HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160426Corrected Table 2.1.pdfY RECE IVED ROCKy MOUNTATN ?$16 &pft 26 AH g:38 POWER I i-.r,:,,.i [i i:,u ff l"lCAo'|vs'|oNoFpAc'!F'|coRp ,".r'i'; ;; i;.xqfu{i5storu l1?"y;"tffinl,lfr[x1",,uruire310 April25,2016 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Idaho Public Service Commission 472 W . Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary RE: Case No. PAC-E-15-04 - PacifiCorp's 2015 Integrated Resource Plan Update Rocky Mountain Power hereby files a Corrected Table 2.1 - Enerry Gateway Segment In- Service Dates to replace the original table on page 2l of the 2015 tRP Update filed with the Commission March 31,2016. The original Table 2.1 erroneously reflects dates from the 2013 IRP Update. Rocky Mountain Power requests that parties replace the original page 21 and replace it with the updated page2l that includes the Corrected Table 2.1 - Energy Gateway Segment ln-Service Dates. Any questions related to this matter may be addressed to Ted Weston at (801) 220-4052. Sincerely, J:/t\"? K, LaA,I,.^-/a% Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Enclosures cc: Jim Yost,Idaho Governor's Office Benjamin J. Otto, Idaho Conservation League Mark Stokes,Idaho Power Company Terrie Carlock, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rick Sterling, [daho Public Utilities Commission Matt Elam, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Randall Budge, Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey Nancy Kelly, Westem Resource Advocates PACTT.ICORP - 20 I5 IRP UPDATE CI-IAPTER 2 * PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Segment D and part of Segment E. The agency chose to defer its decision on the western-most portion of the project looated in Idaho in order to perform additional review o[ the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area. Specifically, the sections of Gateway West that were deferred for a later ROD include the sections of Segment E from Midpoint to Hemingway and Cedar l{ill to Herningway. A draft supplemental EIS for thc deferred portions of the project and the Record of Decision is anticipated in 2016. Gateway South (Segment F): The BLM's Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register in April 201l, followed by public scoping meetings throughout the project area. Comments on this project from agencies and other interested stakeholders were considered as the BLM developed the draft EIS, which was issued in February 2014. A final EIS and the Record of Decision is anticipated in 2016. Sigurd to Red Butte (Segment G): Project construction is complete and the line was placed in service in May 2015. Sigurd to Red Butte is the third major segment of Energy Cateway to be constructed, follou,ing Mona to Oquirrh (Segment C) which was placed in service in May 2013 and Populus to Terminal (Segment B) which was placed in service in November 2010. Boardman to Heminqwav (Sesment H): Energy Gateway Segment H represents a significant improvement in the connection between PacifiCorp's east and west control areas and will help deliver more diverse resources to serve its customers in Oregon, Washington and California. Originally planned as a single circuit 500 kV line l'rom the Hemingway substation south of Boise, Idaho, to the Captain Jack substation near Klamath Falls, Oregon, PacifiCorp has continued to pursue alternative joint-development opportunities on other proposed lines west of llemingway. Idaho Powcr leads the permitting efforts on this project and PacifiCorp continues to support the permitting efforts under the conditions of the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Project Joint Permit Funding Agreement. The Record of Decision is anticipated in 2016 followed by the Oregon Encrgy Facilities Siting Council's f,rnal order on the Site Certificate, Corrected Table 2.1 - Energy Gateway Segment In-Service Dates i,i,;?,qrs Segment A: Wallula to McNary 2017 - sponsor driven 2017 - sponsor driven Segment B: Populus to Terminal Completed Nov 2010 Completed Nov 2010 Segment C: Mona to Oquirrh Completed May 2013 Completed May 2013 Segment C: Oquirrh to Terminal June 2021 June 202i Segment D: Windstar to Populus 2019-2024 2019-2024 Segment E: Populus to Hemingway 2019-2024 2019-2024 Segment F: Aeolus to Mona 2020-2024 2020-2024 Segment G: Sigurd to Red Butte Completed May 2015 Completed May 2015 Segment H: Wcst of Hemingway Sponsor driven