HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151106Comments.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN RSly.E*, November 6,2015 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY r!trntrt\il:fll\t-t,rt-l v;-, ?015 HOY -6 Atl l0: 22 uril'?fflcCiitf*;i$sro* 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 Re: Case No. PAC-E-15-09 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO MODIFY THE ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM AI\ID INCREASE RATES BY $10.2 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 3.9 PERCENT Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing seven (7) copies of Rocky Mountain Power's Comments supporting the Stipulation filed with the Commission on October 15, 2015, in the above- referenced matter. These Comments are provided assuming this case will be processed under Modified Procedure, if the Commission determines that hearings are necessary the Company stands ready to offer testimony in support of the Stipulation. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, J"+kykL4/.d^/4, Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation cc: Service List Enclosures Yvonne R. Hogle (lSB No. 8930) 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4050 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 E-mail: vvonne.hogle@oacificom.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO MODIFY THE ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM AI\D INCREASE RATES BY $I0.2 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 3.9 PERCENT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. PAC.E-15-09 COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER PacifiCorp, d.b.a. Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or "Company"), hereby provides Comments which summarize and support the Stipulation filed October 15,2015, in the above referenced matter entered into by and among Rocky Mountain Power, Staff for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'); the Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association, Inc. ("IIPA"); Monsanto Company ("Monsanto"); and PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC") collectively referred to as the "Parties". BACKGROUND l. On May 27,2015, the Company filed an Application and the supporting testimony of Company witnesses Ms. Joelle Steward and Mr. Michael G. Wilding requesting Commission authorization to: (l) increase rates by $10.2 million effective January 1,2016, and (2) modiff the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM"). 2. The testimony of witness Michael G. Wilding supported the proposal to increase base rates along with the following modifications to the ECAM: (a) eliminate the ECAM sharing band, load change adjustment rate ("LCAR"), tracking DSM costs, and sulfur dioxide sales from the ECAM; (b) start tracking production tax credits; (c) calculate based on sales at meter rather than generator; and (d) align the deferral period to the calendar year. 3. Mr. Wilding testified that net power costs ("NPC") have consistently been under recovered through base rates causing large NPC deferrals to be recovered through the ECAM, noting that since the 20ll general rates case, the average NPC deferral in the annual ECAM filings has been approximately $12.8 million representing almost 5 percent of total retail revenues. 4. Supporting the proposal to reset base NPC, Mr. Wilding stated that it was more appropriate for ongoing and permanent NPC to be recovered through base rates rather than through the ECAM. Regularly resetting base NPC assures that long-teffn recovery of NPC occurs through base rates, while annual fluctuations in NPC are handled by the ECAM, consistent with the Commission's recent order from an Idaho Power case: "[W]hile the Company currently recovers these ongoing perrnanent costs through the PCA, we never intended the PCA to allow for the long-term recovery of costs that continue year-to-year. Rather, the PCA was implemented to enable the Company to recover or return the annual fluctuation in power supply costs and thus keep its customers from paying too little or too much of those costs." 1 5. Ms. Steward's testimony explained that the proposed rate spread and rate design for the affected rate schedules was calculated by dividing the $10.2 million increase by the 2014 normalized kWh sales. She testified that since ECAM costs are energy related, the increase should be allocated across customer classes on equal cents per kWh and customers' energy rates should increase by an equal cents/kWh for each schedule to collect the corresponding rate increase. ' Case No. IPC-E-13-20, Order No. 33000, p. 8. 6. On June ll, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 33321 in this case granting Petitions to Intervene filed by Monsanto and PIIC. On July l, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 33333 in this case granting the Petition to Intervene filed by the IIPA. On July 15, 2015, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure, Notice of Schedule and Settlement Conference.2 7. On August 11,2015, a settlement conference with representatives from each of the Parties was held at the Commission offices. Subsequently, the Parties agreed to a settlement in principle. The Parties continued their negotiations which ultimately resulted in a Stipulated Settlement Agreement ("Stipulation") resolving all of the outstanding issues in this case which, on October 15,2015, was signed by the Parties and filed with the Commission. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 8. The Parties agreed that Idaho retail revenues should increase by $10.2 million (3.9 percent) effective January 1,2016. The Parties further agreed that the increase would be applied on an equal cents/kWh for each schedule as set forth in Exhibits 4 and 6 to the Application. The Parties agreed that the $10.2 million increase above current base rates using 2014 loads will consist of: (l) a $3.2 million increase in NPC currently approved in base rates, increasing total Company base NPC from $1.385 billion (with Deer Creek depreciation) to $1.529 billion (without Deer Creek depreciation) or $94.8 million Idaho allocated base NPC with ldaho base energy at meter of 3,483,480 megawaff-hours, or $27.21 per megawaff-hour; (2) a $6.5 million increase associated with a reduction of the revenue credit from the sale of renewable energy certificates ("RECs") decreasing the total Company revenue credit from $78 million to $4.4 million establishing Idaho's allocated RECs base at $0.3 million; (3) a $0.2 million change in 'z Order No. 33339 Idaho's share of tax affected production tax credits ("PTCs") establishing an Idaho allocated base of $6.9 million from a total Company credit $115.7 million; and (4) $0.3 million incremental increase in exchange for the Company agreeing not to file a general rate case with rates effective priorto January 1,2018. 9. As part of the Stipulation not to file a general rate case prior to June 1,2018, Parties agreed to a second base rate change effective January 1,2017. Retail rates will be updated for base NPC using the incremental change to normalized NPC and loads reported in the 2015 annual results of operations report. The rate spread and rate design will utilize the same equal cents per kWh approach stipulated to in this filing. The Company will file an application for review by interested parties and for approval by the Commission no later than September l, 2016, with the proposed change to base rates, the NPC from the 2015 annual results of operations report, the associated rate change and spread to customer classes, and updated electric service schedules. 10. The Parties stipulated that with the exception of the application described above, the Company would not file another application to increase base rates prior to June l, 2017, with rates effective on or after January 1,2018. I l. The Stipulation specifies that during the stay-out period the Parties will not request the establishment of new regulatory assets or liabilities, which have not previously been approved by the Commission, except under unique or unforeseen circumstances. 12. The Parties agreed that starting January l, 2015, the amortization expense associated with the unrecovered Deer Creek mine investment will be recovered through the ECAM as a separate line item, without application of the sharing band until fully amortized. 13. In addition, the Parties agreed to the following modifications to the ECAM for deferrals on and after January l, 2016: (l) the ECAM will be measured on a dollar per megawatt-hour basis using load at the meter rather than the load at the generator; (2) PTCs will be tracked and trued-up in the ECAM, without application of the sharing band; (3) the LCAR will be updated to $5.68 per megawatt-hour to reflect base loads at meter corresponding to the 2014 period used to set base rates; (4) Sulfur-dioxide ("SOz") revenues and demand side management costs will no longer be tracked in the ECAM; and (5) the 2016 ECAM Deferral Period will include 13 months (December 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016), and that all subsequent ECAM filings will be based on calendar year deferrals. The Company's ECAM applications will be filed annually on April l, with a rate effective date of June I beginning April 1,2017. 14. Modiffing the ECAM to track variances using load at the meter will simpliff the ECAM by eliminating the need to perform a back cast calculation to check for over/under- collection of NPC. 15. Tracking PTC variations in the ECAM is appropriate since they are directly tied to the megawatt-hours of production from qualiffing wind facilities and only have a ten-year term of availability. The base level of PTCs will continue to be set in a general rate case but many of these wind facilities are approaching their ten-year production anniversary, starting in 2017, and will no longer qualifr for PTCs. By tracking PTCs in the ECAM customers will receive 100 percent of any PTCs generated but won't continue to receive the credit after it is no longer available to the Company. 16. The base loads in the LCAR and ECAM are updated to the 2014 normalized loads consistent with the base loads at meter used to establish the proposed retail rates. Prior to this update the base loads in the ECAM were the historical 2010 loads established in Case No. PAC- E-tt-12. 17. Revenues from SOz sales have declined from approximately $0.2 million in 2010 to $71 in 2014. Because the level has declined to a level of immateriality the Parties agreed that SO2 sales should no longer be tracked in the ECAM. 18. Class I demand-side management costs were included in the ECAM beginning in 2012 due to the uncertainty of the programs allocation treatment. Subsequently, Staff discussed treatment of costs with the Multi-State Protocol Standing Committee. Since the uncertainty is no longer an issue, the Parties agreed that there is no longer a need to separately track demand-side management costs in the ECAM. 19. When the Company first filed to implement the ECAM in Idaho it requested that the deferral period be December through November to be consistent with the period used in Wyoming. Since then Wyoming has changed its deferral period to a calendar year. The Parties agree that aligning the deferral period with the calendar year which matches the Company's accounting period will simplify the audit of the ECAM. To provide time to prepare the ECAM the Stipulation proposes that the filing date be moved from February I to April 1 with June I as the new rate effective date. 20. The Company filed this Application in an effort to mitigate customer rate impact by proposing to reset base NPC and modi$ the ECAM effective January l, 2016, followed by a general rate case with rates effective April l, 2017. This would have aligned the 2017 ECAM update with the rate effective date of the rate case, and was projected to offset the rate case with a reduction to the customer's ECAM rate. In an effort to reach this Stipulation the Company has agreed to extend its expected rate case filing an additional nine months for rates effective no sooner than January l, 2018. 21. This Stipulation represents a compromise of the Parties positions, provides significant customer benefits and will result in fair, just, and reasonable rates for tdaho customers. Idaho's average residential customer on Schedule I uses approximately 800 kWh per month. If this Stipulation is approved, the average residential customer would see their bill increase by $2.35 per month in 2016, followed by a decrease in their ECAM surcharge in 2017 due to a higher level of NPC recovery in base rates during 2016. 22. The Company and Monsanto agreed to extend the current terms of the existing Electric Service Agreement governing curtailment products and payments through December 31, 2017. An executed copy of the contract is provided separate from the Company's Comments for the Commission's approval. REQUEST FOR RELIEF For the reasons set forth above and in the supporting testimony, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve the Stipulation as filed. DATED this November 6,2015. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ed/*q CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 6th of November,2015,l caused to be served, via e-mail, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document in PAC-E-15-09 to the following: Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chartered 201 E. Center P.O. Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 rcb@racinelaw.net Eric Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 East Center PO Box 1391 Pocatello, lD 83204 elo@racinelaw.net Val Steiner Agrium Us IncA.,lu-West Industries 3010 Conda Rd. Soda Springs, lD 8327 6-5301 Val.steiner@agrium.com James R. Smith (E-mail only) Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ldaho 83276 i im.r.smith@monsanto.com Yvonne Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city, utah 841l6 Yvonne.hoele@pacifi corp.com Bradley G. Mullins (E-mail only) 333 S.W. Taylor, Ste. 400 Portland OF.,97204 bmull ins@mwanalvtics.com Brubaker & Associates 16690 Swingly Ridge Road, #140 Chesterfreld, MO 63017 bcollins@consultbai.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury PC l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 ron@wiliamsbradburv. com Christina Zamora Community Action Partnership Assoc. of Idaho 3350 W. Americana Terrace, Suite 360 Boise ID. 83706 czamora@capai.ors Jim Duke Idahoan Foods 357 Constitution Way Idaho Falls, lD 83742 iduke @idahoan.com Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Ted.weston@pacifi com.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon97232 datareq uest@pacifi corp.com Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 tony@.yankel.net Coordinator, Regulatory Operations