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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160229Waive Right to Comment.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Dtrrtrr\/FnPOWER 'is.-- f br ADMsroNoFPAoHconP ?cl6rEB zg AH l0: 19 11,,,'.yi"IS,UI?$rl?;,".,0 l' ^r Ir: iilLlCFebruarv2e'2016 uill'rliilltiiruiliiSsror'r VIA OWRNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472West Washinglon Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: PAC-E-15-10 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUALTION NO. 13. CURTAILMENT PLAN FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY. Dear Ms. Jewell: Commission Order No. 33428 authorized the processing of the above referenced matter under Modified Procedure. The Order also established a procedural schedule, notifuing any interested parties that February 25,2016, was the deadline for any person desiring to state a position on this Application to file written comments, and that March 10, 2016 was the deadline for Rocky Mountain Power to file reply comments. This letter is to notiff the Commission that as a result of staff s recommendation for approval of the pending Application in the above referenced case, Rocky Mountain Power hereby waives its rights to file any reply comments so that the Commission is free to issue its order based on the Application and Staff s recommendations, at a time it deems appropriate. Informal questions should be directed to Ted Weston, 801-220-2963. Very truly yours, \r,lh"ht -$io"atwl c,w Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation CC: Brandon Karpen