HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150319Answer to Clearwater and Simplot.pdfDaniel E. Solander (ISB # 8931) Yvonne R Hogle (ISB #8930) 201 South Main Street, Suite 2400 Salt Lake ciry, utah 841l1 Telephone No. (801) 220-4014 Facsimile No. (801) 220-3299 daniel. solander@pacifi corp. com Attorneys for Roclcy Mountain Power BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ) APPLICATTON OX'ROCKY ) CASE NO. PAC-E-15-03 MOITNTAIN POWER FOR ) IPC-E-15-01 MODTIIICATION OF TERMS AIID ) AW.E.15-01 coNDrTroNs oF PURPA PURCHASE ) AGREEMENTS AI{D FOR ) ROCr(Y MOTTNTATN POWER'S MODIFICATION OF ITS AVOTDED ) AI{SWER TO CLEAR}VATER cosr METTIoD0LOGY ) PAPER CORPORATTON AIYD J.R ) SIMPLOT COMPAIYY'S JOINT IN Trm MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) PETTTTON AtrD CROSS-PETTTTON coMpAlry,s pETrrroN To MoDIF T ) roR cLARrncATroN oF oRDER TERMS AI\iD CONDITIONS OF ) NO. 33222 PROSPECTIVE PTJRPA ENERGY ) SALES AGREEMENTS ) ) rN Tm MATTER OF AYTSTA ) CORPORATION'S PETITION TO ) MODIFY TERMS AT{D COI\IDITIONS ) oF PROSPECTTyE PURPA )AGREEMENTS ) ) ) ) ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWER'S ANSWER TO CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION AND J.R. SIMPLOT COMPAI\TY'S JOINT PETITION AI\ID CROSS-PETITION FOR CLARTTTCATION OF ORDER NO. 33222 'r;: . ll I ?ill5 t,iiR l9 pii Ir Zl ,[1' i.ll iLI"ii! - (-;t-., , ,;ri,.;ii-;, r Comes now, Rocky Mountain Power (or the "Company'') pursuant to Rule 57 of the Commission's Ruies of Procedure, and the time&ame established in the March 13, 2015, letter from Don Howell to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission') inforrring the Commission of the outcome of the infonnal prehearing conference in this Case, and hereby submits its Answer to the Joint Petition and Cross-Petition for Clarification ("Joint Petition') filed by Clearwater Paper Corporation and J.R Simplot Company f?etitioners") in this proceeding. l. On February 25,2015, Petitioners filed their Joint Petition. In the Joint PetitiorU they recommend that the Commission amend Order No. 33222 to read as follows: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED ttrat effective February 5,2A15, and pending furttrer order of the Cornmission, the maximum contactual term for Idaho Power's new intermittent (solar and wind ppwer) PT RPA contacts shall be five years.r 2. In support of their recommendation, Petitioners claim that Idatro Power's Petition was "actually narrowly targeted at just wind and solar interrrittent resotrces that exceed the published rate eligibillty cap of 100 kW.'2 Petitioners also claim that "Idaho Power's Petition is only about its alleged difficulty in accepting and paying for long-term wind and solar PURPA QF projects."3 3. Although the Joint Petition was filed prior to Rocky Mountain Power's Petition for Modification of Telrrs and Conditions of PURPA Purchase Agreements and for Modification of its Avoided Cost Methodology, the Commission has combined the cases of the three Idatro utilities and Rocky Mountain Power therefore desires to provide a response to the Joint Petition. I Joint Petition at 4. ' Joint Petition at 2.3 Joint Petition at 3. 4. Rocky Mountain Power noted in its Petition that it has experienced a significant increase in QF pricing requests, and has no need for resources until 2028. The Company also stated that cunent Idaho avoided cost rates are adversely impacting customers and will continue to do so. There is nothing in Rocky Mountain Power's Petition that differentiates between an intemrittent (solar or wind) QF resource and a non-interrtittent resource. 5. The Company's continued specific requests for relief in this case axe: (l) an immediate reduction on a temporary basis, of the maximun contact term for PURPA contracts between QFs and the Company from 20 years to five years, pending final resolution of this case; (2) permanent reduction of the maximum contract term for PURPA contracts from 20 years to 3 years to be consistent vnth other Company policies; and (3) modification of the way the Company implements indicative pricing such that preparation of indicative pricing for QFs reflects all active QF projects in the pricing queue alread of any newly proposed requests for indicative pricing. None of the Company's specffic requests for relief differentiate between solar and wind QFs and non-intermittent resounces. 6. Petitioners' ciaim that "[nJone of ldaho Power's arguments apply to base-ioad facilities utilizing waste heat, biomass, or industial cogeneration such as Clearwater's base-load capacity non-intermittent QF project or Simplot's existing base-load industial cogeneration facility.' Whether or not this claim is upheld by the Commissio& the converse is tue for Rocky Mountain Power's Petition: the argrrments and evidence incltrded in Rocky Mountain Power's Petition apply to all resource types and not only to intermitt€nt resourc€s. Each of the claims with respect to the harm to ratepayers that is occurring apply equally regardless of the resource qPe. WHEREFORE, Rocky Moutain Power respectfully requests thx the Commission: (1) deny Petitioners Request to Cladry Onder No.33222W adding'@ rc!)" to the ordering paragnpb and (2) clarifr that the requested interim relief of five-year morimum leagth contacts does not apply to PLTRPA Qf projests eligible for published rdes. DATED this 19m day of lvlarch 2015. Respectfirlly submitto4 ROCKYMOI.'NTAIN POWER Attorneyfor Rochy Mountain Paryer Daniel E. Solander CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby c€rtify that on this l9e of lvlarch 2015, I oaused to be serve( via e-mait a tnrc and conect copy of fte foregorng dooument iu Case Nos. PAC-E-I543/IPC-E-15- 01/AW-81541 to the following: Donovan E. Walkcr Idaho PortrC.ompany l22l W.Idaho St (837t2) F0 Box 70 Boise,ID 837fi-4070 RicfrEd llalmgren Seniu Assistant Gcncnl Counsel MiqmTcchnologr, Inc. 8@ 5. Fodcral Way Boisc,ID E3716 rcmalmm@micron.com P€erJ. Richadson GrcgoryM.Adms RichmdsonAdams, PIIC 515 N.27t SEct Boisc, ID t3702 eqtcdArichrdsolgdarts,c,om ge@richmdsonadans.con lvIUVosp Idrho Coarervatirm Lcague, Sicrra Club 85 Socotrd Succt Zd fho Sm Franoisoo, CA 94105 Mffi .ve+a4Psicrmclub.ort DemJ.Millcr Mclhwit& MillcrLLP *mW. B@ocI( St Boisc,ID t3702 ioo@cdevit-roiller.com MichelG. ArfroE Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Avr. - MSC-23 Spokme WAW202 Irion Smgcr SmgaLawP.C 1l17 SW 53dAvmus Pdtle{OR.97215 irion(dsmmr-law.com DorddL. Howall, II DapheHumg Idrho Pnblic Utilitics Cmmissim 4TlW,Washingtm ($7A2) P0 Box E3720 Boirc,ID E3720il74 donhouell@pnc. ideho.qov daphc-humg@prc. idaho.mv FredcrickJ. Schlrd{t MioonTechnolory, Ino. 377 S, Ncvsds Stncct Cmon City, NV t9701 Echmidt@hollandbutcom Don Rflding 6070 HillRosd Boisc, ID &1703 LcifElgcthm, PE, LEED AP Infsromtain Encrry Paftncffi, LLC PtO Bq 7354 Boisc,ID 83707 hif@sitobascdsDrrst/.com KelseyJrcNurcz Snrko RivaAlliancc POBox 173t Boicc,ID E3701 ClintKalich Ardste Corportion t41 I Erst Misrion Avc. - MSC-23 Spolrmc,WA992V2 CtinlKalich@avisaco+.com r inf daqcrvairfOavr stam,rp.com ScomDalc Bliclcnstatr Amdgun$ed Sugar Corpany 19515. S&rm Way, Suite 100 Boir€, ID t3702 C. Tom Artoosh ArtooshLawOffices 802 W. Bamock St., StE.900 (E3702) P0 Box29flI Boise,ID 83701 ttro.atoosbfAa*oostLcom Eric L Olsen Rlcine, Obon, Nyc, Budge & Bailcy, Chartaed 201 E Ccffir P0Box 1391 Pocdcllo, ID E3204-139 I clo@irrinclaw-nst &otrDslc Blickenstaff Ihc &algamaEd SugrCo LLC l95l S. Safirn $ray, Suib 100 Boise,ID E37(D sblir*f ostafr 6iamalsurar.com Ted Weston Rocky MounEin Powcr 201 S. MEiD SEeet Suib 2300 Salt Iake City, IJT 841 I I Yvonne Hogle RoclcyMomAin Porwr 201 S. Mah Slrcct, Suitg 2300 SeltLskc City, Utah Mlll l-vome.hoeicrfu acificorp.cm Erin Cccil Arkooeh LEw Offices - Electonic Copies Only Erincccil@Ca*oosh.corn Anthony Yankel 29t14 lrke Road BayVillagc, OH44l/t0 tony@vaakol.net Data RequostRcryonse CenE- Electronic Copies Only PrcifiCorp dueqrrstrODaciftorp.com Daniel Solmder Roclcy Moutain Po*tr 201 S. I\rlain Suecr, Suite Zi00 Selt lrbCity, urah 84111 Danicl. Sohndcr@oacifi com. com Superrrisor, Regulatory Opcrations