons, or for damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property belonging to PacifiCorp, Seller or others, excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of PacifiCorp, its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives. GENERAL CONDITIONS 12.1.2 Indemniw by PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp shall release, inderrrifu and hold harmless Seller, its directors, offic€trs, agents, leirders and representatives against and from any and all loss, fines, peiralties, claims, actions or zuits, including costs and attorney's fees, both at hial and on appeal, resulting from, or arising out of or in any way connected with the eoergy delivered by Seller under this Agreement after the Point of Delivery, including without limitation any loss, claim, action or strit, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to, or death oi persons, or for damage to, or destuction or economic loss of property, excepting only such loss, claim, action or suit as may be caused solely by the fault or gross negligence of Seller, its directors, offic€,rs, employees, agents, lenders or representatives. 12.2 No Dedication. Nothing in this Agreement shall be constued to create any duty to, standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agree,ment I constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to public, nor affect the status of PacifiCorp as an independent public utility corporation or Seller an ind€,pendent individual or entity. 12.3 No Warrantv. Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's desigrr, ns, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by and PacifiCorp makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, ty, reliability, stre,ngtlq capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. 12.4 CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT SUCH AMAGES ARE INCLI.'DED IN TIIE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, DELAY DAMAGES, OR SPECIFIED MEASURE OF DAMAGES EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS , NETTHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTTMR PARTY FOR PUNITTVE, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SUCH DAMAGES ARE ALLOWED OR PROVIDED BY CONTRACT, TORT ING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILTTY, STATUTE OR OTHERWISE. SECTION 13: INSURANCE 13.1 Certificates. Prior to connection of the Facility to PacifiCorp's electric system, or another utility's electric system if delivery to PacifiCorp is to be accomplished by wheeling Seller shall secure and continuously carry insurance in compliance with the requirernents of this Section 13. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp insurance certificate(s) (of "ACORD Form" or the equivalent) certifuing Seller's compliance with the insurance requiremeirts hereunder upon the Effective Date and on each annual anniversary of the Effective Date or as othenrise requested by PacifiCorp. Commercial General Liability coverage written on a 'tlaims-made" basis, if any, shall be specifically identified on the certificate. If requestcd by PacifiCorp, a mpy of each insurance policy, certified as a tnre copy by an authorized representative of the issuing insurance company, shall be fumished to PacifiCorp 13.2 Required Policies and Coveraees. Without limiting any liabilities or any other obligations of Seller under this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry with an GENERAL CONDITIONS insurance company or companies rated not lower than "A" by the A.M. Best Company the instrance coverage specified in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement. SECTION 14: FORCE M.{,trEURE L4.l As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "en event of Force Majeure" any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Seller or of PacifiCorp whic\ despite the ise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. By way of example, orce Majeire may include but is not limited to acts of Go4 floo4 storms, wars, hostilities, civil trife, strikes, and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightring, epidemics, sabotage, int by court order, icing events within the immediate water souroe used as the Facility's motive force that causes the Facility to reduce energy production or other delay or in the performance as a renrlt of any action or inaction on behalf of a public authority hich is in each case (i) beyond the reasonable control of such Purty, (ii) by the exercise of aable foresight such Party could not reasonably have bee,n expected to avoid and (iii) by the ise of due diligence, such Party shall be unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure, , specifically excludes the cost or availability (except as provided above) of fuel or ive force to operate the Facility or changes in market conditions that affect the price of energy tansmission. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligation under Agreeme,nt because of an cvcnt of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: l4.l.l the non-performing Party, shall, within five (5) days after the o@rure,lrce of the Force Majeure, grve the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence, including the start date of the Force Majeure, the cause of Force Majeure, whether the Facility remains partially operational and the expeted end date of the Force Majeure; 14.1.2 the suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is requircd by the Force Majeure; 14.1.3 the non-performing Party uses its best efforts to remedy is inability to perform; and 14.1.4 the non-performing Party shall provide prcmpt written notice to the other Party at the end of the Force Majeure event detailing the end date, cause there of, damage caused there by and any repairs that were required as a result of the Force Majeure event, and the end date of the Force Majeure. L4.2 No obligations of either Party which arose before the Force Majeure causing the ion of perfonnance shall be excused as a result of the Force Majeure. 14.3 Neither Party shall be required to settle any strike, walkout, lockout or o&er labor on tenns whictU in the sole judgme'nt of the Party involved in the dispute, are contrary to Partyrs best interests. GENERAL CONDITIONS 14.4 PacifiCorp may terminate the Agreement if Seller fails to remedy Seller's inability perform, due to an event of Force Majeure, within six (6) months after the occurr€noe of the of Force Majetre. SECTION 15: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing contained in this Agreement shall wer be constnred to cr€ate an associatioq tnrsq parhership or joint ventur€ or to impose a tnrst or partrership duty, obligation or liability between the Parties. If Seller includes two or more entities, each such elrtity shall be jointly and severally liable for Sellcds obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 16: CHOICE OF LAIY This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Idaho, excluding any choice of law rules which may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. SECTION 17: PARTIAL INVALIDITY It is not the intention of the Parties to violate any laws governing the subject matter of this Agreernent. If any of the terms of the Agree,ment are finally held or determined to be invalid, illegal or void as being contrary to any applicable law or public policy, all other terms of the Agreement shall remain in effect. If any terms are finally held or determined to be invali4 illegal or voi4 the Parties shall enter into negotiations concenring the terms affected by such decision for the purpose of achieving conformity with requirements of any applicable law and the intent of the Parties to this Agreemeirt. SECTION lt: WAIVER Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rilhts with respect to a default under this Agreement or with rcspect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreerrent must be in writing and zuch waiver shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any zubsequcnt default or other matter. SECTION 19: GOVERITTMENTAL JURISDICTION AIttD AUTHORIZATIONS PacifiCorp's compliance with the tenns of this Agreeme,nt is conditioned on Selleds submission to PacifiCorp prior to the Commercial Operation Date and Seller's maintenance thereafter of copies of all local, state and federal licenses, pemrits and other approvals as then may be required by law for the constnrction, operation and maintenance of the Facility. SECTION 20: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 20.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. This GENERAL CONDTTIONS may be assigned by either Party upon 30 business days (or longer if reasonably prior writteir notice and opportunity to object by the other Party; provided that, 20.1.1 Any entity with which PacifiCorp may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all of PacifiCorp's rights, obligations, and interests under this Agreernent. 20.1.2 Either Party may assign this Agreernent without the conse,nt of the other Party to any affrliate of the assigning Party witlt an equal or greater credit rating and with the legal authority and operational ability to satisfr the obligations of the assigning Party under this Agreement, provided that Seller promptly notifies the PacifiCorp of any such assignment. 20.1.3 Seller shall have the right to assign this Agreement, without the consent of the PacifiCorp, for collateral security purposes to aid in providing financing for the Facility, provided that the Seller will promptly notify PacifiCorp of any zuch assignment. 20.1.4 Any attempted assignment that violates this article is void and ineffective. An assignce is responsible for meeting the same financial, crediq and insurance obligations as the assignor. Where requireq consent to assignment will not be unreasonably withhel( conditioned or delayed. SECTION 21: ENTIRE AGREEMENT zl.L This Agree,ment supersedes all prior agreements, proposals, representations, iations, discussions or letters, whether oral or in writing, regarding PacifiCorp's purchase of Ouput from the Facility. No modification of this Agreeme,nt shall be effective unless it is in and signed by both Parties. 21.2 By executing this Agreement, each Party releases the other from any claims, known unknown, that may have arisen prior to the execution of this Agreement with respect to the ity and any predecessor facility proposed to have been constnrcted on the site of the Facility using the same motive force. SECTION 22: JLIRY TRIAL WAMR TO TI{E FIJLLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES TIERETO WAryES ANY RIGHT TT MAY HAVE TO A TRI.AL BY JI.JRY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WTTH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY zuRTHER WATVES A}.TY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANIY ACTION IN WHICH A JTJRY TRIAL HAS BEEN WATVED WITH A\IY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JI.'RY TRI.AL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 23: NOTICES All notices excc?t as othcrnisc provided in this Agreement sltall be in writing, shaU be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered if delivered in person or whe,n deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage pr€paid by certified or rcgistercd mail and rctum receipt requested. All Notices PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Stneet Portland, oR97232 Attn: Contract AdministatiorU suite 600 Phone: (503) 813 - 5380 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 6291 Duns: 00-790-9013 Fderal Tax ID Number: 93-02460t90 Consolidated Lrigation Company 33 S I'tE Preston, ID 83263-1301 Phone: (208)852-236/. Facsimile: (208) 852-2365 Fdtral Tor ID No: 300716204. Duns: 078492157 Attn: Back Office, Suite 700 Phone: (503) 813 - 5578 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 5580 (same as above) Attrr: Resourcs plennin& Suite 600 Phone: (503) 813 - 6090 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 6265 (same as above) Attn: Back Office, Suite 700 Phone: (503) 813 - 5578 Facsimile: (503) 813 - 5580 (same as above) BankOneN.A. To be provided in separate letter from PacifiCorp to Seller Confidential information to be provided separately Atm: Credit Manager, Suite 700 Phone: 503-813-7280 Fax: 503-813-5609 (same as above) Attrr: PacifiCorp General Counsel Phone: (503) 813-5029 Facsimile: (503) 813{761 with Additional Notices of an Event of Default or Potential Event of Default: Thc Prtics may change the person to whom such notice are addressed, or their addresses, by proviiling writtcn noticee thereof in accordance with this Sostion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreerneot to bc executed in tbcir respective names as ofthe date fint above writte,n. Name: BnrceGrisrold Title: Dirccbr Short Tcrm Origination and QF Contocts Title: President Date: q')- l-f GENERAL CONDITIONS ThoPudpi rtrty rhr"gF ttopG[n io rh rlrL Ddi-r e det.roq c ftrh rdfrcuq !y prov&nfu wrifa lolir ttffidiB rccqds llth fii. Sccdor" IN Wmru! WHEREOF, tu PrrliB hctilo hn. c.rrcdf& Agrffi b bo afilbd h ttdtfudip\@r r dtho rb fnt $ovo writu" XhB NwBrholcoa lltlcHdcrt Dro: EXHIBIT 1: INSURANCE Required Policies and Coverages. Without limiting any liabilities or aoy other obligations of Seller under this Agreemen! Seller shall secure and continuously carry with an insurance company or companies rated not lower than "A-Ay'II" by the A.M. Best Company the insurance coverage specified below: Ll.l Workers' Compensation. Seller shall comply with any applicable laws or statutes, state or federal jurisdictiorq where Seller performs work. 1.1.2 Employers' Liability. Seller shall maintain employers' liability insurance with minimum limits covering bodily injury fon $500,000 - each accident, $500,000 by disease - each employee, and $500,000 by disease - policy limit. 1.1.3 Commercial General Uability. Seller shall maintain insurance to include prernises and operations, contractual liability, with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 each occturence to protect against and from loss by reason of injury to persons or damage to property based upon and arising out of the activity under this Agreement. 1.1.4 Business Automobile Liability. Seller shall secure and continuously carry business automobile liability insurance with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 each accident covering bodily injury and property damage with respect to Seller's vehicles whether owne4 hired or non-owned. 1.1.5 Umbrella/excess Liability. Seller shall maintain umbrella or excess liability insurance on an occurence and following form basis with a minimum timits as follows: (a) Facility Capacity Rating under 200 KW - $1,000,000 (b) Facility Capacity Rating at or above 200 KW - $5,000,000 1.1.6 Property Insurance. Seller shall maintain property insurance covering equipnent and structures in an amount at least equal to the full replacement value for "all risks" of physical loss or damage, including coverage for earth movefir€nt, flood boiler and machinery and business intemrption. The poliry may contain s€,parate sub-limits and deductibles subject to insurance company undenrriting guidelines. Property inzurance will be maintained in accordance with terms available in the insurance markct for similar facilities. Additional Provisions or Endorsements: 1.2.1 Except for workers'compensation and property insurance, the policies required hcrein shall include provisions or endorsements as follows: (a) naming PacifiCorp, parent, divisions, officers, dhectors and employees as additional insureds; O) include provisions that such insurance is primary insurance with respect to the interests of PacifiCorp and that any other insurance maintained by Paci{iCorp is excess and not contibutory insurance with the insurance required hereunder, and (c) cross liability coverage or severability ofinterest. 1.2 A-t 1.2.2 Unless prohibited by applicable law, all required insurance policies shall contain provisions that the insurer will have no right of recovery or zubrogation against PacifiCorp. 1.3 Certificates. Prior to connection of the Facility to PacifiCorp's clectric system, or another utility's electric system if delivery to PacifiCorp is to be accomplished by wheeling, Seller shall secure and continuously carry insurance in compliance with the requirements of this Section. Seller shall provide PacifiCorp insurance certificate(s) confirming Seller's compliance with the insurance requirements herzunder. Insurance certificate confirming compliance shall be provided to PacifiCorp by Seller at least annually and each time a new insurmce policy is issued orbeomes effective. 1.4 Commercial General Liability coverage written on a "claims-made" basis, if any, shall be qpecifically identified on the certificate, and Seller shall be maintained by Seller for a minimum period of five (5) years after the completion of this Agreement and for zuch other length of time necessaxy to cover liabilities arising out of the activities under this Agreement. 1.5 Periodic Review. PacifiCorp may review this schedule of instuance as often as once ev€ry two (2) years. PacifiCorp may in its discretion require Seller to make rcasonable changes to the policies and coverages described in this Exhibit to the extent reasonably necessary to cause such policies and cov€rages to conform to the insurance policies and coverages typically obtained or required for power generation facilities comparable to the Facility at the time PacifiCorp's review takes place. A-2 EXHIBIT A: DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY [Completed by Sellerl Seller's Facility consists of One (_1) generator manufactured by TES More specifically, the generator at the Facility is described as: A. Manufacturer's Nameolate Dah: Type (synchronous or inducfive): lnduction Model: 25" HCTI l\win Jet Turgo Impluse Turbine Driving 481 kW TES Model GAK500M14 Generetor Number of Pheses: 3 Rrted Output (kW):481Rxted Ou@ut (kVA):_616_ Rrted Voltage (llne to line): 480 Rated Current (A): Stator: J42 Maximum kW Output: 481 kW Minimum kW Output: 100 kW Facility Capecity Rating: _69- kW at _480_ volts Madmum Facility Delivery Rate: 413-548 (if heater on)_ kW at _480_ Maximum GIA Delivery Rate: __ 500 kW instantaneous Describe (1) any differences between the maximum output of the generato(s) and their Nameplate Capacity Rating(s) and (2) any differences between the Facility Capacity Rating, the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate, and the Maximum GIA Delivery Rate: Station service requirements, and other loads seryed by the Facility, if any, are described as follows: Station service is estimated to be 15 KW Locafion of the Facility: The Facility is located in Fraoklin County, Idaho. The location is more particularly described as follows: LAT 42\7',57.6 LONG l1 1o46',30.5 Power factor requirements: Rated Power Factor (PF) or reactive load ftVAR): _0.95-0.98 l-ag PF _ _ A; Rotor: N/A due to aslmchronous generator Maximum kVA Output: kVA _616- A A-3 EXIIIBIT B POINT OF DELIVERY / PARTIES' INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES [diagram and description providcd by Scller] Instnrctions to Seller: l. lnclude description of point of metering, and Point of Delivery 2. Provide interconnection single line drawing of Facility including any tansmission facilities on Seller's side of the Point of Delivery. 1.The interconnection is located Circuit PRS13, Preston #13, out of Preston substation. The point of metering and the Point of Delivery are described in the PacifiCorp one-line diagram for project Q0437 The one-line diagram is attached2. B-1 EXHIBIT C REQUIRED FACILITY DOCI.JMENTS Qualiffing Facility No.: Not Required < 1,000 KW Generator Intcrconnection Agreemeirt Dated April 30, 2014 h8s been provided FERC Hydro Facility Liceirse: Docket No. CDl5-2-000 Dated January 26,20L5 Water Rights: 13-7853 Proof of Inzurance: Pmvided May 29, 2015 Evide,nce showing agreement for retail electic service: Reail bill provide on June 22,2015 E-1 HoldenKidwe1l Hahn & Crapo".,-* LAW OFTICES August 31,2015 PacifiCorp c/o Lyle Porter Consol idated Ini gation Company 33 S. ls' E. Preston, ID 83263 RE: PocifiCorp and Consolirloted lrrigolion Company Power Purchase Agreement; Statemcnt lhat Consolidated Hos Obtained All Requiretl Fdcility Documents, Dear Lyle: As you know, Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C. represents Consolidated Irrigation Company ("Crc). We have been asked to provide an opinion addressed to PacifiCorp as required under Paragraph 1.6.4 of the Power Purchose Agreement Between Consolidated Irrigation Company and PacitiCoap (the "Agtgglqen!'). We are providing this letter to you, and trust that you will forward it to PacifiCorp when the Agreement is executed, which will bind the parties and make CIC subject to the provisions of Paragraph 1.6.4. We previously provided a similar letter dated May 8, 2015, but understand that PacifiCorp has reqnested additional language that is now contained in this letter. We also understand that the Agreement has been further negotiated between PacficCorp, tluough their in-house counsel, and Joe Miller, CIC's counsel retained to assist in negotiating the Agreement. Wc understand that Paragraph 1.6.4 has not been amended in the Agreement negotiations, and consequently, understand that this letter remains necessary in order to finalize the transaction with PacifiCorp. Paragraph 1.6.4 of the Agreement requires'hn opinion from an attorney in good standing in ldaho, stating that [CIC] has obtained all Required Facility Documents . . .". The term "Required Facility Documents" is a defined terrt under thc Agrecment, and according to section Paragraph 1.64, consists of "all deeds, titles, leases, licenses, permits, authorizations, and agreements demonstrating that [CIC] connols the necessary property rights, (e.g., sitc lease), rights to motive force, and govemment authorizations to constuct, operate, and maintain the Facility, including lvithout limitation, those set forth on Exhibit C." While we ane not obligated to provide copies of the Required Facility Documents under the tenns of Paragraph L6.4, enclosed with this letter are copies of zuch documents, specifically: l. Purchase and Sale Agreentent between Webster Farm, L.L.C. and CIC (purchase of 1fi,O nirtr$,Jk Drirr, Suirc 200 PO llox l0l.t0 Itirho l:rlls, lfuho 81405 'tit (208) t2J-06t0 Fr: (!08) t2.t-951s rrr..holdmlrgrl.rirn Email: rhrnisf(Dholdcnlcrnl.com Established in 1896 I-yle Porter August 31,2015 Page2of2 profrty for powerhouse and associated easements necessafy for connection to PacifiCorp power grid). 2. Letter from FERC to CIC, January 26,2015 (notice from FERC that the CIC facility meets conduit exemption (section 30(a) of the FPA). 3. Permit to Appropriate Waler (issued by the Idaho Deparunent of Water Resources on March 5,2015). In addition, throughout constuction of the power facilities, CIC has been in constant comrnunication with Fraoklin Corurty offrcials relative to nrpervision and construction of such facilities within the scope ofthe County's road right-of-way. The County did not require execution of any documents in order for the facilities to be constructed, but County officials verbally atrthorized placemcnt of such facilities. In light of the foregoing, I certify that CIC has obtained all Required Facility Documents as required turder the Agreement. I certify that I am an attomey in good standing in the State of Idaho required under the Agreement as evidenced by the cnclosed printout from the ldatro State Bar. Bcst Regards, fuzrft,(."_*; Robert L. Haris HoLoEN, Ktoweuu, HauN & Cnepo, p.L.L.c. c 1$?DATA\tUfrl6Ttrt C(traIr.DAlID luE^no{ Culollrol5.o3J I Prnrfcl Lll oocx .{.t ,rt (:-r Ailwoieil* ut$79,* Cr frk- PTIRCEASE AND SALE AGREHVIENT TIIE PITRCHASts Al{D SALa A(nm[B{r (fir'Agrcd) ir qccord o bo &cdvo rr d OcSc 3q 2mA by od bcma U|BSEB, EABIA IJ.C" o Hrho.[dodffiy ctupqn $dd), Ed @SIOIJDAIED IBREAIT0N mlmlrE o tdrhoEeEdE,(Bur!f). BETTAT$ A. Sdkb q"r"I CrbPropcrty (r desdbdow) loedtn RuHh Cm3r, Idrb. B. Sdlcr ddtr o rdl b Bryr od Buya ddo. o pdrro im $lh, &o llrupetyl, a pucd dFu1lqty fu ttc contudm d a oatrh hrOrcOocUc portr ft@, mdm rrodoodrifr bporurfidllty, qloeom1 ofu adpovHol rtfrrfr intHrAgnffi" A(TEIilBITS: I{OW,IflREIQBtsr h codddo deo prmia' ovud, rqg!.cdffi EdMs td ffi h th AlEitrc'tl Ed fu o&lr Yddbl! omddaUoE, lto &S EdlGdrey d$lir;h rtb hdy rbwbdgld, Sdh ad Bnyrr qgm r lct ffi bdoy. 1. DEltWOhE. ltcffiowlrytanlhnr,ltofr[orrhgmofoswhdh frf,rAgrcmt oA&mP. llfr h6ro mdsaloAgrffi, rq'fu*rrgall trtfrlb rfirotodbfrtuAgrmmt ?g@.Ug|, Adry dlrthm a $UdaU, Sudry c ily m rtil6 bothg indtottoor hfu ey ofDnffi, Erho atdffiod rn@d by hw aqmdw 6dcb bodoqt gf. Ih}bd SEbc ontncy $F!!EEd bry d h hnd, ccrli&d coHdr d.d$ rrt! Ere a tumdlly mthlo ffi" 1Qh1!f. lboormdm of Ocllordm, u ailMtyfu &lirrry d dl rcFtld tuds d M n &otor Agld d tu dfiqm c dolhluy of .uct (bds md dmcub by &cmr ASd in mdre wle tb egr'-".ot ud myottr od64btucdor. PURCHASB AllD SALB A(REtsME{T -DryB 1 (./ Agut \. / 25. It.unFOxA[OI{ BYnEBmEIiIcts All cEhftill r ffi Agnmclt uc frllytuupmd tu tHl Agr@ rc thmt[ rct Sdt h ftIt 6. GOVEf,trIllF IAW T& Agruoril fo gptmcd by, ud cortuod md cffiaccd in r&cc rytth,'fro hgl 0f to S@ of I&. . N WffiIESS IHEBBOB tu pstlr hrw mcubd dds A8pacdb bo &c$n ar oftodofil$rlfrlotma SEI,1R *lbuhrm,IJ.C. b -'-.del, lalsd* DsLlEbu[B ]ilEdu.U&@c BI'YR CorddaodHSdmCmpry ltir hr*uo ud Srb A8rcfi b lil*y fubdgd ad rc6&d bD, B.cruv EmowA(mu! Pt RCEASB At{D SAI.8 AffiEBMB}{T-EIgn ll *ffiffiH"* 6rrctGrrtlrcrnnacrl Doclnet No. CD15-2-flX)- Idaho Glmdale Coneft Hyeo Projcct Conrolidamd Inigatim Compuy Juurry?tr.ml6 LylaDottrrr Consolidatsd Inigdon Corymy 9E Ea$ t00North Suib#s Pr€silon, ID t3263 Subjoct Dsffiminstim 6attteGlcodalo ConfuitHydrc ProjwtMceE qdrryrtrg Conduit lly&opowtr fasiliry CtiUria Dearl,Is.Ilstmcc On Novembcr l2,?f/l4,1ou filod a notico of irmcm, punumt b ffiion 3(a) of tu Fodcal Po*tr Act (FPA) l5 U.S.C. $ &l3a (2Ol2I as amcoded ty Sttlm 4 offtG llydroporvpr Rpgulffiy Efficieosy Act of 2013, hrb. L. llL23, $ 4q I 27 Stst 493 (2013), b cmstsuct a qua[rying conduit hydropowu ftcility, lto Ol@dslo Cotrduit IIy&o Ploject, b bc locabd nerfre city of PrlEtm h Frekth CMy, I&ho. OnNovomber 19, 2014, Cmmhsim sffibslod a ptHic notioc fu pnflininrfly douminod ltd lho trojGct ffi thc smffiy crihrb fq a Snlifriqg ffil btdropoum mcility, ed fuis wag nd rcquired b bo lioonsod undcr h I offu FPA Tho nodce Gstablbbod aasdsypsiod formitier m cffistwtsfrErfrc Eolrtnafre ofitsria. onDemba l9,nl4 md sryplcmGnEd m Jmry s,?f.li,tho SUE ofldaho, or rol, &e Deparhd ofldaho Fish and Gane ud the Idaho Wau Resmrca Boad fild a mticc of inbrvcntion atd comc6. Tb conmcaE do nd mffist fu fu projtrt mocnu &c qualificdims, but niso Gmocrm fur tb fishcrios in the vioinity. aU$ng cooduit Bdrcpontrfroilitios rmain subjccto o&crapplicable ftdoat shEr u local laws aad rqulEtior. Accordingly, tris tGfrEr cmtitrfiEs a writtsn dcGrmindim fu fre Gladale Conduitlly&o ProjoctmGcbfu qgaliFying crikiarmdcrFPA soction3(a} and is not roquL€d b bo Acmsd tmdr h I ofths FPA. 4 ? ,daLi:.+rfr0-t-e i i.l:-i .o.l{ 1i.*i)g b-rim9 .''rh{l i li:rhrto ) riuburlu '.'F r . jni,J arri i6{iriti t:gtr*tilcgrrrJS .': eIeS,$t $,l$naL I 5; :. 7i i ;' .,t'.' trtiit t.'.1*trli-q Cfb'1.Ii . i!t,j;;::.r(.! iri.i I Y-lric{r i:.rJ, ;frl,s!', tr i d':.r& ri l'', rr!':,. l:t lli*I ;il.ltr. ;1;rj; ;i,.; ;i.'.. , ,rf..l Ci nr:fzi.;'l rilqlarxil llrhr: t t :,ril l.itl ::r;ii.riri! ri l ::. " U . :'*lil,*' Bi'r' r i i'r )'.' i; li ril' : il;',"rrr6,.t,.i., !4 J it.hr.r:3 ,;lir;.,tririril;':: ,r:ii l:,rii.rri ciHrri ii k{laci i*!r 't:..44;rirnri}: } if l[ .{;l 'r.Li;;,.;',',','t ;p. , ',;i.'.(,.'j.:,..fr\..:r ir.,.ir:*r:r !li",3ilsub 'r rrit ri'r..rlirriigiir:rirr *qrlJ.!3t:i.13 r1r;?fl :...'r: ttl..r' l.ri;iii,rrgl.sh i;;kt:. rt{ i' .J.'I'I Srltl.o L fs{ rlLrrir h:*rr'.'lri 'xl trl.irxifrgrar JirQ ?.rvr,r ;.rrCl irnn ..r$[li:;ril rifi ..::i':3ir'is Jt!; p51 iialo;q uril.:Ubsr!r.; -s$n*l'.4; adlit,ra'iri" lrcir.'ri ''r;ipilr ': .,'ri!ei,.';.i)?,.:. .,r,, , l9r i:.: . a j;i;ri'ttr $ffe on, .ti0S ,e'{jfllr.':t r:,'b'drlogr+[c;rlrla ban j..1.':i .':l ';s. i:,'.r:.rii u:: ,ry. . i)";. 'r,toU i'..}},.:-.{}f lt:tW otisbi'ltl} llnis 10rr.* l.aa.i;:;:! od8b,'rt. tn:.itd',sti,.(t ::fh rr" r... .iltiri:q li; Itorh tegj0ulr thtt tt; ,i:lgift;i.r.,:, :. I r' .Zlfl.;I:fnrOt tyrrs tl.i.r:r.:,r'ltl0r -1e. I j'i. ;1r',.r r;'.i iiiltU0 ..4tir:i':rv fr{l fli a{riroriai} s.f!, "ril arijiltbgiri:,r rurj ";rrgiu::!"!ilsirtL{r.il p';,n! tlni'l ri .,.ri'da ,[er.,irrl e]daaikgt'rt{i:u 1l hoir!,it Fiflrtst lluIilj-'.6t ;}rr,}:fyibv;t ..,1;:!:rrrli-i rTsii 3g;11 .'loilnttnfr,.rtfib.nefi'1,'i ii *.lr:l';rree-rgflg! sifB.tg[.r,iliwiJr .rrru;lr;],,$t'r jr.ii',,i ,rrj.r .(.rrr*r ,roi*:.de..4.'i{ rsi,ru r*I;:..r;li,.f flfi,,:#; i$;l?ll,i*il,.-;,i,fiI I 1: DocJrstNo. CD15-2{m If you havp ary r1tstions pkaso omct Mr. Robilt Boll LI(2I}Z) 5ft2.ffii2 ot rrobutbdl@erc.gov. 3rfrl KdlyHod Ctic{, Faginccdqg Rcsourccs Bmoch Divisim sf Hydropoum AdminhUion and Cmplimoe Idaho AfrmGy Rose Scdth .'"'iho Stato Bar Pagc I ofl 5rf20t5 ff jHfiffS' sca!& - hdviturl &bmo, Recult fd.rtlrrEu. Lh.|totcOll0f.E,DBEttrBh,lH.blhq.ila Er.ilr!a08..,aEm3dI realrt*dd{flrrroE/ta-rrlda*alllr lllhtrdlrt:IoltAenLtr,!t004bfdx rdibrChllkr tbr-onlrhdot bSLrut !dt & Ll*G,lbrdrla*cyrgmll{;rhuGrolbfifrtGqrb crrtudobll*Drr:. ;... lcllLUdtDFf,r,orff I G 6|,.rHilbB q*.arA- ratldr!ft Ha .b tt!.55-I..tDFn-.8)s+ao. cd&I& .\-rlall'hll6.afl)ll.a0lryrr&ffry IQGr&. ffi oh*df hblbBi5E,dlo-d.5.L&r*BtrrrdorerErgt$ ltDCldoGG!.J6 hb lttlltd!fl.dntlrdlu.dtDt9rutr@ldild-cGEdG. LO lrGldr b llil r€rlta.a0tf,Dla,{lt r-.Irll ra.r-Doaarl &rorrl r.Ilrl 6.r.cctE t @//bb.idaho. gw@ctu?IDANurb#I01 8 Pl!.l SSdlddroD?rrhrt[dWrrhrqroc ilo. tt{,ttt Pdqltf lrryA,90l2 lrioilnulDh,ltdonm Tlt b b oefr, hc ENSOLDTIIED IRBIiATPN OO IB8 TgIE PBE TON['l8al9 hl: lpplbdfur pmit5 emrcpfrb n&riun: Souae CIJBRilER milrcREr and epgrftbAPFBOrEDb EB@EUEFOmn OUB TilNKCREE!( CUB Blr'ER (trfeodon) uti[(GEEK 0rtco0sr) Perrnlt b Approprlffi Water tnuuryr BEARH|IER BEAF RN'ER dw&arlobm: EAIEOET@I 6C00GF8 fuetlE,B.ttl. Rgr.lEB.U. Rgc{0E, B.M. drmoFs FHAtrflGilCqrily FRAt{lGlNCounty FRAN(UNCoTrtty FHANruNCqety 168 f rr-i-rr{ur t. 2. L 1, 5. Pmdotmtodond*?b bfro fgrl U,lm0.etffibrt prbrrDrdghb. Thb dCrtdil not arhorbirrdnrdm ol $frrb ti trcd tddybr pomr gemntbn F rp6a.Wfrr rndb gilird powlrud.r[tl tttmut b.fiildrnCbanrffiVtrod undurpat1 rddtgmtrdglfi" Thr fint$r ud urr sl vlrbr rtmt MIf( Cnck firftod undc ttb ilCn h &nhd b a rnron durrfqn0{Elb09rEO. Pftr to drro[bn ol r$r mdrr tl.3 rlglil, ilr. rl$t llde Cd hfit rnl nnhEh a rnE rhghrto. and loddr oorfrdhe ruorlc d a tnc rmefllg b fir Ofmmrf ar pt d ha drrrthgroNt]a U.. d ffir utdrfhb &lt rtr b. rgnfid by r lffittrbr iIfi nrpmDl[y hr llr fittuilondurfiiettnpmmp.hnuuiltlta;dr(ffitt Aitt ttrof tagmf,lilf mrtff bwluh slb lYtbr Dlbtt t{o. 184 FIDI tbLof ldrhoDrftndolUrbrHrreuol Permlt to Apprcprlate Weler llo. r807t58 GONEIffiOFAPPROVTL 7. The Bm d tt{r peimlt J:ll run onarnuily wlh lhe lutCh d eny dcodw ourry aabr {nrmmt btrmen fi! nili ho5rr rnd a Dudncm dry. HhE lolhc rxpLrilon d tle brm, lhe Dkucbr nny Srue ar ordtr rrelhe a[ a any pstdt]p ur adffird hcth. mrychUbh e treu trnn, or ilry ruds!, ddd., c ad corfloru ua&r rl*h lhe Wrftil pemt or rubegqufiturbr fin ldr8 llry Dt o.d*.d. Tb ofir drf bkr dfod o tE drb fic crnut[ bm oge.& [ lho ilttu dor nd h$p Buoh an odcr, Ir bm rhdl et&n&Iy axbnd b a lcngfr oqrlal b lt tr|orbrm ad any gbr cortdlol: on lhr umr ffi pem[ or a6fcqumt nrtrr ffilcctr Cu[]trulnlntrd. f I ha nd boot er t bury eth,lffi $. pdnft her irdl drnt a oqy d tp FERC mrfiono$rad a oopydttl ffiF ffiU ld*Ipurfrre qnrnmtfr tttr proF.t h oofimdonx,fth. ProoldBrr$rfiltlr rlCfr lorttn ure ol wrhotffi t$Uia dr[ Cloll betulumrl etor*r* b rI drrr fthte h tr uc d udr, dtlffifiy.tr6lfimr, w[tr t: S* d l{tD lH re lnHlbd h] htlm thrn tu plolty d trb rlflffiffif nfi elu ltc b any chln rgrHtlm thrntuploltydtrb rlflffiffif nfielu ttcbanychln rgrH lnyfrtuie fttilr brthc tre ol 6r, olherlut trydrcffi6$llq$ ffi d khtm ld[abll b] ln$tr fiar hc ptlofiVolfibprr*. f 0. Ttdr rlClt h 6rl{.ct b 0x 4AelO, l&ho Codr, terther ficleb,fficr,|nbmd,or mthropurdCorbcartaebrlnmcffi fl. ThLilil*docnotocilnr hetmrybc rqdnd te urldsilErunbrldeftht 13, Thb iglrt dor nol gluil rry drdrcr.f( PrCdmmtuo|bnCrd pffitrhrrauattdrhall gooccdfigrdybornhfnnt DlpalunntdtlYanrFuorcoe olhrDlndordhe orr$rhfi fie panilhddcrlrtlmffioL Thb pml 5 hruod ptnu,rna b thc ptwldar d Eaodqt{esa, Er[E Oode h.Drr.efrr,tud*sobc,trr-5l- *rvd lviarah tlrlncrtr$ldmof ,eolS Dh&r EXEIBIT I) SI.JBSEQUENT ENERGY DELTVERY SCHEDULE ConsolldatedlrricationCompany 4SlkWNameolateCaoacitv Base Estimates Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery ftwh) Monthly NETAvekWmo CapaciwFactor January t34.634 184 .36 February 123.463 t69 .33 March 135.277 18s .36 Aoril 232.58t 3r9 .63 May 301.024 4t2 .81 June 311,481 427 .84 Julv 318.48r 436 .85 Aucust 233.219 319 .63 Seote,rnber 272,688 374 .73 October 169.139 232 .45 Nove,mber r56.3t2 214 .42 December 128.0s0 t7s .34 TOTAL:2-st6-348 287 .56 Planned Outaqes. Seller will provide a Planned Outage schedule annually not to exceed 150 hours per year. E-2 EXEIBIT E START.UP TESTING Required factory testing includes such checks and tests nwessaq/ to determine that the equipment systems and subsystems have been properly manufacturcd and installed" function properly, and are in a condition to permit safe and efficieirt start-up of the Facility, which may include but are not limited to: l. Test of mechanical and electrical equipment;2. Calibration of all monitoring instnrments;3. Operating tests of all valves, operators, motor starters and motor;4. Alarms, signals, and fail-safe or system shutdown contol tests;5. Point-to-pointcontinuitytests;6. Bench tmts of protective devices; and7. Tests required by manufacturer(s) and designer(s) of equipment. Required start-up tests are those checks and tests necessary to detcrmine that all features and equipmcnt, syst€,ms, and zubsystems have beenproperly installed and adjusted, function properly, and are capable of operating simultaneously in zuch condition that the Facility is capable of continuous delivery into PacifiCotp's electrical system, which may include but are not limited to: l. Turbine/generatormechanical nms and ftmctionality;2. Systern operation tests;3. Brake tests;4. Energization of transformers;5. Spchronizing tests (manual and auto);6. Excitation and voltage regulation operation tests;7. Auto stop/start seque,lrce;8. Completion of any state and federal environmeirtal testing requireme,lrts; and9. Tests required by manufactuer(s) and designe(s) of equipment. E-3 EXHIBIT F.I MOTIVE FORCE PI-AI.I Month Average Enerry (k!rh) January 134,634 February 123,463 March 135,277 April 232,581 May 30I,024 Jrme 3l l,4El July 318,481 August 233,2L9 September 272,688 October 169,139 November 156,312 Dece,mber 128,050 Based on average flows provided by the Consolidated Irrigation Company the hydrc plant will produce the above average kWh per month G-1 E)GIIBIT F.2 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF MOTIVE FORCE PI.A}I I, Bre'lrt E. Gardncr hereby certify that based on the water use records available to me that the Glendale Hydro project will have the available head and flow to produce the average monthly kWh per month as stated in exhibit F-1. Brent E. Gardner. P.E. H-4 E)(HIBIT F.2 ENGINEER'S CERT-IFICATE TO PACIFICORP MOTIVE FORCE PLAN I, Brent E. Gardncr, hcreby c€rtiry that b6sed on tlrc wat€r use records available to me, that the Glendale Hydroclcctric Facility, owned and opcrated by the Consolidatod Inigation Company, will have the available head and florr to produce the average monthly kWh per month as stated in Exhibit F-1. I firrther certiry that the Facility Capacity Rating of the geuerator at the anticipatedtime of Cornmercial Opcr*ion is ama:rimum of 481 kW and that thc Facility is able to geoerate electric power rcliably in arnounts required W this Agreement Brem E, Gardncr, PE Signedthis 24ft day ofAugust,2015 EXEIBIT G SAMPLE ENERGY PURCHASE PRICE CALCULATIONS The following are samples of calculations of energy purchase prices using the formula and tables in Section 5.1. The calculation for the non-levelad purchase price during an On-Peak Hour in May of 2015 equals: S59.884{Wh (the 2015 annual rate for Confonning Energy) multiplied by 92o/o (0.92) (the May On-Peak Hour multiplier), which equals $55.094,twh. Table 2: Sa:nple calculations for non-levelized Conforming Energy in 2015 [Purchase Price = annual rate t monthly on-pealc/off-peak multiplier]. Month Confoming Energy Annual Rate for 2015 (per MWh) On-Peak Hour Multiplier Calculated Purchase Price for 2015 On- Peak Conforming Energr @er MIVh) Off-Peak Hour Multiplier Calculated Purchase Price for 2015 Off- Peak Conformlng Energy (per MWh) January $s9.88 l03o/o $61.68 94o/o $s6.29 February $59.88 l05o/o $62.87 97o/o $58.08 March $s9.88 95o/o $s6.89 80%$47.90 April $s9.88 95o/o $s6.89 76%$45.s1 May $59.88 92o/o $ss.09 63%s37.72 June $s9.88 94%$s6.29 6s%$38.92 July $5e.88 l2lo/o s72.4s 92o/o $5s.09 August $s9.88 l2lo/o s72.45 t06%$63.47 Scpternbcr $59.88 l09o/o s6s.27 99/o $s9.28 October $59.88 ll5o/o $58.86 rc5%$62.87 Novernber $s9.88 ll0o/o $6s.87 960/o $57.48 December $s9.88 l29o/o s77.2s l20o/o $71.86 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON€EAJSOilAL HYDRO PRq'ECIB Junr l,2!lll5 l,rlwh Itleu, Contnctr end Rcolecan.nt Contraci! wlthout Full Croccltv Pevmcnir Ellglblllty for thcra ratpr ir llmlbd !o prolcct rmrlhr thrn l0 ellW. LEvELtrED ilolt.LElrELtzED ON.TJNE YEAR CONTRACT VEAII NON.TEIELZED OAfEATENGTHryElqct2015 2016 ml7 20tt Z0t9 zg;,o 1 2 3 1 5I 7 E 9 t0 11 12 13 1{ t5 t8 t7 l8,l9 20 59.EE 60.40 80.E1 61.38 82.12 63.66 Ba.9t 68.tt 87.21 58.19 89.tt 70.1S 71.03 71.19 72.a4 73.t4 73.78 71.42 75.04 75.6S 60.s4 61.72fi.33 a2.5261.$ 6{.(r8s.t6 65.71&t.61 67.2E8E.(I4 c6.6Et7.31 t9.92c6.4r 7t.016S.52 72.t070.50 tt.l77r.39 ?4"1272.60 74.9673.tto 75"66t{.o'l 70.3571,Ut 77.(E75.35 77.7178.0t 76.3770.68 70.03n.E 79.7177.u 80.39 t3.3t 6535 87.m 66.96 70,12 7r.r0 zt.t0 79.00 75.00 75.98 78.7' 77.51 7E.m ?E.6t 79.s7 u1.25 E0.03 81.E2 E2.3it 6it.00 st.47 71.*G0.tt4 73.t67t.t3 7a-527255 7s.Ge79.76 78.6t7t.t3 n"t67Ae2 7E.t5n.az 7s.8077.fi A0.567E.t7 61.2670.rte E1,94EO.'16 tztlEo.t{ a3.31Et.54 8t.01c2.22 E4.71t2.0t 05.4{t3.G2 t6.t9u.36 63.8185.0a E7.86t5.78 88.45 2015 2016 2017 20'tE 20r9 20ix) z,,21 2022 2023 20u 2025 2026 zdnN)t 2@ 20:10 20til 203itm8&ung 2038 203? 203E 2030 zxo s9.8E 60.0E 6'.t.72 ES.3I 87.17 7r.58 ?a.a7t.u 79.7' rt.a9 t4.tB !7.3r tE 9t ce.52 90.31 uz27u.n 97.e2 100"15 r03.09 r08.8e fi0.G6 IrLoc t17..Et 1?6..* 120.50 Ndr. Th. rdo3 shoryh in thit tltlr htt ! bcsn sompsbd usine the U.S. Encr!, lnlbitl.tbn Admhltnlbn (ElA)'r Annurl Encry Oulbok 2015. r*a$d AprI 14, 2015. Sa. &rud En rgy OJllook 2015, T.bL 3.8 Enrryy Pdco by S€dor-lrounbh .t htlp rrwr\ryv.l' gwrbrlca$rtaollrHcr-nl cfrtil*tpphmrnu PACIFICORP PeE|.3 EXIIIBIT H SAMPLE CONFORMING ENERGY CALCULATIONS The following are sample calculations for detemrining On-Peak and OFPeak Conforming Energy and Non-Conforming Energy for purposes of the pa)4ne,!rt formulae in Section 5.2 for a give,n month. These examples assume that the Net Energy is delivered after the Commercial Operation Date and that no Inadvertent Energy is delivered. Step l: Determine the90Wll0% performance target. SMED'9| (kwh) :90o/o * SMED (k!yh) (SMED is the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery after any adjustnrents pursuant to Section 4.4.) SMED-|10 (k\\e):ll0o/o * SMED (klvh) Step 2: Detemrine which portion of Net Energy for the month is Conforming Energy and which is Non-Conforming Energy in relation to the 907/110% performance targets. If total Net Energy < SMED-90, all Net Energy is Non-Conforming Energy If total Net Energy >- SMED-9O and +- SMED-110, all Net Energy is Conforming Energy If total Net Energy > SMED-I10, (a) Detennine the point in time during the month at which Net Energy reached SMED-I10 (Time-l10); (b) All Net Energy deliverd before Time-|10 is Conforming Energy; (c) All Na Energy delivered after Time-|l0 is Non-Confoming Energy. SIe_3.: Determine the On-Peak and Off-Peak amounts for the Conforming Energy and Non- Conforming Energy values by whether the meter reading indicates that the energy was delivered during On-Peak or Off-Peak Hours. These amounts are the CEnergy6,o-po1, CEnergy66-p-r, NCEnergYoo-p..r, and NCEnergYon-pcar values for the formulae in Section 5.2. Example Month: The following is an example calculation for a month given the following values: SMED:200,000 kWh Net EnergY = 250,000 kWh Exarnple Stcp 1: Determine the90%lll0% performance target. SMED'9O (k!Vh) :90o/o * 200,000 k$h (SMED) = 180,000 kWh SMED-|10 (k!Vh): ll0o/o * 200,000 kwh (SMED):220,000 kWh H- l Examole Stqo 2: Daermine which Na Energy is Conforming Encrgy and which is Non- Conforuring Energy in relation to the 90%o/110% perfomrance targets. Becarse 250,000 kW (Na Energy) > 220,000 kwh (S.tllED-I l0), (a) Assrme that the meter shows that accumulated Na Energy for the month reached 220,000kWh (SMED-110) at I p.m. on the 25th (Time- t r0); O) All Net Energy delivered before I p.m. on the 25th (Time-L10) is Conforming Energy; (c) All Net Energy delivercd aftcr I p.m. on the 25th (Time-l I0) is Non- Conforming Energy Example Step 3: Dstermine the On-Peak and Off-Pcak amounts for the Conforming Energy and Non-Conforming Energy values by whether the meter reading indicates that the en€rgy was delivered during On-Peak or Off-Peak Hours. For this examplg actual meter readings for On-Peak and Off-Peak Hours are made up. (Note: where Net Energy > SMED - 1 10, CEnergyon-pol + CEnergyon-p ar SMED- I 1 0.) On-Peak Conforming Encrgy (kIlft) : metered Net Energy delivered before Time-110 dtuing On-Peak Hours = 150,000 kWh: CEneqgys&p.t Off-Peak Conforming Energy (klVh) = metered Net Encrgy delivered before Time-Il0 during OflPeak Hours = 70,000 kWh: CEncrgy66-po1 On-Peak Non-Conforming Energy (k\lft): metered Net Energy delivered after Time-|10 during On-Peak Hours = 20,000 kWh : NCEnergys,!-pclr Off-Peak Non-Conforming Energy (klth) = metered Net Energy delivered after Thne- //0 during Offt-Peak Hours = 10,000 kWh:NCEn€rByor-por H-2 EXHIBIT T ' Solhr Aufrorfzrfun to Rdcue Glcnendon Drh to PrctECotp OONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION COMPAI\TY P.O. Bor3ll Prertonr ldaho &i263 19 May 2015 Brlen Jcucn, Mbt, (2lE) :!(}9.lX'I6 Rry Bcuetg Ytu Prddail, (209) 5{F2136 Mrrlnc lYrddornpq Wry, (2lE) Elt2-2:16{ Thrnc TUInwr rd, ltuwrs' (2(E) tll2"l 120 Lyb Porir;t, Mouga, (2lE) 33$l t61 Trmsmission Se,rvices Attn Direstor, Transmissiou Services 825 NE Multnonmlq Suite 1600 Portlan4 OR9T232 Jey Rrn:bdb m, Dlra@ (2lE) t32"2t6, Kcnt F4lcy, DbaW e(E) EJLZDT Lrrry Johmon, Otncon OllE) 3ilF973t Lylc Posttil, Ilhc@r, (2lE) 33$1t51 Csrl Smlrutoa, I)bwt, (2lE) Zlt-569t RE: ConsoHdltcd Irigafion Compsry Inhrconnection Requert Dear Sin Consolid*exl Inigation Company hercby vohmtarily arnlrorizes PacifiCorp's Transmission business unit to share Consolidated Irrigation Compon/s gencrdor interconrcction inform*ion and generator meter dda with Ma*eting Atrliate erployees of PrcifiCorp Energr, including but not limited to those in the Commocial and Trading gonp. Consolidacd Inigation Company acknowledges drat PacifiCorp did not ptovide it any prcferenceq either operational or rztc- relato( in uchangs for this vohmtary conseirt frl LI a fitle t-t?- I ( Franklin County Commissioners 39 \trtst Oneida, Prcston ldaho 83263 (208) 852-1090. Fax (208t 852-109[ Marctr 9, 2o1s To Whom It May Concern, If youhave auy questions or concen$, please ftel free to contact lui. Boyd Burbank Attest: R. DIR.KBOIVLES. Din" 13 t452 W. 5600 S. PRESTON. TDAHO 83263 (208) 852-3724. CcU (208) 22t-t398 Emrl} dttowlcs@plmwcom Franklin County Commissionerc arc in support of the Hydro Project of Consolidated Irrigation Company. BOYI, BURDANK Di.rt. f I 1448 E Cub Rirtr Road PRESTON.IDAHO 83213 eoE)24+0639 Ernail : boyd @plmu,.anm n SG0TT WORKMAN. Dtirt. *? t.r48 E 74m N. PRESTON. IDAHO 83?63 (208) 852-3086. Cet! (2$) 39-30&t Email: ruortmln @digisncr