HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141222Application.pdf"i 'i ''" i" 201\ DIC l9 Pi'{ t+: 3] ,!''I l. rt1.,,.:..,;:-. lr t"'l';'.1 i'-. 'r.:,'.,'i', r ..r r r! I r 7!tmlo NPO1TER= An TDACORP Companv JULIA A. HILTON Corporate Gounsel ihilton@idahopower.com Decembet 19,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewel!, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-14-41 Case No. PAC-E-14-11 Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets - Application Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matters please find duplicate originals and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company and PacifiCorp's Application. Also enclosed for filing are duplicate originals and eight (8) copies each of the Direct Testimony of Lisa A. Grow, David M. Angell, Richard A. Vail, and Gregory N. Duvall. One copy of each of the aforementioned testimonies has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." ln addition, two disks containing Word versions of each of the testimonies are enclosed for the Reporter. JAH:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Julia A. Hilton JULIA A. HILTON (lSB No. 7740) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 ihilton @ ida hopower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company DANIEL E. SOLANDER (!SB No. 8931) Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801 ) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801 ) 220-3299 dan iel. soland er@pacificoro. com Attorney for PacifiCorp IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP D/B/A ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF CERTAI N TRANSMISSION ASSETS. ?fi]1titc tg FH , ,-,, {ll ',.i , :l ,- .. ,,, r,i_i ,.... ..",,-,.j..,.,i; t',vJ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PC-E-14-41 CASE NO. PAC-E-14-11 APPLICATION PacifiCorp dlbla Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Power (collectively referred to as "PacifiCorp") and ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/') (together, the "Parties" or singularly, the "Party"), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-328 and RP 052, hereby respectfully make application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the exchange of certain transmission assets. APPLICATION -,1 ln support of this Application, the Parties represent as follows: I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Parties own and operate the Jim Bridger power plant ("Jim Bridger Plant")1 and associated transmission assets2 under the Restated Transmission Service Agreement (.RTSA"), the Restated and Amended Transmission Facilities Agreement ("RATFA'), and the lnterconnection and Transmission Service Agreement ("ITSA"). The RTSA, RATFA, and ITSA originated with the construction of the Jim Bridger Plant and were agreed to with the intention of moving energy from the Jim Bridger Plant to the PacifiCorp West Balancing Area. ln the intervening years since the RTSA, RATFA, and ITSA were signed, the regulatory landscape, the Parties' respective load growth, and investments in system upgrades have rendered the allocation of ownership and operational responsibility provided for under the agreements inefficient with regard to each Party's modern day load-service and regulatory obligations. The Parties desire to reallocate their respective ownership interests and operational responsibilities for various integrated transmission facilities in ldaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming ("Transmission Facilities"), some of which the Parties jointly own and operate and others that are independently owned and operated.3 Currently, the ownership and ' ldaho Power owns one-third and PacifiCorp owns two-thirds of the Jim Bridger power plant. 2 There are three transmission lines used to move power from the Jim Bridger power plant. PacifiCorp owns two lines; ldaho Power owns one line. 3 For a complete list of the Transmission Facilities that will be subject to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement dated October 24,2014 ("JOOA"), and which previously were subject to various Legacy Agreements between the Parties, please refer to Exhibit A of the Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement dated October 24, 2014 ('JPSA'), both of which are attached hereto. APPLICATION - 2 operation of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities is governed under numerqus agreements that are in some cases over 40 years old ("Legacy Agreements").4 2. Accordingly, the Parties have agreed to enter into a transaction under the Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement ('JPSA'), dated October 24, 2014, included with this Application as Attachment 1, and a Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement ("JOOA'), included herein as Exhibit C of Attachment 1, to reallocate their respective ownership interests to meet their respective load service obligations and improve operational efficiency.s lf this Application is approved, along with the receipt of all other required regulatory approvals, the Legacy Agreements will also be eliminated or amended as part of the overal! transaction. The JOOA, dated October 24,2014, will provide the terms under which the Parties will operate jointly-owned Transmission Facilities. Set forth in this Application is a description of transmission asset ownership and transmission service under the JPSA and JOOA. II. ASSET OWNERSHIP AND TRANSMISSION SERVICE UNDER THE PROPOSED JPSA AND JOOA 3. There are three 345 kilovolt ("kV") transmission lines that connect the Jim Bridger Plant to ldaho Power and PacifiCorp's transmission system: (i) the Jim Bridger - Three Mile Knoll - Goshen line; (ii) the Jim Bridger - Populus - Borah line; and (iii) the Jim Bridger - Populus - Kinport !ine. Under the Legacy Agreements, PacifiCorp owns two of the three transmission lines and two-thirds of the total capacity and ldaho o The RATFA, RTSA, and ITSA are the primary agreements between the Parties. There are a number of related agreements which support or are directly connected to the RATFA, RTSA, and ITSA. The RATFA, RTSA, and ITSA and remaining agreements are collectively referred to as the "Legacy Agreements." A complete list of the Legacy Agreements that will be terminated, amended, or consolidated upon approval of the JPSA are identified in Schedules 1 .1(g) and 1 .1(h) to the JPSA. t The JPSA and JOOA do not become effective until closing, which is dependent on federal and state regulatory approvals listed in Schedules 1 .1(i) and 1 .1(j) of the JPSA. APPLICATION - 3 Power owns one of the transmission lines and one-third of the total capacity. The Legacy Agreements dictate how the Jim Bridger transmission system is operated, how capacity and ownership is divided between PacifiCorp and ldaho Power, and other system protocols. With elimination or amendment of the Legacy Agreements, the Parties desire to exchange ownership interests through the proposed asset exchange to better align with the current configuration of their respective transmission systems and current load obligations. For example, during a Goshen to Kinport line outage, PacifiCorp will use the Jim Bridger - Goshen 345 kV transmission line to serve Goshen load as a result of the Parties each having ownership rights in all three 345 kV lines. The asset exchange will provide both ldaho Power and PacifiCorp with capacity and ownership in each of the three transmission lines. 4. The Parties determined that new transmission service obligations and an asset exchange will transform and modernize their relationship, making it simpler and more transparent, in addition to being more consistent with current regulatory requirements. Generally, the Parties will reallocate their respective ownership interests and operationa! responsibilities with respect to various integrated Transmission Facilities in ldaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. The transaction will provide PacifiCorp with approximately 1,600 megawatts ('MW") of capacity across ldaho Power's transmission system, which is consistent with the capacity PacifiCorp is provided under the Legacy Agreements and existing Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT") service, and ldaho Power with capacity on various portions of the existing PacifiCorp transmission system. Existing joint ownership interests in the 345 kV and 230 kV Jim Bridger Plant transmission system wil! be reallocated to align with the APPLICATION - 4 Parties' current operational requirements. Additionally, the transaction will establish the respective rights and obligations of the Parties related to joint ownership of certain assets, operation of jointly-owned facilities, and operational business practices. The transaction does not create any new available transmission capacity. 5. Under the new asset exchange agreements, PacifiCorp will purchase 510 MW of transmission service under ldaho Power's OATT in place of the current amounts paid by PacifiCorp to ldaho Power under some of the Legacy Agreements. This represents a portion of the 1,600 MW needed to meet PacifiCorp's operational needs. The Parties' new arrangement aligns with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("FERC") preference for transactions to be OATT-based. With OATT-based transactions, all operations continue to be governed by cunent reliability standards and industry business practice language instead of reconciling the antiquated language of the Legacy Agreements, which can be subject to interpretation and potential disagreement. ln addition, OATT-based transactions add flexibility and transparency, allowing for more efficient use of the assets and may facilitate the development of new markets, such as the Energy lmbalance Market. 6. The Parties used PacifiCorp's capacity needs above the amount to be served under ldaho Power's OATT as the basis for determining the asset exchange portion of the arrangement. This results in a need for 1,090 MW of east-to-west capacity across the existing ldaho Power transmission system. PacifiCorp will meet this capacity need through the acquisition of ownership in facilities between Adelaide, Borah, Kinport, and Midpoint. The table below identifies the substations and APPLICATION - 5 transmission lines in which PacifiCorp will receive ownership as part of the asset exchange. Substations Transmission Lines Kinport Jim Bridoer - Three Mile Knoll- Goshen Borah Goshen - Jefferson - Bio Grassv Adelaide Midooint - Kinport Midpoint Midpoint - Adelaide - Borah #1 Midooint - Adelaide -Borah#2 7. To facilitate its service obligations, ldaho Power will receive ownership in the following PacifiCorp substations and transmission lines inclusive of the reallocation of the Jim Bridger substation and transmission system assets identified above: Substations Transmission Lines Goshen Kinoort - Goshen Burns Antelooe - Goshen Summer Lake Antelooe - Scoville Jefferson American Falls - Malad Biq Grassy Midooint - Heminowav - Summer Lake Walla Walla Walla Walla - Hurricane Hurricane Jim Bridoer - Pooulus - Borah Antelope Jim Bridoer - Pooulus - Kinoort The details of the transaction, and a completed description of the assets to be exchanged and the capacity and ownership percentages to be acquired by each Party, are further described in the JPSA. 8. The reallocation of ownership and operation of the transmission assets being exchanged provides longterm operational benefits to the Parties' respective customers. This will resolve certain transmission operational issues to ensure safe and reliable electric service. As more fully explained below, this transaction will not affect either Party's ability to perform its public duties. APPLICATION.6 III. APPROVAL OF THE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP 9. Pursuant to ldaho Code S 61-328, an electric utility must obtain approval from the Commission before it sells or transfers ownership in any generation, transmission, or distribution plant. Before authorizing the transaction, the public utilities commission shall find: (a) That the transaction is consistent with the public interest; (b) That the cost of and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and (c) That the applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. ldaho Code S 61-328(3). 10. This transaction meets the above-stated requirements of ldaho Code S 61-328. The exchange of transmission assets between the Parties is consistent with the public interest, retail customers' rates will not increase as a result of this transaction, and each party has the bona /\de intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the assets. The Parties evaluated their individual operational needs and current constraints on the transmission system near the Jim Bridger Plant to determine that outstanding issues could be resolved through provision of OATT service, exchange of certain assets, and reallocation of ownership interests. The Parties are seeking approval of the asset exchange according to the provisions of the JPSA, which will achieve the following: o Exchange transmission assets or ownership interest in jointly- owned assets to better allocate asset ownership with load service needs; APPLICATION - 7 o Replace transmission service provided under the Legacy Agreements with (a) asset ownership and (b) purchases of transmission service under the more transparent OATT; and . Consolidate and modernize the ownership and operational provisions of the Legacy Agreements into a single agreement, the JOOA. 11. When completed, the new arrangement will replace approximately fourteen legacy agreements and amend and consolidate three other Legacy Agreements, with current OATT service and ownership, offering both Parties more operational flexibility to meet customers' needs. All transmission service to be provided between the Parties under their respective OATTs will be governed by rates, terms, and conditions that are clear and consistent with current FERC policies while also providing valuable reassignment, redirect, and rollover rights. lf approved, the reallocation of ownership interests will enable the Parties to more efficiently operate the transmission system consistent with current regulatory requirements and provide the Parties with the ability to more effectively manage required system upgrades and serve expected load grovtrth. 12. Additionally, through more streamlined ownership and capacity rights, the reallocation and exchange provides additional ownership and capacity and facilitates more efficient long-term operations and more cost-effective load service. For example, each Party wi!! have capacity and ownership on each of the three transmission lines making up the Jim Bridger transmission system. During certain outage scenarios, €.9., a Goshen to Kinport line outage, PacifiCorp will use other transmission facilities to serve affected load, thus improving reliability. With the JOOA, the Parties have created a APPLICATION - 8 strong foundation for future business by enhancing relationships and accommodating future business between the Parties based on mutual interest or need, including potentia! participation in future joint projects, such as the McNary transmission project as described in Section 6.2 of the JOOA. 13. The Parties determined the value of the transaction to be approximately $43 million to each Party based on the net book value of the assets as of December 31, 2014. The following chart summarizes the cost of the assets and applicable depreciation reserve: PacifiCorp ldaho Power Electric Plant in Service $74,149,976 $63,787,598 Accumulated Depreciation ($30.530.978)($20.522.563) Net Plant $43,617,999 $43,265,036 The net book values are subject to a true-up adjustment following the closing date of the proposed exchange for certain upgrades placed into service and certain equipment removed from service. With nearly equal asset values being exchanged, ongoing expenses following the closing of the transaction will be similar to expenses being incurred today. Commission approval of the asset exchange will either be neutral or may provide a modest retail rate benefit for customers when the Parties file their next general rate cases, respectively. The asset exchange benefits both Parties and is in the best interest of both Parties' customers. 14. The specific assets included were determined between the Parties as those required to provide the Parties with owned paths across their transmission systems and through each substation associated with the various transmission Iines. Ownership share is commensurate with the capacity needs of each Party and is APPLICATION - 9 detailed in Exhibit C of the JOOA. The assets required to support the requested path in each substation, but not specifically part of the path, will continue to be owned by the original owner with the new owner required to make compensation for operation and maintenance activities. Article V and Exhibit D of the JOOA describe the compensation between Parties for these operations and maintenance activities. 15. The Parties are required to file for Commission approval of the asset exchange according to the provisions of the JPSA. ln addition, PacifiCorp is required to file applications for approval with FERC, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, the California Public Utilities Commission, the Wyoming Public Service Commission, and a notice filing with the Utah Public Service Commission. ldaho Power is also required to file applications for approval with FERC and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. Applications for these approvals have been previously submitted or will be submitted soon after this filing. IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 16. A hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and the Parties respectfully request that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 ef seg. lf, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Parties are prepared to immediately present their case in support of the Application. APPLICATION - 1O V. COMMUNICATIONS 17. Communications and service of pleadings, with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Julia A. Hilton Regulatory Dockets 1221West ldaho Street (83702) ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 ih i lton @ idahopower. com dockets@ id ahopower. com By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Telephone: (801 \ 220-4014 Facsimile: (801 ) 220-3299 da n iel. soland er@pacificorp. com ln addition, PacifiCorp respectfully requests regarding this matter be addressed to: that all production requests d ata req uest@ pacif ico rp. co m Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 lnformal inquires may also be directed to Ted Weston, Manager of State Regulatory Affairs, Regulation and Revenue Requirement at (801) 220-2963. VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 18. The Parties respectfully request that the Commission issue an order: (1) authorizing that this matter may be processed by modified procedure; (2) approving the exchange of certain transmission assets between PacifiCorp and ldaho Power pursuant to ldaho Code S 61-328; (3) finding that the transfer of the assets is consistent with the public interest; (4) finding that the costs of and rates of existing electric service in the state of Idaho will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and (5) finding that APPLICATION - 11 PacifiCorp and ldaho Power have a bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the transferred assets in the public service. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 1$h day of December 2014. Attorney for ldaho Power Company Attorney for PacifiCorp APPLICATION.l2 VERIFICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada JULIA A. HILTON, being duly sworn, deposes and states that she is an attorney for ldaho Power Company, that she has read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same are true to the best of her knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a notary public of the state of ldaho, tr'i. /fifh day of December 2014. ) ) ss. ) -o* df ',,,*-g rutvt Residing at Boise, ldaho APPLICATION - 13 VERIFICATION STATE OF UTN County oM DANIEL E. SOLANDER, being duly sworn, deposes and states that he is an attomey for PacifiCorp, that he has read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a notary public of the state of Utah,-r'# tnis /r{ "i., of Decemb er 2014.=- DANIEL E. APPLICATION - 14 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-41 GASE NO. PAC-E -14-11 ATTACHMENT 1 JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPAI\Y, AI\D PACIHCORP October 2412014 EXECUTION VERSION Table of Contents Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS............... ..........2 l.l Definitions ....................2 1.2 Other Definitional and Interpretive Matters ............... ..... l l 1.3 Joint Negotiation and Preparation of Agreement........ .....12 ARTICLE II PURCHASE AND SALE ......12 2.1 Purchase and Sale ......12 2.2 Excluded Assets....... .................... 13 2.3 Assumed Obligations................ ..................... 15 2.4 Excluded Liabilities ..................... 15 2.5 Purchase Price; Net Book Value True-up; Audit Rights; Section 1031Exchange.. .................. 19 2.6 Tax Prorations........... ...................21 2.7 Time and Place of Closing. ..........22 2.8 Closing Deliverables................ ....22 2.9 Conditions Precedent to Closing. ...................24 2.10 Release of Mortgage Liens or other Encumbrances ............ ..............27 ARTICLE III REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES............ ................27 3.1 Representations and Warranties of Idaho Power....... ......27 3.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCorp ................30 ARTTCLE rV COVENANTS ............... ........32 JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I i 4.tt ARTICLE V 5.1 5.2 5.3 ARTICLE VI 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 ARTICLE VII 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 EXECUTION T/ERSION Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement Exhibit Updates.... ........35 TERMINATrON........ ............ 35 Termination............... ................... 35 Effect of Early Termination .........36 Post-Termination Obligations................ ........36 INDEMNIFICATION. ...........37 Survival of Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements; Notices of Claims.. .....37 Indemnification......... ................... 37 Limitations on Indemnification...... ................38 Exclusive Remedies. ....................39 Indemnification in Case of Strict Liability ....39 Notice and Participation.......... .....40 Net Amount ................ 41 No Set-Off. .................4l No Release of Insurers .................41 Mitigation ................... 4l Limitation of Liability ..................41 MISCELLANEOUS PROVTSIONS..... ..................... 4l Amendment and Modifrcation....... ................ 41 Waiver of Compliance; Consents................ ....................41 Notices .....41 Assignment ................42 Governing Law; Exclusive Choice of Forum; Remedies ..................42 Severability............... ...................43 Entire Agreement .......43 Expenses ....................43 Delivery.... .................. 43 JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page lii EXECUTION I/ERSION Exhibits Exhibit A Exhibit B-l Exhibit B-2 Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Ownership Percentages to be Acquired by Parties Form of Idaho Power Bill of Sale Form of PacifiCorp Bill of Sale Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement Termination Agreement Amendment and Restatement of Specified Legacy Agreements Schedule l.l(a) Schedule 1.1(b) Schedule l.l(c) Schedule l.l(d) Schedule l.l(e) Schedule 1.1(0 Schedule l.l(g) Schedule l.l(h) Schedule 1.1(i) Schedule l.lo Schedule 1.1(k) Schedule 3.1(0 Schedule 3.1(g) Schedule 3.1(hxi) Schedule 3.1CI) Schedule 3.2(t) Schedule 3.2(e) Schedule 3.2(hxi) Schedules Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances Idaho Power's Knowledge Pacifi Corp Permitted Encumbrances PacifiCorp's Knowledge Idaho Power Plarured lmprovements Pacifi Corp Planned Improvements Terminated Legacy Agreements Specified Legacy Agreements Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals 230kV Upgrades PacifiColp Acquired Assets - Liabilities PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Title Exceptions PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Environmental Law and Environmental Permit Exceptions Schedule 3.l(hxii) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Violation of Environmental Laws Schedule 3.I(hxiii) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Releases Schedule 3.l(h)(iv) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Storage Tanks, etc. Schedule 3.1(h)(v) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Assumed Obligations Under Environmental Laws PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Intellectual Property Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Liabilities Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Title Exceptions Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Environmental Law and Environmental Permit Exceptions Schedule 3.2(h)(ii) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Violation of Environmental Laws Schedule 3.2(h)(iii) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Releases Schedule 3.2(h)(iv) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Storage Tanks, etc. Schedule 3.2(h)(v) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Assumed Obligations Under Schedule 3.20) Environmental Laws Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Intellectual Property JOINT PI]RCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page liii EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement (this "{ggement"), dated as of October 24,2014 (the "Effective._Date"), is made and entered into by and between Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"), and PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation ("Pacifieolp"). Idaho Power and PacifiCorp are also each referred to herein as a "fu[y" and, collectively, as the "Partiss." RE,CITALS WHEREAS, Idaho Power is a transmission provider which owns and operates certain equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho, Oregon, and Wyoming, including one hundred percent (100%) ownership interests in the equipment comprising those facilities listed in Exhibit A for which the "IPC" share under "Segment Ownership Pre-Closing" is l00o/o (the "Idaho Power Equipment"); WHEREAS, PacifiCorp is a transmission provider which owns and operates certain equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington, including one hundred percent (100%) ownership interests in the equipment comprising those facilities listed in Exhibit A for which the "PAC" share under "Segment Ownership Pre-Closing" is 100% (the "Pacifi Corp Equipment") ; WHEREAS, the Parties jointly own certain equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho and Wyoming, including the equipment comprising those facilities listed in Exhibit A other than the Idaho Power Equipment and the PacifiCorp Equipment (the "EXiSling Joint Equipment"); WHEREAS, the Parties desire to exchange undivided ownership interests in the Idaho Power Equipment, the PacifiCorp Equipment and the Existing Joint Equipment to provide the Parties with transmission capacity that better aligns with the current configuration of the Parties' respective transmission systems and current load service obligations, each of which has changed since the Existing Joint Equipment was originally constructed; WHEREAS, in connection with the exchange of undivided ownership interests in the Existing Joint Equipment, the Parties also desire to (a) exchange undivided ownership interests in the Idaho Power Equipment and the PacifiCorp Equipment to balance the respective asset values underlying the undivided ownership interests exchanged with respect to the Existing Joint Equipment, and (b) amend, cancel or replace certain transmission services currently provided pursuant to certain historical contractual arrangements between the Parties with transmission services provided under the Open Access Transmission Tariffs (each, an "OATT") of Idaho Power and PacifiCoip, respectively; WHEREAS, concurrently herewith, the Parties are entering into a Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement with respect to certain ownership and operational issues, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C (the "Joint Ownership and Q '), the effectiveness of which is subject to certain conditions precedent set forth therein; WHEREAS, concurrently herewith, the Parties are entering into a Termination Agreement with respect to the Terminated Legacy Agreements, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit D (the JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I I EXECUTION T/ERSION "Termination Agreement"), the effectiveness of which is subject to certain conditions precedent set forth therein; and WHEREAS, (i) Idaho Power wishes to convey and transfer to PacifiCorp, and PacifiCorp wishes to acquire and accept from Idaho Power, undivided ownership interests in the Idaho Power Equipment; (ii) PacifrCorp wishes to convey and transfer to Idaho Power, and Idaho Power wishes to acquire and accept from PacifiCorp, undivided ownership interests in the PacifiCorp Equipment; (iii) Idaho Power wishes to convey and transfer to PacifiCorp, and PacifiCorp wishes to acquire and accept from Idaho Power, additional undivided ownership interests in certain Existing Joint Equipment, (iv) PacifiCorp wishes to convey and transfer to Idaho Power, and Idaho Power wishes to acquire and accept from PacifiCorp, additional undivided ownership interests in certain Existing Joint Equipment; and (v) the Parties desire to enter into or deliver to one another certain Related Documents (including, without limitation, the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, the Termination Agreement and the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements) in connection therewith, in each case, subject to the terms and conditionssetforthinthisAgreement(collectivelY,the..@,,). NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the Parties' respective representations, warranties, and agreements hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following capitalized terms have the meanings specified in this Section 1.1: "230kY_IJperades" means the projects of Idaho Power described on Schedule 1.1(k). 66Action" means any demand, action, claim, suit, cotrntersuit, arbitration, inqui.y, subpoena, discovery request, proceeding or investigation by or before any court or grand jury, any Govemmental Entity or any arbitration or mediation tribunal. "Afi]141!9" means, with respect to a Person, each other Person that, directly or indirectly, controls, is conffolled by or is under common control with, such designated Person; ryld€d, however, that in the case of PacifiCo{p, the term "Affiliate" does not include Berkshire Hathaway [nc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp), and no provision of this Agreement shall apply to, be binding on, create any Liability of or otherwise restrict the activities of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp). For the purposes of this definition, "csnfrsl" (including with correlativemeanings,theterms..controlledby',and.@,),asusedwithrespect to any Person, shall mean (a) the direct or indirect right to cast at least fifty percent (50%) of the votes exercisable at an annual general meeting (or its equivalent) of such Person or, if there are no such rights, ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity or other ownership interest in such Person, or (b) the right to direct the policies or operations of such Person. "Affiliatec!_Grogp" means any affiliated group within the meaning of Code Section 1504(a) or any similar group defined under a similar provision of law. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel2 EXECUTION VERSION "AggemelS" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "Amended and Restated Le 'means the Specified Legacy Agreements, in each case, as amended and restated to reflect the concepts set forth on Exhibit E. "BusineE!_Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, and any day which is a legal holiday or a day on which banking institutions in Boise, Idaho are authorized or obligated by Governmental Requirements to close. "Casualfi Igss" means any damage, loss or destruction (whether by fire, theft, vandalism or other casualty) with respect to an Idaho Power Acquired Asset or a PacifiCorp Acquired Asset, in whole or in part. 66claims" means any administrative, regulatory, or judicial actions or causes of action, suits, petitions, proceedings (including arbitration proceedings), investigations, hearings, demands, demand letters, claims, complaints, allegations of liability or potential liability or notices of noncompliance or violation delivered by arry Governmental Entity or other Person. "elo.gi4El" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.7. "Closlqg_Date" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.7. 66code" means the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. "Commercially Reaso " means the level of effort that a reasonable electric utility would take in light of the then known facts and circumstances to accomplish the required action at a then commercially reasonable cost (taking into account the benefits to be gained thereby). 66esntracl" means any agreement, lease, license, note, evidence of indebtedness, mortgage, security agreement, understanding, instrument or other arrangement, in each case, whether written or oral. "Disputed Costs Notioe" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(dXiii). "Effective Date" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "Effeglive Time" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.7. "Encumbtances" means any mortgages, pledges, liens, Claims, charges, security interests, conditional and installment sale agreements, activity and use limitations, easements, covenants, encumbrances, obligations, limitations, title defects, deed restrictions, and any other restrictions of any kind, including restrictions on use, transfer, receip of income, or exercise of any other attribute of ownership. "Enviremqg$" means the indoor or outdoor environment, including any soil, land surface and subsurface strata, surface waters (including navigable waters, streams, ponds, drainage basins, and wetlands), groundwater, drinking water supply, sediments, ambient air (including the air within JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 3 EXECUTION VERSION buildings and the air within other natural or man-made structures above or below ground), plant and animal life, and any other natiral resource. "Environmental Claims" means any and all Claims (including any such Claims involving toxic torts or similar liabilities in tort, whether based on negligence or other fault, strict or absolute liability, or any other basis) relating in any way to any Environmental Laws or Environmental Permits, or arising from the presence, Release, or threatened Release (or alleged presence, Release, or threatened Release) into the Environment of any Hazardous Materials, or the result of the handling, transportation or treatment of Hazardous Materials, including any and all Claims by any Governmental Entity or by any Person for enforcement, cleanup, remediation, removal, response, remedial or other actions, or response costs, damages, contribution, indemnification, cost recovery, compensation, fines or penalties or injunctive relief arising out of or relating to any Environmental Law or Hazardous Materials or for any property damage, natural resource damage or personal or bodily injury (including death) or threat of injury to health, safety, natural resources, or the Environment. "Environmental Laws" means all Governmental Requirements (including common law) relating to pollution or the protection of human health, safety, the Environment, or damage to natural resources, including Governmental Requirements relating to Releases and threatened Releases or otherwise relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport, or handling of Hazardous Materials. Environmental Laws include the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 9601, et seq.; the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. $ 136, et seq.; the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resotrce Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 anld Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984,42 U.S.C. $ 6901, et seq.; the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,49 U.S.C. $ 1801, et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. $ 2601, et seq.; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 7401, et seq.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. $ 1251, et seq.; the Oil Pollution Act, 33 U.S.C. $ 2701, et seq.; the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. $ 1531, et seq.; the National Environmental Policy Act,42 U.S.C. 5 4321, et seq.; the Occupational Safety and Health Act,29 U.S.C. $ 651, et seq.; the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 300i et seq.; Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 11001, et seq.; Atomic Energy Act, 42 U.S.C. $ 2014, et seq.; Nuclear Waste Policy Act,42 U.S.C. $ 10101, et seq.; and all similar or analogous foreign, state, regional or local statutes, secondary and subordinate legislation, and directives, as in effect and legally binding, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, ffid any provisions of common law providing for any remedy or right of recovery or right of injunctive relief with respect to Environmental Matters, as these laws, rules and regulations were in the past or are currently in effect at the relevant time period. "Environmental Matters" means: (a) the pollution or destruction of, or loss or injury to, or any adverse effect upon, the Environment, (b) the protection, cleanup or restoration of, or removal, remediation or mitigation of conditions affecting the Environment, (c) any Release or the generation, handling, transportation, use, treatment or storage of any Hazardous Materials, (d) the regulation of the manufacture, processing, distribution or use, for commercial purposes, of chemical substances or radioactive materials, by-products or waste, or (e) any matter conceming or arising out of the Environment or exposure to Hazardous Materials. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 4 EXECUTION T/ERSION "Environmental Permih" means all permits, certifications, licenses, franchises, approvals, consents, notifications, exemptions, waivers or other authorizations of any Govemmental Entity under or with respect to applicable Environmental Laws. "Existing Joint Equi " has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. "ERq" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any successor agency thereto. "Firm Transmission S " means the standard long-term firm point-to-point transmission service agreements set forth in Idaho Power's OATT for the provision to PacifiCorp of 510MW of long-term firm point-to-point transmission service on Idaho Power's transmission system. "FPA 203 Approval" means a final order issued by FERC under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act approving the Transaction. "FPA 205 Approval" means a final order issued by FERC under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act approving (a) the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, (b) the Termination Agreement and (c) the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements. '6GAAP)" means generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America. "Good Utilitv Practid'means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, would have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region, including those practices required by Federal Power Act Section 215(a)(4),16 U.S.C. $ 82ao(a)(ax2006). "Governmental Authorizations" mears any license, permit, order, approval, filing, waiver, exemption, variance, clearance, entitlement, allowance, franchise, or other authorization from or by a Governmental Entity, including Environmental Permits. "Governmental Entity" means any federal, state, local or municipal governmental body; any govemmental, quasi-governmental, regulatory or administrative agency, commission, body or other authority exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, policy, regulatory or taxing authority or power. "Govemmental Require 'means all laws, stafutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes and similar acts or promulgations or other legally enforceable requirements of any Governmental Entity. "Hazardous Materials" means (a) any chemicals, materials, substances, or wastes which are now or hereafter defined as or included in the definition of "hazardous substance," "hazardous material," "hazardous waste," o'solid waste," 'toxic substance," "extremely hazardous substance," "pollutant," "contaminant," or words of similar import under any applicable Environmental Laws; (b) any petroleum, petroleum products (including crude oil or any fraction thereof), natural gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas or synthetic gas useable for fuel (or mixtures of natural gas and such JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT PAgC I 5 EXECUTION VERSION synthetic gas), or oil and gas exploration or production waste, polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos- containing materials, mercury, urea formaldehyde insulation, radioactivity and lead-based paints; and (c) any other chemical, material, substances, waste, or mixture thereof which is prohibited, limited, or regulated pursuant to, or that could reasonably be expected to give rise to liability under, Environmental Laws. "Idahe J.owel" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "Idaho Power Acquired As " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1(a). "Idaho Power Assumed O " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.3(a). "Idaho Power Bill of S#'has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.8(aXi). "Idaho Power Cost Recods" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(d)(ii). "Idaho Power_Qosts" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(dXii). "Idaho Power Equipment" has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. "Idaho Power Excluded Assets" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(b). "Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(a). "Idaho Power Extraordinary Items" means extraordinary additions, deletions, upgrades or improvements to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets determined by Idaho Power during the Interim Period to be necessary due to emergency conditions or exigent circumstances to maintain the safety and reliability of Idaho Power's electrical system, or to operate and maintain Idaho Power's electrical system and serve its customers in accordance with applicable Governmental Requirements (including, but not limited to, Idaho Power rates and tariffs on file therewith). "Idaho Power Marks" means the rights of Idaho Power and its Affiliates to the names o'Idaho Power Company," *IDACORP," or any trade names, trademarks, service marks, corporate names or logos, or any derivative or combination thereof, that are confusingly similar thereto. "Idaho Power Mortgase" means the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of October l, 1937, and indentures supplemental thereto, granted by Idaho Power to Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, formerly known as Bankers Trust Company, and Stanley B*g, as Trustees, together with any related documents evidencing or securing the indebtedness secured by the Idaho Power Mortgage. "Idaho Power Net Book Value" means, with respect to an asset, the cost of such asset less depreciation and amortization, as shown on Idaho Power's books and records maintained for regulatory purposes. "Idaho Power Net Book Vd " has the meaning given to such term 2.5(0(i). in Section "Idaho Power Ownership Percentages" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1(a). JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 6 EXECUTION VERSION "Idaho Power Permitted " means (a) those Encumbrances set forth in Schedule 1.1(a); (b) Encumbrances securing or created by or in respect of any of the PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations; (c) statutory liens for current Taxes or assessments not yet due or payable; (d) mechanics', carriers', workers', repairers', landlords', and other similar liens arising or incurred in the ordinary course of business relating to obligations as to which there is no default on the part of Idaho Power, or pledges, or deposits, or other liens securing the performance of statutory obligations; (e) any Encumbrances set forth in any state, local, or municipal franchise or governing ordinance under which any portion of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are being used or conducted; (f) transmission service requests and interconnection service requests made pursuant to Idaho Power's OATT with respect to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets; or (g) Encumbrances, including zoning, entitlement, restriction, and other land use regulations by Governmental Entities, which, together with all other Encumbrances, do not materially detract from the value of or materially interfere with the present use of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the conduct of the business thereon as it is currently being used and conducted or as contemplated under any of the Related Documents. "Idaho Power Planned Improvements" means the upgrades and improvements to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets that the Parties agree that Idaho Power may commence or continue to make during the Interim Period, as more particularly described in Schedule 1.1(e) "Idaho Power Purchase Pdd'has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(a). "Idaho Power Required Red " means the Governmental Authorizations described on Schedule 1.1(i). "Idaho Power's Knowledge" means the actual, constructive or imputed knowledge that the individuals listed in Schedule 1.1(b) have or could reasonably be expected to have after reasonable due inquiry. "Indglqnified Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.6(a). "Indemnitring Party''has the meaning glven to such term in Section 6.6(a). "Independent Accounting Firm" means an independent accounting firm of national reputation mutually appointed by the Parties. "Intellectual Property" means trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights which are utilized in connection with ownership, use and operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (as such Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date), as the case may be. "Interim Period" means the period of time commencing on and including the Effective Date and continuing through the earlier of the Closing Date or the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. "Joint Ownership and Oper " has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. JOINT PURCI{ASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page l7 EXECUTION VERSION "Liability" means any debt, liability, obligation or commitment of any kind, character or description, whether known or unknown, absolute or contingent, accrued or unaccrued, disputed or undisputed, liquidated or unliquidated, secured or unsecured, joint or several, due or to become due, vested or unvested, executory, determined, determinable or otherwise. 66losses" mean any and all damages and losses, deficiencies, Liabilities, taxes, obligations, penalties, judgments, settlements, claims, payments, fines, interest, costs and expenses, whether or not resulting from third party claims, including the costs and expenses of any and all Actions and demands, assessments, judgments, settlements and compromises relating thereto and the costs and expenses of attomeys', accountants', consultants' and other professionals' fees and expenses incurred in the investigation or defense thereof or the enforcement of rights hereunder and costs and expenses of remediation (including, in the case of remediation, all expenses and costs associated with financial assurance); ryglg!, however, that in no event shall Losses include lost profits or damages and losses excluded under Section 6.1I "Material Adverse Effect" means, in respect of a Party, an event, circumstance, condition, or occurrence of whatever nature that materially and adversely affects: (a) the business, assets, property, results of operation, or financial condition of such Party or any of its Affiliates, including a material adverse regulatory impact on such Party or any of its Affiliates; (b) such Party's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any of the Related Documents to which it is a party; or (c) the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or any of the Related Documents to which it is a party, including the ability of such Party to enforce any of its rights or remedies hereunder or thereunder. "Net Book Value True- " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(dXi). 'o@f" has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. "Outside Closing Dde" means December 31,2015, or such later date as the Parties may agree to in writing, such agreement not unreasonably to be withheld or delayed, which is the latest date by which the Closing may occur. "Ownership Percentages" means, collectively, the Idaho Power Ownership Percentages and the Pacifi Corp Ownership Percentages. "PacifiCo{p" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "PacifiCom Acquired A " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1(b). "PacifiCorp Assumed O 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.3(b). "PacifiCom Bill of Sale" has the meaning glven to such term in Section 2.8(b)(i). "PacifiCorp Cost Records" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(dXii). "Pegifieprp Costs" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(dXii). "PacifiCom Equipment" has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 8 EXECUTION VERSION "PacifiCom Excluded " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.2(,b). "PacifiCorp Excluded L " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.4(b). "PacifiCorp Extraordinry ' means extraordinary additions, deletions, upgrades or improvements to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets determined by PacifiCorp during the Interim Period to be necessary due to emergency conditions or exigent circumstances to maintain the safety and reliability of PacifiCorp's electrical system, or to operate and maintain PacifiCorp's electrical system and serve its customers in accordance with applicable Govemmental Requirements (including, but not limited to, PacifiCorp rates and tariffs on file therewith). "PacifiCglp_Marks" means the rights of PacifiCorp and its Affiliates to the names "PacifiCorp," "Pacific Power," "Rocky Mountain Power," "PacifiCorp Energy," or any trade names, trademarks, service marks, corporate names or logos, or any derivative or combination thereof, that are confusingly similar thereto. "PacifiCorp Mortgaee" means the Mortgage and Deed of Trust from PacifiCorp to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., successor), dated as of January 9, 1989, as amended and supplemented by supplemental indentures, including the Twenty-Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated March 1,2014, together with any related documents evidencing or securing the indebtedness secured by the PacifiCorp Mortgage. "PacifiCorp Net Book V ' means, with respect to an asset, the cost of such asset less depreciation and amortization, as shown on PacifiCorp's books and records maintained for regulatory purposes. "PacifiCorp Net Book V ' has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5(0(i). "PacifiCorp Ownership " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1(b). "PacifiCorp Permitted E ' means (a) those Encumbrances set forttr in Schedule 1.1(c); (b) Encumbrances securing or created by or in respect of any of the Idaho Power Assumed Obligations; (c) statutory liens for current Taxes or assessments not yet due or payable; (d) mechanics', carriers', workers', repairers', landlords', and other similar liens arising or incurred in the ordinary course of business relating to obligations as to which there is no default on the part of PacifiCorp, or pledges, or deposits, or other liens securing the performance of statutory obligations; (e) any Encumbrances set forth in any state, local, or municipal franchise or goveming ordinance under which any portion of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are being used or conducted; (f) transmission service requests and interconnection service requests made pursuant to PacifiCorp's OATT with respect to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets; or (g) Encumbrances, includingzoning, entitlement, restriction, and other land use regulations by Governmental Authorities, which, together with all other Encumbrances, do not materially detract from the value of or materially interfere with the present use of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the conduct of the business thereon as it is currently being used and conducted or as contemplated under any of the Related Documents. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 9 EXECUTION VERSION "PacifiCorp Planned Impro " means the upgrades and improvements to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets that the Parties agree that PacifiCorp may colnmence or continue to make during the Interim Period, as more particularly described in Schedule l.l(fl. "PacifiCom Ptrchase Pdrc" has the meaning grven to such term in Section 2.5ft). "PacifiCom Required R " means the Govemmental Authorizations described on Schedule 1.1(j). "PacifiCom's Knowlefu" means the actual, constructive or imputed knowledge that the individuals listed in Schedule 1.1(d) have or could reasonably be expected to have after reasonable due inquiry. (6P@" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. 66Person" means any individual, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, corporation, trust, unincorporated organization, or Govemmental Entity. "Purchese_Prige" means the Idaho Power Purchase Price or the PacifiCorp Purchase Price, as the context requires. 'oRelease" means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing of Hazardous Materials into the Environment. "Related Documents" means the Idaho Power Bill of Sale, PacifiCorp Bill of Sale, Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, Termination Agreement, Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements, and each other document, certificate or instrument delivered by each of the Parties on the Closing in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. "Bgpresentatives" means, with respect to a Party, the directors, officers, shareholders, parhrers, members, employees, agents, consultants, contractors or other representatives of such Party. "Required Rezulatory Appro ' means the Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals and the PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals. "Rggloration Cos!" means, with respect to any Idaho Power Acquired Asset or PacifiCorp Acquired Asset, the cost of restoring a damaged, lost or destroyed Idaho Power Acquired Asset or PacifiCorp Acquired Asset to a condition reasonably comparable to its pre-Casualty Loss condition, as estimated in good faith by the Party bearing the risk of loss of such Idaho Power Acquired Asset or PacifiCorp Acquired Asset during the lnterim Period. "Specified Legacy A " means the Contracts described on Schedule 1.1(h). "Subsidigry," when used in reference to a Person, means any Person (a) of which outstanding securities or other equity interests having ordinary voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors or other Persons performing similar functions of such Person are owned directly or indirectly by such first Person, (b) of which such Person or any subsidiary of such first Person is a general parbrer or (c) such first Person directly or indirectly controls. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 10 EXECUTION VERSION '6Tax" and "Taxg!" means all taxes, charges, customs, duties, fees, levies, penalties, or other assessments imposed by any foreign or United States federal, state, or local taxing authority, including profits, estimated gross receipts, income, excise, property, replacement tax, sales, transfer, franchise, license, payroll, withholding, social security, or any other taxes (including any escheat or unclaimed property obligations), including any interest, penalties, or additions attributable thereto. "Tax_Affi1iate" of a Person means a member of that Person's Affiliated Group and any other Subsidiary of that Person which is a partnership or is disregarded as an entity separate from that Person for Tax purposes. "Tax_Refurn" means any return, declaration, report, claim for refund, or information return or statement relating to Taxes of any kind or nature, filed or required to be filed with any Governmental Entity, including any schedule or attachment thereto, and including any amendment thereof. "Terminated LeqacyA " means the Contracts described on Schedule 1.1(g). "Termination Agreemeff" has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. "Transaclioq" has the meaning given to such term in the Recitals. o'Transfer Taxes" means any real property transfer, sales, use, value added, stamp, documentary, recording, registration, conveyance, stock transfer, intangible property transfer, personal property transfer, gross receipts, registration, duty, securities transactions or similar fees or Taxes or governmental charges (together with any interest or penalty, addition to Tax or additional amount imposed) as levied by any Governmental Entity in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including any payments made in lieu of any such Taxes or govemmental charges which become payable in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 1.2 Other Definitional and Interpretive Matters. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, for purposes of this Agreement, the following rules of interpretation apply: (a) Calculation of Time Period. When calculating the period of time before which, within which, or following which any act is to be done or step taken pursuant to this Agreement, the date that is the reference date in calculating such period will be excluded. If the last day of such period is a non-Business Day, the period in question will end on the next succeeding Business Day. Dollars.Any reference in this Agreement to "dollarso' or'E'means U.S. dollars. (c) Exhibits and Schedules. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, any reference in this Agreement to an "Exhibig'or a ".Schedu!.e" refers to an Exhibit or Schedule to this Agreement. The Exhibits and Schedules to this Agreement are hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if set forth in full herein and are an integral part of this Agreement. Any capitalized terms used in any Schedule or Exhibit but not otherwise defined therein are defined as set forth in this Agreement. (d) Gender and Number. Any reference in this Agreement to gender includes all genders, and the meaning of defined terms applies to both the singular and the plural of those terms. (b) JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I ll EXECUTION VERSION (e) Headinss. The provision of a Table of Contents, the division of this Agreement into Articles, Sections, and other subdivisions, and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and do not affect, and will not be utilized in construing or interpreting, this Agreement. All references in this Agreement to any "Section" are to the corresponding Section of this Agreement unless otherwise specified. (f) "Herei!." The words such as "hersin," "bgreiuaftgf," "hg@f," and "hereunder" refer to this Agreement (including the Schedules and Exhibits to this Agreement) as a whole and not merely to a subdivision in which such words appear unless the context otherwise requires. (g) "hglgdig€i." The word "iqcludiug" or any variation thereof means "i@fL without limitation" and does not limit any general statement that it follows to the specific or similar items or matters immediately following it. (h) Agreements and Documents. Each reference in this Agreement to any agreement or document or a portion or provision thereof shall be construed as a reference to the relevant agreement or document as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time with the wriffen approval of both Parties. (i) Governmental Requirements. Each reference in this Agreement to Governmental Requirements and to terms defined in, and other provisions of Governmental Requirements shall be references to the same (or a successor to the same) as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time. 0) Days: Years. Each reference in this Agreement to: (A) "day" means a calendar day; and (B) "year" means a calendar year, ry4!91! that when a period measured in years commences on a day other than the first day of a year, the period shall run from the day on which it starts to the corresponding day in the next year and, as appropriate, to succeeding years thereafter. (k) Recitals. The above-stated recitals to this Agreement are incorporated in this Agreement and made apart of it by this reference to the same extent as if these recitals were set forth in full at this point. 1.3 Joint Neeotiation and Preparation of Aereement. The Parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement and, in the event an ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation arises, this Agreement will be construed as jointly drafted by the Parties and no presumption or burden of proof favoring or disfavoring any Party will exist or arise by virtue of the authorship of any provision of this Agreement. ARTICLE II PURCHASE AND SALE 2.1 Purchase and Sale. (a) Idaho Power Acquired Assets. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, at the Closing, PacifiCorp shall sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver to Idaho Power, and Idaho Power shall ptrchase and accept from PacifiCorp, free and clear of all Encumbrances (other than PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel12 Power Acquired Assets, which EXECUTION VERSION be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(b)), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, in all of PacifiCorp's right, title and interest in, and to the assets constituting (i) the PacifiCorp Equipment and (ii) certain Existing Joint Equipment, equal to the ownership percentages set forth opposite such Equipment in Exhibit A in the column labeled "Quantity Transferred to Other Owner" for PacifiCorp (collectively, the "Idaho Power Ownership Percentages"), but excluding the PacifiCorp Excluded Assets (collectively, the "Idaho Power Acquired Assets"). For illustrative purposes, Exhibit A also sets forth the respective undivided ownership percentages of the Parties in the PacifiCorp Equipment, the Idaho Power Equipment and the Existing Joint Equipment both (x) prior to the Closing, and (y) upon the consummation of the Closing. (b) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, at the Closing, Idaho Power shall sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver to PacifiCorp, and PacifiCorp shall purchase and accept from Idaho Power, free and clear of all Encumbrances (other than Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a)), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, in all of Idaho Power's right, title and interest in, and to the assets constituting (i) the Idaho Power Equipment and (ii) certain Existing Joint Equipment, equal to the ownership percentages set forth opposite such Equipment in Exhibit A in the column labeled "Quantity Transferred to Other Owner" for Idaho Power (collectively, the "PacifiCom Ownership Percentases"), but excluding the Idaho Power Excluded Assets (collectively, the "PAglfiCory Acquired Assets"). For illustrative puq)oses, Exhibit A also sets forth the respective undivided ownership percentages of the Parties in the PacifiCorp Equipment, the Idaho Power Equipment and the Existing Joint Equipment both (x) prior to the Closing, and (y) upon the consummation of the Closing. 2.2 Excluded Assets. (a) Idaho Power Excluded Assets. The PacifiCorp Acquired Assets do not include any property or assets of Idaho Power not described in Section 2.1(b) and, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Section 2.1(.b) or elsewhere in this Agreement, the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets do not include the following property or assets of Idaho Power (all assets excluded pursuant to this Section 2.2(a,), the "Idaho Power Excluded "), *6 PacifiCorp shall have no Liability with respect thereto: (i) the Idaho Power Marks; (ii) all cash, cash equivalents, bank deposits, accounts receivable, and any income, sales, payroll or other tax receivables; (iii) subject to Section 2.6, any refund or credit (A) related to Taxes paid by or on behalf of Idaho Power, whether such refund is received as a payment or as a credit against future Taxes payable, or (B) relating to a period before the Closing Date; (iv) all of the Claims of Idaho Power against any Person related to, arising from or associated with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets relating to a period before the Closing Date; (v) all insurance policies, and rights thereunder, including any such policies and rights in respect of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 13 EXECUTION VERSION (vi) the rights of Idaho Power arising under or in connection with this Agreement, dly Related Document delivered in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; (vii) all Contracts entered into by Idaho Power related to, arising from or associated with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets; (viii) all software, software licenses, information systems and management systems owned or used by Idaho Power related to, arising from or associated with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets; (ix) all communication towers, communication equipment and related assets of Idaho Power related to, arising from or associated with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, except to the extent any such assets are specifically identified by the Parties pursuant to the process described in Section 4.8; (x) all real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located, and all interests in real property (including, without limitation, easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases) related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets; and (xi) Acquired Assets. all other assets and properties of Idaho Power other than the PacifiCorp (b) PacifiCom Excluded Assets. The Idaho Power Acquired Assets do not include any property or assets of PacifiCorp not described in Section 2.1(a) and, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Section 2.1(a) or elsewhere in this Agreement, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets do not include the following property or assets of PacifiCorp (all assets excluded pursuant to this Section 2.2(b\, the "PacifiCorp Excluded '), and Idaho Power shall have no Liability with respect thereto: (i) the PacifiCorp Marks; (ii) all cash, cash equivalents, bank deposits, accounts receivable, and any income, sales, payroll or other tax receivables; (iii) subject to Section 2.6, any refund or credit (A) related to Taxes paid by or on behalf of PacifiCorp, whether such refund is received as a payment or as a credit against future Taxes payable, or (B) relating to a period before the Closing Date; (iv) all of the Claims of PacifiCorp against any Person related to, arising from or associated with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets relating to a period before the Closing Date; (v) all insurance policies, and rights thereunder, including any such policies and rights in respect of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets; (vi) the .ights of PacifiCorp arising under or in connection with this Agreement, afly Related Document delivered in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 14 EXECUTION VERSION (vii) all Contracts entered into by PacifiCorp related to, arising from or associated with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets; (viii) all software, software licenses, information systems and management systems owned or used by PacifiCorp related to, arising from or associated with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets; (ix) all communication towers, communication equipment and related assets of PacifiCorp related to, arising from or associated with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, except to the extent any such assets are specifically identified by the Parties pursuant to the process described in Section 4.8; (x) all real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located, and all interests in real property (including, without limitation, easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases) related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets; and (xi) Acquired Assets. all other assets and properties of PacifiCorp other than the Idaho Power 2.3 Assumed Oblisations. (a) Idaho Power Assumed Obligations. Effective as of the Effective Time, Idaho Power shall assume all Liabilities (other than the PacifiCorp Excluded Liabilities), solely to the extent applicable to any period after the Closing, related to, arising from, or associated with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, to the extent of the respective Idaho Power Ownership Percentages therein (collectively, the "Idaho Power Assumed Obligations"). (b) PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations. Effective as of the Effective Time, PacifiCorp shall assume all Liabilities (other than Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities), solely to the extent applicable to any period after the Closing, related to, arising from, or associated with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, to the extent of the respective PacifiCorp Ownership Percentages therein (collectively, the "PacifiCorp Assumed Obl@"). 2.4 Excluded Liabilities. (a) Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities. Idaho Power shall retain and remain fully responsible for, and PacifiCorp does not assume and shall have no responsibility or Liability for, and will not be obligated to pay, perform, or otherwise discharge any of the following Liabilities of Idaho Power or its Affiliates or any present or former owner or operator thereof (collectively, the "Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities"): (i) any Liabilities of Idaho Power to the extent related to any Idaho Power Excluded Assets or other assets which are not PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and the ownership, operation and conduct of any business in connection therewith or therefrom; (ii) any Liabilities in respect of Taxes of Idaho Power or any Tax Affiliate of Idaho Power, or any liability of Idaho Power for unpaid Taxes of any Person under Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-6 (or similar provision of state, local, or foreign law) as a transferee or successor, by JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT PAgE I 15 EXECUTION VERSION contract or otherwise, including any Taxes relating to, pertaining to or arising from the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets for periods (or portions thereof) ending on or prior to the Closing Date, except for Taxes for which PacifiCorp is liable pursuant to Section 2.6; (iii) any Liabilities in respect of any employees of Idaho Power or its Affiliates, including any obligations of Idaho Power for benefits, bonuses, wages, employment Taxes, or severance pay and any liability or obligations arising under any employee benefit plan; (iv) any Liabilities relating to (A) the disposal, storage, transportation, discharge, Release, recycling, or the arrangement for such activities, by Idaho Power, of Hazardous Materials, and (B) Environmental Claims and requirements of Environmental Law with regard to Environmental Matters existing in the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, in each case, prior to the Closing Date; (v) any Liabilities relating to any properties (other than PacifiCorp Acquired Assets) formerly owned or operated by Idaho Power or its Affiliates or predecessors prior to the Closing Date; (vi) any Liabilities related to real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located, or to interests in real property (including, without limitation, easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases) related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, except for amounts payable with respect to easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets that relate to periods after the Closing Date; (vii) arry Liabilities arising from any Claim (including any workers compensation Claim) related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets which have arisen, been accrued or incurred, or are otherwise based on events taking place, prior to the Closing Date; (viii) any Liabilities of Idaho Power arising under or in connection with this Agreement, dfly Related Document delivered in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; (ix) any Liabilities, including frnes, penalties or costs imposed by a Govemmental Entity, and the costs of any associated defense or response, with respect to any of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets resulting from an investigation, proceeding, request for information or inspection before or by a Governmental Entity whether pending or commencing on, prior to or after the Closing Date, to the extent based on events or conditions occurring or existing in connection with, or arising out of, or otherwise relating to, the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the ownership, possession, use, operation, sale or other disposition thereof on or prior to the Closing Date (or any other assets, properties, rights or interests associated, at any time on or prior to the Closing Date, with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets), or actions taken or omissions to act made on or prior to the Closing Date; (x) any Liabilities relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (or any other assets, properties, rights or interests associated, at any time on or prior to the Closing Date, with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets), to the extent based on events or conditions occurring or existing on or prior to the Closing Date and arising out of or relating to (A) any dispute arising out of or in connection with capacity of or energy provided or services rendered from the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, including JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I 16 EXECUTION TlERSION claims for refunds, personal injury or property damage, (B) claims relating to employee health and safety, including claims for injury, sickness, disease or death of any Person, (C) any lien described in clause (d) of the definition of Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances or any unpaid sums for which any such liens shall have arisen, (D) claims by any Person utilized or retained for services or work related to or in support of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, or (E) compliance with any Govemmental Requirements relating to any of the foregoing; (xi) any Liabilities relating to, based in whole or in part on events or conditions occurring or existing in connection with, or arising out of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets as operated on or prior to the Closing Date, or the design, construction, ownership, possession, use, or operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, on or before the Closing Date; (xii) any refinancing thereof); and representing indebtedness for money borrowed (and any (xiii) all other pre-Closing Liabilities of Idaho Power, of whatever nature. (b) PacifiCorp Excluded Liabilities. PacifiCorp shall retain and remain fully responsible for, and Idaho Power does not assume and shall have no responsibility or Liability for, and will not be obligated to pay, perform, or otherwise discharge any of the following Liabilities of PacifiCorp or its Affiliates or any present or former owner or operator thereof (collectively, the "PacifiCom Exclude "): (i) any Liabilities of PacifiCorp to the extent related Excluded Assets or other assets which are not Idaho Power Acquired Assets operation and conduct of any business in connection therewith or therefrom; to any and the PacifiCorp ownership, (ii) any Liabilities in respect of Taxes of PacifiCo{p or any Tax Affiliate of PacifiCorp, or any liability of PacifiCorp for unpaid Taxes of any Person under Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-6 (or similar provision of state, local, or foreign law) as a transferee or successor, by contract or otherwise, including any Taxes relating to, pertaining to or arising from the Idaho Power Acquired Assets for periods (or portions thereof) ending on or prior to the Closing Date, except for Taxes for which Idaho Power is liable pursuant to Section 2.6; (iii) any Liabilities in respect of any employees of PacifiCorp or its Affiliates, including any obligations of PacifiCorp for benefits, bonuses, wages, employment Taxes, or severance pay and any liability or obligations arising under any employee benefit plan; (iv) any Liabilities relating to (A) the disposal, storage, transportation, discharge, Release, recycling, or the arrangement for such activities, by PacifiCorp, of Hazardous Materials, and (B) Environmental Claims and requirements of Environmental Law with regard to Environmental Matters existing in the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, in each case, prior to the Closing Date; (v) any Liabilities relating to any properties (other than Idaho Power Acquired Assets) formerly owned or operated by PacifiCorp or its Affiliates or predecessors prior to the Closing Date; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT EXECUTION T/ERSION (vi) any Liabilities related to real property upon which the Idaho Power Assets are located, or to interests in real property (including, without limitation, easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases) related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, except for amounts payable with respect to easements, rights-of-way, permits, licenses and leases related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets that relate to periods after the Closing Date; (vii) any Liabilities arising from any Claim (including any workers compensation Claim) related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets which have arisen, been accrued or incurred, or are otherwise based on events taking place, prior to the Closing Date; (viii) any Liabilities of PacifiCorp arising under or in connection with ttris Agreement, &fly Related Document delivered in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby; (ix) any Liabilities, including fines, penalties or costs imposed by a Governmental Entity, and the costs of any associated defense or response, with respect to any of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets resulting from an investigation, proceeding, request for information or inspection before or by a Governmental Entity whether pending or commencing on, prior to or after the Closing Date, to the extent based on events or conditions occurring or existing in connection with, or arising out of, or otherwise relating to, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the ownership, possession, use, operation, sale or other disposition thereof on or prior to the Closing Date (or any other assets, properties, rights or interests associated, at any time on or prior to the Closing Date, with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets), or actions taken or omissions to act made on or prior to the Closing Date; (x) any Liabilities relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (or any other assets, properties, rights or interests associated, at any time on or prior to the Closing Date, with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets), to the extent based on events or conditions occurring or existing on or prior to the Closing Date and arising out of or relating to (A) any dispute arisrng out of or in connection with capacity of or energy provided or services rendered from the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, including claims for refunds, personal injury or property damage, (B) claims relating to employee health and safety, including claims for injury, sickness, disease or death of any Person, (C) any lien described in clause @) of the definition of PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances or any unpaid sums for which any such liens shall have arisen, (D) claims by any Person utilized or retained for services or work related to or in support of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, or (E) compliance with any Governmental Requirements relating to any of the foregoing; (xi) any Liabilities relating to, based in whole or in part on events or conditions occurring or existing in connection with, or arising out of, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets as operated on or prior to the Closing Date, or the design, construction, ownership, possession, use, or operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, on or before the Closing Date; (xii) any Liabilities representing indebtedness for money borrowed (and any refinancing thereof); and (xiii) all other pre-Closing Liabilities of PacifiCorp, of whatever nature. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I 18 EXECUTION VERSION 2.5 Purchase Price: Net Book Value True-up: Audit Rights: Section 1031 Exchange. (a) Idaho Power Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid by Idaho Power to PacifiCorp under this Agreement is an amount equal to the PacifiCorp Net Book Value of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets as of December 31, 2014 (the "Idaho Power Purchase . The Idaho Power Purchase Price, subject to Sections 2.5(c) and 2.5(d), is the total consideration to be paid by Idaho Power to PacifiCorp at Closing for the Idaho Power Acquired Assets. Not less than two (2) Business Days before the Closing Date, or at such other time as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties in writing, PacifiCorp shall deliver to Idaho Power a written notice setting forth PacifiCorp's good faith estimate of the Idaho Power Purchase Price. The notice provided under this Section 2.5(a) shall provide sufficient detail on the calculation of the Idaho Power Purchase Price reasonably to permit an audit of such Purchase Price subsequent to Closing in accordance with Section 2.5(d) hereof. (b) PacifiCorp Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid by PacifiCorp to Idaho Power under this Agreement is an amount equal to the Idaho Power Net Book Value of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets as of December 31,2014 (the "PacifiCorp Purchase Price"). The PacifiCorp Purchase Price, subject to Sections 2.5(c) and 2.5(d), is the total consideration to be paid by PacifiCorp to Idaho Power at Closing for the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets. Not less than two (2) Business Days before the Closing Date, or at such other time as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties in writing, Idaho Power shall deliver to PacifiCorp a written notice setting forth Idaho Power's good faith estimate of the PacifiCorp Purchase Price. The notice provided under this Section 2.5(b) shall provide sufficient detail on the calculation of the PacifiCorp Purchase Price reasonably to permit an audit of such Purchase Price subsequent to Closing in accordance with Section 2.5(d) hereof. (c) Purchase Price Netting. At Closing, due to the differing values in the Purchase Price for each Party, the Idaho Power Purchase Price shall be neffed against the PacifiCorp Purchase Price and the Party whose Purchase Price pursuant to Section 2.5(a) or Section 2.5(b) is greater shall pay the difference between the two Ptrchase Prices to the other Party by wire transfer in immediately available funds, in the lawful currency of the United States, to an account or accounts designated by the other Party. (d) Net Book Value True-up: Audit Rights. (i) Net Book Value True-up. Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the Closing, (A) Idaho Power shall deliver to PacifiCorp a wriffen notice seffing forth (l) the Idaho Power Net Book Value, as of the Closing Date, of any Idaho Power Planned Improvements or Idaho Power Extraordinary Items placed in service during the period from January 1,2015 to the Closing Date (the "Net Book Value True-w "), and (2) the Idaho Power Net Book Value, as of the Closing Date, of any PacifrCorp Acquired Assets affected by Casualty Loss or removed from service or retired by Idaho Power in the ordinary course of its utility operations during the.Net Book Value True-up Period, along with any resulting adjustment to be made to the PacifiCorp Purchase Price (the "I@ Power Net Book Value True-up Notice"), imd (B) PacifiCorp shall deliver to Idaho Power a written notice setting forth the (1) PacifiCorp Net Book Value, as of the Closing Date, of any PacifiCorp Planned Improvements or PacifiCorp Extraordinary Items placed in service during the Net Book Value True-up Period, and (2) the PacifiCorp Net Book Value, as of the Closing Date, of any Idaho Power Acquired Assets affected by Casualty Loss or removed from service or retired by PacifiCorp in the ordinary course of its utility operations during the Net Book Value True-up Period, along with any JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page I 19 EXECUTION VERSION resulting adjustment to be made to the Idaho Power Purchase Price (the "PacifiCorp Net Book V True-up Notice"). Not more than five (5) Business Days after delivery of the later of the Idaho Power Net Book Value True-up Notice or the PacifiCorp Net Book Value True-up Notice, the Parties shall net the costs set forth in the respective Net Book Value True-up Notices and the Party whose Net Book Value True-up Notice identifies the higher amount shall receive from the other Party a payment of the difference by wire transfer in immediately available funds, in the lawful currency of the United States, to an account or accounts designated by such Party. (ii) Audit Rishts. Not more than one hundred eighty (180) days after delivery of the PacifiCorp Net Book Value True-Up Notice, Idaho Power may, at its own cost, at any time during normal business hours and with reasonable notice of not less than thirfy (30) days to PacifiCorp, audit the books and records of PacifiCorp and any of its Affiliates related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (the "PacifiCom Cost Reo ") to the extent reasonably related to the calculations of (A) the PacifiCorp Net Book Value of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or (B) the PacifiCorp Net Book Value of any PacifiCorp Planned Improvements or PacifiCorp Extraordinary Items or items affected by Casualty Loss or removed from service by PacifiCorp during the Net Book Value True-Up Period in connection with the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (the "PegifiCorp Co$q"). Not more than one hundred eighty (180) days after delivery of the Idaho Power Net Book Value True-Up Notice, PacifiCorp may, at its own cost, at any time during normal business hours and with reasonable notice of not less than ten (10) Business Days to Idaho Power, audit the books and records of Idaho Power and any of its Affiliates related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets ("Idaho Power Cost Recoft") to the extent reasonably related to the calculations of (A) the Idaho Power Net Book Value of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or (B) the Idaho Power Net Book Value of any Idaho Power Planned Improvements or Idaho Power Extraordinary Items or items affected by Casualty Loss or removed from service by Idaho Power during the Net Book Value True-Up Period in connection with the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (the "Idaho Power Costs"). (iii) If any audit conducted pursuant to Section 2.5(dXii) discloses that the actual Idaho Power Costs differ from the Idaho Power Net Book Value used for determining the PacifiCorp Purchase Price pursuant to this Section 2.5, or that the actual PacifiCorp Costs differ from the PacifiCorp Net Book Value used for determining the Idaho Power Purchase Price pursuant to this Section 2.5, then the Party conducting such audit shall notiff the other Party in uniting of such difference (the "Disputed Costs No "). The Parties shall attempt, in good faith and for not less than thirty (30) days following the Disputed Costs Notice (or such longer period as the Parties may mutually agree in writing), to reach agreement on the actual Idaho Power Purchase Price and the PacifiCorp Purchase Price, as applicable, and to adjust the applicable Purchase Price paid under this Section 2.5 to reflect such agreement. (iv) If the Parties are unable to reach agreement under Section 2.5(dXiii), then the Parties shall retain an Independent Accounting Firm to audit the PacifiCorp Costs or the Idaho Power Costs, as applicable, to determine the Idaho Power Purchase Price or the PacifiCorp Purchase Price, as applicable. The decision of the Independent Accounting Firm shall be binding upon the Parties and final and the consideration provided pursuant to this Section 2.5 shall be adjusted to reflect the results of the Independent Accounting Firm's determination. Each Party shall be liable for fifty percent (50%) of the Independent Accounting Firm's charges. (v) Each Party shall, and shall cause any of its relevant Affiliates to, keep and maintain all such Idaho Power Cost Records or PacifiCorp Cost Records, as applicable, to the extent JOINT PURCI{ASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 20 EXECUTION VERSION reasonably related to the determination of the Idaho Power Costs or the PacifiCorp Costs, as applicable, and make such records available to the other Party and, if applicable, the Independent Accounting Firm, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Party requesting the audit shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of all reasonable costs and expenses (including internal costs and expenses) incurred by or on behalf of the other Party and any of its Affiliates in complying with the provisions of this Section 2.5(dXv), provided that each Party shall be liable for fifty percent (50%) of any such costs incurred by either Party and its Affiliates in complying with a request by the Independent Accounting Firm. (vi) The allocation of costs incurred by a Party with respect to any PacifiCorp Planned Improvements or PacifiCorp Extraordinary Items, or any Idaho Power Planned Improvements or Idaho Power Extraordinary Items, in each case, that are not placed in service on or prior to the Closing Date shall be governed by the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, and there shall be no adjustment of either Purchase Price with respect to such costs. (e) Section 1031 Exchanse. (i) The Parties desire and intend that the purchase and sale of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and the Idaho Power Acquired Assets provided for under this Agreement will satisff the requirements of a like-kind exchange. Each of the transfers necessary to complete the exchange is part of an integrated, interdependent, mutual and reciprocal plan intended to effectuate a tax-deferred exchange by PacifiCorp and Idaho Power of like-kind properties pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Code Section 1031, and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder. (ii) Prior to the Closing, the Parties shall allocate the Idaho Power Purchase Price and the PacifiCorp Purchase Price among the Idaho Power Acquired Assets and the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets under this Agreement in accordance with Exhibit A, which Exhibit identifies the various Idaho Power Equipment, PacifiCorp Equipment and Existing Joint Equipment as either transmission or substation prdperty to determine like-kind characteization pursuant to Code Section 1031. Tax Prorations. (a) Idaho Power Acquired Assets. All property Taxes and pre-paid expenses, in each case, to the extent relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, will be prorated as of the Effective Time, with PacifiCorp liable to the extent such items relate to any period prior to the Effective Time, and PacifiCorp and Idaho Power each liable to the extent such items relate to any period from and after the Effective Time in accordance with their respective Ownership Percentages. (b) PacifiCom Acquked Assets. All property Taxes and pre-paid expenses, in each case, to the extent relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, will be prorated as of the Effective Time, with Idaho Power liable to the extent such items relate to any period prior to the Effective Time, and PacifiCorp and Idaho Power each liable to the extent such items relate to any period from and after the Effective Time in accordance with their respective Ownership Percentages. (c) Propefi Tax Proration Calculations. The collective amount of property Taxes to be prorated in Sections 2.6(a) and 2.6(b\ will be calculated bV (i) Idaho Power, with respect to the 2.6 JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page l2l EXECUTION T/ERSION PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, and (ii) PacifiCorp, with respect to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, in each case, on a state specific basis by multiplying the Idaho Power Net Book Value of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the PacifiCorp Net Book Value of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, as applicable, by an assessment ratio and then by a composite statewide property Tax rate. The applicable assessment ratio will be calculated by dividing the applicable Net Book Value of all state assessed property by the assessed value of such property prior to any adjustment for state specific exemptions. The applicable statewide property Tax rate will be calculated by dividing the amount of property Taxes paid for state assessed property for the most recent year by the corresponding assessed value of state assessed property. (d) Transfer Taxes. The aggregate amount of all Transfer Taxes, if any, to the extent relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and the Idaho Power Acquired Assets will be shared equally by the Parties. Idaho Power will file, to the extent required by applicable Governmental Requirements, all necessary Tax Returns and other documentation with respect to all such Transfer Taxes relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, and if required by applicable Govemmental Requirements, PacifiCorp will join in the execution of any such Tax Returns or other documentation, ry4led that PacifiCorp shall first have an opportunity to review and approve (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) such Tax Retums. PacifiCorp will file, to the extent required by applicable Governmental Requirements, all necessary Tax Returns and other documentation with respect to all such Transfer Taxes relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, and if required by applicable Govemmental Requirements, Idaho Power will join in the execution of any such Tax Retums or other documentation, provided that Idaho Power shall first have an opportunity to review and approve (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) such Tax Returns. Not later than sixty (60) days after the Closing, each Party shall provide the other Party with copies of all such Tax Returns, other documentation and payments with respect to all such Transfer Taxes. Each Party shall notiff the other Party promptly after notice or commencement of an examination, audit or other proceeding by a Govemmental Entity with respect to such Transfer Taxes and shall provide copies of all pertinent audit papers reasonably requested by such Party. 2.7 Time and Place of Closine. Unless this Agreement is terminated early in accordance with Section 5.1, md upon the terms and subject to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in Section 2.9 (or waiver thereof as provided therein), the closing of purchase and sale of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and the Idaho Power Acquired Assets and assumption by PacifiCorp of the PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations and the assumption by Idaho Power of the Idaho Power Assumed Obligations (the "elogiug") will take place electronically (by exchange of PDF signatures) or, at the election of the Parties, at the oflices of Troutman Sanders LLP, 805 SW Broadway, Suite 1560, Portland, Oregon 97205, at 10:00 a.m., Pacific time, on the second (2nd) Business Day following the date on which the conditions set forth in Section 2.9 (other than conditions to be satisfied by deliveries at the Closing) have been satisfied or waived, or at such other place and time as the Parties may mutually agree in writing. The date on which the Closing occurs is referred to herein as the "elosiug_Date." The purchase and sale of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and the Idaho Power Acquired Assets and the assumption by PacifiCorp of the PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations and the assumption by Idaho Power of the Idaho Power Assumed Obligations will be effective as of 12:00:01 a.m., Pacific time on the Closing Date (the "E[feclive_Iime"). 2.8 Closing Deliverables. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel22 EXECUTION VERSION (a) Deliveries by Idaho Power. At or prior to the Closing, Idaho Power will deliver to PacifiCorp, each of the following: (D a bill of sale for the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B-1 with the appropriate equipment lists developed pursuant to Section 4.8 inserted in schedule I thereto (the "Idaho Power Bill of Sale"), duly executed by Idaho Power; (ii) a certificate duly executed by an authorized officer or representative of Idaho Power, dated as of the Closing Date, certiffing that each of the conditions set forth in Section 2.9(bxil and Section 2.96Xii) has been satisfied as of the Closing Date; (iii) copies of all Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals and any other consents, waivers or approvals obtained by Idaho Power from third parties in connection with this Agreement and the Transaction; (iv) all such other instruments of assignment or conveyance properly executed and acknowledged by Idaho Power in customary form as are reasonably requested by PacifiCorp in order to transfer to and vest in PacifiCorp PacifiCorp's Ownership Percentages in all of Idaho Power's right, title and interest in, to and under the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets in accordance with this Agreement; (v) evidence reasonably satisfactory to PacifiCorp of the costs incurred by Idaho Power, as of the Closing Date, with respect to Idaho Power Planned Improvements and Idaho Power Extraordinary Items not placed in service as of the Closing Date; and (vi) any other documents or instruments reasonably required by PacifiCorp to consummate the Transaction and reasonably requested of Idaho Power prior to the Closing Date. (b) Deliveries by PacifiCorp. At or prior to the Closing, PacifiCorp will deliver to Idaho Power, each of the following: (i) a bill of sale for the Idaho Power Acquired Assets in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B-2 with the appropriate equipment lists developed pursuant to Section 4.8 inserted in schedule I thereto (the "PacifiCom Bill of Sale"), duly executed by PacifiCorp; (ii) a certificate duly executed by an authorized officer or representative of PacifiCorp, dated as of the Closing Date, certiffing that each of the conditions set forth in Section 2.9(aXi) and Section 2.9(aXii) has been satisfied as of the Closing Date; (iii) copies of all PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals and any other consents, waivers or approvals obtained by PacifiCorp from third parties in connection with this Agreement and the Transaction; (iv) all such other instruments of assignment or conveyance properly executed and acknowledged by PacifiCorp in customary form as are reasonably requested by Idaho Power in order to transfer to and vest in Idaho Power Idaho Power's Ownership Percentages in all of PacifiCorp's right, title and interest in, to and under the Idaho Power Acquired Assets in accordance with this Agreement; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel23 EXECUTION T/ERSION (v) evidence reasonably satisfactory to Idaho Power of the costs incurred by PacifiCorp, as of the Closing Date, with respect to PacifiCorp Planned Improvements and PacifiCorp Extraordinary Items not placed in service as of the Closing Date; and (vi) any other documents or instruments reasonably required by Idaho Power to consummate the Transaction and reasonably requested of PacifiCorp prior to the Closing Date. 2.9 Conditions Precedent to Closine. (a) Idaho Power's Conditions Precedent. Idaho Power's obligation to sell and transfer to PacifiCorp the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, to purchase and accept from PacifiCorp the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, and to take the other actions required to be taken by Idaho Power at the Closing are subject to the satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions (any of which may be waived, in whole or in part, by Idaho Power in writing): (i) Accuracy of Representations. Except as provided in Section 4.6, all representations and warranties made in this Agreement by PacifiCorp that are qualified with respect to materiality (whether by reference to Material Adverse Effect or otherwise) are true and correct, and all representations and warranties made in this Agreement by PacifiCorp that are not so qualified are true and correct in all material respects, in each case, as of the Closing Date by reference to the facts and circumstances then existing; (ii) PacifiCorp's Performance. PacifiCorp shall have complied in all material respects with all covenants and agreements made by it in Article IV to be performed prior to Closing; (iii) Delivery of Documents. Each document and other item required to be delivered by PacifiCorp pursuant to Section 2.8(b) shall have been delivered to Idaho Power; (iv) Required Reeulatory Approvals. All Required Regulatory Approvals shall have been obtained and be in full force and effect, and shall be in form and substance, including the terms and conditions thereof, acceptable to Idaho Power in its sole discretion (provided that any condition in a Required Regulatory Approval requiring that a Party file any Related Document in executed form with a Governmental Entity shall be deemed acceptable to Idaho Power and shall not cause the condition in this Section 2.9(aXiv) to not be satisfied); (v) No Prohibition. Neither the consummation nor the performance of the Transaction shall, directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time), materially contravene, or conflict with, or result in a material violation of, any Governmental Requirement or Governmental Authorization applicable to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or Idaho Power or any of its Affiliates; (vi) No Injunction. No litigation or injunction shall be pending, threatened or reasonably likely to be commenced or issued (A) involving any challenge to, or seeking damages or other relief in connection with the Transaction, (B) that may have the effect of preventing, delaying, making illegal, or otherwise interfering with the Transaction, or (C) imposing or seeking to impose material damages or sanctions directly arising out of the Transaction on Idaho Power or any of its Affiliates; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel24 EXECUTION VERSION :*l (vii) No Casualtv Loss. Since the Effective Date, no Casualty Loss shall have occurred having a Restoration Cost in excess of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). (viii) Release of Liens. PacifiCorp shall have received all releases of liens and other Encumbrances, other than PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(b), from lenders or other parties applicable to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Idaho Power; (ix) No Material Adverse Effect.. Since the Effective Date, no Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power or any of its Affiliates shall have occurred and be continuing; (x) Firm Transmission Service Agreements. The Firm Transmission Service Agreements shall have been executed and delivered by the Parties; (xi) Amended and Restated Lesacv Agreements. Each of the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements shall have been executed and delivered by the Parties; (xii) Effectiveness of Agreements. Each of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements and the Termination Agreement shall be in full force and effect (subject only to the condition precedent of the occuffence of the Closing); (xiii) Release Aereement. PacifrCorp shall have executed a release agreement in form and substance acceptable to Idaho Power with respect to claims arising under the Terminated Legacy Agreements prior to the Closing Date, which agreement shall include any agreed-upon exceptions to such release; and (xiv) Joint Ownership and Operatine Aqreement Exhibit Updates. Exhibits A, B, C, and F to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement shall have been updated, in form and substance acceptable to Idaho Power, to accurately reflect the information contained therein as of the Closing. (b) PacifiCorp's Conditions Precedent. PacifiCorp's obligations to sell and transfer to Idaho Power the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, to purchase and accept from Idaho Power the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, and to take the other actions required to be taken by PacifiCorp at the Closing are subject to the satisfaction, at or prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions (any of which may be waived, in whole or in part, by PacifiCorp in writing): (i) Accuracy of Representations. Except as provided in Section 4.6, all representations and warranties made in this Agreement by Idaho Power that are qualified with respect to materiality (whether by reference to Material Adverse Effect or otherwise) are true and correct, and all representations and warranties made in this Agreement by Idaho Power that are not so qualified are true and correct in all material respects, in each case, as of the Closing Date by reference to the facts and circumstances then existing; (ii) Idaho Power's Performance. Idaho Power shall have complied in all material respects with all covenants and agreements made by it in Article IV to be performed prior to Closing; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 25 EXECUTION T/ERSION (iii) Delivery of Documents. Each document and other item required to be delivered by Idaho Power pursuant to Section 2.8(a) shall have been delivered to PacifiCorp; (iv) Required Reeulatory Approvals. All Required Regulatory Approvals shall have been obtained and be in full force and effect, and shall be in form and substance, including the terms and conditions thereof acceptable to PacifiCorp in its sole discretion (ry]1!g! that any condition in a Required Regulatory Approval requiring that a Party file any Related Document in executed form with a Governmental Entity shall be deemed acceptable to PacifiCorp and shall not cause the condition in this Section 2.9(bXiv) to not be satisfied); (v) No Prohibition. Neither the consummation nor the performance of the Transaction shall, directly or indirectly (with or without notice or lapse of time), materially contravene, or conflict with, or result in a material violation of, any Governmental Requirement or Governmental Authorization applicable to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or PacifiCorp or any of its Affiliates; (vi) No Injunction. No litigation or injunction shall be pending, threatened or reasonably likely to be commenced or issued (A) involving arry challenge to, or seeking damages or other relief in connection with the Transaction, (B) that may have the effect of preventing, delaying, making illegal, or otherwise interfering with the Transaction, or (C) imposing or seeking to impose material damages or sanctions directly arising out of the Transaction on PacifiCorp or any of its Affiliates; (vii) No Casualtv Loss. Since the Effective Date, no Casualty Loss shall have occurred having a Restoration Cost in excess of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00). (viii) Release of Liens. Idaho Power shall have received all releases of liens and other Encumbrances, other than Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a), from lenders or other parties applicable to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to PacifiCorp; (ix) No Material Adverse Effect. Since the Effective Date, no Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp or any of its Affiliates shall have occurred and be continuing; (x) Firm Transmission Service Agreements. The Firm Transmission Service Agreements shall have been executed and delivered by the Parties; (xi) Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements. Each of the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements shall have been executed and delivered by the Parties; (xii) Effectiveness of Apreements. Each of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements and the Termination Agreement shall be in fulI force and effect (subject only to the condition precedent of the occrurence of the Closing); (xiii) PacifiCom Transmission Service Requests. PacifiCorp shall have received evidence reasonably satisfactory to it that Idaho Power has satisfied requirements established by Idaho Power's OATT with respect to, and timely processed PacifiCorp's request for, 510MW of long-term firm point-to-point transmission service on Idaho Power's transmission system; JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page126 EXECUTION T/ERSION (xiv) Idaho Power 230kV Upgrades. PacifiCorp shall have received evidence reasonably satisfactory to it that Idaho Power has ordered the transformer for, and entered into all necessary construction agreements with respect to, the 230kV Upgrades that are required to provide PacifiCorp with 510MW of long-term firm point-to-point transmission service on Idaho Power's transmission system; (xv) Release Agreement. Idaho Power shall have executed a release agreement in form and substance acceptable to PacifiCorp with respect to claims arising under the Terminated Legacy Agreements prior to the Closing Date, which agreement shall include any agreed-upon exceptions to such release; and (xvi) Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement Exhibit Updates. Exhibits A, B, C and F to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement shall have been updated, in form and substance acceptable to PacifiCorp, to accurately reflect the information contained therein as of the Closing. 2.10 Release of Mortsaqe Liens or other Encumbrances. (a) As soon as reasonably practicable following the Closing, but in any event, not later than thirty (30) days after the Closing Date, Idaho Power will obtain a release of the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets. The release shall be in form and substance reasonably acceptable to PacifiCorp and Idaho Power will promptly provide a copy of such release to PacifiCorp. (b) As soon as reasonably practicable following the Closing, but in any event, not later than thirfy (30) days after the Closing Date, PacifiCorp will obtain a release of the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets. The release shall be in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Idaho Power and PacifiCorp will promptly provide a copy of such release to Idaho Power. (c) The obligations under this Section 2.10 shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the occuffence of the Closing. ARTICLE III REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 3.1 Representations and Warranties of Idaho Power. Idaho Power represents and warrants to PacifiCorp as follows: (a) Idaho Power is a corporation duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho. (b) Idaho Power has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and each Related Document to which it will be a party and to perform its obligations under this Agreement and each such Related Document, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each Related Document to which it will be a party and the performance by it of this Agreement and each such Related Document have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page 127 EXECUTION VERSION (c) Subject to the receipt of the Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Idaho Power and each Related Document to which it will be party and the performance by it of this Agreement and each such Related Document, and the consummation of the Transaction, do not and will not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Governmental Requirements applicable to it; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default, or an event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both, would become a default, under any material Contract relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets to which Idaho Power is aparty or by which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets may be bound. (d) This Agreement has been, and each Related Document to which Idaho Power will be a parfy will be, duly and validly executed and delivered by Idaho Power and, constitutes, or will constitute upon execution, its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (e) Except for the Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals, no material consent or approval of, filing with or notice to, any Governmental Entity or other Person by Idaho Power is required in connection with the due execution and delivery of, and, except with respect to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement and the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements, performance by Idaho Power of its obligations under, this Agreement and each Related Document to which it is a party, and the consummation of the Transaction. (f) Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.1(fl, there are no material Liabilities related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, whether or not required by GAAP to be disclosed in a balance sheet, other than the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a) hereof. Except as set fonh on Schedule 3.l(fl, Idaho Power does not have any obligations (absolute or contingent) related to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets to provide funds on behalf of, or to guarantee any debt, liability or obligation of, any Person. (g) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(g), Idaho Power has good and marketable title to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets and there exist no Encumbrances (other than Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a) hereof) applicable to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets that would restrict the ownership, use or operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (as the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets axe reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date). (h) Environmental. (D Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(hXi) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp, with respect to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, (A) to Idaho Power's Knowledge, Idaho Power is in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws, (B) to Idaho Power's Knowledge, Idaho Power possesses all Environmental Permits required under Environmental Laws for the operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (as the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date) and is in compliance JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 28 EXECUTION T/ERSION with such Environmental Permits; and (C) Idaho Power has received no written notice that any Environmental Permit required under Environmental Laws for the operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets is subject to termination, modification or revocation. (iD Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(.h)(ii) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, neither Idaho Power nor any Affiliate of Idaho Power has received, within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, any written notice, report, request for information or other information regarding any actual or alleged violation of Environmental Laws or any Liabilities or potential Liabilities, including any investigatory, remedial or corrective obligations relating to the operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located, arising under or relating to Environmental Laws or regarding Hazardous Materials. (iii) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.l(hXiii) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp, (A) to Idaho Power's Knowledge, Idaho Power has not caused any Release, and there is and has been no other Release from, in, on, beneath, or affecting the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located that could form a basis for an Environmental Claim, and (B) within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, Idaho Power has not received written notice of any Environmental Claims relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located that have not been fully and finally resolved and, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, no such Environmental Claims are pending or threatened against Idaho Power. (iv) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.l(hXiv) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, there are and have been no underground storage tanks, and there are no asbestos-containing building materials or poly-chlorinated biphenyls owned, leased, used, operated or maintained by Idaho Power or, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, otherwise located on the real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located. (v) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.1(hXv) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on PacifiCorp, to Idaho Power's Knowledge, within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, Idaho Power has not assumed or retained, by contract or operation of law, any obligation under any Environmental Law or concerning anyHazxdous Materials relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are located. (i) No broker, finder, or other Person is entitled to any brokerage fees, commissions, or finder's fees for which PacifiCorp could become liable or obligated in connection with the Transaction by reason of any action taken by Idaho Power or its Affiliates. 0) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.1(j), Idaho Power does not own, or directly license from a third party, any Intellectual Property used in or necessary for the ownership, use and operation of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (as the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on JOINT PL]RCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel29 EXECUTION I/ERSION the Closing Date) in accordance with Good Utility Practice and Governmental Requirements, that is not part of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets. 3.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp represents and warrants to Idaho Power as follows: (a) PacifiCorp is a corporation duly formed and validly existing under the laws of the State of Oregon. (b) PacifiCorp has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and each Related Document to which it will be a party and to perform its obligations under this Agreement and each such Related Document, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each Related Document to which it will be a party and the performance by it of this Agreement and each such Related Document have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (c) Subject to receipt of the PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by PacifiCorp and each Related Document to which it willbe party and the performance by it of this Agreement and each such Related Document, and the consummation of the Transaction, do not and will not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Governmental Requirements applicable to it; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default, or an event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both, would become a default, under any material Contract relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets to which PacifiCorp is aparty or by which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets may be bound. (d) This Agreement has been, and each Related Document to which PacifiCorp will be a party will be, duly and validly executed and delivered by PacifiCorp and, constitutes, or will constitute upon execution, its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (e) Except for the PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals, no material consent or approval of, filing with or notice to, any Governmental Entity or other Person by PacifiCorp is required in connection with the due execution and delivery of, and, except with respect to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement and the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements, performance by PacifiCorp of its obligations under, this Agreement and each Related Document to which it is a party, and the consummation of the Transaction. (0 Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.2(fl, there are no material Liabilities related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, whether or not required by GAAP to be disclosed in a balance sheet, other than the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(b) hereof. Excep as set forth on Schedule 3.2(0, PacifiCorp does not have any obligations (absolute or contingent) related to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets to provide funds on behalf of or to guarantee any debt, liability or obligation of, any Person. JOINT PURCHASEAND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 30 EXECUTION T/ERSION (g) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(s), PacifiCorp has good and marketable title to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets and there exist no Encumbrances (other than PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10ft) hereof) applicable to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets that would restrict the ownership, use or operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (as the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date). (h) Environmental. (i) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(.hXi) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power, with respect to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, (A) to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, PacifiCorp is in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws, (B) to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, PacifiCorp possesses all Environmental Permits required under Environmental Laws for the operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (as the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date) and is in compliance with such Environmental Permits; and (C) PacifiCorp has received no written notice that any Environmental Permit required under Environmental Laws for the operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets is subject to termination, modification or revocation. (ii) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(hXii) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, neither PacifiCorp nor any Affiliate of PacifiCorp has received, within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, any written notice, report, request for information or other information regarding any actual or alleged violation of Environmental Laws or any Liabilities or potential Liabilities, including any investigatory, remedial, or corrective obligations, relating to the operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located, arising under or relating to Environmental Laws or regarding Hazardous Materials. (iii) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(.hXiii) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power, (A) to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, PacifiCorp has not caused any Release, and there is and has been no other Release from, in, on, beneath, or affecting the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located that could form a basis for an Environmental Claim, and (B) within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, PacifiCorp has not received written notice of any Environmental Claims relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located that have not been fully and finally resolved and, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, no such Environmental Claims are pending or threatened against PacifiCorp. (iv) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(hXiv) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, there are and have been no underground storage tanks, and there are no asbestos-containing building materials or poly-chlorinated biphenyls owned, leased, used, operated or maintained by PacifiCorp or, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, otherwise located on the real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 31 EXECUTION VERSION (v) Except as set forth on Schedule 3.2(hXv) and except as to matters that would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on Idaho Power, to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, within the five (5) years preceding the Effective Date, PacifiCorp has not assumed or retained, by contract or operation of law, any obligation under any Environmental Law or concerning any Hazardous Materials relating to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets or the real property upon which the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are located. (i) No broker, finder, or other Person is entitled to any brokerage fees, commissions, or finder's fees for which Idaho Power could become liable or obligated in connection with the Transaction by reason of any action taken by PacifiCorp or its Affiliates. CI) Except as set forth in Schedule 3.2(j), PacifiCorp does not own, or directly license from a third party, any Intellectual Property used in or necessary for the ownership, use and operation of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (as the Idaho Power Acquired Assets are reasonably expected to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement on the Closing Date) in accordance with Good Utility Practice and Govemmental Requirements, that is not part of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets. ARTICLE IV COVENAI\TS 4.1 Conditions and Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each Party, at its own cost, will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to effectuate the Transaction and to fulfill all of the conditions to its obligations under this Agreement and will do all such acts and things as reasonably may be required to carry out its obligations hereunder and to consummate the Transaction on or before the Outside Closing Date, including making or cooperating with the other Party in the making of applications for, or resolving the form or substance of including any proposed terms or conditions for, the Required Regulatory Approvals. 4.2 Filings with Govemmental Entities. (a) In General. Prior to the Closing, with respect to (i) the Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals and (ii) the PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals set forth as items 1,2,4, 5 and 7 on Schedule l.l(j), (X) each Party will provide prior written notice to the other Party before making any filing with, or initiating any discussion or proceeding with, any Governmental Entity in the course of obtaining any such Required Regulatory Approvals from such Governmental Entities, and (Y) prior to filing applications, pre-filed testimony or responses to data requests to any such Governmental Entity in the course of obtaining any such Required Regulatory Approvals from such Governmental Entities after the Effective Date, each Party will provide such materials to the other Party for its information and shall provide drafts of such materials to, and reasonably consider comments of, the other Party. With respect to the PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals set forth as items 3, 6 and 8 on Schedule l.l(j), prior to filing applications, pre-filed testimony or responses to data requests to any such Governmental Entity in the course of obtaining any such Required Regulatory Approvals from such Governmental Entities after the Effective Date, PacifiCorp will provide such materials to Idaho Power for its information. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel32 EXECUTION T/ERSION (b) FERC and State Approvals. Within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, (i) the Parties shall jointly submit to the FERC applications for the FPA 203 Approval and the FPA 205 Approval, (ii) the Parties shall jointly submit to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and to the Oregon Public Utility Commission applications for approval of the Transaction, and (iii) each of the Parties shall submit to the applicable Governmental Entities all other necessary applications, filings or other documentation for their respective Required Regulatory Approvals. 4.3 Compliance. Each Party shall comply with all Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations applicable to it in connection with the Transaction, except where non- compliance will not have a Material Adverse Effect on the other Party or any of its Affiliates. 4.4 Risk of Loss. (a) Idaho Power Equipment. During the Interim Period, Idaho Power will bear the risk of Casualty Loss to the Idaho Power Equipment; ry4!91!, however. that, if the Closing occurs, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, (i) Idaho Power shall receive any insurance proceeds applicable to reconstruction or repairs performed prior to the Closing, and insurance proceeds applicable to any reconstruction or repairs remaining to be performed after the Closing shall be paid to the Party that will be the "Operator" of the affected Idaho Power Equipment under the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, and (ii) the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement shall govem the treatment of such Casualty Loss following the Closing. (b) PacifiCorp Equipment. During the Interim Period, PacifiCorp will bear the risk of Casualty Loss to the PacifiCorp Equipment; provided, however. that, if the Closing ocflrs, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, (i) PacifiCorp shall receive any insurance proceeds applicable to reconstruction or repairs performed prior to the Closing, and insurance proceeds applicable to any reconstruction or repairs remaining to be performed after the Closing shall be paid to the Parfy that will be the 'oOperator" of the affected PacifiCorp Equipment under the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, and (ii) the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement shall govern the treatment of such Casualty Loss following the Closing. (c) Existine Joint Equipment. During the Interim Period, the Parties will bear the risk of Casualty Loss to the Existing Joint Equipment in accordance with the terms of the applicable Specified Legacy Agreements and Terminated Legacy Agreements or, if such Agreements do not expressly address risk of loss, in proportion to a Party's trndivided ownership interest in such Existing Joint Equipment; ptovided, however. that, if the Closing occurs, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, (i) any insurance proceeds applicable to reconstruction or repairs performed prior to the Closing shall be paid to the Parties in accordance with the terms of the applicable Specified Legacy Agreements and Terminated Legacy Agreements or in proportion to a Party's undivided ownership interest in such Existing Joint Equipment, as applicable, and insurance proceeds applicable to any reconstruction or repairs remaining to be performed after the Closing shall be paid to the Party that will be the "Operator" of the affected Existing Joint Equipment under the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, and (ii) the provisions of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement shall govern the treatment of such Casualty Loss following the Closing. 4.5 Maintenance of Assets. JOINT PI.]RCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 33 EXECUTION T/ERSION (a) Idaho Power Acquired Assets. During the Interim Period, PacifiCorp, at its sole cost and expense, will operate and maintain the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, consistent with past practices and in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations, and will not decommission any of the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, provided that the foregoing shall not restrict PacifiCorp from removing from service or retiring equipment in the ordinary course of its utility operations. From and after the Effective Time, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement. (b) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets. During the Interim Period, Idaho Power, at its sole cost and expense, will operate and maintain the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, consistent with past practices and in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations, and will not decommission any of the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, provided that the foregoing shall not restrict Idaho Power from removing from service or retiring equipment in the ordinary course of its utility operations. From and after the Effective Time, the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement. 4.6 Notice. Each Party shall notiff the other Party in writing of any fact, circumstance, or development known to it prior to Closing which at the time of notification causes any of its representations or waranties in this Agreement to be materially inaccurate. Unless the other Parfy terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 5.1, the wriffen notice pursuant to this Section 4.6 willbe deemed to have qualified the representations or warranties, to have amended any Schedule referenced in such Section, and to have caused any breach of representation or warranty that otherwise might have existed hereunder by reason of the fact, circumstance, or development to be cured. Upon request of the other Party, the Party providing notice of a material inaccuracy of any of its representations and waranties shall, if possible, provide reasonable assurances to the other Party, in writing, that it will be able to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 4.7 Disclosure. Disclosure by a Party of any fact or item in any Schedule or Exhibit hereto shall be deemed to have been so disclosed in any other Schedule, Exhibit or representation or warranty made by such Party herein, provided that disclosure of such fact or item on such Schedule or Exhibit contains disclosure of facts that would otherwise be required to be disclosed in such other Schedule, Exhibit or representation or warranty. 4.8 Equipment Schedules. Prior to the Effective Date, the Parties have prepared a spreadsheet containing detailed lists of the equipment comprising the Idaho Power Equipment, the PacifiCorp Equipment and the Existing Joint Equipment, the most recent versions of which were sent by email from Dave Angell to Brian Fritz on October 22,2014. Prior to the Closing, the Parties shall cooperate in developing and approving detailed equipment lists for each of the Idaho Power Equipment, the PacifiCorp Equipment and the Existing Joint Equipment which shall be based on the spreadsheets described in the prior sentence, and will attach the completed lists to the PacifiCorp Bill of Sale or the Idaho Power Bill of Sale, as applicable, when such Bills of Sale are delivered at Closing. 4.9 Firm Transmission Service Agreements. Prior to the Closing, PacifiCorp shall submit to Idaho Power requests for the Firm Transmission Service Agreements, pursuant to Idaho Power's OATT. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 34 EXECUTION VERSION 4.10 Amended and Restated Legacy Apreements. Within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, the Parties shall (a) cooperate in preparing the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements, the effectiveness of which shall be conditioned on the Closing occurring, and (b) execute and deliver the Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements for submission as part of the application for the FPA 205 Approval. 4.ll Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement Exhibit Updates. The Parties shall cooperate in updating Exhibits A, B, C and F to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement to accurately reflect the information contained therein as of the Closing and, at the Closing, will replace the prior Exhibits A, B, C and F to the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement with such updated Exhibits. ARTICLE V TERMINATION 5.1 Termination. Except as to those provisions that are expressly intended to survive termination of this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing: (a) by the Parties, if the Parties mutually agree in writing to terminate this Agreement; (b) by Idaho Power, if Idaho Power delivers a written notice to PacifiCorp that it is terminating this Agreement (including the date of termination of this Agreement, which shall not be earlier than any applicable cure period provided for below) because: (D one or more of the conditions set forth in Section 2.9(a) (to be specified in detail in such notice) cannot be met on or before the Outside Closing Date, and such condition or conditions have not been satisfied (or waived by Idaho Power) within thirty (30) days after the date such notice is delivered by Idaho Power to PacifiCo{p, ry!1!g! that the failure of such condition or conditions to be satisfied has not occurred as a result of Idaho Power's default hereunder; or (iD PacifiCorp has breached in a material respect one or more of its covenants or agreements contained in Article IV or one or more of its representations and warranties contained in Article III (to be specified in detail in such notice), and such breach has not been remedied (or waived by Idaho Power) within thirty (30) days after the date such notice is delivered by Idaho Power to PacifiCorp, ry4lec! that such breach has not occurred as a result of Idaho Power's default hereunder; or (iii) PacifiCorp notifies Idaho Power pursuant to Section 4.6 of a material inaccuracy, md Idaho Power delivers its termination notice within ten (10) days of receipt of PacifiCorp's notice; (c) by PacifiCorp, if PacifiCorp delivers a written notice to Idaho Power that it is terminating this Agreement (including the date of termination of this Agreement, which shall not be earlier than any applicable cure period provided for below) because: (i) one or more of the conditions set forth in Section 2.9(b) (to be specified in detail in such notice) cannot be met on or before the Outside Closing Date, and such condition or JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 35 EXECUTION T/ERSION conditions have not been satisfied (or waived by PacifiCorp) within thirty (30) days after the date such notice is delivered by PacifiCorp to Idaho Power, provided that the failure of such condition or conditions to be satisfied has not occurred as a result of PacifiCorp's default hereunder; or (ii) Idaho Power has breached in a material respect one or more of its covenants or agreements contained in Article IV or one or more of its representations and warranties contained in Article III (to be specified in detail in such notice), and such breach has not been remedied (or waived by PacifiCorp) within thirty (30) days after the date such notice is delivered by PacifiCorp to Idaho Power, provided that such breach has not occurred as a result of PacifiCorp's default hereunder; or (iii) Idaho Power notifies PacifiCorp pursuant to Section 4.6 of a material inaccuracy, ffid PacifiCorp delivers its termination notice within ten (10) days of receipt of Idaho Power's notice; (d) by either Purty, if such Party delivers a written notice to the other Party that it is terminating this Agreement (including the date of termination of this Agreement, which shall not be earlier than the date the condition below has been satisfied) because a court of competent jurisdiction in the United States or any state has issued an order, judgment or decree (other than a temporary restraining order) restraining, enjoining or otherwise prohibiting the Transaction and such order, judgment or decree has become final and nonappealable; or (e) by either Party, if such Party delivers a written notice to the other Party that it is terminating this Agreement (including the date of termination of this Agreement, which shall not be earlier than the Outside Closing Date) because the Closing has not occurred on or before the Outside Closing Date, ry41e<! that the failure to consummate the Closing has not occurred as a result of a default by the Party terminating this Agreement. 5.2 Effect of Early Termination. tn the event this Agreement is validly terminated by either or both of the Parties prior to Closing pursuant to Section 5.1. this Agreement will terminate and become wholly void and of no frither force and effect, without further action by either Purty, whereupon the Liabilities of the Parties hereunder will terminate, and each Party and its Affiliates and Representatives shall be fully released and discharged from any Liability or obligation rurder or resulting from this Agreement, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. If a Party validly terminates this Agreement prior to Closing pursuant to Section 5.1, such termination will be the sole remedy of such Party with respect to breaches of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement prior to Closing, and neither Party shall have any other remedy or cause of action under or relating to this Agreement. 5.3 Post-Termination Obligations. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason prior to Closing, the Parties shall noti$ FERC of such termination and that the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, Termination Agreement, and Amended and Restated Legacy Agreements will not become effective. In addition, if this Agreement is terminated prior to Closing as a result of failure of the conditions set forth in Sections 2.9(aXiv) or 2.9(bXiv) to be satisfied, the Parties shall meet and confer regarding the Parties' respective operations. The obligations in this Section 5.3 shall survive for a period of two (2) years following the termination of this Agreement. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 36 EXECUTION I/ERSION ARTICLE VI INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Survival of Representations. Warranties. Covenants and Agreements: Notices of Claims. The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Parties contained in this Agreement will survive for a period of one (1) year following the Closing, except that (i) the representations and warranties in Sections 3.1(g), 3.1(h), 3.1(j), 3.2(,e\,3.2(.h) and3.2(j\ will survive the Closing for a period of two (2) years following the Closing Date, (ii) the covenants and agreements in Sections 2.4(a) and 2.4(b\ will survive the Closing Date indefinitely, and (iii) any covenant or agreement that is stated elsewhere in this Agreement to survive for longer than one (1) year shall survive for such longer period; provided that, any representation or warranty (and the indemnification obligations of the Parties with respect thereto) that would otherwise terminate in accordance with this Section 6.1 will continue to survive if notice for indemnification shall have been timely given under this Article VI on or prior to such termination date, until the related claim for indemnification has been satisfied or otherwise resolved as provided in this Article VI. 6.2 Indemnification. (a) Idaho Power. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, from and after the Closing, Idaho Power hereby agrees to indemnifu, defend, and hold harmless PacifiCorp and its Affiliates and Representatives from and against, and shall reimburse PacifiCorp with respect to, all Losses, whether or not involving a third-party Claim, resulting from or arising out of or in connection with: (i) the breach in any material respect of any representation or waranty made by Idaho Power in this Agreement; (ii) the breach in any material respect by Idaho Power of any covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement to be performed by Idaho Power (other than with respect to the Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities); or (iii) the Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities. (b) PacifiCorp. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, from and after the Closing, PacifiCorp hereby agrees to indemniff, defend and hold harmless Idaho Power and its Affiliates and Representatives from and against, and shall reimburse Idaho Power with respect to, all Losses, whether or not involving a third-party Claim, resulting from or arising out of or in connection with: (i) the breach in any material respect of any representation or warranty made by PacifiCorp in this Agreement; (iD the breach in any material respect by PacifiCorp of any covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement to be performed by PacifiCorp (other than with respect to the Pacifi Corp Excluded Liabilities); or the Pacifi Corp Excluded Liabilities. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page 137 EXECUTION VERSION 6.3 Limitations on Lrdemnifi cation. (a) A Party may assert a claim for indemnification pursuant to this Article VI only to the extent the Indemnified Party gives a notice to the Indemnifying Party specifying the factual basis of such claim in reasonable detail to the extent known to the notiffing Party (i) for claims pursuant to Section 6.2(aXi) or Section 6.2(bXi), prior to the expiration of the applicable time period set forth in Section 6.1; (ii) for claims pursuant to Section 6.2(aXii) or Section 6.2(bXii), within one (1) year of the Closing Date; and (iii) for claims ptrsuant to Section 6.2(a)(iii) or Section 6.26Xiii), at any time following the Closing. If any claim for indemnification is not made in accordance with Section 6.5 and the foregoing sentence by a Party on or prior to the applicable date set forth in Section 6.1 or this Section 6.3(a), the other Party's indemnification obligations with respect thereto will be irrevocably and unconditionally released and waived. (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, neither Party shall have Liability to the other Party pursuant to Section 6.2 unless and until the amount of such Losses, individually or in the aggregate, exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) and then, only for the Losses above that amount. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the maximum amount of the indemnification obligation of Idaho Power under Section 6.2(a) to PacifiCorp and its Affrliates and Representatives shall not exceed an amount equal to the PacifiCorp Purchase Price. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the maximum amount of the indemnification obligation of PacifiCorp under Section 6.2(b) to Idaho Power and its Affiliates and Representatives shall not exceed an amount equal to the Idaho Power Purchase Price. (d) The Parties acknowledge and agree that if any Parfy has knowledge of a material failure of any condition set forth in Section 2.9 or of a material breach by the other Party of any representation or warranty or covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement, through disclosure by the other Party pursuant to Section 4.6 or because any Party is otherwise aware, to Idaho Power's Knowledge or to PacifiCorp's Knowledge, respectively, of any such material failure or material breach by the other Party, and such Parfy proceeds with the Closing, such Party shall be deemed to have waived such condition or breach (but then only to the extent of the disclosure made or knowledge acquired prior to Closing) and such Party and its successors, assigns and Affiliates and Representatives shall not be entitled to be indemnified pursuant to this Article VI, to sue for damages or to assert any other right or remedy for any Losses reasonably relating to such condition or breach and such disclosure made prior to execution of the Agreement, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in any Related Document. (e) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, except for the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement, neither Party nor its Affiliates, Representatives or any other Person is making any other express or implied representation or warranty with respect to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, the PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations, the Idaho Power Assumed Obligations or the Transaction and each Party disclaims and negates, and expressly waives, any other representations or warranties, express (whether made by the other Party or its Affiliates or Representatives) or implied, at common law, by statute or otherwise relating to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, the PacifiCorp Assumed Obligations, the Idaho Power Assumed Obligations or the Transaction, INCLUDING THE JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 38 EXECUTION VERSION IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS. Any claims a Party may have pursuant to Sections 6.2(aXi) and 6.2(,bXi) for breach of representation or warranty must be based solely on the representations and warranties of the other Party set forth in this Agreement. In furtherance of the foregoing, except for the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement, each Party acknowledges and agrees that neither the other Party nor any of its Affiliates or Representatives will have or be subject to any liability to it or any of its Affiliates or Representatives for, and each Party hereby disclaims all liability and responsibility for, any representation, warranty, projection, forecast, statement, or information made, communicated, or fumished (orally or in writing) to the other Party or any of the other Party's Affrliates or Representatives. EACH PARTY IIEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, EXCEPT FOR TI{E WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN ARTICLE III, TI{E PACIFICORP ACQUIRED ASSETS AND IDAHO POWER ACQUIRED ASSETS ARE BEING PURCHASED ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS. (0 Notwithstanding anything in this Section 6.3 to the contrary, except as otherwise may be ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Indemnified Party shall bear its own costs, including counsel fees and expenses, incurred in connection with Claims against the Indemniffing Party hereunder that are not based upon Claims asserted by third parties. 6.4 Exclusive Remedies. Idaho Power and PacifiCorp acknowledge and agree that, from and after the Closing, except in the case of fraud, the sole and exclusive remedy for any breach or inaccuracy, or alleged breach or inaccuracy, of any representation or warranty in this Agreement or any covenant or agreement to be performed hereunder on or prior to the Closing, will be indemnification in accordance with this Article VI. In fi.rtherance of the foregoing, except to the extent provided under this Article VI, from and after the Closing, Idaho Power and PacifiCorp hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable Governmental Requirements, any and all other rights, claims, and causes of action (including rights of contributions, if any) against the other Party that may be based upon, arise out of, or relate to this Agreement, or the negotiation, execution, or performance of this Agreement (including any tort or breach of contract claim or cause of action based upon, arising out of, or related to any representation or warranty made in or in connection with this Agreement or as an inducement to enter into this Agreement), known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, which exist or may arise in the future, that it may have against the other arising under or based upon any Governmental Requirement, coflrmon law, or otherwise; provided, however, that such waiver does not include a waiver of either Party's rights with respect to the Idaho Power Excluded Liabilities or the PacifiCorp Excluded Liabilities. 6.5 Indemnification in Case of Strict Liabilitv. THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVISIONS IN THIS ARTICLE VI SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR EXPRESS TERMS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TI{E LIABILITY IS BASED ON PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE ACTS, CLAIMS OR LAWS (INCLUDING ANY PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, FRAUDULENT TRANSFER ACT, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND IIEALTH LAW OR PRODUCTS LIABILITY, SECURITIES OR OTT{ER LAW), AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ANY PERSON (INCLUDING THE PERSON FROM WHOM INDEMNIFICATION IS SOUGHT) ALLEGES OR PROVES THE SOLE, JOINT, OR CONCURRENT STRICT LIABILITY IMPOSED ON THE PERSON SEEKING INDEMNIFICATION. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 39 EXECUTION T/ERSION 6.6 Notice and Participation. (a) If a Party (an "Indemnified Party") intends to seek indemnification under this Article VI with respect to any Claims for Losses, it shall give the other Party (the "Indemniffine Party'') prompt written notice of such Claims upon the receipt of actual knowledge or information by the Indemnified Party of any possible Claims or of the commencement of such Claims. The Indemnifuing Party shall have no liability under this Article VI for any Claim for which such notice is not provided, but only to the extent that the failure to give such notice materially impairs the ability of the Indemnifying Party to respond to or to defend the Claim. (b) The Indemni$ing Party shall have the right to assume the defense of any Claim, at its sole cost and expense, with counsel designated by the Indemniffing Party and reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party; provided, however, that if the defendants in any such proceeding include both the krdemniffing Party and the Indemnified Party, and the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it which are in conflict with those available to the Indemnifuing Party and that such conflict materially prejudices the ability of the counsel selected by the Indemniffing Party to represent both Parties, the lndemnified Party shall have the right to select separate counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnifying Party, at the Indemnifuing Party's expense, to assert such legal defenses and to otherwise participate in the defense of such Claim on behalf of the Indemnified Party, and the Indemnifying Party shall be responsible for the reasonable fees and expenses ofsuch separate counsel. (c) Should the Indemnified Parry be entitled to indemnification under this Article VI as a result of a Claim by a third party, and should the Indemnifyng Party fail to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemniffing Party has provided the Indemniffing Party written notice of such Claim, the Indemnified Party may, at the expense of the Indemnifying Party, contest or (with or without the prior consent of the krdemniffing Party) settle such Claim. (d) Except to the extent expressly provided herein, the lndemnified Party shall not settle any Claim with respect to which it has sought or is entitled to seek indemnification pursuant to this Article VI unless (i) it has obtained the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party, or (ii) the Indemnifying Party has failed to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemnified Party has provided the Indemniffing Party written notice of such Claim. (e) Except to the extent expressly provided otherwise herein, the Indemnitiing Party shall not settle any Claim with respect to which it may be liable to provide indemnification pursuant to this Section 6.6 without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party; ry4lgd, however, that if the hdemnifuing Party has reached a bona fide settlement agreement with the plaintitr(s) in any such proceeding, which settlement includes a full release of the Indemnified Party for any and all liability with respect to such Claim, and the Indemnified Party does not consent to such settlement agreement, then the dollar amount specified in the settlement agreement, plus the Indemnified Party's reasonable legal fees and other costs related to the defense of the Claim paid or incurred prior to the date of such settlement agreement, shall act as an absolute maximum limit on the indemnification obligation of the hdemniffing Party with respect to the Claim, or portion thereof, that is the subject of such settlement agreement. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 40 EXECUTION VERSION 6.7 Net Amount. Subject to the limitations imposed by Section 6.6(e), if applicable, in the event that one Party is obligated to indemni& and hold the other Party harmless under this Article VI, the amount owing to the other Party shall be the amount of the other Party's actual Claims, net of any insurance or other recovery actually received by such Party. 6.8 No Set-Off. Neither Party shall have any right to set-off any indemnification obligations that either may have under this Article VI against any other obligations or amounts due to the other Party, including under any other provisions of this Agreement or under any other Related Document. 6.9 No Release of Insurers. The provisions of this Article VI shall not be deemed or construed to release any insurer from its obligation to pay any insurance proceeds in accordance with the terms and conditions of valid and collectible insurance policies. 6.10 Mitieation. Each Party shall take Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate all Claims after becoming aware of any event which could reasonably be expected to give rise to any Claims that are indemnifiable or recoverable hereunder or in connection herewith. 6.11 Limitation of Liabiliqv. Neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement in any action at law or in equity, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, indemnity or otherwise, for any special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages or losses, including any loss of revenue, income, claims of customers, profits or investment opportunities. ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended, modified, or supplemented only by written agreement executed by both Parties. 7.2 Waiver of Compliance: Consents. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any failure of either Party to comply with any obligation, covenant, agreement, or condition herein may be waived by the Party entitled to the benefits thereof only by a written instrument signed by the Party granting such waiver, but such waiver or failure to insist upon strict compliance with such obligation, covenant, agreement, or condition will not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure. 7.3 Notices. (a) Any notice, demand, request or other commtrnication required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Party giving such notice, demand, request or other communication and shall be hand delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or nationally or internationally recognized overnight courier to the other Party at the address set forth below: If to Idaho Power:Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, D 83702 Attn: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone: 208-388-2360 JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 41 EXECUTION YERSION With a copy to:Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, D 83702 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503-813-67 12 PacifiCorp If to PacifiCorp: With a copy to: 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 503-8 I 3-5854 (b) Each Party shall have the right to change the place to which any notice, demand, request or other communication shall be sent or delivered by similar notice sent in like manner to the other Party. The effective date of any notice, demand, request or other communication issued pursuant to this Agreement shall be when: (i) delivered to the address of the Party personally, by messenger, by a nationally or internationally recognized overnight delivery service; or (ii) received or rejected by the Party, if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in each case, addressed to the Party at its address and marked to the attention of the person designated above (or to such other address or person as a Party may designate by notice to the other Party effective as of the date of receipt by such Party). 7 .4 Assierrment. This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permiued assigns, but neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests, or obligations hereunder may be assigned by either Party, without the prior written consent of the other Party. No provision of this Agreement, other than Section 6.2, creates any rights, claims or benefits inuring to any Person that is not a Party hereto. 7.5 Govemine Lawl Exclusive Choice of Forum: Remedies. (a) This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, and any claim or controversy arising out of this Agreement (whether based on contract, tort, or any other theory), including all matters of construction, validity, effect, performance and remedies with respect to this Agreement, shall be governed by and interpreted, construed, and determined in accordance with, the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law). Each Party irrevocably consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any court within the State of Idaho, in corurection with any matter based upon or arising out of this Agreement or the matters contemplated herein, agrees that process may be served upon them in any manner authorized by the laws of the State of Idaho for such persons and waives and covenants not to assert or plead any objection which they might otherwise have to such jurisdiction, venue or process. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel42 EXECUTION I/ERSION (b) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WATVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, LTNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WATVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WATVED WITH ANY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WATVED. 7.6 Severability. Any term or provision of this Agreement that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction. 7.7 Entire Aereement. This Agreement will be a valid and binding agreement of the Parties only if and when it is fully executed and delivered by the Parties, and until such execution and delivery no legal obligation will be created by virtue hereof. This Agreement, together with the Schedules and Exhibits hereto and the Related Documents delivered under or in accordance herewith, embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties hereto in respect of the Transaction. This Agreement and the Related Documents supersede all prior agreements and understandings between the Parties with respect to such subject matter hereof. 7.8 Expenses. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, each Party shall bear its own expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with the preparation, negotiation, execution and performance of this Agreement and each other Related Document and the consummation of the Transaction. 7.9 Delivery. This Agreement, and any Related Documents delivered under or in accordance herewith, may be executed in multiple counterparts (each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument), and may be delivered by electronic transmission, with originals to follow by ovemight courier or certified mail (return receipt requested). [Signature page follows.] JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Page | 43 DGCWION YERSION IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written. IDAHO POWER COMPAIYY ""1 Title: president & CEO PACIT'ICORP By: Name: Title: JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagal44 EXECWION VERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written. IDAIIO POWER COMPANY By: Name: Title: PACIFICORP By: Name: Title:7*r0$nT ( @/fratRC .b.E< JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Pagel44 uco<oq oc.s oc3o cO .lELuo sxqqoooo xxoodc; otr1.,:<Er oo !,E- o co Fir.lEL G d sxqqoo xxG? c:ommm o-cNE-o o G .9 oE =o cocgU=o >sx\\(o(oro(o ;RXccmm66 c.9 .9 E coF Jo(nN oUp CO .E orR3 +(EEd.= 6o*lx-=oo ,:- Iooq0 ba =Bto lo n0tr'auo<oL oA.gs oc3o cqL,EA!oo xo+co sr\ 6d o; ,.9Xaa. oo EE- o cG FbuEL G =d x\h $cc @8<oo4 .sg-oE3o co .-EHEo sccc aqo c.9 .g Ec6 F ru =oqlp @ .E 6+(ntoo ._EY ciu o{o EOc,6()o<oc oc .s oc3o cO rrEa-b0!u >ro.jN aqHN xqoo aq(nN aqcrN seo oc1.,:<dL oo E'E- o EE FauEG o =d e6lN aq o)N >eqo iRqo ago aqo o.c_Ei(J o4 .+Eg-oc,o coEKU=o sqoo aeooH xcooH >!cc >:qo >eqo c .9 .!! E co F OJ =!5oor 6tlm oo.sY ==ooC aln<i dlt eoco =ooo :rrtrtm N+ goct =aoC zo4q s 5r Ushi i c)o0(Eo. Lc, Fr I ri EE(1)L ct<i.ts olE-a,goxr.ri8 ADci q)ILq) Fra o,Lo Bo Ero XE] IFzr! 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EGolo oo GGoo4E<i Jo.rlo83 R\oon'i'isooolnlrl_=GGqEOEE.L EEbb bOOFFFFFdNhdNtttt=ItttE CE: ==ooqffcla=OOEE=oo==i:COZZF o + = v) n< s o N LJUst\i 1 C)o0d Fo Xrrl IFzrrl rI]s.l& r{El a az rI]U) O&D OrFzo @c'4(,o<oo oA .g OJtr!o o(.,E4b0o E€566i6N >sgN :RXxooYNN:<MN: ;sq(n6 ocI ,-rY<EG! oo 'EtE- o cG Fiu G)d {EEd+: ao)d alR xqqqooo >eoc; a0c8Etroq .ss oc 3o tro _- fiCLo {{E 66 Ig ot6 {HEIF-E >ro t c.9 G .lt3 Joogt o 'U .E EoI ?o<UJ6^&x i\eH co gLELO'=fo toFoJiF-5 E EE€B-E Ez6F o Joou) bDE'6Uo<oc o4 .s oE3o cqL)ECq0tu >sx dd xdl(o ax\\60(o(o sF. 6@ ocI r-r:soE! oo E'g- o G FAu'EC E d qqoo sqo IR !Rm.nd.ci66 xdl(om @.=_E=L) Ec .s! oc3o to --gE o >exqqoo xqo xxqqoooodd xqoo c.9 G l,f Joo1,l .goo = o Gocl oUciZ Ul6.E{bP!^E =GG.E .EEEooFFa93=pe EEEP -F o Joo6 koqE s o\F\ Us '\i I oo0d Or tro l!XH IFzrrl Hrrlil r!J anz Ha (J &DAFz EXECUTION YERSION Exhibit B-1 Idaho Power Bill of Sale THIS IDAHO POWER BILL OF SALE is made and entered into as of I l, 2015 (this "Bdl_ef_Sale") by Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"), for the benefit of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation ("Paqlfigqp"). Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Bill of Sale shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement (as defined below). RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of October 24, 2014 (the "Aereemeqt"), between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp, Idaho Power has agreed, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, to sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver to PacifiCorp, free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a) of the Agreement), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, equal to the PacifiCorp Ownership Percentages, in all of Idaho Power's right, title and interest in, to and under the Purchased Assets (as more fully described below); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, Idaho Power has agreed to enter into this Bill of Sale pursuant to which the PacifiCorp Ownership Percentages in the Purchased Assets will be sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, set over and delivered to PacifiCorp (as more fully described below). NOW, TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffrciency of which is hereby acknowledged, Idaho Power hereby agrees as follows: l. Sale. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including delivery of the consideration specified therein, Idaho Power does hereby sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver to PacifiCorp, free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a) of the Agreement), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, equal to the PacifiCorp Ownership Percentages, in all of Idaho Power's right, title and interest in and to the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets (the "Purchased Assets"). 2. Excluded Assets Not Assiened. Notwithstanding anything expressed herein to the contrary, the Idaho Power Excluded Assets are specifically excluded from the Purchased Assets as provided in the Agreement and shall be retained by Idaho Power at and following the Closing. 3. Further Assurances. Idaho Power shall, from time to time after the delivery of this Bill of Sale, at PacifiCorp's request and expense, prepare, execute and deliver to PacifiCorp such other instruments of conveyance and transfer and take such other action as PacifiCo{p may reasonably request in order to sell, transfer, convey, assign and deliver and vest in PacifiCorp, its successors and assigns, title to and possession of the PacifiCorp Ownership Percentages in the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B-I Page I B-l-l EXECUTION VERSION Idaho Power Mortgage on the PacifiCorp Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(a) of the Agreement) as provided in the Agreement and to further effect the purposes of this Bill of Sale. 4. Relationship to Agreement: Construction. This Bill of Sale is delivered pursuant to the Agreement. This Bill of Sale and the provisions hereof are subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including all of the covenants, representations and warranties contained therein, all of which shall survive the execution and delivery of this Bill of Sale to the extent indicated in the Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Agreement and the terms of this Bill of Sale, the terms of the Agreement shall prevail. 5. No Waiver. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Bill of Sale shall constitute a waiver or release of any claims arising out of the contractual relationships between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp. 6. No Third Partv Beneficiary. Nothing in this Bill of Sale, express or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon, or give to, any person other than PacifiCorp, Idaho Power and their successors and permiued assigns any remedy or claim under or by reason of this Bill of Sale or any agreements, terms, covenants or conditions hereof and all the agreements, terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Bill of Sale shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of PacifiCorp, Idaho Power and their successors and permitted assigns. 7. Bindine Effect. This Bill of Sale and all of the provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Idaho Power, PacifiCorp and their respective successors and permiued assigns. 8. Governing Law. This Bill of Sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law) as to all matters, including matters of validity, construction, effect, performance and remedies. 9. Severabilitv. Any term or provision of this Bill of Sale that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction. 10. Counterparts. This Bill of Sale may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this Bill of Sale and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. 11. Notices. All notice, requests, demands and other communications under this Bill of Sale shall be given in accordance with Section 7.3 of the Agreement and at the addresses set forth therein. [Signature page follows.] JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B-1 Page lB-1-2 EXECUTION VERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Idaho Power has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Bill of Sale as of the date first above written. IDAHO POWER COMPANY By: Name: Title: JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B-1 Page lB-1-3 EXECUTION VERSION Schedule 1 to Idaho Power Bill of Sale [[Schedule to be attached at Closing to contain detailed information for each item of equipment based upon the email exchanged between the Parties pursuant to Section 4.8]l JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - EXHIBTT B.I Page lB-1-4 EXECUTION VERSION Exhibit B-2 PacifiCorp Bill of Sale THIS PACIFICORP BILL OF SALE is made and entered into as of I l, 2015 (this "EiI of_Sgle") by PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation ("Paqlfigep"), for the benefit of Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"). Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Bill of Sale shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement (as defined below). RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Joint Ptrchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of October 24, 2014 (the "4greemen!"), between PacifiCorp and Idaho Power, PacifiCorp has agreed, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, to sell, assigp, convey, transfer and deliver to Idaho Power, free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(b) of the Agreement), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, equal to the Idaho Power Ownership Percentages, in all of PacifiCorp's right, title and interest in, to and under the Purchased Assets (as more fully described below); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, PacifiCorp has agreed to enter into this Bill of Sale pursuant to which the Idaho Power Ownership Percentages in the Purchased Assets will be sold, transferred, assigned, conveyed, set over and delivered to Idaho Power (as more fully described below). NOW, TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, PacifiCorp hereby agrees as follows: l. Sale. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including delivery of the consideration specified therein, PacifiCorp does hereby sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver to Idaho Power, free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances and the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance with Section 2.10(b) of the Agreement), undivided ownership interests, as tenant in common, equal to the Idaho Power Ownership Percentages, in all of PacifiCorp's right, title and interest in and to the Idaho Power Acquired Assets (the "Purchased ASSeIq"). 2. Excluded Assets Not Assisred. Notwithstanding anything expressed herein to the contrary, the PacifiCorp Excluded Assets are specifically excluded from the Purchased Assets as provided in the Agreement and shall be retained by PacifiCorp at and following the Closing. 3. Further Assurances. PacifiCorp shall, from time to time after the date hereof, at Idaho Power's request and expense, prepare, execute and deliver to Idaho Power such other instruments of conveyance and transfer and take such other action as Idaho Power may reasonably request in order to sell, transfer, convey, assign and deliver and vest in Idaho Power, its successors and assigns, title to and possession of the Idaho Power Ownership Percentages in the Idaho Power Acquired Assets free and clear of all Encumbrances (except for PacifiCorp Permitted Encumbrances the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage on the Idaho Power Acquired Assets, which lien will be released after Closing in accordance JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B-2 Page lB-2-1 EXECUTION VERSION with Section 2.10(b) of the Agreement) as provided in the Agreement and to further effect the purposes of this Bill of Sale. 4. Relationship to Agreement: Construction. This Bill of Sale is delivered pursuant to the Agreement. This Bill of Sale and the provisions hereof are subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including all of the covenants, representations and warranties contained therein, all of which shall survive the execution and delivery of this Bill of Sale to the extent indicated in the Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Agreement and the terms of this Bill of Sale, the terms of the Agreement shall prevail. 5. No Waiver. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Bill of Sale shall constitute a waiver or release of any claims arising out of the contractual relationships between PacifiCorp and Idaho Power. 6. No Third Partv Beneficiary. Nothing in this Bill of Sale, express or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon, or give to, any person other than Idaho Power, PacifiCorp and their successors and permitted assigns any remedy or claim under or by reason of this Bill of Sale or any agreements, terms, covenants or conditions hereof and all the agreements, terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Bill of Sale shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of Idaho Power, PacifiCorp and their successors and permitted assigns. 7. Binding Effect. This Bill of Sale and all of the provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of PacifiCorp, Idaho Power and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 8. Govemine Law. This Bill of Sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law) as to all matters, including maffers of validity, construction, effect, performance and remedies. 9. Severabilitv. Any term or provision of this Bill of Sale that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction. 10. Counterparts. This Bill of Sale may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this Bill of Sale and all of which, when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. 11. Notices. All notice, requests, demands and other communications under this Bill of Sale shall be given in accordance with Section 7.3 of the Agreement and at the addresses set forth therein. [Signature page follows.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PacifiCorp has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Bill of Sale as of the date first above written. JOINT PURCIIASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B-2 PagelB-2-2 EMCUTION TlERSION PACIFICORP By: Name: Title: JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT 8.2 Page lB-2-3 EXECWION WRSION Schedule I to PacifiCorp Power Bill of Sale [[Schedule to be attached at Closing to contain detailed information for each item of equipment based upon the email exchanged between the Parties pursuant to Section 4.8]] JOINT PURCHASE AI.ID SALE AGREEMENT - EXHIBE B-2 PagelB-24 Exhibit C Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement EXECWION IlERSION JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - EXIIBTT C Page I C-l EMCWION VERSION JOINT OWI\ERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPAI\IY AI\[D PACIIICORP DATED OCTOBER24,20L4 EXECUTION VERSION TABLE OF'CONTENTS ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS; RULES OF INTERPRETATION ..............2 1.1 Definitions ....................2 1.2 Rules of Construction......... ......... 10 ARTICLE II TERM. ....... II 2.1 Effectiveness of this Agreement .................... ll 2.2 Term......... .................. 1l 2.3 Termination............... ................... 11 2.4 Effect of Termination............ ....... 1l ARTICLE III TRANSMISSION FACILITIES OWNERSHIP INTERESTS .........12 3.1 3.2 aaJ.J 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 ARTICLE TV 4.t 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 ARTICLE V Ownership Interests ..................... 12 Capacity A11ocations................ ...................... 13 Adjustment of Capacity Allocations and Ownership Interests .......... 13 Qualified Owner....... .................... 15 No Right to Use ......... 15 Payments .................... 15 Waiver of Partition Rights ........... 16 Nonexclusive License to Enter and Use Real Property ..................... 16 Access to Antelope Substation for Idaho Power Maintenance of Department of Energy Facilities .................... 18 OPERATOR OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ............... ............ I8 Appointment of Operator.............. ................. 18 Authority of Operator............... ..................... 19 Delegation of Responsibilities ..... 19 Governmental Authorizations........ ................ 19 Audit ........20 Insurance.. ..................21 Invoices ....22 Disputed Amounts .....22 Assistance ..................23 Remedies.. ..................23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRANSMISSIONFACrLrTIES............... .................24 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT EXECUTION I/ERSION 5.1 Compliance; Standard of Work .....................24 5.2 Operation and Maintenance; Outages and Outage Coordination; Capital Upgrades and Improvements .......24 5.3 Requests for Generation or Transmission Interconnection Service.....................26 ARTICLE VI TRANSMISSION FACILITIES CAPITAL UPGRADES PROPOSED BY AN OWNER.............. ..................26 6.1 Capital Upgrades.. ......26 6.2 McNary Transmission Project .....28 ARTICLE VII PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO TRANSMISSION FACILITIES; CONDEMNATION........ .............29 7.1 Rebuilding Damaged Facilities... ...................29 7.2 Decision not to Rebuild ............... 30 7.3 Purchase of Ownership Interest ..................... 30 7.4 Cooperation ................ 30 7.5 Condemnation............ .................. 31 ARTICLE VIII RETIREMENT AND DECOMMISSIONING OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ............... ..............32 8.1 Decision to Retire Transmission Facilities............... .......32 8.2 Costs ofDecommissioning ..........32 8.3 Purchase of Ownership Interest .....................32 8.4 Cooperation ................33 ARTICLE D( TRANSMISSION SYSTEM BOUNDARIES........... ..... 33 9.1 Points of Interconnection; Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency........ 33 9.2 E-Tags...... ..................33 9.3 Dynamic Transfer Capability Rights ............. 33 9.4 Jim Bridger Pseudo Tie............ ....34 9.5 Electric Losses ...........34 9.6 Jim Bridger Project Generation RAS.......... ..................... 34 ARTICLE X TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ..............34 10.1 Service Conditions .....34 10.2 Survival ......................35 ARTICLE XI FORCE MAJEURE .....................36 I l.l Force Majeure Defined ................ 36 -11-JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT EXECUTION T/ERSION ll.2 Effect of Force Majeure ...............36 ARTICLE XII EVENTS OF DEFAULT ............ .................37 l2.l Event of Default. ........37 12.2 Cure by Non-Defaulting Party. ...................... 37 12.3 Remedies.. ..................38 ARTICLE XIII REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES......... .... 38 13.1 Representations and Warranties of Idaho Power....... ...... 38 13.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCory.............. ....................39 ARTICLE XTV INDEMNIFICATION........... ....39 l4.l Indemnities................ ................... 39 14.2 Notice and Participation....... ........40 14.3 Net Amount ................41 14.4 No Release of lnsurers .................41 14.5 Mitigation. ..................42 14.6 Assertion of Claims.. ....................42 14.7 Survival of Obligation.............. ......................42 14.8 Limitation on Liability .................42 ARTICLE XV PROPRIETARY INFORMATION........ ......42 l5.l Disclosure of Proprietary Information Prohibited......... ....................42 15.2 Disclosure by Representatives .....43 15.3 Permitted Disclosures ............... .....................43 15.4 Injunctive Relief........ ...................43 15.5 Publicity... ..................43 15.6 Proprietary Information Defined.. ..................44 15.7 Survival.... ..................44 ARTICLE XVI TAXES................ ....44 16.1 No Partnership .......... ...................44 16.2 761 E1ection............... ..................44 16.3 Responsibility for Taxes ..............45 16.4 Indemnification......... ................... 45 16.5 Detennination of Depreciation and Other Matters ..........45 ARTICLE XVII DISPUTES .............45 l7.l Exclusive Procedure. .................... 45 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT EXECUTION T/ERSION 17.2 Dispute Notices..... .....46 17.3 Informal Dispute Resolution ........46 17 .4 Submission of Dispute to FERC or Approved Courts... ....................46 17.5 Continued Performance ............. ....................46 ARTICLE XVIII ASSIGNMENT ....47 18.1 Prohibited Transfers and Assignments .......... ..................47 18.2 Permitted Assignments and Transfers ........... ..................47 18.3 FERC Approval .........48 ARTICLE XD( MISCELLANEOUS............ .....48 19.1 Notices .....48 19.2 Parties Bound...... .......49 19.3 Amendments............... ................. 50 19.4 Waivers ....50 19.5 Choice of Law...... ......50 19.6 Headings ....................51 19.7 Relationship of Paries .................51 19.8 Severability ................51 19.9 No Third Party Beneficiaries .............. ........... 51 19.10 Further Assurances .....51 l9.l I Conflict of Interest ..... 51 19.12 Exhibits and Schedules ............. ..................... 51 19.13 Counterparts................ .................52 19.14 Entire Agreement .......52 EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipment Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment Ownership Interests; Directional Capacity Allocations; Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge; Monthly Substation O&M Charge; Monthly Common Equipment Charge Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT -lv- EXECUTION T/ERSION Exhibit F Acquisition Costs SCI{EDULES Schedule 13.1(f) IdahoPowerGovernmentalAuthorizations Schedule 13.2(f) PacifiCorpGovernmentalAuthorizations JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AIID OPERATING AGREEMENT This Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, dated October 24,2014 (the "Execution Date"), is between PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, ("Pagifiep4"), and Idaho Power, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"). Each of PacifiCorp and Idaho Power are sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as "&4y" and collectively as "Parties". RECITALS: WHEREAS, Idaho Power is a transmission provider which owns, controls and operates, or in certain cases only operates, equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming (the "Idaho Power Transmission System"); WHEREAS, Idaho Power uses the Idaho Power Transmission System, its distribution system and its generation resources to provide retail and wholesale electric services, and is the NERC recognized Balancing Authority Operator of one Balancing Authority Area; WHEREAS, PacifiCorp is a transmission provider which owns, control and operates, or in certain cases only operates, equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming (the "PacifiCorp Transmiss '); WHEREAS, PacifiCorp uses the PacifiCorp Transmission System, its distribution system and its generation resources to provide retail and wholesale electric services, and is the NERC recognized Balancing Authority Operator of two Balancing Authority Areas (PACW and PACE); WHEREAS, the Idaho Power Transmission System and the PacifiCorp Transmission System interconnect at the Points of lnterconnection and the Idaho Power and PacifiCorp Balancing Authority Areas are considered Adjacent Balancing Authority Areas at the Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency; WHEREAS, the Idaho Power Transmission System and the PacifiCorp Transmission System include certain equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho and Wyoming that are jointly owned and were operated pursuant to certain legacy agreements between the Parties; WHEREAS, the Parties desired to exchange with one another certain jointly-owned and wholly-owned equipment to provide each Party with transmission capacity that better aligns with the current configuration of its Transmission System and current load service obligations, each of which had changed since the jointly-owned and wholly-owned equipment were originally constructed; WHEREAS, in order to facilitate such an exchange, the Parties entered into a Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated as of the Execution Date (the "ESA"), pursuant to which at closing: (i) the ownership of certain jointly-owned equipment was reallocated and the ownership of certain additional equipment was exchanged between the Parties (as further described in Exhibit C, the "Transmission Faci "); and (ii) certain legacy agreements between the Parties were terminated and the transmission service contained therein converted to OATT service; JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I I EXECUTION VERSION WHEREAS, PacifiCorp individually owns additional equipment that serve and are apart of the PacifiCorp Transmission System and will not be part of the Transmission Facilities, but that PacifiCorp will make available to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities (as further described in Exhibit A, the "PacifiCorp Common Equip '); WHEREAS, Idaho Power individually owns additional equipment that serve and are a part of the Idaho Power Transmission System and will not be part of the Transmission Facilities, but that Idaho Power will make available to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities (as further described in Exhibit B, the "Idaho Power Common Eq " and, together with the PacifiCorp Common Equipment, the "Common Equipment"); and WHEREAS, in connection with the JPSA, Idaho Power and PacifiCorp are entering into this Agreement: (i) to acknowledge each Party's ownership interest in the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities; (ii) to allocate the transmission capacity of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities as between the Parties; (iii) to allocate operational responsibility for the Transmission Facilities as between the Parties; (iv) to define the responsibility of the Operators with respect to the operation and maintenance of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment; and (v) to define the responsibilities of the Owners with respect to the operation of their Transmission Systems in relation to the other. NOW, TIIEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Idaho Power and PacifiCorp agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS: RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the followingcapitalized terms have the meanings given to them below: "Adacent Balancing Affio " has the meaning set forth in the Reliability Standards. "Affeglgd Party''has the meaning given to such term in Section 11.1. "Affiliate" means, with respect to a Person, each other Person that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with, such designated Person; ryid€d, however, that in the case of PacifiCorp, the term 6'Affiliate" does not include Berkshire Hathaway [nc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp), and no provision of this Agreement shall apply to, be binding on, create any liability of, or otherwise restrict the activities of, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp). For the purposes of this definition, 66control" (including with correlative meanings, the terms "contrqlled bJ,,and.@'),asusedwithrespecttoanyPerson,shallmean(a)the direct or indirect right to cast at least fifty percent (50%) of the votes exercisable at an annual general meeting (or its equivalent) of such Person or, if there are no such rights, ownership of at JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel2 EXECUTION VERSION least fifty percent (50%) of the equity or other ownership interest in such Person, or (b) the right to direct the policies or operations of such Person. "AEfIDe." means allowance for fi.rnds used during construction and has the meaning set forth in 18 CFR $ l0l, Electric Plant Instructions $ 17 (2014), as amended from time-to-time. "A$eg4[ent" means this Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (including all Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto), as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof. "Amendment" has the meaning glven to such term in Section 6.1(aXi). "Aprevgd_eou4g" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.4. "Automatic Generatim " has the meaning set forth in the Reliability Standards. "Balancine Authority Area" means the collection of generation, transmission and loads within the metered boundaries of each Owner determined in accordance with the Reliability Standards. "Bankrup!" means, with respect to any Person, that such Person: (a) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the commencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar law, or has any such petition filed or corrmenced against it; (b) makes an assignment or any general arrangement for the benefit of creditors; (c) otherwise becomes insolvent (however evidenced); (d) has a liquidator, administrator, receiver, trustee, conservator or similar official appointed with respect to it or any substantial portion of its property or assets; or (e) is generally unable to pay its debts as they fall due. "Business Days" means any day except a Saturday, Sunday and any day which is a legal holiday or a day on which banking institutions in New York, New York are authorized or obligated by Governmental Requirements to close. "Capital Upgrade Notirc" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.1(a). "Clajms" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.1(a). "e]osine Date" has the meaning gtven to such term in the JPSA. '6code" has the meaning gtven to such term in Section 16.2. "Commerciallv Reaso " means the level of effort that a reasonable electric utility would take in light of the then known facts and circumstances to accomplish the required action at a then commercially reasonable cost (taking into account the benefits to be gained thereby). "Common Equipment" has the meaning glven to such term in the recitals and includes all ancillary equipment necessary to support the operation of the Substations, including land, site JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 3 EXECUTION VERSION preparation, improvements (control building and other permanent buildings), communications equipment, control equipment, SCADA, relays, batteries, battery chargers, cable trench, cabling, local service, security equipment, fencing, yard gravel, and grounding. Each Owner's Common Equipment, sorted by Substation, on the Effective Date is identified on Exhibit A or Exhibit B. "Continuiqg Oumq" has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.3. 66costs" means, with respect to the construction, reconstruction or upgrade of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment by or on behalf of the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment pursuant to this Agreement, including capital upgrades and improvements thereto, such Operator's actual cost of: (a) preliminary surveys and investigations and property acquisitions in connection therewith; and (b) the development, design, engineering, procurement, construction, reconstruction and upgrade of such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment, including an allowance for AFUDC and applicable overheads determined in accordance with such Operator's customary practices, as calculated in accordance with FERC's Uniform System of Accounts; provided, lrowever, AFUDC shall be recovered by Operators, if at all, in accordance with Section 4.7(b). "Dernagg_Notice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.1(a). "Demased_Facilities" has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.1(a). "Decommissionine Notfu" has the meaning given to such term in Section 8.3. "D!&Utigg Jggly" has the meaning given to such term in Section 12.1. "Delegate" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.3. "Directional Capacity " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). "Directional Capacity " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). "DiSI2Ee" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.1. "Digpute Nolice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.2. "Dynamic Transfer CapabiW'means the intra-hour deviation from scheduled flow. "Ej!|ec1!!veDa1[e,'has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1. "Elepliug_Owner" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.1(a). "Englgy EmglgengJ" has the meaning set forth in the applicable version of NERC Reliability Standard EOP-002, which pertains to capacity and energy emergencies. "Event of D.g&ub" has the meaning given to such term in Section 12.1. "Execution-Date" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 4 EXECUTION I/ERSION "E4ecutivg(!)" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.3(a). "Excluded Transmiss " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(h). "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "FERC Methodology''has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.76). "FERC Uniform System o 'means the Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Power Act prescribed by FERC, and codified as of the Execution Date at l8 C.F.R. Part 101, as the same may be amended from time to time. "&&g]4q|911re," has the meaning given to such term in Section 11.1. "Good Utility Practice" means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, would have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region, including those practices required by Federal Power Act section 21 5 (a)(4), 1 6 U. S.C. $ 82ao(a)(a)Q0l 4). "Governmental Authority" means any federal, state, local or municipal governmental body; any govemmental, quasi-govemmental, regulatory or administrative agency, commission, body or other authority exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, policy, regulatory or taxing authority or power, including FERC, NAESB, NERC or any regional reliability council; or any court or govemmental tribunal, in each case, having jtrisdiction over the Person or matter in question, including either Owner (including in its capacity as Operator) or any of its Affrliates or the ownership, use, operation and maintenance, repair and reconstruction, or retirement and decommissioning of all or a portion of the Transmission Facilities or the Common Equipment. "Governmental Authorizationf'means any license, permit, order, approval, filing, waiver, exemption, variance, clearance, entitlement, allowance, franchise, or other authorization from or by a Governmental Authority that is applicable to the Person or matter in question. "Govemmental Requiremeffi" means all laws, stafutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, and similar acts or promulgations or other legally enforceable requirements of any Governmental Authority that are applicable to the Person or matter in question. "Idaho Power" has the meaning grven to such term in the preamble. "Idaho Power Common Equi " has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 5 "Idaho Power License" has the EXECUTION VERSION to such term in Section 3.8(aXi). "Idaho Power Real Pr " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Idaho PowelSites" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.S(aXii). "Idaho Power Transmis " has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Indemnified Party''has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.1(a). "Indemnif.ving Party''has the meaning given to such term in Section l4.l(a). "Interconnection Owner'o has the meaning given to such term in Section 5.3. "Intgrnlpligg_Ownel" has the meaning given to such term in Sestion 10.1(c). "Ji!0_Bridref_ProJecl" mears the four-unit Jim Bridger coal fired electric power plant and related facilities, of which Idaho Power's ownership share is ll3, and PacifiCorp's ownership share is 213 andwhich is metered at the bus bar located at the Jim Bridger Project. "Jim Bridger ProJect " means the gross generation output of the four Jim Bridger Project generators metered on the low side of the generator step up transformers, minus the calculated losses on the four step up transformers, minus the tertiary loads on the 3451230kY transformers #l and #2, minus the 230134 kV transformer #5 load, as calculated below: Jim Bridger total generation - ((Jim Bridger Unitl)2 + (Jim Bridg er UruA)2 + (Jim Bridger UniB)2 + (Jim Bridger Unit4)2) x (4.4 x 10-6) - 1.2 -Xftlm.ttertiary - XFMR2tertiary - XFMR5. "Jim Bridger Transmiss " means the calculated line losses on the Jim Bridger- Goshen, Jim Bridger-Populus #l and#2, Populus-Kinport, and Populus-Borah #1 and #2 345kV lines, and the transformer losses on the Jim Bridger 3451230 kV transformers #1, 2 arrd3. "JPS{" has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. 66losses" mean any and all damages and losses, deficiencies, liabilities, taxes, obligations, penalties, judgments, settlements, claims, payments, fines, interest, costs and expenses, whether or not resulting from third party claims, including the costs and expenses of any and all actions and demands, assessments, judgments, settlements and compromises relating thereto and the costs and expenses of attomeys', accountants', consultants' and other professionals' fees and expenses inctrred in the investigation or defense thereof or the enforcement of rights hereunder and costs and expenses of remediation (including, in the case of remediation, all expenses and costs associated with financial assurance); ry4fu!, however, that in no event shall Losses include lost profits or damages and losses excluded under Section 14.8(a). "Maneggl" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.3(a). JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 6 EXECUTION I/ERSION "McNary Transmission Pr 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "McNary Transmission P 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "Monthly Common Equrym " has the meaning given to such term in Exhibit D. "Monthly Transmission F " has the meaning given to such term in Exhibit D. 66N4EE ' means the North American Energy Standards Board. "Neeotiation End Ddd'has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "I.IERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. "Non-Defaultins Party''means an Owner that is not a Defaulting Party. "Non-Operating Owner" means, in a given circumstance or context with respect to certain Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, the Owner which is not also serving as the Operator in such circumstance or context with respect to such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. '6Wf" means, with respect to each Owner, the Owner's Open Access Transmission Tariffon file with FERC. "Opgratigg Owner" means, in a given circumstance or context with respect to certain Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, the Owner which is also serving as the Operator in such circumstance or context with respect to such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. '6operator" means PacifiCorp or Idaho Power, in its capacity as Operator under this Agreement. "Other Costs" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.7(a). "Other Costs Records" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.5. "Owner" means PacifiCorp or Idaho Power, in its capacity as an owner of Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment under this Agreement. "Owng$hip_Iu1eres!" means: (a) in respect of an Owner and a Segment, the ownership interest (expressed as a percentage) of such Owner in such Segment as described in Section 3.1(a) and set forth on Exhibit C, as the same may be adjusted from time to time pursuant to Section 3.36); and (b) in respect of an Owner and Common Equipment, the one hundred percent (100%) ownership interest of such Owner in such Common Equipment. "Pggifiepe" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 7 EXECUTION VERSION "PacifiCom Common Eq 'has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Pacifieorp License" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.S(aXii). "PacifiCom Real Prw " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXi). "Pagifieory__Sites" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(a)(i). "PacifiCorp Transmissio 'has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. 66Party" and "Parfgq" have the meanings given to such terms in the preamble. '6Paths" means the specific rated electric transmission paths within the Westem lnterconnection that are identified in the WECC path rating catalogue and that are identified in Exhibit C, which rated paths the Parties acknowledge may be comprised of transmission line or substation equipment that are in addition to those identified on Exhibit C. "Pers611" means an individual, parhrership, corporation, limited liability company, joint venture, association, trust, unincorporated organization, Govemmental Authority, or other form of entity. "Points of Balancing 'means the points at which Idaho Power's Balancing Authority Area is an Adjacent Balancing Authority Area with each of PacifiCorp's PACE and PACW Balancing Authority Areas. "Points of Interconnec 'means the points of interconnection between Idaho Power's Transmission System and Pacifi Corp' s Transmission System. "Prior ProJects" has the meaning given to such term in Section 5.2(e). "Pro RataShalg" or "Pro Rata.Basis," means a proportionate allocation of a quantity between the Owners that is calculated by multiplying the quantity being allocated by each Owner's Ownership Interest or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage or other metric, as the context provides. "Proprietary Information" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.6. "Oualified-Ownet" means an Owner that has an OATT on file with FERC under which it is authorized to provide transmission service on its transmission system. "Real Property Licensm" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Real Prope4v Rights" has the meaning gtven to such term in Section 3.8(aXji). "Besulatigns" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.2. "Reliability Standffds'o means the electric reliability standards approved by FERC pursuant to Federal Power Act Section 215,16 U.S.C. $82ao(d) (2014). JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 8 EXECUTION T/ERSION "Bg4qAiuigg_Qwner" has the meaning glven to such term in Section 8.3. "Bgpresentalives" means, in respect of an Owner or Operator, the directors, officers, shareholders, parfirers, members, employees, agents, consultants, contractors or other representatives of such Owner or Operator. "Retired Transmiss 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 8.1. "S@" means a Substation Segment or a Transmission Segment. "Substations" means the substations that are identified on Exhibit C. "SubstationS-9ggn1" means the Transmission Facilities that are identified on a specific row of Exhibit C as a Substation. "Transmission Segmeff" means the Transmission Facilities that are identified on a specific row of Exhibit C as a transmission line. "Tax Indemniffing Pa4y" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.4. "Tax Indemnitee Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.4. "Taxes" has the meaning grven to such term in Section 16.3. 6'Ten1l" has the meaning grven to such term in Section 2.2. " " has the meaning glven to such term in Section 2.3(a\. "Total Directional 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). o'ffgngfgl" has the meaning given to such term in Section 18.1. "Transferee" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.1. "T&nqfig1el" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.1. "Transmission Facilifu" has the meaning glven to such term in the recitals. " " means, in respect of each Operator, each agreement, instrument or other contract relating to or in connection with the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment it is responsible for, that such Operator enters into pursuant to this Agreement and, in respect of the Prior Projects, that the Operating Owner entered into prior to the Effective Date; but does not include transmission service agreements. "@" has t}re meaning grven to such term in Section 3.S(aXii). "Transmission Svstem" means, in the case of PacifiCorp, the PacifiCorp Transmission System, and, in the case of Idaho Power, the Idaho Power Transmission System. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 9 EXECUTION YERSION "W'means the Westem Electricity Coordinating Council. "WIS Seree4qent" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.8(b). 1.2 Rules of Construction. The following rules of interpretation shall apply in this Agreement: (a) The masculine shall include the feminine and neuter. (b) References to "Articles," "Sections,'o "Exhibits" and "Schedule" shall be to articles, sections, exhibits and schedules of this Agreement. (c) The Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto are incorporated in and are intended to be a part of this Agreement. (d) This Agreement was negotiated and prepared by both Parties with the advice and participation of counsel. The Parties have agreed to the wording of this Agreement and none of the provisions hereof shall be construed against one Party on the ground that such Party is the author of this Agreement or any part hereof. (e) Each reference in this Agreement to any agreement or document or a portion or provision thereof shall be construed as a reference to the relevant agreement or document as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time with the written approval of both the Parties. (0 Each reference in this Agreement to Governmental Requirements and to terms defined in, and other provisions of, Governmental Requirements shall be references to the same (or a successor to the same) as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time. (g) The term "dat''shall mean a calendar day, the term "month" shall mean a calendar month, and the term "year" shall mean a calendar year. Whenever an event is to be performed, a period commences or ends, or a payment is to be made on or by a particular date and the date in question falls on a day which is not a Business Day, the event shall be performed, or the payment shall be made, on the next succeeding Business Day; provided. however, that all calculations shall be made regardless of whether any given day is a Business Day and whether or not any given period ends on a Business Day. (h) Each reference in this Agreement to a Person includes its successors and permitted assigns; and each reference to a Governmental Authority includes any Govemmental Authority succeeding to its functions and capacities. (i) In this Agreement, the words "include," "includes" and "including" are to be construed as being at all times followed by the words "without limitation." JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 10 EXECUTION VERSION CI) The words "hereof," "herein" and'hereunder" and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall, unless otherwise specified, refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement. ARTICLE II TERM 2.1 Effectiveness of this Aereement. This Agreement, including the Parties' rights and obligations hereunder, shall become effective, if at all, on the Closing Date (the "E[fec1!!ve Dde"). For the avoidance of doubt, no aspect of this Agreement, other than this Section 2.1, shall have any effect unless and until the Effective Date occurs. If the Effective Date does not occur and the JPSA is terminated, this Agreement, including this Section 2.1, shall become void ab initio. 2.2 Term. The term of this Agreement ("Term") shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof. 2.3 Termination. (a) Subject to Section 2.4(a) and Section 2.4(b), this Agreement shall terminate solely with respect to certain Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment (each, "Terminated Transmissi "), and not otherwise with respect to any other Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment or other obligations hereunder, if one or more of the following events occur: (i) The Terminated Transmission Facilities are damaged and destroyed and the Owners decide not to repair or rebuild (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild) them in accordance with Article VII; or (ii) The Terminated Transmission Facilities are retired and decommissioned in accordance with Article VIII. (b) Subject to Section 2.4(c), this entire Agreement shall terminate if one or more of the following events occur: (i) Mutual agreement of the Parties to terminate this Agreement; or (ii) This Agreement is terminated by exercise of remedies pursuant to Section 12.3. 2-4 Effect of Termination. (a) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any Terminated Transmission Facilities, then, except as for those provisions that are expressly intended to survive termination and, subject to Section 2.4(b) and receipt of any necessary Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements, this Agreement shall terminate and become void and of no further force and effect, without further action by either JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I ll EXECUTION VERSION Party solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities, pleyidgd that neither Party shall be relieved from any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder accruing prior thereto. (b) In the event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any Terminated Transmission Facilities and the Non-Operating Owner continues to own all or a portion of the Ownership Interest(s) in such Terminated Transmission Facilities, then: (i) the Operator shall, upon written notice from the Non-Operating Owner delivered to the Operator no later than fifteen (15) Business Days after termination of this Agreement solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 2.3(a), continue to perform such of its obligations and covenants in Articles VI, VII, and VIII as are set forth in the notice; (ii) such obligations and covenants, together with Articles XI, XfV, XV, XVI, XVII, and XD( (to the extent applicable to the surviving covenants and obligations), shall continue in fulI force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 2.3(a); and (iii) the Parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect such changes to this Agreement as shall be necessary and mutually acceptable to the Parties to conform this Agreement solely as it relates to such Terminated Transmission Facilities to the surviving provisions of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 2.4(b). (c) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(b), then, except as for those provisions that are expressly intended to survive termination of this Agreement and, subject to receipt of any necessary Governmental Authorizations required by Govemmental Requirements, including FERC approval, this Agreement shall terminate and become void and of no further force and effect, without further action by either Purty, provided that neither Party shall be relieved from any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder accruing prior thereto. ARTICLE III TRANSMISSION FACILITIES OWNERSHIP INTERESTS 3.1 Ownershiplnterests. (a) Pursuant to the JPSA, as of the Closing Date: (i) the percentage of ownership in a Segment that is owned by Idaho Power is set forth in column A of Exhibit C, and the percentage of ownership in a Segment that is owned by PacifiCorp is set forth in column B of Exhibit C; and (ii) when the Owners each own a percentage of a Segment, each of the Owners own an undivided ownership interest in such Segment as tenants-in-common. (b) The Owners agree that they shall enter into such additional documentation as shall reasonably be required to document the Owners' Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities and any change in the Owners' Ownership lnterests in the Transmission Facilities as a result of the application of Section 3.3(b), plovided that in no event shall an Owner be responsible for palng any amount to the other Owner as a result of any change in any Ownership Interest in the Transmission Facilities, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 12 EXECUTION VERSION 3.2 CapacilvAllocations. (a) Directional Capacity Allocation. The Parties agree that the total directional transmission capacity in megawatts of each Segment and Path is set forth in columns E and H of Exhibit C (the "Total Directiona '), a.rd is allocated to: (i) Idaho Power (A) as expressed in megawatts as set forth in columns C and F of Exhibit C and (B) as expressed as a percentage of the total directional transmission capacity of each Segment and Path as set forth in columns I and K of Exhibit C; and (ii) PacifiCorp (A) as expressed in megawatts as set forth in columns D and G of Exhibit C and (B) as expressed as a percentage of the total directional transmission capacity of each Segment and Path as set forth in columns J and L of Exhibit C. Each of the allocations of directional transmission capacity of each of the Segments and Paths to each of the Owners expressed in megawatts in Sections 3.2(aXiXA) and 3.2(aXiiXA) is herein referredtoasthe..,,andeachofthea11ocationsofdirectional transmission capacity of each of the Segments and Paths to each of the Owners in percentages in Sections 3.2(a)(i)G) and 3.2(aXiiXB) is herein referred to as the "Directional Capacity @." (b) Scheduling Over Seements which are Not Part of a Path. Each Owner shall have the right to post and sell its Dircctional Capacity Allocation over each Segment (which is not part of a PatQ in accordance with its OATT, and each Owner shall schedule energy or make available for scheduling each Segment (which is not part of a Path) in each direction consistent with its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of the Segment in each direction and pursuant to Governmental Requirements and Govemmental Authorizations; plevided, however, that at no time shall an Owner be entitled to post, sell, schedule or make available for scheduling more than its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of any Segment (which is not part of a Path) in any direction, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the Owners. (c) Scheduling Over Segments which are Part of a Path. Each Owner shall have the right to post and sell its Directional Capacity Allocation over a Path in accordance with its OATT, and each Owner shall schedule energy or make available for scheduling a Path in each direction consistent with its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of the Path in each direction and pursuant to Govemmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations; ry4!91!, however, that at no time shall an Owner be entitled to post, sell, schedule or make available for scheduling more than its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of any Path over one or more of the Segments which are part of the Path in any direction, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the Owners. 3.3 Adjustment of CapaciW Allocations and Ownershio Interests. (a) Adjustment of Directional Capacity Allocations and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages. (i) Each of the Owners shall be allocated their Pro Rata Share (based on their applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages) of all temporary changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path. JOTNT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 13 EXECUTION T/ERSION (ii) Permanent changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path occur when the first of the following occurs: (A) when the quantity and, if applicable, direction of change in Total Directional Capacity are agreed to by the Owners; or (B) when WECC or the applicable WECC committee recognizes the quantity and, if applicable, direction of change in Total Directional Capacity. (iii) Each of the Owners shall be allocated their Pro Rata Share (based on their applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages) of any permanent decrease or permanent increase (which is not the result of a capital upgrade or which is the result of a capital upgrade that both Owners participated in on a Pro Rata Basis (in accordance with their Ownership Interests)) in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii). In the event of a permanent increase in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii), then the increase in Total Directional Capacity shall be allocated to the Owners based on their participation in the capital upgrade established pursuant to Section 6.1. (iv) In the event there is a permanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii), the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect revisions in the Total Directional Capacity of the Segment or Path as well as the Directional Capacity Allocations and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages of the Owners in the Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Sections 3.3(aXii) and 3.3(aXiii). (b)Adjustment of Ownership Interests in Segments. (i) Only permanent changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii) have the ability to affect the Owners' Ownership Interests in a Segment. In the event that there is a permanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment in accordance with Section 3.3(aXii), then the Ownership Interest for each Owner shall be calculated on the following basis: (A) Add both of the Owner's Directional Capacity Allocations in the Segment (taking into account the Owner's Pro Rata Share of the increase or decrease determined in accordance with Section 3.3(a)); (B) Add both of the Segment's Total Directional Capacities (taking into account the increase or decrease of the Segment's Total Directional Capacities determined in accordance with Section 3.3(a)); and (C) Divide the sum of clause A above by the sum of clause B above to produce the Owner's revised Ownership Interest in the Segment. (ii) In the event that there is a permanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment in accordance with Section 3.3(aXii), the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect any revisions in the Ownership Interests of the Owners in any Segment calculated in accordance with this Section 3.3(bXi). In addition, the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 14 EXECUTION T/ERSION revisions in any Substation O&M Allocation as a result of changes in the Ownership lnterests of the Owners in any Substation Segment calculated in accordance with Section 3.3(bXi). (c) Reviews. (i) Subject to Section 3.3(cXiii), the Owners shall meet periodically, but not less than every frve (5) years beginning in the year2020, to review: (A) The Directional Capacity Allocations, the Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and the Substation O&M Allocations set forth in Exhibit C; (B) The formulas for adjusting Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Ownership Interests set forth in this Section 3.3; (C) The definition of Pro Rata Share; (D) The treatment of electric losses set forth in Section 9.5; (E) The formulas describing the charges set forth in Exhibit D; and (F) Any other provisions of this Agreement as either Party may elect. (ii) Subject to Section 3.3(cXiii), the Owners shall meet promptly and attempt to reach a mutually agreeable solution in the event that a Governmental Requirement or Governmental Authoization adversely affects: (A) the ability of an Owner to perform its obligations or exercise its rights under this Agreement; or (B) the treatment of assets of an Owner that are subject to or affected by this Agreement. (iii) In no event shall this Agreement be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified pursuant to Sections 3.3(cXi) or 3.3(cXii), unless the Parties agree in writing to such amendment, supplement or modification. 3.4 Oualified Owner. Each Owner shall take all actions required to continue to be a Qualified Owner during the Term. If at any time during the Term an Owner ceases to be a Qualified Owner, then such Owner shall immediately provide notice thereof to the other Owner and take all actions required to resume being a Qualified Owner. 3.5 No Right to Use. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Agreement shall not confer upon either Owner the right to use or transmit energy over any transmission facilities owned by the other Owner (other than with respect to the Transmission Facilities and Paths as provided for herein). 3.6 Payments. Al1 payments required to be made by or on behalf of the Owners under the terms of this Agreement, including payments to the Operators of the Monthly Transmission JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 15 EXECUTION VERSION Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Monthly Common Equipment Charge and Other Costs, shall be made to the account or accounts designated by the Owner or Operator to which the payment is owed, by wire transfer in immediately available firnds in the lawful crurency of the United States. 3.7 Waiver of Partition Rights. The Owners acknowledge that any exercise of the remedy of partition (whether at law or in equity) of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities or any portion thereof would be impracticable in view of the purposes and requirements of this Agreement, would violate the spirit and intent of this Agreement, and would defeat the Owners' intentions and reasonable expectations as well as the consideration upon which each Owner entered into this Agreement. Accordingly, each Owner agrees that during the Term it: (a) will not, directly or indirectly, commence, maintain, support or join in any action or proceedings of any kind to partition the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities or any portion thereof; and (b) waives, after consultation with its qualified legal counsel, any and all rights that it may have under this Agreement or Governmental Requirements (whether at law or in equity) or otherwise to commence, maintain, support or join in any such action or proceeding. Each Owner acknowledges that the other Owner has entered into and will perform the terms of this Agreement in reliance upon the other Owner's agreement and adherence to the terms of this Section 3.7, and would not have entered into this Agreement but for such reliance; and that it would be unjust and inequitable for any Owner to violate or to seek relief from any provision of this Section 3.7. 3.8 Nonexclusive License to Enter and Use Real Propertv. (a) Section 3.8: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including this (i) PacifiCorp hereby irrevocably grants to Idaho Power a nonexclusive license (the "Idaho Power License") to use and access the real property to which Idaho Power's Ownership lnterests in the Transmission Facilities are affixed (the "PagifiCom Sites"), but only to the extent oi and subject in all respects to, PacifiCorp's real property interests (including fee, rights-of-way, easements and other real property interests) and other real property rights therein (collectively, the "PacifiCom Real Prop ") and only to the extent such Idaho Power License is permiued by the PacifiCorp Real Property fughts and Governmental Requirements; and (ii) Idaho Power hereby irrevocably grants to PacifiCorp a nonexclusive license (the "PacifiCqp.ligenSg" and, together with the Idaho Power License, the "Real Property Licenses") to use and access the real property to which PacifiCorp's Ownership InterestsintheTransmissionFacilitiesareaffixed(the..@'and,togetherwith the PacifiCorp Sites, the "Transmission Facili "), but only to the extent of, and subject in all respects to, Idaho Power's real property interests (including fee, rights-of-way, easements and other real property interests) and other real property rights therein (collectively, the "I@q Power Real Property Rigilrts" and, together with the PacifiCorp Real Property Rights, the "BeAl ProLerty Rigilrts") and only to the extent such PacifiCorp License is permitted by the Idaho Power Real Property Rights and Governmental Requirements. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 16 EXECUTION VERSION (b) Each Real Property License will be utilized by the grantee Owner and its Representatives for the use of, and rights of ingress, egress and access to, the applicable Transmission Facilities Sites to permit the Owner and its Representatives to exercise the Owner's rights and obligations as to its Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities. (c) The rights of the grantee Owner and its Representatives for use of ingress, egress and access to the applicable Transmission Facilities Sites shall be govemed by this Section 3.8 during the period the Real Property License is in effect, including dwing any period after this Agreement has been terminated but the surviving provisions identified in Section 10.2 (including Section 3.8) remain in effect. (d) Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, each Real Property License may be utilized by the grantee Owner and its Representatives for the right of ingress, egress and access to the Transmission Facilities Sites, for the sole purpose of inspection and as provided for in Section 3.8(fl. (e) In the exercise of its rights under the Real Property License: (i) the grantee Owner and its Representatives shall not interfere with the construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance, capital upgrades and improvements to, repair and reconstruction of, and retirement and decommissioning of the Transmission Facilities (or any other equipment or facilities owned, controlled or operated by the grantor Owner on the Transmission Facilities Site) or any portion thereof by the Operator or pose a safety hazard; (ii) the grantee Owner and its Representatives shall comply with any requirements of the Real Property Rights applicable to the Transmission Facilities Sites as of the Effective Date and any other Real Property Rights arising after the Effective Date with respect to which it receives written notice; (iii) the grantee Owner shall provide reasonable prior written notice to the grantor Owner of its intent to exercise any right or privilege granted by the Real Property License; and (iv) the grantee Owner and its Representatives exercising any right or privilege under the Real Property License shall comply with the grantor Owner's or any other contractor's safety and operational procedures and security rules, provided that such procedures and rules are in writing and are delivered to the grantee Owner in advance. For the avoidance of doubt, the Owners acknowledge that no representations or warranties are made with respect to the Transmission Facilities Sites and that the Real Property Licenses are expressly subject in all respects to all Real Property Rights applicable to the Transmission Facilities Sites. (D Each Real Property License includes a nonexclusive right of the grantee Owner for the location of equipment in which such Owner has an Ownership Interest, together with any replacements, capital upgrades or improvements thereto, on the Transmission Facilities Sites, to be utilized by such Owner to locate such equipment on such premises, together with the right to access such equipment over and across the Transmission Facilities Sites, ryidgd that any replacements, capital upgrades or improvements to such equipment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to its expiration or termination. (g) Each Real Property License shall terminate, in whole or in part, if and to the extent the grantee Owner no longer requires the Real Property License for the uses described in this Section 3.8, including if and to the extent such Owner no longer has an Ownership JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 17 EXECUTION VERSION lnterest in the Transmission Facilities affixed to the respective Transmission Facilities Sites, written notice of which the grantee Owner shall promptly provide to the grantor Owner. (h) If and to the extent the Real Property Licenses are not permitted by any of the Real Property Rights with respect to all or any portion of the Transmission Facilities Sites (the "Excluded Transmis "), then the Parties shall cooperate in good faith to identiff and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to implement an alternative to the Real Property Licenses with respect to the Excluded Transmission Facilities Sites in order to attempt to provide each of the Parties with the rights that they would have been provided under the Real Property Licenses with respect to the Transmission Facilities Sites; provided, however, in no event shall an Owner be required to amend, revise or modiff in any respect any of its Real Property Rights pursuant to this Section 3.8(.h). 3.9 Access to Antelope Substation for Idaho Power Maintenance of Department of Energy Facilities. (a) PacifiCorp shall provide Idaho Power access to the Antelope Substation for the purpose of maintaining the Department of Energy equipment that is listed on Exhibit E and located in the Antelope Substation. (b) PacifiCorp shall provide Idaho Power access to the Antelope Substation control building to allow Idaho Power to perform the necessary switching to maintain the Department of Energy equipment, and to allow access to Idaho Power's SCADA, communication, telemetry and metering equipment. Idaho Power shall provide PacifiCorp advance notice of its desire to gain access to the control building. ARTICLE TV OPERATOR OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 4.1 Appointment of Operator. (a) The Owners hereby appoint the Party set forth in column M of Exhibit C as the Operator of each of the Transmission Facilities associated with the Party's name on Exhibit C, and the Party hereby accepts appointment, to serve as the Operator and to perform the other covenants and obligations of the Operator expressly set forth in this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (b) Each of the Owners hereby authorizes the Operators to utilize its Common Equipment and wholly-owned Transmission Facilities to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or Governmental Requirements, the Owners agree that the Operators shall have no obligations, responsibilities or duties to the Owners other than as are expressly provided for in this Agreement. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 18 EXECUTION VERSION 4.2 Authoritv of Operator. (a) Subject to the limitations set forth in Articles IV-V[I, each Operator shall be responsible in all respects for the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is the Operator in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, each Operator shall supervise and perform, or cause to be supervised and performed, the physical operation and maintenance of, interconnection to, design of, capital upgrades and improvements to, repair and reconstruction of, security of outage restoration of and retirement and decommissioning oi the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for in accordance with this Article IV and Articles V-V[I. In the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, each Operator shall have authority, subject to the other terms of this Article tV and Articles V-D(, to take any or all of the actions it reasonably determines are necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement. (b) The Owners and the Operators agree that title to all capital upgrades and improvements to the Segments and Common Equipment constructed by or on behalf of the Operators pursuant to Articles V and VI shall vest with the Owner or Owners of such Segments or Common Equipment in accordance with their respective Ownership Interests in such Segments or Common Equipment, and, in the case ofjointly-owned Segments, shall be jointly owned by the Owners as tenants-in-corlmon in accordance with their respective Ownership Interests in the jointly-owned Segments. (c) Each Operator will exercise or enforce all of the benefits, rights and remedies under the Transmission Facilities Contracts for the benefit of the Owners without adverse distinction between the Owners. In furtherance and not in limitation of the immediately preceding sentence, and except as otherwise provided in Section 9.5 with respect to electric losses, each Operator agrees to transfer, assign, distribute, pay over or otherwise make available to the Non-Operating Owner, the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any) of any payments or proceeds obtained pursuant to any Transmission Facilities Contract. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Owners agree that only the Operators shall be entitled to exercise or enforce the benefits, rights and remedies under the Transmission Facilities Contracts. 4.3 Delegation of Responsibilities. An Operator may, in its sole and absolute discretion, utilize its employees and supervisory personnel, and any independent technical advisors, consultants, contractors and agents which it may select, as may be required to perform its obligations (each, a "Delggate"). Notwithstanding any such delegation, the Operator shall remain responsible and liable for all of its delegated obligations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 4.4 Governmental Authorizations. (a) Each Operator is authorizedto prepare and submit to all appropriate Govemmental Authorities the necessary reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to procure all Governmental Authorizations required to perform its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for or to comply with Governmental Requirements, provided that the Operator shall JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page I 19 EXECUTION VERSION consult with the Non-Operating Owner prior to the submission of any such reports, application, plans, specification and other documents to the extent to which they relate to any jointly-owned Transmission Facilities. To the extent permitted by Govemmental Requirements, each Operator shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to obtain and structure all Government Authorizations for which it applies after the Effective Date in such a way as to recognize each Owner's applicable Ownership lnterest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)), if any, as contemplated by this Agreement. Notw'ithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, except as set forth in Section 5.1(b), nothing in this Section 4.4 shall obligate an Operator to prepare and submit to appropriate Governmental Authorities any reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to proctre any Governmental Authorizations required by the Owners in connection with their ownership of an Ownership Interest in the Transmission Facilities or the Common Equipment or the recovery of any costs and expenses in connection therewith. (b) To the extent that an Operator cannot obtain a Govemmental Authorization pursuant to Section 4.4(a) on behalf of one or both of the Owners, each such Owner shall: (i) be responsible for preparing and submitting to the appropriate Governmental Authority the necessary reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to procure such Governmental Authorization; and (ii) exercise all Commercially Reasonable Efforts to obtain such Governmental Authorization. Unless and until the Owner or Owners are able to obtain such Govemmental Authorizations, the Operator shall not perform or continue to perform any of the obligations requiring such Governmental Authorizations if to do so would result in the Owner or Owners or the Operator being in violation of Governmental Requirements or Govemmental Authorizations. (c) Each Owner shall, at its own cost: (i) reasonably cooperate and support the Operators in obtaining any Governmental Authorizations required pursuant to Section 4.4(a); and (ii) reasonably respond to inquiries or requests issued to it by any Govemmental Authorities in respect of such Govemmental Authorizations; ryg!91!, however, that an Owner shall not be obligated pursuant to this Section 4.4(c) to disclose Proprietary Information except to the extent that it is otherwise required to disclose such Proprietary Information: (A) bV Govemmental Requirements; (B) by any Governmental Authority; or (C) pursuant to the express terms of this Agreement. 4.5 Audit. Each Non-Operating Owner may, at its cost, atany time during normal business hours and with reasonable prior notice of not less than thirty (30) Business Days, but not more often than once in any twelve (12) month period, inspect and audit the books and records of the Operator and any of its Affiliates and Delegates (and the Operator shall secure such rights for the Non-Operating Owner from its Affiliates and Delegates) involved in the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement ("Other Costs Records"), to the extent reasonably relating to the determination of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, and Other Costs for which the Non-Operating Owner is liable under this Agreement as shown on an invoice provided to the Non-Operating Ownerpursuant to Section 4.7 within eighteen (18) months prior to the date of the audit notice. Each Operator shall, and shall cause any of its relevant Affiliates and Delegates, to keep and maintain all such Other Costs Records to the extent reasonably relating to the determination of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 20 EXECUTION VERSION Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, and Other Costs for which the Non-Operating Owner is liable under this Agreement and make such Other Costs Records available to the Non- Operating Owner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If any audit discloses that, during such eighteen (18) month period, an overpayment or underpayment of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges or Other Costs has been made by the Non-Operating Owner or the amount of any Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs allocated to the Non-Operating Owner in an invoice is incorrect, then such overpayment, underpayment or incorrect amount shall be resolved pursuant to Section 4.8. The Non-Operating Owner requesting the audit shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of all reasonable costs and expenses (including internal costs and expenses) incurred by or on behalf of the Operator and any of its Affiliates and Delegates in complying with the provisions of this Section 4.6, ryg!91! that the Non-Operating Owner shall not be required to reimburse any such costs if the audit determines that the Non-Operating Owner has made more than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in overpayments of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs or more than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs have been incorrectly allocated to the Owner. 4.6 Insurance. (a) Owner Insurance. Each Owner shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining during the Term insurance covering its respective legal liabilities related to its Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment. lnsurance required by this Section 4.6(a) will be placed with appropriate carriers and in amounts in accordance with Good Utility Practice and Govemmental Requirements. (b) Property Insurance. Each Operator, on behalf of the Owners and any other named insureds or loss payees, will, with respect to Substations and equipment therein that is included as part of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities it is responsible for: (i) determine the appropriate property insurance coverages, minimum amounts, self-insured amounts, deductibles and other insurance policy terms which shall be reasonable and customary for similarly situated utilities; (ii) obtain and maintain such property insurance during the Term; and (iii) be solely responsible for pursuing claims and/or negotiating settlements in respect of claims under such insurance coverages. The Operators shall be compensated for the costs of obtaining and maintaining such insurance (including any premiums, taxes and fees, but excluding deductibles, self-insurance or non-insured costs) through the Monthly Substation O&M Charge. Subject to Article VII, each Owner shall be responsible for its Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of any deductibles, self-insurance and non-insured costs, all of which shall be Other Costs. The Operators shall not be obligated to obtain or maintain any other insurance by or on behalf of the Owners with respect to the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment for which they are responsible. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel2l EXECUTION VERSION 4.7 Invoices. (a) Each Non-Operating Owner shall pay the respective Operator the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, and the Monthly Common Equipment Charge calculated in accordance with Exhibit D as compensation for the Operator's services under this Agreement. In addition, each Owner shall be responsible for its Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership krterest(s)) of costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operators pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, including Sections 4.2(a),4.4(.a),4.6. 5.2,6.1,7.1,7.5,8.2and 16.3 (collectively,the"Qthq_eosts"). IntheeventthatanOperator incurs, or reasonably expects to incur, significant Other Costs in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (S100,000), the Operator shall immediately notify the Owners in writing of such Other Costs. (b) Within thirty (30) days after the end of the first full calendar month during the Term, and within thirty (30) days after the end of each month thereafter during the Term, each Operator will deliver to the Non-Operating Owner an invoice which will show the total amount and each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge and the Monthly Common Equipment Charge determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. For purposes of clarity, the first such invoices will include amounts owed for the first full month and any partial month that precedes it during the Term. Within thirfy (30) days after the end of the first calendar quarter first occurring during the Term (i.e., within 30 days of the first March 31st, June 30th, September 30ft, or December 31't during the Term), and within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter thereafter &ring the Term, each Operator will deliver to the Non-Operating Owner an invoice which will show the total amorurt and each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of Other Costs determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; plgvided, however, that Other Costs associated with capital upgrades and improvements to, or repair and reconstruction of Transmission Facilities: (a) shall not include AFUDC, ry4!91!, that the first Other Costs invoice may include accrued AFUDC on Prior Projects up to the Effective Date; and (b) that are a Substation Segment shall be invoiced using estimated Other Costs, provided that each Operator shall provide a final invoice showing a true-up of estimated Other Costs compared to actual Other Costs after the upgrade, improvement, repair or reconstruction is placed into service;. The Non-Operating Owner shall pay its Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Monthly Common Equipment Charge and the Other Costs shown on the invoice no later than thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. Any payment past due will accrue interest, per annum, calculated in accordance with the methodology specified for interest in the FERC regulations at 18 C.F.R. $ 35.19a(a)(2xiii) (the "FERC Methodoloey''). The failure by an Operator to timely deliver an invoice shall not relieve the Non-Operating Owner of its payment obligation in respect of its share of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Monthly Common Equipment Charge and Other Costs as shown on such invoice, or release the Operating Owner of its responsibility for such invoice. 4.8 Disputed Amounts. If any Non-Operating Owner disputes any portion of any amount specified in an invoice delivered by an Operator pursuant to Section 4.7, the Non- Operating Owner shall pay its total amount of the invoice when due, and, if actually known at JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel22 EXECUTION VERSION the time by the Non-Operating Owner, identi$ the disputed amount and state that the disputed amount is being paid under protest. Any disputed amount shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII. If it is determined pursuant to Article XVII that an overpayment or underpayment has been made by the Non-Operating Owner or the amount of any Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, Monthly Substation O&M Charge, Monthly Common Equipment Charge, or Other Costs allocated to the Non-Operating Owner on an invoice is incorrect, then: (i) in the case of any overpayment by the Non-Operating Owner, the Operator shall promptly return the amount of the overpayment (or credit the amount of the overpayment on the next invoice) to the Non-Operating Owner; (ii) in the case of an underpayment by the Non-Operating Owner, the Non-Operating Owner shall promptly pay the amount of the underpayment to the Operator (for the benefit of the Operating Owner), otherwise, the Operator shall charge the Non-Operating Owner for the underpayment on the next invoice; and (iii) in the case of an incorrect allocation of Other Costs to an Owner, the allocations of Other Costs on the next invoice shall be adjusted to correct for such incorrect allocation, in each case, together with interest for the period from the date of overpayment, underpayment or incorrect allocation until such amount has been paid or credited against a future invoice calculated in the manner prescribed for calculating interest on refunds under the FERC Methodology. 4.9 Assistance. Each Non-Operating Owner shall cooperate with the Operator promptly, as and when reasonably requested by the Operator, to assist the Operator in the performance of its duties, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement, including executing and delivering from time to time such additional documents, certificates or instruments, and taking such additional actions, as may be reasonably requested by the Operator. Each Non-Operating Owner shall bear its own costs for providing such cooperation and assistance as requested by the Operator unless the Owners agree otherwise in writing. 4.10 Remedies. (a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Operators shall have no liability to the respective Non-Operating Owners in connection with the performance of their covenants and obligations under this Agreement, except as provided in this Section 4.10 and Section 14.1(c). The Non-Operating Owners agree that they have a duty to mitigate any damages and shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to minimize any damages they may incur as a result of an Operator's failure to perform or breach of any of its covenants or obligations under this Agreement. (b) The Owners and Operators acknowledge that the obligations and covenants performed by the Operators hereunder are unique and that the Non-Operating Owners will be irreparably injured should such obligations and covenants not be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Consequently, the Non-Operating Owners will not have an adequate remedy at law if the Operators shall fail to perform their obligations and covenants hereunder. The Non-Operating Owners shall have the right, in addition to any other remedy available under this Agreement, to specific performance of the Operators' obligations and covenants hereunder, and the Owners and Operators agree not to take a position in any proceeding arising out of this Agreement to the effect that the Non-Operating Owners have an adequate remedy at law. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel23 EXECUTION VERSION ARTICLE V OPERATION AND MAINTENA}ICE OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 5.1 Comptiance: Standard of Work. (a) The Operator shall perform its obligations set forth in this Agreement: (i) without adverse distinction between the Owners; and (ii) in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Govemmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. (b) Without limiting the generality of Section 5.1(a), each Operator shall comply with Governmental Requirements and Reliability Standards applicable to an owner and an operator of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is responsible, regardless of whether any such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment are solely owned by the Operating Owner or jointly owned by the Parties. 5.2 Ooeration and Maintenance: Outages and Outage Coordination: Capital Uperades and Improvements. (a) Each Operator shall operate and maintain the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is responsible in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Govemmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. (b) Each Operator shall provide written notice of planned outages associated with the Transmission Facilities, Common Equipment and Paths for which it is responsible to the Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator as soon as outage schedules are known, but no later than the later of the period specified in the Operating Owner's OATT or the Northwest Power Pool Processes document dated }day 2014, as it is amended from time-to-time, regarding outage coordination and shall, subject to Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards, accommodate reasonable requests of the Non-Operating Owner to change the date or period of the planned outage. Each Operator shall promptly noti$ the Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator of any event or circumstance that results in a partial or total reduction of the transmission capacity of a Segment or Path set forth in Exhibit C, and shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to diligently: (i) coordinate operations during such event or circumstance; (ii) coordinate the restoration of the transmission capacity of such Segment from such event or circumstance with the Non-Operating Owner; and (iii) perform the actions necessary to restore the transmission capacity of such Segment or Path and otherwise recover from the event or circumstance. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Owners shall be allocated their share of a temporary reduction in the transmission capacity of the Transmission Facilities and the Paths pursuant to Section 3.3(a)(i), and shall be allocated their share of a permanent reduction in transmission capacity of the Transmission Facilities and the Paths pursuant to Sections 3.3(aXii) and 3.3(aXiii). The Operator's outage coordinator shall accommodate reasonable requests of the Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator, and Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator shall accommodate reasonable requests of the Operator's outage coordinator, in the event of an actual or potential Energy Emergency to take extraordinary steps to protect reliability. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel24 EXECUTION T/ERSION (c) Each Operator shall make maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for: (i) the costs of which are recordable as an operation and maintenance expense under the FERC Uniform System of Accounts; and (ii) that are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. Such maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge. The Operator shall not separately invoice the Owners for the costs of such maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any maintenance renewals and replacements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(c) to Transmission Facilities shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement, and any maintenance renewals and replacements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(c) to Common Equipment shall be Common Equipment for purposes of this Agreement. (d) Each Operator shall make capital upgrades and improvements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for: (i) the costs of which are recordable as capital expenditures under the FERC Uniform System of Accounts; and (ii) which are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. The Operator shall consult with the Non-Operating Owner and receive prior approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned, with respect to any capital upgrade or improvement for which the Non-Operating Owner shall have financial responsibility under this Agreement and which Operator reasonably expects to incur total project costs that exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The Owners shall be responsible for their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interests, if any, in the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment being upgraded or improved) of any Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in making such capital upgrades or improvements. Such capital upgrades and improvements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Other Costs charge. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(d) to the Transmission Facilities shall be considered Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement, and any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(d) to Common Equipment shall be considered Common Equipment for purposes of this Agreement. (e) Each Operator shall assume responsibility for completion of "Idaho Power Extraordinary Items," '?acifiCorp Extraordinary Items," "Idaho Power Planned Improvements," "PacifiCorp Planned Improvements" and completion of a "Casualty Loss" as each is defined in the JPSA (collectively, the "Pdo&j.ects"), underway on the Effective Date on Segments for which it is responsible in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and such capital upgrades, improvements, repairs or reconstruction shall not be subject to approval of the Non-Operating Owner. Such Prior Projects are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Other Costs charge. The Owners shall be responsible for their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interests in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed) of any Costs incurred by or on behalf of: (i) the Prior Project's Owner JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel25 EXECUTION VERSION prior to the Effective Date; and (ii) the Operator commencing on the Effective Date through the completion of such capital upgrades, improvements, repairs or reconstruction. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(e) to the Transmission Facilities shall be considered Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. Insurance proceeds received by a Party related to the Prior Projects, shall be forwarded to the Operator, less an amount equal to that expended by the Party on the Prior Projects up to the Effective Date and not reflected in Net Book Value on the Effective Date. The Operator shall apply such proceeds (up to each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed)) to the completion of the Prior Projects, and return to the Owners their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed) ofany excess insurance proceeds. 5.3 Requests for Generation or Transmission lnterconnection Service. The Owners acknowledge and agree that all requests for interconnection to any of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities must be coordinated with the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities and processed in a manner consistent with the Owner's OATT pursuant to which the request was made ("Interconnection Owner") and any Governmental Requirements. An Interconnection Owner in receipt of a request for interconnection with any jointly-owned Transmission Facilities will promptly notifu the responsible Operator and the other Owner, and thereafter the Owners and the Operator will coordinate and cooperate to process the interconnection request. The Operator will coordinate and conduct any studies required to determine the impact of the interconnection request on the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities and other affected systems, including the Owners' Transmission Systems, in accordance with the Interconnection Owner's OATT and any Governmental Requirements. The Operator will notiff the Owners and such affected systems of all meetings held with the entity requesting an interconnection. ARTICLE YI TRANSIVtrSSION FACILITIES CAPITAL UPGRADES PROPOSED BY AIY OWNER 6.1 Capital Upgrades. (a) At any time during the Term, an Owner ("ElecliUg Owner") may elect to make a capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities, provided that in no event shall an Electing Owner be entitled to make a capital upgrade or improvement to any Transmission Facilities that reasonably would be expected to have a material adverse effect on the other Owner's ownership, use or enjoyment of its Ownership Interest(s) in such Transmission Facilities (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) as contemplated in this Agreement. An Electing Owner shall provide the other Owner no less than sixty (60) days'prior written notice of its election, together with reasonable details about the proposed upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities (each, a "Capital Upgrade Notid'). Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Capital Upgrade Notice, the other Owner may notiff the Electing Owner in writing that it elects to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel26 EXECUTION VERSION (i) If the other Owner delivers notice to the Electing Owner within the sixty (60) day period that it elects to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities, then the Owners shall meet and agree on: (A) the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement; (B) the allocation of increased transmission capacity, if any, associated with such capital upgrade and improvement between the Owners, including any change in the Owners' Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s) which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (C) any change in each Owner's Ownership Interest with respect to such Transmission Facilities and any applicable Substation O&M Allocation which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (D) each Owner's share of the costs of such upgrade or improvement (which shall be based on the Owners' respective Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities); (E) any change in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge, if any; and (F) such other matters as the Owners may agree upon, all of which shall be memorialized in an amendment to this Agreement executed by the Owners, including any amendments to the Exhibits hereto which shall be ef;lective as set forth in Section 6.1(b) (the "A4qgqdn[9u1"); provided, however, that any failure of the Owners to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (F) above shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in this Agreement, an Owner shall not be prohibited from making a capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities pursuant to this Section 6.1(a) because the Owners fail to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (F) of the immediately preceding sentence, and any such disagreement shall be resolved pursuant to Article XVII. (ii) If the other Owner elects not to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities (or fails to deliver a notice to the Electing Owner within the sixty (60) day period), then the Electing Owner may proceed with the capital upgrade or improvement, provided that the Electing Owner shall coordinate with the Operator responsible for the applicable Transmission Facilities on the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement. (b) The applicable Operator shall design, permit, construct, install and commission any upgrades or improvements to the Transmission Facilities provided for in Section 6.I(aXi) in accordance with the Amendment or, if applicablo, ffiy resolution pursuant to Article XVII, and otherwise in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Govemmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations. The Owners shall be responsible, based on the Amendment or, if applicable, any resolution pursuant to Article XVII, for all of the Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in connection with such capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities. Effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such capital upgrade or improvement, written notice of which the Operator shall provide to the Owners, the Owners' Ownership Interests, Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations in respect of such Transmission Facilities any applicable Substation O&M Allocation shall be adjusted, if at all, in accordance with the Amendment or, if applicable, any resolution pursuant to Article XVII, and the Owners shall memoialize any revised Ownership lnterests, Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages, Directional Capacity Allocations and applicable Substation O&M Allocation in a revised Exhibit C which shall be effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such upgrade or improvement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades or JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page 127 EXECUTION VERSION improvements provided for in this Section 6.1(b) shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. (c) The applicable Operator shall design, permit, construct, install and commission any upgrades or improvements to the Transmission Facilities provided for in Section 6.1(aXii) in accordance with the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement established by the Electing Owner pursuant to Section 6.l(aXii), and otherwise in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations. The Electing Owner shall be responsible for all of the Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in connection with such capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities and title to such capital upgrades or improvement shall vest solely with the Electing Owner. Effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such capital upgrade or improvement, written notice of which the Operator shall provide to the Owners: (i) the Owners' Ownership Interests, Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations in respect of such Transmission Facilities and any applicable Substation O&M Allocation shall be adjusted, if at all, in accordance with Section 3.3; and (ii) the Operator shall operate and maintain such capital upgrade or improvement in accordance with Section 6.1(a). In addition, the Owners shall meet and agree on: (A) the allocation of increased transmission capacity, if any, associated with such capital upgrade and improvement between the Owners, including any change in the Owners' Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (B) any change in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge, if any; and (C) such other matters as the Owners may agree upon, all of which shall be memorialized in an amendment to this Agreement executed by the Owners, including any amendments to the Exhibits hereto which shall be effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such upgrade or improvement; rygle(l, however, that any failure of the Owners to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (C) above shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII. Nofwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades or improvements provided for in this Section 6.1(c) shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the provisions of this Section 6.1 shall not apply to capital upgrades or improvements made by an Operator pursuant to Section 6.1(c) which are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities in accordance with Good Utility Practice or required by Govemmental Requirements or Governmental Authorizations, which shall be govemed by the provisions of Section 5.1(d). (e) Each Owner shall provide the applicable Operator prompt written notice of any request pursuant to its OATT from a customer to provide additional transmission capacity that will require one or more capital upgrades or improvements to any of the Transmission Facilities. If capital upgrades or improvements are required in accordance with such Owner's OATT, then such capital upgrades and improvements shall be made by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.1(a) and Section 6.1(b). 6.2 McNar.v Transmission Project. Within thirty (30) days after the earlier of the date on which: (a) Idaho Power notifies PacifiCorp in writing that it desires to proceed with negotiations regarding the development, construction, operation and joint ownership of a new JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 28 EXECUTION VERSION transmission line from McNary-Walulla-Walla Walla with capacity to be determined based on future studies and needs (the "McNary Transmission Pr "); or (b) PacifiCorp notifies Idaho Power that it plans to proceed with all or a part of the McNary Transmission Project, the Parties will meet and negotiate in good faith to reach agreement on the definitive terms and conditions of construction, ownership and operation agreements for the McNary Transmission Project (the "McNary Transmission P ") pursuant to which the Parties will develop, design, engineer, procure, construct, test, commission, operate and jointly own the McNary Transmission Project. Any such negotiations shall automatically terminate if the Parties fail to reach agreement on the definitive terms and conditions of the McNary Transmission Project Agreements within ninety (90) days of receipt of the earlier of the notice in Section 6.2(a) and Section 6.2(.b) (the "Negotiations End D&"). The Parties will attempt, to the greatest extent possible, to base the Parties' rights, duties, obligations, liabilities and remedies under the McNary Transmission Project Agreements on the Parties'rights, duties, obligations, liabilities and remedies under this Agreement; ryg[ed that the Parties agree that PacifiCorp shall be the operator of and responsible for the design, engineering, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning of the McNary Transmission Project under any McNary Transmission Project Agreements and that the terms and conditions associated with PacifiCorp's responsibilities as operator shall be definitively negotiated as part of any McNary Transmission Project Agreements. If the Parties fail to reach agreement by the Negotiations End Date on the definitive terms and conditions of the McNary Transmission Project Agreements pursuant to this Section 6.2, then PacifiCorp may proceed or not proceed with the McNary Transmission Project and Idaho Power will have no frrther right to participate with PacifiCorp in the development, construction, operation and joint ownership of the McNary Transmission Project. ARTICLE VII PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO TRANSMISSION FACILITIES: CONDEMNATION 7.1 RebuildingDamagedFacilities. (a) If any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are materially damaged or destroyed (the "Dameggd FaciliIigg"), then within thirty (30) days of the date the damage or destruction occurred, the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment shall deliver to the Owners a written notice (the "Dgpqage No!igq") of the Operator's good faith reasonable estimate of the cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities. (i) If the Damaged Facilities consist of Transmission Facilities that are jointly owned by the Owners and the Damage Notice indicates that the total project cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities is estimated to be Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or more, inclusive of insurance proceeds, then the Owners will determine whether the Damaged Facilities willbe repaired or rebuilt within thirty (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. (ii) If the Damaged Facilities consist of Transmission Facilities that are jointly owned and the Damage Notice indicates that the total project cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities is estimated to be less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), inclusive of insurance proceeds, then, the Operator will determine in accordance with Good Utility Practice whether the Damaged Facilities will be repaired or rebuilt and provide notice thereof to the Owners within thirty (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel29 EXECUTION T/ERSION (iii) If the Damaged Facilities consist of an Owner's wholly-owned Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, then, the Owner will determine in accordance with Good Utility Practice whether the Damaged Facilities will be repaired or rebuilt and provide notice thereof to the Operator within thirty (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. (b) If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 7.I(aXi), ZI4Xii), or 7.l(aXiii), respectively, to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities, then the Owners will, upon receipt of any insurance proceeds paid in connection with such Damaged Facilities, apply such proceeds (up to each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) in the amount to be paid) to the repair and reconstruction of the Damaged Facilities which will be carried out by the Operator. The Operator will be responsible for obtaining any necessary Govemmental Authorizations to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities and determining the maruler in which to repair and reconstruct the Damaged Facilities (including the equipment to be used). Each Owner shall reasonably cooperate with and support the Operator in obtaining any such Govemmental Authorizations in accordance with Section 4.4(c). The Operator will cause such repairs or reconstruction to be made so that the Damaged Facilities will be repaired and restored to substantially the same general condition, character and use as existed prior to such damage or destruction. If the cost of such repairs or reconstruction exceeds the insurance proceeds required to be applied to the repair or reconstruction pursuant to this Section 7.1, then the Owners shall pay, in accordance with their applicable Ownership Interests, if any, the shortfall amount. 7.2 Decision not to Rebuild. If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 7.1(aXi), 7.1(aXii), or 7.1(aXiii), respectively, not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities), then, in each case: (a) each Owner shall: (i) be entitled to retain any insurance proceeds received pursuant to insurance maintained by it with respect to the Damaged Facilities; (ii) receive its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any revenues from the salvage or sale of the Damaged Facilities; and (iii) pay its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any costs of removal of parts and equipment from the Damaged Facilities; (b) the Operator shall pay to the Owners their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any insurance proceeds received from any property insurance obtained by the Operator pursuant to Section 4.6(b); and (c) subject to Section 7.3, this Agreement shall terminate pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Damaged Facilities. 7.3 Purchase of Ownership lnterest. If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 7.l(aXi), 7.l(aXii), or 7.l(aXiii), respectively, not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities) and, in each case, one Owner desires to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (the "Co1liuui4g Owner"), then the Continuing Owner shall have the option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities. [n order to exercise its option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities, the Continuing Owner must give written notice thereof to the other Owner within thirty (30) days of the Owners' or Operator's determination pursuant to Section JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 30 EXECUTION VERSION 7.1 not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities. The Owners shall enter into such documentation as the Continuing Owner shall reasonably request to document the purchase and sale of all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities, provided that the purchase price of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner shall be equal to the other Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Damaged Facilities) of the salvage value of the Damaged Facilities. 7 .4 Cooperation. If the Continuing Owner seeks to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities purchased from the other Owner pursuant to Section 7.3, then, at the Continuing Owner's request and expense, the other Owner and the responsible Operator (if the Continuing Owner is not the responsible Operator) will, for a reasonable period of time, cooperate with and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to assist the Continuing Owner in the repair or rebuilding of the Damaged Facilities. This Section 7.4 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Damaged Facilities. 7.5 Condemnation. If there occurs a loss of title to, or ownership of, or use and possession of, all or any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment as the result of the exercise of the right of condemnation or eminent domain by or on behalf of any Governmental Authority, then the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment will promptly give notice thereof to the Owners, which notice shall generally describe the nature and extent of such condemnation or eminent domain proceedings (including any negotiations in connection with such proceedings). The Operator shall, in consultation with the Owners, use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to resist the loss of title to, or ownership of, or use and possession of, all or any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment through condemnation or eminent domain. If, as a result of condemnation or eminent domain, the Owners shall lose title to, or ownership of, or use and possession of, allor any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, the Owners shall determine, by mutual agreement, whether: (a) the relevant portion of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment is no longer useful for the transmission of electric power and should be retired and decommissioned, in which case the provisions of Article VIII shall control; (b) the relevant portion of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment should be replaced or modified, in which case the Owners will, upon receipt of any awards paid in connection with such condemnation or eminent domain, apply such awards to the replacement or modification of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment which will be carried out by the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. The Operator will, consistent with the mutual agreement of the Owners, determine the manner in which to replace or modiff the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, and will cause such replacement and modifications to be made so that the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are replaced or modified in accordance with the mutual agreement of the Owners. If the cost of replacement or modification of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment exceeds the awards received by the Owners in connection with such condemnation or eminent domain, then the Owners shall pay their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 31 EXECUTION VERSION Interest(s), if any, in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment) of the shortfall amount; or (c) if the Owners do not reach mutual agreement on one of the actions provided for in Section 7.5(a) and Section 7.5(b), or on another course of action, within sixty (60) days after the date of the notice provided by the Operator to the Owners pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 7.5, then each Owner shall receive its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment) of all awards received by the Owners (or their Affiliates) in connection with any such condemnation or eminent domain (less the actual cost, fees and expenses incurred by the Operator in collection thereof). ARTICLE VIII RETIREMENT AIID DECOMMISSIONING OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 8.1 Decision to Retire Transmission Facilities. The Owners will determine in accordance with the terms of this Article VIII when any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are no longer useful for the transmission of electric power and should be retired and decommissioned. If the Owners mutually agree to retire and decommission any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment ("Retired Transmissi "), then, subject to Section 8.2 and Section 8.3, this Agreement shall terminate pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Retired Transmission Facilities. 8.2 Costs of Decommissioning. Each of the Owners shall be responsible for paying its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Retired Transmission Facilities) of the aggregate amount of all costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator responsible for the Retired Transmission Facilities to retire permanently the Retired Transmission Facilities from service, including decommissioning, dismantling, demolishing and removal of equipment, facilities and structures, security, maintenance, disposing of debris, abandonment and all other costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator to retire permanently the Retired Transmission Facilities from service, net of any amounts recovered in connection with the sale of any retired equipment, facilities and structures. 8.3 Purchase of Ownership lnterest. Each Owner shall give written notice to the other Owner when it believes any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment should be Retired Transmission Facilities (each, a "Decommissioning "). If the other Owner desires to continue the operation of such Retired Transmission Facilities (the "RemAining_Qwnel"), then the Remaining Owner shall have the option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)), if any, of the other Owner in such Retired Transmission Facilities. In order to exercise its option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in such Retired Transmission Facilities, the Remaining Owner must give written notice thereof to the other Owner within ninety (90) days of receipt of the other Owner's Decommissioning Notice. The Owners shall enter into such documentation as the Remaining Owner shall reasonably request to document the purchase and sale of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel32 EXECUTION VERSION Allocation(s)), if any, of the other Owner in such Retired Transmission Facilities, provided that the purchase price of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner shall be equal to the other Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Retired Transmission Facilities) of the depreciated cost of the Retired Transmission Facilities. 8.4 Cooperation. If the Remaining Owner seeks to purchase and continue the operation of the Retired Transmission Facilities, then, at the Remaining Owner's request and expense, the other Owner and the responsible Operator (if the Remaining Owner is not the responsible Operator) will, for a reasonable period of time, cooperate with and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to assist the Remaining Owner in the continued operation of the Retired Transmission Facilities. This Section 8.4 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.3. ARTICLE IX TRANS1VIISSION SYSTEM BOT'NDARIES 9.1 Points of Interconnection: Points of Balancing Authoritv Area Adjacency. (a) Each Owner's Transmission System, which includes the Owner's Ownership lnterests in the Transmission Facilities, shall be considered interconnected at the Points of Interconnection, and the location and associated meter for each Point of Interconnection, and any other information required by Governmental Requirements to be agreed to by the Parties, shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. (b) Each Owner's Balancing Authority Area shall be considered Adjacent Balancing Authority Areas at the Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency, and the location and associated meter for each Point of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency, and any other information required by Governmental Requirements to be agreed to by the Parties, shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. 9.2 E-Taes. Each Party shall cause the Operator of a Path to be included on all e-Tags as a scheduling entity. 9.3 Dvnamic Transfer Capability Riqhts. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Idaho Power authorizes PacifiCorp to utilize up to 400 MW of Dynamic Transfer Capability over the Idaho Power Transmission System in an east to west direction; ryglg[ however, no schedule shall exceed the scheduling capability of any point of receipt and point of delivery combination. (b) Idaho Power's grant of, and PacifiCorp's utilization of, Dynamic Transfer Capability scheduling rights pursuant to this Section 9.3 are subject to Good Utility Practice and Govemmental Requirements. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 33 EXECUTION VERSION (c) The Dynamic Transfer Capability rights provided for in this Section 9.3 does not include the Jim Bridger pseudo-tied generation provided for in Section 9.4 and recognizes that Jim Bridger Project generation does not utilize Automatic Generation Control. If the Parties desire to utilize Automatic Generation Control for Jim Bridger Project generation in the future, it will be designed to have no impact to the Dynamic Transfer Capability or any such impact will be mutually agreed to by the Parties. 9.4 Jim Bridger Pseudo Tie. (a) Idaho Power authorizes PacifiCorp to transfer its share of the electrical output of the Jim Bridger Project from the Jim Bridger Project bus bar meter into its PACW Balancing Authority Area utilizing a pseudo-tie. (b) Idaho Power's grant of, and PacifiCorp's utilization oi the pseudo-tie are subject to Good Utility Practice and Governmental Requirements. In addition, the pseudo-tie rights provided for in this Section 9.4 may not be sold or transferred by PacifiCorp to anyone without Idaho Power's prior written consent. (c) To calculate the PacifiCorp pseudo tie, PacifiCorp shall subtract Jim Bridger Transmission Losses from PacifiCorp's share of the Jim Bridger Project Net Generation. 9.5 Electric Losses. Each Party agrees that when it is the operator of the Balancing Authority Area containing a Segment for which the other Owner is the transmission provider for the Segment, that it will: (a) provide electric energy for transmission losses as needed to keep transmission service schedules whole within its Balancing Authority Area, consistent with Governmental Requirements and Reliability Standards; and (b) not require compensation (either financial or energy) from the Operator for energy provided for the purpose set forth in Section 9.5(a); provided, however, compensation shall be provided once an OATT based losses methodology has been accepted by FERC that is applicable to the facilities subject to this provision. On or before the Effective Date, the Parties shall have developed such OATT based losses methodology and submitted such methodology to FERC for approval. 9.6 Jim Brideer Project Generation RAS. The Parties agree that the Jim Bridger Project shall be tripped to implement the Jim Bridger Project Generation RAS schemes according to protocols that shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which operating procedures the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. ARTICLE X TRANSIVISSION SYSTEMS OPERATION AND MAINTENAI\CE 10.1 Service Conditions. (a) Operation and Maintenance. Each Owner shall operate and maintain its Transmission System in a manner consistent with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards; provided, however, that nothing in this Section 10.1(a) shall modiff or amend such Party's responsibility as an Operator under this Agreement. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page 134 EXECUTION VERSION (b) Additional Services. This Article X is applicable only to the physical interconnection of the Owners' Transmission Systems at the Points of Interconnection and does not obligate either Owner to receive or provide any service. Other services provided by one Owner to the other Owner shall be govemed by such other agreements as the Owners may enter into from time to time. (c) Intemrption of Service. The Owners shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts, consistent with Good Utility Practice, Reliability Standards and Governmental Requirements, to provide a physical interconnection to be operated in continuous synchronization at the Points of Interconnection, provided that an Owner ("Interruplrng_Owner") may temporarily intemrpt or isolate the interconnected facilities under the following circumstances: (i) by operation of automatic equipment installed for power system protection; (ii) after consultation with the other Owner, other than in an emergency situation where consultation is not practicable, when an Owner deems it necessary for installation, maintenance, inspection, repairs or replacements of equipment on its Transmission System; (iii) at any time that, in the sole judgment of the Intemrpting Owner, such action is necessary to preserve the integrity of, or to prevent or limit any instability on its Transmission System; (iv) where necessary to comply with documented directives from a Governmental Authority; (v) as a result of one or more events of Force Majeure; or (vi) where necessary to prevent: (A) death or serious injury to any person; (B) material damage or harm to any property; or (C) any material adverse effect to the security of, or damage to its Transmission System or the electric systems of others to which its Transmission System is directly connected, including the other Owner's Transmission System. An Intemrpting Owner shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to provide the other Owner (l) with reasonable advance notice of any planned intemrption of the interconnection facilities in accordance with the notice requirements set forth in Section 5.2(b), and (2) with notice of any other intemrption of the interconnected facilities as soon as practicable after the intemrption. If synchronous operation is intemrpted, the Owners shall cooperate so as to remove the cause of such intemrption as soon as commercially practicable consistent with Good Utility Practice, Reliability Standards and Govemmental Requirements. (d) Physical and Cyber Security. The Operators shall cooperate with the Owners in complying with any physical and cyber security or other security requirement established by Governmental Requirements or Reliability Standards applicable to the Owners and the Transmission Facilities and the Common Equipment, written notice of which the Owners shall provide to the Operators. 10.2 Survival. The provisions of this Article X, together with other provisions of this Agreement (but only to the extent applicable to the surviving provisions of this Article X), shall continue in full force and ef[ect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, ry!!q! that in the event of termination of this Agreement, the Parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect such changes to this Agreement as shall be necessary and mutually acceptable to the Parties to conform this Agreement to the surviving provisions of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 10.2. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 35 EXECUTION VERSION ARTICLE XI FORCE MAJEURE I l.l Force Majeure Defined. For purposes of this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means an event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming Force Majeure ("{ffecled fgty"), which, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence, cannot be or be caused to be prevented, avoided or removed by such Affected Party including, to the extent satisfuing the above requirements, acts of God; earthquake; abnormal weather condition; hurricane; flood; lightning; high winds; drought; peril of the sea; explosion; fire; war (declared or undeclared); military action; sabotage; riot; insurrection; civil unrest or disturbance; acts of terrorism; economic sanction or embargo; civil strike, work stoppage, slow- down, or lock-out that are of an industry or sector-wide nature and that are not directed solely or specifically at the Affected Party; the binding order of any Govemmental Authority, pfqrldgd that the Affected Party has in good faith reasonably contested such order; the failure to act on the part of any Governmental Authority, ryid€d that such action has been timely requested and diligently pursued; unavailability of equipment, supplies or products, but only to the extent caused by Force Majeure; failure of equipment, ryg!91! that the equipment has been operated and maintained in accordance with Good Utility Practice; and transportation delays or accidents, but only to the extent otherwise caused by Force Majeure; ppvided, however, that neither insufficiency of funds, financial inability to perform nor changes in market conditions shall constitute Force Maj eure. Il.2 Effect of Force Majeure. (a) If an Affected Party is rendered wholly or partly unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement or its performance is delayed because of Force Majeure, such Affected Party shall be excused from, and shall not be liable for, whatever performance it is unable to perform or delayed in performing due to the Force Majeure to the extent so affected, provided that: (i) The Affected Party, as soon as reasonably practical after the coflrmencement of the Force Majeure, gives the other Party prompt written notice thereof including a description of the particulars of the Force Majeure; (ii) The suspension of performance is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure; and (iii) The Affected Party uses Commercially Reasonable Efforts to overcome and remedy its inability to perform as soon as reasonably practical after the commencement of the Force Majeure. (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Article XI to the contrary, no payment obligation arising under this Agreement prior to the date of an event of Force Majeure shall be excused by such event of Force Majeure. (c) Whenever an Affected Party is required to commence or complete any action within a specified period and is prevented or delayed by Force Majeure from commencing or completing such action within the specified period, such period shall be extended by an JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 36 EXECUTION T/ERSION amount equal to the duration of such event of Force Majeure occurring or continuing during such period. ARTICLE XII EVENTS OF DEFAULT 12.1 Event of Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default ("Event of Default") by the defaulting Party (a "Defaulting-Earty"): (a) The failure to make, when due, any payment required pursuant to this Agreement, if such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party; (b) Any representation or warranty made by such Defaulting Party herein is false or misleading in any material respect when made, unless: (i) the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject of such representation or warranty is made true within thirty (30) days after notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party, provided that if the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject ofsuch representation or warranty reasonably cannot be corrected within such thirty (30) day period, then the Defaulting Party shall have an additional period of time (not to exceed sixty (60) day$ in which to correct the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject of such representation or warranty; and (ii) such cure removes any adverse effect on the Non-Defaulting Party of such fact, circumstance or condition being otherwise than as first represented, or such fact, circumstance or condition being otherwise than as first represented does not materially adversely aflect the Non-Defaulting Party; (c) A transfer, assignment or other disposition of its interest in this Agreement or its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) in the Transmission Facilities, in each case, in violation of Article XD(; (d) The failure to perform or breach of its covenants and obligations in Section 3.7; (e) The failure to be a Qualified Owner, if such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Parry; (0 The failure to perform or breach of any material covenant or obligation set forth in this Agreement (other than provided for in Section 12.1(a), (b), (c), (d) or (Q), if such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after wriffen notice thereof from the Non- Defaulting Purty, provided that if such failure or breach cannot reasonably be cured within thirfy (30) days, then the Defaulting Party shall have an additional period of time (not to exceed ninety (90) days) in which to cure such failure or breach so long as the Defaulting Party commences good faith activities to cure the failure or breach dwing the initial 30-day cure period and continues to utilize Commercially Reasonable Efforts to effect a cure; or (g) The Defaulting Party becomes Bankrupt. 12.2 Cure by Non-Defaultine Party. If a DefaultingPafry fails to cure an Event of Default, then the Non-Defaulting Party may, in its sole discretion, attempt to cure the Event of JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page 137 EXECUTION VERSION Default, provided that the Defaulting Parfy shall reimburse the Non-Defaulting Party for all costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Non-Defaulting Party pursuant to this Section 12.2. 12.3 Remedies. (a) If an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, then the Non-Defaulting Party shall be entitled to exercise any of it remedies at law or in equity, including recovery from the Defaulting Party of any damages suffered as a result of the Event of Default, subject to Section 14.8. The Non-Defaulting Party shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate any damages suffered as a result of the Event of Default. (b) The Parties acknowledge that the obligations and covenants performed by each Party hereunder are unique and that the Non-Defaulting Party will be irreparably injured should such obligations and covenants not be consummated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Consequently, the Non-Defaulting Party will not have an adequate remedy at law if the other Party shall fail to perform its obligations and covenants hereunder. The Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right, in addition to any other remedy available under this Agreement, to specific performance of the Defaulting Party's obligations and covenants hereunder, and the Parties agree not to take a position in any proceeding arising out of this Agreement to the effect that the Non-Defaulting Party has an adequate remedy at law. ARTICLE XIII REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 13.1 Representations and Warranties of Idaho Power. Idaho Power represents and warrants to PacifiCorp as of the Execution Date as follows: (a) It is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. (b) It has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on its business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (c) It has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Govemmental Requirements; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default of any material agreement to which it is a party. (e) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 38 EXECUTION VERSION (D Except as disclosed in Schedule 13.l(fl, all material Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements to have been obtained by it prior to the date hereof in connection with the due execution and delivery of this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made and are in full force and effect. (g) It is a Qualified Owner. 13.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp represents and warants to Idaho Power as of the Execution Date as follows: (a) It is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. (b) It has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on its business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (c) It has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Govemmental Requirements; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default of any material agreement to which it is a puty. (e) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (f) Except as disclosed in Schedule 13.2(fl, all material Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements to have been obtained by it prior to the date hereof in connection with the due execution and delivery of this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made and are in full force and effect. (g) It is a Qualified Owner. ARTICLE XTV INDEMNIF.ICATION 14.l Indemnities. (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Owner (the "Indemni$ins Party") shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Owner (the "Indemnifigd_Party") and its Representatives, from and against any and all suits, actions, liabilities, legal proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses of whatsoever kind or JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 39 EXECUTION VERSION character (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) of third parties (collectively, "Claims"), for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (other than the Indemnified Parfy and its Representatives) arising from the Indemniffrng Party's (including its Representatives'): (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement. (b) In addition to and not in limitation of the indemnity provided in Section 14.l(a), but subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Owner, as Indemnifying Party, shall severally and not jointly, in accordance with its applicable Ovmership lnterest(s), indemnifu, defend and hold harmless each Operator, as Indemnified Pany, and its Representatives from and against any and all Claims for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (other than the Indemnified Party and its Representatives), or fines or penalties levied or imposed by Governmental Authorities or other Losses incurred by the Indemnified Party and its Representatives, in each case, arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including in connection with the performance by the Operator of its obligations under this Agreement, except for such Claims or fines or penalties or other Losses arising from the Operator's or its Representatives': (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in corurection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement. (c) Subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Operator, as Indemnifying Party, shall indemniff, defend and hold harmless each Owner, as Indemnified Party, and its Representatives from and against any and all Claims for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (including the Indemnified Party and its Representatives), or fines or penalties levied or imposed by Govemmental Authorities or other Losses incurred by the Indemnified Party and its Representatives, in each case, arising from the Operator's and its Representatives': (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement; provided, however, in no event shall the Operator be obligated to indemniS, defend or hold harmless an Owner and its Representatives from and against any such Claims or fines or penalties or Losses to the extent arising from such Owner's or its Representatives': (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform any material obligation under this Agreement. 14.2 Notice and Participation. (a) If an Indemnified Party intends to seek indemnification under this Article XIV with respect to any Claims, the lndemnified Party shall give the Indemnitring Party prompt written notice of such Claims upon the receipt of actual knowledge or information by the Indemnified Party of any possible Claims or of the commencement of such Claims. The Indemniffing Party shall have no liability under this Article XIV for any Claim for which such notice is not provided, but only to the extent that the failure to give such notice materially impairs the ability of the Indemnifuing Party to respond to or to defend the Claim. (b) The Indemnifyrng Party shall have the right to assume the defense of any Claim, at its sole cost and expense, with counsel designated by the Indemnifying Party and JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 40 EXECUTION VERSION reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party; @9d, however, that if the defendants in any such proceeding include both the Indemnifred Party and the Indemnifying Party, and the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it which are in conflict with those available to the Indemnifying Party and that such conflict materially prejudices the ability of the counsel selected by the Indemnifying Party to represent both Parties, the lndemnified Party shall have the right to select separate counsel reasonably satisfactory to the IndemniSing Party, at the Indemniffing Party's expense, to assert such legal defenses and to otherwise participate in the defense of such Claim on behalf of such Indemnified Purty, and the Indemnifying Party shall be responsible for the reasonable fees and expenses of such separate counsel. (c) Should any Indemnified Party be entitled to indemnification under this Article XIV as a result of a Claim, and should the Indemni$ing Parry fail to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemnified Party has provided the Indemnifying Party written notice of such Claim, the Indemnified Party may, at the expense of the Indemnifuing Party, contest or, with or without the prior consent of the Indemniffing Party, settle such Claim. (d) Except to the extent expressly provided herein, no Indemnified Party shall settle any Claim with respect to which it has sought or is entitled to seek indemnification pursuant to this Article XIV unless: (i) it has obtained the prior written consent of the Indemniffing Party; or (ii) the Indemniffing Party has failed to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemnified Party has provided the Indemniffing Party written notice of such Claim. (e) Except to the extent expressly provided otherwise herein, no Indemniffing Party shall settle any Claim with respect to which it may be liable to provide indemnification pursuant to this Section without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party; ry41e<!, however, that if the Indemniffing Party has reached a bona fide settlement agreement with the plaintiff(s) in any such proceeding, which settlement includes a full release of the Indemnified Party for any and all liability with respect to such Claim and does not obligate the Indemnified Party to take or forbear to take any action, and the Indemnified Party does not consent to such settlement agreement, then the dollar amount specified in the settlement agreement, plus the Indemnified Party's reasonable legal fees and other costs related to the defense of the Claim paid or incurred prior to the date of such settlement agreement, shall act as an absolute maximum limit on the indemnification obligation of the Indemniffing Party with respect to the Claim, or portion thereof, that is the subject of such settlement agreement. 14.3 Net Amount. Subject to the limitation in Section 14.2(e), if applicable, in the event that an Indemni$ing Party is obligated to indemniff and hold any Indemnified Party harmless under this Article XIV, the amount owing to the Indemnified Party shall be the amount of such Indemnified Party's actual Claims, fines or penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, net of any insurance or other recovery actually received by the Indemnified Party. 14.4 No Release of Insurers. The provisions of this Article XIV shall not be deemed or construed to release any insurer from its obligation to pay any insurance proceeds in accordance with the terms and conditions of valid and collectible insurance policies. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 41 EXECUTION VERSION 14.5 Mitisation. Each Indemnified Parfy entitled to indemnification hereunder shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate all Claims, fines, penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, after becoming aware of any event which could reasonably be expected to give rise to any Claims, fines, penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, that are indemnifiable or recoverable hereunder or in connection herewith. 14.6 Assertion of Claims. No Claim of any kind shall be asserted against any Owner or Operator pursuant to this Article XIV, whether arising out of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other cause of or form of action, unless it is filed in a court of competent jurisdiction, or a demand for arbitration is made, within the applicable statute of limitations period for such Claim. 14.7 Survival of Oblieation. The duty to indemnify under this Article XIV shall continue in fu1l force and effect notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement, with respect to any Claim, fine, penalty or other Losses, as the case may be, arising out of an event or condition which occurred or existed prior to such expiration or termination. 14.8 Limitation on Liability. (a) Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement in any action at law or in equity, whether based on contract, tort or strict liability or otherwise, for any special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages or losses, including any loss of revenue, income, profits or investment opportunities, loss of the use of equipment, or the cost of temporary equipment or services, provided that any fines or penalties or other Losses levied or imposed by Governmental Authorities shall not be excluded under this Section 14.8(a) as special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages or losses. (b) Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement if and to the extent that the Agreement Limiting Liability Among Western Interconnected Systems executed by Idaho Power on August 5, 1985 and by PacifiCorp on August 22,1973 (the "UlS._Agreement") is then in effect between the Parties and expressly limits or precludes such liability. Nothing in this Agreement shall amend or otherwise affect in any way the terms and conditions of or liability of the Parties under the WIS Agreement. ARTICLE XV PROPRIETARY INFORMATION l5.l Disclosure of Proprietar.v Information Prohibited. Any Proprietary Information of aParty (whether in its capacity as Owner or Operator) (the "Transferor") which is disclosed to or otherwise received or obtained by the other Party (whether in its capacity as Owner or Operator) (the "Transfereg') incident to this Agreement shall be held in confidence and the Transferee shall not (subject to Sections 15.2, 15.3 and _15J.) publish or otherwise disclose any Proprietary Information of the Transferor to any Person for any reason or purpose whatsoever, or use any Proprietary Information for any purpose other than performance under this Agreement, without the prior wriffen approval of the Transferor, which approval may be granted or withheld by the JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel42 EXECUTION T/ERSION Transferor in its sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Transferee shall observe at a minimum the same safeguards and precautions with regard to the Transferor's Proprietary lnformation which the Transferee observes with respect to its own information of the same or similar kind. 15.2 Disclosure by Representatives. Each Transferee agrees that it will make available Proprietary Information received from a Transferor to its own Representatives only on a need-to- know basis and in compliance with Governmental Requirements, and that all Persons to whom such Proprietary Information is made available will be made aware of the confidential nature of such Proprietary Information, and will be required to agree to hold such Proprietary Information in confidence in accordance with the terms hereof and in compliance with Govemmental Requirements. 15.3 Permitted Disclosures. Not'rithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article XV: (a) A Transferee may provide any Proprietary Information to any Governmental Authority having jurisdiction over or asserting a right to obtain such information, provided that: (i) such Govemmental Authority orders that such Proprietary Information be provided; and (ii) unless prohibited from so doing by Govemmental Requirements, the Transferee promptly advises the Transferor of any request for such information by such Governmental Authority and cooperates in giving the Transferor an opportunity to present objections, requests for limitation, and/or requests for confidentiality or other restrictions on disclosure or access, to such Governmental Authority. (b) A Transferee may, to the extent required, disclose Proprietary Information to any Governmental Authority in connection with the application for any Governmental Authorization; rygfu! that unless prohibited from so doing by Governmental Requirements, the Transferee shall provide the Transferor prior written advance notice of such disclosure and the Proprietary Information that is to be disclosed. (c) A Transferee may disclose such Proprietary Information regarding the existence and terms of this Agreement as such Transferee deems necessary to enable it to comply with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the rules, regulations and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission, issued thereunder or the applicable rules of any stock exchange, or as otherwise required by Govemmental Requirements. 15.4 Injunctive Relief. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of the provisions of this Article XV by any Transferee, the Transferor shall be entitled to an injunction restraining the Transferee from such breach or threatened breach. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the Transferor from pursuing any other remedies available at law or equity for such breach or threatened breach of this Agreement. 15.5 Publicitv. Any public relations matters, including public announcements and press releases or similar publicity, arising out of or in connection with the terms of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein, shall be coordinated and agreed to between the Parties prior to said announcement or release. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 43 EXECUTION VERSION 15.6 Proprietarv Information Defined. For purposes of this Agreement, "Prgpfiglgly Information" means all information, written or oral, which has been or is disclosed by the Transferor, or by any Representative of the Transferor, or which otherwise becomes known to the Transferee, or to any Representative of such Transferee, or any other party in a confidential relationship with, the Transferee, in each case, incident to this Agreement, and which: (a) relates to matters such as patents, trade secrets, research and development activities, draft or final contracts or other business arrangements, books and records, budgets, cost estimates, pro forma calculations, engineering work product, environmental compliance, vendor lists, suppliers, manufacturing processes, energy consumption, pricing information, private processes, and other similar information, as they may exist from time to time; (b) and the Transferor expressly designates in writing to be confidential, provided that "Proprietar.v Information" shall exclude information falling into any of the following categories: (i) lnformation that, at the time of disclosure hereunder, is in the public domain, other than information that entered the public domain by breach of this Agreement by Transferee or any of its Representatives; (ii) Information that, after disclosure hereunder, enters the public domain, other than information that enters the public domain by breach of this Agreement by Transferee or any of its Representatives; (iii) Information, other than that obtained from third-parties, that prior to disclosure hereunder, was already in Transferee's possession, either without limitation on disclosure to others or subsequently becoming free of such limitation; (iv) lnformation obtained by Transferee from a third-party having an independent right to disclose the information; or (v) Information that is available through independent research without use of or access to the Proprietary Information. 15.7 Survival. The provisions of this Article XV shall continue in full force and effect during the Term and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, with respect to any Proprietary tnformation obtained by any Transferee prior to such termination. ARTICLE XVI TAXES 16.1 No Parfirership. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a parhrership, joint venture or association between the Owners. Each Owner agrees and covenants that it shall not take or omit to take any action or reporting position with any Governmental Authority contrary to this Section 16.1. 16.2 761 Election. The Owners intend that, as tenants in common and owners of undivided Ownership Interests, for United States income tax purposes the Owners shall elect in accordance with the provisions of section 761 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), and the applicable income tax regulations thereunder ("Begul4iqng"), to be excluded JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel44 EXECUTION VERSION from all of the provisions of Subchapter K of the Code upon the first occasion in which such election may be filed under these Regulations and that, if such election is not filed, this Agreement shall constitute an election under Regulations section 1.761-2(b)(2)(ii) to be excluded from all of the provisions of Subchapter K of the Code and the applicable Regulations, beginning with the first year of the creation of the tenancy in common as contemplated by this Agreement and that no Owner shall object to any such election. 16.3 Responsibility for Taxes. It is the intent of the Owners that so far as possible, each Owner shall separately report, promptly and timely file returns with respect to, be responsible for and pay all property, income, franchise, business, or other taxes or fees ("Taxes"), arising out of its Ownership Interests and the matters contemplated by this Agreement, that such Taxes shall be separately levied and assessed against each Owner severally and that each Owner shall be solely responsible for and shall pay all such Taxes so levied and assessed against it without any responsibility of the other Owner with respect thereto and without the amounts thereof being paid and apportioned between the Owners under this Agreement. To the extent that Taxes (such as property, payroll, sales and use Taxes) may be levied or assessed against the Transmission Facilities, their operation or the Owners in such a manner as to make impossible the carrying out of the foregoing provisions of this Section 16.3, then either Operator shall report, file returns with respect to and pay such Taxes and each Owner shall immediately reimburse such Operator for each such Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of such Taxes; ry4!91!, however, that sales and use tax included in Other Costs or in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge shall be recovered by the Operator pursuant to Section 4.7. Neither Operator shall have any obligation to contest or to seek refund of such Taxes; provided, however, that each Operator may, by its personnel or counsel of its selection, pursue such administrative or court proceedings as the Operator may determine. Each Owner shall on request pay to the Operator such Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of the costs of such proceedings and shall share in any savings resulting from such proceedings in the same proportion. Each Owner agrees to cooperate with the other Owner with respect to reasonable requests for information or other matters with respect to Taxes. 16.4 Indemnification. Each Owner (the "Tax Indemniffing Party'') shall indemniff and hold harmless the other Owner (the "Tax Indemnitee Party"), on an after-tax basis, from and against any Taxes (including any interest or penalties) imposed on such Tax Indemnitee Party or the Transmission Facilities or any part thereol to the extent such Taxes are the responsibility of the Tax Indemniffing Party pursuant to this Article XVI. 16.5 Determination of Depreciation and Other Matters. Each Owner shall determine the basis and method it will use for purposes of depreciation and other matters where investment of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment is relevant. ARTICLE XYII DISPUTES 17.l Exclusive Procedure. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, interpretation, termination, performance or validity of this Agreement (each, a "Di!@") shall be resolved pursuant to the procedures of this Article XVII. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 45 EXECUTION VERSION 17.2 Dispute Notices. If a Dispute arises between the Parties, then either Party may provide wriffen notice thereof to the other Pnty, including a detailed description of the subject matter of the Dispute (the "Dispute_Ne!ig9";. Any Party may seek a preliminary injunction or other provisional judicial remedy if such action is necessary to prevent irreparable harm or preserve the status quo, in which case the Parties nonetheless will continue to pursue resolution of the Dispute pursuant to this Article XVII. 17.3 Informal Dispute Resolution. (a) The Parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve any Dispute by prompt negotiations between the Party's representative so designated in writing to the other Party (each a "ManaEI"). If the Managers are not able to resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days after the date of the Dispute Notice, then they shall refer the matter to the designated senior ofEcers of their respective companies (the "ExEcuttve(0"), who shall have authority to seffle the Dispute. If the Executives are not able to resolve the Dispute within sixty (60) days after the date of the Dispute Notice, then the Dispute shall be resolved pursuant to Section 17.4. (b) All negotiations, communications and writings exchanged between the Parties pursuant to this Article XVII shall be treated and maintained as Proprietary lnformation, shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of the federal and state rules of evidence, and shall not be used or referred to in any subsequent adjudicatory process between the Parties, including at FERC, either with respect to the current Dispute or any future Dispute between the Parties. 17.4 Submission ofDispute to FERC or Approved Courts. If a Dispute cannot be seffled amicably between the Parties pursuant to Section 17.3, then any Party may, in its sole discretion, within one (l) year after the conclusion of the time period for informal dispute resolution specified in Section 17.3, submit such Dispute (a) to FERC or (b) to the jurisdiction of the state courts situated in the State of Idaho or the United States District Court for the District of Idaho (the "Ap@ved Courts"). Each of the Parties, in its capacity as an Owner and Operator, consents to and accepts for itself and in respect of its property, generally and unconditionally, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Approved Courts and appellate courts from any appeal thereof, and irrevocably waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the jurisdiction of the Approved Courts. Each of the Parties, in its capacity as an Owner and Operator, further irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, proceeding or other action brought pursuant to this Article XVII in any of the Approved Courts, and irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, and agrees not to plead or claim in any such Approved Court that any suit, proceeding or other action brought therein has been brought in an inconvenient forum. 17.5 Continued Performance. During the pendency of any Dispute, each Party shall continue to perform all of its respective obligations under this Agreement. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 46 EXECUTION VERSION ARTICLE XVIII ASSIGNMENT 18.l Prohibited Transfers and Assierrments. Neither Party shall have the right to transfer, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of (collectively, "Tranqfiil"), in whole or in part, its interest in this Agreement, including its rights, duties and obligations hereunder, nor to Transfer, in whole or in part, its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, except as permitted under this Article XVIIL 18.2 Permitted Assisrments and Transfers. Subject to Section 18.3, the restrictions set forth in Section 18.1 shall not restrict: (a) Dispositions and sales of equipment or facilities by either Operator incident to renewals or replacements of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment; (b) The right of an Owner to subject any of its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) to the lien of any mortgage upon all or a portion of its own physical electric utility property or to otherwise collaterally assign its rights and obligations in this Agreement to a lender or other person providing financing to the Owner; (c) The right of an Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) in connection with any sale, merger or other transfer of substantially all of such Owner's electric transmission facilities as an operating entity; ryglgd, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the transferee: (i) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the transferring Owner (including, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (ii) qualiffing as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; (d) The right of an Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) to an Affiliate of such Owner which owns all or substantially all of the transmission facilities of such Owner; ry41e<!, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the transferee: (i) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the transferring Owner (including, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (ii) qualifying as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; (e) The right of any Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel4T EXECUTION T/ERSION its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) to a third party; provided that: (i) the other Owner, in its sole discretion, approves such Transfer and approves the third-party purchaser as having demonstrated that it is financially and technically capable of performrng the transferring Owner's (and Operator's) obligations under this Agreement; and (ii) the other Owner is offered the right of first refusal to purchase all of such Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and Common Equipment and all of the transferring Owner's rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its.ights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator), on terms no less favorable than those offered to such proposed third-party purchaser; provided, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the third- party purchaser: (A) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the transferring Owner (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (B) qualiffing as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; and (0 The right of an Owner to post, sell or make available for scheduling transmission capacity or schedule energy in accordance with Sections 3.2(b) and3.2(.c\, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing in advance by the other Owner. 18.3 FERC Approval. Any Transfer pursuant to Section 18.2 that is subject to FERC approval shall not take effect until FERC has approved such Transfer and has made it effective. ARTICLE XIX IVtrSCELLANEOUS 19.1 Notices. (a) Any notice, demand, request or other communication required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Owner or Operator giving such notice, demand, request or other communication and shall be hand delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or overnight courier to the other Owner and/or Operator at the address set forth below: If to Idaho Power as Owner:Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise, D 83702 Atfir: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone: 208-388-2360 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, D 83702 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street With a copy to: If to Idaho Power as Operator: JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 48 With a copy to: EXECUTION VERSION Boise, D 83702 Attn: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone: 208-388-2360 Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise,ID 83702 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503-813-67 12 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 503-8 I 3-5854 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Atbr: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503-813-67 12 PacifiCorp If to PacifiCorp as Owner: With a copy to: If to PacifiCorp as Operator: With a copy to: 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Atfir: Legal Department Telephone: 503-8 13-5854 (b) Each Party shall have the right to change the place to which any notice, demand, request or other communication shall be sent or delivered by similar notice sent in like manner to the other Party. The effective date of any notice, demand, request or other communication issued pursuant to this Agreement shall be when: (i) delivered to the address of the Party personally, by messenger, by a nationally or internationally recognized ovemight delivery service or otherwise; or (ii) received or rejected by the Putty, if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in each case, addressed to the Party at its address and marked to the attention of the person designated above (or to such other address or person as a Party may designate by notice to the other Party effective as of the date of receipt by the other Putty). 19.2 Parties Bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon each of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 49 EXECUTION VERSION 19.3 Amendments. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 19.3(c), this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, other than pursuant to an instrument in writing executed by the Parties. (b) Absent agreement of both Parties to the proposed change and except as otherwise provided in Section 19.3(c), the standard of review for changes to this Agreement proposed by a Party, or FERC acting sua sponte, shall be the "public interest" standard of review set forth in United Gas Pipe Line Co. v. Mobile Gas Service Corp., 350 U.S. 332 (1956) and Federal Power Commission v. Sierra Pacific Power Co., 350 U.S. 348 (1956); provided that the standard of review for any modification to this Agreement requested by non-contracting third parties shall be the most stringent standard permissible under then-applicable Governmental Requirements. (c) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as affecting in any way the right of either Party to unilaterally make application to FERC under Section 205 or Section 206 of the Federal Power Act for a change in the charges set forth in this Aereement. It is the intent of the Parties that the standard of review that FERC will apply to any such unilateral application shall be the just and reasonable standard of review rather than the "public interest" standard of review. (d) An amendment that is subject to FERC approval shall not take effect until FERC has accepted such amendment for filing and has made it effective. 19.4 Waivers. No waiver by any Party of any one or more breaches or defaults by the other Party in the performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any other breaches or defaults whether of a like kind or different nature. Any delay, less than any applicable statutory period of limitations, in asserting or enforcing any rights under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such rights. Failure of any Party to enforce any provisions hereof shall not be construed to waive such provision, or to affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof, or the right of the other Party thereafter to enforce each and every provision thereof. 19.5 Choice of Law. (a) This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, and any claim or controversy arising out of this Agreement (whether based on contract, tort, or any other theory), including all matters of construction, validity, effect, performance and remedies with respect to this Agreement, shall be governed by and interpreted, construed, and determined in accordance with, the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law). (b) TO TIIE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WATVES A}TY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WATVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 50 EXECUTION VERSION WAIVED WITH ANY OTTMR ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WATVED. 19.6 Headines. Article and Section headings used in this Agreement (including headings used in any Exhibits or Schedules attached hereto) are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement. 19.7 Relationship of Parties. The covenants, obligations, and liabilities of the Owners are intended to be several and not joint or collective, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to create an association, joint venture, trust or partnership, or to impose a trust or parfirership covenant, obligation or liability on or with regard to any of the Owners. Each Owner shall be individually responsible for its own covenants, obligations and liability as herein provided. No Owner shall be under the control of, or shall be deemed to control, the other Owner. Neither Owner shall have the right or power to bind the other Owner without its express written consent. 19.8 Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof becomes or is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as reasonably to effect the intent of the Parties. The Parties further agree to replace such illegal, void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business and other purposes of such illegal, void or unenforceable provision. 19.9 No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement is intended to nor shall be construed to confer upon or give to any Person (other than the Parties) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated herein. 19.10 Further Assurances. Each Party agrees to execute and deliver from time to time such additional documents, and take such additional actions, as may be reasonably required by the other Party to give effect to the purposes and intent hereof. 19.1I Conflict of Interest. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit any Party from engaging in or possessing any interest in other projects or business ventures of any nature and description, independently or with others. 19.12 Exhibits and Schedules. The Exhibits and Schedules to this Agreement are identified as follows, and are incorporated herein by this reference: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipment Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment Ownership lnterests; Directional Capacity Allocations; Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 5l Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Schedule 13.1(0 Schedule 13.2(f) EXECUTION I/ERSION Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge; Monthly O&M Equipment Charge Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation Acquisition Costs Idaho Power Governmental Authorizations Pacifi Corp Governmental Authorizations 19.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be original, and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. Electronic transmission of any signed original document, and retransmission of any signed electronic transmission, shall be the same as delivery of an original. At the request of either Party, the other Party will confirm electronically transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 19.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto, and the other documents between the Parties referenced herein constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral and written, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no oral understandings, terms or conditions and the Parties have not relied upon any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, not contained in this Agreement. ISTGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWSI JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagel52 EXECUNON YERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement as of the date first above written. PACIFICORP, AS OWNER AND OPERATOR By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: RRrvz,cr @,ac h,ler< IDAHO POWER COMPANY, AS OWNER AND OPERATOR W,YYd JOINT OWNERSHIP A}.ID OPERATING AGREEMENT Page | 53 EreCUTION YERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement as of the date first above written. PACIFICORP, AS OWNER AND OPERATOR By: Name: Title: IDAHO POWER COMPANY, AS OWNER AND OPERATOR By: Name: Darre1 T. Anderson Title: President & CEO JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Pagc | 53 Location: 085025 - AnteloDe Substation. lD Asset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Description 40477637 35205 AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6998 300s8712 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL CAATS #100697 30020151 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 100964 30020143 39729 ANALOG CHANNET ER 3394350 30020161 39729 ANALOG CHANNEI.CAATS #104205 30020145 39729 ANALOG CHANNET ER 3639465 30032507 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL MODEM & TERM UNIT (ANALOG)GMNGER/TELUBS FXS. PROJECT 65543 40077704 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 30020149 39735 BATTERY CHARGER ER 5057 40077709 35321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40051027 35201 CABTE TRAY TIDM/200slc/o7l 40077678 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-5859 30042062 39750 CELLUI.AR TELEPHONE (10761)rtou/20041c/oLg 40078957 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILt MATERIAL (SURF wBs TzP R/2009/C/TR 1/10038830 40069400 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 393041 30036924 39735 COMMUNICATIONS BATTERY BANK TIDMl20o2lC/ROFIOLT 40069820 35317 CONDUIT TZP Rl 2007 I CITR6 I LOO34/,2[ 40077679 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-6859 40069480 35317 CONDUIT TtDMl2004/C/OO4{07 40077623 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-8606 40069398 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 86-6888 40037997 3s319 DIGITAT FAULT RECORDER DREX|t999lCl072lOL 30020155 39729 DIGITAT MULTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS #106293 40069401 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 393041 40077624 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8606 30020157 397L7 FIBER OPTIC CABLE CMTS #106293 30020159 397L7 FIBER OPIC/TMNSMITTER RECEIVER SET CMTS #106293 30034104 397t7 FIBER OPTIC/TRANSMITTER RECEIVER SET CAATS #39063 WBS DSHE/1999/C/064 40077685 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6859 40069402 3s315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-6859 40077632 35205 Heat PumD ER 6167 40077687 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-6859 40077686 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-6859 400534s7 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-8606 40053458 35325 INSUIATED PI-ATFORM 6'ER 85-8606 4002647L 35341 INTERPOSINON CABINET ER 85-6805 40077634 35229 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8606 40077692 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-6859 40077677 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 86-6859 EXECUTION VERSION EXHIBIT A Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipmentl I An updated list of PacifiCorp's Common Equipment that reflects any changes in PacifiCorp's Common Equipment between the Execution Date and the Effective Date shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties pursuant to the JPSA and the updated list shall replace the above list effective as of the Effective Date. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT -DGIIBIT A Page | 54 EXECUTION VERSION 40077635 35229 LIGHTING FITTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8606 40053472 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 192KV ER 85-8606 40045539 35341 METER wBS TrDM/2003 /C/O27 lOL 40004900 35319 OSCILLOGRAPH ER 383741 ROCHESTER SN 38960 40055763 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs rDM/200s/cloL3/o02 40053473 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8606 40049274 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TtoM12003lcl006 40077691 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6859 40069484 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDMl2004/C/004/07 30036182 39738 PROTECTIVE RELAY TERMINAL - RFL 9745 TrDM/2000/c/013 40077644 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6202 40069399 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 86-6888 40077640 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8550 40077645 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6673 4007764.3 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6397 400776/.7 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-7088 40049109 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL wBs TrDM/2004/C/018 40066160 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6119 4007768/.35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6859 400557il 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBs rDM/200s / c/oL3/002 40038465 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS #39063 WBS DSHE/1999/C/064 40049275 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL rtDMl2oo3lclo06 4006948s 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL rDM/2004/cl004/0t 40077649 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-8035 40038308 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CMTS #101090 400776/,8 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTUI ER 8s-6797.85-6991 40026479 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU}CAATS #103389 LEEDS & NORTHRUP 4002il83 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU}CMTS #105609 HARRIS CONTROs 40026475 35341 REMOTE TERMINAI- UNIT (SCADA RTU}ER 85-6805 LEEDS & NORTHRUP 40078832 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU) EQ# 328118 CMTS #104205 LANDIS & GYR MODEL 5410 40053477 3s227 RETAINING WALL ER 85-8606 40064983 3s201 ROOF TZP R / 2006 / C / LU2 / 700297 88 40026447 35349 SATELLITE CLOC(CMTS #21206 40038013 3s341 SEOUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER cENG/1999/C/062 40053478 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8605 GE 40053484 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8606 ELEC DRY TYPE 40053482 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5OKVA ER 85-8606 WEST 40053480 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER sOKVA ER 85-8606 GE L4400-249 40053481 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5OKVA ER 85-8506 GE t2470-277 40077642 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER sOKVA ER-85-6167 30036183 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SIGNALTING UNIT. TELLABS /1410 TIDMl2000/c/o73 4004997t 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8606 WEST 40049960 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER S/N 69E609 ER 85-8606 230KV 40049958 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 69E510 ER 85-8506 230KV 40049959 35301 votTAGE TMNSFORMER S/N 69E614 ER 85-8606 230KV 40049963 35301 VOITAGE TMNSFORMER S/N F669299 ER 85-8505 230KV 40049966 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N F7O2656 ER 85-8506 230KV 40049967 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N F702658 ER 85-8506 230KV 30064761 3970000 CY2O13 ANTELOPE SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C 13696) 40082502 3520000 TREX BERM 40082503 3520000 ROADWAY Location: 064003 - Hurricane Substation, OR Asset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Description 40079174 35319 ANNUNCIATOR ER 31-8240-183 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT A Page | 55 EXECUTION T/ERSION 40001623 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAT (SURF ER 31-16685-183 40001629 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-16685-183 40001635 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAT (SURF ER 31-455654110 40001599 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-8240-183 400t9242 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-45555-4110 400t9246 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-52228-4310 400t9126 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-8240-183 40001602 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-8240-183 40019110 35301 CURRENTTRANSFORMER ER 31-8240-183 40001638 35201 EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM ER 31-455654110 40001611 35201 EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40025836 35343 EOUIPMENT RACK/SHELF ER 31-45598-4077 301046 35010 FEE LAND JV 98 30LO47 35010 FEE I.AND JV 98 40059121 35227 FENCE CMTS wO 49Gr-40920 40001605 35227 FENCE ER 31-8240-183 40019106 35339 FIRE EXTINGUISHER ER 31-8240-183 40019089 35329 FLOODLIGHT ER 31-8240-183 40001626 35227 GATE ER 31-16685-183 40019098 35323 GENERATOR ENCLOSURE ER 31-8240-183 40079189 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-45565-4110 /rco79190 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-52228-4310 40079775 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40059011 35227 ISOTATION LINK PANEL CMTS# 61383 4001908s 35329 LIGHTING FIXIURE/SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40001620 35227 LOAD CENTER ER 31-8240-183 4/J,019270 35319 REI-AY AND CONTROL ER 31-455984077 40019302 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 31-522284310 'r0079188 3s319 REI-AY AND CONTROL ER 31-@175 40019150 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 31-8240-183 40055951 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL. ILS METER cvtEsl 2004 I cl 07 Ll Lo026626 Jt.s METERS 40058735 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 6373s/63741 40025848 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 31-4s598-4077 '10001617 35227 ROADWAY ER 31-824G183 40001614 35227 SIGN ER 31-8240-183 40019081 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 25KVA JV 98 400882'18 3s30000 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC eq# 398360 40088249 3530000 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 4OOO34 40089325 3520000 HVAC (ArR CONDTTTONER) 30060499 3970000 TRANSTATOR CABINET 30060s00 3970000 MODEM ENCTOSURE Location:238018 - Walla Walla Substation. WA fuset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Description 30058943 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM - VHF FOR TAIT BASE STATION DSYS/2007/C/806/PPWW23 1 30058938 397tL BASE STATION . TAIT TB 81OO DSY S I 2007 / C I 806/P PWW2 3 1 40049636 3s32r BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC DAN A12003/ClORs/10020340 C&D 30058952 39735 BATTERY AND RACK 48V DEKA DSY S / 2007 I C I 806/P PWW2 3 40049637 3s327 BATTERY CHARGER 125VDC ozw A/2003 lcloR5/10020340 |-AMARCHE 30058953 39735 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC AMERICAN POWER DSY S I 2007 / C I 805/P PWW2 3 30025606 39714 CHANNEL SERVICE UNIT ER 4339 40006235 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CAATS# 62049 40005091 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-11353-283 40006211 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-17074-283 40006151 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-19287-283 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT A Page | 56 EXECUTION VERSION 40006203 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-8759-283 40006187 35227 CI.EARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF JV 98 40015768 353]-7 CONDUIT ER 31-11353-283 40015970 353L7 CONDUIT ER 31-13569-283 40016031 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-17074-283 40015873 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-6525-283 40015917 353t7 CONDUIT ER 31-8759-283 40079t77 3s3L7 CONDUIT TZW N2OO9 I CITR4I10038563 BLU E MOUNTAIN L 40005115 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-11353-283 40006207 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-11825-284 ADD|TION t2' X 40' 40006155 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-1297-285 40006163 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-3032-28s 40006171 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-6625-283 40006195 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-8759-283 30047400 397L4 CSU/DSU CAATS# 64711 400L5676 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 31-11353-283 WEST 40015857 35301 CURRENT TMNSFORMER ER 31-19287-283 40015825 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 31-19287-283 15KV 40015699 35327 CUTOUT ER 31-11353-283 40016063 35327 CUTOUT ER 31-19142-285 300589/$8 397L4 DATA NETWORK ROUTER. CISCO 2811 DSY S / 2007 / C / 806/P PWW23 30058947 39714 DATA NETWORK SWITCH. CISCO ETHERSWITCH DSY S / 2007 I C / 806/P PWW2 3 30044944 39735 DC POWER SUPPLY PANET +see lonq descrip.xFR FR 39702 30025620 PRJ 62917 30058951 39729 DIGITAL CHANNET DSY S I 2007 I C I 806/P PWW 2 3 30055182 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYS.IMACS PREMISYS CHANNEL BANK TtwA/2008/c/005 I 70037 97 4 3002s616 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS 106733 3005895s 39735 EMERGENCY POWER GENERATOR SYSTEM WSAFTEY SWITCH DSY S / 2007 / C / 805/P PWW 2 3 30058950 39726 EQUIPMENT RACIVSHELF DSY S I 2007 I C / 806/P PWW23 30058942 39726 EOUIPMENT RACK/SHELF W/FUSE PANEL DSYS 12007 I Cl 806/PPWW23 1 40006159 35205 FAN SYSTEM ER 31-3726-283 302032 35010 FEE I.AND 1998 BATANCE CONVERSION 302033 3s010 FEE LAND 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 40006231 3s227 FENCE CMTS wO 504442960 40006239 35227 FENCE CAATS# 62049 40006143 35227 FENCE ER 31-11353-283 40006215 35227 FENCE ER 31-17074-283 40006223 35227 FENCE ER 31-51146-4283 400t5776 35339 TIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 4000617s 3s22t GATE ER 31-6625-283 40015809 35323 GENERATOR FUETTANK ER3t-7474-285 400L5772 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 400L5974 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-13569-283 40016035 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ERSr-17074-243 40015837 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-19287-283 40079779 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TzrN N2OO9 / C/TR4I10038563 BLUE MOU NTAIN T 300s89s4 t9735 GROUNDING GRID DSYS/2007/C/805/PPWW23 40079192 35205 HEAT PUMP TZW Al 2009 / C /rR6/10039983 40006099 35227 LANDSCAPING WSPRINKLING SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40005123 3s227 LIGHTING FIxTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40006167 35227 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31.5095-286 FOR CONTROL BUILDING 40015739 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40016018 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER31-t7074-2A3 4001584s 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-6525-283 40016115 3s327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 6OKV ER 3145656-4149 40006191 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 31-8130-283 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)(I{IBIT A Page | 57 EXECUTION T/ERSION 30054429 19723 MICROWAVE RADIO TO KENNEWICK EQ #381360 DZW Al 2008 lcl OO2l L003s48L - MOD A84797F1- 30040190 39723 MICROWAVE SYSTEM TO COMBINE HILTS EQ #373072 DwAv2oo4lCloouo3 30047401 397t4 MODEM CAATS# 64711 30045833 39723 MW TOWER tsee lons descrio,XFR fr 39702 30025618 PN 707223 30055181 397]^7 PATCH PANEL FOR FIBER-OPTICS Ttw Al 2OO8 I C I OOS / tO037 97 4 30025612 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SET CAATS 52199 40037826 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CAELE CAATS #62665 40016155 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 61140 40015780 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-11353-283 40015986 3s327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER 31-13s69-283 40016002 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-14122-283 40016051 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER3L-t7074-283 40016087 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER 31-20078-285 40016107 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-3844-296 40016131 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-45598-4085 40069613 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE Ttw A12006 / cl oo2/ L003067 9 100% ctAc 40079180 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZW A12o09 lcrrR4l10038553 BLUE MOUNTATN L 30058957 39735 PROPANE STORAGE TANK osY s I 2007 / c I 806/P PWW23 30058946 397tL RADIO CONTROL. DISPATCH OUTPOST CONTROLLER osys 12007 I C1806/PPWW23 AWEC (A/r CONVER 30058944 397tL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT 1541 NODE DSY S / 2007 / C I 806/P PWW2 3 30058941 39711 RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM . TAIT CMM DSYS/2007/C/806/PPWW231 CONTROL MODULE 30058945 39711 RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT DAS DSYS/2007/C/806/PPWW23 TAIT DIGITAL AUDI 30058940 3977t RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT SMM DSYSI2OOT ICI8O6IPPWW231 SITE MGMT MODULE 40037827 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS #52665 40079277 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 60177 40015159 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 61140 40016179 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 62199 40062242 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 64711 40070542 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL DZW Al 2007 / C I DR2l100338s0 40016135 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT ER 31-45598-4085 40069614 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL Ttw A12006 I cloo2l 10030679 100% ctAc 40051649 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TMGM/2005lC|OO2/OO7 40045019 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TWAM12000lClOO2/02 'r0039330 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL twam/2000/c/004 40067360 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL wBs rwAM/2006/c/oo8 / Loo30393 400\6L47 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL WEST ryPE LCB.MDAR TONE TRANSFER 40038965 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TWAM/2000/C/006/01 40056959 35319 REI-AY AND CONTROL - JLS METER cwEs l20ml cloT Ll to026624 )ts M ETERS 40016191 35319 RETAY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CAATSS 62199 40016195 35319 RE[AY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CMTS# 62199 40016199 35319 RETAY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CMTS# 62199 40040993 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)TW AM I 2OO2I CIO11IB GE HARRIS 40073835 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU}wBs DPrr/2007 / cl 00th00337 83 30058939 39777 RF COMBINER DSySl2007 lCl806lPPWW231 DB SPECTM 40006111 35227 ROADWAY ER 31-11353-283 40006183 35227 ROADWAY ER 31-6625-283 40006243 35201 ROOF CMTS# 63366 40040442 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK WBS TWAM/2OO Tl ClRDF / 7OOO9L83 ARBITER 40016139 35342 SEOUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER ER 31.45598-4085 HATHAWAY 40006103 35227 SIDEWALK ER 31-11353-283 40006107 3s227 SIGN ER 31-11353-283 40015680 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 31-11353-283 15KVA & 75KVA 40015751 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 31-11353-283 2 25KVA s1,020.30 1 50KV 30025614 39744 TELEPHONE SWITCH CAATS 62199 30044940 39714 TERMINAL CONTROLLER *see lons descrip xFR FR 39702 30025620 PRJ 62917 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 58 EXECUTION VERSION 40006227 3s205 UNIT HEATER ER 31-52545.4359 HEAT PUMP 30058955 39735 VOLTAGE CONVERTER DC TO DC 48-12 VDC osY s 12007 I cl 806/PPWW23 40016099 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079240 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 4007924L 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079242 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079243 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079244 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079245 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079246 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40079247 35301 VOTTAGE TRANSFORMER 14.4KV ER 31-323-385 WEST 40015813 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER I-0468 S/N 61E995 EQ# 321330 ER 31-11353-283 WEST 69W 40079t42 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 0941582001 EQ# 383187 TZW Al 2009 I Clf R4/10038s53 BLU E MOU NTA| N L 40079183 35301 VoLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 0941582002 EQf 383188 TZW A12009 /C/TR4l10038s53 BLUE MOUNTATN L 40079183 35301 VoLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 0941582002 TNSTALL COSTS TZW A12009/C/TR4l10038s63 BLUE MOUNTATN r 40079t84 35301 VOTTAGE TMNSFORMER S/N 0941582003 EQ# 383189 TZW N2009/ClTR4l10038s63 BLUE MOUNTATN r 40079t84 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 09415825003 INSTALL COSTS lZW N2009 lCtTR4l10038563 BLUE MOUNTATN L 40079t82 35301 voLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 094182001 TNSTALL COSTS TZW N2OO9 / C/TR4I10038563 BLU E MOUNTAI N L 30040401 39729 WALLA WALLA CHANNEL CARDS FOR PARTY LINE CONNECTN TWAM/200slc/030 30046553 39753 WALLA WALLA COMMUNICATIONS ROOM AIR CONDITIONER ow AL/ 2006 I cl DR9/10029455 30040188 39747 WALLA WALLA SUB ANTENNA SYSTEM owAu2004/cloot/03 30054430 39747 WALLA WALLA SUB ANTENNA SYSTEM ozw A / 2008 / c / oo2 / L003s48t 30040189 39729 WALLA WALLA SUB MULTIPLEX SYSTEM owAu2004/c/oot/o3 30040191 39747 WALLA WALLA SUB RADOME DWAL/2004/ClOOtl03 30040192 39747 WALLA WALTA SUB WAVEGUIDE MATERIALS DwAv2004/clm1/o3 30044266 397t]-WW SUB GROUP PENDLETON RADIO CONTROL SYS #360705 DZWW / 2OO2 / C / D U5/10013392 40083979 3520000 SORBWEB BERM 40084368 3530000 RETAY AND CONTROL 40084398 3s30000 RELAY AND CONTROT 40084773 3s30000 RELAY AND CONTROT 40085983 3s30000 RELAY AND CONTROL 40086984 3530000 RELAY AND CONTROL 30060484 3970000 PLC TRANSM ITTER/RECEIVER SET 30061183 3970000 CY2O11 WALLA 2 SUB COMMUNICATION EQUIP rclcB749I 30064194 3970000 CY2O13 WALLA WALLA SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C L37471 30065027 3970000 CY2O13 WALLA WALLA SUB COMM EQUIP rclcL37491 Location: 085023 - Jefferson Substation, lD Asset FERC Class Asset DescriDtion 2nd Line of Descriotion 30020049 39729 ANATOG CHANNEL CAATS #29638 30020043 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 100388 300587t7 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3394384 30020035 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3429610 30020039 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3539473 30020037 39729 ANALOG MULTIPTEX SHELF ER 3429610 30020057 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CMTS #106921 40048363 35321 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC wBs DZPR/2004/C/DR5/10021825 C&D 30055030 39735 BATTERY AND RACK 48V EO# 386004 DZP R / 2009 I C / OR9/10039402 40048364 35321 BATTERY CHARGER 135VDC wBs DZPR/2004/C|OR5/ 10021825 C&D 35A 40068066 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-7780 40077566 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-8138 40051983 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-8534 40077563 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-8138 40051981 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-8534 300200s1 39741 COMPUTERIZED DIAL EXCHANGE CMTS #103068 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT A Page | 59 EXECUTION T/ERSION 40077659 3s317 CONDUIT ER 101131 40068067 353L7 CONDUIT ER 85-7780 4007756I 35201 CONTROL HOUSE ER 85-7780 40077594 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 83-8355 40077568 35301 CURRENTTRANSFORMER ER 85-8138 300200s9 39723 DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM CAATS #106921 301873 35010 FEE LAND IDJI-0034 ER 85-7780 40078966 35227 FENCE ER 85-7780 INTERIOR TENCE AROUND REACTORS 40077580 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8138 40068100 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40068101 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40077582 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8138 40077583 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-8138 40077615 35325 INSUI-ATED PI.ATFORM ER 85-6557 400681()4 3s32S INSUTATED PTATFORM 12'ER 85-7780 4007758s 35325 INSUTATED PTATFORM 14'ER 85-8138 40051986 3532s INSUTATED PTATFORM 14'ER 85-8534 40068102 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-7780 4007758r'.35325 INSUTATED PI.ATFORM 4'ER 8s-8138 40051985 35325 INSUTATED PTATFORM 4'ER 85-8534 40068103 35325 INSUTATED PTATFORM 5'ER 85-7780 40077549 35325 INSUTATED PTATFORM 5'ER 85-8137 40077663 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 101131 4007760t 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 83-8355 40068130 35329 LIGHTING FIXTU RE/SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40078831 ts327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 15lKV TZP R I 2008 I C lr R6/1003 s3o4 40078830 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 34.5KV TZP R I 200,8 / C lT R6/1003 s3o4 40077602 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 83-8355 40077618 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6557 40068109 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-7780 40077590 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABTE ER 85-8137 40051989 t5327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8534 30020045 39738 PROTECTIVE RETAYING RECEIVER ER 100388 30020047 39738 PROTECTIVE REI.AYING TMNSMITTER ER 100388 30020061 39723 RADIO (RF) TO MENAN BUTTE EQ# 333534 ER 6-3360 400776il 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 101131 40077653 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 383764 40077641 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 393s87 40077603 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 83-8355 40077612 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 8s-6403 40077629 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5670 40077633 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 8s-6892 & 85-6906 4006803s 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-7780 40068093 35319 RELAY ANO CONTROL ER 85-7780 40077586 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8138 40051991 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-8534 40051990 35319 REIAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8534 40048224 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIDMl2003/ClO32lO1 40058887 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #104220 40077657 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 3346400 40058132 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-7780 40051992 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-8534 40041681 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)TIOM|aOOZ/C/Oo9IB L&G 5700 RTU Type 1A w 40003928 35201 ROOF CMTS #105119 40077606 35301 STATION SERVICE TMNSFORMER ER 83-8355 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBM A Page | 60 40077666 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 40077667 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 40077668 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 40077669 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 40077670 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 4007767L 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 101131 40068046 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 40064047 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 40068048 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 40068049 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 40068050 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 40068051 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-7780 3PH 4007761L 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8709 40077666 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 101131 40077667 35301 VOTTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 101131 40077668 35301 VOTTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALT COSTS ER 101131 40077669 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 101131 40077670 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 101131 40077671 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTATL COSTS ER 101131 40058046 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 40058047 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 40058048 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 40058049 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 40068050 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 40068051 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS ER 85-7780 3 PH 40077677 35301 VOI-TAGE TRANSFORMER INSTALT COSTS ER 85-8709 30064810 40089462 Location: 013209 - Bis Grassv substation, lD Asset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Descriotion 300955 35010 FEE LAND - BIG GRASSY IDII-OO4O CMTS# 100974 40051667 35201 CABLE TRAY CAATS# 100974 40051673 35201 CONTROL BUILDING CMTS# 100974 400s1699 35205 UNIT HEATER CAATS# 100974 4005t72r 3s219 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE CAATS# 100974 FOR CONTROL BUITDING 40051571 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CMTS# 100974 40051675 35227 CULVERT (FOR YARD DMINAGE SYSTEM)CMTS# 100974 4005t677 35227 FENCE CMTS# 100974 40051696 35227 SIGN CAATS# 100974 40051668 35317 CABLE TRENCH CAATS# 100974 4005L672 35317 CONDUIT CAATS# 100974 40051698 353L7 MICROWAVETOWER CAATS# 100974 40012339 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS W/O BGSYg4RE 55850 400s1660 35319 ANNUNCIATOR 12PT CAATS# 100974 40051694 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 100974 40048273 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIDM/2003/ClO30lO1 40051662 35327 BATTERY CHARGER CMTS# 100974 25A 400s1661 35321 BATTERY AND RACK 125V CMTS# 1@974 ALCAD 40051679 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM CAATS# 100974 40051580 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 6'CAATS# 100974 40051688 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 132KV cAATSf 100974 40051689 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 6OKV CAATS# 100974 40051692 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 100974 40051687 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM CMTS# 100974 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATINGAGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 6l EXECUTION VERSION 40051695 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 100974 MG 30015853 39705 COMM. STATION ALARM CONTROL RTU CMTS# 102273 30015859 39714 MODEM CAATS# 102273 30015867 39723 RADIO (RF}CMTS# 102273 3001s87s t9726 EqUIPMENT RACK/SHELF CAATS# 102273 30046441 39735 COMM BAfiERY CHARGER TIDM/20051C{045 48VDC 30045440 39735 COMM BATTERY AND RACK TIOM/20OS{C/O46 East Penn Unisy ll AGM 30015877 39744 PARTY LINE SELECTOR cMTSf 102273 30015879 3974/.TELEPHONE LINE DATA CAATS# 102273 30015865 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS# 102273 30015869 39747 RADOME CMTS# 102273 30015871 39747 TOWER CAATS# 102273 30015873 39747 WAVEGUIDE CMTS# 102273 30041045 397s3 AIR CONDITIONER (EVAPORATIVE OR REFRIG,}TIDM12004lCl0L6 30063295 39700 cY2011 BtG GRASSY COMMUNTCATTON EO (C/C 13688) 30065743 39700 cY2014 COMM EQUTPMENT (BrG GRASSY/C 13696) 40081301 35300 RELAY AND CONTROL 40082329 35300 RELAY AND CONTROL 40085595 35300 CABLE TRENCH 40085597 35300 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF 40085598 35300 CONDUIT 40085599 35300 FENCE/GATE 40085601 35300 GROUND GRID SYSTEM 40085605 35300 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM 40085606 3s300 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE 40085622 35300 RELAY AND CONTROL 40089316 35300 ANIMAL GUARDS 40090276 35300 RELAY AND CONTROL Location: 068194 - Summer Lake Switchvard. OR Asset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Descriotion 40053672 3s201 DUCT ER 31-21397-184 40048909 35201 CABLE TRAY rsoM/2003/c/004 40053668 35301 CURRENTTRANSFORMER ER 3t-2L397-t84 40053569 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER sOOKV ER 31-21397-184 40070456 35301 ccw s/N 655488101 EQ# 373300 TORM/20041C1O09/01 RrrZ s50 KV MIDPT MG 40070457 35301 ccw s/N 555488102 EQ# 373301 TORM/2004/C|O09I01 RrrZ sso KV MIDPT MG 40070458 3s301 ccw s/N 6ss488103 EO# 373302 TORM/2004/C/009/01 RrrZ sso KV MIDPT MG 40053667 35309 COMPRESSOR, GAS ER 31-21397-184 40048910 35317 CABLE TRENCH rsoM/2003/cloo4 40003362 3s319 REI.AY PANEL / FUNCTION CAATS# 60808 40003370 3s319 RELAY, INSTRUMENT. OR OEVICE CAATS# 62306 40003378 3s319 REI.AY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CAATS# 62306 40003374 3s319 SATELLITE CLOCK CAATS# 62306 40070460 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TORMl2004lClm,g/O7 40048914 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TSOM/2003/C/004 40053663 35321 BATTERY AND RACK #3 TCX-580 ER 31-21397-184 40053664 35321 BATTERY AND RACK #4 TCX-580 ER 31-21397-184 40048912 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TSOMl2003/C/004 40003358 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE CAATS# 60808 40053674 35327 INSUTATOR, POST ER 31-21397-184 40053675 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 9KV ER 31-21397-184 40053677 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-21397-184 40070459 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE roRM/2o04lc/o09l0L 40048913 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TSOM/2003/C{OO4 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Pagel62 EXECUTION VERSION 40026407 3s34t REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU}ER 20285-075 4002641t 3s341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 22892-91 LANDIS & GYR 400264t5 3s341 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 91-45604-6303 40003366 35342 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF CMTS# 62306 30051499 39705 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)roRM/2OO4{C/OOs/ot 30051500 397t7 FO OPTICAVELECTRICAL CONVERTER roRM/2004/c/oos/0t 30038166 397L7 SUMMER LAKE BPA SUB FO LINK REPEATER DYMEC 5 roRM/2oo4lcl0L2/03 30038167 397L7 SUMMER LAKE SUB SUB FIBER OPTIC CABLE (JUMPE roRM/2O04/ClOt2/03 30019697 3972?RADIO (RF)cMTSf 59502 30019707 39723 RADIO (RF)CMTS# 60684 30039314 39726 SUMMER LK COMMUNICATIONS RACK ER 45557-6301 30051501 39726 EOUIPMENT RACK/SHELF roRM/2004/cloog/o1 30019711 39729 DIGITAL MU LTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS# 106741 30051502 39729 DIGITAL MU LTIPLEX SYSTEM roRMl2004/c/ooslol 30038168 39729 SUMMER LAKE DIGITAL MUX COASTCOM UNIVERSAL 2 roRM/2004/c/ot2/o3 30038169 39729 SUMMER LAKE DtGtTt MUX CHANNET_ COASTCOM 300 TORM/2004/Cl0L2/03 30039322 39732 SUMMER LK COUPLING CAPACITOR TELEMETRY EQUIP ER s1384-6570 30051503 39732 LINE TUNING UNIT roRMl2OO4/ClO09l0L 30051s@ 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 10 WATT roRM/2004lcloos/oL 30019701 39735 POWER SUPPLY CAATS# 60684 30036772 39735 BATTERY AND RACK TSOM/2003/C/00s 30019699 39738 XMITTER, RECEIVER, 125 VDC. RFL 6750 CMTS# 60808 30039313 39738 SUMMER LK RTU, 5100, LANDIS & GYR ER 455s7-6301 3003816s 39738 SUMMER LAKE BPA SUB REI.AY/CONTROL PANET f oRM/2004/c/ot2/03 30038164 39738 SUMMER LAKE MODULE REMOTE I/O SEL 2594 TONE 10RM/2004/ClOL2l03 30038153 39738 SUMMER LAKE TONE RFL 9745 RE1AY RECEIVfiRANS roRMl2oo4lc/072103 30019595 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS# 59502 30019703 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS# 60684 40086635 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZBE / 20t2 / CITU2 hO047 64L 40085750 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT lZKu 20 lL / C I OO4l1004388 5 40085149 35321 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 393638 TZBE I zotL / C lrRs/100449 38 40085148 35321 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 393639 TZBE / 20tL / C lT Rs / LOO44938 40085749 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZKL I 20 Lt / C / 004/10043 88 5 30060475 39700 MODEM CAATS# 62306 30060474 39700 MODEM CAATS# 62306 30063479 39700 cY2012 COMM EOUTPMENT (C/C 137461 TZKU 20 LU C / OO4/ 1004388 s 40089369 35300 INSUTATOR. POSTSOKV Location: 068190 - Burns Reactive Station, OR Asset FERC Class Asset Description 2nd Line of Descriotion 301722 35010 FEE LAND ER 31-16545-184 SEC 18 T225 R31E 4000344/,35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-16546-184 40046458 35201 BUILDINGS (EXPLOSIVES STORAGE)TORMl2001.lClOtT 40003396 35205 AIR CONDITIONER (EVAPOMTIVE OR REFRIG.)ER 31-16546-184 40003432 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 31-16546-184 40076347 35209 SECURIry SYSTEM wBS TZ BE/2007 /C/OO2/1O033499 ErC 40003420 352L3 PLUMBING SYSTEM ER 31-15546-184 40003452 35213 WATER HEATER ER 31-16546-184 40003428 35213 WELT ER 31-16546-184 40065680 3522t FENCE CMTSWO4STo 40003400 3s227 CIEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-16546-184 40003456 3s227 CULVERT (FOR YARD DRAINAGE SYSTEM)ER 31-15545-184 40003408 t5227 FENCE ER 31-16546-184 40070759 35227 FENCE ER 31-15546-184 40070785 35227 OIt STORAGE TANK ER 31-16546-184 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBTT A Page | 63 EXECUTION VERSION 40072629 35227 ROADWAY, INC. CLRING, GMDING, SURFACE ER 31-16546-184 40003424 35227 SIGN ER 31-16546-184 400034(M 35227 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE (MANHOLE)ER 31-16546-184 40070760 35229 FTOODLIGHTS ER 31-15546-184 400034L2 35229 LIGHTING FXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-16546-184 40070781 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 31-16545-184 40070745 35301 CURRENTTRANSFORMER ER 31-21513-183 40070505 35301 ccw s/N 6ss88104 EQ# 373303 TORM|2004(C|OO9/03 R|TZ 550KV #1A PH MG 40070506 35301 ccw s/N 65588105 EO# 373304 TORMl2004lClO09/03 RrrZ 550KV #1 B PH MG 40070507 35301 ccw s/N 5ss88106 EQ# 37330s TORM/2004/C/009/03 R|TZ 550KV #1 C PH MG 40070502 3s301 ccw s/N 6s588107 EQ# 373297 TORM|2004/C/009/03 RrrZ s50KV A PH MG 40070503 3s301 ccw s/N 65588108 EQ# 373298 TORM/2004/C/009/03 RrrZ ssoKv B PH MG 40070504 35301 ccw s/N 65588109 EQ# 373299 TORM/2004/C/009/03 R|TZ ss0KV C PH MG 40070773 35315 POWER FUSE MOUNTING 14.4KV ER 31-15546-184 40070757 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 31-15545-184 40070753 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-16545-184 40070780 353]-7 SPILL GAP ER 31-16546-184 40003274 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL CAATS# 60585 40070750 35319 CABINETS ER 31-16546-184 40070742 35319 OSCILLOGRAPH ER 31-323-91-6089 40070744 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK ER 31-323-91-6089 40070508 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TORMl2oD4lqlOoe/o3 40049782 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL roRM/20041c/or7 40076/.L7 35319 ANNUNCIATOR rzBE I 2007 / c lT u2 hoo3 L67 4 40076/.18 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZBE I 2007 I C lT U 2 I 1003 L67 4 40077762 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZBE I 20rJ9 I C fr R2 I 10039 L7 I 40040404 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK wBs ToRM/200Llcloot/ot 40076234 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBs roRM/2004/c/002/06 BRTDGER RAS 40077976 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL w BS TZBE / 2007 / C I 00t I ilOO3S7 7 2, 1003 2860 40070746 35321 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ER 31-16546-184 40070747 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 31-16546-184 40070748 3s321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 31-16546-184 40068811 35321 BATTERY CHARGER TORM/2005/C/014 AMERICAN BATTERY CHARGI 40070762 35323 GENERATOR ER 31-15546-184 40070763 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-15545-184 40070772 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 146KV ER 31-16546-184 4007077L 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 354KV ER 31-16546-184 40070774 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-16545-184 4004978t 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TORMl2004/ClOr7 40076346 3s327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE w Bs TZBE I 2007 I C / N2 I LOO33499 Er C 40070770 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-16546-184 40026395 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)cAATSf 60585 40070779 35341 SEOUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER ER 31-16545-184 40078993 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU) EQ# 38OO3O TORMl2004lCl009l03 40049783 35341 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER S/N 18891 EQ# 36 TORM/2O04/C/O17 HATHAWAY DFR 30051500 39708 FILTER SYSTEM DZSEI 2007 /C/OO3/10031729 TELECT DUAL FEE 30019559 39777 MAS SCADA REMOTE RADIO CAATS# 105281 30051601 397L4 DATA SWITCH - ESS DZAE I 2007 I C I OO3 I tOO3t7 28 30054741 39774 DATA NETWORK ROUTER. CISCO 2811 w Bs rzBE I 2007 lcl002/10033499 ETC 30051602 39723 DEHYDMTOR SYSTIM DZBE I 2007 / C / 003 I 7003 17 28 300s1603 39723 RADIO IRF} TO BURNS BUTTE EO* 377731 DZSE I 2007 / C / OO3 hO03 17 28 300516()4 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM EQ# 377733 DZBE I 2007 I C I OO3 I 1003 t7 29 COASTCO M 30051527 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 10 WATT roRM/2004/cloo9/03 30051525 39732 PLC TMNSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 50 WATT TORMl2004lC/OO9l03 30051605 39735 BATTERY AND RACK .48V EO* 377734 DZBE I 2007 I Cl OO3 / LOO377 29 C&D MS E N D U R JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 64 EXECUTION YERSION 30051606 39735 BATTERY CHARGER EQf 377739 DZBE{2007 /C/ 003/1003 1729 VATARE 30019655 3974L COMPUTERIZED DIAL EXCHANGE CMTS# 51698 30051507 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM 6 FT ozBE / 2007 / c I o03 I too3 t7 29 30051608 39747 TOWER.30 FT ozBE I 2007 / c / oo3 / 1003 17 29 40083194 35227 SORBWEB BERM DORE / 2017 / C / 830/10045073 SPCC 40083333 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT TZBE I 2071 / CITRI/10045161 40081902 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL rzBE I 2O1O / ClrR2 / t0040822 40083847 35327 INSULATOR, POST 115KV f zBE I 20 7U C lr R6/ 1004 ss03 30054740 39120 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - FIREWALT wBs TzBEl2007|C|OO2/LOO33499 ETC ASA s510 300627il 39700 CY2O11 BURNS REACTOR COMM EQUIP (C/C 13746) 30064760 39700 CY2O13 BURNS REACTOR COMM EOUIP (C/C 13746) 300627ss 39750 CY2O11 BURNS REACTOR MOBILE RADIO rclc 737461 40089799 3520000 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAT (SURF 40090005 3520000 HVAC (HEATER) 40090025 3520000 BUILDINGS (TRAILER) 40090026 3520000 BUILDINGS (TRAILER) Location: 085050 - Threemile Knoll Substation, lD Asset FERC Class Asset descriDtion 2nd Line of Description 304274 35010 FEE LAND THREEMILE KNOLL IDC&0151 T tDM I 2005 / C / O37 I LOO33667 40076973 35201 CONTROL BUILDING rDM I 2005 I C I 037 I LOO31846 + 40077028 3s201 METAL CABINET TIDM/2005/C/037 / tO037846 + FtLTNG CABTNET 40077040 3s209 sEcuRrw SYSTEM Eo# 382918 TIDM / 2OOS I C / O37 / L003L8r',G + 40077oto 352L9 FOUN DATION AN D SUBSTRUCTURE TIOM/2OOS|C/O37 / LOO3L846 + CONTROL BUILDING 40076977 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TIDM / 2005 I Cl O37 I r003t846 + 40077009 35227 FENCE fl DM/2005/c/037 I loo3t846 + 40077038 35227 ROADWAY. INCt CLRING, GRADING, SURFACE TIDM / 2OOs I cl o37 / tOO3t846 + 40076970 35227 CEMENT CURB TtDMl2OOs/Clo37 /LOO3L846 + INSIDE SUB 40077042 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER TtDMl20Os/C/037 /LoO3t846 + NO DETAIL 40077043 35301 STATION SERVICE TMNSFORMER TtoMl200slc/o37 / tOO31846 + NO DETAIL 40075969 353L7 CABLE TRENCH T tDM / 2005 / C / O37 / LOO3 1846 + 40076972 35317 CONDUIT TIDM / 2OOs I c / o37 / LO03 L846 + 40077045 35317 STOMGE CABINET TIDM I 200s I c / o37 / 7003L846 + 40076947 35319 ANNUNCIATOR nDM/2005/C/037 I 10071846 + 40077008 35319 DIGITAT FAULT RECORDER EO# 383154 TIDM I 2005 I Cl O37 / 1003L846 + 40077036 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL T tDM / 2005 / C / O37 /1O03L846 + 40077039 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK EQ# 382426 T tDM I 2005 I Cl O37 / tOO3 L846 + 40076524 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIDM I 2005 / Cl 037l100334s3 40077993 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T JBM 12004 lcl 00211003ss64 RAS 40076948 3532L AUTOMATIC TMNSFER SWITCH T tDM / 2005 / c / o37 / LOO3 1846 + 40076949 3s321 BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 376225 TIDM / 2OOS I C I 037 / LO03,3r'6 + 40076950 3s321 BATTE RY CHARG ER EQ# 37 6224 IIDM/2005/C/037 I tO03L846 + 400770L2 3s323 GENERATOR TIDM I 2OO5 / Cl O37 I IOO3L846 + 40077073 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TIDM I 2oO5 I c I o37 I 1.oo31.fE4,' + 40077027 35327 I-IGHTNING ARRESTER 138KV TIDM l2OOS / ClO37l10031846 + 40077026 35327 TIGHTNING ARRESTER 345KV TIDM I 2005 I cl 03711003 1846 + 40077033 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDM I 2OO5 I c I o37 I 1oo3la46 + 40076523 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDM I 2005 I Cl 0371100334s3 40077992 33327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T JBM 12004/C/ 002110035564 RAS 40077025 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM TIDM I 2OOS I C I O37 I t0031A46 + 40077037 35341 REMOTE TERMINAT UNIT (SCADA RTU)fl DM/200S/C/037 I 1003rA46 + 400770/.L 3534L SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER nDM I 2OOS I C I O37 I 7003t846 + 30055078 397t4 DATA NETWORK SWITCH TIDM / 2005 / Cl O37 / t003L846 + 30055084 397t4 MODEM TIDM I 2005 I C I O17 I \003LA46 + 300s5318 397t4 DATA NETVVORK ROUTER EQ # 382416 TtDMl2005lC/O37 /10033277 CTSCO 2811 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - E)GIIBIT A Page | 65 EXECUTION VERSION 30055317 397t4 DATA NETWORK SWITCH -TtoM I 2005 I cl o37 I too33277 ETHERSWTTCH 30055081 397t7 FIEER OPIC/TRANSMITTER RECEIVER SET EQ# 382 TIDM / 2005 / Cl 037110031846 + DMX 30055320 397L7 FIBER OPTIC CABLE . ADSS T tDM / 2005 / C / O37 / 1003327 7 30055321 397L7 FIBER OPTIC PATCH PANE6 T tDM / 2005 / C I O37 I 7003327 7 30055088 39720 POWER QUALITY MONITOR TtoM I 200s / cl 037 / Lo03t846 + 30055080 39726 EQUIPMENT RACIVSHELF TtoM / z0os / c / o37 hOo3L846 + 30055079 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM EQ# 382418 TIDM / 20OS I C/037 hoO3I846 + 10032855 30055070 39735 BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 382414 TIDM / 2oos / c/ 03711003 1846 + 30055071 39735 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 382415 TIOM / 2OOS / Cl 037/10031846 + 300ss069 39738 AUOIO.TONE PROTECTIVE RETAY TERMINAL RFL 9745 TIDM/2005/C/037 / IOO3L846 + 30055085 39738 PANEL.RETAY AND CONTROL FOR RTU TIDM/2005/C/037/10031846 + 30055090 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH T tDM / z0os / c / o37 / t0o3 L846 + 30058659 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH T JBM I 2004 I C I 002/1003ss54 30055089 39758 SYNCHRONOUS TIMER EQ# 382426 TIDM / 2OOS / Cl 037/10031846 + 40083599 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZPR / 2@9 I Cl OOU3M LTRANS 40083613 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 15KV TZPR I 2009 / Cl OOy3M LTRANS 40083611 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER TZPR I 2@9 / Cl OOU3 M LTRANS 40085832 35341 HMI AUTOMATION ((SOFnVARE)TZPR I 2017 I C/TR6/10045185 30064302 39700 CY2O12 THREEMITE KNOLL SUB COMM EQUIP (CC 13596} 30064757 39700 CY2O13 THREEMITE KNOLL SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C 13696) 40090241 35300 RETAY AND CONTROT Location: 013019 - Goshen Substation. lD Asset FERC Class Asset description 2nd Line of Description 40000610 35201 ROOF CMTS# 105120 40050503 35201 CABLE TRAY CAATS# 62842 40053163 35201 CABTE TRAY ER 85-8887 '10063652 3s201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-318 40063660 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-1224 40063667 35201 HEATER ER 85-2297 40063674 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-3370 40063686 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-3926 40063696 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-8887 40063708 3s20L CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-6053 40063710 3s201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-6207 400637t7 35201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-6999 40063720 3s201 ROOF ER 85-6999 4006374r'.35201 CABLE TRAY ER 86-7028 4006/-214 35201 ROOF. CONTROL HOUSE ER 101852 4006s335 35201 CABLE TRAY wBs T[D/2006/C/ 00Ll LO0297 4L,388 WOLV CR 40063715 35203 EMERGENCY GENERATOR BUILDING ER 85-6999 40063746 35203 EMERGENCY GENEMTOR BUILDING ER 85-7028 40063706 35205 AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6053 40053716 35205 AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6999 40063727 3520s UNIT HEATER ER 85-5999 40072736 35205 AIR CONDITIONER rzP R I 2008 / c lT R6/1003 6543 4006/778 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 85-7028 400637t9 35219 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTU RE ER 85-6999 GENERATOR BUILDING 40000613 35227 CLEARING. GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CAATS# 104348 40000616 35227 FENCE CMTS# 104348 400so271 35227 CEMENT CURB TIDM/2003/Cl001 40056321 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-5942 40053654 t5227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-318 SHOP 400636s5 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-318 40063659 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-1818 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 66 EXECUTION T/ERSION 40053661 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-1332 40063668 35227 FENCE ER 85-2019 40063675 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-3370 40063690 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-5942 40063691 35227 CTEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-7958 40063692 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-7827 4006369s 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-8887 40063697 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8887 40063707 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6053 40063709 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-6053 400637\2 35227 CTEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6890 40063718 35227 CIEARING, GRADING, & FILT MATERIAT (SURF ER 85-5999 40063722 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILI MATERIAT (SURF ER 85-5294 40063749 35227 CLEARING, GMDING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 86-6983 40063751 35227 ROADWAY ER3262748 4006377t 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 381099 40063773 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 381099 40063781 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6927 40063860 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-7092 4006389s 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8513 40065337 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF wBs T[D/2006/C/00t/ L0029741,388 WOLV CR 40065343 3s227 FENCE wBs rtD/2006/c/00t/ Lo029741,388 WOLV CR 40053167 35229 FLOODLIGHT ER 8s-8887 40055876 35229 FLOODLIGHT ER 85-7959 40012091 3s300 INSTALLATION LABOR AND OVERHEADS AIRBREAK SW CMTS# 104348 138KV 2000A 40053182 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 85-8887 40053185 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8887 40053186 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8887 40053187 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 8s-8887 40053188 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER ER 85-8887 40053191 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-318 40055873 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-7959 40056304 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-1332 400s6928 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056970 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-5053 4005697L 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056972 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056973 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056974 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056975 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056976 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER ER 85-5053 40056977 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056978 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40055979 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6053 40056980 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 8s-6053 40057051 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-3370 40057070 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 85-3370 40057072 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 254381 ER 85-3370 40057073 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 254382 ER 8s-3370 40057074 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 254383 ER 85-3370 40057075 3s301 voLTAGE TRANSFORMER S/N 254384 ER 85-3370 40057076 35301 VOTTAGE TRANSFORM ER S/N C497857 ER 85-3370 40057078 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORM ER S/N C497852 ER 85-3370 40059034 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5KVA ER 394015 40063907 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5KVA ER 85-8513 WEST JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT A Page | 67 EXECUTION VERSION 40063947 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 85-8498 40063951 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 8s-6207 40063952 35301 VOLTAGE TMNSFORMER ER 85-6207 40063953 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ER 85-6207 40064138 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 393983 4006/.205 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 345KV ER 3302999 40064206 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 345KV ER 3302999 400il207 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 345KV ER 3302999 40064220 35301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 151KV ER 368899 SQUARE D 40064221 35301 VOTTAGE TRANSFORMER 151KV ER 368899 SOUARE D 40064222 3s301 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 161KV ER 368899 SQUARE D 40077758 35301 FIRE PROTECNON ER 8s-3388 40053170 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-8887 4005319s 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-318 40056931 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-5053 40063879 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-8512 40063901 35315 GROUND SWITCH ER 85-8513 40064L84 35315 GROUND SWITCH 345KV ER 80-8029 40065347 35315 GROUND SWITCH wBs T[D/2006/ClOOu 1OO297 41,388 WOLV CR 40011988 3s3t7 CABLE TRENCH cAATSf 368834 400]-2067 35317 CABLE TRENCH cMTSf 104348 40012071 3s317 CONDUIT CAATS# 104348 40047968 3s317 CABLE TRENCH T|DMl2002lC/ots 40047976 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-8887 40049276 35317 CABLE TRENCH TIDM12003lClO06|OL 40049773 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-6890 40049775 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-6890 40050495 35377 CABLE TRENCH ER 3269826 40052035 35317 CONDUIT wBs DzPR/200s lcl DR4/ too27 933 40055872 353t7 CONDUIT ER 85-7959 40055879 35317 GUY UNIT ER 85-7959 40056736 35317 CABLE TRENCH rtoM12005/clo34 40056925 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-6053 40056926 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-6053 40059027 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 394015 40063854 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-4771 40064140 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 393983 40064143 35317 CONDUIT ER 393801 40064165 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-6983 40064767 353tt CONDUIT ER 85-6983 40064779 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-7028 400642t6 35317 CONDUIT ER 368899 40064224 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 381099 40065336 353t7 CABLE TRENCH wBs rf rD/2006/c/ootltoo29741.388 woLV cR 40065338 35317 CONDUIT wBs rrD/2006/clootl too297 41.388 woLV cR 40066372 35317 CONDUIT wBs rDM/200s/c/0s5 40076395 35317 CONDUIT TIDM / 2005 I Cl 037/1003 1848 40011996 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 368834 40012059 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK EQ# 354749 CMTS# 107129 40012087 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 105622 40012143 3s319 SATELLITE CLOCK EO# 354748 CAATS# 107130 40036600 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL WBS DSHE/1999/C/027 KINPORT-GOSHEN 345KV 40037996 35319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER TIDMlt999lC/Otz/0L 40047972 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIDMl2002lC/0t5 40047980 35319 RETAYAND CONTROL ER 85-8887 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT- EXHIBIT A Page | 68 EXECUTION VERSION 40049278 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TIDM/2003/C/O06/OL 40050501 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3269825 40050505 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 62842 40055733 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL wBs rDM/2005 lcloL3looL 40055920 35319 ANNUNCIATOR EQ# 330691 ER 85-6053 345KV 40056967 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 8s-6053 40057057 35319 ANNUNCIATOR EQ# 330685 ER 8s-3370 16u69KV 400s7059 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-3370 40059033 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 394015 40063821 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-3189 40063866 35319 REI-AY AND CONTROL ER 85-7868 40063918 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8383 40063919 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8217 40063948 3s319 RETAY AND CONTROT ER 85-8498 40063949 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8707 40063951 35319 RETAY AND CONTROI.ER 85-6207 40063989 35319 RELAY AND CONTROI.ER 85-6046 40064056 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5143 40064068 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6402 40064077 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT ER 85-6294 40054084 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6860 40064092 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5671 40064L22 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6782 40064133 35319 RELAY AND CONTROI ER 85-6985 4006/.734 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-9431 40064773 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6983 40064183 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 495333 40064187 35319 RETAY AND CONTROT ER3279270 40064200 35319 REIAY AND CONTROT ER 3300340 4006420t 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 336/1403 40064202 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3379906 40064203 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER3379922 40064208 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER32t4737 40064209 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3538196 400642LO 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3576220 40064217 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 368702 400642L8 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 368899 4007054S 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TMGM I 2006 / C I OO4 I LOO3L77 s 4007L424 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TZP R / 2007 / CIT R2 / LOOS r32L 40071930 35319 REISY AND CONTROI-TZP R/ 2006 / ClTR4 i1OO36L244 4007640/,35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T tDM I 2005 / C I O37 I 7003t848 40077955 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5990 40077956 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT ER 508929 400779s7 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3358371 40077969 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T|DM/2004/Cl002/02 40078979 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3542123 40078980 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 3554190 40078981 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3538196 40078982 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 392340 40078983 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6860 4007898/,35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6218 40048152 3532L BATTERY AND RACK wBs rDM/2003/c/034 c&D rN 161KV YARD 40048153 35321 BATTERY CHARGER WBS TIDM/2003/C/034 I.AMARCHE IN 161KV YA 40053162 35321 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ER 8s-8887 40057255 35321 POWER PANEL ER 6s-6053 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 69 EXECUTION T/ERSION 40063920 35321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 85-8677 40064083 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 85-67259 40064093 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 85-6671 400542L2 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 100669 40064213 3s32L BATTERY CHARGER ER 100669 40064t45 35323 GENERATOR ER 393801 40064181 35323 GENERATOR ER 85-7028 40064229 35323 GENERATOR ER 101835 40039803 3s325 INSUI-ATED PLATFORM 4'ER327t749 40050522 35325 INSULATED PTATFORM 4'ER 85-8696 40050523 35325 INSULATED PTATFORM 14'ER 85-8696 40053169 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8887 40053171 35325 INSULATED PTATFORM 6,ER 85-8887 40053t72 3532s INSULATED PTATFORM 4'ER 85-8887 40055878 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7959 40055880 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-7959 40055881 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 14.ER 85-7959 400s6307 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-1332 40056308 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-1332 400s6309 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 16'ER 85-1332 400s6323 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-5942 40055324 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-5942 40055930 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-5053 40056932 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'& 5'ER 85-6053 400s7063 3s325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-3370 40059029 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 394015 40063795 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-1495 40063806 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-2019 40053808 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-2019 40063848 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4,ER 85-3782 40063862 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7092 40063899 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8513 40063962 35325 INSUIATED PI.ATFORM 4'ER 85-6207 40063963 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-6707 40064076 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6294 40064094 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6671 40064723 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6782 400il724 35325 INSUI.ATED PI.ATFORM 4'ER 85-6782 40064725 35325 INSULATED PTATFORM 10'ER 8s-6782 400il775 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6983 40065346 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM wBs rr D/2006/c/ 00t/ Lo0297 47,388 WOLV CR 40076400 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TIDM I 2005 / C / O37 I L003L848 40011940 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 3269826 40011992 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# 368834 40012083 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 105622 40036599 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE CMTS# 64872 40047970 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE rtDM/2002/clots 40047978 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 8s-8887 40049277 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDMl2003/ClO06/Ot 40049778 35327 POWER AND CONTROLCABLE ER 85-6890 40050504 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# 62842 40050527 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8695 40053178 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 264KV ER 85-8887 40053200 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER ER 85-318 40053202 35327 TERMINATOR (POTHEAD)ER 85-318 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ DGIIBIT A Page | 70 EXECUTION 'I/ERSION 40055732 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs rDM/200s / cl0]3/0ol 4005588s 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-7959 40056222 3s327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 264KV fzPR / 2006 I c/rR6/100301 19 40056328 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-5942 40056739 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDM/2005/C/O34 40056940 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER ER 85-6053 40056942 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-5053 40057058 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-3370 40059032 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 394015 40063853 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-4843 40063864 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 8s-7092 40063905 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8513 40063946 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8551 40063968 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6207 40064075 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6294 40054082 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-5459 40064097 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6671 40064130 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6782 40064L46 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 393801 4006/.777 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6983 40064L82 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER 85-7028 40064186 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER 503946 4006422s 35327 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE ER 381099 4006535s 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBS TilD/2006/Cl OO,/ 700297 41,388 WOLV CR 40076403 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDM / 200s / cl o37 / LOO3L848 40078985 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# 104348 40012051 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM CMTS# 1U348 40050s00 3s329 TIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 3269825 40053199 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-318 4005531s 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-1332 40056327 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5942 40056939 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 8s-6053 40057067 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-3370 40063699 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8887 40063704 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-6053 40063850 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-3782 40063903 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8513 40063969 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-6207 40064131 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5782 40025656 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 105656 40025660 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU}CAATS# 105622 4002s664 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT {SCADA RTU)CMTS# 105688 40045527 35341 METER wBs TtDM/2003 I C/03tl0t 161 TNTERTTE SCAD 40056953 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 16897 W lO 7247 40057945 3s341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)rtDM/200s/c/Ms 40064106 35341 INTERPOSITION CABINET ER 85-6807 40077995 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU) UPGRADE TIDM /2OO4 / Cl OO2l02 WESDAC D2OME U PGRADE 40038011 35342 SEQUENTIAT EVENT RECORDER EQ# 362693 CENG/1999/C/063/00000001 161KV Hathawav 40039995 35342 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER EQ# 362696 WBS TIDM/2OOO lCIRDFIOI34SKV HATHAWAY IN 40039996 35342 EQUIPMENT MCK/SHELF WBS TIDM/2OOO/CIRDF/OI FOR 345KV SOE 40063s36 36r27 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 13.1560 GMVET 40063549 3620t STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 13-1560 400535s1 36277 CONDUIT ER 13-1550 40063640 36277 CABLE TRENCH ER 380407 40063641 36217 CONDUIT ER 380407 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT A Page | 7l EXECUTION VERSION 40063633 36219 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 1-6411 40063634 36219 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 510214 40063647 36219 RE1AY AND CONTROL ER 380407 40063558 36225 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 13-1550 40063643 36225 INSUTATED PLATFORM 4'ER 380407 40063644 36225 INSULATED PLATFORM 6'ER 380407 30015435 39705 AI.ARM RELAY PANEL ER 100387 30048499 39705 COMM. STATION AIARM CONTROL RTU - DSX wBs rrD/2006/c/oou 100297 41,388 woLV cR 30054615 39705 COMM. STATION ALARM CONTROL RTU. DSX DZP R / 2008 / C I 002 I 1@35625 300s5984 39705 AUDIO ATARM AND CONTROL.COMBUSTIBLE GAS DETE ER 393827 GAS DETECTOR/MONITOR 300s8797 39705 ALARM RELAY PANEL ER 101523 30015446 397L7 SCADAREMOTE RTU EQ#331579 CAATS# 104218 10044697 39777 RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM*See Lons Descr (Alt Cnt CAATS# 15897 W lO L247 30033439 39774 MODEM - UPGRADE EQUIPMENT CMTS# 65545 30042944 39714 MODEM CAATS# 106611 30043225 t9774 DATA NETWORK CONNECTION TO CORP NETWORK DZP R / 200s I C I DUg / L00287 t3 30045739 397t4 CISCO SYSTEMS MULTI SERVICE NETWORK ROUTERS ctrcl2006lcl40s/02Hw rNcL HW McKs & sYs 30048506 397L7 FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTERIRANSCEIVER Eq# 3740 wBs rrD/2006/c/ooLl L00297 41 388 WOLV CR 30057021 t97L7 FIBER OPNC CABLE - ADSS TIDM/2004/C{OOZ/02 30057022 197t7 FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER/TRANSCEIVER EQ# 3857 T|DM / 2004 I ClO02l02 DMX HC 30057023 397t7 FIBER OPTIC PATCH PANEL TIDMl2004/C(002/02 30054616 39723 DIGITAL DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM DZP R I 2008 / C / O02 / LO03s62s 300546L7 39723 RADIO (RF) CONSTELLATION HARRISPSTRATEX EQ#DZP R I 2008 / C I OO2 / L003s625 30044698 39726 EOUIPMENT MCK/SHELF*See Lonc Descr (Alt Cnt CMTS# 16897 WlO 1247 30053680 39726 TELEPHONE PROTECTOR BLOCKS ER37262t3 30053681 39726 TETEPHONE PROTECTOR BLOCKS. ADDTL COSTS ER37262L3 30054618 39726 EQUIPMENT RACVSHELT DzP R / 2oO8 / C / OO2 | 7m3s 62s 30057024 39726 EQUIPMENT RACIVSHELF T|DM/2004/C/O02/O2 30054404 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL DZP R / 2008 / C / N2 / LO035 624 3005/1405 39729 SYNCHRONIZING STANDARD DZPR/ 2008 / C I 002 / L0035624 30054808 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL rDM / 2005 I Cl 037 / Lo03L848 + 10032861 30057025 39729 DIGITAL MU LTIPLEX SYSTEM TIDMl2004lgl002/02 COASTCOM 24 SLOT SHEt 30054809 39732 LINE TRAP 345KV \oM / 200s / cl 037110031848 30054810 39732 LINE TUNING UNIT TtoM I 200s / cl 037110031848 30054812 39732 PLC TMNSMITTER/RECEIVER SET EQ# 385786 r'DM / 2005 / Cl 037l10031848 30015425 39735 BATTERY AND RACK 48VDC ER 3713880 C&D 175A 30033025 3973s BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 331355 CAATS# 65746 30033026 39735 BATTERY CHARGER CMTS# 55746 30048495 39735 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC wBS Trf D/2006/C/O0L|L0029741388 WOLV CR 30054519 39735 BATTERY AND RACK DZPR/ 2008 I C I O02 / Lo03s62s 30054620 39735 BATTERY CHARGER SAGEON 161KV YARD EQ# 383338 DZPR/ 2008 / C / O02 / Lo03s62s 30054621 39735 AC POWER TRANSFER PANEL DZPR I 2008 I C / O02 / t003s62s 30057028 39735 GENEMTOR TMNSFER PANET DZP Rl 20tO I C I OR9/10039834 300s8802 39735 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS)ctTcl2006lcl4t2l270 30015407 39738 TELEM/FSK RECEIVER ASSEMBLY ER 3431160 300154(x,39738 TELEM/FSK TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY ER 3431160 30015440 39738 PROTECTIVE RETAYING RECEIVER ER 100387 300754/.2 39738 PROTECTIVE RETAYING TRANSM ITTER ER 100387 30033035 39738 Analog Telementrv Receiver wBs DsPr/1s99 / ClO22 I 0t2 30043124 39738 PANEL.RElAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 101083 30057020 39738 PROTECTIVE RELAYING TERMINAL RFL 9745 EQ# 38 TIDM I 200s I c I o37 I to03L848 30057027 39738 TELEM/TRANSMITTER OR RECEIVER TERMINAL ER 3527637 2ND BUS VOLTAGE TELEMETRY POI 30051553 39747 INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) TELEPHONE SYSTEM ctrc/2006/cl4t2/2L0 30015413 39744 PARTY LINE SELECTOR ER 3394145 30015421 39744 CALL SEQUENCER ER 3541547 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page 172 EXECUTION VERSION 30048509 39744 TELEPHONE SWITCH RS.232 wBs TilD/2006/CIOO,/ 100297 41,388 WOLV CR 30058371 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH rtDMl2004/c/002/02 30032828 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CMTS# 64872 30054623 39747 (2) ANTENNA SYSTEMS.6'DZP R I 2008 / C / O02 / LOO3s62s 30054624 39747 {2I RADOMES 6'TEIGAR DZP R / 2008 / C / OO2 I LOO35, 625 300s4625 39747 TOWER FOUNDATION RE.BUILD (EQ #362491)DZP R I 2008 I C / N2 I tOO3562s 30054626 39747 (2) WAVEGUIDE DzP Rl 2008 / Cl Oo2 / t003s62s 30054627 39747 GROUNDING GRID DZP Rl 2008 / Cl O02 / L0035625 30055188 39753 AIR CONDITIONER. FREE STANDING OUTSIDE A/C TZP R I 2@9 I C lT R9 / LOO38A7 3 30058372 397s3 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE . VAULT TzP R I 2009 I C lr R9/10038873 40084269 35311 CAPACITOR CELL 161 KV TZP R I 20tL / Cfi R6 / tO045542 40084270 35311 CAPACITOR FUSE 161 KV TZP R / 20tL I ClTR6 I 70045542 40083291 35311 CAPACITOR CELL 161 KV TZP R I 2011 I C lT R6 I 10042044 40083292 3s311 CAPACITOR FUSE 161 KV TZP R I 2O1U C lT R6 I 1OO42O44 40055319 35311 CAPACITOR CELL Eq# 331475 ER 85.5942 161KV 36MVAR GE 1OOKVAR 40084662 35315 GROUP OPERATED SWITCH 161KV 2OOOA TLPR/20L2/C/O0L{ESA 40084168 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZPR I 2otr / C/TRU1004536s 40088444 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TZP R I 2013 / ClTRv100s060s 40084563 35327 INSULATOR, POST 169KV TZPRl20tz/Cl001/ESA 40084664 35327 INSULATOR, POST 161KV TZPR{20L2lClOotlESA 40084661 35327 BUS 1ZPR|20L2/CIO0LIESA 40088443 35327 BUS TZP R / 2Ot3 / C lT Ru100 s060s 30054527 3900s BUILDING - COTTAGE ER 85-318 30059607 39011 SEWER SYSTEM ER 3326386 COTTAGE #2 30001168 39405 GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BATANCE CONVERSION 30001166 39405 GENERAL MASS U N ITIZATION 1998 BATANCE CONVERSION 3000836s 3950s GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BATANCE CONVERSION 30008367 3950s GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30008369 39505 GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30064756 39700 cY2013 GOSHEN 34s SUB COMM EOU|P (C/C 13696) 30063245 39700 cY2012 GOSHEN SUB COMM EOU|P (C/C 13696) 30064754 39700 cy2013 GOSHEN 161 SUB COMM EQU|p (C/C 13696) 30059171 t9729 DIGITAT MULTIPLEX SYSTEM. ATTAS 550 & COASTCOM TfiO12007 /C|OiLIWCGSP2DA DAF 30065523 39700 cY2014 GOSHEN 161 COMM EOUrP (C/C 136961 Location: 540060 - Jim Bridger Substation, WY Asset FERC Class Asset description 2nd Line of Description 40007544 3s201 CABLE TRAY CMTS #13057 40007548 35201 CONTROL BUILDING CMTS #13057 4003822t 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ROOF CAATS# 54232 40007552 35201 FLOOR CAATS #13057 40056L77 35205 HEATER (BASEMENT}TJBM/2005/C/003 40058066 35205 HEATER 48OV 1OKW TJBM/2005/C/006 40007584 3s205 HVAC SYSTEM CAATS #13057 40038222 35205 HVAC SYSTEM CAATS# 63682 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM 40007568 35207 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CAATS #13057 40007580 t5207 GROUND MAT CAATS #13057 4000756/.15207 LOAD CENTER CAATS #13057 40007592 35207 PANEL CAATS #13057 40075533 35209 SECURITY SYSTEM wBs rz Rs/2008/c/002/t@35467 AWEC 40007588 3s2t5 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CMTS wO 4329 40007s72 35227 CABLE TRENCH CMTS #13057 400075t2 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FITT MATERIAT (SURF CAATS #10711 40007576 35227 CONDUIT CMTS #13057 40007515 35227 CULVERT (FOR YARD DRAINAGE SYSTEM)CMTS #10711 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page 173 EXECUTION VERSION 40007s60 35227 DRAINAGE SYSTEM CAATS #13057 40007532 3s227 FENCE CMTS f10711 40077933 35227 FENCE ERSr-L2754-5t7 40007524 35227 GATE CAATS f10711 40007528 35227 GATE CMTS #10711 40007508 35227 ROADWAY, INCL. CLRING, GRADING, SURFACE CAATS #10711 40007535 35227 SITE PREPARATION & EXCAVATION CAATS #13057 40063290 3s227 SLIDE GATE ER 20009 40007520 35227 WHEEL GUARD CAATS #10711 40049623 3s229 FLOODLIGHT ER 31-17813-586 40036927 35300 RS232 SWTTCH w Bs cE N G/1999 I Cl O98 lW 65597 40063292 35301 CURRENT TRANSFORMER ER 16507 WEST 40053381 35301 DOBLE LINK ER 11690 40021098 35317 CONDUIT CAATS #10711 40077932 35317 CONDUIT ER3t-L2754-5t7 40063369 35317 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE(MANHOLE)ER 11359 COVER ONLY 40055386 35319 ANNUNCIATOR wBs rwYM/200s/c/030 40077929 35319 ANNUNCIATOR 36 PT ER3L-t2754-577 40058972 35319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER rJBM/2006/C/OOI 40063383 35319 FAULT RECORDER ER22628 40021190 35319 TOAD CENTER CAATS #60192 4002L293 35319 OSCILLOGRAPH CAATS #105078 400L8247 35319 RELAY AND CONTROI.CAATS #60031 40021105 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS #60031 40053273 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL CAATS wO 11780 40057780 35319 RETAYAND CONTROT CAATS# 10725 40057782 35319 RETAYAND CONTROT CAATS# 10726 40057783 35319 RELAY AND CONTROI.CAATS# 12893 40021309 35319 REIAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 4553 4005778r'.35319 RETAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 62800 40057796 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 62841 40057809 35319 RETAY AND CONTROT CAATS# 62882 40038219 35319 RETAY AND CONTROT CAATS# 63617 MICROWAVE PANEL 40063384 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER22678 40063294 3s319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 4s293 40079L26 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIBM/2004lclOO2lOt 40078952 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT TzRs I 2009 I c lT R2 / L0037 9 43 400789s3 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS/2009/C/rR2 I L0037 944 40070L72 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBs rMGM/2006 / Cl 004 I LO03777 2 40070203 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT wBs rMGM/2006 I Cl OO4 / LOO3777 3 40078702 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT wBs zRs/2008/c/009, BRLYS 40063374 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK ERtt277 40077930 35321 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ER31-72754-5t7 40036047 3s32L BATTERY AND RACK wBs DEVA/1999 I CIOOU COO0L57S 40047847 35321 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC wBs rJBM/2@3/C/003 200AH C&D 40021110 35321 BATTERY CHARGER CA,ATS #59396 400/.7844 35321 BATTERY CHARGER 125VDC WBS TJBM/20O3 lCIOO3 2OA IAMARCHE 40063358 35321 RECTIFIER/INVERTER ER 18219 120VDC TO 120VAC 250A 4007793r'.35323 GENERATOR ER3t-12754-517 40021213 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTIM CMTS #60031 40027134 35325 GROUND MAT CAATS #10711 40021305 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER ER 45410{269 40063373 35327 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 36KV ER 2841 0N T-3381 40077939 35?27 LIGHTNING ARRESTER 36KV ERSt-t2754-577 4002lto2 1532t POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #10711 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page 174 EXECUTION '|/ERSION 4002\142 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #10711 40027746 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #10711 40021150 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #10711 40021154 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #10711 40021158 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS #10711 40021162 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS #10711 40027766 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS #10711 4002t227 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #60031 40057799 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 62841 40057807 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 62882 40077940 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ERSL-t2754-5L7 40079725 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TJBM/20041C/O02/07 4007870L 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs TzRs/2008/c/009/J BRLYS 40077938 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER3L-72754-517 40021301 3s339 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM CMTS wO 7539942L 40040246 35340 RAZ Y2K CONTROTS DTEC/ 7999 / C/OO8/C0036801 TO BRTDGER 40040765 35340 TRAVELING WAVE FAUTT LOCATOR SYSTEM CMTS #63251 400272L6 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #105078 400272t2 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #60031 40047692 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)flBM/2003/ClO04 400633s5 3s341 SEQUENCE OF EVENT RECORDER ER 17310 4002tlt4 35342 SEOUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER CAATS #59397 40021174 35342 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER REBUILD wBs TJBM/200slC/002 30058820 39708 TELLABS DATA BRIDGE TtBM/20041C/OO2lO7 30058821 39714 OATA SWITCH rJBM12004lC(OO2/Ot 30058825 397t4 ROUTER 'tJBM/2Oo4/c/oO2/OL 30037062 39723 ANALOG MICROWAVE RADIO cENG/1999/C/060 30044193 39723 MW RADIO EQUIP CMTS# s1301 W lO 3826 30058823 39726 EQUIPMENT SHELF T]BMl2004lClOO2/0t 30027198 39726 RADIO COMM, CTV, TRANSDUCER CMTS #7540060 300114194 39729 CHANNET BANK CMTS# 51301 WlO3826 30058822 39729 DIGITAL MU LTIPLEX SYSTEM.COASTCOM M flBu12004/ClOO2l07 30036272 39735 48 VDC 1OO AMP BATTERY CHARGER flBMl2002lC/RDF/07 30036271 39735 640 AMP BATTERY BANK AND RACK TtBMl2002/CIRDF/O7 30044t97 39735 AC POWER EOUIP CAATS# 51301 W lO 3826 30044198 39715 DC POWER EQUIP CAATS# 51301 WlO3826 30042tu 39738 AUDIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CAATS# 11380 3004215s 39738 AUDIO.TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CMTS# 14337 30042166 39738 AUDIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CAATS# 14344 30027208 39738 AUDIO-TON E PROTECTIVE RELAYING TERMINAL CAATS WO 840 30027270 3974r'.TELEPHONE CAATS# 13057 30044199 39747 ANTENNA CAATS# 51301 W tO 3826 3004420t 39747 TOWER CMTS# 51301 WlO3826 40088316 35205 HVAC (AIR CONDITIONER}TZRS / 2073 / ClTR6 / L00s0/.22 40086963 35219 FOUNDATION AND SUESTRUCTURE TZRS / 201t / C fi 00 / t004so42 40085954 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZRS / 20 7r / C /TU4l3 62 KVC B 400857t2 35227 CTEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TW O / 2077 I Cl 003/J BRASCD 40086964 35227 OIL STORAGE TANK (TANK392594)rzRs / 2o,l / c n oo / 10045042 40086629 35227 ROADWAY, INCL. CIRING, GRADING. SURFACE TZRS / 20 L0 / C lT RL / 100 4t645 40085759 3s227 ROADWAY, INCL. CLRING, GRADING, SURFACE sJtM / 207Lu C I 037lU lGSU 40085715 35301 REACTOR INSTALT COSTS EQ# 392863 TI|IfYO/20LL|C/O03/JERASCD 345KV 600A 2mH 40085716 35301 REACTOR INSTALL COSTS EQ# 392864 TW(O |20LL/C|O03/JBRASCD 345KV 600A 2mH 40085717 35301 REACTOR INSTALL COSTS EQ# 392865 TwYO/z0Lt/cloo3rBRAScD 34sKV 600A 2mH 40085715 35301 REACTOR EQ# 392863 TWrc /2071/ C/003/BRASCD 34sKV 500A 2mH 40085716 35301 REACTOR EQ# 392864 TWrc /20L7/clo03/BMscD 34sKV 600A 2mH JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT A Page | 75 EXECUTION VERSION 4004s7t7 35301 REACTOR EQ# 392855 TIM(O IZOIL|CIOO3IBRASCD 345KV 6004 2mH 4008s953 35309 BREAKER EQ# 392253 TZRS I 201L I C lTU4l362KVCB 40086625 35309 BREAKER HEATER TANK EO# 383502 TZRS I 20 t0 I C lT RL I L00 4 7645 40086625 3s309 BREAKER S/N H362A258720L EQ# 383s02 TZRS / 20 10 I C lT RL / L00 4 164s 40085525 35309 BREAKER INSTALT COSTS EQ# 383502 TZRS/2010/C/TR t I t004164s 40084770 35317 CONDUIT TZRS I 20 12 I C lT R6 / tO0465 L4 40085955 35317 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE TZRS I 20 tL / C lT u4l3 62 KVCB 40085713 35317 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE YW O / 201L I Cl O03/J BRASCD 40085718 35317 STEEL STRUCTURE TW O / 2O1L/ Cl OO3/J BRASCD 40086630 35317 STEEL STRUCTURE TZRS / 20t0 / C lT RL / L00 4L6 4s 40086626 35317 CABLE TRENCH f zRs I 20Lo / c lr Ru too4].64s 4008737L 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20L3 I C lT R2 I tOO4856 1 40087998 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20Lr I C lT R2 I LOO44'7 6 40088124 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL f z{s I 20tt / c lT R2 / too44t27 40086420 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL f zRs I 20 LU c lr R2 / too44s7 4 40086529 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20Lt I C lTR2 / LOO4r'5So 40086s27 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20L7 / C lrRz I 7004/57 9 40087372 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 LU C lT R6 | 10044458 40087373 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL rzRs I 20 LU c lT R2 I 70044s7 3 40047493 35319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER. UPGRADE CARD TO WISP TUTHIaOLLIC/OO3ILOO434'2 SYNCHROPHASER SYSTEM 40087757 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 L3 I C lT R2 I 1004966t 40086595 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL 1"w( o I 20Lt / cl ooS/JBRASDAT 400a6297 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20L1 / C lT R2 / 7004/l62t 40086423 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 Lt I C lT R2 /10044623 40086292 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 L7 I C lTRz I 1004/,622 40084t42 35319 REI-AY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 LU C lT R2 / ilO0/.38S7 40085284 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL rzRs I 20 LU c lT R2 I 10044t28 40046244 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL f zRs I 20 Lt / c lT R2 I 1o044t29 4008il22 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 Lt / C lT R2 / 1004457 7 40084660 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TWrc / 2010 I ClTM R/10042028 40081561 35319 REI-AY AND CONTROL TZRS I 20 n I C fi R2 I 10042256 40082050 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL cw Es I 2007 / c I o02lB RG BO RA H 40082051 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL cw Es / 2007 I c / o02lB RG KN P RT 40082049 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL cw Es / 2007 I c / o02lB RG Bo RA H 40086628 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL TZRS/2o 10/C/TR L I LOO4I64S 40083306 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL T\Mt O I 20 10 I C n MN IO0/2027 400857I4 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM lvfyol201ugl003/BRASCD 40085956 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TZRS / 20tL / C lT U 4 I 3 62KV CB 40047756 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZRS I 2013 I C lT R2 I tOO49661 40084659 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TW( O I 2010 I CITM R/10042028 4008/.771 t5327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZRS I 2012 I C lT R6 / tOO465 74 4008s711 35327 BUS TW O I 201L1 Cl O03/J BRASCD 40083305 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TW O I 2010 I CITMR I L0042027 40086627 35327 POWER ANO CONTROL CABLE TZRS I 2010 / CITRL / LOO4L645 40086236 35340 STEP-UP TMNSFORMER SPARE EQf 10038321 SIIM I2O7LI CIO'UU1GSU GE.PROLEC 40053s73 3s340 STEP.UP TRANSFORMER DISSOLVED GAS ANALYZER T.3/I87 stu I 20721 C I 08s/GSUSEV 40025077 35340 STEP-UP TMNSFORMER DISSOLVED GAS ANALTZER T.345 sJtM I 20121 c I o85/GSUSEV 40053620 35340 STEP-UP TMNSFORMER TEMP GAUGE EQ# 339969 SJIM / 2017l/ Cl 037lU lGSU 40053620 35340 STEP-UP TMNSFORMER LOAD TAP CHANGER EQ# 339969 sJtM I 20t7Ll Cl 037lU lGSU 40085758 35340 RETAY AND CONTROI.sJtM I 20t7t I cl 037lu lGsu 400857s7 35340 BUS sJtM I 20t7Ll Cl 037lU lGSU 40053620 35340 STEP.UP TRANSFORMER INSTALL COSTS Eq# 339969 sJtM / 2ott]^l cl 037lu lGsu 40083335 35341 HMI (MONITOR)rz(s I 20 tU c lT R2 I 10044330 40081455 35341 HMI MONITOR TZRS I 20 70 / C lT R6 / tOop.LsT L 300114190 39005 SHELTER XFERED FROM NU CMTS - Proi 51301 WO 3825 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT A Page 176 EXECUTION VERSION 30059688 39011 SITE DEVELOPMENT XFERED FROM NU CMTS - Proi 51301 WO 3825 30058824 39120 FIREWALL flBM/2004/c/oo2/0L 30054755 39700 CY2O13 BRIDGER SUB COMM EAUIP (C/C 13918) 40037972 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL CMTS #37855 4006342s 35319 REIAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 64841 40055241 35319 REISY AND CONTROL T lBM / 200s / C / 007 / 70027 424 40047923 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL Ttf./ru I 2002 I C/001/10016783 40065263 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TWYM /2 00 s/C/O 46 I L002537 0 40065262 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TW M / 200s / Cl 046 / 7002s37 0 30037769 39705 SCADA L&G TW M I 2002 I C/00y10012390 30047883 39774 MODEM CAATS# 64841 30037772 39777 FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER TV'r( M / 2002/ C/001/100 12390 300/L287 39729 JB SUB DIG MULT CARD FOR T1 CIRC JB TO CASPER ctTcl2005lc/50L/5L 30058806 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL TIDM I 200s I c / o37 / LO032866 30037773 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER TwY M / 2002 I C100 r10012390 30037774 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER SHELF TWY M / 2002/ Cl O0u10012390 30033442 39738 AU DIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CAATS #37677 30033448 39738 AU DIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CAATS #37855 30047884 39738 TRANSMITTER. RECEIVER. 125 VDC, RFL 6745 CAATS# 64841 3003777L 39738 Telemetrv Receiver TWY M I 2002 / Cl O0V10012390 30037770 39734 Tone Relav Equip TW M I 2002 I Cl O01/10012390 40084979 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING & FILL MATERIAL TtD12007 lclO02lJBSUB 40084980 3s317 CONDUIT T[DI2007ICIOO2IJBSUB 40084985 35319 RELAY AND CONTROT TilD/2007/CIOO2IBSUB 40084982 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TtDl2007lC/OO2hBSUB 40084984 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T|lDl2007lC/OOzTBSUB 40084986 35341 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER rnDl2ooTlc/oo2lBsuB 30061281 39700 cy2010 JB suM coMM EQUrp (c/c 13918) Locations 085051 - Populus Substation, lD Asset & Sub#FERC Asset description 1032660 3501000 POPULUS SUB LAND. BASTION PROP IDBA.OOlg 3043120 3501000 POPULUS SUB LAND IDBA-0O16 3043110 3501000 POPULUS SUB LAND IDBA.OO1s 3043130 3501000 POPULUS SUB LAND IDBA.OO17 400801440 3s20000 CONTROL BUILDING 400801s30 3520000 METAL CABINET (FOR FIBER OPTICS) 400802060 3520000 SECURITY SYSTEM 400801490 3520000 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE. CTRL BLDG 400801420 3520000 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF 400801470 3520000 FENCE & GATES 400801570 3530000 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 400801430 3530000 CONDUIT 400801480 3s30000 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE - COMMON 400803840 3530000 CABLE TRENCH 400801550 3530000 RELAY AND CONTROL 400803040 3s30000 RETAY AND CONTROL 400866940 3530000 RELAY AND CONTROT 400885860 3530000 RETAY AND CONTROT 400801450 3s30000 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER 400801340 3530000 ANNUNCIATOR 400801400 3530000 CABLE TERMINATION CABINET 400802010 3530000 METERING PACKAGE (CVVT} 345KV 400801350 3530000 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - E)GIIBIT A Page 177 400801360 3s30000 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC EO# 381622 400801370 3530000 BATTERY AND RACK 48VDC EQ# 381620 400801380 3530000 BATTERY CHARGER 125VDC EQ# 381623 400801390 3s30000 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC EQ# 381621 400801500 3530000 GENERATOR 400801510 3530000 GROUND GRID SYSTEM 400802030 3530000 OIL SPILL CONTAINMENT 400866930 3530000 POWER AND CONTROT CABLE 400801540 3530000 POWER AND CONTROI CABLE 400801520 3537000 HMI AUTOMATION (PC, PRINTER, SOFTWARE) 400801560 3537000 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU) 300586560 3900000 PREFAB BUILDING - 2 ROOM GFRC CONCRETE 11'x24' 300601730 3900000 SITE CLEARING 300601740 3900000 SITE GROUNDING 300601970 3970000 CY2O1O COMMUNICATION EOUIPMENT (CC 13696) JO 300591510 3970000 CY2OlO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT (CC 13696) CA 300613090 3970000 DA CY2O11 POPULUS COMMUNICATIN EQUIP (C/C 12580} 300643030 3970000 C'T2012 POPULUS SUB COMM EQUIP (CC 13695) 300s86410 3970000 RTU - GE CANADA 300586420 3970000 ROUTER - CTSCO 2811 300585430 3970000 DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM 300586440 3970000 RADIO (RF) 11 GHZ 28DS1TO RED ROCK EQ#XXXXXX 300586450 3970000 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF w FUSE PANEL 300s86460 3970000 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM COASTCOM R4O9 300586470 3970000 BATTERY AND RACK DEKA EAST PENN UNIGY II EQ#XXXXXX 300586480 3970000 BATTERY AND RACK EQ #XXXNO( 300586490 3970000 BATTERY CHARGER EQSXXXXXX 300586500 3970000 AC POWERTMNSFER PANET 300586510 3970000 EMERGENCY POWER GENEMTOR SYSTEM ONAN 35KW 300586520 3970000 PROPANE STORAGE TANK 300586530 3970000 ANTENNA SYSTEM . HP6-1O7.PIA EQ#XXXXXX 300586540 3970000 ANTENNA SYSTEM - 6'TELGAR RADOME 300586550 3970000 TOWER SABRE S3TL 150' EO#XXXXXX 300586900 3970000 WAVEGUIDE EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT A Page | 78 EXECUTION VERSION EXHIBIT B 35011 35011 35011 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS PERMANENT I.AND IMPROVEMENTS TS DRAINAGE SYSTEMS-CU LVERTS, ETC YARD SURFACING. GRAVEI- ETC, YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL, ETC. ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING PERIMETER FENCE & GATES WATER WELL PUMP SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL SEWER LINE LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE & LIGHT LIGHT MAST FOUNDAIION . STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM D.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM LOCAL SERVICE FND FOUNDATION - COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT PAD LIGHTING MAST FND CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment2 1974 1975 7977 7976 7976 r977 t976 r977 t977 7977 t977 t977 L977 t977 L977 t977 L977 L977 7977 1977 t977 t977 t977 7977 L977 L977 L977 7977 1995 2 An updated list of Idaho Power's Common Equipment that reflects any changes in Idaho Power's Common Equipment between the Execution Date and the Effective Date shall be mutually agreed to by the Parties pursuant to the JPSA and the updated list shall replace the above list effective as of the Effective Date. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT B PagelT9 35200 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 353fi) 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 353fi) 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 UNIWALKS LOCAL SERVICE STRUCTURE M ETAL STRUCT - COMM U NICATION 15KV BUS SUP, CT, PT, MISC STR CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES INSUI-ATORS - PIN OR POST 10, DISC INSUI-ATORS 266.8 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM LIB" X1" FLAT BAR COPPER CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE fl18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROI WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO - #12 CONTROL WrRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE s10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WrRE #70 - #L2 CONTROL WtRE *70 . *L2 CONTROL WIRE *to - *12 coNTRoL wtRE *to - #72 CoNTROL WrRE L977 L977 L977 L977 t977 1995 1977 t977 1977 1977 1977 1995 1980 1991 1993 1995 1995 1995 1980 1993 1995 1996 1995 1993 L977 t977 1980 1996 1996 1;977 1980 1991 1995 1991 1993 1995 1977 1995 1991 1995 1995 1995 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - E)GIIBIT B Page | 80 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 353(x) 3s300 3s300 #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #{' CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7-#CONTROLWIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE 4/o coPPER CONTROL WIRE 350 MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 5OO MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS #6 COPPER GROUND #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT 7/16 COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2" - 3-7/2" CONDU|r 2" -3-!2" CONDUTT 2" -3-1/2" CONDUIT 5'' CONDUIT SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE sOKVA LOCAL SERVICE XIMR 167-499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR SWITCH . POWER FUSE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME L977 L977 L977 1980 L977 L977 t977 t977 L977 1977 1977 1995 1,977 !977 L977 1977 1995 1995 1977 t977 1995 L977 1977 t977 1995 1995 L977 t977 L977 1995 t977 t977 1995 L977 t977 L977 1995 L977 L977 L977 L977 L977 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATINGAGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 81 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL RACVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIqPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAls PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EqUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1977 7977 L977 r977 1991 1995 1995 1995 L977 L977 1977 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1993 1995 t977 t977 1980 1980 1965 L977 1980 1955 L977 1980 1980 L977 1977 1980 1980 1995 1995 1995 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_DC{IBM B Page | 82 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 39720 39720 39720 39720 35200 SCADA EQUIPMENT COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP AUXITIARY LOAD CENTER LOAD CENTER, AC IOAD CENTER, DC 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR TMNSFER SWITCH AI3RM SYSTEMS-WIRED CIRCUITS BOX, CABINET OR PANEL OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT MISC OFFICE FURNITURE CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR DESK DESK DESK DESK FILE CABINET TABLE TABLE COMPUTER AND PERIPHEMLS PRINTER MICROWAVE, ANTENNA MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #ro - #12 CoNTROL W|RE SMOKE DETECTOR METER MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, ANTENNA MrcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FlX) MrcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FIX) BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 1991 t977 L977 1977 1977 1977 1995 1991 1995 7977 1992 1995 1995 1995 L975 1952 1953 t964 1931 1950 1951 197'l 1977 7952 1954 1991 1991 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2001 1999 2000 2000 1998 1998 2004 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 83 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35200 35300 35300 3s300 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39740 39740 39740 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK SAFETY SWITCH PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT SUPERSTRUCTURE ROOF CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP FOUNDATION - OTHER EQUIPMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND METAL STRUCT - OTHER SUPPORT METAL STRUCT - EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERATS FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT FIBER, CARD SHELF 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_E)GIIBIT B Page | 84 39740 39740 39740 39740 39740 3s300 39120 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35200 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 39500 39500 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 FIBER, CARD SHELF FIBER, CARD UNIT FIBER, CARD UNIT FIBER, WIRE/CABLE FIBER, WIRE/CABLE ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT NETWORK EQ CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOITAGE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP OTHER I.AB/RESEARCH EQUIPMENT OTHER LAB/RESEARCH EqUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANE[ FRAME PROTECNON EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 20t2 2072 2072 2012 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT B Page | 85 catecory Adelaide Description Vln Year 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 353fi) 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE FIBER OPTIC CABLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FMME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY 48 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK BATIERY RACK TRANSFER SWITCH TRANSFER SWITCH METERING EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EOUIP 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2012 2012 35011 3s011 35011 35011 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS TAND OWNED IN FEE TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL ETC. YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL ETC. YARD SURFACING - GMVEL, ETC. SITE EXCAVATION SITE EXCAVATION ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING ROAD EXCAVATION ROAD EXCAVATION PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES WATER WELI PUMP WATER WELL PUMP t972 1983 1975 1983 L975 L982 1983 t972 1983 L972 1983 1972 1983 1975 1982 1983 1975 1983 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 86 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 WATER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM WATER WELL WATER WELL SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL SEWAGE DMIN SYSTEM SEWAGE DRAIN SYSTEM SEWER LINE OIL CATCH BASIN LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE LIGHT MAST LIGHT MAST LIGHT MAST, LOWER DEVICE & LIG LIGHT MAST, LOWER DEVICE & LIG FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BU ITDING COMPLETE STATION BUILOING BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM ArR CONDTTTONERS &/OR COOLERS EXHAUST FANS & DUCT HUMIDIFIER BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU ILDI NG ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU ILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU ILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU ILDING ETECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU ILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AIR COMPRESSOR FND FOUNDATION . COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT PAD UGHING MAST FND LIGHTING MAST FND LIGHTING MAST FND TUNNELS L97S 1983 L975 1983 t975 1983 t975 1983 t975 L975 t975 1983 L975 1983 1977 1983 7975 1983 1975 1983 7975 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 L975 1983 L975 1983 7975 1983 7975 1983 t975 !975 1975 !975 L977 1983 1975 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 87 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 TUNNELS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE ABOVE GROUND CABLEWAY CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONOUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND TREAD PTATES TREAD PLATES UNIWALKS UNIWALKS METAL STRUCT. COM MUN ICATION HEATERS HEATERS LIGHTING LIGHTING WELL HOUSE (INACNVE) WELL HOUSE (TNACflVE) TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES INSUI.ATORS. PIN OR POST BUS - RIGID WITH FITTINGS 15KV POWER CABLE 15KV POWER CABLE 15KV POWER CABLE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROT W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROT W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE 1983 L975 t975 1982 1983 1975 7979 1983 t982 1983 L975 1983 1975 1975 1983 t975 1983 L975 1983 1975 1983 1975 1983 1975 1975 1975 L975 1983 1985 1991 1993 1995 1975 1975 1995 1982 1983 1985 1991 1995 1996 EXECUTION YERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 88 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE f18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE f18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE #14 - f16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE f14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 -#t6 CoNTROLWIRE #L4.#L6 CONTROLWIRE #L4-#16 CONTROLWIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE fi14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE #70 - #72 CONTROL WIRE #70 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #to -#L2 CoNTROL WIRE #70 -#12 CoNTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #to - #12 CoNTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #ro - #12 coNTRoL wtRE 1997 1982 1983 198s 1996 1977 7977 1982 1983 1985 1993 1995 1977 1979 199s 1975 1982 1983 1993 1995 1975 L975 t975 1985 1991 t975 L982 1983 1982 t982 1983 L982 1983 1985 1985 1991 1993 1995 1995 1980 1981 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT B Page | 89 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 353fl) 35300 35300 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO. #T2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 -*12 coNTRoLWTRE #70 -#12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - f12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE s10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #TO.#L2 CONTROLWIRE #10 - f12 CONTROL WIRE #LO -*72 CONTROLWIRE *to - #t2 coNTRoL wtRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #to - #12 CoNTROL W|RE #70 - *L2 CONTROL WIRE #to - *12 coNTRoL wrRE #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE STO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE fl7 - f9 CONTROT_ W|RE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 . #9 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROT W|RE 1982 1983 1995 L975 L975 t982 1983 1985 1991 1993 1995 1995 1981 1984 t987 1995 L979 t975 L975 1975 1981 1982 1983 1991 1995 1975 1975 7975 1977 1980 1982 1983 1985 7975 t975 t975 1982 1983 1995 L982 1983 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOTNT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBM B Page | 90 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE 1/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WrRE 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE UO ALUM CONTROL WIRE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS #4 COPPER GROUND #4 COPPER GROUND #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT 216 COPPER GROUND 216 COPPER GROUND 716 COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1995 L975 1982 1983 1982 1983 1995 L975 t975 L982 1983 L975 L975 t982 1983 7975 1982 1983 1975 1983 L975 1982 1983 L975 t982 1983 1975 7979 1982 1983 L975 t979 1980 L982 1983 7975 1983 1977 !975 t975 L975 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT B Page | 9l 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s3(x) 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2" -3-112" CONDUTT 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 2" -3-u2" CONDUrr 2" -3-u2" CONDUIT 2" -3-7/2" CONDUn 2" -3-t/2" CONDUrr 2" - 3-L12" CONDUTT 2" -3-t/2" CONDUTT 2" - 3-L12" CONDUTT 2" -3-t/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 4, CONDUIT 4" CONOUTT 4" CONDUIT 4" CONDUIT 4.'CONDUIT 4.'CONDUIT 5" CONOUTT 5'CONDUIT SMALT ELECTRrcAL ENCLOSURE SMALT ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 15.49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15.49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15.49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15.49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR MOTOR MECHANISM SWITCH. POWER FUSE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 1982 1983 1975 1982 1983 7975 t975 1981 1:975 t975 L975 1981 L982 1983 L975 1981 L982 1983 t975 L9A2 1983 t975 L979 1982 1983 1982 1983 1982 1983 L975 1981 1982 1983 L975 L975 t975 L982 1983 1975 1975 7975 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _E)C{IBTT B Pagel92 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACI(PANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAl.s PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAts ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS METERING EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 t975 1996 t975 L975 1983 1985 1985 1975 L975 1975 r975 L975 1991 1995 1995 1995 L975 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1991 1991 1982 1983 1996 1975 t982 1983 1995 1993 1996 7974 1975 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT -EXHIBIT B Page | 93 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROT EQUIPMENT SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA MCIVPANEL FRAME SCADA MCIVPANEL FRAME SCADA MCIVPANEL FMME SCADA MCIVPANET FRAME SCADA MCIVPANEL FRAME SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT 1975 1975 1975 1980 1985 L97S 1985 L975 1980 1983 1985 1975 1977 1985 L975 t977 1982 1983 1985 1981 1984 1985 1987 1975 1985 1991 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 L975 1983 L975 1983 L975 1983 1985 L976 1983 L976 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBIT B Pagel94 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY 48 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK BATTERY RACK BATTERY RACK LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC 10.40 AMP CIR BRKR VOLTAGE ALARM VOLTAGE AI.ARM AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 1PH AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 1PH 25KVA 1 PH XFMR 25KVA 1 PH XFMR sOKVA 1 PH XFMR sOKVA 1 PH XFMR 75KVA 3 PH XFMR 75KVA 3 PH XFMR 112KVA 3 PH XFMR 112KVA 3 PH XFMR SOOKVA 3 PH XFMR sOOKVA 3 PH XFMR LKV A 48O / 24O-L20 VOLT XFM R LKV A 480 | 240-L20 VOLT XFM R OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE CHAIR 1983 L976 1983 1985 1975 L982 1983 L982 1983 L975 L982 1983 L975 L975 L982 1983 t975 L982 1983 1995 L975 1983 1975 1983 1975 1983 1975 1983 1975 1983 t975 1983 L975 1983 L975 1983 L982 1983 t979 1983 L975 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 95 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 39720 CHAIR DESK DESK FILE CABINET FILE CABINET FILE CABINET PRINT HOLDER PRINT HOLDER TABLE TABLE COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS INTERCOM SYSTEM MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EqUIPMENT #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS EQUIPMENT PAD 15KV POWER CABLE #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE #10 -#12 CONTROLWTRE 2" -3-!2" CONDUTT 4" CONDUIT AUXILLARY GENERATOR #14 - f16 CONTROL W|RE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQU IPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, BATTERY 1983 L975 1983 1975 1979 1983 t975 1983 1956 1983 L992 L975 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_ E)GIIBIT B Page | 96 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 39720 39720 39720 39720 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 39720 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 130 VOLT BATITRY BATTERY RACK SAFETY SWITCH xFM 196 133 13KV 150/250MVA 1P M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&F|X) M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FIX) MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT COMPLETE STATION BU ILDING SMOKE DETECTOR METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME AIARM/MONITORING EqUIPMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE PRIMARY CURRENT XFMR CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT MDF BOARD FOR COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER CONTACTOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS BARRIER. FENCE, EQUIP PROT GRATING 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1998 1998 1998 1998 2001 2001 1999 1999 1999 2000 1998 1998 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EX{IBIT B Page 197 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 39740 39740 39740 39740 35200 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 39120 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHEMI.S AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH AIARM/MON ITORING EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT FIBER, CARD SHELF FIBER, CARD UNIT FIBER, WIRE/CABLE CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RAC(/PANEL FRAME COMM MCIVPANEL FRAME YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER NETWORK EQ CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE FIBER OPTIC CABLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONDUIT & FrTTINGs ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONTROL RACVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 98 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35200 3s200 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35200 35200 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EOUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP MICROWAVE, BATTERY MICROWAVE, BATTERY CHARGER MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. tOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM MCIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE COMM MCI(PANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2011 2077 20ro 2010 20LL 20t2 20L2 20t2 20L2 20t2 20L2 20t2 20t2 20L2 20L2 20t2 20L2 20t2 20t2 2010 20L0 2010 20to 2010 20to 2010 2010 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 99 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL MCIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER AUXILIARY LOAD CE].ITER CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCK,/PANEL FRAME CONTROL MCVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCK/PANEL FMME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20to 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 EXECUTION 'I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 100 Category Borah Descriotlon Vin Year 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 36500 36600 36600 36600 36700 36700 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE FIBER OPTIC CABLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECAON EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP METERING EQUIPMENT CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS PAD-3PH SECT ENCLOSURE. PRIMAR VAULT BASE SECTION VAUTTTOP SECTION CON DUIT DUST.DI RECT BU RIAL.PRI UG CONDUCTOR-PRIMARY 15KV SECT ENCLOSURE 3PH. PRIMARY GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20LO 20L2 2012 20L2 20L2 20L2 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 20L2 20L3 2013 2013 2073 2013 20t3 20L3 2013 2073 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page I l0l 35300 35011 35300 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 353(x) 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 2000 2008 2077 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 23OKV CIRCUIT BREAKER I-AND OWNED IN FEE TS COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT PERIMETER FENCE & GATES WATER SYSTEM WATER WELL COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING BUILDING PTUMBING SYSTEM BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION FOUNDATION - STRUCTURE FOUNDATION - OTHER EQUIPMENT CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND METAL STRUCT. OTHER SUPPORT METAL STRUCT. EQUIPMENT wooD PoLE - Mtsc CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES INSUIATORS. PIN OR POST BUS. RIGID WITH FITTINGS STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)GIIBIT B Page | 102 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 75KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 5OO.1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR SWITCH - POWER FUSE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACK/PANEt FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20t0 2010 2010 2070 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT.EX{IBTT B Page | 103 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 20LO 20to 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20L0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECAON EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EqUIPM ENT SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT COMM RACIVPANET FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM MCK/PANEt FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACVPANEL FRAME COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME DISTANCE / FAULT TOCATOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP YARD LOCAL SERV OR IOAD CENTER 'A VOTT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOIT BATTERY CHARGER EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_ E)GIIBIT B Page | 104 35011 35011 35011 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS LAND OWNED IN FEE TS I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS RETAINING WAL6 SITE PREPAMTION & IMPROVEMENT DRAI NAGE SYSTEMS-CULVERT' ETC YARD SURFACING - GRAVEI. ETC. YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC. YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC. SITE EXCAVATION BLACKTOP GRAVEL GRAVEL CULVERTS ROAD EXCAVATION ROAD REGRADING CONCRETE WALK PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES WATER WELL PUMP WATER SYSTEM WATER WELL COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHTSYSTEM YARD LIGHTSYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM t972 L972 t976 t970 t972 7976 L972 7972 1972 1972 1976 L979 \972 L972 L972 1984 1980 1976 7992 1976 1976 1976 1976 L976 t976 1980 1992 L976 EXECUTION YERSION Gtesory Hemincwav Description Vin Year 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK TRANSFER SWITCH BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM BOX, CABINET OR PANEL MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 2010 20to 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2077 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_E)GIIBIT B Page | 105 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM LIGHT STANDARD LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION . CONDENSER BLDG FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING PIPING FOR PTUMBING SHOWER WATER HEATER BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM HEATER & AIR CONDITIONER COMBI HEATER & AIR CONDITIONER COMBI AIR CONOITIONER TRANSFORMER BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING LIGHT FIXTURE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDI NG ELECTRICAL SYSTEM O.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE BUILDING ELECTRICAT SYSTEM CATWALK FND FOUNDATION . COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION BOX FND OUTDOOR CABINET FND FOUNDATION. METALCLAD LIGHTING MAST FND TUNNELS CONCRETE ABOVE GROUND CABLEWAY CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT UNDER GROUND CABLEWAY CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND UNIWALKS CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER 1980 L976 L976 1992 1980 1976 1976 1980 1976 t976 t976 t976 1980 1980 1980 t976 t976 1980 1980 t976 1980 t976 t976 L976 L976 L976 1993 1976 1992 1976 1976 L976 1981 7992 t979 1980 1981 1981 L976 1981 t992 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT B Page | 106 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CABLE RISER SUPPORT CATWALK STRUCTURE METAL STRUCT. COMMUNICATION STATIC BAR SUPPORT STRUCTURE WELL HOUSE (INACNVEI TOOLSHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC HEATERS LIGHTING PLUMBING BARRIER - FIRE, SWITCHING, ETC HANDRAIL GRATING CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 4-7KV PrN/POST INSULATORS 10KV P|N/POST TNSUTATORS 10KV PrN/POST rNSUI-ATORS 10KV PrN/POST rNSU LATORS 10KV PrN/POST TNSULATORS INSUI.ATORS. PIN OR POST 2/0 AWG CONDUCTOR COPPER 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 266.8 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 336.4 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 397.5 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 15KV POWER CABLE 15KV POWER CABLE 15KV POWER CABLE 15KV POWER CABLE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE #18 - #19 CONTROT WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROT WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROT WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROT WIRE #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE L976 L976 1976 1976 1976 1976 t976 L976 L976 L976 t976 L976 L976 L976 L976 1981 1984 t987 t976 1985 1981 L976 L976 1976 t976 L976 1980 1976 1976 1976 1991 1995 7976 1980 1981 1986 1990 1991 1992 1993 1995 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBIT B Page | 107 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 #18 - f19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROT W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #I4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE #T4 -#L6 CONTROLWIRE #14 - #15 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #15 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - f15 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #15 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE COAXIAL CABLE #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE #TO . #L2 CONTROL WIRE #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE 1996 L997 1980 L992 L976 t979 1981 1991 1992 L976 1979 1982 !976 1979 1981 1995 1992 1976 1979 1991 1992 1993 1980 1980 1993 1996 1990 1980 1981 1991 7976 1980 1981 1990 7976 7976 1980 1981 1992 1996 1980 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)GIIBIT B Page | 108 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 fiLO - #72 CONTROL WIRE #LO . #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #to -#12 CoNTROLWIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - f12 CONTROL WIRE #7O.*L2 CONTROLWIRE #TO . *L2 CONTROL WIRE #t0 - #t2 coNTRoL wlRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #to - #12 coNTRoL wlRE #to - #72 CoNTROL WIRE #LO.#12 CONTROLWIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #LO - #72 CONTROL WIRE #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE #\O - #12 CONTROL WIRE #to -#L2 CoNTROLWIRE #ro - #12 coNTRoL wrRE #to - *72 CoNTROL WIRE #t0 -#12 coNTRoLwlRE #LO - #T2 CONTROL WIRE #to - #12 CoNTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE *LO -*T2 CONTROLWIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 -*12 CoNTROLWIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #t0 - #12 coNTRoL wrRE #to -#t2 CoNTROLWIRE #70 -#12 CoNTROLWIRE #to -#12 coNTRoLWIRE #10 -#12 CoNTROLWIRE #to -#12 coNTRoLWIRE #10 -#L2 CONTROLWTRE #7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 . #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #!' CONTROL W|RE #7 - #!' CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE 1980 1990 1991 L992 1995 L979 1980 1995 L976 1980 1981 1981 1991 1992 1996 1980 1992 7976 1992 1980 1981 1984 7987 1995 1979 t9?6 1983 1991 1992 1995 1996 t976 1981 1981 t976 1981 1981 L976 L979 1983 t976 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 109 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 353(x) 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 #7 . #9 CONTROL WIRE f7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . f6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL W|RE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL W|RE #1 . f6 CONTROL WIRE VO ALUM CONTROL WIRE 2/o coPPER CONTROL WtRE 250 MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE 250 MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROT WIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE 750 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 10fi) MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE UO ALUM CONTROL WIRE COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABTE. LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #7 COPPER GROUND 7/16 COPPER GROUND 7/16 COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 1980 1983 1981 1980 1992 1976 1981 1980 1980 L976 L976 1976 1992 7976 1979 1992 1980 L976 L976 t976 t976 t976 1980 1980 1976 r980 1980 1980 1995 1996 t992 L976 L976 1980 L992 L976 L976 L992 1976 t979 1980 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT B Page | 110 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 4/O ALUMINUM GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FIfiINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2" -3-7/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-t/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-!2" CONDUTT 2" - 3-u2" CONDUTT 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 4" CONDUIT 4..CONDUIT 4" CONDUIT 4..CONDUIT 5" CONDUIT 1981 1984 1985 L987 L992 L976 L976 L979 1980 1981 t992 L976 1980 L976 L979 L976 L976 L992 L976 t976 L976 L979 1981 7976 7975 1981 1980 1976 L976 1979 1976 t976 t976 L992 t992 t976 L976 L979 1992 7976 1979 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 111 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 353fi) 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 5'CONDUIT SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 5OO.1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 167.499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 500-1499r(l/A LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME L992 L992 L976 1981 L992 1980 1980 1982 L976 L992 1981 L973 1981 L976 1976 t976 1980 1980 L976 L976 L976 L976 1976 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT B Page I ll2 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEI- FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEI. FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACI(PANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACI(PANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL5 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQU IPMENT ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT AI-ARM/MONITORING EQU IPM ENT METERING EQUIPMENT L992 t976 1991 1991 1995 L976 t976 t976 1990 1996 1980 1980 1980 1980 t976 !979 1979 L992 1976 7976 7992 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 1981 1990 1996 1996 L992 1990 1996 L976 1990 1990 1986 1986 1980 1980 1993 EXECUTION YERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATINGAGREEMENT -EXHIBIT B Page | 113 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EqUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EqUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROT EQUIPMENT CONTROT EQUIPMENT CONTROT EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT SCADA MCIVPANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT COMM MC(/PANEL FRAME COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME YARD LOCAL SERV OR IOAD CENTER t997 L976 t976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1980 1983 t972 L976 L976 L979 1981 1984 L987 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1986 1985 1990 1990 1991 1990 1996 1992 7992 1995 1996 1991 1992 1976 7976 7976 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_E)C{IBIT B Page I l14 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 1980 t997 L997 L976 1980 1976 1992 7992 1992 L976 1980 t997 t976 L976 t976 t976 t976 L976 t976 t976 1982 L992 t976 1989 1982 L9A2 L976 1981 L976 1952 1953 1980 L979 L976 L979 1980 L947 1950 t976 1949 1995 JUNCTION BOX 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 41 . 1OO AMP CIR BRKR 3 POIE DISCONNECT 3 POTE DISCONNECT 3 POIE DISCONNECT CONTACTOR VOLTAGE AIARM AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 1PH 1OOKVA 1 PH XFMR AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH sOOKVA 3 PH XFMR 45KV 480 VOLT XFMR 3OKV 480 VOLT XFMR EVENTS RECORDER (INACTIVE) At.ARM SYSTEMS.WIRED CIRCU ITS SPECIAL METERING COMPUTER MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE CHAIR CHAIR DESK DESK DESK DESK FILE CABINET FILE CABINET FILE CABINET FILE CABINET DRAFTING TABLE DRAFTING TABLE TABLE TABLE COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 115 35300 3s300 3s300 39720 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s200 35200 3s300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 39720 39720 39720 35200 35200 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS INTERCOM SYSTEM MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FMME AI3RM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS EQUIPMENT PAD CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 15KV POWER CABLE AUXILI.ARY GENERATOR #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE #70 - *t2 CoNTROL WtRE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EqUIPMENT SAFETY SWITCH M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FrX) M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FrX) MICROWAVE, RADIO COMPLETE STATION BU ILDING SMOKE DETECTOR METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT AI-ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1995 t992 t976 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 2000 2001 2001 1999 1999 1999 1999 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 EXECUTION YERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT B Page | 116 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39710 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 39720 39720 39720 39740 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEI FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #to - #72 CoNTROL WIRE CONTROL MCIqPANE[ FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE, CARD UNIT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE METERING EQUIPMENT AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK SAFETY SWITCH 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER SAFEW SWITCH MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 1998 1998 1998 1998 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 200L 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200/. 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 117 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 39720 39730 35300 35200 35200 35300 35200 3s200 3s200 35200 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 39740 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT MISC TEST EQUIPMENT CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACI(/PANEL FRAME CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SCADA RACK/PANEt FRAME SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERA6 MICROWAVE, BATTERY BASE STATION, MISC EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT METAL STRUCT - COMMUNICATION CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUNO CONTROT WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM FOUNDATION . OTHER EQUIPMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND METAT STRUCT. EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROT MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTESflON EQUIPMENT CONTROT EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT CONTROT WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROT WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2007 2007 2007 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBIT B Page I I 18 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 39720 39720 35200 3s300 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT COMM RACK/PANEL FMME COMM RACI(PANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP MICROWAVE, RADIO MICROWAVE, ANTENNA METAL STRUCT. EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP MICROWAVE, RADIO MICROWAVE, RADIO MICROWAVE, ANTENNA MICROWAVE, ANTENNA MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN IARGE ELECTRICAL ENCTOSURE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE. tOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROT RACIVPANET FRAME 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2011 2011 2011 20LL 20Lt 2011 20tt 2011 2071 2017 20tt 20tt 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 119 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s200 35300 35300 35200 35200 3s200 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EqUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER AUXITIARY LOAD CENTER METERING EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFER SWITCH CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROLWIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS SITE PREPAMTION & IMPROVEMENT YARD LIGHT SYSTEM CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS SMAtt ELECIRICAL ENCLOSURE 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2012 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2002 2013 2013 2013 2013 20t3 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATINGAGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 120 Catesory KinDort Description Vin Year 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 5OKVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR PRIMARY POTENTIAL XFMR SWITCH - POWER FUSE CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIqPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT SCADA EQUIPMENT COMM RACIVPANE! FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER BATTERY RACK AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER TRANSFER SWITCH 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 20t3 2013 20L3 2013 2013 2013 20L3 2073 2013 2073 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 35011 35011 35011 35011 35011 35011 35011 35200 35200 35200 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS LAND OWNED IN FEE TS I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS DMINAGE SYSTEMS.CULVERT' ETC YARD SURFACING - GMVEL, ETC. YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL, ETC. 1965 L976 1980 1988 1966 t976 1980 1988 1965 1956 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBIT B Page | 121 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 YARD SURTACING - GMVEL, ETC. YARD SURFACING - GMVEL, ETC. YARD SURFACING - GMVEL, ETC. YARD SURFACING. GMVEL, ETC. PARKING CHOCKS MANHOLES & GRATES DRAIN ROCK PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES PERIMETER FENCE & GATES WATER WELL PUMP WATER WELL PUMP WATER SYSTEM WATER WELL WATER WELL COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM YARD LIGHT SYSTEM LIGHT STANDARD LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING COMPLETE STATION BUILDING EYE WASH STATION EYE WASH STATION WATER HEATER BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM EXHAUST FANS & DUCT EXHAUST FANS & DUCT L977 1980 1981 1988 1988 1988 1980 1965 1966 L977 1980 1981 1983 1988 t977 1988 1988 L977 1988 1988 1965 1955 L977 1981 1988 1965 1966 1965 1983 1988 195s 1983 1983 1983 1988 1983 1988 1988 1988 1965 1988 EXECUTION '|/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Pagell22 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 1992 1983 1988 1980 1983 1980 1983 1988 1983 1983 1988 1980 1988 L976 1983 1966 1981 1988 1988 1965 1988 1955 1966 1965 1965 L976 1988 1988 1965 1966 L976 1980 1981 1981 1968 t976 7979 1980 1981 1981 1965 HEATER & AIR CONDITIONER COMBI BU I LDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BU I LDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM JUNCTION BOX MEDIUM OR I.ARGE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAI SYSTEM D.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM LOCAL SERVICE FND LOCAL SERVICE TRANSFORMER FND AIR COMPRESSOR FND 345KV XFMR, REG, REACTOR FND AIR COMPRESSOR FND CULVERTS EQUIPMENT PAD OUTDOOR CABINET FND MISCELI.ANEOUS BUILDING FND SPILL GAP SUPPORT FND LIGHTING MAST FND LIGHTING MAST FND YARD MONUMENT MARK (INACTIVE} YARD MONUMENT MARK (INACTIVE) CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONCRETE UNDER GROUND CABLEWAY CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUNO CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUNO CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CROSSOVER TRENCH TREAD PTATES CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 123 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 353fi) 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 LOCAL SERVICE STRUCTURE LOCAT SERVICE STRUCTURE OUTDOOR CABINET SUP STR SPILT GAP SUPPORT STRUCTURE TOOT SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC TOOI SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC BARRIER. FIRE, SWITCHING, ETC CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 4-7KV PtN/POST TNSULATORS 3/8 STATTC W|RE 3/8 STATTC W|RE 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 350 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 8 SHIELD, T STMND ALUM 3', - 3-3/4" ALUM TUBE 15KV POWER CABLE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - tOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE s18 - f19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1980 1988 1988 1988 1955 L976 1988 1988 1983 L976 L9il 1965 L976 1988 1983 1981 1983 1983 t976 r976 1993 1995 1995 L976 1988 1989 L976 1981 1983 1989 1990 t992 1994 1995 1996 1980 1981 1983 1989 1990 1993 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _E)C{IBIT B Page | 124 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - S19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #t6 CoNTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - fi16 CONTROL WIRE *T4 . #L6 CONTROL WIRE #14 - f16 CONTROL WIRE *L4 -#L6 CONTROLWIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #L4 . #L6 CONTROL WIRE f14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE #14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE COAXIAL CABLE #to -#L2 CoNTROLWIRE #to -#L2 CoNTROLWTRE f10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE #LO. #72 CONTROL WIRE *10 - #12 CoNTROL WIRE 1995 1996 t979 1980 1981 1983 1990 1993 L994 1995 L979 1980 L979 1980 1981 1989 1980 1993 1983 1996 1976 L976 1965 1965 1980 1981 1983 1989 L976 1980 1965 1980 1981 1988 1983 1988 1989 L992 1989 1993 1995 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - E)GIIBIT B Page | 125 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO. #12 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE f10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE f10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO - #T2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - f12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #LO. *72 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #to - #12 CoNTROL WtRE #10 - *12 CoNTROL W|RE #10 - s12 CONTROL WIRE #10 -#12 CONTROLWTRE #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE #10 - #12 CONTROL WtRE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #70 - #72 CONTROT WrRE #10 - *12 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #L0 - #72 CONTROT W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #!' CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #!' CONTROL WIRE #7-#t CoNTROLW|RE #7. #I' CONTROL WIRE #7 . f9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #!' CONTROL W|RE 1995 1989 1993 1995 1996 1965 1965 1965 L979 1980 1981 1983 1989 1995 1988 1979 1981 1983 1988 1989 1980 1983 1988 1989 1990 1995 1996 1981 7976 t976 1980 1988 1980 1965 1965 1966 r979 1988 1988 1988 1988 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT B Pagel126 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 . #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #!' CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #7 - #9 CONTROL W|RE #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL W|RE f1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1/0 AruM CoNTROL WrRE VO ALUM CONTROL WIRE VO ALUM CONTROL WIRE u0 coPPER CONTROI WIRE v0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 2/0 coPPER CONTROI WIRE 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 3/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 4/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 1966 1980 1981 1965 1966 1980 1981 1966 1988 1965 1988 L992 1995 1981 1983 7976 1980 1983 1976 1981 1988 1983 7977 1965 1966 1968 7976 1981 1988 t992 1983 1976 1980 1988 1988 1995 1955 1983 1988 1988 1988 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 127 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 250 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 350 MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE 350 MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 5OO MCM COPPER CONTROLWIRE 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE COMPOSITE CABTE - LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE #1 COPPER GROUND GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS #6 COPPER GROUND #6 COPPER GROUND #6 COPPER GROUND #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT #6 COPPER GROUND MAT V4 COPPER GROUND 216 COPPER GROUND 7/16 COPPER GROUND 216 COPPER GROUND 9/16 COPPER GROUND VO COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 2/O COPPER GROUND 4/O COPPER GROUND 4/O ALUMINUM GROUND 1988 1976 1983 1983 1965 1988 1988 1995 1996 1965 1980 1981 L976 1996 1965 1965 L976 1976 1976 1981 L976 t979 1980 1981 1988 1989 1980 1976 1980 1981 1988 1988 1965 1966 1976 7979 1980 1981 1989 1988 1966 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - E)GIIBIT B Page | 128 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 v35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 350 MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 5OO MCM COPPER GROUNO 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONOUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 2" - 3-t12" CONDUTT 2" - 3-112" CONDUTT 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 1965 L972 L976 L979 1980 1981 1983 1989 1983 1965 1965 1983 1988 1966 L976 1981 1983 1988 1988 1988 1955 L976 1981 1988 1965 1983 1965 1976 1980 1988 1966 L976 L976 1980 1980 1981 1988 L976 1980 1981 1988 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_ E)GIIBIT B Page | 129 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 2" -3-u2" CONDUTT 2" -3-u2" CONDUTT 2" -3-tl2" CONDU|r 2" -3-112" CONDUTT 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-t12" CONDUTT 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 2" -3-1/2" CONDUTT 2" -3-!2" CONDUTT 4" CONDUIT 4,.CONDUIT 4'CONDUIT 4..CONDUIT 4, CONDUIT 4.,CONDUIT 4'' CONDUIT 4" CONDUIT 5'' CONDUIT 5, CONDUIT 6" CONDUIT SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 25KVA 34KV GRND XFMR UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR UNDER 15KVA TOCAL SERVICE XFMR 75KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1OO-166KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1OO.166KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 167-499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGUTATOR 1980 1965 1988 1965 1976 1988 L976 1980 1981 1983 1980 1981 1983 1988 1965 1976 t979 1980 1981 1989 1980 1989 1965 1981 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 r976 1980 1981 1983 1988 1980 1988 1983 1983 1988 1981 1988 EXECUTION I/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _E)GIIBIT B Page | 130 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 35KV OR TESS 1 PH REGULATOR CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEI. FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEI. FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACI(PANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROT RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1988 1991 1988 1988 7976 1989 1965 1965 1965 1996 1988 1988 1988 1988 1965 L976 t976 t976 L976 1980 1983 1983 1989 1989 1989 1995 1995 1996 1988 1993 1993 1965 7976 1996 1996 1976 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATTNG AGREEMENT - E)(I{IBIT B Page I 13l 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 353(m 353fi) 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3S300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECflON EQUIPMENT PROTECflON EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERATS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAts PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQU IPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQU IPMENT ATARM/MONITORING EQU IPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT AIARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERATS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERATS PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1981 1981 1989 1981 1981 1981 1981 1996 1995 1995 1995 1996 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1981 1995 1995 1995 1996 1988 L994 1994 1993 1981 t994 1994 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 t982 1984 1983 196s 1976 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)G{IBIT B Page | 132 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EqUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EqUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1965 L976 1980 1980 1965 1976 1980 1981 1980 L976 L979 1980 1981 t976 t976 1980 1980 1981 1980 1983 1984 1985 1983 1985 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1996 1993 1993 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _E)C{IBIT B Page | 133 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP OIL STORAGE TANKS YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, AC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC LOAD CENTER, DC 10.40 AMP CIR BRKR 10.40 AMP CIR BRKR 41 - 1OO AMP CIR BRKR 3 POLE DISCONNECT TRANSFER SWITCH TRANSFER SWITCH ATARM SYSTEMS.WIRED CI RCUITS MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE MISC OFFICE FURNITURE cRT/ MONTTOR CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR 1989 1985 1985 1981 1990 1991 1990 1965 1983 1984 1988 1966 1983 1988 t976 1980 1981 1983 1988 1965 1976 7979 1981 1983 1995 1989 1995 7992 1988 1988 1990 t992 1968 1938 1981 1981 1954 t976 1956 1968 1974 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)GIIBIT B Page | 134 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 39720 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 CHAIR CHAIR DESK DESK FILE CABINET FILE CABINET FILE CABINET DRAFTING TABLE TABTE TABLE HYDROGEN ANALYZER LOCKER MODEM VACUUM GAUGE VISE SIGN COMPUTER AND PERIPHERA6 PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER INTERCOM SYSTEM MICROWAVE, PANEL UNTT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, RADIO MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERATS OUTDOOR CABINET FND #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE #L4 . #L6 CONTROL WIRE #10 - *12 CoNTROL WIRE #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE #5 COPPER GROUND MAT 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 4'' CONDUIT SMATL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE L974 L975 L976 1950 L976 1934 1966 L975 1938 1968 1988 1954 1988 1988 1984 1988 1992 1988 1989 t992 t992 t976 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_Erc{IBIT B Page | 135 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 #ro - #r2 coNTRoL wlRE AIARM/MONITORING EQU IPM ENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #18 - f19 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE FIBER OPTIC CABLE MICROWAVE, BATTERY MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE COAXIAL CABLE FIBER OPNC CABLE COMPUTER AND PERIPHERATS COMPLETE STATION BUILDI NG SMOKE DETECTOR CEMENT WALL (FENCE) CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA MCIVPANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FMME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT 2/0 AWG CONDUCTOR COPPER 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 5OO MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER f18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE #14 - #16 CONTROL W|RE #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE #6 COPPER GROUND 2" -3-t/2" CONDUT 4, CONDUIT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2001 2000 2000 2001 200L 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1998 1998 1998 1998 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2004 2004 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT-DC{IBM B Page | 136 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s200 35200 35200 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - tOW VOTTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, RADIO MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT METER 130 VOLT BATIERY CHARGER 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK SAFETY SWITCH WOOD POLE. COMMUNICATION FIBER OPNC CABLE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAts CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 130 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK SAFErySW|TCH CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 200s 2005 2005 2005 200s 2005 2005 200/. 2004 200/. 2004 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT B Page | 137 35200 3s200 3s200 35300 35200 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION WOOD POLE . COMMUNICATION WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION MISC TEST EQUIPMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND BARRIER - FENCE, EQUIP PROT CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONTROL EQUIPMENT AI"ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT CONTROT RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT AI.ARM/MONITORI NG EQU IPM ENT AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT SCADA RACIVPANEL FRAME SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME SCAOA EQUIPMENT SCADA EQUIPMENT SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAs SCAOA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERATS COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACK/PANEL FMME 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EXHIBIT B Page | 138 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s200 35300 39710 39740 39740 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME DISTANCE / FAULT TOCATOR DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 48 VOLT BATTERY 48 VOLT BATTERY BATTERY RACK BATTERY RACK BATTERY RACK BATTERY RACK AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER TRANSFER SWITCH TRANSFER SWITCH CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE TELEPHONE, MISC EQUIPMENT FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT FIBER, WIRE/CABLE CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOTTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP SUPERSTRUCTURE ROOF CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOI-TAGE CONDUIT& FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN SMATL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2006 2009 2009 2009 2010 20to 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Page | 139 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s200 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s200 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 BUS - CONDUCTOR WITH FITTINGS CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE YARD TOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER TMNSFER SWITCH CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND COAXIAT CABLE COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOTTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE COAXIAL CABLE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN MISC TEST EQUIPMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20tt 2011 2011 20tl 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT B Page | 140 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20to 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20t0 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LL 2011 2OLL 20tt 2OLL 20ll 2OLL aOLL 20LL 20Lt 20t7 20ll 20L7 2011 20tt 20tt 2011 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMPLETE STATION BUILDING CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WUDS GROUNDING AND FITTINGS CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE SMAI-L ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE SWITCH . AIR BREAK OR BYPASS CONTROL MCIVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECNON EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - EXHIBIT B Page I l4l 35300 35300 35300 35300 39720 39720 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35200 35200 35200 35200 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 3s300 35300 35300 PROTECNON EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN SCADA EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EqUIPMENT MISC TEST EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 2OLL aOLL 20Lt 20tt 2010 2010 2012 20t2 2072 2072 2012 2072 20L2 20L2 20tL 20L2 20t2 20t2 20t,2 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2070 2010 2010 EXECUTION T/ERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT B Pagell42 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 3s300 3s300 3s200 35200 35200 35200 3s200 35200 35200 CONTROL RACVPANET FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAls CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAI.S COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION WOOD POLE. COMMUNICATION 20t0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20LO 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 20L0 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 EXECUTION VERSION JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_DG{IBIT B Page | 143 EXECUTION VERSION category Midpolnt Description Vln Year 35200 35300 3s300 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 3s200 35300 35300 35300 35200 35200 35200 35300 35300 35300 35300 35200 35300 35300 35200 35200 3s300 35300 35300 35300 WOOD POLE. COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP CONTROL WIRE . tOW VOTTAGE CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT METERING EQUIPMENT CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS UNOER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT YARD LIGHT SYSTEM CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH CONDUIT & F]TTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING AND FITTINGS SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL MCIVPANEL FMME CONTROL RACVPANEL FMME YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2007 2007 2007 2012 2012 2012 2012 20L3 2013 2013 2073 2073 2013 2013 2013 20t3 2013 20L3 2013 2011 2011 ZOTL 20L3 2013 2013 20L3 2013 2013 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)GIIBIT B (J;<?;oo'zi!;! .TH '6-oo,qU Groaqd.9oEu.=oo 3H U c d6iF. o)NN su)oOt d FoF CJ3c,o< @U UG 33 E.9 @ o d6Ol d) Or@@ No@N FoF GU ^(J{:<PLo = I4 G @Uf o o.:o q @6Ot \NNo l- I*.g- sESPa6qsP u3E= -A ;Re<t6 !s\6d .9 ,9 E oFto Y AJ o(9 6<f6to cE c) o{9 o q,(JL) ALG (J -f<x-.3oO i .Es i :ssxNNYddP@@= x:R."nnb oo,q (r PdE 3dLU.9otP o>u -d N"*EuiuiI6@= }QSr"ni?6<t<li FoF o =(JS o< @FU .9 G ,.OUora qqcoooooo@€6 eee600omo66O NF.ddqro(ooNN '66,HSU'-v6Fco! =6U6OU.:aU6.:<sGo = dldlqmmoomoNN6 qqcooooooNNOO dldlomm: -.s-cEt9e3 ,FS g xxxooYddlir.N = EEs66i .9 .9 E G F o = = oG ! 6<im oo g =ooq n<to il+Eo oco f oc 6 N+sG oco = =o C + ob0Gp. 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E'=fl ito,o:h!s E ,=o69EEtrE: z,ol q .9oo -9 do E.9 G ! I o Ioo6 (Jg Qa Es oo i!;! 3H ssd? d!rF.NN }R;R\\NNNN Gq,qUvPdE Ed .9oE;.=oo>(J -L sxqqoo xsqqoooo J FoF o3cr 5Yd oPU .9 3 t-rOq= qqoooo66 qcooorooo qcoo++ '6 6l+<eb GFcOy'EoiJoOU.!^tJor:<Yq o = QC qqoooo66 ooci c; cqoooon6 -.*- 3 ETE ,FEt -a >e :Rrt (nto to'!! m s8I\ t\cl !no@ >serodt }R\(,(o c.9 G .o Ioo6 .Eoop o God,i d_EiZ U6.E{o;<!'1 6_=oo.E .=EEooFF>o}EP€ ECde-F .9 @ -9 =odo .9 G -o I 0, Joo6 UFo XrI] IFzsl r!H& ()z-F d rr.lo. oz Orir v) lJtz oFz- EXECUTION I/ERSION EXHIBIT D Monthly Transmission Facilities O& M Charge; Monthly Substation O&M Charge; Monthly Common Equipment Charge 1. Intemretation: Cooperation. (a) Capitalized terms not defined in this Exhibit D are defined in Article I of this Agreement. (b) The Parties shall cooperate as necessary to update this Exhibit D in the event that FERC formula rate filing references change over time. 2. Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charee. (a) The Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge for each Transmission Segment each month during the Term shall be equal to: (i) the product of: (A) the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment as of such month; and (B) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided by (ii) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month after the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interest in the Transmission Segment) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge with respect to each Transmission Segment for which it is responsible. The invoice shall show the total Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge with respect to each Transmission Segment for which it is responsible as well as each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership lnterest in the Transmission Segment). 3. Monthlv Substation O&M Charee. (a) The Monthly Substation O&M Charge for each Substation each month during the Term shall be calculated as follows: (i) If the description of any Substation Segment in such Substation on Exhibit C indicates that any Substation Segment contains Line Terminal Equipment, then the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for such Substation shall be calculated as the sum of the following: (A) For each Substation Segment in the Substation, the portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for the Line Terminal Equipment in each such Substation Segment shall be equal to: (l) the product of: (x) the Acquisition Cost of the Line Terminal Equipment in each such Substation Segment as of such month; and (y) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided bV (2) twelve (12); and JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_EXHIBIT D Page | 156 EXECUTION VERSION (B) The portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for the Substation Bus Equipment in the Substation shall be equal to: (1) the product of: (x) the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment of such Substation as of such month; and (y) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided bV Q) twelve (12).. (iD If the description of the Substation Segments in the Substation on Exhibit C does not indicate that any of the Substation Segments contain Line Terminal Equipment, then the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for such Substation shall be equal to: (A) the product of: (l) the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment of such Substation as of such month; and (2) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided bV (B) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month after the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge with respect to each Substation it is responsible for as follows. (i) For any Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXi), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share of the Monthly O&M Substation Charge shall equal the sum of: (A) For each portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXiXA), with respect to each Substation Segment, the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on its Ownership Interest in each Substation Segment in such Substation; and. (B) For the portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXiXB), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on the applicable Substation O&M Allocation. (ii) For any Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXii), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on the applicable Substation O&M Allocation. 4. Monthly Common Equipment Charge. (a) The Monthly Common Equipment Charge for the Common Equipment at each Substation each month during the Term shall be equal to: (i) the sum of the Retum on Capital, the Recovery of Capital, the State and Federal Income Taxes, the Local Property Taxes and the Transmission O&M Expense, in each case, with respect to the Common Equipment; divided by (ii) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month following the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share (based on its Common Equipment JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)C{IBIT D Page | 157 EXECUTION VERSION Allocation Factor in the Substation) of the Monthly Common Equipment Charge with respect to each Substation for which it is responsible. The invoice shall show the total Monthly Common Equipment Charge with respect to each Substation for which it is responsible as well as each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Common Equipment Allocation Factor in the Substation). 5. Annual Adjustment. The following terms shall be adjusted each June (in the case of PacifiCorp) and each October (in the case of Idaho Power) following the Effective Date by the Operator responsible for the Transmission Segment, the Substation Segment or the Common Equipment, as appropriate, as follows (collectively, the "Annual A4iUstment"): (a) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Line Terminal Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment, and Net Book Value, all of which shall: (i) exclude any costs included in CWIP; (ii) not be reduced for accumulated depreciation (except for Net Book Value); and (iii) be adjusted as follows: (1) Increased to reflect the cost ofcapital upgrades to such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment placed in service during the months since the Effective Date or the last date of the immediate, prior annual adjustment; and (2) Decreased to reflect the cost of equipment comprising such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment which has been retired (and no longer placed in service) during the months since the Effective Date or the date of the immediate, prior annual adjustment. (b) The following factors from each Party's annual rate filing: (i) Return on Capital; (ii) Recovery of Capital; (iii) State and Federal Income Taxes; (iv) Local Property Taxes; (v) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes: (1) Account 190; (2) Account 281; (3) Account 282; (4) Account 283; (vi) Transmission Net Property, Plant & Equipment; and (vii) Transmission Plant in Service. Each of the Annual Adjustments shall be reasonably determined by the Operator responsible for such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _EX{IBIT D Page | 158 EXECUTION VERSION 6. Definitions. "Accumulated Deferred Inco " means: (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the sum of Sections (AXl) and (AX2) below: (1) Account 282 based ontheproduct of: (a) Transmission-related Account 282 is the product of: (D Total Account 282 (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Line 4); and (ii) the sum of (l) Transmission Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Line 8) and (2) General & Intangible Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule l, Line 47); and (b) The quotient ofi (i) Net Book Value of the Common Equipment; and (ii) Transmission Rate Base (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, Line 20). (2) Accounts 281,283 and 190 based on the product of: (a) Transmission related Accounts 281,283 and 190 is the product of: (i) Total Accounts 281, 283 and 190 (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Lines 3, 5 and 6); and (ii) The sum of (1) Transmission Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Line 8) and (2) General & Intangible Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Line 47); md (b) The quotient of: (i) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment, and (ii) Acquisition Value of Transmission Plant, Property and Equipment (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, the sum of Lines 1 through 8). In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCo{p, an amount equal to the sum of Sections (BXl) and (BX2) below: (l) Account 282based on the product of: (a) Transmission-related Account 282 is the product of: (B) JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EX{IBIT D Page | 159 EXECUTION T/ERSION (i) Account 282 (PacifrCorp Rate Filing, Attachment 1A, Line 1); and (ii) The Allocator (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment lA, Line 6); and (b) The quotient of: (n) The Net Book Value of the Common Equipment; and (bb) Total Net Property, Plant & Equipment (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Line 32). (2) Accounts 281,283 and 190 based on the product of: (a) Transmission-related Accounts 281,283 and 190 is the product of: (i) The sum of Accounts 281, 283 and 190 (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment 1A, Lines 2,3 and4); and (ii) The Allocator @acifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment lA, Line 6); and (b) The quotient of: (aa) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (bb) Total Plant in Rate Base (PacifiCorp Rate Filing,Line24). "Acquisition Cost o 'o means, in respect of a Substation Segment, the cost of the Line Terminal Equipment in the Substation Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost o 'means, in respect of a Substation, the cost of the Substation Bus Equipment in the Substation as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost of the 'means, in respect of a Substation, the cost of the Substation Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost of the 'means, in respect of each Transmission Segment, the cost of the Transmission Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment; ptqvided, however, that (i) in the case of the Antelope-Goshen Transmission Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment shall be reduced by 44.44% to account for the fact that only approximately 25 miles of the approximately 45-mile Antelope-Goshen Transmission Segment is jointly-owned Transmission Facilities and (ii) in the case of the JOTNT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ E)GIIBIT D Page | 160 EXECUTION I/ERSION American Fall - Malad Transmission Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment shall be reduced by 57.28% to account for the fact that only approximately 29 miles of the approximately 68-mile American Fall - Malad Transmission Segment is jointly-owned Transmission Facilities. "Acquisition Cost o 'means, in respect of Common Equipment in a Substation, the cost to the Owner of such Common Equipment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Annual Adiustment" is defined in Section 5 of this Exhibit D. "Common Equipment Allffi" means, in respect of each Substation and each Owner, the Substation O&M Allocation for such Substation and such Owner, provided that prior to the Effective Date the Parties shall work together to determine whether an alternative allocation factor should be used for purposes of allocating the Monthly Common Equipment Charge as between the Owners. 66C\ irP" means Construction Work in Progress. "Idaho Power Rate Filing " means the rate calculation tab of Idaho Power's current year annual FERC formula rate filing. "Idaho Power Rate Filin " mears the schedule I tab of Idaho Power's current year annual FERC formula rate filing. "Line Terminal Equipment" means all series capacitors, shunt reactors and phase shifters and all other equipment that the Parties mutually agree is "Line Terminal Equipment." All Line Terminal Equipment which is part of a Substation Segment on the Effective Date, sorted by Substation Segment, is identified on Exhibit F. "Local Property Taxes" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) The Property Tax Rate for the State of Idaho. 'MBook Value" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; (B) Less, the Accumulated Depreciation. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT D Page | 161 EXECUTION VERSION "O&M Expense Factor" means, in respect of each Operator, an amount equal to the quotient of; (A) The Total Transmission O&M Expense of the Operator; and (B) The Transmission Plant in Service of the Operator. "PacifiCorp Rate Filine" means PacifiCorp's current year formularate true-up. "Rate_Base" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to: (A) The Net Book Value; (B) Less, the Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes. "Recovery of Capital" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) The FERC approved depreciation rate for Account 353 Transmission Plant Substation Equipment. "Bsturn_s!_e apita!" means : (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the product of: (l) The Rate Base; and (2) The Rate of Retum (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation,Lne 23). (B) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCo{p, irn amount equal to the product of: (l) the Rate Base; and (2) the Rate of Return (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 126). "State and Federal Income Tiles" means: (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the product of: (1) the Rate Base; and (2) the Composite Income Tax (Federal and State) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation,Lne24). JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT D Page | 162 EXECUTION T/ERSION Ln respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCorp, on amount equal to the product of: (1) the Rate Base; and (2) the Composite Income Tax (Federal and State) Factor, which shall be equal to the product of: (a) the weighted cost of preferred and common (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l, Lines 124 arrd 125); and (b) the income tax factor (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 132). "Substation Bus Equbmeft" means all equipment necessary to support the operation of the substation bus, including foundations, lally columns, bus conductor, fittings, circuit breakers, air break switches, shunt capacitor banks, potential transformers, current transformers, ground switches and enclosures attached to or associated with the bus. All Substation Bus Equipment which is part of a Substation Segment on the Effective Date, sorted by Substation Segment, is identified on Exhibit F. "Substation O&M Allo 'means, with respect to each Substation, the "Substation O&M Allocation" set forth in Exhibit C, as the same may be amended from time to time pursuant to Section 3.3(b) of this Agreement. "Substation Segments" means, with respect to a Substation, the Substation Segments which are listed on specific rows under the Substation on Exhibit C. "Total Transmission " means: (A) In respect of Idaho Power, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in Idaho Power's annual FERC Formula Rate Filing: (l) the Transmission O&M Expense (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 33); (2) less, Account 561 (Load Dispatching) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 3 4); (3) less, Account 565 (Transmission of Electricity By Others) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 35); and (4) plrs, O&M Expense: A&G (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 36). (B) JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATINGAGREEMENT _E)G{IBIT D Page | 163 EXECUTION I/ERSION A sample calculation of Idaho Power's Total Transmission O&M Expense based on Idaho Power's 2013 FERC Formula Rate Filing is attached hereto as Attachment I for information purposes only. In respect of PacifiCo{p, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in PacifiCorp's annual FERC Formula True-Up Rate Filing: (l) the Transmission O&M Expense (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l, Line 53); (2) less, Cost of Providing Ancillary Services Accounts 561.0-5 (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 54); (3) less, Account 565 (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l, Line 55); (4) fu, A&G Expense Allocated to Transmission @acifiCorp annual True- Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 66); (5) p!gq, Accounts 928 and 930.1 - Transmission Related (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 69); and (6) plr1g, A&G Directly Assigned to Transmission (PacifiCorp annual True- Up Rate Filing, Schedule l,Ltne 74). A sample calculation of PacifiCorp's Total Transmission O&M Expense based on PacifiCorp's 2013 FERC True-Up Rate Filing is attached hereto as Attachment 2 for information purposes only. "Transmission O&M Expense" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) the O&M Expense Factor. .. rr mgans: (A) in respect of Idaho Power, the amorurt calculated as follows based on items identified in Idaho Power's annual FERC Formula Rate Filing: (l) the Transmission Plant in Service (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, Line l); (2) less, Generator Step-Up Facilities (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation Line 2); and (3) less, Large Generator Interconnects (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, Line 3). (B) JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT_E)GIIBTT D Page | 164 EXECUTION T/ERSION (B) in respect of PacifiCorp, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in PacifiCorp's arurual FERC Formula True-Up Rate Filing: (l) the Average Transmission Plant in Service @acifiCorp Rate Filing, Line 1s). JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ EX{IBM D Page | 165 EXECUTION VERSION DGIIBIT E Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation Oil Circuit Breaker 8103. Govt. Prop. No. 85420 Westinghouse Type BM-4B, De-ion Grid Oil Circuit Breaker. Acquired 1957, Moved from TRA 1981. Serial No. l-71-578-8 RatedVoltage 138 kV Rate Amps 1200 A Impulse kV 650kV Intemrpting MVA 3500 MVA 810 gallons of oil per tank Weight 39,500lbs. Oil Circuit Breaker B164. Bus Tie Breaker Westinghouse Type 16GM31.5, Acquired 1982. Serial No. l-38Y5468 Rated Voltage l69kv Impulse kV 750kV Short Circuit Amps 31,500 A l3l5 Gallons of oil per tank Weight 54,000lbs. Circuit Switcher 165,4.. Govt. Prop. No. 83712 S&C Circuit Switcher/Ivlark V, Acquired 1982. CatalogNo. 157320- Serial No. 8l-31857 kV Nominal 161 kV Maximum Design Voltage 169 kV BIL 75OKV Amps, Continuous 1200 A Amps, RMS Symmetrical Fault, Closing,30 duty cycle 30,000 S&C Operator, Type CS-IA Operator Voltage 125 V DC Catalog No. 3 8846R3-BBIIPW Serial No. 181400 1. 2. J. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ Erc{IBIT E Page | 166 EXECUTION VERSION 4. Circuit Switcher 162A" Acqufued 1982 S& C Circuit Switcher/IMark V Serial No. 8l-31735 Same information as item 3 above S&C Operator Tlpe CS-IA Serial No. 8l-31735 5. Transformer. Govt. Prop. No. 5-220. Acquired 1957. 16r kv/138 kV Feeds #l Antelope-Scoville Tie Line Westinghouse 137,600lbs Serial No. 6534543 55 MVA, OA 73-ll3 MVA, FOA, with fans on both sets of fins (3 fans are already on I set offins) gl-213 MVA, FOA, with 3'd stage cooling (addition of 2 oil pumps, one pump is already installed). Y-Y auto transformer with delta tertiary Includes no-load tap changer, 5 steps, for voltages from 16905 volts to 152950. Tap lever is locked on step 3. % Z -1.5% at 55 MVA. 161 kV/138 kV Transformer. Govt. Prop. No. 5-587. Acquired 1982 161 kv/r38kv Feeds #2 Antelope-Scoville Tie Line General Electric Serial No. Ml01875 167,000lbs. 55 MVA, O(A) 73.3 MVA, FA 91.6 MVA, FOA, 55o C, has I set of fins with oil pump and 3 fans and oil. 102.7 MVA, FOA, 65 o C, expansion tank on top, Y-Y auto transformer with delta tertiary. Includes no-load tap changers, 5 steps for voltages from 109050 volts to 152950 volts. Tape lever is locked on step 3.o/oZvolts- 1.47 at 55 MVA, 16l kV/138 kV Ouindar Transfer Trio Conhol System QP-l r/r2s (Aerojet Nuclear Co. E-45408C-3) 6. 7. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT -EXHIBIT E Page | 167 6\o G)bI) CB triFo Xrrl It-zrI] rrlH&(, z F &E]oi az A a&rrlz Fz o---.o!u",'-.Yi-i +j EcE o.:€tEE.gE g Ass(D(!.uoEE e.i 'E ;:EE.E Ec)oo€g<€o9EUFo)- oEtsE€€E PTiaE O ,X H*.. o- b0v ir'd s *L.iUP--€ o --i-ts i r Fgf E i6 .9 "i.:iA-.-H --o-3 E8 E B,€.; E T 3 F,fl?-c o o)H9U)CLU-'94\U).1 41-l,ii Ei .9 t+<d-EO EfrEEIr-J-lvE o:a)tt c,rsE s€6gs:3g c= 6oacltqE E#<(, g- o'ir#€ o {i rl !,flESEo,,E c- x o.iiiDE = tr= xo E-ESE'= € s ],* BE.EEe &E cq<.gdEo- )rc.9 -lu=dEs{Eo6 t U)Iatri oFUEE!'r''1 .1jN.Er! d.o =oq o< s EF{Fr\ Usti o i oo6 oz c5PEd OEUE @0qo o oo'ro-e o) G .9 = =g c-9:E q5oqAUUOf'E Iq66N6r !- =o*E ^vqFe+ =JU @nooooior o!;oOE(9a9 q'=<.=r N\NN +oI aPoc=o,EE T.EA=Jr n,l€N .9tfoE 9! 6:<==E460r +n@o 4i €- cc.99ea =d|i;UuEc5 6o! @@.i€o€' c5PEAE.or9U @q @N ci+ol6 o 6 !I toeEY o E oo@ o2 EgEAE5oa9u onr do€-N o: coz.!aq Hq:E!E=oq=odquUO<.EAJ od! @ .i d*9- =9o:d.=,,9 =x-: r =JU oqo =ua9ooEAtrO 9J !<H rg*u on c di o- N * ,o+E^va-- o'=!/.EE=Jr oqatso- d@ .eEEE J! o f(r5dt6@r u?€do 6 EI.9qsa =t6rug =6 uioIo ol cEEEdE5OE9U @arr oa- Eo G €E o@ ooAQ o62> ca,QCtratr!OEUE o@dNq j 0t co2.2,I e; <==E466r o+di uloo tcoo .ga0,= =Eli;qegr6 Nq 0N6'q N cEPtdErOr9E o qto€€t-N c.9 ! = oB!o! o E ooo oz CCO9cE4 Efo6 ui \@ o 6 o g E6:i!=E!6Cvto =< 50 Ero6r @q Nts @ N€ a.9 EoE;@.9rr O f:or=6q NaNoo dJd ocqoccYOse3AJU .! @- @€ ot EECEY-=o1 =U d! @@ oo NO+EEOg'5oq@r90<crJ €qts o6N ECrc:o EEE €\€o .iF + EEoh@oL' q'5E!,S F @ N -;oEC EeF q!ro.t o: =6:to=lPd C ( =+ E no qio .9 EoE; o.+ Yt r N6,!N€F ,i 5sEOE5o69U qo€oN€nlo o G !, Et == Evi a< s =o\b,,\DUstri fr{Fo EXH IFzrI] HI!& zF &HOr oz Fr 'Jra&r!z Fz oEO:E -=+s N do ^l F.' q @oqF a oo'N €q @@qirulo niNo €N6 oar rt'0I to Eoo .9 .9E cg F coE 0(,to@E o .E coaB eoq .g + Eoq E 6o6 Nta .gocE =sgoa G (9E6eogotso o E oo@ ez a5strdE=oq9U rqN € I o: co =g:r @,iE x'cE ogo6 @' g ocroIEo.9Yr=r o6dN<.o@o _94 9! o =<r:or60r F6 o € r EC.99sa6,= =r6uugs6 aco NjNdl€ zEgEAE!or9s oq Fo or tr .9o !I o]{ .E Eo- ko v) n< s o\Fr5U F'l)d r"i IrF m Xrrl I F.zE] HrI]&(, ()zF &rrlF.ooz Fr +{a&r!z Fzo @z Cooatro OE9E oN.i€qo o' o G t.92.9q ELooEE.9X,q60U9 E .!! 4 oq ou'l @tt .i o oc:.EqEJEAu gga'= 6qb oci6ttoNa 3EGEg3;E <ra6 oI Ed€qs .9d rO!=!q 99 =6 q€o dN cEgEO OEUE N c, o' .i o € t.9 6 ! = otY* EooEF @z a5!EC OE9r cc ooc6 o G go':.9 =g 9-Eq.+ iE=€q6r0o9.EiJE(J' c o r Io "*ia o'=JE6uqoE'5 3 F(Fo 6 CZEE6E E.e;,9 <=d6 q( q o _98PC !,,o (J9sd qcscq o a5EEC OE9r q (qq c.9 6 !, co G ! = o@ @ cogo o @z ctooacoE=OoU! 6.'1ots@. @@ N o!G o .E.9 0 EO a'E.s i; =6rUroq.> 90<E4r q rdd olo oEeEEO.<.E =EE9E =g Er d!o oio\N 3E6E;.e!=.;E <3d6 aor o'oqN .96PCtsO3',o rJ9ad o4€ 0qtso ctoocEA ooUr ou-1 N. a to € oo .9 o od c,@ 6z aEo0a oo9r trc F o!6 .9.:.95I 3E6E6-9!i.;E <=d6 G!q q -E6Eu.94:-E r €cNN..! @ N cCooaEO OE9r n En Eo o a aEo ! 6 E E! o 5 oF>EOfo c2 5E OE9r N ci€d'l N 0 cC C EEoE TE.;E <,4@ r o.€NN a 6Er.r .Eg= -E o\oo ui6 c EEE. oc9r eodi a6ts co @ € ! qe oao Noc 'i = oz COoctra OEUr o q o F og t.9 .9 o EE6Eg=;E <=40 6 EF Eglo6Eu.!A:-E r q trccc EEoocE. OEu@ 6ccq oc co 6 !5 o@ I oc ECGI o c,o{@v 6z Eg oo9r oqNn @' dl o ? oZ.9 q 5 rE?E3Ei ! =C; +!UF oIooq€a c !oo cEgE;H;o '=c; ,is Io\oN E=? EgTER.go o A AE.E3H!' o NINriN .96o EE E +-.9E3E*E6rini;o9E'qsd o.!ro.,{ H,=E-d EO t@ oEodEEE9!-8.9o.8 g EE' rqFos'!FoN .-) E EE;a.=o F{ 3 eZ s fl!;d-c-6< ooqN€s'l 6 rEi; E gg; oc'! @ tsr.! .gdo c EEEEEor<N=9!2 r qc; NN n e5sEOE=oo9r o,i6Ncto@. o G ! E.9 G E oo -9ca =o\q) n< s =\NbU F.r rrj r- c)b060Or rr F.orn XE] IFzr!aH 14& oztr &HOiooz Or 'Jra& IJ]z oFz @1@ di@@d =(9 ===E rYsE E:f F4ocz zq o(l, 6z EESEE OE9r oIF c@N-l@ o E con.9 o oE9 €@Efc! =@ ts65 E <€E ( q( do Er-E@E EEE66-:H3n ( 6q o)tl@dc@oH EP-60oau={E c!o.! @ r'1e _tocEO6r>; AI! =H; E.PEso Gotr do Et*.G E-.9g i: EiE#{xjE' c6( E : EJ-906C E ET €€26;6lEf,€ EHqO G ( r aEPEOE:OEOE ce c€oc( co G E G =!E c.9 G !) coEEo:oA. 4z a 9Etra OE9u Nd! Nood@o q ( Cc E cPi.gc =LrCuto!.=cJiUL E @oq N@ rC 0 gE.Eq.JEC E 3ircunL @o o+.o Eict -8.:=;ol: <:EE Fc@ on'@n .9i z.t!: =E()C&;-d o:NoN.io E EEE. OE Fao Nqt o+' Cc C a .9 G 3 o dg6 =sG3 4z cEEEO oo9u o2o c.9 t E9+ .+6l!roUE9H J6 9(J .c oc@EQL5Eo9 .s'E =r6rqUOo c2EEOE'ii .q€=,iE <td6 .9d !t,g 99c; c5EEC ocor c .E E @2 ECdoaco OE9r 0J c.9z.9,g QO .i'g,oEGUU tr _!P o oc=.EqEJEEu q9d=6- +.9qE EEGEE=.;E <, .9e &=,C 9! =E aCOocEC OEUL c.9 o ! o vj oa s tsoSib\5Ushi oqNe oo' d .io6dttq c..tr\B;ct-4c) o0do. lrF ca +{Xrq IFzrrlzrrlrri&() ()zF drrl* oz a&rqzBoF Zol- ct€ 6o @aooddit@ a6oo ts og€ o-Ioo oo' oodio o Fq @ od@N ql NoN N.o rao N€ ot @u'! @oo-I N6 NcNooIIoo q oo- NI oN ooi d oq o d .n oo.,ioooN o6{€F@d notsoI€ N o ct @ @ooo c.9 G a o N ao =sG3 E.9 oI o Yo Eoo ts oo E.96 o GoG t,6 co o ! oo o Eo o o o!oott-€Fo oa 8- Nedl @ q€o dN6 Nct o6 o .iotNa oqoo oo o .io o 4I d€€ NI rr N aots o'oo6i o ci 6rao o ,ic tst- Ez a5sEOEJOE9U eE.siJET!I o6:{'=& eU sO6cE =oi@EOI qad=c- eeUF co_to.sE E.9 3E@Fu A 6c= =o.@Eou 6.l;-eEUF -5r= -- OO =6 C+-ys.+?EiE#ixH3' EEi-906Cf,8S.9 €=6t6r;= EEqO c6scoE!oo9! o 6 ! @z cCooaEO OEUT o=G co.=.2ao cq.EOeiE'==g6UO9E 4 EE#uqod'= *,ss CZ.9b6E;.o;5 <= cl.96EEPO 9ltg u9 -E c5!EC 8E E.9 0a 4z C5sEOEIoo9r toEt.iE =6rUroo> 90<Err oegoco.a2sEET!J.gE Ee +e c EE6E;_e dE <= .94 !ttg U9gd a5sco OE9r a.9 o !a o\ NrFN \ d!oq 6a6tsq nN g .>o oo -9oc o6.9o E oE o(9 t -9ooE3 gorcG.9 o E coE @qN66d o.i ooqots + tso 14 n< s o\ 5Ustj taF- G)bI) CBoi dF 6 n o.N r0goN +@N od!o Noo trt- cq 'JrXE] IFzrl] HI!&() z F &t! o z Or a&E]z F Z l- oFdc@6006060?nt4q4aqn?\\aF6d€OOOOd$dOro66dNddNN6FoNor6Nd60roNoi .i @' oi o- oi o' d e' N- o' dio600dd66ddddtoN€@tsooo49tsn' a' d o' 6' di d di ri o' .{'todo4dd4do4@46+O4 @d r'ad0 o! ts@di@N.i rg€N@r-'€ q oNdo€ iroa2ig=i;aiEEE=5II8A g Egi = H E = 5I I E E-* s.StEfi=HsgH=:sErE=ri1;;JE1=;,f:EEEEUU?UUE3"Es.9'az e=o6=AEEf EE eEH3;EEHEE63t6< c -9 G !a on -9o = oz o o o E 5!E. OE9r JI EEE?+?4 +[rF 6cJ,@i@9<u 6,td'= E- +EUF -€ c E E:i? 1-e'3* 'f€'i sEE*i- 6< i E=E.6 EaoE gE: 3" - t'e c, oHiOE9Iu e=u = EE; IEfi;n-gon E gE; .9do c E -E*'= f;tsEHEU!2 r v.gd cESE. OE9r co o oa EXECWION VERSION scr{EDULE 13.r(f) Idaho Power Govemmental Authorizations Federal Power Act, Section2D3 Approval Federal Power Act, Section 205 Approval Approval of the transaction by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Approval of the transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission 1.) 3. 4. JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT - SCTIEDULE 13.1(0 Page | 174 EXECUTION VERSION scrmDULE 13.2(D PacifiCorp Govemmental Authorizations l. Federal Power Act, Section203 Approval 2. Federal Power Act, Section205 Approval 3. Approval of the transaction by the California Public Utilities Commission 4. Approval of the transaction by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 5. Approval of the transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission 6. Approval of the transaction by the Utah Public Service Commission 7. Approval of the transaction by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 8. Approval of the transaction by the Wyoming Public Service Commission JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT _ SCHEDULE 13.2(D Exhibit D Termination Agreement EXECWION I/ERSION JOINT PI]RCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - EXHIBTT D Page lD-l EXECUTION VERSION TERMINATION AGREEMENT This Termination Agreement (this "Agreement"), dated as of October 24,2014, is made and entered into by and between Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"), and PacifiCo{p, on Oregon corporation ("PacifiCorp"). Idaho Power and PacifiCorp are also each referred to herein as a'?arty'' and, collectively, as the "Parties." RECITALS A. PacifiCorp and Idaho Power are parties to certain agreements relating to the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of various electric generating and transmission facilities and related assets and associated transmission capacity that are listed on Exhibit A hereto (collectively, the "Legacy Agreements"). B. Concturently herewith, the Parties are entering into (i) a Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement (the "JPSA"), pursuant to which the ownership of certain jointly-owned equipment will be reallocated and the ownership of certain additional equipment will be exchanged between the Parties and (ii) a Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, which will, among other things, govern the operation of the facilities and assets currently govemed by the Legacy Agreements. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Agreement have the meanings given in the JPSA. C. As part of the transaction contemplated by the JPSA, the Parties are executing this Agreement in order to terminate the Legacy Agreements. D. The JPSA requires that the Parties submit this Agreement to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") for approval, and the Parties intend that this Agreement shall not become effective until the Closing under the JPSA occurs (the occurrence of which is conditioned on, among other things, approval by FERC of this Agreement). AGREEMENT In consideration of the above Recitals, which hereby are incorporated into this Agreement, the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the Parties hereby agtee as follows: 1. Condition Precedent. This Agreement, including the Parties' rights and obligations hereunder, shall become effective, if at all, on the Closing Date. For the avoidance of doubt, no aspect of this Agreement, other than this Section l, shall have any effect unless and until the Closing occurs. If the Closing does not occur and the JPSA is terminated, this Agreement, including this Section 1, shall become void ab initio. 2. Termination. The Legacy Agreements are hereby terminated, effective as of 12:00:01 a.m., Pacific time on the Closing Date; ryglec!, however. that any financial rights or financial obligations of the Parties that may have arisen under the Legacy Agreements prior to the Closing Date and that have not been satisfied as of the Closing Date, together with any TERMINATION AGREEMENT Page I I EXECUTION I/ERSION provisions of the Legacy Agreements necessary to give effect to such rights or obligations, shall survive such termination until satisfied. 3. Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended, modified, or supplemented only by written agreement executed by both Parties. 4. Waiver of Compliance: Consents. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any failure of either Party to comply with any obligation, covenant, agreement, or condition herein may be waived by the Party entitled to the benefits thereof only by a written instrument signed by the Party granting such waiver, but such waiver or failtue to insist upon strict compliance with such obligation, covenant, agreement, or condition will not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure. 5. Notices. (a) Any notice, demand, request or other communication required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Party giving such notice, demand, request or other commtrnication and shall be hand delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or nationally or internationally recognized ovemight courier to the other Party at the address set forth below: If to Idaho Power:Idaho Power Company l22lWestldaho Street Boise, D 83702 Atbr: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone: 208-388-2360 Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise, D 83702 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503 -813 -67 12 PacifiCorp With a copy to: lf to PacifiCorp: With a copy to: 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Legal Deparhnent Telephone: 503-8 I 3-5854 (b) Each Party shall have the right to change the place to which any notice, demand, request or other communication shall be sent or delivered by similar notice sent in like TERMINATION AGREEMENT Pagel2 EXECUTION T/ERSION manner to the other Party. The effective date of any notice, demand, request or other communication issued pursuant to this Agreement shall be when: (i) delivered to the address of the Party personalln by messenger, by a nationally or intemationally recognized overnight delivery service; or (ii) received or rejected by the Purty, if sent by certified mail, retum receipt requested, in each case, addressed to the Party at its address and marked to the attention of the person designated above (or to such other address or person as a Party may designate by notice to the other Party effective as of the date of receipt by such Party). 6. Assignment. This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permiued assigns, but neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests, or obligations hereunder may be assigned by either Pu.ty, without the prior written consent of the other Party. No provision of this Agreement creates any rights, claims or benefits inuring to any person that is not a Party hereto. 7. Govemine Law: Exclusive Choice of Forum: Remedies. (a) This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, ffid any claim or controversy arising out of this Agreement (whether based on contract, tort, or any other theory), including all matters of construction, validity, effect, performance and remedies with respect to this Agreement, shall be governed by and interpreted, construed, and determined in accordance with, the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law). Each Party irrevocably consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any court within the State of Idaho, in connection with any matter based upon or arising out of this Agreement or the matters contemplated herein, agrees that process may be served upon them in any manner authorized by the laws of the State of Idaho for such persons and waives and covenants not to assert or plead any objection which they might otherwise have to such jurisdiction, venue or process. (b) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAMES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WATVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WATVED WITH ANY OTIIER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAWED. 8. Severabilitv. Any term or provision of this Agreement that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction. 9. Entire Asreement. This Agreement will be a valid and binding agreement of the Parties only if and when it is fully executed and delivered by the Parties, and until such execution and delivery no legal obligation will be created by virtue hereof. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits hereto, and the JPSA, embody the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties hereto in respect of the subject matter hereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior TERMINATION AGREEMENT Page | 3 EXECUTION VERSION agreements and understandings between the Parties with respect to such subject matter hereof. For purposes of clarity, the Parties expressly agree that the Legacy Agreements listed on Exhibit A hereto are the currently-effective versions of each Legacy Agreement and the Parties further agree that, in the case of the Legacy Agreements listed in Part 1 of Exhibit A, any and all prior versions or amendments of such Legacy Agreements were superseded by the Legacy Agreements listed on Part 1 of Exhibit A. P*t 2 of Exhibit A lists certain amendments that are part of the Specified Legacy Agreements, which amendments are being terminated pursuant to this Agreement. Al1 other documents comprising the Specified Legacy Agreements are not being terminated, and instead will be amended and restated as described in the JPSA. 10. Expenses. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, each Party shall bear its own expenses (including afforneys' fees) incuned in connection with the preparation, negotiation, execution and performance of this Agreement. I l. Delivery. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts (each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument), and may be delivered by electronic transmission, with originals to follow by overnight courier or certified mail (retum receipt requested). [signatures on following page] TERMINATION AGREEMENT Page | 4 EXECWION YERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above wriffen. IDAHO POWER COMPAI{Y Name: Title: ,v,bn& T,dl&r*- Name: Darrel T. AndersonTifle: president & CEO PACIFICOPP By: TERMINATIONAGREEMENT Page | 5 EMCWION I'ERSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Agreerrent to be executed by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written. IDAHO POWERCOMPA}ry By: Name: Title: PACIFICORP By: Name: Tifle: W' fuiroe*rfv 4a rGot r,a fuJrL TERMINATION AGREEMENT Page | 5 EXECUTION VERSION EXHIBIT A TO TERMINATION AGREEMENT LEGACY AGREEMENTS Part 1 l. Antelope Substation Capacity Entitlement, Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Oct. 17, l989,as amended Feb. 8, 1990) 2. Draft Transmission Services Agreement (May 5, 1995) 3. Populus Project Construction Agreement (Mar. 2,2009) 4. Second Restated and Amended Transmission Facilities Agreement (Feb. 8, 2010) 5. First Revised Agreement for Interconnection and Transmission Services (May 24,2010) 6. Hemingway Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (May 3,2010) 7. Populus Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (May 3,2010) 8. Borah Series Capacitor Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Nov. 15, 2010) 9. Threemile Knoll Series Capacitor Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Apr. 4,2011) 10. Restated Transmission Services Agreement (Apr. 29,2011) Part2 11. Letter Agreement regarding Bridger Switchyard 345 kV Breaker Replacements (Dec. 6, reel) l2.Letter Agreement regarding Bridger-Goshen-Kinport Relay Replacement (Dec. 13, 1991) 13. Letter Agreement regarding Additional Capacitors at the Jim Bridger Project and Kinport Substation (Aug. 6, 1992) 14. Letter Agreement regarding the Loan of a Jim Bridger 345 kV Replacement Breakers for Temporary Installation at the Kinport Substation as part of the Shunt Capacitor Project for Idaho Power Company (Oct. 19, 1992) TERMINATION AGREEMENT _ EXHIBM A Page | 6 EXECUTION VERSION Exhibit E Amendment and Restatement of Specified Legacy Agreements Jim Bridger Ownership Agreement. dated as of September 22. 1969. between Idaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Ligfit Company o to be amended and restated to: o incorporate all amendments, clarifications, modifications or supplements (whether by formal amendment, letter agreement, letter of intent or otherwise) (except for any Terminated Legacy Agreements), from September 22,1969 to the Effective Date o delete all references to the Point of Rocks-to-Jim Bridger 230 kV transmission facilities o include certain agreed to changes to Section 3.2 o provide that the amended and restated agreement will be the only surviving agreement related to the subject matter thereof o provide that the amended and restated agreement becomes effective only in the event of Closing Jim Bridger Operation Asreement. dated as of September 22. 1969. between Idaho Power Companv and Pacific Power & Liglht Company to be amended and restated to: incorporate all amendments, clarifi cations, modifi cations or supplements (whether by formal amendment, letter agreement, letter of intent or otherwise) (except for any Terminated Legacy Agreements), from September 22,1969 to the Effective Date delete all references to the Point of Rocks-to-Jim Bridger 230 kV transmission facilities include certain agreed to changes to Sections 3.2 and 10.6 provide that the amended and restated agreement will be the only surviving agreement related to the subject matter thereof provide that the amended and restated agreement becomes effective only in the event of Closing l. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ EXHIBIT E Page I E-l EXECUTION VERSION Schedules to Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ SCIIEDULES EXECWION TlERSION Schedule 1.1(a) Idaho Power Permitted Encumbrances The Encumbrances resulting from conditions set forth in governmental right-of-way gants JOINT P(TRCHASE AIID SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDLILE 1.1(a) EXECUTION YERSION Schedule 1.1(b) Idaho Powerts Knowledge Lisa Grow, Senior Vice President of Power Supply Tessia Park, Load Serving Operations Director Dave Angell, Customer Operations Planning Manager JOINT PURCIIASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCImDULE l.l(b) EXECUTION I/ERSION Schedule 1.1(c) PaciliCorp Permitted Encumbrances The Encumbrances resulting from conditions set forth in governmental right-of-way grants JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDLILE 1.1(c) EXECUTION VERSION Schedule 1.1(d) PacifiCorp's Knowledge Natalie Hocken - Senior Vice President, Transmission & Systems Operations Richard Vail - Vice President, Transmission Brian F ritz - Director, Transmission Development Mary Wiencke - Director, Environmental Strategy and Policy JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ SCHEDULE l.I(d) ooooooooorri l.ri d1r> N lJ)<r\ <r\ ooooooooolJ]lnu1InOFIF{F{N<r1 H {/} vI oooooooooooooooooooood dddd 'rid@(oN(\F{(n(om{r}vao.va{r}(n!> sf !>{t\ oooo(n 1r\ ooodi..l <)\ ooooooooooooooooood d ,ri d 'ri 'riI,!N(nNNt/) !| 1J> <h <t> r-l r\{J> <4 oooooooooooooooooooooooorrtolnoraou.t0H<l<rFll\O,^d!1 <i !\ {.a (n 6 -' {/}<rl rtl 1rl oooooooooooori d 'ri rri(n(nNFl{/a N ti *rr{/} {ra oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood ddriri 'rid d d'/i 'riN(ONFIN(D(n(nlnNi{<t\ 1,r> 1r> !\ <t> 1J| 1)\ Fl {r} (I' {r}!> v> =o v)o< s tso\b,,r5UN tl.i 6)..: HFlDorI] Oa IFzt! r!H& HFl aoz HU) 'JrU& Ort-zo .9I EF{OsP3 ctg4.=.8sgd =56E=i; $ E $€ = ;AE ? t *E frE 8E-E S _ E .E.g =.i E=E H-E . E E ;= Et; ;gt EE E,$ *rat *si #*+ gs e.mr : E€=r8 EgIEEiEEE-EEE=i,EgEEi€ B t,$:$3 E ;8'd e E}.E# E H ;l Eg i E E a; ;EEE i E E EE$i i gEI iE i: e E s a : H g g E I s e E f, .E f i i F H E E E s e g E+ fr:+ s $ + i E sE t$u E+ E E E i + E E ggB$ E$fl B E $EEEE E Egg$$gi gg * fr fr $ fi fi fr E E fi E E E E E E E E =s=s=* + E + Frrtl HEHEgEEgEEHHHHHHHEEEEgg3E e e e $ fi fi fi fi g fi E E E E E E E sssi=sess U) q) q) oLAA.elEnl --lEel H =lE'E,l dEI E8l b =oero dE- o .Lc .9 l! .ct5tll (foooooridm(ov} -l1r\ ooq !r')ri(n Fr' 1rt oEIE' =co ror{oN oooooooornlno(oridv> r.4 ooooo(o (n <r\ ooqt)(oorln FIrrt ooooooqo- o-oooNFIO1r> 1r> o- d ooq t,)st\m0 Pou!!, =colnr{oN ooooooooodd c,r}rnONN@1r1 !> </t ooodom <rl ooolnslrrlrf14 oood@ {ra ooqo<terl <A ob!!t =cosfFloN oo(noooolooNoooNddd'ridd-iooo(\NNr\(n ul F{ !} l/.r <h Ol<n (yt 1rt (n 1r1 {} +olN FlFl6 t) <rt o, EoIE EE =EFS BsqCo J S !co aL\crryo(u9:=d!nilcFzr::P E;6 B.rg xS=;mE Hd=HOro6Ltrl€ HEs f :FP i;zAE96E =tno,zzG.E Kb: =P€8a;g.::G'9o:'ol!6Xo!QorY-eE,Eil 9=a.aIESU0r--LcE9E!.=!+d =Hg6 Ezzzztl tl 6 6CL A- CL CL;+;;oooooooooooorJ1 ln ln tnFlddHzzzzttt666CL CL CL 'L 6 o II =ql c, .9 E ll =t/) E =ctr I.9o Cl.oc Jc.9 .9 E c6F CE66EE66LLqPPg(!t!oo-cLEdro,9-gPP olt-oUEENoro>9*.=82 -!a o, oa=pE22trtrEcOr0JIu ._UNNEa.b 9.9.9 '=40-6sPFEE#EEoEE=O-=>Qrr.Jt EEiHHEHHSEEgr d ! sorE+gEqP5;s33=*EgtEE€.:?+OOorP2Efi=.=.i; ZEeo;EE(,=3B3,E,E3BE9if,.g(oor.=.=.=cD6FFJJJF E?iF{NtrrCfn?99AAaAGooOOOOLooooooFm6mmfnsdF{FlFlFirrPdOCrOFFl:,o666l.r)utcG6chchcnc'tc 6oFE3c ts v) n< s =oSit\5UNti () -.: rrlFlDnrI]+ Ua IFzql r!rI]&(, H.l a liz Ha Jr(.)&Do{F Zo o dooo coa oooo o. t N N $ Noeo\ N o\ N o\ * N QN t al c.l 6 6 *oN N $ N e.l * N o\ 6 6 6 o \o N N \o Q 6 o "9 U o\oFo\ e4 oo Jo c4 I !iF \o 6 91+ N 6 s U oIo6 sa oNr+ € ?1 r@r\o q 6 oo c.l rt t 66 dt,( \c\c \o+€c.l €o o, o\ a o ttN\o e o q oa OItr oco E]oF o OI Eq E o, Q B 6 'bI o o .EoooJ 6 oi, oJ.6FI o il .A F]AF e blo A oLdocoF o v \o Eo! o(, o o oo ao o 6 -o tro oo Jo 'o o o J & 0),jas otr tr a I 6 'bltr Eo 6 () ao ao Io d !a otr6o oJdo 5 lla ood R co 6 .o oJ({FI otr tra o do o o oooo6oo o 6 -o E EO €oo6 o.o otr d E E ja o a.to Eo H3 (n 6u>g TVEi, c o G EoI 6cL I € ( ! c & !Ed ,! \o '}z{fi o oo e..t tq(Joodoo do 6 -o xo c.loo o oxos o a€o oo6oo 6 E J t o6t EA tr ,l4 H! o o(€ado o d E I d -o, J' \o tro o tso\ € s ofib\5UsN a, 9 q) osi-lE-il- ^elE=IEEIEol ct 6lnrr,laLot)IE Icl Fr G -.: E]FlDor!E*Qa IFzr! Hr!&(, HFl aoz r!V) U&;l Fzo EXECUTION I/ERSION Schedule 1.1(e) Terminated Legacy Agreements 1. Antelope Substation Capacity Entitlement, Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Oct. 17,1989, as amended Feb. 8, 1990) 2. Draft Transmission Services Agreement (May 5, 1995) 3. Populus Project Construction Agreement (Mar. 2,2009) 4. Second Restated and Amended Transmission Facilities Agreement (Feb. 8, 2010) 5. First Revised Agreement for Interconnection and Transmission Services (May 24,2010) 6. Hemingway Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (May 3, 2010) 7. Populus Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (May 3,2010) 8. Borah Series Capacitor Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Nov. 15, 2010) 9. Threemile Knoll Series Capacitor Operation and Maintenance Agreement (Apr. 4, 201l) 10. Restated Transmission Services Agreement (Apr. 29,2011) I l. Letter Agreement regarding Bridger Switchyard 345 kV Breaker Replacements @ec. 6, leel) 12.Letter Agreement regarding Bridger-Goshen-Kinport Relay Replacement (Dec. 13, l99l) 13. Letter Agreement regarding Additional Capacitors at the Jim Bridger Project and Kinport Substation (Aug. 6, 1992) l4.Letter Agreement regarding the Loan of a Jim Bridger 345 kV Replacement Breakers for Temporary Installation at the Kinport Substation as part of the Shunt Capacitor Project for Idaho Power Company (Oct. 19, 1992) JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ SCHEDULE 1.I(g) l. EXECWION T/ERSION Schedule l.lft) Specified Legacy Agreements Jim Bridger Ownership Agreement, dated as of September 22,1969, between Idaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company (as amende4 clarified, modified or supplemented through the Effective Date) Jim Bridger Operation Agreement, dated as of September 22,1969, between Idaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company (as amended, clarified, modified or supplemented through the Effective Date) JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDLTLE 1.1(h) EXECUTION VERSION Schedule 1.16) Idaho Power Required Regulatory Approvals l. TheFPA203 Approval2. TheFPA205Approval3. Approval of the Transaction by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission4. Approval of the Transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission JOrNT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCHEDT LE l.l(i) l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EXECWION I/ERSION Schedule 1.1(i) PacifiCorp Required Regulatory Approvals The FPA 203 Approval The FPA 205 Approval Approval of the Transaction by the California Public Utilities Commission Approval of the Transaction by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Approval of the Transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission Approval of the Transaction by the Utatr Public Service Commission Approval of the Transaction by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Approval of the Transaction by the Wyoming Public Service Commission JOINT PURCITASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCHEDULE 1.1(i) EXECWION YERSION l. ) Schedule l.lft) 230kV Upgrades Install a 230/138kV, 300 MVA transformer at the Bowmont substation; and Replace two 230kV series capacitor banks at the Midpoint substation. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDULE I.I(K) EXECUTION I/ERSION Schedule 3.1(fl PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Liabilities None. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDI'LE 3.I(D EreCWION VERSION Schedule 3.1(e) PaciliCorp Acquired Assets - Title Exceptions None. JOTNT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT _ SCTIEDIJLE 3.I(g) EXECUTION IlERSION Schedule 3.lft)fi) PaciliCorp Acquired Assets - Environmental Law and Environmental Permit Exceptions None. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDULE 3.1(hxi) None. EMCUTION TlERSION Schedule 3.1ft)0i) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Violation of Environmental Laws JOrNT PURCHASE A]\tD SALE AGREEMENT- SCHEDULE 3.1(hxii) EXECWION I/ERSION Schedule 3.lft)Gii) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Releases None. JOrNT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCTTEDULE 3.l(hxiii) EXECUTION T/ERSION Schedule 3.lft)fiv) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Storage Tanks, etc. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCHEDULE 3.1(h)(iv) None. EXECUTION T/ERSION Schedule 3.lftXv) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Assumed Obligations under Environmental Laws JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCI{EDULE 3.1(h)(v) PacifiCorp Acquired Assets - Intellectual Property JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCHEDIJLE 3.10) EXECWION TIERSION Schedule 3.2(O Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Liabilities None. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SC}IEDI.]LE 3.2(O None. EXECWION TlERSION Schedule 3.2(s) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Title Exceptions JOINT PIJRCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT- SCIIEDULE 3.2(g) DGCWION IlERSION Schedule 3.2ft)fi) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Environmental Law and Environmental Permit Exceptions None. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDULE 3.2(hxi) None. EXECUTION I/ERSION Schedule 3.2ft)fii) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Violation of Environmental Laws JOrNT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCITEDULE 3.2(hxii) EXECWION I/ERSION Schedule 3.2ft)fiii) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Releases None. JOrNT PURCHASE Ar{D SALE AGREEMENT - SCTTEDULE 3.2(hxiii) None. EXECUTION YERSION Schedule 3.2ft)fiv) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Storage Tanks, etc. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT - SCIIEDULE 3.2(h)(iv) EXECWION VERSION Schedule 3.2ftXv) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Assumed Obligations under Environmental Laws None. JOINT PURCHASE AI{D SALE AGREEMENT - SC}IEDULE 3.2(hXv) EXECUTION VERSION Schedule 3.2(i) Idaho Power Acquired Assets - Intellectual Propertv None. JOINT PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT- SCImDIILE 3.2C)