HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150624Comments (Total of 56).pdfRe:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, “One of our most urgent projects is to develop a national energy policy.The United States is the only major industrial country without a comprehensive,long-range energy policy.Our program will emphasize conservation ...solar energy and other renewable energy sources....We must face the fact that the energy shortage is permanent.There is no way we can solve it quickly.But if we all cooperate and make modest sacrifices ...we can find ways to adjust.” “If we wait,and do not act,then ...we will feel a mounting pressure to plunder the environment.We will have a crash program to build more nuclear plants,strip-mine and burn more coal,and drill more (oil and gas)wells.” “If you will join me so that we can work together with patriotism and courage,we will again prove that our great nation can lead the world into an age of peace,independence and freedom” “This difficult effort will be the moral equivalent of war ---except that we will be uniting our efforts to build and not destroy.” Jimmy Carter Over 35 years ago There HAS to be some motivation other than profit.Our children and grandchildren will interpret our resistance to necessary change as selfish and irresponsible.The science is accurate.The continued degradation of the atmosphere of our planet and disruption of associated patterns of weather will make agricultural practices unsustainable. Dispersed solar generation in a state with as much sunshine as Idaho is a rational alternative to fossil fuels.Citizens are tired of the lame excuses and obstruction of sensible energy policy.Solar will provide substantial economic benefit as well. Instead of perpetuating Idaho’s image as retrograde neo-fascist state ruled by idiots. Please make some decisions to accommodate solar,which is an integral variable in the energy equation of our future.Why can you not see what was so obvious to Jimmy Carter over three decades ago! I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. William Hughes 241 Eureka Dr. P.O.Box 2651 Hailey,ID 83333 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper Today,Idaho relies on coal,gas and electricity markets—all of which are volatile and out of our control.Long-term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho provide stable, predictable prices for customers while also protecting the air we breathe. Idaho needs reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our air and climate.To meet this need and support Idaho’s clean energy sector,long-term contracts are essential. Growing Idaho’s clean energy sector with fair-priced energy will protect customers’ pocketbooks as well as the air we breathe. The PUC has already ensured that we pay a fair price for clean energy.Now the PUC must provide clean energy companies the certainty they need to invest in our communities.It is only fair,after all,to provide Idaho’s clean energy companies the same long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. Paul Rogge I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Paul Rogge 1915 N 22nd St Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, We need to,stop,using fossil fuels NOW if our planet has any chance of survival.We are in the 6th extinction...now... You must do everything possible to move to clean energy NOW.Do the right thing for your children’s children and create policies that give us clean energy. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Linda larson 607 s division age Sandpoint,ID 83864 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Please maintain long-term contracts for clean energy in Idaho.These stable arrangements are necessary for investment in renewable energy sources to occur. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. John Paschke 2750 E.Migratory Dr. Boise,ID 83706 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,I represent many in Idaho seniors when I say,one of the ways we can insure our children enjoy the earth as we have,with clean air and water and unpolluted lands and oceans,is to assist all those who are willing to use new science and technology to ensure what we most want for our earth and its inhabitants. To do anything to discourage that is a big step back,not forward. I,and we,urge you to go forward and not diminish or discourage clean energy’s ability to act.Thank you! Kathleen McKevitt I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. kathleen mckevitt 416 Adams Street twin falls,ID 83301 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho needs more clean energy.ThE way to encourage that is to provide long-tern contracts for clean energy,so that it is affordable to develop.We definitely do not need more air pollution from coal-fired plants. Thank you, C.H.Trost I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Charles Trost 225 N.Lincoln 225 n.lincoln Pocatello,ID 83204 208 233-4538 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Our family supports clean energy we take the time to educate our children about the positive aspects of clean energy.Whenever we travel and see the large wind farms they think it is ‘SO AWSOME’,to be living in a state that produces wind power.They also always inquire why don’t we see more solar?As they put it “it is always sunny here,why not?’My children are 7 &10 and know that the world is going to be theirs someday soon and have the desire to do good.The more doing good they see around them the more they want to participate. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Sigita Cernius 408 Williams St 408 williams st Boise,ID 83706 2084260117 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, As a citizen of Idaho,I strongly support modernizing our energy system and continuing to support renewable energy.Idaho needs to be foreword thinking and not turn back the clock on renewable power by changing the rules to make investments in this difficult.It isnTt fair and will stifle clean energy growth. On top of that,promoting clean energy over coal is what our state needs to be doing for our future.The impacts of coal mining and combustion,those hidden costs that pollute our air and water,need to be considered. Please think of our children and look into future and recognize that this change will hurt Idaho. Thank your for carefully considering my views as an Idaho citizen. Scott I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Scott Runkel 1610 Northridge Drive Hailey,ID 83333 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Please oppose the proposal by utilities to limit clean energy contracts to 2 years.The shorter contract periods proposed will effectively stop new clean energy development in Idaho.Idaho is already behind other states in providing incentives for generating renewable energy.Clean energy businesses are good for Idaho’s economy,and they should get the same deal (or a better one)as businesses that provide and deliver other sources of energy.Idaho’s clean air and water depend on developing clean,renewable energy that can replace dirty and unsafe coal and gas.Long-term contracts for clean energy also will provide more stable and predictable prices for customers than what we now experience with fossil fuels. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Karen Steenhof 18109 Briar Creek Road Murphy,ID 83650 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Utilities have to much “power”over our wallets as it is.Avista wants to be assured a rate of return to please investors.They’re asking for a surcharge to customers to offset the lost income related to people trying to save energy.Now Avista and other utilities don’t want to pay for cleaner sources of energy,regardless what we the customers want. Something is very wrong with the system when the customer has no say in the source of the energy or the cost...That’s why we have the PUC,to protect us from monopolistic greed.Please commissioners,do your part to protect the consumer’s interests and say no to 2-year contracts,and tell the utilities to honor the 20 year contracts to which you and the utilities agreed. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Mary Ellen Largent 421 s.Fourth ave. Sandpoint,ID 83864 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Please allow clean energy development to flourish in Idaho. We are well positioned to take advantage of wind and solar,but we need long term contracts (20 years or more)from Idaho Power,to make these investments financially viable.As a prospective investor in a possible solar farm in the Wood River Valley,I implore you to make the right decision for this state and future generations. Idaho Power can modify their business model to accommodate this move toward the future. Time is of the essence. Thank you for your serious consideration in this most important matter. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. James Rosenfeld 138 Valleywood Dr. P0 Box 1195 Ketchum,ID 83340 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho lacks oil and gas but has a wide variety of renewable energy sources.Let’s develop our own energy potential instead of utilizing dirty energy sources from other states. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Ted Stout 310 first st Picabo Bellevue,ID 83313 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho lacks oil and gas but has a wide variety of renewable energy sources.Let’s develop our own energy potential instead of utilizing dirty energy sources from other states. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Ted Stout 310 first st Picabo Bellevue,ID 83313 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjel lander,Redford,and Raper, We need a level playing field for clean energy.It is so important in this era of climate change.Do not limit the contracts to 2 years..give them the same long term deal as the other utilities. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Vicky Lockwood Po box 7076 Ketchum,ID 83340 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper, Idahoans need fairpriced,clean energy.Idaho’s current clean energy rules are the right balance to meet this need.I urge you to keep Idaho’s strong clean energy rules, encouraging future clean energy development and supporting existing projects. Sincerely, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Carolyn Coiner 528 Ballingrude Dr Twin Falls,ID 83301 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper Idaho needs reliable,diversified and fairly priced energy projects that will allow our economy to grow while protecting our air,environment and quality of life.Long term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho will provide stable,predictable prices and it is only fair to provide these companies the same long-term deals that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. Thank you for your consideration! I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Rhea Verbanic 175 Goat Mountain Rd Bonners Ferry,ID 83805 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Why shouldnTt clean energy get terms comparable to what existing energy producers previously enjoyed.Discouraging clean energy producers harms our health and makes us more dependent coal or gas which is not produced in our state. Please continue the long term contract rule. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Cheryl Halverson 7656 Sanders RD Tensed,ID 83870 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Clean energy is a great way to grow our economy and diversify our energy markets to keep competition strong.It also encourages innovation in harnessing clean and abundant natural resources.It should also give Idahoans much needed jobs and allow people to develop specialized skills that will be needed in the future.It would be great for our State to foster this kind of forward-thinking development. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Barbra Ferre 2503 W.Sheridan Ave Nampa,ID 83686 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho needs all kinds of clean energy to meet the demands ot today and the future.The companies willing to invest in clean energy projects need and deserve the same long term deal that the current traditional energy produces enjoy.The long term contract rule is good for Idaho,please don’t change this rule to protect the big producers of Idaho’s energy.Keep the playing field even! I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Steve Acarregui 3000 N.E.Scenic Valley Mtn.Home,ID 83647 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, We have to do all we can to encourage the development of clean energy in our state. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Mary Giddings 555 6666 Potlatch,ID 83855 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper,I implore you to let solar and other disbursed-energy sources continue to develop in Idaho.If Idaho Power wants to keep its monopoly on power distribution,it can assist homeowners in purchasing rooftop solar that will feed into its grid.No doubt many other solutions exist,too.The important thing is to reduce the utility’s use of coal-fired energy as smoothly and swiftly as possible.We have to replace it with other sources,and to cut off capital investment for one of them is foolhardy. Thank you for your service to our state and all of our citizens.We depend on you to protect our environment as well as our long-term access to affordable,clean energy. Sincerely, Diane Ronayne I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Diane Ronayne 746 Santa Paula Ct Boise,ID 83712 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I am in favor of the long term contracts for clean energy to maximize the stability and predictable pricing for customers.If I was the one thinking about puffing up a major solar project and the need for some predictable return on the large investment,I would definitely need more than 2 years to make that gamble.The gamble is worthwhile if is has a chance to pay -in cleaner air and in state energy supplies.And it is on a comparable timeline to paying off a large conventional power plant. Thank you. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Jeff Black 2013 N 7TH ST Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho needs to be committed to and invest in clean energy in order to continue to provide it’s citizens with affordable energy.It is only fair to provide Idaho’s clean energy companies the same long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy.This will protect customers’pocketbooks as well as the air we breathe.Please consider Idaho’s future generations when considering this rule and support the development of clean energy companies. Thank you, Camille Staley I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Camille Staley 4393 Plum St Boise,ID 83703 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Please maintain renewable energy contract purchase durations sufficient to encourage continued innovation and development of these technologies. The two-year duration proposed by utilities is unnecessarNy short and I believe the utilities have the means to manage incoming power from renewables adequately while maintaining longer contract periods.If there is good evidence that 20-year contracts are problematic overall then perhaps a compromise is appropriate,but I would urge the commission to critically evaluate the evidence supporting shorter durations. Thank you--Robert Minch I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Robert Minch 701 W Bankside Dr Eagle,ID 83616 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho would be a very desirable place to move if it leads the nation in it’s use of natural renewable resources for it’s energy needs.Please support and maintain the long term contract rule and work toward ultimately decommissioning all coal and oil plants in exchange for clean renewables. With respect, Janet Beckley I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Janet Beckley 1120 N.8th St. Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I am unable to attend the meeting this evening in Boise.As an Idaho citizen and energy consumer,it is very important to me that we maintain the integrity of PURPA and keep that framework available for purposes of promoting clean energy generation.Just like the large utilities could never finance an investment in a new coal plant over 2 years,so too is it unrealistic to shorten the investment horizon for a PURPA-backed,clean energy generating asset. I hope you will do the right thing and not let the utilities sway Idaho away from the intent of PURPA. Thank you and Regards, Mel Jackson I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Mel Jackson 1353 E.Corniche Ct. Boise,ID 83706 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, As an Idaho consulting engineer,a solar system engineer for over 34 years and having been involved in most of the larger solar projects in Blame county,I am well versed in many of the lPCo issues regarding solar development.From Feb 2014 through March 2015 I had been meeting monthly with IPCo’s technical and advisory staff as part of a steering committee on local renewable planning. As a result I have been privy to many of the technical arguments you will hear as part of this hearing regarding base-loading,peak load planning,the ‘duck’curve (over-generation risk),solar integration challenges and other salient solar generation topics. In short,I understand IPCo’s point of view in desiring to limit the uptake of future solar generation.However the existing lPCo structure of vetting and pricing for potential solar projects is more than adequate as-is and does not require an overarching ruling that would basically eliminate the consideration of any future mid/large scale solar projects.To be fair,any developer of an energy resource requires long term pricing agreements.The need for limiting the rate term,or renegotiating it every two years is certainly not part of lPCo’s or any utility’s pricing negotiation structure.For any generation project whether it be coal,gas turbine,wind or solar,long term pricing structures are part and parcel for financial planning. I encourage the P.U.C.to explore lPCo’s existing and exhaustive process of vetting for future solar projects.Their ‘avoided cost’procedures include long term planning methods, detailed costs for grid integration and various other costs for integrating additional solar capacity.These lPCo studies are required before a solar PPA is offered and are more than adequate to protect the utility from unwarranted solar development. It is not in the best interest of the public for the P.U.C.to eclipse potential low-cost reliable power generation strategies.P.V.solar is a fast evolving industry with increasingly competitive costs.Utility compensation strategies to eliminate adverse solar generation affects (on base and peak power generation)are well understood and ever progressing. As stewards of the public,as economic regulators,the P.U.C.has a duty to keep these options open and integrate low cost power strategies when IPCo’s existing avoided cost analysis proves solar generation is amenable. Having heard IPCo’s arguments while spending considerable time with lPCo’s strategic planning staff,in my opinion,reducing the solar PURPA term to two years is an unnecessary relief from the technical challenge or burden of integrating additional low-cost solar capacity.IPCo simply needs to work a little harder.Their current planning,vetting and pricing practices are more than adequate at this time.They do not need additional P.U.C.protection from solar or other future power generation opportunities. One last point,as public economic stewards,the P.U.C.may want to consider the potential Thank you for your consideration, -Brian Formusa P.E.(mechanical) I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Brian Formusa P.E. 108 S.3rd Ave Hailey,ID 83333 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, It is so important that Idaho strive for the cleaner air,incoming jobs/business,and self sustainability that clean energy can bring.Idaho is an incredible state that prides itself in the beauty and history of its natural landscape and resources.By providing the same long- term deals that Idaho utilities enjoy,we can continue to invest in the things that make Idaho such an affordable,healthy,and prosperous place to live. Thanks for your time.Thanks for planning for a better,brighter future for Idaho and its citizens -Jimmy Hallyburton Executive Director of the the Boise Bicycle Project. (a 501 c3 Nonprofit that provides l000s of bicycles and education to kids and adults each year). I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Jimmy Hallyburton 3025 N Crane Creek Rd Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I urge you to reject the proposal from Idaho’s utility companies to reduce the length of utility PURPA contracts for renewable energy. Renewable energy has the potential to bolster our local economy,protect our climate,and help our communities live more sustainably.Including more renewable generation into Idaho’s energy portfolio will require some change to the current system,and change doesn’t necessarily fall into line with the established and comfortable position in which the utility companies find themselves.Since these companies do not have to compete on the open market consumers need the PUC to advocate for fairness in the marketplace and enable other producers to have a chance to compete.Limiting the duration of these contracts to two years will stop any large scale renewable energy projects in Idaho. Idaho Power claims a glut of solar projects will threaten the utility’s ability to reliably deliver energy.Numerous studies from around the globe show that integrating renewables into the energy mix is not as disruptive as some utilities might lead us to believe. On the small scale this proposal would limit the ability for Idahoans to produce and use clean energy at home,and on the global scale it would make it that much harder for our species to attempt to limit the damage we have already done to the planet.Planning for the future instead hiding from it can help Idaho become a leader for growth and change. This is one step in the long process of changing the way we interact with energy in our daily lives,thank you for helping Idahoans move forward and adapt. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. de,83704 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I understand that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utilities. The PUC must maintain long-term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho.This is our future and we must plan now.Keep clean energy growing. Sincerely, Judy Butler 140 Monarch View Lane Hope,ID 83836 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Clean energy sources are the future for Idaho and the world at large,as relying on fossil- fuel dependent alternatives is no longer sustainable.To offset the capital investment required,clean energy providers should have the predictably provided by long-term contracts with the utilities delivering energy to consumers.Two-years is simply not realistic. Sincerely, Mary Bachman Sincerely, Mary Bachman 701 Weyyakin Drive 701 Weyyakin Drive Sun Valley,ID 83353 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjeflander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submittIng a comment In a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Cods §9437(13)and all information provided by me on this form Is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. The PUG has already ensured that we pay a fair price for dean energy.Now the PUG must provide dean energy companies the certainty they need to invest In our communities.ft is only fair,after all,to provide Idaho’s dean energy companies the same long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. Sincerely, Sam Young Sam Young POBox6823 Kethum,ID 83340 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I am writing to support and reiterate the views of the Idaho Conservation League in support of clean energy development and the need to protect the long-term contract rule. As ICL has noted,Idaho needs reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our air and climate.To meet this need and support Idaho’s clean energy sector,long-term contracts are essential. I urge the Commission to provide clean energy companies the certainty they need to invest in our communities by protecting the long-term contract rule. Sincerely, Suzanne Troje 1408 N.15th Street Boise,ID 83702 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Suzanne Troje 1408 North 15th Street Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Knowing that you are all ‘appointed’by our esteemed Governor,I realize that this request is merely a ridiculous formality,nevertheless I will indulge...I have watched over the past few years as our state did everything it could to kill wind and now solar as alternative forms of energy,in order to pave the way for the oil &gas industry to slide in and set up shop here.They have every intention of drilling &fracking every last drop of LNG and oil out of this state before they leave her in ruins.The fact that our highest paid state officials are in collusion with the 0 &G industry and that they have sold out our state for literally pennies on the dollar just so a few at the top can reap the profits,makes this the greatest crime ever perpetrated on the people of Idaho.However,the word is out and you will soon see that the citizens of this state aren’t going to allow it to happen without a fight.Extend the 20 year contract rule and prove me wrong.Go ahead,I dare you I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. shelley brock 8770 w.chaparral rd. eagle,ID 83616 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, My usual power bill is about $40.00 a month.That includes the $6.50 I pay towards your green energy program.It’s discouraging to see that the contract period for clean energy would be shortened to 2 years,thus potentially de-stabilizing growth in an energy sector many,like myself,believe in. Thank you, Sean Gould I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Sean Gould 506 gamble rd 506 Gamble RD mccall,ID 83638 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I am asking that you continue to support long-term contracts for Idaho’s clean energy developers.The long-term contracts provide more incentive for clean energy development, and it is the right thing to do. Thanks you, Phyllis Osborn P.S.I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Phyllis Osborn 3362 N Gawaine Place Boise,ID 83704 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Please increase the contracts for clean renewable energy sources instead of decreasing them.We are already seeing impacts to air quality and increased traffic and wildlife impact from coal carrying trains,which have killed hundreds of valuable moose and elk in recent years.Also,making taxpayers pay more in the long term is not fair to tax payers: geothermal,wind and solar get cheaper over time and provide jobs,while coal and gas get more costly and kill jobs (especially sustainable hunting,trapping,forestry and fishing jobs). ANTI CLEAN ENERGY IS ANTI-IDAHO!People who prefer expensive energy and air pollution can always move back to California where they came from,and that goes for our politicians and public energy providers as well. Please do the right thing for Idaho and the future and support new energy sources in any way possible. Sincerely, Nathaniel Role Idaho resident since 1980 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Nathaniel Role Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper, As a long time Idaho resident,I feel very strongly that we should make decisions that promote a better future for our state.Nothing is more important for the future of Idaho than combating climate change and developing reliable,Iocally produced energy.Renewable energy must power our future and we need to be proactive in supporting the businesses who can make that happen.They need long term contracts to invest in the operations.I believe the quality of life in Idaho is at stake. Thank you I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Nancy Basinger 3860 Preamble Boise,ID 83706 Re:IPC-E-15-01 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho needs to increase its production and use of renewable energy such as solar,wind, and geothermal which are local and keep dollars in our community.In order for this to happen producers need long-term contracts to fund these projects.The idea of reducing these contracts from 20 to 2 years is ludicrous.Please maintain the long-term contracts for renewables and keep Idaho moving into a bright future. Sincerely, Pam Conley 917 W.Highlandview Dr. Boise,ID 83702 pam_conley@q.com I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Pam Conley 917 W.Highland View Drivev POB 2526 zip 83701 Boise,ID 83702 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Idaho needs reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our environment.To meet this need,we need the ability to make long-term contracts. It is only fair to provide Idaho’s clean energy companies the same long-term deal at the fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Celeste Arnold 11023 Race St Boise,ID 83713 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I agree with the points ICL is making with regard to promoting growth of our renewable fuels.It is important to offer long term contracts for this type of energy development. In addition it is important to protect our waterbodies from degradation from coal dust which contains arsenic and mercury among others.These heavy metals readily enter the food chain impacting our fisheries and making them unsuitable for human consumption.It is time that we pass some guidance for coal transportation through our state and the NW.It is reasonable to insist that the coal cars be covered to prevent coal dust from polluting our waters. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Ann Storrar 1786 Lexington Avenue Moscow,ID 83843 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, It makes absolutely no sense to limit the contracts on clean power.Who in this world does not believe that clean power is an irrevocable part of our future.Remember,“the only constant in life is change.” The power arguments are somewhat similar to the arguments to keep all dams on the Snake River.The only reason some are still in existence is because one of our Idaho legislators owns the primary company transporting goods across the lakes.Removing all dams would be a huge boost to our Idaho Economy and many industries,as shown in numerous studies.Yet our legislature insists on protecting its own---another example of sheer hypocrisy. Thank you for your time. Chas Bonner Boise A person who has been president and part-owner of 2 California companies that moved to Idaho over 10 years ago because of the wide-open spaces,clean environment,outdoor activities,etc.Please keep our home pristine,or move yourself to a smoky,polluted area to see how it affects you. I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed Charles Bonner 3757 W.Quail Hollow Drive Boise,ID 83703 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, Clean,renewable energy is the future.It should be given high priority because the sooner we develop and transition to these energy production facilities the better. Why would you want to hamper the development of clean energy production by holding them to a different contract deal?Please do the right thing for current and future generations. Thank you, John Caccia I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. john caccia po box 4225 ketchum,ID 83340 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. [The length of the contract should not be determined by law,but by individual contract benefits.Do not mandate 20 year contracts with clean energy companies.In a free market, business merits will determine if investment should be made.] Sincerely, Courtenay Ellison 2041 E Knapp Dr Post Falls,ID 83854 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Today,Idaho relies on coal,gas and electricity markets—all of which are volatile and out of our control.Long-term contracts for clean energy produced in Idaho provide stable, predictable prices for customers while also protecting the air we breathe. Idaho needs reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our air and climate.To meet this need and support Idaho’s clean energy sector,long-term contracts are essential. Growing Idaho’s clean energy sector with fair-priced energy will protect customers’ pocketbooks as well as the air we breathe. You have already ensured that we pay a fair price for clean energy.Now we ask that you provide clean energy companies the certainty they need to invest in our communities.It is only fair,after all,to provide Idaho’s clean energy companies the same long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. Sincerely, James Van Dinter 12088 W.Tidewater Dr. Boise,ID 83713 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Don’t handicap clean energy companies while giving fossil fuel energy production advantages.Keep our air and water cleaner by encouraging renewable energy production.We need to promote policies that reduce the risk of climate change,accidents from transmission of coal,oil and natural gas.Solar energy production is particularly useful to offset afternoon load surges when air conditioning is used most heavily. Sincerely, Hugh Joslyn Hugh Joslyn 3417 Wilson Ln Nampa,ID 83686 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337f 13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. You must maintain the long term contract status for the clean energy producers which you granted in 2012. [Write your comments here.] Sincerely, Sam A.Monger Moscow,ID Sam Monger 1011 Crumarine Loop Rd. Moscow,ID 83843 2088828542 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. I urge you to reject the proposal from the utilities to limit contracts with non-utility clean energy power producers to two years.No company would be able to get the funding necessary to build a production system with only a two year contract in place. Idaho needs the energy that these companies could produce if we are to tree ourselves from the need to purchase energy from polluting,out of state coal fired plants. Please do not allow the two year contract to become the rule. Sincerely, Muriel Roberts 545 1/2 South Nineteenth Ave. Pocatello,ID 83201 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Paper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Clean energy companies in Idaho deserve no less than the same long-term deal that the current utilities in Idaho get.I urge you to choose the future for the citizens of Idaho and not the profits of the utilities.Clean energy is inevitable.Get ahead of the curve.Show that you are here for the citizens of idaho and are not captives of the utilities that you are supposed to regulate.Thank you. Sincerely, Marc Fleisher 2444 Blame Rd Moscow,ID 83843 208.301 .4527 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Long term contracts are need so that alternate energy sources can be developed for Idaho.Carbon based power production and the damming of free flowing rivers is not sustainable. Sincerely, Robert Corn be 3375 Circle S Drive Ammon,ID 83406 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. We have been on the correct track with 20 year contracts for clean energy.Any less pulls the rug out from under our important move toward the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy sources. Yours truly, Stephen M.Lockwood Stephen Lockwood 413 St Clair Sandpoint,ID 83864 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. [Write your comments here.] Please develop more renewable energy sources here in Idaho.Keep the payback time for all utilities at 20 years. Sincerely, Steven Temple Steven Temple 198W center Victor,ID 83455 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. The PUC should be adopting policy that continues to move Idaho to a cleaner future. Putting another roadblock in place only moves us farther from this goal and keeps us wedded to old,dirty,environmentally damaging technology. The utility companies should find a way to embrace this change so they remain relevant and financially healthy rather than to be discarded as obstructionist and obsolete.Now is the time to do it,not when they have no other option. If utility companies fail to embrace the future,as Mr.T might say:“Pity the fools!” Sincerely, Gary Hanes 992 E.Riverpark Lane Boise,ID 83706 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. I request that my comments are to be reviewed by the utility.I request the PUC must provide clean energy companies the certainty they need to invest in our communities.It seems logical for Idaho’s clean energy companies to be provided the same long-term deal at fair prices that Idaho’s utilities enjoy. Long term dictates,Idaho’s need for reliable,fairly priced energy projects that grow our economy and protect our air and climate.To meet this need and support Idaho’s clean energy sector,long-term contracts are essential. Sincerely,RA Rusnak,Nampa Richard A Rusnak Jr 2400 S Wildrye Way Street 2 Nampa,ID 83686 208 8995713 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. We need a level playing field for different energy providers,or even better,a playing field that slightly favors clean energy producers.Certainly clean energy producers deserve the opportunity to recoup their long term investments through long term contracts,just as you allow the dirty producers to do. It is so easy to fall under the influence of the very power companies you are supposed to be regulating.Please take care that this doesn’t happen to you! Sincerely, Roger Rasmussen 14100 S.Dolliver Road Coeur d Alene,ID 83814 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(1 3)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. Keep the playing field level!If this change is applied then the public should evaluate all energy contracts every 2 years. Sincerely, Donald Bosley Donald Bosley 12136 W Mesquite Dr Boise,ID 83713 Re:IPC-E-15-O1 Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford,and Raper, I acknowledge that submitting a comment in a current case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code §9-337(13)and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection.I further understand that my comment may be reviewed by the utility. I am in favor of supporting new energy and providing a stable contact for that growth to continue,with a long term contact to allow for companies to defer the start up cost.we need new ideas for our future and not allow or rely on our continuing geriatric energy source. Sincerely, shannon orr p.o.box 38 ketchum,ID 83340