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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150701Comments (11 Total).pdfBen Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
There is no justifiable reason why Idaho’s public utilities should be granted 20-30 year
agreements to invest and operate its production plants,yet not offer similar terms to other
renewable energy producers.The words “unfair,”and “hyprocritical,”come to mind.
Please ensure that renewable energy producers are provided the same long-term power
purchase agreements that the utilities receive,so that these power producers are able to
secure financing for their projects.This is the only fair and equitable way to proceed.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Stephen White
1518 Knights Dr
Boise,ID 83712
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
•Today,Idaho relies on coal,gas and electricity markets—all of which are volatile and out
of our control.Long-term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho provide stable,
predictable prices for customers while also protecting the air we breathe.
ldaho needs reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our
air and climate.To meet this need and support Idaho’s clean energy sector,long-term
contracts are essential.
•Growing Idaho’s clean energy sector with fair-priced energy will protect customers’
pocketbooks as well as the air we breathe.
•The PUC has already ensured that we pay a fair price for clean energy.Now the PUC
must provide clean energy companies the certainty they need to invest in our
communities.It is only fair,after all,to provide Idaho’s clean energy companies the same
long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy.
Your attention to this most urgent matter would be much appreciated by all present &
future generations of all species.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Lydia Garvey
429 S 24th St
Clinton,OK 73601
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
I am writing you as an Idaho Power shareholder,customer,and retired HP engineer and
program manager.
You have before you a choice of great import:whether to put solar power on an equal
financial footing with utility-sponsored fossil fuel and other projects,or to require PURPA
providers to essentially break even in two years.The impacts of your choice will be seen
and felt in many arenas,from the financial to the environmental.
Let’s look at financial risk.Long-term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho will
provide stable,predictable prices.Energy currently provided by coal plants outside the
state provides few,if any,job in Idaho,whereas numerous studies (NREL)show that jobs
in the solar industry have been rising at 50%/year since 201 1,especially when the solar is
locally contracted.Solar has no moving parts;the technology constantly improves,and
supply is virtually endless within daily rhythms,whereas coal supplies and costs are finite
and costs are more likely to rise than fall,especially where 1 lid and possible future
carbon taxes are concerned.
Let’s look at costs.Idaho Power’s own studies for scenarios within the 2015 IRP show that
retiring coal plants are actually the cheapest scenarios within the 20-year planning horizon.
As a customer,I want to pay for the cheapest scenario as well as the cleanest.
Let’s look at general risk.Idaho Power has a choice in how it provides power to customers.
Regardless of the current mix,it can and is obligated to,adjust that mix if that is the right
answer for customers.Solar provides greatest output in summer,when energy demand
and prices peak.Idaho Power’s desire for greater profits should not be the driving force
behind its primary obligation to provide power at a reasonable profit.Idaho Power is
exhibiting Marketing Myopia and needs to learn how to profit from solar power,which is
the future of energy.Divestitures from fossil fuels exceed $100 billion at this point;and
those will be reinvested in renewable energy.Will Idaho Power be part of that future?This
concerns me as a stockholder.
Ultimately,our greatest concern should be clean air and climate catastrophe.The risk--
more like a certainty--of a planet that becomes uninhabitable for us and our children is one
I’d rather not countenance!This concerns me as a mother.
Please soundly defeat this unfair and unwise move.Allow PURPA providers,who have
taken on risk to provide solar power,a reasonable timeftame in which to get financing and
break-even on their investments.Or else consistently reject any Idaho Power projects of
longer than two years’duration!
Lisa Hecht
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Lisa Hecht
4920 E.Sagewood Drive
Boise,ID 83716
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
Please keep strong energy rules and maintain long term
contracts to encourage clean energy in Idaho!
Thank you for this opportunity to comment on this critical issue!
Mary and David Dudley
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Mary and David Dudley
P0 Box 37
Ola,ID 83657
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
Protecting Idaho’s clean energy sector is the right thing to do.We need to do all we can to
promote clean energy research and development.Please show your support by
maintaining the current long term contracts for Idaho’s clean energy companies.
Thank you.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Phyllis Osborn
3362 N Gawaine Place
Boise,ID 83704
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
I write to urge your rejection of the Idaho Power proposed short term contract rule for the
application of PURPA to clean energy contracts.
As you know,Idaho Power’s proposed two year contract rule will end financing for clean
energy projects.One can only imagine the howl that would emit from Idaho Power if the
Commission adopted a rule that only allowed two year financing,with the cost borne solely
by the shareholders and not the ratepayers.
Renewable clean energy has been recognized by the Commission as essential to the
future of our State.Closing the market to independent energy production by way of the
short term contract rule would simply prolong the use of fossil fuels and bring an end clean
energy production in Idaho.
The citizens of Idaho deserve better than the interim decision of five year contracts,and
certainly don’t deserve the end of clean energy production that would come from a two
year limit.A balance struck by the Commission in the continuation of 20 year contracts will
allow for new clean energy development,rate stability,and move the state toward the
essential goal of clean energy production.
I urge the rejection of the two year contract rule,and likewise urge your support for a
balance approach toward clean energy production.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
I am writing as a concerned ID Power (IDP)customer,regarding the measures that would
greatly limit renewable energy companies from creating jobs and further the accelerated
pace of climate change via IDP’s continued reliance on coal generated power.The
renewable energies industry in ID cannot operate or receive investment funding on a 2
year plan.This strategy by IDP to limit contracts by 2 yr terms would not only stop it’s
competition,but hurt ID jobs creation and put ID farther behind the curve of this
accelerated growth in non carbon power generation.
The PUC must step back and look at the bigger picture regarding where ID and the nation
are headed.Drought and heat waves are ever present headlines not just in ID,the
Western US but globally.Thousands of peer reviewed studies hold that it is 97%certain
due to human caused via fossil fuels energy model.
I assure you it is not in the direct of IDP’s obsolete business model reliant on toxic coal.
Toxic in its direct effects on the water,air and human health (directly attributed to coal
burning)and just as important is coals legacy of increasing droughts,diminished snow
pack via climate change.
The renewable industry in ID needs a 20 model allowance and anything less
would be unreasonable from a banking finance perspective.The PUC has an opportunity
to enact a societal benefit by choosing the long term 20 yr.contract model,over the short
in an ever changing climate and industry advance.
Idaho is blessed with abundant solar,wind and geothermal.Technology is advancing the
efficiency of these energy sources,citizens and businesses are urgently awaiting these
ever more affordable methods to improve their budgets,bottom lines and create jobs.
How can we citizenry reasonably expect our leaders to have the foresight to truly make a
difference in the sustaining quality of our lives and the environment we all rely on for food
and water,while industry with it’s sole motive of profit is in control of all our destiny via
coal’s toxic legacy??
We must all convert our lives towards the effort of reducing the burning of fossil fuels.IDP
seems to be doing just the opposite.
The PUC should send a strong message and deny the short sighted IDP requests,for a 20
year alternative.
Thank you for taking my comments,Richard Rusnak,Nampa Idaho
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Richard A Rusnak Jr
2400 S Wildrye Way
Street 2
Nampa,ID 83686
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
When we consider our legacy to our children and grandchildren,we have to ask the
questions what did I do to help curb the worst effects of climate change and pollution fro
fossil fuels.You can have a greater impact for our future because you have the power to
make a good decision for Idaho.
Please keep the long-term contracts for solar because we need the change to renewable
energy.Anything less than 20 year contract would severely hurt the chances to make the
transition as soon as possible.As a shareholder in IDACORP,I made suggested that they
change the business model to embrace solar instead of fighting it.Other countries and
other American utilities have embraced solar but Idaho Power is still in the dark ages by
fighting it.Every shareholder who spoke agreed that Idaho Power should do more not less.
Yet here we are again.Germany has more solar per person than we do with a climate
similar to Seattle.We have great potential but we need the political will,foresight and
fairness that only the Idaho PUC can provide.
To be fair,Idaho Power’s need for long-term certainty to finance projects is used when
they build a power plant or transmission line,they ask us customers to repay them for as
long as the project operates—often 20 to 30 years or more.Idaho’s clean energy
businesses should get the same deal.That’s only fair.
This contract rule matters because selling power to utilities is the only legal path for an
independent business to invest in Idaho’s clean energy sector.Homeowners or businesses
can put solar panels or windmills on their own roofs to meet their own needs.But only
utilities can sell power to other people or businesses.That will make the difference for our
contribution to a better future.
Future Idaho generations are depending upon you.Please make the best decision for
them.Even Darrel Anderson acknowledged at the Annual Meeting that they will eventually
move away from coal and towards alternatives like solar but they are not doing it.Since
necessity is the mother of invention,I think it is your job to make it a necessity for Idaho
Power to move to solar now and keep the long term contracts so they will change their
business model to meet the needs of Idahoans and the future generations.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Ed Wardwell
73268 Decham beau Way
Boise,ID 83774
208 229 8778
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
In the past month alone,the G7 has set targets for dramatic emissions cuts by 2050,Bill
Gates has called for a new Manhattan Project for renewable energy,and the Pope has
issued an encyclical that places environment front and center.I understand the difficulties
posed by intermittent renewable energy sources,but Idaho Power has the profit and
human capital to meet these challenges and become a model utility for the future.If Idaho
Power slashes purchasing contracts to 2 years,it will be a short term win for easy
profitability at the long term expense of being on the wrong side of history,both morally
and economically.
I am an undergraduate materials science student at Boise State University.I have been
researching DNA nanotechnology as part of a collaborative effort between Boise State,
Micron,and Harvard.Recently,I secured funding to start a new project on perovskite solar
cells.If these perovskites can be stabilized,which is no small challenge,they may reduce
solar cell module pricing by 85%over crystalline silicon (MRS Fall Meeting 2014,Dr.
Snaith,University of Oxford).
10 years ago it would be unthinkable that newspaper and music industry revenues would
be forever changed.5 years ago it would be bold to predict the same for TV,but people
now spend more time online than watching shows.The pace of change is increasing in
proportion to technological progress,and new energy materials may be disruptive.Idaho
Power can embrace change by using their economies of scale to offer renewable energy
at price points that small installations will be unable to match.A new report on the future of
solar,written by more than two dozen professors and researchers at MIT,recommends
that utilities move in this direction.
Thank you for your consideration,
Kelly Schutt
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Kelly Schutt
1423 South Grant Ave
Boise,ID 83706
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
The current model a monopoly investor owned electric utility seems to be dated and in
need of review.One way of initiating that review is to give long term contracts (i.e.20
years)for those who develop clean energy projects.In doing so consumers,developers of
clean energy and the environment all win.
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
paul cunningham
874 w.sandstone lane
boise,ID 83702
Ben Otto
Idaho Conservation League
Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,
On June 24th I testified on the PURPA issue at the hearing in Boise.At that time I
handed you a hard copy of signatures of Idaho residents who support promoting clean
energy in our state.I am now submitting the URL with the petition names.Please put
these on the record.
hif p :1/petitions.moveon .org/sign/promote-dont-smother-1
Thank you,
Kerrin McCall
I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record
under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available
for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed
by the utility.
Kerrin McCall
105 Sunnyside Blvd
Ketchum,ID 83340