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Jean Jewell From:salisvabecci©q.com Sent:Monday,March 09,2015 1:21 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:salisvabecci©q.com Subject:Case Comment Form:varlo salisbury Name:varlo salisbury Case Number:PAC-E-l5-Ol Email:salisvabecci(g.com Telephone: Address:23181 S Barnes ln downey idaho,$3234 Name of Utility Company:Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:My power usage over the last two yeats has gone down,I have bought power saving items clothes washer,dryer etc.I spent $5000 putting in doors and windows,yet the mote I spend to conserve power the more my power bill stays the same.Maybe its time for pacific corp.to start conserving,instead of consuming.That’s a question I have for the Idaho public utilities commission,have you audited pacific corp.to see why they claim poverty all the time. Unique Identifier: