HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150615Comments (3 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:Jean Jewell Sent:Monday,June 15,2015 1:18 PM To:Jean Jewell Subject:FW:testimony Attachments:Idaho Public Utilities Commission -Case Comment or Question Form.htm From:Alan Hausrath [mailto:arhausrath©qmail.com] Sent:Friday,June 12,2015 6:26 PM To:Jean Jewell;Alan Hausrath Subject:testimony Dear Members of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on IPC-E-15-01,Idaho Power’s request to modify the length of contracts for power purchased under PURPA.I write as an Idaho Power bill payer,share holder,grandfather, and Idahoan and I urge you to deny the company’s request for the following reasons. 1.They are basically crying wolf.The company’s argument is that they have no need for additional power at the moment and that PURPA contracts result in unneeded,expensive power.However,PURPA permits the company to purchase the power at “avoided cost.”Thus,as each contract is executed,it provides the company with the cheapest possible power at that time.Even if it is “excess power,”the company can shut down some other,more expensive resource (which they all will be under the rules of the game)and customers will benefit from the cheapest possible portfolio.This has been a successful system across the country and there is no reason to make PURPA projects impossible in Idaho by drastically reducing the length of the contract. 2.This filing is essentially an attack on solar power.But Idaho is solar country par excellence and money spent on solar stays in the state,boosts the economy and the tax base,and provides jobs for Idahoans.Money spent on coal power leaves our state and provides none of these benefits.Since it seems that the only solar power in Idaho is going to come from merchant plants,not from Idaho Power itself,the IPUC should keep contract length at 20 years so that solar developers can raise capital for their projects. 3.Many Idaho Power customers are surprised to learn how much coal the company burns and wish it would burn less to protect the climate.The best way to burn less coal is to use more solar and,given Idaho Power’s lack of will to use solar energy,the only way to do that is to allow solar developers to continue to find financing and build projects.A 20 year contract length is essential for this to occur. 4.Idaho Statute 61-515 directs the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to “require every public utility to maintain and operate its line, plant,system,equipment,apparatus and premises in such manner as to 1 promote and safeguard the health and safety of its employees,customers and the public.’Today,one of the greatest long term threats to the health and safety of all these groups is carbon dioxide pollution with its attendant climate change.For the sake of our children and grandchildren,the country has to stop burning coal,Idaho has to stop using electricity generated by coal,and Idaho Power needs to reduce and eventually eliminate its use of coal.One of the most cost effective ways to do this is to let PURPA work and let solar developers develop solar power plants.Please keep the 20 year contract length. The conclusion is clear:Idaho Power doesn’t need to reduce contract length and protection of its customers,and indeed all Idahoans’health and safety also benefits from 20 year contracts. Please turn down Idaho Power’s request for a shorter contract duration. 2 Jerome ft.School District No.261 District Office 125 4th Avenue West Jerome,Idaho $3338 Telephone (20$)324-2392 •FAX (208)324-7609 Dale Layne,Superintendent of Schools June 12 2015 —1 c= --Idaho Public Utilities Commission , —I_—o’/— P0 Box 83720 j-fVL/-b .—— 472 West Washington P1+’O Boise,Idaho 83720 Dear Commissioners: As a public entity and Idaho Power customer,the Jerome School District No.261 supports the request by Idaho Power to reduce the length of the guaranteed contract for large solar and wind generation projects. Jerome School District has an enrollment of approximately 3800 students and growing.We have completed several capital projects in an effort to save energy and reduce our utility bills.We are currently adding several thousand square feet to our buildings and are striving to include energy saving equipment in those new additions.We are on a limited budget and take great effort to find effective ways to reduce costs.If the request by Idaho Power to reduce the length of the guaranteed contract for solar and wind projects is granted,we believe the savings will be passed on to their customers;Jerome School District included. We are a strong supporter of clean energy and support the reduction of carbon emissions.We also believe there needs to be a balanced approach in regards to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar and the cost burden that will be passed on to rate payers including Jerome School District. Jerome School District does not believe that Idaho Power should be locked into contracts for 20 years and,if price locking contracts are required,they should be for a shorter period of time. We respectfully request your consideration regarding Idaho Power’s petition to modify the terms and conditions of future PURPA energy sales agreements. Respectfully, Dale Layne Superintendent of Schools c.Board of Trustees ‘i Falls Brand TM - :zn c. Ti OE June 15,2015 To Idaho Power Utilities Commission: Independent Meat Company has been an Idaho business for mote than 110 years.As a long term customer of Idaho Power,Independent Meat supports Idaho Power’s request to shorten the length of guaranteed contracts for large solar and wind generation projects. The relatively low cost of power in Idaho has a direct effect on our ability to remain competitive in a very difficult global market place.Keeping power cost competitive is very important to us and many other Idaho company’s we support and do business with. If Idaho Power is required to commit to long term contracts to purchase power that is not needed and unreliable at best,it will have a long term negative economic impact on our business,and may have a direct effect on our ability to expand in the future. We strongly request that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,support Idaho Power’s petition to keep renewable energy/solar contracts to a period of two years. Thank you, Edward R.Stephens President Independent Meat Company INDEPENDENT MEAT COMPANY •P0.BOX EE •TWIN FALLS IDAHO 83303-0028 •PHONE:(208)733-0980 •FAX:734-9702