HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150625Application.pdf!1ffi-HrvrouNrAIN Jwrc 25,2015 VIA OWRNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: Case No. PAC-E-15-10 IN THE MATTER OX'THE APPLICATION OF'ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 13 . CURTAILMENT PLAN FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY. Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and nine (9) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Application and Ms. Amy Shingleton's direct testimony in the above-referenced matter. Also enclosed are clean and legislative tariff sheets for Electric Service Regulation No. 13. This Application requests authorization to update Regulation No. l3 with the Company's current curtailment plan to reflect current technology, available resources, practices, and procedures. This update to Regulation No. 13 aligns with Rocky Mountain Power's operational approach to load curtailment, and specifically addresses:o Operation standardso Initiation of Load Curtailmento Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions. Curtailment Stageso Intemrptible Loadso Block Rotationo Emergency Load Shed Groups. Minimization of Impacto Notification and Actions Informal questions should be directed to Ted Weston, 80l-220-2963. Very truly yours, \,,lrb,*L 4aturu/*" Jeffrey K. LSrsen Vice President, Regulation 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 iJ,- *':' irail,.i i ii flirlt S, 5L - t, il"l,rj Yvonne R. Hogle (ISB No. 8930) 201 South Main Street, Suite 2400 Salt Lake city, utah 841I I Telephone No. (801) 220-4050 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 E-mail : wonne.hogle@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 13 CURTAILMENT PLAN FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. PAC-E-15-10 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER PacifiCorp, d.b.a. Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or "Company") hereby respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for authorization to update Electric Service Regulation No. 13, Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy ("Curtailment Plan"). In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power represents as follows: INTRODUCTION l. Rocky Mountain Power does business in the state of Idaho providing retail electric service to approximately 75,400 customers and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. PacifiCorp's generation, transmission and distribution facilities serve approximately 1.8 million residential, commercial, and industrial electric customers across 136,000 square miles in the six western states. PacifiCorp does business as Pacific Power in Oregon, Washington, and California and Rocky Mountain Power in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho. BACKGROUNI) 2. In November 1993 the Commission orderedl the electric service suppliers in the state of Idaho to adopt provisions relating to electric service curtailment during periods of prolonged energy shortages. The provisions were based on the Regional Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy, designed to deal with long-tenn energy shortages and to promote curtailment uniformity among the four Pacific Northwest states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. 3. Since the Company filed its Curtailment Plan in 1993, changes in technology, industry practices, and generation capacity have served to make it obsolete. MODIFICATIONS TO THE CURTAILMENT PLAI[ 4. The Company proposes to modify the Curtailment Plan to: (a) include new provisions for load reduction with demand-side management ("DSM") and emergency load shed groups, (b) remove financial penalties, and (c) clarify the types of entities that can initiate load curtailment. The Curtailment Plan also covers a broader range of events that can precipitate load curtailment activities. The proposed plan combines elements of the Company's Emergency Management Plan filed in 2001 and the existing plan. 5. Currently the Curtailment Plan addresses only long-term regional energy shortages, and a significant portion of the plan is devoted to financial penalties and how curtailment is audited and tracked. In contrast, the proposed plan focuses on practical and actionable operational activities the Company can initiate during emergencies to minimize adverse impacts to customers and restore system stability. 6. The proposed plan incorporates several new curtailment sources, including DSM capabilities and interruptible customer load shed programs. Interruptible Power Service (Electric I Case No. GNR-E-93-2, Order No. 25259 - Curtailment Plan. Service Schedule No. 24) allows for curtailment to a contracted large customer when the Company's spinning reserve, transmission margin, or both are needed to meet system demands. Intemrptible Power Service gives the Company the flexibility to curtail load as the first resource used when immediate system stabilization is required; this is a new addition to the proposed Curtailment Plan. 7. The modifications in the proposed plan also make use of and describe block rotation, which provides for two (2) hour rotational curtailments used in scheduled combinations until the necessary load curtailment is achieved. Block rotation provides equitable treatment to customers as the combination of blocks curtailed is dependent on the day of the week and time of day the curtailment is required. The proposed plan also includes another resource; emergency load shed groups, predetermined localized groups that are utilized for situations where load reductions might be required for specific high load areas. JUSTIFICATION FOR MODIFICATIONS 8. Since 1993, there have been changes in Company and industry practices, technology, generation capacity, load shedding DSM programs, and resource availability. A thorough review of Regulation No. 13 revealed that the plan no longer represented how the Company addresses curtailment. The existing plan is only for long-term energy shortages, and doesn't address short-term supply emergencies resulting from loss of major generation or transmission equipment, regional operating standards, or weather extremes. Also, the existing plan contains financial penalties, contrary to Order No. 25259 (November 1993) in which the Commission states its preference that utilities not incorporate monetary penalties within their respective plans. 9. The proposed plan addresses the Company's operational approach to: Operation Standards, Initiation of Load Curtailment, Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions, Curtailment Stages, Intemrptible Loads, Block Rotation, Emergency Load Shed Groups, Minimization of Impact, and Notifi cations and Actions. COMMTII\IICATONS 10. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone : (801) 220 -29 63 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Yvonne R. Hogle 201 South Main Sheet, Suite 2400 Salt Lake city, utah 841I I Telephone: (801) 220-4050 Fax: (801) 220-3299 Email : wonne.ho gle@f acifi corp.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By email (preferred): By regular mail: datareq uest@f aci fi corp. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 4 MODIFIED PROCEDURE I l. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et. seq. In accordance with RP 121(d), if the Commission determines that Modified Procedure is not appropriate the Company stands ready to present the Application and direct testimony of Company witness Amy Shingleton. REQUEST FOR RELIEF For the reasons set forth above and in the supporting testimony, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission: (l) issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed by Modified Procedure; and (2) approve the modifications to Electric Service Regulation No. 13. DATED this June 25,2015. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER R. Jeff Richards Yvonne R. Hogle BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-15-10 oF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO ) UPDATE ELECTRIC SERVICE ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF REGULATION NO. 13 CURTAILMENT ) AMY SHINGLETON PLAI\I FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E.15-10 June 2015 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 I2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. Please state your name, business address and position with PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company" or "RMP"). My name is Amy Shingleton. My business address is 1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. My present position is Manager, Disaster / Risk Planning, in Transmission and Distribution Support. Briefly describe your education and professional background. I have worked in the electric utility industry since 2003. From 2003 to 2015 (present), I held various positions of increasing levels of responsibility within Rocky Mountain Power. I began as an administrative assistant and was promoted to project manager, until I was promoted to my current position of Disaster / Risk Planning manager. What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? The purpose of my testimony is to address the Company's application to replace Regulation No. 13, Curtailment Planfor Electric Energl, ("Existing Plan") with the Company's updated Curtailment Plan, ("Proposed Plan"). What prompted the Company to review its Plan? While reviewing outage communication protocols with various stakeholders the staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission encouraged the Company to review RegulationNo. 13. Is the Plan being submitted simply as a modification of the current Plan? No. A lot has changed since Regulation No. 13 was filed in 1993. Changes in technology, industry practices, and generation capacity have served to make the existing Plan obsolete. Although some elements of the Existing Plan are found Shingleton, Di - 1 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. a. A. a. A. a. A. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 o. A. within the Proposed Plan, the Existing Plan and Proposed Plan vary enough in format and content that it required completely re-writing Regulation No. 13. Please summarize the elements of the Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan includes new provisions for load reduction with demand-side management ("DSM") and emergency load shed groups, removal of financial penalties, and clarification regarding what entities can initiate load cunailment. It also covers a broader range of events that can precipitate load curtailment activities. The Proposed Plan combines elements of the Company's Emergency Management Plan filed in 2001 and the Existing Plan. Is the scope of the Proposed Plan essentially the same as the Existing Plan? No. The Existing Plan addresses only long-term regional energy shortages, and a significant portion of the Existing Plan is devoted to financial penalties and how curtailment is audited and tracked. The Proposed Plan focuses on practical and actionable operational activities the Company can initiate during emergencies to minimize adverse impacts to customers and restore system stability. The possible causes of a long-term energy shortage described within the Existing Plan include: prolonged drought, severe operational constraints, or moratoriums. This limited, narrow approach to curtailment fails to provide direction for addressing more common emergencies such as temporary loss of generation, failed equipment, or extreme weather and temperatures. The Proposed Plan is broader in scope, addressing both long-term energy shortages and temporary power intemrptions due to emergencies and system conditions. Shingleton, Di - 2 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 t3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. a. A. a. Please describe the new provisions for curtailment sources included in the Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan incorporates several new curtailment sources, including DSM capabilities and intemrptible customer load shed programs. Interruptible Power Service (Electric Service Schedule No. 24) allows for curtailment of a contracted large customer when the Company's spinning reserye, transmission margin, or both are needed to meet system demands. Interruptible Power Service gives the Company the flexibility to curtail load as the first resource used when immediate system stabilization is required. This provision has been included in the Proposed Plan. Does the Proposed Plan elaborate on the types of entities that may initiate load curtailment? Yes. The Existing Plan limits the initiation of load curtailment to "the state's declaration of an energ/ emergency". The Proposed Plan specifies that load curtailment will be initiated "...when directed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Q,{ERC), the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) authorities, or by order of the ldaho Public Utility Commission under its authority provided for in ldaho Code 6l-534. However nothing precludes the Company from requesting voluntary load reduction at any time." Is it important to recognize DSM and interruptible customer programs as part of the Proposed Plan? Yes. The Company has DSM programs and interruptible customer groups that can be called upon to achieve reductions in load. In fact, load shed load shed these two Shingleton, Di - 3 Rocky Mountain Power A. I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 a. A. curtailment types are listed as primary resources to achieve load reduction in Stage I of the Proposed Planl. The Proposed Plan also makes use of, and describes, Block Rotation, which provides for two (2) hour rotational curtailments used in scheduled combinations until the necessary load curtailment is achieved. Block rotation provides equitable treatment to customers as the combination of blocks curtailed is dependent on the day of the week and time of day the curtailment is required. Another resource included in the Proposed Plan is emergency load shed groups, which are predetermined localized groups that are utilized for situations where load reductions might be required for specific high load areas. Are there any provisions being eliminated with this Proposed Plan? Yes. The Proposed Plan removes the financial penalties in the existing Regulation No. 13 to align with the direction provided in Order No. 25259 from November 1993: We do believe, however, that it is appropriate at this time to provide the parties with guidance on the issue of financial penalties. It is our preference that utilities do not file curtailment plans incorporating Section VI.A.5 of the Regional Curtailment Plan in its present form. Conditions could change between now and when mandatory curtailment becomes a necessity such that the imposition of monetary penalties is unwarranted or the amount of the penalties is inappropriate... Shingleton, Di - 4 Rocky Mountain Power t Proposed Regulation No. 13, page 3. I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. a. A. We find, therefore, that the regional plan, with the aforementioned modification to Section VI.A.5, should be adopted as a guideline by all suppliers of electric service in preparing and submitting their individual curtailment plans. Furthermore, it is hereby ordered that all suppliers of electric service, whether or not they have participated in this case to date, shall submit their individual curtailment plans pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-531 no later than January 15,1994 consistent with the terms of this Order. Why does Regulation No. 13 still contain financial penalties for customer non-compliance, despite Order No. 25259? During the review of the Regulation No. 13, the Company was unable to determine why the financial penalties provisions had not been eliminated from the Existing Plan. Please summarize why the Company is filing this application to update Regulation No. 13 - Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy. Since 1993, there have been changes in Company and industry practices, technology, generation capacity, demand-side management, and resource availability. It became clear from a review of Regulation No. l3 that it no longer represented how the Company addresses curtailment, and that a complete re-write of the rule was in order. The Existing Plan is only for long-term energy shortages, and doesn't address short-term supply emergencies resulting from loss of major generation or transmission equipment, regional operating standards, or weather extremes. Also, the Existing Plan contains financial penalties, contrary to Order Shingleton, Di - 5 Rocky Mountain Power I No. 25259 (November 1993) which indicates the Commission's preference that 2 utilities not incorporate monetary penalties within their respective plans. 3 The Proposed Plan addresses the Company's operational approach to: 4 o Operation Standards 5 o Initiation of Load Curtailment 9 l0 ll t2 o Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions o Curtailment Stages o Intemrptible Loads o Block Rotation o Emergency Load Shed Groups o Minimization of Impact o Notification and Actions 13 The Company respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 14 approve its proposed Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy. l5 a. Does this conclude your testimony? 16 A. Yes. Shingleton, Di - 6 Rocky Mountain Power PROPOSED TARIFFS CLEAN AND LEGISLATIVE -ROCKYMOUNTAIN(psw5p \ l uvrs,ot or PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Second Revision of Sheet No. D.l Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. D.l ELECTRIC SERYICE REGULATIONS STATE OF IDAHO Table of Contents Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued. Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I5-10 ISSUED: 1we25,2015 Regulation No.Subject Sheet No. I General Provisions Sheet No. lR.l 2 General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.l - 2R.4 J Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.l - 3R.3 4 Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos.4R.l - 4R.3 5 Customer's Installation Sheet Nos. 5R.l - 5R.4 6 Company's Installation Sheet No. 6R.l 7 Metering Sheet Nos. 7R.l - 7R.3 8 Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.l - 8R.2 9 Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R.l - 9R.4 10 Termination of Service and Payment Arrangements SheetNos. 10R.1 - 10R.9 ll Taxes Sheet No. llR.l t2 Line Extensions Sheet No. l2R.l - l2R.13 13 Curtailment Plan for Electric Enerry SheetNos. 13R.1 - 13R.6 25 Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R.1 - 25R.4 EFFECTM: August 25, 2015 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpolxee\ l ovrsror,r or FAqFcoRP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13Rl ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 13 STATE OF IDAHO Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy INTRODUCTION: The Idaho Public Utilities Commission orderedr the Company and other suppliers of electric service operating in the State of Idaho to adopt provisions relating to electric service curtailment. This document summarizes the curtailment plan employed by the Company to temporarily interrupt electric service to its customers during emergencies and power shortages. It is intended to provide equitable procedures for the curtailment of power, minimize adverse impacts to essential services, and customers, while maintain overall system reliability. The curtailment plan is operational 24 hours a day,365 days a year, to help ensuring that the Company is able to:. Match customer demand and electrical supply generation;. Maintain the integrity of the electricity network;. Deploy available resources to restore electrical supply to normal as soon as is practicable;. Apply existingprocessesto keep customers and stakeholders informed of the state andprogress of the incident or emergency;. Utilize communication avenues to appeal to customers to reduce energy consumption;o Coordinate with appropriate agencies to provide options to lessen the impact to customers;o Meet applicable operating standards. Operating Standards The Company is a member of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), one of the eight Regional Entities of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The Company also supports Regional Reliability Coordinators, who monitor voltages, frequencies, and other reliability indices. WECC develops and implements Regional Reliability Standards and Criteria for the Western lnterconnection and is the regional entity responsible for compliance monitoring and enforcement with delegated authority from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Federal Enerry Regulatory Commission (FERC). (Continued) I Order No. 25259.November 24. 1993. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-15-10 ISSUED: June25,2075 EFFECTM: August 25, 2015 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpantea\ r orvrsror,r or PAcrFrcoiP I.P.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.2 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R.2 Operating Standards (continued) Bulk electric system reliability and operating standards for utilities in the westem part of the United States provide for a coordinated effort to effectively manage energy shortage situations and includes shedding firm load in an emergency situation using the Company's Under Frequency and/or Under Voltage Load Shedding programs to arrest declining frequency, assist recovery of frequency following under frequency events and provide last resort system preservation measures to prevent a blackout or voltage collapse. Emergencies that threaten the integrity of the electric system can develop at any time due to shortage of generation or disturbances on the system, either locally or within the Westem Interconnect. The actions necessary to prevent total collapse of the system will be to; restrict customer demand, match generation availability, implement network capacity limitations. The circumstances necessitating a reduction in the demand or consumption of electricity in the short term will require that immediate emergency action is taken and may potentially lead directly to firm load curtailment. SECTION I. PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW OF THE CURTAILMENT PLAN This plan identifies the process by which the Company would initiate and implement regional load curtailment. The goal of this plan is to accomplish curtailment while treating customers fairly and equitably, minimizing adverse impacts from curtailment, complying with existing State laws and regulations, and providing for smooth, efficient, and effective curtailment administration. SECTION II. LOAD CURTAILMENT The Company will comply with all State and Federal mandates to curtail the electric enerry used by its customers to stabilize system voltage and frequency in order to prevent a regional system collapse. Events that may trigger load curtailment, either upon notice from state agencies, the Peak Regional Reliability Coordinator, or at the discretion of the Company, include but not limited to: . Loss of major generation or transmission equipment due to mechanical or electrical failure. o Extreme hot or cold temperatures that create a network peak where generation capacity does not meet load center requirements. o System disturbance within the regional balancing area. Initiation of Load Curtailment Load curtailment will be initiated when directed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation OIERC), the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) authorities, or by order of the Idaho Public Utility Commission under its authority provided for in Idaho Code $ 6l-534. However, nothing precludes the Company from requesting voluntary load reduction at any time. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I5-10 ISSUED: June25,2015 (Continued) EFFECTM: August 25, 2075 vRocKYMOUNTAIN-(rPo\ rER \ l or,s,or or PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R3 SECTION II. LOAD CIIRTAILMENT (continued) Automatic, Remote and Manual Actions Automatic actions occur through the operation of programmed protective equipment installed in the Company's electrical system, including, without limitation, such equipment as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers, and switches. This equipment is preset to operate under certain prescribed conditions which, in the sole judgment of Company, threaten system performance, integrity, reliability or stability. Where Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ("SCADA") equipment is installed, the Company will remotely control switches, circuit breakers, relays, voltage regulators or other equipment. In areas where no SCADA equipment is installed, actions are performed manually by on-site field personnel. If actions are undertaken, then to the extent permitted by the operating characteristics of the electrical system, the Company will perform such actions so that interruption, curtailment, or fluctuation of service to customers will be accomplished sequentially, unless it is necessary in the sole judgment of the Company, or if required by the Peak Regional Reliability Coordinator to vary said sequence in order to protect system performance, inte grity, reliability or stability. SECTION III. CURTAILMENT STAGES State curtailment directives apply to all retail loads served within the State of ldaho. The curtailment stages are associated with increasing enerry deficits. The circumstances necessitating a reduction in the demand or consumption of electricity in the short term will normally require that immediate emergency action is taken and there may be no warning. Sudden equipment outages or loss of generation could potentially lead directly to any curtailment stage without prior notice or progression of the stages described below. Stage #Nature Estimated Curtailment Percent Type of Curtailment Stage I Mandatory 5o/o +l- Demand Side Management Programs activated Intemrotible customer load shed Stage 2 Voluntary - public appeal to restrict usage No specified %o Uniform among all customers Stage 3 Mandatory - peak curtailment block rotation 2.5 to 3.5o/o +/-General Use Customers Residential Customers Stage 4 Mandatory curtailment block rotation 30%o of peak +l-General Use Customers Residential Customers Stage 5 Mandatory - Emergency Load Shed Groups %o determinate upon Peak Regional Reliability Coordinator directive Uniform among all customers (Continued) EFFECTM: August 25, 2015 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-15-10 ISSUED: June 25,2015 V,ROCKYMOUNTAINYeolxee\ a orvrsror or PAcrFrcoiP I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.4 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R.4 SECTION IV. INITIATION OF LOAD CI.IRTAILMENT Interruptible Loads Large interruptible customers with allowable curtailment allotments are available for emergency load curtailment and are the first to be utilized when immediate system stabilization is required. It should be noted that the amount of available capacity for emergency load curtailment is negotiated in contractual agreements and therefore subject to change per contract renewals and negotiations. Block Rotation Selected distribution feeders throughout the service territory have been grouped into blocks of approximately 100 MW in size. These blocks provide for two (2) hour rotational curtailments to be used in scheduled combinations to ensure that the required load shed amount is achieved. Block rotation may be utilized to support system stabilization following a system disturbance, or to maintain system integrity during peak load periods. During load curtailment the Company would rotate through the blocks until curtailment is no longer necessary. Block rotation is dependent on what day of the week and time of day the curtailment event is enacted. This provides for equitable treatment to affected customers. Blocks are aggregated to match reduction thresholds during events. Emergency Load Shed Groups Predetermined localized load shed groups are utilized for situations where load reductions might be necessary for specific high load areas. These areas generally require specialized load curtailment schemes to accommodate transmission path restrictions. These load shed groups contain only SCADA controllable circuits. Minimization of Impact The Company will implement rotational curtailment in as fair and equitable a manner as practicable, with the goal of minimizing the impacts on communities. Where known and feasible within operational parameters, distribution feeders serving facilities essential to the public welfare are avoided during rotational curtailment. However, it should be noted that the Company cannot definitively account for all such facilities, nor is it possible to exclude every known facility from the impacts of curtailment. Such essential facilities include:. Hospitals o 9ll centers. Airports and FAA facilities. Large sewer and water treatment plants . Major metropolitan downtown core areas. Facilities critical to electric system operation o Prisons, police and fire stations including related computer and communication centers. Radio, TV news, emergency broadcast stations and transmitting facilities. U.S. Military installations (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I5-10 ISSUED: Jlune25,2015 EFFECTM: August 25, 2015 V,ROCKYMOUNTAINYpantee \ l o,vrgor op PAcrFrcoRP LP.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.5 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R.5 SECTION V. NOTIFICATIONS AND ACTIONS Throughout the curtailment period the Company will provide customers and external State and regulatory stakeholders with as much information as possible utilizing established processes and protocols. The Company's incident management stratery for an energJ emergency is consistent with the National lncident Management System and Incident Command System, and provides effective coordination through: r Procedures that allow system and field operations to focus on critical functional responsibilities;. Providing pertinent information to internal and external stakeholders, customers, regulators, media outlets, etc.;. Flexible response to changing circumstances, special customer needs and emergencies. Stage 1: Interraptible Loads and Demand Side Management The Company would not normally contact the public or news media when it exercises options under interruptible contract provisions and demand side management programs. Stage 2: Public Appealfor Conservation At the Company's discretion, a public appeal for voluntary enerry conservation may be issued through media outlets, social media platforms, and automated outbound calling of customers requesting voluntary curtailment of nonessential uses. Additionally, the Company will initiate curtailment of all nonessential Company use, request curtailment of nonessential use by govemmental agencies and institutions at all levels, request voluntary curtailment of nonessential use in all large buildings, and direct specific requests to major use customers for voluntary curtailment of nonessential use. If additional curtailment is required the Company will intensiff its request to the public, including requests to curtail less-essential uses, and notice that if curtailment does not occur, mandatory curtailment may be necessary by utilizing block rotation methods. Stage 3: Peak Lood Curtailment Prior to any rotating outages, the Company, to the best of its ability will contact key external stakeholders to inform them ofthe situation. To the extent possible, areas targeted for rotating outages may be disclosed at this time, together with some estimate of how long the outages will be necessary. The magnitude of the event will dictate the administrative level to which external notifications will be made. (Continued) EFFECTryE: August 25, 2015 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-15-10 ISSUED: 1une25,2075 -ROCKYYpctuee\ aorus'on ormonc MOUNTAIN I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.6 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R6 SECTION V. NOTIFICATIONS AND ACTIONS (continued) Key external stakeholders include, but are not limited to:o Governor's officeo Utility Commissionso State enerry/emergency response officials. Legislativeleadership. Key customer accounts Stage 4: Block Load Curtailment In addition to the actions above, to the extent possible, customers in the areas targeted for rotating outages will be notified as soon as practicable and provided with an estimate of the time their block will be curtailed and the expected duration. Stage 5: Emergency Load Shed Groups Generally, no advance notice of an event necessitating emergency load shed is available. Therefore, it is to be expected that all internal and external notifications will occur as soon as information is known. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I5-10 ISSUED: June25,2015 EF'FECTM: August 25, 2015 v,RocKYMOUNTAINYrrPOWER \ r orvrson or PAcrFrconP I.P.U.C. No.1 SecondPhs+ Revision of Sheet No. D.l Cancelins First Revision oferieinol Sheet No. D.l ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS STATE OX'IDAHO Table of Contents Electric Service Regulations are not necessarily reprinted when new Electric Service Schedules are issued. Therefore, Regulations from prior tariffs should be retained until updated. When a Regulation is updated it will be given the same tariff number as the Electric Service Schedules in effect at the time of the update. Submitted Under Ad{€e+€#erCase No. 09+PAC-E- I 5 - I 0 Regulation No.Subject Sheet No. General Provisions Sheet No. lR.1 2 General Definitions Sheet Nos. 2R.l - 2R.4 5 Electric Service Agreements Sheet Nos. 3R.l - 3R.3 4 Supply and Use of Service Sheet Nos. 4R.1 - 4R.3 5 Customer's Installation Sheet Nos. 5R.l - 5R.4 6 Company's Installation Sheet No. 6R.l 7 Metering Sheet Nos. 7R.l - 7R.3 8 Billings Sheet Nos. 8R.1 - 8R.2 9 Deposits and Advance Payments Sheet Nos. 9R.1 - 9R.4 l0 Termination of Service and Payment Arrangements SheetNos. 10R.1 - 10R.9 ll Taxes Sheet No. llR.l t2 Line Extensions Sheet No. l2R.l - 12R.13 l3 Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy Sheet Nos. l3R.l - 13R.6+f 25 Customer Guarantees Sheet Nos. 25R.1 - 25R.4 ISSUED:@ EFFECTM: September l; 2009August 25.2015 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYWTXeA \ l orvrs,oL or PAcrFrcoRP [P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.1 Canpelins Original Sheet No. 13R.1 ELECTRIC SERYICE REGULATION NO. 13 STATE OT'IDAHO Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy INTRODUCTION: The ldaho Public Utilities Commission orderedl the Company and othe operatinq in the State of Idaho to adopt provisions relatine to electric service curtailment. This document summarizes the curtailment plan emoloyed bv the Company to temporarily interrupt electric service to its customers during emergencies and power shortages. It is intended to provide equitable procedures for the curtailment of power. minimize adverse impacts to essential services. and customers. while maintain overall system reliability. The curtailment plan is operational 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. to help ensurine that the Company is able to:. Match customer demand and electrical supply generation: . Maintain the integritv of the electricity network:o Deplov available resources to restore electrical supoly to normal as soon as is oracticable: o Anpllu existing processes to keep customers and stakeholders informed of the state and progress of the incident or emergency:o Utilize communication avenues to appeal to customers to reduce energy consumptionl o Coordinate with aopropriate asencies to provide options to lessen the impact to customers: . Meet applicable operatins standards. Operatine Standards The Company is a member of the Western Electricity Coordinatine Council (WECC). one of the eieht Regional Entities of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The Company also supports Reeional Reliability Coordinators" who monitor voltages. frequencies. and other reliabilitv indices. WECC develops and implements Regional Reliability Standards and Criteria for the Western Interconnection and is the regional entity responsible for compliance monitoring and enforcement with delegated authoritlu from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Federal Energv Reeulatory Commission (FERC). le4ublie Utilities eemrnissien erdered the eempany end ether suppliers ef eleetrie sen'iee epereting in the State ef Idehe te adept the fellerving previsiens relating te eleetrie sen'iee eurtailment during perieds ef prelenged I Order No. 25259. Novembcr24-!993, Submitted Under Ad{4€€+e#ercase No. 06#PAGE:15:10 ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE: v,.RocKY MOUNTAIN-<(pgyyEp \ l or,stot or PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.1 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 13R.1 Aegienal Plan is des i.le rules; preYisien ie + ines- This plan identifies the preeess by rvhieh the eempany rveuld iritiate and implement regienal lead le temperary less ef a majer generating plant, The plan rveuld be aetivated wtre+rdeelered neeessar)'by state auth(rities' i+imizine smeetn; emeient; ane eff e ie* (Continued) Submitted Under Ad+iee{,et+erCase No. OffiPAC-E- I 5 - I 0 ISSUED:@ EFFECTM: September 112006Aueust 25. 2015 -,ROCKYMOUNTAIN<rc)NER\ A orvrsroN oF PAclFlcoRP LP.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.2 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R2 Onerating Standards (continued) Bulk electric system reliability and operatine standards for utilities in the westem part of the United States provide for a coordinated effort to effectively manage eners.v shortaee situations and includes shedding firm load in an emergency situation usins the Company's Under Freouency and/or Under Voltage Load Sheddins programs to arrest declining frequency. assist recovery offrequency following under frequency events and provide last resort system preservation measures to prevent a blackout or voltage collapse. Emergencies that threaten the inteerity of the electric system can develoo at any time due to shortage of generation or disturbances on the system. either locally or within the Western Interconnect. The actions necessar.v to prevent total collapse of the system will be to: restrict customer demand. match seneration availabilitv. implement network capacity limitations. The circumstances necessitating a reduction in the demand or consumption of electricitv in the short term will require that immediate emereency action is taken and may potentially lead directly to firm load curtailment. SECTION I. PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW OF THE CURTAILMENT PLAN This plan identifies the process by which the Company would initiate and implement reeional load curtailment. The goal of this plan is to accomolish curtailment while treating customers fairly and equitably. minimizing adverse impacts from curtailment. complying with existing State laws and regulations. and providing for smooth. efficient. and effective curtailment administration. SECTION II. LOAD CI'RTAILMENT The Company will comply with all State and Federal mandates to curtail the electric energv used by its customers to stabilize system voltage and frequency in order to prevent a regional system collapse. Events that mav trigger load curtailment. either upon notice from state aeencies. the Peak Resional Reliabilitv Coordinator. or at the discretion of the Company. include but not limited to: . Loss of major qeneration or transmission eouipment due to mechanical or electrical failure. e Extreme hot or cold temperatures that create a network peak where generation capacity does not meet load center requirements.. Svstem disturbance within the regional balancing area. Initiation of Load Curtailment Load curtailment will be initiated when directed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). the Western Electrici8 Coordinating Council (WECC) authorities. or by order of the Idaho Public Utility Commission under its authority orovided for in 1da&o Code Q 6l-534. However. nothine precludes the Company from requestins voluntary load reduction at any time. M Submitted Under adr{€e+€s€'rcase No. ffiPAC-E- I 5- I 0 ISSUED: @ EFFECTTVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIOWER A T)lvISIq{ OF PACIFICOIP I.P.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.2 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R2 The follen'ing definitiens apply te terms used in this Plan' €r*treilmen# e' ^-:t:^^r r ^ ' '"^t *^-, r\ eustemer that supplies essential serviees relating te publie health; publie ie* i*in ine G, ^ - -^I r r^ '"'*^*^-, rtny nenresidential eustemer wlre purehased less than 5 average megarvatts H' Majer Use eu'+omer euringJh€+€s€iea* the eentinental Divide and/er rvithi+the eentrel erea ef the Mentena Pewer €empany, K, e'^'^, The Idalre Publie Utilities eemmissien, (Continued) Submitted Under Advi€€+€s€rCase No. 06#PAC-E- 1 5 - I 0 ISSUED:@ EFFECTTVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIFrcORP LP.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.3 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R3 SECTION II. LOAD CURTAILMENT continued) tomatic. Remote and Manual ActionsAutomatic. Remote and lVlanual Actions Automatic actions occur through the operation of programmed protective equipment installed in the Company's electrical system. includins. without limitation. such equipment as automatic relays. generator controls. circuit breakers. and switches. This equipment is oreset to ooerate under certain prescribed conditions which. in the sole judgment of Company. threaten system performance. inteerity. reliability or stability. Where Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ("SCADA") equipment is installed. the Comoany will remotely control switches. circuit breakers. relays. voltage regulators or other eouioment. In areas where no SCADA equipment is installed. actions are performed manually by on-site field personnel. If actions are undertaken. then to the extent permitted by the operating characteristics of the electrical system. the Company will perform such actions so that interruotion. curtailment. or fluctuation of service to customers will be accomplished sequentially. unless it is necessary in the sole judgment of the Company. or if reouired by the Peak Regional Reliabilitv Coordinator to vary said sequence in order to orotect system performance. inteeritv" reliability or stabi litv. SECTION III. CURTAILMENT STAGES Staee #Nature Estimated Curtailment Percent Tyne of Curtailment Stase I Mandatory 5o/o +l- Demand Side Management Programs activated Intemrotible customer load shed Staee 2 Voluntary - public aopeal to restrict usage No specified 7o Uniform among all customers lu.*Mandatory - peak curtailment block rotation 2.5 to 3.50/o +l-General Use Customers Residential Customers Staee 4 Mandatorv --curtailment block rotation 30%o of oeak +l-General Use Customers Residential Customers Staee 5 Mandatory - Emergency Load Shed Groups o/o determinate upon Peak Reeional Reliability Coordinator directive Uniform amons all customers Submitted Under Case No.06#PAC-E-15-10 ISSUED:@ EFFECTM: September 15; 2006Aueust 25.2015 -,ROCKYMOUNTAINYpoluee\ a olvtsror orPAcrFrcoFP I.P.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.3 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 13R3 r , Stete Centaet(s)' issues' j{#isdie+io* N, fhrest€H eens ing e, r I*:t:*:' . -t^^*, Individual representing the eempany in eenneetien rvith eurtaiknent issues' Q, rr':r:*:'-"*^:r* -'D^- *^-Repert(s) summrizing eurtailment data; sueh reperts are te be (Continued) Submitted Under adri€€+rfterCase No. 0ffiPAC-E- 1 5 - 1 0 ISSUED: @ EFFECTTVE: V,ROCKYMOUNTAIN <PoI}.'{ER\ A DMstoN or PACFToFP LP.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.4 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 13R4 S,ta€e# l.Ia*nr€ €ufrailm€n+ TJpe+fPereent eu*ai+m€nt St€ge+ Veluntary ++e+peeigeg+e S+ago+ Velun+a*y S%rF S+a€e3 Volunta#y 5-b15% S+aEe4 llandatory +5% |Se/nrr l$s/#F @ @ @ ffi ffi +*+jer++ee+rs+emerc St+gss Nqand€tory 9za asseeiated rvith @ S+ege-4--€ddi+ionel @ing€ufrailmen+ @ bla€k€uts SECTION TV. INITIATION OF LOAD CURTAILMENT I Interruntible Loads Larse interruptible customers with allowable curtailment allotments are available for emersency load curtailment and are the first to be utilized when immediate system stabilization is required. It should be noted that the amount of available capacity for emergency load curtailment is nesotiated in contractual a$eements and therefore subject to change per contract renewals and negotiations. Block Rotation Selected distribution feeders throushout the service territory have been srouped into blocks of aoproximatelv 100 MW in size. These blocks provide for two (2) hour rotational curtailments to be used in scheduled combinations to ensure that the required load shed amount is achieved. Block rotation may be utilized to suoport system stabilization followins a system disturbance. or to maintain system inte$itv during peak load periods. During load curtailment the Comnany would rotate through the blocks until curtailment is no longer necessary. Block rotation is dependent on what day of the week and time of day the curtailment event is enacted. This provides for eouitable treatment to affected customers. Blocks are asgreeated to match reduction thresholds durins events. Submitted Under ad+i€€+€#eFcase No. PAC-E- I 5 - 1 00646 ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE: -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpantee \ l orus,oL ot PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.4 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R4 Emersencv Load Shed Grouns Predetermined localized load shed sroups are utilized for situations where load reductions misht be necessary for specific high load areas. These areas generally require specialized load curtailment schemes to accommodate transmission nath restrictions. These load shed groups contain only SCADA controllable circuits. Minimization of Impact The Company will implement rotational curtailment in as fair and equitable a manner as practicable. with the goal of minimizing the impacts on communities. Where known and feasible within operational parameters. distribution feeders serving facilities essential to the public welfare are avoided during rotational curtailment. However. it should be noted that the Company cannot definitively account for all such facilities. nor is it oossible to exclude every known facili8 from the impacts of curtailment. Such essential facilities include:. Hospitals o 911 centers o Airports and FAA facilities o Large sewer and water treatment plants. Major metropolitan downtown core areas. Facilities critical to electric system operation. Prisons. police and fire stations including related computer and communication centers. Radio. TV news. emergency broadcast stations and transmittins facilities. U.S. Military installations r ead ewtailment \Mil iffie r.-----------€ycl.@ (Continued) Submitted Under A$i€e+etrerCase No. PAC-E- 1 5 - I Offi ISSUED: @ EFFECTM: September 15;2006Aueust 25. 2015 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a Dlvlstoarl OF PAOFrcORP I.P.U.C. No.l First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.5 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R5 SECTTON V. NOTIFTCATTONS ANp ACTIONS Throughout the curtailment period the Company will provide customers and external State and regulatory stakeholders with as much information as possible utilizing established processes and protocols. The Company's incident management strategy for an enerry emergency is consistent with the National Incident Management System and Incident Command System. and provides effective coordination through: . Procedures that allow system and field operations to focus on critical functional responsibilities:. Providing pertinent information to internal and external stakeholders. customers. regulators. media outlets. etc.:. Flexible response to changing circumstances. special customer needs and emersencies. Stase 1: Interruotible Loads and Demand Side Manaeement The Company would not normally contact the public or news media when it exercises options under interruotible contract provisions and demand side management programs. Stase 2: Public Aooeal for Conservation At the Company's discretion. a public appeal for voluntary energy conservation may be issued through media outlets. social media platforms. and automated outbound calling of customers reguestine voluntar.v curtailment of nonessential uses. Additionalllz. the Company will initiate curtailment of all nonessential Company use. reouest curtailment of nonessential use by govemmental agencies and institutions at all levels. request voluntary curtailment of nonessential use in all large buildings. and direct specific reouests to major use customers for voluntary curtailment of nonessential use. If additional curtailment is required the Company will intensify its request to the public. including requests to curtail less-essential uses. and notice that if curtailment does not occur. mandatory curtailment may be necessarv by utilizins block rotation methods. * a-^g 1, The eempany will begin (er eentinued if eemmunieatien has already begun) * e*^g '' In Stage 2; the eempan,' rvill (a) netiff eustemers efthe pereentage level ef State pr€Yid€dj*€tsge+ Submitted Under ld\i€+Irsercase No. effi6PAC-E- I 5- I 0 ISSUED:@ EFFECTTVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIOWER A OMSION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.5 Cancelinq Original Sheet No. 13R.5 * e'^g^ 2, In Stage 3; the eempan,' will (a) netify etrstemers ef the pereenta€e level ef State irff ion * et^g^ , In Sta8e l; the €empany will netiff €u^tem€eef any applieabl+ehanges in State @ * c*^g^ <, In Stage 5; the eempany rvill eetlaberate with the State te develep and implernent the mest effeetive metheds fer seeuring tlre reqired lead eurtailment and te minimize the ir is Stase 3: Peak Load Curtailment Prior to any rotating outages. the Company. to the best of its abilitv will contact key external stakeholders to inform them ofthe situation. To the extent possible. areas targeted for rotating outaees may be disclosed at this time. tosether with some estimate of how lons the outases will be necessary. The maqnitude of the event will dictate the administrative level to which external notifications will be made. (Continued) Submitted Under Adri€€+€so+Case No. 06+PAC-E- 1 5 - 1 0 ISSUED:@ EFFECTM: September 15; 2006Aueust 25. 2015 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIFICOiP I.P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.6 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R6 SECTION V. NOTIFICATIONS AND ACTIONS (continued) Key external stakeholders include. but are not limited to:. Governor's office. Utility Commissions. State energ.v/emergency response officials. Legislativeleadershipo Kev customer accounts Staee 4: Block Load Cufiailment In addition to the actions above. to the extent possible. customers in the areas targeted for rotating outases will be notified as soon as practicable and provided with an estimate of the time their block will be curtailed and the expected duration. Stase 5: Emersencv Load Shed Grouos Generally. no advance notice of an event necessitating emergency load shed is available. Therefore. it is to be expected that all internal and extemal notifications will occur as soon as information is known. Year and Base Billing data shall be rveather nermalized, Bnrc Bitting leried #neugh residentiel aid G Hsmmunieatine eErta eem-an rs eptien; it may previde et#ailment Target infermatien te ether eustemeper eustemer elasses as niell' Submitted Under Ad\i€€+€sercase No. 06#PAC-E- 1 5 - I 0 ISSUED: @ EFFECTTVE: -,ROCKYMOUNTAINYpantee \ a otvrs'or or PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No. 13R.6 Canceline Original Sheet No. 13R6 Paeh Uitting periedt U^e eustemers; and 10096 ef Mqier Use eustemers (ineludingthese N{ajer Use eustemers with estimated ise until their ener$' Hse falls belerv the Tlxeshe'd eensumptien level, enee their ener$' use falls belerv that l€veL they will be aud Afitseptien; the eem-any may audit 10096 ef residentiat users and General Use eustemers, When auditing is @ €en+inuee) Submitted Under Adri€e+€ft€rCase No. 06#PAC-E- 1 5 - 1 0 ISSUED: @ EFFECTTVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 13R.7 E.Penalties for Non-compliance. 1. Nature of Penalties. The State will take whatever measures are available and appropriate at the time mandatory curtailment is instituted to ensure that the Company's customers comply with the mandates of the Plan. Measures may include financial of service. During any continuous period of curtailment, assessed the purposes of administration of subsequent penalties, period of "compliance." Standard disconnect criteria and procedures will be ng customers be taken into charges (seeaccount, and customers will be billed Schedule No. 300). ulated by multiplying the customer's Excess Power the appropriate penalty. Consumption level assigned to each These values may be changed by the 2. customer Threshold Consumption Level l0%o above Curtailment Target l0% above Curtailment Target 2Yo above Curtailment Target (Continued) EFFECTWE: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 J,ROCKYMOUNTAINYpowee \ r otvtston or PAqFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 13R.8 b. Excess Power Consumption Calculation. Penalties will not be assessed if a customer's load (either actual load or weather-normalized load) is equal to, or less than, the Threshold Consumption Level. Excess Power Consumption is the lower of the following two values for each sampled load subject Ity: (a) (Actual Load) minus (Curtailment Target) or (b) (Weathe ) minus (Curtailment Target). Assessment of Penalties. (l) Penalties vs. Warninss.y if they have Excess Power Consumption and zed based on the penalty assessment who is not penalized receive a warning. mandated mi u%-s%-1 on all customer lment Target will will sample at the ion as specified in this plan by the State) and assess penalties on. may employ higher percentages of the mini specified above. The Company may choose assessment options: penalties on all sampled customers with Excess Power ion; (this methodolory must be used for Major Use Customers even if the Company chooses option (b), below, for its customer sectors); or (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 -ROCKYMOUNTAINYpantee\ l uvrsror.r or PAcFrcoiP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 13R.9 Assessment of Penalties. (continued) (b)Develop a ratio of the minimum percentage sample size to the actual percentage sampled for the resident General Use by the totalcustomer sectors. Multiply the resulti number of violators in each respective determine the minimum number of penalties in each sector. Calculate the idual ption he "worst offenders" in the overall tage "Excess Power Also who were penalized in the billing still have the Excess Power to^IA's direct-service industrial customers on billing data provided by customer that has been divided by Curtailment T BPA. service requirements associated with nistered by BPA. may describe the penalty on the power shall include any State-provided material describing plan as a bill stuffer in the bills of penalized note on the bill that failure to pay penalties will Customers for adjustments of Base Billing Period data and/or exemption lment may request a stay of enforcement of the penalty aspect a final decision regarding its request. Any customer who has such a stay shall be subject to retroactive penalties as applicable ifthe is ultimately denied. Funds collected r State-ordered penalty provision of this Plan shall be set aside in a separate account. The ultimate disposition of these funds will be determined by the State. (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 74,2006 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTSTON OF PACTFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 13R10 F.Exemptions and Adjustments 1. Customer Aoolication for Exemption/Adjustment. The Company will inform customers of how to apply for exemption from Plan requirements or adjustments Billing Period data. At its option, the Company may elect to process only for audited customers. Customers seeking an exemption or Company. If dissatisfied with the Company's disposition may apply to the State for exemption or adjustment. At its option, the Company may provide for a credi has accomplished a reduction in demand for service device, weatherization, or other conservati measures sl from these installed measures exceed ilment the Company may credit the excess against future curtai No automatic customer exemptions will be nitiated load curtailment. The Company will inform Stage 5 black-outs. may not protect them from Critical Customers must demonstrate to the elimi -up lpptions for customers not qualiffing as Critical Load this Plan will be evaluated based on whether curtailment would nrd\grytble exposure to health or safety hazards, seriously impair the the fected customer, cause extreme economic hardship relative to the saved, or produce counterproductive results. Records regarding exemption will be made available to the State upon request. 2. non-essential energy use and are using any resources before the Company will exempt ative energy (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 ROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\N'ER A OrVrSt${ oF PACIHCOnP I.P.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 13R11 G.Measurement of the Amount of Curtailment Achieved and Determination of Compliance. At all times during State-initiated regional load curtailment, the State and the Utility Coordinator will be provided with consumption and savings data on a monthly basis i form specified in Appendix D of the Regional Plan. To the extent that circumstances actual load H. curtailment dictate the need for additional data or more frequent comply with the State request will be made. Soecial Arransements 1. Use of Customer-Owned Generation Facilities. system protection, customers having their generation from thosefrom non-utility power sources may use curtailed power purchases from the 2. Curtailment Scheduling. Duri provide the required amount and subject to equipment supplement their lment, a customer must hg period. Within that period, les -on tuations, customers are free to hardship, or inconvenience they effort to safety and ties or to electricity schedule curtailment so experience as a result of mandatory SECTION V.APPENDICES The Regional Curtai review in each of the irement. CURT ENT INFORMATION: ns additional information, and is available for Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTM: September 15, 2006